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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1902)
321 TOT! OMAHA DAITX BEEi WEDNESDAY, .TOLT 1C, 1002. tm. C0D5CIL PROCEEDKCS Itlnil Etroggls Onf It fof toffo Bsute la Jobbing DirtrioU tLEYENTH AND JACKSON PROPERTY WIN With oiy Two wea-ativa Voves ci. II DwUn Makt Aaelaer rrn to Ami MelkJej Roatlae IJaalaees. A final struggle ensued in ths city council Chamber Tundtr night over the purchase of a lot In the wholesale district to be used a the alte for a fire engine house, and the friend of the Eleventh and Jackson street property came out victorious. An ordi nance was passed directing the city comp troller to par the agent for this lot $4,000. This settles the (Ire house site question for the present at least, since the agent, W. B. Welkle, agree to -wait for the balance until January 1, 1903.- The council had before It three proposi tions to sell lots In this district. The first Mrs the lot at Eleventh and Jackson streets, 'owned by tba Mechanic's Savings bank of Providence, R. I., price, 115,000; the second was a lot at Twelfth and Jackson streets, C. B. Denney agent, for which $10,000 was asked, and the third waa an Inside lot at J114-18-18 Jackson atreet, R. C. Peters A Co, owners, of which $7,600 waa the selling f tries. C. B. Denney waa present to do a ittle quiet lobbying In the Interest of his Eperty, and during the deliberation out price from $11,000 to $10,000. i When the roll was called on the pas wage of the ordinance It was found that Whlteborn bad disappeared. A committee was appointed to find him and bring him sck, but a few momenta later the com panies returned to report that the mem par from the Fourth ward was not to be Jound. The vote waa as follows: Aye Mount. Hoys, Haacall, Trostler, jrr 6. Kays ZlmYnan, Burkley 2. Lobeck and Whltehorn were absent. Upon recommendation of the city attor ney the following personal injury claims wers ordered paid out of the Judgment fund:' Stella Eaunders, $75; A. P. Gavin, 26; Edgar C. Burkett, $76; Ethel Chlm xnock, $26 1 Mary E. Gavin, $12S; Garwood r. Butts, $73. In addition to these E. M. Bartlett was allowed $15 for. attorney's fees and doctor's bill. ' Ead of Molder's Troable. Tba committee on railroads, telegraphs and telephones reported having 'received word from Iron Molders' union. No. 190, to the effect that it (the union) had made an agreement with the Featheretone .Foundry company looking' to the establishment of a foundry In Omaha, and hence recom mended that the union's' resolutions In ref erence to the closing of the Union Pacific foundry be placed on file. The report was accepted. The general aonroDrlatlon ordinance for June, providing for the appropriation of $129,868.14. waa placed upon Its first and second reading and referred to the com mittee on finance and claims. Of this amount $47,000 is for regular Items of run ning expense and the rest is for special Items, including bonds and coupons for apeolal improvement districts. R. 8. Berlin, gas Inspector, reported that the city's bills for Illuminating by gas and gasoline during June amounted to $3,189.86. , Another communication was - received from the Country club requesting that two r three arc lamps be placed "on Military venue, from the former terminus of the street railway to the city limits." "The need for this," read the attached petition, 'seems almost, imperative, as the street, which la dangerous under present condi tions, is used almost nightly by a large umber of cltlsens." It was signed by E. A, Cudaby, president: Edgar -M. Morsman, Jr., secretary, snd E. M. Fairfield, I J. Uurklsy, H. T. Lemlst, Vf. A. Redlek. B. "yu Peck! G. W. Wattles and W. M. Bur- geaa. It was referred to the committee on Street lighting. . ; I Tfce Best Diarrhoea Medicine Rarth That is what Mr. W. B. Landers, s prom inent farmer near Indianapolis, Ind., says of Chamberlain's Colto, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Read his testimonial: 'It gives me great pleasure to tell you how much Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has done for me. I have uaed It for nine years and I think it s the best medicine on earth. It has saved my life several times. I would sot think of being without a bottle of it tn the house." The Beverage of Health No temperance drink has mon Bxxch. uni verbal popularity as a thirst quencher and blood purifier as Rose's Lime Juice. ' The product of the choicest West Indian Lime Fruit It is always . Delicious ,1- Wholesome Refreshing . Ask your grocer or drug gist for it and insist on having ROSE'S. Special Cut Price on Some Lines of Goods $1.50 front, cut ' ' PARASOLS. ' $0.50 and $10.00 parasols for $6.50. $6.50 for $4.50 $5.50 for $2.50 $2.75 for $1.50. ' JAP FANS. 50c fans for S3c 20c and 25c fans for 10-10c fans for 5c. . .SPECIAL PRICES FOR WEDNESDAY .One third off -on all children's kilt' and blouse suits. HIS PIPE BURNS VERY LOW Fraak Staler Telle Police lie Waa Rebbeel Tkrowa lata - Blver, Fran Staler f Lincoln told the police last night A story of a robbery and at tempted murder, with very little evidence to substantiate 1L Btaley's story waa to the effect that ho bad been thrown from the east end of the Douglas street bridge, at ( o'clock, into the Missouri river, by three men, who first robbed him of $50. As soon as he struck the water, Staley said, be began to swim for shore, arriving there safely, though somewhat winded, not, how ever, until those who attempted to murder blm had escaped. Staley said he came im mediately from the river to the police sta tion. A peculiar dryness of his clothing was not good evidence that Frank had been in the river. A tainted breath like onto that which Issues from the lungs of a drinking man made thoee who listened to Frank's tale of woe do so at a distance, and a peculiar hitch in his walk, a blending of his pedal extremities, gave the officers the Im pression that Frank was drunk. He offered as material evidence that he bad been robbed of $50, four empty pockets In a pair of torn trousers and dilapidated bill book, which contained no bills. ' After an hour's questioning, during which Frank took several catnaps; tho police learned that Frank was trying to tell them that he was enroute from Lincoln to South Dakota and stopped off In Omaha to spend the day. At the Union station be met three strangers, with whom he started to Council Bluffs, paying their toll across the bridge. The rest, he said, was a blank, except he was certal that he had taken no drinks during the day and was also certain that he had been thrown into the river. Don't Accept Counterfeits. For piles, skin diseases, sores, cuts, bruises, burns and other wounds nothing equals DeWltt's Witch Hasel Salve. Don't accept counterfeits. None genuine except DeWltt's. "I have suffered slnee 1866 with protruding, bleeding piles and until re cently could find no permanent relief," says J. F. Oerall of St. Paul, Ark. "Finally I tried DeWltt's Witch Haael Salve, which soon completely cured me." . Has Time .Concert avt , Krwgr Park Tonlaht. A ragtime concert by fluster's superb concert band will be the special musical feature at Krug park tonight. So that the crowd will be handled expeditiously and not be crowded or have to wait for cars the street railway company promises to hold in readiness a larse number of extra cars snd if possible avoid a repetition of Sun- j day's complaints, when the crowds were so largo that hundreds were compelled to give up the trip to the favorite resort. The "Passion Play" and other free attractions will be offered as usual. Special Low Rate Excursions TO NEW YORK CITY AND ATLANTIC CITY. ' $18.00 for the Round Trip via the Lake Shore Michigan Southern railway, on July 17 and SI: also August 7 snd 14. Return limit twelve days. Tickets good by boat between Cleveland and Buf falo, and Albany and New York, if desired. Stopover at Niagara Falls and Chautauqua. Full information on application, to 1st. S. Giles, Trav. Pais. Agt., Chicago, or C. F Daly, Chief A. O. P. A.. Chicago. f LS.OO. Tla the Wabash. NEW YORK AND RETURN AND ATLAN TIC CITY AND RETURN. ' TICKETS WILL BE SOLD FROM CHI CAGO JULY 17 and 81, Auguet 7 and 14. Stopover privileges allowed st Detroit and Niagara Falls. WABASU NEW CITY OFFICE, 1601 FARNAM STREET. Harry E. Moores, G. A. P. D. " On July tCtn the Erie Railroad will run a special thirty-day excursion- to Chautauqua Lake. The fare from Chicago will be only $14.00 for the round trip. Tlcketa will be good on all limited trains. For detailed information apply to H. L. Purdy, Traveling Passenger Agent, Chicago. Chicago ticket office, 242 Clark street. Free treatment for complexion, hose sup porters snd shoulder braces demonstrated. Moler's halrdreaslng parlors, 17th and Far nam. THIS REALTY MARKET. INSTRtTKENTS placed on record Tueaday, July 16: - Warranty Deeds. J..W. FlUgerald to F. J. Fitsgerald, undlvH of Btt lot (, block 2, 1st add. . ' to South Omaha... t $ 1,500 A. C. Oriffen and wife to Hlpollt ' RimivpIiI alfr.Oi fast alnt 4 in 1- 14-12 1M 1 A. Oriffen to same nl92.88 feet tax- lot 4 In same .-. H0 T. T.. Eb-rt to same. S192.88 feet of nJi6.77 feet .a me. 160 Mirv P. (irlfrvn ta umt; liU of eVi. same 150 Alice M. Brown and . husband to -Frank Wlrthaafter, lot 8, block 8, Patrick's 2d add 1200 rhrlat Kaelber (o Henry darken.. 15X140 teet in lot I, diock is, Miuara iw Richard Bcannell to Michael Shirley. nl81H feet lot 10 block 2. Park Place 2.S00 B. Jetter and wife to Henry Jourdan, lot 21. block 2. Jttttcr's 2hadd . 800 R O. W. Bchaeffer and wife to Byron He A cnmDinv. lota 1 and 4 and e4 lot 8, block 2. Capitol Hill add I Clementine Brown et al to A. A. I-ameraux. lot 4. block 2. Kountse Place L000 R. a. W. Bchaeffer and wife to Thede B. Reed, sublots 8 snd 4 In govern ment lut a and 0 in 23-1&-13. and other parts lot 8 ' 2 Metropolitan Land and Trust com nanv to U. T. Seott lot 4. block 10. Burr Place (reflle) 200 Atlantic Kealty aaaoclatlon to James Uu. nA lot 1. block ft. Kountxe s 4th sdd 8,000 E. C. Olldersieeve to Mons Johnson, s22 feet of n6 feet lot I. block 48. Valley I (tnlt Claim Deoda. B. P. O'Connor, and wife to C. B. Dodson, lots sud 7, block $,- Benson . 18 Total amount of transfers .'.....$12,122 MRS. -J. 'BENSON Handsome white waists, open in the back, long or short sleeves, ?6.50 quality cut to f4.50 $4.50 to $2.95 $5.00 to $3.50 with fchort sleeves, open back or to 05c. $3.75 14.23 for $2.75 $3.50 for AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Official Puzzled 0vr Securing " liitabla Eosd ts Eivsr. TWELFTH STREET REPORTED IMPASSABLE Efforts Mar Be Made to Open O Street ad Traverse Koaatse Property as Solatlon of tho 1 I Problem. On sccount of the trouble the city offi cials are having in aecurlng a suitable road to the river snd the cost of placing Twelfth street In a passable condition an effort Is to be made to open O street. With this Idea In view a committee, composed of Councllmea Welsh, Adklns and Queenan, ' will call upon Herman Kountxe and endeavor to make some ar rangements with him for a roadway through his ground to the river bank. When the pontoon bridge was contem plated a road waa built and at tha .,.. of Mr. Kountxe several hundred dollars were spent in building a fence through his prop erty to the river. When wet weather set In It was found that the Twelfth street road could not be kept In a passable con dition and after investigating the matter several times it was Redded that the best thing that could be done would bs to try the O. street route. Councilman Welsh, the chairman .. special committee, stated last eventng that very useiy tne committee would call upon Mr. Kountze Thursday. A number of prom inent citizens will be Invited to accompany the committee. In order to assist the city In openlrg O street R. 8. Berlin of Omaha has offered to deed a strip of land east of the Burlington tracks to the city for the consideration of $1. Now if the city officials can induce Mr. Kountze to sell a strip through bis land for a reasonable sum there will be little difficulty In making a suitable road to the river and thus put s stop to the difficulty the city la now having over the disposal of garbage. Mod Creek A sain. With the advent of hot weather comes compiainia or tne condition of Mud creek. Property owners and residents In the vi cinity of the creek have been making com plaints and oven threats for so many years that the story has got to be an old one. Several times suits against the city and the packing houses anil tha ew.b.. pany have been threatened, but the result aimea at nas never been attained. . The packers and the Stockyards company, at one time in the agitation l' cuy y pay .half of the cost wusirucunr a Drirk unr rmn. , the river. In order to do this it would nACP.aarv fnw h n i , . m increase its bonded debt not leas than tun nnn there was s decided opposition to vote eny more oonas tne project fell through. Borne mo roemDers of the council and many the prominent cltlzana the packers and the Tarda p,.,t.H v. .1 legea nuisance they should pay the entire "oi 01 me construction of the sewer. This le corporations refused to do. . Last vear ahnnt tMa ... i. . . v. uu,,, uio icgai de partment of Barpy county a-ot axtar .it. and the corporations, threatening sutt for uauiHgw. ino communications of the county attorney were placed en file and re main there yet. It thrf present mayor and council will take the maixer up with the packers and endeavor to arrive at some concluainn k.t. . . ' -" .'"i a. gicil wuue. Disappointed Over Levy. Members of the nark and iihrat- v.-.... are greatly disappointed over the action of iuo council in making such small levies for the maintenance of the two boards. A request waa made ta tha Mn.ii u.. night for an increase In the park levy and aiso ior iifuo more for the library board, but the mayor and eaunxli .v.. . change after the levy ordinance had been reported on y the committee would in validate the levy, and therefore a refusal to the reaueat waa returned. ...... One of the members of tha narV, k.4 asserted that under tha ailattna, 1... park board was entitled to the city's share 01 tne county road fund, and It waa very strongly intimated that unless the park levy waa Increased an nnrt wmM ha made to secure this fund. The councllmen explained that when the time arrives that moro money is naedal hv thaaa (wa Kn. that money. would be transferred, from oioer iunas. Both the anoronrtatlon and law nrdl nances are now being printed la the official paper ot tne city. More Sefcool Improvements, The Board of Education will receive bids UD to Monday. July 21. for the canatrun. tlon of a two-room brick addition to the East Albright school, which Is located at Eighteenth and Madison streets. Bids alao will ha received tin fa tha aama date for the construction of a thraa-rnntn addition to the High school annex. Twenty' sixth snd M strsets. Tha clans for theaa additions ara now prepared and contractors may look over uie same oy cauwg at ins omco 01 a. Davis, the architect for the board. It la thnusrht that with tha twa artra rooms at Hawthorne school and ths five mentioned abovs, making seven in an, mat tha minfla ran ha fairly wall t.b.n nr. rt for. another year without the necessity of renting outside rooms. Maa-lo City Gossip.. Dr. and Mrs. W. J. McCrann are visiting 1 T. . . 111 UCUTU . An adlmimad maetlna of the cltv council will k. V. .. 1 .4 (nnf.hl J. W. Ferguson of Niobrara, Neb., is here ..ut.u V. - f.mltw fi a f Hava Viiiib " ' - w - - In compliance wun ine instructions 01 ins mayor the saloons are cioaing promptly at iuiujuaiit. A lawn social ior me wurui 01. 01. Mary's church was given at Thirty-nlntn auu w ' Florence, tne uuie aauinitr 01 mr. ana elgntn street, is eriuui 111. Health Officer Jonee stated yesterday . w , . V. a flr-nt tlm. alnra laat AutlHlt ha lliftl " - hs no families quarantined on account smallpox, two cases only being detained Goes from Bad to Wars. . aisara true of constlDatlon. It begins many maladies, but Dr. King's New Ufa Pills curs or no pay. Only Z&c. ' , 36. 95 ' New York or Atlantio City and Return, VIA ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. Tickets on sals July IT. City Ticket Office, . 1401 Fsrnam street, Omaha. ' Hearei to St. Loala Than Before. The Wabash St. Louis Express leaves rtmaha Union station 6:55 o. ta.: arrives St. Louis 7 s. m. WABASH NEW CITY OFFICE, 1601 Farnam Street Forty Minutes vaster Time Onaaaa to t. I.onls Via tfea WaDnan Tha WABASH St. Louis Express lesvet Omaha Union station 6:55 p. nv: arrives St. Louis 7 a. m. WABASH NEW C1TT OFFICE, 1601 Farnam Street. Bpworth MeetlnaT fnstpnned. UWing IO IUV I-i vri "w were present the merlin of the member v .1 a a at tha wanl anr ra fSlit rt ot f.l Kht at the rvaldene of Hev. C. N. Da-- A A at Ha la a Ha an. I'll, .HI iiunyuii.u w " 7- nounced later. The object of ths meeting la to roaka srrangeroeuts to attand the slxtn annual a.ioii ui mi f"1 - t avorth UaKua. to be held la Lincoln August I a ... ii " LENA ROHWER'S MAD ACT Details ef Cretan Girl's Atteaakt to Kill neraelf at Denver ' Depot. ,J From Denver have come ths details of the attempt mads by Lens Rohwer, s Oretna girl, to destroy herself under the wheels of so Incoming train at the Union station of the Colorado capital Monday morning. They tend to confirm ths earlier report that she was insans as a result of long brooding over tho similar affliction of s brother, -wh had bees confined in the state asylum at Lincoln. W. 8. Raker was taking: her to her relatives at Colorado 8prlngs In the hope that the change would benefit her. Of the terrible affair at the depot an eyewitness said: The two cams In on ths Burlington train. reaching the Union depot at ? o'clock. The train bad Just come to a full stop when ths Union Pacific train from Kansas City swept around ths curve and cams In on the ad joining track. Ths girl, with Raker, climbed to the platform. Without a word the girl sprang from Raker's side, raced serosa the few feet ot platform snd. deliberately threw herself before the approaching Kansas City trsln. , "She had not reckoned on the speed of ths train. 80 fast waa it moving Into the station that the. pilot struck her. She was throws aside, spun around like a top, and then slid under the driving wheels. It all took place within a second. Fireman Peter sen was leaning out of the cab window ot nglne No. 1437, pulling the Kansas City train. He saw the attempt at suicide and called to Engineer McCarty. The engineer stopped his train In less than a car length. The girl was. thrown upon the platform. with blood spurting like two fountains from her severed limbs. More than one hundred people were practically eyewitnesses. One woman who got off the Burlington train fainted. A doten women screamed. Earl Barnhart, one of the messengers In the depot, was a doxen feet away. He called as he saw the girl spring in front of the en gine. A passenger from the Burlington saw her act and heard the boy's call. He caught the girl as shS tried to crawl back under the train. Several trainmen ran up and a po liceman summoned the police ambulance. The girl was carried into the Immigrant waiting . room, where her wounds wers dressed by a police surgeon, after which she was removed to St. Joseph's hospital. "Raker said that the girl had been de mented for some time and declared that ahe would rather die than leave her hbme. Dur Ing the journey ' she complained, and felt erated her declaration that ahe would rather be dead than make the trip. ' She told Raker several times that she would kill herself. He thought little of the threat and attrib uted it to her condition. At the depot he was gathering up their baggage when the girl broke sway and' ran for the approaching train." Later the physicians at the hospital am putated her legs Just below tha knees and drested her scalp wound, but with only the faintest of hopes that shs would survive. KEW YORK AND RETURN. Atlantio City and Retnrn, VI the . .. . -Wabash, 9341.05. . . . , July 17th and 81st. August 7th snd 14th. ' Stopover privileges allowed at Detroit and Niagara Falls. WABASH NEW CITT OFFICE, 1601 Far nam Street. . '- ' SENATOR DOLUVER IN OMAHA Stops Few Honrs 'While Eareats . to Republican State Conven , tlon at Cheyenne. ' 8enator J. V: Dolllver of ' Iowa spent part Of yeaterdsy" in Omaha. Tho senator was ea his way from his home in Fort Dodge to Cheyenne, where ne will sttend and address the stats convention of the Wyoming republicans. ' He Intended to make the journey without stop, but a de layed train prevented connection with the outgoing morning train. 8enator Dolll ver went over to Council Bluffs to confer with Congressman W. 1. Smith on some publlo matters Which had been left 'unfin ished In Washington at ths time ot Che adjournment of congress. Speaking of Iowa politics Senator Dolll ver said: "We will hold our state con vention at Des Moines on the 30th of this month, but there will be little competi tion for nominations, as most of the places on tha ticket will be Ulled by renominating present officers. There are two, and pos sibly more, candldatea tor clerk of the court engaged In friendly rivalry. I know of no differences likely to be precipitated over the platform resolutions, and I expect tha convention to be largely In the nature of a rousing republican rally." , , fsa.ts. Vis Rock Island system to New York City and return. Atlantio City and return. Tlcketa on sals July 17-81, Aug. 7-14. City ticket office, 1S2J Farnam St. Bend articles of Incorporation, notices et stockholders' meetings, etc., to Ths Bee, Ws win give them 'proper legal Insertion. Bee tslephons, 238. HUNDRED THOUSAND FARES What Batler Fort Would Hnve Street . Csur Company Hand ' Him. Butler Fori is In district court with a petition for $5,000 judgment against ths street railway company because he was throws from a load of brick while attempt ing to drive across . Sherman avenue at Manderson street June 20 last. He al leges that ths motormaa carelessly per mitted his car to run against ths wsgon st high speed and that In consequence hs (Fort) was tossed high , in ths air, cams down on the pavement and suffered a frac ture of the left arm and a breaking of ths bones of ths left shoulder. ' Marrlasr Licensee. ' Marriage licenses were Issued yesterday to: Name and Residence. 1 Age. Cfiarles' Burke, Omaha 24 May CallUer, Omaha 20 harlts A. Cooper, Papllllen 20 ena Bailey, Sarpy county 17 Claude French, Burt county. Neb 21 Flora Kelley, Burt county, Met) 30 T.eRey Young, Omaha , 28 Marie Mortenaen, umana a Powders, Pills and Tablets may temporarily relievo tba paJo, but ; Horsford's Acid - Phosphate CURBS ths causa of tho Headache, so that the pain does not recur. It improves appetito, pnrfeAts digestion and nutrition, induces rest ful sleep, and strenfrthens tha entire system, increasing car . pacijy (or labor. Hltol'l raf M IWI SBSS1BS aakf BE TAKES STRYCHNINE ROUTE Lymsa H. Smith, Intoxicated and DsiponcU ent, Decides to Juit Lils. SUFFERS INTENSELY BEFORE DEATH Dend Man's Relatives Can Giro No Reason for Salelde, Bat Friends Hint nt Remorse Over ' Lyman II. Smith died st 8:30 o'clock yea- tehray morning in horrible agony on a cot In the rear of 1712 Pacific street, the result ot a dose of strychnine, taken evidently with suicidal Intent, The remains were re moved to the morgue, where Coroner Brslley will hold an inquest Wednesday morning. Smith was found soon after 6 o'clock In front of a shed In the rear ot 1719 Pacific street by Stephen Nolan. He was propped against a wagon wheel, his head resting between the spokes, suffering Intense sgbny, though still conscious. Nolan went to the man to assist him and was informed by Smith that he was psralyzed and could not move. A moment later he said bs had taken quinine and it had made htm sick. Nolan summoned help and ths man was placed upon a cot and taken to ths rear of 1712 Pacific street, where he bed roomed, and Police Surgeons Hahn and Mick sum moned. Nolan and his companions then made a search in the vicinity snd discov ered a bottle which had contained ten grains of strychnine. To the surgeons Smith said ho had taken the contents ot the vial, but refused to give his reasons. Hs was soon taken with convulsions, which continued at in tervals until he died. Had Been Drlnklna- Heavily. Smith hsd been drinking considerably for several days and bad been despondent over money matters. He was intoxicated Moa day night snd his friends believe that In s fit of remorse be took ths poison. He was 30 years of age and single, coming to Omaha from the central part of New York state about a year ago. For the last two weeks he had been employed as a teamster by B. R. Klncaid. The dead man was a brother to Mrs. Charles SUtt, 1024 South Twenty-second street, and bad In formed his brother-in-law Monday that he was coming to their house that night. Hs did not go. Mr. Stltt said he knew of no trouble that Smith had and knew of no reason why be should take his own life. Publish your legal notices in Tho Weekly Bee. Telephone 238. - " Fast Time on the Wabash. .Commencing Sunday, July 13, the St. Louis Express will leave Omaha Union sta tion st 5:65 p. m., arrive St. Louis 7 a. m. Wabash new city office, 1601 Farnam street. Shampooing and halrdressing, 2bc, at ths Bathery, 216-220 Bee building. Tel. 1716. BREWERS MUST PAY PENALTY Adam nad John Forester Get No Re lief from Federal Court of Appeals.. The sctlon of Judge Munger in United Ststes district court. In the case In which the government prosecuted Adam snd John Forester for bootlegging, hss been affirmed by ths United States court ot appeals. The Foresters ran a brewsry at Niobrara, Neb., and were convicted by. Judge Munger of selling beer to Indiana. He gsve Adam one year and a day In the penitentiary st Sioux Falls snd John four months In the Douglas county Jail and fined each $200. They contested the case bitterly and car ried It up, having been out on bond since their conviction in June, 1901. - Two Facts! More people to-day than ever bfore suffer from stomach and liver troubles, resulting from chronic ST! the only SAFE and POSITIVE CURE is ' HATtntAL LAXATTVB MINERAL WATER. Alwiis Ask for HUNYADI JANOS (full name) and see that you GET it Don't accept substitutes. Iowa In It Too ! At the recent meeting of the Iowa State Pharmaceutical Association the druggists of that state formed a trust to keep up the prices. They are getting full prices over there now In almost every town; Sioux City druggists for Instance are getting fl.Ut flat for $1.00 goods; In Council Bluffs the prices are almost as high! Do you want them to be as high In Omaha T If so, pat ronise the Omaha druggists who are mem bers of the trust. COM PARR THK8E PRICKS WITH ANY OTHER DUU3 STORK IN OMAHA. (100 Feruna 64c If found not genuine return It and get 80c In cash right hsre. S1.00 Temptation Tonio lie It not satisfactory return and get your money. 2T Bcheuster's Malt Kxtract 10c 85c Castorla (Imitation not handled).... lite 25c Hires' Root Beer Extract la02 goods) So 11.00 Kilmer's Swamp Hoot Uc 26c Mennen's Talcum Powder llo 50c Possonl Face Powder 23a Get our prices on - prescriptions or any thing slse In the drug line first. OPEN ALL, NIGHT. ' SCllAEFER'S CUT PRICK DRU STORJi Ted. T4T. . W. Onr. lth ana Chiang a. Famous Waters The great health resort of tho future. Ws havs thla famous water ' Sulpho-Saline A natural remedy for liver complaint, biliousness, dropsy snd sll etomach troubles a mild aperient. This water Is bottled only at the springs and distributed by us In Omaha territory. In eases lot quarts or pints or by the dosen. You can save a trip to the Springs by using this water at borne. GAGKLEY BROS., Fine Wines snd Table Liquors. 'Opposite P. O. Phono USA. Old . Roofs Repaired Omaha Roofing & Supply Co. 1208 Farnam, Omaha, Neb! Telephone 71 mn IT J Oj u nIIEREwill be no let-vp to ike cutting of prices until 1 all summer (foods are disposed of. ThU clearing sale must be a clearing sate in every sense of the word. Read the following bargain offers and let them act as an index to the general conditions we have made. 51.00 Petticoats, 49c Women's fine Petlcoats, msds of silk mercerized fabrics and French Sateens, in black and all colors snd fancy striped they are made up in the very latest styles, with wide nd nsrow accordion pleated flounces and . deep ruffles, also knife pleats and 9 auue pieais ana 49 c tucked these Petticoats sre . worth $1 special Great Embroidery Bargains Fine Embroideries and Inserting sample strips from a St. Gaul, Switserlsnd, manufacturer and s New York Importer, on sale st less than half tba regu lar prices. The variety la very extensive. They come in nearly all widths snd sn slmoet limitless rsnge are made of the finest swlss, nainsook caiuuriu, E,uiuruiaene ena luaonmgs worth 15c to 20o yard, special sals prices. 15c Hosiery 5c a Pair Ladles', misses',, boys' snd men's fast black and fancy colored -Hose, all seamless, good wear qualities, all atzee Hose that sells regular at 15c a pair special Special Bargains One big table of all the balance of our white and ' colored Piques, former price 25c yd., go at Our entire stock, of summer light and dark Per- fSV r cales, former price up to 19c a yard, go at .... . I big table f Summer Flannels, white grounds with tSLri dainty figures and side bands, former price 19c yd., at 1 big table of all the accumulated remnants of all kinds of Dimities, lawns. Swisses, etc., yard .... I big counter of all kinds of White Goods, plain and fancy, 40 Inches wide, Dotted Swisses, Lace irir 101 n Lawns, etc. worth 25c at. yard . . lvV-l-n-y 2 V Cutting Shoe Prices 8.000 pairs of misses' snd children's Colonist Slippers, In patent leather and vlcl kid, on sale tomorrow at the following special prices; Sizes 5 to 8. were $1.25, reduced to $1.00, Sizes Bh to II, were $1.50, reduced U $1.25., Sizes Wk to 2, worth $1.75, reduced to $1.39. WHAT THE RECORDS SHOW V i I ' annnnSnnnnnannaaanBsnnnssnnnnnnnnnnnBnnsaam St. Joseph & Grand More Than 19 PerCent.of Its Net Earnings for Nebraska Taxes. With 113 Allies of Road, No Valualbe Terminals, Nor Depot Properties, This Line is Compelled to Pay Nearly $223 Per Mile Annually in Taxes. : (Issued tinder authority of the Railroads of Nebraska,) COUNTIES. Jefferson ...... - mi i ts Thayer . Nuckolls 4 Clay ....... Adams . , . . Hall Total, 112.33 miles. The St. Joseph snd Orsnd Island Railway owns 2S1.06 miles ot road, 112.63 ot which are In Nebraska. In 1900 the road reported the following: Qross earning from passen- gers Oross earnings from freight.... 1,084,431. 6 Qross earnings from mall and S2.2S5.27 41,382.67 express - Gross earnings from miscel laneous ........... $1,404,894.85 Operating expenses 993,821.92 .i Net earnings ..$ 10,872.98 STATES RAILROADS t Virginia ) North Carolina ) Atlantic Coast una South Carolina J Pennsylvania Pitts. S. N. R. R. Nebraska . St. Jos. Grand Island GOLD AND PT., SILVER AND ALL OTHER PLASTIC FILL INGS 25 AND 50 CENTS-NO HIGHER. Operators here -"are finished dentists, learning our painless methods. No boys! But old, experienced dentists. Our 'suc cess Is due to the high grade work done by the professors of this college. Consult the professors. Work done free. Small charges for material. Fillings Teeth clesned FREE TKETH EXTRACTED .". FREE Ht of Teeth W-00 Gold Crowns, from I2-5 Union Dental College. Entrance: Room 4. 1522 Douglas. Open d R11RINESS STIMULATORS 13ISB WJVNT ADS, K OMAHA Oss pf ths best equipped ef ths Keoley system of tsstttatea. tfcai s-s-s t- only Keetey Institute In Nsbraska. Cures Drunkenness. Cures LaCLU T Drug Users. Booklet free. Address all letters to 714 a. IKK 111STITUTE 73om Treatment tot Tobacco Habit coat $5 rn??r If III 1 I V--'-aa) Ladies' 35c Vests, 15c ladles fins Summer Vests, mads of fins lacs lisle, gauss and finest Egyptian cotton there) are all styles In this lot long sleeves. short sleeves snd. sleeveless trim med with silk cro cheting snd rib . bon 35o values 15c ...... .........a ot pretty styles snd patterns. They and ay b....7ic-1.0c Yard it) maicn, 5c sals pries. in the Basement 3Q 8c Before Remodeling Our Shoe Department. Island Railway Pays No Expensive Equipment TAXES PAID. 5,076.85 . . ... 6,083.30 ...' 1,137.68 ... 5,080.01 . ... 3,609.00 ... 3,576.96 4 ,.$25,063.a 1222.75 per mile or 1.J16.01 per mile out of which Is paid ths Interest on fund debt and taxes. This railroad waa sold under a foreclosure In 1898. and through the operation succeeded In scaling down ths Interest on its funded ueoi so ioi uuieu oi paying ti.v.uuu year, ths outstanding funded debt now re. quires but $160,000. By this operation ths road can make a email profit even with the small amount of business offered. How over, tn 1900 this railroad paid 19 2-10 per cent of Its net earnings for taxes. In making comparisons with this company ws compare with roads that mass mors per mile than the St. Joseph A Grand Island Rallwsy: NET RECEIPTS TAX ' MILES PER MILE TAX PAID PER MILS 1,796.99 $1,855 82 ' $257,206 00 $143 19 181 1 123 73 ' 188.87 112.63 1,737 87 1,81ft 02 21.885 09 25,083 80 TTETM-rwa. Work guaranteed ten years. Reliable dentistry saves puln and money. Incorporated under the stat. laws. Be sure you are In the right place. B ware of Jealous, Idle dentists. We Invite all such to take our up-to-date course. ally. Nights till 9. Sunday. 10 to 4.