Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 22, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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lecreUr Hitchoook' trpriwet Bis Viewi
on Tracing Public pcktin.
BeeoarnlawsMnanllode ot fndeatry
and eeelty ol Fosterlasr t. bat
Department Cennof lanor
! ,, th law. . ,
WAStflWOTOJf, Jttly Jl.-Ths cattlemen
Wh bV fence oaf the public raages, have
notjet abandoned tbelr hope' of . securing
some modification of the "order of the pres
Ideat.and the secretary, of the Interior
quiring their removal." The order ws Ig
nored by the cattlemen until It was dlscor
: erfi by them tljftt the officials-were 0eter
mlspd "to hat toe law .enforce Tbeo
an'fffort was made to have leglslatioa en
aefW wblch'would gtVnh cattlemen an
other extension ot time for c'omolla-nt wtth
the law. The effort tailed, and, now pres
sure la- being brought o bear, to Induce Mr.
Hitchcock, the secretary of . the Interior,
te modify the order,- or. at least lln Id
a plan for leglslatioa that .will leave the
cattlemen In possession of the ranges. The
cretary baa been receiving a Urge mum
bor. of, letter, from, oettleraeii throughout
-the country, seme of. them crltlclalng his
position and others urging his assistance
In securing them further rights on the
ranges. The following extract from Mr.
Hitchcock's answer to one' of his corre
spondents very clearly explain the atti
tude of the; administration toward the cat
tlemen and the leasing proposition:
"I am today in receipt of your favor In
. closing a letter, from Mr. Smith, 'In rela
tion to a recent regulation respecting the
removal of fences around ranches In the
western country, and note that you think
there 1 considerable force In Mr. Smith's
criticism of that regulation.
Ha Ko Discretion.
"Mr. Bmlth'l letter has been very care
fully considered, and I assure you it will
always give me very great pleasure to
unit with Mr. Smith In any legitimate ac
tion that 'will add very materially to the
lustre of your present fame.' Quoting further-from
Mr.- Smith' latter, we are hav
ing vert practical demonstration that the
thoroughbred cattlemen all over the cen
tral states have written to their representa
tives In congress and In the senate, and
It may be that some pressure may be
brought to bear that will overcome the
. force of tbt order,' but the mistake our
good friends, . the cattlemen, are making
Is In supposing that the department haa
any discretion la It administration , ef the
laws ot congress, aa enacted by the repre
sentatives ot the people, and which, unfor
tunately. In too many instances are be
ing disregarded by thera.
"The department haa lasued no order nor
regulation that la not In strict compliance
with the law which prohibits the approprla
tlon and occupation by cattlemen of the
public domain, and you, aa a legislator, will,
I think, agree with me that the remedy
for an obnoxious law la Its repeal. It It la
found to be-unjust- and against the in
terests of the majority ot the people ot
this country,- who, are the real owners -of
the public domain.
"I fully sympathise -with Mr. Smith's
very natural and proper desire to find a
market for hi thoroughbred cattle among
the cattlemen who bave fenced In the pub
lic domain to an extent which he evl-
.1 dently doea not realize, and to the exclu-
- alon ot homesteaders and aettlera who are
fully entitled to the protection which the
law guarantees .them.-, He la, perhaps; not
'aware, that in, ede Instance alone 65,000
- acres of the public domain -have, been
. fenced In by ope party, who, with others,'
' was here last, winter endeavoring to se
cure legislation that would Justify such
action upon terms and conditions that
would practically amount to a confiscation
of that amount of the publlo land. 1
. Excludes the Settlers.' ,
"This Is only one ' Illustration of the
hundreds of thousands of acres of the pub
lic domain which have been appropriated,
and the miles upon miles of drift fences
which have been erected, to the exclusion
of settler and homesteaders, without the
slightest compensation to the government
or recognition ot the rights of their fel
low citizens, a proceeding which I am aura
Mr. Smith, as a good citizen, would not
think ot justifying any more than he would
the appropriation . by others of his own
thoroughbred cattle with no proper nor
reasonable compensation for hla loss.
"The department, fully realizes and . ap
preciates the magnitude of the capital In
vested In the cattle bualnes. as well as
the necessity fori rendering every possible
legal and equitable assistance in the pro
tection and development of such an indis
penaable food-producing Industry, bus It
cannot ignore existing laws enacted ' for
the proper regulation of the aame, nor
' could do .otherwise- than oppose senate
bill 8,811, Introduced at the laat eesslon ot
eongress. under the terms ot which, had it
become a law, 'all vacant public lands' in
sixteen states and -territories west of the
Mississippi river would bave been open to
leaae for a term of ten years, and renew
able tor a like period at the rate ot 3
cent per acre, regardless of location or
actual : value aa grazing laud.
"The department la ready -and more
than willing to assist In seourlug. such
legislation aa will, on proper lines, pro
tect and promote the .Interests of the cat
tlemen; and haa so informed tbem and
their representatives, both In and uut of
congress." '-.:
Order aad Change fa (he P-osfeflle
aad Other Depart
meats. ,- .
fFrom a Staff Correspondent,) '
WASHINGTON. July 21. (Special 'Tele-'
gram.) J. Bonsek has been appointed
postmaster at Ida, Hyde county, 8. D-,
vice Joseph Cermak, resigned.
The comptroller of the currency has ex.
tended the corporate existence of the
First National bank ot Wahao Nab!, until
the close of business on July 21, 1922.
The postofflce at Emery, Cerro Oordo
county, Iowa, haa been discontinued-
The name ot thejostofflce at yAlford,
Boyd county. Neb., baa been changed to
Monowt, with Andrew J. Braley a poet-
Civil service examinations will be held
as follows tor positions In the depart
mental servlc In Washington, Nebraska
Omaha, October S, I and 21; Beatrice,
Disfigured Skin '
Wasted muscles and decaying bone.
Whatbavocl . .
Scrofula, let alone. Is capable ot all that,
and more. .
II Is commonly marked by bunches la
tike neck, inflammations In the eyes, dys
pepsia, catarrh, and general debility.
It le always radically and permanently
cured by .-'!
Hood's Sarsaparllla
Whlub expels all humor, cures all erup
tions, and builds up the wuolo system,
whether young or old. ,
Tlood't P11U eurVllMlli: th noo jrritUux acg
nlyttlhitl to tks with Hmo4' Srpiill.
October 10; Grand Island, Ottober 22.
Iowa Burlington, October 16; Cedar Rap-lds,-Octobe
II; Pea Moines, October 10,
11 and 21; Dubuque, October 14; Masou
City, Ootober 10; Sioux City, October 7.
South Dakota Aberdeen, October I;
Deadwood, October 21 and 34; Sioux Falls,
October 10 and 11.
' The contract for painting the Interior of
the extension to the public building at
Dubuque, la.,' haa been awarded to New
burgh Co. of Ncwburgh at 12,076.
The following Nebraska rural.. free de
livery route will , be . established Septem
ber 1: Hallam, , Lancaster county,- one
route; area covered, twenty-six square
miles; population, 660. Nemaha, Nemaha
county, one route; area, twenty-two square
miles; population, 460. Roca, Lancaster
county, one xoute; ares, twenty-flTe. square
miles; population1, 4D0. Salem, Richardson
county, one route; area, twenty-six -square
miles; population, 450. Stella,- Richardson
county,- on route; area, thirty - square
miles;' population, 600.' -Waterloo, Doagla
county, one route; area, twentj-slx square
m(les; population, 676.
In Aaaoaaelna; Ilia Retirement- 9erre
, tary noot some
i . lllatory. .
WASHINGTON," 'July, 21. Secretary . Root,
in announcing the 'retirement of General
Brooke today, said: . ;
July Zl, 19(i2. The retirement, from active
service, this dste, by orrnlon'of the law,
of .Major Uentral John R. Brooke, United
States army. Is annokmoed,- terminating
a period of over forty" year ' of efficient,
honorable and distinguished services on
the active Hat ot the volunteer and regular
General Brooke volunteered his services
and was commissioned . by the governor
ot Pennsylvania in the Fourth regiment
of infantry from that state, at once upon
the call of the president for volunteers,
following thn attack of Fort Sumter. Ue
waa subsequently commissioned colonel of
the Fifty-third Pennsylvania volunteers In
November, and was appointed brig
adier general of volunteers hy. President
Lincoln May 12, 18H4, for distinguished ser
vice in the battles of the-Wilderness and
Bpottaylvanla courthouse, - He - waa twice
severely wounded in the battle Ot Gettys
burg, July 2, 1M3, and In the battle of
Cold Harbor. June 3, 1864 and was brev
etted major general of volunteers for gal
lant and meritorious, services In. the battle
of Tolopotomy and Cold Harbor, Va. He
resigned from the volunteer service Feb
ruary 1, lb6, and -entered the regular ser
vice with the grnde .of. Lieutenant colonel
of Infantry July iffl, lw was .commissioned
colonel in 1879, brigadier general' in 1888,
and major general In 1807. He waa brev
etted colonel and brlgacMer general United
States army March 2, 1867, for gallant and
meritorious services In the battle ot Gettys
burg and Spottsylvanla courthouse re
In the beginning of the war with Spain
he was assigned to- -the Command of an
army corpa, and In July, 1698, sailed in
command of The troops , embarked for
Porto Rico, and after the declaration of
truce In August, 1898, was In command -of
all or tne troops in- rthat. island to D
cember. 1898.
He was chairman of the committee to
arrange for the evacuation of Porto Rico
by the Fpanisn troops, and rrom Decem
ber 28. 1898. to December 20. 1899. General
Brooke was in Command of the division of
Cuba, and as military governor of the
Inland, under circumstance of great dif
ficulty, rendered faithful and effective ser
vice. During his lorig service General Brooke
haa exercised Important military com
mands, both In peace and In war, and al
ways with credit and honor to himself
and the country.
It Is a pleasure to refer to a record uch
as this, which Would Serve aa an examnla
and an Inspiration to every young officer
who haa yet te shape hie character and
career in mo military service.
(Signed) ELIHU ROOT,
.. C ." ': Secretary of War,
Centerrllle Fall trf Con t'p with, am
Offer, bat Other Cities
Ilave Plenty.
(From a Staff CoVrespbndini.)
WASHINGTON. Julv 21. fSDeeial Tele
gram.) Bid were 'opened today' for altss
for public buildings at. Centervllle and
Atlantic, la. .Under the provision of the
bill Atlantic and Centervllle are required
to donate site for buildings, appropria
tions for which were provided, for In the
omnibus publlo building tout which, passed
congress during the closing days of the
session. ' Atlantic was ' ' given 130,000 and
Centervllle $35,000, but no provision was
made that thla amount should Include the
cost for a site, Individual bills stipulating
that the . sites would be donated by the
respective cities. Supervising Architect
Taylor today opened bid for Atlantic, Ave
site being tendered. Site for the Center
vllle - building tailed , to aparar and it Is
now thought, that unless a tender I made
In the near future new legislation may be
necessary to a squire a sit fey purchase.
Bids were alao opened for sites for
buildings at Evanaton and Laramie, Wyo.,
over 1100,000 .bavins; been appropriated for
each of the cities 'named, to' Include the
cost of the site. For Evanaton bids were
scheduled aa follows: .Mrs. Martha Win
slow offers alif sites, Ranging from 15,000
to 110.000; John O. Fleerel, three sites,
19.000, 110,000 -and, -1-12,000; Neponset Land
and Live Stock company, $8,000; Julia
Booth, $5,000; Essie F. and Mary E. Strong,
$11,000; Q. Er Bristol," tt al. $8,000; A." V.
Qulnn, et al, $10,000.
For Laramie: Jessie Converge, no price;
George W. Fox submitted seven nrooosals
ranging from ts'OOO" to $15,000; Charles
Kuster, $14,300; John H. Symon, $5,000;
Nicholas F. Bpicer, $6,200; Edward A
Wilkinson, $13,500.
The contract for furnishing the furniture
tor the public building atOskalooaa haa
been awarded tq the Thompson Manufactur
ing company of Indianapolis at $1,495.
Colonel. tCt. Xt. ; O'Reilly te Sareeed
-General For wod Who Will
soow-De Retired.
WASHINGTON. July 11. The president
ha deaignated Colonel R. M. O'Reilly to be
surgeon general of the army, to succeed
General Forwood, who will retire on Sep
tember next.
i Colonel O'Reilly will have until January.
1904,"-io serve as surgeon general. He was
appointed from Pennsylvania a a medical
cadet In 1864. He Is a graduate of the med
ical department of the University ot Penn
sylvania. ' Married lor Third Tint. .
WASHINGTON, July 11. Mies Maggie
Mitchell Hembold, the eldest daughter of
United State Senator Mitchell of Oregon,
was married today to Francis Hoyt Griffin,
a lawyer ot Nf w York City. The ceremony
waa performed at St. Paul's Episcopal
church. Rev. Dr. Ilardlng officiating. Sena
tor Mitchell gave the bride away. Thla
W- th bride'-third marriage.
Sathon Mlat iaperlateadea t.
WASHINGTON. July II. The preetdent
ha appointed Hugh S. Suthon as superin
tendent ot th United States mint at New
Orleans, vice Boothby, resigned.
Oaet Aaifrlcaa Book Coaaaaay.
TOPEKA. Kan.. July 31. The supreme
court today Issued a writ ousting the
American Hook company from the state of
Kauaa and depriving it of th right to
transact business aa a corporation in thla
at la unlil It secures a charter. The order
a granted -upon the petition of th county
attorney of Shawnee county and grows out
of the fight for the contract to aupply the
publlo schools of the entire state with
acnool books.
'Gold Goes to Itarop.
NEW TORK. July 81. The National City
bank announced today tht It would ship
ii,w,im in goia to x.urope tomorrow.
Large Bomber of Entrisi far th Weitern
Amateur Championship.
Itimker of Eastern Crack Preseat
to Participate, Among? Tbeas Sev
eral College Player So
ciety Oat la Force.
CHICAGO, July 21. Excellent weather
conditions prevailed for the opening play
In the annual western championship tennla
tournament today on the courts of the Ken
wood Country club.
Although the ground! were so soggy Sat
urday that the Initial rounds had to b
poatponed until thla afternoon and addi
tional rains fell laat nlrht vet the sun
ram nut an warm tnda that the trill
' a o.-.- .' r.,;,,-; "
n won uiicv. t-i.vic ij lu uiiiii.ui .1
waa on the grounds early to watch the In
coming players.
.. In point of Interest this year' tourna
ment promise to be one ot the most Im
portant In the country. While the atar
players are not particularly numerous,
more good well known player from whom
.nrnrl... m. ti ..nI.H .111 ennl.nri thla
, T .
ear man ever uciure.
Among the easterners who will defend
the championship titles are F. Alexander
and R. D. Little ot Princeton and E. P.
Fisher, champion ofthe state of New
York. Other well known contestanta are
E. E. Farnaworth. champion of. Nebraska
and Kansas: the team of Emerson and
Dlehl of Cincinnati; Buell McKeever of this
city, and the college players. Helm Hose
of the University of Wisconsin and Hess of
the University ot Illinois.
The first round and part of the second
round In singles and five matches In double
were decided today. Summary:
First round, singles:
F. R Carter won bv default.
It. H. Waidner beat B. McKeever. 7-9,
6-2, 6-2.
B. Lamb beat J. H. Rlcker, jr., 6-2, 6-3.
C. G. Baker won by default.
J. W. Bingham beat O. 8. Shay, 6-0. 6-1,
J. T. Bailey beat R. Gillette. 6-1. 1-6. 6-0.
F. P. Hill beat A. P. Nelson, 2-6, 6-4, 7-8.
R. G. Hunt beat R. M. Hean, 6-1, 6-1. .
jy. iiatiey neat r u, jnecaer, b-i. io-s.
A. C. Noble beat C. B. Henry. 6-2. 6-8.
J. A. Haya beat G. C. Blake, 8-6. 7-9, 6.4.
' N. Emerscn beat C. P. Trumbull, 6-1. 6-4,
A. C. Bnow Deat f. u. tfeacn, -i,
G. A. Olivor beat H. J. Sloan, 6-2, 6-1.
E. F. Rake won by default.
R. Miller won by default.
Q. Johnson beat 8. A. Greely, 6-0, 6-3.
K. Colllne beat. C. L. Garnett, 7-6. 6-0.
V. R. Larslngh won by default.
J. W. Saunderson beat F. W. McCaskey.
7-6. 6-1.
E. Lv Morley beat E. T. O'Brien, 6-1. 6-3,
E. E. Farnaworth beat C. N. Beard.
-e. -.
JE. M. Aahcraft beat T. Emerson.- 4-4
4-8. 6-4.
H. R. Heimholi beat R. A. Rowley. 6-2.
J. 8. Brldgea won by default.
H. M. Holland beat J. R. Jones, 6-L 10-8.
ti. Dlehl won oy default.
E. R. Peterson won by default.
E. E. Zimmerman beat A. F. Pierce,
6-3 3-7. 6-2.
C. A. Proctor beat C. B. Peter, 6-1. 6-j.
eecond round, singles:
Waidner beat Carter. 6-2, 6-0.
Lamb won by default.
Bailey beat Bingham, 6-0. 6-L
Bnow beat Emerson. 6-2. 6-1. ' -
1 Miller beat Johnson, 6-4, 6-1.
Collins beat Ianslngh, 6-0, 6-1.
Morley beat Saunderson, 6-3. 8-6, 7-5.
Helmhola beat Bridge. 6-0, 6-L
Dlehl beat Holland, 6-1. 6-3.
Proctor beat Kellogg. 6-0, 6-1.
Ashcraft beat Farnaworth, 3-6, 8-7, 6-4.
Flrat round, doubles: '
Peters and Garnett beat Proctor and
Helmhols, 6-4, 6-3, 6-2.
Hunt and Patterson beat Zimmerman and
Beach, 6-0, 6-V-- ...
Money ana rrumnuii won by default
McCaakey ,and Pierce won by default.
Collins and Waidner beat Hess and John-
eon, 6-1. 6-1. 6rl.
Emerson and Dlehl
beat Carter and
Roche, 6-3, 7-6, 6-8. .. .
Will Govern International
TosrsssMst In Proa-res at
Hanover, Praaslav.
HANOVER, Prussia, July 21. The cheas
playera today asked the committee to
alter the rule of playing the International
masters' tournament in the order as pre-
scribed by the Burger achedule. aa It would
be easy for every competitor to prepare
himself for .each day' play If he knew
beforehand whom he would have to meet.
The players advised the committee to
adopt the Monte Carlo rule of drawing
each day for the particular round to be
played on that . day and the committee
decided to adopt the latter plan. Round
rourteen or the Burger system was drawn!
for today and thla brought the contestants
luBciucr iu tue luuuvriua; uruer;
Mieaes against Marshall, Boplel against
Wolf, Swlderekl against Ounsberg. Mason
agalnat Atkins, . Levin against Napier,
Cohn against Bardeleben. Gottscbalk
against Janowskl, Tachtgorln agalnat
puisbury and Suecbting against Olland.
Play began early this morning and when
adjournment took place at 1 p. m. Marshall
had gone down before Mleaet and Poplel
had lost to Wolf. All th adjourned
games siooa pretty even, wun tne excep-
tion ot the contests between Oottachalk
and Janowskl and Tschlgorln and Pills-
bury. The Parisian and American had so-
called won game In hand.
..In the . afternoon session the following
uumuufti rvauiia were registered;
Swlderskl and Gunsberg divided honors.
Mason fell a victim to AtklnsLevln and
Napier adjourned their gam a sacond
time, much In favor of the former: Cohn
Icat to Bardeleben, Gbttsrhall waa worsted
by Janowskl, ' Tschlgorln managed to es
cap with a draw with PUlsbury, who
really ought to have won,' and Suchtlng
suffered a defeat at the bands ot Holland,
The second, round Is scheduled tor to
Mlnden Swaaapa HcCeok,
MINDEN. Neb . July fl. (Special Tele
gram.) Mlnden beat McCook thla after
noon in an unlntereattna same by a score
of 17 to 3. The feature of the game was
the" VuVh knin, a"nd Ave in7h. ..vVnth?
Mlnden I 0 0 0 0 10 I A 17
McCook ,'. 0 0 6 1 0 0 0 1 0 1
Struck out: By Bliss, 6; by Beltser and
Cone. I. First base on balls: Oft Bliss. 8;
of Beltxec and Cone, 7. Two-baae hits:
Bender, Gaines, Leach. Hit by pitched
ball: By BUss, 1; by Cone. 3. Batteries:
Mlnden, Bliss and Moore; McCook, Belser,
tons ana Keea. umpire; Muoourn.
Eseter Daaba Falrbary Whit.
EXETER. Neb.. July 31. (Special Tele
gram.) Exeter ahut Falrbury out today In
the fastest game ever witnessed In central
Nebraska. Tne feature or tne game was
the excellent fielding of both teama. Hcnre
R.H B.
Exeter 10000100. 361
Falrbury 000000000 0IJ
Batteries: Exeter Ahlln and Doane;
Falrbury, Rain and LaFrance. Struck out:
By Ahlln. 3; by. Rain.-1. Time: 1:08. The
earn teama play tomorrow.
Soldier rloat Grocery Clerk.
FORT CROOK. Neb. July . (Special.)
The retail grocery clerks of Omaha were
aaaln defeated' by the soldiers In a same
of baae ball on the fort ground Sunday
by th score ot 11 to k Score:
Fort Creek.
Clarke ......
. 11 11 3
. ill 3
MeGovera to Begin Training;.
NEW LONDON, Conn., July 31-Terry
McUovern and narty arrived in town to
night, to begin training for McGovern's
match with Yonng Corbett. In the parly
beside McOovern are Bam H. Harris, hU
manager i Joe Humphries, Hugbty Mo-
Govern, Terry's brother: Eddie Cain and
cnarlie Mayhood. Art Slmms, the light
weight boxer, who will elso work n the
McOovern camp, 1 expected In a few days.
prlaaneld Starts on Ball Tour.
SPRINGFIELD. Neh.. July 21 -To the
Editor of 'The Tlee! The Snrinafleld bsee
hall team left this mrtrnlHg for a trln over
the state; They plaved at Greenwood to
day, and will be at Wahoo. July 22 and 21.
at Fremont July 24 and at Columbus July
25 and 26. They would like to hear frrtm
Norfolk. Went Point and Wlsner for July
28. 29. 30 and 31. Address R. 8. Calhoun,
manager, a ier route.
Shoot for Kin-' Medal.
LONDON. Julv . Shootln for the
king' prise commenced at Wsley today In
cold, miserable weather. The entries total
1,729. thd highest on record. The
numDer sou and are valued at ;
Numeroua "beat possibles" were scored at
200 yards, ' including thoe of Captain
Mitchell and Major Macroble, Canadlana.
Players Jatnp Contracts.
DETROIT. Julv 21 Snortln Editor C. D.
Wellington of the Tribune tonight received
a dlepatch from Manager Frank Dwyer of
tne uetroit American legu team, staring
tnat fitcner KQscoe . Miller his accepted
I1"1"1."! from M;GraW and hue
um".M ftNpw . Th telegram was
dated at Baltimore.
Three-I Lesgiie.
At Rocktord Flrat rame: , Rockford. :
Decatur, 6. Becond game: Rpckford, I
Decatur, o. -
At ' Rock Island ninnmlnfffan. 8: Rock
Island, 7.
At Cedar RsdIiIh First rame: Cedar
""l""w '. -vjiwviilif, t. orcooo. game
iceaar napKis,-z;' Evanavnie, 0.
Emperor Boys Yacht.
BERLIN. Julv i flneclal telerrams re
ceived here from KleL confirm the report
mat r.mperor William haa bought Francis
R. Rlgg's thirty-foot yacht. Uncle Sam,
winner - of the kaiser's gold - eup. Ills
majesty intends to sail It In the 19B re-
" ""n competing ior pnses.
la Southern Association.
At Memphis Nashville, 6; Memphis, 0.
iuue mock uttie mock, ; cnatta-
doors, l. . . v ...
At Birmingham Birmingham. 2: Shreve-
port, 8.
At New orlcani New Orleans. I: At
lanta. 0. -,. ....
Paalaen Wins Lefever Shoot.
BENNINGTON. Neb.. July 2L-(Sneclal )
The Lefever Gun club held a shoot Sun
day, which was ' won by H. Paulsen of
this place, making a wcore of nineteen out
of a possible twenty-five. A large number
of shooters from surrounding . clubs were
Races Postponed. -,
CLEVELAND. O.. July 21 The Grand
circuit trotting races at the Glenvllle track
scheduled today were postponed on account
of rain. '
Terrlfle Rain Sterm Does Much Dam-
'," agt to Cr'ops aad Property
,., v In- Emlre State.
JAMESTOWN, N.r T., ' July 21. Another
terrific storm passed over Chautauqua county
yesterday ' and ' last night, doing great
damage to growing crops, delaying railway
trafflo and -cutting such holes In highways
that travel across-country is almost lm
possible. -
George Courtney was drowned at French
creek, while trying to ford a swollen
stream, ;,.-.. .
A bridge across .a. culvert In . this city
broke down - while George .Singular, a 6-
year-old boy,, waa standing on It, and he
was quickly- carried Into a sewer, through
which he waa swept at a terrific rate tor
more than 1,000 feet. He came out at the
lower end. in Jess , than 'three minutes In
a frightfully cut and bruised condition
bat alive and able to crawl to "a place of
itety. ' ' ' "'- ' ' ...fti'-'
PENNYArt' W. Y.."Ifuiy 211 One of the
heaVleet' rwti'f alls' ihait yet occurred
prevailed oVi jthe'. lake Keuka region dur
Ing the lat .thirty-six hour. Thre. Inches
o water lias falledt making the total rain
fall for the month seven Inches. All
streams are overflowing their, banks and
th water m the lake ha risen ten 'Inches
In th last twenty-four' hours. Many eel
I Ibt rs flood?1 nd farmers are having
mucn irouDie in Harvesting men (rain.
Pile Cored Wltheat two Knife
Itching, blind, bleeding or protruding
Dties. " No euro, no pay. All druggist are
long standing. Cures ordinary . case in six
day; the worst cases In fourteen daya. One
authorized by the manufacturers of Paxo
Ointment to refund money where It fails to
euro any casa-of pile, no matter of now
application give ease and rest. Relieves
I itching instantly. This is a new discovery
and Is the only pile remedy sold on a posl-
I tlv guarantee, no cure, no pay. Price 60o,
if your druggist don't keep It in stock (end
I ua 60o In etamus and we will forward same
by mall. Manufactured by Pari Medlptne
Co., St, Loyla, Mo., who also manufacture
the celebrated cold cure Laxative Bromor
l uuinino leoiei.
I 1 1 " ' 1
" !l n.H P
Rasldly Gslaing i Sliessih a4 t ae
Wound Continues to Heal ''"
' gatlsfactorrly, ' ;
COWES, Isle' of Wight, July tl.-A tui
ietlri laaued today on ;the 'condition of King
Edward says:
The klna is m-excellent health. He
gaining strength and the Wound continue
to heal aatlsfactorily. His majesty was
unable to anend any time- on deck yester
day, owing to tne unfavorable-weather.
The next bulletin will ' be issued on
July 24.
The eold wind continues and the decks
of the royal yaobt' Victoria and Albert are
fclcsed by canvas screens as a protection
ggalnat .the Inclement weather.
They Organise to Peotest. Theaaselvee
Agalnat United Irish
- Leslie,
DUBLIN, July Zl Irish land owners
bar formed a combination with Ik xapl-
tal of 100,000 to protect themselves
sKalnst the United Irish league
The prospectus ot th. combination tuake
complaint that the government nas lauea
1 to afford the land owners adeem! assist-
lance and therefore united action on their
D.rt a necessary. Among ..the leading
member of th combine ar Hugh Arthur
Smith Barry and Lord Clonbrock
Schooner; Satis from gaa Fraaelsc
for South Seas After Faha
loas Wealth.
SAN FRANCISCO. July 31. Th schooner
Hermann has sailed for the South seas
oatenslbly on a pleasure trip, but la reality
It is said, in aearch of burled treasure
amounting' to 170.000,000, reported to have
been bidden on a Island by (fc mutinous
crew of a Japanese shin.
Captain James Brown. retired mariner
of the- AUantle coast. Is la command ot
the Hermann and 1 accompanied fry four
r nv caster friends. The little schooner
was fitted out a aa expense of $18,000.
Caller Accent Secretaryship.;
RrXrmN' 'Julv- si. Rev. Walter Caller,
naator ot tha Tabernacle church'. Bowdolt
square, ha decUed to accept, the position
of general secretary of t iiaptlM xouni
Paouia a. 1 UiL n of imtnu. rexutn-tir tena
ered him. Mr. Calley haa presented his
I resignation to hie church, with the revues
thai be oe rtuevca py Depieauoer m.
Bo Bays Former Benatqr Petti grew in a
Formal Statement.
Senator Dahol, F.x-Senator Petti
er re w and Other Hold m Confer
ence for Pnrpose of Organ
ising; a New Parly.
NEW YORK, July 21. At a conference
Just held at Manhattan Beach, In which
the principal nartlclDanta were United
State Senator Dubois of Idaho, ex-Senator
Pettlgrew of South Dakota, Prof. Gar
rett Droppera ot South Dakota, for ten
years professor of political economy of the
Presidential university of Toklo, and
George Shlbley of Washington, plans were
discussed for the organization of a new
national party. -
So. far a It haa gone the new party
seems to be. an effort to unify the so
called liberal, democr acy, which already
has state organization . In New Tork,
Massachusetts, , New . Jersey, Ohio and
Iowa.. . .
Mr. Shlbley presented for the considera
tion .of the other members of the confer-
nce a complete outline ot a . plan for a
national organization on lines similar to
those of the state organizations .of the
liberal democracj.
At the close of th conference ex-Senator
rettlgrew gave out a atatement, In which
e ssld:
Mr. Brvan will not ha mm ranrilriat nf
the regular democracy In 1H, but he and
his friends hope that he will have much
to say regarding the platform and the
management of the campaign. If he docs
not,' Mr. Bryan and hla associates will
form, a new party, based on the Kansas
City platform. .
, Free Sliver I Dead.
Free Stiver will not Brain be a nolltlral
Issue. When we demanded the free coin-
g of sliver we wanted more money.
Ince then Immense new arold fields in
Alaska and South Africa have been
opened; there' is more money than ever
oeiore ana greater prosperity . This re-
tilt Is what we Drediuted when wa asked
for 'more money. Times are good In the
west in spite of the Beef trust. The farm
ers get more fot their cattle and higher
IJHi'w ior ineir cereals.
But on other nrlnclnles aside from all.
ver, the west has not changed. We adhere
a tne original principles or flemocraoy,
ithough the country la fast drlftlnn awav
from all Its old moorings. The main
trouble la the departure from the original
form of government. A Fourth of. July
oration of ten years ago will not fit today.
Mr. Shlbley, who drafted the outline of
the hew party,' said: '
I have been eneared for vpnra In ttio
effort to establish the referendum, not aa
puny issue, out as an essential to mi
rlty Tule. We have now an organization
in- each' state which intends to nut all
candidates on -record on this question , and
It la bound to be adopted and made a cam
paign issue sooner or later.
Train Into Tacoma Are Crowded
with Members of the Chris
tian Union.
TACOMA, Wash, July 21. From various
parts of the United States trains bave
been coming into Tacoma today with dele
gates to "Our Young People's Christian
union" of the United Preebyterlan church.
President Millard McMurdo of Sparta,-111.,
arrlvod today. E. B. MoKeowan of Rock
Island, IH.,; chairman of -the general com
mitted of the young) peoplea Societies, also
arrived on a special train today. '
A -conference Of the executive commlttea
was' held on the train,' but formal action
to came the now president will be taken
at fc, meeting, ot the committee tomorrow
afternoon. The new president narted by
the executive committee wl)l asauna hla
duties on Wednesday morning. At the
same tfaie the 'present 'secretary, Mrs. H.
M. Stewart,- wifl be succeeded ' by ' Mlus
Emma Sox Of Albany, Ore. Tonight the
Visitors' ere tendered a retention at the
United Presbyterian church." ' ' '
Tomorrow will he devoted to sightsee
ing and the reception' of delegates. The
convention -will ' open tomorrow night at
T:45 with a song service at the First Pres
byterian church. In Charge of W. E. Wiley
of San Francisco. An address of welcome
will be made by Mayor Campbell.
Leaders of the Movement to Investi
gate Affair In Philippine
Arrsage to Meet.
BOSTON, July 21. A number of th
anti-Imperialists- of this dty. Including
Chart Fraacta Adams, Moorfleld Storey
aad Julian - Cod man,- left tonight for' Bol
ton' -landing. Lake George, ' to join ' other
leader of this movement- at a -meeting of
the special committee appointed laat spring
to investigate affairs la the Philippines and
secure the publicity ot the fact. The meet
ing -will be -held at the home of Hon. Carl
Schurs and Herbert Welsh jf I'hlladelphla,
and - many , of the western leader In the
movement will also be -present. . The ob
ject of the meeting Is to- canvass the In
vestigation that has been made and dis
cuss the present situation.
Inasmuch as'Andrew Carnegie, the chair
man ot the committee, is now in Europe,
a temporary chairman will be chosen, but
the entire proceedings will be communicated
to Mr. Carnegie by cable.
It has been tho" belief that the antl-
lmpsrlallat movement was dying out, but
these leaders say they are determined to
preaa'the Issue more vigorously than evef.
It waa ssld that at the end of th meeting
statement ot facta developed would b
sent to "President Roosevelt.
K. W. Oroya.
This' name must appear on every box of
the geriuln'e Laxative Bromo-Qulntne Tab
lets, the remedy that cures a cold In on
day. - Sft tenls. i
F.ormer Omaha Woman Takes Polsoo.
ST. JOSEPH, Ml., July 31. (Special T3la-
gram.WNora 'Williams, alias Nora Busse,
died at 2 o'clock this morning- at the cen
tral police station from the effects or car
bolic acid. taken at 10.40 Sunday night.
The woman was 81 year of -age and bad
been in St. Joaepb aeveral , months. Sha
came to thla city from Omaha, having for
merly lived In Terrs Haute, Ind.
1 -' Vx-rf,'
r mm
BUS. BOSS 'cow '
.;. I'Jatch Cnso
aa a4t wArka In nrafaransa to a
laweiar to show yon a Jaa. Haas
. aUyatoo Indt-mut Mamped tualda.. haatd f tloohlat.
Plant aad Good Will of Newspaper Is
'' Pereaased hy Adolph
S. Ochs.
rHILADELliltA.' July 21. The' fhlladel
phla Public Ledger waa today purchased
by Adolph S. Ochs from George W..Chllds
Drexe .and -the :lrexel estate and posses
sion was at once-given Mr. Oohe. Th
purchase. Include all the Tubllc Ladger
estate, comprising about half a block of
Improved property on Chestnut and Sixth
streets, facing Independence hall. The
price paid Is not; made public, but It la
stated on good -authority that over $2,2oO,
000 Is Involved, la the transaction. Mr.
Ooht has no associates In the transaction
except that a substantial Interest has
born,, acquired by James M. Bock of Phila
delphia, who represented the purchaser In
the negotiations. There Is nq underwrit
ing, and. with the exception ot Mr. Beck's
Interest Mr., Ochs 4s the sole owner.
, The new owner . says , thpro will be no
radical changes in the appearance er pol
icy of the Public, Ledger. Mr. Ochs, who
Is the principal owner of the New York, Philadelphia'. Times and Chat
tanooga Times, when asked It, the-Philadelphia'
Times. . which la now being suc
cessfully conducted by his brother, Oeorga
W. Ochs, is to .be consolidated with the
Public Ledger, replied: "Not at present;
perhaps "not at all."
T.he Philadelphia Public Lodger. Is ons of
the oldest, and most prosperous newspa
pers in America.' It was established In
1836. From 1860 1S94 was conducted by
Oeorge W. Chllds. It pasted to the own
ership of the A. J. Drexel estate wben-Mr.
ChUds died -and has been conducted up
to. the day of eale by George W. Chllds
Drexel, one of, the trustees of Jhe estate.
-Mr. Ochs'. -newspapers are all Independ
ent In politics and stand for the higher
Ideals of journalism. The Public Ledger
was notably so oonducted by George W.
Chllds and by. -his successor and godson,
George W. Chllds Drexel. consequently
the changes promptly made In the style
and the character of the I hlladelphla
Times when Its ownership changed a year
ago. are not necessary to the Public Led
ger. L. Clarke Davis will continue as
editor and John, Norrls rf the New York
Times will .for the prrs- -it art as busi
ness manager.
Hundreds Are Gathering In St. Joseph
for the State Cob
. ventlon. ,
, ST. JOSEPH, Mo., July 21. The demo
cratic state convention will meet nere to
morrow at 'noon. Nearly all the delegates
are present and many times as many of
their friends. Frank P. Walsh, leader of
the opposition against the political rule
ot. Governor vA. -, W. Dockery, spoke to a
large audience at the Tootle opera house
Democrats gathered at the Donovan in
droves this monitng to discuss the situa
tion with the- state committeemen, a
number of whom are already In the city,
while .others spent the greater portion ot
the morning at the Metropole, where Gov
ernor Dockery, . Secretary of State Cook
and other officials are quartered.
...Tomorrow at. 7. o'clock a special train
will -reach-the city over the Missouri Pa
cific with a delegation of Jefferson club
members, headed by Lieutenant Governor
Lee, and half -an hour later another spe
cial .train, .will .reach .here over the Bur
lington bearing another large contingent
Of Jeftersonlana. It. la expected that fully
1003 will be aboard the two trains. . .
Gossip concerning the convention deals
more with the election of a-state chair
man 'than with the nomination for the
other officers 'at the disposal' of the con
ventlon. Comparatively few ot the dele
gates will go Into the convention with In
structlons for railroad and warohouse com
missloner, . but . of the Instructed delega
tions John Knott of . Hannibal has. , the
most. William J. Cbambllss clerk in tho
office of Secretary of State Cook, complied
the figures, .showing how . the convention
will stand on, this question. Knott leads
with 173-lnetructed delegates, Bronaugh
has 120, Park 62, Rice 45 and McGuire 21.
. Carrlngton's friends claim that the pres
ent superintendent ot public Instruction
will nave an' ' easy time of It, but the
friends ef Prof. Prentiss, who comes Into
the convention with 121 votes ot the St
Louis delegation, will make the light a
lively One.
'State Chairman James M. Selbert la
here. He was preceded by Secretary Ed
wards, who .reached the city at noon to
day and immediately opened headquarters
at the Donovan.
Herbert ' Pelree Return from Th
,..- HaaTue, Believing American
- Will Get Damages.
NEW YORK, July 21. Mr. Herbert Ti.
Petrce, third assistant ot state,- arrived to
night from . Aptwerp on. board the steam
ship Kroonland, which anchored off tha
quarantine station for the night, after a
quick voyage' across the 'Atlantic on Its
first trip -freslward. Mr.'Peh-ce represented
the United State's at The Hague as con
sul and agent bsfore Dr. Asser, the Dutch
jurist, Who i the sole arbitrator of the
seal and whale- fisheries disputes between
ihe United States and Russia. When seen
tonlgnt on board-the Kroonland Mr. Petrce
said be believed that Dr. Asser would ren
der his award very soon. He also said be
thought his contention would be sustained
by Dr. Asser, and that an award of sub
stantlal proportions for damages to" th
American sealer and whalers whose. vessels
were seized by ' the Russian authorities
would be made..
' -Dr. Aseer gave a dinner to Mr. Pelrc
and the Russian conrul, to which many of
Ihs' noted Hollanders' were Invited, includ
ing the minister of foreign affair and tho
United States minister. On the fourth of
July Mr. Pelree and the Russian consul gave
a dinner la return te Dr. Asser and bis
friends. -; : " - "' '- '
Haastcd for-Killing; Ullnd Maja,
.ATLANTA. Qa Julv tl. W.- R. 'Well
was hanged her today for the murder of
Frederick Pierce, A blind man, on reuruary
1 laat.
Gacb VJears
at point of eon tact with the hand ar pocket
A solid gold ce wutrs tuin and weak
and a cheap tilled cane wears shabby.
A Jas. B atlfleaad Uold Caa is
a ua ran teed to wear lor 26 years, it is
mad of two layers of solid sold with
:al"yetof stlffeutng metal befweeo.ail
The outside gold will laat a quarter of
a century aoo Uieetinening nieiai win
keep the case )rou( aa ions as you near
Ik . ink IS WAX wouaauua
solid (old eaa. '- Ask yonr
Caae and look fair Uie
A Time of Anxiety for
Wtit Banish the Summer Uluesaui
Other Distregses That Make
Lite. 'Miserable and
. Unhappy, K . ,
This Is the Season when we hear men
nd women complaining about their un
happy hnd half-dead condition. They find
that physical and meental energy has de
sorted them and they are sinking deeply
in the pit of despondency. "'
The hot summer weathof always pro
duce thousands 'df miserable feeling mor
tals. They lick" nerve force, strength and
true Vitality." they cannot 'rest day or
hlrht and l'fe' becomes' burden. -
The great recuperator, builder " and
rrength-glver tar ail Wary, wornout and
suffering people I Paine' Celery Conn
pound,' now so "universally -prescribed by
medical men. When the-great medicine la
uel at this season languor. Despondency,
irritability, nerVouiness, elecplesaooM,
hoadachei, dysrpsta and digestive troubles
are permanently banished and men and
women go about their duties and work
with a vim, wilt and energy that indicate
health and physical strength. ' '
Mr. J. H. Clark. Newark, Del., who waa
in a critical condition of health from trou
bles extremely, common- in summer time,,
writes thus about his marvelous - reacu
front death: w . .
"When -I -was attacked With aervou
prostration I went to one ot our local doc
tors. I continued te grow-worse and con
sulted other physicians, but with very lit
tle apparent .good. No tongue can express
or pen describe my feelings and suffering
from this terrible disease,' After spending
considerable 'money In the vain hope ot
being cured, 1 wa led to try" Falne's Cel
ery Compound -'and it Is this medicine
which -enabled tne to -enjoy "the health I
now have. After the torture I experlencod
night and day for years the change Is won
derful.'"- . . v
Kamovea Tan, Plmplaa,
prackl. Moth Patohae,
Hun and Skin dl
aaaa, and - ever
blemtah on beauty,
and deAaa !
tins. It haa atoo
te M -" fcM the teat of ft
a 1 V Tf?) J"1- and u so
hannlaaa ire taat
It to be sura '(
la property made.
Acotpt no eounter
felt Of similar
nam. Dr. L A.
Sayra aald te la
dy of th haut-taa
(a patient) I
A you ladles will use them, I recom
mend 'GOUP.AUD'8 CREAM' as the least
harmful of all the Skin preparations." For
sale br all Druggists and Fancy Goods
Dealers In th U. S. and Europe.
tic K ii. T. iiorKiaia, i-ropr,
7 Great Jones SC. N. T.
I dlftTMf Ml tiy Gf7
jpa bgullr B"ch4i4 Hfclf.
Imperial Hair Regenerator
wlUreiueily this. Any aliad from Black
te tha llahteat A ah Blond DroduoML
Colors are datable. Kaaltr applied. Ab.
K,jr aolulely harmleaa. flampleof balrcoi..
u-d tra. (XxTMpoatUiioa eoaflaaoUal.
imperial Chosnlcai.'o.. 136. W. 23d St nf. -If,
Hoia oy eneiman at ftici onneu vrug v-o. ...
' Omaha, Nek. ' ' '
Cure, ttiar ,af1,r Hla la l arai,. Ir alo,. ' .
Sack a bfaktt, or arM af Kay pan al Ilia body la
fr,n aaa to thrra boart. Cur, laaieaatt, ,tlff aa
awallaa .alat,. ,tlff back aad all palai la 'h, hua aaa.
Imbi, aciaMc lur-bav- It daaa ant put th, dilM, M
alaapbuldrivatf eiaUianntaa. tje.,!! diagriaa. a
ftj t1 Can lAoerr, 1618 Pise St., 8t,Uut,Mo.
' ' AMl'VCHENTa.
W.cvdward 4k Burgess,
9th and
last BIG
, Matinee, Prices, 10c; .Evening, 10c, iBc. 2Sc.
;'Josepti; v$; Omaha: . ; ;
Game tailed at t :t ' ' ' " .-
. Kaalea-faalee
tATI HDAV,' ji i.y an,
'- ' OMAHA AentB l
- - jr.y - - - re. - .'
Game, called a; Z.'X p.. m. ..
"Excursion , Steamer
The Union s Excursion Company's ' ''
. Steamer Henrietta :
ssaka regular trip Irani foot of Douglas
sue l, nuikiug rvulur trlpa to Sherman
t-ark, wbeia Ibaisls hue shade, mualo and
dancin. Mo bar on boat liiVeryUung arau
Hours' for Waving: i, i and p. m.,
dally. Round trip (6c, - children lUa M
admission to Park, . .. , . , . .......
Mount Pelee Volcanic Disaster .
LORETTA FAMIL.V, World', Greatest
Har Atrohata. . .
VENKTTA KING Cornet Virtuoso. Hus-
ter's Peerless American Concert Hand. The
ISth and Doaalaa St.
Omaha .Leading Hotel
ll'Ed 4L, irI-: ATI HI'Si
IZ:J tb I D.
SUNDAY 6:4) p. m.
Bteadlly Increasing business has necessl.
tsted an enlargement ot the cafe, doubling
Its former capacity.. ( . .
K minutes from heart ef city.' No dirt
aad-dust. Vltuated oa bouigvard and lake,
at ilt St. Blvd., Chicago, baud lor lUuv
traud booklet
Jar - ' v a ssi
"ill I M llTf Tf.f TM?!'- . U, and
.... lillU'IyfilfPlul Hlaniacik TrblM.