Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 12, 1902, Page 2, Image 2
1 THE OMAHA DAILY Jnfcfc. SATURDAY, JULY 12, 1002. taken to the spot. At X p. m. the trsln of tnla r srs ram to I be pit mouth, where raiting Ambulance atood. Eight men were lifted over the aide a of the car and, half carried, wended their way to he ambu lance. They were all PoleB. One big trapping fellow among them collapsed a he reached the ambulance and doctors apent voral minutes resuscitating him. As the men were driven hurriedly to the Cambria hospital the train at oual cars, with the physicians re-entered the mine. In another half hour they came out aaain, this time with six living. rut almoat dead, miners. On man In 10 paroxysms had locked hi Jaws so that force had to be employed to pry them open for the lnser tlon of life Instilling fluids. These six were taken In an unconscious condition to the Cambria, hospital. On man brought out with this crowd died just as he reached darllaht. I Leave HendlnaT I'nsearrhed. , At that time three more headings be lieved to be filled with the dead were un searched. Thirty-nine bodies were lying within reach In the main heading. .These, were brought out at 4:35 p. m. These bodlc were piled high on the coal cars and covered , with canvas. Th re mains were In a terrible state, showing that there had been slow death In each case. One of the men had his mouth and nose tied about by a towel. Tha rest ol his face was burned beyond recognition. Thd bodies of tho other were twisted In hor rible shape, most of the arms being crooked ao as to shield the face. Th only one who could be Idcntlflcd at the pit mouth was fir bos Joseph Tom- llnson. One of the volunteer rescuers who ram out with his load of dead stated that fire was rsging In parts of the mine. Most of those who were brought out alive this afternoon had saved themselves by crawl ing Into a chamber and turning a valve on the compressed, air pip line which, runs long the entry. On man was found dead with his hands clutohed so tightly about a monkey wrench that It could not be re moved. At 11 o'clock th number of known dead Is ninety; Injured In hospitals, eighteen; Injured who were able to go home, four. The names of only, nine of those rescued live today can be ascertained. They are: Jaco Oivlc, John Dudko, John Ihllka, Jo seph Bal. A. M. Kahler. Vlchl Kahler, George Ball, Albert Shepa and John Kanusklc. At the conclusion of th day' work Su perintendent Robinson was asked what the plan were for continuing th work of get ting out all of the bodies. He said: We will work night and day and will not stop as long as there la a single body In the mine. The fact that the tire damp Is 11 out of the mine will facilitate work, and while there Is considerable debris on the mine tracks that will have to be re moved before the cars can be taken to all sections of the Klondike, I do not think It will take many hours to know tha extent of the loxs of life. The disaster I not due to any special mount of gas In the mine. That Is shown by the little damage done to the property. Th explosion seems to have produced an unusual amount of fire damp that I can not account for. It did the deadly work and wits really all that gave us trouble. There Is not a mine car In the workings that I damaged or broken. Usually In such an accident a this cars are wrecked and burned. The mules used for moving th cars from the different rooms to the lead were all dead and I counted some sixteen of them and then became too busy to notice how many more were about. u. Mr. Robinson would not discuss tha pres ence of gas In the mine beyond saying that It was-never considered sufficient to glv alarm.' The company had five Are bosses and on assistant employed continu ally and had taken every precaution to prevent disaster. Statement of Mine Inspector, State Mine Inspector J. T. Evans, who has bean In th mine almost continually alnc the explosion, was Joined here to night by Chief Roderick of th Bureau of Mlae Inspection. Mr. Evans said to the Associated Press reporter) Mr. Roderick can hardly credit my fle- scrlptlon of the oondltion of the mine after such a dreadful calamity. It Is wonderful that there should have been such loss of life with such a small explosion There was very little rock brought down by the force of the explosion. A number of doors were blown open and some boards knocked oft, but the cost of repairs will be ' Insignificant, not more than I should nay. There was no explosion of dust. The men were working with locked safety lamp. There are a dosen things that might have caused the explosion. The man responsible is assuredly among tne dead. Mr. Evans said be believed the mine could resume operation by Monday it it were desired to do so. Th scene at the armory tonight was on of extreme confusion. At I p. m. thirty- nine additional bodies were recovered from, the mine. By T o'clock twenty of them had been identified. Outside the armory was a crowd of fully 10,000 people. They were Jammed close to th walls of th building and th ragged edge of th crowd extended several hun dred feet away. Those who were nearest the window, were making effort to look into the morgu. and th pollc had a hard time to keep th crowd In check. Order were Issued lata tonight that no mors bodies are to be taken from the mln before day light Rumor ar out that seventeen dead are loaded in car ready to be brought out, but the morgue attendant are tired out with overwork and were given a chanc to rest. One of th unidentified, survivors at th Cambria hospital dld tonight and two oth er ar cxpeoted to die tonight Eeaema No Cnre, ito Pay. Tour drugglat will refund your money If PAZO OINTMENT falls to cure Ringworm, Tetter, Old Ulcer and Sore. Pimples and Blackheads on the face, and all akin 41s ass. 69 ceat. CUBAN NEGROES RESTLESS Xatlvee of Cardeaaa Dlssatlsded with Their Treatment by tho Government. NEW TORK. July U. Ia the opinion ot Captain John Conroy, superintendent of the harbor Improvement work that Is being den at Cardenas, Cuba, by a New York contractor, ther will be trouble with the aattve ( that, place within sixty days. Th aegroes, he say, ar dissatisfied with h condition, and on the principle that titey participated In the fighting, thay believe they ought to have th office. "There I a state ot great uneasiness In Cardenas," he added. They have twe bank there with only twenty-four police men. , Colonisation of Plnlaadvro. GUTHRIE. Okl., July 11 Information was filed today at the office of the terri torial secretary by a reproaentatlve of the Missouri, Kansas A Texas railroad regard ing the colonising In Oklahoma of all or a pur t Ion et 4&.au0 Plalandera. who are com ing to America, to 11 v. Th Information state that M per rent of them will be abl to purchase their own farms. What arc Humors? They ar vitiated or morbid fluid cours ing tha veins and affecting the Ussuea. They are commonly du to defective diges tion bnt ar sometime Inherited. Bow do tbey manifest themselves f In many form ot cutaneous eruption, alt rheum or ectema, pimples and bolls, -and la weakness, languor, general debility. How are they expelled T By Hood's Sarsaparilla which also build up tb system that baa aiflared from tbem. It li tin best medlcln tor ail burners. ARRANGE FOR CONFERENCE Mutual Conoessini by Tnigbt Handler! and ILilroadi Fare th Way. BELIEVED SETTLEMENT IS IN SIGHT Striker Draw I p List of Demand to Be Presented to Their Employers at the Forthcoming- Meet Inn; Today. CHICAGO, July .11. Mutual conceptions by the freight handlers and the railroads have paved the way for conferences between ths managers and their employes, which It Is hoped will lead to a Settlement of the freight handlers' strike. These conferences, which will be the result of the' work; of the Chicago Board of Arbitration, will be held tomorrow morning In the offices of th re spective general manager. Afier working all day upon the sttuatlon, tho Board of Arbitration tonight made the following recommendation, which haa been accepted by the railroads and by th freight handlers: That a committee of five, four of whom must be employes of their respective rail roads and having full power to act, meet with the proper officers of the said rail roads during the forenoon of Saturday, July 12, to settle the existing differences between the railroads and the freight hand ler.... , While not so expressed In the recommen dation, It 1 understood by all parties that the fifth member of each committee Is to be member, of the executive commute of the freight handlers. Cur ran Oppose Plan. President Curran of the freight handler has from the first vehemently opposed tho meeting of the employes of any of the roads with the road's officials unless an officer of the union' be with them. . The officials of the roads have insisted that they were ready at all time to listen to the demand of their rmnlnves but wnnlrf Hoi frinnri hiiaino.. employes, nut would not -transact business through third parties. The arrangement to- , night Is therefor a slight concession on I ?.0th.'d TiirBo"d.LArbllonnde is recommenaauon tontgnr ana xne execu- tlve committee of the freight handler went ; Into cession to consider It.. An hour later It ..uUuBcu iqi in7 were unanimously . - . ... ... . . in tavor cr ine recommendation, ana hn.,. Th. ... .... was said by the Board of Arbitration that ! the railroads would receive the committees with one officer ot the union Included. After receiving the consent of the freight handlers the member of the Board ot Arbitration , prepared the following list of demand for the men to present to th manager tomor row morning. In drawing them up they said they were aaaured they would be ac ceptable to the railroads. The general man agers said that they had not been consulted about the list of demands to be presented In the morning, but added that. they would meet the men and use every possible means to reach a settlement. The demands of the men will be: Abolition of the time of probation for new men. New freight handler to receive full pay from the start. Eighteen cents an hour for truckmen (the railroads offer 17 cents). Time and one-quarter tor overtime. It was stated by one ot the high official of th union that th last demand.. wouM not bs mad an Insuperable objection to the settlement of the strike. If the rail roads shall make a strong tight on It the men will give way on this point. On the first two proposition, however, th men will not surrender. , Rioting; Ha Started. There waa more rioting today , than yes terday but nobody was seriously injured. The chief sufferer were teamster who tried to deliver goods at ths freight houses. All the streets leading to the depots were picketed, and it wa - Impossible for : a teamster to get a load to any depot with out being stopped. , J. O. Klein; a driver for ths Acme Flex ible Clasp company, was stopped at the In tersection of Sixteenth and Clark street this afternoon by a crowd of picket. They boarded his wagon, and finding that he had a load ot freight consigned' to the Erie road, the strikers pulled hh-" from the wagon and beat him badly. A driver of a van be longing to the Livingstone company left the Pennsylvania depot with a load of house hold turnlture, and In less than a block waa knocked from hi wagon with a pav ing stone hurled by a man who had fol lowed him from the freight house. A driver ot the. Kennedy Blsoult com pany was badly pounded by a group of men Just after h had com from the yards pt th Burlington road. There were numer ous other assaults which th pollc were unable to prevent. , , Th striker had determined to make an extra atrong effort in the neighborhood ot South Water street, where many commis- ,lo, houBel r, located,, but they accom- pllshed very little there throughout the day. ' Lieutenant Cudmore waa stationed ther with a strong force of police and he would not permit a striker to stop a team or raise hi hand to step one. As a result the freight handler wer compelled to keep quiet all day or be arrested. ' President Curraa et the- Freight Hand lers' union aald :. - ' . We have agreed to abide by the action of the Chicago board of arbitration and the three- propositions which we will submit tomorrow are practically the work of that body. If the railroads will net meet us fairly tomorrow morning all the teamsters In Chicago will be out before night. TALKS ON THE CONVENTION For First Time Sine Mlno Worker Decided to Meet President Mit chell Dleenaae Matter. WILKESBARRE. Pa., July 11. For the first tlm (lnee the mln workers decided to hold a special convention President Mitchell today consented to say something for publication about the gathering. Ha aid it wa utterly Impossible te forecast the action of the convention. From his re mark It 1 almost cartaln th convention will do on ot either two things, either de cide on general auspenslon or provide a defense fund for the anthracite striker. In n Interview with a correspondent of the Associated Preaa President Mitchell said that no person could with any certainty predict the outcome of the national con vention which will convene at Indianapo lis next Thursday. . "I feel certain," be cald, "that in the event of It being Inadvisable to inaugurate a national strike, provision will b made to contribute ample tunda to carry the strike on to certain victory. Th ym pathy of the entire labor world I with tha anthracite miner and from all sections of the country w are receiving assurances of financial and moral support. These assurances are not confined to wag earners alone. Many men and womea have offered financial assistance to the struggling miner, and I feel confident that the strike will prove a success, re gardless of whether a national atrlk takes place.' J. Rldgway Wright ot thia city, th leader of the Cillten' alliance, which was recently organised in this vicinity, today eat aa open letter to President Mitchell. la which he call the latter attention to alleged intimidation, boycotting and other annoyance practiced on all persons who ar wcrklng la th mine. He pay a tribute to organised laber generally for the good it baa done, and reminds Mr Mitchell that every man has a right to work or remain Idle, as be sees fit. Ia concluding hi communication, Leader Wright appeal to President Mitchell to top the assaults upon men who deslr to work and stop th boycotts against busi ness and professional men who render services to nonunion workmen. INDIAN LANDS ON MARKET (Continued from First Fags.) psny such deed when submitted tor ap proval. ft, A certified copy of proceedings of the proper court, having probate Jurisdiction, must be furnished showing who are legal heirs of the deceased aluiuee, their respec tive ages and their relation to the said allottee, and In the case ot minors show- trie appointment of guardian, with orde er authorising such guardian to sell and convey such minor interest In and to said Inherited land. In M csp tha pro bate Judge, or officer having probate Juris diction, Is respectfully requested and urged In taking the bond or guardian to require such guardian to give n trust and guarantee company, wherever practicable, assurety. 7. A form of deed of conveyance has been prepared and printed for (trs tuitions dis tribution by the Indian agent, superin tendent or other officer In charge of the Indian tribe, which must be used or con formed to In all cases of transfer of In herited Indian lands. MISSOURI RIVER FALLING People In Lowland at Kansas City Are Still SnnTerlna;, However,, and Are Driven from Home. KANSAS CITT, July 11. The Missouri r'v r is falling tonight, despite the enormous volume of water poured out by ths Kansas river. People in the lowland have been driven from their homes, cornfields have ; i ..,. . ' . . ! leen Inundated and water atandg in the : streets 01 Armouraaie, wnere me packing hcuses are pumping water from their floors. But the financial lew has been small and no life has been lost. If clear weather con tinues the Kansas river will probably begin to fall tomorrow. Specials from Manhattan, Kan., say the water Is twelve feet deep on the Union Pa cific tracks there tonight, the Blue river being twenty-two feet above low water , "., , . I mark. William D. Rickey, soldier In the I Eighth cavalry at Fort Riley, waa drowned - thcra tontaht : I The Kansas river at Topek. has been ' steadily rising, and has now reached It ! highest point. The gauge shows over fif . t - ,.. hi.t... .k. i . . - : i av;v uuci iu A aa ixn waici 111 call,. A number of famillea have been obliged to I flowed aeveral hundred irrn of mm nnr.h 0f Topeka and will damage It considerably, The Santa Fe haa been having trouble with train betweeu ToDeka and Kansas city. Borne of the track is under water. but It is passable at a low rate of speed LAWRENCE. Kan., July 11. The Kaw rlvtr broke through Its bank at Lakevlew, and hunting and fishing resort near here, today, filling the lake rapidly and overflow ing ihi surrounding country.. The river continue to rise and a large force of Union Paclflo railroad bands is kept busy prevent ing the high water from breaking through Into the old river chsnnel north of Law rence and washing out the railroad, track. JIMINEZ IN THE UNITeITsTATES Former President of San Domingo Arrives la New York and Talk of the Paat, . v . -. i ' .-" ' j 1 NEW TORK, July 11. The most notable passenger on board the steamer City of Washington, which arrived from Santiago today wa the deported former president of the republic of San Domingo, Juan Jlminet. After the assassination of President Here aux In 1899 Jlminet obtained the presidency. His partner in the government was Vice President Horatio Vaxquex. . Late In Aprtf Vaiquet tarted a revolution, which re sulted in two weeks in' the' overthrqw of Jlmlnes, who took refuge at the French con sulate and a few day later sailed for San Juan, P. R., by a French steamer. Friends of Vazquei have declared that the revolu tion had It geneels In the belief that Jim Inez was preparing for the overthrow ef the constitutional government and the estab lishment of himself as an absolute dictator. The former president declared tonlaht that hi overthrow wa all a mistake.,, Said no, tnrougn nis interpreter; Vazaues I alwava considered tnv frianA On account of his poaltion he had absolute control of the army. When he started this movement his first overt ac.lon was to cut all the wires, both telegraph and telephone, connecting the outlying dlstricta and prov inces with the capttal. After the army had fought tor two days for his leadership he declared to them that I was In danger of nui oniy oeing injured, out or Being killed, and their steady advance to Puerto Plata wa ma do under the ImnreRslon that, thv were coming to my rescue. ine conaiuon is tnis: Constitutional gov ernment Is abolished, congress no longer has any force and Vasques Is practically dictator. Whatever the outcome of the existing condition In the republic may be, I will not be a party to either lta future government or other participation In lta affair. Oeneral Jlmtnei will remain in New Tork about a month and will then Join hi chil dren In Pari. ' HYMENEAL :':.'r. Lawrenee-Stlver. HURON, 8. D... July 11. (Special.) In vitation have been received by many Hu ron people to the marriage of Mia Lena Stiver, formerly of this city, and Milton M. Lawrence of Fargo. N. D. The niony will take place at the home of the bride' parent. No. 1330 South Seventh treet. Minneapolis, on Monday, July 14. Mr. and Mr. Lawrence will be at horn at 111 Sixth avenue, Fargo, after July 25. Choose Falthorn Vice President. CHICAGO, July 11. J. N. Falthorn. pre. Ident and general manager of the Chicago Terminal Transfer company, waa today elected vice president of th Chicago k Alton road. Ia his new position Mr. Falthorn will have entire charge of the traffic on the system. The appointment la effective at once, but tor a short time Mr. Falthorn will remain In charge of th Terminal company. MESMERIZED. A Polaenona Drag Still Freely feed. Many people are brought up to believe that coffee Is a necessity ot life, nd th strong hold that th drug has on th sys tem makes It hard to loosen Its grip ven when on realize It Injurious affects. A lady In Bsraboo writes: "I had used coffee tor 'years; It seemed one ot the neces sities of life. A few month ago, my health, which had been (lowly falling, be came more impaired, and I knew that un less relief came from some source, t would soon be a physical wreck. I was weak and nervous, hsd such sick headaches, no am bition, and felt tired ot life. My husband was also losing hi health. H was troubled so much with Indigestion that at tlmea he could eat only a tew mouthfula of dry bread. "Wa concluded that coffe wa slowly poisoning u and stopped It and used hot water. We felt somewhat better, but It wasn't satisfactory. - Finally, w saw JPo turn Coffee advertised, and bought a pack age. 1 followed directions for making care fully, allowing It to boll twenty minutes stter It came to the boiling point, and added cream, which turned It to the loveliest rich looking and tasting drink I ever saw served at any table, and we have used Postuu ver siuc. I gained five pound In weight In as many weeks, and now feci well and trong In every respect. My beadacbf fcav gone, and I am a new woman. My husband's Indigestion has left him, and be can now eat anything." Name given by TEACHERS : NOT PREACHERS No Attempt Mad in Philippines to Clang Religion of Sobool Children, - GOVERNOR WRIGHT, REPLIES TO CHARGES tronarlr DeaonaeeV statement 'that Amerlran fnatrnelor In Manila Schools Are Trying; to Con- vert the Catholic. WASHINGTON. July U. Secretary Root has addressed,, an -Identical letter to per sons complaining that teacher In the Phil ippine have bees proselyting and attempt ing to convert Catholics to th Protestant faith. - It 4 , a follow: . t beg to advise yon that on July Vic Governor Wright, the acting governor of the Philippines, was requested to report by cable the facts bearing upon th charge, which has recently-been extensively circu lated, that official positions In the public school service In the Philippines have been used for proselyting purposes, especial reference being made toen article' which had Just appeared In the Catholic Times. ' The following dispatch has now been re celved frnm tlnvtnhr Wrlcht: MANILA. July 1902 secretary i war, wasningtpn: Referring to th tele gram from your office of the 6th Inst, ef charges made by the Catho Ic Times, will say they are unfoundrd In every essential particular. It it .untrue, that nearly all American teachers are Protestant, preach ers and proselytera.' The fact Is only on division superintendent, who wo preaching in tne united state a snort lime, Dewmi a, V'1acher- There are possibly two or throe similar Instances among the teachers. Kryan M OI the N"rmal school, wa never a clergyman-and -never occupied; Pu'P'v aere or anywhere. ere are now two American Catholic teachers In the school of Instruction (Normal.-school) and five in the Manila city schools. . Native .teachers, numbering HO, are all Catholic. It Is untrue that teachers of Normal schools are proselyting and that school graduates are only Protes. tants. It Is exceptional that any graduate la any other thajt Catholic. It Is untru that a Filipino la taught that Protestantism enugnienmenr and uatnoiici.m ignorance and tyranny., There te na reason - t sup. Pe Btone. superintendent and Oliver, principal, ot the Manila schools, are btgottd, gaduateeVf the CathoHc unfvtrsTty1 have been refused places in Manila and sent Into ,ne wilderness.- The private secretary of commissioner Moses is Commissioner Moses Is a .Catholic, as 4 me private eecreiarv or jtiainson. aenerai superintendent of -public InstructioR; also three division superintendents. I have shown your cable to Rev. William T. Me Klnnon, a Catholic priest,' who ' confirm the statement t facta. made by .me -Bbqrv-i The law to Inaugurate, a public school system forbids religious Instruction In schools or -school bulliJIrtga by -teachers, but, allows the tame three days per week In school buildings by priest or preach ers, out 6f school nburs, upon request of parents. . (See section IS, act 74.) This Is Intended as a concession to Cathollo senti ment. There are about 3,400 native teacher employed In the Inlands all of whom are Catholics. - Teachers are selected without reference to religion and are not allowed to preach or teach religion in schools.. There Is no discrimination against Catholic tench r. 1 ' WRIOHT." . Confirmed ny" fraitbeV McKinaOn. You will observe that the statements of this dispatch wefe confirmed by Father McKlrmon, a priest connected with th school system and having the most thor ough knowledge of the existing condition In the Philippine, and woo was formerly secretary to Archbishop ChapDell. the di rect representative of the holy eo In th Philippines., ,, ' . , . , 'None of the prelates of. the' Rom Catholic churcti,. whose' 'duty It Is to" safe guard the . interests -of their chorch, ,and who are familiar with the facts,, have ma do any such chbrges as are referred to in the inquiry addressed to Governor Wright and In hi answer .above quoted.- I ant. con- fldent that they know better what the true facta are tnan the unknown and I r reap Die aoureesTr rnese adverse statements It Is the purnose-4f the, Philippine aovern. ment , ta, maintain .In. .the. archipelago th same kind of free non-sctarlan Instruction which ')xlBe1 m the -United States, and which has proved to be for th Interest of religion and aU religions. The government means, tso fmnias U pomribly-ran, to gtve educating) to the people, of . the. Islands and It will do. thia. without , any discrimination for'or against any church or aect. It does not .mean that any officer or teacher of the public schools shall use) his pntror to ouiia up or pun aown any cnurch what ever, wnetner ijainouo. or Protectant PENSIONS ' FOR ' WESTERNERS Snrrl-rora' ot tho - Wars VGnrhnalt Itemembe'red b'y Vhe'Gen- , . ... . : . . ...... .. erl Government. .- . WASHINGTON, July 11. (Special.) The following pensions have been granted: Issue ot June- IS: Nebraska. Original William H. Bmlth Valparaiso,, IS., . Increase, Restoration, Re Issue? Etc. John Peterson. 6llver Creek, j James H." Lybn, ' Harlan, 'M: '"JSjri-e"' T, Kelson,- Peru,. $10; James W. K4rkpatrlrk; Grand River, $10; James E. Benedict. AiU ance, $10; George W. Wlnand, Beaver Cross ing. $8; James P. Robey, Ulysses, $8: John Aaner, ;moen. xs; iuls Christenseh Wash Ington, $10. Original Widows. Etc! Olen M. Olon, Marquette. $8; Delilah CamptOrt (special accrued June 24), Omaha, $8; Nmcy Tlmmons (special accrued June 16), Rav- monu, to; Margaret Kenny, Omaha.-18; Mary E. Conglcton, Kearney. $8. Iowa: Increase. Restoration. ' Reissue. etc Benjamin- J: . Lindaey, 'Ticonlc, IS; Michael O'Rourke. Boldlers'-Home, Mar- enautovkti, io; Thorns nucknori Anamosa $24; John ' Shay. Iowa -City, -fg;. - Ralph Reamer, Oxford Mills. $10; Samuel 8. Hub. Den. rerry, mi-Alva crlner. Klnsstbn. $14: William Conway, Manchester, $12; Klnsey Wager. Davennort, $12; John M. Runkle, St. Charles, $17: Beniamln F. Gabbert. Batavla.-$17; Frank Placek. Marshalltown, $17; Henry 8. Rlckoff, Clinton $10; Jess Fatlor, Wapello, 10; EJga N. Sleeper, Mason City. $14; Edward, r'ortman (special juih ,m. (.oraova, ; - Hjtwnrier lewls, Sioux City. $6. Original . Widow, Fttc. Laura L Mccord. Marshalltown. $8; Marlah Howitn (special June H). Clarfnda, $s Cynthia A. Wyile (special accrued June 14) . Centeroolnt. $8: Caroline Neal. Allison 18 I Margaret V-tnnoatrand, Delta. $8; Margaret Mulhall, Dea Moines. $12; Elisabeth F. jworey, ceaar Kapms. ; Anna K. Mil! (Mexican war, apeclal June 21), Ctarlnria, $8. tsoutn nakota: Urlalnal Israel J. Rates Platte. $. Increase. Restoration. Reissue. Etc. Henry R. Carver. White Rock, $8; Atrreu ionus (special june a), rarKer, lie. uriginai wiaowa Maletna A. Oliver (spe cial accrued June 25), Gettysburg, $8. Issue of June U: Nebraska: . Increase. Restoration. - Reis sue. Etc. Craven Chamberlain, Bailors' and Soldiers' . Home. Grand Island, $12: Joslah M. Shults. Ogallala $12; William H. Good win. Belvldere. $8. Original Widows. Eto. Mary J. Swan, Scotia. $S; Hannah Hitch' cock (renewal). Lincoln. $13. - lows: Original Emanuel Heoner. Mar- nauiown, ta:. (jnaries ti. bmitn. west Branch. $8; Mrk Slmpklns, Bancroft. 10. Increase. Restoration. Reissue. Kto Red. ding M. Garrison. Cedar, Rapids, $8; James weaning, vtvDster city, s: Harvey cnase. Falrbank, $8: Allen ADDleaate.. Pleaaanton $10; Georae R Adams. Maynard. $8;. Hugh trice iison. men woo a. i: Thnnii H Dunham. Arlington. t: Samuel Barnes. Fairfield, $10; George W. DeQraw ispeclal cr June Z7). waverlv, $40. South Dakota: Increase. RtnrHn Meissue, ;tc John Yettr Watertnwn. 110 William Metealf, Madison $17.; Joaeph W'H lettvH(t Bprlngg,l:4. .. . PHYSICIAN IS IMPLICATED Prominent Doetor ot McPheaaon, Kan., Arrested la Connection with Holmes Murder, M PHERSON, Kan.. July 11. Dr. R, B. Kyno has been arrested on a warrant sworn out at Galva tor alleged cone tloa with the shooting of Mia Maud Holmes'who was fatally wounded .her op Sunday night last by someon who .fired. load of buckshot through Ivur hedroom winr- dow. Dr. Ryno la 64 year old and th head ef a family. H has lived In McPbsr son county for twenty-five year. H was overcome by his arrest and today la In state of collapse. He denies 11 . know! edg: of th (hooting. Ther U no known motive for the shooting of Mis Holme, who, belong to on ot the .most protnipent famine ia tne community Detective have collected maa of 1st ters written to Mis Holme befor b wa shot, dated at various point la Mo rhtrsoa county and signed Ia different nois.-..On .written ' at a had first been sent to the postmaster at Tolefla, O., who remalled It to her. Another rep resented the writer to be wealthy wid ower seeking wire. The handwriting I aid to correspond with specimens ot Rrno'a penmanship. When arrested Ryno was taken to th Holme residence and Identified as man who had previously called there under th nam of Oeorg A. Clark." -. - ..-n,. . , .Ryno has , wlf pdV grqwn children and la welt-to-do. H wa so 111 today that It was necessary to postpone his preliminary hesring. ' . Mis Holme continue in a critical eon dttlon. She ha been unable to make a statement. COAL ,' DEALERS; IN SESSION Thirty pt I.a'raest Firms In New York . Hold Meeting Behind Closed Door. NEW TORK, July 11. About thirty of the largest firms that, ship soft coal from i the port of New York, not a few of them operators of bituminous mines, wer rep- resented at an informal meeting held today at the office .of tha Empire Coal Mining company. - Oeorg . D. Harris c-f George Harris Co., presided. The meeting waa beld behind cloeed doors and great deal of secrecy was observed. At the close ef the proceedings the following . statement was given out by James Kerr of the Beach Creek Coal and Coke company: "In view of the national convention of 1 bltumlnous miner. which ha been called ' tor July 17 those operator who are large shipper to New York harbor held an In formal conference today to discover If pos- tibU .Jb.ow much coal, was on hand and Whether the -stock -was sufficient to take car of th present requirements and what the effect would be In the event of a gen eral suspension being ordered. - The con sensus of opinion was that the stock In sight was rather slight and that the mar ket demand would continue to Increase a the possibility of the miner' aotton came more Into elew, and, that the conauraer be able to undergo th fatigue of the cor "7 , ... , . . - - ' onatlon ceremony on a day between the of coal were without large stocka on hand and under those circumstances would be likely to Increase their, requirements and that the trade would be rather brisk for the next few week." Mr. .Kerr, added that while the shippers of soft coal were hopjng that a general suspension .of work In th bituminous re gion-Wight be averted, they were keenly alive- to- the possibility -of- heroic action being taken at the convention ot the Unitod Mln Worker.- ,i . i While I do not believe that under ordU nary circumstances that work would be topped everywhere," continued Mr. Kerr, tho order to suspend. If such were Issued a result of the convention, would surely be opened to an extent that would seri ously cripple the Industrie of the country and put both. -shipper and consumer In' a hole.---. Tha orders for partial suspension, while not universally heeded, were pretty generally enforced. That goes to show what we might have to expect. "In this port, which I the largest center ot distribution in the western hemlphere, such a calamity would fall with its fall force." '.. SSUE "' BULLETIN, OF RACES Grand Circuit . Will Bo Opened at Revere, Massachusetts, on July 2. NEW TORK, July 11. The following offl- clal bulletin . was issued today from ths pfflc of the National Cycling association board ,of. control, , New .York.Clty: i- ' The arand circuit, on which, by a sys- tetn" of Tolnl "scoring, will be decided the professional short . distance championship of America, will begin at Revere, Mas., July 12, and conclude on or about Septem ber 15. All of the July dates are given to eastern tracks. . At the Atlantic City meet,' July 19. the one mile championship of America will be decided, with the point scoring double. This will be the closing day of the annual Leage of American Wheelmen gatnenng. All ' the leading sprinters, including Champion :Vrank: U" Kramer, have entered y'-i. i.'-k aii,i v - -' :. DEATH RECORD. Mrs. Joel E. Volte, Authoress. DENVER. Colo., July 11. Mrs, Joel E. Vails, th authoress who. wrote book and short glories for children, Is dead at her hom In thl City, after, long Illness. Mrs. Valle'a malde'n name ' ' wa " Charlotte'' M. White. She wa born at. West Brootfleld. Mass., In 1862. ..... John H. Hunen, Kearney KEARNEY, Neb., July 11. (Special Tel egram.) John H. Hanaen, an old and re spected eltlien at thl city, died thl morn ing of Bright' disease. He wa born in Germany and came, to this country In 1865. He leaves a wlf and lour boya. i S. Joseph Hanna, Tail Rock. n TABLE ROCK. Nsb July 11. (Special.) Joseph Hanna, aged 76, died here Wednes day. H had lived here tor thirty-three year. He leaves an aged wire and several children. Interment will be in the ceme tery her tomorrow morning. , John. JMacUey, Murray. '' j MURRAY,' la.. July 11. (Special.) jonn Mackey died at ' his home In Murray Wednesday evening from the effect ot a cancer. H leave a wife and two daugh ter. . IS. W, orovn. This nam must appear o every boa of the genuine Laxative Bromo-Qulnln Tab let, the remedy ! that tursa a cold la on day. 16 ent. ONLY ONE 20 PER CENT - northwestern Copper Mining Co. Saturday is the last day the stock of this company can be had for 12 cents a share. With the company's affairs in' the condition "they are this stock is today easily worth more than 25 centsli share and will ad vanco very rapidly. A small investment will make . lare and quick returns. The very. larje sales of this stock show what the people think of it Mr'K.A. Kuhn. - treasurer of -the com pany, ha Just' returned from the mine, . Ask him about conditions there. Get the booklet and investigate at once, for Saturday, the 12th, Is the last day of the 121 cent rate. v Notice the Installment plan of pay ment. P. E. BROVtl, Sec, FIX ' DATE OF CORONATION England's Great Event to Held Between Anguit 8 and 12. KING WILL ARRANGE ALL THE DETAILS Generally I'nderstood that Pageant ' 'Will Be ghorn ot Some of It Mna'nlfleence In Order to ' Shorten the) Time. LONDON, July 11. It la officially an nounced today that the coretiatlon of King Edward will take place between August S and , August 12. The. proposed procession has been abandoned. It 1 officially an nounced that there will be no royal prog- ress,. as originally planned, the day after the coronation, and ther will be no pro- cession apart from that In which their majestic will proceed . from Buckingham pajace to Westminster .abbey and return. It a now considered practically certain. In view ot the announcement that King Ed ward will be crowned Saturday, August 6, sine th holding ot the coronation cere mony Monday, August 11, would involve another bank holiday, with the attendant dislocation of business, while Saturdays are almost universally observed as half holt days. The fixing ot such an early date tor the coronation is regarded aa an additional guarantee of the conference the king' pby- aiclans have in a continuance of his rapid recuperation. -- The text of the official announcement concerning the announcement of corona tion of. King Edward was issued from the earl marshal's office and reads The king's medical advisers state that his majesty' progress has been mor speedy and Icfs complicated than was at first anticipated. His majesty's excellent constitution has played a conspicuous part In bringing this about. If the present rate Of prog reus Is maintained, and If no com plication arises, the king's medical advisers are or tne opinion mat nin majesty wouia Sth and 12th of August. The exact date will shortly be announced. The procession through London, which was to have taken place the day following the coronation, la canceled. It la understood that the general outline of the program of the procession' to West minster Abbey, the route to be followed, etc., will not be changed, but the pageant will be shorn of aome of -Its magnificence. The detail will be settled by the king himself, who will also decide to what extent- the- actual ceremony is to be cur tailed so as to avoid fatigue. The king's physicians advise that the ceremony should not exceed one hour, and this could be managed by sacrificing the sermon, the lit any, etc. It Is expected that Queen Alexandra an.1 Sir Francis Lakln, physician In ordinary to the king,' with hi majesty's burses, will accompany the king' on- board: the royal yacht Victoria and Albert. It has not been decided whether his majesty will go to Portsmouth by rail or whether the yacht will be brought to 8heerness to shorten the railroad journey. All details of moing his majesty will be kept eecret. Everybody, except the officials concerned, will be" excluded from tho railroad sta tions, ; and every rprecautlon-. will be taken to prevent public demonstrations.-Tb' royal yacht will probably be moored off Cowes, Isle of Wight, 'until the condition of the king's health and the weather Jus tifies a cruise, when, as. .on the occasion of the injury to his knee, Victoria and Albert may go to Plymouth and lay off the earl ot Mount' Edgecumbe'a beautiful es tate ' -'-. 'J -'-.. TORONTO MUCHL SURPRISED Announcement that .Washington Of ficial WIU.Tuke t'p Onynor nnd ' ' Greene Matter Not Credited. TORONTO, July 11. A dlepatch to the Globe, government organ, from Ottawa aays: . . , . ...',, "Surprise Is u,tpressed here at. the com plaint by a legal i representative of th United State that vexatious delay have occurred in connection with the extradi tion ot Messr. Oaynor and Oreene and the reported intention of th Washington au thorities to complain to the imperial gov ernment la scarcely credited. The case I In the court and If counsel for th prl pnenk taXe advantage . of the technlcaljtle In the Interest of their 'cllcnlaV.delaya are unavoidable. .. . . "The law clearly set forth th coure to be to)Iowed In an extradition case." To Sell to. Swift nnd Company. LIVERPOOL. July 11. At meetings of the shareholder of Fowler Bros, and Fowler. Son & Co.,, Just held here,.. resolutions in favor pf 'the adoption of agreements pro viding . for the, sale .of their business to Swift ' and Company of Chicago were passed. '.- ' Vnder1 the agreement the ordinary share holder ot Fowler Bros, receive a profit ot between 4 and S per share and the pref erence and debenture holder get their capital back. The ordinary shareholder of Fowler. Son Co. receive only 4 tor each ' 7 paid , upon 10 shares! The ( preference holders get their capital back plus seven years of unpaid dividend, making 14 tor each' 10 share. The holder of debenture bonds get their money back plus 2 per cent. Earthqnnke It It. Vincent. ST. THOMAS, D. W. I., July 11. Advice received here from th Island ol St. .Vin cent aay that three earthquake shock wer experienced there Tuesday wltbla four hour. . '',.- DAY MORE. ADVANCE HI PRICE G03 II. Y. Life BIdg A WASTE DF HONEY IN FRUITLESS EFFORTS TO CURE STOMACH TROUBLE- -it ', . i : , ,1 t.t , : , Not Artificial Dlgesllnn But Natural Digestion Is W hat Is Needed Hove Thl Mar he Obtained. More money la spent experimenting with worthies medicines tor . stomach trouble than for any other- dlaeasei Thess prepa ration may temporarily1 aid digestion but they cannot cur Indigestion. They go at It th wrong wsy. T permanently our Indigestion, dyspep tla or other stomach trouble the medtcln should act upon tha dlgeatir organs them telvea not upon their content. It should not do the stomach' work but should make th etotuaoh able to do It own work. This la whht Dr. .Williams' rink Kills for r.tle Poopls will do ss no other medicine can. They are not composed of dlgeitlv ferments, which promote an artificial di gestion, but they tone ap the stomach, re store tl. weakened functions of the diges tive organ and thereby . promote natural digestion. - A case In point I that of Ar thur McLaughlin, ot No. I72H North Lin coln street, Chicago, 111.: He lay: "For a long tims 1 waa troubled with severe - pains' In the stomach a case ut chronic Indigestion. I would feel a crav ing for food, but when I ate I experienced those wretthed pains which nearly drove me dlstraoCed. My kidaeyn also became af fected. I tried several different stomach medicine and for while tbey teemed to help me. Then - the same old patns would come back. This went on for nearly two years, and at tlmea I was pretty much dts ouraged. " "One day a friend advised me to try Dr. Williams' - Pink Pills for Pal 'People. 1 did so-. Before I finished- a bdx 'tho pain were loss frequent and less severe, and by the time I had flalabed .three boxes the pain wer. a . thing of the past. Now I can eat anything and and 1 feel like a new man." Dr. Williams' Pluk Pills for Tale People will not only cure stomach trouble' but ar a positive cure for all - disease, arising from. .. Impoverished ' blood or shattered nerves. They, ar spld by all dealers or will be sent postpaid on receipt of price, fifty cents a box or slpt. boxes for two dol lar and fifty cents, by addressing Dr. Willlgms Medtcln Company, Schenectady, n. y. ' . ' ' HAT FEVER. . The New is nation, THE WILSON RAT yBVSR DISK, tTnrds the (I nit and only rational -tratment. In irlud!n front Um )ou IUr o4 roLLEN, the GSttMi i bay lvr. EUUIVALERT 'id A. BE A VOTAOB. ReUat immediately . EadonMd br ' tb medical profee lon aa tha only loslcal treatment. The dlaka are made of eott rabbet are tnvlelble In the aoee, aelf-re-talnlni and adjuatlug to a noea ol any alto or shape, and are of no inconvenience to the wearer. Bend for 16-pase booklet, with full description, report -ot uniform auc reaa laat aeenon .and' letters from relieved autlrrera, OFFICERS In the V. a. Ha Fever Aaeoelatlon, railroad . aien, etc. Pgr aale br druxilata, or aSdrei Vt'U.SON HAT FEVKR PI8K CO.;' W lth afreet. Denver, Colo. Price, complete 11 60. Patented, Sept. t, 190L "Children Like It And Ask For It," When a medicine I ao pure, so palatable, o speedily yet painlessly effective, that children Met to take It and wlU ark for It, Is not that good proof that It 1 a good medicine t Buoh a medlolne Is It Is tb.jy.only tonlo. laxative, and the " only one that build up the system while acting as an all-around blood-pnrlfler and tonlo. It speedily clear the coated tongue, -check cold and simple fevers, and iro feotes sleep. The best Children's reraedr In the world. Mother are it greatest . friend, they nse It and recommend it, Laukolaia not only, the moat amoiee of lamilr , remedies, byt ihe most economical, because it com ' J 'bines two medicines for One price, Ionic and laxative. i- AH drus-sie 5 aa 50 csnu, r free sample si The . LAXAKOUs CO. 111 Nassau Strait. H. Y. , For aale by Sherman At McConnell Drug Co Omaha. Neb. THB CARB OP THE HAIR f tiktacMt ta arvvrr jto lMchdl.Kial hra rMMard to bu Tha lmpsrlal Hair Rsceneratcr K I' U ttieackoowlertred BTA.NIlA.Rr) HAIR Vil XlXHlSi of ihiaeo. It la eMtly ap. likffiP puoa, make tii half snri and flossy, Is WilK. 1 aoeolotely barmlees. futoU of hair eoU S&ipftk. yW7VV4ei issttHiallal lnipeiiai liemickl 'Jo., im W .' Jd HI., ft. X. Sold by Sbsi man 4k McConnatl Drug Co. - - Omaha, Nei. . - Postal Card Will Get It ' " . ( SAMPLJB COPT OF THpt .1 , Tvyentieth Century Farmer r The Best Agricultural -Weekly. Ad dros. Omaha, Nb , i .. r 1 .oo...3 ' AMl'SEMB.Vra. ' BOYD'S! "ntgfr." 7TII MATINEE FERRIS TODAY. TONIGHT, BIG WEEK STOCK GO. Mats, aay seat, 10c. - Night 10c. . Uo. ate. Excursion. Steamer -. . Ttia .'Union Excursion '.Company' ; Steamer - Henrietta makes regular trips from foot of Douglas street, making; regular trips to Sherman fark, where thai la fin shad, tnuslo and 4nvlua HQ bar on ttuat, JbvarrUttu- first, class. Hour for lvavlngr f, 4 and t ' p. m., .gaily. Roiina trip . o, ehllrn lLa. N admission to Park. BASEBALL VINTON .BTaEBT. ARK.,. : MttWuKeOC Omaha '. ' jair ii, ta. is. l. ' Oame called at 1:46. r Friday Ladle' Day. Q I LLHnU i usiama, jxnij. . , Omasa a leading Hotel PECIAl, s-RATlREIi - a... T Si LUNCH BON. KHfTY Ck.NT8, . 12 W to I p. m BUNDAT i JU p m, DINNER, lta . nmm neoxni. tated an enlargaraeut. ot Ui cafe, doubling It former 'Capacity.- l. . . CHICAGO EEACrf HOTEL 10 minute from heart ef olty. No dirt and dust, tilt ua ted oa boulavard . and lake, at list ot. bivd., C0caa. bend iur tUu Uatcd tuokiet Poitum Co., Belli Creek, Mich. I