THE OMAHA DAILT HEISt TUESDAY, JULY 15, 1902. SPECIAL NOTICES will t take aatll IS an. for the) eeealaa; edition and aatll A SO p. sn. far moraine am Sanda- tltl. ftatea, 1 at word first Insertion, 14 a wartl thereafter. Nethlaar takes far leas than SBa for tka Bret laaer tloa. These neWerUeenaeate aaaat ka ran eonseratlvely. Advertisers, kr rejastlasj beret cheek, eaa kara aaawera ad. elreaeed ta a aaaakere4 letter la car f Tka Bee. aaawera a addressed will ke deliver praseateuloa. U akeak amir. - SITUATION WAITED, WORK wanted by a strong young German, K'd 29. Ueo. Numeyer, Aetna Houfte, corner 12th and Dodge Btl. A Dot 14 WANTED, situation by registered pharma Alat: wood references: cuniDetent to take cnarge; aingie. Addreas f. o. ifox.ftej, Lexington, Neb. A-l 14 WANTED. noaltlon as assistant book keeper or cashier at once: can furnish best references. Address E 63, Bee. , A-104 14 WANTED, a position by lady bookkeeper and oaahler; Ave years' experience; good references. Address ti M, liee. A-159 14 , WASTED MALB I It LP. 15 FOR HAL.IT A DAY'S WORIC If you live in the country or In a small im.. farVmr.a stocTO'n the neighborhood you can nutke fc easily by four or live hours work. write us and we will send you our proposition. The Bee Publishing Co., boilcitors J'rpU, I Uiuana, Men. WANTED, a good man In every county to take subscriptions lor The Twentieth Century Farmer. Our agents make good wmei everywhere. Hetereuces required. Adaress- TweiitletH Century farmer, Wnalia, wuo. DEMONSTRATOR ta explain medlcologv. auw Der weba- uuuuauiu, iw m 11 VDIINO WF.N from Omaha and vicinity at once to prepare for positions In the government service. Apply to inter blate Correa, Inst., Cedar Baplds, la. B Ui Jy21 WANTED. Insurance men of experience; can offer you a good thing. Call nt j a. m. 4il Board of Trade Bldg. B-2M When You Write to Advertisers remember It only take an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you aaw tha ad in The Bee. WANTED, boiler makers, riveters and I helpers for shop near Milwaukee; no labor trouble. Address -.Doner, ira paper. B-833 19 WANTED, men to learn best trade In ex istence for pour people. Eight weeks completes; U to $15 weekly paid gradu. d t u. viin rnmnpti'iit (Mean inside work Comparatively no expense. Particulars mailed free. Moler Barber College, lt3 Farnam street. B Motio 17 wanted, moldrri and pattern makers. Apply td The iron City Manufacturing company, Fuebio, coio. 15 km w WANTED, Immediately, to fill a empo- rary position, an experienced bookkeeper. Unlnger & Metcalf Co.. Omaha. 13 Vti XI I WANTED, salesmen; It sells on sight; no fake; If you want to maka money call Room 141, Midland Hotel. B-M 14 WANTED, agertt to take charge of Omaha and South Omaha for health and accident company. Address E 46, Bee. B 944 WANTED, immediately, an experienced man to take charge of our grocery de partment; must speak German; must be. experienced well enough to do tha buy ing, etc.; single man preferred; state wages expected, liecxer to., aioioii, Neb. B M15J 15 enno- eoarmaker. steady work." 16.50 tin. Bums need not call. Emery Burgner, At lantlo, ta. B 160 14 WANTED, two passenger elevator con ductors, competent to handle lever cars, Immediately. E 62, Bee. B 162 14 WANTED, an experienced gentleman teacher la algebra, 112 per month. E M. Bee. - B 166 16 WANTED for U. 8. Army; Able-bodied un married men between ages of 21 and 33, citizens of United States, of good char acter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For infor mation anulv to Recruiting Officers. 16th and .Dodge at., Omaha, and postofflce Dunning, uncoin, iNeurasaa. WANTED SALESMEN. WANTED Salesmen to sell our ltiMh-giaue Vinegars and Fanoy Ciders; pay big com missions; no objections selling other lines; we want hustlers; no samples nec essary; - write for exclusive territory. Dept. P, Red Crosa Vinegar Co., St. Louis, Mo. M845 17 WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED, two young lady studsnts to learn halrdresslng, manicuring and chi ropody and scientific massage. Call or w rite Room 21V. Be Bldg. , . C 230 100 Girls. Call Canadian offloe, ISth & Dodge. C-2l WANTED Lady cook. Eureka Restau rant, 1604. Caas at C M&J0 GIRL wanted. Inquire Mrs. H. D. Neely, 4371 Hamilton St. C M164 LADY agents at once to sell the abdominal hose supporter, a godsend to stout ladles; also the Uffsaving shoulder, brace. 1518 Dodge st, flat F, room 7. C Mia 16 310 PER 1,000 copying letters to be sent to us; paper tree; two stamps with ap plication. Illinois Industrial union, desk M. Chicago. C MIC 1& EXPERIENCED servant girl, Mrs. Marsh. K)2 Pine St., east of Brownell hall. - ' C-M167 17 I .. .1-3 FOR RENT HOUSES. VANS and baggage wagons. Tel. 1136. D-2S8 Hni 1QF? ,n "n PTl of city. Ths O. IlUUOtOp, Davis Co., 508 Bee Bldg. D 2s TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Stoiage to. , omce ibuva amain, or iei. ujv-nu. BEE- PAYNE. BOSTWICK & CO., for cholca bouses. vi-3 n. x . uie uiug. 1 ei. ituo. D-1S6 MAGGARP Van Storage Co. Tel. 14C. D-2i7 HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wead, 1624 Douglas. D-2&3 HOUSES and fiats. Rlngwalt, Barker block. D-2W J-'OR RENT, large 9-room house, city water, 816.00. tl Hlondo. The Omaha Realty Co., 1301 Douglas Bt. P-677 GOOD modern 3-roora house. 2601 Blondo. D MJ17 HOUSES, stores. Bemla, Pax ton block. D 291 HOUSES Boyer, 22d and Cuming. Tel. 3049. D M1S9 1 HOUSES, Boyer, 22d and Cuming. Tel. 3"49. . D Mls9 I-ROOM, all modern houae, 2207 Sherman ave , a fine one, 3'.7.uO T-room. all modern. 1kj1 N. 29th st., another fine one, 320.00. G. E. Turklngton. 6uf Bee. D M604 When You Write to Advertisers ramamber it unly takes an extra stroke or two of the pan to meniion the fact thai you saw tne aa in im bw ELEGANT modern 8-room house. 208 80. 26th St Inquire at 2U7 Jones bt D--13 3113 CHARLES, four-room cottage: rent 11L W m. K. Potter, receiver, Omaha Loan and Trust Co., 30g Brown bloc a. D 931 MODERN six-room. gow4 repairs, So. Sid Ave 'Phoua Ua l-ii U FOR RENT HOUSES. MODERN houe, 8 rooms, 2723 Jackaon at WhfHcr A Wheeler, Douglas and loth at. Tel. 1st. D M8 I117 SFENCER ST.. 10-room house with, gas. bath, furnace and barn; nice 1 ora tion: rent $T0. VVm. K. Potter, receiver, Omaha Loan and Trust Co., 303 Brown block. D 8JL2 UNEQUALLED, central, all modern. 7 rnom houae, 4-room flat. Tlxard. 22" N. 23d. D M828 FOR RENT Elegant modern brick resi dencn, (49 South 26th Ave., cheap. Modern houae and good barn, 1&V9 Dinner St., I2S. 10-room brick houae, strictly modern-, KO N. 19th St., 146. f-room house and barn, 2533 California St., $26. l-room modem houae. lit A. !9th Ave., $20. BRENNAN-LOVB CO, S. 13TH BT. D 900 19 1812 N. KTH BT.. T rooms, bath, gas, barn; rent 2". W'm. K. Potter, receiver, Omaha Loan and Trust Co., 3uS Brown block. L 930 MODERN, t-rnom eottage. half block ea I Hanacom park. Inaulra 1611 Fa mam. D M170 tlZS MARCT at.. rooms, bath, gas, barn shade trees, (25. L D. Spaldtna. I Brown blk. D Mlfi9 18 FOR RENT rilRWIHED ROOMS. ELEGANT rooms, finest location In the city. Capitol Ave. iir MtJa LARGE front room, also email front room, together or separately. zuu uougias. E 609 MWEI European hotU Uth and Farnam. (1 PER WEEK, 422 8. 18th at, one block soutn or court nouse. nrou FURNISHED, Harney. cool rooms, modern, 2011 mTii A6 ROOMS, first-class location. 2224 Fnrnam. E 803 A8 NICE furr,.htj or unfurnished rooms. thoroughly modern: walking distance; exchanged, wm Burt FURNISHED ROOMS A!ID BOARD. Merrlam, comfortable summer home. Tel. 86. r tit THE Rose, 1020 Harney. Rooms and board. THE Bonnie Brier, 1720 Dodge. Tel. A-24M. LARGE unfurnished room. with good board, 41a N. &th St. THE STEWART will open July 15; firt- cluss board and room. liu wnicago. neat location In city. F-849 17 FOR HENT-tfSFVRJtlSHED ROOMS. DESK room space, $6 per month; ground flnnr room In The Bee bulldlnr. facing Farnam street; no expense for light, heat or janitor service, it. fj. reiers at vo. rental agents. Bee building. u ii FOR RENT STORES AKD OFFICES. FOR RENT The building formerly occu med by The Bee at tlo Farnam St. It has four stories, and a basement which wa tnrmnrlv used aa Tha Bee ureas room, This whl be rented very reasonably. It Intareated auDlv at once to C C. Rose water, secretary, room 100, Bee building, A -U FOR RENT-fltora In fjrst-clasa location rent reasonable Apply R. C. Peter, j w ' I ..ww., - v FOR RENT Desk room or large space suitable tortmercnanuise oroaer or party doing business in wholesale aistriou ia quire Hene fc Co., 1 Farnam Bt. MODERN building in wholesale district. F. D. Wead, lo4 Douglaa street. 1 869 16 AGENTS WANTED. WANTED Canvassing agenu In every county to solicit subscriptions to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. . Steady employment with assured good In come. Agents In the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily gtiO to 3100 per month. Ad dress, century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee building, Omaha. 413 SOMETHING NEW I I Just out. Send for sample. Combination Door Knob and Bell. No cutting or ruining the door. Put on any door In a moment. No batteries to worry about. No springs to wind. Noth ing to get out of order. Own your own bell. No landlord to trouble. Price and Bell absolutely guaranteed. Send (1.60 for sample. Agents wanted. WESTERN ELECTRICAL COMPANY, 1212 Farnam Btreet. Omaha, Nsb, J 27 aqents and street men, best seller of aaaaon: 13 to 86 oer day to hustlers. West ern Novelty Co., 809 80. 12th St., Omaha. J-6t7 II ACME hama fastener: all teamsters want It; sample. 26c; circulars and booklet free. Wilson's Supply house, dept. O, 7nl W. Lake at., Chicago, ill. J M16J 16 WANTED TO RENT. LIST your houses with B. R. Ball. He has tne renters. m in. x. iiie. 1'iione n-i.rj. K 9SS 14 WANTED TO BUY. WANTED A good second-hand stiff mud automatin or nana side cut oncic ma chine, with suitable pug mill; capacity from 20,000 to oo.uuO per day; also a good second-hand 80 it. P. boiler and 49 U. P, engine. All must be In first-class run ning orasr. Aaaress 1 lus, Alien, Tseo. N M839-16 WANTED to buy for cash, a house of 5 or rooms. Price, l.tou to I2,U00. Address E 63, Bee. N Ml 16. FOR SALE FURNITURE. CHICAOO Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodre. Tel. 2u20. New and secondhand, bought, sold. exenangea. u aa FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. FOR SALE Cheap: a Conoord buggy. 16th 1 ... - . . and Vinton. PAINTING and repairs on wagons, etc.. our specialty. 11. t rost, im aua ieaven worth. Tel. 14. rat t TOP CARRIAGES, 4 phaetons, other top and open buggies, rreiner, ibM leaven. worth. P MiOO A3 FOR SALE, 1 carloads of heavy mules, suitable for railroad construction work. Walworth-HUUker Co., "Union Stock Yards, South Omaha. P 94 It FOR BALE, young fast mare, harness and phaeton; bargain. Also line trap horse. 141a Dodge. P Mlif 16 rOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. I WHITE sawdust; season checked oak tlm bars, cnaap; nog leuce, eio. sul lougiaa. FOR SALE Phonographs ; superior to any other musical inairuineni; ae up. The Wluinan Co., lua farnam. zm N EW and secondhand typewriters. 1119 Far. aam. w w 100 STYLES truaaes: catalogue free. Sher man 4k McConnell Drug Co., Uth and Dodge, omana. 4 3u8 INDIAN goods and relic. 1119 Farnam. 14 , ID HAND safe cheap. Perlgb;, 1111 Farnam. SECONDHAND billiard and pool tablea i,illlard tablea repaired: a large stock o cheap bar nxturas, cigar counters, etc. The urunswica cum .ouenaer vo., eui-i bo uth Win. vr-j 2DHAND sate cheap. Bchwarta, U4 S. 13th. W su FOR SALE Fine Imported harness, brass mountea ana iriuimcu; cuii wnvn new Uot: will sell for 360; can be seen at Dot at Russell's barn, tuth and Leavenwort streets. Q 64) BICYCLES and phonographs on easy pay menis so aown, i ov per wee, seconanana wheela. IS. 3 and l0; new wheels. 316. Omaha Bicycle Co., Uth and Chicago Sta. icago 1 Q-U.J VIM puncture-proof tires. 34.96 and 7 09 per iir. uiuana ciuuf iiu ana i ni Cgv IU, . W"MDi FOR SALE MISCKLLANEOVS. FOR SALE, a 28-foot naptha launch In r . .,,J?? jii!F ??IAN, m . nrnm first class condition, at Lake Manawa, CAN acquire ff ".rVu 'HJl JJJ 'LfiRmiY. i-mrtn tnniiir of w R TtMuft or M v and rspldly Inrreaalng legitimate 1",UI'?"' .X:8' ? ".."I.?' M:.t' aianulacturlng business. Cat.ltal reauired linnin, at wt paviuua at i.j. , .jM , Th , wor"o, nVeatlgat 4-8S4 1 I T. , ,p Johnson. N. Y. Life. FOR gaa fixtures fee Bam'l Burns. W-IW At $100 GAflOLINB automobile; burr" In: rood a, new. two uayiaoner, in r. join. Q-MS41 FOR SALE, a Conn gold-plated comet. conqueror model, almost new. Koom 510, Barker hotel. Q M188 IS CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. 1U Casa St. MRS. JACOBSON, 22Ut North 20th street B "si jtr KLECTRIO TREATMENT. MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N 15, 3d floor. R. a. 1 M i W AO' MME. AMES, vapor baths, 124 N. IRth, R. 7. l1 11 All ' , ' PERSONAL. HA1RDRESSING, manicuring and chirop ody, for ladies only, in connection wnn The Bainery, iib-zjo ee mag. u Jia .n.r.1- &- I n 1 a. .-I J.n. A n n I rmriiii i wuiM .. u ..., flnemeni: baoies aoopied. un urant nu Mrs. Oardels. Tel. F-1182. U (13 I Mrs, oaraeis. i... .-usa, , ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best and aulckest. Mrs. A, C. Mark. II 4k Douglas. RUPTURE permanently cured In 30 to 60 days; sena lor circular. j. a. rvooa, ca, u., bZl New York Life Bldg., Omaha. Neb. U 814 VIAVA, womlin'g way to health. Horat treatmenu oooaiei rres. mo ow ohm Omaha. ' u iiw MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. IS, 2d floor, R. 1 U fluaztt IK- GRAMOPHONES and suDPllea. wholesale and retail. Collins piano to., iua uoug- las. u i CHIROPODY a specialty. In connection with The Batnery, rooms zio-km, liee piag. Tel. 171. r u i BHAMPOOINO and halrdresslng. 25c, In connection with Tha Bathery, 21-2iO, Bee I building. Tel. 1714. U-4U LOWEST PRICES In accordion and aide pleating. The Goldman Pleating Co.. 200 Douglaa block. U-M320 EMPIRE RUPTURE CURE 932 New York Life Bldg., Omaha. Bend lor circulars. U -MM. PRIVATR home for ladles before and dur ing confinement; bablea adopted. 2120 Burdette. Mrs. Burget. U-M253 26 DR. B. M. JACKSON, room 4. Frenrer block, chronic diseases a specialty; con- sulfation free. u- J Ul TKI. 7RO fnr I. M V. measensrera. U-MSM IF YOU don't think-the Omaha ' Rtall 'oroVer. 2.soc..nionKought rhaveTthsir K..k' P. Lund, Oakland. Neb. elite parlors. 615 So. wth Bt.M floor. MOLLIE: I'll take tha whole list. Page tL July What to Eat. George. U MIM 10 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. itrennan-Love 10., sow a, mn. W-M VA PER CENT on business' wroperty. a Der cent on residence Drowrty. 1 fc- upuons 10 pay wnoie or part any time. W. B. M&IKLE. 401 U. Uth St. . - , ,- W--S23 WANTED City loans and warrant. W, f arnam omita at co.. u itrnin ot. ' - ' 1 VT Ml FARM and city loans, low rates.' W. H. 'l nomas, irsi mat. Bank Bldg. ims. W 4- farm loans: also bond. C Peters A Co 1702 Idg WH427 WANTED City and mni varra w m Farnam St., Bee Bldg. LOW RATES. Private money. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Main Floor New York Life Blda-. W M328 Farnam E1?T ,0an"- wLa!!? 1 . .. PRIVATE Money. F.43. Wead. 1624 Douglas, w-q T $100 UP; low rate. PricKartL, 1712 Farnam, Y iUtMJ PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. U w a 4H TO 6 P. C. money. Bemls, Paxton Blk. W-sj.'i MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY Wa have It to loan in amounts from $10.00 up on furniture., pianos, warehouse re-1 ceipis, live etocK, etc, .we aiso maaa , SALARY LOANS . ' . . , .. without mortgage or indorser to persons who have a oermaiient Doaltion. We alve you the full amount of the loan oaner". oVi nUu. mium W M haS-'throntlon'oTan"; th.'maS.'ine one month or six, or longer, and you need not pay for It longer than you keep It. We hope by this advertisement to have you give us a trial and we expect to re tain your patronage by fair treatment 'Ihe motto of our onlce la "Try to Please." VOIAJIA UUH1UAUU IAIAti CO., 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2295. (Eatabllshed 1692.) 308 S. Uth St. ... X81 , SHORT ROUTEr TO PAY DAT. Loan, to salaried people UPON THEIR PLAIN NOTB. No mortgage. Indorser or publicity. These loana made quickly and nuietly. Room 8o3. Thitd Floor. Paxton Block. X-478 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED riorum, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc., without se curity; easiest terms; 40 offlcea Inprln- L1UH baklCsS. aV WalllaTella IW aWSI U WI i TtUI Bldg. X-u3 MONEY . loaned on furniture, live stock. Jewelry, to salaried people. Foley Loan eo., sua. to jjua ureen, s caraer uiock. X-sVl LOANS, household furniture, pianos and all kinds of chattel security; terms to suit; no publicity: goods remain iu your possession. American Loan Co., 3d floor, raxion oioca. a ei. MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; ousiness connuentiai; lowest rates. it raxton diocx. ins j. a. Aiutton t-o. MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. J elry, horsea, cows, etc. u. at. KNa, 119 a. 12, X eui Chattel and Salary Loans, PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. Successor to J. W, Tayloe. TeL 74a. (33 Paxton Block. X M3 BUSINESS CHANCES. - TO GET In or out of business call on Wll llama. Room 411. Mctague Building. Y 3U When You Write to Advertisers remember It aly take an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that yuu saw tne aa in ins A.e WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange your DU.IIIWI or uruuvrif iiuit., arc? 4, H. Johnson. MI N. V. Life. K M3 VTT a A T H tiiMtltn.. a. a UIimaam. W n,iu U. m. tu. always nurrr. ici. in, i ;,i.,-i ,,,,,i.v,.i aiatri. mm a. uniTCIi an:ii oi-l'i'l in COMPANY! . g-"4 tt thTti ra"r0", flT SaaU'AU,hVrratrn'wW.,.,, wV.n.d the 6o B:nd".CXTef NheV""h-.:nV Room FEET of rood white pine lumber, h 44, Bee. Y MSo7 to assure them an the -new "J conimlsary at Chicago, 111., until 11 o'clock, WanV' TO BUT. .ell or exchange a buainr,,. call bVSccoTd them'th. paTtSve' will ?' rnlalth'e "ll S'LSucTv'onened' per l.OoO, on l. P. cars; also 1 good j Cnn tj ; y.rn.m c.' nnlv fiirnl.h the freshrat newest roods nd Places trey will tie puiulcly openeu. horae power engine, some fan and ma- on C- J- Lnan- 1617 V-M3I1 Sn the market but you? ordcra ihall have Article, of domratlc production or manu- ehlnery. from Union Pacific elevator at Y-Mltl ' ,u( &n"lon facture will be preferred to those of for- ph and Mason Pta Omaha Howreck- FoR (ALE one of the best livery and AMERICAN WRITING MACHINE CO.. f'pn origin coat "": Ing Co., 8i24 N. 21at Bt- - , G-947 If .iOMpgJoi 415 u.hl. Street. EPa-jry? b'Tono full of good paying boarders. 1 block I PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co., 913 trom Harney, Dodge and Farnam cars. I 914 Jones, general storage and forwarding. 4 biocka from letb: ca.n oraer only con - miAmr-A A m.irA ihln. tnr tVwa rlrh. nar. ion Housa rent reasonable. Addrea. L Aise. jj BUSINESS CHANCES. T-M524 t PER CENT a-llt-edge gold bonds for umalt Bldg., Omaha, Neb. . X Ml vr FOR SALTS OR RENT, best 12 day hotel In good town of t.ouu: nve years' lease; com- I W. H. Gates. (18 N. T. Life. Phone, 1294. ' I MCjO la FOR SALE, stock furniture and undertak ing, Including hearse: will invoice about 12,600. Address Box 41, Genoa, Nebraska. x si; it FOR SALE, a small but complete steam bricxyara at a bargain in a gooa nve rail road town of s.vw innaoiianis. t. u Brown, Missouri Valley, la. Y M871 14 ROOMING house of 87 rooms can ba bought for 21,100; good location and i money maker. Addreas 932 P street, I, d. Bcoggana, Lincoln, incd. x uni n- EQtriNB RECORD CO. offers best we-kly ravins; proposition or tne times. Limited amount or remaining stors; at siu.w per shars. Bank and business references. For particulars address Enulne Record Co., 268 Broadway, New York. l-MIW H- BAKERY For SALE. . v., .i i t.A . I A ""7 i.j, v.. ','"r paying business, large retail trade. It il pay you to investigate this. ' Addreas B 61, Bee. Y-999 1 GOOD opening for good grooery man. Apply to weisnans Mantel ana me Co.. a. 17th st. Y 121 16 i- WANTEt), A'.riJtTSICIAN aa a partner in ah etdblfshed office prac tice In Omaha; cash coilictlon 3700 a month; consideration, $2,000. Address K 6, Bee. T-M164 18 FOR EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGE I have at all times ranches, grazing and farm properties for merctiannise ana mercnanaise tor iana. List your property, with me. T. M. Cllne. lias u il, Xdncoin, nou. . ir-uo zo FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Prices Sell Them. 5 acres, near Benson $7$0 ACfeS. WeSt of FoftOltiaha, $150 each, 100. 5 room cottage, 43rd and Lakel?l,500. 5 room cottage, 4238 Patrick, 151,250. 5 room COttage, 301? Ftanklin, $900. 5 foom COttage, 1608 Kyner, 51,375. ? room couage, ihi Dionuo, poiv. ... .. room nouse, vjrammercy rarK, $1,100. 7, room, modern 27th. and . Maple, 6 room, modern, 3844 Franklin, $1,500. 6 room, modern, 4Jrdfc and Patrick, j $1,600. Lot 35 blk. tf 'JerdrnVPark. $200. 4 east fronts,' Berrils Park, $250 ' each. 2 west fronts, Bemls Park, $300 each. 2 SOUthfrontS, BemlS Park, $500 each. o , , . , v. wi 11 & 12 b k. 4 Mahony 8t Min. $100. each. ' ; v All on Tukey's Terras". Cut out this list . Bri"8 !t t0 0Uf ffice- I All U m. .Un,,A vm.. ...til U vi ,.",c "uurc - p.uci tjr. wm uC poid this month, If terms and prices I Will d6 it nu ao it, ' ; .,' . A. P. TUKEY & SON 444-445 BOARD OF TRADE. RE 846 14 BARGAIN. 8-room modern house, southeast corner Georgia and Woolworth avenues, oak finish, full cemented basement 'If sold before August . L (4,100. 1 ' ' HA RRl SQJ . db MORTON, 813 N. Y. Ufa. Tel. S14. Hib lui 20 F TOU w,nt on' of th n,CMt -room h0me ,n Han.C0m Place I Wlil gW yoU a bargain, owner left city. Must aell. J. AA. oherwood. Ml is. X. a Bldg. Atia Mlba FARM for sale In Hall county. Nebraska: iu acres, ritn soil tin. iinprovemenia, perpetual water; one mile to good town on main line U. P. R. R.; easy terms. Write lor particulars. J. H. Wooiley, Sole Agent, Grand Island, Neb. nmt!t 14 SEE PAYNE, BOSTWICK CO. tor choice bargains, mi n. z. ure uicg. Tei. low. . " . ItJE MI WILLIAMSON meef:- 1308 RE-343 HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; also ore insuranoe. eemis, raxion diock. RE 4t HOUSES and I lots In i all Do( city; also a ore property and farm lands. The O. F. uavis to.. Atoom oJ, Aiee auiioing. Atfi-34C I A MONTHLY payment bargain In 8-room house. . U. M. Nattlnger. 'Phone 40. RE-M638 GEORGE G. WALLACE, real estate, mort- gage, rentals, insurance- Brown block. RE 348 lRAN.CHnd-f,2!n..Un!l.,or ' bl tbS Union Paclflo Railroad company. B. A. McAileater, land commlsaloner. Union Pa ciUo Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE-344 ACREAGE. In small tracts, In Council Bluffs, close to car line and near east end of Drldge, is minutes' walk from business center of Omaha; nice, high level land: price low and terms very easy. Will build amall houces if desired. Write or call on Rob- n 1VUU b uuiiijiuii aiaiiuii, a,iu pi, ana uroaaway. council uiuna. RIC Mitt 16 PROPERTY suitable for sanitarium; house IOt 14 large rooms, large grounds and all modern conveniences, on ths hills at east vua ox vuunvu iuna, wi uwucr nuum $18,000, and Is In firat-claaa repair; price, ilO.OuO. H. O. McGee. No. Pearl St., Council UlUCTS. Atr-M144 AS FINE NEBRASKA FARM AT BARGAIN. b60 acrea. central Nebraska, well im proved, good house, barns, shed, granary, fine water, nearly 400 acrea smooth, rich valley land. In order to settle an estate can offer this fine farm for only $16.00 an acre. HICKS Land Agency, 328 Board Trade Bldg HKilM 14 STORAGE. I 1 . . C I OM. Van Btor Co., liUJa Faro. Tsla. X569-MI. ANNOUNCEMENTS. WATERS PRINTING COMPANT. Tele phone 611 South Thirteenth street. roe the benefit nf the friends and natrons Of the UNITED TYPEWRITER AND SUPPLIES COMPANY we desire to an nounce that having succeeaea tnat com pany we will remain In the same location for tne preaent ana win carry, in cnn tlnn with the NEW CENTURY typewriter. a full line of INVINCIBLE SUPPLIES for all machines. We shall, therefore, be glad to nave the friends or the iNiifc-i' i u t- M171 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. THE MARKS BUSINESS COMPANY, Promoters of Industries. REAL ESTATE AND LOANS. Business Chances Bought and Sold. Partner Furnished. 8ieclaJ Atten tion to tha Sale of Furnlahed Houefca. Rooming Houses, Hotels, Cigar and News Stands. Groceries, Meat Mar kets, Dry Goods Stores, Millineries and all clasres of Business. Capital secured for Patents. Stocks of Mer chandise, etc. Advance moner to buyers on easy term. If you are looklnr for small Or large In vestments we can help you, or should you Ish to Increase your business and want I capital, let ua know. Me give everything prompt attention ana guarantee aatisraction. t nil or wriie. MAKK8 Hl.BlINf.ntl K.U.' 49 GOOD BLOCK, PES MOINES. MEDICAL. DR. PRIES, the acknowledged leading specialist In diseases of women In Omaha would call the attention of suffering ladles to hta unsurpassed accommodations Derore ana during connnement ano n treatment for Irregularities, no matter I what cause. Call or address, with stamp, Dr. Pries, Arlington Block, 1613 Dodge, omana. m i LADIES' Chichester's English pennyroyal Pills are the best; safe; reliable. Take no I other. Send 4c. stamps, for particulars. "Relief for Ladles" In lstter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia, Fa. FINANCIAL. FOR SALE, gilt-edged first farm mortgage or 36,6X10, nve years. 6 per cent annual on I improved farm In Stanton county, Men., . . i i . . . , . i.i . i t..M mortsaaa of 112.0UO on 640 acres of I m-I proved land in Madison couniy, leo., i worth 840 ner acre, rate 4V4 per cent for i, ..,. 1 . MJ I n. A Bro., Norfolk. Neb. -M2 16 1 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING, A. C. VAN SANT'S schooL 717 N. Y. Llf. Sttt BOYLE8 college, court reporter principal, I n. x. Lite. ... .. i ... NEB. Business St Shorthand College, Boyd's Theater. sta MANUFACTURING. F. MELCHIOR, Uth and Harney, ma- cninist. . OMAHASaf. nd IrOgnBWk a- Andreen. W. OMAHA Safe and Iron Wks. make a ape- tters, noors ana W2 s. ioth st -M359 TYPEWRITERS. THE wonderful Lambert Typewriter will do dent and durable; to Introduce will sell i or can. Monroe co., su a. itn m. I rairjB NICKEL PLATING. omaha piating c.. Bee sidg. Teu t&as. . When Vou Write to Advertisers remember It only take, an extra stroke or ln nf -the nen n man nn tha font that you saw - tha ad In The Bee. LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES. BOUGHT for cash or loaned on at low rate' Wm- - Bartholomew, Broker, 2J0 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. -H 2o PLUMBING. D. W. DUDGEON, 2910 Farnam. Tel. 1966. 7l AS BALD TIES. I " OMAHA Hay Bala Tla Co., 811 North 16th. LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry: shirts. 8o: collars. 2c; cutis, fc uw Leavenwortn. lei. 67. BEST laundry. The Chicago, 'phone 2"5. Aiaat CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repair- ina- Drompuy anenaea io. J. A. ucnuiree. ; ..r . . m. -. .... Soth and LaJce afreets. -370 FUR DRESSING. O. R. GILBERT CO., tanners, 1424 8. 13th. 3S1 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLT GARBAGE CO.. cleans cesspools and vaults, removes garbage and aead animals at reduced prices. &a n. 16. Tei. i.i. vii FLORIST. L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. 1253. bend for prloa list, out powera and plants.. AlJOO PATENTS. PATENTS-Sues Co., Bee Bldg., Omaha; no tee unless successim; aavice rree. -osl Sapt 19 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat Ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglaa. jba STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn. 430 Ramae Bldg. sit LAWN MOWERS. Sharpened, repaired. L I. Wks., 1408 Howard, I MT74 AUTOMOBILES. ELECTRIC AUTOMOBILES. Deright's, 1119 Farnam street. Jan ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS. GRAND Electiio Co., 13 Jackson. TeL 2848. . JyjJ JUNK. I ALPWN buys all kinds of scrap Iro: I mstaia. 913 Douglas St. T.l. 2474. .- Iron and 3k LOST. GOLD cuff button with red set Return to lie omce. Loat 77t OSTEOPATHY. QID. E. ALICE JOHNSON, osteopatha. Sulta 31. N. Y. Life Bldg. TeL 1664. 354 DR. A. T. HUNT, (13 MoCague Bldg. Tel. till. TRUNKS AND BAGQAOB. TWIN CITY EXP. 'Phono 171T. tot S, iin, anna 1. v K hauln trunk. TeL 780. al36t LAW AND COLLECTIONS. BTILLMAN ft TRICE. 23 V. 8. N l Pk. Pld. r:i oV:nMENT NOTitn. PROPOSAIJt FOR SUBSISTENCE store Ottlce rf purchasing commis sary, L. H. army, army building, Omaha, Neb.. Julv 10. 19it. Mealed tironosnla. in triplicate, for furnishing bacon. Issue, dry salt cure. In cratea; bacon, breakfaKt, sliced, dry salt cure, In 1-pound net an; no nnms. ary salt cure. In tierces, wmi oe received at this office, at the olflce of the nil further Information, furnished on applies tlon to either office. Envelopes containing proposals Should be innorseu lTonosaia for Subsistence Stores, to be opened Mon day, July 21, 1!T2." and addressed to WM, 11. GROVE. Captain, Commissary, Pur. chasing Commissary, Omaha, ncd, JlU-ll-li-l-lB-l.M. JAlLWAY TIMH CARD. UNION STATION 10T1I AND HARCY. Chicago, Rock Island A Pacific. Leave. Arrive. EAST. Chicago Daylight Lim- . ttA , a 6:00 am a 8:46 am Chicago Daylight a i:W m a 9:X6 pm t'hlrnitn Extres bll:13 am a 6:t5 rm Dew Aiomes iiOcai.,.ii:v pm iu Chicago Fust Kxpress...a pm a l.'la pm WEST. DnrVtf Mountain Lim ited M am a 4:55 am Lincoln, Colo. Springs. Denver. 1'ucDio ana ,-" cit" '"Oklahoma Flyer.... w.buk West a 1:30 pm a 5:43 pm t .a 6:20 pm a 12:40 pm leave. Arrive. fit liuls "Cannon Ball" Express a 6:66 pm a 8:20 am Bt. Louis Local, Counoll iuuffs a :: am aiu:au pm 1 sucagro, .ijnw.ukr. i. . Chicago umnea a o:w pm n s.uo am Chtcaga Omaha ...b 1:40 am b 3:40 pm Mlsaonrl il'aelHo. Bt Louis Express..., K. C. A St. L. Ex.... .alO:00 am a f:25 cm aioieo pm a am Chlcaao A Harmnriiera, The Northwestern Line." MH umcaao w am a , a in i Mall a 8:u0 pm a 8:30 am Local Hioux my....... .a o:w am a ji:w pm Daylight Bt. l aui a (. an. uiu. pm i,... i.k. , 1. 1 rt .. m ' i a I an, ui i vii ,,m Local cnicago ...aiv:oa am a o: pm ixcai tarnui i"" ,ni Fast Chicago a 4.66 pm a 4:06 pm 1 Imllt rhlcasa a 7:4a tun a 9:20 am . -M. 7:4 Din a 9:20 am l ast Bt. Paul a lio pin a 8:L0 am iraat Mall a: pm Local bl oil x C-ty b 3:56 pm bl0:00 am Union, Pacific. Overland Limited. a 9:40 am a 7:30 pm Fast Man l:w am a t.2o pm California Ex Dress a 4:26 pm pacific Express ail:W ptu tMifrn f.pi a i:S. pm a 7:30 am i Aiianuc Lxurtu I Colorado Special 7:10 am I unicago npnuim 8:40 am Lincoln.' Beatrice And Btromsourg -x o : pm di:mi pm Grand Island Local b 6:30 pm b 9:3a pm Illinois Central. Chicago Express a 7:20 am a 5:10 pm Chicago, Minneapolis & ?u'1,"m,Le,a-i-uV'1 ,M pra am "V."".-'. k . s?'"-"'""- - : I -V'-- " BURLINGTON STATION lOTH & MASON Barlinston A Mtesonri Rlrer. Leave. Arrive. Wvmore. Beatrice and Lincoln du: am Nebraska Express a 8:4(1 am a 7:4a pm Denver Limited a : pra t :ts fO Black Hills and Puget Sound Express aii:iu pm a i:iu pm Colorado - Veatlbulea 1 Iyer a 3:10 pm Lincoln Fast Mall b 3:10 pm a 9:17 am Fort Crook and Platts- tnnuth ,.h ID urn bll:06flm v ,, i b.i(i ti . ii ;,m i Bellevnue & Pacific Jet, a 7:60 pm a am Bellevue & Paclflo Jct..a 1:00 am Chlcagc, BurllBBton A Hnlncy. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Special i 7:00 am a 4:' pm 1 tjhloago Vstlbuled Kx.a 4:0 pm . a 7:30 am kli - t .l a o.jlfv . ,n .11 .on , m Chlonro Limited ... . i& a.w uui a. i., a lil Fast Mail a 2:45 pra Kansas ' City, St. Joseph at Council Bluffa. Kansas .City Day Ex....a 9:10 gt Louis Flyer a 6:10 Kanaaa City Night Ex..aW;0 am a S:0S pm pm all: 15 am pra a 6:16 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, c Sun day only, d Daiiy except Saturday, a Dally except Monday. WEBSTER DEPOT l out WEBSTER Fremont. Elkhorn A Missouri Valley. ... Tawati A r-4 a Black Hills. Doadwood. not Bprings ...a i:uo pm a im pra Wyoming, Casper and Douglas d 3:00 pm a 6:00 pra Hastings, xorK, oavxt i iiv. BUDerior. ueneva. Exeter and Seward.... b 1:00 pra b 8:00 nm Norfolk. Lincoln and Fremont b 7:30 am blO:3S am Fremont Local o 7:30 am Chlcaao, St. FanI, Minneapolis A Omaha. Twin City Passenger.,.. a 1:80 am a 9:00 pm i bioux liiv ruue Bioux city fus8enger...a z:w pm aii:w am i t ..a : i, o.: sun atai u ...v - - Missouri Paolno. . Nebraska LocaL Via weeping water o :iu pra aiu:zs era I I'fKAKHO 1YS. Summsr Tours on Lake Michigan. TH".TaAAMH.TH,r MANITOU a - . , . l. .b1.aa MtllMa Mb Kk for rraakf.rt. brlai, Harkar Sarln(a, liar View, l'tMliar, Maaalna. Iilena. coa- aaatlm lor IJelrolt, uii. ana an caaiara -- LEAVES CHICACO AS FOLLOWS! Tuea. ... Bat.4n.SB. MANITOU STEAMSHIP CO., OFFICE a 00CKS. Ruth sn N. Witer Sts., Chicsga - ANCHOR UNk-C a. vAtb-gTKAafKgS aallt&c racularlr batwaaa HIW VOIIK. LOKDUNDBKRY OLASQOWI MCW lORa, UlllHAUia. SaTUII. Banarlap apMmmfMlatliina. BlMllaat Cultln. B)T.n raaata far ta. oomrun ox p, niu,ui, ihwihimji iw ld-rad ml BradlaaS. ainl. ar HouiiA Tno tICKM. unM itimi n .k mm r. K dnallah trial, an. all Pri netu.l CeaUa.oUl aointa at .iiruti. r.i.. rr tuk.u ar eaearel iDiarm.iioa appiy to nuMiun tklcMh ar UI IAM.aa Alii.1l . HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE New York-Rotterdam, via. Boulogne. H. M. Mew '1 wln-bcrew a. a. or is.uuu ions regiswr Twln-Sorew . Rotterdam Noordam Stadendam . t.,i. t a ldA. M bleanier Twin-Screw T..i-o in am JulySMUAM Steamer Tain-Screw Steamer dldUsilUdiil Aug. 3. 10 A. M AddIv ta Harry Moores. 1A01 Farnam street; J. S. McNally, liii Farnam street; H. S. Jones, 15o3 Farnam street; Louis Neese, I irst national Aiana. umana. fRANiATLANTIQU etc d hiLuon pftsuiof rs CAisim m iacty hoa1 modarn flifautle twin Kmt axiiraaa at Miner. anly. I ouiiQAnnra 07 naval onan, imunnr ' 1. . loaatf-war dl'lplloa. Fajnou.cul.ln.. Tlpnon. la c.blaa, wirlu for iMOklal. .o4 .iMciUe latma.Uua. apuly to H.rrr K. Mouras, K)l St.. i- M! h.llr. 1311 A-'aniaOl it.. 0-or. B. Abuott, Uli rMJ'JUn S'J1 Jon... rrnm pi i mm I I ana-i-iitr isms 45AIUNG Y DAYcr, TO .?y"y.aai aIhavue. VSVStSi kfj PARIS Bar8xXTas?XfXa niTiWritfKlIl FOUR SEPARATE AND DISTIXCT SERVICES. Fast Twin-Screw Passenger Steamer sail ing regularly from Boston, Portland and Montreal, to Liverpool, also Boston to UarlltAPrsnain tvnrti Rand for tiOOkl3C -Maditarrajiaan Illustrated." For rat., I ate. apply looai agt or company's I BlOaS AU C.Ula, gITe BUUIUVT laa. V. 1 Bro Bt, vaioagfa PAYS TRIBUTE TO DR. HIRST Ministerial Aaanelatloa af Omaha riaees Memorial an Its Record. At o rr.eotlng of the Omaha Ministerial association, hrlj In the Young Men's Chris tlon assoclatloa partlora yeetorday, tha following memorial upon the death of Dr. A. C. Hirst was placed upon the records of the association: The Ministerial Association of Omwh desires to place on record their affection and esteem for their late president and fellow worker, Rev. A. C. lilrst. D. P.. pastor of the First Methodist church or this city. lr. Hirst wsa beloved by large circle of friends outride of hla church, to whom he was endeared by bis urbanity and gentleness of manners. It Is with Joy tlmt we view the rich sow ing of his Ills and the mighty harvest that Ood gave Into his hand for the reaping. He who has wrought In the building of souls for the. kingdom, as did Dr. Hirst for nearly two score years, needs not our tours. Yet we regret our loss. His absence means the lack of ft companionship, which was full of rich Inspiration. Hla scholarly tastes, splendid JuiUment and refined deli cacy In the discrimination of things cour teous lent to our association an Influenco that will abide. Beyond all this, however, his memory shall bo valued because of his beautiful life of the spirit, aa It blossomed Into justice and mercy and sympathy and love. We need any no more. We. as an asso ciation of ministers, know that a great leader In Israel has laid down his armor to receive the crown from our Iord Jeaus Christ, In whoso service ha wore himself . unto oeatn. To the bereaved wife and sorrowing children we express our sympathy, but alau , tlio mutual oy tnat wa sorrow not as those who hnve no hono. To the church of which he was tha be loved pastor we extend our sympathy and the assurance that our prayers shall follow them in tneir worg. MOLDERS LOOK FOR DETAILS Anxiously Awaiting? Fall Statement of Featheratone Proposition, Already Approved. President Teler H. Dillon of the local moldera' organisation said Monday morning; that full details of the Fratherstone propo- auion, notice of the settlement upon which was published in The Bee Sunday, will ba received within a few diva. If has been , ... . , . . . . "" lnl" " r ol "ucn cnaracter aa to require some time tor compilation in . suitable form to communicate. - - - iii (i orer me saiisiaciory result ot tneir .trir. ba nr ..m.. . - i-.w-f.-. B.v...B - I lounury in umaua. iney noiu a meeting today, but It is their regular aeml- weekly meeting and nothing of particular Importance la looked for at this time. The molders are still uninformed at to when the Featheratone people will begin the erection of their foundry. It Is thought. was stated In The Bee, that not many of I.. .......... . . . .. .. lne men wl" 8 10 cnicago to wont in tno meantime, but most will. It is said, re- main here, working In the local shops. CHILDREN NOT VACCINATED Health Commissioner Knows ot No La iv Under Which He Can Act. Joseph Blankcnbaker, 25G8 South Thirty- first street, who arose from bed Where ha whs til with smallpox Saturday to fight off a health officer who was trying to vacolnato his (Blankenhaker'a) children, has heen apn. mllph . ,. ,A .v. -m., ' " J , . :T V " gency hospital and tha houBe haa been auarantlned. The children, however, hava not heen vaccinated. .... . ....... .... I nw of no law," said Health Com- mlssloner Ralph, "under which wa can com- ' 1 l1' " panTui. iu auuuiii, 10 ui vaccination . , K. .kll. ... .,,. . ot "is children. We oan quarantlna and iunugaie a nouse over tne protest oi tna occupants and can ; destroy bedding and other household furnishing supposed to be infecud but vaccination la another thlnr I """ U, OUl, yaLLluailou ia anoiaer imng. I - - . 1 family: seem to have escaped tha disease I thus far. De on the Alert.. Consumer, of Budweiser, brewed exclu sively by the Anheuser-Busch Brewing Aas'n, are warned against other beera bear- lDg tne .ame nam. or ,imliar label. Every bottle of Budweiser is provided with tha I well known label and each cork Is branded "Budweiser." Beware of Imitations by ex- aminlng these features and insist Upon Bud- welser being opened in your presence. Orders promptly filled by Geo. Krug, man ager Anheuser-Busch branch, Omaha. Anheucer-Busch Brewing Ass'n. Seasonable Fashions. Woman's Bhlrt Waist, No. 4040: To Ba Made Plain or Plaited Back, with or Wlth- I out the Fitted Lining The novelty of the season is undoubtedly the shirt waist with plaits that run to or over the shoulders. The smart example illustrated combines that feature with -the new deep-pointed cuffs and stock, and is suited to all ths season's waltslngs, madras, Oxfords, pique, chambrays, linen, batistes, silks, light I weight flannel, albatross and tha like, but I i. , h.mhr. in rial. blue, stitched with white, and la held by white pearl buttons. The fitted lining extends to tha waist Una only, but forms tha foundation on which tha waist Is arranged. The fronts and back ot tha waist proper are laid in two plaits at each aide, which meet at tha shoulder seams. The fronts Include the regulation box plait and ara gathered at tha belt or left free and adjusted to the ng ure, as preferred, but tha plaited back la smooth and without fullness. When tha plain back is substituted It is drawn down in gathers at the waist Una. Ornamental stltchlDg, slmulatla pointed bands, la shown on tha fronts. The sleeve ara la shirt style, but with deep-pointed cuffs that lap over and ara buttoned at the outside. At the neck Is a novel pointed stock that matches tha cuffs. To cut this waist for a woman of medium site 4 yard of material tl Inches wide, t yards 27 Inches wide, t yards 32 laches wlda or S Ve yards 44 Inchea wid will be required. The pattern, 4040, is cut In sites for a 12, 24, 36, 38, 40 and 42-lncb bust measure. Pop tha accommodation of Tha B.e road ers, these patterns, which usually retail at from 25 to (0 cants, will ba f urBl.hsd tl a aomlnal prlca, 10 eenta, which cover all I axpens. In order to get any pattern I panara "