Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1902, Image 1
The Omaha Daily Bee. ESTABLISHED JUJfE 10, 1871. OMAHA, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 17, 1902-TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. ( HEN BACK AT WORK Itriklng Tnight Handler Take Their Old Flaoei with Railroad. STAGNATION ENDS AND ACTIVITY RULES ImmenM Quantities of Freight Bushed Out bj the Wholetal Iferchanta. BUSINESS MEN ARE GENERALLY HAPPY Strike Expensive to Them, Eitimated Oott Being $10,000,00a RAILROADS WIN A COMPLETE VICTORY hfrn Muy Now Aslt the Maircri Tkrcmh Committees tor the Con eosslon They Hoped to Obtain by Striking;. CHICAOO. July 16. Renawed activity on the part of Chicago business men followed ths lettlomeot of the freight handlers' and the teamsters' strike today and at the close of business hours tonight thousands of tons of freight had been sent to and from the varloua freight depots. Every one of the 24,000 strikers who could obtain employ ment had returned to work by 1 o'clock In the afternoon. The strike, It Is esti mated, coat the business men of Chicago (10,000,000 and In order to guard against a contingency In the future tbey are prepar ing to Inaugurate an educational campaign In opposition to the sympathetic strike. The labor unions will be asked to forego the use of this Impotent weapon. Business Interests which suffered during the strike Will Join in pledging themselves. It ta said. Sot to. sign union agreement which do not ' guard them against these strikes. On the other band the labor uniona are fighting to secure the right to abrogate agreements for the purpose of ordering sympathetic atrikea. The freight handlers blame the national effloers of the teamsters for the loss of the strike. Tbey declare that' the strike hows the necessity for incorporating In 11 agreements . a reservation which will permit strikes. Arbitration Canaes Settlement. ' Credit for the settlement rests with the State Board of Arbitration. It was the adop tlon of the suggestion of that board which .led to the action of the freight handlers' union in declaring the struggle with the railroads at an end. At the same time it is probable that even sad the atate board not made Its sugges tions, the fight would have been practically over tomorrow, aa the majority of the freight handlers had returned to their work before the mass meeting at which the atrlke was called off officially had convened. It was a knowledge of this fact that had much to do with the action taken by the union. However, the proposition mad by the State i Board of Arbitration enabled the'' freight handlers to retire graoefully from the field. i After ten day of strife the Chicago freight handler' .atrlke -terminated today In an unqualified victory for the railroad. A meeting of the strikers, presided over by .President Curran, resulted In aa almoat unanimous vote to return to work, leaving the wag scale and other questions tor settlement between the men and their re apectlvo roads. At th conclusion Of the meeting the strikers went by hundred to the ware house to apply for their old positions, and the teamsters who have remained out in sympathy again took up their reins. By soon immense quantities of freight which had been held back for daya was being rushed to the ratlroada or taken from ware house and cars. Where stagnation had ruled, oommercial activity again reigned. Chicago merchant express unbounded re lief at th termination of hostilities, but they are scarcely less happy than the men themselves, although the strike 1 est! seated to have cost them 110,000,000, to say rothlng of th trade that had been per manently lost to them. . Hall Crowded to Vocation. Th little hall where the meeting of th striker took place was Jammed to suffoca tion and thousands were unable to effect an entrance. It waa a brief mHn ni long enough for an angry speech by Curran nun me vote wnicn followed. Mr. Curran, In th course of hi ad dress to the men. said: "I am going to organise th freight u.naiers an over the country, and when we oecrae to ngnt again it will not be atruggl between the freight h.nrii.r. Chicago and the railroads, hut htw.n the fi eight handlers and the railroads all over in country." "Men," said Curran, "we came out Ilk men; w have acted like men. ant should not go back like abeep, but there baa been treachery in our camp. Yesterday when I was about to us th telephone the wire got crossed and I heard one of th. members of our executive committee talk ing wit a railroad manager. Ha was en eouraglng the manasrer to hold out tnr h told him that the strike was about broken. That is a Simple of the faith that haa been keot With me. The officlala nf th Tniob Drivers' union have not kant faith ith.r and It is useless to keep up the atrlke any longer. Ebau ws go back and ask for our via JODST Vete is Vnaalmoaa. In this simple form the matter waa put to a vote and almost Immediately a great chorus of ayea had brought to a peaceful end one of Chicago'a most serious and threatening labor situations. It is believed the roads generally will allow the truckers IT cents an hour and minor concessions (Tinted by th proposition of July 1. Th propoaltlea accepted by the men wa In affect given to President Curran by th But Board of Arbitration earlier In the day, although the proposition in its proper form waa not placed before the men. The railroad manager when told of th vote to return to work aald that wherever possible the old men would be taken back. A small percentage of th new men, how over, will be retained tor a time at least. Nowhere was th new of the settement received with more pleasure than at the warehouse, where thousands of men gath ered from other point on the various roads to take th place of striker were longing to return to their homes. They had been well fed and given good sleeping quarters, but the big majority of thtra, being accus tomed to the comfort of their homes, were tired of "being herded." pead an Anslons Mornlnc. "Will today see the end of th disastrous freight handler' strike?" Thla question was asked In th mind of thousands of business men this morning and all eyes war turned t-n Wosta hall, where the (.Continued oa Second Pag.) DREAM OF CECIL RHODES Before Many fears Opening l's of Dark Continent by Rail Mar Become Reality. WASHINGTON. July 16. Before many year the world may be astonished to find that the long fostered dream of the late Cecil Rhode for the opening up of the Dark Continent haa become a reality, and that a consecutive line of steel rail will stretch from Cairo to Cap Town. Th Stat department made publlo today an in teresting report on railroad development in Africa from United State Consul Ravsndal, at Beirut, bearing at of May 10. Th consul aaya that b Nreement signed at Brussela the pre. "' ''th by Robert William with th hi. "' Belgians th German rout waa aba no. . 'he rail way from Cairo to the cape . ' Tied through the Congo Free State u. waters of the Nile. From Stanley the upper Congo a railroad la to be . to Mabagl on Lake Albert Nyanza, and th. connection will supply the missing link between the cape and Egyptian railways. RECOGNIZE FOREIGN CARDS Molders from Other Conntrlea Nto Bo Given Chance to Show What They Can Do. TORONTO. Ont., July !. The Interna tional Molders' union has adopted a reso lution providing for recognition of the cards of members of the European mem bers to the extent of allowing their holder to work a sufficient length of time to demonstrate their eligibility for member ship in the American International union. The convention also decided to have Its constitution and ritual printed in languages other than English for the benefit of th foreign elment In American cities. Resolutions were presented and referred protesting against the employment of con vict labor in the production of manufac tured goods competing with free labor; providing for the extension of th molders' union to embrace machine operators; pro posing to pledge the Ironmolders' union to endorse the platform of the socialist labor party and providing for affiliation with th metal trade federation. TO REBUILD THE CAMPANILE Offers of Money, Some from America, for the Pnrpoeo Contlano to B Received. VENICE, Italy. July 18. Offera of money to aid in rebuilding the campanile continue to be received from abroad, including offers from America, but ther I a disposition to make it reconstruction a purely national affair and to rebuild the atructure exactly as it waa prior to the collapse without foreign assistance. The coat la estimated at 6.000.000 lire. The brome gate of th Logetta of Ean Sovlno waa found beneath th debris. twisted and with on of th Hon broken. Ther Is hope that the picture by Tin toretto and others may be aaved. Three-fourths of the piassa of San Marco is eovered with debris and traffic ia com pletely atopped. CHANGE DOES KING , GOOD Bears Journey Extremely Well and offer Ifo Inconvenience la Moving. COWES, Isle of Wight, July 14. A bul letin Issued at 11:29 o'clock this morning aaya: Hla maleatv bnre the tnurnev frnm Tin don to Cowra extremely well and suffered no inconvenience in tne process or moving. The king had a good night. His ren- eral condition Is excellent. He is much gratified at the change of air and scene. His majesty had hla couch wheeled out upon the open deck two hours yesterday aiicruuun. iHtvr.fl. LAKINQ. A. R. BANHART. Chaffee Coming Home.' MANILA. July 16 General Chaffee, who was recently relieved from his duties aa military governor, will start for horn by way of Sues, probably on th United State transport McClellan, which Is due at New Tork early in December. , Former Boer President Balls. CAPETOWN. July Ex-President Steyn of the former Orange Pre State, Mr. Steyn and two doctors, sailed today tor Europe on th steamer Carlsbrook Castle. Mr. Steyn la suffering from enterlo fever. OIL ., FIRE STILL BURNING No Prog-rcaa Mad la Controlling the Blase at Jeaulnc, Louisiana. JENNINGS, La., July The fir which attacked the oil storage tank here yesterday afternoon ia still uncontrolled. No progress has been made In controlling the flames, and If anything they are get. ting' atronger. Late this evening the chemical engine, which arrived from Beau mont last night, was tried, but it did not evn quench the Are in th small stream that extend from the biasing pool. At o clock four boiler had been connected and aa many streams of steam war turned on th fire, Jut th only apparent effejt was to cause the fire to burn fiercer. Th latest plan devised Is to build a wall sev eral feet high around and a near th fir aa th workmen can stand, and a force of iwenty-nvc men are new at work. The ateam pipe are then to be turned into this levee to flood the surplus oil. out through a ditch that is being dug. A car load of chemicals has been ordered for this experiment. Owing to the peculiar forma tion of the wall the difficulty of conquer ing u Is greater thau it otherwise would be. The well was never completely finished. A four-inch pipe is set in a six- inch casing and between the two th oil is escaping and feeding th flames. The re maining portion of the field 1 idle. DE WINDT IS AT DAWSON Traveler, Exploier, Author and Journalist Arrive la Alaska with Party. SEATTLE, .Wash., July K. A special to the Times from Dawson saysn Harry da Wlndt of Parla. traveler, ex plorer, author, journalist and globe-trot ter, arrived with a party from Siberia oa a river ateamer last night. Do Wlndt'a com panlons are Mona. Levlsomct dee Clinch ams Belgrade of Parla, Oeorge Hardy, aa Englishman, and Stephen Ralstorguyef, a Russian from Yakutakat, Siberia, who the government Insisted should accompany De Wlndt throughout the wilds of Siberia. De Wlndt and party left Paris December 19 and when Interviewed laat night told of harrowing experiences with eold aad bus ger. The party reports fatula among the native el MjlaiaoDjaUk, TAFT REPLIES TO VATICAN Outline! Another Plan Eelativ to the Friar Lands. WOULD HAVE THE QUESTION SOLVED Notes Wisdom of Some Ruasreatlous Mad by Vatican, bat Observes Sack Would Not Meet tho End Desired. ROME, July 16. At noon today Major Porter of the Judge advocate's department of the army at Washington personally de livered to Cardinal Rampolla, the papal sec retary of state, the last note of Judge Taft, governor of the Philippine islands, on the subject of the withdrawal of the friar from th islands, which will presumably end the government'a negotiations, aa Major Porter simultaneously presented a letter from Judge Taft asking for a farewell au dience of th pop. The following is, in part. Judge Taft a note to the Vatican. It Is addressed to Cardinal Rampolla, papal aecretary of state, and begins thus: In rvnlv to the two notes of your emi nence of June 21 and July 8, I have lust received a communication from the secre tary of war, In precise and exhaustive trrmi which are here reijroduced integ rally. ' Secretary Root says he Is elad to see by tne two notes received irom in vanc-an that the holy see la animated by the best Intentions to come to an undfrtandlng with Washington about the relatione be tween church and state In the Philippines, that your eminence has declared tho Vati can to be disposed to give clear and pre cise Instructions to the friars to occupy themselves with religion only, abstaining entirely from politics and that the holy see proposes to Introduce, little by little, ecclesiastic of other nationalities, espe cially American. Secretary Root add that he cannot no less man acKnowiease mi wisdom of these propositions, but that he must observe that they would not solve the question. Would Not Violate Paris Trcnty. Th Ignited States haa no dealre to Violate the treaty of Paris, and seeks not a forci ble, but voluntary, withdrawal of certain persons, who happen to be Spaniards, and whose previous experiences In the islands had tnrown them into antagonistic rem-1 tlons with the people and with the Catholic laiety and native clergy, many of whom have left their parishes and can only be reinstated by using material force, which the United States cannot permit. This proves that the government of the Philip pines has no intention to propose measures contrary to the interests -of the Vatican, and, in fact. Its Interest in the church. If the question of withdrawal be left un solved, not that the Washington govern ment has persuaded the ecclesiastical au thorities to see the necessity of carrying out this step, the latter withdrawal of the friars under order of the religious superior could not be regarded as anything but voluntary and would not violate the treaty of Parts; nor could such order be regarded as affirming or admitting any accusations against the friars, because the American f overnment made no such accusation. The Inlted States did not desire the withdrawal for Itself it was indifferent to Uie presence of the friars but in the Interest of the whole people of the Philippines, who were bitterly opposed to their presence. Dealre of Philippine People. It was thought by the generous proposal of a contract which would bind the Philip pine government to certain financial ana other obligations, to secure the much longed for desire of the Philippine people In the withdrawal of friars. Now that - the vatlcsn does not see Its way clear to make a definite withdrawal, the American gov ernment has deemed. It wiser to recur to the methods of settlement of the various questions at Issue, suggested by Cardinal Rampolla' first communication of June 21, namely: First, an investigation by both sides into the possible and probable liabilities and claims and the settlement of them by an accredited apostolic delegate with the gov ernor in Manila, after the conditions with respect to the titles of the mars to the land and the amount of claims for rental have been presented by the representatives of the church to the representatives of the Philippine, government In Manila. As to the Indemnity for the friars' lands, your eminence has pointed out the diffi culty of computing so ; reclpitately the exact value, but this might be done by examining the title deeds. The Washing ton government will Immediately order the general commanding the forces In the Philippines to furnish all Indications neces sary to ascertain what damage has been done by the military occupation. Although regretful that an tne questions nave not been decided definitely, the government Is clad to express satisfaction at the results obtained. Secretary Root in his communication de clares that Judge Taft'a Journey la quit compensated for by the fact that It la pos sible to fix general lines on which later can be amicably resolved all the questions now pending. Want List of Property. . Meanwhile, aa a preliminary, he wishes Cardinal Rampolla to aend to the Philip pine government four lists of the property considered to belong to th religious orders, comprising: . 1. That transferred to corporation. I. The ecclesiastical buildings occupied by the troops, with Indications of th dam age and compensation therefore. I. The property before considered Span ish crown lands, which it is desired th American government ahould transfer to tho church, though Washington will grant such transfers only on condition that a satisfactory agreement be reached oa all other questions. 4. The charitable and educational insti tutions which the Vatican desires to be classed a belonging to th church. Secretary Root conclude by instructing Judge Taft to express to Cardinal Ram polla hla pleasure that the visit of the American representative haa resulted In a broad basis for harmonious settlement, his thanks for the courtesy shown by the Vatican to Judge Taft and for the prompt ness with which the Vatican haa acted, and hla bopss that, though no specific agree ment has been reached, the Vatican will ultimately find it Just to do what has been signalised Judge Taft concluded hi not to the Vatican thus: "In obedience to Secretary Roet'a dis patch, I request that th futur negotia tions on the points raised be held In Manila between an apostolic delegate and the governor, after the Information sug gested abov by Secretary Root haa been ascertained and presented." Object of th Demands. WASHINGTON. July 16. A high official of the government make the following statement concerning th negotiations pending ia Rome. It can be authorita tively stated that substantially th facta contained in this statement were cabled to Governor Taft in the latest instructions aa a basis of his reply to the Vatican: In seeking through Governor Taft to secure the peaceful removal of the friars of th four orders from the Philippine Islands It must be borne In mind that the American representatives in the Philip pine Inlands have merely been favoring faithfully to carry out the wishes of the people for which they feel themselves Kcullarly bound to stand, it must always remembered that It is not the United States government which In any way ob jects to the presence of the friars In the Islands: It la the Catholic population of those Islands. The lay Catholics almost to a man, and practically all of the parish frleets, are ao violently opposed to the riora that they will not permit trwm to come back to the parishes, and as a matter oi tact, nolo tneir Unas in hostile posses ston. One of the avowed objects of the (Continued on 8cond Pag-) FOR THE NEW ARMY UNIFORM On January 1 Officers Aro to B Equipped According; to New Regulations. WASHINGTON, July 16. Whll Secre tary Root was at Oyster Bay the president considered and approved the report of the army uniform board. Th order for the new uniform will go into effect on Jan uary 1, when officer of th army are to be equipped according to the. new regula tions. Officer serving In th Philippine will be allowed to wear tho old uniform during their servlc ther. Among th change are the following: The full dress coat la about the aame aa at present, save th 'buttons are more spreading, with ornamentation on the sleeve and with the rank designated on the aleeve Instead of the ahoulder knot. The new dress coat will be what ha been called th dress blouse. , A new dress uniform I provided consist ing of a aack coat of woolen or cotton mate rial of an olive drab color, with trousers to match. It Is intended to provide suits which can be worn In told weather that are almost a duplicate of the present khaki uniform worn In warm weather and In the tropic. A new design' for the overcoat 1 adopted and ia th only overcoat allowed. It Is a double breasted ulster of olive drab woolen material. This overcoat I to re place the old dark blue overcoat now worn. General and staff officers are to have full drcsa trousers with golc lac a stripe, officers of the line we ring the present stripe to designate the icrvlce. Breeches are provided for all i ftcars and mon whether mounted or dls counted, although trousers may be worn ' hen in barracks. Service breeches also are provided to fit closely below the knee extending to the top of the shoes. The chapeau is retained for general offi cers and officer of th staff department, to ba worn with full drees uniform, but not to be worn when mounted. A new full dress cap i provided, differing considerably from the present cap in de sign and trimmings. Service caps also are provided and th helmets are retained, as also are th present campaign hats. Shoulder-straps are to be used only on the dress ooat. On the servlse uniform th strap now used with the khaki uniform will be retained. A new pattern of sabre has been adopt! for all officer In place of th word now in use. Russet leather legglna are provided for all officer, to be worn with the service uniform, but canvas leg- gin can be worn in the field. The button 1 of a new design, to be of two size, and Is slightly convex. It will have the coat of arms of the United State upon It. A full dress coat for ohicers for evening wear ha been provided, cut swallow-tall, but other wise much Ilk the other full dress coat. The old drees coat for enlisted men haa been abandoned and dress blouse substi tuted. .- The chevrons on the non-commissioned officers are to be worn points up. The order contains full and complete di rection as to what kind of uniforms aball ba worn upon different occasion, and also the minor change In tho detail of the uni form that haa been made Mr th board. WESTERN MATTERS!, r CAPITAL Secretary Iksw Reques to Aeoom. ssy the Pcwsidont"a.yi JlU "' "yMli bricklayer at' work on tha Union Western Trln. I Pacific' new shops got Into the "gam'' Western Trip.' (From a Staff Correspondent) WASHINGTON. July !. (Special Tele gramsSecretary Shaw, who haa apent a week with his. wife and family at Lake Champlaln, returned to his office thta morning. Th secretary aald he had en Joyed hla short outing very much and hopea later on to take a longer leave from departmental cares. It is under stood President Roosevelt has requested Secretary Shaw to ao arrange the affairs of his office that he may accompany the president on his entire northwestern, southern and western trip. The only bid received at the Treasury department for a ait for the public build ing at Dea Moines waa that of F. M. Hub bell of De Molne, who offer a alt lo cated on Grand avenue. Locust and Second streets for $150,000. The alte la 250x280 feet. The comptroller of the currency haa ap proved the First National bank of Omaha and th Chase National bank of New York as reserve agenta for the Hot Spring Na tional bank of Hot Springs, B. D., and the Omaha National bank of Omaha for the First National bank of Meeteetse, Wyo. The contract for carrying the mall from Angora, Neb., to th railway station has been awarded to B. E. Decker of Mallnda and from Dexeek to Parkston, S. D., to D. Mueller of Dexeek. WANT A SETTLEMENT MADE I'nlted States Is Asked to Interest Itself tn Payment of Chlneso Indebtedness. WASHINGTON, July 16. Having practi cally adjusted th question connected with the surrender of the Chinese of the con trol of the city of Tien Tsln, this govern ment has been asked to Interest itself in th settlement of the grave difficulties growing out of ths Insistence of some of th power upon payment of their share of th war indemnity in gold Instead of silver. The Chinese government Is gen erally disturbed over this question, and as Minister Wu has been so successful in his other undertakings connected with the ne gotiations, his government again has called upon him to secure an amelioration of the demands. The minister came early to the State department today and - had a long interview with Secretary Hay, in the course of which he presented a cablegram from th two leading membera of th Chinese court who ar primarily In charge of th nego tiations. Th message brings out for the first time the fact that It la now a differ ence of method rather than disposition that divide ths powers, and that all seem ready to do what they can to make It pos sible for China to carry out Ha heavy ob ligations. Secretary Hay etudted the mes sage closely and will give the subject his Immediate attention. POSSE IS AFTER BANDITS Men Who Robbed Denver and Rio Grand Train Arc Being? SAGUACHE, Colo., July 16. A rancher who arrived from the Calvert ranch at noon today brings new that th posse headed by Special Agent Brown took up the trail of th tour bandit who robbed a Denver A Rio Orande train on Monday at daybreak, and expected to com up with th bandits today. Th robber ar heading southward and ar traveling In a leisurely manner. Tonight Special Officer Brown returned her and reported that all trace of the Davr Rio Grand bandit had been lost. IMPORTED MEN WALK OUT Union Pacific Eu Difficulty in Keeping It Nonunion Men. BRICKLAYERS MAKE EFFECTIVE PROTEST Lay Down Their Tools and Stoat Work Until Nonunion Employe is Discharged from Work on Shops. Th Union Paclflo 1 having serious dif ficulty In keeping the nonunion men it bring from th east In its shop after they arrive. In addition to the twenty five who arrived from Chicago Tuesday, nine other cam In yesterday, but only aeven of them reached the interior of the bops and four of these promised to leave a aoon a they could. The men were brought Into the city under th surveillance of the company guards, aa la usually the case, but the strikers' pick ets also had an eye on the recruit and laid their hands on them as well Just In time to keep them from going Into the company'a quarter. Pour other said they would leave during the night. The men who deeerted upon their ar rival at the shops made this statement re garding their employment by the company'a agent in Chicago: 'W answered an advertisement In one of the papers ther which said that boiler makers, machinists, car repairers, palntera and coach carpenters were wanted. We made application for work and found that we were consulting a repreaentatlve of the Union Pactfio Railroad company, who Wanted men for th shops out In this part of the country. We were structural Iron worker and we hired for bollermakers. The agent asked us no questions and this aroused our curiosity. We thought It must be that the company was having trouble with its men, or that It waa In pretty narrow atralta else its agent would be more particular about the kind of mechanics he hired. Not Told of Strike. "Wo Inquired If ther wa any trouble, and were told that there waa no strike, but that Just a few men had refused to work because they objected to piecework. This looked a llttl better to us and so, aa w wer looking for something to do for a while and had a desire to come west anyway, we took the chance." It la aald the company intends to send all the coach carpenters and repairers it can get to the Southern Pacific and stock up on Its own system with all the bollermak ers and machinists it can ge.. News cam to strike headquarter yes terday morning from Armstrong, Kan., that five men had quit the shops there and Joined the strikers. The report saya that the company raised the price of meal to th men from 20 to 25 cents. Report were received also at strike headquarters that th machinists' helper who did not go out the other day left the North Platte shops Tuesday evening. This exodus Includes, It ia aald, the three inspector in th round house and four men In the tank gang and probably seven oc eight helpers from the shops proper. Bricklayer' Quick Action, for a short time yesterday and made thing somewhat interesting. A nonunion brick layer had been put to work on tha atruc ture, as the company Is extremely anxious to push the work, and Just aa soon as the union men caught alght of thla man, whom they recognised as the same fellow who was smuggled in on them on a former occasion, they gave th algnal and every man laid down hla trowel and leaped from the scaffold on a atrlke. There were about twenty of these bricklayers and the entire fore at work on the building, in cluding carpenter and skylight workers, wa about 100. Had not the bricklayers been able to compel a settlement all this number would have struck. But little time was wasted in bringing matters to an end. General Superintendent Neff, who haa charge of the construction for the Union Pacific company, met the bricklayers and their foremen and within an hour after laying down their tools the bricklayers were back at work and the "cab" waa off tha ground. One condition exacted by the Invincible bricklayer before they would return to work was that all the work that had been done by the nonunion man ahould be torn down. This was promptly dons and the entire force resumed operations, and the remainder of the day paased off without further trouble. WIND AND . HAIL WORK HAVOC Storm Sweeps Section of North Ds. kato, leaving" Devastation In Its Wake. FARGO, N. D., July 16. A section north and south of Grand Forks wa visited by a, terrific wind and hall storm last night, causing great damage to telegraph and tel ephone wire and buildings of all kinds. At Conway, between Larlmor and Park river, th hall waa th worst ever experi enced, and it is feared that the damage to crops must be serious. The storm was noticed first at Larlmore, thirty miles north of Grand Forks. At Thompson, south of Grand Forks, three churches war de molished, on house destroyed and the pas senger depot and platform partially carried away. At least 75 per cent of the telegraph pole between Grand Forks and Thompson, four teen miles south, wer blown down. At Winnipeg Junction th wind struck a freight, the caboose wa blown Into a ditch and two trainmen Injured. At Belmont, north of HUlsboro, the wind destroyed th Lutheran church, which cost $3,000, a big two-story achoolhous and th farm residence of -Brooks brothers. No fatalities were reported. Off railroad and telegraph line great damage ia feared. SHERIFF LOOKING FOR AMES Minneapolis Officer Send Telegrams la Endeavor to Locate Mls iagr Superintendent. MINNEAPOLIS, July 16. Sheriff Dreger today sent telegrams to the police chiefs of the country asking them to look out for and apprehend Fred W. Ames, missing police superintendent, wanted to answer an Indict ment in connection with current municipal corruption exposures. Police Captala John Fltchett today was arraigned on the charge of disorderly con duct, preferred as a result of his conduct ing raids of downtown resorts. - Monday night. Though Fltchett I under sentence for accepting a bribe, he clalma to be acting under authority from Mayor Ames and threatened to prosecute other officials for Interfering with an officer. The case waa dismissed and Fltchett is mow serving as captala of nolle. CONDITION OF THE WEATHER Forecast for Nebraska Shower and Thunderstorms and Cooler Thursday; Friday Fair. T peratur at Omaha Yesterday! Hour. Den. 1 p. m t4 p. aa OS 8 p. m 4 p. m. . . . . nn K p. m t4 6 p. m I8 T p. m VI 8 p. m NT 9 p. n 84 Ho r. Dcsr. - m rm u m TT . m...... T8 5 a O n T a 8 a 0 a lO a It n IS n HO HH n oa SHERIFF CUDIHEE MISSING Officer Who . Has Been Leading ta Pursuit of Trnoy Mysteriously Disappears. SEATTLE, Wash.. July 16. Th only In terest today in th Tracy hunt Ilea In tha mysterious disappearance of Sheriff Cudl hee, wha severed connection with his offlcs and the outside world In general yesterday afternoon when h vanished from th vicin ity of Covington. Th only development today ar th find ing near Ravensdale of some bloody band ages near the ashes of a freshly built camp fire, supposedly used by Tracy. Railroad men report having seen a mysterious armed man hiding behind trees In that section. TACOMA, Wash., July 16. At the Inquest today over the body aupposed to be that of David Merrill, the convict, four false teeth which Merrill 1 known to have worn' are missing. Convicts at Salem have told the warden there that Merrill had false teeth, and this fact wa telegraphed to the coro ner at Chehall today. BURN NEGRO TIED TO TREE Assaulted Young; Woman - and Mob Saturates Him with Coal Oil, Applying; n Match, CLAYTON, Miss., July 17. At an early hour this morning William Odey, a negro, waa tied to a tree and burned. Odey had assaulted a young woman named Virginia Tucker. The negro waa aaturated with oil and a match applied to th fagota piled around him. . Miss Tucker waa out riding In the coun try when attacked and was so violently pulled from a buggy by the negro that both her lower limb wer broken. She is at tha point of death as a result of her injuries. The young woman'a father is reported to have applied a match to th fagota plied around the negro. QUIET DAY FOR ROOSEVELT First Slnee His Arrival at Oyster Bay to Be Paased In Recreation. OYSTER BAY, N. Y.. July 16. Today waa the first really quiet time tho president haa had at Sagamore Hill sine hi vacation began. . No business except some brief routine matters trora Washington, war at tended to by ths president. He will pass most of th day In recre ation with Mrs. Roosevelt and th children. Tonight R. D. Wrnn, th tennt champion and a former member of Troop A of th Rough Rider, and Owsn Wlster of Phila delphia. 1h author oi Th -Virginian," will arrive at Sagamore Hill to spend the night and tomorrow with tho president. HOBSON SAVES GIRL'S LIFE Captain of Herrlmne Fame Rescues Miss Mny Cerf from Death by Drowning;. ST. LOUIS, July 16. Captain Richmond Pearson Hobson of Merrlmao fame rescued Miss May Cerf, a young woman well known in St. Louis society, from drowning In the Mississippi river today opposite the Chau tauqua grounda near Alton, 111. Miss Cerf was standing on the deok of a yacht and, losing her balance, fell into the stream. Captain Hobson, who was in swimming nearby, at once went to the young woman'a rescue and caught her as shs waa going down for the second time. He conveyed her to tha yacht, where ah waa resuscitated with some difficulty. WATER FAMINE AT DENVER Scarcity of Wnter In PIntto River nnd Extravagant Use Deoreases Supply. DENVER. July 16. Scarcity of water in the Platte river and th extravagant use of the diminished supply have brought Denver face to face with a water famine. The city official bellev that only vigor ous measures will prevent resultant epi demics. Ths dally consumption now Is 65,000,000 gallons and th water company says it must be reduced to 85,000,000 If the present supply is to last until precipi tation next fall can b reasonably ex pected to replenish it. Cutting off water for manufacturing and Irrigation purposes Is contemplated. UNION PACIFIC STAYS IN Western Pasieagti Association Is sues Circular Cancelling Lottee Announcing; Withdrawn!. CHICAOO, July 16. The Western Paasen ger association haa Issued a circular can. celling th letter announcing th with, drawat of th Union Pacific from th West era Immigration bureau. The announcement la taken as an Indication that th differ ences of the bureau over th Immigration business have been adjusted at th Colorado Springs meeting. It Is presumed that the Santa Fe and Southern Pacific receded from their former demands and that a compro mise wa effected satisfactory to all. HOPS ARE HOPPING UPWARD On of tho Necessities ta Maaufnetur of Beer Richer Than It Baa Been for Teara. PORTLAND, Ore., July 16. Many hop contracts for this season's crop have been filed in the recorder' offlcs in various counties In the Wlllsniett valley during th last few days. The price fixed is SO cents per pound, which Is th highest figure paid for bops sine 1882, when tbey reached th phenomenal prlc of 11.10 par pound. Movements of Ocean Vessels July ltt, At New York -Sailed: St. Paul, for Southampton; Teutonic for Liverpool; I.aurentlan. for Glasgow. Arrived: Oceanic, from UverDool: Patricia, from Hamburg. At Southampton Hailed: Kron Prlns Wilhelm. from Bremen, for New Tork via Cherbourg. Arrived: Phuaoeipnia, rrora New York. At Cherbourg Sailed: Kron Prlns WU helm, from Bremen and Southampton, for rsew yora. At Lisa rd Passed: La Lorraine, from New York, for Havre. At Queenstown Arrlvsd: Saxonla, from Boston (or Liverpool, aad croca& DEATH IN UTAH MINE Powder Uaguine in Daly-lTMt Working at Park City Explode. THIRTY-FIVE KNOWN TO BE DEAD Aocidsnt Oansed by Miutr Going Into Mag nine with Lighted Candle. DISASTER EXTENDS TO ONTARIO MINE Adjacent Working Feeli Fort oftheEx plosidh and Six Are lillad, SHOCK IS FELT FOR MILES AROUND Many Women and Children Throne tho Shaft House and Their Grief 1 ritlabl to Witness. PARK CITY. Utah. July 16. Thirty-five miner wer killed In tha Daly-West and Ontario mines today twenty-nine tn th Daly-West and six In tha Ontario. Th dead recovered from th Daly-West ars: JOBN M LAt'OHUN. JOHN VAIONKT. JOHN IH'HOT. JOSEPH MVRR1M. THOMAS ll'KOWAN, John M'At'Lirrn. El. US NELSON. WILLIAM SIMS. J. P. TINDRLL. W. O. WKKJF.LAND. FflWABD HALL. WILLIAM HARLIK. MIKE t'OMLIN. JOHN DEVLIN. HARRY DEVLIN. RICHARD DILLON, J. FEATHEHSTONK. JOHN GILL. WILLIAM LANCB. JOHN LIVELY. Dead .remaining In Daly-West: JOHN ECKSTROM. MIKE CHOWLEY. JOHN CARNEY. PETER HARLAN. HOT JACKMAH. THOMAS J. KELLT. C. M'ALLINDKN. F. M. O'NEIb. Dead In th Ontario: OEOROE GARVIN. CHRIS P. (ADERCP. W. S. WEVELL. W. E. THOMA. STEPHEN BARRATA. CHARLES MBINgj. Th disaster was' the result of an ex plosion occasioned by John Burgy, a miner, going into on of the magaxlne of the Daly-West with a lighted candle. Hla act cost him hla life and tha lives of many other miner beside. Hi body wa blown to atom. All th other victim ar recog- nizable, their facea being easily identified by relative and friend. Faco to Faea with Death. The explosion occurred at 11 :20 . last night and in a twinkling deadly gaa wa being generated throughout th mine. It crept through every tunnel ahaft and In cline and In a very ahort space of tlmo cores of miners found themselves fac to face with death. It la not known how much powder .was exploded, but whatever amount ther wa it went off in a terrible concussion. Tb shock waa aomethlng terrtfle and waa heard for a long dlatance, although It waa nearly 2 o'clock before It wa known In Park City, a distance of three mile. When It 1 stated that a bora wa killed at th mouth of th Ontario tunnel,, two miles away, some idea of th fore of th explosion may be had. Tha animal wa In use at th entrant to thta part of th mine and waa hurled against tha wall and machinery with such violence , a to be " . killed ' otftrtght. Two other horse were ao billed, the. latter in th Ontario, al. .. most aa great a dlstsnoa 1sWny-. That tb loss of life is not for greater than It ia seems marvelous. The work of rescuing th Imperilled and dead waa quickly and heroically undertaken. Men wer brought to the surface Just aa fast as th disabled machinery would permit. Th victim had - to be brought up the ahaft in a one-com partment cage, on of th eompartmanta having been wrecked by the explosion. In the Ontario, which la connected with the Daly-West, six men are deed. Two of the dead are rescuers, John McLaughlin and John Eckstrom. The body of the lat ter 1 still in the mine. NOT UNQUALIFIED SUCCESS Judgment of Speculator 1 that Gate Syndicate Mado Little , Money on Corn. CHICAOO, July 16. Th July corn corner . wa not much mor than an echo today, nothing being dona In th deal ao far aa th Harris-Gates peopl wer concerned. It developed today that tha short are hot all in. A few small onea began covering at tha opening of th exchange and made tha opening quotations somewhat erratic between tShi cents and 66 cents. Later th prlc settled back to 65)4 centa and eloaed . at 66 1-8 cent. Tb wisdom of th bull leader In aban doning the corner two week in advanc of lta natural termination waa shown when the Inspection sheet waa posted showing fresh receipt of 453 cara on Chicago aide- tracks. Of this total 146 car wer eon tract grada. which th leaders would hav been obliged to take aa a means of sup porting the July prloa. Otherwise it would hav been bought In th open cash market by ahorta and turned into th Harrla Oates combination in settlement of ac counts. There waa also 1T1 ear of th cos tract grade "mad" in tb different 0l Ing and drying houses, making about 600. 000 bushels of th contract grada from all aourcea. Being out of th deal th bull leader wer relieved of th unpleasant necessity of taking car of tb! vast quan tity of corn. Tb cash market waa firmer than th day befor. though not partic ularly brisk. Almost everybody about tha board bad a different theory to exploit aa to tb winning or losses of th Oat syn dicate. A consensus of th best opinion, however, waa that th ayndloat waa nom inally a little ahead on lta deal aa to th July delivery, but atood to sustain a sub stantial loss in ths marketing of it 6,000. 000 bushel or o of cash corn which it had been forced to accumulate. In view of this fact and tha atrong probabilities that thla corn cannot be profitably disposed of th corner aa a whole 1 not looked on aa an unqualified success. FIGHT FOR THE PRESIDENCY Three Active Candidate ta tho Race fpr Chief OIBeer of tho Hibernian. DENVER, July 16. Thre hundred and twenty-two delegate, representing thirty two states, Canada and Mexico, ar In at tendance at th biennial convention of tb Ancient Order of Hibernian now In Ses sion In this city. Tb contest for th presidency 1 th ab sorbing toplo. Ther are thre candidate, John A. Ryan of Boston, Patrick O'Neill oi Philadelphia and James B. Dolan of Byra cus, N. T. O'Neill baa th united sup port of th deleg atone from New Jersey an Dalawsre, which wer the last to arrive, having been delayed eighteen hour by rail rpsd washouta. Th report of th commltt on creden tials was received and adopted at th morn ing session of th convention and a rct wa tha takea aatil aiUmoon.