Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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JaljOora Standi It Gnrand endQuitia
i Bhada Up.
, Evidence of Cornel" Hoi TVkolly
' Obliterated and Ball Faction Bar
i .Inttakrr Wktdl CI
Lower, est Oats Advance.
CHICAGO, July 11-Grsln trading wi
commonplace today, when compared to
yesterday' tumultuous fluctuations. Many
condition were bearish and early In the
day It was expected that July corn would
take a further drop. Thla, however, did not
occur and the very abaence of weakness
caused much comment, in the end the
firmness of corn gave flue to the opinion
that the July corner might not be a thing
of the paat after all. At the close July
corn wa Vo up, September corn un
changed, September wheat tHo lower
and September oata htttC higher. Pro
visions closed a ahade higher to ;yc lower.
Actual trading In corn today waa of a
usual type. Cable were lower and con
tract corn to the extent of over 4J0,uu0
bushels waa put on the market The
weather continued favorable for the bears,
but with theee condition did not break the
market appreciably. There waa not much
doing In July after the opening, although
the Gates crowd both bought and Bold that
ntinn end houirht Hentemoer. Uncertainty
ruled In thla pit. It waa a patent fact that
iwlsdom had been shown In the refusal by
'the Oates-New Tork Steel clique not to
'take the mountain of corn that la being
rushed In here to take advantageof 86a
prices. It waa openly stated that big ele
;vator Interests had settled with the bull
party at 80(j2o for tha July corn that was
sold short under (2c. The question that
remained unanswered, however, was
whether more than one-third of the big
abort line estimated at as high as 26.000,0oo
bushels, had been covered by the unfor
tunate bears. The Gates party officially an
nounced that they had given up their sup
port of July, but actual purchases by them
at 6Ac today refuted this statement. Gossip
had it that the bulla might still be able to
Siva a twist to the market the last few
ays of the month. Lower prices are ex
pected to curtail the movement of contract
corn toward thla market, but thla curtail
ment in turn Is feared by the bears, who
are still holding their short lines out, ex
pecting to retrieve their losses. July
opened Irregular, 2c lower to Ho up at 63Vut
60 on the Influence of the talked-of broken
corner. September opened a shade lower to
a shade higher at 69tt(&Gl&c,- dipped to 6SSo
and rallied to 60o on support by the bull
crowd, which was supposed to nave s.tld
too heavily of this month as a hedge
against their cash receipts and deliveries,
business was not large and prices dipped
late on liquidation. July closed rather ttrm.
He up at 66Hc September closed steady,
unchanged at 69H'69,c. Receipts were 453
cars, Ho of contract grade. Private eleva
tors turned out 171 cars and 24,000 bushels.
Hot weather northwest and local showers,
together with tha unexpected show of
steadiness In corn, put gimp Into wheat at
the opening. September opened HfrHc up
at TlWafil'ho and held firmly for some time
around 72ie. after having dipped to 7He,
The cause of much of the early firmness
was the buying of 2,000,0U0 bushels by the
lendln elevator concerns. This offset the
local bearish sentiment and kept the price
from sagging until lust before the close.
Then the skies brightened, the fear of the
hot weather In the milky spring wheat
passed away and the weakness of the for
eign markets began to have an effect. Re
ceipts were liberal and showed signs of In
creasing from now on. Trade was only
moderately heavy and selling by commis
sion houses was free. As the session ended
brokers for the early purchasing elevator
concerns let go large quantities and the
price broke. Heptemoer ciosea weak, HHJtc
lower at 71(7lV4c, having sold as low as
71ty71ic. Local receipts were 125 cars,
only 2 of contract grade, but nearly all new
stuff. Minneapolis and Duluth reported 213
cars, making a total for the three points of
-840 cars, against 269 last week and 360 a
ivear ago. 1'rlmary receipts were 884,000
bushels, compared to 1.116,000 bushela. Sea
board clearancea In wheat equaled 617,000
ousneis. Kraastreet a worm a visible sup
ply decreased 2,903,000 bushels.
Oats firmed up well at the start, partly
-because of fear of wet weather and reoorta
'of lodging In Iowa, Indiana and Illinois.
Shorts, who saw they had overdone rno
selling yesterday, covered freely and higher
I prices resulted at once. Receipts were
amall and the cash demand held up re
markably well. Receiving housea were
good buyers, as were soma commission
Jiouses. Trade was only on a fair scale and
'the selling was scattered for the local ac
count. September sold from SMS2o and
closed firm, Htic up at 3140. Receipts
'Were only 66 cars.
Provision business was dull. Prices were
hurt by liquidation, especially In lard, but
, tne nog situation waa nrm and waa conald
red too strong for, ahort selling. SeDtem
iber pork closed a shade higher at 118.65,
(September lard 7Ho lower at 111.15 and Sbd.
temher ribs unchanged at 310.86. Estimated
com, 430 cars oata, 70 cars; hogs, 27,000
v The leading; furores ranged as follows!
Artlole. Open. High. Low. Close. Tea r
' Sept.
a July
b July
a Sept.
b Sept.
b Deo.
7S474 74H 73 7JH 7SV4
71T4-2H 7214ff! 7Vim, 71H 7T.2
W4Vi 72 ft flS 72VI
Kr4f6 M 63H 45 65H
69ttJ H 59 5DHfJ: 69H
46Htt 46' 462 42
44 43Vi 43 43
4114. 42H 4114 42H 41 H
47 49 47 4 47tf
29 2i 29 )K il
18 4S 18 47Vs
18 67H 18 7?H 18 B7H 18 65 18 66
18 22Vi 18 U 22H U 26
11 JO 11 22H 11 U U 15 11 20
11 17H U 22H 11 16 11 16 11 22U
10 86 10 87H 10 80 10 80
10 KIM. 10 86 10 80 10 80 10 SO
10 8a I 10 2Va 10 86 10 85 10 86
a Old. b New. No. 8.
, Cash quotations were as follows t
FLOUR Weak. 610o lower; winter pat
i ants. 3.65S.7b: winter stralshts. ta 20,75$ fio
spring patents, 33.kKtfJ.70; spring straights.
$1.8O4.80; spring bakers. 32.9tKff2.40.
WHEAT No. spring. 76ar764o: No. I
soring. nWlifKc: No. 1 red. U&H
CORN No, 8, 6&iiHcj No. 8 ysllow. 660
OATS No, a. 48449c; No. white, 61(9
RTM No. I. IKErSlVlc.
1 BARLEY Fair to choice malting. 70720.
SEKD-No 1 flax. 11.87; No. 1 northwest
ern. 31.43: prime tlmothv. ts.75.
v PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl.. 818 46
4T1K.50. Lard, per 100 lbs., 311.16. Short ribs
sines i louse , iu. iwa jry salted shoul
ders (boxed), 39.87 Yii.60. Short clear aides
' WHISKY-On tha basis of high wtnes.
The following are tha receipt and ship-
... Receipts. Shipments.
Hoar, bbls 27,000 12.000
Wheat, bu 281,000 - 17,000
Corn, bu 699.000 158,000
Oats, bu .. 8U2.000 18,0ou
Barley, bu 4.0U0 ..
On ths Produce exchange todav the but.
iter market was steady: creameries, IVfi
lo; dairies. i:19He. Cheese, steady, liAj
..N?'VT.TORK' ,ulJ' ISKLOUR-Reeslpts,
18.918 bbls.: exDorta. 1 411 hhla mark.t ...
with moderate trade; winter patents, 318s
to-.u0: winter stralsbta. ti.tli.: Minne.
sota patents, 33.9uo4.10; winter extras, 33.10
va.M, wuiir iuw s;raaea, Rye
flour, steady; sales, 6uv bbls.; fair to good.
CORNMEAL 3ulet; yellow Western, 81 81
RTE1 Steady : No. 1 western. Salle, f
b., afloat; state, 63if64c., 0. L t.. New Tork
BARLET Nominal.
f WH EAT Receipts. M.S00 bu .asv Kn
red. 78i,c, elevator, and 79fe'?9c, f. o. b.
afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, 81Wc. f. o. b
afloat. During the forenoon wheat was
firm and a shade higher on covering by
ih.-ki siionv, uui 11 nnauy yieiaea to bear.
Ish news and waa weak In tha last hour
'Cables were lower, crop news and foreign
houses sellers of wheat. Ths close was
a partial Ho net lower. July, BoV.i&'V.
closed at WHc; September, 76 7-16ii77Sc,
ciosea si ioo; ueoemoer, Tl x-l6UT7c
closed at TTVc.
1 CORN Receipts, 86,750 bu,; exports, J.aoo
ou. opot, quifi; rso. z. 70c, elevator, and
tic, 1. o. d., anoat. j na option markei
opened firm and advanced sharply en cover
4ng. after which ll sssd oft under bearUt
cables, tins crop news end the (wheat re
action, closing Ho higher to He lower
July cloeed at 6uc; Suumber 68i4.c
closed at Ho; December, 61H51Hc, closed
at 0140.
OAT3 Receipts. 19.400 bu. Spot, stesdy
No. X ci No. i, Kci No. I wtuts, 6aUc
No a BSc: No. I white. KHTOHc: Nn. I
white, B9c; track mixed western, W'u'57r;
track white western, 67Sac; trsck white
tate, 67irt;ie. Options were etesay at nrsi
nd Istrr dropped oft witn corn.
HAY Firm; shipping, aVyroo; good, to
Choice, 6ciH7c.
HOPS firm; state, prima to choice,
19ol crop, 19V928HC; l. 10c; olds, cj
state, common to choice, 19"1 crop, 22u'2Vj
19"n, l'fclHc; olds, 7'9l(c; Pacific coast, 19ul
crop, 2"'a24c; 10, 17lc; olds, 710o.
l.rjA J tlr.l meaay; aciu, aviu-uo.
HIIIKS-Hteadv: Galveston. 20 to 25 lhs..
lc; California, 21 to 26 lbs., 19c; Texas dry,
24 to 80 IDS., 1JC.
WOOI VJulet. domestic fleece, zfT"e.
r,T. .I'tU I. ,VJ T ..( f.n.11. tiA (VVA
H V " 1 rrrr i, u u i' . , inni' . . ' ' w
1650; mess, 11.1.60: beef hama, 321.6022.5A;
acket, 14.6kui5.o"; city extra jnaia mess,
.'4.0042-25.01I. Cut meats, firm: pickled bel
lies. 311.5"ei2.DO: pickled shoulders, 39.0l
950; plcklea nama, lU.oiQ' J-ro, easy:
western steamed. 811.55: July dosed at
311.46. nominal: refined. easy; South
America, 312.2i; compound, 38.12Vff8.50: con
tinent. 311.70. Pork, firm; family, 331 Oir
21 50; short clear, 319.6022.00; mess, 319.25
20. ()0.
TALLOW Firm ; city ft! per pkg.), 6He;
country (pkgs. free), 6H'Se.
RICE Firm: domestic, fair to extra. 4
4j6Hc: Japanese, 4'u6c.
BUTTER Receipts. 10,081 pkgs.; steady;
state dairy, 17Hra'c; state creamery,
21Hc; Imitation creamery, 17619c; factory,
CHEESE Receipts, t,S84 pkgs.; qilet;
fancy, large, white and colored, 9H&9HC!
fancy, small, new, state, full cream, col
ored and white, 10c.
EGG 8 Receipts, 11,844 pkgs.; Irregular!
atate and Pennsylvania, 20ty20Ho; western
candled, 1H".
SUGAR Raw, firm; fair refining, I81-86c;
n QA t , I LlA mnlaiui A 1 B T
2Hc; refined, steady; crushed, 6.15c; pow
dered, 4.75c; granuiatea. 4 c.
COFFEE Quiet; No. 7 Rio, 5HC
MOLARSB8 Steady; New Orleans, S3IF41fl
pniTI.TRV Alive nulet and unchansed:
dressed. Arm: broilers, 15(tfl6c; fowls. 12 H
I3c: turkeys, Via lie.
mei aui i ne innnence or ouu manipuia
tlon advanced tin prices abroad 12s 6d to
day, but as buyers were not-willing to do
business at thst price the market was
rather dull. Cables showed spot ss finally
at 128 12s 6d and futures st 126 17s 6d.
The local market. In sympathy with tha
foreign firmness, improved about 26 points,
with spot closing at 328.8029.20. For copper
there' seemed to be a fair demand, both
at home and on the other side, foreign
prices advancing 2s 6d, but tha local market
ruled irregular. Lonaon ciosea witn spot
quoted at 53 2s 4d snd futures at 53s
6s 2d. Locally, standard, spot to August,
1 1 - til lsw9.11 K. 1st.. i tit.:. To AE,
electrolytic, 311.8511.S6; casting, 3ll.76lf
1L87H. The market here was barely steady
at the advance. Sales of lOI.OOO lbs. of
electrolytic for July delivery at 311.96 were
reported. Lead ruled nrm here at 11.18,
but waa la 3d lower at London at 11 6s.
Spelter was unchanged In both markets.
with a tolerable demand. The price at
London was 19 6s. Glasgow gained 2d In
the Iron price, closing at 66s 4d, and Mld
dlesborough closed unchanged at 60s lOHd.
iocauy mere was a nrmer market lor iron,
prices showing advances. Warrants were
nominal, with No. 1 foundry, northern, at
323.00 25.00; No. 8 foundry, northern, 322 00-3
43.00; No. 1 foundry, southern. 322.0rw23.00;
ino. i iounary, soutnern aoit, xz2.0u933.0o. -
Condition of Trade sal ( notations ea
Staple and Fancy Prodnoo.
EGGS Candled stock. 17c
LIVE POULTRY Hens. c: old rooster.
according to age, 4i6c; turkeys, aglOo;
ducka and geese, ASc: broilers. rer lb.. 14c.
BUTTER Packing stock. 14fl4He; choice
dairy, in iuds, 11c; separator OKtfZla.
rtt,Brt uAuuiiT jcisH Trout, 10c; her
ring, 6c; pickerel, 8c; pike, 9c; perch, 6c;
buffalo, dressed. 7c; sunflsh, 5c ; blueflns. 80;
whlteflsh, 10c; catfish, 13c; black bass, 18c;
halibut, Ho; salmon, 16o; haddock, llo;
codnsh, 12c; red snapper, 10c; lobsters,
boiled, per lb.. 27c: lobsters, creen. ner lb.
M. . . . 1 J v
PIGEONS Live, per do., TBo.
VEAI-Cholce, ema. 1 . f
CORN 63c I
BRAN Per ton. 818.
MAT Prices Quoted by Omaha WTiolssnls
Hay Dealers' association; Choice hay, No.
coarse, 37.60. Rye straw, 36.60. These price
are ior nay 01 gooa color ana Quality, le
mana iajr. iteceipts ugni.
CAULIFLOWER Homo grown rxrr dns..
NEW CELERT Kalamasoo, 80s.
POTATOES New. Der bu.. Xa.
GREEN ONIONS Per dos.. eeoordlna- a
siae 01 Duncnes, juaiq.
TURNIPS Per bu., 300.. , .
BEETB Per basket, 40O.
GREEN CORN-Per do., 10a.
CUCUMBERS Per dos., 25fi)a.
LETTUCE Per dosen bunohe. 2So,
PARSLEY Per dos., 803So.
RADISHES Per dos.. SWi2&a.
WAX BEANS Home srown. ner market
basket, WXaflftc; string beans, per market
uadbaue-California or horns nown.
new. 1H1Ho,
ONIONS-New California, In sacks, per
IU., v.
TOMATOEB Texa. ner a-baskt nrst.
NAVT BEANS Per bu., 3X
PEACHES California 90c: Texas X3-
Derxas, per -Dasket crate, nocwjl.00.
PLUMS California, per 4-basket crate,
isncy, si.axi.ou.
f KlNt o per BOX. Il.SXT'l.SU.
APPLES Summer varieties, ner bbl
CHERRIES California, per box, U.60;
UUUie-gruwii, i vase, fAUUk
UAKTAiAiric-Tem per crate. II 00.
RASPBERRIES Red. ner 94-nta.. xa.finA
BLACKBERRIES Per 14-qt case. 82.64
HAiiJ4iit,uj.Nn i'er 100, iit.ooq6.00,
PINEAPPLES Florida. 30 to 34 count.
BANANAS Per ' bunoh, acoordlng to
sUe, 31.252.76.
O RAN Gil, Valencia. M.7taj6.00: Medi
terranean sweets, hwqi a.
LEMONS Fancy, 36.006.60; Measlnaa,
CIDER Nehawka. ner bbl.. 33.26: Mew
xorK, n.70.
POPCORN Per lb.. 6c: shelled, fa.
NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, oar lb.
sneu, joc; mo. 3 nam snen, 9o; Brasns, per
lb., 14o: filberts, per lb., 12c; almonds, soft
shell, 16c; hard shell, 15c; pecans, large, per
id., izc; amaii, iuo; cocoanuta, per sack.
niuty wo. i green, vo; no. l green,
6Hc: No. 1 salted. 7Hc: No. i salted. A4c:
iso. i veal can, to ids., sc; mo. x veal
calf, 12 to 16 lbs., 6c: dry hides. 8Uc; ahaep
pehs, 76c; horse hides, 31.2.60.
OLD METALS A. B. Aluern ouotea tha
following prices: Iron, country mixed, per
ton, iu.w; iron, stove plate, per ton, (7.50;
8Hc; brass, light, per lb.. 6c; lead, per lb,
6Hc; sine, per lb., 2c; rubber, per 15., 6c
St, Loais Grata and Previsions.
cn t Ama ti is ttt t w a t,
j . avua, ... , u. it iil. v a , , a I.
UA .1 -1. .1.,..,.. . L.
71(372c: old. 76Hc: July. 69Hc: Seotember
64tltHc; December, Ho; No. 8 bard, 760
CORN Higher: No. 3 cash. 61o: track,
66c; July, 61c; September, 62c; December,
OATS Weak; No. I cash. 67c; track, 12&
63c: July, 86Hc; September, 27Hc; No. 1
wnite, ssufwc.
RYE Dull and lower at Ho.
FLOUR Quiet, unchanged; old red win
ter patents 33 50i)3.6&; extra fancy and
strain ht. 33.2d4i3.36 (new of each nomlnallv per Dot.;; clear. uuto i. ju.
SEED Timothy, new to arrive. August.
, . w-i. w, myvit fo.wtfv.Mf, yruut worm
CORNMEAL Steady at 33.16.
BRAN Steady; sacked, east track. 85a.
HAY Dull, steady; timothy, f 10.00itfl6.00
prairie, ii.tug li.oo.
WHISKY Higher. 31.31.
BAGGING Higher, 6H67kO.
PROVISIONS Pork, steady: lobbing, old,
318.30; new, 319. Lard, lower, 310.87H- Dry
aalt meats (boxed;, steady; extra shorts,
3U12H; clear ribs. 311.25; short clear, 311 60.
Bacon (boxed), steady; extra shorts, 312;
clear ribs, 312.12H: ahort clear, 312 874.
METALS Lead, steady at 33.97Vii94.00.
opener, steaay at
POULTRY Firm; chickens, 10c; springs,
13frl4c; turkeys, 12c; ducks. 6c; geese 4Ho
bu i i r.R Dteaay ; creamery, nfao
EGGS Steady. 14o. loss off.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 4.0O 7.0(10
Wheat, bu 7.0ii0 22,000
Corn, bu 18.mO S2.0u0
Oata, bu 30,000 U.OoO
Liverpool Grain sa4 rrevlsloas.
stesdy: No. 1 northern surins. 6s 2Wd
Futures quiet; July, nominal; September,
6s lVd: December. 6s lVd.
CORN Spot firm; American mixed. ' 6a.
ruiures quiet; September, as 3d; October.
U l'd.
PROVISIONS Beef, strong; extra India
mess, hi, sou. fork, nrm; prims mess west
ern. aUs M. Hams, strons: short cut. 14
16 lbs.. 61s 3d. Bacon, strong; Cumberland
cut, 26 to 30 lbs., b6m id: short libs. 16 to 20
i os., strong, kos; long clear middles, ugni,
28 to 34 lbs., strons. bia: Ions' clear middles.
heavy, 86 to 44 lbs., strong, tug. short clear
backs, 16 to 20 lbs., strong, 60s; clear bel
lies, 14 to 16 lbs., strong (3s. Shoulders,
square rut, 11 to 18 lbs.', strong, 4 6d
Lard, firm; prime western. In tierces, 66 9d;
American refined, In palls, 65a 9d.
CHEESE Stesdy: American finest wnite.
47s 6d; American finest colored, 4Sa 6d.
ialujw-rrime city, steaay, jess u;
Australian, In London, steady, S3s.
FLOUR St. Louis fancy winter, firm.
8s 9d.
HOPS At London (Facino coast), nrm.
Ku6 la.
BUTTBirt nominal.
PEAS Canadian, steady, td,
Kansas City Grata aad Previsions.
V 1 Vfl 1 O "TTT 1..lw i nrv. . aKn..m.
vi.nK7 v., A . . w v. j jv. , , j n . ncju.ii,.
ber, 65Hc; December, 6S'ffc; cash. No. 3
hard, new, 70c; No. 3, new, 68c; No. 8 red,
Old, 74c; No. 8. 6Hfc7c.
, j i a v ui l'lvniurr to- 'u -in -sju , iwt nil it- i
3Mic; cash, No. 3 mixed, 66o; No. 8 white,
68fi9c; No. 8. 67'(?67Hc.
OATS No. 2 white, new, Wc.
RYE No. 2. new. 660,
HAY Choice timothy. $10.00010.60: choice
prslrle 37.004i7.25.
BUTTER Creamery, 19Ho; dairy, fancy,
EGGfJ Steady; fresh Missouri and Kan
sas stock, 14o dos., loss oft, cases returned.
Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu 60.800 66.300
Corn, bu 24" 0 12.0 0
Oats, bu 13,000 16,000
Philadelphia Prodaoe Market.
Bteadr: extra western creamery. 21Ho:
extra nearby prints, 23c.
EGGS Steady: fresh nearby. 19c. loss err:
fresh western, 19Hc, loss off; fresh south
western, 19c, loss off; fresh southern, 17
18e loss off.
CHEESE Steady: New York run creams
prime small. lOHS'lOHc; New York full
creams, 9H10o.
Toledo Grain and Seed.
TOLEDO. July 16. WHEAT Active.
wfe. n -V. 1111,, llv 71L . B,nl.mK.,
noon, T , , My.u.w.,
73c; December, 74To.
corn oun, nrm; caen, esc; Juiy, sac;
September, 59Hc; December, 4nHo.
OATS Dull, strong; cash, 49c; July, 424c;
September, 29Hc; new July, 48c; new Sep
tember, 82c.
SEEDClover. dull, strong; cash, 35.05,
nominal; August Alstke, 37.36.
Mllwaekee Grain Market.
Steady: No. 1 northern. 77(377Hc: No. 3
northern, 763'76Hc; September, 71H71Hc
Higher; mo. i, bvc.
BARLEY Steady: No. 2. 72ar72Uo: sam
ple, 664571c.
uuivn Depremoer, 09vo.
Minneapolis Wheat, Floor and Bran.
SSHSHc; September, 69H0.
FLOUR First patents are quoted at 83.80
04.00; second patents, 33.7txo3.80; first clears,
Ji.9oa3.05; seoond clears, 32.40.60.
nr sixty davs. 84 M14 on demand: New
York exchange, S"c discount.
OMAHA, July 16 Hank clearances today,
$1,137,004.10; corresponding day last year,
31,na4,330.M; Increase, 3102,73.66.
hi. 1AJI1N, July is Clearings, wn.vm.1,;
alances, 31,iK7 asb; money, steady, per
nt: rsew rork exchange, aoc oiscotint.
NEW YORK. Julv la Clearlns. 1X7 1 756.-
139: balances, 3U,890.6,V4.
BOSTON. July 16. -Clearings, $26,623,493;
alsnces, $2,2i5,47.
roiL.nL'r.ijrniA, J'liT lTt.-ionnn1',
$21.1&0.67; balances, 82,886,684; money, 44HH
per cent.
CINCINNATI July ia Clearings $3,787..
630; money, 3Vi6 per cent; New York ex-
nange, io'o mq premium.
Kew York Meaey Market.
NEW YORK. Julv 11-MONEY-On catl.
steady at 2HOTH per cent; closed offered at
per cent; prime mercantile paper, two
per cent.
bie.kl.imu exchange nrm, witn ac
tial business In bankers' bills at 34.87H for
emand and at 34.854k for sixty days; posted
rates. I4.86ifi4 8Rii and 14 RXUl4I: commer
cial bills, 34. 84 .86.
sii,, &3c; Mexican aouars, 4i',iC.
BONDS Government, stesdy: state, ln-
ctlve; railroad, steady.
The closing Quotations on bonds are as
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do coupon ...
Atoli. ga. 4..
do sdj. 4s....
. A O. 4s
do IWs
Canada 80. la.
ol O. is....
do 1st Inc..
C. A O. 4S...
C. A A.
C. B. A Q. a.
C. M. A 8. P. s. 4a.. 11
C. A 14. W. 0. 1S....U
C , R. I. A p. ....n
CCC. A 8. L. g. 4a..l024
'blcago Tar. 4s ail
Colo. A So. 4a HV
at n. u. as
Erls prior Ilea 4s.
do gon
lower; no. 1, via.
Peoria Market.
11 CORN Easy
rwsij nVi as. vst
OATS Quiet and easy: No. A white. 62Ho:
WHISKY 31.81 for finished? goods.
Deleth Grain Market.
DULUTH. July 11 WHEAT Cash, No.
1 hard, 7614e: No. 8 northern, 724c: No. 1
northern and July, 744o; September, 7140.
OATB September, 900.
Msvrket Parxaeated with Firmer Tone
anl Animation.
NET? TORK. July 11 There waa an ac
tive and variegated speculation In stocks
today, the market reflecting the play of
larger forces than at any time during the
recent advancing tendency. No speclno
new developments were evident to aocount
for the movement, which was apparently
due to tne substantial Dasis or connaence
In the generally prosperous condition of
tha oountry and tha firm foundation of
The uneasiness over the resources or the
money markets to meet the expanded re-
3uirements upon tnem waa also less in evi
The renorted dissolution of the specula
tive corner In the July corn option at Chi
caso had not a little to do with engender
lng confidence, as there has been a fear
ror several aays past inai me struggle 10
maintain the artificial condition in that
market would result In pressure upon New
York for money and In forced liquidation of
stocks that might prove disastrous to the
The nubllshed extracts of the affidavits
of officials of the United States Steel cor
poration as to the Intrinsic value of the
properties and the earning power of tha
company. - which were filed In connection
with the reply to the suit against the cor
poration, were expectea to nave a stimu
lating effect upon prices. The fact that
the advance In the United States Steel
stocks came to a standstill under the flood
of long stock, which came out when they
were bid up, ana the fact that Chicago re
newed Its demand on New York for cur
rency, causing; a shipment of 3100,000
through the subtreasury, were without ef
fect in checking the bullish tendency In
the market.
Traders laid much more stress on their
belief that they detected the operations of
Morgan ana stanaara uu interests in ins
large buying orders executed by various
brokers. It was very obvious that the
bringing forward of new stocka Into the
upward movement waa taken advantage of
In a large scale to take profits In stocks
which have risen hitherto. But this profit
taking waa achieved successfully without
making serious Inroads on the price of
stocks effected, which were, generally
speaking, the high-priced established dlvf-
aeoa payers, especially amongst tne uran
Stocka of the seoond grade, lower In
nrlce and with no established dividend'
paying record, took the leadership of the
market. The heavy absorption of Chicago
sV Alton had a strengthening effect on
other low-priced railroad stocks In the
west and southwest, while the aggressive
rise In Chesapeake Ac Ohio effected the
low-nrlced coal carriers, both in the an
thraclte and bituminous group. The belief
that tomorrow's miners' convention at In
dianapolis will decide against again strik
ing, and thus lead up to an early settle
ment of the anthracite strike, was tha pre
dominating Influence In thla group.
much was maae aiso 01 a current rumor
that the control of Reading has passed to
the Pennsylvania, thus further centralising
that corporation s control 01 ue coai irat
flo. There were other points of strength
from Individual causes.
Amalaamatea copper was oougnt in tne
belief that the present dividend rate Is to
be maintained. Tennessee uoai reflected a
favorable report or earnings.
The settlement of the freight handlers'
atrlke In Chicago waa a favorable influence,
eaneclallv uoon tha Chlcaso Termlna
Transfer stocks. The market closed some
what Irregular, with pront-taklng continu
ing, but there was notable renewal of the
buying power In the strong stocks.
There was a large business In bonds and
offerings were absorbed without hurting
nrlcee. Total sales, par value. 82.611.000.
United States bonds were unchanged on ths
last call.
The following are the closing prices on
the New xork Bltock exenange:
Atcblsoa W
do pin "'
Baltimore A Ohio.. .104
do pfd MV
Canadian Paclto ....1M
Canada Soutnsre .... H
Chaa. A Ohio 1V
Chicago A Alton.... 44Va
do pea a
Chicago, L A L 7
do pfd nH
Chicago A B. 1 v4
Chicago Ol. W tos,
da 1st pfd rrv
. do 3d p(d 474
Chicago A N. W lilSt
C, R. 1. A P 10
Chicago T. A T it
do pfd
C. C. C. A St. L.... 1044a
Colo. Soul barn 3
do lat pfd 141.1
do 14 pld 47 W
Dal. A Hudaoa 1T1
Dal., L. A W. ...... .MO
DanTsr A A. O..
do pfd
do 1st pfd
do Id pfd
CM. Nor. pfd...
Hocking Valley
do pld
Illlnola Central ...
Iowa Control
do pfd
L. B . W
do pfd
Louie. A Naah
Manhattan L
Mat. St. Br
Max. Control
Nat. R. R. of Mas
Mlna. A St. L
Mo. PacIRo
U . X. A T
do pfd
N. J. Control
N. T. C.alral
Nor. A west
' do pfd
Outaiio A W
da lat pfd
do Id pld
at. l. a a. r
do lat pfd
do M pfd
at . L. a l
do pfd
at. Paul
da pfd
So. Pad no rr4
So. Railway 1714
ao pra '
Taiaa A Pacific 444
T., St. L. A W U
do pfd M
Union Paclflo nn
do pfd IIS
do Pfd 4iT4
W. A U E t2
do Id pld
Wis. Cantral t"i
do pfd 4
Adams Eipreaa .,i..zJV
Amor. Eipraas 290
II. S. Eiprsaa..
Walla-Farto Cx
A ma I. Coppar ..
Amar. c. a r..
do pfd
Amar. Lin. Oil.
do pfd
Amar. BAR..
do pfd
Ana. Mln. Co.
l'oiBrk. Rap. Tr.
iColo. P. A I..
.... T041Con. Oas
.... M'i Con. Tob. pfd
,...1H Oanaral Elaclrls .
.... M4 Hocking Coal
.... lot' a' I Papar
....146 do pfd
.... 40 Info' I Power
.... Laclsdo Oaa
..,.44 .National Biacsk .
....las Natloaal Load ...
....144( No. Amarlcas
....Ul.Paclno Coaat
....14 Pacific Mall
U People's Gas
. 1H Pressed Steel Car.
.1UV do pfd
.11114 Pullman Pal. Car.
. Republic Bleel ...
. 4ual do pfd
.141 iSugar
.lSuVTeoa. C. A I
. HV. B. A P. Co....
. M do pfd
. iiV A Leather....
.U4SI o pfd
. D. 8. Rubber
. ! do pfd
. tl C a. Steel
. 1 I do pfd
. MVi'Weatera Union ..
. 1I Amar. LocomotlTO
. V4 40 pfd
. T04, a C. Southern...
.1MA do pfd
.. 44H
... U
... ffl
... II
... 61
,.. 44
... 7
,.. 4
... uii
I, .tit
I. .Ill
... it
... i
... 41
,.. ZJ
... 1
... tu
... 41
... M
::: q
::: S
... i
... 11
... M
... 14
... M
... 0
... H
... ea
.. W
... M
... 14.
... 40 i
Baa at Clearings.
mJTrtlrlA T..I. 11 m..rlnM 1 CI 14
balances, ti.Ul.tnti poalsd axcaaiige, HU
Guoioa Cattle Sold Steady to Strong, Otbart
Blow and Lower,
Cheep Active aad Tea te Plfteea Cents
Blejker, While Laasba Bold Freelr
at Btroas; Prices, aad Bo
Also Old Feeders.
, i
neeefnte warai fa trie ITnn flheen
Oftlolal Monday 3,841 i.ixi 8,3m)
Omclal Tuesday 4,671 t.U6 6. 513
Official Wednesday 3,863 3,372 3.1M
Three days this week. 11,285
....107H Max. Central 4s It
do 1st lno M'4
,...lo4 Minn. A St. U 4a..lMVa
M.. K. A T. 4a 100
do Is "
N. T. C. Is ..101H
do gen. im
N. J. a a. is 14
..104' No. Paclflo 4s 104
. 4l do la it
.101 N. A W. o. 4s 101
. H Reading gon. 4s s
.104 81. L. A 1. M. e. U..114
.110 St. L. 8. P. 4s.... M
.104 St. LAI. W. Is... H
. M do Is 4
.io a. A. A P. 4s.... m
. HI So- Paclflo 4s II
. M'4 Ro. Railway (s Ill
Taa a r. la iiv
T , St. U AW. 4s.. It
Union Paclflo 4s 104
do eonr. 4s 104
Wabash la lit
do la Ill
..1011 do dab. Bs 1S
.. X Wret Bhoro 4a 111
.. HU. Wheel. ALL 4a.. M
W. D. C. la. ..11141 Wis. Central 4a si
Hock. Valley 4s....l0 Con. Too. 4s
Boston Btook. daetatteae.
cem; time loans,
closing of stocks
Oas 1
Max. Contral 4s
N. E. O. A C
do pfd
Boaton A Albany...
Hooton ft Ma
Boston Elevated ...
N. Y., N. H. A H
Fltrhburg pfd
Union Paclflo
Max. Cantral ......
Amor. Sugar ......
do pra
Amar. T. A T
Dom, I. A S
General Blectrlo ..
Mass. Electrlo ,
do Dfd
N. B. O. A C
United Fruit
. B. steel
do pfd
Westing. Common
13. Call loans, f1 per
4fqf per cent. Official
ana oonas:
10tAdrenture ...
. S7VAIIoua ,
1 I Amelia mated
, 41 Bingham
M Cal. A Heels
101 Centennial
Copper Range ,
Dominion Coal
lale Rorals ...
145 'Mohawk
107 Old Dominion .
II Oeceols
121 Parrot
11 Qulncr
, 4
. 40
, so
Santa Fe Cot) oar
Tamarack .......
Trtmountals ...
United Btates ..,
Utah ,
Victoria ,
Winona , 4
Wolverine 34
United Copper 33
.... tt
.... I
.... 4
.... II
..... IS
.... 13
.... 10
.... II
.... 41
.... 1
.... tl
.... 14
.... 1
"U 11
.... II
.... II
Data. 1303. 1901.U00.jloS9.13M.lSS7.rrS9e.
June 13... T 34 4 3S 3 2 3 0 3 22 3 It
June 17... 7 23 I 83 8 (81 3 33 3 13 3 (X
June 13... J 2 t t 03 ) 801 8 21 8 1
June 13... t 83S t 82 I 3 84 3 16 3 03
June 3.. . t41l80 4 r48 71 l30 2M
June 21... 7 4J; 8 81 4 to f 69 8 81 3 IS
June 33... 68Si00363?2 3 3llut
June 23... 4 813 363 3 72 8U306
June 24... 7 6 883 IB Ii4 IK 00
June 3&... 7 674, 6 W t 17 8 8 I 83) 8 87
June 2... 7 61 B 83 6 10 I 83 3 i 2 W
June 27... 7 62 3 81 8 03 8 (1 3 82 2 6
June 28... 7 66 6 87 8 11 3 66 8 S3 3 41
June 28... e804 89 8(o33 24 294
June 80... 7 41 6 01 8 S3 3 66 3 24 f8
July 1.... 7 84 6 89 3 73 3 61 3 IU 2 M
July ... 7 44 6 S3 4 82 8 61 3 18 2 1
July 8.... 1 63 3 74 6 01 378 3218K)
July 4.... ee oe ee ee e ee
July 6.... 7C4Vi 5 73 S08 8 78l86
July 4.... 6 78 6 14 8 83 3 641 3 2S 3 87
July 7.... 7 75 6 11 3 81 3 76 8 2 2 DS
July 8.... 7 82 6 83 I 3 8 3 81 3 32 3 04
July 8.... 7 80 6 83 6 13 8 78 8 85 2 IW
July 10... 7 83 6866 13 380 3 28 87
July 11... 7 7 6 2 6 04 3 96 3 70 2 84
July 12... 7 77 6 85 6 02 4 04 8 73 3 IS
July 13... 6 86 6 13 4 09 3 82 3 11 3 P7
July 14... 7 7?S 608 406 877 3 15 800
July 15... 7 76 6 77 8 99 8 77 3 17 8 06
July 14... 7 72 6 64 6 02 8 82 3 80 3 07
Loslos Btoosi narttet.
LONDON. July 11 4 p. rn. Closlngi
Consols for money... M
do scoount M
Anaconda 6
Atchison ,. SO
do pfd 101
Baltimore A Ohio. ..Ill
Canadian Pacific ISH
Cheeapeake A Ohio., to
Chicago O. W 1041
Chicago, M. A Si. p. 117
Denver A R.
do . pfd
do let pfd
do . Id pfd
Illlnola Central
Louiavllla A Naah.
Mleeourt, K. AT..
Oo pfd
New Tork Control.
. "4
. TO
. 44
. I
. 40
Norfolk A Western
do pfd
Ontario A Western..
Reading ,
ao lat pro
do Id DM
Southern Rr
do pfd
Southern Paolflo.
Union Paclflo....
do pfd.
United States
do pfd
ds pfd
Spanish 4s...,
Rand Mines.
Da Boars
... 14
... 44
,.. 14
... 14
... M
steal . . 4i
. 44
, It
BAR BILVER-fiteady at 7-16d per
MONEY zie4r2 tier cent. The rate of
discount In the open market for short bills
is 2ftB 7-is per cent ana ior tnree-montns
2 7-160i2j4 per cent.
New York Mining 3aotattoas.
NEW YORK. July 18. The following are
iha closing prices on mining stocks:
Little Chief 11
Ontario .... 100
Ophlr 118
fhoenls ., T
Potosl ............ . . 13
Savage , 4
Blerra Nevada ...... 80
Small Hoses 40
Standard lit
Adams Con
Alios 4
B recce A ... as
Rrunavlck Con ...... T .
Comstoek Tunnst Ma. 6
Con. Cal. at va.,...J
Deadwood Terra .....00
Horn Silver .........!
Iron Silver SO
Loadvllle Con 8
Forelsrn Flnaaelal.
IjONDON. July 18. The amount of bul
Hon taken Into the Bank of England on
balance today amounted to 60.000. Indian
bills were allotted today at Is 33 1-S2d. Gold
premium at Home, l.zo. Money was n gooa
demanu too ay ana. supplies were iimitea.
Easier conditions are anticinatea soon.
nnslnena on tha Stock exchange was more
cheerful, with the cessation of forced aell
lm and theT better tendency on the con
tlnental bourses. (Jilt-edged securities were
firm. Home rails were auu, aiviaenas an
nounced below anticipations. Americans
opened dull. They were mostly above
parity, irices ciosea steaay. mo iintos
were Arm. The feature of foreigners was
the demand for Turks, which were ab
sorbed bv Paris. Kaffirs were easier.
PAKlo, July IB. rTices on tne nourse
were firmer today, especially Parauet
stocks, the strength of 8panlsh 4s and
Turks stimulating all sections. A few
realisations caused Irregularity, but the
market closed with a good undertone.
Bpanlsh 4s were buoyed up by the reported
understanding between the Bank of Spain
and the Spanish minister of finance. Turks
rose sharply. Russians closed higher, Rio
tlntos improved . substantially with tha
rallV In copper In New York. Three per
cent rentes, iuii zzo ior tne account.
Snsnlsh.4s. 81.12.
hkklin. juiy in. Business was auiet on
tha bourse today and prices were firm
owing to the favorable crop prospects ana
the ease of money. Dynamite trust shares
were In good demand. Bpanlsh 4s and
Turks were strong. Exchange on London,
20m 48 pfge. for checks. Discount rates:
Khort bills. 1 per cent; for three months'
Mils, 1 per cent.
Condition of the Treasery.
WASHINGTON. July 18 Today's atate
ment of the treasury balances In the gen
eral fund, exclusive of the 3160.000.000 gold
reserve In the division of redemption.
shows: Available cash balances, ls,763,043;
gold, 8102,442,800. , .
.Wool Market.
BOSTON. Julv 18. WOOL Pine staple
territories have moved freely at
52c; strictly fine, 6otij!)lc; fine and fine
mediums, 48Q4c; medium, 41S43c. There
have been some good sales of Utan, w yo-miiia-.
Idaho Nevada and Dakota wools.
Choice Nevada has sold at 62c and tine
staple Idaho and Montana at 60c and
aiiuhtiv a Dove, texas wool is exceeningiy
nrm. Fine staple, twelve months, sold at
66c, though this is consiaerea a nign price.
, i..n,n . r . .trnnv Veil h,,l.
4&4bc; twelve months, 64'u65c; six to eight
months, spring, b'luMc. Fine washed wools
are particularly nrm. Ohio and Pennsyl
vania, XXX. nominal. 2&30c; XX and
above, 27&2Sc; X, 25&27c; Michigan X.
24260. Delaine wools are not plenty and
the position la very nrm. Ohio fine delaine
2SV4i631c: Mlchlaan. 27628c: No. 1 washed
combing, 2o9c; No. 2, 27tf28c; coarse, 23
ST. LOUIS. July 14 WOOL-Strong and
active: medium grades and combing, 13
18c; light tine, ioibc; neavy nne, luaiac;
tub washed. 1&S24UC
LONDON. July 16. WOOL The offerings
at the wool auction sales today numbered
13.924 bales. All grades were In good de
mand and fine merinos showed an advance
of 2s above the opening rates, (several
lots of good merinos were taken by Amer
ica and demand from this quarter stimu
lated competition. Crosa-breds were firm,
but the large supply hampered sellers. Fol
lowing are tne aaies in aeiau: ntw ooum
Walea, l.suo bales; scourea, a'ffis sa
reasy. 6VdTls d. Queensland, 7u0 balea
scoured. Is3d4rls9d; greasy, 7?12d. Vic-
. l 1 . . V. . . I . . . . .1 hi . J K m 0 1 .4 .
tuna, . , t' uaiwi , tr-ruvv ie o7iu ,
greasy, 2d-Hls 2d. South Australia. 600
Limes, iruurru, ouuiiiu, grcuj', eia'ijiiu,
Tasmania. 100 bales: greasy, lldials Id
New Zealand, 4.1o0 bales; scoured, 8d
Is 8d: greasy, SVd'jils. Cspe of Good Hope
ana iNaiai. uaiea; scourea, esiuwi
greasy, 4fjd. River Plate, 41 bales
greasy, oa.
Coffee Market.
NEW YORK. July H.-COFFE15 Spot
Rio, eaay and nominal: No 7 Invoice, 60.
Mild, steady: Cordova. eallc. Futures
opened Irregular, with prices unchanged to
6 points higher, the Improvement being due
to covering ana lair investment oemana.
Early In the afternoon heavy realising set
In. under which prices broke sharply, soms
10 to 30 points from the high point of the
day, the market closing easy and net 1016
points lower. Shorts put out heavy lines
on the declines. Importers were sellers all
day. Tradins amounted to 67,000 baas. In
eluding July at 60fln6.1oc; August, 8.0'. Q
6.20c: September. 8.Utyu.Kc: October, t.ioc
December, B.luj.26e; March, 6.26'6.JS; May
Bame days lsst week.,.. 7,627
Same week before 4.17
Same three weeks ago... 6,238
Same four weeks ago.... 9.768
Same days last year 10,038
The following table shows the receipts of
cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for
tne year to date, and comparisons witn
last year;
1901. 1901. Inc.
Cattle 394.MH 8o9,110 26,464
Hogs 1,424, 816 1,&3,o31 101,364
Bheep 642,293 467,033
The following table shows the avsrags
pries of hogs sold on the South Omaha
market the last several oays, with com
parisons with former years:
Indicates Sunday. Indicates holiday.
The following list shows the number of
cars of feeders shipped to the country yes
terday and their destination:
B. F. Hobbtclc, Seneca, Neb. B. A M...... 1
C. C. Parmelee, Plattamouth, Neb. B.
A M. 1
Moore Bros., Kearney, Neb. U. P 1
J. B. Burgess, Kennard, Neb. F. E. 1
Oregg Bros., Marcus, la. I. C 1
John Bellamy, Knoxvllle, la. R. 1 19
G. S. True, Avooa, la, R. 1 1
O. P. Mass, Carroll, la. N. W 2
Peter Anderson, Cumberland, la. Q 1
Tha official number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was:
uattie. nogs, eneep, 11 r a.
C. M. 4 Bt. P 1
Missouri Paclflo 7 1 ,. ..
Union Paclflo System 84 10 U 14
C. A N. W 1 13
F.. E. at M. V 84 82
C, St. P. M. A O.... 10 13
B. A M 64 13 .. 6
C, B. A Q 1
C. R. L A P.. east.. 8 13
Illinois Central 1 .. .. 1
Total receipts 167
The disposition of ths day's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing tne
number of head. Indicated.
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep
Omaha Packing Co
G. H. Hammond Co
Bwlft and Company
Cudahy Packing Co
Armour A Co
Om. Pkg. Co., from K. C
R. Becker A Degan
Vansant A Co.....
Carey A Benton
Liobman A to
Hamilton A Rothschild..
L. F. Huss
H. L. Dennis A Co
Wolf A M
Other buyers
l,9ol .
Totals 4,028 6,661 8.219
CATTLE There was aulte a liberal run
of cattle here today, so that for the first
half of the week there Is an Increase over
the same days of last week. As compared
with the same days of last year there Is
no great change. The same as yesterday
the quality on the whole was rather com
mon, which had a bad Influence on the
There were not very many fat steers on
sale today, but a few of them were of
good quality and In fact the highest price
of the year to date, 38.15. was paid. Pack
ers an seemea to ds anxious ior tne ueuer
trades and such kinds could safely be
quoted active and stronger. When It came
to tne part fat ana common Kinas it was an
uneven market and trading was very slow.
In some esses sales were made that looked
stronger, while others were no more than
steady and some were a little lower. It
was It to before a clearance was made.
- Tha cow market was very dull again
today, with the tendency of prices down
ward. The very best grades did not sell
much of any lower, but aside from those
the prices paid were very uneven, and If
anything averaged up a little lower. Sell
era were not at all Inclined to take off
another slice today, so the market was
slow and the morning was well advanced
before much was done.
Bulla, vaal calvea and stags all felt to
some extent the downward tendency of
prices on the commoner grades of cows
and steers but still the best kinds held
about steady, with the common stuff slow
and weak.
There were quite a few stockers and feed
ers offered today, and the market eased
off a little more. In soms cases the more
desirable bunches of heavy weight cattle
sold about stesdy, and the choice light
weights did not show much change, but the
other grades were a little lower and rather
slow sale. Yesterday there were 29 cars of
cattle shipped to tne country, representa
tive sales;
II ;
1 ,
3 ,
Av. Pr.
.... Pao 3 16
.... m III
,...10M 4 00
.... 144 4 10
.... M
.... M
....1011 4 M
....11 I 00
.... 440
4 14
4 It
4 H
I 10
I 10
..11W 4 10
4 40
I 44
.1010 I 10
...HI I M
...1044 I 40
...1440 I 10
.104l 4 II
I ,
At. Pr.
.1111 4 II
.11M I 0
.1141 I 00
I 10
I 44
I l
4 H
10 1 16
HO 00
,114 I 00
,110 I 00
, loo I 00
. 444 I II
.Ml I 16
,130 I 15
IN lit
,111 I 46
,m tu
. MS I 40
, 120 I 6
, 121 I 40
, 440 3 40
, 100 I 40
114 4 14
1144 4 16
1000 4 16
111! I 10
1330 T 00
1140 T 04
1184 1 Ot
1221 1 10
T 2
1117 T 40
1140 T 46
U"4 T It
1411 I 00
1411 I 1
I 44
I 46
1(M4 I if
.1044 I 10
I 10
I 40
I 40
44 I 10
171 I 41
40 I 00
l te
l oo
I 44
I 46
I 10
I 10
I 10
40 I 10
440 I 10
no I to
4a4 I It
420 I II
it 3 It
, Ml
I It
I If
I 10
I 40
uO I 0
. 11
. let
. 41J
. 04
. Ill
I 40
I 40
I 40
I 40
I It
ii ...
40 I 00
Ml I 06
.. lf I 06
..4)1 104
..1140 I 10
.. U I 10
.. Jl I 10
.. 141 I 10
. in
. I1
I 16
I If
.. Ml If
..1004 I 10
.. tt I IS
.. t1 3 It
..100 1 to
.. VI 10
. 120
. tit
I If
I 4f
I 46
I4 44
.416 1 ti
.1111 I It
.404 I 45
71 I It
I 40
.. lit I It
..154 3 M I
.. 141 I 10 I
.. 414 I 00
,.U0t 3 44 . 1.
24 4 It
.1114 4 40
. HI 4 I
114 I K
mo I ii
IMS I 44)
.... 144 6 44
.. 474
4 M
3 If
to I if
I ISM aj i
1 IM I 00 1
1 1""0 I 00 I
1 ISM I It
1 844 I 10 I
1 44 IH I I40 I 44
I l0 I H 11 4?7 I 44
1 100 I It 4 44 I 46
1 1010 I 1 Il4 I M
471 1 40 I ID IN
I IM I 40 1 4?0 I 44
10 414 I 40 14 M IN
1 440 I 15 1 40 I 04
4 HO I SO I I 00
I too I 40 II lit IM
4 !l I to 47 ttt T4
1 4M I 40 I KM to
4 40 no M0 I 11
4 21 I It 4 7lt I If
10 641 I it 4 161 I M
II !! I 10 II 1031 4 00
4 424 I 10 1 140 4 00
11 Ill I It 10 0 4 00
4 4t I 40 II n5 00
1 1031 I 10 II IM 4 00
1 164 I 60 10 Ill 4 00
1 1020 I 60 ' 14 11 4 00
I A4 I 60 14 170 4 00
10 f31 I 10 1 1014 4 04
16 l:l I 10 1 10 4 14
II 161 I 40 4 IP 4 14
11 104 I 41 II 1064 4 II
II.... 41 I 46 M 651 4 rl
II 430 I 46 14 114 4 It
It 446 I M 11 M4 4 H
4 cows 938 2 25 26 cows 991 I 90
14 cows 96 2 85 1 cow 980 8 00
1 cow l(X!i) 3 60 7 cows 931 2 &0
8 cows..... 863 1 00 lbull 1420 2 SS
1 heifer.... 640 3 60 3 cows 910 2 00
8 cows 1043 2 65 1 bull 1420 8 00
89 feeders.. 1040 4 06 10 feeders.. 1040 3 60
ID feeders.. "S3 4 25 IT feeders.. 662 3 75
2 feeders.. 770 3 00 1 feeder... 810 8 60
7 feeders.. 90 3 25 1 feeder.. .1100 4 26
1 feeder... 8M) 4 26 84 feeders.. 795 4 15
67 feeders.. 7S7 8 80 T feeders.. 7S5 I 0
30 feeders.. 960 4 60 20 cows 936 2 85
5 cows 9iH t 00 66 cows 844 2 60
8 feeders.. 743 3 60 feeders.. 738 ISO
6 feeders.. SMI 3 60 6 feeders.. 762 3 60
1 feeder... 760 3 60 1 steer 960 4 10
7 steers... .1171 4 10 1 steers.. ..1110 4 10
1 steer 750 4 10 81 feeders.. 1068 4 75
47 feeders. .!! 4 65 feeders.. 1080 8 75
19 feeders. .11W 4 60 4 cows..... 81 160
1 feeder... 900 4 00 I cows...,. 732 3 40
1 cow 900 1 85 22 cows 824 80
6 cows 965 8 40
C. C. French Wyo.
23 feeders.. 1111 4 10 I feeders.. 1118 IIS
8 feeders.. 1081 4 16 8 feeders.. 1065 8 60
H. Lat hum Wyo.
28 mixed. ..1084 5 00 27 feeders.. 1041 4 40
C. Ixiwe Idaho.
17 feeders.. fW I 65
10 cows 970 2 90
H. J. Nlemouth Neb.
lcow IftfO 175 15 cows.. ...1004 1 20
8 cows 1032 8 20 1 cow 1170 I 20
M. Hanawald Neb.
24 cows 9u5 2 75 27 cowa 961 3 05
Sam AnsDoker Neb.
15 feeders.. 815 4 10 12 cowa 912 185
w. A. Margrave Neb.
63 cows ....1030 3 65
HOGS There was lust a fair run of hogs
here todav which makes the recelnts for
the three days of this week In excess of
the same days of last week, but there Is
still a big loss as compared with tha re
ceipts for the same days of last year. The
table above win show the exact figures.
The market opened sw but a Dour
steady. Eastern markets, however, .were
quoted lower and soon after the opening
prices eased otr a llttlo here, ana tne bum
of the hogs sold weak to a nickel lower,
and the close was a nickel lower. Trading
was not active at any time, but still tha
hogs kept moving toward the scales and
the bulk was disposed or in rainy gooa
season. The most of the heavy weight hogs
sola from 37.BO to 3J.K6, ana as nign as
was paid. The medium weights went
largely from 37.70 to 37.80. and the light
stuff sold from 37.70 down. Representative
No. At. Bh. Pr. No. At. Bh. Pr.
17 Ill ... 1 40 14 141 II? 7 Tivt
10 144 ... 7 10 It 131 SO T 12Sk
18 1C6 140 7 II 41 lit 160 7 11S4
1 141 N 7 i 41 141 140 7 71
11 144 ... II 44 161 140 Tit
70 Ill N 7 If 16 IS 6 4.WT If
14 104 40 7 46 14 144 ... 1 II
71 lot 40 7 60 71 130 40 T 71
13 104 110 7 61 70 131 M 7 If
77 191 10 7 46 It 121 ... 7 71
14 114 80 7 46 71 136 114 7 76
74, Ill 10 7 4714 II Ul 140 7 If
17.. 134 40 1 47Vj 44 ...141 110 7 76
67 lit 40 7 47i tO 134 40 7 76
1 1 W 7 47 II Ill 160 7 It
14 117 10 7 I7H 41 141 304 t II
47 117 10 7 ItSt It 121 ... T 71
1 Ill 40 7 70 II Ul 10 7 71
41 161 40 7 70 40 160 10 7 71
41 Ill M 7 70 II 117 ... 7 76
71 121 l!0 7 10 10 141 140 7 71
10 141 80 7 70 II 164 10 T ti
17 126 110 7 70 117 Ill SO 7 71
40 14T ... 7 70 71 101 10 J 77U,
71 IM ... 7 70 70 114 40 7 77L4
1 117 . 40 7 70 61 161 110 1 7714
II., 131 M 7 70 71. ...... .161 110 7 77 U
41 107 120 7 10 Ml 10 7 10
II tul 410 7 10 41 Ill ... T 10
44 114. .....I 70 71..W....I6I ... 7 40 .
t t!l 140 7 70 42. ....... 170 10 7 M
16 101 SO 7 70 II... 161 110 7 10
It 131 110 7 12V. 44 170 ... 7 10
10 141 ... 7 72Vi tl 184 40 7 10
II 141 ... 7 721 II 861 40 7 44
14 130 M 7 72 U 44 140 140 7 10
65 121 ... 7 71 11 167 SO 7 10
61 141 110 7 12i 14 17 100 7 M
It 131 80 7 1?S It 114 200 7 It
M. ...... ..241 M 7 731 10 121 10 I It
tl Ul ... 7 72S 10 161 ... 7 If
40 226 10 7 71Vk 68 Ill 110 7 0
16 228 10 7 71V4 71 I7 140 7 It
ft 131 120 7 121
SHEEP There was quite a decrease In
sheep receipts today, as compared with
yesterday, and as the demand continued in
good shape the market on all desirable
grades of both sheep and lambs was active
and stronger. Sheep showed the most
strength and could safely be quoted 10iil5c
higher. The last two days the market has
easily Improved JSifc. Some mixed sheep
sold today as high as 33.S5, and It is thought
that a light weight bunch of yeirilngs
would have brought 34 or better.
The demand for the better grades of
lambs was also quite active and the prices
paid were steady to strong as compared
with yesterday. Everything In the way of
fat stuff was disposed of at sn early hour.
There were only a few feeders offered,
and there were more buyers than sellers.
As a result the market was active and
strong, the same as on fat stuff.
Quotations for clipped stock: Good to
choice yearlings. I3.7bti4.0o: fair to good,
33.503.75; good to choice wethers, 33.603.75;
fair to good wetners,; good to
choice ewes, 32.76fr3.26; fair to good ewes,
32.0002.76; good to choice spring lambs. 35 60
&5.75; fair to good spring lambs, ld.OiNfri.60
feeder wethers, 33.00(33.26; feeder yearlings,
$3.103.35: feeder lamba, 33.00(33.90; feeder
ewes 31.252.25. Representative sales:
No. ' Av. Pr.
1 Idaho ewe 100 3 00
1 Idaho ewe 100 I 00
6 Idaho ewes 118 I 00
1 Idaho ewe 140 I 00
2 stags 120 I 00
8 Idaho wethers 100 8 86
17 Idaho wethers 94 I 85
22 Idaho wethers 109 1 86
25 Idaho cull spring lambs 60 4 00
865 Idaho spring lamba 63 6 25
620 Idaho spring lamba 42 6 26
27 Idaho spring lambs ei 6 oo
8! Idaho ewes 106 I 60
141 Idaho ewes 102 3 50
84 feeder lambs 68 8 76
76 Idaho lambs 60 3 75
832 Idaho lambs '. 82 6 60
643 Idaho lambs 66 a 66
Cattle gtroaa; and alow Hogs Bteady
to Strong Sheep Higher.
CHICAGO. July 16.-CATTLE-Rcelpts.
16.500 head, Including 600 Texans; choice
steady to strong, others slow; good to
prime steers,; poor to meaium,
4.5i)U7.6o; stockers and feeders. 82.&o4( l";
cows 81.50i5.76: heifers. 32.5ofi6.60: canners.
Il.60fd2.60; bulls, $2 &OTi6 60; calves, $2.60ir6.60;
Texus fed steers. 4.OO(i6.00.
HOGS Rsceipts, 23,0u0 head; estimated
tomorrow, 22.000; left over. 8,000; mixed
Steady to strong, good grades steady;
mixed and butchers. 37.3500; good to
choice heavy. 37.7618.15: rouah heavy. 37 30
67.70; light I7.0wu7.75; bulk of sales, W.Wit
f 95.
BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 12,000
head; sheep lo'yl&c higher, lambs steady;
good to choice. $3.bfVa4.5o; fair to choice
mixed, vi WfQiw. western sneep, 13.0u4fxs.1o
native lambs, 33.0G&6.60.
Official yesterday:
Receipts. Shipments
Cattle 0" l47
Hog 14.214 l.!?
BheeD 12.7u6 1,482
Bt. Loo la Live Stock Market.
ST. LOUIS, July H. CATTT.F Recelpta,
Knoo head, including: 3.000 Texans: market
steady to strong: native shipping and ex-
riort steers, o.wn (.ou, witn extra rnmr hi
7.8r$fft.26; dressed beef and butcher steers,
86.OiKii7.3o; steers under l.Oirt lbs., 34 304j6.26j
stockers and feeders. 33.0o4i6.lo; cows and
heifers. t3.2V!ift.76; canners. 1 75(82.86: bulls,
I3O04H.60; calves. 14 oi.OO; Texas and In
dian steers, 83.10ftj6.ti6; cowa and heifers,
12.464713. 75. .
HOGH -Receipts. 4 500 head; ateady; plga
and lights rrt.sO; packers. 87.75(68.00;
hiitxhiTH t1firMNl&.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 3,000
head; market dull and lower: native rout
tons, 83 2514 20; lambs. 34.76ti6 So; culls and
bucks, 32.U0'4i4.zo; stocaers,
Kansas Clip Live Stork Market.
celpts, 6.200 natives, I.660 Texans. 675 Texas
culves, and 116 native calvea; cornfed rattle
stronger, more active, supply light; good
graaaers and wintered weaterns steady to
strong; stockers and feeders lower; choice
export and dressed beef steers, 88.OO4Tf8.lO;
.fair to good, tt-tOeji.yv; stgeasrs ana i
era tt tefff, if. western fed steers. 13 777
8 00; Texas snd Indian steers, I3.1"!.!:
Texas cows, 33.2fi(g.oo; native cows, II. 7T.p
8 00; native heif-rs, 33.60"d10O; canners., 11.34
t2 26; bulls, 12,604,4 6"; calves, 12 fv05.ot.
HOGS Receipts, 4.000 head: market 7t4,f
Oc lower, steady; top 87 96; Ibulk of sales,
r.7V(i7.: heavy. 7.ft.Va7 96; mixed packers,
87.75w7.92m light, 37.60tf7.0; yorkers, 7.7f
7.0; pigs. 7.0"7.55.
SH EKP AND LAMPS Receipts, 1 "mi
head; market active; strong: native lambs,
34 4fxrf86; western lamba, 3.fywf8.90; native
wethers, II.1.VM.K5; western wethers, 33.261
4.46: fed ewes Kti-4 20; Tessa clipped
tesrllnss, 33. 404.00; Texas clipped sheep,
1.00413.35; stockers and feeders, 82 0CK83 00.
few Tork Live Mock Market. .
ceipts, S.639 head; steers steady to firm,
bulls snd cows Arm to 10c higher: steers,
84 "fi ); bulla. 83.rAR6.tS; cowa, 33 nK78.
Cablea ateady. Shlpmenta, 2,400 quarters of
CALVES-Recelpts, 4.841 head veals 1M
26o lower, buttermilks easier; veals, 34.50u4
7.00; choice, 17.26; tops, 7..T7H1ivf 0: butter
milks. 8S.00i36O; mixed calves, 8S7&66.60;
city dressed veals about stesdy at SVtOLlO
per lb.
HOOft Receipts. 4,841 head; steady; state
hogs. 3d; mixed western, nominal.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8,778
head; sheep firm, good lambs In light Sup
ply and steady, medium and common slow
to lower; sheep IX76yj4.n: choice. 14 50; ex
ports, 1176; culls, 12. OOf 2 60; lambs, 34.769
8.86; one car, 37; culls, 14 60.
St. Joseph Live Stock Market.
ceipts, 2,771 head; best stesdy to strong,
others ,10$ 15c lower; natives, MBofft r:
cows snd heifers, 31604 76; veals. 33.00tf
6 00; bulls and stags, 82 60(jf6.25; atockera and
feeders, 32 OOG6.75.
HOGS Receipts 4.90 hesd; market STJlfta
lower; light and light mixed. 87.66177
medium and heavy, 7.7038.00; plga, 4.76tJ
7.60; bulk, I7.70W7.90.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 82 heads
ateady to etrong; top lambs, 34 85.
Hlons City Lire Stook Market.
BIOTJX CITY. la., July 11 (8reclal Tele
gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 1.600. mostly
butcher stock; msrket stesdy; beeves, $6 60
7.50; cows, bulls and mixed, 2.5tvgooi
atockera and feeders, t3.76(rM.50; yearlinge
and calves. 2.50BH.OO.
HOGS Receipts, 8,800; market weak to
8c lower, 7.4Mj7.7B; bulk, I7.6o4r70.
SHEEP Receipts, 100; market ateady.
Stock la Sight.
The following table shows the receipts of
cattle, hogs snd sheep at the Ave principal
marxets ior juiy as
South Omaha..
Kansas City.,,
St. Louis
St. Joseph
Cattle. Hoes. Sheen
.16 6)
. 6.860
. 6 000
. 1.771
.83,974 4S.45I 20.763
Cottoa Market.
NEW TORK, July 11 COTTON Futures
opened quiet; July, 8.67c; August, 8.46c; Sep
tember, 8.08c: October, 7.8c: November,
December and January, 7.77o; February,
7.76c; March, 7.76c.
Cotton futures closed dull but steady;
July, 8.96c; August, 8.46e; October, 8.71c;
November 7.79c; December, 7.79c: January,
7.80c; February, 7.80c; March. 7.79c.
Cotton, spot, quiet; middling uplands,
15-lGc; middling gulf, 9 9-16c; sales. 67
steady; middling, 8 16-18c.
ST. LOUIS. July 16. COTTON Quiet I
middling, 815-16c; no sales; no receipts;
shipments, 12 bales; stock. 18.418 balea,
fair demand; prices easy; American mid
dling fair, 6d. The sales of the day were
10,000 bales, of which 500 were for specula
tion and export, and Included 8.600 Ameri
can. Receipts were 4,000 bales, no Ameri
can. Futures opened and closed quiet ;
American middling, g. o. c, July 4 67-64d,
buyers; Ji ly-August. 4 64-84'fN 65-4d, buy.
ers; August-September, 4 47-64d, sellers;
September-October, 4 81-64d, sellers; October
November, 4 24-64d, buyers: November-December
4 20-64194 21-d, sellers: December
January, 4 18-64(94 19-4d, buyers; January
February. 4 17-646T4 18-64d, buyers; March
April, 4l7-84d, buyers.
Futures, quiet; July, 8.89if?)9.00c; August,
8.64f8.66e: September, 8.07(8 080! October,
7.74'cf7.78c; November, 7 647j7.66c; December,
7.64iS7.86c: January, 7.84(ff7.66o. Spot, steadyj
sales, 1,250 bales; ordinary, 7 9-16c; good,
ordinary, 81-16c: new middling, 9c; good
middling. 9 5-16o; middling fair, 911-Ko; re
ceipts, 606 bales; stock, 77,641 balea.
, (Changes ta Available Sanplles.
NEW TORK, July 11 Spools! coble end
telegraphic communications to Bradstrnets'
show the following changes tn available
supplies, compared with the previous re
port; Wheat, In the United Statea and Canada,
east of the Rockies. Increased 1.007,000 bu.
afloat for and in Europe, decreased 42.000.
000 bu. ; total supply decreased !,9!3,000 bu.
Corn, In the United States and Canada,
east of the Rockies, decreased 200,000 bu. .
Oats, in the United States and Canada,
east of the Rockies, decreased 814,000 bu.
Among the more Important Increases of
wheat reported this week are those of
190,000 bu. at Nashville, 140.000 bu. at Minne
apolis private elevators, 107,000 bu. at New
Orleans, 103,000 bu. at Rochester, 96,000 bu,
at Chicago private elevators and 60.000 bu.
at Fort worth, while the leading deorense
la that of 120,000 bu. In Manitoba elevators.
Evaporated Apples and Dried Fralta.
APPUEB Offerings continue remarkably
light and while the demand Is modsrata,
pricra are firmly held. Common to rood,
8tTlba; prime, lOUQlOVsc; choice, llt&iH4oj
fancy. llHlJc.
generally steady, with prunes attracting
most attention. Futures are fairly aotive
snd spot prunes, also, are In fair request
for both export and Interior account, Values
for all grades are still expressed In the
price range of l8a. Spot apricots are
firetty well cleaned up and steady at lOH'ol
4o In boxes and 10H&12o In bags. Peaches
are quiet, but steady, with choice offerings
of new fruit showing slight Improvement
on the f. o. b. coast basis, Peeled peaches
are quoted at 12&I60 and unpeeled at 8Vi9
Oil and Rosin.
OIL CITT, Pa.. July ll.-OIL-Credlt bal
ances, 31.22; certificates, no bid; shipments
1,403 bbls.; average 69,290 bbls. 1 runs, 100,811
bbls.; average. 77.178 bbls,
SAVANNAH, Qa., July 16. OIL Turpen
tine, quiet, 44Hc. Rosin, firm: A, B and C,
31.10; D, 11.15; E, 11.20; F, 11.26: G 11801
H. 31 70: I. 3206; K, 12 .66: M, 83.09; ti, 3.40
W. O., 13.40; W. W., 3 662j3 60.
TOLEDO, July ll-OI L-North Lima, 89c
South Lima and Indiana, 4c.
NEW YORK, July 11 OIL Petroleum,
steady. Rosin, ateady. Turpentine, dull,
47Elvl?RPOOL, July 11 OIL Turpentine
spirits, dull, 3Hd. Cottonseed, Hull refined,
spot, dull, 26s ld.
LONDON. July 11 OIL Cslcutta Unseed,
spot, 49a d. Turpentine spirits, 83s fad.
Dry Goods Market.
Wide print cloth yarn gray goods sre
firmer, with a good demand. Mtt-(noh. Nar
row print cloths are dull snd unchanged.
In otner divisions of the cotton goods mar
ket prices are unchanged, but the demand
shows soms change. Woolens and worsteds
for men's wear In fair demand for spring
In staple lines. Woolen dress goods firm
for staples and some lines tending sgslnst
tsgar Market.
Arm; fair refining. 2 1S-16c; centrifugal, 98
teat, 8 5-1&C. Molasses sugar, 2o. Refined,
"'NEW ORLEANS. July 11 SUaAR Mar
ket strong; open kettle, 2"fJ 3-16c; opsn
kettle centrifugal, 83Vc; centrifugal yel
low. IH'tHHc; seconds, lSJ4c- Molasses,
dull; centrifugal, b15c
INSTRUMENTS placed on record Wednes
day, July 16:
Warranty Deeds.
Joseph Chromy and wife to Charles
Chrlsnalk. wft lot 14, block 8,
Mella a 1st add I 30
Kate Stemm and husband to Bessie
B. Metculf. mid 60 feet of sVi of lot 6,
block 6, Orchard Hill ...7 125
Jane F. Manning fo Edward Costello,
lota 15, 16, 17. 23 and 24. Mock 3; lots
8 and 4, block 6. Upton Place 1,(00
J. H. Patterson and wife to Elizabeth
Pokorskl. lot 16. block 1, Patterson's
1st sdd to South Omaha 130
Herman Hurney and wlfs to O. T.
Scott, lot 6, block 10, Burr Place SCO
W. J. Wagoner and wife to C. E. Hill,
w 10 feet lot 13, block 3, VanBuren
Heights (0
C. H Luts and wife to S. B. Christie,
lot 7, block 152. South Omaha 1.000
Qalt Claim Deeds.
F. B. Alnsworth to Utile M. Alns
worth, lot 1, Housel A n. s aubdiv... 1
Sheriff to Morrla Levy, lota t. 10, 11,
Schnell'a add 6.800
Total amount oX transfers 3,514)