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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1902)
THE OMAHA DAILY IJEEt TUESDAY, JULY 35, 1002. TRACY IS NOT A SEBRASKAS Tiki Kan from This But Hu Bmi in Linooln During Oregonian's Retirement EXCISE BOARD TO HELP OUT VISITORS Froaosee . to Allow Llacola Baleens t Keep Opea Late Wkra Coa. v . Veatlons Meet la t1 -t'fc i Capital Cllr. f.'IT (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Julr 14. 8peclal.) Th Im pression has become general during the last few day that Harry Tracy, the Ore gon outlaw and escaped criminal, la the Tracy who served four terms in the Ne braska penttentlarr snd has a state-wide reputation for lawlessness. The Oregon Oregon desperado Is described aa a half breed Mexican. The Nebraska, Tracy Is known aa a half-breed Indian.' In color nd height the descriptions of the two men agree perfectly. The records at the penitentiary, how ever, disclose Information which disproves the supposed Identification. Harry Tracy, the murderer, was arrested In Oregon in 1899, and so far as can be learned here was In custody until he broke out of the peni tentiary at Salem a short time ago. The Tracy known here waa at liberty during the year 1899, but served time subse quently In the Nebraska penitentiary. Thla fact makes It certain that the Nebrsska convict is not the man who has been mur dering, stealing and Invading homes and property In Oregon and Washington. C. E. Kent of this city aaw Tracy make his wild race In a steam launch through Puget Bound. Mr. Kent was Ashing from a small boat near the shore when the team craft came along at a terrific speed. "The boat was having a race without competition," said he, "and was evidently going at topmost speed. I could see five men on the deck, one of them standing in the bow and pointing a revolver at the others. The boat panned not twenty yards from us. After we got back to Seattle we were told that Track had escaped through the sound. He held up the crew In South bay and forced It to take him to Seattle. He waa not pursued through the sound, but waa determined to make the best time possible." Accommodation, ta Conventions. The excise board of this city, which has Jurisdiction over the sale of Intoxicating liquors. Is considering a proposition which, If adopted, will make It possible for sa loons to keep open after the usual closing time whenever there are conventions or large gatherings of people In the city. The matter was discussed Informally this morn ing and tomorrow will likely come up for conelderatlon In a formal way. The proposition Is submitted by Excise man Woods, who would have the rules of the board amended to provide that no sa loon shall be open between 11:30 p. m. and t-.SO a. m.. "unless special permission be given by the board." The Introduction of this amendment Is prompted by a complaint recently filed against the Ltndell hotel, In which It waa alleged, aa grounds for the revocation of the hotel's license, that the saloon In the establishment was kept open after the le gal closing time on the night of a conven tion. It transpired tn the meeting this morning that two members Of the board personally Informed the proprietors of the hotel that they might keep their place open a little later than uaual on that night. This action was entirely informal on the part of the members of the board and la contended by lawyers for the complainant to. be noxesfor the proprietors' viola tion of the board's rule. The excise board also has under consid eration the Question of whether or not the municipal corporation is or can be held liable for damages to property by reason of the creation or existence or tne reser vatlon" in the western end of the town Complaints have been made by property wn.r. .nil the city attorney baa been asked for an opinion. Total of Llaeola Assessment. Tax Commissioner Altken this afternoon Died with City Clerk Pratt the grand total of taxable property In the city, the sum aggregating $21,289,681. Of this amount the real estate figures up to $1,1B5.685, the personal property Is assessed at 15.033, 49. and railroads and telegraphs at $101, 147. In the city 6,350 persona are liable for poll tax. Tonight the estimates from the various departments were referred to the finance committee by the council. It la thouabt by some members that nine, mills will turn enough of revenue during the present year owing to the condition of the Judgment fund. Last year It was ten mills. but there was a big levy for Judgments. Borne are In favor of a sinking fund, how ver, and if this Idea Is adopted the levy may be ten mills. At the latter figure the revenue to the city would be something Ilk $211.t8. Candidate Gets la Cheaply, x J. N. Lyman of Adams county, fusion nominee for atate treasurer, has filed an affidavit In the secretary of state's office. In accordance with the corrupt practices act, certifying that he expended no money In securing the nomination. Clarence T. Johnaon of Cheyenne, Wyo., Irrigation expert for the United States De partment of Agriculture, conferred with - State Engineer Robson today regarding the measurements now being taken In the varl ous streams of the stale. Hs asserted that bis visit had nothing whatever to do with the work to be done under the Irrigation bill recently passed by, congress. Another expert, from the department at Washing ton, will come to Nebraska within the next few days to make an Inspection prepare tory to that work. Acting Governor Steele this morning hon ored a requisition for James Nugent, now under arrest In Omaha and wanted In Crej ton, la., for trial on the charge of bank robbery. He was arrested several daya ago on Information furnished by the Iowa au thorltlea. Articles of Incorporation of these new Institutions have been recorded: The Bank of Commerce, Lincoln: capital stock, ISO, 000; Incorporators, Morris Well Martin I. Altken and Stephen L. Celathardt The Bank of Trumbull, Trumbull, Clay will CURS any cas of Stomach Trouble Chronio Dyspepsia er Indigestion, Bo matter how se vere th.c... mav bs. Itgoestothe rootot theeviL. Handrsdsofchroo lo dyspeptics who have tufleted tor year have been romplstFlv cared by tiAV'S DYoPEPSiA CUKH.. . ..StrM with Hm.fcu eft.. uft , ... I uk . vww Car. m4 ... m. . wall mltor, LM.feUle THUS, a ttUa. S.U, laiae, 6sd4 to IBANK MAU, Mlmlatll tot fna buoalet SIX Bontr Cor sale bv Snorman i alcConncll Lru Co., corner 16th and Dodge Si., Omaha. evaa waning aniuitia county; rapltal stork. $S,000; Incorpora tors, W. T. Glover, Theodore O. Wheeler. The Collett Stat bank. Col let t; cspttal stock. l.i.000; Incorporators. W. B. Collett and M. R. Collett. The Northwestern Annuity Life associa tion, Omaha; Incorporator. George L Loom Is, L. Channell, Charles Hagedorn, W. E. Wilson. T. J. Wilson, C. W. Pollard. The T. J. Chew, Jr., Inveatment company, St. Joseph. Mo.; Incorporators, T. J. Chew, William Wyeth, Louis C. Burnes, Charles P. Mathleson, Grant Pea body, Hustoa Wyeth. Th Oliver Typewriter company, an Illi nois corporation which has been licensed under the Nebraska laws, bas filed amend ed articles providing for an Increase In Its capital stock of from $200,000 to $300,000. UNION STATION AT FREMONT Contemplated fetraetar Will Be Made Itealltr ky lalea Paclfle and fClknora Roads. FREMONT, Neb., July 14. (Special.) President Burt of the Union Paclfle wss In town today consulting with th city officials In regard to th closing of F, D and C streets for the purpose of obtaining suffi cient ground for the new union station. He said that as soon aa this was done work would at once commence. The two rail road companies, Elkhora and Union Paclflo, Intend to purchase the fractional block between the tracks of the two roads now owned by L. P. Larson, Fred Wets and Frank Hanlon and a strip of land east of Main street, owned by E. P. Anderson. The Healey ft Murray fence, factory Is situated on land owned by the Elkhorn nd will also be removed. The new sta tion will be a one-story brick, facing Main treet, with covered walks between the tracks on tfce north and south aides. These n the north side which will be used by the Elkhorn will be nearly 700 feet In length. The main track of the Union Paclflo will be moved a considerable distance north from their present location, and those on the Elkhorn a little south. A new freight depot will be built by the Union Paclfle which will be north of the present structure with a platform extend ing nearly across of the present line of F street. A portion of the space now occu pied by the Larson, Wels and Manlon build ings will be laid out as a railroad park. The Union Pacific also agree to lay out a a street a strip of land between Broad and Main streets on the south line of their right of way forty feet In width for the benefit of those owning property on south F street. Saturday several Union Paclfle surveyors were in town measuring lines for track and laying out the sit of the statfcm, and Mr. Burt state they are ready to commence work at once. The station will cost 176, 004 and will contain all the modern con veniences. It will be finished this fall. The city council pasaed the ordinance closing F, D and Q streets this evening under uspenslon of the rules, all present voting yes. The ordinance closes F street from First to the south line of the Union Pa- Iflc right of way, and D and C street from the north line of the Elkhorn right of way to the south line of the Union Pa clflo right-of-way and provides for the opening of a new street south of the Union Paclflo right-of-way between Broad and Main street. A protest against closing street, signed by twenty-five business men, was filed, but received no considera tion by th council. FARMER ENDS LIFE ABRUPTLY Israel Mead Broods Over Family Trouble aad leeks Re lief fa Death. WOOD RIVER. Neb., July 14. (Special Telegram.) Israel Mead, a highly re spected farmer living thre mile south of Wood River, committed ulclde early this morning by swallowing two ounce of car- bollo acid. The cauae of hi act waa wor rying over family troubles. He and his wife having parted two month ago, ha lived on hi farm with hi two boys, George and Charles, aged 14 and IS year. When the boy arose this morning their rather was not to be found, but upon the kitchen table was found a letter addressed to a neighbor, and In the letter he stated that he waa tired of living without his wife and as she would not live with him he had decided to end hi existence. He also stated where hi - body would be found. Neighbor were called and the body wa found In an outhouse. Dr. Dyde was immediately called, but be had been dead several hours. Coroner Roeder wa notified and came on the noon train, but after viewing the remain decided that an inquest was un necessary. Last spring, upon complaint of his wife, he was taken before the Board of Insanity, bdt after a hearing was discharged. Since that time .be and his wife have been llv lng apart. Th deceased was 48 year bid and wa th owner of 160 acre of good land. RIVER MAY CHANGE COURSE Little Blao Cats New Channel at Hebron and Mar Uav Mill Hlft-h aad Dry. ' HEBRON. Neb., July 14. (Special.) The water In the flooded district ara gradually receding. A short distance up the Little Blue river another stream has branched out. The two stream travel parallel for one-halt mile, the dlatance between them being approxi mately ,100 yards. They again unit Just outside the city. The waters in the new channel are pro ceeding at an exceedingly rapid rate, and It Is feared that the bed of the old stream, on which the Weatherald Brother' flour mill is located, will be abandoned If the new stream Is not soon turned Into the old channel. The mill Is atlll surrounded by water and the only mean of entry to it is by boat. There bav been no trains in here on the Rock Island road since th heavy rain set In. Yesterday afternoon a work train came in from Falrbury, bringing 100 workmen to repair the roads and bridge between her and Deshler. Work of repairing the county bridge bas begun. The fore usually employed at this work bas been doubled. JEWELRY STORE RANSACKED Looted, by Robbers at Wood Hirer, - Who Escape with Their -Booty. WOOD RIVER. Neb.. July 14. (Special Telegram.) The Jewelry store of 8. A. Sherrerd of this city wa entered by burglar last night and llv watches, thre gold rings and a dosen men's watch chains taken. Ths goods were valued at $60. Entrance was gained by cutting out a panel in the back door and removing th bars which fastened ths door. From the manner of gaining entrance the conclusion la reached that the work waa don by par tie familiar with th premiss. Th Lin coin bloodhounds have been ent tor and an attempt will be made t trace th guilty partlea. Kaaeka Oat City Ordinance. FALLS CITY. Neb.. July 14. (Special.) Edwta S. Towl aled a petition In the dla trict court asking that a permanent la- Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys Unhealthy Kidneys Kake tapnre Rlood. All th blood In your body passe through your kidneys once every thre minutes. 1 he kidneys are your blood purifier, they fil ter out th wast or impurities In th blood. If they are sick or out of order, they fall to do their work. Pains, aches and rheu matism com from ex cess of uric acid tn th blood, du to nerlected kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady heart beats, and make on feel as though they had heart troubled because th heart is over-working In pumping thick, kidney poisoned blood through veins and arteries. It used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science prqves that nearly all constitutional disease have their begin ning In kidney trouble. If you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidney. Th mild and th extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer' Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy I soon realized. It stands the highest for It wonderful cures of the most distressing case and Is sold on Its merits by all druggists In fifty cent and one-dollar siz es. You may have a sample bottle by mall m Horn of Swame-Rees. free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out If you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer tt Co., Blnghamton, N. Y. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Blngham ton, N. Y., on every bottle. Junction be granted restraining the mayor and city council from Interfering with re pairs be Is about to make on a frame build leg occupied by a livery stable. Under ordinance No. 181 no one can lawfully re pair any frame building within the fire lim its, and it la this ordinance that Mr. Towle desire to have set aside. The case waa heard before Judge 8tutle tn this city Sat urday morning, and the court decided In favor of Mr. Towle and against ths city. The ordinance prohibiting the repair of frame building within th fir limit bas heretofore been In force. MOWER DOES DEADLY WORK Machine Operated Near Ashland Cats Off Child' Foot, Resaltla tn Death. ASHLAND, Neb., July 14. (Special.) Ada Newaham, the 8-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Newsham, living ten miles west of Ashland, was playing In the grass near her home last Thursday morn Ing when her father, who was running a mowing machine, failed to see her in time and ran over her, nearly cutting off her right foot. She was a delicate, nervous child and the shock to her system resulted In heart failure, her death occurring Sunday morn lng. STORMS SWEEP BEAVER CITY Severo Wind Assumes Natare of Tor- a ado. Destroying; Barn aad Ontbnlldlnars. BEAVER CITT, Neb., July 14. (Special Telegram.) An electrlo storm passed over this section last night, after which there was a wave of intense beat, followed by severe wind north of town. The storm was In the nature of a tornado. The farm bouse of J. H. Lum waa moved from It foundation and barn and outbuilding were destroyed. A freak of the wind wa the cutting of a pathway through a large hay stack, leaving both end standing. Prlaotpal of Schools Reslsms. SIDNEY, Neb.. July- 14. (Special Tele gram.) The newly elected Board of Edu cation met tonight and reorganised and elected Leroy Martin aecretary of the board. Prof. Leonard B. Cary tendered hi resignation as principal of the high school. thus leaving a vacancy, and the secretary was Instructed to correspond with , the state superintendent and other prominent educators in regard to securing another principal for the ensuing year. The ques tion of refunding the $8,000 school bonds waa discussed, and upon motion the sec retary was Instructed to call in the bonds and issue new ones. There ia also a va cancy m th assistant prlnclpalsblp to be filled. Lutherans Lay Cornerstone. OAKLAND, Neb., July . 14. (Special.) The cornerstone of St. John's German. Lutheran church, tour miles northeast of this city, was laid Sunday, In th presence of a large gathering. Rev. J. P. Kuehnert the local paator, preached a sermon In the German language and Rev. Uhachleger of Weat Potnt In th English. This church will be on of th finest structures In northeastern Nebraska and will cost about $10,000. It Is being built to replace the structure destroyed by fire about nine months ago.' This church Is located in probably one of the richest German com munities of the state. Fasloalsts Lean Toward Robinson. COLUMBUS. Neb., July 14. (Special Tel egram.) Less than a dosen delegates have arrived tonight tor the fusion congres slonal convention tomorrow. John S. Rob lnson came in this evening. Among the other notable arrivals are Judge Hollen beck of Fremont, Daniel J. Koentgsteln of Norfolk and A. A. Plummer of Burt county, The Indications so far obtainable point to the nomination of Robinson by acclama tlon In the democratic convention and pop ullat indorsement without much hesitation Odd Fellows aad Rebekabs Install TECUMSEH, Neb., July 14. (Special.) A Joint Installation of officer waa held by the local lodgea of Odd . Fellow and Re bekaha, Friday night. The installing offl cer for the first named order wa District Grand Master E. C. Hedrlck. and he . was assisted by Acting Grand Marshal W. K Taylor. For the last named order District Deputy President Mr. .Ellen Beaver was the Installing officer, and Grand' Marshal Mr. Joseph Glasson asslstsd her. Crops Near Hebron Devastated. rtEBRON, Neb., July 14. (Special.) A great deal of the farm lands bearing wheat and oats that were submerged by the over flow will prove a total loss to the farm era. A vast amount of grain that cannot be cut sow lies on the ground, while some In th shock has been so badly damaged that It can only be used as food for the stock. Hundreds of acres of potatoes and other vegetables are completely ruined. Falls City School Census. FALLS CITY. Neb., July 14. (Special.) The school censue Just completed show that Falls City school district No. S( has 1.004 children of school sge. Number males between T and 14 years of sge, 241 females, $24; number males between and 21 years of age, 487; females, $17. Injured While Playing Cirrus. FREMONT. Neb.. July 14 (Special.) Leslie Parks, a U-yeer-old son 4t Ashley Parks ad this city, wa thrown off bis orse this morning sod sustained sever In juries to hi head and bark. Young Parka ha a ambition to become a clrcua rider and was practicing some of hi trick on the back of hie pony whU driving a herd of cow. Th pony collided at fulf speed with cow and th boy was thrown some dis tance. He waa unconscious for some time and It is feared hi brain 1 Injured. Johaaoa Farmers Will Plcale. TECUMSEH. Neb., July 14. (Special.) The farmer of Johnson county are making rrangements to bold an old-fashioned baaket picnic in ,Cook' grove, tn Tecum- seh, July 8!. The 8tat Horticultural so ciety will hold Its summer meeting her July 29 and 30, and the local friends of horticulture take the picnic as a means of entertainment to the many guests who will probably be here. The plcnlo will be a big on for th county ha been organised by precinct a committee to take th matter In band. Threshing la York County. YORK, Neb., July 14. (Special.) York county farmers have Juat finished harvest ing another large bumper crop of winter wheat and threshing machines are now threshing a part of this year's crop. On Saturday wheat was threshed off the Cha pin place, north of town. It wss only an average crop and the yield was forty bushels per acre of ss fine wheat as was ver produced in York county. Bararlars Mak Good Haul. NEBRASKA CITY, Neb., July 14. (Spe cial.) Burglar entered the hardware store of Cardwell ft Leldlgh Saturday night and mad away with a dosen and a half of fancy raxors, two dozen pocket knives and five 82-caliber revolvers, together with am munition. Th entire haul Is valued at about $75. Th thieves left no traces and th police are working on the case. Hall and Rala at Humboldt. HUMBOLDT, Neb., July 14. (Special.) An inch of rain fell during last night tn this section and wa accompanied by a bril liant electrical display and a scattering of hall. The latter came In quantities too small to do much damage to crops or gar dens, however. Farmers hereabout are hopeful of yet caving much of th email grain If the rain slacks up. Thieves Make Haal at Plattsmouth. PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., July 18. (Spe lal.) Mr. Sarah TIdd, wlio runs the Bur lington bouse near the Burlington shops, reported to Marshal Phillips that two men entered ber bouse last night and secured $110. She describes the intruder a on being large and the other small, but the officer bav thus far failed to find any trace of them. Severe Storm Near Ung Pine. tiwn pikib vh Julv 14. fSnectal Tel- gram.) Word was received thla morning by telephone oi a ternno winasiorm si T.m-a nmwn's ranch thtrtv miles, south of here, last nlgbt. The wind, which was aecompanled by ball, tore part oi tne root from the bouse and moved outbuildings long distance. No on wa Injured. Interstate Chsotavqsa at Salem. FALLS CITY, Neb., July 14. (Special.) The Salem Interstate Chautauqua will bold the eighth session at Salem, from August 9 to 17 Inclusive. An array of talent has been procured and the assembly, this year promises to be the best ever held there. Rev. Lincoln McConnell Is superintendent and H. E. Boyd, aecretary. Crop Condition Improves. TABLE ROCK. Neb., July 14. (Special.) Crop prospect are greatly Improved in thla locality. Th wheat ba been "set out" to dry, and threshing will soon be gin. The screage of loss oa the low lands, however, la considerable. The outlook for corn, potatoes and bay la' magnificent. Union Old Settlers Will Picnic. UNION, Neb., July 14. (Special.) The fourteenth annual reunion and celebration of the old settlers will be held here Au gust 16 and K. An extensive program ba been prepared and rate secured on the Missouri Pacific railroad. Resume Work la Cornfields. GENEVA, Neb., July 14. (Special.) The rain bas apparently let up at last and farmers are beginning to get into their cornfields. If rnu have no anoetlte for your meal something Is wrong with your digestion, liver or bowels. Prickly Ash Bitters cleanses and strengthens the stomach, purifies the bowels and creates appetite, vigor and cheerfulness. ' GRETNA GIRL'S MAD DEED Lea Rohmer Jumps la Front of Trala at Denver aad Loses Both Lca;s. DENVER, July -14. Lena Rohwer, aged 22 years, of Gretna, Neb., Jumped In front of a Union Pacific train at tee union sta tion here today, evidently with the inten tion of committing suicide. Both ber legs were cut off and she will die. Miss Rohwer was enroute to Glenwood Springs for her health and bad Just alighted from a train from the eaat. GRETNA. Neb., July 14. (Special Tele gramsLena Rohwer, a German girl, 23 years of age, also lived with her parents on a farm near Gretna. She had a brother in the asylum at Lincoln a few years ago and in brooding over this lost her own mind and Imagined she wss -going to kill someone or herself. They decided to tak her to a brother at Glenwood Springs, Colo., thinking a change of scenery and climate would benefit her. W. S. Raker atarted with ber yesterday. Her family are highly respected people of this vicinity. Politicians at Race Meet. DAVID CITT. Neb.. July 14. (Special.) The Butler county fair and race meeting commences here tomorrow and the out look Is good for a successful meeting of the racing circuit. Twenty-five horses were on the ground last week and a spe cial train of fifty horsea came In from Tekamah yesterday and about twenty-five will arrive today and tomorrow. In all about 100 standard-bred horses will be en tered. Thursday and Friday are political days. Thursday Hon. E. H. Hlnshaw. re publican nominee for congress, will speak, and Friday Hon. J. H. Mickey, republican nominee for governor, will speak. Hon. W. H. Thompson, fusion nominee for gov ernor, and Congressman Stark have prom ised to be present if possible. IV.,' The are J as. Boss cm Watch Gaccs ate lueacsiasa ss tbs suodetd by all Iswstsra, Tber srs Identical wlia solid fo!4 cases la eppeanoe aa elsa, sC Bach lower Is erto. tmSm foot ecP so caeeeeld to be "Juat ss V Jf aoo "aata Suae. Look for toe Kestaoe O Craos-aaark. Bens tut sooklsL ( y- IseartaWalsCaMCoaanI.tlaeJaka ' BOER PRISONERS LAND HERE Stop at New York tn 8teamer Pretoria En route from Bsrmuda, IMPORTANT PERSONAGES IN THE PARTY Ar Golnac Homo to Build Their Burned Homes aad Restore Thlasfs to Their Old Maadla a Soon as Possible. NEW TORY, July 14. Among the passen gers who srrtved today by the steamer Pretoria from Bermuda were 10S Boer pris oners from Bermuda. The Boers were clad In th same suits they wore In South Africa. ' Twenty-one of them had been of ficers. Among the most prominent of the officers were General J. B. Wessels, Peter F. Steyn, a brother of President Steyn; J. De Vllller's, late attorney general of the Free State, and Joubert Relts, a son of the free state secretary. Nona of the officer would talk about the way they had been treated by the British In Bermuda. "We are going home as quickly as pos sible," said General Wessels, "and if there waa a boat going to South Africa tomor row we would, take It. We will try to build our burned houses and restore thlag to their old standing. I shall Join my wife and family at Pretoria. None of them hajre been captured, although my sons served all through the war and were both wounded. We first beard of peace June 2, but very few believed it true. I fought for twenty-one month and was captured Just one year before my release " The youngest member of the crowd was 12-year-old M. J. Dewet, cousin, be says, of the general. He is accompanied by his brother, P. S. Dewet, 21 years old. Both boys were captured September 18, 1901, near Klmberley, while serving under Com mandant Jacobs. The boys hnd been ex cited by the reports of the Boers successes In the field and ran away from home, serving In the field for seven months be fore they were captured. James L. Malloy of Boston and Michael Halley of Nevada, American cltlsens, ar rived with the Boers. Malloy said he had gone to South Africa from America with a Red Cross ambulance corps and then Joined the Boers. After he was captured and sent to Bermuda he made strenuous efforts to be released,' but only succeeded in getting a letter to United States Consul Green a few weeks ago. Commandant Peter Ferreira of the Orange Free State said there are now about 4,600 Boer prisoners tn the lsjand of Bermuda. Two hundred of these are cape rebels. As most of them have no money for their pas sage home they will have to wait until a British' transport arrive. Some of the re leased privates having complained of the treatment accorded them. Commandant Fcrrerla said be did not think officer or privates had much to complain of, adding that It waa certain that the English cared for them better than the Boer could bav dona for the English. LIVE STOCK MEN IFSESSION First Annual Convention Is Betas; Held fa Denver and tho Attendaaee I Good. DENVER, Colo.. July 14. The National convention of livestock agent met here to day In tnelr first annual convention with fifty delegates present. "Thla meeting Is largely of an Informal nature," said Presl dent W. P. Galbreath of Fort Worth, today, "but we will do considerable routine busi ness in our two days', session. We want to discuss various matters relating to th livestock men and the railroad oompanles, and we are desirous of perfecting some gen eral and uniform scheme of doing our busi ness." John W. Springer, president of the Na ttonal Livestock association addressed the convention this afternoon. FORECAST 0FJTHE WEATHER Fair and Warmer Is the Promise for Cora Belt Tuesday aad Wednesday. WASHINGTON, July 14. Forecast: For Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, North and South Dakota Fair and warmer Tuesday and Wednesday. For Illinois Fair Tuesday; cooler in north portion. Wednesday fair; fresh north to northeast winds along the lake. Local Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU, OMAHA, July 14. Official record of tem perature and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the last three years: Maximum temperature Minimum temperature Mean temperature Precipitation ....j 1902. 1901. 1900. 1899. . 90 - 101 91 S3 ,65-80 74 K8 ,78 90 83 75 , .06 .00 .00 .00 Record of temperature and precipitation at umana lor tnis aay ana since March l Normal temperature "9 Denciency for the day i Total excess since March 1 183 Normal precipitation 15 Inch Deficiency for the day 09 Inch Total rainfall since March 1 16.2$ Inches Deficiency since March 1 67 Inch Deficiency for cor. period, 1901.... 1.64 inches Deficiency for cor. period, 11KX).... t. 34 Inches Reports from Stations at T P. s)(0 v it 3S CONDITION OF THE WEATHER. : ci 5.1 Omaha, clear Valentine, clear North Platte, clear Cheyenne, cloudy Salt Lake City, clear Bapld City, partly cloudy Huron, clear ,. WllliBton, clear '.. Chicago, clear St. Louis, clear St. Paul, clear Davenport, clear KaiiBan City, clear Havre, partly cloudy Helena, cloudy Hismarck, clear , Galveston, clear 90 90 .00 KM 92 6 88: 82 88 941 96 84 88; 84 9o 86 86 9: KO 86 86l 861 841 86 T indicates trace of precipitation. L. A. WE LRU. Local Forecast Official. WATCH PROTECTION J as. Boas Stiffened Gold Watch Ca aa Improvemsut on solid sold mi Tost ars stronger and won't bend or dent Mads of two layers of gold, with a layer of stiffening metal between, weidsd tog ether Into one solid sheet, lbs outside layer contains more sold than can be worn oil a ease In 96 years, the time for Which a Jaa. itoss Cas Is guaranteed. VjaiiiWiP' A JUDGE'S Wife iii --II...-, We would caution all people against accepting substitute for Ferun. Insist upon having Peruna. There Is no other Internal remedy for catarrh that will take the place of Peruna. Allow no on to per suade you to th contrary. If you do not derive prompt and atls- factory result from th use of Peruna, rite at one to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your esse and he will be pleased to give you bin valuable ad vice gratis. ( Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. Hot A Profitable Investment Nebraska Lines of Island System Operating at an Annual Loss Exceeding $71,000.00. Pays Tax of $205 Per Mile $283 Per Mile in Operation A Tax as is a Tax. (Issned Under Authority of COUNTT Richardson , Pawnee .......... Gage Jefferson.... Thayer . Nuckolls Saline ... ......... .i r. . Lancaster I. ....... i Cass . . . . Sarpy ... Douglas .. Total, 250.44 miles The Chicago, Rock Island A Pacific Rail road In Nebraska ha not been a profitable investment thus far. In their operations for 1901, they received In gross earnings. From Passengers I2S9.277.1S From Freight S60.6S4.67 From Other source 46,607.32 Total $896,669.02 Operating expense in Nebraska.. 967,674.25 Net loss in operating in Nebraska! 71,006.23 It is bard to make comparisons on this section of railroad with others because few roads running over ISO miles of settled country show a loss over cost of operation. The statement of this company ar figured so that the tax payment is an additional loa to th foregoing amount, It 1 un- SCHOOL!. BROWNELL HALL Graduates of five of the best known eollege of America Included In corps et Instructors. Music, Art and Modern Languages taught by women of extended resi dence in European capitals, under the Instruction of the best masters, owes good general education and prepares for any eollege open to women. Principal's certifi cate admits to college. Out-door sports, splemlld gymnasium under direction of pro fessional instructor. MISS MACRAE. Principal. Omaha. Western Military Catalogue and Omaha COL. ALBERT M. JACKSON, A. M., Supt., UPPER ALTON, ILL. b atajoa w. a. . La we. Leave wonTH, Kansas. . , .A HARDIN COLLEGE wnh year. Tbt tm lua ..a. atl -A . IM i LSI -ftf Vcnlworth Military Academy Sit . Oovemsaent supervision snd equipment. Army nfllrer rtetalled. Prepare, for Vol iV L Mklti.n.l .M.lamlM ... f... I If AM alLrtiniA tCIICI, MM . . . Dee Want Ads Sell on Their Merit No free gift 1 necessary to mak them worth t th price w sk. Th Be has th circulation -that' why. eputy Btate Veterinarian food Inspector. I!. L. RUUCCIOTTI, D. Y. S. CITT VETERINARIAN. Offlo and Infirmary, 3th and Mason Its. Omaha, Neb. Telephone Uu, CURED OF PELVIC CATARRH She Suffered for Years and felt Her Case Was Hopeless Cured by Pe-rn na. Mr, Judg McAllister write from HIT West iZri St., Minneapolis, Minn., a follow: 'I aufTered for years with a pnln In th small of my back and right aide. It interfered often with my domestic and social duties and I never supposed that I would be cured, an the doctor's medicine did not seem to help n any. "Fortunately a me in her of our Order advised me to try Peruna and gave It such high praise that I decided to try it. Although I started in with little faith, 1 felt so much better In a week that I felt encour aged. "I took tt faithfully for seven weeks and ant happy indeed to be able to say that I am entirely cured. Words tail to express my gratitude. Perfect health once more Is the best thing 1 could wlsh for, and tliunks to Peruna I enjoy that now." Min nie E. McAllister. Th great popularity of Peruna a catarrh remedy has tempted many peo ple to Imitate Peruna. A great many so called catarrh remedies and catarrhal tonics are to be found tn many drug' stores. These remedies can be procured ty the druggist much cheaper than Pe runa. Peruna can only be obtained at a uniform price, and no druggist can get It a rent cheaper. , Thus It is that druggist are tempted to substitute the cheap imitation of Pe runa for Peruna. It I don every day without a doubt the Great Rock in This State and Loses tho Railroad of Nebraska.) TAX PAID 176.63 .5,874.14 8,161.93 11.664.56 3,868.59 2,604.29 571.30 9,064.18 3,487.98 3,992.60 1,982.59 ..1551,448.70 ?205.45 per mile. necessary to eay that the Rock Island Rail road as a whole system pay dividend, but It la not from Nebraska business, as this statement shows. The great holding of this company in Chicago make their securities a favorite Investment, tbelr terminal n that city, alone, aggregating many millions of dol lars, and their double track railroad snl great bridge give local value to this property in Illinois, higher than most of the roads of that State. The net earnings per mile of the system amounted to $2,445.98 but th foregoing fig ures show that in Nebraska ther waa a los of $2S3.62 per mrle in operation. The payment therefore of a $206.45 tax per mile wa an enforced contribution a hardship. -. Academy Hiii YEAR references on application. AND CONSERVATORY FOR LADIES Col,?c A mkrtran rntiMrvaLnrv. mannarl hr arWScMaYl lattL. Wm. II. Raa Ula.US DiIi4int tnfaassa'lUaHIaa ,1 j "wi wssuis em a as mm aae ij mj ft imisiudhi a uioesui m m aaw aweva "! Tl ITIawKtaal. let slamenal aAB.M.a. Vt nka.ts Thasaaa. sVI aaaraasa at star. For AfttAlotrua, tvddraM JOHN W. MILLIOM. PniM 48 Collft Ptoce, MKX1CO, MO. larrest scksol ia est. ilptuent. Army nmrer rietalled. Prepare, for Universities, COL. SANOFORO SELLERS. M A, Sunt., Lsxleatss. Me. Every Veman Is Uttsnstjs aa thoajd snow. six-. I iu we4aana MAtVtl YVMrTaa Spray iSL. Jn,Iu 't SUier. kul am stamp farlU lueuwai Wrt fives TttiJ parueular aad 11pcUoi4 h valiiaai. te lflla M4 VKIL Room 12 Time Slag., jur avals oy HKRMAS at MCONM.LL DRCO TO Corner Blzteenth and. Dodg streets, Omaha BLOOD POISON Is the worst disease on 'earth, yet the easiest to cure WHEN YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO. Many bav pimples, spot on the skin, sores In the muuia. jlcra, falling hair, bone phlns, catarrh; don't knew It is BLOOD I'OIbON. tiend te DR. bKOWN. SBA Arch Bt.. Philadelphia. Pa., for BROWN'S ULXiOD CURB. 12.00 par bottle; lasts on. month. Sold only mf Eherman at McConnell Drug Co., J6th au4 Dodge SU.. Omaha. Brown's Capsules IT' irMtiz'ta 1 lodg8tria. bt i t.w av w