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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1902)
TIIE OMAHA DAILY IJEEi TIITJ1.SPAT, JULY 17, 1002. 0 SPECIAL NOTICES Will V tik til IS aa. far th edltloa aad til 30 . aa. far saaralaa; f Saaday edition. States, 1 1-3 a ward Aral Insertion, la a, word thereafter. Retains; take tloa. The advrtlasat an net I real eonsecatl vely. I Th Baa. Asvr aa addressed will a delivered aa nreeenteulen ( IM fck amir SITUATION WANTED. WANTED, situation by registered pharma cist; gooa reierences; competent to tune charge; single. Address T. O. Box 6, ! Lexington, iseo. A 11 l!T WANTED, work In a private family, to do . general nouseworg. and go noma evening s. airs. al. J. Peters, 1521 N. lath Bt. A-200 18 WANTLD MALM HELP. S3 FOR HALF A DAY'S WORK. It you live in the country or in a small own and have a good acquaintance among tne tarmers and stock raiser In the neighborhood you can nuki to easily by tour or live hour worst Write us and we will sena vou our Dronuaiilou. The Bee Publishing Co., Solicitors 1'epi., VIMM,. ltiO. . i J4i WANTED, a good man In every county to take subscriptions for The Twentieth Century Farmer. Our sgenta mane ho-m Wages everywhere. Kelerences required. Aduress Twentieth Century farmer. Omaha, Neb. a ia DEMONSTRATOR to explain medlcolosy, 6u0 per week. tllxennaugu, taw ware I'-ik. ... o ewi 12 YOUNG MEN from Omaha and vicinity at once to prepare for positions in the government service. Apply to Inter state Corns. Inst., Cedar Haplds, la. " , B-mJy2l WANTED, Insurance men of experience; can oner you a good ining. wan at a. m. ia iioara ul Trade uiug. dm When You Write to Advertisers remember it unly takes an extra stroke or two of- the pen to mention the fact Uiat you Saw the ad in The Bee. WANTED, boiler makers, riveters and helpers tor shop near Milwaukee; no labor trouble. Address "Boiler." E U. this paper. B 833 IK WANTED, men to learn best trade in ex latence for poor people. Eight weeks completes; tU to Si6 weekly paid gradu ates when competent. Clean inside work. ComDaratlVfely no expense. Particulars mailed free. Moler Barber College, l&i Farnam street. . . B Mow) 11' .WANTED, molders and pattern makers. Apply to The Iron City Manufacturing company. Pueblo, Colo. B 863 23 WANTED, immediately, to fill a tempo rary position, an experienced bookkeeper. Uninger & Metcaif Co., untana. . B 077 17 WANTED, agent to take charge of Omaha and Broth omaha for health and accident company. Address K ta. Bee. B 944 WANTED, an experienced gentleman teacher lb algebra, 111 per month. E U. Bee, B im 16 m .. 1 20 TEAMS for Flick tk Johnson's Minne sota work: sllua. M.OO: wheelers. 14.60: clow or BTader teams. t5.vo day; five months' Work; free fare both ways, for teams, ouinis, men ana luniiiiea; no oi fice fee. Bweney s Employment Agency, . south utn bt., umana. a m n WANTED, cook, white man preferred, for restaurant; wages li per week and room; permanent - position. Address . Lewis Baughman, Griswold. Ia. B Mlw 17 WANTED for U. S. Army; Able-bodied un married men dpi ween ages oi 1 ana so, citizens of United States, of good char- actor and temperate habits, who can speak,, read uqo write Erujllaji, For Infor mation apply to Recruiting Officers, 16th and Dodgq St.. Omaha, atad postoftice Duucung. uncoin, sepraaaa. u . ' i WANTED, young man that has worked In bakery shop about three years; will pay ttt a week, board and room, year round; easy Job, John O. Bahde, Wahoo. Neb. B-MZ08 1 FIRST-CLASS ice cream maker; also voting man to ousiness. a msi " WANTED SALESMEiH. WANTED Salesmen to sell our hlgh-grads Vlneaars and Fancy Ciders; pay big com missions; no objections selling other lines; we want hustlers; no samples neo- essary; write ior exclusive territory. Dept. D, Red Cross Vinegar Co., St. LOUIS, JVld. AIMS 17' 1 " WANTED FEMALE HELP, learn hairaressing, manicuring and cni- ropody and sclenllflc massage. Call or write itoom m. itee mag. CSHO 100 Girls. Cad Canadian office, 16th t Dodge. ' c i WANTED Lady cook. Eureka Restau rant, 1604 Cass St. C M830 EXPERIENCED second girl. Mrs. Marsh, mxi i'ln st,, east oi mowneu nan. . C Mlti7 17 WANTED a atrong bath, woman. Apply at the Bathery, 2JU Bee bldg. C M193 U WANTED, bookkeeper and stenographer. Address ti i, uee. c 201 OIRL wanted for general housework. 2722 B. 10th BL . . O MJ07 17 WANTED,' a good girl for eeneral house- work, can at xzii 1'oppieton ave. C M200 18 FOR RENT HOUSES. VANS and baggag wagons. Tsl. 1196. D U uni l5CC In all parts of city, Th O. nUUOCOir. Davis Co., 608 Be Bldg. D i&& TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Btotag co.; omo iaiit rarnam, or leia. Ioj-su. u vt BEE PAYNE. BOSTWICK CO., for choice -bouses, ul-j N. X. Lite Bldg. Tel. 1018. D-241 MAGGARD Van 8torag Co. Tel. 14"4 D-2S7 HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wead. 1524 Douglns. - ' D-288 HOUSES and flats. Ring-wait. Barker blm k. FOR RENT, large S-room house, city water. 115.00. 2'J Hlondn. The Omaha Rralty co., uui uougia Bt. D en GOOD modern 8-roora houa. 2501 Blondo. D-MJ17 HOUSES, stores. Bemls. Paxton block, Dai HOUSES Boyer, 22d and Cuming. Tel. H. D td 18823 HOUSES. Boyer, 22d and Cuming. Tel. 243, 8-ROOM, all modern house, 2207 Sherman ave . a flue one. S27.IW. -room, all modern, lul N. S9th St., another An. , '.1 . 1 i 1 U" Turbln.t..n1 f. I . . When You Write to Advertisers remember it onty takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the laci thai you saw me aa in me te EI-F.GANT modern 8-room house, u3 So. lh EC lnuulr at 1U7 Jones SL , D-S13 1 1123 CHARLKS, four-room cottage; rent 111. Wm, K. potter, receiver. Omaha Loan and Trust Co.. aoi lirown bloc. p-m MODERN houre, 8 rooms, 273 Jackson St. Whreler A Wheeler, Douglas and ljih st, Tsl. lao. D MJ 1M3 N. MTII 8T., T rooms, bath. gas. barn: rent M. Win. K. Potter, receiver, Omaha 1 4 a ana lrut Co., soj Drown block. D-W0 rem RENT HOVBRfl. 2107 SPENCER ST., 10-room houm with, aa. bath, furnace and barn; nic loca tion; rent $'. Wm, K. Fotter.reeelver, timsha Loan ana Trust to., wrown block. 1-J UNEQUALLED, central, all modern, 7- room bouse, e-room flat. Tiaara, r. 23d. D M828 FiR RENT Elegant modem brick resi dence, M9 South 26th Ave., cheap. Modern house ana good barn, lSut Blnney St., 123. 10-room brlclt house, strictly modern, 120 N. lHth St.. 345. l-rmim house and barn, 2533 California Ft, $25. -room modern house. 111 8. SSHh Are., 2X UKtlNIN AIN-lAJVlii CO., UB . )IIM HI. U M 1 MODERN. 8-roora cottage, half block eass PRIVATE hospital, before and durlna con nark. Innuli. lfill Farnam. finement; beblee adopted, Z Urant 8U Inaulre 1611 Fsrnam D M1T0 FOR RENT, new -modern S-room cottage, 830; near Farnam st. car line. The . t. Davis Co., 608 Bee bldg. DM196 22 IJit'QI:' V. m s - -n - a 17 I n J i . c u, iain tin in nil'. m ' . v ' " tianscom park. . V. weaa, mil nougias 2015 IZARD ST., 4 rooms, all modern, tie Kiint. Only tl6.0n. 124 N. 42d St., 7 rooms, all modern. lai O PAYNE INVESTMENT COM PAN T, Tel. 1T8L Main Floor U. Y. L. Bldg. U M1B( Xv FOR RENT, excellent six-room cottage, 22d and California streets, in gooa repair Choice neighborhood; $22, Including water rent. Inquire at so? n. istn street or w N. T. Life Bldg. 1J iw MODERN 7-room flat 24th and Farnam. D M2" FOR REHT FUHKISHKD ROOMS. ELEGANT rooms, finest location in the city, lift Capitol Ave. E MS3B LARGE front room, also small front room. together or separately. svu Douglas. DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. Br Gli fl PER WEEK, 422 & 15th at-, one blnck south oi court nouse. Jw bit FURNISHED, cool rooms, modern, 10U narney. E 777 At ROOMS, first-class location. 2224 Farnam. E 808 Al MODERN rooms, furnished or unfurnished; walking distance. 2001 Burt. E 203 NICELY furnished front rooms fnr rent. 2310 Douglas. K M 213 ZO FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. Merriam, comfortable summer horn. Tel. IS. e xv THE Rose, 2020 Harney. Rooms snd board. THE Bonnie Brier, 1720 Dodge. Tel A-24S2. X aa 40 LARGE unfurnished room, with good board, 416 N. 25tn Bt, y MiW thr STEWART will open July" IB: firjt. class board ana room, liue cnicago. oei location In city. F H 17 FOH RENT I'NFl'RNISHED ROOMS. desk: room sDace. 16 per month: ground floor room in rne ae ouuaing, lacing Farnam street; no expense for light, heat or Janitor service, it. c reiers ac a., rental agenta. Bee building. u us FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. vor RENT Tha bulldlna- formerly occu pied by The wee at kl arnam uu it nas four stories, and a basement which was formerly used aa Tha Bee press room. This will be rented very reasunaoiy. ii Interested apply at one to C. C. Rose- water, secretary, room 100, Be building. I ADA FOR RENT Store In first-class location; rent reaaonaoie. Appiy n. s. rtitu as Co., ground floor, Be Bldg. I 2 FOR RENT Desk room or large space suitable for mercnanaise oroaer or party doing business in wholesale district, lu- quir dene wo., sis aram cu ' I . I .. J.J 'AGENTS WANTED. wanted Canvassing agents In every county to solicit supscripuons to Trtts TWENTIETH UtiMIUni lAltaLH, kihuv emDiovment wiin aasurea aooa in- n.nii. Aa-enia In tha country with hers and buggy especially desired. Canvasser make eaaliy eoo to SlOu per month. Ad dress, Century Farmer Solicitor' Bureau, Bee buiiuing, umana. n SOMETHING NEW I I Just out. Send for sample, comoinauon uoor tinou ana neiu No cutting or ruining the door. Put on any door in a moment. No batteries to worry about. No springs to wind. Noth ing to get out oi oroer. uwu ywur owu heil. No landlord to trouble. Price and Bell absolutely guarantee!, vena si.o for a mule. Agents wanted. Waist TERN ELECTrtlCAL COMPANY, 121 Farnam Street. Omaha. Neb,' J 2i AGENTS and street men, best seller of soason; W to f per day to nustiers. west ern Novelty CO., u bo. izm umana. J-847 1. LADY agents at once to sell the abdominal UH UlUll, VUO,llt IV . . V. fc , I also the lifvsavlng shoulder brace. 1518 Dodge St., flat F, room 7. J 172 17 WANTED TO RENT. LIST your houses with Br R. Ball. He has the renters, o.'s t. I. Lit, rnon h-iom. K-088 16 . WANTED TO BUY. WANTED to buy for cash, a house of I or 8 rooms. Price. 11, boo to 82.UW. Address E ta. Bee. N-ltil 16 WANTED To buy a nice surrey; must b in good condition: stat lowest price. Ad dress E 66. Be. N-180 17 FOR SALE FURNITURE. CHICAGO Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodge, TeL 2020. New and secondhand, bought, sold. exenangea. u eta FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. PAINTING and. repairs on wagons, etc.. our spec-lull)-, ti uroet, 14 m ana Leaven. worm. xei. 144 1. fati t TOP CARRIAGES, 4 phaetons, other top ana open Buggies, rreiaer, imi ieaen. wortn. fMtM as i ,. ,1 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. WHITE sawdust; season checked oak tim bers, encap; nog fence, sto. vul Douglas, 4 u FOR SALE Phonographs; superior to sny omvr nuiiuu inairuineni; at up. lb v itimaa co., Mai arnam, lj an NEW and secondhand typewriter. Ult Far. lam. auO 100 STYLES trusses: catalogue free. Sher man Mcconneu Drug CO., Itth and Doug, umana. 44 ii INDIAN goods and relic. HIS Farnam. 14 8U8 H1CYCLES and phonographs on easy nay. piente o aown, per week; seconanend wheels, a, is ana iu; new wneeis, Sla, Omaha Blcycl Co., 16th and Chicago Bis. MJU8 VIM puncture-pioof tires. S4.M and 87.08 per C.g-1 SLS. W Mill 2DHAND safs cheap. Schwartz, U4 B. llth. Vi aVl 2DHAND safs cheap. Parish;, Ui Farnam. (4 SUB FOR SALE, a 26-foot naptha launch In first class condition, at la a aianawa, ITUi.OO. lnqulr of W. & Da I duff or M. E. Tlnnln. at th pavilion at Manawa park. 44 J is FOR aaa fixtures see Sam'l Burns. W 7.e AS 8M GASOLINE automobile; bargain: good aa new. otto Baysdorfer. 711 N. lth. 4 MM1 L. M E. alwava hurrv. TeL 780. 4J BAK MALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bal TU Co., tU North 16th, J CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant MM Case St. MRS. JACOB80N, 2206 North 80th street. iwi la- ELECTRIC TREATMENT. M ME. SMITH, baths, 111 N 15, Id floor. R. 1 1 J9.,M aVS" UUE. AMES, vapor baths, 114 N. 15th, R. 1. 1 All PERIORAL, HAIRDRE881NO. manicuring and chirop ody, for ladles only. In connection witn The Bathery, Xlt-Uu Bee Bldg. U 313 Mrs. Uardela. Tel. F-lliO. U 312 ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best and quickest. Mrs. A. c Mark, u a uuugiaa. uia RUPTURE permanently cured In 80 to 80 days; sena ior circular, u. o. woou, m. v., Ml IN t w xora i-ue mag., umana, jsen, U 41t VIAVA, woman's way to health, Horn treatment, liooklet free. 4 liee tiuig. Omaha. U 4i GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesale ana retail, coiuna iano to., iucz uoug las. U-41 CHIROPODY a specialty, In connection with The Bathery, rooms ZlS-EJ). Bee Bldg. Tel. ins. u is SHAMPOOINO and hatrdresslng. J5e, Irt connection with The Bathery, Z10-ZW, Fee Duiiding. lei. ins. u ui LOWE8T PRICES In accordion and side pleating. The Goldman Pleating Co., zw Douglas block. u Mja EMPIRE RUPTURE CURE W2 New York Life Bldg., Omaha. Send for circulars. PRIVATE home for ladles before and dur ing confinement: babies adopted. 2620 Burdette. Mrs. Burget. U M2o 2t DR. B. M. JACKBON. room 4. Frenser block, chronic diseases specialty: con sultatlon free. U 411 TEL. 780 for L. M. E. messengers U-M85 ELITE PARLORS, 61S So. lth St., 2d floor. U 131 A.U ROITND ABOUT OMAHA. The Omaha BALL TEAM keeps on leading. Their success can be attributed to tneir I ability to play ball. THE STOECKER CIGARS stay In the lead because they are superior in quality u ii is WHO sold her rough on rats or 32 revol ver? if any one sold on tne 1st ot juiy or saw sold to a rather small looking, dark complexloned, darkly dressed woman either rough on rats or revolver, I would UKe sucn iniormauon. Address uox i, Harnett, ia. u-mim k- MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 16, 2d floor, R x. A nartv of tourists Intending to visit Salt Lake City during the Elks' conven tion, August 12 to 14, . returning in easy, daylight Journeys, planned to thoroughly enjoy the various points of interest In the mountain country of Colorado, would like to hear from those who are contem plating a western trip In August. Address T 2. Bee. U M214 23 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real stat. xtrennan-iov co., su o. utn. W Ui 4Vi PER CENT on business property.' per cent on resiaence properly. cpuons to pay wnoie or pari any Tim. w. a. xu,iA.itUi, ui a. win Bt. W-322 WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam smitn Co., iM tarntm st. W 824 FARM and city loans, low rates. W. H. 'A nomas, irst Nat. aaua uiug. lei. imu. w n WANTED City and farm loans; also bonds ana warrants, it, c. rstsrs at to., im Farnam St., Be mag-. . w -i- o - ., ,- v LOW RATES. Private money. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANT, . , Main Floor Now York Ul Bldg. W M328 I PER CENT money on first-class city property or farms. . D. wead, io24 Douglas st, W-M1W 22 I PER CENT loans. Garvin Bros., 1H Farnam. w w PRIVATE Money. F. D. Wead, 1624 Douglas. W W1 lioo UP; low rate. Prlchard. 1713 Farnam, W MJo3 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 237 N. Y. L W 825 4H TO I P. C. money. Bemls, Paxton Blk. 1 W Sfll PRIVATE money to loan on farm lands and city property.- Address E 86, Bee. W-203 30 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. .' "MONEY W hav It to loan In amounts from $10.00 up on furniture, pianos, warehouse re ceipts, live stock, elc. W also make SALARY LOANU without mortgage or lndorser to persons who have a permanent position. We give you the full amount of the loan in casn ana we ao not cnarge tor making papers or filing roortages. With ua you hav th option of keeping the money tor on montn or aix, or longer, ana you need not pay tor It longer than you keep it. W hop by this advertisement to have you give us a trial and we expect to re tain your paironaae or iair treatment. 'Ihe motto of our olilc Is '"try to Pleas. " UHAtlA UUniUAUU XAJAN CO., 118 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2296. tfcdiabusned is 1.1 m a. lstn Bt. X81S SHORT ROUTE TO PAY DAY? Loans to salaried people' UPON THE1H PLAIN K0TB.1 No mortgage, lndorser or publicity. These loans made quickly and quietly. Boom 8o, Third Floor. Paxton Block. XkTt LARGEST BUSINES8 IN LOANS TO SALiArtiKU rtturuii, meronants. team sters, boarding nouses, etc. without curltv: easiest terms: 40 offices in nrln. cipal cities. Tolman, 40 Board of Trad Bldg. ' X 8U8 MONEY loaned on fumltnra, live stock. jewelry, to saiariea people, eoiey iaa Co sue. to Dun urttn, s uaraer mock. X-eoi LOANS, household furniture, pianos and all kinds of cnaltai security; terms to suit; no publicity; goods remain 111 your possession. American Loan Co., 3d floor, Paxton Dioca, -v n MONEY loaned on plain note to salarlod people; buainaas cnndntiai; lowest rate. kit I'axion oioca. xam 4. a. xiution co. X-888 MONEY loaned on pianos, furnttui. Jew elry, norses, cows, te. c r. need, in . u. X U8 Chattel and Salary Loans,. PHOENIX CRKDIT CO., Successor to J. W. Tayloe. TeL 74L 633 Paxton Block. X MOO BUSINESS CHANCES. TO GET In or out of business call on Wll. llama. Room alL UcCniu Bulldlna-. Uanis. Room 4U. McCagu Building. ( PER CENT gilt-edge gold bonds for small investors. lw wentwortn, ,mo faxton xiiag., umana, nto. xvil 11 FOR SALE OR RENT, best 82 day hotel In gooa town or s.uuu; nve years lease; com pletely furnished, electrla and gas light. team heat, three railroads, etc. Address I E 44, Bee. Y M857 25 FOR BALE, furniture of a 10-room house. full of good paying boarders, 1 block from Harney, Dodgs and Farnam cars. oincas rorr itn: cssn order oiuy con sidered. A good thing for lit right Per- son House rent reasonable. Adiires C T. Use. X 263 A BU8INES3 MAN CAN acquire controlling Interest In a proflt- anie ana rapidly increasing lea tlmate manufacturing bualneas. Capital required 82.5u to I5.UI0. This is worth Investigate ma- 4. u. jonnsop, ti. X. Lilt. " I-rMiM BIS1NF.99 CHANCES. WHEN you want to bur, sell or exchange four buine or property quick, see 4. L Johnson, Ml N. T Life. T M3 When You Write to Advertisers remember It aaly take an extra stroke or two ot ut pen to mention in laei mil you saw the ad In The Pea TO BUT, sell or exchange a busln?st, eall on c. 4. canan, it. a, uii rarnam oi. i aiiu BAKERY FOR SALE. A fine bakery, tilcely located, doing a good paying business, large retail trade, it will pay you to Investigate this. Address E 61, Bee. Y-099 WANTEfiT A pirrsiciAN as a partner In an established office prac tice In Omaha; cash collection 1700 a month; consideration, $2,000. Address B t. Be. T-M164 It F. M. CURRIE, Sargent, Neb., offers 1,200 head of aood native 2 and I-year-oia steers for sale. He also calls the atten tion of the readers of The Bee to his ret-ular monthly sale of horses to be held at Sargent July 1. At this time he will offer about to head of Horses for sale. These are native, unbranded horses of excellent quality. - x tie . ON ACCOUNT of 111 health will sell black- smith business and residence. For fur ther Information write or call on A. J. Ooeb, Hornick, la. Y M2H 20 FOR SALE, small stock ot druas and fix tures, ail new; invoice aooui uai; goou reasons for selling: must go at once. J. M. Howland It Son, Bhawbaugh, Iowa. x Man is FOR KXCMAXGE. FOR EXCHANGE I have at all times ranches, grazing and (arm properties for merchandise and merchandise for land. Lint your property with me. T. M. CUne, 122 O BL, Lincoln, Nab. av ue FOR SALES REAL ESTATE. BARGAIN. S-room modern house, southeast corner Georgia and Woolworth avenues. oak finish, full cemented basement.. If sold before August L 84,100. HARRISON" MORTON, til N. Y. Life. Tel. 114. Klk lot 20 IF YOU want on of the nicest 8-room homos in nar.scom Place i win give you a Bargain, uwuer ini cuy. aiusi sell. J. i. ouerwood, im n. i. a Bldg. ita MiM BEE PAYNE, BOSTWICK CO. for choice bargains, sui a. x. iaio mug. i-ei. luis. nu, ii X II ! IAMSON S VVILUnillJWlH 1203 aream street. BE 143 HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; also nr insurance, vemu, i-axion ciock. BE 8 HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; also acre property ana term lanus. -in u. i . Davis Co.. lusm sot, Be Dunuing. a-M A MONTHLY payment bargain In S-room House, u. M. Natungsr. i-none 40. GEORGE G. WALLACE, real estate, mort gage, rentals, insurance. , -crown diocbv. n i.' RANCH and farm lands for sal by th I Union Pacino Railroad Company, a. A. McAllester. land commlasioner. Union Pa clno Headquarters, umana, nsd. . - iu;-m 7-R. HOUSE and full lot, 3827 Decatur St.; I easy terms. vx. K-r. cottage. 2033 Emmet St.. IfiOO. 40 acres Florence, suited to-f rait or a sum mer home. I3.UW. i acres near tii i fin resldehceg of Messrs. .MoDonaia ana creign. ii.wo. 12-r. house, 2018 N. 2)st si,;, JoOO cash, bal ance very easy. J,auo. . . 7-r. cottage near High school. 32,100. . D. WlkAVla4 JUUUL.A8 BT. KE M1SI IS STORAGE. . PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co., 912- 14 Jones, general storage and forwarding. . "" 101 OM. Van Stor Co.. 1611H Farn. Tsls. 1569-883. ! ZM ANNOUNCEMENTS. WATERS PRINTING COMPANT. Tel. phone 2180. ell Bouth Thirteenth street. M367 For the benefit of the friends and patrons S' TN'7.?0 TYPEVVRITER AND For the benefit of the friends and patrons SUPPLIES COMPANY we desire to an nounce that having succeeaea mat com pany we will remain In the same location tor the present and will carry, in connec tion with the NEW CENTURY typewriter. a full line Of INVINCIBLE SUPPLIES for all machines. We shall, therefore, be glad to have the friends of the UNITED TYPE WRITER AND SUPPLIES COMPANY continue their patronage with us. and w assure them all. the new aa well as the old, the same courteous treatment as has been accorded them in the past. We will not only furnish the freshest, newest good on the market, but your orders shall hav tne most prompt attention. AMERICAN WRITING MACHINE CO., U) Boutn mm otreei, . Omaha. Neb. , ' M171 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. THE MARKS BUSINESS COMPANY, - - Promoters ef Industries. , REAL ESTATE AND LOANS. . Business Chances Bought and Sold. Partners Furnished. Special Atten tion to th Sal ot Furnlshei Houaes. Rooming Houses, Hotels, Cigar and News Stands. Groceries, Meat Mar- kets, Dry Goods Store. Millineries - and all clasres of Business. Capital ' secured tor Patents. Stock of Mr 1 chandls. etc Advance money to buyers on easy terms. If you are looking for small or lar.s in vestments w can help you, or should you wish to Increase your business and want capital, let ua know. w glv everything prompt attention and guarantee satistaction. can or writ. MARKS WUB1NH.SS CO. 424 GOOD BLOCK. DEB MOINES. MEDICAL. DR. PRIES. th - ackawldged leading specialist in disease of women la Omaha, would call the attentlen ot suffering ladle t his unsurpassed accommodations before snd during confinement and his treatment for irregularities, p matter what cause. Call or address, with stamp. it. fries, Arlington mecs, uu uooge, umana. sis LADIES' Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are the best; safe; reliable. Take no other. Bend 4c, stamps, lor particulars. "Relief for Ladles" In letter by return mall. Ask your druggist Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia, Fa. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN BANT' 8 schooL 717 N. Y. Life, 6i BOJkEa eolleg, court reporter principal, I N. . Y. Life. 84 NEB. Business A Shorthand College, Boyd's Tbeater. 9 MANUFACTURING. F. MELCHIOR. 13th and Harney, ma- chin 1st M368 OMAHA Safe and Iron Wks. make a sne- cialty of fir escapes, shutters, door and sate, u. Anareen, rrop., iuz b. iotn Bt MJD CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work snd repair ing promptly atiendea to. 4. T. ocblltree, zvta ana Lsae a tree is. tut PLUMBING. W. DUDGEON, 2910 Farnam. Tel. 1966. ' . I7J. A4 urn insurance policies. BOUGHT for cash or loaned on St low rates. Wm. O. Bartholomew, Broker. trnria is at. l'ang w.ig. Z" TYPEWRITERS. THE wonderful Iambert Typewriter will da tne worn oi a lau macnine; is rapia, em clent and durable; to Introduce will sell a limited number at tlu. . Telephone, writ or call. Monro t Co.. 811 N, 16th Sr. M WS, KICKEL PLATIltO. OMAHA Plating Co., Be Bldg, Tel. kB. When You Write " to Advertisers remember It only takes aa extra stroke of two of the pen to mention too fact thai you saw the ad In The Bee. OSTEOPATHY. OID. E. ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. Suite Ma, N. X. Life Bldg. Tel. U64. DR. A. T. HUNT, lit McCagu Bldg. Tel. HML -at MRS. ORACE DEEQAN, K8 Be building. Tel. wm. , 1(4 AJ4 LOST. GOLD cuff button with red set. Return to Be office. , Lst Ti LOST, July 14, In Loup river, a leather purse, witn paper money in it; win pay good reward to finder. J. F. Peters. Arcadia, Neh. Lost M2H 17 LAL'XORY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, Ic; collars, itc; euns. to. liou ieavenworin. xei. mt. BEST laundry. The Chicago, 'phone ?. -MSB! FIR DRESSING. O. R. GILBERT CO., tanners, 1424 S. 13th. J ' " l GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cleans cesspools and vaults, removes garbage and oeaa animals at reduced prices, cu is. if. Tel. 1779. -T.t FLORIST. L. HENDERSON, 1511 Farnam. Tel. 1253. Bend for price list, cut flower and plants. JUM PATENTS. PATENTS Sues A Co., Be Bldg., Omaha; no is unless successiui; aavice tree. i tiept i" PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Losn Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business connaenuai. uoi Douglas. JS8 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Rams Bldg. LAWN MOWERS. Sharpened, repaired. L L Was., 1401 Howard. ii AUTOMOBILES, ELECTRIC AUTOMOBILES. Derlght's, 1110 Farnam street ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS. GRAND Electric Co., 1 Jackson, Tel. 2846. DM JINK. ALP1RN buys all kinds of scrap iron snd metars. ia uougias oi. Teu a. - w TRUNKS AND BAGGAGE. ' TWIN CITY EXP. 'Phon1717. COS 8. 16th. M02 I L. M. E. hauls trunks. TeL 710. M85S LAW AND COLLECTIONS. STILLMAN PRICE. U. B. N l Bk. Bid. si GOVERNMENT NOTICES. DENVER. COLO., JULY I, 1902-SEALED rr..nnaaia. in triniicaia. win Da receiveu hr, unrii 11 o'clock: a. m.. July 18. 1IM2. and then opened lor constructing two onci buildings for Officers' quarters, at Fort D. a RuaMAll Information furnished on ap plication to Q. M., Fort D. A. Russell, or the undersigned. U. S. reserves the right 1 .cr-Dt or reject any or all bids or a I p thereof. Envelopes containing bids bids or any part thereof, envelopes containing dius to be marked "Proposals for Buildings at Fort D. A. Kusseii, ana aaaressea Major J. W. POPE, C. Q. M. jyo-I-6-8-17-HM LEGAL NOTICE. Molina la hereby given that th partner ship known aa aiengeaont et co., engagea in tha hrokerara business, has been dis solved by mutual consent AH creditors Of the company will settle witn r rea Menge doht. FRED MENGEDOHT, II. H. JONES. IA1LWAY TIMB CARD. UNION STATION 10TH AND MARCY. Chicago, Roc at Island 4k Pkell. Leave. - Arrir. EAST. Chicago Daylight Lim ited .a 1:00 am a 6:f am rhirain Dayliaht a 1.00 am a 8:34 pm Chicago Express ,...bll:lo am A 6:06 pm Xes Moines iocai 1 i; yn buotidi Chicago Fust Exprss...a 4.o pm a Lii pm WEST. Rnibf Mountain Lim ited 4:50 am a 4:66 am Lincoln, Colo. Springs, I West ,- I Colo., Texas, I Oklahoma s 1 lenvar. ruiuiu uui ,.a a.ov yui m vtM CaL V Oklahoma Flyer a 6;t0 pm Sl2;40 pm Wshsik. Leav. Arrive. at. I nla "Cliinon Ball" Express s 6:66 pm a 1:20 am Bt. Louis Local, Council iiluns a w.ia am aiu:w pm CateasTO, Mllwaakae at St. Paal. Chicago Limited P " fjOICage ea au,.a, ,.w km. a, a.w uut Mlaaoarl Paclfie. -v Bt, Louis Express..,., K. C 4t 8U L. Ex...., 10:00 am a C:25 pm alO.60 pm a 1:16 am Lalea Pa I Sc. Overland Limited a 1:40 am a 7:80 pm Fast Mali a 8:bo am a tu pm California .express...... . pm Paclno Expreae ..ailiJV pm Eastern Express Atiantlo Express a 4:26 pm a 7:80 am 1:40 am Colorado special. ius am Chicago Bpclal Uncoin. Beatrice and BtromsDurg jlx o s:vo pm oiiisv pm Grand Island Local b 6:80 pm b 1:36 pm Chicago Express a 7:20 am 1:16- pm Chicago, Minneapolis st Bt Paul Limited a Tim pm a ix am Miuneapolia 4s UL ., I Lxprca .. TdO am bl0:3S pm Chicago Express piu Cklcazj a Nortkwstrm. The Northwestern Llns." Fast Chicago a 3 40 am a 7:00 am MaU a 8:00 Dm a 1:80 am Local Sioux City a 1:10 am a 80 pm Daylight Bt. Paul a 7:35 an, al0:26 pm Daylight Chicago a 8:u0 am all:20 pm Local cnicago aiu:w am a .o pm Local carron a 1 tx pra aiu:w am Fast Chicago Limited Chicago... Faat St. Paul Fast Mall , .a :m pm a 4:U5 pra .a 7 tc pnt a ) am ,.a IiU put a 6:60 am a 3:40 pm ,.b 8:66 pm blO.uo am Local bionx city BURLINGTON STATION 3 OTH at MASON Chleaejr. Barlinaa 4k 4alay Lea v Arrive. Chicago Special a 7:00 am a 4;' pm cnicago veatiouiea ex. a :n pra at :91am Chicago Local .......... .a tM am ' alias) t-m ChlcaKo 1 suited a .w pin a l.M am Fast Mall uuuuuuih 3.46 pn AILWAY TIME CARD Ceatlaaed. Brllcta at Mlearl River. Leavs. Arrive. Wymore, Beatrice and Lincoln a 1:40 am bll:5S am a 8 40 sm a 7 46 pm a 4:26 pm a 1:45 cm 11:10 pm a 3:10 pm ebraska Express Denver Uralted ... lack Hills and Puget nounrj jtxpress Colorado Vestlbulea Flyer i Lincoln Fast Mall. . a a:iv pm b 2:10 pm a 1.17 am b 8:20 pm bllMm -a nm a I 97 ,m Fort Crook and Platis- mouth ellevnue at Parlrtp Jet: Bellevue At Paclflo Jet ,a 3:00 km Kaaaaa City, SI. 4 oseph 4 Csaaell BlaHe. Kansas City Day Ex,. ..a 1:20 am a 8K pm Bt. Louis Flyer a l;10 pm all; 15 am Kanaaa City Night Ex..aiu:M pra a .U am a Dally, b Daily except Sunday, e Run. day only, d Lauy except Saturday. Dally except Monday. WEBSTER DEPOT 1BTH WEBSTER Freaaoat. Elkhera Mlaaaorl Valley. Leave. Arrive, a 6:00 pm Black Hills. Deadwood, Hot Springs a 2. -00 pm Wyoming. Caauer and Doualaa d IKM Dm a B:00 bra Hasting. York. DavM City, Superior, Grtteva, Exeter and Seward... .b 1:00 pm b I :O0 pm btO JS am Norfolk, Lincoln and Fremont o T:w am Fremont Local a T:0 am Chlcaa;, St.. Paal, Mlaaeapolla A Omaha. Twin ty Psssenger....a 30 am a 1:00 pra Pioux city i'aaaenger...a i:w pm au:.v am Emerson Local b 1:40 pm b 1:45 am Mlaaoarl Paclne. Nebraska Local, Via Weeplag Water .......b 4:10 pm alO:2B am 8TKAMRO ITS. Summer Tourt on Lake Mlonlsan. TH,sT.rMH.TH,, MAN I TO U for Maaansar sarrlee aselnilvalr, siakea thre aalllnse aaeh waaK for rraakrart, raarlavalz. Ilaraar SpWaga, flay View, Petoaker, Macklnae lalaa4, enn aaetias tar aVairalt, BaSalaand all Kaatara Palate, LKAVIS CHICAGO AS FOtLOWSl Taee. .. Tkere.10iBOa.aa. gat.a.aa. MANITOU STEAMSHIP CO.. OFFICE a DOCKS. Rusk ani N. Witsr tlu, Chicsga AMCHOk UN O a. mAIb-STBAMSaS Ballhia raaularlr MvM tnrW YORK. LONDON LIRRRT OLASOOWl HKW IOKK, OlBKAUTAB as MAJPLa. SetMrier aeeemmedstlena KiMlleat CeUlne, vsrt rsar4 tor the mmfort et mxnssrs stsdleualf Sli!frft4 and pravtloea, eisfis or aouns tm tiesm imrnutm imvni nw Ttrk sa gsotck, Bnsllsli, Irish an all Prlaolpal Cntlnatital Bolnta at attraetlve rata, fer tlokata r sMral Inforautlaa pl la HCNOSRSON BROS., Ckioaeo, er ear iakiaj. AOsutr. HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE New York-ltotterdam, via. Boulogne, 8. M. new 1 wio-ocree s. s. or is.uuu tons register tt.r- Rotterdam Ju1,1i9oa,m. TwIn-ScreW MaaaaUaa Steamer nUUIUdlU July 26, 10 AM Twln-Bcraw Steamer dldUOIIUaiU Aug. 2, 10 A. M. Apply to Hsrrv Moores. 1601 Farnam street; J. S. McNally, 1323 Farnam street; it, b, j ones, iaoz rarnam street; Liouis Neeae, First National Bank, Omaha. ifNrlRALETRANiATLANTIQUE iLIjOM 6aSCR(MA A.ftfD IH ftJOTTY tmw moaarn sjiiraniio twin mrr w exrrrpsi ntft&rr.ersi only. CVmmiLnded hy dtrI offl Insurini tit m-yf-wr dtaolplln. rsmovaemUIn. Tetopbon la frtablns. W.iti Wlvfrrmnh. For IllusfcratgMl took toss d spwiiao .nfnfpttUoii apply to Hirr B- Moona,-lttl Knura St., J. 8. Mc Nllf, 1U3 Fvrnaa 8t., ararj K. Abbott. 1124 St 8. J ohm. sfMaanH SAILING EVERY LJAYr to THURSDAY HaVI4H PARIS Win YORK FOUR SEPARATE AKO DISTIKOT SERVICES. Past Twin-Screw Passenger Steamsrs sail ing regularly from Boston, Portland and Montreal to Liverpool, also Boston to Mediterranean porta. . Send for booklet. Mediterranean Illustrated." For rates, to., apply to local agent or company's office. . . SO Daarttora SL. Chieaao. Ilk SIXTEENTH STREET PAVEMENT Board, of Pabllo Works Order Re pairs at General Expense One More. Th Board of Public Works at Its meat lng yesterday decided to repair the Six teenth street pavement from Douglas street north to Cuming street and Thursday morn ing of this wek the Grant Paving company will set a crew of eighteen men at work filling up th holes. About $2,000 will be expended in repairing Sixteenth ' street alone, which sum will b taken from the $10,000 allowed th city engineer's depart ment for th repairing ot asphalt pave ments this year. Last year tha Sixteenth strset pavement was repalrsd from Douglas north to Cum ing street, but It Is again In bad condition. An Injunction suit was brought last year to prevent th repairing, but It failed. Th board also condemned a number of old buildings and ordered them torn down. It waa agreed that the ntlr board ahould tart at 10 o'clock Thursday morning on a tour of Inspection of several old struc ture that had fallen under the ban of the building inspector. Among these Is ths old armory on Capitol avenue, near Eighteenth street, a frame barn in the rear of 610 Marcy street belonging to Pat Hogan and a tram building at sow eoutn Twelfth street used aa a boarding house. Keep your system In perfect order and you will hav health, even In th most sickly seasons. The occasional uss of Prickly Ash Bitters will insure vigor and regularity in all ths vital organa. ERROR IN COUNTY TAX ROLL Assessed Yalaatloa' I A boat Fifty Tkewsaad Less Tksa Asaeaat Aaaoaaeed. Th total assessed valuation of Douglas county for 1901 Is not $25,293,086. as first announced, but $26,245,970, ' as discovered lata Tuesday afternoon In th final checking up of th books. Th loss ot $47,116 Is said to b accounted for by a confusing of th resolution that . ths tax commutes of th Real Estate exchange drew up aa a suggestion and thst which was adopted by th board In th assessing of th lumber dealers. Th tax commute resolution called tor much higher figures on practically all th firms than th board could ae fit to Impose, but wbea th reports of th pro ceedings were sent to ths tax department ths suggested resolution went In with th rest and wss checked up, ths dlfferencs hav ing been just discovered. With th total thus corrected, th general fund becomes $227,212, the road fund $63,114 and th bridge fund $50,481. Warrant could be drawn tomorrow for 85 per cent of each of these, but th printed forms hav not yet been received from th printer and all th entries are yet to b made, ao that even Auguat 1 will find scarcely ready the warrants called for by th two appropriation sheets paased last Saturday. Th 1'klef mt riealer. Old sores, ulcers, piles, fistula and Ilk stubborn maladies soon yield to Bucklsa'B Arnica Salva or no pay. 26c, EC, SaMM AM r DASHES ACID IN HIS FACE IstuCrlns Baltiinan Diafitjuros ihs 0onnt ttsrios ef William I. Smivh. MAN IS LIKELY TO LOSE HIS EYESIGHT YoanaT Woman's Desperate Act Rat, to Have Been Impelled by Desire to Arrsi aa Alleged Wrong;. While William N. Smtin was rubbing tha foot of Katb.-rlne BalUman to kUevlsts a pain of which the woman had complained h suddenly threw th contents of a small vial of acid In his face. The acid struck him on th forehead and ran down on his face, burning his cheeks, lips and chin and almost ruining his eyesight. Thyslclans be lieve, however, that they will b able to save his eye, though both are swelled shut. Th acid throwing occurred at Han scorn rark. Immediately after the woman bad thrown the acid Smith was takea to his tome at Sixth and Pierce streets. Deputy County Attorney Dunn filed a complaint against the woman, charging her with doing great bodily Injury, and th police aro after her. Smith la charged by the woman' with be ing the father of her child, and to re-venrre herself for this wrong, It Is believed, eh threw the acid. On three occasions during ths lalt two years she has had Smith bound over to the district court oa tha charge and on each occasion she has failed to prosecute. Last 8unday she sent Smith word, so he Informed th officers, that th " child was dead and for blm to com to her room at 80 South Twenty-first street Smith arrived al the house about 4 o'clock and aked to see ths desd baby.. Aalta Him for Money, Miss Sftltiman requested Smith to ad vance her money with which to pay ths funeral expense and auggested that be fore he saw the child she and Smith should go to the park and discuss the funeral ar rangements. Smith readily agreed to this. After arriving at the park the woman was suddenly taken HI and complained of a pain in oer foot. The pain became so severe that Smtth began to rub the member whll the woman reclined on ths grass. While Smith was busily engaged she attracted hla attention and as hs looked tip from his work she dashed th sold In his face. After that It Is not known what became ot ths woman. Persons In the park, attracted by Smith's groans, assisted him to his room and called physicians. Smith Is employed at the Willow Springs distillery and Is about SO years of age. His attorney stated yesterday that . ht had been aupportlng the child ot th Salta man woman tlnce Its birth. Smith wns able to be at police court yesterday and awear to the complaint. ' His face and. eyes were swathed In bandages, and It la not certain that the sight in both eyes will be saved, though th physicians ar hopeful. COUNTY STORPSDULL SEASON Wavra Weather Redaoes Average - Dally Applleaats frasa Sixty - to Ten. ' .Th unfortunate person whose purs Is flat and stomach flatter Is considerably leas In evidence at tha county stor now thsn formerly. Th warm weather may roast him and mak his pallet of straw so torrid that sleep Is as Impossible for htm It Is : for his neighbor's dog, yet he Is recom- -pensed by better opportunities ' for work and less exorbitance for living. Thomas O'Connor, agent at the county store, said yesterday morning: "We ar pro viding for an average of ten" applicants per day now,' whereas in the winter the averaga ' was perhaps sixty per day. Ths provisions ' we are giving out each day average In cost not more than $15, On winter days the provisions and th ful combined cost $160, or near that figure. "We give only staple groceries, such as flour, sugar, beana, oatmeal, bacon, coffee and tea, for If we started to giving vege tables we would swamp ths county. You would be surprised at some of ths requests we get for greens and delicacies. On woman sent her little boy to ask for French -peas and a darkey, who used to be a slave down south, keeps pleading for soma mint. II used to make Jullpa for his master and Is eager to keep his 'band In.' I don't know whom he ia depending on for th other Ingredients. "Our present applicants ar all women who hav been widowed or deserted and have large families to support, or else very old persons who ar too feebl to do much If any work. Ths county store saves them from th county farm by supplementing their own meager earnings with enough to tide them along. In winter, of course, ws sometimes hav to take car of families ot worklngmen for a few. days at a tlm In cases of sickness, for the needs then ar greater and mor urgent than thos of summer. A family must then be kept warm and fed. At suoh season as this tbey can kep plenty warm enough without fuel and can forage In bar feet," VACATION TIME UNCERTAIN No Dal Fixed for Adjournment of May Term of Distrlot Coart. The day for final adjournment of the May term ot the district court la still unknown and employes at the court house, as well as attorneys affected thereby, are uneasy. Judges Fawcett, Baxter and Dickinson have algned the adjournment agreement and fled to cooler parts, leaving the other judges to fill In the date blank. Judge Elabaugh has one more small matter to dispose of and will be through Friday night. Judge Key sor expects to finish Saturday. This reduces the proposition to Judge Read and Judge Es telle. The former has corns to be regarded aa something of a sphinx and the deputy clerk of the district court returned from a call In his court yes terday no wiser than ha went, ao far as the day and date are concerned. Judge E telle created aome consternation yesterday corning by Intimating that he proposed to dispose of the Gordon mandamus case for 1901 salary, which gets a new trial because of some error of Gordon's In the previous hearing, this term, no matter , what tha de lay. As City Attorney Connell is not ex pected to return to th city until th first week In Auguat, this reported determination ot th Judge's mad things look dark for th bailiffs and others affected. To a re porter for The Bee, however, Judge Estelle explained that his suggestion Is not that the court be continuoualy in session, but that adjournment bs taken until aome set day, and If ths business is not disposed ot then, that adjournment b taken until som later day, the adjournment sine die to be whenever all the Judges hav their dockets cleared as desired. Judge Estelle discussed this plan ystr day with Judg Raed, and, while noth ing la given out authoritatively, it Is quits possible that tha city tax cases on Read's docket will be cared for in this way and Judgs Estelle's proposal agreed to. Ths next term of court opens October f, th first Monday of that month. If you have no appetit for your meals something Is wrong with your digestion, liver or bowels. Prickly Ash Bitters cleanses and strengthens ths stomach, purifies ths bowels and creates appetite, vigor and cheerfulness. v i