Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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BUckholdert of Qsrraai Eank of aturdock to
Wind Dp Affairs.
Vail Attendane Is Exeli at in
Committee Tkmniar
(From a Suit Correspondent)
LINCOLN, July 16. (Special.) Acting In
accordance with a tectlon of the Nebrask
banking act, the State Board of Banking
today approved the bond of the Block
bolder of the defunct Oerman bank of
Murdoch:, under which the stockholder!
agree to pay all claims against the lnstltu
tlon within the next six months. Br the
terms of the agreement they are to be
given possession of all of the paper and
records of the bank. They will wind up
Its affairs In their own way, but are liable
for all deposits and bills outstanding. It
Is understood that the stockholders will
appoint C. F. Cutbman, cashier of ths
Bank of Murdock, aa trustee. The lia
bilities of the defunct bank are approxi
mately' $40,000. The paper of the bank Is
aid to be good for Its face value. Mr.
Cuthman was one of the stockholders of
the Institution. Under this arrangement
no receiver will be appointed. The bond
la for $70,000.
The Oerman bank of Murdock was closed
by order of the Stat Banking board two
weeks ago. It having been learned that
one of Its officers had been guilty of a
direct violation of the law. This violation
was the Issuance of a certificate of de
posit for $3,000, without having it regis
tered In the bsnk, or the deposit credited.
The law under which the stockholders
are permitted to make the settlement la
seldom made use of, only two or three
bonds of this character having been ap
proved In the last five years. In the case
of the Omaha Savings bank, the stock
holders of which obligated themselves to
pay off all claims sgalnat the institution,
an extension of time was given, but In
the other casea the settlements were sat
isfactorily made within the time specified.
State Conmltte Meetlnsj.
The meeting of the republican state cen
tral committee in this city tomorrow night
will bring forth many of the party leaders
and campaign workers. Chairman H. C.
Lindsay hss Invited all nominees on the
state and congressional tickets to attend
the conference and the chairmen of the
congreasional district committees are also
expected to be present.
Mr. Lindsay has been In Hot Springs,
S. D., for two weeks, taking treatment
for rheumatism. He will return tomor
row afternoon and unless forced away by
further illness will give his undivided at
tentlon to the work of the campaign until
It closes.
I Acting Governor Steel this afternoon
Issued a proclamation offering a reward
of $200 for the apprehension of William
3. Alexander, murderer of Charles Hall.
The murder was committed In Madison on
July 4. Alexander had been gambling and
claimed that he lost heavily. He under
took to hold up the establishment la which
be had been playing and in the process
shot and killed Hall. The Identity of the
murderer Is not disputed. Hall was for
merly a barber In Omaha.
Mew Corporations.
Articles of Incorporation of the Amer
ican Game company of Omaha were re
corded in the secretary of state's office.
They set forth that the object of the com
pany Is to promote the Interests of Indoor
sports and pastimes and to purchase at
retail and wholesale any games or sup
plies that, may be needed. The company
Is capitalized for $10,000. Its Incorporators
are E. L. Jayhes, H. E. Jaynes and M. L.
The Ivy Press company of this city haa
been incorporated with a capital stock of
$16,000. The Incorporators are Frank L.
Lemon and Lincoln C. Lemon.
The Honry Herman company, a Milwau
kee company, incorporated under the laws
of Nebraska, has changed Its corporate
name to the City Investment company.
A certificate of the dissolution of the
Nebraska Retail Liquor Dealers'' Protec
tlv association was filed. The associa
tion recently reincorporated, using ths old
name without the word "protective"
William H. Thompson of Grand Island,
fusion candidate for governor, filed a state
ment to the effect that he expended no
money In sscurlng the nomination. Be
cause of his residence in the town where
the conventions were held Mr. Thompson
bad an advantage over the other nominees
on the fusion ticket, for aa thsy were non
residents, all bad to pay for hotel accom
Later reports to the Department of Pub-
Uo Instruction show that five counties
voted to organise adjunct High school dla
trlcts In accordance with the free High
School attendance law. They are Antelope,
Jefferson, Madison, Douglas and Cass.
A requisition was Issusd by the acting
governor tor the return of Leo Jordan,
who Is wanted In Omaha for trial on a
SOropiaini BlgUVU VJ riureavn Biuuu
. . t J I a h
charring assault. He Is under arrest in
Creston, la.
The Commercial club this afternoon
voted 'to have the city tax cases ap
, pealed to the district court The com
claims are against the assessment of
three public service corporations, the Ne
braska Telephone company, the Lincoln
Gaa and Electric company and the Lincoln
Traction company. The city council de
cllned to disturb the figures returned by
the tax commissioner. The Commercial
elub asked to havs all of them raised.
Team Stolen at tt. Edward.
ST. EDWARD. Neb.. July 16. (Special.)
A fine black driving team, together with a
buggy and set of harness, belonging to
Ed D War of this place, was stolen from
bis stabls early Tuesday. There Is no clue
to ths thief.
Dodai Sapervlaore Proceedings.
FREMONT, Neb., July 16. (Special.)
The county supervisors met In regulsr ses
slon yesterday and as usual roads snd
ditches will taks up a great part of the
What is it? The begin
ning of gray hair, falling hair,
baldness. Extremely un
tidy, and annoying, too. The
remedy? Ayer's Hair Vigor.
It keeps the scalp healthy,
stops falling of the hair, and
always restores color to gray
hair. An elegant dressing.
"I am satis Red with Ayer's Hair
Vigor. II restores ths natural color to
my bair, prevents it from falling out,
and makes it moist." Betsey A. Elder,
E. Macblas, Me.
tUt AUarafiutt. J. C, AYEI CO, LeveO. ftasa.
time. The old "angling road" to Ames was
ordered opened p and a small sum awarded
as damages. A couple of claims for ad
ditional damages tor roada ordered at the
last session were presented. This morn
ing a petition was filed for the construction
of a ditch about a mil In length leading to
bead of ditch No. 1. the cutoff ditch
west of North Bend, and the board went
at today to Inspect the property.
Ooald Agrala Released.
WAHOO, Neb.. July 16. (Special. WuiUe
Sornborger rendered the following decision
In the Gould hsbesa corpus proceedings In
this city this afternoon: "It follows, there
fore, that the petitioner Is unlawfully re
strained of his liberty and ought to be dis
charged, and judgment is entered accord
ingly." The trial was held In this city last
week and this decision was made ty Judge
Sornborger today. The case has been at
tracting considerable attention as Gould had
been discharged at one time In Butler
county for the same crime. The charge
made against Oould vat as being an accom
plice to his brother, Amos, In wrecking the
Bellwood bsnk. who Is now serving a term
la the penitentiary.
Will Enlarge Orphans Hone.
FREMONT. Neb., July 16. (Special.)
An addition 40x16 and three stories In
height Is to be built to ths main building
of the Orphans' home. The school building
will be moved some distance to the north.
The board of directors decided to petition
the city council to extend the waterworks
system to their buildings. The financial
condition of the orphanage Is tar better
than ever before and there Is enough money
in the treasury to erect the new addition.
Opening; Day at David City.
DAVID CITY, Neb.. July 16. (Special
Telegram.) This was the opening dsy of
the rsces. The attendance was fstrly
good. The 1:45 trotting race was won by
Bertha Egmont, owned by E. L. Prewltt,
Fort Madison, la., time 2:25; Miss
Britain, owned by Fred Strshn of Wayne,
Neb., second. In the 1:22 pace, Dulcle
8., owned by J. S. Llnell. Oquawka, 111.,
won, time, 1:20; Guy Medium, owned by
Frank Strahn of Wayne, Neb., second.
Table Hoe It Board Elects.
TABLE) ROCK, Neb., July 16. (8peclal.)
The census of this school dlstrtot, recent
ly completed, shows 3S4 children of school
age, as against 850 In 1901. At the meeting of
the Board of Education, held Monday even
ing to organize, the following were elected
as officers for the ensuing year; Dr. W.
H. Wilson, president; William White, vie
president; M. H. Marble, secretary; Dan
Andrew, treasurer.
Opposes Adjunct School Law.
FREMONT. Neb., July 16. (Special.)
The adjunct school district law passed by
the last session of the legislature meets
with little favor In this oounty. Of the
eighty-three school dlstrlots In the county
returns of the vote on the proposition
have been received from all but nineteen.
It was defeated In all of them and the total
majority against it In the county Is about
Drop Dead la Corn Field.
AINSWORTH. Neb.. July 16. (Special
Telegram.) As an old man named B. H.
Bacon was plowing corn about S o'clock,
he suddenly dropped dead of heart disease.
He bad been engaged in shipping old Iron
from this point, but was a comparative
stranger, no one seeming to know where
he cam from. He leaves a daughter her.
Ho was about SO years of sge.
Phillips In Brief.
PHILLIPS, Neb.. July 16. (Special.)
Farmers In this locality are finishing up
the wheat harvest. A better crop was never
harvested In this county.
J...W. Devor unloaded ,M saw thresher
and will go to work tomorrow. 1
This Is our third beautiful sunshine-day
of this week with a gentle breeze from the
south. The corn crop Is looking splendid.
Churchmen Shnn Feminine Aid.
WTMORB, Neb., July 16. (Special.) The
men of the Episcopal church gave a social
on the church lawn Tuesday evening and
met with splendid success. A large crowd
was In attendance and a four-piece or
chestra added much to the pleasure of th
guests. Sherbet, Ice cream and cake were
served and th men waited table wltb much
Do ran (or Representative.
BURWELL. Neb.. July 16. (Special.)
At the represesentatlv republican conven
tlon of the Forty-ninth district, held here
last night, T. H. Doran of this place was
nominatea. Mr. uoran is interested in a
lumber yard and also a cattl ranch In this
county, besides several other Interests, and
Is considered a very strong candidate.
Assailant to Have HenrlnsT Satardny,
HASTINGS, Neb.. July 16. (Special.)
The tramp who was run down Sunday aft
ernoou and placed in jail for having entered
the borne of R. A. Batty and having at
tempted to assault Batty's ' li-year-old
daughter, haa stated that his name is James
Fullue. He will be arraigned In eounty
court Saturday morning.
Letch Odd Fellow Install.
LEIGH, Neb.. July 16. (Special.) The In
dependent Order of Odd Fellows of this
p'ace held a semi-annual Installation at
their hall last night, followed by a ban
quet and musical program. Stat Grand
Master C. A. Randall of Newman tjrove was
nresent and mada an add rem Covers vara
present and maa an address, covers were
laid for eighty.
Th Leading; Malt Extract.
Malt-Nutrlns Is th only really great ex
tract ot malt offered on the market, other
so-called extracts being nothing better than
strong, black beer wltb a large percentage
of alcohol and a very small one of extract
ive matter. Such extracts should not be
given or recommended to convalescents or
strength-seeking people, since their merits
are all on the label and not In the bottle.
Malt-Nutrln la prepared by the Anheuser-
Busch Brewing Ass'n, which guarantees Its
purity, excellence and merit.
Omaha Still Keeps On Hnndred
Thonsand Ahead of Kansas
City In Hog.
CINCINNATI, July 16. (Special Tele
gram.) The Pries Current says: The
movement of bogs Is largely short ot the
same time last year. Total western pack
ing Is 320. 000, compared with 290,000 th
preceding week and 465.000 th same week
last year. Since March 1 the total Is 7.435,
000, against 6.840,000 a year ago. Prom
inent places compare aa follows:
190!. wn.
Chicago 1.4.ui0 1.3n0.000
OMAHA K2S,Ot 8U6.000
Kansas City 725.0r3 1.4J0.&O
Nt. Joseph K.UO
St. Louis KUi.ta)
Indianapolis S.Si.mO
Sioux City
St. Paul
Milwaukee ...
Cincinnati ....
Cedar Haplds
Scott Gallty
of Murder.
BRECKINRIDGE. Colo.. July 16. L. A.
Scott, alias "Pug" Ryaa. a notorious dss
perado of Colorado and the northwest, was
today found guilty of murder In ths first
degree for killing Ernest Conrad, an officer.
about three years ago. He 1 charged also
with th murder of John Whitney, who with
Conrad was shot , whil trying to arrest
lotion of President BoosstsH on ths Oonrt-
Martial Gas.
Says that Althoaah Smith. Gave th
Kill and Barn Order, It Was
Hot Carried Ont Save la
On Instance.
WASHINGTON, July 16. Secretary Root
brought from Oyster Bay the case of Gen
eral Jacob H. Smith, tried by court-martial
at Manila on account of orders Issued to
Major Waller.
General Smith was found guilty of the
charges by ths court and sentenced to be
admonished by the reviewing authority.
The president has so admonished General
Smith and retired him under the law which
provides that officers having reached the
ags of 62 years may be retired at will by
the president.
Secretsry Root supplements the reprimand
of President Roosevelt in a long circular,
In which he explains the condition which
resulted In the court-martial of Oeneral
Smith and shows that, although Smith Is
sued the "kill and burn" order, as a matter
of fact very few persons were killed aa a
result of that order, the casualties being
confined almost wholly to the eleven na
tive killed under Major Waller's direction.
Approved by the President.
Following Is the text of the president's
review of the case:
19C4. By the President: The flndlnss and
sentence of the court are approved. I em
wen aware or me aanger ana great aim
cuity of the task our army has had In the
Philippine Islands, and of the well-nigh
Intolerable provocations It has received
from the cruelty, treachery and total dis
regard of the rules and customs of civilised
warfare on the part ot Its foes. I also
heartily approve the employment of the
sternest measures necessary to put a stop
to sucn atrocities and to Dime tnis war
to a close. It would be culpable to show
weakness in dealing with such foes or to
fall to use all legitimate and honorable
methods to overcome them.
But the very fact that warfare Is of such
character as to afford infinite provocation
for the commission of acts of icruelty by
junior officers and the enlisted men must
make the omcers In high and responsible
positions peculiarly careful in their bearing
and conduct, so as to keep a moral check
over any acts of an Improper character by
their subordinates. Almost universally th
higher officers have so borne themselves as
to supply this necessary check, and with
but few exceptions the o (fleers and soldiers
of the army have shown wonderful kind
ness and forbearance In dealing with their
But there have been exceptions; there
have been Instances of the use of torture
and of Improper heartlessness lf warfare
on the part of the individuals or small
Sallied the American Name.
In the recent campaign ordered by Gen
eral Sralin the shooting of the native
bearers by the orders of Major Waller
was an act which sullied the American
name and can be but partly excused by
Major Waller's mental condition at the
time, this mental condition being due to
the fearful hardship and suffering which
he had undergone In his campaign. It
Is Impossible to tell exactly how much In
fluence language like that used by Oeneral
Smith may have had In preparing the
minds of those under him for the com
mittal of the deeds which we regret.
Loose and violent talk by an officer of
high rank 1 always likely to excite to
wrongdoing those among his subordlnaates
whose wills are weak or whose passions
are strong.
General Smith has behind htm a long
career distinguished for gallantry, and,
on the whole, for good conduct. Taken In
the full, his work has been such aa to
reflect credit upon the American army
and, therefore, upon the nation, and it la
deeply to be regretted that he should have
so acted in this instance as to Interfere
with his further usefulness In the army.
I hereby direct that he be relieved from
th active List.
Review of Seeretaj-y Hoot.
The following Is the review of Secretary
July 12, 1902. To the President: I trans
mit herewith the record and procefllnM
upon the trial ot Brigadier General Jacob
H. Smith by court-martial convened under
your order aateu April il, like, and now
brought before you as reviewing author-
General Smith was found guilty ot con
duct of the prejudice of good ortiVr snd
military discipline, in that he gave in
the fall of 19ul to Major L. W. T. Waller of
the marine corps, then servintr with a
battalion of marines, under his orders as
commander of the sixth separate brlgvle
in Samar the following oral Instructions:
"I want no rjrlsoners. I wish you to
kill and burn; the more you kill and burn
the better you win please me. ' And fur
ther that ne wanted all persons killed
who were capable of bearing arms and In
actual hostilities against the Untied
States, and did in reply to a Question by
Major Waller asking for an age limit des
ignate the age limit as 10 years of age.
The court sentenced him to be admon
ished by the reviewing authority, and
the court appended to the sentence th
following explanation:
Strong; Tails Not Meant.
"The court is thus lenient In view ot
the undisputed evidence that the accused
did not mean everytning that nis unex
plained language Implied, that his sub
ordinates did not gather such a meaning
and that the orders were never execute!
In such sense, notwithstanding that a des
perate struggle was being conduoted with
a cruel anu aavage loe.
An examination of the evidence has sat
Isfled that th conviction was Just and
that the reasona stated for the very light
sentence imposed are sustained by the
facts. General Smith in his conversation
with Major Waller was guilty of intem
perate, inconsiderate and violent expres
sions, wnicn, it accepted literally, would
f grossly violate the humane rules govern
ng American armies in the field and if
followed would have brought everlasting
disgrace on the military service of the
Vrfitui states. Fortunately they were not
taken literally nor followed. No women
or children nor non-combatants were put
to oeatn in pursuance oi mem.
Mo Bearing: on Waller' Caa.
An examination of the record and pro
ceedlngs upon the trial of Major Waller,
wnicn immeaiateijr prwfuea mai oi uen
eral Smith, shows that the Instructions
in question bore no relation to tne acts
for which Major Waller was tried and
wore not alleged oy him as Justification
for those acts. Major Waller was tried
for causing certain natives who had acted
as bearers or guides of one or nis expedi
tions to be Dut to death for treachery
without proper trial, and he defended his
action not upon the ground of any orders
received from General Smith, but upon
the ground that as commanding oflicer
he was justified by the laws of war.
Oeneral Smith's written and printed or.
ders and the actual conduct or military
operations in Samar were justified by the
history and conditions or tne warrare with
the cruel and treacherous savages who
Inhabited the Island and their entire dis
regard ot the laws of war were wholly
within the limitations of general order No.
100 of lbo3 and were sustained by prece
dents of tne nignesi aumomy.
Previous Cases Bronght Vp.
Thus In 1778 Washington ordered Gen
eral Sullivan In the campaign against the
six nations to sees and look to tne de
struction and devastation of their settle
ments, li wrote:
'But you will not by any means listen
to overtures of peace before the total ruin
of their settlements is errected '
Our future security will be in their In
ability to injure us, the distance to wnu-n
they are driven and In the terror with
which the severity of the chastisement
they receive will inspire tnem.
The tort Phil Kearney massacre In
1S64, for treachery, revolting cruelty and
the condltlona of serious dsnser which
followed It. did not approach the massacre
of Ualarslsa in Samar in September. 1901.
There the natives had been treated with
kindness and confidence, liberty and self
government had been given to them. Cap
tain cnnnei. tne American commander.
waa of the sams faith and had been wor
shlplr.g In tne same church with them.
Soldier Rnthlesaly Slnashtered.
With sll the assurance of friendship our
men were ses ted at their meal unarmed
among an apparently peaceful and friendly
community when they were set upon from
behind and butchered and their bodlei
when found by their comrades the nex
day had been mutllited and treated Willi
Indescribable Indignities. Yet there was no
such severity by American soldiers In
SaKSX as tiouiral Sherman proposed
against th Sioux after Fort rhfl Kear
ney. It Is due. however, to the srood sense
and self-reatraint of General Smith's sub
ordinate and their resard 'or the Isw
ot war rather than to his own self-control
and judgment that his Intemperate
and unjustifiable verbal Instructions weie
not followed and that he Is relieved from
the Indelible stain which would have re
sulted from a liberal compliance with
It Is the duty of a general officer, mhcte
sge and experience have brought him to
high command, not to Incite his subordi
nates to acte of lawless violence, but to
so explain to them that the application cf
the laws of war and the limitation upm
their conduct as to prevent transgressions
upon their part and supplement their com
parative Inexperience by his wis con
trol. Recommends Smith's Retirement.
In this General Smith has signally failed
and for this he has been justly convicted.
Although the sentence Imposed Is exceed
ingly light, it carries with it a condemna
tion which for an officer of his rank and
age Is really a severe punishment.
For this reason and for the farther rea
son that General Smith has served thu
country long and faithfully, has exhibited
high courage and good conduct In many
battles, has been seriously wounded In
the civil war and In the war with ftaln
and Is about concluding a long anj r.on-
oraDie career as a laimrui and loyal te. v
ant of his country, I recommend that the
mild sentence Imposed be comlnned.
Should you approve the findings nml
sentence of the court. In addition to 'this
recommendation I feel safe to say further
that In view of the findings and sentence
and of the evident Infirmities which have
made It possible that the faots f und
of service that he should continue In his
rank. His usefulness Is an example, ai'lde
and controlling Interest for the Junior of-
ncers or me army is at an end, and as ne
la already upward of 62 veara of ate. I
recommend that you exercise the discre
tion vested In you by law and now retire
him from active service.
KL.1HU ROOT, Secretary of War.
Th Hew Cohan Reunblle.
Th flag of th United States has been
lowered In Cuba and the Cuban standard
now floats In Its place, and for the first
time in her history has a fully organized
civil government of ber own. Whether
they will make a success or failure of It,
time alone can tell. One of the most suc
cessful medicines before the publlo Is Hos-
tetter's Stomach Bitters, because It always
cures headache. Indigestion, dyspepsia,
constipation and liver and kidney troubles
Try It and see for yourself.
On th Mllwankeo Railway.
For a short or a long vacation this beau
tiful lake offers the most economical, yet
delightful outing that Is available for
Omaha people.
Quickly and easily reached from Omaha
via th Milwaukee railway, altitude al
most 2,000 feet, air always oool and In
vigorating. A beautiful, clear, deep lake
with high shores, picturesquely timbered
with hardwood tree. Excellent fishing,
boating and bathing. Moderate-priced, but
good hotels. This Is a list of advantages
not to be equaled. Full information cheer
fully furnished at th Milwaukee Railway
City Office. 1604 Farnam street.
F. A. NASH. General Western Agent.
Implement Men Favored.
SIOUX FALLS, S. D., July 16. (Special.)
In th suit of the McCormlck Harvesting
Machine company against Henry H. Gul
stlne and George H. Waskey, prominent
farm machinery dealers of Madison, argued
before Judge Carland of the United States
court In this city on demurrer, Judge Car
land sustained the defendants' demurrer
to the first cause of action and overruled
the defendants' demurrer to th second
cause of action stated in the complaint.
Th suit Involved payment and commlslsons
on nineteen binders furnished by the com
pany to th defendants. The. decision of
Judge Carland is a victory for th com
pany on $475 of the claim and a victory for
the defendants on ti.78O0 ol th amount
involved. . '.
Showers and Thunderstorms and
Cooler Thursday for .
WASHINGTON. July 16. Forecast:
For Nebraska, Kansas, South snd North
Dakota Showers and thunderstorms snd
cooler Thursday; Friday fair.
For Iowa Showers snd thunderstorms
snd not so warm Thursday; Friday fair.
For Mlsourl Scattered showers and thun
derstorms and not so warm Thursday; Fri
day probably fair.
For Illinois Showers and thunderstorms
snd not so warm Thursday; Friday fair;
brisk west to northwest winds.
Local Record.
OMAHA. July 16. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation compared wim
the corresponding any w iuo imi
years: ,
1901 191. 1900. 1S99.
. M 100 61 81
Maximum temperatude.,
Minimum temperature.
, 77 76 60 67
. 86 88 64 74
Mean temperature
, .00 .78 2.08 .00
Record of temperature and precipitation
at Omaha for this day and since March 1,
Normal temperature 77
Excess for the day
Total excess since March 1 197
Mnmil rtreclnltatlon 16 Inch
n.Arlnrv for the day IB Inch
Total rainfall since March 1 16.26 Inches
Deficiency since Marcn 1 ei men
Deficiency for cor. period 101..,. 6.16 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period 1900.... 2.27 Inches
Reports from Station at T F. M.
: c
: S
Omaha clear
Valentine, cloudy
North Platte, clear
1 Ai .00
82 8ft! .00
84! 90l .01
Cheyenne, cloudy
741 801 T
Bait Lane city, ciouay...
84! .0.1
761 .00
Rapid City, part ciuoy.
Huron, cloudy
Chicago, clear
Bt. Louis, clear
St. Paul, part cloudy
Iavenport. clear
Kansas City, clear
Havre, clear
Helena, clear
S6 .00
841 .04
921 .00
84 1 .00
90 T
SI! .00
T2 .00
721 .00
Bismarck, clear
8o 82 .00
86 881 T
Galveston, clear
T Indicates trac of precipitation.
L. A. WET.8H.
Local Forecast Official.
pure. The critical ordeal through which the expectant mother must
pass, however, is so fraught with dread, pain, suffering and danger,
that the very thought of it fills her with apprehension and horror.
There is no necessity for the reproduction of life to be either painful
or dangerous. The use of Mother's Friend so prepares the system for
the coming event that it is safely passed without any danger. This
great and wonderful t
tSsiS Ey D)1tudB!F 1
of women through
the trying crisis without suffering.
Bead for free book eeataiolBg lafemtatto
Of priceless vslae to all espeeiaat ateiasrs.
Tbs Braiflils RsjilaUr Cs, Atlasta. fia.
mints it south dim
City Oousoil Hakes Appropriation for Fsu
Honths' Salaries.
Mayor Kontskr Doubt that Curfew
Ordinance Caa B Enforced and
for that Reaaon May
Hot Sinn It.
Last night the city council met In ad
journed session and allowed claims against
the city amounting to about 126,000. Th
salaries of policemen, firemen, street de
partment employes, city officials snd other
who have not received any money sine
February were allowed. Now the city em
ployes have been paid up In full to June
SO. The judges and clerks employed .it
the election were remembered, each com
ing In for 66.
It is expected that at the meeting to
be held next Monday night a large number
of claims which have accumulated for sev
eral months will be passed upon.
J. M. Tobias, who Is reconstructing th
Fourth ward fireball, asked to be al
lowed $600 on his contract, aa he has the
work about two-thirds completed. As th
city has not secured a settlement with the
Insurance company there was some dis
cussion ss to where the money was to
come from, but it was finally decided to
draw on the fir fund for the amount and
replace the money so drawn when the In
surance is adjusted.
The streets and alleys committee will
take up the -matter of taking care of the
surface water and filling the big wash
out at Twenty-third and E streets at once.
Adjourned until Monday, July 21.
Holland Enter Denial.
An uptown sheet made the assertion In
Its Issue of last evening that the Nebraska
Telephone company had refused to handle
fire alarms for the city since the mayor had
declared the office of city electrician va
cant. In connection with this item Man
ager Holland has this to say:
"The Nebraska Telephone company did
not on the occasion mentioned refuse to
handle a fire alarm. For a number of years
past this company has handled all alarms
free, all that was needed was to Inform the
central office where the ,flre was located
and the alarms were turned In from this
office. Since the office of city electrician
has been declared vacant and the batteries,
etc., removed to Ore hall No. 1, It has been
found necessary to have telephone alarms
turned in direct. In case of fire those de
siring to use 'the telephone should Imme
diately ask central for No. 60, and the op
erator will plug In the number Just tt
same as for any other call. It Is true thax
phone No. 60 Is not listed In the book; In
fact, this number has not been In the book
since the "telephone company commenced the
handling of alarms, It having been left out
purposely to avoid annoyance at the fire
Appraiser Make Report.
Yesterday afternoon L. C. Gibson and
Thomas J. O'Nell, recently appointed ap
praisers for a portion of Fifteenth street,
made a report and filed It with the city
clerk. It Is desired to make a change In
the grade of that portion of Fifteenth street
which lies between O street and tho east
line of Llnwood park. The report Is quite
lengthy, but the appraisers decided there
would be no changes to any of the abutting
property by reason of the change of grade.
The report Is signed by only two of the ap
praisers, as J. H. Kopeits, the third mem
ber of the board, . is out of the city and
will not return for some time.
Will Open Y Street.
Balthas Jetter has decided to open Y
street from Twenty-seventh to Thirtieth
streets. Mr. Jetter Is having the street
filled and graded at his own expense and
as soon as this work Is completed, which
will be In a couple of weeks, he will dedi
cate the same to the municipality. There
has been a demand for the opening ot this
portion of Y street for some time and
the council has In the past been requested
to take up this matter with Mr. Jetter.
As the work Is progressing rapidly it will
not be long before the street will be open
to traffic.
Making; Improvements.
Excavating for a big three-story brick
barn st the Jetter brewery Is now going
on. The working plans for this barn have
about been completed and material for the
construction Is already arriving. There
will be stabling in this barn for thirty
five teams and wagons. Adjoining ths
new stable there will be erected another
storage house, but the dimensions ot this
building have not been decided upon. It
will, however, be similar In design to tb
new brick stable.
Initiation at Fort Crook.
Tuesday evening a party of fourteen
members of Akecheetak tribe No. 61, Im
proved Order of Red Men, visited Fort
Crook and instituted a lodge there.
Eighteen candidates were Initiated. On
Tuesday evening next there will be a
public Installation of officers. Members of
the order residing In Omaha and South
Omaha have been Invited to attend.
Maglo City Gossip.
J. H. Kopeits is spending bis vacation in
northern Wisconsin.
J. C. Fanta hss gone to tho northern
lakes to rusticate for a while.
Cattle from the sand hills are coming
Into this market rapidly these days.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kerr, Twenty-fifth
and P streets, announce tho birth of a
Miss Edna Van Arman has returned
from Chicago, whero she spent some time
studying music.
The South Omaha publlo school will open
on September t Instead of on September
9, as originally Intended.
Arrangements are being completed for
the pralae services to be held at the First
Methodist church on Friday evening.
Hon. J. H. Mickey, republican candidate
for governor, spent an hour or two in the
city yesterday afternoon and was Intro
duced to a number of prominent cltlsens
by Hon. B. E. Wilcox. Mr. Mickey said
that he Intended spending a couple of- days
In South Omaha during the campaign.
Don't Los m Meal
Through dyspepsia and indigestion.
Take Electric Bitters. They cur stomach
troubles or no pay. Only 60c.
No woman's happU
ness can be complete
without children ; it
is her nature to love
and want them
as much so as
it is to love the
beautiful and
: IFirScBiwsfl
Cured by Pe-ru-na
An latertstlog Letter from
Mrs. N. K. Boasch, of
Richmond, and Her Little
DauQhter, Pearl.
Mrs. M. K. Bousch. Richmond, Vs., writes:
"I had catarrh all through my
system for two years and could get
no relief. I was advised to try Pe
runa. and I have taken Ave bottles
of it and am well and better now
than I have been for years. I can
advise any one who has catarrh of
any part of the body to take Peruna.
My little girl, who Is eleven years
old had catarrh, but was cured by
Peruna. Before I began to take
Peruna I was sick all the time, but
now I am entirely cured and all
praise Is due Peruna.." Mrs.. M. K
tlousch. .
Wabash Now City Office
Graduates of Ove of-the best known c olleges of America' Included In corps St
Instructors. Music, Art and Modern Languages taught by women ot extended resi
dence In European capitals, under th instruction of th best masters. Olves good
eeneral education and prepares for any eollege open to women. Principal's certlft-
cat admits to college. Out-door sports,
fesslonal Instructor.
Western Military
Catalogue and Omaha
oa atAJom w. a. a. Lews, UiuairsiTB, kaxsab.
JFfV li WHIM Willi I.IHIIUIJ HtoUUWtlll Sutf.w"
f "111 OoYsramstitiupervMen sad equipment. Array otBner OMaMed. Prepares for Universities,
National A oad.mla or for Life. COL. SaNOFORD SELLERS. St.., Suet., Lsilnstea, Me.
Bee Want
Ads Sell oti
Their Merit
Mo free gift Is nscessary
to make them worth
tbs price ws ask. Tbs
Bes has ths circulation
that's why.
Evory Woman
MARVEL WsVlisg opray
ffiw&nr '
Vht. tail Mn4 Hmt (t U
luiumul WS .I.I.1.U s'rS
tuL MrtUniAT. aad irotioM ta-
tUoss C Tijne Bid-. M. Tt.
f ur Mai or
Cornor Sixteenth and Dodgs s tresis, Omaha
ot Systemic Catarrh.
Miss Pearl Bousch, writes: "When I was
a baby I contracted catarrh, and was doc
tored by several good physicians, but none
did mo any good. My mother waa taking
Peruna at the time and gave soma ot It to
me, and I soon began to Improve, and am,
now well and fat aa a little pig. I am II
years old. The doctors told mother I bad
the consumption, but tt was only catarrh."
Miss Pearl Bousch,
It is no longer a question as to whether
Peruna can be relied on to cur all such
rase. During the many years in which
Peruna has been put to the test in all forms
snd stages of acute and chronla catarrh no
one year has put this remedy to greater test
than the past year.
Peruna Is the acknowledged catarrh rem
edy ot the age. Dr. Hartman, th com
pounder of Peruna, has written a book on
the phases of catarrh peculiar to women,
entitled, "Health and Beauty." It will be
sent free to any address by The Peruna
Medicine Co.. Columbus, O.
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna,
write at once to Dr. Hartman giving a
full statement of your case and hs will bo
pleased to give you bis valuable advlcs
Address Dr. Hartman, President of The
Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio,
"Follow the Flag"
from OMAHA
splendid gymnasium under direction of pro
tCRAB. Principal. Omaha, '
references on application.
Oldest sad lari
military i
Oth TMr. Ths Collec a UnlvmHr tratass tea.
sltr. 0siuAmiicn CosMrrstory. maun by
.pwlallau. '. H. Barbar, Concrt PUnlst (Marl.
Ra.ld.nt Prof.ors Guem.. FlchUI. Ku.nm.l. For
ml, Roborta, Thorn.. Hornmd.y. For culocu. ad
irw JOHN W. MILLION, Pra.ld.nt.
No. 41 roll'g. Flu. M.ilro, Mo.
It a much superior to ether
white floating soaps at an
incandescent light is fuper
lor to s Ullovr candle.
Three sizei laundry,
locj bath and toilet. 5c,
oval toilet, 5 c.
Cudaaia primer, costal,
lag saraclisa. lar Cudsau's
ataay ium. Mat tre ea t
Ths Cvdahy Pacsiho Co.
OrosJu...Kaasu City.