Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 13, 1902, PART I, Image 1

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    TiiTTi TnTi
9 PA
The Omaha Sunday Bee
PAGES 1 TO 12.
British Commander of South African Foroei
in England Again.
Hogs Thror-f Gathtra at Southampton Dock
and Bids Eim Welcome.
Graata Thousands at Hartley Hall, Who
Bhout Themselves Hoarse.
From Time Conquering Hero Set Foot
! Metropolis tntll Df.ipprtnae
Beneath Portal of Palace1 It
! One Lone Applause.
Copyrlght, 19f2. by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON. July 12. (New York World Ca
blegram BpecUl Telegram.) There never
could have been a more unassuming hero
than Londoner's enthusiastically wolefcmed
today when they opened their arms to Lord
Kitchener. He reciprocated the welcome
with the grim satisfaction characteristic of
the man. He accepted the addreses ana
the compliments of royalties and the wild
applause of the crowds with a suspicion of
tolerance in his smile. He went about
the hard day'a work as If he were per
forming an act of duty and with good-
humored determination. The reception ac
corded him by the people had that touch
ef spontaneity without which popular ac
elamatlon lacks the ring of genuineness,
but It left this strong, still man almost
At Southampton he bore with the tedious
rations of self-important local officials
ot without symptoms of Impatience, , and
he replied to their long-winded panegyrics
In two sentences. Every time he spoke
publicly he displayed unmistakable signs
of nervousness, but hla powerful self-con
trol never deserted him.
- Hla manner to everyone, from the prlnoe
lot Wales and Earl Roberts to the en
thuslaatlo railroad porter who held out his
band for a shake (that was coldly given)-
'was the same. He wore a new unorna
tented khaki uniform. As he stepped out
of the train at Paddtngton station he
towered above everybody, and his smart.
business-like dress made the brilliant scar
let uniforms of the general staff look vul
gir and artificial.
The prince of Wales greeted him with
Unaccustomed animation, grasping bis right
band warmly and at the same time laying
the other band upon lord Kitchener's arm.
Lord Kitchener saluted him with the same
mile he beatowed on everybody else. There
Was no effusiveness, still less, any air of
superiority, but a genial modesty of de
tneanor Infinitely attractive. His speak
ing voice is rich, full and Indeed melo
dlous. His speeches are brief, almost curt
n form, still tinged with honest feeling.
Has Crows Bloater.
i-Tfrhaa -irowtnuirTr"thag the gaunt
shadow he appeared when be returned from
the Soudan, but he still retalna a spare,
fcpldlerly figure and the precision of move-
tnent of a man whose every act Is guided
by system and method.
Lord Roberts' ' head reached only about
three buttons above Lord Kitchener's belt
They presented a striking contrast, as
Lord Kitchener, with his right hand raised
Against his peaked cap In formal salute,
advanoed to meet bis chief, who had both j
bands outstretched in welcome. As Lord
Kitchener drove through the cheering
throngs to St. James' palace be glanced
around, half amusedly, aa he bowed. His
Attitude throughout, in face of demonstra
tions of admiration calculated to turn the
bead of any man, was suggestive of agree
able but subdued surprise. Before be
visited the king and the queen, Lord
Kitchener bad changed hla uniform and
'undergone a drastic process of fumigation,
eat be might carry smallpox which ap
peared on the ateamshlp which brought
him from Cape Town to Southampton to
the already afflicted royal palace. But be
bora everything with cheerful resignation
and spoke everywhere in the fewest words
' Arrival at Southampton.
. SOUTHAMPTON, July IS. The steamer
Orotava, which left Capetown June 23, with
Lord Kitchener and staff on board, ar
rived here at half past 8 o'clock this morn
ing. . Owing to the fact that Major Gordon,
who was also a passenger on the steamer,
bad been stricken with smallpox, Lord
Kitchener and his staff only were allowed
to land. The Orotava haa been placed In
' Lord Kitchener landed at 1:15 a. m. He
Was accorded a magnificent welcome from
huge throng of people. After a brief
VifBctal reception at the dock the general
)was driven through the decorated and
Crowded streets to Hartley hall, where he
received an address from the chamber of
commerce, expressing admiration of the
generalship, resource and skill which he
bad shown in South Africa, and hoping
. that the peace which he had secured would
be lasting and mark the beginning of a
ttew epoch of prosperity and commercial
development throughout the empire.
In reply Lord Kltcheucr declared that
whatever auccess bad been achieved was
flue to the rank and file of the army. He
thanked those who had looked after the
friends and relatives of those left behind
In South Africa.
In response to clamorous calls General
French and General lan Hamilton spoke,
the former remarking that they had
throughout been Inspired by the example
bf their chiefs.
The freedom of the borough was con
ferred on Lord Kitchener and the party
was then obliged to hurry away in order
to meet their London engagements. The
progress of Lord Kitchener and his com
panions to tbe railroad - station was
tnarked by scenes of remarkable en
thusiasm. Fopalar Hera la London.
LONDON. July ' 11. Lord Kltchsner
reached London at 12:48 p. m., and his
progress through tbe metropolis was one of
the most memorable of the many remark'
able events of the last three years. The
bmall procession of carriages containing
the general and bis staff, in simple, service
able vsldt dress, lacked spectacular features,
but evidently the crowd was there In Its
tens of thousands to so tbe man of the
hour and not a pageant
. Prom the moment be sot foot in London
to the time of hla disappearance beneath
the portal of St Jamea palace, Kitchener
received such an outburst of popular en
thusiaam aa quite overshadowed the demon
strations on previous and similar occasions
Tbe platform at Paddtngton railroad station
(Continued on Fifth Page.)
Allege Government Official Seeared
Jared Testimony.
(CopyrlRht, 1902, by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON, July 12. (New York World Ca
blegram Special Telegram.) Sergeant
Bhertdan. lately of the Irleh constabulary,
but now living In Boston, was the subject
of the most exciting debste of the sesson
In the House of Commons Thursdsy night.
The Irish 'nationalists made in their
speeches the charges: "That when sta-
tloned In County Clare some years ago,
Sheridan, conspiring with several of his
siibaidlnate constables, committed a aeries
of agrarian Crimea for which they arrested
snd convicted by perjured testimony Inno
cent men In that locality connected with
the Irish nationalist organization; that
those conviction were obtained through
Juries from which every Catholic and na
tionalist was excluded by the government
prosecuting lawyers; that in one ease alone
Sheridan got four men convicted of crimes
it has since been absolutely proved he com
mitted himself; that those four men were
eentenced to three years penal servitude
snd one actually died In prison of a broken
heart; that about a year ago John Dillon
got Information which enabled him to com
pel Irish Secretary Wyndham to Inquire
Into the charges against Sheridan, Wynd
ham promising that If tbe charges were
found to be true, full punishment should
bo meted out to all concerned; that Wynd
barn's Inquiry fully established the guilt of
Sheridan and his police accomplices, but
fiber dan threatened that If the government
dared to punish him he would expose the
superiors who bad connived at bis deeds
In order to create a prejudice against the
Irish nationalist organization ; that there
fore Sheridan was not only allowed to
leave the country, but got a handsome
contribution from the government secret
service fund to start him on a freah ca
reer In the United States.
These were the charges made out egainst
the government of Ireland by the Irish
party, and every allegation, except that
respecting the secret service money, was
admitted by Wyndham and hla attorney
general. The Irish party tntenda to renew
the subject later, pressing tor a public
Inquiry Into the whole system of subsidized
police and criminality In Ireland.
King Has la Mlad Posltioa of Queen
Alexandra In Caae He Shovld
Die I'serowaod,
(Copyright, 1902, by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON, July 12. (New Tork World Ca
blegram Special Telegram.) King Edward
certainly will be crowned August 8 unless
something unforeseen prevents. Saturday
was choson by the king because It being
a half-holiday the least possible disturb
ance to business will be caused, and, being
followed by Sunday, the festivities will be
confined to one day. The secret of this
hurrying on of the -ceremony lies In the
ktng'a feverish anxiety to get crowned at
the earliest possible moment, lest some fur
ther obstacle should arise. It Is a sub
Ject on wblch be Is a prey to superstitious
fears. His doctors resisted aa long as they
could, but finally assented to tbe fixing
of a -date for the ceremony, les oppo
sition snouia retard toe patience recovery.
Queen Alexandra's position would be af
fected if she were widowed without being
crowned. That fact alao is weighing upon
the king. Atthough the most positive and
explicit statements have been Issued by
the authority of the king's doctors that no
recurrence of the present trouble ie feared
It Is declared that he will always be some
thing of an invalid. This Illness is said to
have changed him from a fresh, well set
up man, apparently E0 years old, to a thin.
white septuagenarian.
Today's bulletin posted at Buckingham
palace reads: "King Edward Is making
excellent progress. . On account of bis
majeetle's condition bulletins will be is
sued on alternate daya only."
Mrs. Leggett and Mrs. Bradley-Mar'
tla Eatertala the Smartest of
the Smart Set.
(Copyright, 1902, by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON. July 11. (New York Cable
gram Special Telegram.) Mrs. Francis
Leggett gave a dinner party on Thuraday for
his royal highness the duke of Bragansa,
the crown prince of Portugal. The duke
must not bs confused with Prince Francie
Joseph Braganza, one of the Austrian
mission to the coronation, who la the chief
actor in an odious prosecution which Is Just
now engaging attention In the Southwark
police court. Mrs. Leggett'a house on
Briton street was made beautiful with
flowers from Lady DeOrey's conservatory
at Combe, It being condition of Mrs.
Leggett's tenancy of tbe DeGreys' bouse
that she take all ber fruit, flowers and
vegetables from them. The guests In
cluded Princess Hatzfeldt, Prince Llchten-
steln. Lady Bachs-Cunard and several
Mrs. Bradley-Martin gave another grand
dinner party Wednesday evening, having
for guests Princess Louise, two duchesses
and the elect of "smart" society. The
dinner was followed by a concert at which
Kubellk and Melba appeared. It was
noticeable that the only prominent Anglo
Americana preaent were Sir Michael and
Mrs. Herbert and Mrs. Paget. Mrs. Brad
ley-Martin was given the eold shoulder by
the "smart" Amerlean eoterle. when she
first came here in pursuit of social distinc
tion and now she Is able to pick guests
from among the most select people, while
studiously Ignoring her compatrlotessea.
Both entertainments were huge successes.
but Kubellk, overcome by the beat of the
rooms, fainted after playing. , He was
instantly surrounded by duchesses and
countesses, all wildly anxious to assist In
restoring him to consciousness. , Indeed
two were threatened with hysterics owing
to their emotion.
Holds rreaeh Ministry of War
Leaser Than Aay af Hla
(Copyright, 1902, by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS. July II. (New York World Cable
gramSpecial Telegram.) M. Delcasse baa
the honor of having held the post of min
ister of foreign affairs In France longer
than any of bia predecessors. Ha entered
the Qual d' Orcay, (foreign ministry), June
28, 1898,' when M. Brlaaon mas premier.
He baa continued In office through the
successive ministries of Dupuy, Waldeck
Rosseau, and aow la la the cabinet of
M. Combes, that la four years. The long
est terms of office before that of Delcasse
were that of the Dus de Ceases, November
28, 1872, to November II. 1877. four years
less three days, and that of M. Drouya.
which, under the empire, lasted for four
years lacking; all weeks.
Bereral ef England's Famous Beauties Bo-
come Accomplished Yachtswomen. .
Marchioness of Londonderry ii Considered by
Far the Host Expert
Countess of Annesley an Expert Angler as
Well as a Sailor.
Most Enthusiastic of the Sailors Ap.
pear to Be Beaattea Who Havre ,'
Wedded Elderly Men Tea ,
nheamatlo to Daaee.
(Copyright. 1902, by Press Publlshlr .)
LONDON, July 12. (New York, .Id
Cablegram Special Telegram.) ..led
English women are winning laurels the
tiller, and proving such ardent sailors that
the yachtsmen of Great Britain must soon
dispute pre-eminence with the most beau
tiful array of rivals that ever set wind
and wave at defiance. It Is by no means
the ugly ducklings of the coronated aris
tocracy that have developed this ambition,
but some of the loveliest in the list of
court beauties, an Indication at least that
vanity haa not superseded love of sport In
the mind of womankind.
Among the yachtswomen the marchioness
of Londonderry takes the lead. Though
ths mother of a married daughter, she Is
scarcely less handsome than when as Lady
Theresa Talbot, eldest daughter of the earl
of Shrewsbury, she was led to the altar
in 1876. Her splendid, regular features,
albeit characterized by the arrogance of
which Lady Londonderry has throughout
her life been thought to have overmuch,
are yet the classical Ideal. While her
husband served aa lord lieutenant of Ire
land, the marchioness tailed to realize tho
wide popularity a,mong her people that
her predecessor bad achieved among the
warm-hearted Irish, but her devotion as a
wife and mother. In contrast to the negli
gence of young society women in general,
won ber a deep respect and regard. Her
daughter, Lady Helen Stewart, recently
became the bride of Lord Stavordal. The
craft which Lady, Londonderry captalne
haa been called the finest small yacht In
the world, named The Metuenda to be
feared the flrat word of the Londonderry
motto Metuenda Corolla Draconic, "To Be
Feared la the Crest of the Dragon." It
la built entirely of cedar and mahogany.
The metal work Is of silver plated alum
inum, with gold beading and scroll work.
The sella are of silk, and the yacht baa
been rendered unslnkable by metal cases
at the bow and stern. She herself has
directed the calling of raoee at Cowes and
elsewhere and Is regarded aa aa expert
In tbe sailing of small yachts.
Coontess a Good Angrier.
The countess of Annesleyhaslnade - a
reputation aa an angler as well as a yachts
woman. She accompanies her husband on
fishing expeditions and frequently boasts
the biggest "catch." Her charming face
with lta bright dark eyee and Its expression
of gracious sweetness Is, perhaps, better
known than any of the contemporary beau
ties. Greatly her husband's Junior, she
became bis second wife when he bad
reached tbe ripe age of 81. She la the
granddaughter of Colonel Markham, for
many yeare one of tho chief supporters
of Melton Mowbray. In addition to the
Irish estate tbe Annesley lodge In London,
overlooking Regent's park, la one of the
show places. The countess makes ber two
little daughters companlona of her cruises
and is Imbuing them with her love of the
Lady Wallscourt as a yachtswoman bas
the keen sympathy of her husband, who
Is never more happy than when literally
under her command on the deck of ber
trim craft She Is one of the prominent
figures at Cowea during regatta week and
is enthuslastlo in all pertaining to her
favorite sport. Of slender build, with eye
and hair of darkest brown. Lady Wallscourt
is of a graceful loveliness that Is particu
larly effective in the yachting costume ehe
wears. She waa Mlsa Palliser and Is much
younger than Lord Wallscourt, whose sec
ond wife she Is. Though ho shares all ber
love of tbe eea and the turf be' abhors
society and can rarely be brought to ap
pear at a ball or reception.
Knows How to Swim.
Swimming la the accomplishment which
In the eyee of Lady Constance Butler la the
natural concomitant of yachting. Tbe evi
dence ehe gives of ber prowess In both arta
Is one of the elghte of Cowes, where her
father'e (Lord Ormonde's) yacht is lying at
anchor. It Is Lady Constance'e dally habit
to drop over tbe side for a morning dip.
With bold, sure etrokee sbs cuts through
the water like a veritable mermaid. Per
haps less beautiful than her sister. Lady
Beatrice Pole-Carew, ehe nevertheless Is
winsome enough to have ruled as a belle
in London no less than tn her native Kil
kenny, where ehe Is beloved by all the
countryside. An experienced aallor, she
can race a yacht with any man.
Daellat Whoae Skill Haa Made Him a
Target fee Xotortety-Seek-tag
(Copyright 1902. by Press Publishing Co.)
BUDA PE3TH. ' July II. (New York
World Cablegram Special Telegram.)
Andor Papp, an agricultural student, baa
Just been entertained at a banquet given
by bis fellow students and presented aa
elegant jeweled rapier. This was In rec
ognition of a record achievement tn fighting
tour successful duels in one morning, se
riously wounding one opponent and dis
abling ths three others, himself receiving
only two slight wounds. Neevrthelesa Papp
U looked on as a doomed man. because
every student who wants notoriety wilt want
to pick a quarrel with him In hope of ac
quiring reputation.
After Holding Oat Fifty Years Vlenaa
Watchmakers Break Over
Their Rale.
(Copyright, 18, by Press Publishing Co.)
VIENNA, July II. (New York World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram.) After fifty
years of obstinate resistance to woman
labor, the Watchmakers' guild bas at
last granted a certificate of competence
to a girl, Olxela Elbuachltg, who la the
first watchmaker te be recognised at
Vienna. This innovatloa la sternly re
stated by tbe labor body ef tbe trade.
ProXs Amoaat to lO0,OOO, Which Go
to the Children's Hospital
(Copyright. 1902, by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON, July 12. (New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) The grand
Imperial coronation bazaar In the Botanlo
gardens has triumphed over storm, rain
and mismanagement and the Children's
hospital enterprise will benefit to the ex
tent of at least $100,000. Queen Alexsndra
opened It Thursday and made numerous
purchases, Including a muff chain and some
Oriental topazea from Mrs. George Keppel
In the Jewelry stall, for $100. Mrs. Keppel
was assisted by Mrs. Arthur Paget, who
placed In the queen's hands the ' biggest
African diamond In existence, said to be
wf i $200,000. This jewelry stall con
tV s 'the finest and most valuable gems
. descriptions from the safes of lead
ed Jealers In Paris, London and Amster-
worth In the aggregate not less than
-,000,000. It Is a realization of Aladdin's
"" A u" we BO
.rusted unguarded to the custody of Mrs.
Paget, Mre. Keppel and the Countess De
Grey, but each jeweler has his exhibits
vigilantly watched by his own employee,
while twenty detectives were stationed
around and a large force of constables
was held In reserve to defend the valuables
In case an attempt should be made to rush
the stall.
The queen .waa particularly gracloua to
the Americans. She ordered half a dozen
bottlee of preserved peaches from Mra
Bradley Martin at 60 cents a bottle. She
complimented Mre. Ronalds on her mas
terly management of the American bar,
but could not be Induced by Mrs. Chaucey
to try a mint julep. She accepted two
sliver boxea from Cora, countesa of
Strafford. From Mrs. Choate and Mre.
Wbltelaw Reld, who superintended the
American court, the queen bought Presi
dent Roosevelt's "Tbe 8trenuoua Life,"
which she took away under her arm, and
three volumes of Dana Gibson's sketches,
which she ordered sent to Buckingham
palace. From Coneuelo, duchess of Man
chester, she bought a tortoise shell cigar
case for the king, which she also took
Ambassador Choate went around buying
liberally and tn most caaea he returned tbe
articles to the stallholders to sell again.
Whltelaw Reld was another generous
Mre. Richardson Clover and Mlsa Bea
trice Clover assisted Mra. Choate. Mrs.
Ronald'a assistants included Mrs. Foxhall
Keene, Mrs. Newhouse, Miss DeYoung and
Lady Grey-Egerton.
The duchess of Marlborough, dressed in
one of her Ascot frocks, looked charming.
She was very busy at the china stall, but
the queen bought nothing there.
Mrs. Parker Deacon, though not en
gaged at any stall, bought freely all
French Economist Saya Reduced In
terest Rate Will Compel All
bat Very Rich to Work.
(Copyright. 1902, by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS, July 12. (NeYork World Ca
blegram Special Telegram.) LeRoy Beau-
lleu, an eminent economist, has just deliv
ered a lecture upon the conversion of the
French t per cent debt into 8 per cent
bonds. He showed that the rata of interest
Is constantly decreasing and predicted that
In the next twenty-five yeare capital would
be glad to get I per cent, and that fifty
years hence such first-class ' securities as
government bonds and railway securities
will bear 1 per cent Interest, "which," said
the lecturer, "will compel all except the
very largest capitalists to work for a living,
and the leisure of the class, people now
called well off, will be aboltebed."
Start tn to Destroy Alt War Material
and the Bin: Gnna on
i Fortresses.
(Copyright, 1902, by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS, July 12. (New York World Ca
blegram Special Telegram.) Attempts to
blow up arsenals and powder magazines
bave been of dallv occurrences for tbe last
fortnight throughout France, principally at
Brest, Toulon and Lyons. At Brest the
sentioele were attacked five nlghte in suc
cession. Tho police inspector put in charge
of the caae tells the World correspondent
that be believes the anti-war section of
anarchists, founded here a year ago, now
has branches in other countries, the mem
bers being pledged to destroy all kinds of
armament by every possible means. He
also said that there were three attempte
last week to blow up English war ships,
but they were carefully kept from the pub
lic. In Italy tbe Genoa coast batteries and
several big guns bave been ruined with
Strange Kotlce Which Appeared
tho Official Police Gaae'tte
. of Fracas.
(Copyright, 1902, by Press Publishing Co.)
VIENNA. July 12. (New York World Ca
blegram Special Telegram.) The Prague
official Police Gazette thla evening pub
lished a notice of apprehension with the
following text:
A dangerous madman, hitherto under the
care of Prof. Buelow, escaped recently
from Berlin. His name la Kaiser Wllhelm,
son of Kaiser r'rlederloh, deceased, in Ber
lin. He was last seen In the ragea of elo
quence in Marienburg. Notice la given
that be shall be searched for, and deliv
ered up, in this office.
The public la crasy over this notice, which
will have grave consequences for the
Prague police. It must be attributed to
official negligence.
German Emperor Complllaar a Book
for lee la the Navy
aad Army,
(Copyright, 1902, by Press Publishing Co.)
BERLIN, July 12. (New York World Ca
blegram Special Telegram.) Ths kaiser, is
engaged In compiling a book of sermons and
prayers for ths use of sailors and soldiers
In peace and war. He Insists that these
sermons are sincerely pious and inculcate
absolute obedience to superiors and com
plete devotion to ths bead of ths state.
Those passages whtcb be deems to be of es
pecial importance are to be printed lu
heavy type.
Castellans Gets His Seat.
PARIS, July 11. Ths Chamber of Depu
ties today, after validating ths elections of
several deputies. Including that of Count
Stanislas de Caatellsne, adjourned sine die.
Tbe Staate also adjourned sl&e die.
Alphonso las Already Captured ths Hearts
of ths People of Madrid.
Violates Military Etiquette by Ordering
Beg.ment Oat on Parade.
At Cabinet Meetings He Eas His Say
Inatead of Playing Small-Bey Part.
Gets I'p at Early Hoar aad Personally
Looks After the Injared la the
Disaster at Powder
(Copyright, 1902, by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS, July 12. (New York World Cable
gramSpecial Telegram.) King Alphonso
haa captured the' hearts of bis subjects.
According to the Madrid correspondent of
Figaro, this 18-year-old monarch has al
ready shown himself of so firm a character,
as well as quick and aupple of mind, that
he has kept his ministers In constant won
derment aa to what he would do next.
Some days ago'the king, who arises very
early, quitted the palace at 8 o'clock.
Mounted on horseback and accompanied
by the prince of Asturlas, he presented
himself without preliminary announoemtnt
at the artillery barracks. He bad the
trumpets and bugles sounded, the pieces
mounted, the regiment formed and setting
out at its head made a promenade on the
streets, passing in front of the windowe of
the royal palace, where tbe queen mother
was awaiting hia arrival.
This surprise was hot quite agreeable, It
la said, for the chief of the regiment and
the minister of war have been puzzled to
decide whether the king haa a right to order
out a regiment without the knowledge of
tbe captain general or the war minister.
Military etiquette has no part in the pub
lic's consideration, however,, and all Mad
rid voted the boy king a preux chevalier.
At the councils of his ministers Alphonso
speaka very well,, and always has an opin
ion on the various subjects under consider
ation. If decorations are to be bestowed he
Is careful to sift all the evidence in each
"If you could know," said .tbe count of
Romanoes, minister of public Instruction,
"how difficult tho king is to deal with In
awarding the honorary distinctions. Instead
of having a child to deal with, his counsel
lore find themselves In tbe presence of a
Recently at 8 o'clock In tbe morning Mad
rid was awakened by a terrific explosion.
Tbe detonation 'reached even to the palace,
doors and windows flying open with a vio
lence that suggested an assault by sur
prise. The powder magazine of the Cora
bunchel encampment bad exploded with a
horrible list of dead and wounded aa the
result Immediately" the king,-who had al
ready risen, left with his aide-de-camp,
General Harcourt, in a carriage drawn by
tour horses, for the scene of the disaster.
He visited the rulne and the wounded and
gave 60 franca to each person. Having In
formed himself of tbe whole matter, be re
turned to tbe palace. At 9 o'clock, when
the council met, one of the ministers began
to explain tbe catastrophe.
"Yes, yes," interrupted the king, "I
know. I bave Just come from It," recount
ing the horror to its least detail.
Army Reformers Will Endeavor to
Pat Sandharat on Par with
American Institution.
LONDON, July 12. To the dismay of tbe
government the agitation on the subject
of "rustlflcatlon" of the Sandhurst cadets,
who were suspected by their superior of
ficers of being concerned In the recent
incendiary fires at the military college,
daily gather more influential supporters.
Winston Spencer Churchill and Lord
Hugh Cecil now have enlisted Lord Rose
bery, the Duke of Northumberland and
hundreds of other prominent men, regard
less of party, in their endeavors to aee
that Justice la done to tbe twenty-nine
"rusticated" cadets.
What at first seemed to be a trifling
matter la now a grave aource of annoy
ance to the government in spite of en
deavor of the entire ministry, as the Sat
urday Review puta it, to ahelter them
selves behind Lord Roberts, the commander
in chief. They are atlll In a dilemma and
Lord Roberta baa lost more of bis waning
Next week tbe queatlon la likely to be
subject of a heated debate tn the bouse of
commons. The underlying motive In the
movement In behalf of the cadets ia the
universal desire to probe tbe war office In
efficiency and to make Sandhurat a fit
place to train British officers, or, as It
la frequently aald here, to put It on a par
with West Point, whose eystem, the army
reformers declare, Is without equal.
Confesses to Many Crimes and Says
He Belongs te aa Excel'
leat Family.
(Copyright, 1902, by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS, July 12. (New York World Ca
blegram Special Telegram.) After two
months' search tbe police have captured
a thief who bas systematically robbed the
cburchee Of Bordeaux and other towns.
When the man was brought up for ex
amination be startled the judge by the
following announcement:
"I, and I alone bave committed all tbe
robberlea at Macon, Bruges, Blanquefort,
etc, but now that you know my crime do
not eeek to learn mors. I belong to an
excellent family and do not dealre to tar
nish their name. Condemn me to the
severest penalty, but permit me to remain
only the criminal X."
Up to now the court bae been unable to
establish bla identity and tbe clever thief
U etill Mr. X.
King Is So Well that There Is Ho
Farther Anxiety Coneernlag
Hla Condition.
LONDON. July II. At Buckingham
palace ths following bulletin was poatsd
at 10 a. m. today:
Klusr Edward Is making excellent prog'
ress. On account of his majesty's satis
factory condition, bulletins will be Insued
on, aJ tern is aays oiuy. Trttvtfi.
... BA&LOVY.
Forecast for Nebraska Fair Punrtav end
Monday; Light to Fresh Southwest Winds,
1 Kitchener Retarns Honfe.
Sailing Woman's Latest Fad.
Roy Klnst of Spain Make n lilt.
Local Strike Situation.
9 Johnstowa Is In Mourning.
Railroads Will Wot Yield.
S Kews from Nebraska Towns.
4 1'nlted State Oat of Controversy.
Postpones Indian Investigation.
Archbishop Feehaa Itles Suddenly.
B Kews of the Army and Navy.
Christian Workers Elect Officers,
e Society Events of a Week.
t New Foaailry for Omaha Assured,
South Omaha News.
8 Council Bluffs and Iowa Kews.
O Sporting Events of a Day.
11 Sporting Review of the Week,
ia Woman aad Her Art Study.
Postmaster Gets Into Troable.
Post of Police Surgeon.
14 Womnn'a World and Work.
15 Amusements and Musle.
10 Hearing on Railroad Taxation.
11 May Start Railroad Rate War.
18 Editorial.
1 Where the Ghosts Stalk.
Enlarging the Yellowstone.
Heroes of Vive Wars.
SO Story, "Barbara of Ollertoa.
81 Markets and Financial.
Temperature at Omaha Yesterday!
Hour. Dear. Hour.
ft a. m. . . . . ,
8 a. ra tut
T a. m T
8 a. in T3
9 a. m 7H
1 p. m ..... . S
Si p. m. . . . . . MU
a p. in HH
4 p. ui Ml
R p. m HT
p. m Hit
T p. m Hi
lO a. m TT
11 a. m 81
12 m Ml
Brent K. Yatea Accidentally Shot by
Own Hand In Hiawatha.
HAWATHA, Kan., July 12. (Special
Telegram.) Brent K. Yates, owner and
manager of the Yates Drug company, of this
cljy. accidentally shot himself In the rear
of bis store building at 10 o'clock this
morning. He had been shooting at some
birds and a mark in the back yard and In
loading the target rifle accidentally dis
charged the piece, the bullet entering the
body just above the stomach, and ranging
upward, lodged under the left shoulder
blade. Mr. Yates died In twenty mlnutee
after tbe accident
The prescription clerk was talking to a
customer In the front of the store and they
heard the report of the gun and Immediately
followed by a groan from Mr. Yates. Hurry
ing to tbe rear of the store tbey saw him
fall. The rifle lay by the door. '
Mr. Yatea was born in Hiawatha thirty
three yeare ago and learned the drug
business in the etore, in which he died,
under the eupervlslon of his father. After
completing bla education be re-entered
Yale, completing the law course In 1389.
From there he went to' Omaha, where be
practiced for a couple of years, when he
moved to St Louis and continued the prac
tice of law. About three years ago Mr.
Yates- returned -to thla city to take charge
of the drug business hia father left at hla
He leaves a wife, a brother, two alstere
and bis mother. Mr. Yates was a member
of the Masonic fraternity. No arrangements
have aa yet been made tor the funeral. .
Officers Believe the Oregon Convict
is Wounded and Now Bar.
RAVENSDALE. Wash., July 12. Harry
Tracy, the bunted outlaw, is undoubtedly
in the country-between Covington, Frank
lin and Ravensdale. At present guards ara
out as far aa Franklin on the east and
along the northern Pacific tracks. A strong
posse le leading from Auburn. He is
Sheriff Cudlhee says there Is no ques
tion that Tracy is nearly used up. The
sheriff believes the chase is nearlng an
end. He says the utmost vigilance will
be used and It will be Impossible for tbe
outlaw to get out of King county on any
railroad train, consequently he must walk,
and as the roads are watched snd every
farmhouse so well covered that a visit
would be reported within a few house. It
seems to him that before many houre the
man bunt will be over. Tracy was last
seen on Green river about two miles south
west of Black Diamond laat night by Frank
Pautoto, a rancher. The convict passed In
front of Pautoto'a bouae and a short dis
tance beyond It took to the brush.
Pautoto waa so frightened that be passed
the night at tbe house of another rancher.
Twenty or thirty guards with bloodhounds
bave started for Psutoto's housed
County Proseeator at Cincinnati If
tilled that Woman Charged with
Kldaaplng la Free.
CINCINNATI. July 12. County Prosecu
tor Hoffbelmer was notified today by Con
sul Pearson at Genoa. Italy, that Clara
Taylor, accused of kidnaping little Mar
garet Taylor, bae been released uncondi
tionally. -The plea for ber release was
that she had no criminal Intent when
sbs took the child and that It was not
dons for monetary gain. Tbe father of
Margaret la glad his sister will not bs
extradited, but Margaret's mother will as
alst In the prosecution if Clara returns
here, where ehe is still under Indictment
Her mother and sister, Frances, were In
dicted at the same time last year. They
were convicted and reprieved at the peni
tentiary door and now efforts are being
made for the pardon of Mra. Taylor and
Frances. Little Margaret, after an ab
sence of four yeara, was recently found at
Bordlnghera, Italy, and restored to ber
parents here. -
i ""
Movements ef Ocena Vessels, July 13.
At Glasgow Sailed Austrian, for Boaton,
At Bremen 8alled Kaiser Krlederlch der
Oroaae, for New York, via Southampton.
At Cherbourg flailed St. Louis, from
Southampton, for New York.
At Antwerp Balled Krooniand, for New
At Havre Sailed La Savole, for New
At London Balled Mlnnetonka, for New
At Movllle Sailed Columbia, from Glas
gow, for New York.
At Liverpool Arrived Lucanla, from
New York. Balled I'mbrla. for New York.
At New York Arrived La Touralne, from
Havre; St Paul, from Southampton and
Cherbourg. Hailed Kyndum, for Rotter
dam, via Boulogne; Etruria, for Liverpool;
Ancnona, lor uiasgow.
At Boston Arrived Ultonla, from Liver
At Hamburg Arrived Columbia, from
New York.
At Queenstown Arrived Celtic, from
New York.
At Southampton Arrived Koenigen
lAUsc, irons fiv x or.
Union Paoifio Claims to Ears ft Fores
Sufficient for It Work.
Tetal ef 675 lfen ia Bhopi at Omaha aad
Council Bluffs.
Officials Say Nnmber ef If achi lists is Only
Slightly Decreased.
More Men at Work at Grand Island
Than Before Strike aad Company
Proposea to Fnrthrr Ia.
crease Kumber.
More than four weeks bave elapsed
elncs the strike tn the Union Taclflc shops
was declared and each elde ie apparently
aa determined as If the atruggle bad Just
begun. The strikers are basing their
claims of success upon the assertion that
none of their men, or at least a very in
significant number, has gone back Into the
company'e employ, while the officials of
the railroad produce an array of stern
figures to show that they have a com
paratively good-sired force, sufficient, they
claim, to meet the demands made upon
the shops at this season of the year.
Each aide expresses absolute confidence
In the ultimate outcome of the fight. The
officials of the road Insist that their mo
tive power has not been Injured or Jeop
ardized by this strike and they are pro
ceeding with their affairs, they affirm. In
different to the strikers. The latter make
persUttent claims that they bave suc
ceeded In seriously affecting the motive
power of the railroad and crippled Ite
shop facilities to such an extent that the
company will be forced within a ehort
time to adopt some different policy.
Company Prodacea Figures.
To demonstrate tbe actual conditions, an
official of the Union Pacific Saturday pro
duced some figures taken from Lis dally
report sheet, which shbw the etstus in
each shop on the system. Beginning with
Omaha, the schedule shows that in the local
shops, Council Bluffs and tbe outround
bouses the company now has In lta em
play a total of 675 men, which Is about
200 less than the normal force In these
places. In the Omaha shops alone there
are said to be 610 men In all departmenta.
About 65 per cent of the original number
of machinists in the Omaha shops are at
work, according to tbe reporte of the
company. Thla shows, therefore, that the
number of all employed is well propor
tioned as to the different crafts. Of course
the company does not claim that this num
ber is made up of old employes, but of
those who have been Imported and thos
who did not strike.
The number of machinists now at work
In the Omaha shops U, acaardlhg trt ths
company's statement, within thret or tour
of the original number.
At Armatrong tbe force la aald to bo al
most of normal site. A large number of
etrlkere, it Is said, bave returned to work
and the rest of the placee bave been Oiled
by outside men. Tbe company baa ceased
employing men there.
At Cheyenne the total numbsr of shop
men now in active service Is 344. Of this
number twenty-two are skilled machinists
and about half the normal blacksmith foree
Is at work. These reporte from tbe three
largest shops on the system show that tbe
company haa enough man at work to make
a fair showing.
At Other Polata oa Line.
Normal sized forcea are said to be at
work at Ellis, Junction City and 8allna,
Kan. Denver reports three-fourthe of a
force at work In the bollermakera and ma
chinists' departmenta and full forces la
other departments of the shops. At Green
River a full force Is employed and at
Evanston, where the men were eo elow to
strike,, seventeen machinists are reported
at work, as against seven before, and
seven boilermakers aa against five be
North Platte bae . preeented the moat
serious problem tbe company bas yet to
contend with. Tbe men there were in a
quandry for aome time and finally striking
they are among the most determined of
any on the system. Notwithstanding these
facts the officials declare that a fore of
176 men is employed In these shops, a
fact which they say will suprlse tbe strik
ers. The original number employed at
North Platte waa 200. Eleven of those
now at work there are machinists, twenty-.
four machinist's' helpers and sixteen men
are engaged in tbe boiler shops, though no
real boilermakers ars at work. In tbe
remainder of the departmenta tbe force
Is st' a normal also.
The officials regard North Platte aa their
weakeat point and yet one of them aaid
Saturday that it would be tbe eaateet te
handle ae soon aa they deolded to take
hold of It in earnest
Grand Island Fores Increased.
The reports from Orand Island show a
larger force of men at work than before
the strike. As was stated In The Bee tome
daya ago, this shop's fores le to be en
larged still more and It la aald to be tbe
Intention of the eompany to Increase tbe
force to three tlmee ite original else.
Asked if those men now at work la tbe
various shops were on the piecework sys
tem an official of ths road Saturday re
plied: "No air, they are getting exactly the
wagea paid in tbe abopa when the etrlke
begun. No reductlone bave been made and
no piecework baa been Introduced. We did
not Intend to introduce piecework at once
anyway, and of couise, we could not do
such 'a thing with new men even if we
wished. There ie a great deal of idle talk
about this piecework matter. This com
pany could not properly Introduce piece
work all over lta system within less thaa
Ave years."
Ths company does not pretend to eay
that but a very email proportion of those
men now in its employ are former strikers,
but officials maintain that ths most of them
are competent men. It la fact, tbey admit,
that In tbe very large majority of cases ths
strikers have not returned to work. The
officials profess not to be worrying over
whether ths strikers return to work. Tbey
say they wanted to glvs their old men a
chance to resume tbelr positions and since
tbey have refused to do ao, most of them.
It la not ths part of tbe company to loss
sleep over the matter. It eontlnuea to
bring in new men and will keep on in thle
line, tbe officials eay. Thirty-seven non
union mea wers imported Into the Omaha
shops Saturday from Chicago and more
will be brought later.
Frank L Rooetnus of Kaaaaa City, graad