THE OMA1TA PATIY ItEEt FRIDAY, JULY 25, 1002. 0 SPECIAL NOTICES Aaerttaa fa theaa lama wilt takes til IS a. fv tk vealn 41tla had tll : ff. BB. fr SaaJay Jltloa. atee, I 13 a. war Irit laeertf ! a ward thereafter. Nctblaig takes tmw lese tbaa S5 fa th Seat twaev tla. These advertisement fwaat be Advertleera, kr reawastlao) teres) cknk, caa have miwim ad- f Tk Bee Aitwtn adrael will he fellveraa yvaaaataxls f th heels mlr. . WANTEDPOSITION. WANTED, a position aa bookkeeper by a young man or good natm. ojain-s col lege graduate and food recommendations. Address S. H. Ellison, Box a, fit. Edward, Neb. A M422 28 k STENOGRAPHER When you want one call the Kemlngton Typewriter office, 161 aarnam atreet. 'lelepnone l&ii. i . A-M45 A24 WANTED MALU HELP, 88 FOR HALF A CAT'S WORK. It you Uva In tba country or in a amall town and hevs a guud acquaintance among the farmer and stock raisers In tba neighborhood you can make 16 eauliy and wa will send you our proposition. m J ivui a..w a.,. nvtx ii nil tm Tha Bee Publishing Co., Solicitors lwpc, vtusna, neo. i iu-ia WANTED, a good man In every county to take subscriptions for The Twentieth Century Farmer. Our agents make good wages everywhere. References required. I Address Twentieth Century farmer. Umtut, eb. o u DEMONSTRATOR to explain medlcologv, I fov par ween. mx:nDaugu, euu vtare iu D VW 1 WANTED. Insurance men of experience 1 can oiLer yuu m a "vvi lumf. . . a. ua. 436 Board of Trade Bldg. S3 Wi When You Write to Advertisers remember it only takes an extra atroka or 1 two ot the pen to mention the fact that you aaw tne aa in ins . WANTED Live, energetic man residing In Nebraska .to represent rename nouse not necessarily salesman; light work salary and expenses: young man pre ferred. Address Manager K Winner, S68 Dearborn, Chicago. . . , B m - SPLENDID chance (or men to learn barbe trade now and take positions waiting our graduates; tools presented; wages Baiur petent; call or write. Moler Barber Col - lege. 1623 Farnam at. B M37S 26 WANTED, first-class tinner; shop and roof work. Bower, Bros., Ulenwood, la. B-M422 25 .WANTED, bench men; steady work. Ap ply H. Ehrllch A Bona' factory, St, Joseph, Mo. B M4Z1 28 WANTED, young man that has worked In bakery shop about three years; will pay 88 a week, board anu room, year rouna; . loo. John O. Bahde. Wahoo, Neb, B-MU8 23 WANTED LABORERS. FOR steam shovel work. Night or day gang. One and one-half miles east of Broadway motor. Council Bluffs. Hall Grading at Contract company. , B MI20 29 WANTED At once, first-class barber; no boose flKhter or barber school graduates need apply; 114 per week and no Sunday work. Auureu a. vv. Ldncuin, nnimvr lain. Bo. Uuk. B M.467 EXPERIENCED mala stenographer who . operates Remington typewriter, f in, ' Bee. a miw ax EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. . WANTED, baker for Wyoming; man and wife, cooks and flunkey, tor Montana, yardman Wyoming, uu 8. -aith,- Western . riaiiway Labor Agency. -Mt2S WANTKD FMALU HELP. WANTED, two young lady students to learn halrdressiiia. manicuring ana chl- ropody and sclentlllo massage. Call or write Boom km. Bee Biug. C 30 .100 Qlrls. Call Canadian office, Utb ft Dodg C lal 'WANTED Lady cook. Eureka. Kesta rant, loot Case St. C i&m WANTED. Address I bookkeeper and stenographer. 67. Bee. C 2U1 WANTED, a girl' for general housework, r small family. Mr. Hall, 2216 Sherman 1 ave. ' - ; C 21 WANTED, a competent girl for housework. ' Mra. M. E. Dumont, 3642 Lafayette Ave. i v C 234 AT ONCE, ladles to travel In the west; a splendid opportunity afforded women of force and energy under our new plana and Siethods. For information address M. B. Uhlan, 334 Dearborn St., Chicago. , , 7 C-M37 lb AT ONCE,' ladlea of neat appearance In - every town in Uie United States; premiums 1 given with all goods'; a chance to make big money. Address M. B. Flthlan, 824 , Dearborn st, Chicago. .C M3a0 26 COMPETENT girl, three In family, nil So. Mth. Apply mornings.- c 410 w 'GIRL for general housework, small family. 64 80. l(Kh.- . - --C 43424' FOR . RENT ROUSES. IVANS and baggage wagona. Tel. 1126. 1 . . L 2i2 tllOl IQPQ l u Prt f clty- The O, - w x . uavi Co., bus Bee Bldg, TivMOYE right set Omaha Van Storage t cz.i omce uutt t arnam, or leis. IooK-mj. ' VeB PATNE. BOSTWICK At CO, for choica houses, iui-l Sim 4. Lais Blug. Tel. lias. I ' D-2SI MAOGARD Van Storage Co. Tel. 14". I D-2SI HOUSES, etc F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglns. D-2S HOUSES and flats. Ringwalt, Barker block. FOR RENT, large s-room house, city water, lib 00: 2Ml Blondo. 7-room house. 162 N. IM; l6.ta. The Omaha Really Co., lJul Lougias st- ' - u-tn OOOD modern 6-room kouae. 1504 Blondo, 1 a - aaL HOUSES, stores. Bemls. Faxton block. D m 1812 N. HTH ST.. T rooms, bath. gas. barn rent M. Wm. K. Potter, reoelver, Omaha Loan and Trust Co., lul Brown block. lift CHARLES, four-room cottage; ran I1L Wm. K. Potter, receiver, Omaha Loan aad Trust Co., 2ul Brown bloc a. I D-611 ELEGANT modern 8-room house. 20J So, 2blh St, Inquire at 1417 Jones 8L D-612 HOUSES, Boyer, 22d and Cubing. Tel. 2043, ... u alias MODERN house; I rooms, tfzt Jackson sr. Wheeler at Wheeler, Douglas and laih sC Tel. It. - . U alDMI 6-ROOM, all modern house, 2207 Sherman ave.. a Ana one. 831. lai '-room, all modern, luJl N.' M'h St., snothar Una ons, U. s.vTurxingmn. lie. ihi VN EQUALLED, central, rcoin house, t-rooni Hit. tld. all modern. Tlrd. 220 N. FURNIRKD HOUSE. Kuuntse Place, mod ern. 8 rooms, complete f ir houaektepina Seasonable for month of Aucuat. K 18, 17 SPENCER ST., 10-roora bouse with. gae. bath, furnace and uarn; nice lic tion: rent tM. Wm. K. Potter, recelt Omaha Loan and Co., 202 Brow noes- 1 u JTU R N IT'R E for sale, house for rent. Call Buorminga. aui iougiaa b i ii For fikjit novsici. FOR RENT, excellent six-room cottage. Cd tDHAND safe rhean Ierlckt. 1111 Fkrnsm. TO OET In or out of business call on Wll- DR. PRIES, the acknowledged leading snd Csllfor" street. ood rVP,lr safe cheap. DerlCBH Ull Fkrnsm. 1UlMi Koom Mct,ul Bull(1D. specially In dljeasee of women In Omaha. Choice neighborhood; til, Including watT ZIl- T- would call the attention i I NnT 13?; Bid'.' " N- fll,Ur" B'm'1 At AUsTneSs" MAN ? teToV.' anT K'tTl'ST d' hi: n, I. unsioi. um vttMM CAN aenulr rontrolllnk Interest In a r-roflt- treatment for Irreeulsrltlea. no matter When You Write to Advertisers rem em bar It only take an extra stroke ar iwo ar tne pen t mention ua raot uu you aaw tb a4 In Tba Be WO modern brick houses, nearly new; each nine rooms and laundry; So3 and 41 BouthJSih Ave., facing park: on street car line: price, 140 InqviTre of J. M. Rlrh- aras, uie bo. xza street. u tun 4011 SEWARD ST., 7-room modern except furnace; good barn. Only ,an. Ki N. 42d St., J-room, all modprn. $30. Larg It-room house, tultabla for hotel or ramily Hoarding houne. nqulre Payne Investment Co., Main Floor N. X. Lire bldg. u-n ii FOR RENT, elegant brick, modern resi dence, ziith ave., near Bt. Mary s ave., chea . Brennan-Lova Co., ftt S. 13th st. D M4 10 FOR RENT, 10-room brick, modern resl- aence, only a tew diocks irom poFiomcej lust the thing for a first-class hoarding house. tH a month. Brennan-Love Co., ' B. 131 h st D M444 0 FOR RENT Fl'RKIf HED ROOMS. ELEQANT rooms, finest location In the city. lWt Capitol Ave. JC-MNa LARGE front room, also small front room. together or separately, wis ueugiss DEWET European hotel, Utk and Farnam. 11 PER WEEK, 42) & Uth at., one block 'i , soutn or court nouse. FURNISHED, cool rooms. modern, Kll E 777 At narney. ROOMS, first-class location. 2224 Fsrtiam. JW AS MODERN rooms, furnished or unfurnished; walking distance. 2001 Burt. E aa FURNISHED roomg for gentlemen. 1716 cass st. tuBHia t PLEA8ANT rooms, furnished or unfur nished, two ensuita, bath. 1615 N. 20th- E M44! FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOAAJ). Merrlam, comfortable summer home. Tel. 86. THE Bonnie Brier, 1720 Dodge. Tel. A-24l ' T . UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport Mt: roomg with board; transients accommodated. ROOMS and board, Tha Albany. 2101 F M45S A24 Douglas. THE STEWART Rooms and board, 1708 Chicago. F449 27 Chicago FOR RENT-UNFVRMkHEp ROOMS. . m 1 1 1 DESK room space, 15 per month; ground floor room in Tbe nee ouiioing, pacing Farnam etreet; no expense for light, heat or Janitor service. R. G. Peters Co., rental agents, Bee building. Q IK TWO nice front, one rear room for light housekeeping, or win rurnisn ror roomers. 1712 8. 10th. O 2l 28 FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT The building formerly occu pied by The Bee at 216 Farnam St. It has lour siories, ana a oasemem wnnu waa formerly used as The Bee press room. This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at once to C. C. Rose water, secretary, room 100, Bee building. 1261 FOR RENT Store In first-class location; rent reasonable. Apply R, C. Peters A I Co., ground floor, Bee Bldg. 1206 FOR RENT Desk room or large spaco suitable for merchandise broker or party doing business In wholesale alstnoi. in quire Hen Co., 16 Farnam St. I M224 . . FOR RENT; OFFICES. Patterson block, 17th and Farnam, two large rooms fronting Farnam, 226.00; two I rooms, 17th front, Zo.uu; single rooms, 66 60. (3, $8.60. 4 rooms, I606 Farnam, 235.00. I rooms, 2l So. 12th, 216.00. M'CAOUE INV. CO, 160 Dodge. 1-451 27 GENTS WANTED. WANTED Canvassing agent In every county to solicit subscription to THUS TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady employment with assursd good In come. Agents In the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily 660 to tioo per month. Ad dress, Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee building, umana. - us SOMETHING NEW I t Just out. Send for ftiuu a. uomDinaiion uoor adod aim orn. Iso culling or ruining ins uoor. rui on anv door in a moment. No batteries to worry about. No springs to wind. Noth ing to get out of order. Own your own tTl Ka landlord to trouble. Price and Bell absolutely guaranieca. eena n.uv tar samDle. Axents wanted. WESTERN ELECTRICAL, uukfAfll, liix. arnam Street, Omaha. Neb. J-ii SALESMEN for latest advertising novelty. I'henomenai success wnsrever snown, ai- ary or commission. Nevlus, 2441 llth ave.. new xora. . - AGENTS WANTED To make 110 a day aeiiina "Cvcione" rotary nana xans: roatest seller known; big profits; write today for agents' terms; sample postpaid, twenty-five cents. Enterprise Mfg. Co., 154 Lake St., Chicago. J JttStrf ; - 25 WANTED TO RENT. WANTED, 8 to s-room house, good loca- tt.n bv nrat-Maaa tenant to 8-room house, furnished, located In th West Farnam street district, by the 1st .1 laA-t.smKa- V. w Ka nt ..a .41.. W. FARNAM SMITH CO, 1320 Farnam St. K 281 WANTED TO BUY. WANTED, 1,000 old feather beds, highest run unces paia. Aauress a. m. Mack. general delivery, Omaha. Mall orders at tenaea tO. JkUJS - WANTED to buy, a Shetland pony, about 6U0 pounds. Mr, caiianan, uu cass at. M 418 24 WANTED To buy one or two good fresh Iurhuin or Durham ana part Jersey cows. N. O. Nichols. 2216 Farnam St. N M4CS 26 FOR SALli FURNITURE. CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodx. TeL ZVZU. new anu seconenanu. eougni, soia, eichsnged. O 296 FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. PAINTING and repairs on wagon, etc.. vur epai'iaujr. ii. crust, lio sua ieavvn wortb. TeL 1447. P 287 TOP CARRIAGES, 4 phaetons, other top ana open puggie. rreiHr. ueavsn worth. P Mh24 A8 FOR SALE, a young Shetland pony, vary mail ana geniie, at xu vvtoater Dt. - P 422 27 FOR SALE, driving horse, harness and buggy, price reasonsble. Call evenings or address Wm. F. Lehner, 2Ut) N St., South Omaha, Nsb. P 43S FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. WHITE awdust season checked oak tlm- I bcrs, encap; nog tauce, etc sui uougius. 4 04 FOR SALE Phonographs; superior to any other musical instrument; J up. The Wlltmau co., ittu rarnam. j w NEW and secondhand typewriters. Ill Far nam. vi Jog 100 STYLES trusses: catalogue tre. Sher man A McCuuuell Lfug CO., 16th and llUtift, UUKDl. eui INDIAN goods and relics. 111 FarnainT VIM puncture-proof tire, tt tf knd IT 0 per pair, umau iicct Co., utn ana t til es j sts. Q Mti FOR SALE, thoroughbred Fog Terrier, gooa uracur. m no. uio 01.. um-ini Q-263 ii IDHAND safe cbaap. Bchwarti, Ul S. 19th. FAR IALK MICr.l,l.KEOI S. i - . . I " I 1 I L. M. E. always hurry. TeL 790. Q MKTri F.DISON rhonogrsphs. $10, r and t-W; mouiaea recoruB, 0k; earn, or 90 jirr un , VZ.Zi"' i-tSSj'??..!- 0.mah Bicycle vo.. and Chicago FOR SALE, pictures and mouldings, sepa rate or togetner, on account 01 leaving city. Btar Art to., nui iavenwonn. Q-M427 V FOR RALE, a vouns Durham cow. very gentle, Just fresh; a good milker, at rag W ebster .gt. w 431 ir FOR BALE, 600 cattle, consisting of year, lings, 2-yesr-oMs.' cows and cows and rAlves; all healthy and In fine condition. For prices snd full description address 1116 in. 4utn Bi., umana. 14 an u FOR SALB-Three Utters Scotch Collie pupg. IL Brown, 1806 8 8t., South Omaha. vi mi nw CLAIRVOYASTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant 16U Case St. 8 30 IMME. OTLMER, Omaha's celebrated palmist, has returned to. tha city after an extended Journey throughout the country, and Is now at the present ad dress, 316 bo. 15th SU Granite block. B-433 ELECTRIC) TREATMENT. MME. SMITH, baths. 111 N Is, 2d floor. R, t i Al(4 A" MME. AMES, vapor baths, 124 N. Uth, R. T. I 1;8 A 13 FKltfOSAL. HE SIOHED, she sighed, and then they sighed side by side down -by the river side. He had forgotten his .STOECKER CIGARS. The only kind aba Would let him smoke. I VIA 24 1 HAIRDRE8SINQ, manicuring and chirop ody, for ladies only, In connection with xne .batnery, tu-znt Bee uiag. uii PRIVATE hospital, before and -during con finement; Daoies aaoptea. uu urant ot. Mrs. Gardala. Tel. FU82. U 212 RUPTURE permanently cured In 30 to 60 days; send tor olrcular. O. 8. Wood, M. D., Ml new xora iue uiag., umana, rweo. U 214 VIAVA, woman's way to health. - Home treatment. Booklet iree. sw nee mag.. umana. ... u i GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesale and retail. Collins Piano Co., Jta uoug- las. , , , u sis CHIROPODT a specialty, in connection with The Batnery, rooms sis-zzo, uee Biog. lei. ill. u sis SHAMPOOING and halrdresslnr, 26c, In connection with The Balhery, 216-2J0, Bee cuiiaing. 1 ei. ii le. - u si PRIVATE home for ladles before and dur ing confinement: babies .adopted. .2620 Burdette. Mrs. Burget. U M2&3 26 BARGAINS In bicycles left for repair; new ones at reduced - prices. Louis Flescher, 1622 Capitol ave. U-M361 26 DR. B. M. JACKSON, room 4, Frensnr block, chronio diseases A specialty; con sultation free. c tu TEL. 780 for L. M. E. messenrsrs. ELITE PARLORS, 616 So. 16th 8L, 2d floor. U U( All MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 16. zd floor, R 2. U Ul&X) Al- . When You Write : to Advertisers remember it only takes an extra stroke or two of tha pen to mention tha fact that you aaw the ad In The Bee. MONET TO LOAN REAL , KSTATBL. REAL ESTATE I have nrivate - f unda to loan on city residence property in sums of 6500 and up at 6 and b1 per cent inter eat. Give description of property and amount- wanieo. Adores i. ue. , , ....... W-M361 16 MONEY to loan on improved Omaha real- estate. BrcnnaaLov to., vm -. b. - 13th. W Ui VA PER CENT on . business property, C oer cent on residence property. Option to pair whole or part any urn.. IV. .U. m w..i i .n. -t. n. iOLU BE. W-J22I WANTED City loans and warrant. . W. Farnam Smith A Co., 1320. Farnam St, w ix f Anm ana cuy luaiis, iuw rnies. vv. n. Thomas, f irst r)au nana ciag. iei. is4i. W-426 WANTED City and farm loan: also bonds! and warrants. K, C. Peter A Co., 1702 Farnam St., Be Bldg. W-427 LOW RATES. Private money. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY,' Main Floor New York Life Bldg. ' ' W M32S I PER CENT loan. Farnam. Qarvln- Broa,- 1604 - 1 w aw PRIVATE Money. F. D. Wead, 1624 Douglas. . -. w iJl 1100 UP; low rat. Prlchard. 1712 Farnam. PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 637 N. Y. L W 328 i TO 6 P. C money, Bemls, Paxton Blk. w PR IV ATE money to loan on farm land and city property. Address E 68. Ree. W-208 SO MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. " MONEY W have it to loan in amounts from 210.08 1 up on . furniture, pianos, warehouse re-1 celpts, uv siock, sic. w also mak SALARY LOANS without mortgage or indorser to persona who have a permanent position. We give you the full amount of th; loan in casn ana we ao not cnarxe ior maxina papers or filing raortages. With us you I Lav the option of keeping the money for one montn or six, or lonaar, ana you need not pay for it longer than you keep It. We nope by this advertisement-to have rou give us a trial and we expect to re al n your patronage by fair treatment, 'lbs motto of our omc la '"ify to Pleas." OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 11 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 226. OstablUhed l&tf.) 0 B. Uth St X81 SHORT ROUTE TO PAY DAT. Loans to aalarlad people UPON THEIR PLAIN NOTE. No mortgage, Indorser or publicity. These loans made quickly and uuletry. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.7 Room M, lhltd Floor, Paxton Block. y-67( LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc., without se curity ; easiest terms; 40 offices in prin cipal clUa. Tulman, 440 Board f Trad ttaig. X-4)08 MONEY loaned on furniture, live stock. iewsiry, to salaries peopia. oiey Loaa :o sue. to Duff Grsea. 8 Barker Block. v X-Wl LOANS, household furniture, . pianos a i ad suit; no publicity: goods rernxtu in your posacsslon. Amancaa LoD Co-, 2d Moor, rax ton block. A. ei Chattel and Salary Loan. PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. Successor jto J. W. Tayloe. - TeL Itai C38 Paxton Block. X-M680 MONEY loaned on pianos, furnltui, Jew elry, bursas, cowa. etc c tr. Keau. ri b- is. MONEY loaned on plain note to aalarlnd people; buainaas conniienllai; loweat ratea. Sit rax ion block. The J. A. iiunon (jo. ELKCTMICAL CONTRACTORS. I GRAND Electric Co., 16 A Jackson. TsL 14. BVIfiSS CHARLES. able and rapidly Increasing legitimate manufacturing business, capital required Sl.iu to la.Oti. This Is worth Investigat ing, i. iim jonnsop. n. x. ute. x saaii rOR BALE OR RENT, best $2 day hotel In ,0od town of 6.W-0; five years1 lease; torn- cletelv furnished, electric and aas HshL stesm heat, three railroads, etc. Address E 44, Bee. . . x M80I B WHEN you want to buy sell or exchange your Diisinesp or I'ruiTrij quicn., j. 11. Johnson. rf N. V lite. T-M240 TO BUT, sell or exchange a bualnss, call on c. J. canan, t. a, uu rarnam tsi. I-U3I1 When You Write to Advertisers remember It faaly takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact thai you saw ins aa in me i'e BAKERY FQR SALE. A fine bakf ry, nicely located, doing a good I paying business, large retail iraoe. 11 will pay you to investigate Ibis. Address 1 si, uee. i m F. M. CURRIE, Sargent, Neb., offers 1.200 head of good native 2 and 3-year-old I steers for sale. Hj also rails the atten tion of the readers of The Bee to his regular monthly sale of horses to be held st Sargent July 26 At this time he will offer about 200 head of horaes for sale. These are irativw, unbranded horses of excellent quality. - I lis m WHOLESALE bakery for sale, good loca tion ami a-ood trade: rai ina neaun is rea son for selling; new brick oven. Addrols box Geneva, Men. x FOR SALE Complete n.Mlinery stock and nxturea. Opposite poqto.nce, so. umana- (700 WILL bay legitimate business, will net 6100 to ilia. Address ts in, Bee. FOR SALE HEAL EBTATtu. IF TOU want one f the nicest 6-roora bomea in uanscom riaoe 1 win give you bargain, owner iit city. Must sell. J. H. Sherwood, 837 N. X. 1a Bldg. SEE PAYNE, BOSTWICK CO. for ooolce bargains, sui n. 1. uie Biag. xei. luis. na mi UII 1 1 A MDN CHARLES E., 1202 Farnam atreet. RE 642 HOUBEB. lots, farms, ranches, loans; also Ore insurance, nemis, raxton piock. RE 2U HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; also acre property ana rarm ianas. ine u. v . Davis Co.. Room 662, Bee building. . . ltE-248 A MONTHLY payment bargain In S-room nouse. u. m. natunger. t-none sua. . . RE-M636 GEORGE G. WALLACE, teal estate, mort- gage, rentals. Insurance Brown block RE 346 RANCH and farm land for sale by th I Union Paclno Railroad -company. B. A. McAlleater, land commissioner. Union Pa cific Headquarters, umana, sen. RE 244 WHY PAY RENT? OWN YOUR HOME1 See the Industrial Home company or America. Best plan on earth I Office 221 Board -of Trade bldg,, Omaha. K. M. V.'llde. manager. , RE M237 A18 240 ACRES, 1 miles northwest of Irving- ton, all under cultivation ana nrsi-ciass land. Prire, $68 an act. If you are look ing for a, farm don't fall to let u show you this. The Byron Reed Co. (Sol Agents), 212 B. 14th St. RE M 420 Fruit Farm SACRIFICED Twenty-Two Miles of Trees, On of the finest fruit farm In eastern Nebraska, located --fdar miles north of Florence and only nlna miles from Omaha, the beat market In the west! 106 acre and no finer lying farm In that locality; over 40 acre In fine young orchard, chiefly annlea and cherries.-- alaar nlums. rjeaches. etc.; 6,000 -. two-year- grafted apple In nursery. 1 The owner ha spent ten years in develop ing tnis property ana nas never Deiore offered It for sale, out on account or rail ing health is forced to sell at this time. This property Is Just now reaching it most productive state. There I also a pasture of 49 acres, 20 acre or wbicn is nara wooa umoer: iimper . alone is worth $65 per acre; balance of farm in grain; Improvements good as new; 6-room house, large barn, cribs, fine wells water Dined to bulldlna-a. hot and 1 coia water in nouse. iLand in this locality is selling mucn higner. but to dispose of this property in the next 80 days we are offering ft at th sacrifice -price of 175 per -acre. If you want a fruit farm It win pay you to in vestigate this, it is an opportunity. W.. FARNAM SMITH CO., 1330 Farnam Street. .. RE M462 27 T- INVESTMENT BARGAIN. We offer a full city lot and four house. i Nos. zii7 ana ii in isara tst., witn two houses In rear: sranlta paving In street and alley, all paid for; each house has been thoroughly repaired this summer . and newly painted; rents 140 per month. W have been asking 65,0u0, but owner . must sell at once,, so xv ask you to ex .' amine this property ai4 make us an offer. THE OMAHA REALTY CO. 1301 Douglas. St. R M458 27 TYPEWRITERS. $20.00 BUYS A LAMBERT riter. Fast," efficient, durable. Simplest, easiest to legrn, use ana car -ior. BUILT FOR BUSINESS. Let .ua show you. Bent on approval MONROE A CO., 811 North llth St,. Omaha. WE BEG TO ANNOUNCE that having suc ceeded the United Typewriter and Sup cllea company we will remain In the same location and carry In connection With the New Century a full Una of Invincible sup- f lies for all machines. W shall be glad o have your patronage and we assure the moat courteous and prompt attention to ail orders. American Writing Machine co., 4i uuutn mn ec rnoue tu. -361 LOST. GOLD cuff button with red set. Return to Be office. Lost 776 LOST, vest pocket memorandum book con taining n. n. passes, neiurn to ties offlcs and get reward. Lost 441 26 LOST, chamois baa containing Aulabaugh f ur co. receipt sua money, tieiuro to Sherman A McConneil for reward. Lost-452 6 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C VAN EANT 6 ebool. 711 N. T. Life. ol BOYLES college, court rspuitsir principal. NEB. Business A Shorthand College, Boyd's Theater. - Ut STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Typew Julia Vaughn, 424 Karog Bldg - - -7I BfKUICAL. what cause. Call nr arirtrena. with stamp. Dr. Pries, Arlington Block, loll uoot, Omaha. CiTEOFATHT. GID. E. ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. Suite 616, N. x. Ufe Bldg. . Tst ltt4. DR. A. T. HCWT. 612 McCague Bldg. Tel. - 3KS .IU MRS- ORACE DKEOAN, M Bee building. Tel. 2S. 14 Al FINANCIAL. AN UNEXCELLED opportunity for active party with to siv.uuo capital. 10 De- come larguy intcreateu in proniaoia dubi ness; money secured; will beer strict Investigation; full details only to those Intercatr-d. Marks Business Co.. Oood block, Des Moines, la. M4M 27 LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, tc: co" , 2c; cuffs, 4c utxi Leaven wortn. lei. A-i.w. BEST laundry. Tha Chicago, 'phone 206. M351 PAWNBROKER. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential iu uougiaa, JUNK. ALPIRN buys all kinds of scrap Iron and metal a. via uougiss at. leu eu ANNOUNCEMENTS. WATERS PRINTING COMPANT. Tele phone Ml Houts Thirieenm street. TRUNKS AND BAGGAGE. TWIN C1TT EXP. Phone 1717. 606 S. ltb. MU L. M. E. hauls trunks. Tel. 70. Mffi6 STORAGE. OM. Van Stor Co., lfill Farn. Ttls. U6-M8. am PATENTS.. PATENTS Sues aV Co., Bee Bldg., Omaha; no tea uniesa auccessiui; aovice tree. ai nept w FLORIST. L. HENDERSON, 1514 Farnam. Tel. 1262, Bend lor pnoe ust, cut nowere and plants. MESSENGERS. QUICK neasenger service. Tel. 1017, M406 Augfl AUTOMOBILES. ELECTRIC AUTOMOBILES. Derlghfs. Ills Farnam street. jo BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co., 811 North Uth. NICKEL PLATING, OMAHA Plating Co.. Be Bldg. Tel. 1586. 44V SB CARPENTERS AND JOINERS, ALL kind of carpenter work and repair ing promptly attenaea to. J. i. vjcninree. gum ana Laxe atreet. tin MANUFACTURING. F. MELCHIOR, llth and Harhey. ma cninisc jajb OMAHA Safe and Iron Wks. make a De- cialty of lire escapes, snutters, aoors and are, u. Anareen, irop., iuj a. wm au Bljas ICE CREAM SODA. SARATOGA Ice cream soda, one price, 6c; one quality, the best. S. W. cor. 24th Amea ave. tia aid FVR DRESSING. O. R. GILBERT CO., tanners, 1434 S. 13th. LAWN MOWER. Sharpened, repaired, t L Wk., 1406 Howard. aiJis LAW AND COLLECTION. BTILLMAN PRICE. 23 U. 6. N't fik. Bid. sis NEB. Collection Co., lot N. Y. Life BMg, PLUMBING. D. W. DUDGEON, 2910 rarnam. Tel. 1966, II AS GARBAGE. A NTT-MONOPOLY OARBAOE CO.. cleans cesspools and vaults, removes gamag ana dead animal at reaucea price. u n. is. Tel. 177. -172 FOUND. FOUND Near Sherman A McConnell's drug store, a pawn cneck or consiaeraoie value; the owner may have by paying for this nonce ana proving property, Lelda Bcb&Uel, 1U3 podge St., city. Found-M462 25 POSTOFFICE NOTICE. (Should be. read DAILY by all Interested. a changes may occur at any time.) Foreign mails for tha week ending July 2. 1M, will close (PROMPTLY In all cases) at the general postoiuc as lotiowst rarcci post mans cioae one nour earner man closing tlm shown below. Parcels post ! malla lor Germany close at 6 p. m. Wednes day. Resular and supplementary mall close at foreign station half hour later than closing time shown below (except that supplement ary malls i. Europe and Central America via Colon cloae one hour later at foreign UUon). Transatlantic Mall. SATURDAY At I a. m. for EUROPE, per . a. CmDria, via uueensiown; ai j.mi a. m. for NETHER LANDS direct, per s. . Noordam (mail must d oirectea "per s. s. Noordam"); at 1:80 a. ra. for SCOTLAND direct, per s. s. Columbia (mall must be directed "per . . Co lumbia"); at 10 a. ra. for BELGIUM di rect, per a. a. Kroonland (mall must be directed "per s. s. Kroonlantf"1; at 11 a. m. for DENMARK direct, per a. s. Island (mail must h directed "per . . Island"). PRINTED MATTER. ETC. This steamer take printed rokUer, commercial paper and (ample for Germany only. Th am class of mall matter for other part of Europe will not be sent by thi ship unless specially directed by It. After th closing of th supplementary transatlantic mans named aoove, aaai tlonal supplementary malla ar opened on tha uleia of the American, Enxlixh. French and German steamers and remain open until within ten minute ot th hour or aaiiuig ei steamer. Mall foe SomtU and Central Asaerlea, West ladles, Ete. FRIDAY At 1 n. m. for BJ1AZIL. per a. a jiamr rniai-e, via mo oe Janeiro ami Santos (mall for northern Brstll, Argen tina, Uruguay and Paraguay must be ilir.cUd 'ttr s. . !e!t!r Prince"! : st 4 Uu p. m. for BERMUDA, per etsaroer from Halifax. SATURDAY At a. m. (supplementary .3U a. m l ior ruHiu nn.u tvia I Juar.j, CURACAO and VENKaCUELA, per a a. Caracas (mall for a vanilla and Cartagena tuuat be direclad "per s. . Caracas")' at 8 a. m. for ARGENTINE. URUGUAY and PARAUUA 1 per s. s Axablsian; at .M a. m. tsupplciasntary POTOFFf R NOTICK. 30 20 a. m) for FORTUNE ISLAND, JA MAICA, SAVANU.La and t ARTAtllCNA, par a. a. Alleghany tmall for Costa Kira must be directed -p-r a. s. Alleghany '); at :M a. m. tsupplrmentsry lo jo a m) for HAITI and SANTA M AR TA, per a. a. Alps: at 10 a. m. fr CUBA, per a. s. Morro Castle, via Havana; at 12.30 p. m. for CUP A. per s. a. olinda (ordinary mall only, which must be directed "per s. s. Olinda'.). Malls for Newfoundland, bv rail to North Sydney, and thence by steamer, close at this office dally at 4 30 p. m. (connecting close heie every Monday. Wednesday and Saturday. Malls for Mlquelon, by rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, close at thla office dally at ( 30 p. m. Malls for Cuba, by rail to Florida, and thence by steamers, are dispatched dally, except Thursday, final connecting cloaes, far dis- I batch via Port Tamps, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays at S:W a. m.: for dlaoatch via Miami, on Mondays and I Saturdays st 6.10 p. m. Malls for Mexico City, overland, unless specially addressed for dispatch by steamer, close at this office daily except Sunday at 1:30 p. m. and ll:3l p. m., Sundays at 1 p. m. and 11:10 p. m. Mal'.a for Costa Rica. Bellse, Puerto Cortes and Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans, and thence by steamer, close at thla office daily except Sunday at "1:20 p. m., Sunday at p. m. (con- necttna ciosea nere Monaays tor neuse. Puerto Cortes and Guatemala, and Tues days for Costa Itlca). Keglstered mall ciosea at 6 p. ta.. previous day. . Tramsparlne Mails. Malls for China and Japan, via Vancouver and victoria, is. c. close nere oany at 6 30 p. m. up to July 22. Inclusive, for dlspstch per s. s. Empress of India (registered mall must be specially ad dressed. Merchandise for U, 8. postal agency cannot be forwarded via Can ada). Malls for China and Japan, via Seattle, cioso here dally at s:w p. m. up to juiy 23, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. Iyo Maru. (Registered mall must be directed "via 8euttla"k. Malls for the Philippine Islands, via San r rancieco. close nere aany at s:w p. m. up to July 25, Inclusive, for dispatch ner IT. R trananort. Malls for Hawaii; Japan,' China and first- class matter ror tne r'nuippine lsianas, via Ban Francisco, close here dally at r disui Malla for HawallVchina, Japan and flrst- closs matter tor the riiliippine inlands, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. tip to August 4, Inclusive, Tor dispatch per a. . Coptic. Malls for Australia (except West Au stralia, which is rorwarded via Europe), XT 4..I..J VIII Haw A U.MI . . c nc.i.tiUf . ' J 1 . .j .1,,,. vi. u , ,n T, (..I, via San Franclso. close here dally at 6.20 p. m. after July 19, and up- to Au- fuat , Inclusive, or on arrival of . s. ampanla, due at New York August "B, for dispatch per s. . Sierra. Mall for Australia (except West Au stralia, wnicn goes vta Europe, and New Zealand, which goes via San Francisco), and FIJI Islands, via Vancouver and Vic toria, B. C, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. after' August 9 and up to August 1. Inclusive, for dlspatoh per a. . illo wera. Malls for Tahiti and Marquesas Islands, via nan rrancisco, now nere aany at 6:80 p. m. up to August Inclusive, for oiapatch per . s. Mariposa. Transpaclffo mall are forwarded to port or sailing aany ana tne scneauie or Clos ing Is arranged -on th presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. Registered mail close at 6 p. m. pre vious day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. Postofflce, New York. N. Y., July 18, 1902. GOVERNMENT NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR BUILDING MATE rlals, plumbing and electrical supplies, hardware, etc. C. S. Indian School, Genoa, Neb., July 22, 1902. Bea led proposals en dorsed "Proposals for Building Materials, etc.," and addressed to the undersigned at Genoa, Neb., will be received at the Indian ncnooi until two o ciocxr p. m. or August 13, 1802. for furnishing and delivering at the school, aa required during the fiscal year ending. June 80, 14. a quantity of lumber, tin roofing, builders' hardware. tnlllwork, paints, lime, sand, cement, slate, a boner ana radiation, pipe ana nttings, ftlpe coverings, .electrical supplies, plumb iig, etc., etc., a full list and specifications being obtainable at the school. Bidders Will please state specifically tre proposed price oi eacn article to oe onerca unaer contract; all articles so offered will be subject to a rigid inspection. The right is reserved to reject any and alt bids or any rial. v. .hi uau a, i , 11 , 1110 tj.;m ere.U of he ..rvlc Each bid must be I. riv. anm.llnlt.i1 U f n l.i .lmin. t n solvent national bank, made navabla to tha oraer oi tne coirxLssioner or inuian- anairs, tor st lesst firs per cent of the amount of the proposal, which check or draft hall be forfeited to the United States In case a bidder receiving an award shall fall to execute promptly a satisfactory contract In accordance with his bid, otherwise to be returned to the bidder. Bids accompanied by cash In lieu, of oeftlned check will not be considered. For further Information apply to W. H. ' Wlnslow, Superintendent. J-23-d-18-t-m CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE. vninii.) . . t 'J t lauij fc-i . ami u.c. ,i i vi posals. In triplicate, will be received at this m ...... iajVt Ti.l., 91 UauIa,. ri w r. omce, ana at omce or quartermaster at Fort Reno,. Okla.. until 10 a. m., central time, August 12, 1902, for furnishing 226.000 pound oata at Fort Reno, Okla. Proposals ror Delivery ai oiner points win De enter talned. U. 8. reserves right to reject or accept any or all proposals, or any part Uiiersof. Information furnished on appfica tion here, or to quartermaster at post named. Envelope containing proposal should be marked "Proposaln for date," addressed to underslfned or to Quartermas ter Fort Reno, Okla. J NO. W. PULLMAN, C. Q. M. X-Jy24-26-2ti-28-A8- LEGAL NOTICE. . NpTICE. To Whom It May Concern Notice I here by given that th Board of Commissioners of Bock county, Nebraska will, on th 18th day of August, 1IW3, and until noon of that day, receive bid at Bassett, Nebraska, for the construction of a bridge crossing th Nlobrs.a river at a point -on or near th baU-ectUm. line dividing aection 0, north and aouth, in township 82, range IS, which bridge ahall be of th following gen- eral character: Of sufficient length to span said river from bank to bank, Including Island. nd about 600 feet; pile and atrlnger. undir truss, wooa briuge; white oak piling, i reel, u incnes ai outt ana arivcn at least 4 feet into the ground; bent i feet apart, pile to tne bent: Dent protected oy piling lc breaks, with railroad iron protec tion, ana Denis or pnes unaer same pro tected by two-inch white oak piank; string ers of Oregon fir, 4x12 inches, laid 1 inches from center to center; 14-foot roadway, two and one-half-inch white oak plank; W laaaaKaaa aaw. ! - aaa waw,ici, 4 truss rods to each spsn; railing feet high, substantial, hard pipe, caps on piles white oak. 12x12; bridge to be I feet above low waier luara. anu m no painieu. Ail Ia K nrat.f-laaa tit V ( n .1 ,1 . m mi Plans and specifications In county clerk' office. - Wo ""' Accompanied by plana and peclfioatlon. and also bond a re- oulred by law, and no bid will b considered unless accompanied by bond. Klaht resarvsd to reject any or all bids. By order of the Board of Commissioner I Hock county, uaiea juiy , isox. G. A. HI T.l.BURQ, County Clerk, July itajotw-M IA1LWAY TIMR CARJ. UNION 8TAHON-10TH AND MARCY. C hie H Islaa 4 raelhe. TUava, Arnv. Chicago Daylight Lim- tua a :w am a am Chicaso Daylight a 7.0D am a 1:3 ta Chicago Express bll:ls am a 6:06 pm pes Molnea Local a 1.20 pm bll M am Chicago fin a.xpresa..a ws pm a 1:2a pm WEOT. Rocky Mountain Llm- . I lad a 6 60 am a 4:66 am Lincoln, Colo. Springs. ijenvcr, uvuiv uu West 10 pm a 1:41 put Colu.,' Texas, ' Cai. A Oklahoma Flyer. ......a pm a 12:40 f7 lalea PaelS. Overland Limited Fast Mall California Express... 1'aclHo Express lantern Express Atlantlo Express Colorado Special Chicaso Sixicia. ..a 1:40 am a 7:20 pm ..a 6:60 am ' a l.u pm ..a 4:26 pm ..all. io pw a : pm a 1.t am 7:1 am 1.4 am Lincoln, Bsatrice ana Cblcas A Mavthwcstarw. "The Northwestern Line. ut Chicago a I 40 am a 7m0 am nil ..a 6:u pin a 6:20 am Lwcal Sioux City a:lvau a 2:60 pin Daylight St. Paul a 7.3!, uu. 10:25 pm Laylight t.'hlcago a 6:Uk am all 'JOpia Liacal' Caucago ajLl-iw am a 6:2 SifpaPtchmper,i.,0. fe' ,nC'U'We " Wo''KAiM Maurhl5rwr.lla"8an, dose Chicago Local t MS Dm SHS here daily at 6:20 p. in. up to July ZS, ,,,c." .V1""16 P J J; Inclusive, for dlsuatch per s. s. Alameda. Mt aii a s.a via Nan t'a nm mf rina nars nsnv mi I I 4 1 1. WAT TIME CARD Ceataae4. 1-oeal Carroll ...... Fast Chicago Limited Chicago... J-sst St. Paul Fact Mall Local kiovix City a I -6 pm alo w am .....a 4 M Pro a 4:06 pm a 7:o pm a I A) am ... ..a l:ae pm a I te am a 1 40 pm b 1. 66 pm ruO;uu am Wakaak. Lcfcva. Arrive. - St! I-ouls "Cannon Ball" Expresa a 6:66 pm a 1:20 ant St. Louis Local, Council Bluffs a 6:11 am aI0:2O put Stromsburg Ex.... b 4:6 pro. bll 50 pm Grand Island Local b 6:20 pm b 1.26 pm lillaala Ccwtral. Chicago Express a T:20 am a 1:10 pa Chlce-. Mlnneapolla es St. Paul Limited a T:60 pm a 1:06 am Minneapolis St. Paul rf ilio Rinriaa V ch'"p' '""' 'Faolate. Express o j'jv am nio:n pm aiv:s pm St Louis Kipreas 10:00 am a ( JS pm K. C A St. L. Ex 1:W pm a 6:16 am Ckleasje), Milwaukee A St. FssL Chicago Limited a K pm a $M am Chicago ex Omaha Ex..b 7:40 am k 1:40 pm BURLINGTON STAT?ON lOl'H MASON Barllartea Mlaaowrt River. t Leave. Arrive. Wymore, Beatrice and Lincoln a 1:40 am bU:66tn Nebraska Express a 8:40 am a 7:46 pm - benvar Limited a 4:26 pm a 1:46 ua , Black HUla and Pugst Sound Express all:10 pm a 8:10 pm Colorado Vestibule. Flyer 1:19 pm , Lincoln Fsst Mall ..b 1:10 pro, a 1:17 am Fort Crook and Piatt- V mouth k 1:20 pm bllSam pellevnue A Farlnc Jet. a 1 :M pm a 6:27 am Bellevu A Paciflo Jet. .a 1:00 am Kansas City,' St. Joeepk Coaaell Blaffa. Kansas City Day Ex. ...a 20 am a 86 pm St. Louis Flyer a 6:10 pm eU:l8em' Kansas City Night Ex..all:M Pm a 6:1 Am -a Dally, b Daily exoapt Sunday. Sun day only, d Datiy exoapt Saturday. Dally except Monday. -Cklragr. Barllagtea St Qataey. Leave. Arrive. pm am pm - am pm WEBSTER DEPOT 1BTII A WEBSTER ' Frrmost, Flkkora Mlsaaarl Valley. Leave. Arrive. Black Hill, Deadwood, ' Hot Springs a 2:00 pm a 6:00 pm Wyoming, Casper aa ; Douglas d 1:00 pm (.-00 pm Hsstlncs, -York, DavM City, Superior, Geneva, Exeter and Seward.... b 1:00 pm b K pm Norfolk, Lincoln and . Fremont k T:20 am b 10:25 am Fremont Local C T40 am Cblcnco, St. Faal, MtaacaoII as - Omaha. Twin City Passenger.... 6 80 am a K4 pm Cln.iw ritv Paaaenarer . a. Z:00 lm all'.2am Emerson Local b 6:40 pm . b 8:45 am Mlsaoart Paciflo. Nebraska Local. . Via , Weeping Water b :M pm al0:2 am STEAMBOATS. HOLL&ND-mMERICA line Nsw York-ltotterdani, via. Houlofoa, 8. 8L New Twln-Bcrew s. s. of ll.OUp tons regliter IXSSr Noordam ji,8mam TwIn-Screw Bteamer Twln-Sorew Bteai ur Apply to street; J. S. Stadendam Potsdam Aug. I, 10 A. M. Aug. , 10 A. M Hsrry' Moores, 1601 Farnam McNally, 1322 Farnam street; H. S. Jones, 1602 Farnam street; Louis Neese, First National Bank, Omaha. Summer Tours on Lako Mlchlrin. TMi TIAMSHI IVlArwITOU farMaMiinrsa cb week ffo aa4aa Jtar aaatina far Deiralt, LEAVES OHICACO A POULunn paaa.aaaa. Sat. a p. as. MANITOU STEAMSHIP CO., OFFICE DOCKS, RtMh n N. Water tUCMsafa .v. . . . . WORK OF BUSY SNEAK THIEVES I Short I.let of Losses Reported t Police by Victims af Those Who Steal. Mildred Cuthbertoh, 1806 Chicago atreet, wa at dinner Wednesday evening and ., someone entered th front part of th house ( and stole a purs ' containing 150.50. Tbo theft wa reported to. th police, Oeorge ; Carter of North Platte came to Omaha ' Wednesday and spent th evening at Krug1 park. While enrout to the station on a . motor car he managed to get rid of a large bill book, which contained among other things 150 and annual passe over three t I . . ,' .. - . . . from his pocket. Th polio are looking railroads. He la pf the opinion that It fell lor It. a nek tmei enieraa in omce ot Qeorge Hoi lister In the Barker block and tola a gold watch which had been left on a desk. Leo Eln, 117 North Twelfth street, was the most aggrieved pf all th losers. Burglar entered hi place and made way with three nsw stems, four bowl and on layout, . all well seasoned and In working erdetv Th Metropolitan club 1 : out two gallon ot liquor from th vjsit of a dry burglAr. . , ' . . Cholera Infantum. Tnt ha long been, regarded as one ( . th most dangerous and fatal disease to. M.h in.nta ara auhleefc. It ran ba cured ' olCB noU subject It can D cured however, when properly treated. All that l( necessary I to give Chamberlain's Opllo, . . , r., , o . A- ...... l'"0",r r'"" ,"f" T w ... " i on, aa urecieu wu run raw., m I cur is certain. l D1DTiriLinCD CIPUTC A DflDDCD ' i unni b-liwuil I iuio n liuuukii , Fierce Straggle fa Erlok Jensen'l ala Eaded by latervea- tloa of Fii Aa unsuccessful attempt wa mad to I hold up the saloon of Erlck Jensen at Thir- I Wednesday night. Shortly befor th bar- I tender wa preparing to close up for . to m mui auppod to b deaf and dumb, "RU " u .ua uuu, ra 1. rbbed tb bartender by th throat, and threw him down. Tb two struggled on tb floor until tb noli wa heard at th flr bara near thsr. Several firemen rushed Into th saloon nd pulled th man off of th bartender, later allowing tb would-b robber to escape. It took several minute to bring the csIood o around. When th firemen ruthed Into th galoon a man, who evidently wa keeping watch, ro away from th front door. Jen- sea thinks b know tb robber and ha given hi !.. and description to th po lice Yaw Take A RIsK la using Dr. King' New Dlsoovsry for Consumption, Cough and Colds. It cur all tunc troubles or no pay. 6O0 and L . Mortality Ststlstles. . Th following birth and death war reported at the ortlc of the Board of Health during the twenty-four hour end ing Thursday noon: Births John jaconson, us soutn Twen tieth atreet. girl; J. Taylor Wills, . 4131 lAfavette street, boy; C. 8m. tit McKlnaeU. 408 North Eleventh street, girl. Deaths Lulu Green, 811 North Twelfth street, aged 27 years; Rutn A. Bobbins, i721 South Ninth etreat, aged year; Carl Magnua ' 8chnekenberger, Charla atreet. aged 62 years; Alsx MacLean. 641 South Twenty-nrnt street. asi-a et years; Anna r. uimion, 4 isortn 1......V. .,...1 atv.,4 19 -. n A L Blagg, IUI Voutn fourteegin, as4 42 year. Dlstlagalsbed Party Sails. NEW YORK. July I4.-General florae Porter, Untied State mbaaad to France, Secretary of War Root and Gen eral Leonard Wood sailed on Let Savult pia today for Franc.