Fhe Omaha Daily Bee. rr t ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 13, 1902-TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. HICKS-BEACU RETIRES eWgcstka of InglUb Pnmltr Opeai tin Way tot Others to Lear CHAKCCLLOfl OF EXCHEQUER POLITIC JLatlolpatu Time When Colonial Beoretary Hay I th Leader of the Commons. fXPECTS A CLASH WITH CHAMBERLAIN &tter likely to Mrs Hard Bargali with Batten u the Frio of Peace. 40HJHAY GO TO THE TREASURY BENCH pm0 Framier Annmnea He is to Be -B IT la msvet wi fjU Ova Man Own Poller. I ' (Copyright MOS. by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON. July It (New York World Ca blegram Bpeclal Telegram.) Artnur j. Balfour stated tonight that ha intends to be prima minister not merely In name, but In fact, and that he Intends to have bis own men and hla own poller. The easy going system carried out br Ball feury to to tx abolished, and Balfour's U to be the real, working ministry. This neroib talk hae not caused much lmpres lon because It U counting without Cham berlain, who, It la believed, will either rule or ruin the ministry. Chancellor of tha Exchequer Beach reelgnaUon is due to hla anticipating trouble before long between Balfour and Chamberlain, with the probability that Bal four will go to the House of Lords, leaving blm under Chamberlain's leadership In the Commons, a position which would be In tolerable to him. Austin Chamberlain's name la mentioned aa the principal alter native of hla father's for the chancellor ahlp of the exchequer, as tha colonial sec retary always drives a hard bargain for his friends In these crisis. It la Balfour's ob ject to postpone tha reconstruction of the cabinet until the reassembling of Parlla tnent In October. Formally Oreo Balfour, LONDON. July 14. A. J. Balfour was today formally greeted as Great Britain's premier and the new regime began Its work. The momentous change was marked by only one really dramatlo Incident, namely, the resignation of Blr Michael Hicks-Beach from his post of chancellor of the ex vh.ouer. Yet thla lack of ontward show and publlo prelude to a new chapter In wnelish hlatory Is by no means representa tive of the disturbance which the sudden transition created among tha tinder cur rnta of nolltlcal life. It Is safe to say 81r Mlohael Hicks-Beach was tha first of several whose names have figured largely before tha publlo in the .last halt century and who now win an- appear from the political arena. Nothing absolutely definite Is yet settled, but the unlontot party expects shortly to hear of tho. fMim.tlniif (vf r.rl - Hslnbury. lord - i ih. Aiiriiv nf tAttc&aterV and I ,uuiitvviiin v. - ' Pari Cadogan, lord lieutenant or ireiana. For Blr Michael Hicks-Beach's place ' Earl Hanbury, now president of tha Board of Agriculture, is the favorite. In the pending reconstruction, which may not be ; completed for soma time to come, ir. ui four, much to the delight of tha unionists. twill remain the leader of the House of ', Commons and first lord of the treasury, with Mr. Chamberlain still In command of Ahe colonies, as his first lieutenant. If Earl Halsbury, on account of his great age, fulfills predictions by retiring, Baron Alveratona will succeed to the Woolsack, Blr Richard Henn Collins becoming lord chief Justice, Blr R. B. Finlay succeeding him as master of the rolls. Sir E. H. Car son, now solicitor general, becoming at torney general and probably Charles Al ,fred Cripps attorney general to the prince of Wales, auucoeedlng to the solicitor gen eralshlp. On one point the members of the House of Commons, who throughout tha day an! taatedly discussed tba new state of affairs eeeemed practically unanimous and that as that Austin Chamberlain, financial sec retnry to the-treasury, would be promoted fe majority mentioning him as likely to Mcceed Mr. Hanbury should tha latter take the chancellorship of the exchequer. Friends of Mr. Balfour also said he was certain to require the advice In his cabinet councils of bis great friend, George Wyndham, now chief secretary tor Ireland. Mnch Other Goaalp. There is no little gossip concerning some fchange in position of Lord George Hamil ton, secretary of state for India, one well known member of the house of commons aaylng ha had heard that Lord George Ham ilton was among those who would throw up their portfolios. Lord Hamilton's brother- in-law, tha marquis of Lanadown, is re garded aa certain to remain In the foreign office, where he Is carrying out lines laid down by Lord Salisbury. There Is apparently no serious apprehen sion of a general election, though In some quarters It Is thought tba desire attributed to the king to have a new parliament after bis coronation might causa an appeal to the country, though the new premier Is not be lieved to see any necessity therefor. Mr. Balfour's first appearance in the House of Commons as premier was charac teristic of the man and of the assembly. From the party meeting at the foreign office tha members trooped over enbloc and shortly after 1 o'clock the bouse was packed. Both front benches were filled with ministers and former ministers, ex cept fcr a vacant place opposite the mace, where Mr. Balfour was such a familiar figure. Peers came Into the strangers' gallery and leaned expectantly upon the rails. Amid a nervous, ceaseless chatter of queatlons, which were rattled through, Blr Michael Hicks-Beach sat gloomy among the colleagues he waa ao aoon to leave. Suddenly the clatter ceased and there atole from behind the speaker's chair tha long, thin figure of the prime minister. From all sides of the house there arose a chorus of "Hear, hear!" The members rose and kept up the applauso until Mr. Balfour, who sidled along the treasury bench, nearly falling over Sir Michael Hicks-Beach's feet, reached his seat and burled bis head In a voluminous question paper. Ha waa blushing like a schoolgirl. Blr Henry Campbell-Bannerman, the liberal leader, stopped further business by making such a feeling personal reference to Mr. Balfour aa Is seldom heard In legis lative bodies and which was delivered with an emotion that quite unnerved the pre ttier. When Mr. Balfour rose to reply the ovation was renewed, but his voice fal tered and he waa only Just able, hesltat- Continued on Second rags.) TELLS STORY OF COLLAPSE Forme Managing Director of Grain scrying; Company Gives EvU deneo oa Bis; Failure BERLIN, July 14. Adolf Schmidt, for mer managing director of the Treber Trocknung (grain drying) company, whose collapse brought about the failure of the Lelpslger bank about a year ago for 200, 000,000 marks (150,000,000) dominated the court at Letpslg today, which Is trying tha bank's directors. Schmidt, who was searchlngly examined for hours, dealt with ths Intricate accounts of the Treber-Trock-nung company with an air of openness, truthfulness and almost injured Innocence. His nimble mlpd had an answer ready for every questlc . - Though a prisoner, he was as much 'i,t ' ase as anyone In the courtroom. He ''if ' various Irregu larities, like back3L . 'es in books, but affirmed that all of ' , -i simply devices to sava tha com p.. '--the effects of newspaper attacks an d that tha unusual measures were pe. ;tly legitimate. In the end Schmidt admitted with a smile that for a time the Lelpslger bank had unfortunately been the com pany's only source of revenue and said his confidence In the final success of his alcohol-distilling invention was based dur ing tha critical period before the collapse on an agreement with his American com petitors, going into effect on New Years day, 1902, under which he was to have control of tha international market. Schmidt, who la 43 years of age, has for five years been a noted figure In central German business. His vast operations had behind them, as it appeared from the evi dence submitted In court today, his per sonal fortune of 4,000,000 marks and the fortunes of ths other directors of tho company aggregating 28,000,000 marks. TO. REMOVE KING EDWARD Special Ambulances Havo Been Ar ranged and Men Who Are to Do Work Aro Belnsr Drilled. LONDON, July 14. Following Is tha but letin on King Edward's condition posted at 10 o'clock this morning at Buckingham palace: Tha klnr continues to trorresa satisfac torily. His general condition Is excellent ana tne wound is neaung weu. (8,.ea., ffi; BARLOW. Specially constructed ambulances la which King Edward Is to be removed from Buck ingham palace to tha railway station was taken to the palace this afternoon. Six blue-Jackets who have been selected to remove tho king, went through a rehearsal by removing the couch on which the king has at times been resting to the ambu lance, under tha direction of the nurses. His majesty, when ho is taken from the palace tomorrow, will be accompanied by Queen Alexandra. Prince and Princess Charles of Denmark, Sir Francis Knollys, tha king's private secretary, and tbe at tending physician. It Is understood that no bulletin regarding the king's condition will be Issued until his majesty shall be safely on tha Victoria and Albert tomorrow even Ing. HOLE STOVE IN ILLINOIS Mi".!-. r ..; . Aperture Punched In Bottom of Bat- tleshlp In Accident at Carls, t tan I a, Norway. CHRISTIANIA, Norway, July 14. The battleship Illinois, flagship of Rear Ad mlral Arent S. Crownlnsbleld, and the United States cruisers Chicago and Albany have arrived here. While Illinois was standing into the bar bor, leading the squadron, its steering gear failed and its helm Jammed hard to star board with the ship beaded straight for the shore. Both anchors were let go and its engines were backed promptly, but th port anchor chain parted. The ship struck an obstruction and a hole was punched in Its bottom. Two small compartments filled with water. The crew were piped to collision quarters and the water-tight doors were closed. The rest of the squadron stood Into the Inner harbor. Illinois was eventually backed off and anchored safely. Rear Admiral Crownlnshleld will prob ably ahtft his flag to Chicago and the re mainder of the proposed Baltic cruise may be abandoned. UPTON TO TRY0NCE MORE Englishman Making Arrangements to Challenge Again for American Cnp. LONDON, July 14. Sir Thomas Upton's arrangement to challenge again for the American cup will be practically complete in a couple of months. The plans for a working model of the challenger are fin ished and In a safe at the Falrlle yard. Draughtsmen are now preparing the work ing drawings and the officers of Sham rock III. are already engaged. There has been strong pressure on Blr Thomas, re cently, on the part of Influential sharehold ers of his company, to Induce him to aban don the idea of challenging In 1903, and devote himself to improving the affairs of Llpton, limited, but, thus far, be has shown no Indication of abandoning his personal desire to contest for the America's cup In 1903. REVOLUTIONS CONCENTRATING Veneaaelaa Rebellion Shows Bat Little Slams of Abating- and An other Town la In Danger. WILLEMSTAD, Island of Curacao, Sun day, July 13. Advlcea received here today from Venesuela say that 800 revolutionists, under General Penaloia, are approaching Puerto Cabello (a city of the state of Caracabobo, Venezuela) and that 400 men from the local bands are now concentrated near El Palito. The Venezuelan govern ment has fortified and entrenched Puerto Cabello. An attack on that place by the revolutionists Is expected shortly. If this occurs the city will be shelled. The German cruiser Falke and the Dutch cruiser Kenlngln Regentes have left La Guayara for Puerto Cabello. FINDS BIG BUNCH OF MONEY German Laborer Picks l'p Package Belonging to an American Con taining fT.BOU. BERLIN, July 14. A laborer walking on the beach at Ekernfoerde, Prussia, on an Inlet of the Baltic, recently picked up a pocketbook cnntululng 30,000 marks ($7,500) In notes, which an American had dropped In the water from a yacht during tbe re gattas. The finder learned that the Amer ican was still stopping at Kiel, returned the money and was rewarded. S CRIPPLING BUSINESS MeohanU of Ohioago Hake Complaint Ab'it Strike of Freight Handler. THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS BEING LOST Wholesalers Assert tbe Trouble Is Affectlag Them More Than Either tho Strikers or the Rail road Company, CHICAGO, July 14. While the wholesale business of this city is almost completely paralyzed and while Its business men are tandlng a loss of 11,000,000 a day the etrlk- ng freight handlers and the railroads are n a deadlock and announce their determina tion to fight to the finish over the question of one-half a cent per hour, per man, or a total of $500 for every twenty-four hours, this being divided on one side between 24 railroads and on the other between 10, 000 men. Tbe situation tonight Is more serious than at any time since the com mencement of the trouble and at no time since the walkout have the points at issue been so obstinately maintained. Three times today the freight handlers sent committees to meet the general managers and three times they came back without results. The first call was made without giving warning to the managers, and when the committee arrived they were unable to find many of them, for the reason that tba managers were having a meeting of their own and were not at their offices. The second call produced more effect, as several of the committees saw the managers, but nothing definite resulted. The last committees were sent out by President Curran of the freight handlers at the demand of the teamsters, who wanted something attempted toward a settlement. This time the committees were started so late In the afternoon that It was a foregone conclusion that they would not find many of tbe general managers at their offices. All the committees reported as be fore that they had failed of any result. The committee that went to the Milwaukee A St. Paul road came back bearing tbe In formation that they had been refused ad mission and were informed that their form er employers did not care to receive them, that they had all the men necessary in their business, and that hereafter no depu tations would be received from employes who had gone on a strike. The officials of the road declared later that they would maintain this position. Fight to a Finish. This bad been reported at headquarters of the strikers. President Curran an nounced that the fight was on to a finish and that hereafter when the railroads had any overtures to make or wished to do any business with their employes they would be compelled to transact such busi ness through the officers of the Freight Handlers' union. Both sides now declare that they have reached the limit and that absolutely nothing will be conceded. The men demand 17 H cents and the managers say they will not under any circumstances pay more than 17 centa. The business men of the city, particularly those who deal in perlBhable goods, are growing restive and declare they can endure the situation but a short time longer. It Is costing them mora .than either the strikers e the rail roads, and they say that if the strike shall not be settled within a week many of them will be badly crippled. To bring about an end to the blockade which Is maintained by the strikers and their friends, the team sters, the commission men of South Water street met this afternoon to take matters into their own hands. It waa out of the question for the employers to look to the teamsters to drive to the depots, and they therefore decided to drive their own wagons to the depots tomorrow and re move from them all the goods that had been consigned to them, much of which Is being rapidly ruined. A message was sent to Mayor Harrison asking if police protection would be given them, and the word was received that am ple protection would be afforded. Just this time, however, word waa received that President Young of the Teamsters' National union had arrived In the city and that a meeting of the executive officers of that body would be held tonight to consider the advisability of ordering the men now on strike to return or of calling out every teamster In the city who Is affiliated with the union. The merchanta decided to await the result of this meeting, and they decided If the teamatera did not come back they would go for their own goods. Mass Meeting Today. A mass meeting of commission men will be held st 9 a. m. tomorrow to take action. It Is not likely that the teamsters will return to work, even if ordered by their officers. During the day the officers of the Erie road sent a communication to Chief of Police O'Nell, saying they had been Informed that merchants In the city were preparing to deliver freight tomorrow to the freight houses of the Erie road and demanding that the police furnish thera protection while It was berng done. The letter waa referred to uorporation Counsel Walker, who declared that Jt was the duty of the police to furnish such pro tection and the Erie peopl were Informed that protection would be given them. The police say that It Is Impossible lor them to place a man on every wagon mat is seeking the freight depots, and say they will not attempt this. They declare they will keep the way to the freight houses open and suppress all disorder around the depots. The danger to the men who deliver freight la not so much at the depot as It will be from the men who will fol low them when they leave the depot, and attack them when they are not In the vl clnlty of the police. There were but few such cases today, as nobody attempted to deliver any freight. One driver took two small packages to the depot of the Penn sylvania road and at last accounts he was still besieged there. Rlotlag la Evening. The strike reached the rioting stage this evening and it was only after the police had charged on tbe crowd repeatedly and arrested eleven men that a semblance of order waa restored. Eight policemen who were sent with two teams from tbe West ern Electric company to the Bt. Paul freight house at Carroll avenue and Union avenue were unable to extricate ths drivers from the pocket into which they were forced by angry teamsters. A riot call sent to the stations was responded to by several wagon loads of patrolmen and after a fierce con flict with the obstructing crowd the wagons were rescued and the drivers, bruised by missiles, were enabled to reach a place of safety. Submits Hew Proposition. CHICAGO. July 15. At I o'clock thla morning a conference between the national executive board of the Teamsters' union, ths Team Owners' association, the Freight Handlers' union, ths Chicago Federation of Labor and the truck teamster's commlt- (Contlnusd on Second Page) ROBBERS H0LDUP A TRAIN rnaaengrrs on Denver A Rio Grande Victims of Bandits Near Mara shall Pass. SALIDA, Colo., July 14. A report was re ceived here shortly before noon today to tbe effect that the Denver ft Rio Grande narrow guage passenger train, which left here early last night, was held up and robbed by sev eral men near Sargents' west of Marshall Pass. The robbery occurred at 8:50 o'clock to day at Chester, Colo., 2D0 miles west of Denver. The engineer was compelled at tbe point of a revolver to stop the train, by masked men who haft, climbed over the tender. Two safes in the express car were blown open, but It is asserted by officers of the Rio Grande Express '.company that the robbers failed to secure any plunder from the safes. The passengers were compelled to alight from tbe cars and line up alongside the tracks In the canyon and they were re lieved of all their money and valuables. Many of the passengers threw away their money, watches and Jewelry among the rocks before the robbers searched them. There were many tourists among the pas sengers, and while It Is not known how much the robbers secured. It la presumed that tbe losses were heavy. The train was tbe westbound narrow gauge passenger which left Denver last night. The cars, as usual at this season, were all filled. There were four robbers. The scene of the robbery Is In a wild, mountainous country, at the foot of Mar shall pass, on the west slope. The bandits mounted horses and disap peared In the ravines that lead Into Marshall Pass. The sheriff at Sallda and sheriffs of adjoining counties and a dozen posses are In pursuit DENVER, Colo., July 14. General mana ger Herbert of the Denver ft Rio Grande, re ceived tbe following report of the train robbery: Train No. 815 was held up by four masked men at a point known aa Mill Switch, two miles east of Chester, at 8:60 a. m. 'today. The robbers blew open two safes In the bairgage car and demolished the sides and roof of the car. The express company ad vises that no money was lost, the mall car was not molested. All the passengers were ordered to go to the rear of the train and get out onto the ground. After using three charges of dynamite the rob bers succeeded In opening the safes and took the contents. They then went back to the passengers and relieved them of their money and Jewelry. Many of the passenger .hrew their money, Jewelry and transportation Into the grass and rocks. An engine and coach will- be returned to the scene with the passengers In order, that they may re cover their property. One of the robbers addressed remarks to Engineer Ruland. who did not under stand what was said and before Ruland could ask him to repeat his remarks the robber struck him a blow with a Win chester rifle, breaking the stock of the gun. Ruland will be able to handle his engine through to the terminal, but his head Is badly swollen. No passengers nor trainmen were hurt The conductor has been Instructed to se cure the names, addresses and losses of the passengors, and Bpeclal Agent Brown nas neen instructed to go to tne scene. Sheriffs In the county In which the rob. bery occurred and In surrounding counties nave Deen notinea. F. R. ROCKWELL, Superintendent. The train is the most Important train operated on the narrow gauge line, carrying passengers for Gunnison, Leka City, Ouray, Tellurlde and other mound .I j- towns in the eastern slope. SP00NER VISITS PRESIDENT Conference Is Supposed tp Relate to Pan-base of the Panama Canal. OYSTER BAY, N. Y.. July 14. Senator Spooner of Wisconsin arrived at Sagamore hill about 10:30 o'clock last night and after a conference with the president and Secre tary Root left for New York about mid night. Mr. Spooner successfully eluded newspaper men. not one of whom saw him. His con versation with the president related In part to the purchase of tbe Panama Canal com pany's property. The senator has been in vlted by the Department of Justice to ac company Atrney General Knox to Paris to assist in the Investigation Into the title of the Panama Canal company's property. Whether he will go or not has not been decided, so far as can be learned here President Roosevelt, Secretary Root and the president's physician. Dr. Lambert, devoted themselves a greater part of the time today to recreation. The President has Invited General Leon ard Wood to visit him at Sagamore hill early In August. General Wood is one of the president's closest friends and he en tertains a high regard for his executive ability on that account. General Wood Is mentioned as a probable member of the Isthmian canal commission. It Is said to night to be not unlikely that he will be appointed to the head of the commission EXCHANGE SHOTS WITH TRACY Outlaw Again Furnishes Some eltement for Deputies on His Trail. SEATTLE, Wash., July 14. Outlaw Tracy exchanged shots with deputies nea Palmer last night, according to the follow lng message from Enumclaw, received at 11 o'clock today: Word has been received here that Tracy fought a battle with two deputies at trie Palmer school nouse last night. No par ticulars or names are known. Almost any. thing may be expected now. Tracy worked a neat game on the o nicer s in order to ge to Palmer. He was within a mile of tha place yesterday morning, when he learned the officers were there. He then worked back toward Enumclaw. and showed him self on the road to Iiuckley. He was In the woods, and while officers were statlonln guards he ran a mile and boarded a freight train on a grade and proceeded to Palmer, where he Is no doubt making for the Stam pede pass. This morning a posse with dogs made a dash from Kanasaka to Buckley on a false clue. PRESENT SW0RD TO WALLER Friends of the Major Gather In His Home Town and In Pretty Cere mony Make Presentation. NORFOLK. Va.. July 14 The presenta tion of a sword to Major Lyttlnton W. T. . Waller of the marine corps by the cltlxens 0f Norfolk, his native home. In the Academy of Music tonight, waa marked In Its sim plicity. Mayor Rlddick introduced Hon. Al fred P. Thomas, who made the presentation speech, and Major Waller replied feelingly. Several hundred people were in tbe audi ence, while on the stage were Admiral Cot ton, Mr. Thomas, Paymasters Gait, Phil lips and Woods, Lleutenanta Stickney and Snyder of the navy, Captain Kelllng and Lieutenants Kevllle and Toms of tbe Nor folk light artillery blues, Colonel A. M. Hlgglns of the Seventy-first Virginia regi ment and Captains Porter and Harding of ths Marine corps, who were with the drtall which traversed Samar under Waller's command. POLITICS TO CUT NO FIGURE Distribution of Funds for Irrigation to Be Hade on a Just Basis. NEBRASKA TO HAVE CONSIDERATION Secretary Shaw Will Take I'P Ques tion of Pnblle Balldlng Sites la Iowa on His Retarn from Ills Vacation. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, July 14. (Special Tele gram.) Secretary Hitchcock said that there was to be no politics In the distribution of the fund available for the irrigation and reclamation of arid land In the semi-arid states as contemplated in tbe Irrigation bill which passed congress shortly before Its adjournment. "According to figures which I have prepared," said the secretary, there are nearly 35,000.000 available, but it Is not the purpose of the interior de partment to proceed to divide this money mongst the sixteen arid and semi-arid states and territories until we know Just exactly where the division will do the most good. We have set apart 1165,000 out of the total which I have found available for the purpose of preliminary surveys and It will be the business of the Interior depart ment to ascertain where the provisions of the bill contemplating the irrigation of the arid and semi-arid west are most likely to be worked out. There haa bees widespread reports in circulation that Superintendent Newell of the hydrography division of the geological survey has stated that It would take 200 years to Irrigate the number of cres of land which the champion of the Irrigation bill stated could be irrigated in the west should the bill become a law. I do not believe that Mr. Newell ever made such a statement," said the secretary, "and am confident that with the wisest admin istration of the office we might do won ders for the west. The states most in need of money for Irrigation will get the largest proportion of the sum available. Every state will have its proportion according to Its needs. It may be found that some of the states Included in tha arid and semi- arid belt will be found Impossible of tr rlgatlon along the lines of the bill. In which event the states suspectlble of irrigation along nature's lines will be helped accord ingly. "I look upon tbe Irrigation problem as one of the greatest the Interior department has had to deal with In a generation and we shall proceed slowly and carefully that the benefits of the bill may be felt alike amongst the states which directly are to receive the most benefit from the bill as It passed congress." Kebraaka Gets a Fair Show. Asked If Nebraska would get its due pro. portion of the fund available for lrriga tlon, Secretary Hitchcock stated that he saw no reason why Nebraska should not share relatively as well as the rest of the states. He said of course physical condi tions might operate against the state and that it might be found as a result of sur veys which are to be made that It did not have such natural advantages for storing of water as other states, but he said Ne braska could rest assured of having aa fair treatment .as any. of the .other . states, and. territories included in -tha arid and seml- arld belt. The selection of sites for new publlo buildings In Iowa will in all probability be left with the secretary of the treasury in conformity with precedence. Acting Super vising Architect Kemper stated today that Secretary Shaw, being an Iowa man, would undoubtedly send some one of the treasury force to that state for the purpose of look ing over several bids offered for sites at Waterloo, Muscatine, Marshalltown, Iowa City and Boone, which were opened last Friday and which are still unscheduled In the supervising architect's office. "Just as soon as the secretary returns from his trip to New Hampshire, where he went to locate his family," said Judge Kemper, "he will be given a list of bids for sites In various cities named and called upon to determine the fitness of several lo cations offered for public buildings. Usu ally," continued Mr. Kemper, "it is the cus torn of the supervising architect's office to Inspect sites, but In this case the secretary of right, will be asked to pass upon the sites offered. Marshalltown is In the mar ket with nineteen bids ranging from $4,000 to $15,000, all of them being within the required space, 140x160 feet. Tbe sundry civil appropriation bill carries direct ap proprlatlon of $20,000 for purchase of site and the commencement of the build lng, $S5,000 having been appropriated In the omnibus publlo building bill for both site and building complete. It Is expected that Secretary Shaw will take up the subject of Iowa public building sites immediately upon his return. Tbe postmaster-general has allowed the postmasters at Grlnnell, la., and Cheyenne, Wyo., one additional letter carrier, to take effect September 1. The postofflce at Palsvllle, Wright county, la., has been ordered discontinued. Edward E. Fleming, Mason City, la., has been appointed a railway mall clerk. MUST LEAVE THE ISLANDS Administration Remains Firm In Its Poller- Concerning Friars In Philippines. . WASHINGTON, July 14. It was learned here today that the reply of Secretary Root to the dispatch of Governor Taft has already been cabled to Rome. It Is In the nature of Instructions as to what rejoinder shall be made to the Vati can In answer to Its first general reply to General Taft. These Instructions to Gov ernor Taft were prepared before Secre tary Root left Washington, but were deemed of such importance that submis sion to the president was thought desira ble. The position of the United States Is un changed and the instructions of Secretary Root Issued before Governor Taft went to Rome are adhered to In every essential. Tbe Important point of those instructions were that the friars should be withdrawn and upon this question the administration remains firm. The rejoinder Is a diplomatic document and couched in such language that there will be a continuance of tha negotiations GENERAL WHEAT0N RETIRES Closes His Active Military Career, Having Reached Statutory Retiring Age. WASHINGTON, July 14. Major General Lloyd Wheaton closed his active military career today, having reached tbe statutory retiring age of 64 years. He Is at home in thla country, where he recently arrived from tbe Philippines. The vacancy caused by his retirement has already been an tlclpated by the appointment of Brigadier General John C. Batea, now commanding tho Department of ths Missouri at Omaha. CONDITION OF THE WEATHER Forecast for Nebraska Fair and Warmer lucsday and Wednesday. Temperatare at Omaha Yesterdays Hoar. Deg. llnnr. Iea. r a, m ..... . 1 p. m HI B a. m 3 p. m H7 T a. m ...... OM S p. m MM H a. m Til 4 p. in Ms a. m ...... 7tt B p. in Mil 10 a. m TS H p. m ixi 11 a. m TH T p. m 1 lit in. 81 p. m MT 0 p. m MH NTEREST 0FG00D ROADS Managers of National Association A r- ranglng to Kqnlp and Send Out Special Train. ST. PAUL, Minn., July 14 It Is proposed by the National Good Roads managers to equip and send over the entire Great Northern system a special good roads train. The first formal conference to that end was held today with Vice Presidents L. W. Hill and J. W. Blabon of that rail way. Martin Dodge, In charge of the divi sion of the American train department for good roads, was In the city last week making preliminary arrangements, and R. W. Richardson, secretary of the National Good Roads association and special gov ernment commissioner, and J. W. Abbott, road commissioner for the mountain states, are still In the city and were with the party that saw the railroad officials today. Secretary Wilson of the Agricultural de partment, Is very much Interested and has secured the active co-operation of Senator M. A. Hanna, and It Is probable that both those gentlemen will be In this city In September for tht good roads convention at the time of the Minnesota state fair. Final decision has not yet been announced by the Great Northern officials, but It Is considered reasonably sure that the pro posed special good roads train will be sent out over the entire system. AMES BOUND FOR EUROPE Assertion Made that Minneapolis Police Saperlntendent Is Leav ing tbe I'nlred States. MINNEAPOLIS, July 14. Police Superin tendent Fred W. Ames, Indicted a week ago In connection with the current municipal corruption expose la reported to be on his way to Europe. The Police Captain Hill Is acting In his place. Mayor Ames left the city tonight for a vacation at West Baden Ind., his bribery trial having been postponed until next Monday. John Fitchett, formerly the mayor's con fidential police captain Is authority for the assertion that the superintendent Is on i transatlantic liner and that he has no In tentlon of returning to Minneapolis for some time. Several bills charging the police chief with the acceptance of bribes were returned last Monday evening, but he has not ap peared for arraignment. PORTLAND AND JEAN IE SAFE Returning Passengers from Cape Nome Reports Both Vessels Get There Disabled. VICTORIA; B..C, rty 14-Mesers,Maseii terson and Gillespie, two passengers from Nome, landed here today by the collier Melville Bauer, on Us way to Ladysmlth, reports the safe arrival at Nome of both Portland and Jeanle. The steamers, they say, arrived at the same time, Portland towing Jeanle, which was disabled, part of the way. No hardships were suffered by passengers and crew, the two steamers Lelng within hailing distance of each other. Portland getting free first, assisted Jeanle to get out. Masterson and Gillespie have been prospecting in Siberia. They say the country Is rich enough, but there Is no use of men going there unless they can get concessions from the Russian government. DEED OF AN INSANE MAN Kills Wife, Arrays Her for Burial and Then Attacks Sons with an Ax. CINCINNATI, July 14. Near Mason, O., twenty miles from this city, James Canover, a farmer, today killed his wife and seri ously Injured his son Charles. After beat ing his wife to death with an ax, he care fully shrouded her mangled body for burial. Afterward he met his son at the gate and told him what he had done with his mother. Then plunging forth with his ax, the crazed father told Charles that he was to be killed next. The blow brought Charles down ana the father escaped. The son's condition is serious. Concver was recently released from the Dayton asylum. MISS MORRISON IN PEN Begins Serving Twenty-Five Year Sentence for Murder of Mrs. Olln Castle. LEAVENWORTH, Kas., July 14. Miss Jessie Morrison arrived at the stats pen tenttary at Lansing at 11 o'clock this morn ing to begin her twenty-five-year sentence for the murder of Mrs. Olln Castle, at El dorado. She had started tor Lansing at midnight last night after being taken to her home, where she bid farewell to her parents and brother. At the penitentiary she waa very much downcast. She was taken immediately to the women's depart ment. It is not known what work will be assigned her. SOAKS CEDAR RAPIDS FIRM Galveston Maa Files Petition In Bankruptcy and Leaves Debts in Many Places. GALVESTON, Tex.. July 14. Frank A. Umstead, formerly of Cuyahoga Falls, O., and connected with the Halman Manufac turing company, today filed a petition In bankruptcy here with liabilities of $970,466 and no assets. In the schedule banks of New York, Cincinnati, Dresden, Steubenvllle and Mlamisburg, O., Bloomlngton and Men- dota. 111., and Cedar Raplda, la., are down for large amounts. Movements of Ocean Vessels July 14, At New York Arrived Lahn, from Genoa and Maples; Ethiopia, irom uiasgow. At Yokohama Arrived City of Peking, from Ban r rancisco. At 6t. Vincent Arrived Wllhelmlna rrnm TtrfimiL At Glasgow flailed Carthagenlan, from K.w York: Sicilian, from Montreal. At Boston Arrived Buenos Ayrean, from Glasgow. At Bt. Johns, N. F. Arrived Siberian from Glasgow, for Halifax and Phlladel i. hla. At Bremen Arrived Koenlgen Lulse frnin New York. At London Arrived Minnehaha, from New York. At Kobe Arrived Victoria, from Ta nnma and Victoria, for Hons Kons. At Hong Kong Sailed Glenogle, from Xacoma. TEST OF ENDURANCE That is What Union Pacific Strike FromiiM to Become, HAS APPEARANCE OF WAITING GAME NOW Company Not Bnppoaed to Be AnxJotit for Early Settlement. MAY WAIT UNTIL NEW SHOP IS FINISHED Then Striken Will Expect Big Demand for Skilled Mechanics. NO MORE NONUNION MEN BROUGHT IN Six More Strike Breakers Quit at Omnha Shops and Three l.enve the Itonndhonse at Coun cil Bluffs. With no excitement to mar tho even tenor of Its progress the Union Paclflo strike drifts slowly on to the point of stagnation. Both sls apparently are en deavoring to block tho process and resolve the fight Into a simple stubborn test of endurance. Not the slightest evidence of concession Is yet apparent on either side and the Indications are that the fight will be on for some weeka. There Is a popular theory that the Union Faclflc does not Intend to make any spe cial effort to bring about a settlement of affairs until its new shops are completed. This will be some time during August probably. The contract called for comple tion by August IB, but owing to unfavora ble weather, which made It impossible for the outside work to be done with facility, this date may be passed and the work not completed until near or at the end of the month. It Is thought that the company does not care to go to extra trouble and expense of re-employtng Its normal force here In Omaha In the old shops, which would Involve considerable difficulty, and as It would not be profitable to take strik ers back Into other shops until those of the Omaha shops could return also, It Is believed to be the object of the company to allow matters to take care of them selves until tho new shops here are finished and ready for use. New Locomotives Coming. The company has ordered eighty new locomotives, as was published some time ago, and the first Installment of these Is to arrive during the latter part of July. Tho last lot probably will he on hand by the latter part of August, One of the of ficials said recently that the company would make no effort to get these engines into service Immediately upon their ar rival! but soon thereafter. Boms work by skilled mechanics would be necessary to get these engines In shape tor operation, and the strikers hold that the company would rather wait until normal conditions are restored and the old men are at work ' before undertaking work on ' these sap .. glnes. :'.';.Vv. i ; ' J " " . President' Burt," General Manager Dtok-.tnsonupsrJnlansnt.McKwnilaster.-. Mechanic B'arnum and Division Superin tendent Baxter are all out of the city on different sections of the road, so that no Information could be obtained from rail road headquarters yesterday regarding ths company's side of the fight. No More Importations. The belief that the officials are disposed to allow matters to pursue their own course for a while arows In the face of the fact that no more nonunion men have been brought Into Omaha for several days, while at the same time defections are oc curring daily in the ranks of those em ployed at the shops. Yesterday six of the recent nonunion recruits left tho Omaha shops, one left Saturday night and another Sunday, while at Council Bluffs three deserted yesterday aud Joined the strikers. It has been the custom of tbe company to send the best mechanics it could pick from those imported to tbs Council Bluffs roundhouse and the acquisition of these three is regarded by the strikers as a victory well worth achieving. Many of these men brought from Chicago, it Is in sisted, are "floaters," who do not care to work long anywhere. Strikers Find Encouragement. Two of the men who left the shops yester day were seen by a reporter for The Bee and said they looked for ths entire number to join the strikers within a day or two., They said about sixty still remained there. In view of these defections In tbe local shop force and those at other places the strikers are finding much encouragement. They claim Incidental victories every day, and assert that within a week conditions will have undergone such a perceptible change as to present a moat assuring aspect for the strikers. The report that thirty-five, tha total number of bollermakers and machinists' helpers, had gone out at North Platte aroused much Interest In local circles. As North Platte had been considered a pivotal point by both the strikers and the railroad, this break causes the utmost concern. It Is being used by the strikers as a demon stration of their Influence and power as against those of tbe company. The strikers are devoting tealous efforts to the work In the North Platte and Grand Island sec tions. Strike Breakers Quit. S. H. Grace, who Is directing the strike here for the machinists, received word yes terday morning that nine of the fifteen men shipped by the Union Paclflo to Cheyenne last Friday night deserted upon their ar rival there and Joined the strikers. It is urged byth s strikers that many of these Importations are men awaiting Just such an opportunity as this to get west, and do not hire to the company with any Intentloa of going to work. A report was current at Labor temple yesterday that a large number of eoal cars bad been sidetracked at Rock Creek, Wyo., on account of the strike. While this report was not confirmed, it Is generally reported that the company Is doing as little coal hauling aa It can and keep up its motive power. Up to Saturday officials insisted and offered proof that thslr motive power was in good condition, and alnoe then no notable or confirmed reports of failures hava been received, although dally the strikers are claiming big inroads on this department of the service, which is a vital point. Leader Grace Talks. 8. H. Grace of the exseutlvs committee. Insists that ths teat of ths strikers' strength has not come yet. He said: "Within the next thirty days I look for lorae final development. But I am not Turprlsed or disappointed that It has not come thus far, for it generally takes this long for a strike of similar proportions to really assume shape and give the opposing sides time to array their forces. But it a