HIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, J17L.Y 2.1, 100?. J! f: i l if 4 J TWO WOMEN WANT ONE MAN QtoTgt Echaetnl Bon f OonUntlon Present Cue. FORMER WIFE AND PRESENT WIFE QUARREL Jlasnaer Two C.Ives Ximbrr Oae Toaaa I.ashlna; and I Fined Ja rallce toarl for Creat !( a Disturbance. vlr. ' George SchaetrM, formerly of Nstl Orleans, enroute to Beresford, 8. D., was fined $5 and costs In police- court yesterday piornlng for disturbing the peace on a complaint aworn to by Mrs. Lydta B. Bchaetiel of this city, formerly Mrs. George Bchaetiel. The arrest was the result of an unex pected meeting of George Schaetzel, his present wife, and his former wife at Sev enteenth and Dodge streets Monday night, Dear the home of Mrs. Schaetzel No. 1. When ibe three met, according to tho present Mrs. Schaetzel, she concluded H avas a good time to get even with tho former Mrs. Schaetzel for the time tha latter slapped her when the three once before met In Minneapolis. All she did, whs said, was to express herself very Vehemently, but did not strike her. Tbo former Mrs. Schaetzel then called the po lice and the present Mrs. Schaetxel was arrested, 8!iC pleaded guilty to the charge gainst her and paid the fine. Prefatory to the meeting and arrest Is a )tory of husband's desertion, a trip to Europe with a prettier and younger Voman, an attempted suicide, and a Vronged wife's long chase after her bus. fcand. lory of rirst Wife. ..Mr. Schaetzel No. 1 and her husband resided at Beresford. S. D., where he was one of the wealthiest bankers in the state, according to his former wife's atory. The husband attended the Mardl Oras at New Orleans a year ago last winter and there first began the troubles of the then Mrs EcbaetieL Her husband met May Russell and the two ran away together, making an extended visit to Europe. The deserted wife made a thorough search in this coun try for them without success, finally secur ing a divorce. She later learned that her husband was married to May Russell. , "Since their marriage," she said, " the present Mrs. Schaetzel has written me xnany threatening letters and In many other ways made life more miserable for me. wanted to win my husband back because of our daughter. She has hounded me every where with her letters and I moved to Omaha to be rid of them both." , Story of Second Wife. - The present Mrs. Schaetzel said the former Mrs. Schaetzel had been doing the hounding. "She met my husband and me In Minneapolis some time ago on the street and without any warning slapped me In the tace. She then begged my husband to leave 'me. He did ao for a while and I felt so miserable that I tried to kill myself with a revolver." To prove her assertion Mrs, Schaetzel showed a scar In her wrist evi dently made by a bullet. "When my husband saw the account of my attempted suicide In the papers he came 'back to me, and since then the former Mrs, Schaetzel has repeatedly tried to win him (from me." Tha two camo to Omaha three days ago And registered at the Her Grand hotel, They ara enroute to South Dakota, where Aha husband expects to go Into business. I More Trouble Coming. 1 Former Mrs. Schaetzel Intends to have the present Mrs. Schaetzel arrested for send kng threatening letters through the mall. Each woman wore several diamond rings and both were handsomely gowned. Ths (present Mrs. Schaetzel Is about 25 years of Ma and is a good-looking blonde. The for Wr wife Is about ten years her senior. pjchaetzel Is an ordinary looking man. MOTHER FREAK BALL GAME (Board of Education Proposes to Play City Coanell and Give Pro ceeds to Auditorium, Under ths management rtf ThAnArtr .Tntin on an effort la being made te arrange a match game of bass ball between the mem hers of the Board of Education and the city council. After the meeting of the board Monday evening the matter was discussed pnd a formal challenge will be prepared for nuupuon mi me otii meeting or mo Doara the gams to be played on or about August 6 As there are fifteen members of the board land only nine members of the council the challenging party will permit the city fathers to call for the assistance of the jheads of the city departments, with the ex caption of the mayor, who has been se lected by the manager of the plan as ths timpirs for the day. If the game is decided (tipon the proceed will be donated to the auditorium runa. jFo rty Minutes Faster Time Omaha to t. Louis Via ths Wabash. Tha WABASH St. Louis Express leaves Dmaha Union station 6:65 p. m.; arrives ;Bt. Louis T a. m. WABASH NEW CITT ! OFFICE. 1(01 Farnam Street. Publish your legal notice la Ths Weekly Telephone 238. Special $1.00 souvenir spoon. Edholm. - There' only on Stonecypher. He print. fOR THE DEADWOOD SPECIAL Slastllas; Committee of Ak-ar-Bea Prepares to Make Trip ""Jf- a I access. fTh hustling eommlttea of the Knight tit Ak-Sar-Ben held a meeting at Balduffs for the purpose of arranging for the sale of ticket for the special excursion to Peadwood. The city was divided Into die trtct and 100 ticket Issued to the mem fcera present. An effort will be made to ell them In the next twenty-four hours, as tha committee Is now taking a vacation, and was called together only to accomplish the sal of the tickets. Tber will be an ether meeting Friday. Ti World' Cr To CONSTIPATION IS, nnnyadl J&ios Hfnl UutlTt Mlasral Water. It is the Best and Safest remedy for disordered stomach, biliousness and liver trouble, anditCvats Constipation. Drmlc one-half glassful on arising in the morning and you will feel the re markable and agreeable effects in a short tun. Always ask for lluny2t Jnoi (full name). If you implr ask for Hunvadl Water you may be IMPOSED I'I'oN. Sub.ti tai r worthless and often harmful. BOTTLE HAS BLUB LABEL WITH RED CENTER. MAUD SHONFELD'S MARRIAGE rather Receives Letter Containing Kews of Ills Danahter and Her Husband. Miss Maud Shonfeld, who was married seven weeks ago to Thlllp D. Watklns of Boston, tfter a day's acquaintance, while traveling In the west, was heard from yes terday for the flret time since her mar riage. Her father, S. Shonfeld, received a letter mailed at Santa Barbara, Cal., In which his daughter stated that she and her husband would leave the day following that upon which the letter was mailed for a visit to San Francisco. They would remain there several days and then go to New York City. The daughter stated that she bad frequently rltten home, but has received no answers to her letters. Mr. Shonfeld Is of the opin ion that the husband of his daughter Is not what be pretended to be when ha induced er to marry him, and believes that be has Intercepted the letters written by his daugh ter and those written to her. The daughter gave no address at which mall would reach her In San Francisco and the father has no way to communicate with her. He believes that she has been de ceived In her hushnd. baaing his opinion on Information received from parties other than his daughter. BOSTON, July 22. (Special Telegram.) PhlllD D. Watklns Is a young man 23 or 24 year old for whom a quiet eearcfr has been conducted since April 17 by several persons, not however, by the police. Wat klns Is not a graduate of Princeton, as he Is said to have represented. He is not a representative of the Boston Fruit ex change, as he also is alleged to have lalmed. He came to work as errand boy for a Chauncey street brokerage firm a year ago last January. He was not adapted to the work, being too old, and left to go, as he said, into the Amesbury file works. In Amesbury, Mass. His father and mother live In Montclair, N. J., and It is from them he said he got his money to go Into the new business. He came In to Islt his former employer -often. About the first of the year he said his partner had swindled him and that he had lost his money. On April 19 he came to the head of the firm, saying that he had had his' pockets picked and was penniless. He requested a loan and was given a good-sized check for twenty days. Since he went out that day he has been seen by no one who knew him, save a man named Cbapln, who cashed the check. That he had made sim ilar requests for loans to that he made of his old employer and was in aome cases suc cessful lh obtaining money about April 19 has been ascertained. He gave his address to Chapin as 69 Falmouth street, but at that place the young man had not been for mouths. His poople have not been able to give any trace of him. By more than one person it is said that Watklns appeared at times to be "a little bit oft the top." Courtland Beach Kotes. The four bowling alleys are patronized every evening by women bowlers almost exclusively. Some good scores are being made by many. The famous Blckett family, from New York, will arrive here Saturday and open Sunday. It la said to be tho greatest drawing card ever given in the West, es pecially at a resort. The colored quartet Is one of the great est successes at the beach this season, re ceiving unlimited applause at both after noon and evening concert. The Rouen are giving two dally free performance to large audiences. They give their closing exhibition Saturday aft ernoon and evening. Among the picnic to be held at Court- land beach in tho near future are Ne braska florists today, tomorrow First Bap tist church and ths railway postal clerk on Saturday, August I. The warm weather yesterday afternoon brought out an unusually large number of women and children bather. Watch fob. Edholm, Jeweler. MUSICAL FESTIVAL TICKETS Committees Out Selling; Books and Meeting- with Success la tha Work. The musical festival committee 1 now so liciting subscriptions for tho purchase of books of admission ticket. On member secured over1 $1,500 In pledge before noon and others met with considerable success. Tha committee 1 now In doubt as to the employment of a superintendent of the tent and grounds. The man who was employed last year and the year before was not sat isfactory to certain elements of the city, the labor union making the greatest com plaint. For a month or more the manage ment ha been trying to secure a man agree able to the labor union who I also compe tent to handle the work, and ha Invited officers of the union to recommend someone. So far they have tailed to da this, and It Is said by member of the committee that If the union cannot provide a man they will be forced to employ the former superln tendent and trust to tha union to recog nize the condition and make no complaint. Boat Accept Coaaierreits, For pile, skin diseases, sore, cuts. bruises, burns and other Hounds nothing duals DeWltt'a Witch Hssel Salve. Don't accept counterfeit. None genuine except DeWltt'a. "I have suffered since 1865 with protruding, bleeding pile and until re cently could find no permanent relief,' ssys J. F. Oerall of Bt. Paul, Ark. "Flnatly I tried DeWltt'i Witch Hasel Salvt, which soon completely cured me." On July 5tb the Erie Railroad will run a special thirty-day excursion to Chautauqua Lake. The far from Chicago will b only $14.00 for the round trip. Ticket will bs good on all limited trains. For detailed information apply to H. I Purdy, Traveling Passenger Agent, Chicago. Chicago ticket office, 142 Clark street. Shampooing and halrdreastng, Xbc, at the Bathery, 116-120 Bee building. Tel. 1T1S. CAPTAIN KING GETS A PLACE Veteran Appolatcd to Have Charge of tha National Cemetery at Fort Leaveaworth. Senator Millard has been advised that Captain A. D. King of Culbertaon had been put on the probation list of superintend ents of national cemeteries and bad been assigned to duty at Fort Leavenworth. Captain King was selected out of over 400 applicant. He 1 a veteran of the civil war and a life long friend of Senator Mil lard. One of the first act that Senator Millard did after being elected waa to en dorse Captain King for the position. New Cure for Weak Lungs. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion cures all coughs, colds, grip and lung trouble or no pay. 60c, $1.00. Mortality Statistics. The following births and deaths were rorted at the office of the Board of Health during the twenty-four hours end lux Tuesday noon: Births Jamt-s Robertson. 949 North Tenty-evenih street, boy: C. A. Peterson, Flftv-nrst mreet and MllKurv avenue, boy: A. J. Johnson, 957 North Twenty-eighth avenue, boy; C. P. bartelaen, Wu3 North fr'lxteenth street, boy. Drains Samuel Richardson, 4138 Ersklns street, used 70 tears: Helen U. Glllemls. lri-4 Military avenue, a so J 66 years: Lino M. ttimarason, isorw iwtauaifi iumw CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Appraiser to Plao Vain on Oitj'i Etal Estate Art Named. INTEREST ON INVALID BONDS IS DUE City Must Make Immediate Arrange ments to Pay on Lot of Im provement Securities on Which it Is Stuck. At the meeting of the city council Tues day night a communication from City En gineer Rosewater was resd, requesting that the council take definite action In the mat ter of the tax levy for Central boulevard from Pacific to Burt street. "The levy was disapproved by the last Board of Equalization," said the communication, "and this department has received no in structions to prepare a new levy. In the absence of Instructions the Park commis sioners are conducting the Improvements without legal provision to pay for the prop erty appraised. Unless this matter la adjusted now it may Involve serious dif ficulties In the future." The communica tion was referred to the committee on Judiciary. Isaac S. Hascall, St. A. D. Balcombe and Joseph Redman were appointed by Acting Mayor Karr as a board to appraise all of the real estate belonging to the city at Its fair cash value, and report to the city council, such appralsment to be msde at least once during 1902. The appointments were confirmed. City's Credit Involved. Cliy Comptroller Westberg reported that (7,030.58 was required to pay the Interest and principal of bonds voted to pay for Improvements in special Improvement dis tricts, which has been declared Invalid by the courts, and recommended that an Item for this amount be Inserted into the pending appropriation ordinance. He ex plained that the amount could be taken from the general or sinking funds. Hascall objected on the ground that to take money from either of these funds for such a pur pose would be irregular. Burkely urged the necessity of taking the money from some fund Immediately In order to save the credit of the city. Hascall then advocated the holding of a special meeting today to dispose of the matter. The resolution to Incorporate the item in the pending: an proprlatlon ordinance was voted down, "by a vote of 4 to 4.' No definite arrangements were made for a special meeting. An invitation from the company manag ing Henrietta to a fish-bake at Sherman park Thursday afternoon was accepted by a unanimous vote. Hascall made a speech urging all members of the council and their families to attend. Resolutions of respect to the memory of the late Alexander McGavock, who, in the early days of Omaha had been a mem ber of the city council, were adopted by a rising vote. Favor to the Festival. By a concurrent resolution the manage ment of the Omaha Musical festival was given tha use of the sidewalk on the north side of Capitol avenue from Fourteenth to Fifteenth street, the right to Inclose the abutting lots with a tight board fence, and to place posts for guy ropes In the gut ters. The city clerk was directed to take charge of the buildings to be used ' as registration booths, and to superintend the moving of such furniture to and from the booths as may be necessary. Two thousand dollar was set aside from the general fund to be used In the placing of street signs at street Intersections, and the city clerk was directed to advertise for bids for the making and erection of tho signs. All of the councllmeu voted for this Improvement save Zlmman, who advised going slow, and Moupt, who was absent. SUING SUMMERS FOR A DEBT Banker Undertakes to Recover - Money Loaned to United States District Attorney. Charles M. Chamberlain of Tecumseh, Neb., ha Instituted suit in the state court against W. S. Summers to recover the sum of $1,150, with Interest on that amount from 1S97. In bis petition the plaintiff says that July SI, 1807, he loaned the defendant $50, and a like amount on August 19 of the same year, evidenced by checks cashed at the Chamber lain Banking house at that time; that on August 28 of the same year he loaned the defendant $500, evidenced by a check which defendant transferred to Jessie M. Wright, by whom it was cashed; that September ti of that year the defendant drew a eight draft upon the plaintiff, as cashier of the Chamberlain Banking house, for the sum of $550, the draft being in favor of the Columbia National bank. The plaintiff states that none of the money so loaned has ever bean paid and ask judgment for the entire amount. Hearer St. Louis Tbaa Before. The Wabash St. Louis Express leaves Omaha Union station 6:65 p. m.; arrlvea St. Louis 7 a. m. WABASH NEW CITY OFFICE, 1(01 Farnam Street. FAST DENVER BOY LOCKED UP Omaha Police Gather la a Youth Who 1 Fast Making- a ' Record. Morris Darvedoff, age 16 years. Is In the city jail and will remain there until his mother arrives from Denver to take him home. The arrest of the young man 1 the end of an elopement. Several days ago, according to a telegram received by ths pollc from Denver, Morris ran away from that city with Mrs. Anna Crnlba, a brld. aged 17 years. The couple went to the St. James hotel, where the officer say Morris secured a position a night clerk and the woman waa engaged a a chambermaid. Morris was arrested at the hotel. Mra. Crnlba was not arrested. The young man Is a Jeweler and was employed by his father. A Thirst QvxencKer Horsford's Add Phosphite is far superior to lemons as a thirst quencher that really satisfies. It is a wholesome and atrengrtheniftg Tonio that relieves the lassitude and de bilitated condition of the sys tem so common in mid summer. Insist on having Horrfbrd'r Acid Phosphate i4' mm SPIKES COME OFF FLAG POLES Economy Outweighs Beauty ta Man agement of I'ncle Sam's Housekeeping". The spikes upon the fag poles at the fed eral building have caused the destruction of several national banners before their time, the wind throwing the bunting upon the spikes and then blowing it to shreads. The spikes were placed upon the poles as ornament by the architect who designed that portion of the building and when the custodian made application to have them removed he met with some opposition upon esthetic grounds. However, when applica tions for new flags to replace those caught upon the spikes began to arrive at the Treasury department more frequently than the officials believed they should It was de cided to remove the offending spike and authority to take such a course was re ceived yesterday.-. LAKE OKOOUJ1. On tho Mtlwaukeo Railway. ' For a short or a long vacation this beau tiful lake offer tho most economical, yet delightful outing that is available for Omaha people. " Quickly and easily reached from Omaha via the Milwaukee railway, altitude al most 2,000 feet, air always cool and In vigorating. A beautiful, clear, deep lake with high shores, plcturesquelv timbered with hardwood trees. Excellent Dshlng, boating and bathing. Moderate-priced, but good hotels. This Is a list of advantages not to be equaled. Full Information cheer fully furnished at the Milwaukee Railway City Offlce, 1504 Farnam street. F. A. NASH, General Western Agent. Special Chautauqua, Excursion Via Lake Shore tc Michigan Southern rail way and the new line from Westfield, July 25; $14.00 for the round trip. Return limit thirty days. Handsome Chautauqua Book on application to M. S. Giles, Trav. Pass. Agt., Chicago, or C. F. Daly, Chief A. O. P. A., Chicago. Fast Time on the Wabash. Commencing Sunday, July 13, the St. Louis Express will leave Omaha Union sta tion at 6:55 p. m., arrive St. Louis 7 a. m. Wabash new city offlce, 1601 Farnam street. Pur 18 K wedding rings. Edholm, jeweler. DIED. GILLESPIE Mrs. Helen Zimmerman, wife of Frof. J. A. Olllesple. aged 55 years. Funeral from First Presbyterian church, corner Dodge and Seventeenth streets, at 3 o'clock p. m., Wednesday, July H. Friends Invited. Your Sideboard Supplied Now don't get SCARED we are NOT go ing into the CATERING BUSINESS or the GROCERY or SALOON BUSINESS, but simply telling you HOW to supply your sideboard for a year FREE. . A certain man In Omaha ha made the offer, through the columns of the July Omaha Druggist (a publication losued by the Richardson Drug: Co.. to suddIv free of charge for a year the SIDEBOARD of anv person who will "DISCOVER A MEANS BY WHICH HE CAN KEEP HIS BRAND OUT OF THE HANDS OF THOSE CUT RATE FELIX1WB, OR STOP THEM FROM CUTTING THE PRICE." This man has a malt whiskey, made In Omaha; want aome for nothing? $1.00 ILER"S MALT WHISKEY Mc $1.00 Duffy' Malt Whiskey 72c 1 auart uuckenneimer Rye 11.00 $1 quart Old Crow Rye $1.00 1 quart Old Taylor Rye $1.00 1 quart German Klmmeli Bitter 75c OPEN ALL NIGHT. SGEIAEFER'S CUT PRICE DRUil STORE Tol. T4T, S. W. Car. ldta and Chleajo. - .'. ttT OMAHA 1 EE LEY LAlNSTITUTE I Mips) tails TRIED TO TAKEJjER OWN LIFE Mlanlo Moaaa Indertakes Suicide, but Is Saved Throoah Inter ferenre of Her Sister. I . Miss Minnie Hogan, 20 years of age, for reasons known only to herself, made an at- 1 tempt to take her own life at midnight Mon- I day night by the laudanum route. She was I discovered soon after taking the poison by her sister, who notified the police. The poi son wss r"tnped out of her by the police surgeons and she Is now out of danger. Ml3s Hogan resides at 1552 Sherman ave nue and with her sister had spent the even ing at Courtland beach. After the two had returned home and were preparing to retire the sister observed that Miss Hogsn acted strangely. She notified the police. Miss Hogan at first denied that she had taken poUon, but finally admitted that she had taken some laudanum. She refused to give a reason. Cholera Infantum. This has long been regarded as one of the most dangerous and fatal dlsesses to which Infants are subject. It can be cured, however, when properly treated. All that Is necessary Is to give Chsmberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and castor oil, as directed with each bottle, and a cure is certain. , 6 sterling teaspoons. Edholm, Jeweler. Malt Marrow The finest spring and summer tonic made. When you feel run-down, played out and exhausted by summer heat, a few bottles of Malt Marrow will brace you up. It Is especially good for weak women a pleas ant beverage, healthful and Invigorating. It Is the pioneer of all malt tonics, made by the McAvoy Brewing Co., of Chicago. Price, per dozen quarts (2.00 We have also some bargains In wine: Rhine Wine, a good quality, quart ....25c Port Wine, worth more money 25c Sherry, a good table wine ... 25a Claret, while It lasts, for table use for only, per gallon 36c Don't forget our Old Maryland Rye Whiskey, Jackdaw, for only $1.25 a quart. CACKLEY BROS., Fin Wines and Table Liquors. Opposite 1". O. - Phono 1148. Old Roofs Repaired Omaha Roofing & Supply Co. 1208 Farnam, Omaha, NebS Telephone 871 One of the best equipped of the Keeley system of Institute, tTa only Keeiey Institute In Nebraska. Cure Drunkenness. Core Drug User. Booklet free. Addrass all letter to T34 8. ltta. Home Treatment for Tobacco Habits cost $9 1 Mm D Only opportunity remaining to. visit the Golden State this sum mer at a cost of $45 for the round trip. Tickets on sale July 29, and from August 2 to 10, inclusive. August 3 to 11, inclusive a special tourist sleeping car will be at tached to No, 3, leaving Omaha 4:25 P.M. These cars will run through , to Los Angeles via the Colorado scenic route Better reserve your berth early, J Tickets and reservations , jaWvmW 11 lh I UWI HBaflTi Semi-Antiual Clearing gale Do not underestimate the importance of this sale.' The sav ing possibilities are great and many and embrace all lines of summer merchandise for everybody. The following are merely a few hints: 75c Taffetas, 39c a Yard In order to close out all of our odd piece snd odd lengths of black taf fetas suitable for waists, skirts and linings, go in silk department, at, yard 39c 50c Chiffon, 25c a Yard In this clearing sale all of our black, cremea and all color of 45-Inch chiffon and moussellne-de-soie, ex- ceptlonal qualities, go In silk department. 25c at, yard . GREAT SALE OF EMBROIDERIES A St. Oall manufacturer's stock of sample strip of fine embroideries and Insertions, made of ewlss, nainsook and cambric, in all widths and a great " variety of pretty patterns, also galoons and headings, their values range up to 25o a yard, on sal in three assortments, at lc, 5c and 10c a yard Women's 25c Silk Mitts, 5c Pr Women's fine Jersey silk mitts, the regular 25o quality, special sale price, per pair 5c Women's $1.00 A fin line of handsome petticoats, made of mercerized fabrics, in black, col or and fancy striped, the very newest styles, with wide and narrow accor dion pleated flounces and deep ruffles also knife pleats and tucked, actual $1.00 values clearing sal price Cutting Shoe Prices aSat" the" We are clearing out all the women' oxfords and have mad some won derful great reductions in prices. The goods we offer are of the very latest styles and come In patent leather, velour calf, vicl kid and other leathers, all style of heel, different lasts, on sale as follows: $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 women's oxfords, reduced to... 1.59 $1.75, $2.00 and $2.25 women's oxfords, reduced to. . . 1.25 $1.25, $1.39 and $1.50 women's oxfords reduced to. . . .89c Next Monday, (July 28th), we will place on Bale, a Carload of Wet Rugs and Carpets. Its a sale of intense interest to all who use floor coverings. CROWNS, S2.85. FULL c . WORK GUARANTEED WE DO AS WR ADVERTISE. WE ARB HERE TO STAY. CONSULT THE PROFESSORS AT ONCE Soft Fillings .... Silver Fillings .. Teeth Cleaned .. 1 8 mall UNION DENTAL COLLEGE, Excursio Zfirai otfS 75c for $2.50 Washable Suits In this clearing sal all of our $2.50 washable suits, waist and skirts, In light and drak colors, that havo been selling up to the present time for $2.60, your choice of these, 75c on second floor . . . . . 25c Sun-Bonnets, 10c Another lot of children' and misses' laundered sun-bonnets, mad of percales, fine ginghams, striped 10c and trimmed 20c Hosiery 10c Pair Women's, misses' and boys' fine ho siery, fast black, very fine gauge, full seamless, 10c actual 20c values, pair.... Petticoats at 49c 49c SET OF TEETH. $3.00 v.. 2 ChmrirAa for matrl Incorporated College, 1522 Douglas St. Room i, Opp. Boston Store. 1 1 . a sou year.