Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 16, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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Willi Eilly McQill Qiu On of Hii Old
Tim Pitching Itrttki.
CoateM Market by Baas rttefclair,
Heavy HIHIk aa4 Carloae Capers
fomtthtni hsrinene4 to Willi fclllt Me-
0111 at Vinton Street park TeUy.
when the pollc had cleared the crowd war
..It wu found that Omaha had devoured the
'Dlatlllera from Feorla 19 to I In their first
tame. It resulted from an avalanche of
hits that cam early and flayed late, en
couraged ey fweholoe error her and
there. The slaughter was unanlmou. and
f gsntrsl participation. Never before in
on gam hav all th men scored hit, or
' have all soared run. Today the did both,
end om of them three or four.
Thre thousand people at apetfbound for
three Inning. Then they woke up, and
ora of th Impatient onea went home. The
'ret atald to b amuaed and to watch lb
Omaha fatten their batting average. . In
, the ft ret Inning two hit and two error
'netted four run. . In the ne it flv bit mad
' lx run. Willie mill waa oompelled to weat
nell nI Wilson; Kan City, Nlchol and I dell kept Ctilrago' hlfS well eatterel. In
mmi ii. i . r . I in t nin innini mnpi mnn miiuvaia nil
atj, f r.. I Hded while running for lfults foul and
. 1 I Buiiivan wa rendered unrnnelotie. II re-
Plaf'd. 'Wo. Ismi. P.O. I covered, however, end reeunied M posl-
Omaha 71
Kenans City 74
Milwaukee 7 .
Ienver M
St. Joeeph 71
Colore do Springs..., It
Ie Molnea 67
Peoria M
7 I tlon. Attendance, I.7OT. Score
r.en i h h u. a a. t k h u.a k
iw HiUhL M... t 1 lllriliL ....! I I
' " I . . . a . . . , .
1it I ruitl, !... V a 1 - V janea, m w a m v
i h its, n. i i i f
I OtM,
lUThr. lb..
names Inflsv; Peoria at Omaha. M tlwsu- I M Croa. ,
kee at Pee Moines, Kansa City at Denver, I !".
Bt launh - CnlnrmAr. Cnrlma I W JI1,
GAMES IN NATIONAL LEAGUE PMudeipW ..".....o 1 j "TYl I Zl
I Chicago 1 I 0 4 0 0-4
Earned runlf
TeUl t I M H I
I, It.l i I I Oraen, M t I 1
i. lb.. 1 1 4 tO. lal, . I I I
, rf....f lit .Merte. It.... t lit
, lb. .. I 111 til.bell, lb...- 1 1 It 1
, aa.. 1 1 1 4 l'lr. lb. till
t I II I tiBum-a. e... I III
I, ... 1 lit tariffli. .... 1 1
Philadelphia Makes t( Two Straight
from It Xeala, hat Both Side
Play Poorly.
wo straight over St. I,oul today. Th I-ugniin.
game waa poorly played by both teama.
Philadelphia. 7: Chicago, t.
Horn run: Seybnld. Sacrifice hlla; M.
Croaa, Bchreck. Stolen baee: H. Dvls
l.eft on baaea-. Philadelphia. ! Chicago, 7.
Double play I Daly to Da via to Isbell. First
bane on Millet on waaneii, ij. . i-m or
pitched bells: Strang, Murphy. Htrurk
out: By Waddell, t. Time: 1:46. Urapir:
Verge and tnisglebv each allowed ten hits
. . . A . t t .. .
m n o.i i I i H O A i
Ttom, ef.. I I I t trrroM, m... I 4 t
Lm, H..
.. I I 0 t
Wlllt. If..
. Krur t t I
ToUli 4 It 17 It I O HH .. t t t t 1 1 c irif. Ik t t t 0
. . iy. - 1 i i 1
' jui.b...... .v r
Ratted foe Terke In th ninth.
"Hatted for J. O Nell In the ninth
Bt. L-ouie
Waehlattea Beat Detroit.
WASHINGTON. July 15 -Today' gam
wa a pitcher' battle between Towneend
and Mullln, In which trie former eiceiiea.
Doyle by clever bit of running cored
from first baee on ehort eingle back of
ecend ban. Attendance, i,zuo. eoorei
viBHiMcTn. . i DBtnoiT.
k H.O.A B I H.H.O.A.B.
ti.rrr. rt 1 lit meot. ef.... t t 4 4 I
Hulrwlt, M .i t I I 1 Ptrrl.y, It... I 4 4 t t
Dmiklaa, ... I tr t Pnnovtii, rf . . 1 I 1 t
J.nnlnip. Ik. I I I 0 1 nMnheor. Ik. 1 I
. ir t let 1 Nifh.ii. in. i i t rf t 1 4 t Barrett, ef.... 1 lit
. lb ( 1 t t tHartmae. lb. i 1 1 1 i),i., th 1 1 I I ('nr. lb t 111
a. Ib....i Ml O-N.ll, .. i t I t I I n.i-h.ntr. if. 1 1 1 t 1 llh.rt.14. a. I I I I 1
leby. .. t I 1 V-rka. p.... 4 4 I 1 . I rnufklla. Ik. 1 1 4 1 t Holm. rf... lilt
19 w
Drill. ,. t 1 I 1 1
Towuaan. t t t I 1
Itarlor. It.
miMi, lb.
MrOuir. a,.
MllD, p....
t t 1 t t
t t i i t
ki. a n e a i a A 1 Tetl I I 17 I 41 ToUI....4 t 14 1
1 rune: Philadelphia, S; St. Iy)Ul. l""""'""LlJi t tVo hH.
3 b hlta: Jennings. Barclny, w':rn'rt 'u""! "Ah'nt "' 1.TW
O'Day and Brown.
Boataa Ihut Oat.
Carter, rf
Genlna, ....
i Btohe, If .'
Graham, rf..
Htewart, lb ..
Peara, lb . . . j,i .-.-iiv.i-
Hlckey, lb
Oondlng. o
Brown, p
.... 4
TotaJ.,;. it
AB. R.
o nrien. zt
Vaughn, o 4
lueaott, rf 4
Wilson, lb 4
Maloney. If and p..... 4
Croft, cf,: I
Ball, i...v 4
Tlbald. Sb...... I
McOIll, p , ..; I
6hafUll, If '. i I
' a
TOUI ....85 S I 14 10
Omaha II I 1 t I M It
Peorl, 0 M M 0 I I t-l
Earned run: Omaha, I; Peoria, L Two-
baee hits: Etewart, Graham (I), Decotte (I)
'Bacrlflo Ml: Stone. Paaaed ball: Vaughn.
Wild pitch: McOIll. Flrat baa on ball:
Ofl Brown. 1; off McQill, 1; off Maloney, L
Hit by pitched ball: Tlbald, Graham,
etruck out: By Brown. 4: by McGill. I.
Lft on baaea: Omaha, I; Peoria, I. Double
(laya: Genln to Stewart to Pear (1).
Brown to Hlckey. Time: 1:4&. Vmplre:
Ralat Poaaal Jeaaa, ; .-
yoaeph waa In a crippled condition today,
but they pounded Jonee all over the lot. In
, the . accom! Inning Garvin, the vlattora'
. catoher, had a little Anger broken by a
xoui up. boo re:
St- Joeeph .....I 01101 Oio II 1
olo. .Bprlnga.U 10 1 0-1 10 I
1 Batterlea: Colorado Spring. Jone and
.uaerwaia; Bt. Joaepn, tjninn ana Uarvln.
' f. ' s . Fall to Bit waraate.
' DTC3 MOINES, July It. Inability of th
local' to hit Bwormntad eafely at oppor
tune mcmiinii reauuea in a victory lot
, aauwauaee. Aiianuimce, w. (wore I
Milwaukee 1 I I I I I I I l- 10 1
Dca Molnea 5 0 0 0 0 6 6 0 0-0 f I
Baturtea: Milwaukee, Bwormated and
x.ucia; ivea aioinea, earrjr ana llanaon.
Blaggtac Mateh at Dearer.'
DENVER; July IS. Denver won out In
me ninin inning arter two men were out.
Both teama clayed a rather looa nmn.
Klrt Baeinn Da vl of Denver hu been
' Kanau Cl't y ".'.1 0 0 4 1 & 1 .t U
i BatteHea; "Denver, McCIoakey, McCon-
Important Factors in
the Brewing of
f1t 1
bneea nerciay, nartmen, narry. hu ny it o...u ..,Vi
pitcher: By yerkee, 1, Baeea on ball: Oft Towneend, t; off Mullin. . Struck out: By
buggleby, (. Struck out: By Yerkee, i:by 1'- ' ..2 VLn
Dugjleby I Left on baaea: Philadelphia, Waah ngton. Detroit. I PMta'l:
I: Bt. lxul. . Timet 1:40. Umpire: McQulre. lime: 1:60. tmplre: Connolly.
taaaliac at th Teai
PITTSBURO. July lg.-Eon did good Chicago .....
nrlf tin th AliftH Innln vhen thn I 1'hllanelnhla
local found him and acored three rune on Boston a.....
three hlta. Mot a Hontonlan paaeed nret bi. i-oui
Played. Won. Lost PC.
baee. Attendance, 1,403. Score:
riTTiuuaa boston.
H.H.O.A. B.l B.H.O.A.S.
Hark. If 1 I I fl1f. tf ... t 1 I t I
I. Mlltl Tenner, lb... t t t t t
Leach, lb.... till
Wagner, rt. . . 1 t I 1 0
Pranalall. lb I I II I
ftlttkar, lb... 1 t 4 I b
conror, a.... e I i :
O'Ceiiiter, e.t I 4 I
rkiiiiii, i 1 4 t
i inn
Demont. lb... til
earner, rt.... I I 4
Curtnr, It.. I 1 I
Ln. a fl 1
,rmlngr, lb I
Mom, a .4 I I t
tiaaon, p.... t I t
Luah I I 4
1 t
t t
4 I
Washington 71
Cleveland 71
Detroit ...68
nanci tndav: Cleveland at Boaton. Chi
cago at l'hlladelphla, St. Loui at BaiU
more, Detroit at Washington.
' JZ
Total. ... t 4 M I I
Batted (or Eaaon In ninth.
Plttaburg 0 1 0
Boiton 0 0 0
Earned run: Plttkburar. 1. ' Two-bae
nit: O Connor. Stolen base: Beaumont,
0 0 t 1 0
0 $ $ 0 0 0-0
. . w - - - . . 1 M . . I . . . .
, urouga one more orneai, ana iu rraun nu . . iwo-nnse nus. jriiiiins". - - - - iri.M V..i hit- faaov
.t .. . whit, l Thru.).,., hit' Dnnrtvan Jen. I nit: McGutte. Three-base hit. t. asey.
urea nua ana tnrro rune. i, nn neon fc."'.'--. V, . w ZhAU Wei i Stolen Home run: Lee. Stolen base: Cougniin.
taW ,! .n Unnlll akviif allAta1 h Ml Al " ' 1 - - - - " - .... w " I I. J neUu T."1 1 1
t,Mry si, V y wu mvvni RUU MIIW V aSlia W I
quit. It waa do ua tiring, out another
pitcher, o Maloney,. the collegian, wa
called la from left field to throw atralgbt
tone at tbo plate, while ScbafaUU took th
garden. Ten bit and thirteen run had
been batted off Willi. Tbo fielder' flv
' Innings la th bos resulted In ten more
bit and li mor runs.
Brovra Ha Merer.
Meanwhile Brown had pitched ill perfect
Inning, allowing only four hits, hut with
the score 19 to 9 then and th contest a
' fare he couldn't Keep-grave any longer,
' and let them to him for a few bunched
one. So Peoria took three score In th
event, tut the tallies were glf tS . - '
Umplr Roe added greatly to th general
ludlcrousness of the situation, and James
' Rourk eay he will bever Umpire here
again. Some umpire will be agreed upon
between now and today's game, probably
, Buck Keith. Rourk ay that if Set ton
annot supply a good man ha can hustle
on for himself. In the fourth Inning Roe
fiercely ordered th police to put O'Brien
off the ground for some reason, but a pa
trolman grabbed Willie Billle by mistake,
, or because he wa smaller than O'Brien
.. and threw him out unceremoniously, while
McOIll smiled broadly. Just a Willi dls
appeared through th gat Roe saw hi ml
, take, and called him back, but b apparently
thought- O'Brien had gone, for he didn't
make any mor fuss about him, although th
, second baseman played right behind hlpi all
, th rest of th gam.
One of : Roe' Freak.
Another time a pitched ball hit carter la
th thigh and well nigh knocked htm off bt
, feat. . Ron said "two ball," and refused
to let him take a base. There were other
'instances lesa apparent, but equally flag
rant. Dolan wa out ef the game with a or
'jt first finger on hi throwing hand, received
4 1 Monday on Barber' grounder. - Billy Wll
1 . ion looked Strang on flrat has for th
'. Distiller. Boor: '
AB. RV H. O. A, B:
6 111
.. i i
Baaehed Hlta Enable Indlaaapoll t
Tic Score la Sixth and
4 Thea -Win.
COLtTMBt'S. July 15. Bunched hit
Deach, Rltohey. . Double play! Conroy to ?l. Vndlan5pPil - -" 2. J?.i?S
ftltchey to Bransfleld. First Use on balls: lxth today and they won out In the ninth
Off fcaion, 1 Struck out: By thllilppl. 4; on two hlu and Turners rror. Attend
by aon, 1. Time: 1:36. Umpire: bfmall. ance, 1.109. Score: .
. tuntluiMlll I rYtt.OTWmT
Feaad Matheavsoa at UU1. . n.H.o.A.B. R H O .
Horler, rt. 1 1 t tiHart. l t t t 1 t
a.i r p . ' . . . . . . .. rviniiite.. ii . . w a m v,ni,iu,
pit an over tne lot curing me two innings Kihm, lb.... 1 lit ! orint
that hs pitched. Burke came Into the 0' Brian, ...! t I 'Mrrrla, rt. 1 I I t
game after the local had tired themeolve I rouitvr, ct...l I 4 t o Turner, ... t I It I
Knan. ir... . e e l v
Schaetaka. Ik t I I 4 t
o. roi, .....t t i i i
Wasnar, t 1 I I
Total I t!4 II I
out running the bases and fared better. I w. r. lb... t lie
The visitor mad sensational triple Dlay 1 Hyton, .... t I I c
In the second Inning, Attendance, Wu. S.T,rt' ,b" I ii i
Boo re:
CINCINMaTl. ' . .- .KBW TOftK.
a. h o. a. k.I i n o.A.a
rxibba. It 1 11 ejAae. H .....4 0 I t t
Hot. cl 1 lit tSailtk. Ik.... 0 till
Berkley, lb..l III t Broille, cf....l lilt
Crawford, rt.. lilt t Lauder. rf....O t I t t
raua. can... a l i a ntrwaranan, a a
Mas ooa, Ik. . . 1 I II 1
Berien. t 1 4 t t Malhatraea. f) t t 1 1 t
rbllllp. ... 1 1 i 4 I.Burke, p t t I 1
HIIUC. t t I t 0
Total..;... I I 17 11 III
id... alias nowvrwian, m w a a a v
...! Ill 1 Dunn, !..... 1 t 1 '
aa . 1 1 I I IWasner, a... t till
, Ik 1 11 I IO'HaKH, lb .t tit t t
' None out when winning run was made.
Indianapolis 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 13
Columbus 1 0 0 1 I
fitolen basest -Wagner. Turner.' O'Brien.
Two-base hit: Coulter. Three-bas hlu:
McFarlan (2), Klhni. Double play: Kuhn
to W. Fox. Btruck out: By Wtgner, 1; by
Miller, J. Base on ban: on wagntr, s.
Hit by pitcher: By Wagner, L Time: l.m.
Umpire: rrancis. ,
Lonlsvllte Play Poorly. -
Total It 1 17 14 II TotaJa I I 14 II I
Cincinnati 1 t 2 1 0 0 0 10
New York 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1-1
Earned runsi Cincinnati, t: New Tork.-l.
Two-base hlu: Magoon (2). Dunn, Craw- '5?2 'VooS Xor.
ford. Three-base hit: Stelnfeld (2). Horn tendano. LtjOtt, Bcore
runs: Hoy, Dobbs. stolen bases: Brooisl, - i UM,T'uv.
t? Trlnle nlv Ulthwmn tn Imltk In I R.HO.A
O nasan. t irst base on bans: on uurke,
1 Hit by Ditched ball: By Mathewson. 1.
a,eii,l mi,' bt, TshlllfMfl, -1 WIM' nlt.k, i'
PblUlp. Time: 1:40. Umpire: Power. I m ianr
Srnolclra rkleaaa I mltb. lb.
t I Ollka, ef.
bard :to
flv hit
ting ended when Donovan replaced Newton 1 ?i2i2"
In the lxth. Lundgren misplay war I '"Vt" t
very coatiy. Attendance,. 1,100. Boor:
Rhankar. It., lilt 4 Blatl. f I I I P'"': Burns to Uweni Btruck out:
rt ... i i a a ai. 11. n, i i Huzhev. 1: bv Coons. 1. Bnei on balla
nuiiicr, m, uu .uuii, e. Aimvi a.av. uni
TOLEDO. July 15. ttuahey kect his hits
well scattered today and won the came.
Toledo played all around Doulsvlll, At-
t ninavii t
tenna7. If t 1 1 lClyar ef... I t
Duma. lb.... I til 4, Bonner, aa.... t 1401
Turnar. lb... 111 1 JGn.l, lb.... 1 114 1'
, aa.... I o v o Flournoy, II.. Ill
, rf.... 3 lit rkervlB, rf... I 1 1 t t
1 o uannon. lb... 1 T V
t t 1 tlHchaub, lb... I lilt
trcAOO, July 18-Both teams bstted K''""- ! ! I Wg V J !, ! 1
I ody.' the visitors ttlng cff-rwltrt Hushay. p....JMI 1 lt Cood -;--J J J.
hits in the first, which with hn error ToUhr'..... I 1 17 i t Too" ..,. t M ll i
ed four runs. Chicago's run and hit- Tni.rtn J a n n n a i t : aJt
enitl.,1 k Dnnnvan rmntmMA M..tnn TOledO i 0 0 0 0 1 I I , 6
LrfHllSVtll ... 0 0 0 0 110 01
Two-base hits: Meaney, -Kletnow . (2),
rUVinn I luuinu;, dbvi t,i. IiUiiivr, uvii.uu,
s? on
Doiaa. sf ill !uwa, ik..,.. 1141 Hughey, t: on
Dahlan, . .. I til tHen4rlcka, rf I I I I I plri: Tyndall.
ilTI-'v;-1 i i ! !f""A-'-! ! i ! Miiwauii
MeCraarr, 11,1 M I 4 Lanaarao. aa. I t I I
. 1 1 e sc.
kct Beat Mlaneapoll.
T end.
Naetan, p
DeaoTaa, p.
rhaalar. lb.. I 1
TUTTVKB! If ("IT. TO Jnlv' 1K The ' InoAla
till Millar. If . S 1 I I j ,kin. -.ill. xlv..ui- .-2
. . t . la - - - - I OUUHI UV T. 1.1, M.V.WMWMi., Rill.
' a ! I , 11111 nelded so poorly that Flggemeter had prac-
. a a a i ai i ,lrtn . Th i,te irnt tka
1 Totals 4 ii it it i -"r'y."- . . ' .r?r.
Total I IT ft 11 tl I vieiiora nil wen srauerea, dui me errors
Brook I vn 1 n A A 1 1 ft A ln '"" u""
ch,cag. :: ::: :::: j i i i lT
Brooklyn, 11: Chicago, .
Left on base
plays: Lundgren to Low to William, Hallman, rf.. I I I Ml
Flood to McCreery to Dahlen. Struck out: Cimsmaa, . 1 l 1 I
wo-bae hit: Dowe, Ahearn, . Irwin. Dunsaa, if... l rl "tl
acrtflc hit: Irwin, Flood (2). Stolen I MrHrid. at . I t i Ti
ae: 81a gle, Menefee, Dahlen.' Double Srhtebeck. lb 1 lilt
Itunkia. Ik... II t t
0 M Bride, lb 1 I t 1 4
HV Menefee. 1 hv V'talnn 1. Tv n . .
S W. a . a rt Knllet , Iff 'uln.f a Al
Donovan, l Time, 1:64. ymplr.;. CanUl- f" J J J i t
, Staadiac at the Tea.
Played. Won. VopU- PC
Pittsburg A3'. ' 4 )
urooaiyn i . m,
Boston 67. ii Si
Chicago 71 7 S4.
St. Doul , 68' SO SI
Philadelphia 72 SI ' 41
Cincinnati ,.g ' 2 S9
w lr ....ii , si 4T
ToUla...... U tt IV 0
Milwaukee ....
1 I t
I t I I I
1 1 t t t
t t 14 1 1
t 1 1 t
I 1 1 1 1
t t 4 1
Lynch, cf..,
Lallr, If ...
Phrla, lb...
Wllnvut, rt.,
Wardaa, lb.
Quillln, aa..
,urnt,- I.
HDalar, s t t 1 4 t
Total 1 4 tt 14
751 Minneapolis 000010000-1
47 Earned run: Minneapolis, 1.' Two-baae
637 I hlta: a. MrRrlda. Wllmot. Flrat halx on
.521 1 balls: Off Flggermeler, 1. Struck out: By
1 MOMicKin, a Bacrino mu: uungman.
.Vt A- MCBrM (I). Lft on baaea: MlnneapoiU,
T" i; Milwaukee, 10. nm: liw. umpires;
" f criDoins ana Aitroca.
rieahee , ,A a w ' nMAalva -a M.I.... aa,.,,
adeluLda at fit. . Louis. N' Vnrk fin. I Hlaea Loe at at. raal,
einnau, oo.ton fy i-itupurg.- v ST. PAUU July U.-Th local were able
. . ' r I Knnnh , Viul. hi,- la tk. KI-4 am .laklh
" " . i innlna todav and won from Kinau t'ltv.
At Slrmlnaham Little Rock. 7? nirmln.. I Chech held the (Visitor down to two hit.
. ' ' ai A , n A CJ , al.xiT- '
nam, . i ' k. v t
At jsanvuie waahvlile, T: New Orleans. I - it. pavl. i Kansas citt.
At Atlanta Atlanta. B: Shreveoort. 1.
At Chattanooga Chattanooga 7; Mem-
R H.O.A .- RH OA a
Oelar. If...... 1 lit e'lt4hfaa. it. I M I
Dlll.rd. lb... t t t 1 I Bavin, ....! t 4 I t
Ihanaaa, ef..l 1 t t IOnl(. Ik.... 1 1111
Farsuaoa. Ik II II I I Nanoa, ef.... t t I t t
Lumlar. rf... 1 tit U, aa..., t lilt
AN LEAGUE GAMP. Huin, ..i ! 1 i i smith, it tit
prlt UUMUUIi UMWICO n.riy. .... t I t McAad'ar. lb t 1 I t
I . Lynrh, .,.. Ill Tklel, lb t t I 1
4 Defeat Baltimore, Howell cbcl- . t J' I 0m. p t i i t
. Blar Batted. Oat im th
Foarth Iaalag;.
Choicest MatcrUlf,
Abtolut Clcaaligcti,
DUUrlaf and
Steriliil Prvccti,
Skilled ftrewnaturt.
0 Evary brew Is mat
I ft r B 1 T . uecaMfuL.
tZ,t. "rT!,,.t
(Noorlntoxloant) Tonlo. Druggist
or airocu
Total...,.. I ,1 It II I' .Total. ..... 1 I It It I
St. Paul 9011601 (
Kanaaa City '. 00 0 1 0 0 0 - 1
Earned run: St. Paut1. Tao-baae hlti
Shannon. Three-baa hit Hurley. Bocri-
nce hit: uevilie. Bluien baaes: ueier, rtug-
rtna. First Dase on balla: on i'bpi i:
Baltimore here this afternoon haw.ii I nrr near t lirst haaui. nn eerneai. 'irin,,.
Kelteit mi A that knv I tk. n.u.,k . i .. I .i a T a, n K . n . a, 4. i. . . -
- " - v. - ... . . iwni in nun ii .. i v.. 1 1 7 , a., t- . ua .'ir . . . ui, , , ivkim
-iiaiaia oy uononua in tne city, s. Btruca.oui: ny c necn, : oy uear,
third Inning. Attendance, 2.021. Score: I 1. Time: 1:00. Umpire: Foreman.
ttaadlaa" of th Team.
Won. Iiot p.C.
BALTIMORE. July IS. The St. Lnul
Amerloan league team easily defeated
R K .fl. A
Bnrkatt, If... t'l t OKally. 1 I I It t t
nenipnm, ,! Slback. lf.,.1 till
Frtel. rf I 1 I I W!lii.iua, lb. 1 I 4 1
rni.i, ib... 14 111
. If... 14 14 O'K.I
III. ef. 1 t t t I, Hell
rf 1111 tiwn
laraoa, lk. I 1 It t tiBaynour, rf..l I 1 t t I "
Hare a... I I I I HreanaHan. a. I 0 I 1 I Bt.
-aria'k. Ibt 4 I 1 t:Hoell, r-cf.. 1 1 I 1 Cc
Loulsvlll ......
Indlanapoll ..
. Paul...
oil hart. aa.... t 1 4 t 1
lb III t Kansa City
MOiD'tr. clll 1 i I I Minneapolla ........
l oieao ..
..... 74 '
..... Tl
tAL sun urwma ci. Kit,
1Am Dalal M.
The Boo lorAll f.Qivs
kako. 1 1
foooll. I I 4 t t
DeeehM, p.. t t t
Teui ll IT it u il " ' " I oame today: Kan City at St. Paul.
Bt. Loul l 1 g 1 0 o 4 -ll I Milwaukee at Minneapolla, Loulavllle at
Baltlmora , 1 I o 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Toledo, Indlanapoll at Columbus.
oacrince nil: powU, Kaho. Two-baa I
hit: Kelley. Kahoe. Williams. PsHHer. I Eaetar Take Oa froa Frlead.
Howell, Frtel. Home run: Seymour. Stolen
i n . a i n rt rv a ii . j in . ,b i nnari. 1 i
5..b?r't to Ker.ey" FEaie X.? Eir;t.FW trtond ' y...rd.y-after-
Hwell. 1; off Powell, 1: o Oonohie 2 noon ,t the latter place In one of the moot
Btruck out: By McQinnfti. 1: by Powell hotly contested game that has iieen played
L WiiA nltrh- 'hw.ii l.:"Vb la this vicinity thia season. 8cori '
Louis. I: Baltimore. 7. Time:. V5A irm. I R.H.
pir: Carruther and Johnston. I Eseter 0 001010- 4 1
r nana v v v i v v v le e
Pa Las far Btoa.
Two-bss hits: Ahlln Doane. Struck
BOSTON. July 15. Winter cava. thr I out: By Ahllne, I: by Moore. I: by Bliss. 10.
baaea on balls today and I we resulted In I Batteries: Eseter, Ahllne, Moore and
runs. Netibsr club could bat effectively. I Lane; Friend, Bliss and Moor. Umplr
aucnuanca, score: i n
h MO At
louchln of Beaver Crossing.
rata welter aa tha Dlnaaaa.
rt iLkmsa,
Joaa. p.
ihih , a l i la i , ,
ToUU IH 11
rucR out: bit by batted ball.
Matted for Oleason la ninth.
Cleveland :.-...t 1 It I I M 1
llo.ton 0 0060 04
First base on balls: Off Winter. 1; off
. ni vw yurnaia Ban: By JOSS, L
I'll u. a. vui i I
w 1A' I .. -. v..
. " ' V' , . 'IllOl ; , u, .UBI
f"el.,bu: aaner. lld Pilch: Win- between the Omaha Orlalnal. and Keam.v
mm. nine: , .. L,n)pir: bbridn. ..I played here today, the Ortginela mm more
v.'B.1alaII riirkiia timmA - nm onT the victor, bv'a aotn af 4 In 1
.T.- ,.,.. . -. - .. ' 1 The Orlg'nals made their runs In the flrat
PHIIDELPHIA. July 15 The boma I Inning: 'Batterlr: Kearney. fUlena and
veauaa wu-Ka uaw aasu( WOU f VVruimUi Original, rtttt klill rUitUC
' 'J
q3 (Q)-J
1 cl
gbgO 04
These low rate excursions will start horn tho
Burlington Station.
f i a n .'i' r .'i,
v i
; .... - -, -...a
Fornofn Si
Bllad Keataoky Horse Carrie O
" f 10,000 Prla at fcro Polnte .
i.. UoUaw Vaehloa. .
-, '! ,. ., , ysV '(' .
DETROIT. Mich..' JulV K.-Th Detroit
Driving club' claalo merchant' and man
ufacturers lio.ouo stake for class trot
ters waa won at Orosse Polnte track this
afternoon In hollow fashion by Rhythmic,
a blind horse owned by Jes Turner of
Pari. Ky., . that had never before, been
started In a race. .Rhythmic' best time
wa 1:11H, which Is two and one-quarter
second slower than the record for this
event, made lsst year by Eleata. J. C.
McKinneys mare z,epny ruiea i&vorite in
ihk early betting, but went lame while
, arming up for the race and was drawn
after a veterinary had pronounced the
mar unfit to race. The track waa In ex
cellent condition, the weather waa fine and
over 10.0U0 peopie were present.
Racing began sharply at 1 o'clock thla
afternoon, with two unfinished events Jqit
over from yesterday.
. Oliver Bign was mvonia in me z:ia troc.
In which ne won a heat yesterday. He
broke badly In the first heat today, which
went to General Johnson, and then took
the nect two In driving finishes. Pug
made a splendid finish In the last heat and
Sasaed under th wire only a head behind
liver Sign.
Direct Hal wa in front all tha way in
the last heat of the Chamber of Commerce
stake, postponed from yesterday, which he
won inJ:0i. This remarkable son .of Di
rect went faster than the previous record
tor tne cnamber or commerce in an tnree
heats -of x this event.
The Roman waa an even money favorite
over the field In th 1:19 trot and won both
heat handily.
In the 2:07 pace Shadow Chimes brought
900 and the field 126. Ches-.nut led to the
three-quarter pole In the first heat, but at
the tur Into the stretch Oeers let Shadow
Chimes out a bit and he won easily.
Shadow Chime was in front all the way In
tne second neat. Kiley u took second in
this hest by a splendid burst of speed In
the last 200 yards.
in l:2U pace, wnicn waa won or ureen-
lln- - K-u f I naaaiA W .. T Vl T k.
ii iid. a waj a.iyuia u.iivu uj - ... l.DIt
or Ooehen. Inn., furnished one of the sur
prises of th afternoon. Dandy Chimes was
favorite for the race at fluu, with the field
S35. In the first beat Qreenline came
through the bunch at the quarter and look
the- lead, with Dandy Chimes - second.
These positions were held to the wire, al
thouich Geers made a strong effort with
Chimes. Qreenline was In front all ihe
way In th next two beat. Thl waa
Greenline's first race.
Next on the card was the famous Mer
chants' and Manufacturers' stake. Just
before the rare was called Zephy, who had
brought li50 in the auctions, with Rhyth
mic next at 1100. and the others ranging
down te 1)6. waa brought to the judges
atand for examination by a veterinary. It
was evident that the mare waa lame be
hind, and after she had been declared unfit
to race the Judaea bermltted her to be
drawn. New pool were Immediately made,
In which Rhythmic brought lluO nd the
field $65. Hallie Hardin bad the pole for
tne nret nest ana lea 10 tne dsck. atretcn,
with Ted second. Acre Hhvthmlo went
around them and the blind horse led bv six
-lengths when the Held came Into the home
atretcn. Us led ail tne way try the next
two heats and was not driven out at any
time, Wentworth finished second in the
third hest after a hard drive with "Lord
March, which forced the latter, to take
third money.
Dirk See. second choice to Daahne Da Was
In th 1:11 Dace, won the race In Btralaht
heats. Palm Leaf won the only heat driven
or the nil trot in a very close nnisli wltn
Polndexter and King Chimes. Results:
1:24 class, pace, Chamber of Commerce
stake. $3,0w0 (two heats yesterday):
Direct Hal, blk. s., by Direct-Bessie
Hal (Geers) 1 1 1
Blderone. b. a. (Stuart) I 1 i
Cubanola, blk. h. (Greer) 4 1 1
Junius, ch. g. (G. Saunders) 6
Doctor Hammond. h. a. (Welch) 7 B
Gold Brick, blk. g. (Spear) I 4dr
King (.nariea, cn. g. (Manoney) t ds
Elastic Pointer, b n. (Huasey) ds
international . Queen, ch. m. (Hear-
sey) '. ...ds
Beau Zant, b. h. (Shafer) , ds
lime: i:ns4, z:uttt, z:tc4.
1:16 trotting, purse 1,600 (t
teraayi; ...
Silver ' Slim, b.i h.,' bf Sliver-Thorn-Leah
(O'Dillon) ...4
Pug, g. gr tMerrlfield) ........ ...I
General Johnson, , blk. g. (W.
James) A.....1
Gavatta.- b. m. (Dlckereon) 2
y on ii, s. m. imcuiui
inn m, D, m. tJ.
Time: i:21i. 1:104..
2:1 .class, Irpttlng, pure 11,100, two in
three hf-ats:
The Roman, b. r . by McKlnner-Danda
(Benson) 1 1
Mrs. Brown, br. m. (W. James) 1
Doctor Strong, g. . (Gahagsn) I I
Wllqtie, b. g. (McDonald) 4 1
Mount Hood, br. g. (McGulre)
two heat yea-
llghUn) i Mil
Miller) f till
l:im, 1:12. 1:12.
.1 4
Minka, ch. m. (H. Sanders) t t
Silver Heir, b. s. (Ervin) 7 I
Judge Cullen, blk. g. (Caae) f
Priola. b. m. (Marsh) I
jack, o. . (Mann) , a
Hall Fry, b. g. (Foote) ds
Anteea, b. m. (Lyman) ds
Time: 1:11, 2:12U.
2:07 pace, purse 1,P00, two In three heat:
Shadow Chimes, br. .. by Chlme-
Charmer (Geers)
Pannle Dlllard, b. m. (Snow) ...
Riley B, blk. h. (Ervlaj
Chestnut, s. g. (Brown)
Martha Marshall, b. m. (Noble)
George, b. g. (Mosher)
Time: 2:06, 2:fHi.
1:20 pace, purse 11,600:
jreeiiune, n. a., uy j
backs (G. Saunders) ...
... t
1 1
.10 7
.... Ill
....11 10
.... 4 11 dr
....11 ds
(G. Saunders)
Sylvlaone. gr. m. (W. F. Ervln)
uanay emmes, o. s. tueers)
Albert, r. . (McDonald) ...
Riene McGregor, ch. m. (VanAuken) I 4
Beware, b. h. (Overfleld) t I
Emma Lou, b. m. (wens)
t'nele John, b. g. (Welch) .....
Mustard, b. m. (French) ......
Charlie Hofer. br. g. (Fisher)
Funston, ro. ,g. (Snow) ,
Vtoeregal. b. g. (H. James) ...
Knox Gelatine, b. m. (Davla)
May Sharper, b. m. (Jennings)
Timer 2:07?t. 2:11. 2:1H.
Merchants' and Manufacturer' take, for
class trotters, tiu.iaiu:
Rhythmic, br. h., by Oakland Baron
Duchess, by Strathmore (Hudson). .1
Hallie Hardin, a. g. (McQulre) 1
Ixrd March, ch. g. (Geers) (
Wentworth, blk. g. (H. James) 7
Sphvnx Lassie, b. m. (Turner) 4
Dalton McCarthy, br. a. (Jennings)...!
Ted. br. a. (Aanew) 1
Baron De Shay, b. h. (Foote) ds
Time: 2:11H, Z:11H, 2:11.
2:11 pace, puree 11,209, two In three heats:
Dirk See, b. s by Tennessee Wilkes
Mary Bass (Lyman) 1 1
Daphne Dallas, b. m. (B. Kenney) 2 4
Dull Riley, b. g. (Hudson) IS 2
Cneonda, b. m. (Clement) .., I I
You Bet, b. g. (Sumner) 4
Shorty, s. g. (Bowne) (
Annie Leybu
I am
Carthage Girl, blk. m. (Merrlfleld) I
Blrdlna. b. m. (Davis) 11 10
Amokin. tiiK. g. (Hnear) io M
Rosroe C. b. m. (McDonald) 11 11
Dainty Queen, blk. m. (Munson) 14 ds
Donna McGregor, br. m. (Klrby).., 15 da
Maud l.miieror, cn. m. (McLaughlin). ..d
Pussy Willow, b. m. (Culver) ds
Haggle Hubbard, b. m. (Grant), ds
Time: 1:08. 2:01.
I 11 trot, pure $1,600. two In three heats
Palm Leaf, h. g. (McCarthy)...
Polndexter, b. a. (Marsh) ,
King Chimes, b. g. (Davis) ....
Hesperus, b. . (Jamteson)
Mvtailaa. blk. S. (Hussey)
Anteslla, b. h. (Spear)
I-eol, b. m. (Hutchlngs)
Ansella, b. m. (M. Sanders) ...
Charlie Mc. blk. g. (Hay bold) .
lie Lkyburn. b. rn. (Potter)......,,... t I
nhrldge Belle, b. m. (Neeley)..,.,,,., f
Wilkes, b. g. (Wright) t li
Waubun, g. g. (Saunders)
Time: i:io4. - -
::::::::: I
Nw Gera Detrayr.
Dr. King's New Discovery kills consump
tion and grip germs. Cures coughs, cold
and lung trouble or BO pay. 60o, L
nar, ef t 1 I I I noufhartr. If I 1 I i 11' I
Breliar. Ik... i I I t China, lb... t I I III PLAINVIRW, Neb., July A -(Special.) I
Lajoia. Ib....l I I 4 toiaaaon. et... t t t t tA same of base ball between the. fat men I'
!!!! 1 Jrma, if., till 1 1 of Pierce and those of piainvlew took plsfle
onwilr m i t I i ttnSn. ,' I ? f I ! " erc 43 Th
oh..r, est l 1"". Ik.... i I I 1 choe wtn on th north side of a hi.
ranrenneii in ine anaae. riainvicw played
well In th first six Innlnas. th score at
that atage of tha game being If to t In
favor of Piainvlew. In tbe rcmatnlng In
nings th pierce giant ran t)P their run
to a.
Kearaey feel Whit Coat.
KEARNET Neb., July 16.-(Sreolal Tle-
vrinij in in ercona game or base tuui
Brw4 from cvefoUy cloct4 bar! and hop Mm pcrmirt4 to
' - Icar th brswerr until properlf spd.
13 ' ;
ow Rates
-VIA- ,
. ..... Ir
i , . ., ,
. i .(. ,
i -. ;.r ; .
! "
To Denver, Colorado
Aip aa Sprinrs nd Pueblo.
OlDaUU Colc.July 1W13. Auf
nAi I m.
80 to SI. Ian.
To Denver. Colorado
I I A ftfs springs and Pueblo,
OlUiUU tlolo., Jul 14 to 81,
Aug. 15 tol-2, 25 to 29,
1 r
To Salt, Lake City
and Ogden, Utabt
August 1 to 14, lno, .
Springs, Colo.,
Juljl to 13, August 1 to
14, 23 to 24, 80 to 31, lno.
To Salt Lalie City
and Orden, Utah,
July 1 to 13, lno. j Aug.
To Ctlenwood
Springs, Colo.
July 14 to 31, Aug. 15 to
22, and 26 to 29, fno.
To Salt Lake City
and Ogden, Utah,
July 14 to 81, August 15
to za una u to -a inc.
fiff Aft To Bntte, Helena
VnUiOU okane,Jul7llto21,
To San FrancUoo or
5nf Los Angeles, Cal.
lUU July 29 and AugugtS to
iu, mo.
MTo Portland, Ore.,
Tacoma and Seattle,
Wasb., July 11 to 21,
To Salt Lake City
and Ogden, Utah,
July 1 to 13, lno.; Aug.
23-24 and 80-31, lao.
Dept. 1 to iu, lno.
fln To 8lt Lake City
04UU d Ogden. Utah,
To Denver, Colorado
Spriegaand Pueblo.
(To (Jlenwood
Ai gj Springs, Colo.,' $24)
S 4.0 0 July. w ,s-lno u'
VI"TWW ust 1 to 14, lno.; Aug.
23-24, lno.; Aug. 30-Sl,
lno.; Sept. 1 to 10, lac;
1334 Parnem Street. Tel. 316.
Vtnon Station IOts am Mabct. Tau tit.
"Man wanta but
lUtla bare blowM
Said a morbid peat
long yaara ago,
I'm proaa to doubt
that anclant saga
Whan I look at The
Baa's fiat,'Want
Ad" paga
r-i.e"jrga,ji istuis
5 1 lTr,';F"i.-k'V "t-, felhe. a.1 krwat
Ji v rliiCMaiaraa JNaJ2a
VW IX la It aa a-...- a. H-J
. Vy Umti. IZllMU. .4 a.
kUr; strung itLUi
SaiuBAiA Kra-fL.
A4iitii4U tvaoes Niialtt la tw Siaya S2W tA