Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 24, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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ThE omaiia Daily Bee
: :
Dally Be (without kjndayj. On tear. $4 Ml
Laily Bee and Bundnj, Uu i ear '
Illustrated wee, On lear -W
Kuuuuy Bee, Out lear...
Baiuruay Bee, On Year
twentieth Century rarmer. On Year.. l.(M
Dally Be (without Sunday), pet copy.... c
Laujr b twlwioui bunuay, wee....lJ
paiiy He tinciuuing bunuayj. per wees..ic
Hunuay Bee, pat copy
Lvtnji.g Be iw.tiiout bunuay), per wee.U
k,vojn- Be (including ouuuay), per
wea "c
Complaint of lrregulantlee in advery
shouiu b aduressea to vuy Circulation
Omaha Tb B Buliolnc
. feuutn Omaha city lieu Building, Twen-ty-nitn
ana M street.
Council Bluit ii resrl Strsek
Chicago imo Unity ttuilcung.
Jiw lork Tampi Court.
Washington tui fourteenth Street.
Communications remUng to nw and
editorial matter ahouiu b adara.
pmta Bee, .uitorlai uepartmenu
Buaineu letter and remittance should
fee aoaressed: . Xh Be A-uousnlng cotu
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iHE bh.ti VuMAotil.iU COMPANY.
frtat of Nebraska, Douglas Couaty. ss.:
Ueorge B. Xxscnuck. sacretary ot i.h Be
Puousning Company, being auly sworn,
ay that the actual nuwuer ok full and
complete copies of The Dally, Morning,
ikveuing anu bunday Be printed (luring
th mouth of June, unit, waa a follow:
1 UU.410 18 2,460
I SMVMJO 17 ......2U,640 u au.Ttto
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t ximmw ao 29,6oo
20,010 21 2,ST0
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i m,itoo a a,6so
2,540 14 81,880
10 Stt.vlO 16 20,MM
11 20,000 M SO.BHO
13 2H.010 XI 20,680
20.0SO 28 ......89,540
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1 2V,0tK SO 20,010
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Net total sales 879,8413
Nt dally average 20,318
Subscribed In my presence and sworn to
before roe this rth day of June, A. D., 1802.
(SeaL) M. B. H UNO ATE.
Notary Public
If there Is to be a meat packing trust,
depend on It that South Omaha will be
represented In It
The summer resort men hare ap
parently at last made their peace with
the weather man.
Howe rule Is good thing- for Ireland,
tos- the Boers, for the Cubans, for the
Filipinos but It doesn't count in Ne
braska. A pugilistic trust to restrict the sup
ply of bruisers would, we feel sure, en
counter no serious protest from the
public. .
The city of Omaha will take the an
nual inventory of its realty belongings.
It's a good thing to take stock at least
once a year.
Candidates for the new police com
mission had better charter a special
train to bring Governor Savage home,
chain lightning express time.
King Edward's dally bill of fare has
to be O. K.'d by one of his physicians.
His humblest subject could not be
under a more arbitrary tyranny.
If Tom Blackburn and a few other
Uercernarles are appointed on the police
board we may rot hear so much from
the sham reformers about that machine.
Iowa republicans will get together
Bext week in state convention Just to
give Iowa democrats one excuse for
folding a session to inquire where they
tr at
That reminds us the management of
the fire and police was supposed to have
been taken out of politics when the ap
pointing power was taken away from
the local authorities.
Having adjourned its session sine die,
ft is safe to say that the Nebraska
upreine court will not reverse Its latest
jxillce board decision again before Sep
tember, when it reconvenes.
Every fair smuggler who gets caught
never intended to defraud the govern
ment out of the duty on the smuggled
jewels or apparel. But then, she never
Intended being caught either.
"All litigation must have an end" de
clared the supreme court In the police
board decision a few months ago prom
ulgated as its last final finding and then
It proceeds to reopen the case from the
Mayor Moores' matrimonial bureau
jbugbt to step into the breach and arbi
trate the little differences between the
two women whose eagerness to claim
one husband has gotten them into the
police court
It is noteworthy that Superintendent
Pearse is always being mentioned for
promotion to the headship of the public
schools of some great city, but the call
never gets beyond the mentlonable
Stage. No other city is willing to help
Omaha unload.
Two thousand dollars will be spent
to place Indestructible street signs at
crossings and Intersections. It would
be interesting to know Just how much
money has been spent for this same pur
pose in past years without leaving even
a remnant of a street sign that could be
identified at this day.
Assurances are given that the death ot
John W. Mackay will in no way inter
fere with the plans of the promoters of
the Pacific cable with whom he was
associated. Whether it will exert an in
fluence over tbe impending war between
his telegraph company and the Wectern
Union is exciting equal curiosity.
The paramount Issues In the state of
Wisconsin this year are tax. reform and
direct nominations of candidates. The
platform declarations on those two
points were endorsed after a full and
free discussion by more than two-thirds
of the recent republican state convention
and doubtless expressed the sentiment
of the rank and file of the party of the
Badger state. Coupled with a severe ar
raignment of public officials for assist
ing professional lobbyists In the defeat
of reforms to which members of tbe leg
islature were pledged, ibe Wisconsin
platform makes this declaration:
As representatives of the republicans of
Wisconsin chosen in a contest after cam
paign which has left no reasonable ground
for doubt declare an equal ana uniform
taxation ot all taxable property and the
right of every cltlien to an qual vole
with a direct vote In the nomination of
candidates for oftlc aro issues of supreme
Importance In the ensuing stats campaign.
The great reform wrought In our, general
election through the Australian ballot in
spires ua with confidence to make tbe earn
methods of nomination that vry voter may
express his sovereign right of choice by
direct vote without the Intervention and
manipulation of political agencies. W
therefor demand that caucuses and con
ventions for candidates for office be abol
ished by legialatlv enactment and that all
candidates for state, legislative, congres
sional and county offices b nominated at a
primary election upon the same day and by
dlreot vote under the Australian ballot
We renew the demand of the party for
the enactment of such laws as may be nec
essary to compel each individual and every
corporation transacting business with the
state to bear a just sbar of the burden of
It will be noted that while Wisconsin
has been held up by the Nebraska rail
road tax bureau as a model for this
state that tho republicans of Wisconsin
stand pledged for a revision of the tax
system that will compel the railroads of
their state to contribute a much greater
share toward the maintenance of gov
ernment than has been exacted from
them up to this time.
During the year 1001 the aggregate
tax collected from railroads in Wiscon
sin amounts to $1,C50,000. This tax is
levied not by the mile or upon tangible
property but upon the gross earnings
of the railroads, varying from 3 to 3
per cent While Minnesota proposes to
raise the tax on gross Incomes from
S to 4 per cent it is proposed in Wiscon
sin to make a progressive tax from S to
B per cent according to the class of
road. Such a tax will yield from
$2,000,000 to $2,500,000 per annum,
whereas the taxes paid by the railroads
of Nebraska only aggregate $1,160000,
Including millions of dollars' worth of
lands and other property not directly In
use for railroad purposes.
The demand of Wisconsin republicans
for direct primaries Is in line with the
popular demand for primary election re
form that will do away with barter and
sale and corporate interference with
conventions. With all Its defects the
modern Crawford county system,
namely, the nomination of candidates
by direct vote without the intervention
of delegates and conventions, affords the
most effective remedy of tbe flagrant
abuses of the old system by which the
popular will is so frequently frustrated
by Jugglery and chicanery. .
Tbe first step in this direction has al
ready been taken in Nebraska by pri
mary election laws enacted within the
last few years, which require the regis
tration of voters according to party affil
iation and the supervision of the pri
mary election under the same regula
tions and restrictions that govern gen
eral elections. It is to be hoped that the
next step will be taken at no distant
day. " ,
Direct primary nominations are no
longer an experiment Within the past
five years they have been introduced in
a dosen states. Wherever tbe nomina
tions have been made by majority party
vote they have proved eminently satis
factory. A candidate who Is the choice
of a majority of bis party freely ex
pressed by an Australian ballot may
readily command the undivided support
of his' party, while candidates noml
nated by a mere plurality could not
command the allegiance from the body
of men who are pronounced agalnat
them. In other words, the direct pri
mary opens the gates wide for a free
expression of party sentiment while the
old system of nomination by delegate
conventions has often resulted in the
selection of candidates who could not
possibly command the voluntary support
of a majority of their party.
There In some speculation aa to what
will be the character of the bill to
regulate trusts which Congressman
Llttlefleld of Maine , Is preparing. In
the hrst session Mr. Llttlefleld Intro
duced a measure providing for pub
licity of accounts, requiring combina
tions engaged In interstate business to
make a full and complete showing, so
far aa consistent with due and reason
able privacy of ' business, concerning
their resources and liabilities, the ex
tent to which their capital stock Is paid
up, the general character and extent of
their product and a number of other
Items. Not the least important feature
of the bill is that which lmpotea a tax
upon such corporations as have not en
forced the full payment of their capital
stock either in money or some kind of
valuable property.
It Is assumed that the new bill will
proceed very largely along the lines of
the measure already introduced, with
such modifications and additions as a
n.ore thorough study of the subject may
suggest or the president and attorney
genersl recommend. Tbe bill. It is
now understood, Is not to be known as a
distinctly administration measure. It
appears that President Roosevelt did
not formally request Mr. Llttlefleld to
fraiut a bill for the regulation of trusts,
but sixply urged tics to keep tbe sub
ject In mind and to continue to press
legislation at the next session wf con
gress. StUI it Is probable that both
tbe president and Attorney General
Knox will be consulted in regard to the
bill, with a view to its receiving such
support from the administration as may
j properly be given. It is said that the
plan is, so far as any plan has been
formed, for the president to repeat in
his next message his recommendations
In regsrd to trusts, probably at greater
length and with more emphasis. Mr.
Llttlefleld will then continue to urge
legislation in accord with the views of
tbe administration.
The position of the president In the
matter has been so clearly defined that
there can be no misapprehension re
garding it He believes publicity to
be the most 'essential requirement and
he thinks there should be governmental
regulation and supervision of the cor
porations engaged In Interstate com
merce. That he Is entirely serious in
urging legislation for these purposes
there cannot be a reasonable doubt and
the efforts of the opponents of tbe ad
ministration to discredit the declara
tions and the action of the president
will have no influence with fair-minded
men. As to Representative Llttlefleld,
no one in or out of congress has shown
a more earnest desire to secure legisla
tion for regulating the combinations
and it Is safe to predict that be will
make a determined effort for trust legis
lation at the next session of congress.
The democrats of Missouri have
Joined with those of Texas and North
Carolina In reaffirming allegiance to the
Kansas City platform. This remnant
of Bryanlsm appears very small when
placed beside the fact that the demo
crats of a number of other states, In
cluding two in the south, in their con
ventions this year Ignored the national
platform of 1900 and made no mention
of the democratic candidate In that
year. The adherents of tbe "peerless
leader" can get little encouragement
from tbe declarations of those three
states, which do not' reflect the general
sentiment even among southern dem
ocrats. There is no doubt that Bryanlsm has
to a large extent lost its hold In ' the
south. A prominent southern democrat
who has recently traveled extensively
In that section says he found that the
Bryan following! is decreasing every
day and expressed tbe belief that the
democrats of that section will be prac
tically solid for an eastern presidential
candidate in 1004 and a declaration of
principles that will discard the heresies
of the Chicago-Kansas City platform.
"Tbe south has everything to gain," be
said, "by allying herself with the ndrth
east and our people are coming to real
ize It Under the auspices of such a
union of Interests It is possible for the
south to carve out of tbe future a so
cial, material and commercial splendor
to which even the imagination cannot
set a limit" The decline of Bryanlsm
would be more rapid if there was some
really strong man, someone having high
qualifications for leadership, among
those who are seeking the reorganiza
tion of the democracy.
The tariff problem continues to be a
source of perplexing trouble to Ger
man statesmen. Those who want du
ties Increased on nearly everything are
In tbe majority on tbe committee of the
Reichstag having charge of the revision
of the tariff and they have Just ag
gravated the difficulties of the situation
by increasing rates on a number of ar
ticles which they think need greater
protection. This action has encountered
a vigorous opposition and tbe imperial
secretary of state for the interior de
clared against such changes In the meas
ure framed by tbe federal council and
expressed the belief that the bill would
never pass.
It would probably be better for Ger
many If tariff conditions should remain
as they are, for if the demands of tbe
radical protectionists should be success
ful the result would very likely be tariff
wars with other countries which would
be exceedingly damaging to German
trade. As was said by the imperial
secretary of state for the Interior, with
increased duties tbe commercial armor
may become heavy to fight In success
fully. Germany is not situated as tbe
United States is, having neither the re
sources nor the industrial development
and she cannot expediently do what this
country may In tbe matter of tariff
policy. It Is very well to give her in
dustries protection, but tbe tendency ap
pears to be to go too far in this direc
tion. The United States has perhaps as
great Interest as any other country in
Germany's tariff problem, tbe solution
of which will affect for good or ill a
very extensive trade with that country.
Cardinal Ledochowski, who bas Just
died at Rome at the advanced age of
80 years, was Justly characterized by
Pope Leo as a valiant fighter for tbe
church. The most notable event in bis
career waa tbe conflict with Bismarck
growing out of the ecclesiastical laws of
Prussia, which resulted in Ledochowski
being sent to prison, where be remained
a number of years. He was made a
cardinal by Pope Plus IS as a reward
for the contest be waged against tbe
Prussian law, which placed the choice
of bishops and priests in the hands of
tbe people of the diocese or parish.
For the 'steenth time tbe supreme
court bas reversed ItBelf on the Inter
pretation of the police commission law.
How soon It wlll reverse Itself again
depends only upon th ability of the
parties Interested In creating another
rumpus to rslse hair-splitting questions
with high-sounding hog latin phrases,
such as fldlbus, omnibus and 'nix kum
rous, sufficiently confusing and con
founding to enable the court to wade
Into deep water and fish out a few wall
eyed pike and a cuttlefish or two to roll
the legal whirlpool.
SuyerliiUadfnt Bcghtcl cf tbe Stst
Industrial school has discovered that he
can provide religious Instruction and
chapel services for the boys without a
paid chaplain. This suggests the In
quiry, bow many state institutions simi
larly situs ted art carrying salaried
chaplains on their payrolls who eoiid
be replaced t7 volunteers. There is no
good reason - why the example set at
Kearney cannot be followed with ad
vantage in other state Institutions.
If one good turn deserves another, the
expedition of Ak-Sar-Ben knights to the
Black Hills may be depended on to
stimulate a spirit of reciprocity that
will bring return pilgrims to Ak-Sar-Ben's
shrine. The people of the Black
Hills have always looked to Omaha aa
their natural baso of supplies and
Omaha cannot do better than to culti
vate closer business and Social relations
w'tb them at every opportunity and
now is the opportunity.
Archbishop Ireland takes the ground
completely from under the partisan
critics accusing president Roosevelt of
warring on the Catholic church In the
position he has taken with reference to
the Spanish friars In the Philippines.
Nothing any churchman can say, how
ever, can keep the popocratlc yellow
Journals from yelping on this subject
because they are sure they know better.
Tbe best sign of restored peace In the
Philippines is tbe steady withdrawal of
troops and reduction of military forces
stationed In the Islands.
lAbejS1 atael Capital Skoald OomJer.
' New Tort Mall and Express.
The mora conferences between labor and
capita, if they are free and candid, the bet
ter for both and the better for th common
wealth. A Demonstrated Fact.
New York World.
"America has the best guns," says a
German naval annual. And the best gun
ners, too, as Manila bay and Santiago
Prohibition la Praotlo.
Washington Post.
Prohibition In Vermont Is a glaring and
disgraceful failure, a source ot many scan
dals and a promoter ot vies rather than of
"Whjit Harts Mr. Bryan.
Bait Lake Tribune.
What makes Mr. Bryan more than ever
sure that Orover Cleveland is a person to
be detested is Grover's failure to reply to
certain bitter reflections on him.
Depend on the Wind.
Philadelphia Press.
Watchers in the direction of the William
J. Bryan can discern no signals of distress
at her masthead as yet And they will see
none, either, as long as the wind holds out
Jab at the Jlm-Jsmt,
Chicago Post
General Corbln has prohibited the expor
tation ot snakes from the Philippines. Wh7
did he not strike at the root of the matter
at once by forbidding the Importation of
whisky T
Corn la Kins;.
Buffalo Times.
It looks as though there were a big busi
ness ahead for the "granger" railroads and
for the granger himself and the "corner" of
one man or set of mn cannot prevent It
Corn Is king.
Th Farmer Strtetly In It.
St. Louts Globe-Democrat
Oats and corn are at high figures on
the sv. of the fjerthering 7of on of the
biggest crop ot both which have been
known for years.' The farmer is very far
from being a forgotten man In these days
of all-round republican prosperity.
Jnst and Hlah-Mlnded.
New Tork Evening Post
Whatever criticisms the historian! of th
future may find b,tmself compelled to pass
upon tie administration of Theodore Roose
velt, he will always b able to cite the
president's decision In the case of Oeoeral
Jacob H. Smith as an example of. a Just
and high-minded action, and as. a manly
blow for the honor of the army and the
General Brooke's Record.
Philadelphia Inquirer.
Of General Brooke It may be said that
while he was too young to reach the fame
ot Meade, Reynolds, Hancock and other
great Pennsylvania captain, he was a good
soldier, who was frequently brevetted for
meritorious services and shed his blood on
several battlefields. He goes Into retire
ment with a fine-record as a soldier, one
who has ever been a credit to the uniform
be wears and to the state which gave him
birth. We trust that he will have many
years of peaceful lite to enjoy 1 ' the neigh
borhood where he roamed as a barefoot
MCornerlnarM Continent.
Indianapolis New.
Some way the anthracite situation should
be relieved. It does not seem reasonable
nor right that the anthracite coal necessi
ties of 76,000,000 people should be at the
mercy of six railroads, which are combined
and under the control of about the same
number of men, who may at any time cease
production at the expense of tbe poor
miner, and, on the other hand, may In
crease prices to all of the people. Given
a limited coal field like the anthracite field
and given th necessities of a great conti
nent of people, whose manufacturing In
dustries demand the use ot this coal, and
we have a situation that may call for more
than ordinary measures or laws. It may
be a menace not to be endured that half a
doien men shall "corner" a continent.
Balance of Trade Slams.
New Tork Mall and Express.
There Is nothing unfavorable in a redac
tion ot the balance of trade. On the con
trary. It shows that our Indebtedness
abroad Is diminishing, for w send mer
chandise away only to pay for something.
What does not pay for foreign merchandise
Imported must pay freight, insurance and
banking charges, traveling expenses, divi
dends and Intsrest on foreign capital In
vested here, or American securities bought
back ' from other countries. There Is no
advantage In 'having a great burden of
such payments to make, and the object ot
foreign trado Is not to bring money Into
the country. We have money enough, and
have to supply gold to Europe from tlm
to tlm. Th narrowing of the balance
between exports and Imports Is In itself
a good algn.
rofnlnea of tho Male Unimpaired.
Minneapolis Time.
Now comes th Boer, looking for hone
and mule, not for war, but for th culti
vation of his long neglected farm. There
la also a demand la South Africa for sheep
and cattle for breeding purpose, as the
Boers were compelled to kill most ot
their live stock during tbe war for sub
slatsne and were unable to care for their
remaining- herds or their crops. The farms
are almost stripped of live stock ajd the
Boers are looking to tbe Vnlted State
for th replenishment of their flocks and
herd. They are also In need of agrl
Cultural Implements, which the manutac
turers of this country will hare aa oppor
tunity co furnish We did a good deal of
busueaa with South Africa during the war,
but v arc going to da even mors sow
that pece ia come.
Presidential Timber He Always
Jf n Selected from Men t'nder 87.
Chicago Tribune.
When some Memphis democrats let Rich
ard Olney know that they would like to see
htm tbe presidential nominee of the party
he told them he did not wish to be consid
ered a candidate. Ho gave no rearon for
bis unwillingness to respond to their kind
advances. In a letter to a New Tork paper
Edward Stanwood says Mr. Olney could have
pleaded hi age as an all sufficient reason
why be should not be considered In connec
tion with the presidency. In 1304 Mr. Olney
will be (9 years old and would be over 74
If b were elected and served to the end of
his term.
Not one of the great political parties, says
Mr. Stanwood, has ever elected or nomi
nated a man ao old as Mr. Olney will be In
1904. The oldest man ever elected president
was William Henry Harrison, who was 67
In 1840. Jackson was 65 when elected the
second time. Buchanan was 65 the year of
his nomination and Taylor was 64. Henry
Clay was 67 when he was a candidate Jn
1844, General Scott was 67 when he ran in
1S62 sd Cass was 64 when he ran In 1848.
There Is no precedent for a presidential
candidate of 69, and politicians are as much
guided by precedents as lawyers sre.
Mr. Stanwoed say Mr. Blaine told him In
1891 when he was 61 that he no longer de
sired to be president because he had reached
a tlm of life when h craved rest. "When
the American people elect a president,"
said Mr. Blaine, "they require him to re
main awake four years. I need my sleep."
The American people make more demands
upon the time and energies of their chief
magistrate than they did In the quiet days
of the first presidents. It Is doubtful
whether the average man put In the White
House at the age of 69 would live through
his term If he tried to do all that was ex
pected of htm. Lord Salisbury at the sge of
73 has resigned the premiership because be
no longer toela equal to the discharge of Its
The mental and physical strain to which
an American president is subjected Is In
creasing. The office Is not one for men who
have to nurse a strength weakened by the
Insidious approaches of old age. There
doubtless sre exceptional men of 69 who are
able to stand a four years' siege of constant
work and worry, but a political party will
be quite excusable If It declines to look for
them and gives the preference to younger
The age limitation which excludes Mr.
Olney will not be objected to by David Ben
nett Hill, who is only, 69. It will not af
fect Arthur P. Gorman, who Is a little over
63. It will not be difficult for the democrats
to find a candidate who has not lived up to
the maximum limit ot 67 years.
Host Men Who Succeed Do So In Spite
of Disadvantages.
Kew Tork Times.
It would be hard to find a better example
of how jl young man should not seek em
ployment than the following advertisement,
which Is clipped, from the Evening Post:
" attorney, Harvard law graduate,
lacMnr 'pull' and having used up his
mcuv, must get to work to make a liv
ing. Any honorable chance In any business
will be accepted. He la entirely free to go
anywhere the employment may require."
By his own statement this young man
has had the advantages of what is gen
erally called the best school of law on
either side of the Atlantic, and when be
was graduated he bad money in reserve.
At the outset accordingly, he- had every
chance In his favor. To what does he at
tribute his present destitution? To a lack
of "pull." By "pull" we presume, be
means personal influence of the kind that
brings employment, one has done nothing
to deserve. It is not a pleasant picture,,
this of a young man hanging out bis
shingle and waiting for fortune to drop a
plum beside his easy chair. We can im
agine nothing more ll'.tely to repel a pos
sible employer. . .," ;; n
But let us suppose that by "pull" be
means personal frtends who, when a posi
tion is vacant for which he 1 bettc fitted
than another to fill, use tbelr influence to
secure it for him. To accept the advant
age of such a "pull"' Is quite honorable.
But is the lack of It an excuse for failure?
Of all the men who succeeded in the world,
perhaps 1 per cent have the advantage ot
the best possible training for their business
or profession, and of those who have this
very few have private means In reserve.
The work of the world Is done by those
who make their own advantages snd who
force their own openings.
We are glad to see that tbe young at
torney has arrived at a place wbero he Is
willing to accept sny honorable employs
ment. In the course of time snd experience
be will perhaps learn not to advertise the
excellence of his education In larg? type,
and not to attribute defeat to a lack of
that which a normal man does not re
R. O. Thwaltes, superintendent of the
Wisconsin Historical society, ha just
finished a new biography of Father Mar
quette. .'!:'
President Roosevelt bas sppolnted a man
to look after tbe remnant of buttaloe; now
remaining In this country and to prevent
that animal from becoming extinct.
Preparations are being made by the
monks of the Grande Chartreuse to emi
grate from Prance to Switzerland, whither
they hav already, sent their magnificent
For drawing caricatures of his officers
while serving time In the German army
reserves an engineer named Wuest bas
been sentenced at Frankfort to six months'
The Chamber of Commerce of Baltimore
Is making a collection of the portraits of
all Its presidents, from the beginning of
1851. to be displayed In Its main room.
Tbey number twenty-five.
Lord Rosebery bas written a novel, but
will not publish It for some time for fear
It may Injure him politically. In this he
differs from Disraeli, whose novel assisted
him to mount tb political ladder.
Jules Verne, the French author of ex
aggerated fiction, says 100 years hence very
few books will be written, a prediction
that may be taken as an Indication that
M. Verne expects to die before the year
An "armored waistcoat, price 32 shillings
(abcut $8), carriage paid," has be?n invent!
by a French tradesman at Charlevllle, who
recommends It specially for the use of am
bassadors and members of Parliament, Jour
nalists and others exposed to danger.
A Paris thief, while picking a woman's
pocket recently, pricked himself so se
verely with a pin which happened to be
in her dress that he uttered a cry of pain,
which led to bis immediate arrest. The
sum of 1550 la cash was found upon htm.
John II. Donovan, city assessor of Bos
ton, bas attended every game ot bas ball
played at tbe Hub this year. His only (ear
anent the gam Is that teams from both
league may play on th earn day, snd
that b will b unabl to b present at
Th municipality of Edlnburg ha de
cided to confer the freedom of that city
to Sir WlKred Laurler, premier of Canada,
and Sir Robert Bond, premier and colonial
secretary of Newfoundland, on the occa
sion f their visit ther on July 26 to re
ceive degree from th university.
Proteat Against th Laaltr Owe
Moral Dleelplln of Children.
The Outlook.
It. Is a very serious question wbethsr th
manner of ths young men and the young
women In this country ar not deteriora
ting. It 1 not easy to Judg of the man
ner of a generation, because the standards
of the past seem higher as one looks back
than the standards of the present: and be
cause, in considering any particular aspect
of a period, there Is the temptation to sep
arate that aspect from the complete move
ment of tbe time, and to be misled with re
gard to Its significance. There Is no doubt
that the wide practice of athletics by young
men and young women has, on tbe whole,
been extremely .beneficent Athletics is
fast making Americans a vigorous race
physically; it has furnished a safety-valve
for the overplus ot vitality which. In ths
colleges st least. In former days often took
th direction Ot dissipation. It bas brought
young men snd young women together on
a natural and wholesome basis snd has
made ,thein comrades In a rational way.
These gains must be taken Into account.
On tbe other handit has bred sn Informal
ity, not to say a freedom, of manner on ths
part- of young men toward young women
which involves a positive loss, and fostered
an ease of Intercourse which may lead to
disastrous result rf It Is not moderated by
ins experience 0 elder persons and con
trolled by Judicious social conventions.
Th American girt Is so trustworthy that
is very difficult for a fnrntm n.i...
stand her. He finds It
looking from the aUndpoInt of his own so
cial xraaiuons, xo believe that ao much
freedom can be combined with entire
purity. There la, however, not the slight
est question among those who srs well
Informed, ' regarding the essential moral
healthfulness of American society. There
will always be exceptions both In remote
country districts and great cities to this
general statement, but as a whole Ameri
can society Is singularly free from social
corruption. But the freedom whl'.u the
American girls enjoys may be carried too
r, mua 109 rreeaom or the American boy
often degenerates Into license. A great
many fathers and mothera In this country
have, practically thAimt ,.
and surrendered
which they cannot release themselreg, al
tnourh they knav vAri- it m .k-
- ----- iw asatuvr ur
mother has a right through easygoing
wmpiacency or dislike to exercise au
thority to nam nva, n .vim . 1. .
rectlon of the home which ought to rest
vui, ua a sympametlo Interpretation
of the needs of young people, but also on
a knowledge of life far In advance of th
experience which youth can acquire. The
head of a preparatory school for boys
said not long sgo that it was extremely
difficult to enforce the rule againat smok-
ub- wnen ooys or 18 frequently drove up
to the school from the at H nn n am
panied by their fathers wt, . ui
vigorously. Every boy of mature
growth has a right to decide whether., he
will smoke or not. but no father has any
right to let a growing boy smoke, for
well known reason. Thst Is sn authority
which he cannot delegate without Inflict
ing a serious injury upon the boy. The
vj wisnes ougnt not to be consulted In
the matter any more fh.n th..
" " .nun. Ui
a child who Is anxious to play on the edge
of an reel Dice. If th, K. - ,
- - " ftiiev
what excessive cigarette-smoking meant, he
mums m it, ior ne naa no de
sire to dwarf himself physically or men
tally; and when he stows un an P..n...
what haa happened as tbe result of his In
dulgence, ho is likely to havs anything but
a kindly ,fIlng toward the father whoso
null carelessness railed to protect him
from his own ignorance.
An eastern community was shocked re
cently by a mysterious tragedy In" which
a young girl and two young men were con
cerned. That tragedy, whatever Its ohar-
aeiermay ce. 'was made possible by1 h free
dom of Intercourse under unusual and Im
proper conditions which ought never to
nave been permitted. Every girl ought to
understand that she Is respected in the
exact degree in which she is Inaccessible
to any kind of familiarities, snd that it U
Impossible for a woman, if ahe wishes to
secure not only confidence but admiration,
to hold herself too sacred; and It I the
fundamental duty of every mother to pro
tect her daughter by Instilling Into her an
adequate Idea of the relation between the
essential dignity of womanhood and the
conventions which protect that dignity in
social life. If American society Is to pre
serve In sny way the qualities which tbe
best Americans In every generation hav
Instilled Into their children, there must be
a far deeper sense of responsibility on the
part of beads of families to their children
than at present exist. . There must be far
less license permitted; there must be far
mors judicious and rational supervision.
The Amertcsn child Is generally regarded
by foreigners ss the most offensive' repre
sentative ot his country, and., unluckily,
there la very much to Justify this opinion,
as all candid Americana who see American
children In summer hotels snd elsewhere
must concede. - Too many of tbetn are rude,
noisy, forward snd disrespectful, not only
toward their parents, but toward others.
Tbey reveal the laxity of their owa home
la moral discipline snd In the teaching of
good manners. . It will be necessary pres
ently to preach a crusade or organise a
movement for th education of American
fathers snd mothers If the traditions of
tbe Americans ot earlier times ar to b
preserved and If American society Is to
have any distinction either of aim, of tasts
or ot maaners.
Amnslnff Controversy Ended with
Few "Reiterations."
' Nw Tork Tribune.
From Mr. Bryan's explanation of bis
failure to receive an Invitation to tbe
Tlldea club dinner until three weeks stter
It was sc.-t, persons of a mean snd sus
picious temptr may Infer that the elerk
to whom be imputes the blame bad been
Instructed to be guilty of aa oversight.
But such an hypothesis Is untenable for
several reasons. . In the first place, Mr.
Bryan Is not lightly accused of sell
ing the : truth to serve the hour. In th
second place, it is evident that b did not
wish to avoid sending a reply. Inasmuch
as be has now gons far out of hla way
to send on. Nor can it b supposed that
he wanted more time, for tb letter which
he finally dispatched to the aecretsry of
the club could not have cost him more
than ten minutes of concentrated thought.
The conclusion must be thst be was glad
even of a belated opportunity to afflict a
large number of person with ths sensa
tion which Is familiarly known as "hot
under 'he eollar," and really regrets tbat
It did not come sooner.
But we ar suprlaed thai so much ca
loric ha been engendered by Mr. Bryan's
lateat manifesto. It Is Just Ilk him. He
never permit the obligations of courtesy
which control ordinary men to embarrass
blm when tbe paramount necessity of up
holding the faith as u see It arise.
"Aft;r all." ld tb late Isaae H. Brom
ley on a certain occasion when be felt
Inclined to put an end to a pretentious
and profitless discussion, "after all, ther
1 oily on fundamental, universal. In
dispensable truth only one, and I hav
fortotten what that is; and, what' more,
I doa't sit a damn." la th opinion of
Mr. Byraa also ther Is only en funds
mental, universal. Indispensable truth, put
he knows what It la and considers It of
profound importance. Tb at tie article In
hi political creed I that p Is the dem
ocratic party, and whoever lenles It Is a
pariah. Whv, therefore, i. ould anybody
at tb'ls late day b surprised or annoyed
when be sternly disregard th amenltle
of life and acquits his conscience ones
mor by informing the Tildes club that
Mr. Cleveland I not' fit to sit st tb same
tabl with himself, or even to b Invited
to a democratic dinner?
It is strange that anybody should betray
resentn)nt at Mr. Bryan'a characteristic
performance. The venerable Mr. Mc
Laughlin of Brooklyn takes th right view
of ths Incident, and we commend his sa
gacious oommeats to all oonoerned. "Th
Invitation waa mislaid for three weeks by
a clerk." Mr. McLaughlin observes; "well.
If X were Mr. Bryaa I would discharge
tbat elerk. It shows very bad discipline
in Mr. Bryan's office very bad. Whst If
such a thing happened In ths White
House? It wouldn't do at all. It might
involve our country In war." la these
brief but penetrating remarks of a polit
ical philosopher ths Incident Is assigned
to Its proper place. The country will
calmly await the announcement that Mr.
Bryan has discharged hla clerk.
No Crow tho Beestlat of Itmka, hot
Omt of th Oroond.
Hartford Courant (rsp).
The cheerful philosophers Who feel so
surs thst prosperity Is going to eonUan
because the price of stocks sre so well
maintained in Wall street will do well to
look a little further than the lower end ot
Manhattan inland when taking tbelr ob
servations. It Is a faot that many persons seem to
forget thst sll tbe material wealth comes
out of the ground. Th pathetlo stories
from ths large cities connected with th
fresh-air aids have told mor than one
of little children who had never een green
grass snd who had no Idea of ths open"
country until given thea outings. Ther
are grown-up people or abundant wealth
who are equally ignorant of what th
eoun ry Is In Its relation to general bull
ness interests. They assume that when
stocks go up ten points the country la
richer thereby, and that when a great
syndlcats takes $50,000,000 worth of prop
erty and capitalises It at $500,000,000 thla
paper performance haa created (450,000,000
of new wealth.
They buy and aell and go speculating
through life on this sort of assumption
and do not atop to think that It Is only
aa th Iron and coal are dug up and aa
th sunshine and th rain bring tb grain
to the harvest that anything is added to
what already is. If v should find at the
end of the season Chat the early drouths
and the later floods that have been ao
prevalent have resulted In a aerlnus crip
pling of the crops. If investigation demon
strates that we have consumed mors thaa
w hav produced, then no amount of
booming can keep price up. As yet It Is
early, to determine a to thla. We hav aa
Immense agricultural territory, and ths
flood destroying everything In one valley
may bring needed moisture to thousands
of square miles of other fields and prove
vastly more beneficial than Injurious. It
is the destructive flood we hear ot rather
than the fructifying showers.
But meanwhile it Is well to bear in mind
that while speculators can grow rich In
their big deals and the world can watch
with wonder their great achievements,
still they are net producers. Somebody
else gives up what they get and It la th
unnoticed producer who furnishes the
tangible material elements of prosperity.
Even legitimate tidying and selling, what
goes vnder the general name of trade and
keeps so many people busy, adds nothing
to what already Is. When two men trade
horses there is still only those two
horses st the end of tbe trade.
Philadelphia Bulletin: "Does she sing SS
If she had her voice cultivated?"
"Oh, yes. I couldn't understand a word,
she said."
r rutin, ijr 11 m. . -------
-.. -I . hav vmi msilfl HAV provision
for those who com after you?
tt VU T V Arm at in, flAO
and told th hired lrt to say I'm out ot
town. .
tr 1 . c -w "whit An vnu ex
pect to be when you become of age, my
little man?" asked th vUltor.
"Twenty-one. sir." was ine ongni one
riiuahueiuiim -. - - ' .
thing more unsatisfactory than a meal at
our boarding house," said th chronlo
"No?" replied the Impressionable young
man. "Evidently you never got a kiss
from your beat girl over th telephon."
i-1 am a t m w ' "Whv Ai man alwnvs
laugh when they hear Jokes about losing
money at horse races?" 1
That," answered the unlucky person, "Is
Vv. .... a. lmiirh is often used to conceal
an aching heart."
.... VI.UM tA Tahmaka lrarmert It
has been pretty hot out hr this summer.
Farmer-Hot? Well, rather. Whr, w
even had to put Ice in tho pond to keep th
ducks from laying hard-boiled eggs.
. . . . I--. . Mvm.v m h-aiitteti1
naiumore aiuiivii. ......
bathing suit!" we aay to th fair young
thins. "When ar you going to th s&-
Idef' . . .
Seaside?" sr. repeat. invoiouBiir,
must aamii. -oemsiuot m.
mad to wear at the photographer's.
Adelaide X Proctor.
A llttl longer yt- ""1 ,
Shall violets Diuum ui urov v -
And the lime branch, whor th wind ar
blowing, , .
ghail murmur tb swt promts of
A llttl lcngr yt-a llttl longer,
t... .halt behold the aulei of the rtv rn:
While tender grasses and awakening ilo.v-
Send'up a golden mbt to gret the fiuvn'
A llttl. longer rss llttto longer
The tendernes or iwiusu ""
The rosy cloud that float o'r dying day-
Nor 'ao tin trembling stars hgta to
A llttl long' yt- Mttlo longer ,
Bhall starry night oe oeauuiui ior mw;
And the cold moon shall look through th
DIU HO"---. -
Flooding her llver path upon tho
A llttl longer yet-a llttl longer.
Life nall fcc mine, in n r
lif with Uu strength to bear, to lov. to
Bringing It thouaand Joys thy besrt t
A Itttl longr yt-a llttl longer.
The voice mou nun wvx . ......
thin ear;
And thy tru heart, thst now bta quica
10 iieiw 1 iiv ....
A llttl longer yet shall hold them dear.
A little longer yet joy wnue inu
Love and rjoioi ior nm .
And oon th darkno of th grave anall
Lov. and rejolc and fl and know n
3obnn Aarta Satin
Fur al by
g. W. Cer. 1Mb and Harney fit.