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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1902)
THE OMAHA .DAITV: IlEEt SATUItDAi, JULY 12, woa. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL - M ISO 11 MKSTIO. Dsvls nails drugs, i Btorkert sella carpets and run. Leffert, eyesight specialist, 238 Broadway. Dr. Stockdale, First Nat Bank building. B. M. Sargent returned yesterday from a business trip to Chicago. Pictures for wrddlng presents. C. B. Alexander & Co., 323 Broadway. Mr. and Mrs. H. II. Van Brunt will leave BunJay for Madison Lake, Minn. Take home a. brick of Metsger's les cream. Vanilla, 26c; Neopolltan, c. Miss Pansy Morehouse has gone to Colo rado Bprlngs on a visit to her brothers. O. H. Wirt left yesterday for Everett, Wash., to look after his mining Interests. Mrs. C. 8. Iawson and son Homer left Inst evening on a visit to relatives at Wln fleld, Kan. Miss Uzile Hlrkry will leave today for a irislt with relutlves and friend at Dead wood, 8. D. Mr. and Mrs. B. I Banford are home from their wedding trip to several of the larger eastern cities. B F. Nledorp, superintendent of the Western Weighing association, with head suiirters at 8t. Joseph, was In the city yesterday. H. J. Rohllng of this city left last even Ing for Cleveland, O., to attend a meeting of the Wholesale Saddlery association of the United States. For rent, five-room cottage, city water in kitchen, good out buildings, .60per month. Call on E. F. Watts, Bee office,, or 36 North First street. County Treasurer Arnd turned oyer to City Treasurer True yesterday $2,3fi2, being the municipality's proportion of the. tax collections for June. . The funeral of Mrs. Bruce Bteers will be from the rfsldence, 723 MynMer street, at 8:30 o'clock this morning. The body Will be taken to Dunlap, la., for burial. Miss Belle Palmer, a teacher In the public schools of Oakland. Ia., was In the city yesterday, on her way to Portland. Ore., where she will visit for the remainder of the summer vacation. The case against Ed Heaton, charged With drawing a knife on Chwrles Miller dur. Ing a quarrel In their boarding house, was dismissed yesterday In Jumiue Bryant's court, as Miller fulled to appear to prose cute. Lorraine Hammel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hamnvl, was thrown from her bicycle Thursday evening, striking her head against the curbstone. She was ren dered unconscious and sustained a severe calp wound. J. C. Blxby A Bon have furnished and are putting In one of the largest high pres sure steam boilers now made, at the John fj. Woodward candy factory, which will furnish steam for the new engines and machinery soon to be installed. W. H. Knepher, whose bill for repairing; the bridge over Indian creek on North Tenth atreet waa rejected, began suit ? gainst the city yesterday In Justice tryant's court for the amount of his cla,lm, tlH.60. . The bill was rejected because the ridge, the day after Knepher completed the repairs on It, collapsed and slid Into the creek. Captain Mather has Issued a Cft.ll for all members of the Dodge Light Guards to report at the armory at 6 o'clock Sunday morning prepared to march to the Judson farm, northeast of tho city, whera they will camp for the day. The Guards are now drilling every Tuesday and Friday nights, preparing for the annual encamp ment, which will be held this year at Atlantic, July 22 to 29. I'n any soap so lis Pick's soap. Davis tells glsaa. School House In Dancer. It was discovered yesterday that the re lent heavy rains had undermined the foun lattons of the Harrison Street schoolhouse ind that the southeast corner of the build ing was In Imminent danger ef falling out the .walls at this point nave cracked and krs bulged out, and examination by.Bupep rlsor Brewlck yesterday ' afternoon revealed the fact that foundations had, been washed, iway. "It Is expected that the necessary repairs,- which will have to be executed at nce, will entail an expenditure of from KOO to $1,000. "President Sargent of the Soard of Education will call a special meet ig of the board for today to take some ac tion In the matter. He says there will bat no time to advertise for bids for the work. Father ! for Damua-es. William Farrell of Underwood filed yes terday In the district court. original notice It two suits against the Chicago, Rock (aland Paclflo Railroad company for an Iggregate of $32,000 damages for the death If his daughter, Almeda, who was run down ind killed by a passenger train near Un lerwood en May 8 last. In one action ha )ues as administrator of the child's estate nd asks for $20,000 damages, and In the pecond be sues as . her father, asking for (12.000. Rise In Lnke Manawn, Lake Manawa raised two and a half feet testerday and was reported late last ntgbt be still rising. "-The overflow of Mos- tulto creek bas filled all the bottoms near lanawa and hundreds t t acres of cornfields pre undsr water. - The fields Just east of fbs resort are covered with water and Third Itreet, the bone of contention between tbe Eotor company and property-owners at anawa, is under water. N. T. Plumbing Co., telephone 150. Real Estate Transfers. These transfers were filed yesterday In ; be abstract, title and loan office of J.' W. ' Iqqlre, 101 Pearl street: Sheriff to Council. Bluffs Savings ' hank, lota 1 and 6, block 1. Enbank s lt add; lots 8, 9 and id, block 4, Stutsman's 1st add; lot 4, block 17, -naleshura add; lots 39 and 40, block 13. Wright's add, s. d $ 5,000 Matilda H. Baker , and husband to t Martin- Daley, lot 17, block 7, Bay- ' U' 3d add, w. d 175 George W. Llpe and wife to I-eonnrd Kverett, executor, lot 10, block 14, . Mill add, w. d 250 C. D. Dlllin and wife to Thomas A. .' Mitchell, lot 13. block 14, Neola. w. d. ' W0 Charles T. Officer and wife to Elisa beth M. Oflicer, lot 11, block 10, Bay Use' 1st arid, w. d - 1 fcltraheth M. Officer to Charles 'T. Officer, lot 14, block , Jefferls' sub dlv. w. d 1 B.' M. Raid to Walter E. Brandes, lots 12 and 13, block I. Williams' 1st add, Hancock, w. d 700 James ' Walling and wife to Ell H. Patterson, se4 nwVi, except 7S4 acres. 81-76-43, w. d 1,600 Total eight transfers $ 6,627 ANNOUNCEMENT j ' Owing to circumstances entirely be- ?ond our control, and upon the solid a i Ion of our friends and patrons, ws have concluded to continue in the " Jewelry Business In our present loca tion at No. 4u0 Broadway. Our recent clearing: sale mas a great success, and we will Immediately place in stock a new and elegant assortment of the latest and up-to-date goods. We will . auto state that In addition to the com pute new stock we intend to make some Interesting prices. The store will be thoroughly remodeled and an op tical room and Jewelry manufacturing department added. TOMUHHUW WE OFFER SS-IHAH BOSS CASK KL. GIM WATCH, IB JKWELI, ' lil.OO. Tel. WOLLMAN Oft BROADWAY. Council Bis Vs. LEWIS CUTLER FUNERAL DIRECTOR 8uoceesor to W. C- Kstep) PGAUL STRKICT. These 9)7. BLUFFS. CONFIDENCE IS MISPLACED Georgs W. Fillman Bleeps While His Com panion Takes Her Departure. WATCH AND VALUABLES GO WITH HER ro! Iceman Guesses Riant and Tskn Woman to Station, Where Watch and Other Valuables Are Recovered. George W. Fillman of Akron, O., for many years a well-known traveling man In Omaha, came to Council Bluffs several days ago for the purpose of trying to obtain possession of his daughter, aged 15, and his son, sged j 12, who reside with their mother, FUlman's divorced wife, In Omaha. Negotiations looking toward his taking the children back with him to Ohio .were proceeding satisfactorily, at least so be thought, when Fillman fell by the wayside. Thursday at his former wife's home he met a woman who gave the name of Mrs. Ada Hunter and claimed to be tbe wife of a barber. This woman Ingratiated herself Into FUlman's good graces by pretending that with the Influence she bad over Mrs. Fill man she could easily secure the surrender of the two children. Fillman was so grati fied over the prospects of his mission to Omaha being successful that he took Mrs. Fillman and Mrs. Hunter out to bare a good time, which meant the consumption of a number of drinks. Accompanied by the Hunter woman Fill man returned .to Council Bluffs on a late car Thursday night and registered at the Metropolitan hotel as George W. Adams and wife. At the suggestion of Officer Calla ghan, who noticed the couple, Fillman left the greater part of his money with the clerk before going to his room. A short while after Officer Hayes no ticed the woman waiting for a car at the Northwestern tracks and suspecting some thing wrong took her to the city Jail. In vestigation showed that she had robbed Fillman of his watch and chain, gold eye glasses and whatever money he had. When the officers went to Flllman's room at the hotel they experienced much diffi culty In arousing him, and It Is thought be bad at some time during the time In Omaha been given knockout drops. He was taken to police headquarters, and when the woman was confronted with him she ad mitted taking the money and .watch from him and returned them. She was locked up snd yesterday morning was fined $10.60, which she promptly paid. Fillman was al lowed to return to his hotel. Fillman was married in Council Bluffs by Justice John Jay Fralney .about sixteen years ago. His wife shontly after the birth of their second child leftJ.ilm. She later secured a divorce from him, he not defend ing it. Puck's Domestic soap Is best for lauL'4ry. Gravel roofing, A. H. Read. 541 Broadway. NEEDS MONEY TO ENTERTAIN Committee; on . Philippine Veterans Rennlon Getting Ready to Hustle. An effort to raise $2,500 to entertain the reunion of the National' society, Army of the Philippines, here in August will be made by the citizens' committee. This was decided upon at the meeting yesterday morning of the executive committee, and the city was divided into districts for the purpose of soliciting the business men. An active canvass will be ''begun Monday by the finance committee,, of 'which B. H. Wal ters Is chairman. ' .'' ' Alderman C. W. McDonald, chairman of the committee on program, has Issued a call for a meeting of his committee Sun day morning at 10 o'clock at the Grand hotel. The members of this committee are: W. H. Town, F. R. Davis, Dell O. Clark, Howard Culver, Thomas G. Metcalf, J..G Wadsworth, J. P. Hess, T. R. Ru therford, L. T. Van Slyke, W. A. Johnson and E. G. Harkness. Congressman Smith, chairman of the com mittee on speakers, has Issued a call for a meeting of his committee Monday morn ing at 10 o'clock in tbe Grand hotel. These are the members of bis committee: E. H. Lougee, John Olsen. F. H. Hill, J. J. Shea, W. B. Batrd. H. F. Pierce. H, J. Chambers and I M. Bbubert Plumbing and beating. Blxby & Sob. ' Keep clean. Use Punk's Mechanic's soap. , Program of Church Dedication. This is the complete program for the ded icatory services of the new Trinity Metho dist church Sunday, at which the pastor, Rev. W. H. Cable, will be assisted by a number of local ministers and Rev. D. K. Tlndall of Omaha and Rev. Clyde Clay Cls sell: 9:30 a. m. Pentecostal breakfast. Rev. Henry DeLona. 10:00 a. m Voluntary. ymn rn. s. The Apostle's Creed. Prayer, Rev. James Sims. Anthem. Psalm 84, Rev. Cornelius Hover. The Gloria Fatrl. II Samuel vll. 1-17. Cornet solo, Prof. A. A. Covslt. Sermon. Kev. D. C. Franklin, D. D. Offerings. Dedication. Doxology. Benediction. 12:16 p.m. Sunday school rally. 1:00 p. m. Voluntary. Hymn No. 248. Prayer, Kev. E. W. Ertckson. Antnem. . Kpheslans vl. 10-17, Rev. W. J. Calfee. Vocal solo, Mrs. Pearl Colburn. Sermon. Kev. D. K. Tlndall, D. D. Hymn No. 3)4. Heceptlon of probationers. The Lord's Prayer. Benediction, Rev. Mr. Eltelgeorge. 6:30 p. m Epworth league, address by Rev. C. C. Clssell. 7:30 p. m. Voluntary. Hymn No. 688. I'raver. Anthem. Scripture. Voi al solo, Mrs. A. A. Covalt. Hymn No. Iu2, first four stansas. - Sermon, Rev. Clyde Clay Clssell. Hymn No. 319. Sacramental supper. Doxology. Benediction. Puck's DcmesUo soap is best Davis sells paint. As one result of the killing of Railway Mall Clerk Moyer In front of the Creston house saloon,' on 8outh Main street. Max Olson and Martin Mortensen, keepers of the saloon, are defendants In two suits be gun yesterday In the district court Emily McClelland appears as plaintiff In both ac tions. In one she sues to recover $800 dam sges, alleging the unlawful sals of liquor by tbe defendants to Roy Keller and Wll 11am Frlsby. minors. Tbs plaintiff alleges that the defendants had frequently sold in toxlcatlng liquor to ths two boys and espe cially on ths night of June 18. the night that Clark Moyer met his untimely death. Keller and Frlsby were two of the three young men with Moyer la the Crestoa house saloon that fateful night. In the other suit, an action in equity, Mrs. Mc Clelland asks for sn Injunction restraining Olson and Mortensen from selling liquor, alleging they have violated the law In more than one respect,, and especially by selling to minors. No Democratic Primaries Held. According to the call Issued by Chairman Brooks for the democratic county conven tion, the party was to have held caucuses tonight to select delegates to the conven tion. Up to last night no rail had been Issued for the primaries designating the places in the several city precincts where the caucuses were to be held. John J. Hughes, chairman of the city central com mittee, said he was no longer acting In that capacity and declined to act, while Chairman Reed of the county committee said It was not his place to make any call for the city primaries, and there the matter rests. Hector Wants Donit Reduced. Carl Hector, the young man held to the grand Jury for the killing of Fred Johnson at Avoca, Wednesday afternoon, bas, through his attorney, begun habeas corpus proceed ings In the district court to have the amount of his ball bond, which was placed at $10,000, reduced. In the application It Is contended that the amount of the ball de manded Is excessive. Judge Wheeler will hear the application this morning and young Hector will be brought from Avoca to Coun cil Bluffs for the hearing. SERIOUS WRECK AT ANKENEY Fifteen Injured, Three Serious, as Result of Failure to Close n Switch. AMES, la., July 11. (Special Telegram.) A passenger wreck occurred at Ankeney, on the Northwestern, twenty miles south of Ames, Ia. Freight No. 65, southbound, In charge of Conductor Whltson of Eagle Grove, ran through Ankeney and backed on the stldetrack to clear for passenger No. 58, northbound, In charge of Conductor Steeling of Eagle Grove, Ia., at 6:10 p. m. The brakeman neglected to close the switch and No. 58 crashed into No. 65, smashing both engines. No one was killed, but fifteen were Injured. The . worst in jured are: ' ' '.' -' Mrs. W. M. Rich, Ames; sister of Train Caller Taylor, Ames; right hip and back badly bruised, back strained, right side of head bruised, slight evidence of internal Injury. Her daughter, Bernlta, aged 2 years, bruised about the head and face; se vere contusions on back of head. Charles C. Oilman. MARSHALLTOWN. Is., July ll.-Charles C. Oilman of this city, who died in Chicago last night, was one of the best known rail way contractors In the country. He was at one time chief engineer of the Iowa Cen tral railway and later of the old Wisconsin, Iowa & Nebraska railroad, now tbe Chi cago Great Western. At the time of bis death he was completing extensive work for the Baltimore & Ohio. He built two sections. of the Chlcsgo drainage canal and' has had cnarge or tbe construction, -oi. many lines of railway In the west during the past twenty-five years. Tendered Presidency of Amity. SHENANDOAH, Ia., July 11. (Special.) At a meeting of the board of directors of Amity college, held the first of the week, Rev. Smith of Burlington Junction, Mo., retired Presbyterian mlnlptert ,, was elected to tho vacancy In the .president's office, caused by tbe 'resignation of' FresU dent Calhoun two months agd'. Rev. Smith bas not yet decided to accept tbe' position. - Iowa -State Ness Notes. A petition has been prepared and Is being circulated among Des Moines lawyers ask ing the district court to adjourn absolutely until tne convening or tie iau term oi court In September. The petition has al ready been signed by a majority of1 the members of the Bar association and, will be presented to the Judges. A fancv drlvlnar horse and buggy, owned by Harry Marble, living about two miles north of Hampton, disappeared very mys teriously. The rig had been hitched at the house of R. E. McCrillls, about a mile south from the courthouse. Upon going for the rig It was found missing and after inorougn searcn u is not. yei tocaiea. Rev. Hardy A. Imham. onstor of the Methodist Episcopal church at Brighton, S oeen granted a vacation ior me momn Auaust and he and his wife have- ac cepted an Invitation from Rev. J. E. Van Winkle of Des Moines to accompany him on a trip to California In the private car of Kev. Van Winkle s sister, - Miss Delia Prinsle. Mrs. Ingham's slitter. Miss Town- send of Monroe, will also accompany them. They expect to start from Des Moines August l. Bishop Garrlgan of Sioux City Is now conducting negotiations to secure, a com mittee of sisters to take charge of the school building partially' constructed at Fort Dodge. It was found necessary to de lay -building on account of lack of funds after the brown stone walls had been par tially built, but If a society of sisters takes bold the building will probably be finished. The bishop does not nope to nave tne insti tution nnianea ror use next vear. nowever. as a boarding hall and convent building' also must be bunt, tne convent naving burned down some time ago. A reDort of the examination of the con tents of the stomach of the dog which was round dead at tne same time Mrs. Maud Lambert of . Marshalltown . was poisoned shows the dog died of morphine. Mrs. Lambert, It will be remembered, was found dead in bed about ten days ago, the indications pointing to poison. The offi cers have little doubt that Mrs. Lambert and the dog died through the same agency. State Chemist Macy or Des Moines Is now engaged in an analysis of the contents of the dead woman s stomach. There ia little doubt that the woman was murdered. Jacob Stonebarger, ' once a prominent farmer of Johnson county, lies in the county Jail at Iowa City, accused of for gery. Tie Is charged with forging his brother's name. Tne prisoner gave O. V. Baker of Lone Tree a note for JUS in March, 1901. The paper was signed by the maker and seemingly oy nis brother, A. j. Stonebarger. a leading farmer,' whose good reputation has endured, while Jacob's has faded In the community. The note was made for fifteen months, wherefore dis covery of the alleged forgery was not made until recently, when Baker tried to collect the money from A. J. Stonebarger, who declared that the signature was not his. The imitation 1b a clumsy one. Squire X. 8. Barber sent the accused man to Jail, pending a hearing on July 11 a bona or fexft) being unobtainable. Rains and cold weather have' ruined the prospects for a big watermelon and swept potato crop on Muscatine island, which was expected a month ago to furnish 2, INK) cars of melons this season. The gardeners like plenty of rain, but they do not want It in BUCn mcriwiva quHiiiiiivn, CBirciMiiy Bi companled by the cold weather which came In June. It has caused the vines to rot at the roots and now the old-time gardener are extremely discouraged. One of fifty one years' experience says It la the most hopeless outlook In all his history on the Island. He says not a half crop can be harvested under any conditions now. I'sually several gardeners are using their Irrigation plants freely by this time of the year. Now they wlxh they could work them the other way and take the water out of the ground. Irish potatoes are also ex pected to be a disappointment, as they are becoming water soaked. Cabbage Is' the only crop doing well, and It may be spoiled by too rapid growth. The assignee of the estates of 8. II. Wat son sc Sons et ai, the. Benton County I.and, Loan and Investment company, the Cedar Valley Packing company, owned by them, has filed in the district court at Vinton his final report, which etas approved by Judge Caswell, sitting in special sesitlon. TfTl-ae estates, comprising the holdings of the Watsons and others, at the time of their aeneral assignment to ir. uaasch In September, issm, h mounted to Jtbout t3uu.00 and waa one of the largest estates ever distributed in tins county. At iKrst it was thought the estates would ray lu cents on the dollar, but when the Inventory and ap praisement was nna claims were orrerea and some changed hands at 5U rents, but through the good management c.f the as signee and his attorney the estates rmve been kept out of expensive and terilova litigation, an(f go pgr rrnt dividend paid uu principal of claims, with a small one to be made rt this time, which will be about 10 per cent. TENTS FOR TI1E MELESS Dei Molnei Peeple, Driven from Home by . .". Wsier, Oatnp in the Parks. ' V ssinnssnnsnj PROBLEM OF FEEDING THEM IS SERIOUS Dee Moines and Coon' Rivers at a Stand and Relief is Expected oon Inlcas More Rain '. Fails. ' (From a Staff Correspondent) DES MOINES, July 1L (Special.) Hun dreds of homeless persons spent lsst night In public parks, In tents or unhoused, or on roofs, snd arose at daylight this morn ing, only to find that while there bad been a slight' rectdence In the waters of tho Des Moines snd Coon rivers, It was so slight as to give no Immediate relief. The city and county officials hsve gone to work on relief measures and are organ ized tor taking care of the homeless people until they 'can get back Into their bouses again. The city has converted Its former small pox hospital Into a lodging bouse for the homeless and the 'city ball and Jail have been' filled with cots. These can accom modate but a small portion of those who need shelter,' however, and tents are being distributed at the schoolhouse yards and parks. It Is believed the situation in the flooded district cannot be materially relieved for several days and that when the water finally reaches Its former chsnnel an epi demic ' of malaria and typhoid will pre vail. The water Is blsck and foul. It Is filled with overturned houses, garbage, car casses of dead' animals and other debris. It spreads out over more than a mile of territory through the lower portion of the city, formerly oecuped by houses. Drowned While Out In Boat. Thomas . Crooks, a .man about 40 years of age, was drowned this evening. He and two women were out In a boat, which was overturned by the current. The women were resoued, but Crooks could not be reached. He was well known as a saloon keeper snd promoter of sports and had many friends. . The estimate, of losses varies greatly. The additional damage done last night brings the actual damage possible up to $200,000, but this will cover all of the losses. Tbe business houses have been Idle and In the wholesale district but little can be done for eome time. In the neighborhood of 260 tents have been rented by Mayor Brenton. This num ber was augmented by the addition of fifty belonging to the Iowa National guard, which were offered by Governor Cummins. The tents are placed, at the different parks throughout the city. The Children's park near the First street bridge la dotted with the white canvas bouses, as is Franklin square snd Governor square on the East sldft. . To these tents the people are sent ' after,., thai. . have, been. fed. . Policemen are in charge of tbe tents and they are placing bedding in each pne as fast as it Is possible- In- addition to- this all the schoolhouses on the southeast, , bottom which are not under r water have, been .appropriated by the homeless. ,v; . Feed 3Pebpl at Jail. , 'ialler Sn7otVl has fed over' ISO persons since yesterday noon. These people go to the police ; statlpn,.- .where the. big-hearted Jailer, takes them. In charge and adminis ters te their physical want, so far as food is concerned. The people, .in most cases women sad. children, will hereafter be sent to the supply, depot, and thence to .their tents.- Tbe police are. well-nigh exhausted. For over thirty-six, .hours they ..have ..been od duty. . Yet sot . one failed to appear , this morning when told to continue on the Southslde., The ambulance has been on duty for over forty-eight hours, and Driver She this morning resembled a shadow. One of the ambulance horses died from ex haustion at 10 o'clock and the other Is In a bad .condition.. ' ihe. Great Western and .Keokuk ft West ern roundhouses are completely submerged and neither road can cross tbe river, owing to. washouts and destruction of bridges. The Great Western can haul no freight, but Is maintaining Its passenger service by transferring passengers across tbe river by means bf omnibuses. At S o'clock the Raccoon and Des Moines rivers were apparently at a standstill. The' Des Moines - had declined but six incbes from the highest mark during the flood and the Raecooa had apparently de clined even less.- Estimate of Losses, The following is an estimate of direct losses In the factory district: Des Moines Clay company $10,000 Des Moines Poultry company Intra Transfer comnanv 6.000 Schmitt & Henry-Manufacturing Co.. ,0)e American Lubrloator company......... 6.000 Can- & Adams 10,OtW Merchants' Transfer company " 3,ono Great Western roundhouse l.OiO Des Moines Drug company i.v Longshore sawmill 6,or) Globe Manufacturing and Supply 50 Keith Furtiace company 10,000 McCormlck Manufacturing company.. 15,(iu Iowa Lumber company S.ouO iinvkrvi Transfer company no Des Moines iron ana linage -o u Crystal OH company I,0n0 Paragon Refining company 2,000 Purlnton Swing company oflu ThA tAiinerv 2ti0 Des Moines Wagon company 600 Total $S8.TO0 The actual damage to property Is of course nothing compared to the damage caused by the suspension of business. In the manu facturing district below Elm street there Is not a factory turning a wheel, everything la at a standstill, rendered so by the high water. . The packing plant Is practically tied up by tbe Inability of the Des Molnss Union to get Its cars to and from the plant. Super intendent Wagner stated this morning that the track leading to tbe packing house, the Iowa Can factory and all tbe factories in thst locality are under water and It Is im possible to trsnsact business with this state of affairs. Even if the floods recede rapidly it will be several days before business will reach Its normal state in the manufacturing dls trlcts. Most of the machinery is water- soaked, necessitating repairs in almost every department. It is understood several of the factories In the lowlands covered by water last night contemplate indefinite shutdown owing to the damage done to machinery. eto. - The manufactories not damaged by the floods are unable to ship their goods out owing to the water surrounding their build ings and are therefore compelled to operate and pile up the finished material until the water subsides. BUY RIGHT-OF-WAY AT S0MERS Great Western; and Towaslte Company ' Make Bl Land Purchase In Iowa Towa. FORT DODGE. Is.. July 11. (Bps clal Telegram. ) one hundred acres of land st Bomers hss been bought-- by th Mason City ft Fort Dodse Railroad company, acting for ths Great Western and its towa sits company, The railroad bought enough to secure a right-of-way for the Omaha line through the towa and the town Site company pur chased the rest. The sum of, $25,000 was paid for the land. Railroad officials here deny that the purchase Indicates that Bomers has been settled upon as the branching off place of the Sioux City line, which they say will not be settled upon until after the com pletion of the Omaha line, but the pur chase of to much land by the town site company Is regarded as significant. 0VERFL0WS ARE UNABATED Streams Stretch Over Bottomlands In Iowa, Rnlnlns; Acres of Crops and Snrronndlns; Houses. MISSOURI VALLEY, Ia., July 11. (Spe cial.) All the bottom lands near here are still covered with water and crops will be seriously damaged. The western part of this city Is under water, some of the houses being entirely surrounded, and all the cellars are full of water. In the business district of the city many cellars are full of water and the loss to merchants will be considerable. An addition In the southwest part of town la under water and all tbe residents have been forced to move out. Boat riding la all the go In the west end. The water west of here raised several Inches last night, but It Is thought that the worst Is now over. ONAWA. Ia., July 11. (Special Tele gram.) There Is no particular change in the flood situation. The Little Sioux, Ma ple and West Fork are still overflowing the bottoms. Water is from one to four feet deep and Is spreading out fast. Many acres bf crops will be damaged considera bly. ' W. J. Benson and Frank Wlnegar, two real estate men, while driving today near the Sioux river, got Into deep water with their team, which went down, and In an effort to cut them loose the men were nearly drowned. Both men went down twice and had about given up hope when they managed to catch onto a wire fence and saved themselves. They were rescued In a boat and brought to Onawa, consid erably demoralized by their experience. One horse was drowned snd the buggy floated away. The Maple river branch of the North western got its first train through late this afternoon and has resumed traffic. NORTHWESTERNOPPOSES LEVY Will Contest Validity of Slonz City Election Voting Floyd River Improvement Tax, BIOUX CITT, Ia., July 11. (Special Tel egramsThe Chicago ft Northwestern Railroad company will contest the validity of the special election held yesterday to vote a 4-mlll tax for straightening the channel of tbe Floyd' river, on the ground that only one of the essential propositions was submitted to the people when there should have been two. Tbe code requires the submission of tho two propositions, shall tbe Improvement be made and shall a special tax be levied. The city submitted only the latter proposition because tbe former was carried at a spe cial election In 1899. The ' Northwestern recently constructed a steel bridge over the portion of the river channel proposed to be abandoned at a cost of about $40,000 and would hsve to build a similar bridge over the new channel. HELD FOR THE GRAND JURY Iowa Woman Accused of Murdering i Ased Husband with an Axe. DES MOINES. Ia.. July 11. Mrs. Frank Lavelleur of Newton was this morning bound over to the grand Jury by Justice Alfree on a charge of murdering ber aged husband. . The., alleged crime occurred six months ago,, the victim having been brained with an ax, his body covered with oil and burned. The defendant has been released on ball. DEATH IN THE BOONE RIVER Tonus; Man Dives In Swollen Waters Hear Webster City Never .' to - Rise Alive. WEBSTER CITY. Ia!. Julv 11. fSn.M.i Telegram.) David Defrance, son of Mr. snd Mrs. C. J. Defrance, was drowned In the Boone river, six miles south of this city. last night. He was swlmmtnc in the swollen waters. He dived from a huh bank and never came up. A large searching nartv is ilrmln an dynamiting the river in an effort to locate tne ooay. - Tn ' Vou ' want a Aiinri digestion, strong, healthy kidneys, regu larltr In the hovolif TV tvin i.t. Bitters. It has tbe medical properties inai win proauce inis result. LAST DAY WITH EDUCATORS Meeting of . National Association ts Brought to a Close with Interesting Speeches. MINNEAPOLIS, July 11. This wss the last day of the National Educational asso ciation meetings here and the morning was devoted to a general session In the Exposition auditorium. Tbe first speaker was William T. Harris, United States com missioner of education, Washington, D. C, whose 1 tople was, , "How . ths School Strengthens the Individuality of the Pupil." Charles Pa j eon Gurley Scott, etymolog ical editor of the Century Dictionary, spoke on "Tbe Simplification of English Spelling a Present Duty." Thomas Clarkson Trusblood, professor of oratory. University of Michigan, Ann Ar bor, spoke on "Tbe Educational Value of Training In Spoken English." The afternoon was devoted to the meet ings of tbe various departments, most of which wound up their sessions by electing officers. In the department of higher education Prof. J. Irving Mannatta discussed tbe fu ture of Greek In American schools, and William Bayard Craig, chancellor of Drake university, Des Moines, la., read a paper on "Education In the Appreciation of Art." In the business education department B. H. Meyer, professor of Institutes of com merce. University of Wisconsin, discussed the preparation of teachers for commer cial school work. There were two papers in tbe library de partment, one on "What the School Prop erty Demands of the Library," by J. M. Greenwood, superintendent, Kansas City, Mo., and one on "School Libraries In Rural Districts," by Agnes Robertson, superin tendent, Cherokee, la. In tbe child study department Dr. R. O. Bird, Minneapolis, discussed the physiology of tbe nervous system as applied to edu cation. The department of school administration listened to the report of the committee on school house legislation and a paper on "Tbe Real Functions of the School Board," by Dr. F. H. Little, president of tbe school board, Muscatine, Ia. . B. Drove. The same must appear on every bos et the genuine Laxative Bromo-Qulnlos Tab lets, the remedy that cures a cold la one aa. 15 beats. FIX1TG DAMAGES TO STATE Executive Council to Yitit Glenwotd and Inspsct Ground Wanted by Railroad. INCREASE IN INSANE IN THE STATE Dr. Reardshear ef Ames College Seriously 111 from Kervous Trosl trntloa and Needs Long Rest. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DE3 MOINES, July 11. (Special.) The members of the state executive council will go to Glenwood Saturday morning to take a look at tbe property of the state In connection with the Institution for Feeble-Mlnded and fix upon the sum of damages to be paid by the Burlington for the proposed right-of-way through the state property. Inasmuch as the survey Involves a deep cut through the best part of the ground of the Institution it will be necessary to go and see the site to de termine the damage. It Is probable that President Cownie of the Board of Control will accompany the members of the execu tive council and represent the Interests of the state. There was a rumor that the people of Glenwood had agreed to pay the damages for the new route, but this Is denied, by ths representatives of the city and by the engineers of the company. The Burlington is ss desirous of keeping In Glenwood as the people of Glenwood are to keep tbe road. Increase of the Insane. Tbe records of the hospitals of the state show that the number of Insane In Iowa is Increasing at the rate of about 125 a year. The Board of Control finds that on June 30 last there were In the stste. In custody, 4,526 Insane persons, of which 950 were In county Institutions, 424 In pri vate Institutions and 3.152 In state hos pitals. The total June 30, 1901, was 4,390; June 30, 1900. waa 4,294, and June 30, 1899, was 4,149. The Increase of the number of Insane In tbe state Is steady. snd necessi tates a constant Increase In the facilities for handling them and caring for them. Candidate to Be Nnmed. Chairman Spence of the republican state committee has issued a supplemental call for the state convention, calling attention to .the fact that It will be necessary to nominate two Judges of the supreme court Instead of one, the extra one being to succeed Judge Waterman, resigned. Prac tically all the delegates to the state con vention have been named and this an nouncement will make no change in the program. Major S. H. M. Byers, who was Injured by being thrown from his horse. Is not In a serious condition from his Injuries and will, soon recover. He waa dragged some distance by bis horse. Preparing for Another Camp. The adjutant general's force Is busy pre paring for the encampment of the Forty ninth regiment, Iowa National guard, at Cedar Falls, next week. The tents and equipment will be sent up tomorrow and preparations be made at once. Tbe equip ment received hard usage at Fonda, where It was necessary for the camp to break up before the week . waa ' half done, but another effort at holding a good encamp ment will be made next week. Dr. Henry Sabln returned this morning from Minneapolis and was able to give an entirely accurate account of President W. M. Beardahear's Illness. Dr. Beardshear was taken to a hospital and with tbe ex ception , of Secretary. James Wilson, an in timate' friend, no one was admitted to bis room. Secretary Wilson found him suffer ing from nervous prostration, complicated with some bronchial affection. He says that nothing but complete rest will restore him snd It will take time. His friends hope that the trustees of the college will give him six months' or a year's leave of absence with full salary, that he may In dulge In tbe needed rest. Tbe secretary of. state today filed arti cles of Incorporation of the Wintered Savings bank; capital, $25,000; A. B. Shriver, president; F. D. Campbell, cashier. ; The Klron Telephone company of Craw ford county filed articles; capital, $2,000; by Edward Eckman and others. j The Welden, Laoelle and Osceola Tele- phone company of Osceola Incorporated, capital, $900; . J. C Pierce, president; Fv, A. Harless, secretary. HEAVY RAINSTORM AT DUNLAP Fears Untertnlned of Further Dnmagc to Crops and Railroad Property-. DUNLAP, Ia., July 11. (Special Tele gram.) Rain commenced falling aaln here this evening and It Is now falling rapidly, with every Indication of continuing. With the streams already out of their banks and the ground thoroughly soaked there la every reason to believe that a great amount of damage will be done. The railroads have been able to make only temporary repairs to their roadbeds and traffic is likely to be interrupted again. Heavy Failure In Purls.- - PARIS, July. 11. The Tribune of Com merce today declared the Calsse Generals des Families to be insolvent. Tbe liabili ties are said to be 40,000,000 francs. The duel in the dark was a favor ite with duelists. Two men were locked in a dark room and crawled stealthily from corner to cornet, until some false step tnade one of them the target for bullet or blade. Life is a duel In the dark with disease. One false step, one mistake, and the attack comes swift and sudden. The mistake which commonly opens the way for an attack by disease ia neglect of the symptoms of stomach trouble. When eating is followed by undue full Bess, belchings, sour or bitter riaings, etc.. disease is attacking the stomach. The best way to frustrate such an at tack is to use Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ical Discovery. It cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition, and makes the body strong and healthy. ' I wu suffering very much with my bead asd stomach writf Mr. W. C. Gill, of W.ldon Bhelby Co., Ala., "head wss so dtuy when I would raiae p in bed would tall right back. Could cat but very tittle, in fact scarcely say thing, there scened te b s heavy weight is my stomach ss I could sot rest; I bad to belch very often aud would vomit up nearly everything I ate. I wu in a bad condition. I took four bot tles of Dr. rierce's Golden Medical Discovery and five of bis ' Favorite Prescription ' snd am now well and hearty. I fenl like a new woman and give Dr. Fierce medicines credit tor it alL I h3 takes medicine from pbystdana without soy benefit ss I could am. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent frre on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only, fl &end 31 one-cent stamps for the paper covered book, or 31 stamps for the cloth-bound. Address Dr.JL V. Pierce, BuSalo, U. V. A YERMONT , LADY'S Desperate Fight for Life. Mrs. Nathan Heal say: Paiiie's Celery Compound Sarcd Ms From the Instne Hospt tal as Welt at Cured My Rheumatism. There never was a remedy so highly recommended ss Psine's Celery Compound. There never was a remedy In such uni versal demand. It is popular and prized In tens of thousands of homes, because It makes sick people well. Palne's Celery Compound hss saved thou sands from nervous prostration and col lapse; It has effected wonderful cures In kidney and liver complaints; its victories over rheumatism and neuralgia have com manded the attention and admiration of our best physicians. . It has cured disease when everything else has failed. Mrs. Nathan Deal, a well known lady of Gallup s Mills, Vt.,i writes ss follows: "For ten months before I commenced taking Psine's Celery Compound I could not put my foot on the first round of my chair, only five Inches from the floor. I had nearly lost the use of my left side, and I could not lift a pound weight with the left hand without danger of dropping It. Many . times I would lift something at the table, only to drop It. I had a pressure in the top of my head and a pain at the base of the brain, which would leave me so nerv ous that I used to tell my husband I would surely go craxy. I could not keep still at night, and Sundays were just awful to me. I found my whole system pros trated, and It took a long time to build up my poor, wornout nerves. . I think that Palne's Celery Compound saved me from the Insane Hospital, as well as cured my rheumatism." ' 85.00 A LMJT13 Specialist tn all DISEASES and DISORDERS of MEN. 12 years In Omaha, SYPHILIS cured by the QUICK EST, safest and moat natural method that has yet been discovered. Soon every sign and symptom disappears completely and forever. No "BREAKING OUT" of the disease on tbe akin or faoe, A eurs that Is guaranteed to be permanent! for life. VIBIftftPCI C eured. Method new, lAnluUuLLX without cutting, pain! no detention from work; permanent cure guaranteed. WBAK MIE IV, from Excesses or VloUmi to Nervous Debility or Exhaustion, Was Ing Weakness with Early Decay In Tound and Middle Aged, lack of vim, vigor an strength, with organs impaired and wsak. BTR.IOTTJRH cured with a new HonM .Treatment No pain, no detention front business. Kidney and Bladder Troubles. Consultation free, Tnstsust br MnS CHARGES UIW, - lift S. lta St, Dr. Searles & Searles, Omaha, Nelv PARKER'S Hair Balsam i'roiuoies the growth of the hair and gives It the lustre and sliklness of youth. When the hair is gray or faded it BRINGS BACK THE YOUTHFUL. COLOR. J It prevents Dandruff and hair falling J and keeps the scalp clean and healthy. (16 cents by mail.) secures in 24 weeks each ' ! section of . "Living Animals of the World" the most remnrk able work on Natural History ever published. More than a thousand Animals Photo graphed, including Fishes, Birds and Beasts, Interesting and Instructive U old and young as welL The Omaha Daily Bee 'OP' MPs I A DIME A. WEEK