Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 12, 1902, Page 6, Image 6
TIIE OMAITA DAIIYV BEEt SATURDAY, JULY 2, 1902. J.--,, - - iiTiiE omaiia Daily, Bee. X. JK0SEWATER, EDITOR. PUBLISHED EVERT MORNING. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Daily Be (without Sunday), One Tear.lJ W X'ally fiee and Sunday. One Tear 6.W Illustrated Bee, Una lttr..II'MMM J-0 Sunday Bee, Ona Tear. .... Saturday Bee, One Year - J-JJ Twentieth Century iarmef. One Year. 1.00 DELIVERED BT CARRIER. fal!y Bee (without Sunday), per copy.... Jo ally Bee (without Sunday), per wie....U lally Bee (including Bunday), per week.. 170 Sunday lie, per copy... 60 Evening Bee (without Sunday), ber week. loo bvenlng Bee (Including nun on.;, week ... 1" Complaints of frregularlHe in lrrl houid be addressed to City Circulation Department. OFFICES. Omaha The Bee Building. South Omaha-City Hall Building, Twen-ty-iiflh and M Streets. Council Blurt iu 1'earl Street. Chicago 1W0 Unity Building. New York Temple Court. Washington Got Fourteenth Street. CORRESPOND.!-. Communications relating to --. sditorial matter should te aui". i Omaha Bee, iwiiioriai P'"""-"- Iil'QIVl'Hll T .KTTE KB. I Business letters and remittances .hould be addreesed; The Bee ruUuamug uu.u- pany, Omaha. I , Ttomlt h ilmft fiiirau or postal order, I Pttb?, T,h" .nlkCW mail accounts l'er,ona' f6''. 'accent Omaha or eaHtern exchanges, n aoc' I the BEia BLBUSHiNti coMPANr. I .t.tpmt circulation. state of Nebraska, Dougiaa Couaty. as.t more earnest supporter than the secre FuCTnf crmpaUny:"ngaryduiyB;o1 tary of tho Interior and Mr. Ultchcock pays that the actual number of fun and may be depended upon to push the work complete copies 01 iu I Lvenlng and Sunday Bee printed during he mourn ot June, iWJ, waa imu-.. 1 ...211,4 IO .,-. .20,490 211 7tiO I 4..MM...21,B70 fm Li- mftu T..MM.M....21,R70 -..Ifl.tHMJ 211, B40 2,T4o I ...20,500 1 V,D7Vlti. 90 VU KtUl I o!.!-.. !ao,SHO 34...... 81330 S 10 M..21,610 11: 1. 21,BBO ....... 20.B10 n M an,nM m, ,, M m 29.. ........... 20, (wo 13 20.B80 4 , 21,O0 1C 20.B80 Total '. ...S8t,2ao I Usa unsold and returned copies.... 9,sa Net total sales. ..,.w......8T9,BOS I Net dallr average BW.31S oeo. n. tzschtick. I Subscribed in tnv nreaenca and aworn to I before me this nh rfay of JuneT A7 D.. 190J. (Seal.) vf n tiTrvniTw Notary Pubilo. Is not Henry Watterson about due of another installment of political erup tion? There Is some consolation ln the fore- cast of Weather Trophet Hicks that the tot blast is still a week off. The elusive Harry Tracy and the de, I luslve Pat Crowe might get together on I a community of interest scheme. I When submarine wireless telegraphy I becomes an established fact, every live I community will want a water front with Oceania connections. I If schemes of the oleo makers pan I put, tne revised version will be every man his own artist so far as applying the color to his artificial butter is con- Cerned. Another unanswered question Will Poet Laureate Austin be allowed to pro ject a second coronation poem just be cause that crowning ceremony has been postponed! Colonel Bryan Is still several lengths ahead of Grover Cleveland. The news papers have not yet extended to him the discussion whether he wears trousers or simply pants. With a blind-partisan organ like the I 19j ellMIHI He World-Herald, everything Is personal It not probable that there is some ex bias or prejudice. Contrast that sheet's aggeration, that conditions are really not news reports of the Omaha tax case and so bad as they are represented to be? of the railroad tax case. I From, the number of notices ana I proclamations flying about, one would I judge that the Union Pacific strike had reached the stage where the typewriters I have been called into requisition. I The threatened California lumber I combine would be operating too far away to hurt any one ln Nebraska. It j is .me com Dines that cover the home I territory that touch the tender Bpot I Asplrants for Judge Keysorg Judicial roDe are anxiously awaiting the return Df Governor Savage, providing the Judge tenders his resignation ln time to give the governor a chance to exercise his appointing power. Congressman Neville seems .to be the only fusion congressman who Is taken at his word. Judge Neville declared he would not seek reuominatlon and his party Instead of forclpg it on him nomi nated another man. How mean! American steei manufacturers are said to be scoring ahead of British competitors in contracts ot construction work ln South Africa. That would be the Joke of the season for Great Britain to furnish the money to the Boers ta restore their destroyed bridges, rail roads, factories and so forth and find the American stepping in to relieve the pressure. Nebraska democrats are willing to ac- cept General Barry as a candidate for congress, but they turned him down .With a thud w hen the populists proposed him for governor at the Grand Island convention. The explanation is found ln the fact that a governor at Lincoln dls - tributes the ule. while a Domillat eon. gressman at Washington Is quite harm - less to the pie biters. Governor Stoue of Pennsylvania has the right Idea as to the time when the militia should be called out In a strike. He says that the governor will potior so-called trusts, do not indicate how hesitate to send troops "if there is a condition of riot, mobs or Insurrection which the civil authorities are unable to suppress." The Interference of the uililtlii before actual lawlessness U precipitated as a rule serve only to stimulate violence )n retaliation for the new grievance. The military authority should bo the last resurU . . START IXQ IRRIGATION WORK. Alrrndy work has i b?en started In com pliance with the Irrigation law and the promise is that It will bo pushed with all possible vigor. According to the Washington correspondent of the riill ndelphla Ledger there has been much peculation as to where the actual work of constructing reservoirs and ditches will be begun. There . are but few points where the surreys and specifica tions hare been completed, so that con tracts could be let this summer. Arl sona claims three such places, but it Is unlikely that any work will be done there this season, It being understood that a territory will have to stand back and wait until some state has the first chance. It is said to be possible that several small contracts will be surveyed and let for reservoirs in Nebraska this summer, but It is not expected, that any. thing extensive will be started. Wyo -.. far Soida . ' . ' ' . .. extensive wont unaer xne new imga ton nnWrv and it la -thomrht will have " " the first Impetus Of the system. practical work of building lrriirat- , . . , . tratlnn tn Yta nnssed iirtnn bv the otfl clals of the Interior department and there will doubtless be a good deal of , , ., , , . manipulation to secure the first advan.- tages of the law. The new law has no ijj it. provided for With energy. THB OVTLUOK JA CUBA. vrcixciat riuuugu xjttu 19 du nt'u 111- rormea regaraing (Jubun conditions and character that what he says respecting Bltlinfnn ln -tha 1ulnnl mill tha Ant. - must command attention. Ills view Is distinctly pessimistic. General Lee be- Heves that the public school system and uw eumutry system esutuujsueu uuuer American occupation are destined soon peri8h. He looks for trouble from army, from the claimants for back pay and from those who are trenerallv dls ... ... wiui vuo x uiuia uumimsiruuou, as wcu as rrom aiscnargea laDorers wno m 1 .1 iAt . 1 - Klu lu"' luclr Vw the commercial stagnation. "Knowing the Cubans as I do," said General Lee, "and being ln touch by correspondence with many ot them, I firmly believe that unless confidence is restored and some relief afforded ln the sale of their Products, there is nothing ahead except anarchy and annexation." It Is stated "at American mercnants are losing con fidence ln the success of the experiment self-government in Cuba and fearing domestic troubles there are declining to eMp merchandise to the island, while Cuban Importers are animated by ex- actly the same feelings as are American exporters. There is no doubt that the industrial situation ln Cuba Is unsatisfactory, but It Is certainly very much better than at the beginning of the American occupa- tlon or at any time during that occupa- tlon and since the Cuban people got through that period without any great nmnnnr nf Riifferinir and without serious complaint as to conditions, It is not easy to understand why they should now, less than two months after the institn tlon of an Independent government, 'e suffering. Testimony given last Jan uary before the ways and means com- mltteo of the hoUBe of representatives showed that at that time there was no destitution ln Cuba and that labor. was well employed and well paid. How can the extraordinary chango in the situation said to have come about within the last few months be explained? Is We are Inclined to think that this must be the case, for it seems hardly possible that the comparative prosperity of six months ago should have given place to so distressing a state of affairs as is Implied ln the remarks of General Lee, As to the political dissension and dls satisfaction, that was to have been ex- pected. It Is entirely characteristic of the people and was plainly foreshad owed when Palma was elected. No ad- ministration could satisfy all the politl- clans and President Palma appears not tn have shown the most sagacious ludg- "m,.t in the treatment of the negro ele- ment rr-hn Cuban neoDle are undergoing teBt of their capacity -for self -govern ment They need to learn patience vvx fortitude and self-reliance. Depending upon the favor of some other country for their material progress and pros perity is not the wisest or best way of building up the country and placing the new republic on a firm foundation. It is not improbable that there will be political troubles of a more or less serious nature ln Cuba, but we do not apprehend that there is any great dan ger at present of anarchy. TBS TARirr HCMiDY. The favorite remedy with many con gressmen who are after the trusts," re marks the Boston Transcript, "is to re move the customs duties on all trust mado goods. This sounds well to those who want to hear it, but in operation would lay the Industry of the coun- try prostrate at the feet of foreigners, 8lnCe there is no way conceivable of so legislating as to discriminate effectively between goods maae py combinations nd those made by private individuals 1 in application of the tariff. Uhe Individual would suffer With the com- 1 blnatlou. The business would be slm ply transferred to the foreigner, for they have combinations abroad as well as I here." I Those who propose to apply the tariff I remedy to tho industrial combination,, this could be done without affecting the Individual manufacturer. There are a great many Independent industries I ln the country which produce sim- liar articles with the trust and I these would necessarily be affected by the removal of the tariff on such article, for as the Transcript say. I there is no way conceivable of so legls- atlng as to discriminate, effectively be- I ween goods made by combinations and I thoso mnrio hv nrlrate individuals in lk ,r..i.,. r-,r v far!- If la on Q I . . V . . . . - it, , I 10 understand u.e .avocacy ox un icy y free traders, but aimcuit to com- prehend how a friend of protection can I favor it ifOKS ITUIK rol THB EJtCHilAOB. The Real Estate exchange is entitled to much credit for Its successful effort to bring about reform In the assessment of property for 'city and county taxa tion. The success of the real estate men was made possible only by the cam paign of education by the press that preceded their work and created a pub lic sentiment that upheld them through the entire contest The reduction of the tax rate by a few I points docs not, however, accomplish all I ti.o m n .1 n env... I material reuueuon 01 taxes in umana I nd Douglas county can be effected un-1 til the affairs of city, county and school I district are conducted on a strictly bus- iness basis, not by raising the cry of weu-aennea rumors to elect aemocrats, i but by an honest endeavor to eliminate sinecures and tax eaters and by com- pelllng county boards, school boards and city councils to remain strictly within the bounds of law ln tho expenditure of public funds, This requires constant vigilance and I occasional appeals to the courts. The experience of the Eeal Estate exchange uas snowu mai u couiu not secure higher tax assessments and reduced I levies merely by passing resolutions, neither can it hope to stop wasteful and 1 r lawless expenditures by resolution. nat tne exenange must ao to retain the advantages which realtv ln Omaha. I wlll derive from lower tax rates 1b to vcuici -o tret. vtu i An 4 a Si 1 r a A-t a wp ann Inniinl swv Iit rw - r w assessment seasons upon tne local gov e ruing boards and authorities charged I with thn iHshurRement of th mnnev cnl- I i ..... t .i rri... m l . ... . ., . . . uuuuuca "i""" DauJU u-uc "u systematic procedure as has the cam- Everyone who had previously given the sub palgn for more equitable assessments. 'ect ""r study expected that It would be. It will require the services of competent Mariposa's furnaces are equipped with com- attorneys who will Interpose by legal process whenever any lawless expendl- ture is attempted and stop leakages I wherever they can be plugged up by ,1T. . - . court order. According to General Test, the erup- tlon of Mount Pelee has filled the air with a vast amount of carbonic and other gases which has pervaded the at- mospnere anu prouueeu an auuurumi i rainfall over certain sections of the I earth precisely as the gases caused by a sxeat battle invariably produce rain I over the field where a battle has been iouguu a uieeo ec., u Test, "will be spread all through the atmosphere the abnormal moisture will oenae." For these observations and con- t. i uiuu mo i""iJ'" l'auu"""' I sippi country snouia reet very gratuiut. There Is. however, a slight suspicion in thn minds of some neonle that if Instead . - ,feoii m i,Q vl wul.uuvu? had a continuous drouth the gases emitted by Mount Pelee would have been also held responsible and predic- - i.t.r Ha, mi,rT, . . . . , j . ..u .i. i have been Indulged in with the same de- gree of plausibility. Instead of cbarg- ing the gases with creating moisture rw mlt hnv been chareod with ab- .i T. a Airr i Koot Buiuiiis n '"8 v"" One of our readers writes approval of The Bee's reference to the continuous performance of arresting bootleggers on the Indian reservation for the purpose of brinirlnir erist to the fee-mill. With the addition that the whole thing is a grand farce that has been worked for years. The suggestion is offered that, if guilty, clving the offenders the full penalty of l-ur wmilri nut & aton to the practice. " " " ' I . . ni nDnn. m . , f i wirno me picYam8 B)B them all off with nominal punisnmeni plays Into the bands of the unscrupulous men who work the game at both ends both for profit and for fees, mileage and perquisites. Without question the In dians are the precarious victims of a vicious system that ought to be abol ished. Bead the stenographic report, as pub lished In installments in The Bee, of the proceedings, testimony and argu ments In the great railroad tax case submitted to the supreme court of Ne- i.,.v, . thia U. Thla case involves ' me inosi iiupuii vu..v-.D the people at the present time that of euuitable taxation of franchlsed corpo - rations. No better way of gaining an in - aleht Into the fact and arguments pro glgUl 1UVO UIO b" ana con is to oe iouuu wiu mat sented by this hearing before the court of last resort The Beatrice fire is magnified out of all proportion by Omaha's morning yel low. which Indulges in lurid description of tie conflagration and advertises the population of th. town under martial law Just because a corporal s guard of special policemen naa oeen enroueu w patrol the business portion of the town during the night following the fire. We snViuthaai fh sllKintlfia aouoi. oowcTci. """ men of Beatrice appreciate that sort of advertising. - Now that the pure food department ha. been pronounced tttt valid by tne supreme court, . v hoped the Nebraska hog will shea ouiy pure bird and the Nebraska cow wm ex- th nimiir from it fresh blue lac- teal fluid. Think of th Crowaleaa Gown. Chicago Record-Herald. King Edward might fool th soothsayers by having himself crowned In the back par lor some evening without previously send ing word. Wkm th Klek Come In. Chicago Chronicle. Whatever may bo the affection ot th Canadian brother for the mother country, no on who know him will entertain the least suspicion that b will allow bis sentl mnt to Interfere with hi thrift. Neither Mr. ChamborlaUi aor anyoa els will fr- susd the frugal Canuck to tax himself poor, for the benefit of the emplr. iinnpri .s 7 w r. Philadelphia Record. The 1nJuncMon become, rather complicated to the Judicial mind when striking workmen apply to one Judge for an Injunction to prevent the issue of an Injunction by another Judge. . Alas, I'Mr neorbark! New' York Matt'and Express. "Alas, poor Roorback I I knew him well. He was aa issue of Infinite promises." And, with a sigh, Hamlet Democracy tossed to the grare dug .by publlo opinion the dry bones of anti-imperialism. Where limnrr Reaorts. San Francisco Call. It Is hard to say what is the record for hottest weather, but the recent announce ment that In an Arizona town tho othor day the mercury stood at 106 "in the Ice box" must come pretty close to making a new one' n,,.,.. It must have been an Interesting stent ee Governor Savage of Nebreska and ,orf "ur"J or Washington on the ,D, tot he.Ud riVeV Into' VeVot the battleship Nebraska at a Seattle shin- Jr& - Each of them, of course, will frame ,M cnat ror 3 cent which he received In payment for his labor. Paddled Batter Scoff mt Law. Buffalo Express. Tbs law which was designed to kill the Oleomargarine Industry seems to have Pro7ea oenenciai ror the renovated butter nT 'rr'SteS S eagerly bought ln all parts of the country. The competition is now so keen that the Prtc of rncld nutter, which formerly was mi,0tn'whiei.Pi11? " "iT 11 ""f" The mixture which Is thrown into the vats for cleansing and ourifvlng Is artifleiaiw colored before it is ready for the market. Why should the law permit the manufac- l""" "nor"c ?utter . t0. color thelr makers of oleomargarine T Test of on iinrnin Farnace. Bttl Francisco Chronicle, tnai trip ot tne ocean steamshln Mariposa with oil-burning furnaces under Us boilers proved to be a complete success. wWch removeB the onlT forcefu, objecJtIoi; the Navy department has hitherto raised against the use of the new fuel in the fur nace8 01 our waaips. The success of the compressed air spray does away with the nw.Kitv . i. , Bu ""vjii; ui iresh water to make up the loss involved n the use of steam Jets in oil-burning fur nace- HOT WEATHER ADVICE. Somewhit Ahead of the Season, bat Worth Thinking; Ahont. Chicago Record-Herald. Ahout this time of the year look out for seasonable hot weather advice. If you have Tint Kaon nrnvMa ferlM. . . tJ met every p0SslbIe hot weather emerg- ency, from sunstroke to excessive thirst and indisposition to exercise, it is because the hlth department In your locality is not la opporiunu;ea. irsi ana tore moat comes the Injunction to "keep cool." The- health department that does not ad monlah the people to "keep cool" in sum mer "olstice does not know 1U business. A, other precautions are of minor conae quence compared to this. The directions pertaining to diet, drink and clothing are useful and of hygienic value, but little cora- tort Is to be derived from them unless the advice to "keep cool" U carefully and re- l'glously followed, t Unless those who sweat mnd 8weiter are willing to heed this advice they cannot hold the health department re- sponsible for heat prostrations and other HtbiS- consequences ot July weather. Next in Importance comes the advice to "keep on the shady side of the street." If there la no "shady side" to the street you Should move off the street. If your grocer "d. "i 'u"! other ,ia or elM tr.aa iomewhera else. The health officer will also caution you "to avoid exertion," which Is good advice to nJ "yi,me f. W"' caae ' ,ny klnd na g(f home 0f eek Bome coo, quiet spot. In any event It Is best to get out of the sun. You will also be told that Deet to ar,nk t drinks and take hot i uftiuB. iw ma i wwu mil liic warmer me . . 1. - .1- - body the cooler will seem the atmosphere, Anyone who will take the trouble to fol low these simple, hygienic suggestions can "ruy ii u peua a coraionaDie summer, REBl'ILDIXO A BAILHO AD. Importance of the Improvements on the Overland Route, Brooklyn Eagle. An engineering operation that a few years ago would have seemed formidable Is to be undertaken by the Union Pacific railroad, the first of the roads that was laid across this continent. Maps that are printed ln advertisements show railroads as straight streaks across the country, with cities wrenched out or place in or I Jt fc 1. l . V. I . II.. 1 II Jt th t . .. cre,,denU. ometm are . different matter. The old Pacific line 1 that runs -rcv. Omaha to Ban Francisco j wriggles like a hurt snsko. It Utsts wara every point, as. inaeeo. it mui oiwn I n nritee tn thllh feanlhle rraillenta acroM tb, mountains. In the days ot light locomotive much had to be sacrificed to these gradients and every road in a moun tain country that I not facilitated by tun nels wilU nearly box the compass ln it climbs and descents. Work now in progress will shorten th old Central line by fifty miles, thus se curing a gain in running time, ln length ofrack U equip nd keepU Irln Dortatlo,COI,omies to be made by initial outlay of mor than I5.000.00O. Several long curves will be converted Into straight Unes by cut and tunnels, grades will be I vw V AC u 111 W waa w w .w-.f Great Salt Lake from Ogden to Lucian. to th9 dlmag9 of the icenery. but the gain of I forty miles in distance. Wood and stone I are to bo used ln this construction and th strength of the brine la the lake Is held Be-g f tJje waUr ,n tha northcrn part of tn, ake uai th, infreqUency of sever storms. What the Union Pacific is doing is com mended to other companies that operate in parts ot the country where no such difficulties are encountered as in th west Straight road are economic roads and they invite traffic. Th wild yanks and alarm log rolls to which passengers are subjec on some of them cause train sickness which is a form of seasickness, and bead ache, and they cause rapid deterioration of cars and engine. Those railroads mak th best bids for patronage that promise not merely speed, but comfort, and steadi ness Is the mor comfortable because It Indicate security. We have been eager to extend th mileage of this country. Now I w might show some expedition in reduc I lng it by straightening needless turns and lowering or raising needles grades. OTHER I.ADS TH ATI OVR. While the House of Commons and Its governing committee, the British ministry, theoretically possess supreme power throughout the empire and could by leg islative act or resolution in .council annul th constitution or any law ot any colony, the Imperialistic scheme of suspending par liamentary government at the Cape, sug gested by Lord Mllner.and favored by Mr. Chamberiala, had t be abandoned In defer ence to the collective objection of the colo- lal premiers now assembled in London. measure of this character was denounced as a precedent which would have menaced the liberties of every self-governing colony. The abandonment thereof, on the other hand, has established a contrary precedent that will act as a constitutional limit on the powers of. th Imperial Parliament. Interference by the home government with colonial charters ceased ln practice with tne achievement of American Independence; the principle of noninterference has now become part of the unwritten constitution of Great Britain ln obedience to the de mand of the colonial premiers. The czar of Russia has addressed a lone rescript to his ministry of education with regard to the general principles upon which a reform of the Intermediate and higher education ought to be conducted. In referring to th recent disturbances among the students he says: "My fatherly heart has been comforted to learn that a considerable majority of the students toward the end of the present academic year themselves recognised what their duty was and returned to the orderly pursuit of their studies. I hope and believe that during the summer holidays the students will take tranquil sounael with their own consciences and, following the advice ot their parents and friends, will hearken to my vole calling upon them and all my faithful subjects to return to their work and to obey the law. For the sake of the patlon Intrusted to my care, an end must be put to the disorders, which are a dis grace to science and to the universities, once the just pride of Russia, and which cause the ruin of so many young lives, dear to the fatherland and to me." The Intimation here seems plainly to be that the students have sinned against light and reason, and that there Is more need for repentance on their part than for reforma tion ln the government system. Tho Polish question Is likely to occupy prominent position ln European politics for some time to come. Chancellor von Buelow does not seem to be In the least Inclined to recede from tho position which he baa assumed. Speaking In the upper house of the Prussian Diet the other day, be said that there could be no doubt that, ln spite of all the benefits which the Prus sian government had conferred upon the Poles, the ultimate object of the Polish movement was to separate the bilingual provinces from the Prussian monarchy. A separation of these sections of the king dom would undermine the foundations of the monarchy, and consequently those of the German empire. Without the province ot West Prussia that of East Prussia would be untenable. The Prussian gov ernment would never desist from its task until all PollBh subjects adopted an atti tude of loyalty to the Prussian state. He declared that the government took tho greatest interest in the German Catholic settlements .in the eastern provinces, and that it was a misrepresentation of the facts to assert that the Roman Catholic church could only flourish ln those dls tricts through the Influence of the Polish element. The chief burgomaster of Posen supported the chancellor by declaring that the Poles were no longer a Roman Cath olio ' party, as the clericals would dis cover sooner or later, but a national. More over, - the Polish movement had ceased to be aristocratic and had become democratic and radical. He believed ln the Bismarck lan policy of settling German peasant in the eastern districts and establishing gar risons, as social centers. In the smaller towns. The ministerial newspapers In Spain are disposed to make light of the agrarian movement in Estramadura and Andalusia, on the ground that, with the exception ot Badajoz, there has been nowhere sny ac tual breach of the peace, and that at Badajos Itself there has been little diffi culty in restoring order. Nevertheless, ac cording to the stories of foreign corre spondents, the condition of affairs In Se- vllle, Malaga and Cadis is far from satis, factory. In all three districts a conceo tratlon of agricultural discontent seems to be taking place, and not Infrequently the rallying centers are anarchical clubs. At Jerex a union ot laborers ha been formed, under the direct inspiration of th an archists, which, thoygh It has not yet se cured many adherents, has issued a pro gram ot demands Intended to serve as a preliminary challenge to the employers. who are threatened with strikes ln case of noncompliance. The conditions of Held labor in southern Spain differ so much from those that exist elsewhere that many of th demands without explanation would be unintelligible. The main point, how- over, insisted upon Is the abolition of work by the job" and that is a point upon which employers assert that It 1 Im possible for them to agree. Whether the union of Jeres, ln the event of the rejec tion of their proposals, will succeed tn bringing about a general strike remains to be seen; but if they do there Is very little doubt that the anarchists will play an Important part in th dlreotlon of it. Th visit of Prince Ferdinand of Bul garia to St. Petersburg has attracted much attention In Berlin. It Is pointed out In various - journal that ln th exchange of toasts at Peterhoff, neither th czar nor the prince mentioned the sultan, Prlace Ferdinand's suzerain; while both speakers talked as if Bulgaria were an independent state. The omission of Prince Ferdinand to propose the sultan's health Is Inter preted a a proof that be la no longer obliged to ask the ruler of Turkey, as an act of grace, to declar th Independence of Bulgaria, which, presumably, has been Informally recognized by th czar, and It is foretold that th prlnc will consider himself henceforth a full-blown sovereign. A forward step In th civilization of Mex ico ha been taken in the Paclflo coast state of Jalisco, wher th congress ha abolished th customs ot bull fighting and cock fighting. Th step I directly du to th urgent labor of General Luis C. Curlel, th governor of th state, but ha 1 backed by th principal citizens. Jalisco is one of the most prosperous states of th repub lic, Guadalajara 1 th capital, and It has 1,000,000 Inhabitant. The bull fight, a leg acy from Spain, baa been growing In dis favor for years, and now it is forbidden by th people themselves, who, without th tutelage ot a superior race, are de veloping their own civilization In their own way. Wanted, n Party Leader. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Th instincts of th masses of th party have brought them together oa certain main issue now before th people. It la possible that betor th next great con test a national leader will aria who will be free from factional entanglement, with nothing to explain and no revenge to wreak. Such a leader will have th loyal support of democrat who have been wasting thalr strength tn party feuds. It is desirable that there should b harmony, but It Is altogther likely to b remot until a leader arises who caa copsl IU POLITICAL DltlFT. Indiana republicans will blow off th po litical lid on September 20 with "a hur rah in every county." Even Old Missouri turned up ZOO demo cratic delegates to the state convention who favored dropping free silver. Indiana democrats, who have been handed a few hot bawl by the Commoner, re responding with words that blister Ih nearby asphslt. Governor W. Murray Cran of Massa chusetts achieved the unuuat distinction ot having his recommendations enacted into law by three successive legislature. The recent populist convention ln Indi ana was mor notable on account of the absence of delegates thsn from their pres ence. There wer only twenty-six persons present. The reform administration of Now Tork City succeeded In reducing the - tsx rate by four mills. Omaha's cut, city and county, Is a shads over six mills. Let the good work go on. The new state constitution of Alabama has done away with August elections in that state and by reducing the opportuni ties for fraud has added, many think, to the prospects of the republican minority. The new constitution of Virginia pro vides for a corporation commission of three members, and though the appoint ments will not be msde before Novenfber next, 110 citizen have already been an nounced as candidates for the three posi tions. While jubilating over the acquittal ot Colonel Fred Ames, chief of police of Minneapolis, charged with receiving rake- offs from "blgmlt men," th grand Jury handed the colonel and hi brother. Mayor Ames, a bunch of new Indictments. The unexpected bsndout marred the joy of th occasion. After one term In congress, representi..... the Twelfth Ohio district, Emmett Tomp kins, who defeated the redoubtable Lenta by a plurality ot some eighteen votes in a total ot some 61,000, has decided that the game Is not worth the candle and he has notified his party to look for another candidate. Section 4 of the amended Virginia con- stltutlon excludes from the suffrage "per- sons who, while citizens of thl state, after the adoption ot this constitution, fought a duel with a deadly weapon, or sent or ac cepted a challenge to fight such a duel, either within or without the bounds ot this state, or knowingly conveyed a challenge or aided or assisted ln any way in the fighting of such a duel." In the present congress thre are two Congressmen Alien', two Congressmen Ball, two Congressmen Butler, two Congress men Cooper, two Congressmen Foster, two Congressmen Gaines, three Congressmen Henry, two Congressmen Jackson, two Congressmen Jones, two Congressmen Powers, two Congressmen Richardson, two Congressmen Robinson, six ot the name of Smith, two ot Stewart, two of. Taylor, two of Tompkins and two of Williams. The newly elected Oregon legislature will be even more strongly republican than the one it succeeds, even though at the recent June election the democrats elected one candidate on the state ticket, their nominee for governor. In the last legislature there were twenty straight re publican members ot the senate and thirty six of the house. In tho next legislature there will be twenty-four ln the senate and forty-eight ln - the bouse, a gain on joint ballot for the republicans of sixteen member. GREAT rtAII.ROAD EPOCH. Marvelona Proarrean Within Two Gen cratlona. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. The beginning of the second half of 1902 sees the railroads ot the United States cross the 200,000-mlle line. Construction during the last six months was not es pecially active, though It was larger than last year's corresponding time, but the total which had been reached by the end of 1901 was so near the 200,000-mlle mark thst that line was certain to be passed long before 1902 neared its close. It Is only by comparing this mileage with that of some of the rest of the great countries that the American people can fully realize the tremendous development which has taken place ln this field In their own land. Figures ot railroad activities for the world at large are not very trustworthy, but taking those which are most recent and reliable th United State Is seen to be far ahead of any other country. Germany has about 82,000 miles of main track; Russia, 29,000; France, 27,000; Auetrla-Hungary, 23, 000; Great Britain and Ireland, 22,000, while no other European country has as many as 10,000 miles. All of Europe has about 175, 000 miles of road, or considerably less than the United States, while the entire world' mileage Is approximately 100,000, of which the United State furnishes two-fifths. Al this railroad construction has come ln about two generations of time. When John Stevens In 1S22 got a charter from the Pennsylvania legislature to build a railroad from Philadelphia to Columbia, on the Susquehanna (which was never built) somebody asked on of the Penn sylvania papers, "What Is a railroad, any how T" Th editor gave It up, but said that "perhaps soma other correspondent can tell." It Is only seventy-four years on th Fourth of July since work was started on the construction of th first ot America's great roads; it Is only fifty-one year since the waters of the west at Lake Erie were first reached by through rail from th At lantic coast, and as recently as Appomat tox there were only 12,000 miles of main track ln the whole country, as compared with 200,000 miles now. RELIABLE That's the kind of clothing we sell and It's the reputation our kind bears, and "No Clothing Fits Like Ours." Beau tiful summer and outing suits from - $7.50 to $25.00 Covers a multitude of qualities, and they are the best that can be made for that money. We know what we are talk ing about for we make all that we sell, and our fixings, to go with the suit in furnishing and hat pre of an cxcluslVe ' ness that other stores cannot duplicate. " - Exclusive Clothiers and Furnishers. 17. 8. Wilcox, Manager. ' . FOt ftTS OF ASCIRXT HI MOR. , ,. ,f . . . . ,. Conarensmen Itrnah the 4oil' Art my ni ran It na -original. ' PaHlmore American. Congress has adjourned and the conges tions! humorists have gone their several ways. Many times during thl past ses sion we bsve felt a If called upon to speak a few words of criticism eonaerhlng the alleged hrriRhtly Wit fathered by statesmen, but have kept our peace. We thought It would b Interfering with them while they were actually and actively endeavoring to be funny. But now that it Is all over, we wish to go on record as sincerely hoping that the next session of congress will pro due a batter order of humorists and a better degree of humor. The stories that have been published, ta the public prints and blazoned on th entertaining pages of the Congressional Record as falling Ilk freshly cut Jewels - from the lips of our statesmen hsv beep cobwebby. The dim vastness of the past has been Invaded; th tombs of centuries of Jokes have been ruthlessly ransacked, and the page of hu morous history have been torn from their volumes, that some congressman might glisten as a shining light Of rare anecdotal gleam. We have noted several stories thst were stolen originally by tho late Mr. Boc caclo; others that were preserved from forgetfulness by the lste M. Balzac; and till others that once formed the nucleus of the celebrated and venerated "Joe Mil ler's Joke Book." Within the past week, indeed, other fields wers invaded. Her 1 a sample: There Is a man In Representative' Knox's district who wrote a letter ad dressed to himself as follows: WOOD JOHN , MA88. It took soma thne for the postal clerk to decipher the address, but the letter wa linauy aenvereo to JOHN UNDERWOOD, Andover, Mass. There aro grayheads and baldheads ln this country who remember pondering over this Item ln the collection of puzzles that used to form a part of the brain sttmulent ln the back pages of their dog-eared mental arithmetic. "John Underwood" of And over, Mass.. was enshrined in. th pellucid Ilrht of fame rears and rear ago before tn9 reprBentatlv who seized him by hi unwnin)r hand and forced him to bend his age-stiffened spine ln a rusty bow to an unappreclatlve public was born, we sub mit that the resurrection of this roan "Un derwood" was too ghoulish; It waa carry ing things -too far. The publlo does not expect Joke of pristine freshness from its statesmen, but It does demand something that is not mildewed. With these few words which, we hope, will sink deep Into the. hearts ot future congressmen we leave th subject, again explaining that we only go into the matter for reason of public wel fare and enjoyment. FLASHES OF FtK. Puck:'' The Hostess There's one thing that can be said for Mrs. Talklngton she never retails scandal. The Caller No? Th Hostess No; wholesale exclusively! Detroit Free Press: "Money talks," as severated Gildersleeve. "I am not so sure of that," retorted Throckmorton. "It Is not on speaking terms with me." Philadelphia Preesi "When he found that death was at hand was he resigned?' "No, Indeed. You see, he had Just bought a 50 Panama hat, and he realized thut he couldn't wear it and a halo at the same time." . Washington Star: "How do you think you stand with the voters in your town? "I never trouble myself about that," an swered Senator Sorghum; "but I stand all right with the men who control th voters." Chicago Record-HcTald:" "isee that hash ' ha become the fashionable dish at the White House." "Well, you must remember that the pres. Ident gets a good, big salary. I suppose they have chunks of real rm-at In It, too, don't they?" Detroit Free Preset "Was it an enter taining affair?" "Very. First a man got up and sang, 'Are There Any More at Home Like You? and then a lady arose and recited 'W Are Seven. " Chicago Post: "Poets are born, not made," asserted the poet. "I'm glad to hear you admit that," re turned the critic. "I had always supposed from your manner that you thought you came into the world In some superior and more original way." , , A BASH BALL. WAIL. . Portland Oregonlan. Now glory to our base ball team, and them that play thereon. And keep the glory whooping up till all the same is gone. For turn ye East, or turn ye West, ana rubber South or North, A team like that that play Tor u has never sallied forth. Wher Uvea the aggregation that the proud distinction clalina That It within but two brief week ha lost eleven games? Full yellow ball we've seen before, with - errors manifold. And games that multiplied a soore th blackboard would not hold. We've seen the gallant dry good clerk combat the butcher boys. We've seen the Elks and Eagle play with enmity and nolso. But e'en the worse of all these teams got on a winning gait, ' ... If only now and then, and nona e'er lost ' ' eleven straight. Ah! lovely pennant, fluttering before th players' eyes. What thoughtless fate hag made of you the one and only prize? For If a pennant was hung up for those who play the worst. Our doughty player In th race to claim It would be first. Yet still our team Is worth lta coin, for In a few weeks hence, All those who bet against It will have mad a competence.