TltE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1902. LA-FOLLETTE AGAIN NAMED Espoblican of .Wieoonaio Select Present Governor to Head Ticket SCORES MEMBERS Of HIS PARTY I peh Delivered Thief Eseeatlv Refcwke Thoac Wk( Failed aapert Prlaelpies Lata Devva . m Last Ffetforsa. For Governor Robert M. La Follette of lladlaon (renominated). For Lieutenant Governor Jimri A. Da vidson ot Soldier,- Grove. For Secretary ot State Walter L. Hou eer of Mondovl. For State Treasurer John J. Kempt of Milwaukee. For Attorney General L. M. Sturdevant of Nelllsvllle. ' For Superintendent of Publlo Instruction Charles P, Cary of Delevan. For Railroad CommlMloner John W. Thomas of Chippewa. For Insurance Commissioner 2eno M. Host of Milwaukee. MADISON, Wis., July . 17. The repub Hcan of Wisconsin finished their work in convention at 8:85 tonight, after nomloat li the above ticket . Oovernor La - Follette was renominated ore John. M. Whitehead by an overwhelm ing majority. With - twe exceptions' the ticket as a whole vent through as figured out In advance. . These v were the nomina tions for Itate treasurer and railroad com missioner.' John Kempf ot Milwaukee won the contest' tof state treasurer by the aid of the stalwart" faction, who switched their votes before the ballot closed. Jo aeph O. End of Sheboygan bad been looked upon as sure of nomination. John W. Thomas 'df Chippewa landed the nomina tion for Railroad commissioner over Jonas Swenholt, the slate candidate. In a aim liar way.". Oovernor La Follette wa given a erect oration Upon being . escorted to the con en t ion hall after1 being notified of his nominatlea The feature ot bis speech ot acceptance waa a tinging rebuke to those ot the party -who failed to aopport the principle--laid down ta thelast platform He also framed the Members of the party against surTorflhg afiy WJan aspiring to a place la lhe"le;lslature,wfcj dees not agree to stand by the platform.. . ' The jytalwaTts, - whfje ." apparently chagrined; ; .over their ' overwhelming de feat, remained hr th cohvsntlon to the last and: will not bolt.' ' some reports fcav It. It ' They -Vriirbatlau their .or gsnliatioalnflennltely ; and will carry the light tor !.Unite4 State. Senator John C. Spooner rot, .the assembly ' districts and will not rest 'until the' last vote Is polled oa election day :1a- November next. Though the- coaveatibo was scheduled to meet at I o'clock It waa. t:Z0 whea Chair nan Bancroft brought dowa his gavel and announced that the order of business was the call of districts tor nomination for governor.' - A, 8. Mettbeson of Janesvllle, responded, for the First district and placel la nomination John M. Whitehead, the stalwart candidal' of 'Janesvllle. -Mr. Mattheson: reviewed" Mr. Whitehead's his tory from' boyhood- and reviewed the policies favored by his candidate. His ut terances called forth cheers from the stal wart supporters. H. B. Chynoweth, at the call ot the Second- district, placed In nomination for . governor Robert M. LaFollette. Mr. Mr. Chynoweth waa tremendously ap plauded as' he dwelt upon the principles . advocated by the governor. Robert M. La Follette of Madison was dominated -tor fceverhery teauit of 'the ballot being as follows: .La Follette, 790; Whitehead, 266; Scoflerd 6; Froehllch, I; absent, S. -James O. Davidson of Soldiers' Homo waa nominated for lieutenant governor. MOODY - -DECIDES QUESTION Settles Freeedeac of Batreaa OaHeers, BsUlag the Same aa Ad miral Dewey. WASHINGTON. July IT. Secretary Moody today decided the queatloa of proce deace of bureau officers holding the ad vance rank la virtue Of their commissions as' bureau chiefs. Until the general board, of which Admiral Dewey Is head, waa constituted, the department held that the ranking officers held the oldest com mission. Admiral Dewey ' decided that ' aenlority ot rank was determined by priority of the date of the Jlrst 'commission of the offloe. The question arose as to precedence la the case of Rear Admiral Bradford, chief of the bureau, ef equipment, and Rear Ad miral Taylor, chief ot the bureau of navi gation. The former Is serving oa bis sec ond commission as chief of bureau, but bin last commission la dated December IS, 1901, whereas Rear Admiral Taylor's com mlasloa as 'roar admiral, obtained la the ordinary course ot promotion, Is dated February 11, 101. Admiral Dewey decided that Rear Admiral Taylor should alt at hie right hand and toil decision on an ap peal to the : secretary . takea by Admiral Bradford, .la sustained by the secretary's decision, made today. The Judge advocates ot the army and navy with whom Secretary Moody conferred entertained the same view the secretary did. . PENSIONS FOR WESTERNERS rvivora ef the War Qeaoraasly Koaaeasbovod by ta Oeaeral . , , . Goveraaaeat. 'WASHINGTON, July 17. (Special.) The following pensions have bea granted: ' Iaeue ot Jane XS: - W Nebraska: Increase, releeue, etc. John ood. Crab Orchard. $10- Moeby Walker, Brock. ; Sidney A. Howe. York, fc:7; James V Webster. Gothenburg, Jit; ?eorere W. Pate, Tekemah, 113; Hamilton barker, Louisville, lu; Martin Luther agr, McCook. 110; war with Spain, 1'age C. Newton. Omaha, $. Widows, minor, and dependent relatives Emma Kkddell, David City. M. Iowa: Original Henry Barmettlrr, Daven port. W; ChrUtoiiher C. Oliver, Boone, U: William ktuien, cuehin ti. Ia-me. re iaane, etc. John C. Bailth. Ctgan, $.1; Jamoe Webb. Perry. U: William It. Wells. Davenport, tij James F. A neon, Cascade, 1U; Stephen O. Plllnbury. Lade Orove. t; Samuel Wilson, Cedar Rapid a, 111; Henry C. Wvrkcff, Knoxville, 12; John Maamar. K-.rmlr.jton, H, John. Farmery, Lyons, tl!; Timothy Wickharri.; Cedar fceplds, $12 Enoch R.' Streeter, Marshalltown. 117; j'reeduna Petrle. . ( lintnn. U, William H. Smith, Andrew. 'Ill Daniel W. Voyer, Lldora. iio; Thoma Barker, Albla. 112; Nicholas Lunklvy. Ottumwa, (10; Dentil J. Clark . (dead). Sao City, 110. Widows, Slnore and dependent relatives Ann Ward, ubuque. S; Charity Ayrre. Kaloiia, (8: minor pj, Isaac Wa.ililll. Diagonal, g. . South Dakota: Increase, reissue, etc. William M. W hi ted. Delaad. til. Widows, minors and dependent relatives Alma t llne. Elk Point. Ill; Annlnda . Shannon, ailllbank. It. , . . .. ,' Issue of June M: Nebraska: Orlalpal War with Spain, Harry Ludwlg, Llrir-nln, K Increase, rcls aue, etc.-rW'Uhelm Miller, Pllger. Ill; James A. Snyder ,Mif or, W; John at Caywootl, Dunring. tU. Iowa: Original Mlrnael I. Bnrkett. Keo sauuua. H: Ephratm Hynda. Ctdar Ripi.ia, I. inrreaae. relxaue, etc. Leonard U. Hat field, Bedford. 113; James H. Duncan, Co Eaav fp TaFro .. Ead& to Operate ' Baraua purely vegetable yet iboi- ough, protupi, healiliful, satisfactory Hood'o PHIg lumbus Cltr, 111; John H. Oroev-mnc. Troy, 110; Chrietlan K. Relgart, IVs Mnln-s. H; David Btuhr, Davennort, 1?: Oarret Gib son, lon. IJO; t'harfoa II. Ferriison, Keo kuk. 112; John Allen Benjamin. Dunlap, 110; James Hasan, Cedar Kapldn, 111). Wldowa, minora - and dependent relatives Martha VsnAuken, Columbus Junction, IS. Iseue of June th: Nebraska: Original Frederick Boehm, Omaha. I; war with Spain, Kdward D. Jones, Millard. IX; wsr with Spain. Frank L. Melnke, Stanton, IS. Inrreaae, reissue, etc. Ueorge W. Bibln, Terumaeh, tf; John W. Onrner, Albion, 111; Thomas II. Bher-k-y, chadron IIJ; Walter Smith. Orand Island, II; Tnomas Crabtree, Douglas. W; Cyrus Douglass, Hal-tier, 111; David M. Mc knight, Hasting. I'M. Iowa: Original John Halt. Whatcheer, ft; Charles C. Ebriaht. Marshalltown. M. ncreaae, reissue, etc. AImI lny, Grand view, 110; Thomas R. Mays, Morning Sun, 2t: Joseph B. Bennington, Perry. IM; John S. Kunkle, Marshalltown, (19; Walter D Barker, West Union. Id; Bsell McClaUef Seymour, 1"; William C. Bos. Hhensfi doah, 117; Francis C. Hulka, Farnhamrllle, $12; Thomas Jeys, Indlanola, $12; Joseph R. Baxter, Rhode. 110; John R. Murphy, Lyons. Eft; A brum H. Cunningham. Colum bus City, H2; Monroe W. Fierier. Chertton. ; Andrew J. Moorea. Liule 81oux, 18; Isaac O. Carter (dead), Hancock, 112; Thomas Prall (dead). Carlisle, 112; Enhralm T. Palmer, Soldiers' Home, Marsholltown, 112; George M. Smith. Rock Rapids, 112; Henry I. Smith, Maaon City, 140. Widows, minors and dependent relatives Mary Jar vis, Cumberland, 8. . South Dakota: Increaee, reissue, etc. Fernando D. Stone, Knox, Ili- Daniel Mitchell, Weaslngton Springs, ld; Martin Bolce, Mitchell, 2: KbenewT C. Rush, Northvllle, 1)4. W'laowa, minora and de pendent relatives Laura R, Ovltt, Blunt, IS. CROMWELL CONFERS WITH HAY blaeassee Pihsis Caaal Qaastloa Wkllo oa a Visit to Wsik- ' , fBglfOal.. . . eataaalsaaS WASHINGTON. July 17. Mr. CrotnweH. of counsel for the Panama Canal company, had an Interview with Secretary Wxf today respecting the Isthmian canal project. Mr. Cromwell will sail Saturday for Paris, where ho will be la a position to render any desired assistance to Attorney General Knox and Mr. Russell In reference to the settle ment of the title to the Panama caual. Save the general statement that the ne gotiations, between the United Statea and Colombia are progressing, satisfactorily. neither party at today'a conference had ny statement to make as to what took plane. Mr. Cprea and Mr calve,, reprcsohtlng Nicaragua and Costa. Rica; had long" Inter view with Secretary Hay on th canal queatloa. They hava . aof abandoned none' that the choice ot a' rout-will yet reert to Nicaragua. k , 1 .-,. . r . PRINCE CHEN COMING - BACK Calnee Aersatativo.Wko Wont to Attend Coro'natio . Wlh '. V ' ' Reiarm Bore.- .... 4 t WASHINGTON, July ll-Tho 'stat:' (Je-' partment has been ..informed toy Mr, Wu that Prince Cheat who went to Load on to represent the Chines government at the coronation, with: his suite, will sail from Europe on the steamer Philadelphia on the 16th Inst, for New York,- , The party will remain In the'tTnlted Statea for ten day of two woeka add wUl be in Washington about August L Minister Buck ha advised the Stat 4e partment that Prlnoe BoMs of Russia aalled from Japan for San Francisco oa th 16th Inst. Th prince will remain some time In the United States, but aa be come Incognito, th government will take no step to receive him formally. OFFICERS SELECT .AIDES Men Who Will Represent talted States A ray at Mafceavers of German Forces. . ;, 1.; ..... -. .;. WASHINGTON. July 17. Thre general officer who will represent th United State army at the autumn maneuver of the Germ a a army have aeleoted their aide a follow: . Major General Corbln will have Lieu tenant Colonel John A. Johnaton of th adjutant general' department. Major Gen eral Young will have First Lieutenant James F. McKlnley, Fourteenth cavalry, a nophew of President McKlnley, and Briga dier General Wood will have First Lieu tenant Frank R. McCoy. Tenth cavalry. . RESUSCITATION REMARKABLE Llfe-Savlngf Station laves Five-Tear. Boy Who Had Been Under Water Twonty-Flv Mlnntea, WASHINGTON, July 17. Superintendent Kimball ot th life-saving station has re ceived a report from Captain Ludlam of th Hereford Inlet life-saving station at Aaglasea, N. J., of the remarkable re suscitation ot Stanley 8. Holme, a 1-year-old boy, after be had been under water twenty-five mlnutea. Within four hour after th body waa removed from tho water the child regained consciousness. To Abolish Division. . WASHINGTON, July 17. It Is probable that the division of th Philippine will b abolished when General Davis takea command oa September SO and that It will be made a department, divided Into dif ferent districts, a th reduction of the troop In . th island and th change In cident to th return of General Chaffee to this country make this change advisable. Wood Defer Visit. WASHINGTON. July 17. General Wood ha decided to defer hi visit to th presi dent at Oyster Bay until early aext week In order to complete certala work assigned him by th secretary of war In connection with the radical change ordered In tho uniform of the army. He la preparing hi report aa military goveroor of Cuba and expect to complst It during th aext few months. Root to Sail for Enrono. WASHINGTON, July 17. Secretary Root will aall for Europe July 14 on La Bavole. He had contemplated sailing August I and had engaged passage for that date, but re ceived aa Invitation from Oeneral Horace ! Porter, United State ambaaaador to France, to aall wl h him oa Savole oa the ear lier date and ha acespted. Secretary Root sspecta to return to th United Statea about August (. 1 Comptroller laenea a Call. WASHINGTON, July 17. Th comptroller cf the currency today Issued a call for the condition ef national banks at the close of business July 1. - . MAINE MAKES' TRIAL . TRIP Ho'tV Batticshln'' "hoW X'a'fn 4 Very Satisfactory. Manner BnUdorsw . ' ,.. PHILADELPHIA'. Jul 17.-Th nw bat tleship Mala, built by th Cramp to re place th ill-fated Main, returned to thl lty toalght, after a satisfactory kulldsra' trial at sea. Tho new war-! proved Itself to b a very speedy ship for It sis, t avsragiag 1121 knot aa "hour over a measured course. vlts contract carta for a speed of thirteen, knots. la a preliminary run last night Mains for thirty minutes, ran at th rat of It M loots aa hoar, aa extra ordlaary speed for a vessel ot Its displace ment. Its machinery worked smoothly aad tho performaaeo of the big ship ia every ther particular wa satisfactory to its builder. PENSIONING OLD SOLDIERS Scop of Legialation Being Constantly Broadened j OoDgme, VOLUME OF BILLS UNPRECEDENTED Lnraest Number of Pension Mensnres, Both Paalle and Private, Ever Sent to Commutes Referred by Fifty-Seventh Congress. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, July 17. There Is prob ably no single subject in the domain of national legialation that appeala so strongly to many thousands a that ot pension for the old soldier. Notwithstanding that the ranks of the veteran are thinning, con treat la constantly broadening th scop of pension legislation to Include wlthiu the provision of It session lawa persons who ten year ago would never have been contemplated aa beneflrlartee ot the gen eral government. InqUlrlea are being con stantly received by the committee of the aenat and house of representatlvea on pensions as to the aenne and affect of legislation contemplated and enacted. Pen. ton Commissioner Ware la constantly beset with question as to th purport of new legislation and the newspapers of the country are besieged by subscriber ask ing for Information, upon this very im portant question. In contrast with former session the Drat session of the Fifty-seventh congress, which ended It labor but a fortnight ago, stands out aa on of the busiest congresses, so far as th history of that body I concerned in the matter of pension legislation. Volant of Bill Unprecedented. Chairman Anllnwav nf the house com mittee on Invalid pensions la authority for tb statement that the first session ot the Fifty-seventh congress show the largest number of bills, both public and private, that were ever aent to committee In the history of congress, waa referred to nt committee' during th ISO days In which congress waa In session. He says In his statement, . made to th' house1 Just pre- vlbu to adjournment, that there are va rious rttiMu for this, the two chief ones. however, being the unsatisfactory admin istration of affairs In the Pension bureau Anrtnv tha four veara cast and the fart that a great many of th veterans of th lvll war,, or to be exact, 107,000 in rouna number, who were drawing pensions under th eannral law. were induced, under a misapprehension, to apply under the act of Juno 17, 1890, and aa old age ana in firmities crept upon them they found that the $U per month which they were drawing under the act of June 17. ISM, wa wholly Inadequate to provide for them the neces saries of life, and as a result, unless they secure aid from congress, many ot them Would be obliged to find home in alma houses. Many of these men were formerly drawing pension under the general law, according to Mr, Sulloway, and had they remained there until today they would have been entitled to a much larger pen sion 'than can be allowed under the act of Juno 27, 1890. Provision for Afflicted. Another clas of casee which he ay appeala to all. and which haa engrossed tho attention ot the committee of both bodies and tor which a larg number ot bill ha beea passed, come right along In these name lines. It Is the class ot men who ar drawing $13ta month under the act of June JT. 1890. and wfio havo sines become totally deaf or paralyzed and require th aid and attendance ot an other person. Thl clasa of case has been raised from $1J to IM or 130 per month. In order that thl clas ot case might have an equal and Just rating the house of representative passed an amendment to tho so-called "maimed soldier act," giving all veterana of thla class who had a year' service, a rating of $30 per month where they ar o disabled aa to requlr the aid and attendance of another person. It Is confidently predicted that ehould thl measure become a law It would largely tend to reduce th passag of private acU by eongress. and at the same time bring needed relief to a class of veterana, many of whom can trace, their disabilities to th ervlce, but who, on aocount ot tech ntcalltlea In the law and the fact that many of their witnesses ar not living, can not prov their claims, but would be en titled to a rating of from $50 to $7J per month under the general law. Inelnde Widow and Minora. In this connection It may not be out ot place to recall the Joint resolution which waa approved by the president on the 1st of July, construing the act approved June tl. 18S0, wherein It 1 held that that act t!udes all persona and th widow and minor children of all deceased person sub ject to th limitations of th act who Served for ninety days In the military or naval eervlce of the United Bute during th lata war of th rebellion, and who bar been honorably discharged therefrom. Section 4,71 ot the revised statute I amended according to th resolution above referred to to th extent that the con struction of thl statute does not apply to those who served la the First, Second, Third. Fourth. Fifth and Sixth regiments. United State Volunteer Infantry, who had a prior eervlce In th confederate army or navy and who enlisted In said regiments whll confined a prisoner of war under a atlpulatloa that they were not to be pensionable under the law of the United State, nor to thois who having had such prior eervlce enlisted In th military or naval service of th United Statea after January L 185. May Deternla Ponalonahl Stataa. Should the bills which are now on either the senats or, houa calendars pass con gress, much needed legislation along the SPECIAL TO LADIES. Today there la to be opened In th Boston I Stor a demonstration of a general pur ; pose food knowu as Per-fo. Thla food I la th form of a granule, made out of alae different cereal, vegetable and nut. It la all milled In th finest flour form, re jecting all hull and other Indigestible substances. Th nln different flour ar to combined as to form a "balanced ration1 having M per cent of nutriment, which Is very much larger than any other food oa tho market. Per-fo will bo demonstrated by the fa mous Pan-American demonstrator, Mr. NU McAullff. who will be glad to meet the ladle of Omaha aad vlclalty aad ex plain th merit of this wonderful food Per-fo. " ' Per-fo I used a a pi filler, la which form it stands alone a a cereal and veg etable product. A piece ot Per-fo pie will bo served free to vry lady calling; at th booth. It makes a most delicious pie, la many different flavors, and la aot Ilk most pies, that on had better be without than with, but Per-fo pie 1 wbolosom and au Irltlous. A piece at the booth will convince yo of that Among the other Per-fo dishes ere puaamga. Dress rait oisa. escannpea ; d.shes, dressing anj filling for fish and fowl I Per-fo cutlets, fritter and many other tarty dishes ar dally being mad out of Per-fo. The Per-fo booth 1 oa th first floor la th main alals of th Boston Store. La dle will find It profitable to call. line ot simplifying the question of pen loasbl -slat us will be accomplished aad many deserving veterans who through tech nicalities are. uaaMe to enjoy the benefit ot former pension legislation will hsvs ad opportunity ot proving up their cases. Probably one of tbo most Importsnt bill new pending before congress Is the bill granting an Inrreaae ot pension to those who- lost limb la th service of th United States, and Increasing the pension of those entitled to the maximum rating under the act of June 17, 1890, to $30 per month In cases where the' soldier requires th fre quent and periodical aid and attendance Of another person, provided his service dur ing th war ot th rebellion was for on year or mora. ' c This bill, which hsd Its origin la th enate, waa passed by th hous on June 1 and la now pending before the tenate for concurrence. ' For Malnsd Veteran. The bill' provide that all persons who are oa the. pension roll and all person hereafter granted a pension who, while In the military or naval service of the United State and la th lint of duty, hall have loot on hand or op foot, or been totally disabled In the same, due from wounds, injuries or diseases originating prior to August 4, 188, shall receive a pension at the rate' of $40 per month. All persona who la like manner ehall have loot an arm at or above the elbow, or a leg-at or above the knee, or been totally disabled In the same, shall receive a pension of $4t per month. All persons' who In like manner shall have loet an arm at the shoulder Joint, or a leg at the hip Joint, or so near the shoulder or hip Joint, or where the same ia In such condition a to prevent the use of an artificial limb,' shall receive a pen sion of $55 a month. . All person who ahaULhavi loat one hand and one toot, or beea totally disabled in tho same, shall recetv. a pension ot $C0 per month, aad all persons who have lost both feet shall receive a pension ot $100 a month. . . ... ..... , . It 1 further provided that th act shall not b construed -a to reduce any pen sion under any aot. public or private. Ptaslsa, Blls Pending. Senate resolution No. 8, repealing sec tion 4716; revised statutes; : aa to disloy alty In claims 'under 'the aot of June 27, 1890, wa also reported to tti house, with an amendment 'sd 'that the -union soldier who rendered t wot terms ot service and waa honorably discharged from the last term of eervlce only jn7 ! 1ive title under tho act ot June. 27, 1890. Thl bill 1 now on th 3was calendar. Hous bill . 8324,. construing the act of March S, 1879, . aa to, the filing of claim by children under 16 years of age, also reported by the house committee on in valid pensions, IS oil the' hous calendar. House bill 12141,' hmsndlng the aot ot March $, 1901, relative to remarrlud wid ows, passed the h6use June 18, 1902, and Is now before the senate. - Senate bill 1369. larreaalnr the pension for total deafness, from $30 to $40 per month, has been reported to the house and I now on the house calendar. ' RAILROAD TRACKS WASHED OUT Mlssonrl Pnolflo aa4 Bnrllntn gaffer Iran ftClaadhwret Near ' Vlnttsmonth. ' Th chief ot police-received thre tele- grama late last night from the mayor of Plattsmouth. The' first of these reported that town drowned out and asked that two syphon hydraulic -fHimps be sent the town on the paper train which leaves her at 3 a. m. The other milages, were Pjore forc ible Appeals'tor-Ahe pumps.'.the mayor, F. J. Morgan, saying-that ha must have them. The aid could not 'bo aent, hoaevfe, as the roads leading to the south ar under water and all train held p . Three 'hundred feet of the Missouri Pacific track near Platta mouth haa been waabed away aad portion of th Burlington roadbed, alno, are gone1. - DEATH RECORD,- V Wllltant H. Williams. NEW TOKK, July 17. Will lam H. Wlr llams, general manager of th Union News company, died today of heart, disease at his homo In Orange, N. J. He was born In New Tork state alxty-two years ago and came to thla city when a boy. He started a a newsboy and a few year later obtained employment With a ' new com pany, with which he remained until 1873, when he organised1 the Union News com pany and became Mar general manager. Oeneral Chnrles H. Smith. WASHINGTON, iuly 1$. General Charles H. Bmlth. U.' S.' A.; retired, died her to night, after a long Illness, cauted by a stroke ot apoplexy two years' In duration. ' William -Johnaton, Conservative. LONDON, July ' 17. William Johnston, conservative member of Parliament from South Belfast, died of pneumoniae today at Ballykllbeg, County Down, Ireland. Captain William W. Relslnarer. , SAN FRANCISCO. July 17. Captain WU liam Wagner Kelalnger, commander ot the cruiser Philadelphia, died July 10, ot fever. FJRE RECORD. ' Fir in n HoapltaL KANSAS CITY, July 17. Fir today In St. Margaret's hospital at Kama City, Kan., caused much- excitement among the patients for a time, but no oa wa in jured. Several wr xamoved . by firemen down Udder and flr escapes. Th lost waa trivial. Oil Ft re tail Barnlnar. -NEW. ORLEANS, July 17. Th oil fir at Jennings continues to burn fiercely. No attempt will be made to snuff out tho flames with, team until twenty boilers which ar arriving from Beaumont have beea connected, around the-well. ' rho Ba blarrhnoa Medietas an Earth That la what Mr. W. E. Landers, a prom inent farmer near Indianapolis, lad., ear ot Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Read his testimonial: "It give m great pleasure to tell you bow much Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera aad Diarrhoea Remedy, has dope for me. I have used it for nine year and I think it Is the beat medic In on earth. It haa saved my lit aaveral time. I - would not think of being without a bottle ot It la the hous." Mar .' Bo Meado Ceonly Fnsltlve. 8TURGIS, S. D.t July. 17. (Special Tele gram) Sheriff Smith of -Meed, county re ceived word today that a man answering the description of Bert Bcbofleld, one of Meade county'e jail breakere charged with horse stealing. Is being held by au thorities at Council Bluff a. Sheriff Smith left for that place toalght. - Men Hyatortnnalr Shot, . OROVETON. Tea.. July It DY. J. M. Carv and Lea Eacla were mysteriously shot to death early this morning while standing near a hotel. Both- of them re ceived a bullet in tn atomacn. jama Williams, alt tin In hie room in th hotel. waa atruck by a, etray bullet and may oae Dim arm. Confectioner hUect Oaaeera.', .', SARA TOO A. N. Y.. Julr 17 Th N tlonal Confecttonere' aoclatloa today elected these officers: president. Jamea M. kfatchett, . Brooklyn: vlon presifloni. r, Hnhert. Cincinnati: secretary. F. D. Stew art. St. Louis: treasurer, fi. W. Ruuaton. IMew York Cit. FOURTEEN DROWN IN STORM Whiten en Fleaiarc Excursion Are Caught ia levsre Squall. ONLY THREE ESCAPE WITH THEIR LIVES Snllhonf Cnpslse and Entire Party la Rendered Helpless, Timely Work f Flaherasem Preventing; All fmaa Drswsla. PORTSMOUTH N. H., July 17. A nineteen-foot sailboat, containing sixteen waiter end waitresses employed at the Oceanic house. Star Island, Isle ot Shoals, who had gone out In the bay thla after noon In a pleasure trip In charge of Skip per Fred Miles, capslsed during a sudden squall and fourteen of the occupants wero drowned. The other three were rescued by .fishermen, who put out from the shore In their dories. . The name of the drowned are: HENRY FARRINOTON, Cambridge, Mass. W. A. ALWARD. Frederlckton, N. B. BERTHA GRAHAM, Danvsrs, Mass. MINNIE M DONALD, Cambrldgeport, EVA AND MAT ADAMS, Portsmouth, N. H. CATHERINE AND ELIZABETH BOEW8, Baxonvllle, Maes. BESBIB CHAffR.' Maiden, Mass. ANNA 8HEEHAN, Went Med ford, Mass. EVA AND MAY MARSHALL, Haver hill. Maes. ISABELLA KAOUSKA, Cambridge. Mass. LAURA GILMORE, Exeter, N. H. The savsd are: Alice Hagerty, Llizle Bresnahan and Skipper Fred Miles. The bodies of Farrington, Alward, Bes sie Chase, , Eva Marshall and Isabella Kaouska have not been recovered. All the other were taken from the water by fishermen and then to the island, where they were worked over for a long time by two doctors, but without success. Farrington and Alward were both law student at Harvard university, rooming at Forsythe hall. Both were good swim mers and lest their Uvea In trying to rescue th other. The victim were all young people, wboss age. would not average over 0 years. Most of . the Massachusetts girls war school teachers, who have passed .'.heir summer vacations her tor several years In serving aa waitresses In th hotel.. BULLER CONTROVERSY AGAIN Sir Bdwari Grey ia Hosts of Com- saona Cnlla Up Mnttcr Oses More. LONDON. July 17. The Bulier contro versy wa again raised by Sir Edward Grey, Bart (liberal), In the House of Com mons today on the War office vote. Sir Edward charged the war officials with act ing unfairly toward General Bulier and de manded the publication ot further papers. The war secretary, S.t. Brodrlck, op posed further publications, which, he de clared, could not relieve General Bulier ot the responsibility of such mistakes aa the abandonment of the guns at Colenso and th proposals to surrender Ladysmlth, Which, It they had been listened to, would have produced a disaster for which there was no parallel In British history. In re gard to those propoaala, continued Mr. Brodrlck, when Oeneral Bulier sounded bis note of despair to General White he had a hellogram In hi pocket, received a fortnight ' before, saying that General Whit jiad provisions tor seventy days and could defend Ladysmlth while the' ' food lasted, r General. Buller'a retention after Colenso and Bplonkop waa Inevitable un der the circumstances and hi appointment to the command at Aldershot wae simply a resumption ot hi former office. Oeneral Bulier wa a good "peace commander." Later Sir Edward Grey' proposed vote ot censure of the government for It treat ment of General Bulier wa defeated by ti noee to 98 aye, after much speech making. 1 Simultaneously the war office wa being attacked ia . the House ot Lords, where Lord Monkswell (liberal) brought up the scathing allegation oontalned in the re port of the committee on military educa tion, and urged th immediate appoint ment of aa Inspector general of army edu cation. Lord Raglan, the under secretary for war. and Lord Lansdowne, the foreign secretary, defended the waa, office, saying that a new scheme for education, contain ing sweeping changes, was In process of being drawn up, which statement satisfied Lord Monkswell and his supporter and th motion waa withdrawn. NOT OPPOSEDTO FRIARS Father .. Santiago Payn Talks of tho . flitnntlon In th Philippines. emmmmmmn ROME,. July 17 Father Santiago Pays, provincial, of the Dominicans In the Philip pines, who. I ataylng here, when Informed by the correspondent of the Associated Press ot the result of Governor Taft's negotiation with th Vatican on th sub ject of the friars and their lands, ex pressed satisfaction at the acceptance of the first proposal of Cardinal Rampolln, the papal secretary of state, that the mat ter be discussed at Manila ' between an apostolic delegate ' and tbe governor in Manila. ' When asked what was likely to be the outcome, Father Paya replied: It la more Important to know what will be the outcome of the matters between the Americana and Filipino. Although the war ia almost over and the Filipinos now oroteet friendship for the Americana. they in reality dislike them Just aa they disliked the Spaniards. The FUlplnoa say they aid not struggle against npain, oui refused to calmly surrender their inde pendence. Father Paya concluded with declaring rtiat It was not true that the people were against th frlare. Th latter, he further asserted, were hated oaly by the native clergy and a fraction of th people. TAKES BREAKFAST WITH CZAR Kins Victor - Emnnnel Dine with Bnaaian Rnler an- Bnleony of Palace. PtTERHOF. Russia, July IT. Prior to hia departure for -Italy today. King Vic tor Emanuel took breakfast with ths czar and other members of th Imperial family on a balcony, of tho palace. Later .Em J;;.. By the Author: of "ST, ELMO'! -I Now. in i Press First 'Edition 75,000 Copies,.. A SPECEM BIRD By AUGUSTA EVANS, WILSON, it stands in the blghest rank of modern fiction." G. W. DILLINGHAM CO, Publishers, New York. pi. Mi j.i,, in i, ismmmj m. asm- xiuu- peror Nicholas,--the grand dukes. Count Lamsdoxff. an in 1st er of foreign affairs: the Italian ambassador to Ruaala, Count Morra de Lavernoedtlli Monte and many other notable perseasges went to the railway station to see Russia' royal guest off. The two sovereign saluted each other affectionately several times and as the train drew out the Italian king waved hi hand UU he wa out of sight. WAITS FOR THE CORONATION King to Remain on Board Royal ' Yacht Until Time for tho Event, LONDON. Julr 17. The rennrta renrit. Ing , King "Edward's health continue to b most satisfactory. . He will remain on the royal yacht, off Cowles, Isis of Wight, until August S, and will, return to the Roadstead after tho coronation. It has been definitely decided that the British fleet will reassemble off Portsmouth for the coronation review. The Japanese squadron has been instructed to return there and It Is understood that other foreign countrlea will also be represented. The royal yacht , will. It Is understood, remain off Cowe about a fortnight It the weather continues fine and the king may then take a trip down the channel. The doctor are anxious that their patient shall not be occasioned' tho slightest discomfort or Inconvenience, a"nd Instructions have been Issued to skippers and pilots navigat ing vessels through the Solent to slow down when passing the Victoria and Albert In or der to prevent unnecessary oscillation. The ateamer Konlg WUhelm, crowded with emigrants, passed Wednesday afternoon so lowly that comments were evoked from on looker shore-. . . The naval review off Spltbead ha been officially fixed for -August 11. TO DEAL WITH THE TRUSTS Imperial Government of Rassln Pro ' poses an International Con. - ferenre da Question. LONDpN, July . 17, Details of an lm por.tant move. 'by' Russia,-which, nave evl uent'ybferi . suppressed hitherto by tha censor,', have , transpijed In London. Thl move. Is sno. Jes . ltun a proposal by tub imperial government for an international conference to deal with 'rusts. Baron, juia. -S.taal, Russian ambassador lu London, about; .ten, days ago presented to the British government a note from M. de Witt. !'.thon Russian minister of flnanco, which note also was sent to all the powers that klgped fhe.' Brussels sugsr conven tion," proposing that, 'these powers should consider,' In common, means to protect International commerce against the 'artifi cial' depression of , prices, ' not only by government measure, such as export bounties, or the control of production, but alao by, the much more dangerous processes adopted, by trusts, private undertaking or cartel, which tend artificially to Influence tbe international market. This explains the mysterious , reference made In the Financial Messenger Of St. Petersburg early thl week' to a recent note of M. de Wltte, which the paper said "la an application, In the economic domain, of the principle of Th Hague' conference." CONSIDER . REPLY TO NOTE Cardinnl Rnmpolln Convonea Commls ,'slon of Cardinal on Friar Matter. , ROME, July i7. After toe 'pop had read the last Amort oan note on tho- sub ject bt-.the.Jriars and their lands in the Pbilipplaes, . Cardinal 1 1 -Rampolla, papal secretary of state, convened the- commis sion of cardinals to consider a reply. ..So far no answer ha reached Judge Taft, though In a personal letter to Cardinal Rampolla Judge Taft-said r As the document from Secretary Root Is conclusive and ss I wish to leave Rome as soon As possible I beg your eminence to secure me and the gentlemen accompany ing men a farewell audience aa early aa his holiness will deign to gjant It. STEYN - IN ; PjTjABLE SHAPE Ex-Preaident of Orange River Colony ta Partially Pnrnlysed f rem . ? ' Eateeta of Fever. CAPETOWN, July ' 17. Th women of Csptown yesterday presented Mr. Steyn, wife ,gf the ex-presldent of the Orange River Colony, with a purse of 1,000 be fore sne sailed for Europe with her husband. Mr. ' Steyn waa "'in 'a pitiable condition from-enteric f ever. ' His arms and leg were psrtlaly paralysed and h wa unabl to open bis eyelids. . -' ' Flood In gwitserland. GENEVA. Swltxerland,. July 17. The River Rhine' has rlssn a few inches lno yesterday, causing Increased anxiety. The floods are extending -in the lowlands. Part of the village of Hallau, canton of Schaff hausen, has been destroyed. Engineer ar repairing' th river wall at Ilierrss, which tho Rhine broke through July 10, submerg ing the iilatn' between Vlonnai and Vouvry. Emperor ttaeat of Mrs. Goclet. BERLIN. ..July l.t-Emperor William de layed his departure from Gudvangen, Nor way, because of the arrival there ot Mrs. Robert Goelet's steam yacht Nahmaj His majesty, with several members of his suite, accepted an Invitation to dinner on Nahma yesterday eWenlrig. ' '"John W. Mnfkny la Improving. LONDON. ' July 'jU. John W. Mackay of Ban Francisco, .who was prostrated by the heat of Tuesday, is much better thla morn lag. ' ' Earl Csdegss ftealsm. LONDON, , July H Earl Cadogan today resigned th prd .lieutenancy of Ireland. In a Class All Alone. No ether pill on earth can equal Dr. King's New Life.! Pill for stomach, liver and kidneys. No cure, no pay. tic. HYMENEAL , .r - ,lvln-abnr. r BEATRICE, Neb., July 17. (Special.) Prof. Charlea ' B: "Devla end Miss Anna M. Shear were married last -evening, Rev. P. L. ThotmU officiating. The young couple will reside in Hobart. Okl., where th groom, le engaged ia business. '"''" ' immmm-mrwmm An Evidence of Quality The Drlnklnf ef milwat"-:kf: dispels si. i as to It merit, a . oounc- ed Individuality with every good quality. Th very taste of this beer 1 e conclusive I proof of Its merit. BLAT8 MALT-VIVINE (Non-Intoalcant) Tonlo. Druggists or direct. TAL BLATZ MEWING CO, milwaokee. OMAHA BltAJfCH, Ml Deitiu . Tat. loeu. C41: ROUND TRIP TO NEW YORK, ATLANTIC CITY, MONTREAL July 17-SI? Aug.J-H VIA Rock Island System 1323 Farnam St., Omaha. Neb, I Eys " -lit y v Y ilr&Sla.-. H'M'rsVfrUiirarAia EVERT WOMAN 1t IntofoMMl an aheuta kn about th wond.rful "rKKRLKSS". fipni Hrlng. iudcrMd by leading phviiclana. The ftvorlte el all women who tried It. Porfoat tnjoctloa an auction. -Capacity half pint It la the aaleat and moat eonronltnt. It claanaaa tnatantlv ana ooa Its work pvrfaetlr. Tonpara our String an prtoa. Aak your druggist for the "PKERLE88"; it ha can. not supply you accept no other, but sens dlraet te lu and wa will forward you on at onoa, vKuraly packed, frao from obaervatlon, on thirty daya' frao trial. Price, tf.OO; and 2fi centa extra for poataga, with full direction! for ualng and raluabla hint to ladles. If caab la aent with order w pay. th poat aga. Addreaa all ordara In oonfldeftce to TUB I'EKRI.MI Sl'PPLY CO ' TS A 74 Kirn Street, New York. AiiusicuE.i'ra. BOYD'S! 'Woodward aVBUrgs,- cr ianajtern. ... OTII BIG WEEK TONIGHT ! FERRIS STOCK CO. "My Jim" MATINEE BATtTRDAT. Uats. any seat, Mo. Night 10c. 15c, Ba Excursion Steamer The Union Excursion Company's Steamer Henrietta ; makes regular trips from foot of Douglas street, making regular trips to Sherman Cark, where there la fine shade, muaio and dancing. Mo liar on boat. .Jtverytiuog flrau Clasa. Hours for Uaving: i, 4 and tx ' tn., dally. Round trip too, . chUursn loo. - No admission to Park. ItESORTi. KrugPark Omaha's Polite and Cool Reaort HOSTER'S CONCERT BAND THE PASSION PLAY And many fin fre attractions. Every Af ternoon and evening. Admission to park 10c. Children Free. Ml MMH1 A Thirst Quencher Krug's Bottled Beer absolutely purs and bealthfulan aid to . digestion aad a system' builder a cold glass eeveral times a day .will take you through this hot weather and leave you la a vigorous condition. Bend for a trial case A 'phone eall will t bring It. Remember there' oaly one v.. . v . ir., 1 FRED KRUG BREWING CO. IO07Jao kaon St. 'Phone 420 HOTEL. HOTEL EMPIRE Broadway and 6JJ St. N. Y.CIty J Flrevroog Madera M4at Hate. . , Aeeosalhlo Bitaaily Lltivaey " Kaolasfv Orchestral Concert Every JCvenlna. All C ' Ike .aaaie. . Send for descriptive Booklet.. W. JOHNSON QuJn. J-.-oanetor MILLARD I3ta aad Dosslat Ita, OMAHA, ftUH. Omaha Leading Hotel JPKt'l tl. TfcitTlHEsT 1 luncheon, ritrrir cknts SUNDAY . y.jrn. DINNER. Kc. I Steadily increasing buslnetts haa neceasl tated an eiiUrrienieut of the cafe, doubling lie fanner capacity. CHICAGO CEACH HOTEL IB minutes from heart ef elty. No dirt and dust, bltuated on boulevard and lake, at (let St. Ulvd., Chicago. . fcend tor tUus tialcd booklet - f X BLATZ h BEER P