Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 18, 1902, Image 1
The Omaha Daily Bee. ESTABLISHED JUNE 10, 1871. OMAHA, FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 18, 1902 TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. NO GENERAL STRIKE Miner in Convention Practically Decide t Hat Walk Out MITCHELL ADVOCATES ANOTHER POLICY president ef Union Aunmei a Coniemtire Attitude in Meeting. STRIKE WOULD NOT HELP SITUATION Can Do More Good by Remaining at Work and Aiding Financially. SOME DELEGATES ARE DISAPPOINTED ffaslat that Sympathetic Strike Should (Bo Ordered, bat law aad Illlaola Himbtra Thlak Different and Act Accordingly. i INDIANAPOLIS, July IT. If tbe voice and Influence of President Mitchell of the .United Mint Worker prevail with the mem- i tiera of hia organisation,, there will be do 'general strike of the organisation. The i ebancea of euch a atep being taken now are very remote. In hie epeech In tbe con tention .this afternoon Mr. Mitchell ad 'vised etrongry against a atrlke and urged that the bltuminoua mlnera continue at work and that a system of assessment upon r the member! of the order, which he ' out lined, be carried Into effect aa the best means of affording aid and support to the : Striking anthracite men In tbe east. . Hla recommendations, If adopted by tbe .convention this afternoon, would have set- 'tled the entire question for which the con ventlon was called and an Immediate ad journment would have followed. A motion to adopt the suggestions of President Mitchell provoked a long debate, In which the general sentiment was against tbe ordering of the atrlke. The men from the . anthracite regions finally made a request that they be allowed to hold a caucus to determine upon an expression of opinion as to what they thought tbe convention should do, and asked an adjournment of the eon Tention for this purpose. Their request vea granted and the adjournment taken. .The men who were In favor of a strike were in a decided minority in the convention. Coaveatloa Called to Order. The hour for calling the convention waa 10 o'clock. , At ten minutes before tba time President Mitchell came upon tbe TtLtfnrm and was erected with cheers. Bee Mtirr Wilton, following close after, abared the applause. Prompt to the second President Mitchell brought do-vn his gavel, saying: "The hour of 10 o'clock having arrived, the onvMitinn will be in order." Secretary Wilson then read the call for the convention and President Mitchell called for the report of the committee on credentials. The read ing of this by Michael McTaggart of the committee consumed much time, as me re port contained the name of every delegate, with a statement of tbe number of votes possessed by each man. . - rufi.vata Yamr.lMlt. a colored man from Kentucky, moved the acceptance of the report and the continuation 01 ice cum mlttee. This waa done and the conven tloo adjourned until 1:80 p. m. thm rnnTAntion met In the after en fwn av mot Inn waa made and carried that the convention go at once Into executive Baaatnn. Jnhn P. Reese Of lOWS mOVCO reconsideration of the vote by which thle action was taken. He declared secret ses sions undesirable. The speech of Mr. Reese tn support of tils motion carried the day. the vote was reconsidered and it was decided that tbe greetings of the convention would be open to the public Mitchell Makes Addreea. President Mitchell then made bis address, which was. la part, as follows: Gentlemen: In opening this convention I riaam it mv rtutv to make a few prelimi nary remarks and to suggest in a ri of recommendations the policy which would, in my Judgment, best protect the Interests of the striking anthracite mine workers and preserve unimpaired the in tegrity of our entire organiiatton. in determining the grave and Important question which now confronts you nameiy, Va artviaabliitv nf lnausruratlna- a national suspension of coal mining -In defense of our struggling fellow-workers in the an thracite field of Pennsylvania it is Im perative that you should weigh with the fireatest possible care the momentous prob mV with which you have to deal. Neither passion nor prejudice should influence your action in any particular. I have been so closely sssoclated with the struggles of the anthracite mine work ers that It grieves me more than language can express to say that my views are not in accord with the views expressed by some in favor of a national suspension of coal mining. I have during all my life tn the labor movement declared that con tracts mutually made should during their life be kept inviolate; anii while at times it may appear to tbs superficial observer or to tnose immediately concerned mai ma vantage could bs gained by setting agree Stent a aside, such advantage, if gained, would in the very nature of things be tem porary and would ultimately result In dis aster, Because a aiarnru ui cunirivii strikes st the very vitals of organised labor. The effect of such action would be ' to destroy confidence, to array in open hostility to our cause all forces of society and to crystallise puouc sentiment in op noaltlon to our sentiment. Sympathetle strikes have many adherents and the efficacy of such methods appeals strongly to those who, being directly In volved In trouble, do not always recognize the eltert of tneir action on the puouc mind, but the past history of the labor movement teaches lessons that ahould not be forgotten today. Sympathetic. Strikes Fall. As far as my knowledge goes, I do not Know or one soiiuiy sympametio sirixe o any magnitude which haa been successful on the contrsry, the most conspicuous among the sympathetic labor struggles have resulted In ignomlnous and crushing defeat, not only for the branch of Indus try originally Involved, but also for the divisions participating through aympathy. In my judgment the United Mine Workers should not repeat the mistakes which, like milestones, mark the path trodden by the laooring classes in tneir never-ending struggle for belter and higher civilisation. I am firm in my conviction nat the strike in tne snmraciie nnus can and will be won without repudiating our solemn contract with the bituminous operators, provided me oiiuminuua miners win riss to tne oc caslon aud do tneir full duty by thel struggling fellow-workers, and with thl in mind I desire to submit, for vntin mn slderatlon the following speclflo recora mendatlons: First That the national secratarv.traaa, urer be authorised and directed to Imme diately appropriate fciO.euo from the funds in the national treasury and pUoe it at the disposal of the officers of districts No. 1. 1 . anu v. Second That all districts, sub-district' and local unions be appealed to to donai, from the eurplua in their treasuries as large amounts aa they can afford. Third That an assessment of not leas than II per week be levied on all members of local unions, the amount so levied to be collected at trie earliest possible mpmen and forwarded to the national aecreiary treasurer. Fourth That an assessment of 2S per cent be levied on all national, district and sub-district officers whose salaries amount to l per month or more. Fifth That an appeal be made to all American trade unions and to the general pubito tor nnancisi assistance to carry the Strike to a successful Issue. Sixth That a committee be selected for (Continued ea Third Page.) SHOWS THE WHITE' FEATHER Swedish Officer After Challenging; aa, Aaserleaa Falls te . Appear for Eaeeanter. STOCKHOLM, Sweden, July 17. A great sensation has been caused In military cir cles here by the conduct of Captain Arvld Wester, who, after challenging an Amer ican. William Casper, to fight a duel, failed to appear at tbe spot selected for the en counter. The trouble arose at a performance last lght 1n the Orand Arena palace. Wester, who was In the full uniform of a captain on the general staff and wearing his decorations, disturbed tbe seance of a mind reader. Casper, who is the manager of the establishment, remonstrated with the captain and demanded an apology. This Wester refused and Casper said the officer's conduct was ungentlemanly and disgraceful. The captain then challenged the Amer ican, who accepted and repaired to the meeting place at S o'clock this morning with his seconds. Including the secretary of the United States legation, Joseph Mulr. Wester, who was a war correspondent In Cuba and South Africa, failed to appear and as a consequence will undoubtedly be forced to retire from the army. Casper has been the recipient of many congratu lations. Captain Wester of tbe Swedish army was the military attache to the legation of Sweden and Norway at Washington at the time of the outbreak of tbe war between the United 8tates hnd Spain. He went through that war as he did through the war between Turkey and Greece. He waa attached to General Shatter's headquarters as a foreign guest. BALFOUR IS . IN THE CHAIR New Premier Prestdea at tho First Meeting of the New Cabinet. LONDON, July 17. The premier, A. J Balfour, presided this morning In the For eign office at the first cabinet meeting of the new administration. The colonial secretary, Joseph Chamber lain, was sufficiently recovered from the effects of the cab accident to be able to at tend. He was pale, but otherwise showed no signs of his Injuries. The meeting of the cabinet gave fresh Impetus to the reconstruction reports. The most Interesting of these for America la the suggestion that the duke of Marlborough will aucceed Lord Curion of Kendleaton aa viceroy of India, but there Is not the least possibility of any such appointment. It appears very doubtful If Lord Curson will come home before the expiration of hla term of office. As a matter of fact, thers Is no appointment which could be offered him. except the foreign office, which would be a promotion from the vlceroyalty of In dla, and there Is no Indication that Lord Lansdowne has any Intention of retiring Under no circumstances, however, would the duke of Marlborough be given such an Important post aa India, though he might possibly succeed Earl Cadogan aa lord lieu tenant of Ireland. All suggestions made In regard to appointments are still of g highly tentative) character. ' ARE MORE SCARED THAN HURT Whltelaw Reld Speaks at Liverpool oat teaeatloa of tho Shipping Combine. (Copyright 1904, by Press Publishing Co.) LIVERPOOL. July 17. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) Whltelaw Reld tonight, speaking at the centenary banquet of the American Chamber of Com merce In Liverpool, said: "I believe that the apprehension aroused by the recent shipping changes have been aomewhat exaggerated. Suppose New York should acquire control of the Atlantic carrying trade. It does not follow It could seek to weaken Liverpool the port most Important to her. Even monopolies do not thrive by abolishing their best customers. "Organised society abhors a monopoly and none has been created lb this bust ness. I think none Is desired, and I know none could be long successful. Tbe ad vantages of combination include steady freights. 'I protest against such a phase ae 'com' merclal.' We may be rivals, but net enemies." TO SAVE FAMOUS STRUCTURE Basilica Palladlana la Italy Bald to Be ta Daageroaa Con dition, i VENICE, July 17. Having received a re port of the dangeroue condition of tbe famous Basilica Palladlana, at Vlnnesla, forty miles west of Venice, the minister of public Instruction, Btgnor Naal, has or dered that measures tor Its preservation be taken. Slgnor Nasi has also ordered that tbe square of St. Mark, In Venice, be cleared preparatory to the rebuilding of the cam panile. Selection will be made of all the material of the fallen tower which It will be possible to use again, and the work will be conducted In such a manner as to make, aa far as possible, the new monument, rather a reconstruction thsn an imitation of the old tower. The work has been Intrusted to Architect Bone and a com mlttee. The cable dispatch from Mayor Low of New York, expressing aympathy has created a most pleasant Impression here and the mayor of Venice has sent a personal answer to Mayor Low. TO ACCEPT TERMS PROPOSED Governor of Chl-L.1 and Other Chinese Officials Agree oa With-, drawal. f PEKIN, July 17. General Yuan 8hal-Ksl the governor of Chl-Ll province, and the Chinese foreign office, have decided to ac cept the terma proposed for the with drawal of the foreign troops from Tlen Tsln end will so notify the ministers July 19, unless the dowager empress disapproves of their action. - This decision will be surprise tp tbe ministers,, who expected the Chinese would endeavor to obtain bet ter terma. SULTAN OF ZANZIBAR DEAD Was Reeeatly Strlckea with Paralysis aad tad Comaa After a Release. ZANZIBAR. East Africa. July 18. Hamud Bin Mohamed Said, sultaa of Zanxibar, who recently was stricken with paralysis, suf fared a relapse and died at 1 o'clock thle morning. All Is quiet here. The sultaa had ruled since 18N, In which year he wae placed on the throne by Great Britain. s HON PACIFIC IIAS PLAN Arrangement for Purchase of Northern Pacifio and Southern Pacifio Itock, WILL ' X INCREASE . BONDED DEBT Traneac . ' es Road to Retire ObllgatU Matarity at a light- by 8abav - NEW YORK, July 17. Tbe Union Pa cific Railroad company announces a plan for financing the balance of Its purchases of Northern and Southern Pacific, shares. A year and a half ago extensive purchases of Northern Pacific stock were made In the Interest of the Union Pacifio com pany and the shares acquired were vested In the Oregon Short Line company. They now consist of Northern Securities stock, for which the Northern Pacifio shares have been exchanged. Since that time the Union Pacifio com pany bae also increased Its holdings of Southern Pacific stock. The Oregon Short Line Railway company hae created an Issue of 4 per cent and participating twenty-five-year gold bonds, which are to be secured by the pledge and deposit with the Equitable Trust company of New York, ae trustee, of ten sharee of Northern Se curities stock for every $1,000 face value of bonds Issued. Tbe bonds carry i per cent Interest, payable semi-annually, and. beginning with the year 190. are entitled to any dividends and Interest which may be paid In cash during each year upon the deposited collateral In excess of 4 per cent upon the amount of bonds outstand tng. The Short Line company hae the option to redeem the bonds at 102 H and Interest, upon any interest day, upon glv tng at least three months' notice, the bonds so redeemed to be drawn by lot. The present Issue of these bonds will be 131,000,000 and holders of the preferred and common etock of the Union Pacifio Railway company, of record on August 1, have the privilege of subscribing to those bonds at 90 and Interest to the extent oT B0 per cent of the par value of their etock. Arrangements have been made for the sale of such bonds as are not taken by the stockholders. Subscriptions must be made before the cloee of business Au gust 15, and accompanied by the payment of $450 for each bond. The balance duo must be paid on or before September 15 Holders who desire to anticipate the sec ond payments will be allowed a discount of $1.(6 per bond. This transaction completes the purchase or Northern Pacifio and Southern Pacific stock without Increasing the bonded obligations of the Union Pacific company or Its capital account, and leaves the company In a po altlon to retire obligations before ma. turlty at a Blight premium. The- rights to subscribe to the new bonds are estimated to be worth little over 1 per cent to Union Pacifio stockholders. This calcula tion Is baaed on about 97 or -eS for the new bonds. - TO ABSORB THE BELT LINE Deal Said to Be oa la St. Loals Whereby Terminal Company Takes Control. , ST. LOUIS. July 1$. It was learned to night that negotiations are pending for the absorption by the Terminal Railroad ns soclatlon of the St. Louis Belt and Terminal Railway company and the Interstate Car and Transfer company. An agreement by which the terminal railroad Interests will take over the Wiggins ferry property Is practically closed. The, money considera tion Involved amounts to mere than $20,000,000. Julius Walsh, president of the Terminal association, states that the Hrst deal will be consummated within a tew days and that the deal is practically settled. The Wiggins ferry matter will be finally and formally aoted upon before the end of this month. MOVEMENT PROVES FAILURE Loader of Recent Revolutionary Oat. break la Nicaragua Iadalgea la Talk. PANAMA. Colombia, July 17. Manuel Calderon, the leader of the recent revolu tlonary outbreak In Nicaragua, la In Panama. He Is reported to have said that the haste of a few who took part In the expedition which landed near Blue Fields about ten daya ago caused the complete failure of the movement. The statement that the revolutionists received help from the Colombian "government Is dented In official circles here. The government gun boat General Pinion, which has been pa trolling the Atlantic coaat In order to pre vent tbe landing of the reinforcements which President Zelaya of Nicaragua was to send to the Insurgent general, Herrera, la at Chlrlqul Grande. i The United States special service steamer Ranger, which recently sailed from here to Chlrlqul to protect American Interests there, le expected to return here tomorrow, TAKE NATIVES FROM SLUMS Maalclpal Health Board Decides to Take Forty Thoasaad to Sabarhaa Campa. MANILA. July 17. Ths muntclDal health board" of Manila haa decided to remove 40,000 natlvea from tbe elume to auburban campe in an effort to check the spread of cholera here. The object Is to clean and disinfect the disease centere. The csmpa will be sanitarily conducted. Tbe munici pality rents the grounds, builds the camps and feeds the Indigent persons. Aliased Marderers at Baler. MANILA, July 17. The three Ouiterre brothers, who are charged with the mur der of an apprentice named Vlenville, who waa a member of the party commanded by Lieutenant Commander J. C. Gillmore of the United States gunboat Yorktown, cap tured by the Filipinos In April, 1899, hsve arrived at Baler, Principe province, after having evaded the military and constabu lary for two yea re. i Nineteen Lost la Typhoon. MANILA, July 17. A severe typhoon swept over the southern islands July 11 Sad 16. Tbe United States customs steamer Shearwater waa loat off the Island of Maria duqus. Nineteen of Its crew. Including three Americans, were drowned. Colored Yaata Admits Marder. BIRMINGHAM. Ala., July 17. Willie Canon, a colored tramp, aged IB years, this morning confessed to Chlrf of Police Aus tin that he had recently killed a white baby at Guernee, Ala., a negro baby at Helena, a negro baby at Call a ta and a negro baby in Birmingham. The body of the last named baby has been found. i Coroner Paris has the little negro In hrga and Is Investigating tUa lala, COMPROMISE Agreement oa Hlberalaas Reach Segregation of tho Ladles' . Aaalllary. DENVER, July 17. Bishop Thomas J. Conaty, rector of the Catholic university at Washington, made a statement before the convention of the Ancient Order of Hibernians today In regard to the deposing of Dr. Richard Henneberry as professor of Gaelic at the university, which prso tlcally put an end to the agitation tor the professor's reinstatement. The bishop said the fact that Arblshop Ireland and four more of the most prominent and best beloved churchmen in the United States were the principal sponsors for tbe Insti tution, was an evidence to the Irish people that It has been conducted properly. II was the desire of the college authorities to continue the Gaelle hair, which had been established with $50,000 donted by the Hibernians. Dr. Dunn was being edu cated at the Gaelic schools In Europe for the purpose of taking the chair. At pres ent a Gaelic professor from Harvard col lege, who had volunteered to teach ths Irish language, was at work in the uni versity. Bishop Conaty also made an address to the Ladles' auxiliary, la which he urged the women to follow the example of the men In endowing a chair of Gaelic In the university and make an appropriation to endow a. chair In Trinity college. The women will begin work at once to raise ths money. A compromise wae made In the matter of the segregation of the Ladles' aux iliary. It provides for an advisory board of women, who shall sit In Joint session 1th tbe national directory, and shall in reality govern the auxiliary with the con sent of the men. At the afternoon session President John T. Keating delivered hla report to the convention. The announcement waa made, however, that it would not be made public until after its consideration by the direc tors tomorrow. National Seoretary Jams P. Bree made his report. It showed that the member ship of the Ancient Order of Hibernians In America Is 107,577, a net Increase of 7,22 since last meeting.' The disbursements during that time have been $930,336, and there la now tn the treasury $1,076,018. The membership of the Ladles' auxlllsry is 81,876. The disbursements have been 8108.019. The balance le $51,497. There waa no evening aeaslon. JUDGE SEES THE PRESIDENT Coaferenee Relates to New Choctaw and Chlckaaaw Coart la Iadlaa Territory. OYSTER BAY, July 17. Former repre- eentatlve Walter L Weaver of Springfield, O., arrived here today and had a confer ence with the president. Hs recently was appointed one of tbe Justices of the Choc taw. and Chickasaw citizenship court of Indian Territory, together with Judge Spen cer G. Adams of Greensboro, N. C, and Judge Foote of California.- Juage Weaver came by Invitation to discuss with the presi dent the proposed work of. the courts. Mr, Roosevelt ts deeply interested In the effort to. eliminate citlcensh'.t&'Xraud'' la Indian Territory. It Is expected that- the members of the court will meet this week In Washington to map out their work and to decide when and where their sittings shall begin. ' Caspar Whitney, editor of Outtng; R, B, Hawley, republican national committeeman from Texas, and Regis H. Post of Bayport, L I., were guests of the president today at luncheon. Secretary of the Navy Moody, who wae expected at Sagamore hill today er tomor row, will not. on account of official duties demanding his attention at Washington,' be able to come to Oyster Bay for ten days. It ta announced that Senator Piatt and Gov ernor Odell of New York will visit the presi dent to talk over the state and national politics. Mr. Hawley missed his train at Long Island City and ae he was particularly anxious to keep his appointment with the president chartered a special engine and coach and made the run to Oyster Bay In fifty minutes. He arrived at Sagamore Hill Just as luncheon waa announced. After luncheon the president and Mr. Hawley had a long talk about Texaa ap pointments and about Cuban reciprocity. Mr. Hawley la understood to be Interested In large sugar land holdings In Cuba. No details of the conference were made public. Several Boers, who have been prisoners of war In Bermuda, arrived here tonight and are the guests of William and Gerard Beekman, who own a handsome country home not far from Sagamore Hill. By ar rangement the party. Including the Messrs. Beekman, Commandant Snyman, Com mandant Dewet and two or three - Boer officers called at Sagamore Hill to pay their respects to the president. They remained with the president only a short time and the Boer war was referred to only Inci dentally. v GRIEVANCES OF CARMEN Committee Goea to To pelt a to Lay Matter Before Santa Fa Officials. TOPEKA, Kan., July 17. A large com mittee representing the Carmens' union Is In Topeka to present grievances to the Santa Fe officials and probably to notify the company of a demand for an Increase In wages. The company Is composed of representatives from all parte of tbe Santa Fe system. The Carmens' union is com posed of the men in the Santa Fe shops who have charge of the making and repair- I Ing of ears It Is understood that the company will Insist upon a compliance with the demand for more wages, and in case of refusal will advise a strike of the union. Superintendent of Motive Power George R. Henderson Is out of the city at present, trying to settle the strike on the Gulf lines, and the committee Is awaiting, hie return. DR. RICHARDSON VERY ILL Professor of Orgaalo Chemistry of Lelaad Stanford I'nlverslty lifer, ins from Blood Poisoning. BALTIMORE. July 17. Dr. George Mann Richardson, professor of organic chemistry of the Leland Stanford university, is at the Union Protestation infirmary in this city, suffering from blood poisoning. His condi tloa late tonight is reported to be serious. His family, including his wlfs and chil dren from California and hia mother from Bt. Louis, are in the city. LI tie hope Is entertained for hla recovery. Dr. Richsrdson took hla first degree at Lehigh university In 18S( and In U30 took tbe degree of doctor of philosophy at Johns Hopkins. He occupied the cbalr of organic chemistry at Lehigh for a short time and went to the Leland Stanford uni versity upon the establishment of that Institution. SETTLE ON DISPUTE COMPANY'S CLAIMS Striken Insist that Eailroad'i Operating Department is Impaired. REPORT OF CURTAILED FREIGHT SERVICE Ramor la that I'nloa Paclfta Finds It Necessary to Take Freight Engines to Keen fa Pas senger Rons. Not to be outdone by the Union Pacifio officials who assert that the motive power and traffic affaire of their road are unim paired by the shopmen's strike, the strik ers claim greater progress every day and more power today than they have possessed at any time since the fight began. The con flict over the Introduction of piecework seems to have been subordinated to a dis pute between the contending factions as to which Is ahead tn tbe race. Representa tives of each faction profess to be serenely confident of success and -Invariably meet every report of weakness with an emphatic denial. Officials of the company yesterday ex pressed greatest surprise when told of re ports that their engine failures were In creasing dally and that their traffic In freight had materially declined. When In formed of reports that the present shop forcee were Inadequate and Incompetent to do the work necessary to maintain the nor mal conditions on the road they laughed. One official even said that the company had so many men that within a week It probably would stop engaging new men. Yet these reports come pot only from the strikers, but from other sources as well. The car accounting department of tbe Union Pacifio Is said to be feeling the ef fect of the strike if no other department of tbe company Is. The statement ts made that owing to the necessity foe using freight engines on passenger trains, the work In this department, whtch comprises the en gine department, hse become extremely com plicated, and that there is great difficulty In keeping track of the engines. Freight Tralna Redaced. It Is eald that the company has at pres ent a very much smaller number of freight tratne In active use than at this time last year; an estimate places the reduction at one-third. Strikers are claiming all there Is In sight no doubt, but they have not authorised all tbese reports which have come from other sources. A train which left North Platte yesterday waa reported to have been com pelled to return to that town after getting but three miles out when Hs boiler "failed." Reports similar to .this have been made by tbe strikers frequently, and they have as frequently been denied by the officials at headquarters. To offset the argument of the officials that they have enough men to meet the demands of their shops and that their affairs are running along ae smoothly as If there had been no strike, the men who are fighting against the In troductlon of the piecework system con tend it would be Impossible to run a rail road So extensive with a diminished force of newjnen in moat instancee, and Insist that aa a matter of fact the 'strike baa had and la having a telling effect. The Union Pacific continues to reinforce Its present shop forces in Omaha and other places, having brought nonunion men Into Omaha every day this week and sent them Into other places as well. Twenty-one men were Introduced Into the Omaha shops yes terday and twenty Into the North Platte shops. The officials say that among these are aome very excellent mechanics. They assert aleo- that not nearly as many of the nonunion men imported have left the com pany's service as reported. One official plaoes the subtraction at about per cent, which he considers practically nothing. Superintendent McKeen Retarna, Superintendent McKeen of the motive power department of the Union Pacific re turned yesterday from Cheyenne, where he bad been for several days. He expressed satisfaction with the progress of affairs and says that out west the company Is gain Ing strength every day. I was Informed while at Cheyenne that 60 per -cent of the former shopmen there had left the city in search of employment elsewhere," eald Mr. McKeen. "The shops are running In good order and we are suf terlng none from the strike." At Cheyenne last week there were 844 men employed In the shops. The officials say this number has been exceeded by a great many since that count was made, The officials claim to have the sentiment and sympathy of the people In Cheyenne and Evanston and In fact In most every town where they have a shop. For this reason they profess to look upon tbe strike now as merely perfunctory. President Burt, it was said yesterday, received., a letter from a business man at Evanston assuring blm that the company had the sympathy of that element there and that they would not eupport or uphold the strikers. This Information came not only from railroad sources, but was confirmed through strikers. who claimed to have been advised of such a communication from Evanston. Vice President Wilson of the machinists' organization writes from Cheyenne that the strikers have no cause for alarm, but may well feel hopeful. Mr. Wilson does not look for a prolonged fight, although be Is preparing for one should It be necessary, TERRIFIC STORM AT CHICAGO Thoasaada of Dollars Damage Is Wrsaght by Wind aad Several Aro Iajared. CHICAGO, July 17. Damage estimated at thousands of dollars was wrought to property In various parts of Chicago to night by a terrible wind and electric storm whtch swept In from tbe southwest and out over the lake. Several persons were In jured during tbe storm. Sixty-eight miles an hour was the velocity attained by the wind. The highest record heretofore gained by the wind, so far as recalled at tbe Weather office, waa at tbe time of the Galveston storm, end then tbe velocity here was but four miles an hour greater than tonight. SMELTERS FILE AN ANSWER Make Reply to Application la Bapreme Coart of Colorado for Disso lution of Compaay. DENVER, July 1$. Counsel tor . the American 8meltlng and Refining company today filed the company's answer to the application of Attorney General Post for leave to file suit in the supreme court for ths dissolution of ths company on the ground that It le a trust. Tbe answer denies tbe right of the court to take original Jur'adlctlon, declaring that no emergency exists such as would Justify such litigation. It denies that tbs com pany is s trust or that publio Interests are Injured by Its methods. CONDITION 0FJTHE WEATHER Forecast for Nebraska Showers Friday, fouowca Dy fair and warmer Saturday. Temaeratare at Omaha Yesterdayi Hoar. Dew. Hoar. Dec, B a. as T(l 1 . m M9 Aa. ai TO p. m MA T a. m T 8 p. m...... aa. m...... T 4 . m...... m. 9 a. as "O B p. ri 10 I, M p. ns Tl 11 s, is t T p. m T Is m 84 8 p. m hh O p. as tts ONLY ONE ISN0W MISSING Bodies of All the Mlaera Rescued Emoeptlagr Oae Blown to Atoms, PARK CITY. Utah, July 17. The excite ment attending the disaster at the Daly West silver mine yesterday has subsided and business has been partially resumed. The work of rescue was resumed at a late hour last night and the bodies of Ray Jackman, John Eckstrom and George Rich ardson were brought up from the 1,200-foot level. - At 10 o'clock today the bodies of Thomas A. Kelly, T. H. O'Neill, John Carney and Charles McAltnden were secured, account ing for all in tbe Daly-West except John Burgh, the "powder monkey," whose body was blown to atoms. The men overcome by gas and resuscit ated by the physicians yfsterday are today reported to be out of danger. The funerals of most of the victims will be held to morrow. The mine Is now reported to be practi cally free from the noxious gasee. gener ated by the explosion and the work of exploring the damaged portion ie in prog rsss. At the offices of the Daly-West this morning It was stated that tbe damage to the mine Is confined to the 1,200-foot level, which le pretty badly shaken up, but la not damaged to the extent of more than a few thousand dollars. It Is ex pected that the mine will resume opera tions within three or tour days. State Mine Inspeotor Thomas Is on the ground and will make a thorough examina tion Into the cause of the explosion and report to the governor. FIND THE CABIN EMPTY Sheriffs Poaao Closes la oa Outlaw Tracy, bat tho Bird Haa Flowa. SEATTLE, Wash., July 17. Sheriff Cudl- hee laet night located Harry Tracy, with two companions, tn a lonely cabin, three- quarters of a mile from the Junction of the Northern Pacific's Palmer cutoff and the Columbia ft Puget Bound rood. Cudlhee, with six guards, waited until 10 o'clock this morning for Tracy or either of his com panions to come from the cabin. Growing Impatient, the sheriff ordered an attack upon the plaee, and the guards closed in, firing aa they advanced. Not a sound came from the cabin, and the guards found It empty. It Is. believed that the outlaws crept out ens by one from their place of Imprison ment during the darkest hours of the morn ing. HOLD UP ROCK ISLAND TRAIN Masked Mea Stop Passensrer by Piling Up Telegraph Poles, bat Get Nothing. FORT WORTH, Tex., July 17. Two men attempted to hold up a southbound Rock Island paasenger train last night between Saginaw and Newark, north of this city. They placed a huge pile of telegraph poles across the track. The engine struck the poles and came to a etop. Two masked men attempted to climb up Into the engine, but Engineer Knight and Fireman Mosler opened fire on them, driving them back. The robbers escaped Into the underbrush snd the train came on to Fort Worth, four hours late. Posses are scouring the timber near the scene. MOFFAT'S NEW RAILROAD Incorporation Papers for Dearer, Northwestera A Paclao Aro Filed. DENVER, July 17. Incorporation papers were filed today with the secretary' of state for the Denver, Northwestern dc Pacific Railway company, with a capital stock of $20,000,000. The following Denver capital ists are named as tho incorporators: D. H. Moffat, W. S. Cheesemen, W. O. Evans, C. G. Hughes, Jr., G. E. Roos-Lewin, B. M. Perry and F. O. Gibson. The object of the company Is stated to be the construction and operation of a railroad from Denver to San Francisco, via Salt Lake City. BONDSMAN ORDERED TO v PAY Coart lays Money Mast Bo Paid la for Krata, Mlsslas; Bt. Loalslaa. ST. LOUIS, July 17. In the circuit court today Judge Ryan ordered Oottlelb Kyer mann, Jr., bondsman for Charlie Krats, former member of the municipal assembly, who is a fugitive from Justice In Mexico, to psy 120,000, the amount of the letter's btnd. Krats te under Indictment on the charge of bribery In connection with street railway franchise legislation. After Kratz left St. Louis It developed that he secured Eyer mann against loss en ths bond. TRAIN GOES THROUGH BRIDGE Baggageanaster Killed aad Thirty Passengers Aro InJared la Texas. MINEOLA, Tex., July 17. An eastbound Texas ft Pacific passenger, train went through a bridge over Sabine river, five miles from here, today. The baggage and mall care and two eoachea were wrecked. Baggagemaster H. M. Peck of Marshall was killed outright. About thirty passengere were Injured, some seriously. Movements of Ocean Vessels, Jnly 17c At New York Sailed La Touralne, for Havre; Harbarussa, (or .Bremen, via oouin ampton. At Bagres PsssedCalabria, from Genoa, air., for New York. At IJverpool Arrived Saxonla, from Rnstnn. Sailed Colonial, for Portland. Me. Naw Knulsnd. for Boston, via Clueenalown. At Rotterdam Sailed Staateniiara, for Kaw York. via. Houloene 8jr Mer. At Ulasaow Arrived Hosarlan, from Ai Queenstown Sailed Msjestlc, for New York, from Liverpool; Werner nl nd, for Philadelphia, from Liverpool. At Havre Arrived La Lorraine, from Naar York. At Naples Arrived Hohensollern, from New York. At Plymouth Arrived Pennsylvania, from near ivra. FACE A MEAT FAMINE Germany Ottting a Foretaste of Waat tna luture Has in Stora for It. DUE TO RESTRICTIVE LEGISLATION Old Stocks Almost Exhausted and Few Importations Insufficient FORMER SUPPLY FINDS OTHER MARKET Denmark aad Austria Hare Not Ensign Life Cattle to Meet Demand. BERLIN FORCED TO PAY FAMINE PRICES Coasnl General Masoa Reports oaf ' Regalatloaa la Force aad tho Elect It Is Hsvlag la Gerataay. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, July 17. (Special Tele gram.) Consul General Msson at Frank fort reports to tbe 8tate department the text of the regulations governing ths meat Inspection laws of- Germany, which Is of vital interest to meat packers of this country. After a thorough discussion of the varloua paragraphs of the bill relating to the Importation of meats and meat produolng animals Into Germany, Coneul General Mason says: "Although the principal features of the law have long been made familiar through consular and press reports; a brief resume of some of Its more Important provisions, especially those which will affect the lm- ' portatton of meats and animals, may be of present Interest. Under paragraph IS, fresh meats can only be Imported Id whole carcasses. Carcasses of cattle . and hogs, but not of calves, may be split In half, but the halvee are to be left together and accompanied tn all cases by the head, lungs, heart and kidneys. Cow beef must have tbe udder attached and carcassee of pork must include the tongue. Excepting hams, bacon and Intestines, no piece of pickled, smoked, or otherwise preserved meat weighing less than S.S pounds may be Imported Into Germany. When to all thle Is added " the prohibition of meats preserved with borax or boractc acid, or with any of several other antiseptic salts, it will be evident that the net effect of the new system will be to more or less diminish the supply and increase the cost of meats for consumption In this country. -Already aome premonitory symptoms of such Influence are noticed. Meat Famine la Slarht. "The Berliner Tageblatt makes tbe fol lowing comment: 'Tne meat inspection law throws Its shadow before a meat fam- . Ine is tn eight. Old stocks of preserved meats have beepme exhausted, and the eountrles which formerly supplied Ger many with meats have for the moat part , found other markets, and our Import of eattlo and fresh meats is steadily dimin ishing. Hamburg and Berlin hays thla week enjoyed a foretaste of' what will' happen when the meat Inspection law , shall have entered into full force. It oc curred at Hamburg on Saturday, June 14, that many butchers had no beet to aell because Denmark had sent very tew cattle and because the ' rest of Germany and Austria had furnished only a meager sup ply for part of tbe week. Berlin had to pay on Saturday at the cattle market, for the few available animals that were to bo had, actual famine prices.' George E. Roberte, director of the mint. today reUirned to bis deak at tbe Treasury department after spending some time at Dea Molnee. While there he accomplished the organization of the Leader 4c Register company. He returned to Washington sat isfied with his efforts, believing that Ms assistance tn organising the company will greatly add to the prosperity of nil con- cerned. He will remsln In Washington until fall, when h(s successor will prob ably be chosen. H. W. Chapman has been appointed post master at Edwin, Hyde county, 8. D., vice E. B. Hodgson, resigned. The postmaster at South Omaha will be allowed three additional letter carriers an October 1. Henry H. Hall of Seneca, 8. D., waa today appointed to a position at the Rosebud (S. D.) Indian school. ORDERS AN EXAMINATION Secretary of War Designates Nansher of Mea .Who May Try for Army Appointments. WASHINGTON, July 17. The secretary of war has designated a number of man to be ordered for examination with a view to their appointment as second lieutenants In the army from civil life. The list Is to fill the vacancies existing oa the first of July, after the assignment of ths gradu ates from West Point and fills all vacancies existing on that date, and completes the army list. Among the games eg the Hit aret Bev erly H. Tucker, California) Charles T. Sampson, Kansas) J. M. Cummlngs and W. L. C. Todd, Missouri i Maurice E. Oil more, Indian Territory; Resolve A. Palmer, Iowa; Nicholas CampagnollI, New Mexico; George Fleetwood, Illinois; Freak D. Per kins, Texas i Cyrus R. Street, California; Augustus R. Taft, Washington; .Walter D. Shaughnessey, California; Frank L. Anders, North Dakota; Philip G. Wrightson, Il linois; C. N. Fsamster, Texae; Charles U. Hauser, Kansas; G. Clay Ooedloe. Texas David R. Oump, Missouri; Edward H. Geary, Washington. PURELY A PERSONAL MATTER Attltade Assamed by General BrogsT Coaeeralag Letter Wrlttea to His Wife. WASHINGTON, July 17. The Bret Official step has been taken In tbe case ot General Bragg, United 6tates consul general at Ha vana. The State department has heard from Mr. Squlera, our minister to Cuba, oa this eubject and also has beard indirectly from General Bragg. It Is understood that the general takes the ground that It is purely a personal natter and that he Is not therefore epea to offi cial criticism; that he had a right to say anything hs pleased in a personal letter to he wife, and no one bad a right to question her respecting the publication. Tbue it Is gathered that the general does not either admit or deny the accuracy of the quotations. As the matter haa bees formally called to Mr. Squlers' attention by tbe Cuban government It ts expected that this reply from Oeneral Bragg will m eeat to tbe president, who appointed him gad who must decide his fate.