MllE O MATT A ,u.iLrt BEE: TViiSDAi, .jua mji, nxr:. SPECIAL NOTICES will be takaa til 12 as. far tfca evening edition sail antll ft.SO v. na. (v Morilif ni Bandar edition. tea, 1 l-2e a word Aral Insertion, la a word thereafter,- Netkfag takes, far leas thai SAa for tka Prat Imi tlaa. TkMt advevtlaeanaata aul ke mn ee-naeaatlvely. Advertisers, ay rtiMlif feared brk, east fcnve answer . ad dresaed ta a Makcnl letter la aara f Tke Bee. Answer addreoeed will ke delivered preaeateulea at tka kaak aala-., SITUATION ..WASTED, JAPAN F.8E, food cook, wants a position. Addrena Jf 7. Be. A-2j 21 WAAItU-MALU HELP. 15 FOR, HALF A DAY'S WOKIC tt you rive In me cuuimy or lu a small town and nave' a gjod amuaiutanttf among tne tarmers ana stock raiser In tba nelstiuuriiood you can max m cuny by tour or live' hours wura. Write us and We wilt send, you our proposition. The lit; Publishing; Co., Solicitors lpi., uru&na, ieo. . zr iu.14 j . , f. f i - i ,. WANTED, a good' man in every county to take luDJcripiion 'for Tne Twentieth Century f armer. Qut agent make good wanes everywhere, rteierences requited. Adures-- Twentieth Century .-. im'T, , Oniatui,,o.. t .. , . r 614 DEMXJ-jWTrtATdlt to explain medlodlogy, eu iitf week. liix,abuuu, 6o0 Ware IWK, . ' .' . U 560 , , i - , ' ? : , U YOUNG MKN from Omaha and vicinity at once to prepare . for positions in the government- service. . Apply to inter- btate Corre. last., Cedar itaplds, la. i ' - - ' ' . tt-Ut JySt -" i - j -' - WANTED, Insurance men 61 experience; can offer you a good thing. Call at 6 a. m. . 43 Board ox Traue Bias. a-a WhVnYouWrite . F ' - .... v'to Advertisers ' remember ti winy takes an extra stroke or two o( the yen ta mention the fact that you saw tne u in. ije n. WANTED: molders and Dattern makers. Apply to Th Iron CHy Manufacturing company, Pueblo, Colo. . tt s m W AN TE D LI v a, energetio man residing In Nebraska to represent reliable house; now mjcessarlly sa-sman;- light work; aaiarv ..ami exoenses: younn man pre ferred. Address Manager K Winner, 3oe Dearborn, Chioago. . , , o so ia- WANTED.' young man tn law office student, who ran write- shorthand; salary from start, F 13. Bee. ' H 360 ti WANTED,"" Barber ' (colored): must be steady and first-class workman. W. 11, Wright, fitoux Falls, 8. D. B 311 22 i i , ; , . i n i . 1 1 'i i ii f DRY goods caller wanted, tn a Bt Joseph wholesale dry goods; steady employ ment to right party.-. Please give refer ence, where employed and . salary wahted. Address V, J. box No. 1113 St. Joueiih, Mo.. B 265 21- ft. WANTED. t?eo good men. -one experienced In hnrdware, one ln groceries; must be hustlers and gjod salesmen; references . wantad; sulary -depends on ability. Cody I Trading Co.( Cody, Wyb. B-i-M231 24 WANTED, . carpenters, steady work, $2.50 a dayAudresB Jos. Bhlesiger, Contractor, Yutan, Neb. B-M223 WANTED,', a first-class cake and bread baker; married man ' preferred. Swandcr 4b r'arlow, ttapM City, 8.-D. B 247 21 M TRACK layers, J. H. Roberts, Niobrara, Neb. 12.00 and $2.25- per day; ship daily. 20 surface men dally for the Northwest ern main line, $1.75 day. Men for lumber yard, city.. Laborers for city, $1.75 per day.' upen buriuay Open Sunda Sweney's Employ- roent Agency, Soil 0. 12th St., Omaha. B 248 21 FJIVST-CLAS8 ice cream maker; also young man to learn business. II. -B. Graham, 24tn and Farnam. B-24 21 SPLENDID chance for men to learn barber trade now, and take positions waiting our graduates ;rtqhtsJpre!nt(V .wages. Satur-., uu8k pay ,SIA. lu 10 ft I cum. pelAitt; call or write,. Myler Barber Col lege;. lO Facnam st B M37 25 WANTED fr U. S. Army; Able-bodied un marrled men between ages of 21 and 35, citizens of United States, of good char acter end temperate habits, who can speak, read and write Enllnh. For Infor mation apply to Recruiting Officers, 16th and Dodge St., Omaha, and postofflce building. Lincoln, Nebraska. B WANTED -Experienced drens goods man for dress goods department. Signed P. Martin & Bro. D. G. Co., Grand Island, Neb. ' - B M397 22 EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. ;' ' WANTED Baker for Wyoming; man and wile, cooks ana nunKsy, ror Montana, yardman Wyoming. 310 S. 11th, 'Western, Railway Labor Agonuy. - - M04 22 WANTED FEMALK HELP, WANTED, two young lady students to learn ualrdresslng. manicuring, and cht- ropody and scientific massags. Call or write Room o. Bee Bldg. , . c 2S0 100 Girls Call Canadian office, 15th & Dodge. WANTED Lady Cook. J Eureka Restau- ranti 16ut Cass st ' ' C MW0 WANTED, bookkeeper" and - stenographer, Address E fr. Bee. -- v ' C 201 WANTED, -a tlrl for sreneral housework. small funiAy, .Mrs, Wall, 2215 Sherman WAHfED. a competerit' gfrl fbr housework. . " : . GIRL wanted ' fof ' houseworlt;, no waah- tng. Sioaurnsy .. Cr-vw WANTE1D. srlrl for ireneral housework 1514 Yates; one who can. sleep at horns prererreo. j zss - AT O'CE, 'ladl to travel In the west; a eilendid orportwnlty afforded women of force and energy under eur new plana and methods.- For iraf ormatlon address M. Flttuan, K)4 Dearboru u, Chicago. - i. : ' ' ' . ' C MSTt tS aVT ONCE; Udlfs-of neat- appearance In every town In H I'nlted Htatea; premiums aivea wiik atl-trooda; a chance-to make big money. ArUireas M. B. Flthlan, S3t uearnorn ,t. cnicago. , , l-ujni WANTBIA middle-aged woman to do general housework on a farm; steady em- tloyiuent td right Party; four In family Ira Annie Moasbarger. TUUen. Neb. LADIES for traveling position, $10 per week and expenses; . pcduaneulpoaiaun. Ad drese F Z.-Bee, . , . . C M40 23 $10 PER 1.000 copying letters, to be sent to us;, pavpor lie.-iwq tui)i win appli cation. Illinois inauainai union, M-ut K, Chicago. C A14C2 2i" roit Jll.T-H0LE. VANS aJid baggatse wagena. Tel. UK. -. : . - D-2 O, UUUOCJr. Davis Co., but, Bee Bli Ida uuu TO MOVE right g-t Omaha Van Storage Co.; cm oe uutt rarpam, or Tela. ... I ', U -4 BEE PAYNE, BOSTWICK at CO., for choice bouses. Sul-I . I. lie mag, itu loit. . . ' D 1st MAOGARD Van Storage Co. Tel. IV D 247 HOUSES, etc. P. D. Weed. 1524 Dougl.ia. HOCSES and flats. Rlngwalt, Barker bl-x-k. . . i. , ... -J FOR RENT, large e-room bouse, city water, $15 Oo: t-i Blondo. r 7-roura house. lt! N. t'd: $l5.oo. The Omaha Really Co.. mil Douglas st -. - . Dr577 GOOD modem t-reem bause. 2504 Blondo. U JUJLl HOUSES, .stores. Beruls. Paxton bliOck. u ai litis K MTU ST.. T rooms, bath. as. barn rent l. Wm. K. Potter, raceivsr, Omaha Loan end Trust Co.. 4 Brew blci. FOR RE JIT HOI 6ES. i-a MODERN, 8-room cottage, half block eesl llanscom park, inquire 1511 Farnam. D M170 1123 OIARLE9, four-room cottage; rent in. w m. K. i'otter, rweiver, umaoa Loan and Trust Co., Jul Brawn block. El.EOANT modern s-roora house, V Bo. Zbtn Kt. inquire at Mil jenes Bt. D-4H Fori RENT, new modern 6-room cottage. lai; near Farnam at. car Una. The O. t, L-avls Co., 6 Bee bldg. D MIS U MODERN house, i rooms. 1723 Jackson at. W heeler at Wheeler, iouglaa and lfttn at. lei. inn. iklsb IN EQUALLED, central, all modern, 7- room house, t-room nat. -isara, i-v rt. 23d. D M8f8 6-ROOM, all modern house, 1207 Sherman ave , a nne one, .r.w 7-room, all modern, lmiji. 2th at., another line on a, fzu.uu. u. in. xuraingion, rne. . D M8M HOUSES, Boyer, 22d anfl Cumtng. Tel. t". ' T MIS 107 BPENCER ST., lVroom house with, , gas, bath, furnace d barn; Blca luca- : Omaha' Loan and "it Ca! W b7,w' FOR RENT, exoellent six-room cottage, 22d and California . street. In good repiir Choice neighborhood; (22, Including water ront. Inquire at 07 14. 19th street or K)7 N. Y. Life Bldg.' . . D-1W J40t POPPLETON AVE., t rooms, all mod ern, bsrn, large yard, $30. Davenport Pt., rormis, modern, I22.SO, THE BYRON REED CO., 21 B. MTU ST. . D 259 21 MODERN 7-room flat, and Farnam. H. B. Graham. 24th D M208 FOR RENT, in Dundee; a new modern 7 room cottage. O. O. Wallace, 811 Brown . TjIocK. . uiK a- When You Write - to Advertisers remember It unlv takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact, that you saw. tna aa in ne: tt, . . FURNITURE for sale, house for rant. Call mornings. 2015 Douglas St. u 340 t ROOMS, modern, 300S Mason St.; rooms, 3221 Harney, $35; 8 rooms, modern and barn, 4318 Farnam; 4 rooms, 16oS N.' 20th, 110; others. KIngwalt Bros., Barker Blk. D-M40S 22 FOR RENT FVRNIRIIED ROOMS. ELEGANT rooms, finest location tn tha city. r capltol Ave. - js asm LARGE front room, also small front room, together or separately. Wis uougiae. X BUS DEWEY European hotel, 12th and Farnam. U PER WEEK, 422 8. 18th St., one blnok soutn or court nouse. ui FURNISHED, coot rooms, modern, 2011 iiarney. Hi ui at ROOMS, first-class location. 1224 Farnam. i AS MODERN rooms, furnished or unfurnished; walking distance, iooi Burt ti-Ji FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen. 171t Cass st. ta saxa zt FURNISHED ROOMS Two very choice south rooms. 2217 Douglas. E M387 22 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. Merrlam, comfortable summer home. Tel. 88. THE Bonnie Brier, 1720 Dodge. Tel. A-2482. LARGE- unfurnished room. with good board, 416 N. Zottt Bt. F M7SH) UTOPIA. 1721 Davenport st; rooms who board; transients accommooatea. TOR' tlENT t'NFt'RNISHED ROOMS. DESK room space. $6 per month; ground floor room in ins ee ouuaing, lacing Farnam street; no expense for light, heat cr janitor service. K. c. feters at Co., rental agents, Bee building. - u us TWO - nice front, one rear room for light bousekeeplng, or will furnish for roomers. 1713 S. 10th. - G 28 FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. FOR REST The building formerly occu- Kled by ine nee at tut f arnam au it as four stories, and a basement which was formerly used as The Bee press room. This will be rented very., reasonably. If , .4 - i .. -. .n r i ' Un- a i ji m h v x.. .vwv- water, secretary, room 100, Bee building. 1 iUA FOR RENT Store In first-class location: rent reasonable. Apply n, V. x-eters i Co.. ground floor. Bee Bldg. 1260 FOR RENT Desk room or large space suitable for merchandise Drone r or party doing business In wholesale district in quire Hene & Co., 14 Farnam St I-M224 AGENTS WANTED. WANTED Canvassing 'agents in every county to solicit subscriptions to ihiii TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady employment with assured good In-, come. Agents In the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily $60 to $100 per month. Ad dress, Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee building, umana. '. - - s SOMETHING NEW I 1 Just out Bend for sample. v;omDinaiion uoor ivnoo mm oeii. No cutting or ruining the door. Put on any door In a moment. - No -batteries to- worry about. No springs to wind. Noth ing to get out of order. Own your own ball. No landlord to trouble. Price and Bell absolutely guaranteed. Send $1.50 for sample. Agents wanted.' WESTERN ELECTRICAL COMPANX, 1212 Farnam Btreet. Omaha. Men, 4 e LADY agents at once, to sell the ab dominal nose supporter; a goaeena to stout ladlts: also the llfesavlng shoulder- brace for old or young. Mrs. Lake, 139 South 12th. Lincoln, Neb. 1V 21 WANTED TO HENT. WANTED, $ to 9-room house, good loca tion, bv first-class tenant . ' I 8 to 9-room house, furnished, located In the West Farnam street district, by the lt of Sentember. bv best of parties. W. FARNAM SMITH CO., 1320 Farnam Bt WANTED, room for gentleman, handy bath, nice locality. With or without board: reasonable. F 21.. Bee. K-394 fl WANTED TO BUY. WANTED. 1,000 old feather beds, highest cash prices paid. Auaress A. B. Mies, general delivery, umana. Man orders at tended to. N M238 25 FRUIT farm, near Omaha. Address F 64, Bee. , in aa a FOR SALE FURNITURE. CHICAGO Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2u20. New and seuondnano, oougnt, sola. exchanged. FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC, PAINTING and repairs on wagons, ate.. our specialty, ti. Frost, I4tn sua Leaven worth, 'let 144(. t at 8 TOP CARRIAGES. 4 phaetons, other top and open buggies, frtinsr, zw leaven. worth. r-Miaii as Nil SALE MISCHLLAKEObS. WHITE sawdust: season checked oak lira. bers, cheap; bog fence, etc. 9ul Douglas. FOR SALE Phonographs; superior to any other musical Instrument $5 up. The Wlttman Co., lt21 rarnam. (J 21 NEW and secondhand typewriters. 1)19 Far- sam . W a 100 STYLES trusses; cstalogue tree. Sher man A Uci'onnell Drug Co., 16th aud Dodge. Omaha. INDIAN gaede and relics. 1119 Frn . rOR BALE MISCELLASEOIS. VIM punctiira-proof ttrea, M-W and r7.( rer pair, urn an a uicycie co., im ana v ni cago sta. Q-M61 FOR BALK, thoroughbred Tojt Terrier, good breeder, aus Bo. ma ut., uninna. IDI1AND safe cheap. Bchwarts, U4 8. ISth. i , tt i i i , 1 tDHAND safe cheap. Derlct. Farnam. FOR gas fixtures sea Sard' I Burns. L. M. E. always hurry. Tel. 780. Q M54 EDISON phonographs, tin, $30 and HO; moulded records. 60c esch. or 15 ter oos. : new wheels, 115 up, 2d hand $5 up. Omaha tticyci co., itui ana cnicago sis. FOR BALE Oood aacond-hand Dormant scale: used by us at our old store; will sell cheap. Apply Mr. Reynolds, Mgr.) w. K. Bennett Co. y miw zi FOR PA 1, 15 At a bargain, electric two- passenger runabout; flue condition; new battery; owner trtusT aell. Hox 4,4, In dianapolis, Indiana. Vr m;(K) CLAIR VOT A JITS. MR8. FRITZ. Clalrtoyaht. 1614 Cs-s 8t ELECTRIC TREATMENT. .' - ; i i MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N 15, 2d floor. R. 1 I M4S JUT : MME. AMES, vapor baths. 124 N. 16tb, R, 1. . I 1M All I'BRSOKAU UAIRDRESSINQ. manicuring and chlron- oiy, ior laaies oniy, in cunnaciion wiia i ue ainery, uu-tzv ciea iiug, u nut PRIVATE hospital, before and during con- flnement; baules adopted, 0e Uraut St. I Mrs. Uardeis. Tel, '-llsa.' uiu 1 RUPTURE permanently cored In 30 to.60 aays; sena ior circular, u, a. ytoou, . ., b mw iorx LUa Bldg., umana, neD, U 14 i VIAVA, woman's way to health. Home treatment, uookiet iree. aw nee rung., umana. , unix GRAMOPHONES and suDDlles. wholesale ana retail, comns l lano Co., ikjz uoug- CHIROPODY a specialty, In conheotlon with The Bathery, rooms 216-220, Bee Bldg. lei. iio. - u oi SHAMPOOING and halrdresslng. 25c. In connection with The Bathery, 210-220, Bee ouuaing. rei. ine. - u i PRIVATE home for ladles before and dur ing confinement: babies adopted, tbw Burdette. Mrs. Burget U M253 26 BARGAINS In bicycles left for repair; new ones at reduced' prices. Louis Flescher, 1623 Capitol ave. U MS61 20 DR. B. M. JACKSON, room 4. Frenxer block, chronic diseases a specialty; con- sultatlon free. U--411 TEL. 780 for L. M. E. messenger. U-M850 ELITE PARLORS, 615 So. 16th St., 2d Jloor, U 157 Al MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15, 2l floor, R X. U A10- A carty of tourists Intending to visit salt Lake city during tne tins conven daylight Journeys, planned to thoroughly enloy the various points of Interest In the mountain country or Colorado, wouia like to near from tnose wno are coniem plating a western trip In August. Address T I, Bee. . . U-M414 23 I When You Write to Advertisers ' remember it only takes aa extra' stroke xt two of the pen to mention the fact thai you saw tne aa in -ine Jee: , HE SIGHED, She sighed, and then they signea siue vy aiae aown oy ine river- He;had forgotten his' ' ft flA . ...JKl .h . ,1 STQEGKER. CIGARS.; v The only kind she would let him smoke. ' MONEY TO' LOAN REAL ESTATE. REAL' ESTATE--I have private funds to loan on city residence property In, syrus of $600 and up at 6 and b"i per cent Inter est Give description of property And amount wanted. Address F 20 Bee. W M383 28 MONEY to lean on Improved Omaha real estate, ureiinan-uve co., sou e. 13th. W 324 4V PER CENT on business property. 5 per cent on reaiaenca property. Options to pay whole or part any time. W. B. MEIKLE. 401 S. 16th St. . W-322 WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Bmnn ac Co., iSJ Farnam tit .. ,:. v V-324 FARM and city loans, low rates. W. H. Thomas, First Mat. Bank Bkig. Tel. 164$. - ,.-v WANTED City and farm loans: also bonds ana warrants. Rv C. cetera Co., 1702 1 Farnam Bi. uee.inag. ... yvtzi LOW RATES. " Private money. rAINK IKVESTME.iir COMPANY, Main Floor Now York Life Bldg. ; W--M328 5 PER CENT - money on flrst-clasa city property or farms, f. i. . Wead, 1524 uougias i. . ' w raiw 6 PER CENT loans. , Garvin Brbs., loot r ariiam. : f '"" PRIVATE Money. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. v W J1 ' ' ' 8100 UP: low rate, Prlchard,-1711 Farnam. W iliii PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 837. Jf.- T. L. - i..- v o 4Vt TO 6 P. C. money. Bemls.! Paxton Blk. ; w s PRIVATE money to loan en farm lands and city property. Address IS w. Bee. W 203 SO MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY ' Wa have it to loan In amounts from $10.00 up on rurnituru, pianos, warehouse re ceipts, live stocK, etc. we auto ju&ke SALARY LOANS without mortgage or lndorser to persons who have a permanent position. We give you tho full amount, of the loan In cash and we do not vnarge (or making capers or flllng mortage. With us von have the option of keeping the money for one month or six, or lunger, and you need not pay for it longer than you keep lu v e nope uy mis aAiveriiBeweiiv to nave you give us a trial ana we expect to re tain your patronage by fair treatment. ins motto Of our omce is "iry to Please. ' OMAHA MUKlUAUt 4AJAM CO., 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2296. iLstabllshed lsVi.) 1M 8. ltlth 8t. X816 BHORT ROUTE TO PAY DAY." Loan to salaried people UPON THEIR PLA'N NOTE. No mortgage, lndorser or publicity. These loans made quickly and quietly. Room 3ui. Thlid Floor. PaxWn 'felock. X-476 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO oALAJtiEU ft.ut-L.ti. merchants, team atera. boarding houses, etc.. without, aa. curity; easiest terms; 40 offices In prin cipal cltUs. Tolman, 440 Board of Trade Bldg. , . Jt fui MONEY loaned oa furniture, live atook. lewslry, to salaried people. . Fuley Loaa Co., sue to Dun ureea. itaxaer tsiooa. ,X-vl LOANS, household furniture, pianos and all kinds of chattel security; terms to suit; no publicity; goods remain in your - possession. AmarieaA Loan Co,. 3d floor. raxton oioca. : . ., a sis MONEY loaned on plain note to salarlod people; Duainess counuentiai; inweet rates. 514 Paxton block. The J. A. Hut ton Co. MONEY leaned an planoe, f ureltui. lew-1 airy, aoraee. cows, eta J. r. Heaa, lit 14, t -. Jt-r MOSBT TO LOAN CHATTELS. Chattel and Falnry Loans, PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. ftuooessor to J. W. Tayloe. Tel. 746. 6JI Paxlon Blo-k. . A MSW RtSINESS CHANCES. TO GET In or out of business anil on Wll- I llama, Room 411, MCCague Bulioinir. X u A BUSINESS MAN CAN acquire controlling Interest In a profit- anie ana rnpiuiy increasing legitimate manufacturing business. Capital required t2.fru0 to to,!). This Is worth investigat ing, a. M. jonnson. x. x. ure. FOR BALE OR RENT, best $2 day hotel In goon town or s.ikhi; nve years- lesse; com- nleteiy rurnisnea. electric ana gas iiKnu steam heat, three railroads, etc. Address E 44. Bee. Y M857 la WHEN you want to buyv sell or exchange your Duainess or property quicK. see j. H. Johnson, MI N. x ifirs, xmzv) TO BUY, sell or exGhsnge a business, call on j. J. lanan, k. s, arnam oi. ... X M41 BAKERY FOR SALE. A flna bakery, nicely located, doing A good paying business, iargs retail traae. ill will pay you to Investigate this. Address ti Di, nee. i vtn F. M. CURRIE, Sargent, rteb., offers l,nO head or good .native I ana i-year-oia : steers for sale. Ho also calls 'the atten tion of the readers of The Bee to his reaular monthly sale of horses to be held st Sargent July 24. At this time he will offer about 200 head of horses for sale. These are native, unbranded horses of excellent quality. X lis 4 When You Write to Advertisers remember It exily take, an extra stroka of two of the pen to-mention the fact that I i you you Saw the ad In The Be . I WHOLESALE bakery for sale, good loca tion and good trade; railing neaitn is rea son for selling: new brick oven. Address ox ma, ueneva, reo. . i i EQUINE RECORD CO. Proven best dividend-paying Investment of nn century; write ior .particulars. Equine Record Co., roe wroaaway, rx. x. x aiix ai- FOR BALE Hand laundry having a good business. F 67, Bee. x M4oi - FOR EXCHANGE. WELL Improved grain and stock farm In central NebrarKa to exenange ior im proved .property . in . Omaha or South Omaha. Call on or write "Owner," M Bee ' I ulldlng. Telephone 1442. POR SALE REAL.ESTATE. . V . iuuuci it ui il uuuocn, ii-ceti i j new , .Soutn 2Sth Ave., facing park: on street I car line! ertce. wo. inouire oi J. m. Mien-i arda. 1116 So. 32d street, D M388 IF YOU want one .of the nicest $-rOom homes in uanscom jriace a will give you a bargain, uwner. leit city, muhi seu. J. H. Bherwood, 837 N.. Y. I Bldg. KH, M1D3 BEE PAYNE. BOSTWICK CO. for ctinlce bargains. ui is. x. ure uiag. -rei. loia. it o. an WILLIAMSON ffrSSifwe1?.-' 1203 RE 343 HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; also . , nre in,urance. Bemls. Paxton block. . , K 46 HOUSES and lota In all Darts of city: also I . . acre property, and term lands. 1 he U- , Da via Co.. twain eu. tie ouuaing. I A MONTHLY payment bargain in 8-room , bouse.. G. M. xsattinger. rnone 4W. . . .. ' -.1. A M53B ' -i .. .- -i i GEORGE G. WALLACB,areal estate, - mort gage, rentals, insurance.! orown diock. - - - - - - ' - ' 1 " ' ' ' RANCH wnd farm 'lands.' for sale by the s Union Pacino Railroad company. H. A. McAliester, isna commissioner, union t'a- clflc- Headquarters, umaoa, nm. " ' - ' ' ' KB-S4 WHYPAY RKNTT-- OWN YOUR HOME! See the Industrial - Home company or America; Boat Dlan on earth! Office 221 : Board of Trade . bldg,, -vOmaha. R. M. - .i-.i - . H Til.- vroT 110 v Hue, uiaiu,oi, . ..... iiur-iuMi a 40' ACRES 8 miles north of Florence; 2H I to 3 acres In berries; zuo apple trees, 7a plum trees; walnut and oak grove; fine pasture; can all be cultivated; nearly new 7-room house. Price, $3,000. 8 20-acre tracts north of Florence, rang ing In price from fo to it per acre; un improved. The Byron Reed Co., 212 B. 14th 8f ' RE-251 21 - GREAT BARGAIN IN ACRES. We can offer for quick sale two ten-acre tracts, beautifully locatea, on macaaam txed street, lust west of city: nothing finer around Omaha. Two of the nicest pieces of land Imaginable for fruit and vegetable gardens, poultry, etc. Price this weeK-oiuy i,ioo eacn. u you want to. look them over telephone 116P. Hicks. room Board ,lTaae ; umg. . xvr M4U1 22" ' SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. C. VAN BANT 8 echoot 917 N. Y. Life. BOYLES college, court reporter principal. n. x. Lire. .. . o NEB. Business A Shorthand College, Boyd's Theater.- j , disa LOST.-, GOLD cuff button with red set Return to Bee office, -' " y- Lost 776 LOST, ladles' -gold watch and neck chain. Finder please leave at Bee omce, uuuta umana, ana receive re warn. . aix zi- UVOl. Diaca ration utiu:.y enworth and Farnam. Leave at Drexel enoe m, or leiepimiio xtewnra. - 31-2 T2 PLUMBING. D. W. DUDGEON,, 2910 Farnam, Tel. 1966. ' -' ' 7T9 A GARBAGE, An i i-aiunuruij i uAsAur, vo., cleans cesspools and vaults, removes garbage and aeaa animals at reauceu prices, wi is. is. Tel. 1779. -878 " CARPENTERS 'AND 'JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repair ing promptly attenaea to. j. i. ucniitree. xvta ana L.axe streets. u ; ' ' MANUFACTURING. F. melchior, urn and Harney, ma- cninist. , : -auol OMAHA Safe and Iron Win. make a sna clalty of Are eacapes. shutters, doors and sales, u. Anareen. Prop., 103 s. loth St ICE CREAM SODA. SARATOGA Ice cream soda, one price, '5c; one quality, the best. S. W. cor. 24th Ames ave. 218 A16 FUR DRES8INQ. O. R. GILBERT CO.. tanners, 1424 8. 13th. ma ' ... BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co.. 811 North lth. LAWN MOWERS. I Sharpened. repairedj L L W'ks., 140 Jlo ward, I M3"4 AUTOMOBILES. ELECTRIC AUTOMOBILES, Derlght'a, 1119 Farnam street. .. NICKEL PLATING. OMAHA PlaOog Co., Bee Bldg. TeL K3S. e TYPEWRITERS. $20.00 BUYS A LAMBERT Typewriter. Fast, efficient, durable. Simplest, easiest to learn, use ana car ior. BUILT FOR BUSINESS. Let us show you. Bent on approval. MONROE CO.. 811 North 16th St., Omaha. 140 WE BEG TO ANNOUNCE that having suc- ceenert the united Typewriter and sup plies company wa will remain In the same location and carry In connection with the New Century a full line of Invincible sup plies for all machines. We shall be glad to have your patronage and we assure the most courteous and prompt attention to all orders. American Writing Machine Co., 416 South 15th Bt 'Phone 136. Bl'SINESS OPPORTUNITIES. THE MARKS BUSINESS COMPANY, . t'romoters or inausiries. REAL ESTATE AND LOANS. Business Chances Bought and Sold. Partners Furnished. Special Atten tion to the Sale of Furnlshet Houses, Rooming Houses, Hotels, Cigar and News Stands. Groceries, Meat Mar kets, Dry Goods Stores, Millineries and all clasres of Business.. Capital secured for Patents, Stocks Of Mer chandise, etc. Advance money to buyers on easy terms. If you are looking for small or lare In vestments we can help you, or should you wish to Increase your business And want capital, let us Know. We give everything oromDt attention and guarantee satisiactinn. uan or write. MARKS bl SINKH8 CO. 436 GOOD BLOCK. DES MOINES. MEDICAL. DR. PRIES, the acknowledged leading specialist In diseases of women In Omaha, would eall the attention of suffering ladles to his unsurpassed accommodations Deiore ana auring connnement ana nis treatment for irregularities, no matter what cause. Call or addreas. with stamD. Dr. Pries, Arlington Block, 1513 Dodge, umana. 4f LADIES' Chichester's English Pennyroyal fins are tne oest; saie; renaDie. laae no other. Send 4o, stamps, for particulars. "Relief ior Ladles" In letter. by return . mall. Ask your druggist Chichester cnemical Co., Philadelphia, Pa. OSTEOPATHY. GID. E. aV ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. euiie bio, n. x. .ue oiag. xei. iwh, , J5 DR. A. T. HUNT, fdl McCague Bldg. Tel. " ...... , MRS. GRACE DEEGAN, 538 Be building. -lei. zwjb. if A.14 LAUNDRY. OMAHA Bteatn Laundry; shirts, 8c; collars, ue; cuds, sc. iiov icavtnworin. lei. mi, wo BEST laundry. The Chicago, 'phone 206.- M551 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; an business conndentlai. 1301 Douglas. oos ' LAW 'AND COLLECTIONS. ' STILLMAN & PRICE. 23 U. 8. N l Bk. Bid. ...... , - - . . ; . ... NEB. Collection Co.. 106 N. -Y. Life Bl -g. .Ha Air ALPIRN buys alt kinds of scrap iron and metals, aia Douglas Bt. ' Tel. Z4,t. neo. ANNOVNCEsIENTS. . i WATERS PRINTING COMPANY. ' Tele phone 21N. 511 Boutn xnirtesntn street. " M37 TRUNKS AND BAGGAGE. TWIN CITY EXP. 'Phone 1717. 606 S. 16th. M002 L. M. E. hauls trunks. Tel. 780. M855 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS. GRAND Electric Co., 16 A Jackson. Tel. 8846. sta STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn. 480 Ha mgs Bldg. 0,3 STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co.. 912- 914 Jones, general storage ana forwarding. OM. Van Btor Co., 1511H Fm. Tels. U69-888. PATENTS.; PATENTS Sues A Co., Be Bldg., Omaha; DO fee unless auccessiui. aavice rree. 881 8eptl9 FLORIST. I HENDERSON. 1519 Farnam. Tel. 1288. fiend for price list cut nowers ana plants. m.wt MESSENGERS. m..,no.. ..nlM Tl 1017. " w- M, M406 AugSl POSTOFFICE NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by all Interested. as changes may occur at any time.) FnrHlirn malls for the week ending July 26, 1902, will Close (PROMPTLY In all cases) at the general posiomce as ioiiowb: rin-wi ni.r mjiiia cIosa one hour earlier than closing time shown . below. Parcels post I cioiuna uwi, . md.v,, ... r--- malls or Germany ciose at.s p. ra. weuuea- i aay. . Rerular and sunnlementarr malls close at foreign station half hour later than closing time shown below (except thatupplement ary malls for Europe and Central America via colon Close one nour later ai ioresu station). ' - Traasatlantle Mails. TUESDAY At 6J0 a. m. for ITALY di rect, per s. a. Cltta dl Mllano (man must ha Arp1A "nftp a. a. CMtta til u wno I. per a. a. Oceanic, via tjueanstown (man for other parts of Europe must be dt- rected ' per a. a oceanic , at a. m, for EUROPE, per a fern I tha mnlnn a. St. Louis, via THURSDAY At 6:80 a. m. for EUROPB, ner s. a. F. B amarck. via fiymoutn, Cherbourg and Hamburg (mail for France. Swttserland. Italy. Spain. Portu. sal. Turkey. EKVDt. Greece British India and Lorenxo Marque must be directed "per a. s. V. BlHmarck")j at 7 a. m. for FRANCE. SWITZERLAND. ITALY, SPAIN PORTI OAL. TURKEY. EGYPT, GREECE. BRITISH INDIA and LOR ENZO MARQUEZ. Der a. a La Bavole, via Havre (mall for other parts of Eu rope must be directed "per a. a. Ravole"!. SATURDAY At 6 a. m. for EUROPE, per a. a. Umbrla, via uueenstown; at 7:su a. m. ior NETHERLANDS direct, per s. a. Noordam (mall must be directed "ner s. s. Noordam"): at 840 a. m. for SCOTLAND direct, per a. a. Columbia (mall must be directed "per a. a. Co. lumbla"); at 10 a. ra. for BELGIUM dl 10 a. ra. for BELGIUM dl- i. Kroonland (mall must be rect. Der a. a. . directed "per s. a. Kroonland"): at 11 a. m. for DENMARK direct, per a. Island (mail must be directed ''per a Island"). PRINTED MATTER. ETC. Thle steamer takes printed matter, commercial papers and samples for Germany only. The same class of trail matter for other parts of Europe win not be sent by tnis amp . unless specially directed by it. Ailer the closing of tha supplementary rosTorri r koticf.. transatlantic malls named above, addi tional stipplementary mails are npid on the piers of (he American, Enallth. French and German steamers snd remain open until within ten minutes of the hour of sailing-of steamer. Malls for Soalh and Caatral America, Wast Indies, Eta. TUESDAY At I'M a. m. (supplementary 10;K m.) for CENTRAL AMKRH-A (except Costa Rlrs unit Snt'TH 'Al-nrl(' PORTS, per e, s. Finance, vf Colon (mail for -Guatemala must be directed "per s. s. Finance"); at :JO p. m. fo? JAMAICA, per e. s. Admiral Farrsgut, from Boston ; it e: p. m. tor roKTi) PLATA, per a. a. Captain Bennett from Boston (mall for other parts of Demliilcsn Republic must be directed "per s. a. Captain Ben nett"). WEDNESDAY At 10 a., m. for NEW. FOI'NDINDl per s. s. Silvia. THURSDAY At 8 a. m. for CUBA. YU CATAN, CAMPECHK, TABASCO and CHIAPAS, per s. s. Monterey (mall for other parts of Mexico must be directed "per S. s. Monterey")', at 12 m. for BAR BADOS and NORTHERN BRAZIL, per a s. Basil, via .Para and Maiiaos: at 6:30 p. m. for JAMAICA, per . s. Admiral ncniey, rrom noston; at ii:au p. m. ior NEWFOUNDLAND, per a. a. Siberian, from Phllatle Uihla. FRIDAY At 1 p. m. for 'BRAZIL, per s. hafflr Prince, via Rio de Janeiro and Santos (mail for northern Braxll, Argen tine, Uruguay and Paraguay must be directed "per 8. S. Kaffir Prince"); at 6:80 p. Tri. for BERMUDA, per steamer from Halifax. SATURDAY At 9 a. m... (supplementary :30 a. m ) for VORTO TtICO ( a Sail Juan), CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per a. a. Caracas (man tor Bavamua and Cartagena must be directed "per s. s. Caracas''); at 9 a. m. for ARGENTINE, URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, nor B. s. Arsblstan: at 9:30 a m. tsupplementary 111. '1,1 n vi VAOTtlVl.1 lOt 1 TI, 11- MAICA, BAVANILLm and CARTAGENA. per a. s. Aiiegnany (mull for t osta It lea must be- direoted "per s. a. Alleghany"); at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for HAITI and SANTA MARTA, per s. s. Alps; at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per a. a. Morro Castle, via Havana; at 12:30 p. m. for CUBA, per a. s. Olinda (ordlnury mall oniy, wnicn must De airectea - per s. s. Olinda"). Malls for Newfoundland, by rati to North ttyaney, ana tnence by steamer, close at this office dally at 6:30 rs m. (connecting cloee here every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday). Malls for Mlquelon, by rail to Boston ' and thence by steamer, close at tnie omce oany at s:ao p. m. mans for Cuba, by rail to Florida, and I hence by steamers, are dispatched daily, except rhursday. final connecting closes for dis patch via Port Tampa, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays at 6'30 a. m.: ior aispatcn via Miami, on Mondays and Saturdays at 6 JO p. m. Mails for Mexico City, overland, unless specially addressed ior aispatcn by steamer, close at this office dally except Sunday at 1:30 p. m. and 11:30 p. m., Sundays at 1 p. m. and .11:30 p. m. Malls for Costa Rica, Be 11 so, Puerto Cortes and Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans,. end ' thence by steamer, close at this office dally except Sunday at 1:30 p. m.. Sundays at "l p. m. (con necting closes here Mondays for Belize, Puerto Cortes and Guatemala, and Tues days for Costav Rica).-:Registered mall closes at 6 p. m. previous day. Transpacific Malls. Mails for China and Japan, via Vancouver ana victoria, a. u. cioae nere daily at S:30 p. m. up to July 22, Inclusive, for lspatch per a a. Empress of India registered mall must be specially ad dressed. . -Merchandise for U. S. postal agency cannot be forwarded via Can- Malls for China and Japan, via Seattle, ciose nere aauy- at s:so p. m. up to July 23, Inclusive, for dispatch per a. a. Iyo Maru. (Registered, mall must be directed "via Seattle"). Malls for the Philippine Islands, via Ban f rancisco, clone nsra aauy at s:ao p. m, up to July 25, inclusive, for dispatch ner IT. S. trsnfinort. Malls for Hawaii, japan, China and flrst- ciass matter tor tne Philippine islands. via Ban Francisco, close here dally at 9 to p. m. tip to July 27, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. a. Peru. ' Malls for Hawaii, via San Francisco, close nere aauy at s:au p. m. up to July "28, Inclusive, for dispatch Der s. s. Alnmeda. Malls for Hawaii, China, Japan and tlrst- ciass matter ior tne r-nwiunne islands. via ean iranciaeo, ciose nere aauy at :jo p. m. up to August "4, inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Coutlc. Malls for Australia (except West Au stralia, wnicn is forwarded via Europe) New Zealand, FIJI, Samoa and Hawaii 7 ... uc.ii . r. Linn, 1 1," i o uaiiy ui 6:30 p. m. after July 19, and up to Au gust -TiK. inciusn-e, or on arrival or a. s. Campania, due at New York August 9, ior uiKiwKii -vvr s. s. merra. Mads for Australia (excont West An straua, wnicn goes via urope, and New Zealand, which goes via San Francisco), aim x iji iBiuiiun, viu Vancouver ana vie- torut, u. v., ciose nere aauy at 6:30 p m. after August 9 and .up to August --to, inclusive, ior aispatcn per a. a. Alio wera. Malls for Tahiti and. Marquesas Islands, , via ryiii r r&ncmcu, ciuse nere aauy at o.w u. in. up to .AuguBt inclusive, ior uispatun per a. p. manposa. Transpacific mails are forwarded to port ui saiuna uaiiy anu tne scneauie or clos ing Is arranged on the presumption of tneir uninterruptea overiana transit. negisterea man closes at o p. m. pre' vlous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. Postofflce, New York, N. Y., July 18, 1902. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE. To Whom It May Concern Notice la here. by given that the Board of Commissioners or Knclc county. Nohrnakn will nn the 18th day of August, 1902, and until noon of I that day, receive bids at Bassett, Nebraska, ior ine construction oi a bridge crossing ' the Nlobra, a river at a point on or near ine nan-section tine dividing -section so, north and south. In township 82. range 19, which bridge shall be of the following gen eral cnaracier; Of euntciest length to span said river from bank to bank, Including Island, and about 600 feet; pile and atrlnger, under truss, wood bridge; white oak piling, 34 feet,. U Inches at butt aad driven at least 24 feet Into the ground: -bents 26 feet apart. piles to tne pent: Dents protected by piling Ice breaks, with railroad Iron protec tion, ana cents or, pues -under same pro tected by, two-Inch white eak plank; string- ?rs of uregon nr, txu inches, laid IS inches rom . cenUT to center; 14-foot roadway, two and one-half -Inch white oak plank; trusses -not les4Jean one Inch-In diameter, 4 truss rods to each span; railing 8 feet high, substantial, bard Dine, caps on nlles white oak, 12x12; bridge to be 6 feet above low water mark-, and to be Dalnted. All material to be first-class of kind named. Plans and speculations in county clerk a omce. All bids must be accompanied bv nlana ana speciucauons. ana also txuin as re quired by law, and no bid will be considered unless accompaniea py oor.a. Rlgnt reserved to reject any or all bids By order of the Board of Commissioners oi iiocx county, uatea juiy s, liioz. u. a. mi huku, county Clerk. - i i . July 18d30t M BIDS FOR ATEAtt ILEATTNO PLANT, Sealed bids will be received for Installln a a steam heating plant In tha public echo building at Kem merer, Wyoming, aa ptr plans and specifications, which may be Seen . upon application to Omaha National ank, Onij-.ha. Bids will close July 23. 1302. bids to be forwarded to the undersigned. The suc cessful bidder will be required to furnish bond. W ork must be completed by S P tember 16, 1902. The board reserves the right to reject any ana an bids. f MAIN iv. HAUJ.Mi, secretary. Frontier, Wyoming. J18d7t-M GOVERNMENT NOTICES. CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE Omaha. Neb.. June 21 loz. ejesled pro I poaals. in triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received at this office until 10 a. m , central stanaara time, juiy 2. I9ue. for furnishing material and labor In installing of steam heating plants tn the commanding officers quarters ana nve double aeta officers quarters at Fort Robin aon, Neb. Full information lurnisnea on aDDllcstlon to this omcs. where plans and Declflcatlons may be seen, or to the quar termaster, r on nooinaon. r-ropusaia iu ds marked. "Pronosals for Bteam Heating.' and addressed to JOHN W. PULLMAN, chief quartermaster, J24d4tjyl9-21 OFFICE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER Anih. Mh Juna 24. 19o2. lit a led pro- ia trlplicste. subject to the usual I JJnaitlons. will be reoelved at this office and by the quartermaster, jeirerson nar rulii. M.. until 10 a. m.. central standard time. July 24, 1902, for the construction of a frame band stand at Jefferson Barracks Mo. Full Information furnished on appll ..ilnn to this office, where specification! may ha aaen. or to the -Quartermaster. Jet ferson Barracks Proposals to be marked "Proposals for Band Stand," and addressed as above Indicated. JNO. W. PULLMAN, Chief Quartermaster. St-d-16-t6-n-88Jy81-2S GOVERMi:T MIT I IK. OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTFR Ms!r, Port 1-avenworth, Kaunas, July IS, li2. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be received here unt l 11 a. m., central time, A lift u t 18, 1902, and then opened, for con ttructin the following buildings. Includ ing plumbing, heating and electric wiring: SIX Infantry barracks, one artillery bar racks, one artillery stable, one artillery gun shed, one srtlllery guard house, shops, etc.. and one bakery, at Fort Leavenvrorth. Kansas. Bidders will state In their bid the time in which they will complete the work, as time will form an important con slilerstlon In the award. Full Information and blank forms of proposal furnished on application to this office. Plaits and specifi cations rr.ay be seen here, also In office of depot quartermaster at Chicago, St. Louis and Omaha, l ulled States reserves the right to accept or reject any or all pro posals or any part thereof. Envelopes to pa endorsed "Propne for Public Build ings" and addressed to Captain 1. K. Mo Carthy, Quartermaster. t-d-lS-21--M.Antt-IS-16 IAILWAY TIM 14 CAHD. UNION STATION IUTII AND IIAftCY. Cblcage, Rook Isiaad aft Paalalc. Leave. Arrive BAST. Chicago Daylight Lim ited .a BIT am A 6:46 are Chicago Daylight a 1:00 am a 9:3$ prn Chicago Express .141 :1a am a 6:06 prn Da Moines Local at:20nm bll Wam Chicago Fast Express. ..a 6:0a pro a 1:26 pro WEST. Rocky Mountain Um- lted a 6:50 am a 4:66 am Lincoln, Colo. Springs, Denver, Pueblo sua .a 1:90 pm, a 6:48 pm .a 6:20 pm al2:40 pra Colo., TeVaa,''caiI Oklahoma tiysr.... talon Pacino. Overland Limited. a 9:40 am a 7:80 pm a 8:50 am a 8:26 pm a 4:25 pm ,all:3o pru - a 4:86 pm . a 7:80 am , 7:10 am est Man allfomla Express.. Pacific, Express,. .... Eastern Express... n Atlantic Express Colorado Special Chicago BJH.iai fyfcu v . 8:40 aa Lincoln, Laatrlce and Wabash. Leave. Arrive. Bt. Louis "Cannon Ball" Express a i:t pm a l: am St. Louis Local, Council Bluffs a :io am aio.xo pm nrromaburs- Ex b 4:06 nm bU SO nm Grand Island Local b 6:30 pm b 9:36 pm Chicago at North astern. "The Northwestern Line." Fast Chloago..., ..a 8 40 am a 1:00 am Mall ...a 8:00 pra a 8:30 ant ...a 5:10 am 8:60 pm ...a 7:3i an. al0:26 pm ...a 8:00 am all:20 pm ...al0:55 am a 6:30 pm ...a 3:5i pm al0:O0 am ...a 4:55 pm a 4:06 pm a 9:20 am ' ...a 7:66 pta a 6:50 am ... a 2:40 pm ...b 8:66 pm bl0:U0 am Local fioux tuy.... Daylight St. Paul... layllght Chicago... Local cnicago. ...... Local carrou Fast Chicago Limited Chicago Fast St. Paul Fast Mall Local fciioux city .. Illinois Central. Chicago Express .... a 7:80 am a 6:10 pm Chlra-. MlnnesDolla A Bt Paul Limited a 740 pm a $.-06 am Minneapolis A St Paul Express o 7:20 am bl0:o pra Chicago Express a 10:86 pm Mlsaoarl 'Parlde. St. Louis Express. ......al0:00 am a t:B pm K. C. A St L Ex aio:50 pm a 6:16 an Chicago, Mllnaskei A St. Pa el. Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm a 8:06 am Chicago A Omaha Ex..b 7:40 am b 8:40 pm WEBSTER DEPOT 1BTII A WEBSTER Fremont. Elkkor Missouri Valley. Leave. Arrive. Black Hills, Deadwood, Hot Springs a i:uo pm a cm pra Wyoming, Casper and Douglas d 8:00 pm IKM pm Hastings. York, David City, superior, oenera, Exeter and Seward. ...b 8:00 pra b 8:00 pm Norfolk, Lincoln and Fremont b 7:80 am bVSM am Fremont Local .........o 7 JO am Chicago, St. Paal, ' Minneapolis A Osankn. Twin City Passenger... .a 6:80 am a 8:00 pm Blojx City raasenger...a z:w pm au: am Emerson Local b 6:40 pm b 8:45 am Missouri Pnclfle. Nebraska Local, Via Weeping water ......D t:w pra aio:zs am BURLINGTON STATION lOTH A MASON Burlington A Mlssoart River. Leave. Arrive. Wymore, Beatrice and , Lincoln a :w am duw am Nebraska ' Express a 8:40 am a 7:45 pm Denver Limited ..a 45 put a 6:46 vm Black mils ana i-ugei Sound Express au:iu pm a lao pm Colorado Vestibulea Flyer a :iu pro Lincoln Fast Mail b 1.10 pm a 9:17 am Fort croog ana nans mnuth b 8-20 pm tollM am Bellevnue & pacific Jet. a 7:50 pin a 8:27 am Bellevue A Pacino Jet. .a 8:00 am Kanaaa City, St. Joseph A Connoll Llnffs. Kansas City Day Ex... .a :0 am a 6:06 pm Bt Louis Flyer a 6:10 pm all:15 am Kansas City Night Ex..alo:90 pm a 4:14 am . Dally, b Dally except Sunday, o Bun- day only, d Laiiy except Saturday. Dally except Aionaay. Chloaac Ilarlina-ton A tlnlaey. Lee re. Arrive. - Chicago Special .a 7:00 am a 4:"6 pm Chicago Vestibulad Ex.a 4:() pm a 7:30 am Chicago Local .....a 9:80 am all:00 pm cnicago Dimitea a s:w pm a. i.mi am Faat Mall a 8:46 pm STEAMBOATS. HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE New York-Kotterdam. via. lloulogna, 8. M. Hew 1 win-screw s. s. or is.uvu voas register Twin-Screw tlnnrillffl ........ Noordam Steamer juiy ao, lua.u Twin-Screw Steamer Twln-berew Steamer Pl.Jil.jl.MI OldUSilUdlil Aug. I. 10 A. M. Potsdam Au'Aa.m Harry 'Moores. 1601 Farnam Apply to street; J. S. McNally, 1323 Farnam street; H. d. Jones, inux rsrnam street; ouis Neese. First National Bank, On Sumrair Tours on Lakt Michigan. " gTiAwtsitip MANITOU for n nc "rrto iliiIr, MlPpr" aaHaca, Uay flaw, Prta.kay, llaklaae l.lan. con. Bo log o Pateali, Bagala Ud all tm iWea Palata. LCAVit) CHICAGO AS) FOLLOWS! - . Tnes. Pa. . Thnrs. 10i80a.aa. MANITOU STEAMSHIP CO., OFFICE a 00CKS. Rush ens N. Water Suk. Cklcasa, ANCUOB UMt-11 a TSAIU STCAataXS Balling rasularlr batwaaa , . HSW YORK. LONDONPgHgy A OtASOOWj MEW rOkK, .OlbHaLTAR A MAPI a. Saparier aocomoiadatlaaa, BaMllaat Cslalsa, Mnrf rasaia tor lu aoinlurt ot suwiui auUleaalf ssa ildrrea aa pracUaae. . - Slnl ar Hsua4 TH tlekats laautt katwaas Naw Terk aaS Scotch. Bn(llah. IrUa aaS all Prlsol-al Contlaantal points at altrotl r- ff tlakats sr saaaral Inonnattau applr ' HPMOSRaoN Hao.. talsa. mr aar laical. AUAMT, high: river:.isnqw falling Mlssc-nrl's Rise Ckeekad, bat Streasa le Likely to Be Up (a Several Days. ' The Missouri river fail elght-tentha ot a foot at Omaha during the last twenty four hours and almost that much during the twenty-four houra preceding. With ao many streams uprlver still high It la not expected that the river will reach a stag of low . water for several days, but 'there Is tittle prospect for an Increase tn tha volume. The railway mall clerks handling mall front the east are beginning to atralghtea out trouble caused by the high water on tha Mississippi river. ' Saturday several trains were delayed ana than a large lot of mall was received at one time, which it was found Impossible to handle In th usual time. Train ar bow running regu larly. . . A Geed Thing far Mother. If she 1 tired out, alckly, run down, Elee trio Bitter will give her new life or there' ao charge. Try them. 60o.