Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 15, 1902, Page 8, Image 8
8 TIIE OMAHA DAILY . BEE: TUESDAY, JULY 15, 1002. M WtfTdO" stockers and fwifen, $SirxjSSl rows and heifers, $2 25.00; earners. II Tt ti2.HR: bulls. S.v94.7; calves, 8rT54J7.00l Texss and Indlsn steers, $3.40tft.00 00 w and heifers, 32 SHi4 .15. 1KH.18-Receipts 3.000 head. Market la lower: pigs and lights. $7.8Mf7.75; packers. 7.ftt7.!W; butchers, $7 18VM.15. SHEEP AND UUBS- Receipts, l.K) hesd. Msrket active and strong: native mutton. $; lambs. $4.80 in; culls and bucks, ll.ioii-i.00; Blockers, ll.0W3.uU, I New York Uts ltck Market. NEW TORK. Julr 14. BEEVES-Re-relpts. 1,721 head; steers shade higher, others steady; steers, fa.59fl.25; bulls, $3.00 dn.25; corns. $2.254i.S0. Cables quoted live cattle steady at )4ul64e. Exports tomor row, 660 bead cattle and 1,860 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, 8,228 head; butter milks, 60c off; veals, $4.5tif7.2f: choice and extra, S7.tf7.7n; buttermilks, $3.008.76; mined, 83.60ibo.62H. HOGS Receipts, 7.000 head; steady! state, $8: mixed western, $7.65. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 14.847 head; sheep, Arm and shade higher; laniha slow and weak; sheep. $2.fioj4 00: choice, 14.2..40; culls, 2; lambs, 85.267.00; culls. leas City Llvo Stock Market. SIOUX CITY. la., July H.-(Speclal Tele Itram.) CATTLE Receipts, l.uu: market steady; beeves, 36.0U(&'8.00; cows, bulls and mixed, $2.76ifi5.25; atockers and feeders, (2.604.60; yearlings and calves, S2.6Mrt.00. HOGS Receipts, 1.700; market 6(ffl(Hj lower, selling at $7.4007.75; bulk, I7.509l.60. took ta Sight. The following; table shows the receipts of cattle, horn and sheep at the Ave principal markets for July 14: Cattle. Hog. Sheen. South Omaha 2.841 l,m 8.8O0 Chicago M.ono H.000 20.00 Kansas City 11. SO J,7e J.4 St. IjOuI 8 6"0 2,0"0 1.000 Bt. Joseph 2,82$ (.040 1,369 Totals 44.414 4X183 N.969 Coffee Market. NEW TORK. July 14.-COFFBEPpo, Rio, firm; No. 7 Invoice, 6a mild, firm) Cordova, SllHc. The market opened steady, with prices unchanged to IS point higher, the advance occurring In the sum mer and fall months on a scarcity of shorts and brisk demand from bulls. Al most Immediately following the call . the market turned strong snd prices rapidly advanced on general buying, led by badly frightened shorts. Before midday bids netted an advance of 30 to M. points. Lata In the afternoon realising set In on a heavy scale snd values fell away, the clos ing being Irregular, with prices' net 6 to 10 points higher. The trading was heaviest In nettr months, amounting to 126,750 bad". Including- July at 4.9fei5.50c; August, 6.00fJ 6.35c; September, 8.05litt.3Cc; October, 8.15dj 5.3c; November, il6(rro.30c: December, 5.10 f6.35c; January, i.Xfic; February, 6.80c; March, 6.2X&S.Svc; May, 6.3wy6.60c; June, 6.46c COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Jul Corn Tumbles and Other Cereals Drop In jmpaiuj. Big Receipts of Contract BtntT Knock Balls' Prop from tndef Jnly .. Cora asm Frlco Falls Five Ceats. 19f. 17'ff1-c; olds, 6?M0c: Psclflc coast, H01 crop, 2"(V4c; 1"0, 17'tflSc; olds, 5fl0o. J.KA 1 1 1 h. K niesoy ; acia, -ixj. t-uliKA Rtesdv: Onlveslon. 20 to X lbs. lc; California, 21 to 25 lbs., 19c; Texas dry, 24 to ) lbs., 13c. WOOL Quiet; domestic neece. nToe. PROVISIONS Beef, quiet; family, tit I8 60; mess, $13.50; beef hams, 821.DOtj22.&n; packet, tl4.6fHil5.Oi: city extra India mess. ALL GRAINS CLOSE AT LOWER LEVEL hies, tiin.&o: pickied shoulders, ts or Lk UlinilM Vfcwww lac,. .,1.1, loH heme lllXMi12il mrA firmer! western steamed, n.n; juiy closed at til. 77, nominal; refined. Arm: South America. 312 25: compound, tX.12Vp.50; con tinent, $11.85. Pork, firm; family, fri.ntvf 21.60; short clear, $19.60(822.00; mess, $1.264 20.O0. TALLOW Firm; city (t2 per rkg .). 6H9 6e; country (pkgs. free), 8 5-&'c HICK Firm: domestic, fair to extra, 44 j6'-,c; Japanese, 4ft6o. HU 1 1 r. rt -ieceipia, iz.ito pRRi-i sieeiy, state dairy. 17Hitr2oc; state creamery, Wit 2H,o; Imitation creamery, I'ii'lSc; factory, lMiinc. CHF.E9R Recelnts. 7.R15 rkrs. : weak to steady; fancy large, colored and white, ?Sc; fancy small, new slate full cream, colored and white, 10c. ........ I . I . nrUk I. . Awh. . a thuldlng drop of In July corn was most i (V. f)tatj nA Penn,yiVanla, 2WXc; important ana cu ij, I we- ,2 . CHICAGO, July 14. Heavy movement In corn held the attention oi sr" '1 In tors today and brought slumps all jrouna. July corn continued Its dlnpiay of pyro technic, of last week, although today It looked like the falling stick Instead of the fcesrlsh, but In the general decline the ini yui tans c the corn corner. Closing losses were be for July corn. kSPMc for September corn, ao for September wheat and lHfclVs for beptember oats. Provisions closed 2Vi0 lower to 7MiC higher. , , , . It was a big drop In July corn and the bulls tried to give several reasons MOLASSES sUady; New Orleans. 13 41c. POULTRT Alive, nrm: broilers, ic: tur- Vaus 11a. nmrla llr t)NII1 Arm' KrAll. era. IS'rflftc: fowls. 12Hc; turkeys, 13iffl4c. METAIy The markets today reported a dull business and In tin and copper more for the decline. Probably the true cu OP ,egg weakness and declines. London tin m,am that enrn In a-nnerous supply Is mov- I in . h. absence of demand fell off lus. mak ing toward Chicago at a rapid rate. Lver tng; tne flnfti 8pot price 127 and futures since the talk of a corner in July optlona 125, The local price. In sympathy, de elevators and cash handlers have been busy Cnned about 25 points and ruled easy, with making contract grade corn with their ut- Bpot quoted at t28.3(Kg'28.). Affected by a most energy Today the bulls had to face dull lntereet London copper sagged lod recelDta of 472 cars, 118 of which were con- lower before the close of the day, spot tract grade In addition to this private standing at 62 12s 6d and futures at 62 levators made and put out VH cars and 17s 6d. Local prices lost about He all f !.lzJ JT.- T"..,K., ... enoftfto bushels around. Standard snot to August was i 'nfrari stuff . Th I fair weather of the quoted at lll,60UX lake, at tll.HTH' anrwlth th. reported 'estimate, ngjt JuU. "tW. w fair Vct.vltV It M6 cars for tomorrow, which would in the spelter market and a firm tone n SrobabWbe augmented to 'over 1.000 car. consequence, though no improveme , bv nrlvate houses levator people, sold to There i market advanced 2s 6d to 19 6s. Iron was tT heiieva.'that the dull and steady in the local market. War- rs would stipulate rants were not quoted. No. 1 foundry, rn so that both northern, t22.(Xir(230; No. i foundry, north- T'ernert heavUv "n. tl.ooro.oo; No. 1 foundry, southern, .was also a disposition Hoorrt of Trade directors tirlre for corn. m p. ...--- - v l ,i i ern. inn.i nnil snorts couio r ciura niiu. i tr ti.r 1 If such action to tak-h uy the board to- w".Vbo.' Foreign markets were also dull morrow it Is thought t win worn sfi" an1 a 8haae lower, Glasgow closing at tne corner. jvniir ii.j...b I 85s 8d and Aliaoiesuorougl but of a bearlsn cast. wnen m mate sheet wss posted July was sold liberally. Every sale had to be made at Knod concessions to the buyers and from the cornered option floundered and Slumped to 80V4e. September wss weak on the general rush of corn to market and opening a shade to lower than Saturday at 61e to 61Ho declined, though a-radually. and closed weak and o 85s td and Mlddlesborough at 80s 8d. OMAHA TV nOL.ES ALU MARKETS. Condition of Trada and Qaotatloas oa Staple and Fancy Prodaoo. EOGS-Candled stock, lhs. L1VK POULTRY Hens. 9c: old roosters. ir",J'"'l, --ui iittT. renm it according to age. jc; turkeys, 8j:i0c; lower at fee. July rallied a Jlttle 'remits duok and geese, 6gr7C; broilers, pJribT 14c bottom price, but closed very weak, with BUTTKIl-Packlng stock. MViiSloc; choice a loss of 6c to Sic. .r dairy, In tubs, 17fclSe; separator, 204)21o. Wheat lel weak after a momentary FIJfcaH CAUGHT FlSH - Trout. 10c; firmness at the opening on ProPc of bTlng pickerel. to- .ike. c rnlns. Cables were lower in Uverpool, ctt'.. tuffclo, drisseo. -Tc; sunflsh l'arls was closed and receipts showed a r blueflns. 8c: whltunsh. 10c: cainsh. lie: heavy percentage of fn'"1. ln" black bass, Mc; banout. lie: salmon, 16oJ Ible supply increased W.OOObushels. agatnst nRddock jfo- odflah. 12c; red snapper, 10c; a decrease of nearly 2,000,000 last year. lobster, boiled, per lb., 27c; lobsters, green, These Influences, together with those at- I Mr ,k o. bullheads, loo. .n.iant nnnn th eorn break, offset a few showers In several western states. The crowd began selUng freely and September avheat, which opened a shade lower to WAo higher at TSHo to 78o, declined teadlly as the session advanced. Primary receipts were fairly large, at 986,000 bushels aaalnst 1.370.000 bushels last year. Local ter lb.. 26c: bullheads. 10c, riuiiuwo uvt, per uoa., too VEAL Choice. 6480. , , ' . 1 CORN-63C , ,,' OAT8-lo. BRAN Per ton. 815. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Hay Dealers association: Choice nay. NO. 1 upland. t8.60: No. 1 medium, t8.00; No. 1 recelpta were 93 cars, of contract graae i COarse, 87.60. Rye straw, 86.60. These price and or new stun. Minneapolis anu iJu- are lor nay oi gooa color ana quauiy. wt luth reported ut cars, maaing a ioiai iur i mana lair, neceipia ngnu the three places oi ui cars. iwni cars last week and 844 a year ago. World's shipments were 7,70l,ouo busneis, against 2&000 bushels last week and 7.162,000 bush els a year ago. BreadstufTs on passage itnuMl C.2&M.00O bushels. Seaboard clear nnces in wheat and flour equaled 462,000 tiushels. The estimate or j cars tor o bnnrrnw was received bearishly. Oats had something of a setback today as a result of free offerings by farmers of Ihe new oata In order to take advantage of high prices. Offerings In Illinois were particularly liberal, according to tne re. ports. Favorable weather over Sunday and VEGETABLES. CAULIFLOWEKr-faome grown, par do.. MEW cklkhi-K.aiamasoo, aoc, POTATOES New potatoes. Dor bu.. tOa. GREEN ONIONS Per tlos.. according to S1SS OK DUnCQRIq www. TUKNlfd-Per DU.. JWO. BEETS Per basket, too. GREEN CORN Per dol., 16o. CUCUMBERS Per dos., 2Ji30o. LETTUCE Per dos. bvshes, 26a PARSLEY Per dok s36c KAU1SHES Per dos.. 2ui2io. WAX BEANS Horn. nn, per market a general Improvement In crop prospects ba8Ket g()(&36c; gtrlng beans, per market yrecipiukieu niiini. priiiniiuri basket, WXtf-ioC. over le. selllnr as high as S8Ho at the opening, and closing weak and lMiiJUio down at 82HO. Receipts were 87 cars. . Provisions were rather quiet, but held up well In the face of a weak hog market, lard was strong and aided other products nn the list. The outside bought early. but both pork and ribs lost most of their advances, eeptemoer pom ciosea ivio lower at 818.74 September lard 7e up at 8U.22H after touching tll-46 and Sep tember ribs a shade higher at 810.86if10.87H. Estimated reoelpta (or tomorrow: wheat, 850 cars; corn, 846 cars; oata, 17S cars; hogs, 80,000 head. . The leading furores ranged as follows RHUBARB Home grown, per lb.. lUo. CABBAGE California or tome-grown. new, imimo. ONIONS New California. In sack, par lb, io. . . tomatoes xexas, per crate. K690c, Ni 5AVT BBANB Per bu.. 83. FRUITS. APRICOTS-Callfomla, tl.IS. peaches California. tviiVba. PLUMS California, per -baakat crate. fancy, ii.nx&L.ii). I'Hi'Nta er dox. APPLES Summer varieties, per bbL, I ' i vrtpDOirq r'allfnrnl. nv twtw. SI U- i t i ii - i a... i . v. ' - - rv- u-iicios. uirtu. oiiu, uuw. .uav. . . h0me-grown, per 2-qu case, m.vjta.m. . I n.K!PlliiTfPg T.wb- nr. t. t ftft RABfBliBKii-B-uiacK, per n-pis., 3.a Wheat jviy .. 8pt. Deo. Sept. Doc. May Oats a July B July a Sept. b Sept. b Dec. . Pork July July Sept. Jtlbs July Sept. 7TW i73?tl;7i ,441 48 ' 48!4'ff 18 60 18 70 11 40 U 40 10 80 7KUI 73; it 18 60 18 72HI 11 45 11 45 10 87Vi 75 8H4 61 46' 3V 48 48 V 29H 82 18 40 18 60 11 85 U 85 10 80 75 81 61 464 48 4t 29l 82V S2V 18 47hI 18 67H 11 42H 11 42Vi 10 80 10 87H 8 61 4 43 a Old. b New. No. 1. Cash quotations were as follows: T5H I red. per 24-pU.. 13.00. 731 ul.iPKhV.BBIFSl Pee oust wmma S3 ISA i watermeIjOJNs per iuu, izu.uutaa.oo. TROPICAL FRUITS. PINEAPPLES Florida, 30 to St count. $4.00. BANANAS Per bunch, according to else, ORANGES-Valenclas. 84.755.00: Medi terranean sweets, 34.00&4.26. LEMONS rancy, ea-oowo-ao: uessinaa, 4.6W.vU ,. ,. HONET-Per U-section case. t2.763.00, CIDER Nehawka, per bbL, ti.'Ai New "York, 83.76. . . hiflukn-fer id.. DC: sneuea. so. KUTS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shell. Mr lb.. Uo: hard shell. Dr lb.. liVic: No. 3 soft shell, 10c: No. 2 hard shell, c: traslls, per lb., ltc: niDerts, per id., uc; aimonas. son shell, 160 ; hard shell, 16c; pecans, largi. per ID., UC, small, iw; .cuoituuu, yer (ca, 83.60. hllJLa io. 1 green, ec, rto. m green. 33V4-1- HZ' 18 60 18 72V. 11 85 U 85 10 75 10 85 FLOUR Steady: winter patents. 83.66tf 5fcc; No. 1 salted, 7Hc;k.o sal tea, vci 1.75; winter straights. S3 amfMaO; spring pat- No. 1 veal calf. 8 to m , los.. c: JNO. i veal nts, 83.60j!3.70; spring straights. S2.04.S0; Spring bakers, t2.Awtj2.40. WHEAT No. 8 spring, 75c; No, spring, I3(674e' No. I red, 75& 7V4o. CORN No. I, 79H(uftc; No. S yellow. OA calf, 11 to 15 lbs., 8c; dry hides, iQUo; sheep pelts, 76c; horse hides, tl.bu42-60. v following prices: Iron, country mixed, per ton, 810; Iron, stove plate, per ton, .ou; copper, per lb., 8Vc; brass, heavy, per lb., i OATS-No. t. 491360c: No. f white. B4e: No. 8c; brass, light, per lb.. c; lea. per lb.. , . " . W I white. B2V4(gi4e. RYE No. 8. Sic BARLEY Good feeding, 6S0$c; fair to Choice maitmg, wnjrfoc. SEED No. 1 flax, S1.48; No. 1 northwest ern. 31.70. ) PROVIBTON8 Mess pork, per bbl., 818.47U 8t. Loals Grata and Provisions. ST. LOUIS, July 14. WHEAT Lower 72V4o, new; 76Hc No. I red, cash, elevator, 70c; track. 7m s'-ic, oia; juiy, .wiaiic; oep- 18 rml Lird ll lOOlb. r3Tu' Short ''"ber. Itfi'OHc: No. 3 hard. 76760. SLl..,' Jr.fSlPfA,J11-3l -B.h"rI CORN-Lower: No. t cash. 62c: trae! (a BhoVrr September, 6161Xc idea fonveai. sii.zhra u.irw. i ....... , SUGAR Cut loaf. 88.46. WHISKT-On tbo basis of high wines. Wl -so. The following are the recelrite and ship ments: Receipts. Shlnmenta Flour, bnis..... 11, Oh) 8,000 Wheat, bu 87.000 47.000 Corn, bu ....3" Itf.noo fats, bu 11.000 131.0H0 Rye. bu 20,0110 2u,0u0 parley, du w.uuu On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady: creameries. 17V4ft 8lc: dairies, 17'(jl9Hc Cheese, steady, lou! I nralrle. steady. S6.0O4ilO.0O. 8.00. Eggs, firm; fresh, 18c. I WHISKY-Steadv at 31.80. ,, IRON COTTON TIES-Steady at 81.05. ji.v suniv uu.ii.iuu mAun.c.1, I BAGGING Steady at 0 ikSUWkO, H f. .M t' 'IWimU. SC. PRfivIRinNS Pork, lower: lobblnr. old tsaotatloaa , of the Day oa Varlons 818.62: new. 819 02. Lard, higher but nominal i I mt 111 1411 Drv miklt mMti. it.dv ti I wpu,nw, I trniiv: boxed extra shorts, til: clear rlba. NEW TORK. July 14. FLOUR Re- I SU 12V; short clear. 811.60. Bacon, steady to ceipts, ii, mt bbl.; exports. reamer was steady, wun OATS Lower: No. i cash, nominal: track, 68ii6c; July, 87Hc; September, Slftc; iso, white, 2o. RYE Steadv at 67c. FLOUR Gulet: old red winter patents. d extra lancy ana siraigni. n.3mc S.4(; new or eacn, nominally UKBiac per du less: clear, SEED Timothy, new to arrive, August M-(u4.40; spot, S5.004j3.36; prime worth more. CORNMHAL Steady at S3 10. BRAN Strong; sacked, east track. 85 87c. HAY Timothy, stronger, iiz.uu ta.wi winter stralghu, 83.70185; winter patents, f.1 9o4i4.10; Minneapolis patents, S4:u04j4.15: Minneapolis bakers, SJ.lUo3.36; winter low grades, w.kosjj. jb; winter extras, S3.15!fitL25. lit ye flour, quiet; fair to good, 33. 26 a J 46; Vholce to fancy. S3.66ifr3.70. ' CO RNMEAL Steady; yellow western. ei.M, cii. nranuywine, fj.f.i't'S-oo. RYE Firmer: No. 1 western. fti.Vo f n b.. afloat: state. 63di4o. c L f.. New York. Wheat, bu carlots. I Corn, bu BARLET Nominal. . WHEAT Rece its. 84.950 bu.: exnnrta ".971 bu. 8iot. firm: No. 1 red, 79c. ele- .vaior; no. t iw, ipnt'neiue, r. o. o., afloat B6N0 bbls : strong; boxed lots, extra snorts, 811S7H ii.k. .....i.: I ribs. Ill: short clear. 8U.37H. -. " .V a I 1 1. I.. " IIK11M Jtir,lAlAuru, i rou . "IT U , w. Spelter, steady at POULTRY Firm: chickens. 10c: springs 14Cfil5c; turkey lie; ducks, 7c; geese, 4Voo, butter steady; creamery, iinac dairy. 17fl 19c. EIHM-UlWCr 140. lOSS Oil. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 7,000 1000 23I.UUO 4&.OUU 29.0u0 I8.O11O 22.000 Oats, bu. 10.0UO oMoD87ffc .WVi Rhou.'hnl.i?arl0Sr aW.Ko,rt bm.a.f,rt!tr Zi ih-V."L"..L" ..-?vjlp.d a N&V?Stemrrr B?: December. 49M Kansas City Grata and Provlsloaa. KANSAS CITY, July 14 WHEAT Sep- , no. ; 6!ka70c fieavtness 4t undertone that lasted all day, Selling moflvea existed in lower cablea. favorable crop news, a visible sunnlv in. (crease, larger Interior receipts and bearish CORN September, 63c; December. 49Uc cash, No. 3 mixed, t7'67Hc; No. 8 white. 69c; No. 8. OATS No. 1 white, 4950o. RYE No. 3. 66c. HAY Choice timothy, new, 810 (KVJMO.BO; local seat I men t, closed Sc higher on July, 'tWt-Umbn'UMJA Choloepralrte. new. S9.6of9.10; old. 87.0. COK.N Kecelpts, IS. 660 bu. Bpot, firmer; Ko. 3. 72Ho elevstor and 73o f. o. b.. afloat. 18o. y: fi sas stock, ltc dos., loss off, cases returned. Receipts. Shipments Wheat, bu 10.40 . 63.00 Corn, bu 7.Su0 4,su0 ZS.tAJO i.OuO (jption marxet openea nrm on a suueeie of July and September shorts, after which late months weakened under heavy car- 1 . I . . - . W , wheat decline. July closed le higher and I ua Closed 71V.c; September. 64'e4iiAc, closed I - Ui.r Thv.mhtr ctmA M ( 1 I U'PDDVIT. T,,lu u TJLTW if But OATS Receipts, W7.40O bu. Spot, easy I firm; No. 1 northern, spring, s 4d: futures', n white: No. t 66c: No. 8, 8i,c; No. 3 I quiet; July, nominal; September, is 3d; De- western, b&ib'ic; track, mlxe.1, wexem, I9(riac; track, white, state, at3c. Option market was generally weak and lower.' fol lowing favorable crop weather conditions. HAY Firm; shipping, a&ATOc; good to Ch-'loe. t697o. HOPS Firm; state, prime to cholee, 1901 crop, 19VtVsc; 1900, 1V; olds, 6otc; tata, conuuoa to gouU, I9ui crop, Uu-ic; , cember. es 3Vd, CORN Spot. American mixed, firm. 6s futures, dull; September, Is td; October ss z'a. PROVISIONS Beef, firm: extra Indli mess, 10is. Pork, firm; prime mess west ern, . i. uami, strong; snort cut, it t It lbs.. us. Bacon. Strong: Cumberlan cut. 26 to 80 lbs.. 6m td; short ribs. It to 30 lbs., strong, 6m; lung dear middles, light. 28 to 84 lbs., strong, 80s: long clear middles. neavy, o to 40 ids., strong, ten; snort clear backs. It to 20 lbs., strong, a; rlesr bel lies, 14 to 16 lbs., strong, 62a. Shoulders, square cut, 11 to 13 lbs., strong, 4xs. l.ard. trong; prime western, in uerces, strong, 7s 3d: American refined. In calls, strong. 66s. CHEESE Steady: American finest white. 7s td; American finest colored, 4 td. TALLOW Prime. city, stesrty. ZBs d: Australian, In London, dull, 33s 3d. flock St. iouis isncy. winter, nrm. ta d. HOPS At London (Fscino coast), nrm. Mj6 10s. butter Nominal. PEAS Canadian, steady, Id. The Imports of wheat into Liverpool last week were 42.700 quarters from Atlantic ports, 88,000 from and 1,000 from others. The Imports of corn from Atlantic, porta last week were 1,300 quarters. Toledo Grain and Seed. TOLEDO. July 14. WHEAT Dull, easier: cssh. 76V o; July, 76c; September, 7514c; De cember, ?6e. CORN Fslrly active, firm; cssh, 66oj July, 6Sc: September, 61c; December, 46c. OATS Dull, easier; cssh, 49c; July, 4:lc; September. 2yc; new July, 48c; new Sep- temoeriszitc. SEED clover, dull, easy: cash. 85.0$. nominal; October, 86.10; August, Alslke, .4b. Philadelphia Prodnee Market. PHILADELPHIA. July 14. BUTTER Steady; extra western creamery, 22c; extra nearby prints, 23c. EGGS Ho lower; fresh nearby, 19e, loss off; fresh western, 19Hc, loss off; fresh soutnwestern, 19c, loss on; iresn suutnern. itfiKc, loss on. . ' U L L'U L L'..l.a, VnW ..11 ma .maIi imiimr xrA. Vnw .il creams, fair to good, iVs'lOc Visible Supply of Grala. NEW YORK. Julv 14. The visible suddIv of grain Saturday, July 12, as complied by the New York Produce exchange, is as follows: Wheat, 19,808,000 bu.; increase, 68,000 bu. Corn, 6,836,000 bu.; decresse, 78,Ouo bu. Oats. 1 320,000 bu.: decrease, liil.OOO bu. Rye, 2&8.0O0 bu. : decrease, 67,000 bu. Barley, 120,000 bu.; decrease, 73,000 bu. Minneapolis Wheat, Floor and Bran. MINNEAPOLIS. July 14 WHEAT July. 77c; September, "oc; on track. No. 1 hard, 80c; No. 1 northern. 77c; No. 8 northern, 74c. FLOUR First patents. I3.ff4.05: second patents. S3.75G3.S5; first clears. " 33.0041 3. 10; second clears, S2.6O2.60. BRAN in bulk, S14.O014.75. Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Julv 14. WHEAT 76Hi'g'77Vrc; September, foe.' R i K steady; wo. l, 6c. BARLEY Unchanged; sample, 70H3714c. CORN September, 60He. Elgin Batter Market. ELGIN. III.. July 14. BUTTER There were no offerings of butter on the Board of Trade today, and no sales. The com mittee announced a firm market at 21c, the same as last week. The sales of the week were 815,500 pounds. Peoria Market. PEORIA. Ill- Julr 14. CORN Steady: No. 8. 64HC OATS Steady: No. 1 white. 52Uo. billed through. WHISKY 81.30 for finished goods. Dalath Grala narket VTTT .TTTW T..t m tx'tttt' a T XT ' t,. cash, 78c;' No. 2 northern, 74Hc; No. i northern ana July, 7bftc; September, 72.0. OA i 3iro, HEW YORK STOCKS AND BOJTDS. Bpecnlatlvo Taetloa to Boost Prleea la bat Partially Successful. NEW YORK. July 14.-The speculative operators In favor of hlaher trlces for stocks took hold of the market with re newed vigor today, centering their cam paign In St. Paul. That stock has always been peculiarly effective as a leader owing to Its representative character amongst tne western trunk lines ana to tne large floating supply in the market. Its notable rise today, therefore, bad some sympa- meiio eneci on slocks or us own ciass. The mass of securities, however, re mained singularly unresponsive to the ag gressive strength of St. Paul and even sagged In spots from torpid demand. From early market the effect of the St. Paul movement was Interfered with bv the ob vious profit-taking going on In Missouri Pacific, and the suspicion thus aroused that tne St. faui manipulation was expressly designed to facilitate this profit-taking. There were also weak spots amongst the Industrials. The declines from Satur day's level reached a point in Missouri Pa- cine, sugar ana Amalgamated. Atchison resDOnded earlv to the St. Paul rise and followed It closely throughout the day, but It was not until late that Union Pacific, and still later when Southern Pacific came Into the movement. The St. Louis Southwestern stocks and Illinois central were also con spicuous. A reference to the day's sales list will show that the stock above specified made up the principal portion of the day's mar- xei. as eacn biock was successively brought forward into the movement the buying took on large proportions. Blocks of from 1.000 to 6.000 shares were dealt In freely In all of the Issues. The weak stocks generally recovered ana ciosea unchanged or at slight losses. An effort was made to advance the Read ings, but It wss not pursued. Much was made in connection with the advance of talk of prospects snd no account was taken of the signs of strength In the grain mar kets, based on reports of more unwelcome rains In the southwest. The grain markets are not considered a reliable barometer of actual cro conditions, owing to the dls turbanco oi abnormal conditions by spec ulation. It must be considered also that the sneo ulatlve mind Is much confused In following tne statistical recuncaiion in tne govern ment's crop acreage figures in the attempt a ..... Ih. A w4i.llirl .Ap.n.a..t'. figures to the census returns. The favorable bank statement on 8atur day was urged as evidence of easing con' dltlons of the money market, but monev rates were not appreciably easier here today and foreign exchange advanced a fraction again. Tnere was a deposit of SlOO.OiO at the subtreasury for telegraphic transfer to New Orleans and New York exchange at Chicago remained at 25 per cent aiKuuni. j iin mantel liumu easier. wun tne grangers at in. op level. The bond market was more Irregular even than stocks and was without conspicuous feature. Total sales, par value, 84.247,000. United States refunding zs declined U and the 8s and old and new 4s 44 per cent on cell today. The following are the closing prices on the New xorK biock exchange: Atchison ?l do pM .lS So pra iw'4 so. ncino M4 Baltimore a unw.. so. naiiway i do pM - 4 do p(d f'A Canadian Pacific ....114 T.xai Fertile 43H were Irregular. Americans rallied, rrlces closed firm. Kaffirs were more cheerful owing to the belief that the worst diffi culties were known. BERLIN, July 14. Exchanges en Lon don, 20m 4Spfgs for checks. IHscount rates, short and three months' bills, 1H per cent. Business on the bourse today was quiet and prices were somewhat firmer on the easy money, the more satis factory sttltude of mines In London and the advance In the price of bar and rolled iron. New York Meaty Market. NEW YORK Jnl 14 MONETOn rail. steady at 2VW4 ner cent: closlngvbld and asked. 26 24 and t per cent. oit.KL.iiNU kachanue nrm. witn ac tual business in bankers' bills at 34.8714 for demand and S4.85H for sixty days; posted rates, 84.86ff4 84 and S4.884S4.89; commer. ciei diiis, M-Myt.". SILVER Bar, 62'c; Mexican dollars, 41Tc. BONDS Government, weak; state, Inac tive; railroad. Irregular. i ne c:osing quotations on oonos are as follows: do coupon do ta, rg do coupon .... Atrh. ffn. 4... do adj. 4s.... O. 4s do ilta do conr. 4a... Canada 8o. ta.. of O. ta...... do lat inc.... C. A O. 44s... C. A A. toa... li. tt a. n. u. M. A 8. P. s. 4a. 113V T.. SL L. A W. 4s.. M N. W. e. 7a....U4AiVnlon Faclno 4s 104T4 C . R. I. A P. 4a. ...110 I do conr. 4s lfttSk C C C A ft L i. 4a..l02Uj Wl"l 1 U1 Chicago Tor. 4a n do 11 Colo. A Bo. 4a M do deb. B T ..lOllfclWett Shore 4a 114 . .. Wheel. ALB. 4a.. SS . mv-Wla. Central 4a. 7 D. A R. O. 4a Erla prior lion 4s do general 4a. Morklns Val. Va....l Coo. Tob. 4s.. F. W. A D. C. la. ..Ill 1 London Stock Market. LONDON, July 14.- Conaola (or raonoy... M do account Anaconda Atchlaon , do pfd.......... Baltimore A Ohio Canadian Pacific. hraaneaia A Ohio, Chicago O. W , M. A Ft. P.... Denver A R. O.... do Dfd Erls do lat pfd do Id Dfd Illinola Central 1-ouIjtIUo A Naah....l44H'panlab 4a mnaouri, a. at t. . i7Kna atinea , do pfd s iDeBwrs (df.) , Now York Central. ..Ill I BAR BILVER-Steady at 24 7-164 once. MONEY Der cent. The rate of discount In the open market, for short bills Is 3 1-tiialV, per cent and for three-months' bills M per cent. Boatoa Block Quetatloas. BOSTON. July 14. Call loans. tm per cent: time loans. per cent. Official closing of stocks and bonds: Atchlaon 4s lot lAnalgamatad t Oaa la M 'Vnltod Copper H Max. Central 4a 11 Blnfham 114 Atchlaon W Cal. A HacU... ...... 170 do pfd 101 Boatoa A Albany. ...10 Bot on A Mo tot Boaton Elevated ....144 N. T.. N. H. A H...I3I Fltchbura pfd 145 Max. Central it Amer. Sugar ..... do pro Amer. T. A T.... Dom. I. A 8 Own era I Electrte Maaa. Electric ... do pfd B O A C.... United Pruii .... U. 8. Steel.. do pfd Adventure Allouea Canada Southern , Chea. A Oblo , Chicago A Altos. do pfd Chlcsso. I. A ao pro Chicago A B. I. Chicago A OI. W do lai rta do M pfd. Chlcaao A N. C . R. I. A F. Chicago T. A T SO A N. W.Z...B4 .. 1 ,T.. St. L. A W t" .. 4t jVnloa Peclfio 107' .. tS do pfd 3i .. 7(4.Wabaah o .. T I do pfd 4t .. ST W. A h. B 12 ..Ke'il do Id pfd I4 .. WVWla. Central .. afl-m1 ao pia w . 4T Adam Express 1M 111 ...1M do pfd C. C C. A St. L....10 Colo. Southern do let pfd do M pfd Del. A tiudaon... Del.. U A W ... Denver A II. 0-. do pfd Erie do lat aid do td pfd OI. Nor. pfd Hocking Valley .. do pfd Illinola Central ,. Iowa Central ..... sfd L. B. A W do pfd Louie. A Naah.... Manhattan L Met. St. Rv Mex. Central .... Max. National ... Minn. A St. L ... Mo. Pad Be M.. K. A T do pfd N. J. Central N. Y. Central.... Nor. A Weot do pfd Ontario A W Pennarlvaals Reading do lat pfd do Id pfd It. LAI P.... do let pfd da Id pfd st. u s w do pfd St. Paul ... I!4 ,,. 4 ...176 ,..!M ,.. 4JH ... SI Adama Expreea Amer. Expreaa I'. S. Einreaa 114 Wella-Pargo Ex too Amal. Copper IS Amer. C. A P 12 oo pro bu Amor. Lin. Oil I do pfd tl Amer. S. A R ; 4A eo pro srv. dO pfd 7V4 Ana. Mln. Co 17 l',,Brk. Rap. Tr t IS Colo. P. A I 1 (l4:Con. Oaa Il:i . Ul, J OD. piO .1X1 Ceneral Electric Ill Hocking Coal Il Int'n'l Paper tns do pfd Ttvi mi n i rower ........ 11 Laclede Oaa at National Blarnlt 474i ieuonai lmq xi No American 124 Pacific Coaet tl Paclne Mall 40 Vi reopie a uaa 1U1 freaaed Steel Car.... 47 ao pcu 04 Pullman Pal. Car 141 Republic Steel 11 ...1 ... U ... SO ...16"4 ... t ... M ... 14 ...IK ...140 ...1S1 ...14?, ... !' ... U ...111V, ...lll ... r ... u ...114 ... n ... SI ... 11 ...1MW ... 44. ... Its ... TOtt, ... s ... MS ... Tl ... ... 70 do pfd Tlu Ruaar Tenn. C. A I MS U B. A P. Co., do pfd U g. Leather...... do pfd U g. Rubber do pfd O 8. Bteol da pfd .......... Weetera Vaion ... Amer. Locomotive K. C. Southern..,. Ullai do pfd at 13 14 a , 14 Foreign Plnaaelal. LONDON. July 11 Gold premium are Quoted at Buenos Ayres at. 130.S0: Madrin 86.86. Money was much wanted in the market today for repayments to the .Bank of Engiana. llacounts were fairly ateady, Business on the Btocs, exchange was ex tremely quiet snd features were scarce Two small failures did not disturb th letharsy. Consols were firm, notwlth standU'g Cie cabinet changes. Uome rails . S. rf. ta, rg....107tIL. A N. anl. 4a.... do coupon 1071 Mex. Central 4a..., do ta, rcg lf do la Inc do coupon :..104Vk!Mlnn. A St. L 4s M., K. a T. a... do la N. T. Central Is.., do gen. im N. J. C g. ta , No. Paella 4s. do la do new 4a, res 1'4 do coupon ....114 do old 4a, reg lot ..lot lot 16 104 101 . J . 11V .lfH .104 . srH .101 H .104 .ill .104 . Vi . MH'N. A W. eon. 4.. . .1014 .1014, Reading gen. 4a n . H Bt. UAL M. e. 6X..117 .lotv, tit. l. a s. r. 4s.... rr .lot ist. L. B. W. Is Mtt .101 do la M . t 8. A. A A. P. 4a.... M .10H4 So. Pacific 4a tl . 1.1 Bo. Railway ta 1114 tS'A Texaa a Y. la lit ... ... t7i ...IOISi ...110 .llXVIj .. 70 .. MVi, I p. m. Ooslng: Norfolk A W extern. do pfd. Ontario A Westarn.. Pennerlvanls Reading do lit pfd do td pfd t01 j&outhem Railway.., it oo pia UlLjlSouthem Pacific Union Pacific NVl do sfd I7 United State Steal, ao pta Vibuh do pfd . . t4 . II . Tt . 14 . 41V . 14 . V . . t .lot . tl . 40 . I . to . 4V. .tOVi per Centennial ., Coppor Rang .M, Dominion Coal ., Franklin lile Rorsl ..... Mobawk , Old Dominion ... 117 OacMla lit Parrot , 15 Qulncy , 66 nantn r copper., .114 . IV . 17 41-14 .lit . 19 Tamarack Trtroountsls .... Trinity United States Utah Victoria . . ... ... HWlnona HivYorrr!n aDalr West ...... .... IT ... tl ...114 ... 10 ... list ... 41 ... 10 ... M ... 15 ...lMt, ... 144 ...17S 11 ... It. ... It ... 5 ... 4 ... t .. 84 How York Mlnlac tinotatlona. NEW YORK. July 14. The following are me closing prices on mining siocks Adams Con Alice 40 Breeee et Brunawlck Con 4 Comatock Tunnel 8 Con. Cal. A Va...,..llt Deadwood Terra lot Horn Sliver .1MY Iron Silver vN Leadvlll Coa I Little Chief 11 Ontario ...,.......atO Ophtr ............M...H0 Phoenix Potoat It 8awg ........ .. ...... 8 81rra Nevada 84 Small Hopes 4S Standnrd 8M OMAIIA LIVE STOCK MARKET Choio 0ttl Isld Eteadj, int Mdinm Oradei tf Cows Much Lower. HOGS SOLD A BIG NICKEL LOWER Liberal Reeelpte of Sheer, bat Good tasf Cosantaaded 8trsg Prices, While Common Staff Was Call Lasabs Sold Steady. SOUTH OMAHA, July 11 Recelnts were: Cattle. Hon Sheen. Official Monday 2. Ml S.3"0 Same day last week 1.6-'7 i.Mi 8.37 Came eek before i.. 1,127 4.567 s.fhl Bame three weeks ago... 1.337 8,374 8.t6 Bame four weeka ago.... 3.U.S 4,169 8.671 Bame day last year 8.147 .W 2,514 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shown the receluts oi cattle, hogs and sheep at boutn omatia for tne year to date, ana comparisbiis with last ear: 1902. 1901. Inc. Dec. Cattle 8ee,M7 8&,b01 2l,2 Hogs l,4KI,tH7 1.2.X.o.S lU.laS Bhecp 6s,a4 oJb.Ui 77,748 in loliowlng taoie shows the average price ot bogs soia on tne South Omaha inaraet the last several uays, with com parisons with lormer years; June 18. June 1. June 18. J tin IB June 24). June 21. June 28. June 2X. June 24. June to. June 28. June 28. June 28. June 80. July. 1.. July 2.. Juiy Jul Julv July Julv Jury July' Julv Juiy 11. Julv 12. July 13. July 14. . Bank Clearings. OMAHA. July 14. Bank' clearings. 81.093.. 856.74; corresponding day last year, l,lo4, 670.76; decrease, 871,214.01. sr. 1AJUI3. juiy it. u lean n re. is.rjo.743 balances. 8W5.119: money, steady. b& Der cent; New York exchange, 60c discount, NEW TORK, July 14. Clearings, 1131, 6fl6,- 0&o; Daiances, ta.isu.oii. BALTIMORE, July 14. Clearings, 83.855,. 234; balances, 8667,087; money, 4Vfc per cent. P I, I I . I I k 1 v., I. hi v 1. I Imarlnrrm 813.666,960; balances, 82,632,769; money, Ha-i per cent. BOSTON, July 14. Clearings, 817,724.100; Daiances, si, 040,004. CHICAGO, July 14. Clearings, 126,028,258 balances. 82,566,133: posted exehange. . 34.81 for sixty days, 34.S8V on demand; New York exchange at Dir. uiisiwllMNATi, o., juiy it. Clearings. 85.- sui.tuu. jtioney, at iut per cenu xnew lora exenange, at par. Condition of the Treaenry. WASHINGTON. July 14. Today's atate. ment of the treasury balances in the gen eral fund, exclusive of the 8160,000,000 gold reserve in the division of redemption, shows: Available cash balances, 8200,276,488; goiu, tiuo, 49, 010. ' Cotton Market. NEW YORK. July 14. COTTON Futures opened quiet; July, 8.68c; August, 8.47c; Sep- lemDer, b.uwc: uctooer, t.suc; rxovemoer and December, 7.79c: January. February and March, 781c. Spot, quiet; middling up lands, 916-16c; middling gulf, 8 8-I60; no saies. Cotton futures closed dull; July, 8.70c; August, 8.47c; September, 8.07o; October, 7.S8c ; November, December and January, . r.t.M. r va. A. . !. n na OAL.VEHTOJM, July 14. COTTON Firm at 8 6-16c. ST. LOUI8. July 14. COTTON Quiet ; fi -1. AMA MMlnla TO bales; shipments, 461 bales; stock, 18,401 bales. LIVERPOOL July 14.-COTTON 8oot In fair demand; prices steady: American mid dling, 6 l-16d. The sales of the day were 10,000 bales, of which 1.900 were for specu lation and export and Included 8,400 Ameri can. Receipts, none. Futures opened quiet ana ciosea near montns nrm, aistani montha easy; American middling, g. o. c, July, 4 57-64d, buyers; July and August, 4 66-644 66-64d, sellers; August and Beptem ber, 4 47-64f4 4S-64d. value; September and October, 4 33-64d. sellers; October and No vember. 4 26-64d. sellers; November and December, 4 21-64(g4 22-64d, sellers; Decem ber and January, 4 19-64'S4 24-64d, buyers; February and March, 4 18-64i&4 19-64d, valus; March and April. 4 18-64d. buyers. NEW ORLEANS, July 14. COTTON Futures, quiet: July, 8.9fV?7vi.)i6c; August, 8.62''a.63c; Beptember, 8.'a8.07c; October, 8.73 art. 74c: November. 8. 638. 64c; December. 8.6368.64c; January, 8.638.e4c. Market steady; sales, 1,360 balea; ordinary, 7 9-16c good ordinary. 81-16c; low middling S8-16c middling, c; good 'middling. 9 6-16c; mid dling fair, 8 11-lbc; receipts, 718 bales; stock. 82,182 Dales. Wool Market. LONDON. July 14. WOOL The offerings at the wool auction sales todsy amounted to 13.053 balea. The attendance was large and competition was DrisK. coarse eross breds were difficult to sell and prices de clined tulO per cent. Merinos were main tained and sold quickly. Cape of Oood Hope and Natal were firm and America bought a few merinos and fine medium rross-breds at full rates. Following sre the sales In detail: New South Wales. 1,300 bales; scoured, td'als 6Vtd; greasy, 31 Id tjueensiana. s Dales: scoured, (afJlaiKl reasv. 44ffllUd. Victoria. 1.900 alea scoured. 4dfi Is 8d: greasy. South Australia. 9"0 balea: scoured. 41 re ls6d; greasy, 8dS'ls Hd. Tssmsnla, 200 bales; gressy, VuM-id. New Zealand, 7.100 fiaies; scoured, 4oissa; greasy, l(t(t s Id. Cape of Oood Hope and Natal, 8u0 bales; scoureo, is ld'ais 4i ; greasy, smkl. BT. LOUIS. July 14. WOOL Flrmlv held medium grades and combing, 14j1Sc; light nne. l-iQioic; neavy line, ioijc; tub wasnea, uxas- 1 Evaporated Apples and Dried Pralta. NEW YORK. July 14. EVAPORATED APPLES In light Supply and the market la nrm. with a hardening tendency. Common to good are quoted at 8iluc; prime. 10ht& loe; cnoice. iiqnur; fancy, iiwrrutc. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prunes sre In fair Jobbing demand and consider able extKirt business Is reported. All sradea are Included In the unchanged price range of aVntiHa Futures are Inclined to stiffen and ars quoted around 2h,c, t. o. b., the cost on ine lour-eise oasis. j ner is a moderate buy Ins Interest noted In snot sprlc&ts. The fruit In boxes Is held at It, t(14c and In bags at 10Vj12c. Peaches are quiet but steady at recent figures. Peeled pearhes are quoted at from Uo to lie and uapeeiea at irom to to tufto. Date. I 1902. ;1901.100.1899.1$9S.1897.1S9. 8. 6.. 6.. 7.. 8.. '.. 10. T 24! I 7 2 8 83 7 Si -9 7 83HI 7 i 7 4', e ti I s 7 49 1 7 t I 8 93 7 i S Dl 7 61HI 6 931 7 021 6 91 I bbl t 87, I o 7 84V.I t 89 7 64H 8 S3, v ta 1 6 74 . I ee . 7 84V,f S 73 7 754, 7 B 83 I WVxl ft 8J, 7 83Hi 7 "Sr, 7 77 Hi 7 22fc 6 861 6 92 6 96 6 861 toil i U 941 4 93 1 8 00 V" 17f 6 10 ft 03 i 11 4 9 8 01 4 92 8 01 fi 081 t 16 8 U 6 13 6 13 6 04 8 02 8 13 fi 08 2 2 8 nil I t 71 8 69 8 so 2 t 3 62 I 8 63 2 1 8 66 8 6 3 bel 8 U ; 3 78 8 7S 3 83 3 811 8(86 t 3 96i 4 04 4 031 4 05 3 90 3 Ml 8 Ui 3 801 3 8i 3 72 3 72 8 bl 1 69, I 8 62, 3 63 2 d 2 66 3 611 8 61 8 22 8 It 3 Ul 8 08 2 21) 8 10 8 loi 3 vi 2 98 I16 8 21 I Ot 3 U 3 06 3 2t OD 3 23 3 2 3 3 2 97 1 2 96 8 taj 3 241 3 24 3 18 2 18 2 21 2 94 2 2 96 2 ! 3 80 x ftci 3 66 8 28 2 97 3 l 1 mi 1 781 8 35 2 96 3 70i 3 73i 3 82 8 77 8 28 3 18 2 14 3 16 2 87 2 94 2 97 8 00 Indicates Sunday. Indicates holiday. SATURDAY'S SHIPMENTS. Thai following table shows the number of cars of feeders shipped to the country Baturday and their destination: , Cars. A. Waller. Dunbar. Neb. M. P 2 A. J. Allen, Dickinson. N. D. I. C 2 The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs, bheep. H'r'S. C. M. eV St P. Ry.. 6 4 .. .. O. A St. L. Ry 1 1 U. P. system 24 24 2 C. N. W. Ry 4 7 .. .. F.. E. ft M. V. K R. 29 C, SC P.. M. & O. Ry 8 2 B. tc At. tu ity i , e C. B. As Q. Ry 3 .. .. K. C. BL J 2 C, R. I. A P.. east.. 2 8 .. 1 Illinois Central 4 Total receipts 106 48 89 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the number of head Indicated. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co. Swift and Company. Cudahy Packing Co. Armour & Co O. H. Hammond Co. R. Becker at Degan . Vansant & Co Carey At Benton Lobman at co. .. Huston fc Co. .. Livingstone & Schaller.. Hamilton A Rothschild.. L. F. Huhs B. F. Hobblck Wolf ex Murnan Other buyers 144 786 412 236 "'49 2 165 300 48 91 120 117 7 86 180 156 725 1,060 919 641 3.848 1,26 1.O03 1.400 Totals 2,742 3,390 8,123 CATTLE There was a fair run of cattle here today, but the quality was far from being choice. A good proportion of the offerings consisted of stock cattle, so that the number 01 lat cattle on sale was not larsre. There were only a lew beer, steers on saie and none at all that could be called choice. as will be seen from the sales below, rack ers seemed to want good cattle, and the better gradea commanded fully steady prices. When It came to the medium grades and part fat stuff the market was slow and no more than steady. Crasser In particular sold rather unevenly and buy ers seemed Inclined to let such kinds alone. A very uneven cow market was ex perienced today with the general tender. cy OI prices aownwaro on an Kinds. 1 ne good dry lot stuff was, of course, affected but llttie. and. In fact, could be quoted about steady. The less desirable grades of dry lot cows, tnougn, were a little lower In most cases, and when It came to the grass cows the market was undoubtedly lower In the great majority ot cases. Owing to the unevennesa of the trade some sales looked about steady, while In other cases sellers thought they sod out 10ft 20c lower than last week. It took pretty good grass cows to bring 83.25 this morning, and a good many cows went u tne scales at 83.00 that had a good deal of kill In them It Is very evident that packers are bent on Dounding the cow market, and commis sion men are telling their shippers to look out how they buy grass stun. The better grades of bulls, veal calves and stags snowed very little change today, but common scuff was dull. Thtre were a good many atockers and feeders here today and buyers took ad- vantna-e. of the opportunity to pound the market a little. As compared with the close ot last week prices today were lOcMbc lower or 2bo lower tnan tne nign time last week. The greateat decline was on the common stuff and light weight stuff, but still even the heavy cattle In most cases were a little lower, representative saies: BEEF STEERS. No. At. Pr. No. At. Tr. J 110 4 M 1 im 8 40 I HO 4 tt 1 1320 8 Tt 4 114T 4 6 II 121,1 0 11 1117 4 t 1 1116 1 It 1 1J0I 4 M 44 1111 ( M 1 1000 I tt tt HIST 10 4 I 15 tT M 4 IS tl 10M 8 44 It 1J74 t 46 STEERS AND BTAQS. 84...' 100 too aao t tt COWS. 1 , TOO 1 00 4 ; 170 8 16 1 10 I 00 II 774 1 16 t 840 1 15 It 123 I 10 t 820 I 16 1 1026 1 26 t 710 t 16 4 816 I 16 I tlO I 40 1 140 I 16 I tOO 1 40 1 826 I 26 7 1014 1 40 1 840 I 16 t 740 I 60 1 1010 t 26 1 lfoO t M 4 IM lli I IW IH 1 1020 t 26 I I0 i 60 t 7SS I 16 II I7T 4 0 1 8V6 I 26 14 Ml lit I KI IW 1 t80 8 60 1 S70 I li 1 840 t 60 1 44 I 26 t t6 i It H 67 I 16 T til I Tf I n. 826 I 40 t Ut I Tl 11 887 t 40 1 t Tl It lOut t 40 8 IM 111 I I4J I 66 1 M0 HI H 104 I 40 10 , Ki IIS 10 ,.. fr I 40 1... 1060 1 SO 1 K06 I 40 4 826 t 10 t S;',0 I 40 T til I 86 11 5I I 10 1 110 I 86 14 811 1 id 1 740 I 86 1 1141 I T6 It 128 I St 1 1240 I T6 1 111 t M 10 Ml I 80 II MT I 10 4 867 4 00 1 140 t 00 4 10.(1 4 (10 1 10J0 t OS 1 1340 4 10 4 8H 8 00 II iiJt 4 20 1 1040 I 0 10 840 4 10 I Mi IM tl long 4 15 t 100 I 00 4 1160 4 16 t 1011 I 00 1 H-4 4 40 1 84 I M II 1024 4 40 4 160 I 10 t 180 4 60 1 MO I 10 II 1010 4 40 IT tot I 10 I imb 4 to 1 100 I 10 7 luoo 4 80 IT M 111 1 1210 I 16 T IOuT I 10 3 jtl 6 2 IB IM I U 8... 8... I... 4... 3... COWS AND HEIFERS , MO 8 41 HEIFERS. TlO I 86 I .-. 70 , IU I tt I TlO . 120 I 00 8 fU , 741 8 00 BULLS, I tf 1 to 4 uo M IH 1 1140 I tl 144 I T 1 ltM) I U 12M I M I nao I M 1164 10 l.y. 1210 t 40 180 I M 1 1228 I M M I II 1 Io20 I M 116 16 1 10K4 4 11 llli I 26 1 1620 4 60 1400 I tt 1 14.0 4 6 Ul t tt 1 17M t tt lfcio 1 tt 1 , ituo t 2 IS 111 CALVES. UT V 86 STAGS. ' 1x6 I tt 1 1420 I M ill I 00 1 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. II I 4 t 130 1 st Ill t M 1 6M I 41 M IH I 2 f 1 1044 8 10 11 141 I It 1 6l I 60 1 iai I M I o I fio 8 lu I to 1 406 t 43 STOCK CALVES. 1 ttn 4 on STOC KERS AND FEEDERS. 1 61 I 71 1 870 4 00 1 170 1 ej 1 i- 4 00 t 440 t IS tt 86 X 00 10 I It It 7"1 4 4 I I 60 II Til 4 I 1 4'ifl I 64 41 Ill 4 l I I 60 II 1:1 i I 1 ! I 60 I lliu 4 n 14 44 I 64 41 844 4 & 18 M I II 1 80 4 26 10 !M I 76 I M IH 1 8 I Tl 18 14 4 J I K4 t 76 1 111 4 M 40 KI IN 10 H IK 1 1"71 I M IT 8il 4 M 1 1? '0 I 80 14 1011 4 86 11 1M I 80 1 810 4 86 1 475 I 80 tl 717 4 u IT T4I I 84 1 876 4 IS 15 Ill I 80 tl 8l 4 44 16 846 4 00 1 Bu e 10 146 4 00 T 81 4 64 1 740 4 00 II HI IU 11 810 4 04 1 1010 I 00 1 1024 4 00 tl 101 I 04 NEBRASKA. 1 row 100 2 So 4 tVeders.. v I 88 1 cow N Ifl 4 feeders.. 707 3 75 Scows 6o 2 75 11 feeders.. 6"W 4 00 1 cow 60 3 6 heifers... (X I 1 cow 6'l 3 20 1 heifer.... 610 3 25 6 cows 78 8 20 3 cows 724 8 20 1 cow lft-K) 8 3 cows 1140 3 85 1 cow mm 8 00 11 cows 1060 2 95 1 cow 770 2 85 8 cows 838 3 85 6 cows 8!H) 2 85 1 cow 9.10 3 00 2 cows 8S5 2 35 2 cows 1W5 4 15 1 cow 1120 4 15 8 cows R78 8 00 1 calf 370 , 4 00 2 heifers... 865 3 26 1 steer 1230 4 50 H. IA Racev Wviv 13 strs. Tex Wl 4 10 cows f 9 78 2 strs. Tex 9(H) 4 10 1 cow. 7S 2 75 21 cows 7wt 2 85 calves... 221 2 V (calves... 126 6 00 3 calves... lb& 150 William Oanftrrl Wvo. 15 bulls..... 1520 3 40 2 bulls 840 t C5 HOUR There fair Mnnrlav'a run of hogs here today snd as other points were quoted lower prices eased off here a trifle. The market opened rather alow and a big nicnei lower tnan tne close or mt week. The quality was nothing extra, which nouotiess had something? to do with the downward tendency of prices. Trading was not vtry active at any time, but still the bulk was die posed of In fairly good season. Along toward the close there was a little more etdence of activity and If anvthlng the market was a little firmer. The hulk of the good wciaht hoas sold from 17.75 to j'.cv nu me medium weignxs rrom ei.iv to ti.o. tne light weight sturr was slow rale. as usual, and went from $7.70 down. Rep resentative sales: , No. At. Sh. Pr. No. At. 8h. Pr. 76 Ill 124 7 44 7 121 120 7 74 44 1SS 2o0 T 62't 12 140 t Tl4) 18 60 7 66 68 1237 120 7 72(4 2 H'l ... 1 46 64 241 10 T T2i T4 Ill 80 1 46 14 171 140 7 72 6 2t ... 7 65 17 22 80 7 7214 6 !" ... 7 IS 71 234 t 7 7214 74 187 40 7 46 74 S40 ,.. T 76 78 204 160 7 tm 10 2SI 120 T 76 .124 120 7 70 tt MS 40 7 76 67 231 ... 7 75 14 2S1 240 1 It 41. ...,...!! UO T 71 101 226 ... 7 71 II 141 80 7 75 ' 22 ... 7 76 17 161 80 7 77(4 II 261 ... 7 80 IS 174 M 7 16 82 161 120 7 86 41 80S ... 7 86 tS lot 120 7 85 60 284 SO 7 10 41 till ... 7 10 SHEEP There wss a 1 1 hen I run nf sheep here today, but none too many to meet me requirements of the local trade. Packers all seemed to he snxloua for irood Stuff, and as a result the better trades of sheep and yearlings sold freely at strong prices. A bunch of yearlings sold as high as, and a Dunch ot mixed yearlings and 2-year-olds brought 83.80. ine aemano tor spring lambs dd not seem to oe quite as good as Tor shep and prices could not be quoted any more than steady. A bunch of pretty stood stuff sold as high as 85.70. It was noticeable that the common grades of both sheen and lambs were rather neglected, and the best that could be said of such kinds Is that they sold about steady. The demand for feeders was nulte liberal this morning and sellers had little difficulty In disposing of anything good at steady prices. quotations for clipped stock: ttnnrl to choice yearlings, 33.S0iJj3.85; fair to good, 83.2663.60; good to choice wethers, 83.35ii3.60; fair to good wethers, t3.liiXy3.3j; good to choice ewes, 32.7613.26; fair to good ewes, 32.OOr32.76: good to choice spring lambs, 85.75 4)6.00;' fair to good spring lambs, 85.00ia5.76; feeder wethers 32.76(tT3.10; feeder yearlings, 83.00tgP3.26; feeder lambs, $2.50(93.75; feeder ewes, 1.252.00. Representative sales: No. Av. Pr. m Utah ewea 88 1 88 198 Idaho ewes 97 8 00 2S3 western ewes 101 8 00 550 western "Wethers 108 2 25 632 western wethers 88 3 25 Utah wethers 93 8 75 648 Idaho wethers 98 (80 279 Idaho yearlings 92 3 6 356 Utah lambs 61 5 00 6 cull ewes 1h) 2 0 21 cull e? es 91 2 60 55 Utah (.I'es 102 3 00 4 Idaho ewes 87 3 00 48 Idaho ewes 108 8 0' 1 Idaho ewe ino 8 00 122 Idaho ewes..... 110 3 15 44 Idaho ewes 114 3 20 250 Idaho ewes and wethers HI 8 20 206 Idaho ewea and wethera..... 98 3 20 127 cull lambs 54 3 50 2 Idaho wethera 65 8 SO 18 Idaho wethers 97 $ CO 88 Idaho wethers 88 3 00 43 Utah wethers ins 8 60 155 Idaho yearlings 83 3 75 62 Idaho cull lambs 57 4 00 80 Idaho cull lambs 61 4 00 34 Idaho cull lambs 62 4 00 343 Utah lambs 64 6 60 860 Utah lambs 66 6 80 18 Utah lambs 63 5 65 359 Idaho lambs 61 5 70 2-'8 Wyoming cull ewes 86 1 '.C 160 Wyoming ewes 90 2 75 2 I tan ducks f5 Z 75 S3 Wyoming wethers 61 8 10 207 Wyoming wethers 73 3 10 233 Utah ewes 112 8 10 214 Wyoming wethers 90 3 25 125 Idaho cull lambs 56 3 60 8 Idaho wethers 80 I 60 5 Utah wethers 76 3 75 198 Utah wethers 96 3 73 611 Idaho lambs 61 S 60 0 141 160 7 70 74 238 ... 7 70 It 238 M 7 70 64 ...227 SO 7 70 T4 ...171 80 7 70 6. 241 60 1 70 71 138 ... 7 70 71 221 40 1 70 74 t22 120 7 70 II 141 100 1 70 71 221 120 7 70 62 131 10 T 70 tl 221 ... 7 70 41 Ill 14 7 70 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattle Steady to Strong Hogs Lawyer nd Sheep Hlglier. nrrriinn 7 , . tj rii'TTriii.-ni.ui. 19,000 head. Including 2,5u0 Texans and 100 westerns: best steady to strong: others slow; good to prime steers. $7.75i8.70; poor to medium, 4.7bB'o; stockers and feederB, $2.504j5.26; cows. $1.40o5.75; heifers, $2.frV( 6.50; canners. $1.402.40; bulls, $2.5fVn5.50; calves $2 50ri6.60; Texas fed steers. ll.CXKa 6.76; western feeders, $4.35. HOGS Receipts, 31,000 head; tomorrow, IS.OfiO (estimated): left over. 6.000. Market 6Til0c lower and slow; mixed and butcher. $7.257.80; good to choice heavy, $7.75W8.10; rough heavy, $7.2577.60; light, $.90S'7.TO; bulk (if salea, $7.6Wi7.95. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 20,000 head; sheep, strong to 10c higher; lambs, slrong; good to choice wethers, $3.6ift4 26; fair to choice mixed, $2.6fii3.25: western sheep, $2.5K'n3.50; native lambs, $2.60ig6.65. Omctal Saturday: Receipts. Shipments. Cattle 717 l('l Hogs 11.ZN7 1,018 Sheep ' 1,354 238 Kansas City Lire Slock Market. KANSAS CITY, July 14 CATTLE Re ceipts, 1.250 natives. 10,000 Texans 1,M0 Texas calves, 1i0 native calvesi beef cat tle, steady to 10c lower: cows and heifers, steady; quarantine, 10i25o lower; choice export and dresxed beef steers, $4.00jS.25; fair to good, $5.2oft7.35; Blockers and feed ers, $3.0wCr(6.25; western fed steers, $i.Mx3l 6 00; Texas and Indian steers, $2.505 25; Texa cows. $1.40?i3.0O; native cows $1 2V(ji 5 25; native heifers. 83.15lft5.25; canners, $1.4J (&2.60; bulls. $2.50'a4.70; stockers and feed ers. $2.0iyfj6.25. HOGS Receipts, 2.750 head Market weak to c lower; nothing rholce here; top, $H.024; bulk of sales, 17.75-a7.i6: heavy, $7 90 4i802H; mixed packers. tT.Sc'&S.OSH; light. $7 55ft7.S5; Yorkers, $7.75lQ7.l5; pigs. $7350 7.46. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, it head. Market strong to 10c higher; lambs, steady; native lambs. $4.4fyi625; western lambs, $4.luiiil.70; native wethers, $4.1" l.8: western wethers. $3.2501.45: fed ewes, $3 30 ri4.2o; Texas clipped yearlings. f3.40ift4 00; Texas clipped sheep, $3.00(1.35; stockers and feeders, $2.003.00. Bt. Joseph Lly Slock Market. ST. JOSEPH. July It CATTLE Re ceipts, 223 head; best natives stcadv; others KfglSc lower: natlvea. $3.7i8nO; cows and heifers, $2 256 35: vealx $3.i5W $00; bulla and slags, $2.25u6.00; stockers and feeder. $2 iiuS.36. HOGS Receipts, $.040 hsad. Market 19 10c lower; light and mixed, $7.75'(i7.l6: me dium and heavy, $7.7MjS.G6; pigs, JI.2ii87.S5; bulk. $7 KS7.95. BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, l.!5 head. Market steady to strong. St. Loads Live Stock Market. UT. LOUIB. July 14. CATTLE Receipts. 8.60 head. Including 7.50 Texans. Market dull and steady to lower; native shipping and export steers. $6 5t'cr7.75. with extra choice, $ ' 80: dressed beef and butchers' steers, 1.25ii7.&0; steers under 1,000 lbs.. Oil aad Rosla. OIL CITY, July 14.-OIL-Credlt balance. 81.22; certificates, no bid; shipments, 110,818 bbls.; average, 67,598 bbls.; runs, 171,663 bbls.: average. 80,889 bbls. SAVANNAH, Oa., July 14 OIL Turpen tine, dull. Roaln, firm; A, B. C. D, E, $1.20; F, O, $1.30; I, $2.06; K, $2.65; M, $3.06; N. $3.40; VO, $3.45: WW. $3.60. TOLEDO, July 14 -OlL-North Lima, 89c; South Lima and Indiana, 84c. NEW YORK, July 14.-OIL-Cottonseed, Setroleum and rosin steady. Turpentine, ull, 47H?T48c. LONDON. July 14.-OIL Calcutta linseed, spot, 60s 2d. Linseed. 3os. Petroleum spirits. 33s4Vid. Sugar Market. NEW YORK. July 14.-SUGAR-Raw. steady; fair refining, 213-16c; centrifugal, 96 test, 3 6-15c; molasses sugar, 2c Re fined, steady. LONDON, July 14. SUGAR Beet, July. 6sliv4d. NEW YORK, July 14. SUOAR-Strong; open kettle, 2(33 3-16c: open kettle, cen trifugal, 3?i3Ve; centrifugal yellow, 8Vi 4Mc; seconds. 13'4C. Molasses, dull; cen trifugal, 643 15c. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK, July 14. DRY GOODS There has been more business doing today than of late In a general way, but the mar ket Is still quiet In all cotton divisions. Prices are without change. Wide print cloths have a steadier appearance, but narrow goods continue dull. New lines of spring underwear opened at about last season's prices. MUST KEEr1 HIS C0NTRAC7 Court Decides Against George L. Woolsey 1st Distilling Litigation. NEW YORK, July 14. In the suit of th Standard Distilling snd Distributing com pany against George L. Woolsey,' the Ham mond Distilling company and the Manhattan Trust company Judge Lacombe in the United States district court today signed an order restraining Woolsey from engaging in the distilling business within 1,200 miles ol Chicago and directing him to sell all his stock In the Hammond Distilling company. Woolsey was the principal owner of the Interstate Distilling company in Indiana at the time the Standard Distilling snd Dls- lelKntlnv unmninv was t rr A n A Ua anM his stock therein to the so-called trust, en tering Into an agreement at the same tlma not to engage in the distilling business within 1.200 miles of Chicago for a stipu lated period of years. The plaintiff claimed that the recently formed Hammond Distilling company la owned and controlled by Woolsey, In viola tion of his agreement, and they asked that he be restrained from further connection with tt and be compelled to dispose of his Interest In It. WORLD'S FAIR LITIGATION Management at Bt. Lools Endeavors to Secnre Property by Con demnation Process. ST. PAUL, Minn., July 14. The contest over the Tesson property In St. Louis, which the Louisiana Purchase Exposition company seeks to secure by condemnation proceedings, came up today before Judge Walter1 H. Sanborn in the United States cir cuit court In this city, the owners applying for an injunction restraining tbe commis sion from condemning tbo property. The case originally came up before Judge Adams in the circuit court at Bt. Louis. Judge Adams la a district Judge, but was sitting In the circuit court at tbe time. He granted a temporary injunction until tbs case could be taken before a circuit court Judge and hence It was set for bearing be fore Judge Sanborn. James L. Blair, F. W. Lehman and Judge Sedden appeared on behalf ot tbs exposition company, while the argument on behalf of the petition for In junction was presented by Attorneys O. A. Klnklenberg and James P. Danson. The ex position company desires to utilize the ground for some of tbe French buildings snd the famous French gardens. THIS REALTY MARKET. INSTRUMENTS placed on record Monday, July 14: Warranty Deeds. ' A. E. Keaton and wife to W. L. Ross, w 32 feet lots 1 and 4, block 47, Florence $ 450 Mary F. Bourke et al to Christ Lan- den, lot 2, bloca 11, Hi. V. Bmltfl S add J.700 Jeannette J. Walter to O. H. Byas, lot 5. Lindsay s 2d add 1,250 Atlantic r.raliy association to F. J. Evers, lot 3. Knox's subdlv 800 L. 8. Reed and wife to Jennie P. Coakley, lot 1, block 4, Alamo Plata (relilel 1,350 8. D. Wlrlck and wife to South Omaha Loan and Building association, lot 4, ' block 147, South Omaha 1 A, L. Sutton and wife to J. J. Night ingale, s 30 feet lot L block 10, let ter s sdd 350 Portsmouth Savings bank to Emma Walter, part tax lot 42. In 10-15-13... 1,400 J. O. Bryson, Jr., and wife to Mary B. Keith, undlvH of w 44 feet lot 3,. block 151. Omaha J South Omaha Land company et al to Agnes J. Hulsman. lot I, block 6, Spring Lake park add 700 4alt Claim Deeds. O. A. Zetterqulst and wlfs to C. W. Zctterqulat, w 22 feet of n 160 feet lot 4. and e 21 H feet of n 160 feet lot 6, block (. Park Place 1 C. W. Zetterqulst to Q. A. Zetterqulst, e 43 feet of w 65 feet of n 160 feet lot 4. block 6, Park Place 1 Total amount of' transfers J,80i