Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1902, Page 10, Image 10

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    TUB OMAHA PATI.T HEEi TmmsnAT. JULY 17, 1002.
treninnt "Will Sail! ft firotaXo-to
Cujra EoUU
f heet TkraUif Out Well ana) Cora
rroniiN m rnusunitr htji
Yield Railroad Noted
and Personals. I
Ths government hap completed image
Bents for the construction of a new stage
road Into the moat picturesque part of Yel
lowstone park, and a large force of men
already baa been aent Into the territory to
begin, the work. The road will extend from
Cody, Wyo., to the eastern outlet of the
park, and will therefore connect with the
Burlington track which terminates at Cody,
firing thli railroad a new and more direct
intranns Into Yellowstone.
The gorernment stage road Is to be about
Bfty or serenty-flTe mile In length. It
trill pursue a direct route from Cody to
Panon hotel, to the north of Yellowstone
lake and the center of what Is regarded as
the most attractlre portion of the park
The BnrVngton has for some time had In
fcontemplaeion the building of an extension
from Its terminus at Cody Into the eastern
n trance of Yellowstone, and may yet carry
ut such a plan, but when completed the
government stage road will shorten and fa
cilitate Its travel to atich an extent as to
Render the temporary abandonment of this
blan for a rail extension practicable. At
present the Burlington enters the park
either by a rough stage road from Cody or
from the north, where its line ends at Cin
nabar, three miles north of Gardiner, to
krhloh place a good stage road extends,
f his necessitates a very long and circuitous
route through Billings, which will be ob
riated when the government completes Its
new road. The Burlington trains will then
go as far north on its own line as Toluca,
thence down on Its spur to Cody, where
tourists will leave the rail and take the
stage road.
By the old or present route a detour
around the lake Is necessary In order to
reach the most attractive and scenlo part
f the park, which will be done away with
by the new route.
Railroad Crop Reports.
; 'Weather and crop reports from the Elk
born route show that the heavy rains have
tot done anything like the damage that
might have been expected. Similar condi
tions are reported from the Union Paclfio
and Burlington routes.
The Elkhorn office has a report showing
that at Morse Bluffs wheat Is threshing
ut fifteen bushels to the acre, at Bee from
twenty to thirty bushels, and from twenty
Bve and thirty-five bushels an acre at and
around Seward. Norfolk reports weather
favorable and crops of all kinds In excel
lent condition.
The Union Pacldo officials say they are
sot worrying over crops along their line
at a single point for the reason that re
ports have been so reassuring aa to give
no cause for alarm. Interest centers on
corn now, but no predictions are made as
to the yield except that if present condi
tions continue it will be unusually heavy.
On the northern division of the Bur
lington almost Incessant rain fell during
the last week, the ground being thoroughly
soaked. Harvesting has been in progress
at Intervals between the rains for several
flays and threshing Is In operation In places.
The yield generally Is large, but, of course,
wet weather has done damage to the wheat,
the extent of which Is not yet known.
Oats In this section also have been hurt
by the continuous rains, lodging In the
heaviest fields. The output, however, li
said to be promising. Corn along this
route In places baa been drowned out and
seriously damaged by weeds, as ft has been
too wet to cultivate In the lowlands. Hay
Is In good fix and the peach crop Is said
to be the most promising In years.
On the southern division from three and
one-half to nine inches have fallen In the
last week, the mean fall being five Inches.
This means that wheat is more seriously
damaged there than In any other aeotlon
on the Burlington route. Some that was
already cut has floated away on the sur
face of a large volume of wattr and other
has sprouted in the shock.
Cat 1 New York Rate.
Round-trip rates to New York and a
number of points on the Atlantic coast were
out $(.20 yeeterday. The published fare Is
now $30.75 from Omaha to New York and re
turn. At first the rate was based on 80
per cent of the full fare east of Chicago,
but the announced lntenton of one road to
make the basis on one fare for the round
trip brought about the cut This reduc
tion was first met by the Chicago Great
"Western east of the river, but the Omaha
lines at once followed suit.
Railway Motes and Personals.
H. D. Putton, traveling passenger agent
for the Kansas City Southern at Kansas
City, Is in the city.
H. N: Butterfleld, traveling passenger
agent for the Northweetem of Chicago, Is
In Omaha on official business.
C. S. Young, advertising agent for the
Burlington route, left last nlttht for a trip
to the Pacldo coast, to be gone about a
The Wabash has dropped the joint
agency fee from the excursion tickets be
tween Omaha and New York. This fee Is
W cents.
Eight ' Men Engaged at Warehouse
with Goods from the
Sight men will be kept busy at the United
Etates bonded warehouse from now on
weighing and sampling and handling and
distributing some tons of Japan teas and
other goods from the Orient. The July
crop of such foreign articles Is Just turn
ing out, and the first shipments are arriv
ing. Inspector of Customs J. C. Thomas
- gays that the next three months will bring
n at least T.000 chests of tea. besides auan
titles of divers other staples and fancy
stocks. The ' amount of business at the
warehouse depends directly upon the crops
In Japan, so July, August and September
are the rush months of the year.
Tla the Wabash.
CAGO JULY IT and 31. August T and 14
Stopover privileges allowed at Detroit and
Niagara Falls.
Harry E. Moores, Q. A. P. D.
On July tstn the Erie Railroad will run a
special thirty-day exouralon to Chautauqua
Lake. The fare from Chicago will be only
lt. 00 for the round trip. Tickets will be
good on all limited trains.
For detailed information apply to H. L.
t urdy. Traveling Fassenger Agent. Chicago.
Chicago ticket office, HZ Clark street.
Mortality Statistics.
The following birth and deaths have been
reported at the olfln of the Board of
Health during the twenty-four hours end
ing Yeaneaaay noun:
Birth Bova Pasquale, U63 -Cuming street,
Deaths Charles Catltn. 1303 Chicago
Street, aged 41 years; James Oscar Pear
sail, UuS Howard street, aged U years.
Csrrepnauu Finds Fault with
JHaaaarvaaeat of Pwblla
Schools of Omaha.
OMAHA, July lG.To the Editor cf The
Dee: In a recent Issue of your paper you
quote a Roman Catholic doctor of divinity
on the subject of "One-8ided Education."
X would like to see you open your columns
to a discussion of the whole publlo school
question, and thereby afford your readers
an opportunity of discussing the many sides
which Dr. Conaty did not touch on when
speaking at the national Catholic confer
ence. For example, whether all education
should not be voluntary, as suggested by
Herbert Spenc'er, and do away with the
plan of giving one set of people an educa
tion at the expense of another class. Much
could be said pro and con here. As long as
It la the buslnees of everybody to see to it
that proper officers are seleoted by school
boards It Is no one's business. We have an
excellent example of the apathy of publlo
opinion in neglecting to back up the re
publican candidates for school board last
autumn, and aa a result an Incompetent
politician Is again Installed as superintend
ent (for a ridiculous term) as head of the
teaching force of the schools. If the people
whose children are getting an education
had to bear alone the expense of the present
expensive mismanagement we all know that
the present state of affairs would not be
of long duration, but because the burden Is
carried by all, the responsibility appears to
be disposed of In pretty much the same way.
Then again the Woman's club and kindred
female organisations seem to have an un
due Influence In determining the policy of
our publlo schools. If we have kindergar
tens, why should not we have day nurser
ies f And then it would only be a step to
have the atata, which Is the socialist ideal,
take entire charge of the youth from a few
months after birth. Why stop educating
children in the high school T Why should
not we be taxed to send all who desired to
college and to the eastern universities T
We already have too much "one-sided" ed
ucation by female teachers, and the call
for more male teachers to instruct our boys
Is becoming quite marked by prominent
educators, but the Omaha Board of Educa
tion seems to put a premium on ignorance
for the young men committed to Its charge
by putting women Into all the principal
ships and High school places of which they
have the disposal, thereby saying to the
boys who think of passing through the High
school: "There is no use your doing so;
our superintendent has so many political
debts to pay among his friends that there
Is no chance for you." Is not -this a. one-
aided system with a vengeance t Respect
Board of Education Conutderlna;
Plans to Relievo Some
Crowded Buildings.
The Board of Education Is preparing to
make some changes in the boundaries of
various schools this summer, the purpose
being to relieve the congested conditions
In some of the buildings. Among othsr
changes contemplated is an addition to the
Monmouth Park school and the moving of
the Druid Hill school three blocks farther
'The Saratoga school, Twenty-fourth and
Ames avenue, Is the most crpwded of all the
city schools," said a member of the board.
It has eight grades with the kindergarten.
eleven rooms and thirteen teachers and the
average dally attendance last term was
626.6. This made about forty-eight pupils
to the room, which Is too many. It waa
thought at one time that conditions) here
could be relieved by changing the boun
daries so as to throw some of tne Sara
toga territory Into that of neighboring
schools, but It was found that the two near
est schools, the Lothrop, Twenty-second
and Lothrop streets, and the Monmouth
Park. Thirty-third street and Meredith
avenue, are also crowded. The plan now Is
to build an addition to the Monmouth Park
school, which has only two rooms, two
teachers and an average dally attendance of
sixty-nine pupils. Then by moving the
Druid Hill building two or three blocks
farther east we can lop off a few blocks
from the Saratoga territory and divide its
excess of patronage between the Druid Hill
and Monmouth Park schools.
'We may also reduce the Lothrop teni
tory. This school during the last term had
an average dally attendance of 616.8, which
Is rather too many for twelve rooms and
fourteen teachers.
'The boundaries between the Columbian
and Beals schools will be changed, aa quite
a number of people living In the Beals
district want to send their children to the
Columbian school, the latter being more
easily accessible on account of better walks
and streets. There are also several other
minor changes contemplated. We hope to
accomplish a large part of this work before
school takes up this fall."
Leaves Richmond to Becomo General
Manager of Company on
Paelflo Coast.
W. S. Dlmmock, former superintendent of
the Omaha ft Council Bluffs Railway and
Bridge company, has resigned his position
as general manager of the Virginia Pas
senger and Power company at Richmond to
accept the place of general manager of a
large system of electrlo railways on the
Pacific coast. Mr. Dlmmock will leave
Richmond for his new field within a few
days. He left Omaha about eighteen
months ago to accept the Richmond po
Ths Best Diarrhoea Medlelao on Earth
That Is what Mr. W. B. Landers, a prom
inent farmer near Indianapolis, Ind., says
of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy. Read his testimonial:
"It gives ms great pleasure to tell you
how much Chamberlain's Collo, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy has done for me. I
have used It for nine years and I think It
la the best medicine on earth. It has
saved my life several times. I would
not think of being without a bottle of It
In the house."
Items from Lake Manawa.
As the temperature Increases the Man
awa attendance grbws In proportion.
The bathing Is now In full sway, ths fine,
sandy beach being crowded every after
noon and evening.
The new electrlo launches are a new ad
dition that recelvea full appreciation and
large patronage.
The increasing numbers of pretty sail
boats aeen every evening on Lake Manawa
adda greatly to the Interest of spectators.
Some of the finest balloon ascensions,
with parachute Jumps, have recently taken
place at Manawa park.
Many Improvements are being made
about Manawa for the accommodation of
patrons. The dredging between the nu
merous Islands Is being pushed and when
completed the electrlo launchea will make
regular atopa at each Island.
Covalt has a very catchy musical pro
gram this week. He has the happy fac
ulty of pleasing the multitudes and In con
sequence receives most generous applauss.
Grain Elevators.
Do you want some good locations to buy
or build grain elevators In Nebraska?
Beatrice. '
Oray silver watch fobs. Edholm,
Pioader Bulliran Hu Mstoorio Oaretr for
About a Vinutt.
Finally tho Pleedor's Monnt Plants
Pair of Firm, Cations Heels
on Bull's Hose with Rt
anarhnblo Precision.
Iowa has had a bull fight It waa pulled
off late Tuesday afternoon on one of the
vacant lots that aklrt the right of way of
the Omaha A Council Bluffs car line, a
short distance beyond the Gun club's park
at the eastern terminus of the bridge, and
several people coming from the Iowa town
to Omaha on an open car were spectators of
the combat.
Tommy Sullivan, a youth of ths neighbor
hood, waa the principal performer, except
ing, of course, the bull himself. Neither
the construction of his name, the multi
plicity of his freckles nor the color of his
hair would mark Thomas as one of Spanish
descent or Instincts, but be appears to be
like that other Thomas of Mark Twain's
conception and a leader of no small fol
lowing among the lads of his locality. He
had five with htm yesterday.
Just how the performance opened no pas
senger learned, for it had reached the crit
ical stage when the car neared the lot.
Tommy was on a donkey with a lath lance
and his subordinates were scattered about
on foot, armed aa was their leader. The
bull was still in awkward Infancy and
without horns, but not without temper.
And Its temper was showing, for It was
warm and panting. Evidently It had been
annoyed for aome time.
Spectators Arrive on Scene.
As the car neared the scene something
went wrong with the "thingumbob," which
Is a very delicate part of the motive ap
paratus, and the motorman stopped for re
pairs. Tommy saw that he had spectators
and rose to the occasion. He charged madly
for the bull, his mount trotting fully as
fast as an average man could walk. The
bull at that particular moment waa looking
at one of the other boys and Tommy drovs
his whittled lance into the source of the
best roasts. The other boys cheered and
Tommy grew very proud, but .the bull
seemed resentful. It wheeled and started
after the donkey and Its rider.
Now ordinarily this Is where the torea
dors would rush In and blind the beast to
save the picador, but Tommy's men failed
him utterly. The game was becoming too
earnest on the bull's pert. I
The rider and his steed seemed to realise
this and It Isn't on record that any half
breed mule ever before showed such a burst
of speed. The brave bull fighter dropped
his lance and reached desperately for the
donkey's neck. Seeing this the other fight
ers fled for the fence.
Become Running- Fight.
From that time on it waa distinctly a
running fight and the people In the car
grew a bit uneasy. The lot Is enclosed by
a fence and it isn't much larger than an
Ohio farm, so the course became circular.
The donkey was doing Its level best, but
Its level best was so very unlevel that the
rider spent about two-thirds of the time in
the air. The bull galloped behind still
more awkwardly and not quite fast enough
to overtake the pursued. Round and round
the lot they went, and It could be aeen
that hatless Tommy's eyes were protruding
In a most uncourageous way. The other
boys looked on from acrosa the fence,
Finally, Just as the conductor and another
man were starting for the fence aa a re
lief expedition, the . bull apurted for the
fence and. the startled burro forgot to make
the' proper swerve. The result was that
the three beaded straight into a corner of
the lot. The donkey saw the fence and
came to an abrupt pause. Tommy didn't.
Tommy kept on going. He went up like
a rocket and came down In the graceful
arch of a meteor's descent. He reached
the earth at a point several feet outside
the lot
Just a Little Bruised.
Two or three people ran to his aids and
found him well shocked and a little bruised,
but not seriously injured. A benevolent
man asked the boy his name and Tommy
told him, but when the benevolent man
wanted to assist Tommy home, Tommy aald:
"Nix! Ma thinks I'm down town, workln.' "
Meanwhile the donkey had planted a pair
of firm, callous heels on the bull's nose
and the bull bad desisted,rom further pur
suit. Tommy and his band started for
the tall grass. The passengers climbed
aboard and the car moved on. The Iowa
bull fight waa over.
Conrtland Beach Items.
The new free attractions and the favor
able weather conditions are bringing out
extra large attendancea at Courtland
beach. Over 4,000 persons yesterday en
Joyed an outing at the beach.
The beach la having a very conspicuous
lncreaae in the number of women bathers
and many pretty bathing suits are notice
able. The LeRoy Comedy Four, colored quar
tet, are among the new attractive, free
features and receive more applause than
any other attraction yet given.
Manager Griffiths has added another or
chestra, one giving concerts In ths pa
vilion and ons of twelve musicians at the
The balloon ascension Sunday Is to he
a big feature, aa Prof. Sam Murphy is to
make the ascension hanging on by his
teeth In addition to lis acrobatlo perform
ances. The bowling alleys ire almost constantly
occupied by women and some aro becom
ing expert.
The swimming teacher has aome forty
women pupils. They usually go to the
beach for their Instructions during ths
morning hours.
Sam'l Burns Is selling U crystal Ice tea
tumblers, $1.00.
New sliver belt pins. Edholm.
Special Chautauqua Excursion
Via Lake Shore at Michigan Southern rail
way and the new line from Westfleld, July
IS; $14.00 for the round trip. Return limit
thirty days. Handsome Chautauqua Book
on application to M. 8. Giles, Trav. Paas.
Agt., Chicago, or C. F. Daly, Chief A. G.
P. A., Chicago.
Rearei to SI. Louis Than Before. .
The Wabash St. Louis Express leaves
Omaha Union station B:SS p. m.: arrives
St. Louis 7 a. m. WABASH NEW CITY
OFFICE, 1601 Farnam Street.
Send articles of Incorporation, notices of
stockholders' meetings, etc., to Ths Bee.
We will give them proper legal insertion.
Bee telephone, 238.
Fast Time on ths Wabash.
Commencing Sunday, July IS, the St
Louis Express will leave Omaha Union sta
tlon at 6:66 p. m., arrive St. Louis T a. tn.
Wabash new. city office, 1601 Farnam street
8WIOART Mrs. Frances Alice, aged 43
Funeral from residence, lilt South Forty-
first struct, jr riday, p. la. jrrienae ln
llVIIJiUiiii5Bgm n;
MS Wliiin,
The unswerving policy of this store is to sell the mer
chandise in their season. "Carried over" stock means old
stock in the future, and that's something we will not toler
ate. Just now we art clearing out summer goods and
the values we are offering you every day are simply won
derful. Here are instances
15c & 25c Veiling at 2c
14,000 ysrds of all silk veilings In
fancy colors, plain silk nets, ehenllle
dots, etc veilings that sell for regular
on sale tomorrow at per yard
SSale of Ladies' Waists
98c for Waists worth $2.00 and $2.50
A most extraordinary offering In women's stylish Wash waists, beautiful white
lawn and India llnon walsta, handsomely embroidered effects, all styles,
buttoned In front and back, very dainty, chlo and stylish! also beautiful
colored waists, handsomely trimmed In all the most desir
able patterns and styles, waists that soil regular for $2.00
and $3.60, all on aale on main floor, at
Clearing Sale Wash Suits
We are closing out all our wash suits comprising the very newest of the
season's styles, made of ths handsomest wash fabrics of all kinds, very
beautifully trimmed garments, on sale as follows:
Shirt Waifit Suits worth (3.50 reduced to fl,98
Shirt Waist Suits worth $5. 00 reduced to $2.50
Shirt Waist Suits worth $6.50 reduced to $3.50
Shirt Waist Suits worth $10 reduced to 4. 89
Ladies' 25c Hosiery 11c pr
A great variety of women's stylish hosiery, all over lace and plain
lisle, many styles, all black, very beantlful and fashionable
hosiery, regular 26o values, on sale at,
5 Millinery
$1.00 Black Turbans Reduced to 25o 60 dozen fine
black braid turbans In several different shapes the regular
$1.00 quality, reduced for Thursday's selling to
$4aad $5 Ladies Trimmed Hats, $1 Several hundred ladles'
and misses' trimmed bats, excellent styles, and made of tho choic
est materials. Hats that sold for $4 and $5 on sale Thursday
Cutting Shoe Prices S?,h0
8,000 pairs of ladles' dressy oxfords tn patent leather, patent kid and vlcl
all different toes and lasts, have been reduced as follows!
$8, .3.60 and $4 Oxfords, 12.50,
L60, 12.76 and $5 Oxfords, $1.98.
Four County ', Commissioners 'Will
tart Tour of 'inspection
It Is understood that four Douglas county
commissioners will atart Thursday forenoon
on a tour of inspection and that one Douglas
county commissioner will be left behind.
The tour of Inspection la for the express
purpose of viewing roads and bridges where
there have been washouts, and yet the com
missioner who is not to be of the party, If
rumor be true, is O'Keeffe, the chairman
of both the road and the bridge committees.
The gap that yawned between the new
member from South Omaha and the old
members of the board when the former at
tacked former bridge contracts Is not nar
rowing to any perceptible extent and the
board's meeting Saturday morning may be
an entertainment not devoid of splce and
fast music The touring route is to lead
the ' commissioners through Douglas, Mil
lard, a part of Chicago and up through Elk
born precincts, the home drive being over
the Military road.
Tho Signal of Distress.
Whites of eyes and skin yellow show
liver trouble and Jaundice. Dr. King's New
Life Pills cure or no pay. Only 26c.
18-k. wedding rings. Bd,bolm, Jeweler.
Clam Bake at Courtland.
Manager Griffiths is preparing to give a
genuine Rhode Island clam bake In the
near future at Courtland beach. It will
be on an elaborate scale. In charge of
two men, the former steward and chef of
the Fat Men's club of the east, whose big
clam bakes have received an envious rep
utation ths world over and an event never
missed by the epicures of either conti
nent without regret The many eastern
people now residing in this vicinity are
looking forward to thla great feast with
pleasurable anticipation, as they know
they may obtain once more all the dell
cloua baked clama, baked fresh; salt
water blueflsh and green corn flavored with
seaweed they can cram Into themselves.
Yellowstone National Park.
This famous national park offers to ths
tourist and alghtseer mors novelties and
curiosities than perhsps any other spot on
earth. Ths stags ride from Monlda Is
through - scenery . hardly Inferior to the
park Itself and 'this ride la one of the many
enjoymenta of the trip.
The New Route to the Yellowstone la via
the Union Pacific and Oregon Short Line
Railroads . to Monlda, Mont, thence dally
by palatial Concord Coaches of the Monlda
Yellowstons Stage company to all polnta
In the Yellowstons National park. .
Full Information cheerfully furnished on
application to City Ticket Office, 1324 Far
nam St.
Tho Limited ana Luxury.
Both start from Chicago the Limited at
6:30 p. m. dally and the luxury enjoyed by
passengers on this train at the same hour.
During the twenty-four hour trip to New
York they have everything at their com
mand which the resources of the Pullman
company as car builders and the Pennsyl
vania Lines as the Standard Railway of
America can furnish. H. R. Derlng, 148
South Clark St.. Chicago, will book you for
a trip on this train upon application.
New York or Atlantio City
and Return,
Tickets on aale July 17.
City Ticket Office,
1401 Farnam etreet, Omaha.
Oray silver summer Jewelry. Edholm.
Forty Mlautes Faster Time Omaha to
St. Louis Via the Wabash.
The WABASH St. Louis Express leaves
Omaha Union station 8:66 p. m. i arrives
St. Louis T a. m. WABA8H NEW CITY
OFFICE, 1401 Farnam Street
- l9 eaaapvsjra uw
Per Yard Tomorrow
the latest styles black, white
dots, silk embroidered
at 16o and 25o a yard,
per pair
July 17-31
km, 7-14.
1401-1403 FARNAM ST.,
Atlantis City ana Return, Tla the
Wabash, 3.Wl.
July 17th and 81st
August 7th and 14th.
Stopover privileges allowed at Detroit
and Niagara Falls.
nam Street
Shampooing and hairdresstng, Zbe, at the
Batbery, X16-220 Bee building. Tel. 1711.
Publish your legal notices la The Wsekly
Bee. Telephone 838. ,
Tomorrow we commence the greatest wash wnist sale
ever held In the city.
We hare too many waists on hand. We are going t'o
sell them quickly. We have marked them at prices that
will move them rapidly. You must come and see the re
ductions to realize how great the saving Is. A single
glance will show how liberal our price cutter has been.
All $1.00 Wash Waists, 50c
All $1.50 Wash Waists, 75c
All $2.00 Wash Waists, 95c
All $3.50 and $4 Wash Waists, $1.90
tJMra&s dot Mm
Should be cared for. A careful examination by our ex
pert optician will tell you Just what you need. It will
pay you to spend a few minutes at our store have your
eyes attended to. '
S. W. LINDSAY, The Jeweler,
18 18 Douglas St.
K OMAHA Ona of the best equipped of the Reeley system of Institutes tah
EELEY on,T K,e,0T Inetltute In Nebraska. Cure, Drunkenness. Cures
INSTITUTE Dni' Book,8t Addrw Jrtters to 714 B. 1Kb.
Horn Treatment for Tobacco Habit, cost $9
(10 Kinds
Mineral Water
Our stock of mineral water is the most
comprehensive in its character to be
found in the west. We obtain them direct
from the springs and thus are in position
to know of their freshnees and genuine
ness. We mention a few of the more un
common ones:
PLUTO WATER (concentrated),
ABILENA WATER (from Abllena, Kan.),
YOSBMITE WATER (California).
Special prices by the case. Dealers sup
plied. Write for booklet.
Sfiarman & McConnsIl Drug Go.
Alone with your own Judgment that's
where you will really appreciate the
excellence of our $3.60 shoe for men.
In fit, finish and fabrlo It's the
finest to be found the favorite foot
wear of a great many particular peo
ple. Let ua showv you how well It
sulta you.
on every pair.
Tata price of the
aa.RO and 92.00 Always.
203 South 15th St.
TRUST, and In fact all the LARGE cor
porations of the country, of any conse
quence, are held together by DOLLARS
OMAHA DRUG COMBINE Ih held together
NERVE; 'cause the majority of the gang
are sick of putting up their $3.00 with no
result but PROMISES to show for It. IT
dHres to buy a QUANTITY ORDER OK
PATENT MEDICINES at the present
stage of the game, because It looks suspi
cious to tho R1NO LEADER OK THIS
COMB1NE1 Yes, Charley says "NO he
has no output for any quantity orders and
he must not buy them," and the rest of
the gang sits idly by with their handn In
their laps and let CHARLEY AND HIS
NERVE tell them how to run their busi
ness, and ai a result Omaha Jobbers lose
many hundreds of dollars which belong
to them. More next time.
Tel. T4T, 1. W. Car. lata and Chieajra.
NIRVE BEANS qak-mr ears
Srvuij.Uf-M. allre.uiuol stiu.a,
f.lllut ui&liliutxt. drain., );..
M.rricd mm uid men Intending
la m.rry tnouid luka . bnii uunl.hlni rcaului
.in.ll wk Brl. nd power re.urjT !'
llMrmas a Mucosa. U. drusslHa. UUi u4 fioas. H
You are not paying for CHHOMOa, fcCUEitt bsi, DEALS, ETC., but
F. B. RICB MS&CAMTIUB CIOAJft OO MaaA, t, luaV Union Us,
Misses' and
Low Shoos
A neat one-stran Colonial ft In
patent leather or viol kid a light sole
for warm weather elsea 6 to 8. at $1
ra 10 ii hi n.iu u) to z, at 1.60.
The nobbiest low shoe aver nKnvn
In Omaha Is our new two-button
Fedora a vicl kid with natent tin
slzea 6 to 8, at tl.60-ft to 1L at 11.76
The same shoe In woman's elses, ttt
to 6 with spring heels, at 12.60.
Nothing as catchy has ever been
shown In footwear. 1
Droxo! Shoo Co,,
Omaha's l'p-to-4ae Bhoa House,
But It's hard to find anything better. Tla
a ease of health and strength. Bear thla In
mind: there's nothing to equal Meti's beer
aa a tonlo and mild s'lmulant. Cooling,
refreshing, nourishing, invigorating, It Is a
perfect brew. Strictly pure, of high grade
and uniform in quality ths beer PAR EX
CELLENCE. Aletz Bros. Brewing Co.,
Telophase Omaha.
Or Jacob Neumayer, Agt., care N.umayev
Hotel. Council Bluffs. Is.
tputy State Vetartnarlaa
Food Inspector.
crrr vetewnarian.
Dffloe and Infirmary, Jtth and Mason a
Omaha, Neb.' Telephone 130.