Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 25, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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President of Uiioo Pacific Untmrdtni Him
self Concerning Situation.
ltefaaes la Give Information Asked
For and Complain tlial Ilia
Statement Are Sot CJIven
President Horace O. Curt of the Union
Pacific Railroad company volunteered to
make a statement yesterday In connec-
road. Shortly after the itr.ko began Mr.
Burt was called on by two reportera for a
Statement ot the position of the company
and yielded to a very generous Interview,
but hit utterance! upon that occasion and
today, while similar In lone respecta, bear
- Bo very striking resemblance.
"Get right out ot this office aa quick a
l you can and don't you eome In here for any
news, aa you call it; wa don't have any-
. thing t give you fellowa. for you are not
a seeking facta."
Thlf waa the manner In which the presi
dent of the Union raclOo greeted the re-
- 'porters who had called upon hia secretary
'and with whom they were In conversation
'when Mr. Burt chanced to pass through
th room and catch a glimpse of thetn.
"We have called to ask, President Burt,
If you have granted a conference to Mr.
Blocum," Interposed one of the newspaper
. asen.
"Blocum, Siocum, I never head of him.
- Who Is this fellow, Blocum?" angrily re
' torted the president.
"Ha la the president ot the International
Brotherhood of Blacksmiths, whose name
has alj,ared In tr.e papers so frequently of
- Jat. In connection with this strike," was
'" tlu reply of a reporter.
"Never heard of him, never heard of him.
r Don't nt to, either." and that exhausted
0 that subject.
Balls Into Newspapers.
"It you men represented reputable and
truthful newspapers, newspapers that would
".- ven try to get the facta and print them.
I wouldn't mind talking to you. But you
don't. We haven't got any such in
' this city. You go and get one side ot this
, question and play thut up In glaring atyle,
and It the railroad men give you anything
in the ahaj.e of a atatement or news you
surround It with Insinuations and Innuen
does, ao that Its force and effect Is de
stroyed and the other aide gete the benefit
jof It, after all Just what you want. No.
;slr. I'll not talk to you," continued the
president, as the reportera were aeeklng an
opportunity to get out between blasts.
It was suggested that some weeks ago the
.earns reporters had called on the prealdent
,and received a lengthy statement from him
.upon the strike situation and that precisely
- .what he said upon that occasion naa Deen
"But, President Burt, we have not been
permitted since then, with one slight ex-
' oeptlon, to Interview you, so that It has
I not been possible for. the newspapers to
print your personal vie we or statements,
It was also suggested that a little over a
week ago an ouVilalof the road escorted
.some newspaper men' through the Union
'Faclfio shops In this city and that they
;were given the numbers ot men employed
.'In the ahops trom lists kept by tho omciai
. '.who took them through, and that these ex
act number were published aa giving the
'entire shop force then at work, instead ot
' 'siaklng any estimate as the reportera found
. 1 conditions in the shops.
' "These publications war pronounoed ac
jeurat and -fair la every detail. President
? Burt, br your own men. Was that treating
. 'the railroad fairly?" was aaked. But he
?iusea to iuiub vi auy uuu uims
elterated hi command for the reporters
o leave ma omce.
- "And when you get up to your office you
: askyoub grocer
. A xit
,...-1-1'; -v'
l J i
tell yeur boss," he aald to The Bee re
porter, "that there will be a real, genuine
aewspaper In this city seme day, a paper
that will tell the truth and give all aide
of every controversy, and It will be a better
newspaper, too, than anything he can get
up." , " , .'
President Bart warned his unwilling
guests that the "better element of the
community" Is not In sympathy with this
strike movement, and frowned with the
utmost disapproval upon the attitude ot the
press In printing what he termed the
"sensational aide of the atrtke question."
"You ask what the news is. Why, you
fellows don't want news facts you know
you don't All you are after Is Just enough
sensation to fill up your space and earn
your salaries. You've got to make a show
ing every day on this thing so that your
employers will not think you have been
Idle, and In order to do this you go ahead
and print a lot of stuff that tboee union
fellowa tell you which you know yourself
Is not true. .
"But go ahead and keep on printing what
you yourselves know. to bo false; wa don't
care; we don't need your newspapers; we
can get along In this thing and everything
lse for that matter .without your old pa
pers. But you mind, there is a time coming
when we 11 have a paper of our own."
I hope ao," Interjected one ot the re
"Do you, do you mean that? Well, all
right, you'll get your wish and don't you
fear," was tho retort.
Declines - to Qlv InfeirrnnOn.
"Before we go. Prealdent Burt, will you
kindly tell us what we hate misstated In
onneotion with this strike, for wo are
oxtoua to print nothing but facts." aald
one of the newspaper men. But his Inter-
oratory elicited nothing but contemptu
ous sneer.
Ths strikers tell as this morning that
on last 8unday there were 104 nim-unlon
men In the ahops and that today there are
ixty-flve. We have no reason for doubt
ing their word, but would like to get a
statement frdm the railroad aide on that
proposition, as It Is being persistently
urged by ths strikers every day that ths
shop forces are diminishing. . Can you alve
ua a statement on that subject, Mr. Burt?"
Oive you nothing. What good would It
do to tell you fellows anything? Now, you
go along out ot here. I have said all I am
going to. I wouldn't tell yon fellows anything.-
- t!"
Sloenm Confer With MeKeea.
President John Blocum ot the Interna
tional Brotherhood of Blacksmiths and a
committee representing the Union Pacific
blacksmiths conferred with Superintendent
McKeen of the motive power department ot
th company yesterday afternoon upon la
sues of the present strike, but nothing In
the shape of terms ot settlement or conces
sion from either side resulted from the
meeting. Tho strike leaders urged that
piecework be not adopted and the com
rany's representative insisted that thla had
been Irrevocably decided upon by the Union
After the conference President Blocum
"We were most courteously received and
treated by Mr. McKeen, but our meeting
waa not at all fruitful. We found out that
the company Is determined upon Introduc
lng piecework and w ar determined on
fighting it, ao you might say we have just
arrived at th starting point of our fight.
"W argued against piecework and en
deavored by reasoning to show its fallacy
and Mr. McKeen argued for it and tried to
demonstrate wherein it would benefit us.
but nslther of us succeeded In convincing
the other and there the matter ended.
want to emphasise this fact, that wo did
not seek any compromise in any shape,
manner or form. We asked for nothing
exoopt that tho company revoke the order,
Issued by which ft declared Its Intention to
Introduce, piecework Into It shops.. This
Mr. McKeen refused to do. We deferred
our demand for an Increase In the wage
Blaekasnltaa Ar Confident.
President Siocum left last night for his
boa In Moltne, III., but will be in Omaha
again within a week or ao. Before leaving1
ha expressed bis satisfaction with the
chaneea ot tho blacksmith and other
strikers of winning and said bo bad no tear
of the future.
We ar determined to make a persistent.
orderly fight for what seem to us to bo
our lights and w believe w aro sure to
win," he said.
Th blacksmiths held a local mooting
last night. At the meeting a letter was
road from the international secretary say
ing that th blacksmith over th United
States had won M per cent of tho strikes
In which they have been engaged this
summer and aprlng. , Th men are confident
of success here in view of this fact and
alao that, a they bold, th company la
unahl to get skilled blacksmith owing to
tho decided dearth of 'that class of work
men at this time.
Machinist and Bollorasakora.
Secretary Grace of th machinists 1 In
receipt of a letter from Chicago telling of
disturbed conditions at the Allls-Chambers
establishment, which baa but recently re
covered from a atrlk of a year's duration.
It I believed that another strike may occur
there and th striker her aasert that
such would materially militate to their ad
vantage In that It would open another
field of labor to nonunion men.
President Kennedy of th local and dis
trict bollermakers' lodges and Secretary
Grace of th machinist have received let
ters from Cheyenne stating that between
that city and North Piatt seven freight
trains have been tied up because of dis
abled engines and that on freight train
waa abandoned at Lexington tor the same
reason. Information also haa beon re
cleved that twenty "dead" engine ar
lying In th roundhous at Cheyccn.
Striker claimed last night that four
mor defections occurred at the shops here
during the early evening. It was also
claimed that no nonunion men had be in
aent Into Bvanstoa.
On Xevv Striker.
Harry Brown, a bollermaker who cam
out from New York to work for the Union
Pacific, came to Omaha yeaterday from North
Platte, where he has been at work under
the supposition that there waa no general
strike In progress. ' He saya ho waa offered
45 cents aa hour ta stay with th company
and go to work her If he preferred Omsha
to North Platte, but he refused and ha
joined ths strikers. Hs Is said to be a very
skilled mechanic
The atrlkera hav obtained the aervlces
of the Musicians' untoa for their parade
Tuoaday and hav been assured by that or
ganisation that It will furnish a band ot
100 piece. The parade will start from
Labor tempi at o'clock In th morning
and oontlnue In procession for about aa
hour and a halt.
Blacksmiths will hav a public benefit
Tuesday night for their helpers.
George Bully of Boston Is a the Millard
Charles II. Mooro of MontplIer, Vt.. ts a
Miuara guesi.
11. I,. J. Tonner of Chicago waa at the
Millard yesterday.
J. N. Hardy of St. Louis registered at the
Miuara yi.roy.
A.' Mandelfterg has received a telegram
annount'in the end news ot hia mother's
uratn in UHlllmot. tils oroiner. Joe Man
deibern, led at once to atleud th funeral
Ilea It k at wall Coat.
A few doses of Dr. King's New Lite Pills
will sleaaae, ton and Invigorate .ths whole
system. Try than. Only Sic
Union Paoifio Activity EioiUs Hopes f
Extennrs Improvement.
Surveyors Ran Line anal Set Stakes
Which Mar Lee to New Track,
a Vladnet as a Kevr
For several daya past a party ot railroad
surveyors haa been working from the sum
mit southward. Wednesday th party
worked on Commercial street between -H
snd J streets and yesterday the work of
running lines was carried on almost to the
Union Pacific depot. Aa etakea are being
set and lines run It Is Inferred that the
Union Pacific Is preparing to submit a
proposition to the city council In the near
While nothing definite Is known officially
regarding th proposed proposition. It is
understood that a request will be made for
the vacating of the atub enda of streets In
ths northern part of the city. These stub
ends are located between Commercial street
and the railroad right-of-way and have
never been opened to travel, so that by
vacating them there would be no Incon
venience to the people. Another request,
so It is rumored, will be the vacating ot a
portion of Commercial street In order that
additional tracks may be laid from the
yarda here to Omaha. As Commercial ave
nue north of J street Is very little used,
some of th city officials see no harm In
consenting to vacating at least a portion
of the atreet. Another request which the
council expects will be mad is the vaca
ting of Railroad avenue from N street south ;
to Q street.
Officials here expect that when the propo
sition Is submitted by the Union Paclflo It
will, In lieu of th concessions granted,
agree to at once proceed to erect a viaduct
across th tracks and to construct. new
depot to bo located on Railroad avenue be
tween N street and th proposed viaduct.
With th construction of a viaduct and the
building of a new depot the tracks would
be fenced and the grade crossing at Q
street would be closed.
Members of th city government assert
that they are perfeotly willing to make any
reasonable concessions in order to bring
about the erection ot a viaduct and a new
depot. The contemplated changes In track
age. If made, will greatly increase the rail
road facilities at this point and permit the
transportation lines to handle th rapidly
Increasing business much more expedi
tiously than can now be done under exist
ing circumstances.
' Fllllnc Washouts.
The dirt purchased by ths council from
tho Ancient Order of United Workmen
Temple association for 8 cents a yard will
be used In filling the big hole at Twenty
first and ! atreeta. Thla work will com
mence Just a soon as the excavating tor
the tempi I begun, which will bo in
about a week. (
. Coo of the hardest propositions ia th
repairing ot the roadway at th Intersec
tion of Twenty-third and B streets. The
hole In the street at this point is as big
as aa ordinary bouse and the city engineer
say that it will do no good to fill It un
less steps ar taken to carry off the sur
face water.
A plan ha been suggested by th en
gineer which i meeting with favor in the
council. Th engineer suggests that two
lot east of Twenty-third street and just
north of B street b purchased by Ju city
and that a. Hum b built to carry off
storm water and allow It to wast on these
two lot. A these lot are in a draw or
gully no barm can com ot such an ar
rangement and th purchase will doubt
Jeaa be made, especially as the two lots
can b bought tor 1100. It Is asserted that
by doing this B street from Twenty-third
to Twenty-fourth street and the intersec
tion of Twenty-third and E atreet can be
kept In good condition, no matter how
much wet weather there Is.
. Ia th filling of tht big E street bole
th counoll will ask for bid and let a con
tract for th work, a It Is asserted that
th filling oan be don much cheaper In
thla way than by tho regular atreet fore.
McClearr Still Bold.
W. B. McCleary, recorder for camp No.
227, Ancient Order of United Workmen, 1
till detained at police headquarter on th
charge of embozillng a certain sum ot
money from th order. HI bearing has
been aet by Judge King for next Tuesday
arternoon. in a conversation with a Be
reporter MoCleary admitted having appro
priated a portion of th fund antrus'cl
to hi car. Ho said that there had been
a death in th family and that it was nec
essary that he hav om money at once
and he used th lodge money, intending to
pay It back aa rapidly a possible.
McCleary ha aent to relative In Chi
cago for money and mad th statement
yesterday that he would hav th matter
ettled up before th date of hi hearing
Th Library Stt.
Th deeds for th transfer of th prop
erty at Twenty-third and M atreet from
th Glasgow estate to th South Omaha
Library board ar ready, but there la aonia
delay on account ot lack of funda. The
council will ask th board to submit a
report of th amount of money on. hand
and it there is not enough in th fund to
completa the purcbaee, a transfer from
some other fund will be made In order
that the deal for the site may bo closed.
The city officials appear perfectly willing
to provide sufficient money for the pur
chase ot th site, but so far have declined
to furnish any money for expenses for the
board. Mor than likely arrangements
will be completed th forepart of next
week for the transfer ot the property.
Weather Castes Delay.
Zack Cuddlngton baa the contract for th
grading of Twsnty-seventh street from B
to r streets, but bs cannot commence
work for aom time yet. He aald last
evening that, ewlng to th long wet spell,
hs would be unabl to complete hi eon
tract In Iowa and get to work on Twenty
seventh street before September 1. This
will, It is stated, be In plenty of time to
get th work . don . and let th ground
harden before cold weather aeta In. The
ground la ao soft and full of water now
that very little. It any, grading la being
done In thla vicinity at the present time.
Poandmaater Keep Bnsy.
Stne Kay IS. when th dog-catching
aeason opened here, Pouadmaater McGlll
haa rounded up and Impounded ' S50 dogs.
About half of this number were redeemed
by owners, while th balance were killed.
Under th present-ordinance McGlll is paid
$1 per head for destroying unredeemed
canlnea. Ha mast, however, keep all dogs
at th pound for four daya and dally post
a notice on th bulletin board at the city
hall, detailing a description of all animal
In th pound. So far thla year 450 dog
tags hav been sold, bringing Into th
treasury th sum of SS0O. This is more
Decay than haa been taken In for taga for
a number of summer ast.
Mad City eaaalp.
Mr. I. Kortg of Costa Rica ia here visit
ins Judge Jacob Levy.
Colonel I. C. Oallup left yesterday for an
xtenaea western triy.
Miss Myrtle Keefer has gone to Denver
lor a two ween vacation.
, O. M, fitter of Cambridge, IlU Is bar
vlnltlng hia parents. Captain and Mrs. F. J.
Mies Esther Blank of New York City la
the guest of Mies Jennie I-evy.
Mr. and Mrs. Nels A. Neleon, Eighteenth
and Washington streets announce the birth
ot a son.
Colonel J. B. Wstklns and wife will re
turn from a trip to the Pacific coaat this
afternoon. .
The atreet fore weaengaVd yesterday
In ronatrurtlra- a toot brtilKe acroes the
gully at Eighteenth and N streets.
Harry Herman waa fined 110 and costs by
Police Judge King yeaterday for being
drunk and Insulting women on the street.
Mayor Koutsky was kept busy yeaterday
afternoon signing warrants. All warrants
voted on the appropriation eheet Wdenea
day night will be ready for delivery today.
Linemen Employed by Nebraska Bell
Company Gala Snbatantlal In.
ereaa In Wages.
The.wsges of S00 linemen In th employ
of the Nebraska Bell Telephone company
hav been raised and a definite settlement
made ot the difficulties which existed be
tween the men and' their employer for
some time.
This settlement was concluded Wednesday
when the electrlo linemen In their meeting
at Labor Tempi Indorsed th action ot
their committee In the terms It made with
th telephone company. By these terms th
linemen In the cities of Omaha, South
Omaha, Council Bluffs and Lincoln, of whom
there ar 100, hav been advanoed from $2.50
a day to $2.75 for a nine-hour day. ,Th
linemen through the state, of whom there
aro 200, divided Into fourteen gangs, ar
raised trom $2.40 to $2.50 for a ten-hour
"These terms are absolutely satisfactory
to us," said R. B. Russell, business agent
for the linemen. "And by them the line
men of thla company In Nebraska will get
better wages than those In many of the ad
joining states."
The new scale dates bsck to July 1, so
that th men will receive their Increased
pay from that time. July I, aa was pub
lished by The Be at the time, the linemen
presented a demand for these very In
creases and for recognition of their union,
the latter demand to take precedence over
th former. Almost simultaneously with
the presentation of these demands the com
pany posted a notice making these In
creases, but omitting any recognition of
the union. While the officials did not ac
tually sign the agreement proposed by the
linemen, Involving: formal recognition of
their unlont the men consider that virtual
recognition has been given and to all prac
tical purposes the matter is In just aa good
shape aa though th company had actually
signed the agreement
Th terms entered Into further provide
that the company ahall not dlaorimlnate In
any Instance against the union or any ot
the officials or committeemen of that union,
and that wherever a foreman ot the com
pany shall be found treating unfairly a
union man because he Is a union man be
shall be summarily discharged.
The commute ot officials which met th
men wa: President Yost, General Man
ager Lane, Superintendent of Construction
Belt and General Solicitor Morsman. The
linemen' committee was: Thomas Caee
tolt. president of the union here; William
Ramey, vie president; Fred Witters, sec
retary, and R. E. Russe'.l, business agent.
While this settlement put an end to the
controversy with-, the Nebraska Bell
Telephone company It does not affect In
any way the differences between the men
and th Street Railway company and the
Western Union and Postal Telegraph com
panies. These matters will be pressed
until some settlement 1 mad or It Is found
that ther can b pone made until further
development. .- -.! . , -
Doaarla Connty 'Denaooraev Arranges
m Few Mor Preliminaries
: Anent the Oatinar. -
Th Dougla County Democracy put a few
mor touches on th arrangement for their
fifth annual plcnio, to be held at Missouri
Valley Sunday, Augut 24, at a meeting held
at tb club room last night. Th commit
tee on bas ball reported' that tt had e
cured one of th best teams In the city, and
was given authority to hustle up a purs to
be given to the winning team. Thla team
expects to wipe up th earth with th Mis
souri Valley team.
These committee were appointed. Gen
eral arrangements and supervision, John
Ltddell, J. J. Mahoney, George Holmes, U
J. Plattl and Ed A. 8mlth; tickets, Dan
Butler, L. J. Plattl and Thomas Harring
ton; concessions, Joseph Butler, George
Holme and Joseph Connor; prise, Charles
Emory, Ed Smith and Charlea Rustln; mu
sic, C. Epstein and W. P. McDavltt; adver-t"-r?nL
J. E. Reagan. L. J. Plattl and the
members of tb arrangement committee.
Th committees were Instructed to hustle
this wk and report at a meeting to be
held next Thursday night, at which time
further arrangements will be made.- A good
crowd was present and It is th Intention
of th club to make this plcnio record
breaker. Th advertisement committee waa
instruotsd to visit Council Bluffs and South
Omaha and round up the faithful and get
them Interested.
Lot Feast at Headowartera Last
Night, Where Speeches
Were- Short.
It waa distinctly a love feast that waa
held last night at 144J South Sixteenth
street, which la the headquarters of the
Second Ward Republican club. The "re
freshments' were democratic to the extent
of consisting of cracker and cheese, but
all things elss were republican with a
Ed J. Cornish talked of republican pros
pect In general and hia own congres
sional aspirations In particular, ssylng
that prosperity had already don the party'
campaigning more effectively . than any
speaker could.
A. C. Troup devoted a few minute to
reminding hia auditor ot what tb party
bad don and what competitive parties
had failed to do. , ,
Councilman Hoy waa called, but ex
cused himself after very few remarks on
th ground that th republican cause bad
almost ceased to need champions.
lasnrnne Men Attead Funeral.
The local Are Insurance agents of Omaha
held a meetlns yeaterday afternoon and
resolved to attena tne Itinera! or Harry
Faachai at council Miuna tins (Friday)
mornlnc taktna- the car at the Pazton
hotel corner at S:lS a. M. for Counoll
Klufrs. A committee, conal.Mlnsr or Major
1). H. Wheeler. Ilartow Var.esa and John
Howard, was appointed to prepare proper
resolutions respect to ie sent to tne
inmi v oi uiw upTiMii. hiu column lea ia
report at an adjourned meetlns- of the
acents to tie neia at neir room at I o ciock
MMnday net.
lajnred by Street Car,
While alle-htlnar from a Bherman avenue
ear at Sixteenth and Porcaa atreeta Thomas
P. O'Connor missed his footing and fell to
the pavement, breaking his right collar
bone, spraining and bruising hia right knes
and bruising an arm and the side of his
head. O'Connor was taken to the place
Khrra he la esnuloyed and medical aid
summoned. He was made comfortable for
the night ana win t aent to a hospital
today. O'Connor lives at Twelfth and
Center atreeta.
Killed hy an Klectrtcal Storm.
INDIANAPOLIS. Ind., July 24.-A aever
electrical storm pasaed north of the city
laat night. Instantly killing tleaaor Wilton.
a farmer, fatally Injuring a boy and de
stroying a number of barns, a church, and
causing outer damage.
Twslfth ii the Series of lUU Article In
Fsanon's Ds-roUd t Nsbrukv
Foreign Correspondent of a Chlcnsto
Taper Writes a Book of Potnt
everal New Novel Old
for Popalar Favor.
Pearson's Magazine for August presents
an Interesting table of contents. Th
opening article Is the twelfth In th series
of th "Story of th State" and Is devoted
to Nebraska. It Is written by William R.
Ltghton and Is profusely Illustrated. The
discovery of a new resource In the develop
ment ot a stat I well described. Mr.
Ltghton says: "On thoe high plains, de
spite her harshness of aspect toward the
grain-grower, Nature has established con
ditions quit Ideal tor the pursuit of an
other Industry which haa been In fashion
among men since tb beginning of hus
bandry, and which will never loae It vogue.
Only within the laat five year hav our
people realised that by every natural right
these lands belong to gracing herds and
flocks and that through them alone were th
arid wastes to be mad glad. Nothing Is
wanting to complete the guarantee of suc
cess. This realization has rejuvenate the
western two-thirds of the state; It ha
been Ilk th discovery of a fountain ot
economic youth. In 1896 stock gracing In
Nebraska waa hardly mor than a side Is
sue, but It has since taken a place second
only to the cultivation ot the soil. In 1901
our ranges held more than 1.000,000 eattle
and more than 1,000,000 aheep. As a part
of the same healthy Impulse, entii have
won a secure place in public esteem; a full
chorus of 2,500,000 head now grunt and
squeal In fat content"
Th Century is about to bring forward
a new western writer in the person ot
Eleanor Gatea, a young woman of Califor
nia who spent her early life in Dakota,
and who has lately written "The Biography
ot a Prairie Girl," specimen chapter of
which ar to ba printed In th August. Sep
tember and October number of that tnaga
stne. A sample of the style and substance
of this book will be afforded by the Au
gust installment, which deals with th
birth and christening of th prairie girl.
The former event occurs In the midst ot a
billiard, the description ot which Is said
to be one of tho most vivid piece of writ
ing about nature ever printed In the Cen
tury. Tho work la to be not only the
biography of a prairie girl, but, so to
speak, ot the frontier farm, dealing with
It In all Its characteristic experiences, for
tunate and unfortunate. It Is, In brief, a
sort of natural history ot Dakota.
Miss Delia Austrian, who la the travel
ing foreign correspondent of the Chicago
Evening Post, has written a delightful
book ot poems entitled, "Love Songs." The
principal poem Is "Cecelia," dedicated to
her deceased sister. It depicts the life
ot these two sisters from "girlhood gar
to womanhood." and the them Is carried
along until death, the great leveler, calls
Cecelia home. In this particular lyric
Mlsa Austrian has shown ability of the
highest order, and when th character ot
the subject is taken Into consideration,
her work Is ot the best. This love lyrlo Is
divided Into fifty parts and each repre
sents a certain period ot their lives. The
Interview wltb the spirit of her dead sla
ter Is most reallstlo and la but another
evidence of th excellent work don by
Miss Austrian. Love cam and triumphed,
and the two spirits commingling as of did
is beautifully told. In addition to the
above lyric, the book containa a number of
miscellaneous poems. "Hushed Is Our
Stricken Land Today," commemoratory of
th death of th lato President McKtnley,
"Tb Rose and the Breete." "O Love,
Where Hast Thou Been Tonight" "Vio
lets," "The Brlda and th Bridegroom,"
"Alone in th World," ar deserving of
special mention. W. H. Conkey company,
"The Maid of the Wlldwood." by George
William Louttlt, la a atory of the middle
west and of tb time of the beginning ot
th last century. The Incidents narrated
are actual experlencea of different Indivi
duals on the frontiers of our country In
Its early history. Robert, as a small boy. Is
carried oft by the Indians, and finds a pro
tector In the Chief Masshawa. Then Naomi,
the young queen of the Shawnee nation,
becomea .Interested In Robert, who Is now
called Tammy. The mannera and customs
of the Indians are described. General Har
rison and General Proctor are presented.
The speeches and aaylngs of Tecumseh are
many of them given verbatim. Who killed
Tecumseh la not known, though many have
claimed the honor. His grave has never
been located, and tt may be that some
friend, the author thinks, possibly the hero
of his romance, unwittingly fired the shot
that caused bis death, and In compliance
with his last wlah, burled him In an "un
known and unmarked grave." Robert
Anally returns to civilization and marries
Naomi. Published by Colonial Press.
Chsrles Reginald Sherlock, author of
"Your Uncle Lew," Is out with another
new novel, entitled "The Red Anvil." In
the narrative Mr. Sherlock makes us ot
th 'underground railroad," through the
operations of which abolition In' the north
set at defiance the enforcement of the fu
gitive alave law of 1860. The story be
gins on a Sunday when the people are
aroused by the news that the church bell
la to be tolled by a "nigger who had
come In on the underground." Lyne DIs
brow and his picture wagon both Interests
and amuses ths resder from tb begin
ning of th story until w have finished.
Hi quaint but timely atorlea often used
to illustrate hidden meaning ar Indeed
humorous and pointed. Though h doe
not appear to be In sympathy with tb
negro, w ar pleased and ra'.her expect
to ae blm aiding In their escape. W feel
that In hi quiet way ho la the force be
hind hia aon Win, a doctor, which brings
him his success In both his love and t rai
nees. Tbougn Slow to usveiop tne iov
tory Is nevertheless interesting. Peter
Oerrttt, "the best-beloved man In Smith
boro," Is another Interesting character
with hia benevolent disposition. Th novel
Is a portrayal of .Interesting characters.
Published by Frederick A. Stokes com
pany. Rlgbt Rev. J. L. Spalding, bishop of
Peoria, who on June 11, waa given the
degree of LL.D. by Columbia university.
baa written another book which was pub'
Ushed on th earn day he received his
honorary degree. Th new volume Is
called '"Religion, Agnosticism and Educa
tion," and consists of a series of papers
along the general line of discussion and
philosophy ot which tb bishop I a ta
ter. Following ar th content: I, Re
ligion; it. Agnosticism; in. Agnosticism;
IV, Gqd in the Constitution A Reply to
Colonel Ingersoll; V, Education and ths
Future ot Religion; VI, Progress in Edu
cation; VII, the Victory of Love.
It ia very seldom that a prelate in th
Roman Catholic church la ao wall and fa
vorably known outside of his work. The
twenty-fifth year ot his tenure as blship of
Fsoria wa celebrated with much cere-
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monv only a short time ago, and th char
acter of the demonstration Indicated
clearly tb love and esteem In which he
la held hy th people of hi faith.
Still he ha found time to bring out sev
eral book that hav a national reputa
tion. He Is a tireless student ot men
and affairs. Published by A. C. McClurg
& Co.
We are. In recelnt of a book printed by
Hammond Bros. Jc Stevens ot Fremont,
this stats, entitled "Phelps and Hia Teach
ers." It la written by Dn V. Btephens,
who is also author of "811aa Cobb." Th
aim of th book I to bring th teacher and
patron . to a better understanding ot the
children attending school and also to teach
the parent and Instructor the need of work
ing together. The fsct that eo.oou copies
of thla book, printed In booklet form, ha
been sold to superintendents of schools
since last September, speaks well tor the
book, and Is a good recommendation. It
takes "Phelps" from th time he enter
school at seven years ot age and give bla
successes and failure a he 1 promoted
from grade to grade, under th various
teachers, each with a distinct method ot
their own and Anally leavea him as a pro
feasor of natural history la college. It Is
a book full of suggestions for Instructor.
Th "Preachment alone, which la at the
close of the book, I worth, th prlo of the
book. It oantaln good, Sound advice that
will certainly ba an aid to anv teacher with
Ha suggestions for understanding the mind
and character they ar endeavoring to de
velop. "Labor and Capital" Is a new book pub
lished by O. P. Putnam' Son that will
doubtless be of Intesest to students ot ths
labor questions. It being a discussion ct
th relations of ths smployer -ind em
ployed. The articles which const I tut this
book ar reprinted from a newspaper sym
posium under th editorship i f llev. Jrr.
John P. Peter, who also supplies a care
ful Introduction. Ther ar forty-Ove con
tributors, Including employers, labor Isad
ora, church dignitaries, professor. Jour
nalists, settlement workers, lawyers sod
soclallste-at large. A tew of th promi
nent contributors are: Samuel Oompers,
William T. Stead, Bishop Potter, John
Mitchell, Jseob A. Rlls, Henry Demarevt
Lloyd, Dr. Joelah Strong, J. B. Peynolds,
John De Witt Warner and Ernest H. Cros
by. Th socialistic legislation of New Zea
land Is described and criticised and amoig
other Important statements of facta are
record of th Massachusetts Board cf
Conciliation, ths relation ot th i'ouad
era' association and the Moldors' union,
tne viiis com&uctt'.es cf Tlo-irnvtlls
and Port Bunllght, tb pront-shartng sys
tem ot the London South Metropolitan
Gas company and , the similar plans
adopted at certain work la Ht. Lovts,
Leclaire and Newark. The profits derived
from the sals of th book ar to b ac-
and Illustrated with pictures ct
and ahould know.
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