Omaha Daily 'Bee. The ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, TIIUKSD AY. MORNING, JULY 21, 1902-TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. FEARS FOR EMPEROR I William Begged Dot to Visit Fcwon During Army ManeuYert, RACIAL FEELING IS AT FEVER HEAT Adrissri of German Baler Think He Should Hot Expose Himself. POLISH FANATIC MAY ATTEMPT HARM .Those Besponsible for His Ifajaity'i Safety Hope He Will Abandon Trip, DISAGREEABLE FEATURES OF AGITATION av Imperial Chancellor Will Likely De- TlM Measures to 0.nltt the E tresaa Violence of the Polish Feeling. . BERLIN, July 2J. Court Chamberlain nn Mnr.wnlrl Pnltfth lanr1d m ft mat ft. hu I .n.1.r1 in Wllll.m nnt tn vUtt - - ----. - - . . - . i Poaen during the army maneuvers to be held ln Beptember, ss bis majesty has plannel to do. The chamberlain fears thst some Pol U h fMjrtle might attempt to harm the emperor. Racial feeling is described as at fever heat and several Berlin Journals take the view that It would be unwise for the emperor to expose himself unneces sarily. The Post, conservative, says it la Informed that It would greatly relieve those resDonMble for his majesty's safety to Jearn that he had given up the trip. Promt Bent Germans residing In Poland are glad that the roilsa officials and nobility have determined not to attend the festivities, as thereby the chances of unpleasant incidents rising are lessened. Emperor Will Go. It Is scarcely likely that Emperor Wil liam will act upon Chamberlain von Mor awskt's appeal, because bis majesty never permits himself to change his plans on sc permit. "-" count of the tlmldl y of hi. adviser.. He goes anywhers he think, duty call, him and, J besides. It Is his purpose to declare the government's Polish policy while ln Polish territory and his giving up of personal su pervision of the maneuver, would be un precedented. The Polish question 1. regarded a. the most pregnant in the government's domes tic policy. While no observer believes the Polish saltation can really amount to much I ultimately. It is embarrassing ths rslatlons with Auatria ana itussia. ine roies n Gallcla enjoy local self-govsrnmsnt and press privileges which are not In vogue in I Prussian Poland, and continual contrasts I are msde in the Austrian press between the conditions srlstlne- In Gallcla and in the I province of Posen that annoy this govern- ment and tend to weaken tne triple sin ni I Th Inrtlratlnn. are not wantlna that Rus- I la is disposed to utilise the Polish passion by giving greater freedom to the Russian Poles, thus creating along the Russian frontier a Prusslsn population in sympathy I with Russia. Count von Buelow, the Oennaa Imperial cnancsuor. is well aware ui van guiiriu- i lis features of the Polish agitation and It I Is quits likely he 'will devise measures to quiet the extreme violence or. ut rousn feellne. FAVORS AMERICAN CAPITAL Blr Charles Dllke Sees No Good Reasoa for Discouraging; Amir, leaa Inveatore. LONDON, July 23. Blr Charles M. Dllke advanced radical, answering a suggestion that Parliament Inquire Into the Increasing roads made by American combines In Great Britain, wrttsa that while sneUal clrcum- tsnces makes the acquisition of British hipping by foreigner deserving of public I attention ha falls to see any reason wny the Investment of American capital In .thar Inriuatrlaa ahauld ha dlacouraaed. adding "It appears to me unmixed good to us that under the strict parliamentary con trol which pur private bill system gives. American capital and enterprise should be ngaged In railroad work.1 Speaking at Chlngford, County of Essex, this evening, Richard J. Sedden, premier of New Zealand, referred to the grave menaoe to British commerce from comblnattona of American capitalists, which he said are monoDollsIng railway and shipping. The country, declared Mr. Sedden. must awaken to the peril threatening It. TO BUILD A GREAT HALL Methodists of Loadea Purchase Prop erty Pacing Weatmlaster J Abbey. LONDON. July 21 Robert William Perks. M. P., treasurer of the Methodist million-guinea iuna, announced tuuaj mat ths Metb.-xllsts had secured the Royal Aquarium theater property, facing West minster abbey, on which they would build a grsat ball, which Is to be called ths "Central Headquarters of Universal Meth odism, The price paid was 330.000. The ground comprises two and one-half acres and on it also atanaa airs, langtry s imperial theater. It la probable that aome ar- rangement will be made by which the Im- pertal theater win remain wnere u is, are not unwilling to join in anotner con- i deposition, when the Touaregs heard tat tc company, began suit to have the pro though It may be transformed lntt an 1 ference with Russia for the discussion of I tDS Marquis de Mores was romin thev I poied issue of new etock declared Illegal annex to the church house, the building of which la expected to commence early In 1903. Since It waa opcn.1 ln 1874 tbe Aquarium has been a famoiia place of amusement for Londoners. CORONATION FETE AT DELHI ladta Festivities Will Begin Decem ber SO aad Be of tha I'tmost Magalflceace. LONDON. July IS. The India office baa Issued a akstch of the program of the cor onation fetes to be held at Delhi, India, which shows that although the festivities will not be graced aa waa expected by the presence of the prince and prlncesa of Walss, they will be of the utmost magni ficence, extending from December 21 to January 10. Oa December 29. Lord CuVson of Kedlsston, with the ruling chiefs will make a atats entry Into Delhi, mounted on eiepuauta, wita a piocsaaiuu aiA O.UCS icej to the camp. The next day the viceroy will open the arte exhibition, and oa Jan uary 1, a coronation Gurber will be held. A parade of 40,000 troops will take place January I and ths following daya will be devoted to reviews, religious service, lllu- ml nations, receptions, banquets, etc., the Ticeioy aepaiUAf January ia, POLAND MOURNS FOR FRIEND Druth of Cardlaal Uachiwikl Re garded Almost as National t BcnaTtrntit. ROME. July 23. Tbe remains of Car nal Ledochnwsltl, who dUJ here yester... , mere laid In state today In the chapclle ar dente of the Palace of the Propaganda. wb,ere they were eubsequently visited by all the membera of the sacred college. The close friends of the deceased and bis secretaries. Fathers Veccts and Zalew skl. insisted on personally performing the last offices and arranged the body for burial. The chapelle ardent Is now open to the public. The Plana dl Spagna, whore the Palace of the Propaganda stands. 1. crowded with j people. Including many American pilgrims telegrams ot rrgrei. art . all quarters. I pm.- t - n,1 1 JAA,nA.. I r'.' ul " ' I ski's native country, amounts to almost a national demonstration,, the dead cardi nal having been persona non grata to Russia and Germany on account of his advocacy of Polish independence. PHYSICIAN SIGNS THE - MENU Diet f Kl Kdwrd Still lTndr the Most Strict Super vision. LONDON, July 23. King Edward today enlov.d the Imnroved weather at Cowes. Isle of Wight. He spent the forenoon in an inralM chair eu the onen deck. He Is still under the most strict supervision. submits good-naturedly severe realme. There Is every indication of his majesty's continued progress to- ward complete convalescence. Weather permitting, the royal yacht will probably go on a short cruise tomorrow. I Truth says that Emperor William s visit to King Edward will be brief and strictly private, the German emperor sailing from Kiel on the imperial yacht Hohen.ollern August 3 and remaining at Cowea through the regatta week, when the schooner yacht 'Jor III will compete for the king's cup. " 1 SENTENCE BERLIN , Men Who Were Fossa uaiiiy Fraadaleaao la Baakraptcy tie to Pea. . BERLIN, July 23. The following sen k.. nVonnunraii aa a result of the cnargei of frsdulenee In bankruptcy brought on the members of the Letpselger t,anv which failed a year ago: Kxner, manager of the Institution, five rear, penal servitude and five years de- Irrigation of civil rights: Dr. Oentsch, a thru veara imnrlaonment: Bodel president of the board of overseers, to pay The pat ent's diet menu is signed dally pelllng a large body of police and mounted th "J"1"1"' ror 9 by one or the other of the royal physician, municipal guard, to form a cordon in the rk of North Dakota a representative. In " " " ... . , w. v, atreeta loatiinv to tha congress, denounce the attacks made upon - " ..... '.,. A few trifling miii.iati. ocnirred rtw.n fe administration ty anM-lmperlallsts. a fine of 16,000 markc; Scbroeder. Mayer ana l" ",l"v" u,uu w.iw m.irlwri of the board, each tolstrators. n.. . An. of IS 000 marks: Flebleger. S.000 marks fine, and Forester and Wllkena 6,000 marks tine each. The defendants are com pelled also to pay the eost of the prose entlon. p.HflATE GIVES BRIDE AWAY Rotable Weddlaar Oeesri at a Fash loaable Chnrch la LONDON, July ii- mere was a lasnion -h.r,ng.t S, peorgechurch thl, iNnrnoon to witness luc xnarriaKv ui wjur "" """" - ; ' v. ,, .1 . I Charles Hall OI me uxioruanire iirui iu- fantry to Mrs. C. Albert Stevens, widow of C. Albert fctevens of New York. Joseph H. Choate, the United States ambassador. gave away the bride Mrs. Charles Albert Stevens was Miss May Brady, daughter of the late Judge John R. Brady. 8he was married Novem ber 18. 1888. to Charles Albert elevens, the millionaire son of Edwin Stevsns of Castle Point. Hoboken. C. A. Stevens died I rrom pneumonia iu ivn, i, 1 1901. v BAYREUTH SEASON UrtNS Not tess Thaa Twenty Princely Per- OBBsjeo Attead the Brilliant ' Eveat. BAYREUTH, Bavaria, July 23. The Bay- reuth season, which began yesterday after- noon, opened brilliantly. No less than twenty princely personages attended the I initial performance. Among them were: I Prince and Princess Wllhelm of Saxe- Weimar, Duks Charles Edward of Saxe- Coburb and Gotha, the prince and princess of Eysenburg, Prince and Princess Albert of Thurn and Taxis and Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria. Among the Americans pres ent were: Mrs. Robins, Colonel Charlea Jones, Francis Barlow and Frank Hazen, all of New York; Mr. and Mrs. Welsh of Boston and William Tiers of Philadelphia. JQ DISCUSS SUGAR QUESTION Nearotlatloaa Regarding Anti-Trust Proposals Are Beta Coa tlaaed. VIENNA, JUiy . It IS Statea mat toe diplomatic negotlat'ona between the stgna- I torles to the Brussels augar convention re- i gsraing trts Russian ami-trust proposal are I being continued. According to the Frem- J denblatt, Germany and soma other powers I the sugar question, but are averse to in- I terferlng with the general question of trusts, It being pointed out that Russia naa maae no attempt to miiu at uoms, i ,Dould be killed. The Marquis de Mores, I eacn- Bn alleges that tne plan or reor where are the great petroleum and Iron I though severely wounded, held the Arabs I eanizatlon Is not a lawful exercise of the trusts. I . bav for aeveral houra with 1.1a r.iv powers conferred on the committee havitg ONLY NATIVES TO RETURN Those Not af African Birth Caaaot Go Back to tha Traaa vsal. LONDON, k July zs. uenying a rumor tnat ur. Arua, wuw .mm ma curupeaa sgent of ths Transvaal, waa returning to South Africa. Mr. - Chamberlain, the I colonial secretary, made the important aa- nounccment today that all those not of African birth who had fought against the British could hot be allowed to return to South Africa. JYVO HUNDRED ARE DROWNED Natlvo Steamer Capslses ia River aad Maay People Perlah. west HONO KONG. July 33. A native steamer I baa eapslsed la the West rlvsr and 200 par- I sobs aavs been drowned. CRY OF DOWN WITH THE POPE Mob Marches Down Paris Streets Chanting Anti-Clerical Bsfrains. . "1ESS SYMPATHY FOR THE SISTERS 1 tt. , ' . I - I C1K Conre(tatlonlit School. I by - " tf Prim Minister Threa la - -loos Troablo Capital. PARIS, July 2S. The agitation provoked by the order of Prime Minister Combee to close the congregatlonlsts schools recalls to om( ;stt"t 7cene. enacted when M. Ferrr then pr,dent expened the Jesuits n-monstratlons Id favor of the nuns and the teachlna- of the friars are taVlne- Dlace In Paris and many places ln the provinces D ' where the prefects presented themselves at the schools and ordered that the Insti tutions be closed. Up to the present no serious Incident has been recorded. The nationalists have joined the clericals In en gineering the agitation and their leaders are ln the forefront of the effervescence In Paris. Considerable sympathy has been worked up on behalf of the nuns andhelr schools have been made the particular objects of demonstrations. The clericals called on their sympathisers to meet outside of the scnooi conauctea oy tne sisters or bu via- cent De Paul, in the northeast quarter of rans, wnicn was closed this alternoon ana a considerable crowd gathered there, com me ciencais ana counter aemonstrators. A nationalist member of the chamber of deputies was arrested while trying to force his way through the police cordon, but was subsequently released. Mob Gathers oa Street. Antl-clerlcal meetings ln the Italian Quar ter this evening led to some trouble, but no I Student, followed by a crowd composed of the rougher element marched up and down the boulevard St. Michael until QAfJItCDCllate hour, chanting antl-clerlcal refrains I KruvuvauM " " u n llrU . u v 1 l . o bo sau va the pope," but these fled at the sight of the mounted guards and patrols. The greatest excitement In the provinces Is displayed ln the clerical stronghold of Brittany, where the peasants have gathered in front of the nun's schools and declared they will not allow the nuns to be expelled, For Instance, at Landerau a mob of farm- "u "" suira In front of the sisters' schools, awaiting the police. At La Bresse, the commissary of police, accompanied by gendarmes thrice tried to approach the congregatlonlst scnooi in order to effect It. closure, but waa obliged to abandon the attempt owing to Against these and similar Incidents, however, must be act off ths addresses ln support of the government voted by many municipal councils, Combes Feels See are. the sisters cersonallv Prime" Minister Combe, undoubtedly feels that he 1. sup- I ported by ths mass of the country and 1. not likely to recede from the position he has taken. The trouble is caused mainly by the .cUUonh h Z u w . i i congregations, sucn as tne school, now closed, to suppose that their position was legalised by the request for authorization made by headquarters. This waa even the Interpretation of the matter accepted by M. Waldeck-Rousseau, the former premier. but Prime Minister Combes takes a con trary view. The Temps takes M. Combes severely to tssk. The establishment now closed, says the Tempo, appears to have been drawn lnto B trap ana tne paper polnti out lhat there are not enough acbools to receive ail me emmreu lurnea into me streets. and that primary instruction being ob- llgatory, tne government anouia nave pro vlded accommodations In the official schools. Twenty thousand children ln Parla alone will need schools. The Temps asks what ths government Intends to do and adds: 'It follows the schools to ask for au thorlzatlon and to reopen In the autumn, It waa not worth while to take the trouble to close them with such great noise. A serious disturbance occurred at 10:80 this evening on the terrace at the Cafe de Muclse. The police cleared the cafe, Several persons were Injured and twenty e. tn.ri. mnmm AtmnA-1. meetings of Catholics avere held during the course of the evening, resulting In scuffles and the making of arrests. FOR MURDER OF DE MORES Trial at Suaa Continues ana im - portairt Evldeaoe Is Brought Oat. TUNIS, July 23. The trial at Jusa near here of the murderers of the MarcutB de Mores, who was killed near Gabee, ln June, 1896, was resumed today and several witnesses who had been cited by the gov- crnmant were heard. Thalr t..Mn,n. I ..n.rallr went to nrova that the nnni I wa( committed by Touaregs, who hate the French. I ibt depoattion of the Arab who dld a I yemr ag0 waa rea(j According to tbls neia a meeting and discussed whather they I Bhould belD the maraula repel or kill l ira I and ,t waa unanimously decldid that he mi Sn.iw lrin.rf h ........ the rear. Cross-questioning of one of the wit- nesses. .Mahomed Ben All. brought out the statement that El Khelr, one. of the men on trial for the murder, had received letters from a Marabout of Ouamar. say- lne that De Mores mlaht ha Liii.ii .hi. I innnunlty. because he waa traveling w'.ih.ltorth in the reorganisation plan out authorisation. The judge thought this statemeat sus - plclous aa ths witness had made no loca tion of the matter previously. ARRESTED IN BAD COMPANY Dr. Wilson of Ohio Compromised! with tha Revolutionists at P'araetda. MANAGUA, Nicaragua, July 23. Presi- flent Zelaya aays Dr. Russell Wilson of Ohio, who waa arreeted at Blueflclds, Is i compromised with the revolutionists. He Is still there. No news has been pub- llahed here regarding the Bluefielda fill- i buster. NAME WHITE F0R governor EITorta to Break the Slat la Korth Dakota Republican Coitm tloa Fall. I fakuu, is. u., juiy za. me en oris 01 Editor Streetor of Emmons county to tmnnn tna rnnnrr nr inn rnmm im nn - - - - rMolutloDS to lnclud a plank demand ln. thftt th. mi-atlon of trohlblt1on bu submitted to the voters, was about the only feature of today's republican state con vention. The effort, while unsuccessful, was a surprise ln its apparent popularity. The ticket arranged by the leaders went D - - - through solidly, despite efforts . made to break the slate." It Is as '-Hows: For Congress T. F. Marshall, Dickey: - r or ijOTeruoi rruiia nunc, caroei. .For Lieutenant Governor David Bartlett, Griggs. For Judge Supreme Court John M. Coch rane, Grand Forks. For Secretary of State E. F. Porter, Foster. For Auditor D. M. Holmes, Pembina. For Treasurer D. McMillan, Cavalier. For Commissioner of Insurance FerdI nand Leutz, Morton. For Attorney General C. W. Frlck, Nel son. For Superintendent of Publlo Instruc tion W. L. Stockwell, Walsh. For Commissioner of Agriculture and Labor R. J. Turner, Stark. For Railroad Commissioners C J. Lord, Cando; J. F. Shea, V.'abpeton; Andrew Schatz, Harvey. The resolutions adopted pay a tribute to the late President McKlnley, Indorse absolve the state and the republican party from the charge that either Is dominated by corporations and demand a' reform of the primary election laws. The only reference to prohibition was to favor the continued enforcement of existing laws. BRYAN IS DOWN FOR SPEECH Kebraakan to Talk at Great of New England Demo cratic Leagse, Iff BOSTON, July 23. Everything la ln read Inees for the great banquet of tne New England Democratic league, which It to be held at Nantasket beach tomorrow and at which at least four men of, national reputation are to give their views on views of political Importance. The presiding of fleer will be Mayor Patrick A. Collin ox "v- - general to London under President Cleve- lnnd. The speakers will be W. J. Bryan, Edward M. Shepard and Senator E. W. Csrmack. The visitors are expected to arrive In Boston early tomorrow. After a short rest Mr. Bryan will be at home to a few friends. but there will be no public reception. The party will leave for Nantasket at 11:20 la. m. and dinner will be served at the Rock Island house at noon. About 300 persons have secured tickets to ths dinner. After dinner the party will adjoura jlo a mam moth, tent, vbera- the- speLklng wilt take place. KUW VriVW Jnlv S William J. Prvan toppe(, n th, cUy tonlgnt n , way to Boston and was the guest of Alexander Troup for several . hours. He drove about the city with' Mr. Troup, and Yale and other points of interest was visited. A ZTZZT 1TJ " " "" " " " Bridgeport, New London, Wat ei bury were present. Meridian and HAMLIN WANTS NOMINATION Former Assistant Secretary of Treas ury Would Be Candidate for Got ernor of Massachusetts. i BOSTON, July 23. Hon. Charles Hamlin, former assistant secretary of the treasury, tnriav annnnnpad that he waa a candidate for tn democratic nomination for rov- ernor of Massachusetts. In a atatement announcing his candidacy Mr. Hamlin said If nominated I ahall take the stump ac tively throughout the commonwealth In behalf of certain reforms which I believe to be vitally necestiary to effective repre sentative government, among which are: The referendum as a popular check upon representative government. Home rule and increased legislative powers for cities and towns. froniDluns; oy law uiiurr nc&vy penHiues Interference witn tne legislature or legis lators by corporations by means of cam palgn contributions or appointments to office. Rigid municipal control of public utilities, with a view to ultimate municipal owner- Bh4p whenever necessary to make such con- I trui effective In Dublic Interest UIHHIB '' J in. .cj,c....d v, niuiiiviJnii' ties of riKhts ln or along the public high ways or streets to be subject to revocation at the will of the tcrantor. when not re vocable to be for short terms, for adequate consideration and subject to the referen dum. Concentration or executive power In the office of the governor, with seats ror the heads of departments appointed by ths i governor in tne legislature, OPPOSE THE REORGANIZATION Security Holder ia American Asphalt Company to Fight Proposed New Company. PHILADELPHIA. July 23. The first at tack against ths present plan for the re organization of the National Aaphalt com- I PtD' tai tbfl Asphalt Company of America, I whlcn concerns are in tne nanas or re I celvers, was made today, when Hanna V. I Gallasber. a security holder ln the Amer- by the court. The complainant holda I twenty-one collateral gold certlHcatea of I tn9 Asphalt Company of America for 81.000 I the reora-anlzatlon of the comDanv ln charge and the court Is asked to decree that the proposed issus or stoca in tne new company to the holders of aecurltlee I tn the National Asphalt company would be Illegal and the aame be enjoined. The bill of complaint aso asked for information; which. It Is Intimated, ia not clearly set 1 DISMANTLING OLD SMELTER Blue Vitriol Factory at Argentina Is Being Torn Dowa for New Building. KANSAS CITY. July 13. The Argentine. Kansas, smelter, which Is said to have been at one time the largest ln ths world. Is I being dismantled. The buildings of the bias vltrol plant of the auivller are soon I to be torn down. The building of the vtt- I riol plsnt, aa It Is caHed, cover over half I the area occupied by the amelter. They are I built of Iron laths, covered with cement. I These cement buildings are four ln Bum- I ber. Another building marked for deetrue- 1 tloa Is built of Uoa. nOME BUILDERS GAINING Local Building And Loan Astociatieii in United States Are Increasing. ANNUAL MEETING OF LEAGUE OPENS President Delivers Address and Sec retary Snbralta His Beport Xe braaka Makes Substan tial Gala. PCT-IN BAT, O., July 23. The tenth annual meeting of the United Btatea League of Local Building and Loan asso ciations began here today with a good at tendance. President George H. Kostmayer of New Orluna rillvrri hla annual address. Secretary H. F. Cellarlus of Cincinnati at the Blue Rocks ln the upper harbor to suhmltted his annual report. 57. having struck hard and fast, but it Th ri of Rerretarv Cellarlus con- tained the following: A slight Increase In the total member- hln with a small decrease in the aggro- aata assets. Is the showing made by the T.nrl nuildina- and Lo,n Associations of the United States during the past year, There are now In the United States 6.302 local building and loan associations, with a total membership of 1,839,693 and assets amounting to 565,S87.96. The aituatlon ln Illinois and Missouri ha. been materially Improved, although thMe states still continue to show rather heavy decreases ln assets, Illinois having declined a little over $4,000,000 and Mis- sourt about 12.000.000 during the past year. I In Ohio aeveral large building associations I reorganised as trust companies. Substan- ttal lncreasea ln assets were made last year ln New Jersey, . Massachusette and Nebraska. I The following table gives the statistic. for the different states: Assocla- Member tlnns, ship. Assets. Pennsylvania ... Ohio Illinois New Jersey ..... New York Indiana , Massachusetts California Missouri Michigan Iowa Connecticut .... ..1.168 ... 757 ... 546 .. 827 .. 2X3 .. 403 .. 128 .. 138 ... 148 .. 3 .. 63 .. 1 .. 19 ... M ... 84 ,.. 40 ,.. 20 ,.. 15 .. 16 ,.. 6 ... 82 .. 990 299.573 80,315 80.850 IOO.-iO 88.042 112,822 74.771. 40.561 27,000 81.787 18.000 13.082 17,926 12.975 8.073 9.974 4.157 2.300 4,800 2,000 20,8X5 271.000 $110,817,2 105.374.306 43.6S4.289 46.599.451 S4-.9(-,4H6 29,292, 6 28,674,207 17.881,576 9.3M.372 9.3S6.764 4.645.046 4,246.648 Nebraska Wisconsin Melne Kansas Tennessee Minnesota New Hampshire 4.314.744 3.4K2.629 2,866,280 2,807, 9n6 2.428.450 1.191.720 1.853,092 428,684 K.Ma.2"8 North Dakota . Louisiana Other states 95.100.000 The total expense of operating the as sociations was a Jlttle over 35,000,000 making an expense ratio ol less than 1 I . . per cent to assets. The receipts ror 190t Including cash on hand January 1. 1901. were $395,987,216, and the disbursements 1368.077.206, the cash on hand January i. 1902, being 327,909.920. President Kostmayer, In his address, urged the making of efforta to Increase the membership of the league ana cauea ..a .i ... .v. i . ,1 im un k t. RllffUUUU IU LUU HTIUS Ul l,OW,W VJ LUV exemptions under the war revenue act. If the legislatures of the different states, he' aald, could aee the building and. loan association ln the same light as did eon- gress, they would be , convinced, of the necessity of the exemption from all tax-1 ation, lor, in nis opinon inert waa no .. - . . , . . ... reason why the building and loan assocla- tlons should pay taxea in any way, shape or form. IKinillBIKIft INTO nKiQTPn Coroner Bealna Investigation of Ex - plosion In Cambria Mine. JnHVSTflWM Pa. June S Tnmnar K. T. Miller today began the Inquest Into the disaster In the Cambria Steel company's Rolling Mill mine ou July 10, by which 112 men lost their Uvea. When the in- quoat adjourned for the day twelve wit- nesses bad been examined without any unusual Incident having developed. So fnr as the Inquest has proceeded the following facts have been developed: , All the men workinsr ln danreroua aee- tlons were . provided with eafety lamps and Instructed !n their use. Not all the lamps were locked. On the nlaht Defore the exmoslon at least one safety lamp was opened to enable tha miners to tire a blast. No broken or defective safety lamps wsre ever found In the Klondike, The men were shown how to examine for gas and Instructed to do so. They were ordered to test for gas before firing blasts. All were warned to be especially careful where cutting through old cuttings. All dangeroua places were marked with boards or signs which ths men sometimes moved when in the way. Miners left matchea outside when roinz . . . . . . . into entries Known to contain gas. No smoking was aliowed there. Tne air or tne Klondike was good at all times and the majority of the witnesses aald thev had not dlarovariwl in of the workings. Three blasts were Hreil during the night before the explosion. The Inquest will continue In the morning. DIFFER FROM ARCHBISHOP Cathollo Clergy of Denver Do Coincide with Views of Irelaad. Not DENVER, Colo., July 23. Resolutions have been unanimously adopted by the Cathollo clergy of the Denver diocese, as sembled ln annual retreat, which take vlewa of the acbool question and the friar question ln the Philippines differing from thoss recently expressed by Archbishop Ire land. The resolutions commend tbe act establishing a department of publlo In struction ln tbe Philippines Insofar aa re ligious Instruction Is permitted at certain times, but declare that the denominational system In vogue ln England ehould have been established. They request the gov ernment to guard against attempte at proselyting by teacbera, and protest against the forcible removal of tha friars as a violation of tbe constitution. TO LAUNCH THE DES MOINES Date Is Set for September SO, bat Hiss Shaw Will Not Christen tha Cruiser.' BOSTON, July it. The crultr Des Moines, which Is bslng built at the yard of the Fore River Ship and Engine company haa progressed sufficiently for the data Its launching to be set. It has been de cided that it shall be launched at 12.30 p. m., Saturday, September 20. It was ex pected that Miss Shaw, daughter of ths sec retary of the treasury, would christen tbe cruiser, but that young woman cannot be present aad ths stats officials lave been asked to designate some pe n for the 4 honor. condition ofthe weather Forecast for Nebrarka Fair Thursday and Friday. Temperatare at Omaha Yesterdnyi Hoar. Dear. Hoar. Dear. R a. m ...... W 1 p. m 4 Oa. m...... mm s p. ni...... MA T a. m ..... . TO H p. m ..... . rtt a. m...... T3 4 p.m...... Ml O su m ..... . T5 ftp. m HT 10 a. tn...... TT p. m 11 a. m MO T p. m i 13 m tS 8 p. m KA 9 p. m MO SCORPION IS FREE AGAIN After GolnsT Aahore Near Newport the Ganboat Backs from Reef with Its Own Enalnes. NEWPORT, R- I., July 23. The United States dispatch boat Scorpion went ashore backed from the position with Its own en Blne- ljltrr t proceeded on Its way. It i believed the damage to the vestel is BIlgQt. Scorpion was coming In from the fleet off Block Island this noon and when mov lng to Its anchorage Us engines failed to reverse at the order and word came back that they were on a center. The anchor waa Immediately let go, but though considerable chain was paid out, the hook failed to find holding ground and It made .tralght for the rocks on the Mayer es- tate. where It brought up. An attempt was made to free It, by aimply reversing Ite engines, but thougn poweriui it wouia noi budge. Lieutenant Commander Bueh, who Is ln command, found that It was well aground forward, with plenty of water aft. Having failed with the Urst affort cf the enginea the boats were swung out and lowered and yet there was no movement Its magailne was opened to perml. the moving of Weights and changing Its trip. Launches weresent to It from both the training atatlon and the torpedo station and each took a turn ln landing on a jag ged rock, from which they were, worked off with more or less difficulty.' Hefore high tide tonight It succeeded In backing off the rocks with Its own engines. FIRST SITE FOR RESERVOIR Large Tract of Land In Colorado and Nebraska Set Aside for the Purpose. STJIRLINO, Colo.. July 23. (Special Tel- egram.)-Telegraphic orders were received , .-uu morning from the Interior department at Washington withdrawing 890 townships, em- bracing 900.000 acres of land located ln m.i j 11 ui , t ...l.l, I " u.iiBiuii, Hu .uu counties in ioioraao ana neyenne couutj. Neb., from public entry. This land Is lo- "u rlvcr nd extends from Snyder to Jules- DurS "to isem-aska. Je signincance or. mis move cannot do ' " "'u,u-i araoher Newell, who last Saturdav Insnected . - " this section ror a reservoir sue, nas recommended to the department at Wash- lngton that this land be set aside for . the Urst greet national reservoir under the new irrlatlon law. The preliminary survey oegm a once, n mi. aurrey uuaiiy i - I vt rw w a.nm.Tnn t n . Miiminir r the reservoir by the government will soon be begun. vn . v it I rwi.r rnrcu IHHOI Id L-UUIMliU rni-on 1 and Gets Dinner Without Difficulty, m . k ni..v Tn, . T r - f- I iaiua, rra.u., -u., '""7 tne outlaw, appearcu aimer a lugging camP- four "le from Kansaskat yester- asjr "na M dinner. Trilc noj wounded and looks fresh I uu " . t. , ' " ' DUl no ""en n iu m pocaet. n. still had his rine and two revolvers and has -"wj -mu.uu.v..uu. A special rrom prosser, wash., says two iarmera irom tne oicaieton country report m" neavuy armea ana answering Tracy's description held up the people at Macdonald s ranch on Fine creek and de- manded suppper. This was freely given nu 'u ucpuncu wimuui iyiu any Information as to who he was. I SECOND EDITION OF TRACY South Carolina Has oeaperaao who Threatens to Rival Oregoa Convict. AIKEN. S. C. July 23. Deputy Sheriff Chester Ah! was killed last night by the desperado, Johnson, alias Jeffcoat, who four months ago killed a man named Wl'.aon at I I I o. - .I T..1.. IS 1.111. ... nCTUUUU' " " " "i""7 Sheriff Flanders, who tried to arrest hira c" ' murucr oi Deputy Flanders, jeffcoat escaped into the Ogeechee river swamps. He waa next heard of ln Aiken, S. C a few daya ago. Deputy Sheriff Ahl located htm and with a posse went to arrest Him. as tne party rode up to the bouse wnere Jencoat waa stopping he opened fire and killed AhU Jeffcoat es- caped Into the woods. Sheriff Alderman with a large posse and nounas is in pursuit. SHEEP AND COW MEN AT WAR at naageourg was commended by the de Herder Killed and Seven Thoasaad partment, that be had ahown signal ability Sheep Slain Near Rock Surlags, Wyo. DENVER, Colo., July 23. A telephone message received by Mr a. Leonard Berts wick at her home here conveyed the Infor- matlon that upon her husband's sheep ranch near Rock Springs, Wyo., one of his herders bad been killed, presumably by infuriated cattle herders. The message also stated that 7,000 sheep had been slain by the same persons. Mrs. Sedgwick says that there is the most Intense Jealousy between tbe sheep and cattlemen In that district, and often hundreds of cattle or abeep are slsughtered when found roaming tpon strange ground. Movemeats of Oceaa Vessels, Jaly 88. At New York Arrived Malestle. from Liverpool aud Queenstown; Carthagenian, from Olasgow. Balll Oceanic, for Liver pool; St. Louis, for Southampton. New York. At Sctlly Passed Bt. Psul, from New York, for Southampton; Moltke, from New York, for Hamburg. At Anteerp sauea neaenana, mr x-uii- of dAjpuMn.t0wn-Arrlved-Teutonlc, from KawYurk: Commonwealth, from Boston. for Liverpool, anil proceeded. Balled far Bsstun. At Plymouth Arrived Moltke, from New York, ror ineroourg ana uumuurg, ana nroreedeil. At riouthsmpton Arrived Bt. Paul, from New York. At Liverpool Arrived Callfornlan. from Liverpool; Mongolian, from Montreal. Bulled Celtic, fur New Yoik via Queens- town. HENDERSON IS SAFE CscgTsssman Eepbnrn Has Xo rears the Spaakar Will Be Defected. WILL ALSO BE CHOSEN SPEAKER AGAIN Takei It's Etock in tbe Alleged Boom of Littlefield far ths Placs. HAS SOME IDEAS ON TRUST LEGISLATION Wsuld Tax All Watered Stock in Oorpqra tieDi Oat of Existenos. TAKES AWAY INCENTIVE TO FINANCE THEM Max Baehr, Formerly Coaaal at Sladgeborg and Now at Clen faegos. Calls at tha State Departmeat. Ttom a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, July 23. (Special Tele gramsRepresentative Hepburn of Iowa was In Washington today enroute to hla home from Oyster Bay. Speaking of the report that a combination waa being ef fected among the flour millers to defeat . David B. Henderson because of his opposi tion to what la known aa the London dock clause bill, Mr. Hepburn said: "If all the republican members were as certain of coming back as Henderson, we would neve a big majority ln the next house." "Do you think that there Is anything in the talk of Mr. Littlefield being a can didate for speaker?" "I cannot, of course, pretend to know what Mr. Ittlcfleld's ambitions ars," wts the reply, "but he seems to have an en ergetic and Industrious press agent, who is keeping him before the public. I do believe, however, that I can predict that the house will re-elect General Henderson to tne speakership. General Henderson Is DOrSOnallV verv nnniil., V. I. .1 m im. with his part. Not only In this case, out I do not remember an Instance where a speaker has been turned down by the republican party. The democrata once sub- atiti'ted Carlisle for Randall, but that was duo to a factional fight In the party over the tariff. Aa for General Henfl .run K . has naturally excited some animosities' be- cause he has not allowed everybody to do everyining mat was asked, but on the whole he has exercised his no-., .m, . tact and the least amount of v-.. must remember that h. t. . . I . . vjiwufc. i hi nas not usurped power. AH authority wnicn ne exercises has been given to him by the house, and can be taken away from mm ny the house, If the latter so dacMaa Personally I do not see why a .sneaker should want so much power, but aa the house gives It to him. 1 suppose he la not to Diame ror exercising It." I I l.R... . a..iuiion. I Discussing the go-sip about anti-trust legislation. Mr. Hepburn Is rather inclined ! to minimize tha asaart Inn ttitsf Ue T feat. fleld has been assigned, by the president' i to the work of preparing an' anti-trust blil " .... i ine preaiaent is very much 1 1 the question," said Mr. Hepburn, "but I think that it will be found that 'he la 7"U?g to .,et the PProprite comralttee of , ine nouse nave lull jurisdiction of the sub- Ject." "Will anything be done in the wav of anti-trust legislation at the next . sea. slonT" "I cannot say," was the renly. "The moat Important question la, what can begone? Jt seems to me that we are In tha rnAi,t- 0f the man OUt In tha onnntr. .h. w ..a a rifle that W0lll(, hlt m de9J ml caif. We want a law that will bit the pernicious and Injurious trusts and yet no1 narm proper and legitimate eom- blnatlons of capital. The man who can deTiae thst kind of a law will solve the problem." "Have you any suggestion?" n the amount of stock In these vast com- blnatlons which does not represent money actually paid In. For' Instance, I do not i Deueve tnat Piernont Horns ,i' k.... I Interested himself ln organizing the great I ,tee1 trust If It hail not Kuan n. ,v. POO-OOO.OOO ln stock unrepresented by cash. I If we could tax this kind of stock out of l existence Just aa we tax atate bank bills. I believe we might find a remedy. At any rate, I believe there would Dot be so treat an Incentive for forming the huge som- Mnations. "You would have everything on a solid basis?" "Yes. I would have no watered stock at all. In nearly all of these trusts th. I . I mon stoca ia an water. I would tax out of j existence all etock that does not repreaent money actually paia in.' Baehr Makes Goad Reeord. I Max J. Baehr of Nebraska, former I consul at Madgeburg. Germany, but host I promotea to cienfuegoa, Cuba, arrived la I tn city toaay. Mr. Baehr Immediately I reported to the State departmeat for the I purpose of ascertaining what the wishes of I the department were as to his assuming i ins autiss or nis new erace. Acting Sec retsry Hill received Mr. Baehr most kindly ad ,uu1 th,t nU conduct of the office ,n ,ne manner In which he had repre- serjioa ids unitea otsiea ana that De waa glad he was coming to a post nearer home. The secretary stated that there was no I urgent necessity for Mr. Baehr to go to - 1 Clenfuegos at once and that be would be I allowed sixty daya' vacation, which Is tha I period allowed all consuls to visit their I homes. Mr. Csrr, chief of the consular I bureau, stated to Mr. Baehr that be would I be allowed a fixed sum to furnish the com- I sular offices at Clenfuegos and be gives ths I privilege of selecting the furniture, etc.. I before proceeding to his post Colons! Michael, also a Nebraskan and chief clerk of the State department, received Mr. Baehr with great courtesy and stated that the record Max Baebr had made waa a tribute to Nebraska and to his nationality. Mr, Baehr arrived ln America last Fri day and after attending to bla private bus iness ln New York came on to Washington to report to his superiors for duty. It Is Mr. Baehr's Intention to leave toward the close of the week for the purpose of visit ing his family, who are In St. Paul, Neb. He will go to his new post about October L Max Adler of Nebraska, It la understood, baa resigned his position of vice consul at Kell, Germany, to take effect upon the arrival of the consul who has just besn ap pointed to that conaulats, Joseph J. Brit tain of Ohio, wbo waa formerly cousui at Nantea, France. It Is a singular fact that two consuls hsva died within one year at Kali. York Gets Frea Delivery. Iowa poetmasters appointed: N. - (X