Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 16, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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tm Poniot on July Corn, Which Falls
with ft. Thai
Other Cereals Mian In rkr
v Cvad Qalt with Kffl Losses aad
. ?. TrVltfcstaa Break.
rt r "
(riKntaH n the Action of the marKet.
The tmmenaa arrival of corn tempted to
thla market by tha fancy Price and set
tlement with many of the July shorts by
tha Gates' New fork bull clUiue of cor
xterer. Whether the corner has been
broken or whether the action of tha bull
party today la almply bait for the unwary
Ik.. i. vet - t a loa to underntand.
Common rumor, however, ha It that the
July Hal la over
ana ail inai rvmaiua
n he rtnne I for the bull crowd to gel
rid of the cash corn that haa been de-1
llvered to It. Naturally most 01 me in-1
tarentlng aalea todav centerea anovn
rnrn A a result
waa followed In ail other grain.
natural condition were Deann enougn 10 1
break price, ana nne weamrr " I
oaDiea, Deiae inw 7 v 1
auch general selling In all the pita that
September wheat closed IWo lower, Sep
tember corn 1-&1'c down. July corn
JBHo lower and Septerriber oata lc
lower. Provision etarted atrong, but
could not wtihstand the preaura of the
;yraln break and cloae a shade to 2oc
. At tha nnenlnr all lens Dolnted toward
lower prlcee for corn. The fair weather
of the laat four days had done much
toward diving out the fields and enabling
farmers to rush stuff to thla market to
take advantage of the fancy price ruling I
for contract corn. Elevators were busy
drying stuff with great rapidity. Tester-
lav it hal been estimated that the
'celpts today would amount to nearly 1,000
cars and the expectatlona of the traders
were practically realised. Arrlvala were
' 287 cara, the greatest run of the crop, with
I 19 of contract grade. The unlicensed
levatora turned out 118 cars and 60,000
bushels. The total runs of cars that
graded contract waa 414 Mind 60,-
000 bushela. Thla amounted to a
good 600,000 bushel of contract stuff
which stared the bull crowd In the face
and which had to be taken in at 81C
himhel If tha nrlre waa lo be maintained.
The bulla refused to take the corn and
hk haa forthwith nrnc-frteri to hammer I
prices until practically all the artificial
atrength waa taken out of July. Other
natural conditions, such aa fine weather
and lower cables, lent to the bearish sen-
tlment and September, December and May
' options fell off In sympathy. There waa
no marked excitement In the pit when
prices sagged eo rapidly. Much of the ac
tion of contemplated congested option
waa a surprise to many traders, but they
took the slumo aa a matter of course.
Fluctuations were very erratic. The offer
of a "five" was enough to break the price
lc, and a bid for "ten" put the price up
once 2c. The general trend of opinion waa
that the corner waa broken. 8. C. Scot-
ten, general manager of Harris. Galea &
Co., stated shortly before the close of trade
that private settlement has been made
with many of the shorts And that the In
terest in supporting prices by that firm
waa at an end. It la probable that ahorta
now out ran nnisn settling in tne open
market. July started la to 2o oft at 80o
to 79o and began plunging downward. There
waa almost no cessation to the recession
until 664o waa reached, a break of IMio
since last night and almost 2&o under the
top- price, 90c, which was reached July 8,
The close was flat at a loaa of l&ttc at
66!4c. September opened unchanged to
ac down at 61 o to 6"Ho, slumped to 69c
and closed very weak, 11Vxo lower, at
Wheat ruled weak on the natural causes I
of lower cables, fine weather and big re-
ceipis. ana was pusnea on aown Dy tne i
corn break. Everybody had fair quant!-
tlea of stun for sale. New wheat was com- I
ing in to maraet ireeiy ana neipea Dy good i
prices and warm weather. Prospects were I
7m -,111 ka,a a... iK.a nnnI,nn. mA ,AVl
few traders were inclined to the buying I
iue. corn duu crown oougni over
4 wrirt uwk i. . . , i - a a . i i -1 . 1
l,vw,uw uueiivia vi oy icui urr wneni on lilfj I
eany prear., oui me general neansn sen- I
tlment prevalent on the- floor worked
against the rally and prices fell back. Sep
tember opened kHo to Hft-Hc lower at
7240 to 72HC dipped to 7lc, rallied to
72o and closed weak. lCt'to Mower .at
71Nc. Local receipts were a& cara, 28 of
a A ) o-t - ,11 I
11 and Duluth reported S44 cara, making
a total for the three points of 712 cars,
against &2 lairt week and 670 a year ago,
VrimflPV r, f "JCO (VWl knakala
against 746,000 bushela laat year. Seaboard
clearances In wheat and flour equaled 343,
000 bushels. The world's visible supply de
creased b.ikai.wu Dusneis.
Oats made still further recessions, Influ
enced by good weather and the general
slump In coarse grains. July suffered on
the expectation of liberal offerings before
tne ena or. tne montn. commission houses
soio ireeiy ana many or the bulla were
supposed to have let go. The weather waa
reported doing much for the cron. which
Is finishing harvesting in many places. Sep
tember sold off from 32o to 31 c and closed
weak and TiSjlc lower at 31331Vio. lie-
ceipie were moderate at 161 cars.
Provisions opened strong on small re
celpts and better pricea for hogs at the
?ards. The grain weakneaa, however, waa
oo much for the am all support and pricea
drifted back after a momentary advance.
specially In lard. September pork closed
-u3c aown at jiBm',
!frii!?f?di0wn Mii? and PtmW rib
a shade lower at $10.86.
Ma fiiia.-. vrn ii.i-i)jia a va tflllUI ruw i V IltrB I,
I cars; corn, 410 cars; oats. 8$ cars; hogs,
so. ma neaa.
The leading futures ranged as follows
Artlclea. Open.l High. Low. Close. Yes y.
July Sept.
a July
b July
a Sept.
b Sept.
b Dec.
July Sept.
July Sept.
July Sept.
nrtinn Tnt is nulla In tha corn sellers and receipts large, me close waa
A?&nr?d thl corner In J Sly op" weak at lH-JilTic net decline. July, sntfsic,
F,U Wh.'L. "JrE-rtonil? thXlr nosltlon and clonrd at f'c; September, 77 1-16G77 !H6c,
Ve'cerfTe iWfrjr; .-S December. 77 11-16378,,
74,flS T4S 7JH 76
72SA 72 71 7172
72-3V ' 73V. 72V , Ti Tii
Wn 664 vi n
6TS11 61 6H6HB' 61
46'i'-( ' 46 46 46? 46'
43V4 43Vs43
42H 2H 41H 41 H 41
4H 47V 41V, 49
SlliitUi 2 l5 Jlai j
II 55 18 68 18 47H 18 47 18 47U
18 7S 18 77V4 ll2Vi 18 66 18 67V4
11 KH 11 SiSi 11 H 20 11 42i
U44 U 60 X122V4 U12V4 U42V4
10 80 -10 80
0 6 1100v 10 86 10 83 10 87H
a Old. b New. No. 1
Cash quotations were as follows:
r iiOUM-nasy ; winter
CORN No. L 6uk6SUc: No. 1 vellnw Mum I
O. ......
r.2AT5-N. 1 .4?: No. I white. 62YiG
K'Vic; No. 8 white. 6ui2o. ,
PAR LEV Fair to choice malting. 70S73c.
BEJ-D-No. 1 flax. 81 40; No. 1 northwest
ern. i.o. prime iimoiny, J4.7S; clover, con
tract grade, tx.45.
PROVISION'S Mesa pork, per bbl.. 118 4714
CT18.&.H. Lard, per 100 lhe., 811.20. Short
rlba sides (loose), 810.75i&10.S5. Dry salted
shoulders (boxed), .S7ViuS.50. Short clear
sides (boxed). 311t7Vi.
WHISKY-On the basis of high wines.
'i ne louowing are tne receipts and shin.
Receipts. Shipment.
Flour, bbls,
Wheat, bu.
Corn, du...,
Oats, bu....
Rye. bu
lO.OHO 60.010
la; 000 31.000
4H3.0H0 40.010
157.UIO 226.000
Barley, bu.
On the Produce exchange today the hut.
ter market was steady; creameries, 17V
11c; dairies. iihi-c. . neese, steady, lut
avu jgg". aicaua iresn. loc.
Qaotatloas of the Day oa Varloas
NEW YORK. July lSFLOl'R-Recelpts,
87. IT bbls.; exports. U.7S6 bbls.; market
weak and 6410c lower; winter patents. JJ &
evVUU: wlnter straights. 83.6jiii.iij: Minne
sota patents, 83 u 10; winter extras, $3.10
tu.u; . wiiu tr low grades, j aJ.i. rtye
Hour, quiet: fair to gooii, 4.i46; choice
IO lancy. sj.wsj.iu.
COKNMEAL--Easy; yellow western, 81.81
city. 81.2; Brandywlne, 83.4.Ma3&5.
RYE Steady; No. I western. 66'4c. f. o.
b.. afloat slate, Miotic, c L f.. New York
HA KL.EY Nominal.
CORN Receipts, 10,600 bu.; exports, 41.206
bu. Spot, weak; No. 2, 60c, elevator, and
Uo X. o. hH atloaL Option market was
vr 1 1 t - ,1 I.".. ... 1 . . - ,
i , . '( " cV shell. lc; naia sneu, 10c; pecans, large, per
1.75; winter straights, $3 n?S .; spring pat- lb.. J2c; small, loc; cocoanuia, per sack,
enta, 8J.6otl3.70; aj.rlng atralghU, JJ.9CkSH.30; 3 io.
'VwifvtXZZ Vf!0- . HIDE8-No. 1 green. 64o; No. I green,
WHEA r-No. 2 aprlng, 747Bo; No. 8, 70 6Uo; No. 1 salted. 7Ho; No salted, Vo:
72c: No. 1 red. 7414c. . .1 1 ! i. . ki ,ii
aetk all day. July In Chlcarn collapsed
under hi receipts and fine weather, other
deliveries following. The close here )
Vi2c net lower. July, ttj70o, cloved at
6!'r; September, 6a-iM4C, rinsed at 63VsC;
Dei-ember, olftMSc, rinsed at SlHr.
OATH Receipts, l(Tl,9"0 bu. ; export. 15.800
bu. FKt, easier; No. 2. Mo; No. 3, 6nc; No.
I white, 69c; No. I white, Wv; track mixed
western, oti'iTr; track white western, bv
LIT! trnrlc hlta state. fi'fiJ3e. Option
Z:"L?S"ZRt!Zw'r bL,ue of be"-
WHK AT Receipts, W.wn oil.; export,
67,873 bu.; sales, 2.31.V0OO bu. future, 4.0iJ0
hu. spot. Hpol. weaaer; no. z rea.
elevator; No. I red, TVH&c, f. o. b.,
float; No. 1 northern Duluth, hc, t. o. b.,
afloat; No. 1 hsrd Manitoba, 85So, f. . h.,
afloat, Hetween .fine weather all through
the went and a very weak corn market
wheat developed considerable heaviness
today. Offerings were Urea, general senti
ment bearish, cahlea weak, foreign houses
cho re. 964iir.
HOI'S Firm; atate, prima to cnniee.
1901 crop, mVfi23V4c; l)u, We; old.
atate, common to choice, 1901 crop, nfc-Zscj
1W. 17f.l8r: old. 710c: Pacific coast. 1801
crop, V((24c; 19", 17u'18c: old, 710e.
LfATHKH-meady; arm, wi2s.
1 ( I ! 1 1 13 . ... I . ,1.. I.,a, Aa. OA MK lKa.
18c; California, 21 to 25 lbs., 19c; Texas dry,
24 to ) 108., itc.
woou-yulet; domestic neece. Tre.
PROVISIONS Beef, quiet; family, $16.nn$J
IS 50; me, fl.1.50
beet name,;
kM m.soais.oo; city extra India mess
1,,. iM. . .-., ,. arm- riiti, kl.
lleg $11 fioffllj.w): pickled shoulder. $9 00
1.50: pickled hams. $12. 0C3 12.50.
rd, eaay;
western steamed, 111.60; July
cloned at
.n 57 nominal; refined, eaay; South
America, 112.26; compound, tS.12Hf 60: con
tlnent. $11.80. Pork, firm; family, Z1 OPf
21.60; short clear, 119.6022.00; mess, 19.26tf
TALIajw Firm; city (iz per pkg.l,
fV; country (pkgs. free), 6Sy6c.
RICE Firm; domestic, fair to extra, i
&He; Japanese, 4a6c.
DUl 1 rv jr"t ii.irti mant bicbiwj,
state dairy, 17tt2utoc; state creamery, lsw
21f; Imitation creamery, 17falc; factory,
CHKEBK Receipts, 14,060 pkgs.; Irregu
lar; fancy large colored, 8c; fancy large
white, 9o; fancy small new state, full
cream, colored and white, 10c.
rnnauMt,a 11 "
State and Pennsylvania, 2oli20Vtc; west
ern candled. 19ic.
MOLASSES steady. New Orleans, rata
METAIJs The market continued oulet
today, but with the exeeptlon of local
copper, steady, to firm In tone. The absence
of demand caused copper to rule weak and
lower nere, tnougn nigner abroaa, the lat
ter being one, it is said, to speculative
manipulations. Standard spot to August,
closed at 111. BOS, 11.70; lake. S11.87W&12.0O:
castings, lll.7otfill.90. London prices - Im
proved 7s 6d, spot finally being quoted at
M ana lutures at 1M ds. copper produc
tion for the ' month of June broke all
rutnri mmmtincr tA 9tt 7AA tnnl m a nm
pared with 22.401 tons during the eorre-
spondlng month a year ago. There had
been produced during the first six month
0f thla year 140,448 tons, against 133,391 tons
for the same period last year. Tin ruled
firm, but oulet. In the local market, prices
advancing about 26 points. Spot closed at
128.6529.00. London Improved 1 on de
mand from this country, spor closing at
128 and futures at 126. Lead waa tiulet
and unchanged at New York and abroad.
The local price was H-lzva and at London
wan 11 (a 3d. There waa nothing new In
anltr that rilamnnn hjtlnr anriur ai 1 1 W lant
, noId pricea steady at I6.12H. London
waa quoted at 19 6a. Foreign iron markets
wer(, hiKher. Glasgow closing at 6a Id and
Mlddlesborough at 60a lOVid. The New York
market was unchanged and steady. War
rants, nominal: No. 1 foundry, northern
$22.0(VfJ23.00; No. 2 foundry, northern, $21.00
22.00: No. 1 foundry, southern. 121.60(22.60:
ro. i lounary, aouinero soil, tu.outj.i.iu.
Coadltloa of Trade aaa Qaotatloas
Staple aid Faaey Prodaee.
EGGS Candled stock. Ire.
LIVE POULTRY Hens. c: old roosters.
according to ace. h.6c: turkava. RifiiOn:
ducks and aeese. 67o: broiler, ner lh.. uo
BUTTER Packing atock, 14ViZjl&e; choice
aairy, in iudb hio; separator, mugilo,
herring, 6c: pickerel, So lke, 9c;
percn, oc; Dunaio, aressea, Tc; sunflsn,
to; blueflns, 6c; whlteflsh, iOu; catfish., lie;
V. 1 L. K-.a. tfiaa. k - . 1 , . , . ,. 1
haddock, 11c; codfish. 12c; red snapper, 10c;
lODBiers. ooiiea, per in., ate, loosters. areeu.
,w oc. i 11 , . , ' F
yvr iu., uuiihcmib, awj.
riuauio-UY, pr uus., isg '
VEAL Choice. 6iM.
BRAN Per ton. Hi.
HAY Prices quoted by Omaha- Wholesale
Hay Deaiera association: choice hay. No.
..n1ant tO KA M 1 1 . . MM. IkTak
coarse, $7.60. Rye straw, $6.60. These pricea
are for hay of good co:or and quality. D-
mana lair, neceipis ngnu
CAULIFLOWER-Home grown, per doav
NEW celery Kaiamasoo. loo.
POTATOES New potatoes, per bu., 60a
GREEN ONIONS Per iloa.. according ta
S1XJ oi puncnes. id's an.
TURN lira Per Du., soc,
BEETS Per basket, 40c.
OREEN CORN Per dos., 16c.
CUCUMBERS Per dos., Ifit&ilOo.
LETTUCE Per dos. aieaehes, 2Sa
PARSLEY Per dok., U36a
RADISHES Per dos.. tota'Aa.
WAX BEANS Homt ran, per market
basket, K36c; string beans, per market
basket, Xr.tuc.
HHUKAitB-Home grown, per id., im
CABBAGE CalUorma - or home-grown.
vaataar 1 L. 11
ii " I i4vnv'
ONIONS New California, m sacks, per
ID., 2C.
TOMATOES Texas, per . 4-basket crate.
r5AvT BEANS Per bu.. a
I irniTira
APniCOTS-Callfornia, $1.25.
PEACHES Calllorula. 9u4iiC
PLUMS California, per -basket cratea.
fancy, i.a'ff'--
hi .h n t'rr nox
APPLES Summer varletlea, per bbL
11 JO.
UlnlvntUEia vsuiornw, per noi, si.u
home-grown, per 4-qi. caae, xj.uoQat.
CAN fAliUurt-lexaa. oer craw, u.w.
RASPBERRIES BlaiK, per 24-pla., 83.35 red, per 24-pt.,
BLACKBERRJEa Per 24-quart case,
WATliKMiiuuna rer iuu, iat.wff4.m.
PINEAPPLES Florlua, 80 to U count.
BANANAS Per bunch, according to bum.'
Vfi-'L. .. ..
UHAAUU- vaiencias, s.iBwo.wi Jaaai
terranean aweela. 84.0Oai4.tS.
LEMONS rancy, u.vui(w.o: nesainas.
HONEY Per Z-sectlon caae. 82.75114 00.
CIDER Nchawka, per bbL, 2.: Mew
Yora, 1TS.
PUPCORN Per lb.. M: aliened, sc.
NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 soft ehell. per lb.
12c; bard shell, per lb., lryjc; No. 3 soft
shell, loc; No. X hard shell, c; iralls, per
lb., 14c; nlberts, per lb., Uc; a:monds, soft
t 1 , ir. ik. riru kM., vi- .h..n
nelti. 75c: horaehldea. (l.fxiti 2.60.
following prices: Iron, country mixed, per
ton, Hi, iron, siove piaie, per ion, ti.w,
copper, per lb., Wc; brass, heavy, per lb..
8Hc; brass, ngnt, per id., ac; ieac. per id.,
Vsc; slno. per ibM
c; ruoDer, per 10., so.
Kansas City Grain and Provision.
tember, Mc: December. 67ViUl'Hc, cash No.
8 hard, old, 7iVxU4c; no aalea No. 8 red,
CORN September. 48T4c: December, 87T4
I Oc; casn ino. i mixen, mgac no.
white, teliOc; No. 8 white, 7Vc,
OAT8-N0. 1 white, 60c
RYE No. 8. 66c.
HAY Choice timothy, 810.00010.60; choice
prairie, J,.
BUTTER-Creamery. 19V4c: fancy dairy,
euus steady: fresh Missouri and Kan
sas stock, 14c uos., loss off, cases returned,
Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu 127.3U0 64.000
Corn, bu 14,010 16.0w
Oata, bu 41.0U0 lO.OUO
TOLEDO. O.. July 15. WHEAT Active,
weak; cash, 7oV4c; July. J4!c; September,
(4-c; iiecember, ibc.
WKW-Active, weaa; casn ana July, sac
September, 6Vsc; lecember, 4Hc.
OATS Dull, weak; cash, 7c; July, 41Vc
September, Vc; new July, 46Vic; new Sep
lemiKT. 31 vc.
SEEDS Clover, active, weak: October,
Ualatb Grata Market.
DULUTH. July 16. WHEAT Cash. No.
1 hard, 77Vc; No. 2 northern, TJc; No. 1
northern, i2c; July, 74c; September,
Mlaaeapolia Wheat, Floor aad Braa
i',kc; stpicmoer, w?c; on track, NO.
a,,.,, '- 'vi. m, iiv, ,i,r,u, ' ' , "
northern. TPkv.
FLOUR First patents, 83 toiff 4.00; second
patents, 83.704f3.(; first clear. 82.P6fr8(i6;
second clear. 82.402.60; ahlpments today
were (B.H67 bbl.
BRAN In bulk. 514.0014.7e.
St. Ioals Grata and Provlsloas.
Ol. XJUlrlD, afuiy IO '. lien 1 - .
No. I red, cash, elevator, 70c; track, 7'i
71c, new; 7Wc. old; July, 7vc; September,
fVfi-WSd December, 71H; No. t hard,
7613 oV-
6fi'4c; July, 61c; September, 61'c; December,
OATH Lower ; no. I csn, nominal ; iraca,
nominal; July, 36Vc; September, 27c; No.
white, (ic
RYE Dull: 6e, new.
FLOUR Quiet, easy: old red winter pat-
nt. 83 60473.66: extra fancy and straight.
83 253 86; new of each nominally 16&20O per
barrel less; clesr 13 00 3 20.
SFED Tlmothv. new to arrive. August.
84.2iVS4.40; spot, 86.00ta,5.36; prime worth
CORNMEAL steady at 53.15.
HRAN-fnchanaed: sacked. slHTMo.
HAY Timothy, stronger. 310.00a 16.00; prai
rie, stesdy, f8.0otf9.00. ,
WHISK 1 Steady at 31.30.
IRON COTTON TIES Stesdy at $1.05.
BAOGING-Steady at 67Mjtfe.
PROVISIONS Pork, eaaler: Jobbing, old.
$13.60; new, $19. Lard, lower, $l0.92Vi. Pry
alt meats (boxed), strong: extra snorts.
1L12U: clear rlba. 311.26: short clear. 311 60.
Bacon (boxed), strong; extra shorts, $13;
clear rtba.312.lIH. abort clear, 313.37H.
METALS Lead, steady. H.rzuiuH.OO. Spel
ter, ateady, 84 90.
IWliri arnT a.--w. inm kn.lnir.
1 j j u A n i rairau i.iiii..riu,, , ri . a,
1314c; turkey. 11c; ducks, 7c; geese, 4Hfr6o.
BUTTER steady; creamery, i,(o--c;
dairy, 17(9 19c
euus-bteaay, ito, loss on.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 8.000 S.pno
Wheat, bu 238.000 65.000
Corn, bu 8.000 29.000
Oata, bu 22.000 7,000
Philadelphia Produce Market.
Market He lower: extra western creamery.
21Hc; extra nearby prints, 23c.
kous Bteaay; rresn nearpy, iwj, loss git;
fresh western, l4e, loss off; fresh south
western, 19c, loss off; fresh southern, 1718c,
loss off.
CHEESE Stesdy: New York full creams
nrlme small. lOUIWOVtc: New York full
creams, fair to good, SVi'glOo.
Mllwsskee Grain Market.
1 . 1 . TV- -V. , . VTa. .
ffir-l t W CI , A IIUI Vll'-I II. I I
northern, 78g;77c: September, 71c.
RYE steady; No. l,6c.
BARLEY Steady : No. 2. 727JHc: sample.
CORN Bteaay; tseptemDer, Ktanvo.
Peoria Market.
PEORIA. III. July 15, CORN-Eaaler:
No. 8. 63UO.
OATS Easy; No. I white, 5lVto, billed
through. t
whibk x ror nnisnea gooas.
Market . Opeat with Upward Rash,
bat Sharp Rrlapae Followa.
KEW YORK. July 18. Prloes of stocks
Started up with a rush thla morning, ap
parently as an extension and a broadening
of the buying movement which- became
conspicuous yesterday n the grangers and
There waa an appearance of confident de
mand from new sources and the open sell
ing 01 tne oroaers wmcn nave Deen em
ployed by the western contingent during
the recent rise did not afreet the strength
of the market Thla gave rise to the con
viction that large capitalists who have
hitherto held aioof from-the market were
coming In prepared to continue the upward
movement of stocks.
There was active realizing In Missouri
Paoiflo and in a-few other stocks under
cover of thl strength and the whole mar
ket ultimately gave way. There waa a
momentary check to the downward move
ment effected by a rally in Missouri Pa
cific to a point over last night, but the
market gave way again and receded gen
erally 10 oeiow iasi nigni s ciora, oniy 1
lew stocks on tne list, resisting tne down
ward tendency. The market closed heavy
and not far above the lowest
Among the late points of strength Were
Amalgamated Cdpper, the ' United States
Steel stocks, the Chicago A Alton stocks
and Toledo. St. Louis A Western preferred.
The advance In Amalgamated Copper was
in expectation 01 action on tne dividend
tomorrow. The ateel stocks resnonded
fractionally to -the showing in the brief
nied in repiy to tne suit against tne com
pany's bond conversion plan.. Including
affidavits from the corporation officials
bearing on the value of aaaeta. -.
A very favorable weather map thla morn
ing ana a somewnat easier tone or money
added to the belief that Important financial
Interests were newly embarked In the mar
ket helped the morning market. Tha violent
slump in the corn market at Chicago and
tne oener tnat tne integrity or tne corn
corner waa threatened had much to do
with the break in the market, as it was
feared that liquidation would be forced In
the atock market to protect the position
In the corn market
With the easing of the money rate here
came a hardening In the foreign exchange
rate and a relapse in the sterling rate at
Paris, who brought International exchanges
back to about the sold export point. . At
the same time New York exchange - at
Chicago dropped back again from 26c dis
count to 40c discount. There were, how
ever, no deposits of currency at the sub-
treasury for transfer Into Interior points.
The sub-treasury haa contributed thus far
this week to tne money market 31,007,000.
The time money market continues to
harden, but bankers are still disposed to
keep their funds ready to hand In call
loans. London turned buyer this morning
here, helping on the advance and promising
some supply auio to tne exenange maraeia.
The developments at Chicago In the
freight handlers' strike may have an in
fluence on reaction in tne marxet.
The bond market was Irregular. Total
aalea, par value $3,770,000. United States 4s
declined H on the laat call.
The following are tne closing prices on
The New torn diock exenange
Atchison ....
so. Pacific .......... M4
Bo. Railway ......... 1714
do pfd NH
do p(4 ...
101 w
da Bid ,
Texas A Paclflo.
Canadian F-aclfle ,
Canada Bouthora ,
T.. Bt. U A W.
.... II
do pfd
.... 114
Chaa. a Ohio....
Chicago A Alloa.,
.. 4t
.. 414
.. TI
a. It
.. 4T
..1st ,
Union PaclBo ....
do pfd
.... tl
do pis
.... itH
.... 4I4
.... I!1
Chicago, L A L
4 M ........
Chicago 4V B, I.
Chleaas A Gt. W
do pfd
do id pfd
Wis.' Central ....
so IN pis iji
do 14 pfd 414k
da pfd
Adams Kipreao
rtilrsgo A N. W....tM
Aaasr. Rxprasa ,.
c. a. . r in
Chleaaa T. T II
i. 8. Kipraaa....
Walla-Farso El..
a pis h-4
Amal. Copper ...
a 4'i
a II !4
C. C C. A Bt. L....104U
Amir. c. a P....
Colo. Boulbora ...... II
do pfd
Amor. Lin. Oil...
do pfd
. W'a
do 1 ptd 13
do M ptd 4
a ai
P.I. A Hudaoa
Amor. 8. A R...
. 44 U
Dal.. Lu A W...
do pfd
Ana. Mia. Co....
Hrk. Rap. Tr....
Colo. r. A I....
Cob. Gas
Con. Tab. pfd
Uonerml Eltjctrio
Hocklns Coal ..,
. 17
Danver A R. O..
. 4m
o ptd
. ti
a H
a tVi
. tl
da lat ptd
do id pfd
. 4.
a H
01. Nor. pld
Hocking Valley .
do ptd '
.. stst mi 11 raper a...
..laiVt' do pfd
.. li Int'n'l Powar ...
.. U Laclada Oaa
.. 46 National Biacuit
,.1M NaUonal Laaad .,
..K014 No. Amarlcaa ..,
..lil P.clOo Coaat
..Ha Paciac Mall .....
.. it Peopla-a Oas ....
a it
a 71
a tl
. IS
Illinois Central .
Iowa Central. ....
do pld
la. B. A W
. 4S
. 11
do pfd
Louis. A Nash..
Majihattaa L ....
Mat. St. Rr
Met. Central ....
Mas. National ...
Mian. A St. La.
Mo.. Pacjna ......
at.. K. A T
do pfd
N. 1. Central....
N. Y. Central....
Nor. A Waal....
do pfd
Ontario W
Pennajlvanla ....
do lat pfd
do id pld
t. u a g. r...
do lat pfd
do Id pld
Bt. L. B. W
do pfd
Bt. Paul
do pld
.. 4M1
llSt.Praaaad Bual Car..
. 41
. M
00 pia
. tl
. U'4
Pullman Pal. Car.
Republic Bloal ...
. 17
do sfd
. 71
. 41
Tana. C. A I
U. B. A P. Co....
do pfd
. SO'-
U. g. Laathor
a l:i
. 14
do pfd
V. g. Rubbor
da ptd
. S4S
. .
a tl
a al
a TlSt
a K
. aa
,U. B. Stael
a 1
a t
do pld
Wastara Union .,
Amar. Locomotive
do pfd
K. C Soutbara. . ,
. t3
New York Mlalagi tlaotatlona.
NEW YORK. July lS.-The following are
.ne ctoauig pricea on mining stocas:
Adams Cob it
Allca 4t
Broaoo - IS
Urunawlck Coa t
Llltlo Chlaf
a II
a II
,. 40
I'oautock Tuaaal
I 'Pol oat
Cos. Cal. A Va 154
Daadwood Tana ....lit
Mora Silver 1st
Iroa Silver la
Loadvillo Coa I
sierra Nevada
small Hofaas .
Ferelaa Flaaaelal.
LONDON, July 15. Gold premiums a
Beunoa Ay res 130.70: at IJsbon. 27: a
Rome, 1.42. The demand for money waa
harder today. Money was not abunoan
and tha ratea were firm. Discounts were
disnosed to slightly weaken. On the B'nc
exchange a better tone prevailed, but there
waa Utile Improvement In buatnesa. The
feature waa the demand for Americans,
which hardened In sympathy with New
York, nntahlv In Atchlsona and St Paul.
Grand trunks were firm. Consols opened
with an improvement but later became
easier and Inactive. Home ralla were easier,
Great Eaaterna hardened on dividend ex
pectatlona. Kaffirs were fairly aupported.
PARIS, Julv 15. Prices on the noiirse
today were firm, due to satisfactory foreign
advlcea and tha settlement being eaay.
Turks were early sought for. Russian In
dustrials improved substantially, 'inomson
Houstons and Metronolltana were firm.
Oneratora in Kaffirs were well Impressed bv
he statement of the Johannesburg Chamber
of Mines regarding the supply of native
laborers. Three per cent rentes, lOlf 30c
for the account. Exchange on Ixmdnn,
26f ir4c for check. Spanish 4a, M.12.
BERLIN, July 16. Exchange on London,
20m 4xpfga for checks. The discount rale
for short bills waa 14 per cent; for tnree
months' bills, per cent. Prices were
generally firmer ort the bourse today on
more encouraging reporta from foreign
markets. The Iron Industrv was said to be
In a healthier condition. Turks were easier.
Tranavaala were harder.
Hew York Money Market,
ncin xwivrv, J 11 1 y it,. ithi. n. . v ,yi :...
steady at 2?.ig.1 per cent; close, bid and
asked, 14fj3 per cent; prime mercantile
paper, 4Vn6 per cent
KTICKI.INt exchange Firm, wun ac
ual business in bankers' bills St 34.1714 for
demand and at 34.86 for sixty days; poated
rates, 84.864 S6V1 and 34.88Vi'o4 89; commer
cial bills. 3t.4Hgj.S6l.
silver Har, 63c; Mexican aoiiara, i)c.
BONDS Government, easy: state. Inac
tive; railroad. Irregular.
1 he closing Quotations en Donas are as
. . ret. is, rf....l7H U N. anl. 4s 11
do coupon lOTVt Hex. Central 4s 1
do Is. reg .....irat-v ds 1st Ine !",
do coupon 10la. Mlna. St. L 4s..1(
do new 4s, r-....m M.. K. T. 4a
do coupon 1V do is K1
do old 4a. r-s in N. T. C. it in1
do coupon lot I do sen. ls 106
do B. ref lnsn N. J. c. f. 6a lM'i
do coupon ..Ii No. P.clno 4s 104V4
Atch. sen. 4s .10.4 1 do is TO
oo aaj. it.,.. M" if. A w. con. s....iui-
. A O. 4t im4 Reading sen. 4 ta4
NN N. A W. con. 4l
do conr. 4s...
. tfi St. L. A 1. M. e. ts.lll
.lot St. L. A 8. r. 4s.. ., M
.110 Bt. L. 8. W. It till
.lot I do is M
. II S. A. A A. P. 4s t
Canada So. is.
C of O. la
do 1st Inc..
C O. 44t...
.ino. PaelDc 4a tl
C. A A. S3
po. naiiwar aa.aaaa..iait
C, B. A Q. a. 4l.... MV
C. M. a g. P. g. 4l.lll
Taxaa A F. la llt4
T., Bt k t W, 4s.. II
V. A n. w. c TB.a.lU'4
C . R. I. A P. 4a.
Union pacioo 4a
do eonv. 4s..,
Wabaah is ....
do la
do deb. B
... 7J
Cl'C. A Bt. L. g. 4.. lot
vnicago ler. 4a
Colo, a 80. 4a MH
Denver a R. O. 4a.. 101
Erie prior lien 4s.,.. MU
West Shore 4s..
vtneoi. v i. a. s..
oo gen. aa 1414 wit. l onirai as..
. W. a D. C. la. ..Ill Con. Too. 4a.
Hoc. ln val. 4Ha....l0t
Ex-interest. Offered.
Boatea BtoeU Qaotatloaa,
BOSTON. Julr IS -Call loans. 4fJ ner
cent; time loans, 436H per cenL Ofllctal
closing of stocks and bonds:
Atchlaoa 4s lot 'Allouos
.. M
.. 44
Oas Is 74 Amalsamated
Mrs. (.antral 4a ti Bingham
N. B. O. A C,
.. 41 Cal. A Hoeta.
.. n Centennial ...
..101 .Conner Ranco
do Btd
a. 44
Boat on A Albany.
Boston A Ma
Boston Eltvatod, .,
ritchburj p'd ....
trnloa Paciflo
Mas. Central
Amar. Bugsr
..140 Domlnloa Coal 114
..101 Franklin 10
..Its lalo aovaie
..141 'Mohawk ...
..107 Old Domlijlc
.. it Oaceola
..lit Parrot ,
...... 14
do Did
.lit Qutner
Amor. T. A T..
Pom. I. A 8
...1st Santa Po Copper....
... IT
... 41
... 4
... It
... to
,.. il
Tamarack 1TJ
General Blortrlo ,
Trtmountala M
Maas. Elsetrla ...
TrlnltT II
do ptd
United Btates It
i tah it
Victoria IH
Winona I
Wolverine 65
N. S. O. A C...
t'nlted rrult
U. 8. Steal
do Bid
Wealing. Common
United Copper 16
London Steele Market.
LONDON, July 16.-4 p. m. Clos!ng:
Cons., monev M ll-llNorfolk A Western,. St
do account tl l-ltl do pra se
Anaconda Ontario A Wastara... U
Atchison ftVPonnivlvanla Tt
do pfd 100 .Reading 4
Baltimore A Ohio.. ..Ill
do lat ptd....,
do M pfd.....
Canadian Pacific IS
... M
... a
... M
Cheaapeaka at OOlo.. an
Chicago O. W 10
C, M. A Bt. P 1W
Ponver R. 0 44
do Did S4
southern By..,,
do nfd ,
southern Paclflo
Unloa Pacific.,
do pfd tl
trie W,U. B.,Btal..
... 40
do lat pfd..... TO
do Id nfd 14
do ski.. saa
Wabash II
do pfd..,. ,41'
Bpanlah 4t $n
De Beers (dot.) ti
Randt 11
Illinois Central Jl
Loulavllis A Nash. ..144
M., K. A T is
do pfd 10
N: r. Central let
BAR ' SILVER -Steady at M T-ld per
MONET-VA8tyi ter cent. The rate of
discount In 4ha ofn market for short bills
la X 7-16-2V4, per seal and (or three-months
bills 2V4.feaM6 per cent.
. Baalc Clearlagra.
OMATTA. Julv IS. Bank clearances. 31.-
015,112.73; corresponding day laat year, $1,-
063,599.42; decrease-, Hs,4c.b9,
balances, 3ioi7,610; sterling poated 'ex
aiUir.A,ll litlw In 'l. Mtl VVJ Ml VKI
change, i4.S64f4.oott; isew xora exenange,
40c discount.
NEW YORK, July 15,-Clearlnga, 3269.917,.
209; balances. 39.699,464.
PHILADELPHIA. July 15. Clearings,
$21,831,2i6; balances, $2,862,471; money, 4Hi
per cent.
nuoiun, juiy i.a. icai nig " 0,100,109;
balances, szjiz.ois.
CINCINNATI. July 15.-Clearings, 33.727,
200: money. SWd ner cent: New York ex-
rhsnae. lnc uremlum.
Hi. 1AIU1S, juiy 10. Clearings, ss.osu.irau;
balances, 31,099,900; money, steady, 6fe per
cent; New xork exenange, tuo discount.
Condition of tko Treasory.
WASHINGTON: July 15. Today's state
ment of the treasury balances in the gen
eral fund, exclusive of the 3150,000,000 gold
reserve in the division of redemption,
shows: Available cash balance, J0,266,344;
gold, 3102,614,104.
- - ' Wool Market.
DAflTAM T.. 1 iv TtrrtriT lfA m,i4l la
1 r U . W... , U.J .v. Wfca . 1 a,,aa.v. aw
active and decidedly strong. Prices are
higher by ltf.'c per scoured pouna man a
week ago, with a tendency to going higher.
Territory wools are very firm, with aome
new wools selling at better prices. Fine
staple territories have moved freely at WH?
62c; strictly fine, 60lo; fine and fine
mediums, 4MH4Wc; medium, sub wo. -mere
have been aome good aalea of Utah, Wyo
mtnar. Idaho ' Nevada and Dakota woola.
Choice Nevada has sold at 62c and fine
staple Idaho and Montana at 60o and
allahtlv above. Texas wool ta exceedingly
firm. Fine staple, twelve monthe, sold at
66c. though this is considered a nign pneo.
I li.nta ,1 ara. t Pv. n tr Vm II nUan.J V b I
4o$M6c; twelve m'rith, Ufrooo; six to eight
months, spring, o-i c. rine wasnea wools
are particularly firm. Ohio and Pennsyl
vania. XXX. nominal. 2f30c; XX and
above. 27ifi2Sc; X, 26S27c; Michigan X,
24) 26c. Delaine wools are not plenty and
the position is very firm. Ohio fine delaine
KU'Saic: Mirhtaan. 2762ftc: No. 1 waahed
combing, 2a2c; No. 2, 276 2Sc; coarse, 23j
LONDON. July 15. WOOL The offerings
at the wool auction aalea today numbered
13,807 bales. Merinos were In good demand
and a few suitable parcels were taken by
America. Fine light greasy cross-breds
were also taken for America. Cape of Good
Hope and Natal was firm. The withdrawals
to date amount to 9,000 bales, mostly New
Zealand. The following are the aales in
detail: New ' Bouth Wales. 3.300 bales
scoured. 44d4n 9d; greasy. 6dls 3d
Queensland, 1,800 bales: scourea lsjls 0d
reasv. 7d(Sls Ud. Victoria. 1.600 bales
scoured. Is 2Ud61s 9d: greaay. 4diffla Hd
South Australia. 900 bales; scoured. Is Mt
la 6d; greasy, 3.tTUVsd. Tasmania, 1,100
balea: greasy, 4d(jis ia. Mew Zealand,
4.00 balea: scoured. 544d91s 3d: greasy
3t?Hd. Cape of Good Hope and Natil
UK) balea; acoured,, la 3Hdffls 4d; greasy,
BV4tf8Md. - V
ST. LOUIS, July 15. WOOL Firm ; me
dium gradea and combing. 134l&c; light fine,
n-nlaHc; heavy fine, loiftllc; tub washed, 14
Cotton Market.
NEW YORK, July 15.-COTTON-Futurea
opened steady; July, s.osc; August, a.euc;
September, 8.06c; October, 7.79c; November,
lecemter. January, reDruary ana Marcn
7 76c. Futures closed quiet; July, 1.70c; Au
rust. 8.40c: SeDternber 8.06c: October. 7.86c
November, December, January and Feb
ruary, 7.76c; Marcn, 7. 75c. 1
Spot quiet: middling uplanda, I 15-16c
middling gulf. I -l6c; aalea, 10 balea.
ST. LOUIS, July 15. COTTON-Dull
I 1 I ILIIa. a.U. 1 A. a, Ua. .
iiiuuiiMK, m .v-,w is 1 ,wv uaxa, ,v
celpts. '6 balea; ahlpments, 60 balea; atock,
18.428 hales.
numerate Dusiness, prices l-ca nigner
American middling fair, 6 7-16d; good mid
dllna. 6 8-16d: mlddllna. i3-3.'d: low mid
riling. 6d; good ordinary, 4d; ordinary,
4S,d. The sales rf the day were 10,000 bales,
of which 1.OU0 were for speculation and ex-
rirt and Included 7.700 American. Receipts,
Ouu bales. Including BuO American. Fu
tures opened dull, closed quiet. American
middling g. o. e.: - July, 4 6-Mr4 b6-44. aei
lers; July and August, 4 6i-6td, sellers
August and September, 4 47-644, buyera
September and October, 4 31-64d. buyers
October and November. 4 23-649 1 24-64.1
buyers; November and December, 4 9o-54d,
sellers; iereinter ana January, t is-en
buvera: January and February. 4 18-64d
sellers; February and March, 4 17-641J
4 is-v4d, sellers; Marcn ana April, 4 u-wa,
, out sitau, 1 s-ioa
Quality of Oftttl Common and Trade Enltd
Very Slow and Lower.
Liberal Offerlags of La sab's aad Mar
ket Waa ateadr t Weak, While
keep Wero la Light Saoply
Reeelnta were! Cat! I Ilnri Sheep.
Official Monday 3.841 3.393 S.TfiO
Official Tuesday 3.S24 3,066 i 616
Two days this week.... CrMS 11.449 13.816
ante days last week.... tt.244 11.170 7.342
Pa me week before... 4.143 14.613 i4.KL'o
Bint three weeks ago... 3. is, MO 16. ins
Berne four weeks ago.... 6.414 16.5:19 "t
name uays Insl year I.osl Z5,4iKI 8,66s
The following table shows the receipts of
cattle, hogs and sheep at Bouth Omaha for
tne year to date, and comparisons wun
last year:
1902. 1901. Ino. Deo.
Cattle 390,711 36S.140 22 71
Hoga 1.416.923 1,8.1.423 W,6t0
Sheep 641.2M 463.900 77.3S0
The following table shows the average
price ef hogs sold on the South Omaha
market the last aeyeral uays, with com
parisons with former tears;
Date. 1303. U01.U00.ri899.18S8.1897.1896.
June It..
4 301
8 621
3 631
t 90
3 93
2 23!
8 10
8 08
I 10
3 03
i 4
8 05
1 00
8 97
2 97
2 94
2 94
t "8
2 96
2 !
3 96
June 17...
June 13...
June II...
June 30...
June 11...
1 sX
S 83
t 92
3 18,
8 21
7 wi
7 MS
1 3Si
6 03
I 06
I 71
3 69 1
I -
3 63
3 15
4 9.11
S 161
6 II
3 81
June 33..,
I 72
I 72
3 K8
3 31
t 231
June 33..,
luna 4
T 6t
( Kf
6 93
t 91
6 87
3 62
3 63
3 26
I 231
June 36...
7 67441
I 17
I 69,
June 26...
7 61H
t 10
t 03
i 11
8 61
t 66
3 62
June 28...
June 39...
June SO..,
July J,....
July 1...,
3 C3
1 61
. I
7 eiTi
T 64
t 901
4 IM
3 68
3 68
3 6
3 24
5 S3
4 92!
3 66
I 24
3 181
8 73
3 61
8 61
3 18
Julv 4 ...
1 u
6 74
6 01
1 78
3 21
6 73
i 08
July 6....
I 78
I 661
juiy ...,
Jul 7...
7 7BH!
7 62
7 80V4
8 79
a 18
3 66 3 7S 2 97
6 111 3 81
I 76,
3 28
2 98
July I...,
July I...
July 10..,
Julv 11..
S 83
8 81
I 3:
2 96
t 87
1 94
1 97
3 00
2 05
t 83
5 13
8 35
7 K
1 79-V
6 85
i IS
6 04
t 02
t 0
3 96
8 28
8 11
3 11
6 92
8 7rt
July 12...
I 96
4 04
3 73
July is..,
July 14...
5 86
5 13
4 09'
4 051
3 99
3 82
3 77
S 77i
8 15
July 16...
5 77
8 17
Indicates Sunday. Indicates holiday.
The following list shows the number of
cara of feeders shipped to the country yes
terday and their destination:
Nelson Bengtson, Bwedeburg, Neb. F. E.. 1
J. B. Burton. Kellogg. Ia. R. I I
W. E. Simpson, Walnut, la. R. 1 1
M U. Hurbaugh, Maltland, Mo. iL. u 1
" '- SHEEP. ' y
Q. H. Theede. Malmo Neb.-B. A M 1
J. O. Flanagan, Silver City, la. Wab.... 1
The official number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was:
Cattle. Hoga. Sheep. H'r's.
C. M. A St P t 7....
O. A St. L 1 1 .. 1
Missouri Pacific 15 2 .. ..
Union Paclflo System 26 17 13 ..
C. tt N. Waa 14
F., E. A M. V 34 24
C, St. P., M. A Oa... 15 17
B. A M 44 7 S
C. B. A O 9
K. C. A St. J 14
C, R. I. A P., east.. 10 14
C, R. I. A P., west.. 1
Illinois Central 1 I
Total receipts-. .....180
The disposition of the day's receipts waa
aa followa. each buyer purchasing the
number of bead Indicated.
Cattle. Hoga. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 806 1,424 6,111
Swift and Company 688 . 1,655 2,345
Cudahy Packing Co
Armour A Co
Om. Pkg. Co., from K. C.
tjuaany, irom i. u
Swift, from K. C...
Armour, from k- t'
ftr Becker A Degan.vj.iv 47
Van Sant A Co . 11
Lobman A Co 86
Hill A Huntslnger 3
Huston A Co 25
Livingstone A Schaller.. 19
Hamilton A Rothschild.. 105
L. F. Hues 106
Hammond Packing Co
Cheny A Benton 79
Dennis at uo..... ea
B. F. Hobblck 4
Wolfe A Murnan 110
Other buyera 843
Totals 3.923 7,674 6,492
CATTLE There was a fairly liberal run
of cattle here today, which makea the
receipts for the two daya thla week a little
better than the aame daya of last week
and nearly equal to the aame daya of last
vear. Tha uuaiitv 01 tne onerinKs, uiouin,
waa very inrerior, ana as win ue seen
from the aalea below, there was nothing
In the yards that could be canea cnoiee.
As a result the market waa very slow
and Indifferent ' from atart to finish.
The beet ateer traae was very auu to
ri a v. but oackera claimed it waa because
there waa nothing good offered. Buyers
Bala tney waniea goon came anu tne
general Impression was that such kinds
would have sold about steady, but there
was nothing of that description offered
with which to make a test of the market.
It waa very evident though that they were
not at all anxioua for tha interior grades
such aa were offered and In a good many
cases sellers had a hard time to even get
bid on what they had to sell. The pricea
that were finally paid were very uneven
and lower all around. It waa very late
before anything like a clearance was made,
although recelpta were not at all heavy.
The cow maraet waa aiao extremely auu.
with the tendency of prices downward.
Tha same aa with steers, the quality was
very common. A few dry lot cowa Bold
at prices tnat aia not iook so munn lower,
but outside of those sales the general mar
ket was lower again today, it la Impos
sible to tell, however. Just how much tha
decline la, for the market haa been ao un
even that no two buyers or sellers agree
on just how ' rriuoh tne market haa de
clined. This much Is certain, however.
that there are a good many cowa and
tielfera selling here for less money than
shippers paid for them In the country.
Shippers do not seem to realise until they
get here how much the cow market has
5 one on, ana unui iney ao appreciate tne
run In nrlcea they will nrobablv continue
to lose money. It now takes a choice. grass
cow to bring over ana snippers nave
been paying that much or more for them
in the country.
Good fat bulls did not show much change
today, but common kinds were dull. The
same waa true of veal calves and ataga.
There were quite a few atockers and
feedera Included In the recelpta thla morn
ing and pricea took another drop. The
best heavyweights did not suffer much,
but aalda from those the pricea were con
siderably lower. Aa compared with the
beat time last week the general market
la a big 60 cents lower. The demand from
the country ao far thla week haa been very
quiet. Representative aalea:
t ,
I ,
14 ,
Av. FT. No. , Av. Pr.
.... But I 46 . 1 13 6 0
...Jilt 4 00 14 1017 00
171 4 St ' Tl 1111 IS
...111 6 00 40 1103 15
... HO I 0 II... lull 6 18
... tit I IS 60 1115 25
.... tat I 15 17 1114 M
.... HO I II II 101 46
...M10 I It 41 lilt 40
.... 147 6 46 II llt.1 I 16
,...llu4 6 71 1 145 46
,...10 I 76 II 1164 --
....JIM 4 M . 1 146 T 00
,...1011 I SO 10 1261 1 10
.... 171 6 0 17 lilt 7
m in
steers and heifers,
,...110 0 II ti I 66
1 ,
T ,
I ,
I ,
I ,
41 ,
Tl ,
It ,
I ,
I ,
23 ,
1 ,
...1016 6 04
It 1 Tl
I3t 1 76
tit I 04
II 1 00
In I 04
11 I Ot
tot I 26
44 IU
....... Ul III
m i 4
1041 I 4
1U1 I 40
131 3 4t
1 44
114 I IS
la I Tl
tut I Tl
144 1 76
124 t II
...... Ill I tt
...... tat I It -
10U I It
Ill I It
lit I 11
It.'l I IS
, 4.14 I II
tl I M
10 I 16
tol I 25
, 74 I IS
1074 I 15
14 I I
1060 I W
, 10k I II
l'UJ 1 40
1017 4
'44 I 45
1.1.4 I 4
I 4
14 I 75
, lilt I Tl
, n;s 4
, 84 4 t
1245 4 0
tut 4 14
, T44 4 1
, 1M4 4 1
, 1140 4 18
, 144 4 28
, IS) 4 25
, 10K4 4 25
, 1H-5 4 4
10)1 4 tt
, 1121 4 at
lilt 4 S
LM 4 66
.1MB 3 Tt
Ill I 7a
r?0 1 40 1 m I H
421 3 00 1 lost 8 M
140 t to 1 mt 1 ss
lilt I 10 1 l.WW I M
n o 1 10 1 1 wo 1 m
i: i 11 1 moo 4 m
101,0 1 Kl 1 1M 4 71
,...,..144 t 15 1 IJI.4 4 71
176 IK 1 1410 I 11
.lit 4 ?s 1 lie 4 Tl
I ,
1 .
1 t.'O I II 1 440 I Tl
1 1030 i IS 1 14 I 76
1 lr-0 I 14 6 IMI I Tl
II 4M 1 II 1 Ill I 71
1 170 1 IS 1 IV) I It
1 1004 I 10 1 171 I M
1 170 i 71 1 740 I 00
1 170 I 74 1 11JO I 1
1 6'-0 i 75 1 M IU
1 440 1 Tl
1 1M0 4 TS
1 470 I M 1 Is I H
SM I 00
1 40 1 (XI I IU 111
1 sso 1 n 4 MJ 171
1 180 I 71 I T5t I Tl
1 ino I 00 1 Tt I Tl
i t0 t 00 I M 4 00
M 611 I 10 II IU 4 0
1 174 I IS T IN 4(4
1 1070 I M 11 171 4 00
4 110 I 10 1 II 4 0
1 77 I 46 it 140 4 05
10 10 I TO T Ml 4 I
14 cows 965 2 75 4 heifers... 837 I
13 cowa 976 2 60 11 cows 775 2 70
Scows 9fi0 8 25 1 bull 1?"1 3 25
3 cows 940 2 40 6 feeder., 82 4 ?0
1 cow 1O30 3 40 19 feeders.. 10S7 3 86
U cows KK9 2 60 I steers.... 962 I K5
36 cows 931 2 90 10 cows 930 2 75
7 cows 615 2 75 1 cow 1010 2 75
1 cow WO 2 75 1 cow 1100 t 10
2 cows 1025 2 60 3 heifers... 6S3 2 70
12 feeders.. 9?0 3 90 6 heifers... 6n0 2 70
14 feeders.. 928 3 90 ' 2 heifers... 610 2 70
9 cows 1004 3 10 8 feeders.. 823 8 75
2 cows 870 3 10 21 ateers....l037 t 25
2 cows 1070 8 50 8 bulls 1303 8 35
1 cow 820 2 65 1 bull 1270 8 15
1 calf 130 5 00 1 bull 1390 3 15
8 bulls 1460 3 15 - 4 bulls 1460 4 00
87 feeders.. 95 4 85 8 feeders.. 9S1 S 75
86 feeders.. 1067 4 25 21 feeders.. 937 4 00
D. E. Buster Nebraska.
3 steers.... 973 3 50 40 feeders.. 170 4 00
6 feeders.. 906 3 25
E. McClanahan Nebraska.
24 feedera.. OA 3 76 2 heifers... 700 S 25
3 feeders., two 3 00
A. Romsberg Nebraska.
14 cows..... 9:i3 8 40 1 cow 830 3 75
1 cow 1070 8 40
W. P. Haines Nebraska.
2 feeders.. 655 3 60 8 cows 401 go
V. Llsco Nebraska.
14 cows 9.V) 8 25
14 cows 9Si 2 75 2 cows 215 I 75
7 cows 9 2 "f.
H. Tagge Nebraska.
13 feeders.. 672 8 50 10 cows 880 2 40
15 heifers... 513 2 90 1 feeder... 1090 3 00
William Belfeldt Nebraska.
1 feeder... lixs) 6 60 1 heifer.. ..1000 3 50
7 feeders.. 893 4 65 4 cowa 1015 2 40
Karl Llnke Nebraska.
4 feeder.. 947 2 35 '42 feeders.. 147 8 95
HOGS There was a light run of hoge
here today for a Tuesday, but atiu tne sup
ply for the two days is about the aame aa
fnr the flrtrt two davs of last week. When
comparisons are made with the same days
Of last year,, nowever, mere is m. uig de
crease. The table of receipts above will
hnv the vart flaurea.
The market opened very slow this morn
ing but about steady. Later on, however,
tt became evident that packers all had lib
eral orders and that there were none too
many hogs to go around. As a result the
market took on considerable life and the
close waa strong to 5c higher. Everything
waa disposed of in good season In spite of
the slow opening, ine duik 01 me iu
weight hogs sold from 37 .80 to 37.85 and aa
high aa 38.00 waa paid. The top today waa
a dlrne higher than yesterday, but the hogs
were better. The medium weights went
largely from 87.75 to 17.80 and the light
weights from $7.75 down. Representative
No. Ar. 8h. Pr. No. Av. 8h. Pr.
II 1M 40 7 46 IS i21 40 t TS
II Ill 249 T S . 44 24 40 I TS
IS 11 ... 7 J 41 i SO T TS
70. ....... 1S 40 1 IS 44 IS SO 7 TS
TT id 7 4 41 141 11 7 78
10 Kl 40 T IS Tl 131 SO T TS
II 181 0 1 IS TO 144 40 7 TS
Jl IK ... 7 6 o 10 J
10. Ill 11 t 46 Tl I 12 I T7
77 181 ... 7 146 M !
ISO 11 7 U ,6' 77
II......... 104 IK 77 70 Ml liO TT7
7.,' 1ST 10 7 TO TT ill 10 TT7
It.. 21 10 T 70 46 10 SO 7 T7
71.;. "'.Ill 10 17 TO ill 100 TT7
M.,, iOI 40 7 T Jl 141 40 7 M
T.i......ia iio 4 70 J fJ J J
T8.,..,..,i04 120 7 70 . 7 24T 120 T
77. ...... .221 16 7 70 . " "J J"
M 222 4 7 TO JJ JJJ J0
4 135 1! 7 TO J' JJJ
71....... .211 12 7 71 "J JM
71 214 24 7 72 J J
M 211 40 TT! J " J J"
47... IS 140 T T2 Jl 147 M T
HI 8 7 72 J M
12... 117 120 7 72 J" 'JJ J J0
7 HI 40 1 72 ! ,?9
71 ..21 ... 7 71 J gj 1" !
4 US ... 7 71 JJ J JJJ
7 HI 40 T 75 J io T in
S fj? M ' - m ? S
?t"". aiaion t 75 M 7 2
i1 i"- III 4 261 10 TI2$
11 X I II 67 251 4 7 12
.:":::::. !S ?S ?! a ? tii
45 127 140 7 76
II 217 14 T 76
54 126 20 T 76
77 Ill ... 7 7
61 121 ... 7 75
,70 123 40 ' T T5
80 214 140 T 78
70 227 ... 7 76
69 Ill ... 7 76
115 40 7 75
74 181 ... 7 71
tt 271 140 T 12
7 !M lit 7 13
44 ill 10 T 13
3 171 ... T S
tl 171 100 T W
12 271 40 7 16
II 281 ... T 18
70 2U 4 7 15
14 266 ... T M
40 23 120 T 88
76 247 130 T 15
66 271 140 7 IS
SI 171 110 T 18
41 140 40 T IS
II 241 ... 7 IS
181 11 IS
12. ...... .Ill ... T to
64 164 N IN
61.. 101 ... TtS
14 110 ... 7 75
60. ...J... 161 11 7 76
14 2 4U 7 76
41 121 40 7 76
71 221 140 7 76
7. .137 24 7 75
128 10 7 75
60 241 ... T 75
44 ...244 N 1 II
64 ...Kl 10 7 15
ua ... T it 7 ill a mi
8HEEP-There was another liberal run
today, which makea the aupply for the two
daya thla week considerably In excess of
the same days of last week and also of
last year. The demand, however, kept up
In good shape and as a result trading ai
active at about ateady prices on the aver-
For some time the bulk of the offerings
haa consisted of sheep, but today conditions
were reversed, and the bulk consisted of
lamba. The bulk of the lambs sold freely
JH8t .f00" ateady prices, but if anything
the feeling waa a little eaaler owing to the
liberal offerings. Sheep, on the contrary,
were scarce and the feeling on thoae was
a little atronger. There were few choice
sheep offered, however, so that- the sales'
do not show up the strength ef the market.
feeders continued In active demand this
morning and the prices paid were a little
stronger. As high aa 33.S& was paid today
for a string of feeder wethers.
Wuotatloiih for clipped atock: Good to
choice yearlings. 18 60(3.85; fair to good,
83.25&3.60; good to choice wethers, 23.S5-3.60;
fair to good wethers, 83.bOC(i.3.36; good to
iiioi-b e wua, ti. aui.a; jair to good ewes
82.(HVri2.7n: good to choice SDrina- Tamha 16 hi
tl6.75; fair to good spring lamba, 5.0i5.60;
feeder wethers. 32.75(3.10; feeder yearlings.
lo.00OT3.Z9. feeder lambs, 2 5-i3.76: feeder
ewes, ti.sxai.w. representative aales:
No Av. Pr.
1 buck 130 1 DO
7 Idaho ewes.; H J 00
64 Idaho ewes 107 3 00
55 Idaho ewes Ill 2 15
89 Idaho ewes 1 lug j o
50 cull spring lambs 63 3 50
60 cull spring lambs 53 3 CO
12 Idaho wethers h5 t
86 Idaho weihera... 13 $ uo
15 Iduho wethers 100 3 a
24 Idaho wethers 102 3 "6
14 Idaho wethers to I 76
1 old sheep M) 3 75
8 cull lambs 66 J ij
80 cull lambs 64 2 75
14 Idaho wethers ; so J 75
6 wethers and ewea 10) 3 ii
50 Idaho cull lamba 66 4 -4
50 Idaho cull lamba 68 4 00
66 Idaho cull lambs 60 6 0
178 Utah spring lamba a.... 63 8 25
SoO Utah spring lambs 62 6 25
14 Idaho spring lamba 6i 5 50
427 Idaho spring lambs (6 (60
318 Idaho spring lambs 67 D 60
66 Idaho spring lambs 67 6 65
830 Idaho spring lambs 86 S 66
4 Utah ewes 90 2 60
25 Utah ewea 9J 2 SO
38 western ewes f3 3 75
l'.'l Wyoming ewes 87 2 75
67 Utah ewea 94 2 75
2C2 Wyoming yearling ewes 6', 3 AO
155 Wyoming feeder wethers 69 3 26
60 Wyoming feeder wethers 68 3 25
23 Utah yearlings 79 3 50
95 Utah yearling 79 3 60
107 Utah yearlings 0 3 60
72 native mixed sheep 84 4 00
4 Utah lamba 70 i 00
' New York 1,1-ve Hock Market.
ceipts, i head; dreaaed beef steady at 'i
12c per lb. for city dressed native sides.
Cablrs last received quoted American steers
at Hkj lbSc dressed weight; refrigerator
beef at Wu 12c per lb. Kxporta today were
tOii beeves and 7j0 quarters of beef.
CALVES Receipts. 619 head; very little
trade; a few veals sold at 7 per cwt. ;
city dressed veals, 8h lie per lb.
HOUH Receipts, at head; market a trifle
weak: a few state hogs sold at 18 per cwt
bHEKP AND LAUDS- Receipts. 5,555
m in 1
I nil) I M
hesd; sheep Uo higher, lambs slow and
weak; sheep sold at 33.3r-li4.eO per t ,
with a few yearlings st 3i; lambs, 4 7Hj
7.00; a few culls at 14 50: dressed mutton,
5VU'S.o per lb.; dressed lambs, HvfUSto.
Cattla 9teadr--IIgs ntaaer Sheet.
St roan- Illaner.
CHICAGO, July 15. CATTLE Receipt.,
4.000 head, Including 1,000 head Texans;
market steady; good to prime steers, nopv
Inal, 37.7608.7u; poor to medium, i.Vtl .);
Blockers and feeders, f3.5tKtj4.00; heifers,
82.60iS-6.50: canners, 11.401(2.40; bulla, tliMf
06O; calves, 2.6i.60; Texaa fed steers,
84 1i 75.
HOGS Receipts, 17,000 hesd; estimated
tomorrow. 80,0no head; left over, 8,600 head:
market ateady to 5c higher; mixed and
butchers, 87.2otfa.10; good to choice heavy,
$7.76li8.14; rough heavy, $7.2t,tr7.70; light,
$6.X1i7.70: bulk of Bales. $7.60W.96.
SHEEP AND LAM US Uecelpts, 10,000
head; sheep, strong to 10c higher; lambs
lower: good to choice wethers, $3.60(if4.25;
fslr to choice mixed, 2 60aS25; western
sheen, $2,6043.75; native lamba, 32 60to.6i.
Ofllctal yesterdsyi
Receipts. Shipments.
Cattla tl.724 3-SI
Hoga tS,v3 8.91
Sheep 20.764 Uii
Kaaaas City Live Stock Market.
ceipts, 11.550 natives, 4,460 Texsns, 1,150
Texas calves and 1,350 native calves; best
comfed cattle steady to strong, off stuff
steady to 35c lower, cowa slow, weak to
25c lower, stockers l(x6'25o off, quarantine
stuff lower; choice export and dressed beef
steers, $7.90(ij.10: fair to good, 85.0037.4:
stockers and feeders, $3.0096.60; western fed
steers, 14.6Xa.O0; Texas and Indian steers,
$2.0(-84.56: Texas cows, $l.S63.60: native
cowa, $1.6tV94 76; native heifers. 635 K3...00;
canners, $1.6O2.00; bulls. $2.90(jf3.75; calves.
$2.60fa6.00. ...
HOGS Receipts, 1, 400 head; market steady
to 6c lower, closing 10c lower; several car
ried over; top, $n.06; bulk of sales. $7.S0d
8.00; heavy, $7.96W8.06: mixed packera, $7.85
.02H; light, $7.4&7.80; yorkera, $7.807.0;
pigs, $7.0(K87.25.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2,800
head; sheep firm, Ismbs strong to loo
higher; nstlve lamba $4 45J.86; western
lamba, $3.00tjT5.90; native wethers, $4.154.86;
western wethera, $3.264.26; fed ewea, $3.M
SS4.20; Texas clipped yearlings, W 4'ti.00;
Texas clipped sheep, $3.0043.3o; stockers and
feeders, $2.003.00.
t. Loala Live Stork Market.
ST. LOUIS, July 15. CATTLE Receipts,
8.000 head. Including 6,500 Texans; market
steady for natives, with Texans slow, shout
10c lower: native shipping and export
steers, $8.007.65, with extra choice at $7.9o
8.2ft; dressed beef and butcher steers. $4.50ii
7.30; steers under 1,000 lbs., $4.0OSJ 25; stock
ers and feedera, $3.00ff6.20; cows and heifers,
$2.26&.00; canners, $1.75flr2.85; bulls, $3 00fd
4.75; calves, $5.0OQ.75; Texaa and Indian
steers, $3.006.05; cows and heifers. $2.46'
HOG8 Receipts, 8.300 head; strong; pigs
and lights, 37.2rvfj7.75; packers, $7.75(37.95;
butchers. $7.lO'(r8.26.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8,o
head; market steady; native muttons, $3.26
494.15; lambs, 34.758 .50; culls and bucks,
$2.0044.60; stockers, $2 50.
St. Joseph Live Stock Market.
ceipts, 8.104 head; best steady, others 10fTl5o
lower; natives, $4.75'ff8.50: cows and heifers,
tl.Wvi I6; veals, 33.00Cn6.00; bulls snd stngs,
$2.75t..26; atockers and feeders, $2 00fJ5 60.
HOGS Receipts, 6.847 head; generally 5o
lower; light and light mixed, $7.6557;7.R5:
medium and heavy, $7.808.05; plga, 84.75'di
7.50; bulk, $7.70fi7.9o.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,610
head; market steady; top lambs, $6.35; top
wethers, $4.
Stoek ta Slarfct.
The following table shows the receipts of
cattle, hoas and aheep at the tlve principal
markets for July 16:
- Cattle. Hoes. Sheen.
South Omaha 8.624 8.056 6.616
Chicago 4.000 17.000 10.0
Kansaa City 16.000 6.400 3,300
St. Louis 8,000 3.300 3.90)
8t. Joseph 3.101 6,847 1,640
.34.92$ 41.603 24,868
Liverpool Grain and Provisions.
steady; No. 2 northern, spring, 6s 3Wd. Fu
tures, dull; July, nominal; September, 6s
2Kd; December, s 2V4d.
CORN Spot, firm; American mixed, 6e.'
Futures, dull; September, 5s2d; October,
is 2d.
, PROVISIONS Beef, strong; extra India
mess, 107s 6d. Pork, firm; prime mess west
ern, 82s 6d. Hams, strong; short cutH to
16 lbs., 61s. Hacon, strong; Cumberland
cut, 26 to 30 lbs., 56s 6d; short ribs. 16 to 20
lbs., strong, 69s 6d; long clear middles, light.
zs to 64 ids., strong, us; long clear middles,
heavy, 35 to 40 lbs., strong, 60s; short clear
backa, 16 to 20 lbs., strong. 60s; clear bel
lies. 14 to 16 lbs., strong, 62s 6,1. Shoulders,
square cut, 11 to 13 lbs., strong, 48s. Lard,
strong; prime western, In tierces, strong,
67s 6d; American refined. In palls, strong,
66a 3d.
Evaporated Apples and Dried Fralta.
APPLES The market contlnuea quiet and
without change or special feature of In
terest. Futures have fair attention and
spots are firm. Common to good, 8010c;
prime. 10Q10c; choice, llSllc; fancy,
11 wane.
are in fair request for both export and!
Jobbing account. Futures alao are moder
ately active and the market displays a
hardening tendency. The price range con
tinues at 34. si 614c for all grades. Aorlcots.
are In moderate demand, with pricea
steady. Apricots In boxes are quoted at
10 14c; in bags, 10c(l4c. Peaches are
oulet at 12il6c for peeled and at 6(tJ100
for unpeeled.
New Tork Grains Depressed.
NEW TORK. Julv 15 Tha break nf Ian
In July corn at Chicago today naturally un
settled tne xsew iora marxet. casn corn
here was a cent lower all around and the
July option 2c lower In contraat with Its
decided strength yesterday. September
and December corn broke 4Slc, closing
at tne low point, opinions aa to tne juiy
break at Chlcaao were confllctlne. Wheat
shared the corn uneasiness and closed lWif
j-o net lower, wun upwara 01 etv.vw du.
for export.
Dry Goods Market.
market for all klnda of cotton gooda has
been quiet again today. Home demand has
been for limited quantities only In brown
bleached and coarse colored' cottons. Print
cloths were without change. Prints and
ginghams firm. Silks and ribbons are In
better request, with the collapse of strikes
In Pateraon putting sellers In a position to
make deliveries.
Davis & Gowitill Iron Werks.
IH1, IS4M aad laoa Jaattaa
aaaaJaa, Nek. tTal. aaa.
SJ. rZaJsrtskle. As eat. J. I
a-It A J E GO.
staaafaotaesra and Jekbesasd
Steam and Water Supplies
Of All Klnda.
11 aua 14)3 BIAA ST.
I A C3tcm Electrics.!
vv Ocmpany
Electrical Supplies,
tartrte Wiring Bells sad fata UsAtU
ta. W. JOHNSTON. Mgr. Ul Bewaj Ik
Omaha Tent an Awning Co.,
Oatefca, Nek.
Manufacturers of
Tents and Canrn Ocods.
04a4 for tCatalogua Xutstaie ft