Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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Eddis Creigbt-ra Ehowi Eimtilf In Fin
Fonn u Cgtcher.
rorla Beatea la Hollow Stria
Tkroagh Own'i Pltehlngr aaa
Steady Work f His Tram
mates la Field.
With a 16-year-old Omaha lad playing be
hind the bat the Rangers won ths second
gams from Peoria, ( to 1. Th lad la
Eddie Crelghton, and he did more than hla
ahare of the work. It waa an especially
beautiful game of ball, too, with the
Omabaa showing the cleanest action they
know. Crelghton waa not outclassed for a
minute. Play for play, Inning for Inning,
be waa awlft, aura and steady aa a vet
eran, and hla six outa and five assists with
out an error, tell some more. The crowd
waa alfted down to keen fana pure and
simple, aome 1,600 In all, and not a criti
cism could they pass on Kddle'a work. Even
the moat sanguine did not expect the article
of hall they got behind the bat, and the
boy could hare anything the crowd owned
before the game waa half through.
"He'a great. Just fine," aald Frank' Owen,
speaking of Crelghton after the game. And
' the collegian deserved it all. Owen had
just a touch of wlldnesa himself, and
Crelghton held him down in handsome
style. Frank realised this and after an
Inning or two fta a feeler let himself out
lust aa if It was Johnny Oonding at back
atop. The? Didn't Meal on Eddie.
But that wasn't the showy part of Crelgh
ton'a Job. The way he shut them off at sec
ond waa what made the big hit with the
crowd. Croft tried It first, but from a
difficult catch of Owen'a In and down
Crelghton had the ball over to Dolan la
' beautiful time. A couple of innlnga later
Tlbald tried it, but when Ace Stewart ar
rived at the bag be ran right Into the sphere
and TibaM waa just starting to slide. Not
another attempt waa made. Eddie's Other
sensational throw was to Drat baas in the
third, when Moloney batted the leather to
a place out to the left of the plate, where
. many a hit has been scored. Not that time,
' however, for the boy fell on the twisting,
writhing ball, and threw from his kneea like
a shot, and just in time.
It was great to see how the old "vets"
took all this. They were so proud of Eddls
they couldn't keep still, and they chuck
led and played ball In real championship
form. At bat Crelghton did not hit aafe,
but he swung fiercely and right up into the
ball, and hla sacrifice in the seventh
smacked of Genlna. If he had gone down
the Una In the fourth he would have acored
a hit on a ball which he batted hard through
Bhafstall to O'Brien, but Eddie thought
Bhafstall bad it and lost out at first by
a hair. He will probably catch again today,
as Thomaa throat ia still in such shape
that be cannot take solid food, while Goad
ing Is still laid out. Crelghton has been
known in amateur base ball circles here
aa third basemen of the Crelghton Univer
sity team, and with the Field Club nine,
Hs was not generally known as a backstop.
"Marty" McQuald was there with the
indicator and he was a sight for sore ayes.
Quiet, cool, calm, silent, he had but two ob
jectlons both from Peoria and ha paid
bo attention to either, while the game went
merrily on. If "Marty" keepa it up like
that be la a fixture, and he certainly seemed
to be acting natural.
First Baseman Pears wsa a star of the
day. . He made two singles and a double,
scoring two .runs, .and 1.1a catch of, Ball's
liner at bis bag in the sixth was the stop
of the day. Everything, in fact, combined
to make the gam a pleasurable thing te
watch. Boor:
AB. R. H. O. A. E.
Carter, rf.. 4 1110 1
Genlna. of 4 l t I (
Btone. If 10 110 6
Dolan. as 4 1 0 14 0
Stewart. 2b 1 1 0 6 I t
Pears, lb 4 0 I ( 0 0
Mickey, 3D 4 110 0
Crelghton, o 10 0
Owen, p. 4 10
Totals U f 17 11 1
AB. R. H. O. A, E.
O'Brien, lb I 0 1 4 0
Vaughn, lb S 0 1 1 1 0
Lesotta. rf 10 110
Wilson, e 4 0 1(1
Moloney. II 4 0 0 1 0
Croft, cf.... 10 0 10
Ball, aa 110 111
Tlbald, lb U. 4 0 111
Bhafstall. p 4 0 0 1 1
Totals... si "l 1 24 14
Omaha 10000010'
Peoria 0 1 0 0 0 0
Earned nine: Omaha, I. Two-base hits:
Pears, Wilson, Lesotte. Three-base hits:
Stone, Tlbald. Sacrifice hit: Crelghton.
Stolen banes: Dolan, Btewart, Pears, Btone,
' Double play: Dolan to Btewart to Pears,
First base on balls: Off Owen. 4: off Bhaf-
' stall. 1. Hit by pitched ball: Croft. Btmck
out: BV Owen, 7; by Bhafstall, S. Left nn
bases: Omaha, 4: Peoria, 10. - Time: 1:8s.
Umpire: Martin McQuald. ,
Dee Molaee Beats Brewers.
DE8 MOINES. July 1.-The locals re
taliated on the visitors for the defeat of
yesterday, finding McPherson lor eleven
tuts. Attendance, uu. ocorer
Des Molnes.,.0 4001010 4 11
Milwaukee .... 10000001011
Batteries: Des Moines. HolTer and Han
sen; Milwaukee, McPherson and Luela.
Blaea Beat Dtsftr,
- DENVER, July It Cable waa a pussls
after the first Inning today. WhltUdge had
only one disastrous Inning, the fifth. At
tendance, l,b"U. First Baseman Davis, who
was released by Denver Monday, signed
with Kansas City today. Score:
Kansas City... OOOleOOOO-lll
Denver 100000000-111
Batteries: Denver, Whltrtdge and Wilson;
Kansas city, I'aoie ana Messitc
MrKlkkes la Treaale
fer McKlbben of the St. Joseph team re
used to leave the grounds upon Umpire
Cole's order and the game was forfeited
to Colorado BDiinas. which was already
four runs in the lead at the beginning of
the eighth inning. McKlbben and Pitcher
ucruaaen anvrwaroj attempted to as
sault Cole and were arrested. Score:
Colo. Springs 1 0 0 0 1 0-6 7
Bt. Joseph 0 0 0 1 0 0 Ol T
Batteries: Colorado Springs. Gaston and
tlauaen; Hi. Joseph, Farvin and Koto.
taadiaa; et the Teasas.
I Played. Won. Jst. PC
Omaha 73 4 14 .471
Kansas City 75 44 11 .57
Milwaukee IS o
lerver ( J IS .Ml
St. Joseph 71 IK J 7 .44
Colorado Springs.... 70 HI 1 .4'!
Dee Moines...; M 17 41 .J7
Peoria 66 10 tt .
Game today: Peoria at Omaha. Milwau
kee at Dee Moines, Kansas City at Denver,
Bt, Joseph at Colorado Springs.
Twe Bagger aad Slngl la geveata
Saves Boatem from ht
Oat ky Chesbro.
PITTSBURG. July IS A Ivn-bmnr and
a single In the seventh Is what saved Bos
ton from a shut-out. This run broke Phpi.
bro's string of shut-eats. Up to that time
in nis vpverai games ne naa pitcnea rorty
one consecutive Innings without a run
being made. Attendance, 1,140. Score:
It H O. A S
risrke. If.... 1110
Beaumont, al lies
( 6. 0
Bav a bottle of Netf Dyspepsia Curs.
It will absolutely cure the worst kind
of stomach trouble. While it will
care the minor cases at once, still we
prefer the worst chronio caaea in as
Istsnee thoae who have been w Ash
ing the stomach, who must dist, and
those who are disgusted with th
v treatment they have been taking.
Nau's Dyspepsia Cure
Is different from the ordinary Dys
pepsia Tablets, Pepsins and Soda
f 'reparations. Bend tTT TT"
o ua (or a booklet T 1211L
nUNK HAH, 203 BiWway, N. Y. City.
1.04) a ettto bottles let- ft.
Ihsrsus McCaaaell Drag; Cm.
1Mb and Dodse Bts.. Omaha,
and leading druggists.
Leech, id ... 1
Wafner, rf. .. I t I
a .H O A a.
footer, et ... I I
Tmiit, lb... e 1 11
Urnonl. Ib.. 1 I 1
Carn.r. rf.... I
Courtney, If. 1 1 I 1
Long, aa till
i;r.mlnr, Ik 1 I 4
nranaSelo'. lb I 1 10
Mtchc., lb.. Ill
onror. as.... Ill
llmimr, ..., S S I 1 Moras,
uaaouro, ... I I t; rutin tr. a
. !Luh
Touts sunn Hat,
I Totals 1 t H 11 I
'Batted for Plttlnger in the eighth.
Pittsburg 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 -
Boeton 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0-1
Earned runs: Plttshur. 4: Ttoatnn. 1.
Two-biM hits:' Beaumont, Warner, Court
ney. nit: Beaumont, wacn
Aee hits: Conroy, Zimmer. Btolen base:
uransneia. Double plays: Zlmmer to
Bltchey to Bransfleld. Waaner to Brans-
field, Chesbro to Rltchey to Bransfleld.
first tase on Dans: on Chesbro, U; off
Plttlnser. 1: off Hale. 2. Struck out: rtv
Chesbro, 1; by Plttlnger, 1. Timet 1:56.
umpire: u-msue.
. Loals Skat Oat.
BT. LOUIS. July 11-Phlladelnhla shut
out Bt. Louis In a slow game here today.
White waa In One shape and struck out
nine men. Attendance, 2,000. Bcore:
a h.o.a a. I R H.O.A B.
THomaa, ef... 1 a e 'Harclar, if... 1 4
narry, ri lies Hmoot, er s 1 1 s s
Hulswltt, as.. I I I DnnoTsa, rf.. 1 1
Dooln. S 1 t I a Karr.ll. as... S 114s
J.nnln, lb. 10 1 I Dnuhtir, tb.. 4 111
Pouglaa, II... 1 tlNlrkola, lb... 11 I
Feiu, Ib 11 1 Hart man, Ib. 1 I
(Til Ms. lb.... I I 0 J. ON.II, c. 1 4 1 1
Whit., s 1 I M. O-Nsli. ..IIS
Totals 1 T 17 II l Totals " V II 1
Philadelphia 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 01
Bt. Louis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-4
Earned runs: Phlladelnhla. 1. Two-has
hit: Farrell. Sacrifice hits: White, Fell,
iiuiswitt, urasnear, iniiaa (Z), iMcnois.
Double plays: Dooln to Jennings to Dooln,
Dooln to Hulswltt. Bases on balls: Off
O'Nell, 1; off White, 1. Struck out: By
O'Nell, 1; by White, 1. Left on bases: St.
Ixuls, I; Philadelphia, 6. Time: 1:40. Um
pire: O'Day.
Brooklra Poanda Williams.
CHICAGO. Jlllv 1H Wllllama waa a.av
for the visitors today, every one of them
getting one or more hits. The locals fielded
poorly and were weak at the bat, getting
but four hlte, a passed ball scoring their
only run. Attendance, l,Guu. Score:
gheckarl, If.. 1 I 1
neaiar, n.... e
Dolan, ( 1
Dahlta, as... I
Abaarn, .... 1
MoOraarr. Ik
Iiwln, lb 1 1 1 I v
rioot, lb (till
Kitsoa, p.... 1 1 I
1 I
1 !
t i
114 4 0
I i
R. II. O A a.
Blaals. of.... 1
A.wil-ms. lb. 1 11 4 1
LAW, lb 1 I T
Menarse, rt... 4 4 14 1
Kiln. 4 4 114
Jaooba, aa. .
Bchaatar, lb.
....... aWa. W V m
Millar. It 1 1 i
W.Wirma. s, 4. 4 1
1 1
4 1
Tdtals T 11 17 11 ll Totals 1 4 IT II t
Brooklyn o 1 0 1 i t i a a
Chicago 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 01
Left on bases: Brooklyn, 16: Chicago, i.
Two-base hlte; Ahearn, Dahlen, Lowe.
Three-base hit: Kltson. Sacrifice hits: W.
bases: A. Wllllama. Kiln. mhin ira,i.
Double playa: Kline to A. Wllllama, Dah
len to Flood to McCreary, Jacobs to Lowe
o a. vviuiams. Biruca out: By Kltaon, 1.
Passed ball: Ahearn. Rim nn Kail- r
,W.i w'lllams, I Hit by ball: KlUon. Time:
A.oa. uiuyirrf vanuiion.
tela Make It Three.
CTMPTVV A TT a r.i .
I t V. Iu ,m .hi eAM Vl V i . . . .
.. . " v ,ri igaav pT
all round superior work. Attendance. 1.60u.
R H . IJ A I u m a as
Dobbs, If 14 I 4 eonas, rf 1J ' i
Una ml Ilia aiTT ... 1 I I I 1
Blay, lb... I I '4 8ro(!le, tt..,'l I 1 4 4
CrawleH. ft.. Ill Laudar. !!.... til
Pelts. Ik 4 1 1 Vaasar lit
u,hM Ik a 1 a an..-- aw Z Z z f
n .- , wv. ... . a a a V I a 1 1
Corcoran, as.. I I 1 Wagner, as... t till
Bersen, t T I O'Haxu. lb.. A a i a
Haas, t 114 4 E.ana, a 4 I 4
Totals I 11 It 11 l' "a "a 71 .a
Cincinnati I 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 7
Nw York: 1 00001000-1
earned runs: Cincinnati, 4: New Tork, 1.
Two-base hits: Lauder, Jonea, Hahn.
&'raFj::: K.8,m.JtnA .0,"v"-
Pitched ball: By Hahn. 1. Struck out: By
plre: Power.
Btaaala ef the Teams.
Pittsburg fo
Brooklyn 7
Boston n
Chicago 72
Bt. Louis S
Philadelphia 71
Cincinnati et
New York: 71
Osmes today; Boston i
adelphla at St. Louis.
65 16 .784
41 4 - .662
M SS .6.3
17 35 .614
0 80 .4.
11 41 .431
tO n .436
24 48 .631
I. Loals Bats Oat Aaother Vletery
at Baltlnaore la Salt of
Rally by Locals.
Tl A TfTTLfOUTT T..1 .. la O. a .
flllt anAthal VlfArv frnn. Tj a I I .
The locals made a rally In the ninth, but
per inuini aiier tnrre runs nad been
made and the ensuing bstters went out
u vruvr. Aiienusnce, i,dw. acore:
R.H.O.A.E. I R.uo.Aa
Burnett. If... I 14 tKally. Ik 41 t I
Hemphill, af. I I I Sal back. If... 4 4
Prlal, rf.'....; 1 t Wlliiaaaa, lb. 1 I I
Wallao1 as... I 1 I Br-anabaa. a! 1 1 1 1
nowan, as.... 114 1
McOlanltj. ail 1 I
Orlar. Ib Ill
mblalds, .... i
wi t a tk a a i a a.i
raaaaa. lb... I 1
Kaboa, 4 I 1 1
Uaiyar. .... 1 1 1
I t
una a
ParrMt. ef... Ill
r. lb..... 1
El barf aid. as.
Halnvaa, n... 1
MrAllatar, lk. I
Harlar. If.... 1
Glaaaoa. lb... 14 1(4
Mruulra, ... 11114
leafmr, .... 11110
Touts I It 17 II tl Totals I II 17 is a
Bt. Louis 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0-4
Baltimore 0 0 1 0 1 s 5
Sacrifice hit: McGlnnltv.
hits: Burkett. Kahoe, Hemphill. Three
base hit: McGlnnlty. Home run: Friel.
Stolen basea: Oyler (2), Kelly. Double
play: Howell and Keller. First bsse on
balls: By Shields, 1; by Harper. 1 Struck
out: ey Harper, s. Lrt on bases: Balti-
mure, s: hi. ixiuui. s. Massed Kihna
Time: 1:40. Umpires: Johnstone and Car-
Falllles Play Mlseraaly,
PHILADELPHIA. July 11-The home
team played miserable ball today and Chi
cago bad no trouble In winning. Pitcher
nana lasioq oniy two innlnga. Attend'
ance, score:
Pulls, et e
H. Ife'la. lb.
L Craaa, Ik..
barbols. rt... 1
aiurpo.. Ib...
at. droas. as.. (
Svhreca, a.... 1
atluball, ... 1
If... Ill
f.H O A B
Jonaa. f 1141
Uran. rf 1114 4
O. Da-la, aa.. 114 14
Manas, II.... s 11 1
laball, lb.... 4 4 14 4 4
Dalj. tb 4140
ulllvmn, ... 1 1 I I t
PaUaraoa, .. 1 114
TeUla...... 11 17 II I
Tola la 4 II 17 14 s
Chicago 1 1 1 0 1 0 1
Philadelphia 0 1 I 1 I t M N
Earned runs: Philadelphia, 1. Two-base
hit: H. Davia. Ihree-baae hit: Hartael.
Btolen baaea: Jonea, Green, Q. Davla. Lft
on oases: tnicsgo. 12; Philadelphia. .
Double play: Murphy and H. Davia. First
base on Dana: ort flank, I; oft Mitchell,
1. .Struck out: By Plank. 1: by Mitchell,
a. aline; t.w. empire: u i-augniin.
Clevelaad Wlaa 1st Mlalkt.
BOSTON, July 11 Dlneefc lost control In
the ninth innlnc today and Cleveland.
aided by a pass and aa error, batted out
tnree runs, winning; ins game. Attend'
anoe, s.isu. acore:
R.H.O.A.E. M. H.O.A. E.
Bar. St nu.Wtr. U t I I
hradl.r. Ik... t lit 41. Ulna. JO...I 1141
lJula, lb.... I I I I Stakl, tl (lit
Hitkaua. lb. I I i I l'Praamaa, rf.. 1 1
PiUk. rt t 4 Panat, aa.... I I I
MH ankf. U. 1 I Il kaaca. lb 1 I 11 1
Oochnauef, ss I I Kama. Ik.... til
Wao4. III Warner, a.... I I I I
Moora, f til ilinaa, .... 1
Totals I t 17 14 ll Totals I II 17 U
Cleroland 2t4
Boston 1 1-1
Carned rune: Boston. 1: Cleveland.
Two-baa hits: Bradley. McCarthy. Three
base Mt: Dougherty. Home runs: La-
t'hance, Hlt-kraan. BacrtAce hits: Moore,
lllokm.. t'lr.1 ... a.-II-. i .99 Til
K$ ett Moore. &. Struck eul; By Dlneea, ll
Ieft on bases: Boston. 1; Cleveland. 4.
Wild pitch: Moore. Time: 1:60. Umpire:
Waaalactas, Goes 1 Pleeea.
WASHINGTON. July 1. After having
practically won today s game Washington
went to pieces in the nintn inning ana
permitted Detroit to tie the acore. in the
tenth Innlna two errors, three Binaries and
a home run gave the visitors the game.
Attendance, l.juO. Bcore:
t l
RraiO et I 1
IKirle. Ib 1 1 I
iwlahantr. If. I 1
Orashlla, Ib. 1 I t 1
Lea, rt 4
Caror, lb I 14 1
kit. ss lies
Drill, s I 1 1 I 1
ml, p I I 1 1 I
Totals II 11 as 1 ll Totals I 14 a 11 4
Detroit 0 0100104 613
Washington 0 011110100-1
Earned runs: Washlnsrton. 6: Detroit. 1
Two-base hhs: Doyle. Coushlln. Cssey,
Hsrley, Gleason, McGulrs. Home rune:
Gleason, Casey, MrOulre. 8tolen base:
Coughlin. Sacrifice hlte: Lee, Doyle, Ely.
uouDie piay: noimes ana
First baso on balls: Off Y eager, 7. Struck
out: By Orth, 1. Hit by pitched ball:
Drill. Left on bases: Washington, 10; De
troit, s. Time: 1:10. Umpire: Connolly.
Btanalaa- at the Teaans.
Played. Won. Lost. P.C.
M 42 24 .m
67 17 tO .662
72 89 33 . 642
34 32 .620
71 14 IS .472
72 U 3 .458
71 SO 41 .423
6 28 41 .406
Oames today: Cleveland at Boston. Chi
cago at Philadelphia. St. Louis at Balti
more, u enroll at vv asmngton.
Wheeler's Error Gives Indlanaaolta
Five Rssi aael Game 1st
the Flft a.
rriT TrajTTJTTO rt T..1., II Tm,..Ua.
ror gave Indianapolis five runs and the
game In the fifth Inning today. Thomas
outpltched Kellutn, but the latter received
better support. Attendance, 1.170. Score:
R.H.O.A.E. I R.H.O.A.E.
HoTt,Tr, rtl 1 t 1 0 Hart, ef 1 0
14 Whoeler, ss.. 1141
I Orim. lb. 1 1 1 1
McFarlan, rf. 1 11
St. Loula ....
Washington .
Cleveland ....
Baltimore ...
Kuhna, If.
Kihm. lb..
O'Brien, ss.
Coulter, ef.
W. Foa. Ib.
Heyaon, e. .
lebert. Ib.
Kallum. ..
. 1 1 I
Turner, lb ... 4
Knoll. II s
ScbaatUo, Ib 1 1
0. Pox, e 1 I
Thomas, p.... 1 I 1
Totals I 7 17 I tl Totals....:. I 7 14 11 I
Indianapolis 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
Columbus 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0-4
Sacrifice hits: W. Fox. Hevdon. Two-
base hits: Wheeler, McFarlan, O. Fox,
Hogrlever. Three-base hit: Grim. Double
play: Wheeler and Grim. Struck out: By
Thomas, 1; by Kellum, 4, First base on
balls; By Thomas, 1; by Kellum, 1.
Passed ball: Heydon. Time: 1:40. Um
pire l Francis.
Brewer Beat Millers.
MINNEAPOLIS. July 18. -Milwaukee
won in the fourth today, when a poor
throw to first by Zalusky let In two runa.
Katoll pitched excellent ball, but bad poor
support. Attendance, 000. Score:
R.H.O.A.E. R.H.O.A.E.
Dunlin. If... 1 4 Lrnch, ef..... I 1
A.McRrtde, ef 1 1 I Lallr. If lit
rnris, lb 1 I
wiimot, rt... 1
aVblabeck. Ib 1 1 1
Mailman, rf.. 1 4 1
Cllnimaa, ss. 1 I
Kunkl. lb... I 1 0
O.M'Brida, Ik I 1 1
Croee, 1 I 4
Harmana, p. 1 I 4
Totals 4 4 17 I 1
Warden, lb... 11 I 4
Qulllln. as..
urant, lb...
Zalusky, o.
Katoll, p..,
I Totals.
114 1
tin lil
Bated for Zalusky In the ninth
Milwaukee 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 04
Minneapolis 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 01
Bases on nans: ua naton, i; on Her
mann, 2. Struck out: By Katoll, I: by
Hermann, 4- Btolen baaea: Katoll, Wii
mot, Hallman. Sacrifice hits: A. McBride,
Hermann. Left on bases: Milwaukee, 1;
Minneapolis, 4. Timet 1:15. Umpires: Alt
rock and Flggemeler.
Landblusa la Bad Form.
TOLEDO. July 18. Toledo lost today's
frame on acoount of Lundblum's wild piloti
ng and poor fielding on the part of the en
ure team. Attenaance, uu. Bcore:
n h OA r I n una m
ClrnuF, of.... I 1 I Hennasar. It. 1 0 4 0 4
Boanar. aa...4 III Burna. lb 1 4 I 4 I
Oanaal, lb...t 4 11 1 Turner, lb... i 111 1
riournor. it. a a a i uwana, ss. ... i s s s
Kerwln. rf... 1 II Meaner, rf... 111
Gannon, lb.. 1 graltk, lb.,.. 1 111
Bcnaub, so...o a a uusa, ei t i s l
Dunkls. p.... 11 1 Klalnow, S...1 till
Bchrlarar, o.. 1 I I 1 Lundblum, p. 1 1
Moca. p s SSI
Totals.. ..,.11 11 17 11 I
J Totals 4 1 14 1 I
Louisville 1 0 4 0 1 1 1 1 12
Toledo 4 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 08
Earned runa: Louisville, l; Toledo, L
Two-base hit: Turner, Smith (2;, Owena,
Klelnow, Bonner (1), Bchriever. Bacriilc
hit: Burna. Btolen base: Shaub. Double
lay: Owens to Turner. Struck out: By
f l a. Kw Ili.nV t. J D n u nn k.ll.. rSm
lain;., a, WJ vwn.K, w.Ba.w vu u.u.
Lundblum, 4; oft Mock, 1; off Dunkle, 7.
Wild pitch: Lundblum. Hit with ball: By
Lundblum, L Time: 1:00. Umpire: Tyn-dalL
t. rssi Drops Last.
ST. PAUL, July 18. The locsls dropped
the last asms of the series to Kansas City
by inability to hit Gibson when hits were
needed.' Attendance, 267. Score:
R.H.O.A.E. ' R.H.O.A.E.
Rothfuss, rf.. 0 4 1 4 4 Oeter, ss 1 1 I I 1
Beallle, o.... Ill DlllarS, lb... Ill
Orady, lb.... 1 111 Bhannon, cf.. 1
Nanca, cf....l til Ferfuaoa, lb. I I I
Laewa, oa.... 1 4 1 Lumlay. rf.,, t t
Btnltb, II 1 Huulna, Ik.. 1 t 1 1
McAnd'vs. Ib I Hurler, o..., t 4 1 t
Tnlel. lb..... til t Ckacb, If t 1 1
Olbaoa. .... 1 4 Olailmmall. p.. I
Totals I 1014 1 ij Totals 1 7 17 11 1
Huaclns out on bunt strike.
Kansas City .........0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 01
Bt. Paul 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-1
Earned run: Kansas City. Two-base
hit: Nance. Three-base hit: Geler, Sacri
fice hits: Hugglns, McAndrews. Btolen
baaea: Hugglns, Bevtlle, Smith. First base
on balls: off Stlmtnel, 3; oft Gibson, 1.
Lft on bases: Kansas City, 10; Bt. Paul, 8.
Btrura out; aj minims., e: oy uiDson, I.
Double plays: Dlllard to Geler to Fergu
son, Nance to Lee wo. Time: 1:6S. Umpire.
taaaiaa- at tk Teaasa.
Played. Won. Loaf. P.C.
Loulavllle 74 61 21 .718
Indianapolis 73 48 26 . .bo
Bt. Paul 75 43 SI .672
Milwaukee 74 M 40 .4fl
Columbus 75 14 41 .4M
Kansas City 7k . 14 41 .463
Minneapolis 76 29 48 .27
Toledo 78 24 62 . 218
Oames today: Kanaaa City at St. Paul.
Milwaukee at Minneapolis, Louisville at
Toledo, Indianapolis at Columbus.
Yard Boys Beat Araaoara.
The Union Stock Tarda Juniors won yes-
teraay trom me Armours m a ragged and
uninteresting game. The Juniors expected
an easy time of It, but were greatly aur-
?rlsed when the Armours held them down
o three runa up to the fifth lnnina.
Caughey, who Is nursing a bad eye, re
ceived from a batted ball, was not In good
lorm ana retirea in ine iourtn inning, ine
Armours could do nothing; with Adams'
eurvea. The Juniors will play the Omaha
PTeia ciuo eaiuraay. ocorei
i R.H.B.
Juniors 011111 aaa
Armours 1 1 1 0 08 4
Patterles: Juniors, Caughey, Adams and
Miller and Talbot; Armours, Maher and
t..h...a.. L'..n. anna. Iii.Uh . .
Armours. 1. Home run: Bohrter. Passed
balls: Miller (2). Bchaeffer (4). First base
on balls: Off Caughey, 1: off Maher, f.
Btrurk out: By Caughey. 1; by Adams, 4;
by Maher 1. Left on baaea; Junlorr, 4;
Armoura, e.
taadlasj of Fort Dads Teaaa.
FORT DODGE. Ia., July 11 8peclal
The Fort Dodge base ball team to date
has played thirty-two fames, won twenty
lost eleven and tied one. The percentage
oi ine team is . ana nas never fallen
below KU. The team baa won four and
lust seven gsmes with Alaona. won one
and loat two with Waseca, won six and
lost two with Webster City, won four and
tied one with Albert Lea and won two
each from Sheldon and Lemars, besides
shutting: out the Kanaaa City Western aa
ociatlun team 4 to 0. The team plays ths
Des Moines Western league team Friday
ana on suaasv piays Aigona at Bt. rauk
Kearatr Vaaejalshes North Platte.
KEARNEY. Neb.. July l.-(8peclsl Tele,
gram. Kearney won from North Platte In
a game of base ball, played hare today, by
a acore of 1 to 8. Batterlea: Kearney, Black
and Maryott; North Platte, Mercer and
Bnuri. umpire: auiuvao.
MeCeek Laees Twa Iter.
M'COOK. Neb., July 14 -(Special. V
McCook has loat two of ita leading base
oaii piayers mis weea. yitcner aioare want
to the Omaha Western lea cue team and
C'ogllser to the Terr Uaute alub oX the
Anree-i Kague
Plajin at Qlrariaw Trudr Ovor Bain
Boaiod ritld.
Laals James, a Gleavlew Teaagster,
ad Oa C. Faller ( Mllwaakea
Are) the Twa Fortanate
CHICAOO, July 1. Two round of eigh
teen holes each, match play, were played
by the contestant for the amateur golf
championship at Gleavlew today under
weather conditions that could not have
been worse. There were but few surprises
today, but one result that caused consider
able comment was th defeat of A. G. Lock
wood, th clever Boeton Ian, by Dr. P. Fred
ericks of Oil City.
The latter's victory waa earned, how
ever, bis golf, in spite of th gale that
blew nearly all day. being almost psrfect
J. Q. Thorpe, the Harvard protesaor, was
put out of th running In th morning by
a youngster, Nathaniel Moora, but the lat
ter was defeated In the afternoon play by
Walter Egan, last year' runner up to
Travis. Bgan's golf was very consistent
In fact, be la displaying greater steadiness
than any of the younger western players,
and should be win In tomorrow's hard
contest with O. A. Ormlaton of Pittsburg,
it la considered that be stand an excel
lent chance ' of reaching th finals. Or
mlaton' play, although ha won both of
today's contests, was far from equaling
yesterday' high standard, oven taking Into
consideration tb unfsvorabls weather con
ditions. Notwithstanding this, he is still
considered one of the most formidable con
testants (or th championship honors. Two
matches that will be watched with much
Interest tomorrow morning will be thos
between Travis and E. M. Byers of Pitts
burg, and Dr. L. L. Harvan of Columbus
and H. Chandler Egan of Eunoor. Th lat
ter, in his mora in g game today mads a
medal score of-18 for the first nine boles.
four stroke under bogey and won ths match
at the twelfth hole, eight strokes under
bogey. This score was made while the wind
was blowing a gale, Egan showing S form
that has seldom been equaled. His play
fell oft somewhat during the afternoon
under slightly Improved weather condi
tion, but he held th game safe from th
Travis riays Steady.
Although Champion Travis did not dis
play particularly good form, either In the
morning or afternoon, yet hi play was
steady snougb to strengthen th belief that
he again would win the championship and
that, too, without much difficulty. He won
both morning and aftsrnoon game almost
as hs pleased. This was due, In a measure
to ths failure of his opponents to take ad
vantage of opportunities, but Travis ap
parently held his men cheaply and played
carelessly at times. Young Byers of Pitts
burg, If he shall play the golf he has dons
o far In th tournament, will. It Is con
sidered, give Travis the first test he has
had. Fsw really good medal scores were
made today. Chandler Egan's 88 and Percy
Pyne's and Dr. Fredericks' 40 In their aft
ernoon games were the best. Moat of ths
medal scores ran well over thos figures.
The medal scores for the first nine holes
Travis Out: 444I4T88 4-41
Bristol Out: 8(64464 848
Chandler Earan. claylnc aealnst waiter a.
Kirk of Onwentsla, showed beautiful form.
He finished his match seven up, six to play,
with a medal scors of 88 for the first u'.ne
holes. His medal score for th twelve holes
played was three strokes under bogey. His
play, considering the unfavorable weather
conditions was considered remarkable.
Other scores at the end ot tne nrst nine
holes, were: '
Walter Fairbanks, Denver. 1 up on J. C
Daniels, Midlothian.
Thayer McMillan. Detroit. I up on Harold
Weber, Toledo.
E. M. Byers, Allegheny. I up on Howard
Griffin, East Orange.
Max Bahr, Morris County, 1 up on B. F.
Cummlngs,' Exmoor.
Travis held his advsntsge coming In and
won at the fifteenth hole, 6 up and 1 to
play. The medal score coming In was as
Travls-In: 4 1111 8-28
Brlatol-Out: 4 4 1 4 6-29
The medal score In the Chandler Egan-
Walter Kirk match waa as follows:
Egan-Out: 61548(14 4-4
In: 4 14
Kirk-Out: (481(846 144
Thayer McMillan of Detroit finished 1 un
on Harold Weber of Toledo.
K. M. Byers of Allegheny beat Howard
Griffon of East Orange 1 up and 1 to play.
Max Bahr of Mortis County beat B. F.
Cummlng of Exmoor 2 up.
ueorge ri. Leslie or KKOKie neat o. c
Fuller of Milwaukee 6 up and 6 to play.
J. C. Daniels of Midlothian beat Brat
Walter Fairbanka 1 up in 1 holea. Fair
banks was dormie at tne fifteenth, but lost
the next three and Daniels won ths extra
J. A. Holablrd. Glenvlew. beat J. B.
Rahm, Omaha, 1 up, 1 to play.
Percy R. Pyne, Princeton, beat J. O.
Hinkley, Midlothian, 1 up, 11 holes.
F. R. Hamlin, Chicago, beat C. B.
Fownea, Pittsburg, 1 up, 2 to play.
A. G. Lockwood, Balls-ton, Boston, beat
C. B. Buchanan, Racine, 6 up, 4 to play.
P. B. Hoyt, Glenvlew, beat R. B. Kimball,
Omaha, 4 up, 1 to play.
A. rooie. jr., untwentaia, neat (jnaries
Zeublln, Ontwentsla, 4 up, 1 to play.
M. Doran. Bt. Paul, beat Chlsholra Beach.
Cleveland, I up, 1 to play.
Herbert J. Tweedle. Belmont, beat F.
Oden Horetman, Cleveland, 4 up, 1 to play.
- ur. u. Li. i-taroin Deai ju, is. unase, unt
wentaia, 4 up, 2 to play.
John C. Davidson, Columbia, beat Harry
Boae, Milwaukee, 4 up, 1 to play.
Loula James, Glenvlew, beat Maturln
B!iou, Apawamls, 6 up, 6 to play.
Stephen Bull, Racine, beat N. P. Smith,
Huntington Valley, 1 up.
L. H. Conklln, Princeton, beat W. C.
Carnegie, Pittsburg. 2 up, 1 to play.
rt. j. tsmitn, untwentaia, Deal It. u.
Fownes, Highland, Pittsburg, 6 up, 4 to
F. O. Relnhart. Baltusrol. beat O. D.
Thompson, Pittsburg. 7 up, 6 to plsy.
ur. u. t . r rraencKo, wu wny. Deal vv. il.
Bennett, Skokle. 4 up, 8 to play.
Allan Hlbbard. Milwaukee, beat R. E.
James, Glenvlew, 4 up, 1 to play.
R. E. Hunter. Midlothian, beat Dr. W. W.
Harban, Columbia, S tip, I to play.
Kaii.h McMittricK, bl Lrfuis, beat F. D.
Frailer, Glenvlew, 6 up, 6 to play.
W. Egan, Lake Geneva, beat A. G.
Brown. Springfield. 6 up. 1 to play.
Counaelman, jr., Midlothian, I up, 1 to
N. F. Moore, Ontwentsla, beat J. G.
Thorn, Oakley, I up,"l to play.
O. T. Brokaw, Princeton, beat J. R. Max
well, Des Moines, 1 up.
a. E. Ormlaton, Highland. Pittsburg,
beat John D. Cady, Bock Island, 1 up.
Ths following are the results ot the sec
ond round of match play:
W. J. Travla of Garden City beat 3. C.
Davidson of Columbia. 7 up ( to play.
E. M. Byers of Allegheny beat J. A.
Holablrd If Ontwentsla. 1 up.
Dr. Ia L. Harban of Columbia beat
Stephen1 Bull of Racine, up, 6 to play
Percy R- Pyne of Princeton beat Thayer
McMillan of Detroit. ( up, 1 to play.
O H. Lealle of Bkokle beat F. R. Hamlin
of Chlraaro. 1 up. I to play.
Dr. D. P. Fredericks of Oil Cltv beat A.
ft. Lockwood of Allaton, Boeton, 5 up, 4 to
Abram Poole, Jr., of Ontwentsla beat Mat
Brhr of Morris county. 1 up.
P. R. Hoyt of Glenvlew beat M. Doran,
jr., oi Bt. rtui, i up.
H. J. Tweedle of Exmoor beat R. IS.
Hunter of Midlothian, 1 up, 1 to play.
Loula James of Glenvlew beat L. H.
Conklln of Princeton. 1 up.
Ralph MrKittrlck of Bt. Louis beat R. W.
Keyea of Glenvlew. 1 uo. 1 to play.
II. C. Smith of Ontwentsla beat Allen
Hlbbard or Milwaukee, up, 4 to play.
H. O. Relnhard of Baltusrol beat L. ,T,
Boyd of Milwaukee. 1 uo.
W. E. Egan of Lake Oeneva beat N. F.
Moore of Ontwentsla. 1 un. 1 to nlav.
G. A. Ormlaton of Pittsburg beat G. T.
Brokaw of Princeton 1 up, 1 to play.
The following are the drawings for th
nrst round ot match play tomorrow:
W. J. Travla against E. M. Byers.
Dr. L. J Hsrban sgalnat H. C. Egan.
Percy R. Pyne asainat U. H. Leslie.
Dr. T. p. Fredericks against Abram
t-ooie. jr.
P. B. Hovt asalnst II. J. Tweedle
Louis James asalnst Ralph McKlttrick.
11. C, Bmllh asalnst ri. u. Kelnliard.
W. Q, aian MAluaU a. A. Ornuaian.
m ajii i I'l i ' ri "ll 1 ' II ii Tun,,
I f I T-s v
V Speolil Exourilon liavit Omaha Tuitdty Aug. 6.
X' Writ lor folJr-rREC ft j
Alice Russell Wins SilT Trot ' at
Grosse Polnte After Hardest
Straggle Yet Seen. m
DETROIT. Mich.. Jnlv 18 It took seven
heats to decide the 1:17 trot at Grosse
Polnte track this afternoon and the event.
wnicn was won uy Alice nussen, proved
to be the best race thus far seen at ths
Blue Ribbon meetlntr of the Detroit Driv
ing club. Five heats were driven In the
1:14 paoe before Roamer won the event,
and so much time was taken up by these
two events that it was necessary to post
pone three of the races until tomorrow.
The weather and track this afternoon were
snlendld and the attendance waa In the
neighborhood of 7.000.
lesteraay s unfinished z:ll trot was the
first event called, with' one heat to the
credit of Palm Leaf. Pnlndexter won the
first heat today by a drive In the atretch.
The next two went to Ansella, the original
lavorue in tne race, oy gooa margins. JbJ.
Smathers of New York had the Dole with
Alice Barnes In the amateur race to wagon.
He drove a splendid race, keeping In front
all the way and winning from Frnnker by a
neck in 1:11. Franker brcke badly at the
Baron Dillon Junior and Promise were
best liked by the bettors for the 2:17 trot.
In the first heat Baron Dillon Junior led
Into the stretch, where Foote made a fine
drive with Nut Bearer and won by a head.
Nut Bearer was favorite In the next heat
at 1100 to 1160 for the field. Mary P. Ley-
purn rusnea into tne leaa at tne quarter
and held It to the wire. The mare took
the next heat, too, although she was only
a head In front ot Promlne at the wire.
Nut Bearer won the first in the prettiest
finish of the meeting. Tho horses came
into the stretch bunched and Nut Bearer,
Alice Russell, Millard Saunders, Huron
Dillon Junior and Promise trotted the last
600 feet heads apart, Nut Bearer winning by
a nose from Alice Russell. Alice Rusaell
then took the next three heats In Impres
sive fashion, shutting out Mary P. Ley
burn In the seventh heat and thereby tak
ing first and third money.
winneid stratton was whipped from the
five-eighths pole In the first heat of the
2:14 pace and won It by half a length.
Roaebud won the next heat, coming like a
flash the last quarter. Roamer, the
favorite, had been laid up both heats. Ha
was driven out in the next three heats and
led all the way in each one, McHenry
made a drive for the fourth heat wltn
Prince Direct, but could not head Roamer.
2:11 trot, purse 11.600. two In three heats
i unfinished yesterday):
insella, br. m.. by Antrlm-Hasel
Kirke CM. Sanders) 1 10 1 1
Poindexter, b. a. (Marsh) 114 2
Palm Leaf, b. g. (McCarthy) 1 1 T 1
Leola, b. m. (Hutchings) 7 1 Ida
Antesella, b. h. (Mpear) 0 4 Zds
Klna- Chimes, b. m. (Davis) 1 1 Oda
Hesperus, b. s. (Jamison) 4 5 ids
Charlie Mc, blk. K. (Reybold) 8 6ds
Metllaa, blk. s. (Hussey) 6 lOds
Wsuburn, g. g. (Saunders) 10 7 6ds
Time: 1:10V.. :, lius. !:10H-
1:10 claas. trottlnsr. amateur event, one
mile dash to wagon:
Alice Barnes, b. m by Electlon-fildone,
by Sultan (Smathers) 1
Franker, b. g. (Billings) 1
Alberta D, cn. g. (Otis, jr.) 1
Time: 1:12
1:17 trotting, nurse 11.600:
Alice Russell, b. m., by
Gambetta Wilkes, dam by
Socrates (Hudson) 8 8 4 1 1 1 1
Nut Bearer. Dr. sr. ( Foote).. 1 4 8 1(14
Mary P. Leyburn, ch. m.
(Mflreni 4 l l 7 8 Ida
Promise, d. g. (W. James).. 8 8 111
MUlard Sanders, b. g. (Mer-
rlfield) 7 1 I 4 T
Baron Dillon Junior, b. h.
(Fuller) 2 5 7 6 4
Bernelda, blk. m. (French)..7 8 16 1
Vendors, br. m. (McGuire).. 7 6 16
Guv Fortune, ch. a. (Noble). ds
Tip T, b. h. (Lyman) ds
Time: :u, z:u., z:u, ;u, !:14Vfc,
1:16. 1:15.
1:14 pace, purse n.buu.
Roamer, br. sr., by Moquette
Ida Lvonle (Stahl) 7 7 111
Roaebud, ch. m. (Nuckols) 6 1 I ( 2
Wlnfield Stratton, b. h. (Mc
Guire) I I 4
Prince Direct, blk. h. (Mc
Henry) 6 112 1
Frank, br. g. (Pennock) 1 6 6 4 6
Don Bpnynx. Dr. n. t.Miinsoni.... 1 8 7 7 8
Black Joe, blk. g. (H. James)... (10 I I 1
Pauline C, blk. m. (Snow) 1 9 4 Idr
Flashes, b. g. (Johnson) 8 ( 4 ds
John H. b. g. (Colby) 10 8 ds
Jack Mont, b. g. (Greer) ds
Time: ,;ix, :utt, i-.whj. l:09H. 2:1114.
Awfnl Loss of Life
Follows neglect of throat and lung dli"
ease, but Dr. King's New Discovery cures
such troubles or no pay, 60c, 1.00.
Gold Top Is our famous bot
tled beer the excellence of
which is unsurpassed. It's a
perfect beer, brewed from the
finest of Imported hops and
barley, and Is unequaled for
delicious flavor, body and qual
ity. Keep a bottle ot "Gold
Top" on ice.
Jetter Brewing Co.
So. Onubg, Neb. 'Phone I.
Omaha Office, 'Phone 1543.
Wholesale Dealer.
1013 Main. Co. Bluffs. 'Phone 80.
for the Laundry Oive finest Finish to all delicate Fabrics.
For ealo by all flrdt-olaos srooera.
If You Want (he Best
In looking at offices In different buildings, tho greatest praise ths owner or
rental agent can give an office Is to say that it Is "as good as an office In Ths Pee
Building." It may be In some respects, but It ean not be in every respect
The Bee Bunding is one ot the only two absolutely fireproof office buildings In -Omaha.
The Bee Building is the only build lug having all-plght aad all day Bunday
elevator service. Ths Bee Building furnishes electrlo light and water without ad
ditional cost. Tb Bee Building Is kspt clean, not aoms ot ths tims, but all of tb
Keep these points in mind when looking for an offlc. and you will take one of
thos listed below. If you are wise.
List of vacant rooms in
The Bee Building
Ground Floor.
Per Month.
ROOdi Hi Wxta feet. Faces Seventeenth street and has windows along the
alley. Thia la a large, light room, and the rental price includes heat,
light, water and janitor aervlce. It has an entrance both on The Hee
Building Court and Seventeenth street Price I6J.00
First Floor.
CITE 101 1 There Is no finer office suite In Omaha than this one. It Is located
Just on the right hand of the great marble stairway, and has unusually
large wlndowa looking upon the front entrance way of the building. It
fronts on Fa mam street. One room Is 17x19 and the other 8xl. It has a
burglar-proof vault, marble mantel-piece, hardwood floors, and will be
frescoed to suit tenant Price 175.00
BOOM 104i This room Is just at the head of the main atalrway on the first floor.
It would be a very desirable office for some real estate man or con
tractor. The floor space is 16x18 feet Price $20.00
Third Floor.
ROOM 80S: This room Is 21x1 feet and is very conveniently locsted nesr the
elevator. A sign on the door can bs readily seen in stepping oft ths ele- '
vator Price H ot
ROOM R3H: This room Is 17x32 feet and will be divided to suit the tenant.
Thia room is particularly adapted for aome concern needing large floor
space and Is a decidedly handsome office, having an entrance facing the
court and wlndowa looking out upon Seventeenth street. It has a very
large burglar-proof vault, hard wood floors and is one of the choicest offi
ces In ths building Prlue 150.00
Fourth Floor.
stOOM 401: 15x18 feet. This room Is next to the elevator and faces court. It
has a Urge burglar-proof vault and Is well ventilated. lias good light,
and for ths prloe furnishes first-class accommodations Price 117.10
Fifth Floor.
CITE Kit; This is a very largs room, 17x42 feet. It faces west, but Is very
light and well ventilated. It is very seldom that space of this slse is of
fered In The Bee Building. It could be used to advantage by some firm
employing a large number of clerks, or requiring large floor space a
wholesale Jeweler, or manufacturer a agent, who would like to be In a
fireproof building, or it will be divided to suit the tenant Price $60.00
ROOM Bill: This room faces the court and Is 18x14 feet. It haa a burglar-proof
vault, and aa It Is near the telegraph office and on the aame floor with a '
number of grain Arms, It would be a particular good room for a grain
firm desiring tlrst-class accommodation Prloe 120,00
Sixth Floor.
1'ITB 610: This consists of two rooms, both lSHxllH. Each of them has a
large burglar-proof vault, have been newly decorated and are rooms
where any business or professional man may be comfortable. Price for
the two 134.00
Rental Agents.
Ground Floor
Bee Buildinjf
PARTS 1 to 20
The Living
Animals of
the World
At The Bee Office
Price 10 cents By mail IS cents