t THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, JULY 22, 1002. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Xsan Aided by Fair Weather Ht Win- nicf Day ia Cereal Pita. ALL LINES QUIT AT LOWER LEVELS Joly Oata Aftor Meaaelnej to Stam ped Short Close Weak Wall Wheat TirlM a ad Cora U Dalt aad Listless. CHICAGO, JtHy 21 Bearish sentiment, ngondered by fair weather and a better tVellng In grama, was In the precedent to day on the board of trade. For a short time July oata threatened to stampede the crowd or short by touching a new record at 67c. In the end, however, selling wi free In everything, and wheat closed 44c ower, July wheat 4c lower, September corn e oown, July corn Xc lower, July oata 14c down, and September oata 4fi-4c lower. Provisions cloned 74c to 374e lower, i After almost ronstant ralna for auch a long time that Vhorta were In despair the fine weather of today, with plenty more redleted, put the bears In fine feather, lioth In the northwest, where the spring wheat harvest began today, and In the outhweat, where wheat la In shock, the conditions were Yery favorable. wheat cables were Indifferent to the dip here Sat urday, owing probably to threatening leather In England and Prance. But this Influence did not work against a lower opening. The wheat crowd wss bearish tiu general principles. Immediately, how ever, on the early break buying began, Influenced by marked decreases In the world's shipments of last week, and In the decrease of 2,500.000 buehels of breadatuffs kin passage. Receipts were very liberal, tout contract stuff remained very light. Ex port business waa almost nothing, bids being 4c to 4c out of the way, and at 0altlmore buyers were reported asking to tiave contracts cancelled. When estimates ior tomorrow's receipts were posted at 435 trars and the visible supply Increased 607,. COO bushels, the early bearish sentiment waa revived and local selling at one depressed the market. Trade whs fairly , large, but was much mixed during the day. Sep tember opened 4'c to y&4c lower at 72c to 71 to. advanced to i2n, broke to !714fi'714c, and closed weak 4(a4c down at Jl4c. July sold at 774c on shorts covering, but closed easy 4o lower at 764c Re ceipts, 218 cars, Ave contract; of these 208 were new wheat, but of the new only one car waa contract. Minneapolis and Duluth reported 2X1 cars, a total for the three joints of 499, against 627 last week and 6sl a year ago. World shipments were 6,663, 4 bushels, against 7,'ul.0U0 bushels last :week and 7,761. uoo last year. Primary re ceipts were 1.2u),000 bushels, against 1,257. CuO bushels last year. Seaboard clearances equaled 615,000 bushels. Corn waa dull and listless most of the day, buoyed up only momentarily by a little short covering on the Influence of the temporary wheat strength. Receipts were not large at 276 cars, 79 contract. But private elevators turned out 213 cars, a total of contract stuff out amounting to 175,000 bushels. After the early rally sup port waa wanting. offerings were made freely by the local crowd and little stuff 'Was wanted. There was not much disposi tion to sen snort, out me nne weatner, which helped the movement and grading. and the large estimated receipts brought weakness. September sold from 604o up to 14c, broke to 604c, and closed weak rp no oown at ntic. juiy som early at tiic, but closed weak 2c down at 654c. Oats were weakest of the grains, al though thla market made the best show of strength early In the session. A break to 62c early In July gave rise to a rumor xnat tne snorts naa settled In this option. Hut at once the price was put up to 67c n gooa support ana a snarp trade resulted for a short time. Receipts still were small at 90 cars, 15 contract grade, but today there were is cars of new oats. Iowa sent reports that one-third of the crop of that state had been damaged. In the end the nne weatner prevailed against the bulls, and alt prices weakened on llanlriatlon selling anld to he for the Interests that control the short lines now out helped break prices. September sold from 837,0 flown to 33Uc, and closed weak HUa ower at 834334c. July closed weak lie down at 63c. . Provisions were, heavy .and were for aale 111 day In larger quantities than the crowd Wanted at the asking prices. Hogs were abundant and had to sail at discounts of 0c to 15c. The selling was ao concerted that It appeared to be for the purpose of breaking the martlet. September pork Closed 3, He lower at $18.00; September lard loo down at 110.75, and September ribs 74o lower at $10,674. Estimated reeefnts tnmnrrn. Ytra, 135 cars; corn, 445; oats, 196; hogs, 19,004 The leadlns; futures ranged aa follows: trtlcles Open. High. Low. Cloae. Safy. Wheat ; July . 77 T7H I Sept. 717,-24 72 .Cue. 7HiT 72H Corn : July 67H 67H Sept fiOHlft7, . 1V ; Pec. WW v, 46Vii(1 'May 43V,1 45H HJata I July 63Hf, 1 HH July 62 67 iScpt. 3(V m Sept. 7ar1 S3'i t t ec. 32 SJ May S3H 83H Pork , July 18 00 18 07H Sept. 18 20 18 22V, Oct. 18 00 IS 00 Lard July 10 70 11 70 Sept. 10 75 10 90 Oct. 10S7H 10 67H Ribs July Sept. 10 65 10 7i 75V4 764 76H 71T72-'s 71H 72H 654 tfl 60460(861 71V, fi0, 4 46V(f4 3H sai 43H 48 61 62 68 41 64U 9nl Wt 314 84 S2T4 . 83yt 17 874 18 00 17 90 33 Si 17 R7U.I IS JS 18 00 18 874 17 90 18 124 10 6741 10 rv. io h; 10 65 1U 75 10 10 47Vi 10 60 io 10 60 I 10 67V, 10 65 io siftl IV 75 a Old. b New. No. J. Cash quotations were aa follows FLOUR Steady; winter patents. $3 85ft 1.75; winter straights. 3.20iff3.i: winter Hears, i.oun3.4o: spring sp.clals, tt JO; inring patents, $3.50(3.85; spring straights, 0.008.35. WHEAT No. t spring, 70g74c; No. I red CORN No. 2 yellow. 54f66c. OATS No. I, 50(g7c; No. I whlta, 62ig63c. BARLEY Fair to choice malting, 7072c, SEEDS No. 1 flax, M.44; No. 1 north- s-estern. $1.61: prime timothy, $6.75; clover. lontrsct grade. $8.40. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bhl., $1790 B'li.no. ira, per no ids., , 91o.fi5til0.674 Ihort ribs sides (lons), $10.RS'5?io 65. Dry lalted shoulders (boxd. .STA9.50. Short dear sides (boxed. $11,374111 50. WHISKY-On the basis of high wines, , B 30. The following are ths receipts and ship- Receipts. Shipments. Plo'ir, bbla. K'heat, bu. born, bu...., lata, bu.,,. tye bu tarfey, bu. ... 15.0110 16,0 X) 79OO0 . 17,0(10 .3R,mo .108.00 172 0 0 78.000 9.000 6.000 On the Produce exchange todav the hut. er market was steady; creameries 174U D4c; dairies, 164!ll4c Cheese, steady, il0c. Eggs, steady; fresh, 174c IEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. taot.tl... af Dmy a. V.,1... Coaamodltlea. NEW YORK. July 21-FTX)UR-Recelpts, B.236 bbls ; exports, 8.840 bbla.; market dull knd easier, with buyers and sellers again tpparent; winter patents. I3.ts6ii4.00; winter liralghta. $3.6G4j3.86; Minnesota patents. t"i?4.10; winter extras, $3.So4i3.S6; winter ow grades, .lti.16; Minnesota bakers, B lSitj3.S6. Rye flour, quiet; fnh to good, P Sf-WS.45; choice to fancy, $3 6oiS.6S. CORNMEAL Easy ; yellow neatern $1.S2; piy, nrinojwine, sa.itKUO.(. kie steaay; no. 1 western, se, 1. o. ., afloat; slate, 364c, f. I f.. New York larlots. I BAR LFY Nominal. WHEAT Receipts. tt,tm bu.: shipments, 1,851 bu. Snot, eaay; No. S red. 7N4c. ile vator. and TWiTjNoo. f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 lorthern, Duluth. 824r, f. o. b.. afloat; Wo. 1 hard, Manitoba, ac, fj o. b., afloat, tig receipts and a poor demand for spot train weakened wheat steadily. Trade waa generally light and local, with sentiment learlsh. Foreign weekly statistics were nore bullish, but home futures bearish. In UudUiff the visible supply Increase of '7.0iJ u. Final prices showed 0 net loss, luly closed at SU'c; Bt-ptemuer, 7 11-14 fje, closed at 77c; December, 77&77c tlosed at T7c. CORN Receipts. $1,600 bu.; exports, 200 u. boot, easy; No. $. The. elevator, and k4e. t. o. b., afloat. Options were strong tt flrst oa covering, but after midday broke lharply on a withdrawal of support and Uoaed 4i4o net lower: Julv. 7o4ktf714c, tosd at 7oc; Baitenlber, tVMJJ'7c. closed it W4.C- OATS Receipts. 67.600 bu. Spot strong Ho. t. 62c: No. t. 61c: No. t white. 64c No. 8 white.- 634c: track mixed westers Kn63c: track white western. 6titi6c; track shlta staLs. KHldc. Options were strung and aeilva on July for a time, but later turned weak all around, through general nuadlng.' . ft AY .Steady; shipping. 669700; good to iiofS-ilrm; ataU, prime to choice, 19"1 crop, 19H'S23Hc: 1900. lop; olds, cV7fc; state, common to choice, J9ol crop. 21&2.V; l(i, IT'pWc, olds, 71 10c; Pacific coast, 1901 crop, Jai!4c; 19'"), 7al8c; olds. 7Wloo. LKATIIKR-steady ; sew, oc, Wlllk-R Hlriv: OalVMton I) 19 E 1h.. lc; California, 21 to 26 lba., lc; Texas dry, 24 to 30 Ins., 14c. wool, juiet, domestic neece. wjic. PROVISIONS Beef, steady: family, I16.no 616 60) mess. IllS1): beef hams, 116 OUfTOO 26; rket, i4.axulfi.ii; tity extra lnoia mess, 22.0024.00. Cut ments. firm: plrkled bel lies. I11.64?12 R0' plrkled shoulilers. 19 004 9 60; plrkled hams, tl2.00tjl2.H. Lard, easier; western stesmed, in.io; juiy cioeeo i 11097, nominal; reflned, easier; South Amer- cn. 112: compound. W 12Vrl.60: continent. $11.65. Pork quiet; family, $21.a21 50; short clear, $19..V4r22.fl0; mess, I19.22.0I. TAUUW-nrm; city ivi per pag.i, eic; country (pkgs. free), 64'&6ac. RICE Firm: domestic, fair to extra, 4Vir 6e; Japanese, 61r54c. BUTTER Receipts, 80.226 pKg.; steany; state dairy. 1744r20.kc: state creamery. I iff 2P,c; Imitation creamery, 17fil9c; factory, I 164il8c. LHEEBB-leaner large, wnrte ana coi I ored Mbr: fsnrv small, colored. 10c: white. I 91 1'ie. I KOOS Receipts, 7,422 pkgs.; firm; state and Pennsylvania, 20(S204c; western can- I died, 194c. rirtn; rew urieans, ajifliic. I POULTRY Alive, Arm; chickens, 14c; turkeys, 11c; fowls, 14c. Dressed, firm; I chickens, 17c; fowls, isojMftc; turners, uqyi 14c. OMAHA WHOLES A LB MARKETS. CoadHloa of Trade aad Qaotatloaa aa Staple and Faaejr Prodaaa, EGOS Candled stock, 16(31640. LIVE POULTRY Hens. 9c: old roost- era, according to age, 4t6c; turkeys, ftaioc ; h''is? "eCS"r "Cl Pr,n" chlcken'' per BUTTER Packing stock, 14144e: choice I h""r,frn lalry. Iritubs, 17c; separator. 2021c. " J0- FRE8H CAtJGHT FISH Trout, 10c; her- Ia,r 10 ooa ring. 6c: pickerel. 8c: pike. 9c: perch, 6c; buffalo, dressed, 7c; sunflsh, 5c; blueftns, 8c; whlteflsh, 10c; catfish, 13c; black baas, iso; halibut. 11c; salmon, 16c; haddock, 11c; codfish, 12c; red snapper, loc; lobsters, boiled, per lb., 27c; lobsters, green, per lb., 25c; bullheads, 10c. I X ifi',n 0 ' 1 WiraZ' 1 BRA N Per ton, $15. . HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Hay Dealers' association: Choice hay, No. I upland, $8; No. 1 medium, $7.60; No. 1 coarse, $7. Rye straw, $5.50. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. De. mand fair. Receipts light. VEGETABLES..' . ' s CAULIFLOWER Home grown, per doa.. 604)60c. - NEW CELEKx Kaiamaioo. too. POTATOES New, per bu., 35c. GREEN ONIONS Per doa.. according to size of bdnchts, 15&30c. TURNIPS Per bu.. 80e. BEETS Per basket. 40o. GREEN CORN Per dos., 10e. CUCUMBERS Per doa.. 2530o. LETTUCE Per doaen bunches, 28c. PARSLEY Per dox., 30flS5c. RADISHES Per doi., 2uff26o. WAX BEANS Home truwn. per market basket, 8vu;(6c; string bean a, per market basket, 3"ioc. cabbaue caiiromia or noma grown, new. lCdlttc. ONioiNH ew cauiomia, in aacaa, per l lOMAiuta icxss, per s-Dasaei crate, 85(SS0c. . . NAVX BEAKS Fer DU., 2. FRUITS. PEACHES-California 90c: Texai El- bertoa, per 4-baeket crata, 85e. PLUMS California, per 4-DaKet crates. fancy, $1.251.30. PKUNEa fer dox, ii.iFpi.w. PEARS California, per box, $2.25. APPLES Summer ' varieties, per bbl.. $3.00. CHERRIES California, per box, $1.60; home-grown, per 24-qt. case, $2.00. CANTAIjUFK Texsa, per crate, xz.oo. RASPBERRIES Red. per 24-pts.. $2,600 1.75. ut invnrnnTirii-P.r ,!., .. v tA wTTvpuif i nisLi.i m iiT 3tm WATERMELONS Per 100. !V7.0025.00. TROPICAL FRUITS. PINEAPPLES Florida, 30 to 36 count, I 13.60. BANANAS fer bunch, according . to lie, $2.25g'3.75. ORANGES Valenelas, $4.7S6.00; Medi terranean sweets, $4.O0$4.25. LEMONS Fancy, $6,004(6.50; Messina, $4.50(Uo.00. MISCELLANEOUS. CIDER-Nehawka. per bbl., $3.26; New York, $3.75. POPCORN Per lb., 6c; shelled, 6o. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 12c; hard shell, per lb.. 114c; No. 2 soft shell, 10c; No. 1 hard shell, 9c; Braslls, per lb.. 14c: fllber'ts. per lb.. 12c; almonds, soft I shell, 18c; hard shell, 15c; pecans, large, per news concerning these mocks tor tne pres lb., 12c; amall, 10c; cocoanuts, per gack, ent had been published. Among western m o ' railroads the active speculation shifted to HIDES-No. 1 green, 6V4c; No. S green, Missouri Pacific, Atchison and 'St. Louis 54c; No. 1 salted, 74c; No. 1 salted 6c; Southwestern. Reports of weather favor No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12 lbs.. 8c; No. i veal able to the crops was the continuing ln calf. 12 to 15 lbs.. c: dry hides. 312c; aheap fiuence upon these - Blocka. but It jailed pelts, 7fcc; horse hides. tl.ou02.SU. ell he PflcaK f JS1'1? ..h OLD METALS A. B. Alpern Quotes the following prices: Iron, country mixed, per ton, $10.00; Iron, stove plate, per on. $7.60; copper, per lb., 84c; brass, heavy, per lb., 84c; brass, light, per lb., 6c; lead, per lb., 64c; sine, per lb., 2c; rubber, per lb., 6c. St. Loals Jrala aad Provisions. T ATTTd V..1.. i nrTIV11TM, D X . 1,V LID, WUU . uiiGin & lAinn No. 2 red cash, elevator, 64c; track, new. .OrtfTlc; old, 7?f75c; July. S4S'Hcj 8ep- Nonb2rhardMc,C: VeCember' rnHNi ower No 1 panh 11241 track ?Kb: "M"' OATS-Lower; No. 1 cash, new, 89c: track. new. 40c: old. 4ixiiouc: beutemoer. zsc; imo. z white, old. 66c. RYE Dull at 66c. FLOl.'R Firm: new red winter pat ents, $3.40j3.45; extra fancy and straight, $3.1003.36; old of both grades 1630o per bol. nigner; oia clear. w.iKxgii.uu. SEED Timothy, nominal. CORN MEAL Steady at $3.1$. BRAN Eaay; sacked, east track, 82c. HAY Steady; timothy, $10.0015.60; prai rie, $7.0P10.00. WHISKY Steady. $1.S1. IRON COTTON TIES-Steady, $1.06. BAGGING Steady, 64rtT0. HEMP TWINE sc. PROvtSIONS-Pork. lower: lobbing, old. $18; new. $18.40. Lard, lower, $10.45. Dry salt meats (boxed), steady; extra shorts, $11,124; clear ribs, $11.25; short clears, $11.60. Bacon (boxed), steady; extra shorts, $12; cleae Hh I12.12U: short clear. 112.37U. METALo Lead: a4.UU. Bpeuer: illgner I at $5.05. ... I POULTRY Firm: chickens. 104c: sprlnss. I 16c; turKeys, l.'o; oucas, vtc; geese, 44c. BUTTER Steady; creamery, lHiiJOc; dairy, 17(h l8Hc. . I I Receipts. Shipments. I Flour, bbia iu,w i.imi Wheat, bu 421.000 Corn, bu 61,000 0Xl Oats, u.. 84.0.0 4,000 Liverpool Grala aad Provisions LIVERPOOL. July XL WHEAT Spot, No. 1 northern, spring, stesdy, 6s 24d; No. 1 California, quiet, rs 6d. Futures, dull; July, nominal, September, 6a ld; Decem ber. s I4d. CORN Soot. Arm: Amerlcsn mixed. 6a. Futures, dull; September, 6s 2d; October. 6s 24d. FKUVIHIONH iieer. strong: extra inoia mess. 107s od. Pork. Arm: prime mess west-I em. 82s M. Hams, short cut. 14 to 16 lbs.. steady, 60s 6d. Bacon, strong; Cumberland nil ?ff tn 30 Ins.. httabrt! snort rltis. IB to zu lbs.. Arm. 60s: long clear middles, light. Z8 to 84 ids., nrm, ws so; long clear miaaics, heavy. 3a to 40 lbs., inrm. bus fj; snort clear backs. 16 to 28 lbs.. Arm, 69s 6d; clear bel lies, 14 to 16 lba., strong. t3s. Shoulders, square cut. 11 to 1$ lbs.. Arm, 47 6d; Lard, steady; prime western. In tierces. quiet, 66s 61; American reflned. In palls, quiet, 64s 8d. UttELbK meaay; American nnesi wnue, 47s 6d; American nnesi colored, 48a 6d. TALIXJW Prime city, steady, 28g 6d; Australian, In London, dull, 13s. FLU UK et. Louia fancy winter, nrm, 1 d. , HOPS At London (Paclflo coast). Arm, flBil 6 10s. . BUTTER Nominal. PEAS Canadian, steady, d. The Imports of wheat Into I4verpool last week were 65.500 quarters from Atlantlo porta, none from Paclflo and 4.ouu from other ports. There were no Imports of corn. Toledo Grala sat Seed. TOLEDO. O.. July 21. WHEAT Active. lower: cash and July. 74Vc: September. 734c; December, 74c. t.u it is Active, strong: easn, soc? July, &4c; September, 4c; December, 464c uaih Mooeraieiy active, strong; cnen, uiy. aec; oentemoer. ju'c: new juiy. 60c: new September, 83c. Kir- 1x0. I, hoc. or.e.i-t,-iover, auti; casn ana October, $5.r4- Dalath Grata Market. VliTH, July 21. WHEAT Cssh, No 1 hard. 77c; No. t northern. 7S4c; No.' 1 northern, 764c; July, 764c; September, 714c; December, 704c OATS September. 804o. Mlaaeaaolla Wheat, Hear aa Bra a. MINNEAPOLIS, July 21 WHEAT Sep- lemuer, "tc: on tracx, i. 1 nard, l'c; No. I northern, 78c; No. 1 northern. 714a. FIT.'R Millers report a fslr volume of trade In flour to stsrt with and Indications of a satisfactory week. First patents, M M) 64.00; second patents, t.1.70fr 3 ; first clears, W""u3 10; second clears $2 46. B HAN In bulk, $14.00fjl4.60. Kaasas City Grata aad ProTlsloas. KANSAS CITT, July 21. WHEAT Sen. tember, 54fe?4c; Iecember. 4c; cash. No. 2 hard. 6S4c; No. $. fiSSrc; No. t red. 68c; No. I, A&7c. CORN September, 474'S'47Hc; Iecember, rvc; cash. No. 1 mixed, 6"olc; No. 2 white, 6oc; No. , 64c. OATS No. 2 white. 65C. RYE No. 2. 63c. HAY Choice timothy. $10.0011.00: choice prslrle, $7.0Wj'7.25. , BiribH creamery, ic; fancy aairy, 18c. EGOS Steady: fresh Missouri and Kan sas stock. 14c dot,., loss oft, cases returned. fteceipis. Bnipmcmn. S39.2I0 87.600 92.SO0 15.300 ... 106.0IJO 16,000 Wheat, bu Corn, du . ot tiu' u.. n lallasT an Elevator. bi. lAjxjia, juiy d,-im mercne-nis ex- change today, by a vote of 274 to 14. adopted a rule giving the board of direct- ors or tne exenange autnority to aeciare any eievaior irregular ior in aenvery oi contract grades of grain on future con- tracts, "such action to be taken without tne preferment or cnarges. inis tne eie- vator ceonle declared unlust snd arbl trary. Last week they applied for an In junction to restrain the exchange from adopting such a rule, but failed to get It. Philadelphia Prodaee Market. PHILADELPHIA, July 21. BUTTER Steady; extra western Creamery, 214c; extra nearby prints, 22c. EOG8 Steady; fresh nearby, 18e, loss off; u" fresh southern l&ifc. fresh western, 18c; rresn soumwestern CHEESE Steady; New York fall creams, Mew xorK tun creams. 9410c, Tlslble Rnpply of Grata. NEW YORK, July 21. The visible supply of grain Saturday, July 19, as complied by the New York Grain produce exenange was. -wheat. 20,415.O00 bu., an Increase of un myt hu ' com a oRS OOO hu.. an Increase t 667.000 bu. : oata 718,000 bu a decrease t 602.000 bu.; rye, 1S6.000 bu., a decrease ,62;??)Kbu-: bar,eJr- 119'000 bu- a ecrea9 or 1two Du t im..w r... MILWAUKEE. July 21. WHEAT Mar ket easier; No. 1 northern. 78S'784c; No. 2 northern, 77t774c; September, 75c RYE Higher; No. 1. 61c. BARLEY Dull: No. 2, 703704c. CORN September, 694c Elgin Batter Market. ELGIN, III., July 21. BUTTER But one lot of butter of 1,200 lbs. was placed on sale on the Board of Trade today and a bid of 21e was refused. The quotation com mittee declared a firm market at 21c, the sales of the week aggregating 800,000 lbs. I Peoria Market. PEORIA, 111., July 21. CORN Firmer; No. 3, 63c. OATS Firm and higher; No. $. 67G8o. WHISKY $1.31 fpr finished goods. war veair STOCKS AND BONDS. Iadlrldaal Strength Displaced by General Recession la Last Hone NEW YORK. July 21. There were vari ous demonstrations of strnegth In individ ual stocks today, but the sustaining force of these advancea was taken advantage of on every occasion to sell out stocKs for the purpose of realizing profits. This was effected without any notable damage to prices, owing to the judicious and careful manner In which the market was fed. In the last hour of the market, however, when It became known that arrangements had been made for shipment of xi.ooo.oou in i - . I - v. .. . ' . . .... v. "'"i" "J - wlll,l( mantel turned aownwaras ana closed active and eaav. M. ...h w. I.rt nf r1ler pains In any case, and Pennsylvania, which was a very conspicuous leader of the early mar ket, closed at a small net loss. The early strength of this stock was attributed, to the supposed acquirement of control of Reading, but the subsidiary companies failed to participate, Chesapeake Ac Ohio and Norfolk A Western being Among the weak stocks for tne day. The decision of the coal miners' conven tion against a general strike was antici pated with certainty, and the large buying of last week of the aoft coal carriers was on that account. The heavy realizing . or tne aay was doubtless on the ground that all the good would be eouallv benefited by good crops, Old rumors were revived of a closer rela tion between St. Louis Southwestern and Chicago & Eastern Illinois. The reports of damage by floods In the western states were Ignored. The Industrials were idle and neglected. The failure of the judicial conference. which waa expected to take up the appeal In the case against the t'nlted Statea steel ,17 . , , . . f" conversion pm ' v ueen n tnfluenca In killing speculation In these London was oulte a heavy seller of stocks this morning here, and was Itself a suf- vkr cf ey,nt w"" edoubHleKt oiw'J", -'."""'-" . The announcement came as something of a surprise, nevertheless, aa sterling ex change at Parts recovered a fraction to day. But the entire relation of pressure from western points upon New York for currency, and the continued disbursements by the government In excess of reclpts, have resulted In such easy conditions of the local call money market that the specie became easily available and the shipment proved a cheaper method to remit than the purchase of exchange, which has hugged the gold export point for a week or more. There was an eas4er tendency In the bond market, which shows rather a notable lack of Investment demand. Total sales, par value, $3,706,000. United States old 4a reg istered declined 14 per cent on last call. The following are tne closing prices on the New York Stock exchange: ' Atchlaon 104 to. Pacific 474 do pfa.g iw so. Kauway .v...... anstj aaltlaiars aV Ohio... .111 I lo pfd . ai do pfd - M Taaaa ft Paclna. c.din Pactao w Toledo, si. i.. ft w. ii"4 CuLiat M Chea. ft Ohio Chicago ft Alton. sow do pfd . e44 Cnloo PaclBo 1074 . w do pid . t14 Wabaah 11 .74 . do pfd 444 . 174 Wheeling ft L. E.... 14 Chicago, lad. ft Ij. do nfd .111 1 do Id pfd (74 . 104 Wla. Central 174 . 174 do pfd 494 Aa irf nfd do Id pfd Chicago ft N. W c h. 1. ft P . Adama si .....izo .14 American Ex 131 .liiHll'nlted states Ex lis Chicago, Tar. ft Tr. 124;Wella-Pargo Ex.. .110 do pfd C. C. C. ft Bt. It Colorado Bo , do IN pfd do 11 pfd Del. ft Hudaon... 404 Amal. Copper .. 444 .. 114 ..106i! Amer. Car ft T..., .. 114 do pfd , .. lf4 Amer. l.ln. Oil.... .. 44 do pfd ..1714 Amer. 8. ft R ..10 I do pfd , .. 41 Anac Mining Co.. .. N iBrooklrn R. T.... .. n Colo. Pual ft Iron .. 4 Con. Oaa .. ll'ia Cont. Tobacco pfd. ,.1M4 lien. Electrto ., 11 Hocking Coal 1.... .. 114 later. Paper ..1464 do pfd , .. 4 Inter. Power .. 44 Laclede Ua .. 14 ... xi .. 61 ,.. 444 ... 74 ..1014 Dal. L. ft W. Denver ft R. O. do pfd .. 74 I ."::' .. SO lrt P'a- ..1144 do M Pfd ...1!!4 Great Nor. pfd. . . IS I ... 17 Hocking Valley I ini.m. do pfd. ... W4 .. 7J'4j 1 low central ... aa ,.. at ...41 do pfd ka Erie W.... . 444 National Blecult . .114 National Lead .... .1314 No. American .... .114 Pacific Coaat .I604 Pacific Mall ' . to people'a Oaa . 114 Praaaed 8. Car.... .11:-, do pfd .1144 Pulhnan P. Car... . IS Republic Steel ... . 414 do pfd .117 Sugar .1414 Tena. CoeJ ft I... do p'd ... 114 L ft N Manhattan L Met. St. Rr Max. Central Max. National Mlaa. ft St. h Mo. PaclBc M . K. ft T do pfd N. J. Central N. Y. Central ... 114 ... 44 ...1044 ... aa ... T74 ,..S4a ... U4 ... it ,..11 ... 464 ... 144 Norfolk ft W at union ag a r... do pfd Ontario ft W...., PennerlvaAlA .... Reading o lat pfd do Id pfd a. u a. r..., do lat pfd do Id pfd at. L. South.... do pfd , St. Paul do . pfd .. M do pfd .. 14 U. a. Leather ... ..140 da pfd .. 47 V. a. Rubber .... .. U do pfd .. 124 V. a Steal .. 71 do pfd .. it Weatarn t'aloa ... .. Tf4 Amer. Locomotive. .. US do pfd .. 704, K. a Southern.... ..IN i de pfd ..Ill ... Bl ... 114 ... 4 ... 14V ... 66 ... 404 ... ao ... M4 ... IS ... W4 ... ... a4 Es-dlvldend. Bask t'leariaaja. OMAHA, July 21. Bank clearings today 81 lot 131.70: corresoondlnr day last year, 1 11 tno 2MI.46: Increase. Ilol.a. T. LOUIS. July 2L Clearings. r.821,fi22 I balances,. fj3.2bo; money, steady, tij per I cent; New York exchange, c premium. BOSTON. July 2L Ulrarlngs. $16,771,640 halancea. 81. 176.866. NEW YORK, July 21. Clearings, $122,560,- OttO; balances, a.7Z.Jbtt. BALTIMORE. Julv 21. Clearings. t2,696, $43: balances, $374,638; money, 44 per cent, PHILADELPHIA. July 21. Clearing $14,815,301; balances, $2 M0; money. 4(u44 per cent. CHIfAQO. Julv 21 Clearings $27.4o4.S9 at R(N, aftll. iiiulit ..I'hanii. X4 kA I for sixty days and $4.M4 on demand; New I lorx exenange, aao prrniium. CINCINNATI, July 2L Clearings, $4,160, 050; money, $46 per cent: New York ex change at par and 10c premium. New York Money Market. NEW TORK. Julv 21 MONEY On call. 244 per cent; closed offered at 24 P cent; prime mercantile paper, 4466 per cent. 8TERLING EXCHANGE Firm, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4 874 for demand and at. $4. sfrS'iN 854 for sixty dnys; posted rates. $4.S'i4.i4 and $4.)4 64 W: commercial bills, M M'gK6. tii,v i-.k liar, He; Mexican dollars, uta. BONDS Government steady: state. In active; railroad, easier. 1 ha closing quotations on bonds are as follows: v. a. nr. t rc. ..10TH L. A M. atil. 4a 101 ..1OT1 'tin. Central 4s It ..imli o is lac ..lMi m. St. L. 4a 10t ..m M , K. T. 4 104 ..lMV 40 ! 4 ..10.N. T. Csntral U....111H ..lent,! Mo (aii. W I4 ..1031, J. ('. sm. ts....ia4tk do coupon do la, rf do coupon do 4e, reg do coupon .... do eld 4a, reg, do cowpon .... 6 6a. rf..... do cousin .... inft iNo. FSC1D0 Atchison gn. 4s KH1! do la '-t4 rn. 4S....101V, uo aai. a n. a w. Bal. a Ohio 4s .101 'Reading gen. 4a.... M4 do im do eoiiT. 4s.... lit Ii t 1 I. M. .1114 . M4 . . . H4 ..4 .114 .11(4 . 134 .1044 .10(4 .111 .1114 . n .1114 . M4 . M4 ...1114 U i r. 4a. Cand So. is.. Central ot Oa. I ...ini at. l. a. w. u... ...10 I do la do la Ine l A. A A. P. B rhea. aV Ohio 44a....lniv, So. ParlAe 4a , Chit-ago A A. 34a... I3S, Railway 6a.... (., B a Q. a. 4a... K'l Tn. Pacific la C, H A II f I. 4a. 1.14 iT. St. L. A W. 4a C. N. W. ?a ill il'nlon Pacific 4a... C . R. I. a P. 4a 11041 do coht. 4; 0 C C ft Rl L a. 4a. 11 iWabaah la Chlrago Tar. 4a u I do la Colorado So. 4a MV do d-b. B l)enr ft R. o. 4a.loi4 Wat Shore 4a.... Brla prior lien 4a. ...loo Whoal. ft L. B. 4s do ganaral 4a !, Wla. Central 4a... F. W. ft D. C. la. .111 leant. Tobacco 4a... Hocking Val. 44a..lot4l Bid. Boatoa Block Qaotatroae. BOSTON, July 21. Call loans, 4(3 per rent; time loans, 454 per cent. Official closing ot stocks and bonds: Oas la N. E. O. a C... Atchlaon do pfd Anatoli ft Albanr BoHlon ft Ma boat on Hie rated n Allouca 14 3Vi Amalgamata4 444 04 Daly Waat M 1014 Bingham M4 141 Calumat ft Hals.... 70 3014 Centennial 14 ltA .Copper lianxa 14 N. Y., N. H. ft H...H0 nonunion Coal ....in Kltchbura pfd. .144U Franklin .. 104 tnlon Pacific ..... Mex. Central ..... Amcr. Sugar .... do pfd American T. ft T Dominion I. ft B Maaa. Klectrlo ... do pfd N. E. O. ft C... t'nltad Prult .... t'nlted Copper ... V. S. Steel do pfd .1014 ' Rojala ... . 10 Mohawk lit Old Dominion .111 lOareola .1444 Parrot .. 144 ,.. 424 .. 14 .. S04 144 ..114 .. 14 ..1744 .. N .. M4 .. r4 .. 104 .. 14 .. 44 .. 644 lVt'lulncr .. 414 .. 14 .. 44 ..IK .. as .. 404 Santa Pa Copper. Tamarack Trlmountala .... Trlnltr t'nlted Btaua .. I'tah Victoria Winona Wolverine Weatlnxh. Common. ..loisfc Adventure 24 Asked. Loadoa Stock Blarkat. IjONDON, July 21. 4 p. m. Closing: Conaola for monar.... 64 Norfolk ft W eat era.. 114 do account WS do pfd 1&4 Anaconda tit Ontario ft Weatarn.. 14 Atchlaon llHPconarlvania tt do pfd 104'iHeadlng 44 Baltimore A Ohio.. ..1114 do lat pfd 44 Canadian Pacific 114 do Id pfd 17 Cheaapeaka A Ohio... 47 Southern Railway 114 Chicago O. W 11 do pfd 100 C, M. A St, P lM48outharn Paclflo 414 Denver ft R, 0 44' Union Paclflo 1104 do pfd 4v, do pfd 4 Erie 194 United states Steal.. 414 do lat pfd. 114 do pfd 44 do Id pfd I64'v7abaah 114 Illlnola Central 141 do, pfd 41 Loulavllla ft Naah....l4lBpanlah 4a 10 Mlaaourl. K. ft T.... 104Hand Mines 114 do pfd 40 Iw Beers (de(.) 114 N. T. Central 144 BAR SILVER Steady at J44d per ounca. MONEY 2(d'M ner cent. The rato of dis count In the open market for short bills Is zVnx 7-16 per cent and ior tnree-montns' bills 2 7-1024 per cent. New York Mining Qaotatlaaa. NEW YORK. July 21. The following are the closing prices on mining siocks: Adama Con Alloa .. Braaca Brunawlck Con... Comatock Tunnel Con. Cal. ft Va.. Deadwood Terra Horn Sliver Little Chief .. 11 Ontario ..174 40 ... I- Ophlr ."hoentx ... Potool fiavaga sierra Nevada .,1 .. 4 .. 14 .. 1 .. 80 .. 44 ..840 ... 4 ...1!S ...100 ...114 14' t Small Hopee ., Iron silver Leedvllle Con Standard Foretga ' FlnaclaL LONDON. July 21. The amount of bul Hon taken Into the -Rank of England on balance today was 80,000. Oold premiums ere quoted at Buenoa Ayrea at l3U.tw; at Madrid. 37.40: at Lisbon. 28. Tne supplies of money to meet the demand arising from tne indebtedness to ,tne uanx 01 v.ngiana were smaller today. Discounts were quiet and disposed to be? easier. Business on the Stock exchange was inactive, mo public -was apathetic and professionals were uncomfortably burdened, uonsois were de pressed. Home rails were lower. Ameri cans were Irregular and mostly below parity. Later they receded on realisations and closed quiet. Kaffirs were weak. PARIS. July XI. Business opened tiuu on the bourse today. Parquet stocks were easier. Kaffirs further declined -on Ixindon offerings. Rentes were weak and flnlshed at the lowest price of the day, adversely affecting the whole list. Turks were easier. owing to realisations m consequence 01 the postponement of the unification scheme. Russian industrials were weak. Rio tlntos were neglected. Kaffirs Anlshed steadier. Three per cent rentes lOOf 70c for ths ac count. Exchange on London, 25f 16o for Checks. SpanlBh 4s, 78.85. . 1 I.-1 1 T TUT T..lm. "11 Cv..tana,A . n t.mam 20m 484pftra for checks. Mines relapsed seriously on the bourse today, owing to unfavorable reports of the situation or the iron industry in Germany and America, which depressed local shares generally, Transvaala were ease. Internationals were maintained. Turks declined on realisations. Coadltloa of the Treasary. WASHINGTON. July 21. Today's state ment of the treasury balances In ths gen eral fund, exclusive of the $.60,000,000 gold reserve in the division of redemption shows: Available cash balance. $198,676,831; gold, $98,278,037. Cottoa Market. NEW YORK. Julv 21. COTTON Futures a .1.-11 J .. . T . . 1 . . 1 1... a .. . OlJflieu uuu niiu n., , u 1 7 , aubumi, 8.49c; September, 8.1c; October, 7.93c; No vember, 7.(uc; uecemoer ana January, i.tao February, y.wc: xuarcn. ,.sic. Spot: Quiet; middling uplands, 94o middllna gulf. 94c: sales. 559 bales. Futures closed steady: July. 8.69c: August, 8.48c: September. 8.12c; October, 7.94c; No vember, 7 S3c: uecemper ana January, t.bzc F-ehruarv. v. sac: Marcn. t sic QALVE8TUN. July II. 4JU 1 1 u uaraei steady at 8 5-lc. NEW ORLEANS. JUIY XI. CUTTUN' Futures, quiet and steady; July, 9.16c. bid August, 8.73f8.74c; , September, 8.078 08c tictober. 7. i.J'n. ic: rvovemoer. mc December. 7.62iffi7.t!3c: January. 7.62'o7 63c, Soot, aulet: sales. 650 bales; ordinary, 74c good ordinary, 84c; low middling, 4C middling. 91-16c: good middling, 94c: mid dllng fair. 94c; receipt. 615 bales; stock. 67.1S6 bales. BT. LOUIS. July 21 COTTON Oulet, l-16c higher; middling, 9ci sales, 150 pales receipts. 135 bales; shipments, ua Dales stock. 17.864 bales.' MVERPfinii Julv 21 COTTON Rnot moderate business; prices easier; American middling. 6 3-32(1. The sales of tne day were 8.000 bales, of which 600 were for speculation and export, and Included 6,j.0 American. xi-ceiiu were iw ones, aui American. Futures opened quiet and c'osed easy: American middling, g. o. r.. Julv, 4 6o-64d. sellers: July-August. 4 52-6104 63-64d sellers; August-September, 4 46-6I&4 4fl-6ld buyers; Peptember-Octoper, 4 32-64d, seller ik-toher-Novcmber. 4 zrj-bta. sellers: govern ber-December. 4 21-644i4 22-64d. sollers; De-comber-January. 4 19-6H 20-64d. value; January-February, 4 19-64d, buyers; February-March. 4 18-644 19-6td, buyers; March- April, 418-64d, buyers. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. July 21. COFFEE Spot Rio. firm: No. 7, Invoice, 6 $-16c; mild. steady; Cordova, 6frll4c. The market opened Irregular, with July t points lower and otner montns txaiu points nigner, alter which the course was quit steadily up ward on a scare of shorts to cover anq per al'tent bull support from the clique. Tlie fr reign market news waa about as excited. Yet the whole attention of the trade was dt voted to watching the bull contingent, and as this element took a most aggres sive turn a scamper to reach safer ground was made by the mora conservative shorts. Trading was fairly active throughout the sctslon. All differences were wiped out in the last half hour between the Arst seven rr.onths on the list. The close was Arm, with prices net lo6)20 points higher: total rales were 46.00 bags. Including July at s.l(bj$3nc: August, 5.27436 3oc; September, i f.'ijo.SSc! October, 6.i6iS.ic: December. i w. January, S.toc; March, i. 4056. 45c; May, 6.456.50c. I agar Market. NEW YORK, July 21 SUOAR Raw, steady; fair re.lnlng, tl3-16c; centrifugal. 94 teat, 3 6-16c; molasses sugar, 24c; re lined steady. NEW ORLEANS, July 2X 8UO AR Strong; open kettle, 243$-16c; open kettle centrifugal, 834c; centrifugal yellow, 34ri 44c; seconds. 14&34o. Molasaes, dull; centrifugal, 8&15c OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Quality of Cattle Common, but Talaai Held Jntt Ahat BUady. BIG SLUMP IN THE PRICE OF HOGS Receipts of Sheep aael Laanbs Heavy, bat Denaaad for Goo Staff Betas; Liberal Market Rale Active SOUTH OMAHA. July 21. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday J.'iSl $.420 l.ltt pame aay last week J. mi t.sxi Same week before 1,627 MvS $ M7 Same three weeks ago... 1,127 4.567 .'1 Same four weeks ago.... 1,M7 6,3.4 se. Same day last year 1.612 4.2S8 4. 8.' 7 RECEIPT8 FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. Ths following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, with comparisons with last year: :90I. 19m. Inc. Dec. Cattle 401.637 $77,867 23.M Hogs 1,461. S9 l,t,bA 86,321 Sheep 4ol.i)23 6G7.673 76.760 The following table shows the Average price of hogs sold on the South Omaha market the last several days, with com parisons with former years: Data. 1902. 1901.1900.1899.1898.1897.1896. July 1... July t... 1 644i 7 644 t 89 6 88 1 8 711 t 611 I 181 1 $6 4 92 8 61 t 18 2 K6 5 Oil t 781 I $ 21 1 8 9a juiy a... 1 43 aa T 644 . a 6 74. July 4... ae 5 7$ July $..., I 08 8 78 I 66 July 6... Juiy 1... Vi t 83 t 161 $ 83 8 81 t 641 2 281 $ 97 T 764, T824I 7 804 7 834, 7 794 7 774 a u t Juay ... Juiy 9... July, 10.. July, 11.. July 12.. July 18.. t 56 a I 0 81 V8! I 82 t 04 6 83 6 131 3 35 $ 28 a t 18 3 II t 16 3 17 2 96 2 87 f 85 6 92 t 96 6 13 6 04 t 02 I 13 I 08 8 961 t 70i 2 94 a 4 04 t 73 t 82 I 861 4 09 I 97 July 14.. July 16.. July 16.. 7 72S 4 06 t 99 a t 77 1 00 3 06 3 07 2 97 7 764 S T7 $ 77' 7 724 7 72 6 64 6 66 S 02 $(82 $ 20 3 251 July 17.. 4 94 4 01 July 18.. July 19.. July 20.. July 21.. 7 784 6 68 4 87 4 16 t 62 a 2 95 7 f4 6 621 4 99! I 6 69 4 98 4 28 3 3 32! a 4 19 2 80) 8 Sol 2 97 7 624 I 6 07 4 21) 3 81 3 38 2 97 Indicates Sunday.' Holiday. SATURDAY'S SHIPMENTS. The following lint shows the number of cars of feeders shipped to the country Sat urday and their destination: wars. Ben Aldrltt, Friend, Neb.-B. AM 1 Frank Porter, Lyons, Neb. M. ex 0 1 I. Hi'ngierjerg ft uo.. n; lis. ia. I. (J J. 8. Beli, Wlota. Ia.-R. 1 1 Schilling A M.. Chamberlain. 8. D.-R. I. .19 The omclal number of cars or sioc brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H r i. C, M. St. p. tty Wabash Ry Union Pacific system 26 C. N. W. Ry 1 10 1 7 . 20 16 11 17 10 8 6 2 11 6 18 1 1 .. 95 S3 26 F.. E. ft M. v. Ky.... 24 C, St. P., M. ft O. Ry 4 B. M. K. ny Vi C. B. A Q. Ry 2 C. R. I. oV P., east... 1 Illinois Central Total receipts .... 94 The disposition of the day's receipts waa as follows, each buyer purcnasing.tne num ber of head Indicated: Cattle. Hosts. Sheen. Omaha Packing Co , O. H. Hammond Co , 29 1,663 856 812 a . . 307 1,694 1.593 653 1,267 1.444 3W 1,996 2,431 38 119 .... ' .... 9 124 82 10 37 108 75 14 , 92 .... 49 ,987 7.236 6.373 Swift and Company , Cudahy Packing Co Armour 4 Co , Bwlft, from country R. Becker ft Degan , Vansant Co Lobman & Co , Hill A Huntslnger , Huston A Co Livingstone A Schaller. Hamilton A Rothschild. It. F. Huss i H. L. Dennis A Co Other buyers , Total CATTLE There waa not a heavy run of cattle here today for a Monday, but the quality of the offerings was very much on tne common order. That was particularly true of the beef steers. As buyers for some time past have neglected the com moner grades, the trade today waa natur rally injured ny tne laca ot gooa stun:. A test of the market on choice cornfed steers waa not made today, but from the way packers acted It was evident that they were anxious for flnlshed cattle and the general opinion was that such kinds would have sold freely at good steady prices. The part fat cattle, though, and especially tnose tnat were lacKing in qual ity, were very slow sale and the market could not be quoted any more than steady. There were a good many cattle that went to tne scales at irotn xo.ou to t.w tnat looked cheap as compared with the way the same kinds sold two weeks ago. It is verv evident that packers are bound to pound the market on these short fed cattle. There were some range steers offered today that were good enough lor Killers and they sold at $5.75 to $6.00. As they are one of the Arst shipments there Is little to compare the sale with. The cow trade was In better shape today than It waa last week. Buyers took hold with more life and anything good met with ready sale at steady to strong prices. The common stuff, however, was neglected, the same aa usual. While the market to- dav could not be quoted much of any higher, still It was a relief to salesmen not to be obliged to take off still more. Hulls, veal calves and stags sola in just about the same notches they did at the close of last week. There were not many Blockers and feed era on aale this morning, so that anything showing Aesh and quality met with ready sale at strong prices. The less desirable bunches, though, were slow and no more than steaay. representative sale: BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. At. Ft. ..1010 4 60 11 1064 ( 40 II 114 6 SS 11 1116 4 It It .....1171 160 61 1170 1 00 ' STEERS AND HSIFERS. 4 til 4 74 COWS. 1 1 l t t I t 4 1 1 I 1 I 1 8 10 i 1..... 4 14 1 6 1...., 1.... 1 1 1.... 1.... 1...., 1.... ..1040 1 8 rr Ml 8 IS 1014 1 71 4 HOT I 40 1014 1 74 i 4 til I 00 744 I 14 1 1060 I 00 in I IS 11 447 00 160 8 86 1 100 I 00 444 I 60 1 1040 I 00 1010 I 40 1... 100 1 06 T44 I 40 11 1004 I 06 170 8 60 II 191 I 04 1060 I 60 1 1000 I 16 140 I 40 160 I 40 170 t 40 140 I 44 fx I 10 460 I M 410 I 40 Mil 40 .......1016 I 40 trT t 40 I4T I 44 434 I 46 120 8 16 110 I 16 4 1040 I 10 11 t4 I tO 41 1011 I 16 t 444 I 40 1 1134 I 46 1 471 I 50 1 1160 I 60 19 ..40! 1 66 1 f..t I 16 1 1 1 II .1100 I 84 . 400 4 00 .1040 4 00 .an i oo HEIFERS. 110 i 00 1 700 i 14 I 1140 I 10 4 1160 I M I 141 I 80 BULLS. 1110 I 44 1 ..1.. ..1410 I oo 1 U10 I 16 .M0 I 10 ,177 I 40 , 660 4 10 441 4 71 1400 I II 1640 I M CALVES, IN 4 14 1 110 8 10 . STAGS. 1114 1 tn I....; 1KWI i to STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 644 I 40 4 6al 1 16 640 8 40 1 1010 I 00 140 I 14 1 600 I 16 STOCK CALVES. t0 60 1 170 4 00 8.. I. . II. . STOCKER8 AND FEEDERS. ,460 I 10 I I. 6 I Tl 11 I 40 440 I 40 , 601 I 60 , t0 I 60 , 110 I 60 . 461 8 44 , all I 10 11....... II It 14 , I , .. Tvl I 90 .. 0 IN .. 64 4 14 ..1070 4 16 ..144 4 60 NEBRASKA No. 26 feeders 4 feeders Av. Pr. NO. A v. Pr. 873 $3 75 8:1 2 00 781 2 66 1 bull 1400 83 15 1 bull 1070 3 70 1 heifer.... 650 3 60 86 cows 8x1 3 10 I feeder... 963 4 15 $6 cows... 10 feeders.. 663 $ 26 20 feeders.. Tl 3 40 il feeders.. 963 4 15 44 feeders.. 742 t 80 6 rows.. ...1036 t 85 23 feeders.. 771 4 10 2 feeders.. 750 t 26 13 feeders.. 1076 4 65 6 feeders.. 793 3 86 I cows 1072 I 85 1 cow... 1 cow... . 980 t 10 .1210 2 50 t cows... 833 2 90 1 steer 1 2 90 19 steers... .13o9 6 25 2 steers....!-'. 4 00 t cows. 1 cow.. 1 cow.. 1 cow.. 1 cow.. 974 2 85 cows, 62 t 85 , .1I0 1 60 ,.750 2 60 ,.1010 t 85 .. 820 1 85 ,. 9"7 I 10 .. 9)0 2 85 .. 873 2 85 ..1016 1 70 ,.lo70 I 85 ..140 t 60 .. 916 1 86 I cows.., t cows... 1 cow..., 4 cows.., 1 cow.... $ cows.., 1 cow..., 1-cow.... 4 cows.., 1 cow.... 1 bull.... 1 bull.... $3 cows.. 2 cows. , It cows.. $4 cows.. 1 cow..., 1 a leer.. .. 8h3 t 60 ,. X4 I 61 ..1010 t 60 .. 81) t 80 .. 910 10 .. t 90 ..1160 1 85 ..1140 t 86 .. 961 t SO ..tlx) t 80 ..1710 2 76 ..1870 t 65 ,..1(34 t 40 ,.. ) 1 76 ,.. 871 t 90 ,..1012 4 10 ... 810 t 60 ,.. 8w) 4 00 30 cows.... t cows..., t cows.... t cows..., 1 cows..., 1 cow 6 cows..., 12 heifers. cows..., 4 cows.... t bulls... 4 heifers. S'5 2 64 910 2 65 912 t 40 833 t 75 6"2 t 80 741 I 40 J feeders cows... 936 t 6 17 feeders.. $61 I 10 to t 66 1 70 2 85 I 85 t 2 1 feeder... 600 4 feeder.. 73 t fee-ders.. 8i4 4 cows 75 4 cows 978 t 60 t no t 00 t 60 t 76 20 feeders.. 7kS 22 feeders.. "4 6 rows., 6T3 S cows... 943 974 62 cows.,. WYOMING. 1 cow ... .1130 .113.1 4 60 I steers... .1?SJ 1.78 t 25 4 2$ t 00 t 60 16 cows. t 80 2 60 1 bull KM 1 heifers... 8"0 t bulls 1623 1 Stag 1380 2 cows. ..1'Wrt 6 cows 98 4 26 6 oo t 60 8 steers... .10 16 bulls 1A37 Oeorge refers Neb. 11 heifers... 810 iff, 8 cows 942 2 60 heifers... Mo I 75 1 cow lino I 26 heifer.... 720 2 W t feeders.. 635 t 8 bull 114) t 86 1 feeder... 600 t 25 1 calves... 2SJ lifl 8. P. Delatour Neb. $8 steers.. ..1311 6 15 1 feeder... 1120 4 60 feeders.. 1 2 45 H. R. Reed-Neb. 49 steers... .1042 4 20 61 rows 917 t 69 COLORADO. 70 feeders.. 607 t 95 HOQS There was a hesvv run of hogs ere today for a Monday, and In fact It was the heaviest Mnnd&y a run that has been here In some time. The market went tumbling at al' points and the decline amounted to KXirAic. At this point trading started out on a basis of a HHjlSe decline. but later on the feeling was weaker and the market closed very slow and 15ri20c lower. It was tne most sudden break that aa taken place In a long time and sellers had a hard time to make up their minds to take the pr.ceg offered, as It seemed al most like giving their hogs away. The bulk of the sales today went from $7.60 to $7 60. The better grades sold largely from $7.65 to $7.65 anl from that up to $7.75. he packing grades sold from $7.60 down. As noted last week buyers paid more at tention to quality than they did to weight and were the most bearish on the packing grades. Representative sales: No. 44.., Av. 8h. 140 144 100 !0 0 ISO 140 10 40 110 140 140 Pr. 1 at t 40 7 40 , t 46 7 46 1 46 7 46 7 46 1 44 t 46 7 474 ' 7 474 1 474 7 474 t 474 1 474 7 474 1 60 7 60 7 60 1 60 1 60 7 60 7 60 1 60 7 60 7 60 1 60 7 60 1 60 1 60 7 60 7 60 7 60 7 60 7 60 7 60 ', 7 60 7 60 7 60 7 60 7 60 7 60 7 60 No. 41... 141.. 46... 44... 72... 74... 46... 47... 64... 41... 47... 41... 61... 14... 10... Av. ...136 ...21-4 ...24 ...240 ...141 ...in ...l ...144 ...lt ...W4 ...131 ...262 ...! ...244 ...136 Bh. 110 40 40 140 40 0 40 140 140 Pr. 7 414 1 66 1 66 1 66 1 66 7 60 7 66 7 66 1 64 7 66 7 66 7 66 1 66 7 66 7 66 7 66 1 66 1 66 7 66 7 66 1 66 7 66 7 66 1 66 7 66 1 66 7 66 7 66 7 66 7 674 7 674 7 674 7 674 7 40 7 40 7 40 1 40 7 40 7 40 7 (IS 7 46 7 46 7 474 7 10 1 70 1 16 1 71 104 too Ill 114 104 141 Ill , 101 Ill Ill lf4 141 Ill 74... 44... 47... 74... 44... 70... 41... 41.. 17.. 41.. 11.. 11 Ill 47. 4t. 151 140 140 40 ...224 ...141 ...231 ...144 ...117 ...241 ...260 ...2.14 ...110 ...270 ...241 ,...1?0 ,...IJI ...144 ,...121 ...134 ,...221 ,...224 ,...n? ...117 ...227 ,...20 ...141 ...144 ...121 ...lit ,...14t ,...167 ...121 ,...134 61. .14t 67.. 10 12t 44 134 44 21 47 2M 77 160 1.. 1.. 64.. 10.. 66.. 61.. II.. 61.. 40.. 46.. 61.. tl.. 11 130 41. .244 74 221 44 231 44 141 41 2K6 71. 276 II 14 41 11 41 10 70 ..141 46.. 14.. 11.. 61.. 71.. 140 IO0 80 im 40 U0. 44.. 67.. 71.. 61.. 41 !.n 71.. II.. 14.. 40... 64.. 47.. 41.. 74.. 41.. 11.. 64.. ....261 ....ISO ....181 ....! ....146 ....IN ....166 ....177 ....241 ....160 ....111 21.. 8 ( so 140 10 140 110 140 14.. 41.. 44.. 44.. 71.. 7 624 7 624 7 624 7 62 40.... ,..146 II If.! 70 .221 ao 8HEEP Three wna a nrettv rami run of sheep and lambs here today, but the de mand on the part of local packers was In gcod shape ana fully equal to the occa sion. The market opened In good season and active on desirable grades. As com pared with the close of last week the gen eral market COIlM H. nimlH mtrnntr tr. m dime higher. The commoner grades though aid not sell aa freely and probably were not much more than steady. Almost every thfng though was disposed of at an early "ur. jt. airing- or tamos sold aa nirn aa 5.80 and some mixed sheen and vearllnea brcught $4.10. while a bunch of ewes sold at $3.66. There Were onlv a Tew feedera Included In the offerings, and as there were quite a few buyers on hund the market was strong and active. wuwwiiiiis mr ciippea biock; uooa to choice yearlings. $4.10Tq4.85; fair to good, $3 804(4.10; good to choice wethers, $3.90-54.16; fair to good wethers, $3.60j3.90; good to .h21'' w. $3 $01(13.66: fair to good ewes, $3.0fK(ja.80: good to choice spring lambs, $5.78 (36.00; fair to good spring lambs, Io.5oli5.76; feeder wethers, $3.003.25; feeder yearlings, $3.1033.35; feeder lambs, $3.00(53.90: feeder ewes, $1.25&2.25. Representative sales; No. Av. Pr. 106 western ewes 76 $3 26 63 3 50 ,110 8 65 93 2 65 71 2 SO ; 82 3 80 " 103 4 06 .112 4 05 ,108 4 06 ,103 4 06 ,111 4 06 68 $25 ,91 2 00 ,125 2 25 .146 2 25 ,110 3 00 , 86 8 25 ,117 3 60 ,96 3 60 ,88 3 85 ,62 4 0) ,57 4 00 ,70 4 10 ,78 4 10 , 93 4 10 ,64 5 55 ,60 5 66 ,62 6 6) ,62 f 80 100 feeder lambs 37 western ewes 3 Wyoming ewes 19 western, wethers .. 117 western wethers 8 Wyoming wethers 8 Wyoming wethers 485 Wyoming wethers 919 Wyoming wethers 920 Wyoming wethers 614 Idaho lambs , 32 cull ewes 14 bucks' 6 bucks 47 western ewes 250 cull lambs 67 western ewes 71 western ewes 42 western wethers.... 100 cull lambs.... 60 cull iambs 1 western wether 16 western wethers... 731 western wethers... 431 western lambs ISO western 'lambs 423 Wyoming lambs... 628 Wyoming lambs... CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattle Steady Hosts Lower Sheep and Lsmbi Higher. " CHICAGO. Julv 21. CATTLE Stead v: receipts. 18.600 head. Including 1.000 Texans and 1.200 westerns; good to prime steers, $5.6(S5.60: poor to medium. 84.50S7.60: stockers and feeders. $2.6066.00; rows, $1.40 Ti5.50; heifers, $2.2.VS6.26; ranners, $1.40W z.mi; puns, 62.ztxuo.&; calves, 82.6006.76; Texas-fed steers. $5.00fi6.75. H008 Receipts, - 41.000 head: estimated tomorrow, 18.000; left over. 13.000: market 16ac lower than Friday; mixed and butch ers. $7. 15H18.00; good to choice heavv. 87. SO 8.10; rough heavy, $7. WW. 75; light, $6.80 7.n; puik or saies, .oc.ii'i.o. SHEEP AND LAM BS Recelnts. 14.000 head; sheep, lOftlKo hltther; lambs, strong to lOo higher; good to choice wethers, $4.00 64.65; fair toe choice mixed. $2.60$4.00; western sheep, $2.50'a4.66; native Iambs, $3.00 tj4.85. utnciai natimiay; i Racelots. Shipments. Cattle ......J 695 875 Hogs T.Oft 737 Sheep 1,352 Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. July 21. CATTLE Re ceipts, 3,200 natives. 5,8uO Texans, 1,250 calves, all Texans; best corn-fed cattle, active and higher: Quarantine, steady to strong; stockers and feedera, steady; choice export and dressed beer steers, i .(ii.25; fair to good, $4.0t4j'7.85; stockers and feed ers. $3.6j(&5.2j; western-fed steers, $3.95 6.15; Texas and Indian steers, $2.65414.25; Texas cows. $fooiM.lo- native cows, tl.ootf) 6.10; native heifers. $2.75ii6.00; canners, $1.00' 62.35; bulls. I-'.JiifflO.ilh: calves, .1.00i6.Z5. HOOS Receipts, z.s&u neaa; market Miioc lower; no'cholce here; top, $7,824; bulk of sales. $7.6fii7.KO; heavy, $7.774i7.824; mixed I. . Oi-v-...! fa,,. 1IW. ? or.37 . t. incaci n, ii .vvi0"' iiKiii, fi.wyi.w, yvia.- ers. I7.t;'a (.(; pigs, wit i .zs. SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts. 2.700 head; market- 15025c higher; lambs lVrfl5c higher; native lambs, $4.45;i6.36; western lambs, $3.20((4.26: native wethers, $4 35 6.15; western wethers, $3.354.75; fed ewes, $3 6S(g4.60; Texas clipped yearlings, $3,750 4.66; Texas clipped sheep. $3.40ji3.76; stock ers and feeders. $2.10i3.20. St.' Loals Live Stock Market. ' ST. LOUIS. Julv 2L CATTLE Receipts. 8,000 head. Including 7.500 Texans; market dull, steady for natives, H'filnc lower for Texans; native shipping snd export steers, $ri.ori.m, with strictly fancy worth, $8.26 $8.75; dressed beef and butcher steers, $4.25 457.60; steers under !,( lbs.. $4 004(6.25; stockers and teeners, 4u.soa10.Kn; cows sua heifers, $2.25ft6.00; canners. $1,7542.85; hulls, $2.75(6.60; calves, $4.6tj7.00; Texas and In dian steers, $3.0iKfj6.0o; cows and heifers, 2,45(37.50. HtMitj neceipis, I,wu nean; market lower- ulna and Hants 17.2Mr7.80: packers. t7.d.i; butchers. $7.9orn8.15. SHEEP AND LAM BS-Receipts, 1.000 head; market steady to strong; native mut tons, I3.oiKyn.ao; lamoa, av.wy ,-uu auiu bucks, $1.W4.00; stockers. $1.0Oji3.00, tt. Josepk Lira Stock Market ST. JOSEPH. July tL CATTLE Re ceipts, t.63 head: steady; natives, $4""W 8 76: cows anU heifers, $1 6oo6.26; veals, 2.60fe4.ou; bulls and stags, $2.7(44;. 26; stock ers and feeders. $2 if..35. trruiH hmcp mi a. Km neaa: iwi iou luwer; ilihi .and llk-hl mixed. $7.boai.l5; medium snd heavy, $i.tU((J l.t; Ps, M "U'l-i Duia, An A...Z U, fiUKKP AVD LAMBS Receipts. 2,800 id; liS25c higher: top natlvs lambs M 51): too western lambs, $6.25: top yea. ling wethers. $4 .60; top native ewes, $4.2. Ions City 1.4-re Stack Market. Sini'X CITY. July 21. Bpeclal Tele gram CATTLE Recelpta. 2,eu0 head; lockers alow and killers steady; beeves, I feedera.. IK1 tfiOOBT.nO; cows, bulls and mixed, $2.6M , C Ml- .... .Iln n I .. ,1 LkU m ' HOGH Receipts, I.SJO head; liVnl&o lower, selling at $7.$oj7.60; bulk. $7.40tf7.U. "Jew York Live Stock Market. NEW TORK. Julr 21. TlFICVEit Re- ' celptn, I.SM head; steers generally steady; lop grades nrm; common closed easier; . bulls and rows lrl.c luwer; four rsrs unsold; steers. tR ft 1.71: tops $8.88: bulls. $8 16435 60; few fancy dry fed, $.0j1.l6; cows. t2 2614.80; choice dry fed. IS 06.10. Cables were unchanged. No exiorts. i.tai,vs.h Receipts, 1.340 head; veala steady and strong; buttermilks Arm to 2o higher; about all sold; veals. $4.60fi7.2n; choice. $7.60; culls. It: buttermilks. 13 il; $.76; southern rslves. $160. HOOS Receipts. 4,691 head; steady; Penn sylvsnla and state hogs, $;.9rj8.00; mixed western, nominal. , SHEEP AND I.AM RS Receipts, lxltt head; sheep steady: lambs about steady for top grades, others unevenly lower; about three rars unsold; sheep, $2.00114 50; , culls, $2.0003.00; lambs, $4tK; choice, $6.62; one deck. $6 70; culls, $4.K36.00. atoek la aicht. The following tsble shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at the Ave principal market for July 21: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha eoa a a in a iba Chicago 1S.6"0 41.OH0 ROOO Kansas City 9,000 1,9V j,7i) Ht. I.nilla X OTil a. fisin 4 mA St. Joseph 1623 4.'96 2800 Totals .. .40,415 67,666 28.6H6 Wool Market LONDON, July 21.-WOOL Th offerings at the wool auction sales today numbered 10,657 bales. Good greasy rross-breds were In tlemand and coarse grades were steadier and sold freely. A quantity of South Aus tralian superior greasy was bought In, as the bidding was below the seller's views. Fine scoured were Arm; common and medium were steady. Following are the sales: New South Walea, $.200 bales; scoured", 6d01s 8d; greasy, $4di9'ls 14d. Queensland, 42 bales; greasy, 74ig''i4d. Vic toria. 1,300 bales: scoured. Is 8dls l)d; greasy, 64dtils 4d. West Australia, loO bales; greasy, 64f74d. Tasmania, 8i0 bales; greasy, 64 114d. New Zealand, 1.800 bales; scoured, 44d(ftls 8d; greasy, $4(jjtll4d. Cspe of Good Hope and Nstal, 200 bales; scoured, Odfj'ls td; greasy, 6d. ST. LOUIS. aJuly 21. WOOL Btesdy ; medium grades and combing, 13 a 18c; light Ane, wlic; heavy fine, lOttflSc; tub washed, 15(&44c. Evaporated Apples and Drleal Fralts. NEW YORK, July tl. EVAPORATED APPLES The market continues quiet, but Arm. at recent Agures, with offerings strictly limited. Futures are receiving con siderable attention on the recent basis of about 644J64C for November and October deliveries. Common to good are quoted at 8S10c; prime. 104104c; choice, ll114o; fancy, 114ifil2c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Prtmea are maintaining their recent Arm position, particularly for large sixes, and futures show a hardening tendency. Spot prunes are quoted at from 8c to 64o for- all grades. Apricots are In fair request, with prices Arm at 104314c. In boxes, and at 10411 12c In bags, peaches are quiet, with the peeled quoted at 12916o and unpeeled at 8491040. Oil aad Rosla. OIL CITY. Pa.. July xl.-OILCredlt balances, tl.22; certificates, no bid; ship ments, 130.602 bbls.; average, 72,927 bbls.; runs. 157.327 bbls.; average. 80.873 bbls. SAVANNAH. Oa.. July 21. OIL Turpen- tine. Arm, 434c Rosin, Arm: A. B, C, $1.15: D, $1.20; E. $1.25; F. $1.30; O. $1.35; H, $1.70; I, $2.05; K. $2.65; M. 3.06; N, $3.40; WO, $3.50; WW. $3.70. NEW YORK, July 2I.-OIL Cottonseed, quiet. Petroleum, steady. Rosin, steady. Turpentine, dull. LIVERPOOL, July 21.-OIL Turpentine spirits, dull, 33a td. Petroleum, refined, 64d. IX)NDON. July 21.-OIL Csicutta linseed, spot. 49s 9d. Linseed oil, 29a 104d. Pe troleum, 6 13-16d. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. July 21. DRY GOODS The new week In the dry goods market has opened quietly and so far without de velopments of moment. Second hands re port that buyers from the far west are beginning to arrive for the fall campaign and at present occupy their time looking at new collections. Outside of this the market Is quiet. Chancellor Refnses Injunction. CHATTANOOGA, Tenn.. July 21. In tha chancery court today Chancellor T. M. Mo Connell refused to grant a permanent In- i unction asked for by Manager Charles 'rank of the Memphis club to prohibit the Southern Association , of Base Ball Clubs from interfering with the Memphis club In playing Pitcher, St. Vraln. The chan cellor, however, gave permission for filing an amended petition, which will be argued tomorrow. The attorneys for Manager Frank state that they will fght the casa to the end. St ate Divisions to Incorporate. DENVER. Colo., July 11. It has been de cided by the national board of directors of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, chosen at the last session of the biennial convention, to Incorporate each state division of the order. President Dolan was authorised to act as the sgent of the order In the United States, Canada and Mexico In arranging the details of affiliation with other conti nental bodies of similar character. This is the first step In the general federation of iTlsh Catholics throughout the world. Blow Open Safe and Kaeapo, NEW YORK. July tl.-Flv masked men blew open the safe In the office of the New York & Stamford railroad at Port Chester, N. Y., early today, and stole yes terday's receipts of the office, about $2,000. James McGlne, a night watchman, heard the men at work and came upon them Just as they were about to attack the safe. H was quickly overpowered, bound and gagged and tied to a chair. Then th thieves blew open the offlc safe and es caped with the money. Illlnola Barbers Meet. SPRINGFIELD. O.. July 21. Journeymen barbers of the state met in this city today to organise the Illinois Stste Barbers' aa soclatlon. The principal object Is to secure the enactment oy tne next legislature 01 a law providing for a state board of barbers' examiners and compelling barbers to pass examination before auch biard and be licensed. A temporary organisation waa effected by the election of R. O. Deason of Murphvsboro chairman and Charles Mol of Elgin secretary. Two Klllea by Explosion. PHILADELPHIA. July 21.-The boiler tube on the steam launch Harold, owned by W. B. Stangee of Pensauken, N. J., hlew out today while the yscht was lying In the Delaware river, opposite Torresdale. A. Waren Htanger was anocaea overooara and drowned and J. W. Van Winkle, the engineer, was fatally scalded. The other occupant ot the launch escaped Injury. Broker Inhales lllamlaatln Oas. PHILADELPHIA. July 11. Victor Roul- !ot, aged 61 years, a stock broker, com mitted suicide laat night hy Inhaling Il luminating gas at his home In Oerraan town, a suburb. His body was found to day by his wife on the floor of the kitchen. Roullot was recently convicted of con spiracy In connection with a stock transac tion ana It im suyyuevu mi taut icu 111 111 suicide. THE REALTY MARKET. INSTRUMENTS placed on record Monday, uly 21: r ' Warranty Deeds. United Real Estate and Trust com. pany to J. E. Jielor, lot 4, piock 1, Maxwell's 2d add. to South Omaha.. $ (50 W. N. Dorward and wife to James Cook lot M. iiurr ux saa., ana 101s 109 and 110. Nelson's add 1.500 James Cook and wife to W. N. Dor- ward, same s.nuu M. H. Plotts and wife to B. W. Emer son, lot 3, block 8. Monmoutn para.. sou J. F. Costelo to W. H. Roberts, lots 21. 23 and -4. piock 1, ana lots ia, i and 16. block 2, Fayette park (reflle) 1 W. H. Roberts to G. W. Hurd, same.. 1 L. W. Wakeley and wife to r. J. Flala and wife lot 1. block 10, Kountse's 4th add 100 H. 8. Robb to H. I. Gannett, w4 nw4 se4 20-16-18 2.W0 Benson Ind Syndicate to August Junge, lot 6, block 8, Benson UO O. W. Hurd to F. D. Wead. lots 22 and 24. block, 1, and lots 14, It and It, block I, Fayette park Tt Anna C. Pennork and husband to II. W. Pennock. trustee, e4 lot T. block 6. Reed's 1st add 1 4)alt Clalaa Deed. U L. Boyd et si to Abhle F. Boyd, lot 7, block 1, Boyd's add., and lot 2, block I, td add. to Bedford Place.... I Deeds. J. L. MeCague, president, to O. W. Hurd, lots 22 and 24, block 1. and lots IS. 16 and 17. block t, Fayette park I Total amount of transfer ',..$10.