THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 1002. . this was not a moot court. Abstract "questions of Isw cannot be mad the sub ject of litigation. Thre muat be real parties, and they are res In depute that will become rea Judicata when the litiga tion la ended. Matter In Moorea Case. an tha Moorea case the thing In dis pute waa the offlce Itself, and It was de termined that the Intertenora were en titled to the office for the terra of their appointment, and respondents were ouated. This la re Judicata, and in Kennedy agalnat Moorea some of the respondents were still holding the terms adjudicated In the former case, and the doctrine of res Judicata was applied. Tn the determination of a case legal principles are Invoked and the con elusion of the court thereon 'announced. Whether auch ronctualcn shall be followed Mthout further investigation In subsequent litigation frequently depends upon the principles of atare decisis. When such 'conclusion becomes a rule of property It 1s adhered to until changed by statute but when no rule of property Is estab lished It Is the duty of the court to re examine and overrule Ha former decision when shown lo be fundamentally wron. Jrhe thing determined by the litigation becomes res Judicata and cannot be after ward questioned between the parties, al though the rale of law by which the de cision waa controlled Is afterward found to kae been Incorrectly applied, and such application is no longer binding upon the courts. The former Is res Judicata and the latter Is to be measured' by the prin ciples of stare decisis. 1 "It being conceded that no legal ap pointments hare been made, and that there ,are no legal Incumbenta of the office, and that the law requires the governor ,to make the appointments. It Is manifest that he la not prevented from so doing by any erroneous determination of certain partlea to prior and different term. Doty of the Governor. "We conclude, therefore, that It Is now the duty of the respondents to appoint a Board of Fire and Police Commissioners for the city of Omaha under the statute In question. The majority of the court la Satisfied with the decision In Redell agalnat frfoores, aupra, but as It Is not questioned In this proceeding, the writer has made no Investigation of the queatlona therein discussed. In the former opinion In this case It waa said, 'whether the peremp tory writ should actually issue In a case of this kind la a question of great delicacy and one which we do not here decide.' There has been no further discussion of that question by counsel and we do not feel called upon now to determine or further consider It. It la not to be supposed that the peremptory writ will be necesaary. The Judgment entered In thla case la modified In accordance with thla opinion." Judge Holcomb appends thlB: "I am not prepared to express an opinion different from the one heretofore concurred in by me." Governor SaTaa-e Notified. Private Secretary Clancy has notified Governor Savage, who is now In Salt Lake City of the decision of the supreme court In the Omaha. Fire and Police Commission case, and It Is expected that he will hasten back to Lincoln. Mr. Clancy declined to aay what course the governor would pursue, but Intimated that he would make the ap pointments soon after hta arrival. Governor Savage has already determined upon the anen for the board and If he aees his way clear In the face of thla decision to make the appointments he- will probably loss no time In giving them to the public. . The-supreme court adjourned alne die at S o'clock thla afternoon, delivering the last et of decision until the September term. Those in cases of interest to the state at large or la Omaha are: State against Bank of Ogalalla, former Judgment modified; Dale agalnat Council Bluffs Savings Bank, reversed; First National Bank of David City .galnat Sargent, affirmed; Blllera against Yelser, affirmed; Omaha Savinga Bank kgalnat Boonstra, reversed. Mayor Moorea is tn the west with Gov ernor Savage and City Attorney Connell la in the east. Assistant City. Attorney Adama laat night said be la not familiar with the case and docllned to express any opinion aa to what action will be taken. DOCKERY WINS HIS FIGHT Missouri Democrats Endorse Present Administration and Ring Role In General. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. July 22. The state democratic convention of Missouri met here at it o'clock noon today and at 12 o'clock midnight concluded Its work and adjourned aine die. John A. Knott was nominated on the first ballot for the' long term as railroad and warehouse commissioner at the night ses sion. , Joseph P. Price of Moberly, ono of the present members of the board, waa choaon for the short term on the second ballot. .Joseph P. Carrlngton of Springfield, the present superintendent of public instruc tion, waa renominated. Hon. William A. Rothwell of Moberly waa chosen chairman of ths state committee The resolutions adopted declare allegiance to the prlnclplea of the Kansas City plat form, especial atress being laid on the free silver 16 to 1 plank. The government's Philippine policy is de nounced. Drastic, legislation ia proposed prohibit ing the existenoo of all truata a ad com blnatlona that have a tendency to destroy competition. The administration of Gov ernor Alexander M. Docker is eiwvreed, "The Juat and Impartial election laws of the state." la praised. Government by injunction Is opposed, Child labor in factories Is denounced The record of the republican party in St, Louis In connection with the recent brib ery scandals Is dilated upon and condemned. Municipal ownership is favored. Franch ises should be granted only by vote of the people; favor direct legislation v. her ever practicable. Profealonal lobbying in Mlsourl Is de clared to be a menace to the state and nation and a ceaseless war should be waged on all lobbyists. United States Senator F. M. Cockrell was deolded upon tonight for chairman of thu state committee. The senator, who Is in Washington, was annrlsed by wire of ths wishes of the democratic leaders, but re piled to Governor Dockery that he would not accept. The message waa not accepted as anal and the senator was promptly not I fled that ths convention urged hla to re consider his decision. Hon. William Joel Stone, who will bo the democratlo nominee to succeed Senator - George Graham Veat. addressed the conven tlon at 11:10 o'clock. He presented a tela gram from Senator Cockrell, asking for the election of W. A. Rothwell of Moberly as chairman of the state eommltee. The convention, acting on the suggestion, of ex-Governor Stone, unanimously noml sated Mr. Rothwell. StScadacho Biliousness, sour stomach, constipa tion and. all liver ilia are cured by flood's PHIo The iioo-trrltatlng cathartic. Prloe go cents of all druggieta or by mail ot CL Uuoa Co, Utmtu. Mass, ABSORB HAMMOND COMPANIES According to Substantiated Report Annsur & Com pan the Purchaser. AXES IN THE SOUTH OMAHA PLANT Deal la Bnld to His Is Into Mil lions ana All Honsee of Both Companies Are Taken Over. CHICAGO, July 22. According to a re port current today that seemed to be well substantiated. Armour 4k company have ab sorbed the Hammond Packing company, and the O. H. Hammond company. The O. H. Hammond company has $3,- 600.000 of stock and $1,(50,000 of bonds; the Hammond Packing company has $1,600,000 apltal stock. The plants of the O. H. Hammond company are at Hammond, Ind., South Omaha and Chicago and the Ham mond Packing company's establishment is t St. Joseph, Mo. BEGIN A FIGHT ON WILCOX Split In Homo Rale Parly May Defeat Hawaiian Delegate for Re-Electlon. HONOLULU, July 15, via San Francisco, uly 22. (Correspondence of ths 'Assocl- fed- Press.) The territorial convention of the home rule party her ended in a split between the two factions, and Prince Cu pid, with about forty other' delegates. boltod from the convention to form a new party in opposition to Delegate to Con grete Robert W. Wiloox. Delegate Wilcox and Kalluokalanl have both stated that they can do without the element represented by the prince and that Wilcox will . be elected to congress gain, but It lo generally thought that the dlvlnlon in the home rule party Is a seri ous one, and republican papers predict that it will end In the defeat ot Wilcox In the coming election'. After the bolt of the dissatisfied ones thi regular convention nominated Wilcox for delegate to congresa and adjourned. The bolters organised a new party, whl :h they call the nonpartisan party. Tbey chese Prince Cupid president and talked of naming him for congreas and of com bining with the democrats, who also heM meeting last night. The- schooner Julia E. Whalen left on July 11 for Marcus Island to Investigate he value of the guano deposits there in the Interests ot the Honolulu owners, who will worV the deposits if a favorable re port la received. Late reports from those who have called there Indicate that tho Japanese on the Island are Inclined to re- 1st the landing ot white nen, and It la feared - that those- on the schooner will have trouble with them. The Commercial Pacific Cable company has paid 15,000 for a alte for the landing of Its cable from San Francisco on the beach at Walklkl. Work of Improving the Ite has already begun and the neceasary building will be erected at once. Deeds of .transfer have passed between the government and the property owners In all ot the cases begun In condemnation f lands for tho Pearl harbor naval sta tion except that of the Honolulu Planta tion company, which is opposed to tho use. Ex-Queen Lilluokalani arrived hero last night on the Steamship China after a long tay In Washington. She waa met at the wharf by many natives and others, many of the old-Jlme regime gathering to pay tribute. DEEDS FILED FOR RECORD Easy Waj Arrana-ed bjr Maskay for Disposal of Iortlon of His Vaat Estate. SAN FRANCISCO, July 22. James L. Flood and Attorney Mclnerney have filed for record deeds signed by the late John W. Mackay for all the real eatate which the latter owned in this city at the time of his death. They are drawn in favor of his wife, Marie Louise H. Mackay, and his aon, Clarence H. Mackay, who will ahare alike In all respects, and la the three parcels of real estate transferred the conditions in the two,, are love and affection and in the third a nominal sum is named. Two were Crawn in New Tork City on December 21, 1900, before George H. Corey, commissioner ot deeds for California. They give to Mrs. Mackay and her only aon the Grand Opera house in this city and the valuable property at the southwest corner of Fourth and Market street. One waa drawn in Ban Franclaco before Notary Public Hollandsmlth on March 20, 1902, during Mr. Mackay'a last visit here. and . it disposes of an undivided half In terest in tho Nevada block at Montgomery and Pine streets. . Mackay'a purpose In .atgntng the deeds and entrusting them to Flood, his old-time friend, la thought to be becauae ho wanted to make eaaler and less expensive to the heirs the administration of his estate. ' BOXERS REFUSE TO PAY TAX t'prlelnar Resalta from Attempt of Chi. aeit Government to Make Collections. BOSTON, July 22. Aa a result of the at tempt of the government to collect a tax in connection with the Boxer trouble, ac cording to a dispatch to the Missionary Herald from Rev. F. M. Chapin ot the American board. North China mission, an uprising haa taken place to the west of Lin Chin. Rv. Mr. Chapin says that thou aanda of troops have been aent to suppress the uprising, but at last accounts they had not succeeded. Referring to the affair, Mr, Chapin says: r.ear ua, in the Haia Chin country, we have one village where Christian families cannot return to their homes, the Boxers still carrying their arm and refusing to allow said Christians to sell their land. as they would gladly do. To the southwest oi cnin is quite a district where the traveler may reel certain he is to be robbed whether he has much Or little. In that region kldna;,mg of the very old and juuiii; a regular Dusiness. The convulsion two years ago, by relax mg an respect for law ana order, making it posaiDie lor men to suddenly grow rich without labor and to obtain money by rob. bery without fear of punishment, has dis integrated society. FOR ANOTHER NEWRAILROAD Articles of Incorporation of Colorado 4t I'tah Coastrnetlon Com. pany Filed. DENVER, July 22. The Colorado A Utah Construction company today filed iapre ot Incorporation with th secretary of state. It Is th construction company of th Dea ver. Northwestern ft Paclflo. Th c Hirers are: President, Sylvester T. 8mttb; vice pres ident and general manager. A. C. Ridgisway; secretary and treasurer, Frederick O. Mof fatt; board ot directors, 3ylvestr T. Sitlth. A. C. Rldgeway, Charles K. Durbla, Fred- erlck O. Moffatt and Will Urn C. Thomas. The capital stock of the company Is 12.009, 000. It Is organised to build railroad I'nee and telegraph lines in the states of Colo rado and Utah. The artlclea of Incorporation stats that the road will pass through the states ot Colorado, Utah, Nevada and California. Won't Contest Ronldev Roate. DENVER. July 22. David H. Moffatt aald today that there was no foundation for the report ot a probable contest between the Denver, Northwestern Pacific and Bur lington railroads over the right-of-way through South Boulder canyon. He added that he had received- a letter from C. E. Perkins, chairman of the Burlington board ot directors,' giving the new company that Is to build from Denver to Bait Lake full rights to the old survey and right-of-way ot the. Denver, Utah ft Paclflo line that were acquired by the Burlington. DEATH RECORD. Cardinal Ledochowskl. ROME. Juiy 22. Cardinal Ledochowskl. prefect of the congregation of the propa ganda ot the Roman church, died this morning after a long Illness. Cardinal Ledochowskl was born at Oork, October 29. 1822, and was the descendant of an illustrious Polish family. The pope, on learning of Cardinal Ledochowskl's death, was greatly distressed and exclaimed: "A valiant fighter for the church and religion has gone. His memory be blessed." The pontiff then knelt and prayed for the re pose of the cardinal's aoul. With Cardinal Ledochowskl' death Cardinals . San Ste fano and Parocchl are the only surviving cardinals crVated by Pope Plus IX. Cardinal Ledowschl waa out driving as usual yesterday evening. When his valat entered his room at 9 o'clock this morning the cardinal had a sudden paralytic stroke and succumbed. It is thought Cardinal Vln cenzo Vannultelli, bishop of Palestlna and archpriest ot the Liberrian Basilica, win be appointed prefect of the congregation propa ganda In succession to Cardinal Ledowschl. Bon of C. 9. Adeo. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Ades, living at Twenty-sixth and Parker streets, received telegram Tuesday morning that their 11-year-old aon, who has been visiting with his grandparents at Oordon, Nab., since the close of the Omaha schools, was dangerously 111. Mr. Ades was Just ready to go to the depot to take the afternoon train when he received another telegram stating the boy was dving and that bo could not reach there in time. .Within an hour afterward another telegram announced his death. The body will be brought to Omaha and the funeral services will be hold Thursday. The telegram received in tho moralng was the first knowledge Mr. and Mrs. Ades had that their aon, was sick. Tbomas Deyarmoa. HELENA, Mont., July 22. Thomas De- yarmon la dead at Horton, Kan., where he had gone for the benefit of his health. He waa the founder of the Virginia City Madl sonlan one of the oldest papers in tho stats. Learning the printing trade at In dependence, , Mo., he took part In the bor der troubles preceding the civil war and went to Utah with General Albert Sydney Johnston to suppress the Mormon uprising. He was one of the first stampeders to Colorado, at the time of tbo Pikes Peak excitement, and came to Montana In 186J. He was elected to several offices, but about a year ago waa atricken with paralysis and went oast for treatment. Mrs. Gertrude Km s. Mrs. Gertrude Krus, age 60 years, while sitting on the porch at hoc. home at Second and Bancroft atreets at 10 o'clock Monday night, was taken auddenly ill and died at t o'clock yesterday morning. She waa the wife of Joseph Krus and besides her husband leaves three daughters of her Immediate family. The funeral, will occur at 8:80 o'clock Thursday mornlig from the Immac ulate Conception church. Deceased had been a resident of Omaha for a number of years. Her death waa du to heart failure. "Red Bird" Harris. MUSKOGEE, I. T., July 22. R. B. Har ris, known throughout the terrtlory as Red Bird" Harris, ono of the most prominent men ot the Cherokee nation, is dead at his horns near here. He was a lawyer, practicing in the United States courts, and was a brother of Chief Harris of the Cherokee nation. Henry Jansen, Beatrlee. BEATRICE, Neb., July 22. (Special.) Henry Jansen, a prominent resident of this section, died at his home near this city, aged 70 years. He leaves four daugh ters and three sons, his wife having died several years ago. General Allen T. Wlkoff. COLUMBUS, O., July 12. General Allen T. Wtkoff, atate canal commissioner, died today, aged 77 yeara. He had held many political offices. At one time he was secretary of state and later adjutant gen eral. Martin Webber, TyndalL TTNDALL. S. D., July 28. (Speclal.)- Marttn Webber, who Juat underwent a sur gical operation. Is dead. He was an old set tier, coming here ia the '70s. The de ceased leaves a wife and three children. FIRE RECORD. Clrl Starts Destructive Bias. 8IOUX FALLS, 8. D., July 22. (Speolal ) Thomas Hanaon, a farmer living east of Colton, this (Minnehaha) county, loat a new barn, together with all Ita contents, by fire, which la supposed to have been atarted by a little girl playing with matches. Ths loss was considerable. Among the property burned was a valuable bora and between forty and fifty tons ot hay. THE HUNGER OF CHILDREN. All mothers are familiar with that ever present hunger of the growing boy or girl. It Is different from aay other hunger. It Is a craving, guawlng demand that cannot wait until the bib can bs fastened on. Thla Impatient, extreme hunger is ths demand of ths little system for nourish ment to sustain its rapid growth. The thoughtless mother supplies this demand with th firat thing at hand that will sat lsfy th child, that will appease the hun ger. The careful and thoughtful mother auppliea the hungry child with such food as will give th nourishment that th little growing tram needs. Ia the first plac th child eats cake ot cookie or fruit or candy. In th other case the child Is given Malta-Vita. Malta-Vita is not la the ordinary sense an infant food. Ii is good for old and young alike, whenever and wherever palatable, nourishing food is needed. Chil dren Ilk It aad it la good tor them. If th llttl folk at lea ot fried-cake and cookie and mor of Malta-Vita they, th llttl on, would have fewer sick spalls and th parent would ha fewer doctor's bills to pay. Malta-Vita is a wheat product thor oughly Impregnated with' the diastase ot malt. It is cooked and eeml-dlgested. It is aold by grocer at Is for a very laxg package, aad is aa Ideal food for old aad young, sick or well. RAIN POORLY DISTRIBUTED To Much Moisture in ths Korth and Too Little ia tin Booth. CORN CROP IN NEBRASKA ALL RIGHT Dr Weather la the Santa, Ansonnf InaT to a Prolonged1 Drontfc In ome Sections, Injnres Cotton Crop. WASHINGTON, July 22. The weather bu reau's weekly summary ot crop conditions Is as follows: The lower Missouri and uprer Missis sippi valleys and lake region have contin ued to suffer from excessive ralna, which have also interrupted farm work in the Ohio valley and in portions ot the middle At lantic states and New England. Much In Jury to crops and other property has rs sulted from overflows In Iowa and portions of Illinois, Missouri and Michigan. Drouth haa been largely relieved In tb south: ra states, but extensive areas in that section are still much la need of rain, es pecially In the northern oortlons, extending from Oklahoma eastward to the Carolines. The temperature conditions a a whole have been favorable, although rather low In the northern Rocky mountain districts. The north Paclflo coast states sustained con siderable damage from high winds, and the Dakotas and Minnesota from hailstorms In scattered localities ' - Corn Makes flood Progress. The corn crop has made splendid progress in tbo states ot the eentral valleys, except In Iowa and limited portions Of Missouri ard Illinois, ths condition In Iowa being fairly good In well tilled uplands, but great damage has resulted from floods In ths southern portions of that stats and northern Illinois. Highly favorable reports are re ceived from Nebraska. Kansas and the greater part ot Missouri and Illinois, and a decided Improvement in the condition ot the crop in the Ohio valley. Rains have interfered with harvesting of winter wheat where unfinished In the north ern districts, and have also been unfavor able for threshing in the central valleys while considerable wheat in the lower Mis souri valley has been damaged. Harvesting continues In California and has begun in Oregon, where wheat is filling nicely. The crop In both Oregon and Washington haa however, sustained considerable damagi from recent high winds. 1 Spring wheat has advanced favorably in the principal spring wheat states, but ban sustained injury la scattered localities from hair storms. Oats harvest is finished ' In southern states and is In - progress In ths eentral valleys, and while lodging Is extensively reported from the Ohio, upper Mississippi and Missouri valleys and lake regions, ths general condition of the crop continues satisfactory. ' Cotton 8 a Iters from Droath. Although generally Improved in condi tion, cotton continues .- to suffer frota drouth, in portion, of the Oarollnaj. over th north eentral portions of the cottcu belt and in extreme northwestern . and southwestern Texas.,. In much the greater part of the laat mentioned atate the crop is normally developed . and .. is heavily fruited, with ample moisture for presett needs. A material ,, Improvement is noted in portions, of bouisiana, ayssisaippl and Alabama and the, crop continues In gener ally promising condition in Georgia. - Over much the greaterpart of central and east ern districts tba plant continue small, and blooming to top III extensively reported Apple prospects are' Somewhat Improved in Missouri and promise well tn portions ef Oklahoma, Krnsas, Nebraska and Michigan. The outlook in New Tork Is less promising, but continues favorable . In Naw England. Generally throughout the Ohio valley and middle Atlantic states the indications ale tor a verr poor crop. Haying baa been Interrupted and much hay spoiled by rains in .ths lower Missouri and upper Mississippi valleys and portions ot th lake region. GIFTS ARE TO BE ACCEPTED Delicate Question Involved In Offer Ins of Pope to Taft Party. WASHINGTON, July 22. Governor Taft has acquainted Secretary Root with th fact reported in the news dispatches from Rome that the pope had tendered several pretty and appropriate gifts to himself and the members ot bis party and be. ha asked whether they, can lawfully be accepted. It waa at once recognized that the que t'on thus presented Involved some very delicate and Interesting points, principal among them being a possible decision, ex pressly to be avoided at. this stage in th opinion ot the officials, as to th temporal powers of th pope. It these wsr decora lion or gifts of large value, then under the constitutional Inhibitions they might not be received without authority of congrea if the pop is regarded a having temporal powers as being a prlnc. a potentate or a sovereign. Secretary Root, however, avoided an un pleasant decision of. this question by In forming Oovernor Taft that if these gifts are not of considerable lntrlnalo value and personal In nature tbey may be accepted as mere souvenirs. In which case the person ality of the giver need not be a matter of official Inquiry. On the other band. It th gift are of exceptional value, which I not believed to be the case from the newspaper reports, then they may be deposited In the Smithsonian Institute in this city. WARD IN PLACE OF SMITH Will Mold Place Only Day or , When Colonel Sanarer Wilt Be Promoted. WASHINGTON, July II Colonel Thomas Wsrd, chief of staff to General Miles, today was appointed a brigadier general in th regular army, vie Jacob Smith, retired. General Ward himself will retire In th course of a day or two, when Colonel Joseph P. Sanger, Inspector general's de partment, now in the Philippine, will be come brigadier general. General Frederick D. Grant, at present in th Philippine, has been tendered com mand of the Department of Texas and It is thought her he will accept It. Thla la th department to which General Smith originally was assigned. FIND MAJOR GLENN GUILTY . i Coart Determines that Oaleev Admin istered 'Water Cnra or Per mitted It tn Be Don. WASHINGTON. July 12. Secretary Root today aent to th president at Oyster Bay ths proceeding and findings In th court martial case of Major Edwin Glenn, Fifth infantry; Lieutenant . Julian K. Jaugot, Eighteenth cavalry, and Lieutenant Normaa B. Cook of th Philippine scouts. . Olenn was fouad guilty ot administering the water car .to native, or permitting it to be don, and was sentenced to on month's suapenaioa from duty and fined ISO. Lieutenant Cook waa acquitted on a charge of giving orderg to kill thre Filipino prU oners. The testimony showed that n Dad glvea orders to shoot the prisoners If they attempted to escape. The Filipino acouta to whom this order was given thought It meant to shoot the prisoners. Ia forwarding the case to the president. the secretary recommends the sentences and findings be approved, but no other ac tion be taken. It la believed the president, who la reviewing officer la these cases, will not make comments aa in the case of Gen eral Smith. It is shown In the evidence and reports that Major Glenn has performed excellent service and has done much to pacify the country where he has been In command. SHAW FAVORS CIVIL SERVICE Secretary of Treaanry Give Oat Statement Relative to Certain Newspaper Reports. 1 WASHINGTON, July 22. Tho .following statement was made public at the office ot tfc secretary ot the treasury today: Numerous Incmtrlee have been received at the Treasury department relative to the truth or falsity of the alleged assertion of Secretary Shaw that he waa In favor of a five-year limit for service in the Treas ury department. The original newsnntier article and those that followed It stating that the secretary believed a departmental employe Inst his usefulness after live years In the aov- smment work were so ridiculously Im probable that they were never dignified by a denial. . That a great mxny people have taken these articles seriously (ins been demonstrated by the number of In- ?ulrles, not only from Washington, but rom all over the country. to avoid any other misconception of the facta In the case It may be announced on absolute authority that no such remark or expression was ever made by Secretary Shaw and that the articles purporting to represent hie views as a headsman were made out. or wnoie ciotn. On the contrary It may be stated with equal authority that Secretary Shaw la heartily In accord with civil service in every respect. As an illustration of his attitude on matters of personnel, may be cited his signing yesterday a set of reg ulations paying laborer ani other unskilled persona under the control Of the civil service commission, removing thereby the last bt of patronage at the disposal of tne secretary oi ins treasury. KEEFE CAN ORDER STRIKE 'Loan-shoremen and Other Empower Him to Act Relative to Tlenp of Marino Industries. CHICAGO, July 22. In th bands of one man now rests the decision whether a tleup of the marine Industries of the great lakes shall be decreed. This man Is President D. 3. Keefe of the International 'Longshore men, Marlnemen and Transport Workers' association. Today as the result of a strike of tugmen which has been lo progress since April the executive body of his association empowered him to decide whether the 60, 000 members engaged 1n loading, unloading and operating vessels on the lakes shall cease work to help the tugmen In their strike against the tug trust. If the decision be for a fight work will be suspended on all the Iron ore, coal and lumber docks along the chain of lakes. The fact that the Licensed Tugmen's as sociation was admitted to membership In the 'Lonahoremen's association while it al ready had a strike bo its hands Is taken U taken to - Indicate that it officers expect help. The tugmen have for some time en deavored to get the dock workers mixed up In their strike. With the whole matter in his hands for settlement it is likely that Mr. Keefe will visit Cleveland Within a week for a con ference . with: -officials of the Great Lakes Tow!ngicom'pany.v Upon the result ot this meeting will largely depend the future of the strike against the company. Should a sympathetic Strike be ordered at' this tint th result would be most dis astrous to lak commerce. KNOWS WHERE BONDS ARE Attorney Charged with Theft Creates Sensation After Famishing; Necessary Surety. OREENSBURO, Pa., July 22. The re markable statement of Attorney William 8. Byers, now under arrest and charged with the theft of nearly 250,000 worth ot bonds and money from old Jacob Byers, a grand uncle, that he knew where the bonds and money were located and that they would b releaaed were th aged relative to prove conclusively that he had a legal right t their possession has created a new sensa tion and amazed the attorneya for the prosecution, who were of the idea that the attorney would simply make a sweeping denial that he knew anything of the prop erty. Mr. Byers will not speak of his plans, further than to say that h knows of the whereabout of th bonds and money and that tbey are in safe bands. Th ball bond of $260,000 was furnished today by By era, who spent last night In th cuatody of a constable. Seven of the wealthiest men ot ths county are his surety. Byers waived a hearing and it la probable that the case will com up In th court next month. SANTOS'DUMONT IN NEW YORK Famons Brasiltaa Sehodnled to Make evernl Airship Ascensions la that Vicinity. ' NEW TORK, July 22. George Von L. Meyer, United States ambassador to Italy, and Alberto Santoa-Dumont, the Brazilian aeronaut, were among the passengers on the steamship Kron Prinx Wllhelm, which arrived today from Bremen. Eantos-Dumont. who Is scheduled to make a series ot air ship ascensions near New York, said he waa very glad to hear there would be several competitors for the prizes offered at the St. Louis exposition, as It would stimulate interest In the building ot air ships. GARMENT MAKERS STRIKE Abeat Forty Thouann Men la New York Involved In Move ment. NEW TORK, July 25. The press commit tee of th striking garment makers said to day that all of the men employed In Its branch of the trade are now on strike. It was also stated that about eighteen employers bad agreed to the demanda of the strikers. Th total number ot men on DEMONSTRATION IN THE BOSTON STO First Floor, near Basement. Housekeepers invited. Rt.Rafill nrfli Puddings, Breakfast Food, Escalloped 3 fja IT a V I H Dishes, Fritters, Croquettes, Cutlets, La 111 II XJ Dressings, Soups, Salmon Loaf, Veal Loaf, Fish fried in Fer-fo, and many otbeti dishes are all delicious and are all made from the same package of Per-fo. Your grocer sells Per-fo, 15c. Recipes furnished. I FOREIGNERS ARE NOT SAFE Comular Corp Notified that Cap Hajtitn ii U Be Attacked. FIGHT TO BE ON BOTH LAND AND SEA Three warships on the Venesaelan Coast to Protect American In terests There In Case of Settle. CAPH HAYT1EN, Haytl, -uly 2!. Th local authorities her have notified the con sular corps that Cape Haytien Is to be at tacked by land and sea and that they can not guarantee' the safety of foreigners. Th consuls have requested that the French cruiser d'Assas, now at Port au Prince, be sent bore, but the French min ister there has replied that the situation at Port au Prince does not permit the send ing of the cruiser to Cap Haytien. WASHINGTON,! July 23. Secretary Mo6dy, In a cablegram today to Commander McCfea of the gUnbbat Macblas, now at Colon, directed him to proceed with that vessel to Cape Haytien tn response to the request of the United States consul there. Orders also were sent to the gunboat Mari etta directing it to proced to Colon to take the place of Machlas as soon as it has' fin ished its present' work on the Venesue'.an coast. Make I Work for Xavy. Vnusual Insurgent activity in the West Indies and on' the shores of the Caribbean sea' are taxing th resources of the Navy department In the tnatter of ships to look after American interests. A cablegram received at the . State department today from Minister Rowen at Caracas states that Marietta Js , proceeding to ascertain tho facts connected with the alleged blockade by. the Venezuelan government at Its own port of Carupano. An attack upon Puerto Cabello, which lies about seventy miles west of the capital, is expected by the government, ind th president may go there from Barcelona In stead of to Caracas, aa originally Intended. The three t'nlted .States war ships on the Venezuelan coast are kept moving with colerlty to put In appearance at the porta where disturbances are threatened. A indicated by. Mr. Bowen's cablegram ( to the State department. Marietta Is to go to Carupano to Investigate the blockading of that port by the Venezuelan government Aa soon as It has finished this mission it will proceed to the Isthmus of Panama and keep watch. Thla shifting ot the war ships in the Carribean partly accom plishes a plan the Navy department for some time has had In mind. Thla Is the relief of the gunboat Machlas, which has been at Colon for several months. The officers and crew are worn out from the continuous tropical service. The orders of today will bring Machlas northward to Cape Haytien, and when affaire there quiet down It is probable that It will continue on to New. York. Two Ships In Venesneln. The departure of Marietta will reduc4 our representation In Venezuean watera to Cincinnati and . Tcpeka. Machlas . has a detachment of marines on board, and these, together with . f be sailors themselves, stand ready to make up a landing party th case Jt Is reeded, at Cape Haytien. Cape Haytien is about 1,000 miles from Colon and Machlas , will hardly, arrive there until Monday. ' . ,'. ,. ,',; Mr. PuIIdo, charge d'affa'lrs of Venezuela, called at the State department today and had a short talk with Dr. Hill regarding the situation In' Venezuela', making the sec retary of 'state' acquainted with the con ditions in Venezuela. Senor Pulldo received a communication from Senor Lopes Barlalt. who Is acting secretary of state for Venezuela while Secretary Ferrer is with President Castro in the field, saying that report that th entire western part of the country was In control of the revolutionary forcea waa un true. ' Senor ' Barlalt " expressed confidence that' the large army could keep down the revolutionary outbreaks tn other parts of the country, and that President Castro wll soon accomplish the restoration of peace. WILLEMSTAD, Island of Curacao, July 22. The United Statea gunboat Marlotte sailed from Lagutara last night, having been 'sent with Minister Bowen to Vene zuela and W. W. Owen, secretary of legation, on board to Investigate the situ ation In the Orinoco district, which Is re ported critical for American Interests, as no communication has been had with Cludad Bolivar since June 10. En route the gunboat will take on Robert Hender son, the consular agent at Cludad Bolivar, who has taken refuge In Trinidad. CAROLINA TOWN . BURNING Little City of Camden 1 In ' Flames and. Entlr Plnce Is ' Threntened. COLUMBIA, S. C, July 22. The town of Camden, 8. C., with about 1,000 Inhabitants, I reported to be In danger of complete de struction by fire. The Columbia fir de partment has left on a special train for the acene. The telegraph office at Camden has been burned and there la no chance ot com amplication. '' Th loss at 1 o'cflocl was $100,000. The black .containing Ui postofflce and bank la In flames and there seems no cbancs of saving ons of the fifteen business build ings la It. At' S o'clock th fire Is practically under control. DYKES ON ILLINOIS GO OUT Wnter Rushes Through and Destroys Fields of Crnln Not Mock ' Damaged Before, EORIA, 111,,'July 22. The Illinois Hver reached the height of twenty-one feet above low water mark ta ths government gauge hero last night. ' At 10 o'clock this morning the dykes near pekln on which are the tracks of the Peoria ft Pektn Terminal' railway gave way. Over 1,000 feet of track is gone and the water is pouring through ths crevasse, flooding hundreds of acres of grain which was previous to the break not much dam aged. . ; i. ir3 Cleanliness and Germicidal Precau tions Paramount la the brtninf f MILWAUKKB There's not a faciW Ity lacking to Insure abaottrt eleaaltne I during the , process. The minutest detail from malt-honse to fllllng-room is rigidly watched In this partic ular. A fixed rule for over balf a century. BLATZ MALT-VI VINE (Non-Intorlcant) Tonlo, Druggist or direct. YAL BLATZ BREWING CO, MJIwaakea. OMAHA BS-AJICK, Ml rvaaarlas St, 1 Tickets 1321 Farnaiu Street. pEririYROYAL PILL wk lrf i nt rilK HKSTKK'S F. NOLI la KFS ul fialri I lib lMribb. Takaaaate-r. laTaa! Itaasiraaa SaWUMtiaaa aa latitat Hon., Bij mt f.vr f)rijt, ar a4 4a. la laiajn ft. Partlaalan. TaaWaiaalaal an "Rollnf for Lalaa," IMia, T ra. Un Mail. 1 .Out S.IM h Drmflii , CaWaaaMr'lailaaira- aiaauaa sara ruw ra AMt'SKSIKJVTa. DnVn'O Woodward ft Purges, Ua I 1 I Managers. 9th -'I TONIGHT las BIG She FERRIS STOCK GO. Wt tit Devil Matinee Prices, 10e; Evening, 10c, 15c, 25c. BASE BALL VINTON' STREET PARK. St. Joseph vs. Omaha July S3, 24. Game called at 3:46. ase Ball " Kan-tea-Haa-lr mt ViATOS STHKKT PARK BATt HIIAY, Jll-Y IMI, OMAHA AEKIC FRKMOT ARRIS, Game called at 3:30 p. m. Excursion Steamer The Union Excursion Company's Steamer Henrietta makes regular trips from foot of Douglas street, making regular trips to Sherman Park, where there is tine shade, muulo and dancing. Ho bar on boat. ajvuryUiui; aisu Class. , Hours for leaving: I, 4 and t p. m., dally. Round trip 26c, children 10c. Nil admission to Park. RESORTS. ' Krug Park TOUIGHT ... RAO TJME. COXCERT., By Muster's Peerless Band. . Mount Pelee Volcanic Disaster , The Burning of Martinique, the Tnrett ramlly, world's greatest Juvan;la acrobats; Venetta King, Cornet Virtuoso; the "Pas sion Play" and other high class free at tractions. . . ' A POPULAR TONIC Krug's celebrated bottled beer adds tone to the system aids digestion and la pleasing to the taste, making It the most popular brand of bottled beer on the market and no well regulated household should fall to keep 'a few bottles constantly on ice it's an ex cellent thirst quencher tor these hot flays better order at once. FRED KRUG BREWING CO. 1007 Jackson St. 'Phone 420 i HOTELS. HOTEL . EMPIRE Broadway and 63d St. N. Y. City ... -. ... v.( 'A.J Fireproof Modern Moderate Rates Accessible lEstoaslva Library Baelastvo Orchestral Con cart JCvsry Uvanlna. II Care s'aas lbs a.atvlre. Send for oearrlptlvs booklet. W. JCHNoON viiA.. p-.-netor. TiieMILURO taib and D.sslai Its. OMAHA, fc.M. Omaha s Laailin. Uetel SPUCIAl. r&ATtHKsi LUKC'rifcoN, i'trTY CiiNTS. 12:ao to 1 p. m. SUNDAT :3u p. m. DINNER, T5o Btaiirillv ln,-p..,ln hiul.... v. . . . , ---- - - mm necessi tated an nUrm!iit ot lbs oaf, doublius Its former capacity.' " CHICAGO BEACH HOTEL 10 minutes from heart ef city. No dirt and dust, situated ou boulevard and lake, at .1st tit. Ulvd., Chicago, bead tor lUus Uld bookisl . BLATZ BEER 1 iTTSttS'J fWJB'. J- M2M m ante this i i M i va