"the oisrAiTA daily bee Saturday, jtjly 10, 1002. WHITELAW & GARDINER niMmn n n LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS HALF PRICE. ivli mmvLu vl mm This sale includes every item in summer poods, and continues until the entire stock is sold. The unseasonable weather has left us with heavy stocks in every department', which must be sold during this sale. Our loss is your gain. Fall goods Arriving dally. The time is short, and to have quick results we have cut prices regardless of cost or value. . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . SALE BEGINS TODAY, SATURDAY, JULY 19. Nothing represented in this sale which has not been cut from 25 to 50 per cent. Read the list of bargains quoted. Better still, call and examine for yourself. ' ILLIflERY HALF PRICE. 1 1 Wash Goods Sale 1 l-2o Double fold Zephyrs and 30-tncn Madras, former price 12 l-2c Hc and 15c on Bale JJl our Imported Wash Novelties rang ing In price from 39c, 45c, 80c, 69c, consisting of Grenadines, Foulards and 811k Mulls, In one lot on sale 33c 10c Fine Batiste and Irish Dimities, . fnll 82 Inches wide, orer 100 styles to elect from; formerly re tailed at 15c-19c; on sale. . 10c 6c A choice lot of Dress Ginghams, In plaids, checks and stripes, colors guar anteed, and usually retailed at 8c and 10c; on sale .5c A 80-lnch Dimity and Batiste, large as sortment beautiful patterns, and sold all season at p l-2c; rj on sale iv 19c A large assortment of our 25c, 83c and 35c Scotch Ginghams and Mer cerized Zephyrs, very desira ble for walstlngs; only 19c Five Extra Special Glove Items t5e Bilk gloves, patent finger o tip, two clasp, black and colors, regular retail price 60c, on aala Kc Ladles' Berlin lisle lace gloves, very scarce and desirable for hot g weather, regular retail price, HC tbc on sale 7 tSo Ladles' washable fabric gloves, two and four button the very latest fad, look like undressed .I.TC kid, actual value 60c, on sals w 10c A lot of odds and 'ends In ladle',' misses" and 'children's ' 4 g colored taffeta gloves, IIIC former price 2&c, on sale vrw TSo Ladles' Milanese silk gloves, double tipped finger, three pearl E? clasps, white, black, slate, for- IjC mer retail price til, on sale " NEWS 'OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL HAS A VARIED EXPERIENCE Dr. Donald Vaorsa Fuwi a Btrsnuoui Nigbt, but Lands All Bight LIGHTNING STUNS HIS COMPANION Wlada V by Playtasr Hickaaa ss DrlvlMST Himself mm Belated PBSaeager Hsa Tkroagk the IUiIb. Dr. Don Macrae, Jr., of this city had aa xclttng time of It during the storm Thursday night snd yesterday was thank ing his stars that he reached home safe and sound. He had been called to Mai Tern ' to assist Dr. Bcott of that place In attending a patient who lWed about Are miles east of the town. While driving hack to Malvern In a buggy the storm broke. The lightning flashed and the rata poured down In a perfect deluge. About one mile from Malvern there was a ter ribly vivid flash of lightning. Dr. Macrae's companion, Dr. Bcott, was knocked In sensible and the horse they were driving AtlUOUIJCEMENT ' Owing to circumstances entirely be- ?ond our control, and upon the sollcl a Hon of our friends and patrons, we ' have concluded to continue in the Jewelry Business in our present loca tion at No. 4utt Broadway. Our recent - clearing sale was a great success, and we will Immediately place In stock a ' new and elegant assortment of the ' latest and up-to-date goods. We will also state that In addition to the com plete new stock we Intend to make . some interesting prices. The store will thnrojahlv remodeled and an od- tical room and Jewelry manufacturing "department addra. TVMUHHOW WE OFFER SB-YKAH BOSS CASK EL UIN WiTCU, 15 JEWEL!, LI. WOLLMAN 40 BROADWAY. Cwaaell BlaSTs, LEWIS CUTLER i FUNERAL DIRECTOR , (Successor te W. C- Balep) U rb-Altl. liaKi, 'Vmmmm tT. n Millinery Sale Ladles' and misses' trimmed hats, crea tions of our own work room, same goods we sold for $2.60, $3, $4 and 16, g- T In one lot WaC on sale i7 - Our entire stock of exquisite trimmed hats, equal to Imported patterns, very exclu sive, worth from fy P? s" W.00 to $8 00- 5eOU on sale at ..... Over mo ladles street hata, every con ceivable shape, trimmed with sash, pon pons and drapes, worth up to 12.60- rlllC on sale Choice of balance on hand. Including our fine Paris patterns in pattern room, former value, $10, 115, f ' V g 120 and $25- O.UlJ all In one lot ....... Ladles' street hats, all this season's styles, and retailed as high as j aa $2.60, In one 1.11 1 1 lot, at ,v ' Ladles' street and sailor hats, . f" odds and ends, sold as jmlC high-as $1.60, in one lot ,mj-rw Great Values in Hosiery 85c, for $1.00 Ladles' high-grade, fancy colored hosiery, aold for 4 f f 60o and 65c . I.IIIJ on sale, 86o, S for .V.. ,1,uu 19c, t for 60c Ladles' fancy and, .black Imported hosiery, plain ana lace effect. formerly sold for 260, CZ t tic and S9c J" I 1 1 In one lot 19c, t for v' ' 10c, I for 25e Ladles' black lace and fancy hose, former retail price 15c and 1 So on sale loc, I for 25c 15c Infants' hose In silks, Usles and cot tons, sixes 4 to 6H only jf former retail price 1 i"C 10c, I for 26c Children's Ixl ribbed hose, 64 to VA. former retail price 15c, on sale, 10c, 1 for ......... 25c 26c Our entire stock of tnf ants' soft soled shoes, all colors, .11 worth 1 25c up to 60c, ou sal ..... . 15c Boys' heavy ixl ribbed hose, slses 7 to 10, worth 20c, on sale 15c, 1 for 25c WHITELAW BLUFFS. was thrown to his feet. Dr. Macrae was almost stunned by the shock himself for a few seconds.- With the rain pouring down, the lightning flashing Incessantly, an un conscious man by his side in the buggy and .the horse floundering on Its knees in the dark road. Dr. Macrae had his hands full tor a time. He left the horse to regain Its feet as best It could while he attended to Dr. Scott, who waa nearly five minutes in com ing to. The lightning bad not struck him, but evidently struck the barb wire fence close alongside of the road, and the force of the shock had been such as to not only throw the horse off Its feet, but to render Dr. Bcott unconscious. He waa still feeling the effects when they managed to reach Malvern, both wet to the skin. Dr. Macrae took the Burlington train home to Council Bluffs, but bis troubles were not ended. Owing to the storm the train was late and did not reach the cty until past 1 o'clock yesterday morning, when the motor cars had ceased running for the night. There happened to be a hack at the depot, which Dr. Macrae and three other rain-soaked passengers at once commandeered. The driver, Ed Deeds, was found Inside the hack, fast asleep, and all efforts to awaken him proved unavailing. Officer McKlnley hap pened along and undertook to arouse the sleeping Jehu and succeeded. Deeds, rudely awakened from his slumbers, ' re sented thus being aroused and landed his right fist square la the face of the officer and followed this up by clinching. The officer tried to-explain matters, but Deeds, who was evidently suffering from night mare, continued to fight until the officer had to lay hint out. McKlnley then es corted Deeds to the city jail and charged him with being Intoxicated. Dr. Macrae, being provided with a rain coat, while the three other belated pas sengers were not. offered to act the part of the Jehu and. mounting the bos, drove the other three te their respective homes. but omitted to collect any tare, then drove himself home and telephoned to the owner of the hack to send a maa and get it- Axel Bunderson, who was robbed la an Omaha lodging house, has filed original notice of suit In the dlstricUcourt to re cover the money which It Is alleged was stolen from him snd ordered by Juatlc Bryant turned over te the attorneys rep resenting the two men arrested In this city tor the robbery and taken back across the river on a requisition. Cheater A, Tlbblta, chief of police, and Attorneys John Undt and William Mraster are named as defendants la the suit. It Is claimed that they hare la their possession 23t.C0 Parasols and Umbrellas 6c Children's Colored Para- sols, former price 10c, on sale 10c Children's Ruffled Para sols, formerly sold for 19o, on sale.... 10c ls, plain 25c Children's Colored Parasols, plain and ruffled, former prices 39o and 450, on sal 83c Children's Colored Para ols, former price 60c, on sale 25c 33c EOc Children's Parasols, worth 50c 75c and 8Sc, on sale $1.48 -Ladies' Colored Umbrel ..48 Ladles' Colored Umbrei- A las,, former price $2.00, cJ J las,, former price $2.00, on sale $1.26 Ladles' Black and Color ed Parasols, formerly sold for $2.00, on sale 1.25 75c, 89c, 1.25, 1.75 For special numbers for this sale in La dies' Umbrellas. Shirt Waist Sale Ladles' colored shirt waists, light, medium and dark, former. - O E? retail price - Vfj 65o and 76c, on sale Ladles' white and Madras waists, nicely trimmed, all sixes, reg- s " ularlv retailed at $1.25 IsVlC and $1.50, on sale w w Ladles' waists, the very latest military and Gibson effect, made from Imported Madras, English corded welts and fig ured Marseilles, and always -4 "V sold for $2.50, J3 Lflll and $3.60, on sate 1,ww A large table of waists, both white and colored, latest effects and g ("W sold for $1.75. $2.00 and JrC $2.50, In one lot --w Ladles' waists, compose all our exclusive novelties, white only, elegantly embroi dered, and retailed formerly s g mf at $4.60, $5.00 and $6.00, T In one lot for sale Ask to see silk waists In black and col ors, worth up -a fy o to $5.00- l.C on sale M.Z7J COUNCIL BLUFFS, which It Is alleged was stolen from the plaintiff by George Parker and Frank Nel son. The money, which corresponded with the amount stolen from Bunderson and which was found on Parker and Nelson shortly after the robbery, was in posses sion of Chief of Police Tlbbtts until he surrendered It to Attorneys Llndt and Mynster on order of Justice Bryant. The attorneys held an assignment of the money from the two prisoners. , MORE CANDIDATES DEVELOP Prospects Democrats Will Hire Good Slsed Field to Caeeie Front, . Many of the Council Bluffs delegates to the democratic county convention went to Neola last evening so as to be early on the ground and work in the interests of the local candidates. Louis Zurmuehlen, Jr., who wants the nomination for clerk of the district court, was among those who went to Neola last evening. A large dele gation from here. It Is said, will go this morning on the 7:20 train on the Rock Island. As the convention will be called to order at 10 o'clock. It Is believed that Its work will be completed In time to per mit the delegates to return on the after noon trains. Several nsw candidates appeared in the field yesterday. J. M. Kelley, cashier of the State bank at Macedonia, Is said to be an aspirant for the domination for clerk of the district court. C. R. Reels of Reels ts said to want the nomination for recorder and A. A. Lonecker of Oakland Is after one of the nominations for member of the Board of Supervisors. John Gordon of Hancock and Tim Ryan of Rockford are also mentioned in connection with the su pervisor nominations. There Is some talk of Henry Atkins being named . for county chairman, to succeed Brooks Reed. Plumbing and heating. Bixby ds Boo. ' Puck's Domestic soap Is best for lautdry. Rates (or Heaaloa. Secretary Knox of the Iowa Society Army of the Philippines, received notice yester day that the railroads would grant s rate of one and a third fare for the round trip for the reunion of the national society In this city la August. It Is understood that this rate is to apply to all points. The local committee had hoped for a better rate than this snd will take the matter up again with the railroads. Davis sells paint. Puck's Domestlo soap ts best. vrlteaaaaa Mas Fecallar Aeeldeat. A. E. Marble, a switchman In the employ of the Milwaukee railroad, met with a pe culiar and painful accident at an early hour yesterday morning. While switching cars Ladies' Un- a derwear Sale 16c Ladies' Ribbed Vests, lac f-f yoke back and front, regular I rj IT price 35c, on sals !c, for Be Ladles' Ribbed Vest, fancy . colored stripes, former pries paa 6c, now half price, 2o, nC J for ' 29c A Ladles' Union ' Suit, nicely mads umbrella pants "n, "v sold for 60 cents, Q on sale ....... 17c Ladles' Out Blxe Vest,' low neck and shaped, former price 25o TV' on sale, 17 cents, t5 VC 8 for ........... ............. 7c Ladies' Colored Vests, pink anss blue, sold all season at 12Ho C and 15c, on sale 69c Ladles' Union Butts, Umbrella Pants, lace trimmed, usual retail price $1.00, on ' i sale ' 69c $100 Ladles' White and Colored Union Suits, Mercerized lisle, tight knee, low neck and sleeveless, sold 1.00 all season at $1.60, on sale 39c Ladles' Ribbed Out Blxe Umbrella Drawers, nicely trimmed, S" former price 60o and 65o, on sale Men's Shirt Sale 65e Men's Shirts,' light patterns, sixes 14ft to 17, attached collars and C C cuffs, regular price $1.00 and OtjC $1.26, on sale , 75e Men's Madras Shirt Waists, ' choice rt waists, ' cnoicv 75c patterns, correct .mane, lat est improvements;' ior mer prioe $L2o, on sale, 69e Our entire line' of Wachusett Soft Shirts, plain and pleated, s f bosoms, endless 'Variety-of llC .patterns, always iSold for $1 19c Men's light and dark f Shirts, with and without col- lUg lars, former price 60c, on sale.... 60c Good line of men's Per cale Shirts, two collars to match 50c during the storm a flash of lightning blinded him tor an instant and caused him to miss his footing while stepping from the top of one car to another and he landed heavily with both feet on the track. - Both ankles Were badly sprained and it will be several days before he will be able to walk. He was removed to his home at 1502 South Eighth street. Davis sells glass. Use any soap so Its Ptek's soap. Object to Dam at Maaawa. Farmers In the vicinity of Lake Manawa are complaining that the dam constructed by the motor company to retain the water which recently overflowed from Mosquito creek into the lake ts damaging their crops. They assert that the dam Is preventing the water from receding from the land In the vicinity of the lake and threaten that If the company does not remove the dam they will. James Coyle, In his capacity as one of the trustees of Lewis township, notified the motor aompany yesterday to remove the dam and threatened that If his order was not complied with he would take steps to hava th obstruction removed. Complaint waa also made that the motor company was throwing all the refuse and rubbish gathered at the resort Into the public roadway at the rear of Shady Grove and Trustee Coyls notified the company to desist making a dumping place of the publlo highway. Real Estate Transfers. These transfers were filed yesterday In the abstrsct, title and loan office of J. W. Squire, 101 Pearl atreet: Agnes- Folnom to Rosa Marcus, lots 1 and z, block t. Beers' sub, w d I 300 James A. Yost and wife to E. T. Evans, lot 1, Auditor's sub neU seU: lot 2, sub se4 ne and lot 2, sub sw ne4 1; lot 2, sub nw sw4. and lot 2. sub swfc nwU 22-75-43, w d 3,770 F. T. True and wife to C. J. and Emma V. Pierce, lots 17 and 18, block 43, Ferry add, q c d W C. I). Dlllln and wife to same, lots 28 and 90. block 42. Ferry add. a c d ... SO J, M. Pullen and wife to town of Oak land. 4uxtao feet west of. lot la. block : t Gates' add to Oakland, w d 23 Adelaide Addition and husband to same s 40 feet lot It, block 2, Gates' add to Oakland, w d 7t William tiuebner and wife to Mrs. Frits Meyer, lot 14. block 1, Voor his' add, w d 1.500 Seven transfers, aggregating. ...4.80 Gravel roofing, A. H, Read. &41 Broadway. Ha Honey to Fay Livery Bill. Q. B. Kelley, a stranger, was arcasted by the police last evening, who placed a charge of vagrancy against him on the jail register. - Kelley hired a horse and buggy from Vtterbach's livery bara yea terday morning and drove out along the line of the Great Western grade. He la said to have distributed whisky at a num ber of the grading, camps and It Is also Boys' Waist and Shirt Sale 10c BOYS' WAISTS, light col ors only, sold usually for 15c, on sale 10c ies 4 to 13, 16c 16c BOTS' BLOUSE WAIST, sizes 4 to 13, mostly light, former price 26o, on sale 16c BOYS' LAUNDERED WAIST, collar attached, sizes 6, 8, 10, 12, r" formerly retailed at 25o, I C on sale 25c BOYS' AND YbUTHS LAUNDERED SHIRTS, with collar attached, nice range of patterns, former retail price 35 o, on -sale.... 25c 60c BOYS' AND YOUTHS PERCALE BHIRTS, two collars to match, cuffs at tached and detached, entire new lot Just re ceived 50c 15c YOUTHS' AND BOYS' SOFT SHIRTS, T SHIRTS, 15c 12 to 14, regular pries -twenty-five cents on sale Undermuslin Sale 39c Ladles' Tucked Cambric s g Gowns, plain but well made, a 1V7C sold for 60c, on sale w 25c Ladles' Muslin Pants, three styles, ruffled, hemstitched and f s fancy drawn work, worth up S.f to 6uc a pair, on sale 19c Ladles' Corset Covers, three styles, trimmed with lace, embroidered and hem stitched, ruffle, formerly 4 f sold for 25c, 33c and 39c, I VC on sale w 42c Ladles Ruffled Muslin Skirts, made from good muslin and three A - rows of tucking, sold for sC 69o, on sale 8c Ladles' Muslin Skirts, tucked and lace trimmed, formerly f r sold for 95c on 89c Ladles' Nainsook and Long Cloth Gowns, low neck, nicely trimmed, just the garment for hot weather, t, g regular prices $1, $1.25 and vf 1.60, on sale JZ7 B8c Ladles' Gowns (slightly soiled) worth up to $1.75, nicely trimmed g r with Insertion and embrold- UNp ery, on sale..... VJV QA1RDINE IOWA. alleged that at Hall's camp he offered to sell the horse and buggy, but failed to find a purchaser. When be returned the rig last night he had no funds with which to pay for Its hire. Whether Kelley sold the whisky he disposed of at the different camps is not known, but the attention of the federal authorities will he called to the case. Keep clean. Use Puck's Mechanic's soap. N. T. Plumbing Co., telephony 150. Seetloa Hand Loses aa Bye. Chris Carlson, a section hand In the em ploy of the Milwaukee railroad, living at 1806 South Sixth street, met with a serious sccldent yesterday afternoon, resulting in the loss of his right eye. He was driving spikes, when the end of one broke off, flew up and struck him in the face about an inch below the right eye. The piece of metal ploughed its way through the cheek, cutting the eyeball to pieces and destroy ing the sight. Carlson wss taken to the Woman's Christian Association hospital after being temporarily attended to by the company's surgeon, Dr. Macrae, where the eye was removed In the hope of saving the other. Passes Fines Aronnd. The neighborhood quarrel between the families . of Charles and Edward Burke, colored, and William Holder, white, wss fufly aired In police court yesterday mortt irg and the judge decided that not only were both sides equally to blame, but that the witnesses Introduced by the Holder faction were also partly responsible for the trouble and sentenced them one and all to Ave days on bread and water and In the tamo breath suspended all sentences during good behavior. Gives Kaepher a Jadgment. Justice Bryant yesterday decided that the city of Council Bluffs was legally in debted to William H. Knepher In the sum of $18.60 for repairs to the bridge over Indian creek on North Tenth street, lesa the cost of the lumber supplied by the city, which amounted to 14.26, and or dered Judgment in favor of Knepher against the city in the sum of $14.24. It was said yesterday that the city would appeal tho case. ( MIXOR MENTIOS. JDavla sells drugs. Stockert sells carpets and rugs. Leftert, eyesight specialist, 23S Broadway. Dr. Stockdale, First Nat Bank building. k nature framing, u. K. Alexander lo., rtU B'way. Tel. . I ' Mr. and Mn. J. B. Jensen are visiting friends In Milwaukee. Miss Ella Williams has gone to Syracuse, N. Y.. to visit relatives. , Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Newton Martin, 309 Williams street, a daughter. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Brandt Crocker, 1311 Avenue B, yesterday, a son. Take home a brick of Metzers toe cream. Vanilla, 26c; Neopolltan, SJc. Officers will be Installed this evening at the meeting of While Hose Hebekah lodge. The case against Alllngton A lisnsen, proprietors of the Et. Ji barn. charKf-d with violating the city ordinance regulating the repair of frame building within the, fire Men's Under-4 wear. Sale 10c MEN'S UNDERSHIRTS, lsrgs slses only, odd lot to close, 4"v worth up to 60e on AvC 18o, or 85o Suit MEN'S SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, good balbrlggan, -f double-seated drawers, sold I C. formerly for J5o, on sale iV-JW S9o. or 76c a Sult- MEN'S FINE BAtr BRIGOAN UNDERWEAR, good, usually retailed for 60c,. "J VfC our price on sale 25c MEN'S FLESH COLORED LACE MESH UNDERWEAR, full range of sizes, special iC 79c MEN'S RIBBED UNION SUITS, light blus stripe, usual price M -v $1.00 and $1.25,. on A ZsQ $1.15 MEN'S FINE BALBRIOGAN UNION SUIT, self-flnlahed and reUUed In other stores as high as 4 P"- $2.00, on sale II suit Sale on Corsets 15c8ummer net corsets, every pair guaranteed, all sizes, former 4 price, 25c, on ealo IOC 35c Summer Batiste corsets, light weight, straight front, lace trimmed, white only, all sizes, 18 to 30, sold for 60 cents, on , O C sale 3c5C 25c Ladles' corset, 'straight front, lace trimmed, drab and white, sizes 19c to 25c, formerly sold for 50c, syg? on sale 50c Her Ladyship corset, which we formerly aold for f 1.00, . black, white and drab, guaranteed not to break over the hips, on sale j. ....... 50c limit, was continued In police court until Monday. Mrs. Culver of First avenue has as her guesta Mrs. Barnes and daughter of Sioux City. Harry Mann of this city and Miss Fay Cooke of Denlson were marrlod Tuesday at Denlson. Mrs. M. St. John of Harrison street fell yesterday morning and suffered a fracture of the thigh joint. The Duck Hollow juniors and the Red Stars of Omaha will play ball Sunday noon at Lake Manawa. Mrs. B. A. Stockdale of Willow avenue Is bome from a month's visit with relatives and friends in 8t. Louts. Mrs W. E. Reller and son Walter re turned yesterday from a month's visit with friends at Lincoln, Neb. James Ford, charged with the theft of fruit from several Broadway grocers, was discharged in police court yesterday morn ing. Fred M. Loomis of this city has filed a petition In bankruptcy, with liabilities amounting to $4.;43.4a. Hi assets are claimed aa exempt. R. H. Grady, agent of the Pacific Ex press company at the Union Pacific Trans fer depot, returned yesterday from a busi ness trip to New York City. Mrs. O. M. Brown of South Seventh street and niece left last evening on a trip to the Yellowstone park and will visit In Seattle and Tacoma before returning home. The Infant daughter of Mr and Mrs. Charles Sears of Crescent township died yesterday morning from membraneous croup, after an Illness of three days, aged 2Vi years. George Cavln of Grand Island, Neb., Is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Cavln of Psrk avenue. He is accompanied by his couHln,, Edward Drew Glover of Grand Island. ' Two cases of smallpox were reported to the health officers yesterday. The patients are Jessie Bethers, 1(06 Avenue H, and Harry Ogan, 16 South Sixteenth street. They wera quarantined at their respective homes. John Boyd used the telephone In a South Main atreet drug store las night to call up the police station and ask (or an offi cer. He complained that a saloonkeeper on Main street had sold his brother, a minor, liquor. When Officer McKlnley re sponded to the call he found Boyd consid erably under the Influence of intoxicants himself and lodged him In JalL The differences between the bricklayers' union of Council Blurts and L. C. Besley have been settled and the boycott on Mr. Besley's brickyard has been raised. The conditions of the settlement were not msde f'Ubllc, but it Is understood they are aatls actory to both sides. Mr. Besley was fined for employing a nonunion man and refused to pay the line and this led to the boycott. With the srrival of Sheriff J. F. Smith of Bturals, 8. L., last nluht disappeared De tective Callaghan'a hope of securing ths lloO reward offered tor the capture of Bert Scofleld, alias Joe Norton, who escaped from the county jail at Bturgis while await ing trial on a charge of grand larceny. John Norton, arrested Tuesday by Callag han on suspicion of being the man wanted in Sturgls, proved to be another Norton, although closely reoembllng the one wanted by Sheriff Smith. Tony Prescott and Bam Horton, the colored porters who engaged Wednesday night In a fight In front of the Grand hotel, In which a hatchet wielded by Horton rlayed a conspicuous part, were each sen enced to thirty days on bread and water by. Police Judge Scott yesterday morning, who later suspended the sentence during f ood behavlon The case against Prescott n Justice Bryant's court, in which he was charged with assaulting Horton at Lake Manawa Tuesday night, waa dismissed. Keep your system la perfect order and you. will have health, even In the most sickly seasons. . The occasional use of Prickly Ash Bitters will insure vigor and regularity la all the vital orgaas. -1 Lace and Embroidery Sale loc A big lot of Lace and In- .. A r sertlons worth up to 25c, In I If one lot for itAVV Be A piece of 4 yards Torchon Lace several widths, worth double, for this sale To a Doxen A big lot of Val- M enclennes Lace, worth double, r on sale , 16o A large line of all kinds of p Lace worth up to 83c, In one I r( lot, on sale Lot 1 Large lot , wmt of Embrold- .Tf erles ,.. -'W Lot J Big range of Cam- . 4 1 brio and Swiss Embrold. XSjC A large assortment of 4 -w Embroideries and Inser- " iyC' Children's Cap Sale Children's Muslin Caps, eight , different styles, sold from Z60 to 39c 4 In one lot, on sale XOC JOc-Chlldren's Embroidered Caps, formerly sold Tor 45c' lr on sale 35c A big Una of children's Caps, embrold-. ered and tucked, nicely made, r former price 60c to 65o , -f"f in one lot JJ . 46e Children's fine French Tucked and Embroidered Caps sold - . -A m -for 69c and 75c on sale 40C 15c-Chlldren's Straw Hats, white and col ored Duck Hats, Corded Washable Hats and Mull Hats, formerly sold .4 for 25c, Jftc snd 50e. all In ,1 rf one lot, for this sale Sun Bonnets 10c Ladles' and Misses' Sun Bonnets, formerly sold for 15c and f - 20c; on sale ........,...,.,...1UC " , . - , . . !i. '. I i J 15c Ladles' and Misses' Ruffled Sun Bonnets In chambray and gingham; formerly aold for 25c; on aale 15c RDADS MAKE SPECIAL PLEA Eaoh Company Argues There Are Epeolal Beaiona for Low Aasesamsat GOVERNOR ASKS SOME MORE QUESTIONS Unable to Sea Why Pereeatas ' Expense to Earalnss la Mora la Iowa Than lat Other States. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DE3 MOINES, July 18. (Special.) Ths hearings of the executive council of Iowa on the railroad asseaament question re lated today more to the special Interests of each company as compared . with other companies. The roll was called of the companies snd their representatives were given a chance to speakv The Chicago, Milwaukee av St. Paul waa represented by Judge Carr and Mr. Dudley and the North western by Fred Crandon and Judge Ste vens. There was a presentatloa of ths views of the two companies as to ths pe culiarities of their companies which should be considered. In the course of the dis cussion Governor Cummins sought to find out why, for Instance, the cost of doing business on the Northwestern per mile Is greater in Iowa, or so reported, than In any other of the states, and why tho receipts are less than on ths system as a whole. He also asked Inquiries as to the method, of the accountants In making a division of expenses as between the states. The railroad representatives , could not state what proportion of the expenses charged to Iowa la tbelr reports are actual expenses and what portion la merely an estimate based on mileage or gross earn- . lngs. Estimates of ths proportion varied greatly. Mr. Crandon repudiates In Its entirety the theory that value might be obtained by considering gross earnings. In regard to the Northwestern he lnslstod that Its transcontinental business had much to do with the relatively small net earn ings and for ths Milwaukee, Judge Carr also Insisted the same was true with that company. Ths discussion of ths day re- (Continued on Ninth Page.) l$0fflJAfA I VaTaaMi ! IT, '" " " r - 4