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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1902)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, JULY 12, 1902. 11 i SPECIAL NOTICES' j. -, , I .L - . '.. ' ' j ATFrtlirnnla far then ealesane till he tnkia til 13 for tha evealnaT edition anlll S:10 I aa. far Morilii aad Sander edition. . Rates, 1 1-Se a ward ftrar f aserttas la a war 4 thereafter. Nethlaa take far leae than IM fa fhn rst lasar tloa. Thru ndverllseseealn aul he raa eeaaao-atlvaly, , here rheek, raw have aaawara -reeeaeY (a m aambr4 letter la rara f The Bar. aaawara aa addreeeea will he allrera4 aa areeaBtaUea ml Cha kttk aalr. i SITUATIONS WAITED. OIRIj or inu plain' sawing -or light housework. B 24, . Bee. A-Ms? 1Z. ' WASTEDMALta liELf. . I -- - - , , . -r - , .. r ,T $i FOH HALF" A' DAY'8' WORK.' ' If you live in uie.counuy or In a small among trie farmers and St oca raiser In (own ana invr auow 4'"' i, .... the fiftzhtiorliood Yea can muke u eaauy by tour or uve ' holrrs worn. Write u inn we win sono you- our pruju,iiii. Ihe Bee PUbllsmng co Solicitors imps I WANTED, a" good man :ln every county to taae sUDcriutloiia - tor TUe Twanneth Century. Farmer. Our agents maK no-ia I wumcS avuiy where, tfc tft-terehoee req'ined. 1 Aduress Awentitth 'Century hsrm'.-r, Omalia, Nsb. ,; - " ' : HemonSTRaTQR t6 explain mediOKlogy. luu per weak. iiiltulnuh, WO Ware 1IK. ,v B oM U YOUNG MEN from Omaha and vicinity at onca tq prepare tor positions in the government survlce; '' Appiy to intr atate i-OTip. last., Cedar Pjy WANTED, Insurance men. of exivrlence; can otter you a. good ttalng. Calkat f) a. in. 4JS Board of Tcaus Blag. ,. . ir B 2 ' - 1 1 When You Write1 to Advertisers remember U.oiy ut n fxtra 'stroke or two of ilie pe,to mention, tfle fact that you saw ; the ad, In The Bea. ,f) ; r , WANTED, two! collectors And two"eollo itors. 4Hi Paxton . BlkJ r Mi4 14 WANTED, two box nailers and good boy, Omaha Box Co., Bast Omaha.. B Wi U WANTEb,.brrlIer makers, rtveters and helpers fot'ehop near MHwkuke; no;labor trouble ,-Adaress "poller,"; E this paper, r . ..... r ' B 1 WANTED-(-Two;or three teams with" wheel I Scrapers to do grading. Omaha Cooper age Co,, th'nd i'Bts.. South OmaK Neb. : :.: . . . Hw " WANTED, ca nay makyar atJlaydten Bros.; mubt give references. winTEn a strictly first-class i man for soda water fountain; siata age, experience and where last empioyeo. n- ,,' L t - 'pSoi 11 "' ("' ' ' 1 " WANTED, men' to' ltalln fccsf trade 'In ex Isrence, fur tieor peuplfr. . Wght . weeks r.nmniplt.uL. tut. to iia-jweekly- uald , gradu ates :whn campetenu Clean Inside .work. Comparatively no . expermet Particulars mulled ' free. . Moler Barber ' College. 1IC3 Farnam Street. . . B Mbtjfl 17 WANTED for U. 8. Army; Able-bodied un married men between ageB of 21 and 85, cittsen of United Slates, of good char acter and. temperate habits, who. cn speak, Vead and write- Kngliab. F"or 4nfor nmtlon apply 40 Keoruitiug .Oflicera, 16th and Dodge St., Uinaha, and postottice building, Lincoln. Ne4iraska.t t.. . B WANTEP, a. . flrst-cias's book tand bread baker; married man preferred. ,8 wander ar,CW KPm B-M864 13. : WANTED SALESMEN. W ANTED Salesmen to sell our high-grade Vinegars and Fancy Ciders; pay big com- mlulnni: no oblectiuns . Selling -Other linear -we wit '-huaUann. o-.uiit'lo8.-iMo- l essaryi writ lor-, exclusive -territory. Dcirt, D, r Red - Cross .Vinegar Co., kit. Louis, Mo. ... -. Ml45 17' WANTED FEMALE HELP. . , , WANTED, two young lady - students to learn hairdresslng,- manicuring anu chl rupody and .scientlflo .maesuge. ;- Call or write ItoonvJUivUett Bids. - ' O 2.50 100 Girls, Call Canadian office, Utte Dcd. WANTED -r Lady cook. Eureka Restau rant. 14 Cass at. , . O M8a0 WANTED, a 'competent girl. : Wages, IS per week. 8707 Jones. - . C i3tf FOB RENT HOISES. VANS .Mgsajaigo el..rg5TT Hni I'sF ,n .u Pr?a f city--The O. IIU U OCa p. l.avls Co.. 662 Bee Bldg. i -.- , ..- , D 2Si tO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage co. J omoe taui rarnam, or leis. ibja-sua. D iH BEE PAYNE, BOH T WICK & CO., for eholc bousesr. MJl-i PL X. Mta ld(. ,'lel, litis, . .' l. r.,. ,. , . f-; - D-4M6 ' MAOGARD Van Storage Co. . Tel. 14M. , - - r c .'sp .'' .- ,D4sr . ..., iiimiii' r..,; , n; ,v, ,, ,,. HOUSBJS, tp,M Fv D Wad, 1534 DouglAS. ; -i.'A -J f. . " v. .p2t HOUSES and flats.- Rlngwalt, Barker block,- ... . ' J-2J0 -. , ..I, ii .1 , i i ., GOOD modern i-room house.- 2C04 Blondo. .. . , .'. - V, .. 1-.MJU , ' m i..". i.; IIQUSBS, ! Store, v, Berals, Paxtoh block. ...... UmVl HOUSES Boyer,. 22d aod Cuming. Tel. ami. 1 Ulol 44 FOR RENT. 'large 9-rob'nt house, city water, 116.00. 202 Blondo. The Omaha Realty . Co., 1301 Douglas St ., .D-ftH -ROOM,' all modern house, 2207. Sherman ave., a fine one, .107,00. . 1-room, all modern, lAd N, 29tn aL, anpther fine one. tJ.yo. U. K, .Turkluglon, lio Bea,. D-MW4. iL yhen You tVVritt? . . ; ,:. 1 to' Advertisers remember It only takta An extra stroke or two f -the pan to mention tha fact thai' you. saw tha ad In The b.f,.. 6-HOOM flat, newly papered. 1219:8a. 16th, modern-axeept furnac; ( rouimt, modern and oaro. --wis. - r ttrnam, Jh titbara. lUimwal Bjt. Barktr . blk, ,. - i: . . .17 . II. , . . ELF.GAN'X modern 9-room; liouae,. 909 So. ttitn bu- Aiiaulre-at till Jones Bt. -. - - ------ D- UNEQUALLED, central, all modern, 7 roout houae, 4-reum flat Tlxard, iiO N. lad. . .s,', . DM ' HOUSES,' Boyer.'tSd andT Cundng. .Tel. fe49. . ; . ; - ' ' f- :t ; O M1M i i ! i . . , Ul uMil I i i l, . I. i . , ,i ii. FOR RENT, 'furnished tiaUaa. rooms.- a H modern convenWncai) east front; its so I month. 10 4W. Be. - -- D 36 il . i. ,ii ,i i. , i . . i ..I FOR RENT, new T-room modern cottage-In Dandea. u,j. wsuace. -iu 'Brown Mia. . r. .'.-'-. '. -- Ie6U ' . : . , j , i m . .i-ii i if. i , i a i MODERN aoom -adttage. half 'block ist Hahsaom park- dnqjlre 1U1 Farnam. 1-Mi0 14 6-ROOM flat, newly papered; no objection small - ealored- Janrllyi ia South Win. I Hlugwalt lifos, Baj-ker block, JJ MS 14 MrtDERs' hOuae: "I rooms. 272J Jackson St. Wheeler;' Vneelei-,Dougi and 16th L I FOH RENT FCHMSUBD ROOMS. ' ELEGANT room a. finest location In the city. 1909 CupltuT Ave. B MS LARGE front room, also small front room, toaether or seoaratelv. aai DoualsS .!. . .,' B j. . riBWEY -Buropesa hotel, Uth and Famam; - . ... I . tnlU, m , II PFR WKKK, 4Z2 a Uth St.. ouo block souta oi auurt aouaa. t. ai FURNIBHED, coul rooms, modern, toil B-777 A S&arney, ; roil RRNT Ft RNISHED ROOMS. ' , ROOMS, flrst-claas location. 1224 Farnam. E A NICE furnished or unfurnished rooms, thoroughly modern: walking distance; references exchanged. tuOl Burt St. E M78S FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. Mcrrlam, comfortable summer horn. Tel. 88. F 2&3 I . n ., . I. i TUB Rote, 10S0 Harney. . Rooms and board. F M1&6 21 TUB Bonnie Brier, 1720 Dodge. Tel. A-Hi. F 268 26 SOUTH EA8T front room, with alcove and bay window: private family. 72 So ?"h 8U ' F-786 11 LARGE Unfurnished room,. with good F-M790 board, 416 N. 26th St THE STEWART will open July 15; flret- ciass bosra ana room, iiu cnicago. nfi notation in city. , ' F-4917 FOB REHT-lltrtnAMHED ROOMS. DEBK room space, 16 per month; ground floor room In Th Ree bulldina. facing Famam atreet; no espense for light, heat or ianltor service. K. C. Peters A Co., rental agents. Bee building. Q US FOR RENT STORKS AND OFFICES. FOH RENT The building formerly occu .pied by The Bee at nib Farnam St. It nas lour stones, anu a u.Biuriii nmuu was formerly used aa The Bee press room. This will be rented very reasonaoly. - ti interested apply at once to C. C. Rose Water, secretary, room 100, Bee building, 1 2ti FOR RENT Store In Orst-clasg location; rent, reasonable- , Apply k. v. x-eiera ac Co., ground lioor; Bee Bldg. 1 ie FOR RENT Desk room or large spaoa suitable lor mercnanaise uroKcr or pariy doing business In wholesale district. ' lOr oulrs llojia Cov siS iarnani fit. . - , i . .-, 1M224 MODERN building In wholesale district. t . a. weaa, loz uougiaa su-eeu r . 1 6 IS FOR RENT, double store, on 17th street, west ttosion otore, iuwi line uaseiiiout, will divide. McCagua lnv. Co., 1&J Dodge. 1819 11 AGENTS WASTED. WANTED Canvassing agents In every county to solicit subscriptions to THE K. 1 n- I IVVhMltltl UCM Ulll r a nan en. Kipariv emuiovment with assured good 1 come. Agents In the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily y) to tloo per month. Ad dress, Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee building, Omaha. ' . - 2U SOMETHING NEW 11 Just out Send for sample, tomuintuon uuur nnuu anu ecu, No cutting or ruining ithe door. Put on .any door An a moment. No batteries to 'worry about. No springs to wind. Noth ing td get out of order. Own your own bell. No landlord te trouble. Price and I Bell absolutely guaranteed. Bend 11.60 tor sample. Agents wanted. WESTERN ELECTRICAL COMPANY, 1212 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb, , J 27S AGENTS and street men, best seller of . season; 13 to IE per day to hustlers. West ern Novelty Co., SOW bo. 12th St., Omaha. ; . J 847 17 FOR SALE MISCELLEANOliS. WANTED A good second-hand stiff mud automatic or hand aide cut brick ma chine, with suitable pug mill; capacity . Wi ik hi in itf. i.tft mp rtn v- lan mnnA second-hand 0 H. P. boiler and 40 H. P. I ' engine. All must be In first-class run ' iilug order. Address Ia 103, Allen. Neb. N-MR39 12 i r-i FOR SALE FlRRITl'RE. ..' rnrrnn ITnmltnra Co.. 1410 Dodra. Tel. 200. New and secondhand, bought, sold, exchanged. . FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. FOR SALE Cheap; a Concord buggy. 16th and Vinton. . , . F-i2iM PAINTING and repairs on wagons, -etc., our specialty. H. Frost, 14th and Leaven- worth. mi lei. i44(. fmi FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. WHITE sawdust; season checked oak tim bers, cneap; nog lence, etc yui uougiaa. 4 o . FOR SA'LE Phonographs; superior to any other musical Instrument; to up. ' The Vitiman Co., 121 Farnam. NEW and secondhand typewriters. 1111 Far- nam. - w-wi 100 STYLES trusses; catalogue free. Sher man ac Mcconneil Jrug co., ittin ana Dodge, umana. y INDIAN goods and relics. Ills - Farnam. I I 2DHAND safe cheap, . Der!g!;t, 1119 Farnam. ObVUlItAll mi nil 'T11 1 .MWIW. billiard tables repvrea; a large atoca or - cheap bar fixtures, cigar counters, etc. The Brunswick Balk Cullender Co., 407-9 'South 10 in, y 3o I 2DHAND safe cheap. Schwarts, 114 8. 13th. Q 1107 FOR SALE Fine Imported harness, brass mounted and, trimmed; coat when new, Ubo; will- sell for 6u0; can be seen at Doty c Russell a barn, 80th and Leavenworth , streeU. J . stiCYCLES and uhonoaranhB on essy pay- . mems 90 ouwn, ai-ov per wea, aeeuiiuuana 1 wheels, ana 410; new w nee is, sio, - Omaha Bicycle Co., loth and Chicago Sta. , . . U M3WI VIM puncture-proof tire. 14.96 and 97.00 per 1 r . - I Tl . .A .1 I". V. I pair, umaua -tf viw mill iiu v. 1 11- , cago U. Q-M8; FOR gas fixtures see Sam'l -Burns. ; : Q 720 At FOR PALK Cheap for cash, Edison phon ograph; standard sixe. UuS Webster st. q-iia ia FOR SALE,, a 25-foot naptha launch In first Class conumon. at ijmv jaanawa, (TuO.OO. Inquire of W. 8. Balduff or M. B. .Tlnnln, at the pavilion at Manawa park. ew is thOO GASOLINE automobile; bargain; good as new. Vtto Daysuvrier, ,ix n. join. . Q M841 Ii M. E. always hurry. TeL 760. Q MS64 FOR BALE, two wolf hound puppies, no FOR 8ALK, one new 18-horsepower steam boiler, n. i-t- Brown, Missourt vanev ia J MS71 II I4 CLAIRVOYANT. MRS. . FRITZ, clairvoyant. 1614 Cass St. ts-409 MRS., JACOBSON, 22u6 North 20th street ' H 831 16 ATTENTION I ATTENTIOnI Mrs. Dr. Edwards of Chicago, the noted trance-' medium ana clairvoyant, guar- i snieen satlnf action or no charge for read- Inaa: all affairs of life. Meeting Sunday at 7 30 p. m.. Woodmen hall, opposite postornce. .Consultations ,' dally at residence, lu9 South 17th St. i S-837 11 ELECTRIC TREATMENT. MMB. AMES, vapor hatha, 124 N. 16th, R. 7. . T-M041-U MMB. SMITH, baths, 119 N 16. 2d floor. R. 1 T-M748 Ao ; PERSONAL. ... . ' , HAIRDRES81NQ, manicuring and chirop- ody, for ladles only, la connection with The Bathery. 21s- Bee Bldg. U 311 PRIVATE hoipital, before and during con finement; DaDlea adopted, uus urani hi. Mrs. Uardeis. TeL F-UK2, U 811 ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best and quicheau- Mr a. A. C. Mara, 11 at JLMugas. RUPTURE permanently cured In 90 to 46 days: send tor circular. O. S. Wood, M. D., , fcrt New 'ork Ufa Bldg . Omaha Neb. VIAVA. woman's way to health. Home treat mant. xtoeaiei (rse. at stee uiog., Qmaha, U fBRSQIAL. M ME. SMITH, baths, 111 N. U, Id floor, R. t . U AO ORAMOPHONF.8 end supplies, wholesale and retail. Collins Fltno Co., iva uoug las. u-au CHtROrODT a specialty, In connection with The Bathery, rooms 116-220, Bee Uldg. Tel. 171a. U-816 . IHAMPOOINO and. halrdrssslng, 2Sc, in connection with 1 he Bathery, 218-2HO. Pee building. Tel. 1718. ! ' U-7 WK don't like td accuse the - Omaha BALI. , TKAM or Imitating, but when tney . re sumed the lead thev were tuet merely following the established rule of - the STOECKER CIGARS. ' ... U77" LOWEST PRICES in accordloi. and aide pleating. The Goldman Pleating W , l Douglas block. t , - v oa . EMPIRE RUPTURB CURE 032 New York Life Bldg., Omaha. Send for circulars. PRIVATE home for ladles before and dur ing confinement: babies adopted. ul Burdette. Mrs. Burget.. . U-Mfe3 2S. OR. B. - M. JACKSON, room 4, Frenser biocK, cnronio- diseasea a specially; con sultation free. U 411 fit IT fKHH am ,.f TnM,lA nf rimalu ilA- sires homes for six boy babies from J to i 4 months old; four boys from 4 td ! years I of age. and two girls. 12 and 13 yesrs oid. f 5 room Cottage, 3017 rranklln, JsWU. OMAHA Safe and Iron Wks. make a spe- Malls for Hawaii. Japan. China and flrst 13. I t ,A r,o v . tt iTC ci:ny X at? S"c"peB;,ihuUf8,odoo!l".J.d rlag rriatler for the Philippine islands, SWINDLER wanted by the, Soda Church Dwight Co. He la about 6 feet 4 inches ' tall, smooth shaven, light brown hair. blue eyes, wore a light gray suit and blue Khlrt. straw hat and black shoes; neat appearance; gives name as Hammond. Is wanted for obtaining money on ex- fiense draft and soliciting orders. 8end nformatlon to Sheriff Need, Clay Center, Kansas. , , . - .. U MS63 12 ' I It AlilliWi i c v . i aw sjvvrii .. a aa v. tiyi V I Southwest Nebraska District Reunion of - V i '1 ruiUICIB lift Bern August ww inclusive. Address H. J.- Hinders, secre tary, Cambridge. Neb. ., U M861 U MOLLJE: What did Mr. Grogan sayt Page 17 July What To Bat. George.. U-MS59 12' TEL. 780 for L. M. E. messengers U M8o . MONET TO LOA.Y-REAL ESTATE, MONEY to loan on I m proved Omaha, real I estate. Brennan-Love vo.. . - 0. lath. ......... W-82 4U PER CENT on business property, per cent on residence property. . Options to pay whole or part any time. W. B. MEIKLE, 40L 8. lSth St. . . ' -W-322 WANTED City lbana and warfsnta. , W. arnam emun uo., izaj. jiarnara at. ... ... . W 324 FARM and city' Idans, low rates.' W.- H. Thomas. First Nat. Bank Bldg. Tel. 1648. . . .. W M. WANTED City and farm loans; also bonds 1 and warrants. R. C. Peters & Co., 1702 Farnam St,, Bea Bldg. ' W 327 LOW RATES. Private money. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, . Main Floor Now York Llfs Bldg. i .:. .... , w-na- 6' PER CENT loans. , . Garvin1 Btos.;.l0 .. i PRIVATE Money. F. D. Wend, 1524 Douglas. w wi 1100 UP; low rate. Prlchard, 1712 Farnam. W M332 PRIVATE money. Sherwood,. 937 N. Y. L. . W 324 4H TO ( P. C. money. BmlaartonBnt, ; .'' " "t r-"! . I '. . 1 . MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS.' . MONEY We have It to loan in amounts from $10.00 up on furniture, pianos, warehouse re ceipts, live stock, etc. We also make SALARY LOANS 1 wKhout - mortgage or lndorser- to 'persons who have a permanent position. . We give you the full amount of the loan In cash and we do not charge for making papers or filing mortages. With us you have the option of keeping the money for one month or six, or longer, and you need not pay for It longer than you keep 1b. We hope by this advertisement to nave you give us a trial and we expect to -re tain your patronage oy rair treatment. me motto 01 our onto is'ry to Please." OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trade Bldg. ii' Ttl. 229S '' . (Bstabllshed lt2.) 16tb Bt, xtsis SHORT ROUTE- TO PAY-DAY. Lxan to saiariea people UPON THEIK. PLAIN NOTE. No mortgage, indorser or publicity. These loans made quickly and quietly. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. Room a. Third. Floor, Paxton Block. . . ... X-67S., LARGEST BUSINKSS TN ' LOANS"1 TO SALARIED PEOPLB, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, eto., without se curity : easiest terms: 40 ofnees in nrln clpal cities. Tolman, 440 Board of Trad Bldg. X tog MONEY loaned on furniture, live stock, jewelry, to salaried people. - Foley Load t-o., sua. to jjua ureea, earaer biock. ... X 901: ' - -' -LOANS, household furniture, pianos"--, and all kinds of chattel. security) terms to suit; no publicity: goods remain, m your poaacsslon. American Loan Co., 3d floor, I . I . Ar,h Tm.a ' M , . . u raiion diock. - - - -.-.a o MONEY loaned on plain -note t salaried people; business confidential; loweae rates. kit paxton diock. ins j. jl. tiunon co. - MONEY loaned on clanns. furnltui. lew- eury, norses, cows, etc. c. . neea, an s. is. . . . - M . 1 . . . & . . Xw09 . '- Chsttel and Salary Loans, .- PHOENIX CREDIT- CO., Successor to J. -W. Tayloe. TeL 746. 631 Paxton Block. BUSINESS CHANCES. TO GET In or out of business call on Wil liams, Boom til. Aiciaguo jgunaing. .... Y -842 WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange your DUBinesa or pruoeriy iuick, see 4. H. Johnson, 84 N. Y. Life. T M840 TO BUY. sell or exchange a bualnees, call on tj. J. Linin, ft. a. lan rarnam at .- Y-M3U ,.. B . , ho,... 4 blocks from lam: cssh order. only con sidered. A good thing for the right per son. House rent reasonable. Aos.4 C 7, Bee. . -r i-ui When You ' Write -; to Advertisers' remember It taiy takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the faot that I you saw the ad In The Baa-. w BUSINESS MAN I CAN acquire controlling Interest In a profit- able and rapidly increasing legitimate manufacturing business. Capital required to 6,uou. This Is worth invsstlgai- uig. J. 11. Johnson. N. Y. Life. Y-M624 ' FOR BALE, one of tha hast livery and boarding stables in Omaha, doing, a good buslness: owner wants to leave the eJty W. H. Gates, 618 N. Y. Ufa. 'Phone, 1294. t-M7gl)lt I FOR SALE, prosperous light manufactur ing bualness; ahoat souo required; xs daily proms: personal interview.- si in, ut-e. - . Y-S21 11 FOR BALE, stock furniture and nndertak- I ing. Including hearse: will invoice about! 82,600. Address Box 41,. yano. Kebraeka. x-4117 is WANTED, In a retail business, an ener getic young man about a years old; one right party; must furnish besi of refer ences and bond. Address E 42, Bee. Y-86I 13 FOR 8 A LB, two good farms cheap. For particulars aaarrss J. M, auuv I . 1 1 V . ' I WUIIU, IVUII' , . vw. , RE-MS67 14, FOR SALE, a small but complete steam brickyard at a bargain in a good live rail road town of 6.u0" Inhabitants. H. L. Brown, Missouri Valley, la. Y-MS71 14 BUSINESS CHANCES. RQUIVE KEOHRD CO. otTera beat weekW navln nrnooaltJon of the times: limited amount of remaining stock at tl per share; bank and business references. For particulars address Equine Record Co.. 2o6 uroaoway, . x. i-ww n- ROOMINO house of 17 .moms can be houaht for II 100: s-nod location ' and money maker. Address Ml P street, L. 8. Bcoggans, Lincoln. Neb. T M868 14 FOR RALE OR RENT, best 12 day hotel to grind town of S.)0; five years' lease; com .' pletely furnished, eh-rtrto and gaa light, stesm heat, three railroads,' etc. Address E 44, Bee. Y-MHS7 25 FOR SALE REAL. ESTATE. Prices Sell Them. 5 acres, near Benson $750. Acres, west of Fort Omaha, 150 each. 5 room cottage,' 4224 Patrick, $1,100. 5 room cottage, 43rd and Lake $1,500. room COttage, 41)0 ratrlCK, ?1,Z3U . ,-. ,. tfrwnn 5 room cottage, 2414 Blondo, $850. 7 room house, Grammercy Park, $1,100. 7 room, modern, 27th and Maple. $1,350. IS riirim mAWrv R44 Franklin. fil.SOO. t la-k.ft O TOOm, mOaem, 4ru ana ratriCK, $1,600. Lot 35 blk." 6 Jerome Park, $200. 4 east fronts, Bemis Park, $250. each. 2 west fronts, Bemis Park, $300 each. 2 south fronts, Bemis Park, $500 each. 11 & 12 blk. 4 Mahony & Min. $100. ; each. All On. "tuke'y's Terms'V Cut out this list Bririg it to our office. All of the above property, will be sold this month, if terms and prices will dolt' ' A: P. TUKEY &SON ; 44445 BOARD OF TRADE.. RE-4-14 tp YOU want one of the nicest B-room homes In Hanscom Place I -will give you a bargain, owner leit city. Must sell. J, H. Hherwood, 937 N.- Y. U Bldg. RE M168 SEE PAYNE, B08TWICK A CO: for choice bargains, eoi jm. x. iaiu mag. 11. luia. I - - t ' . RE-347 WILLIAMSON famsfree KB 143 HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; also lira Insurance. Bemis. Paxton block. RE 246 HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; also acre property ana rarm lanas. Tne u. jr. .Jjavis tjo.. Jtioom ow, uee fB J45 -A MONTHLY payment bargain In 8-room House, u. M. riatungsr. rnone tea, .- . RB M53S GEORGE O. WALLACE, real estate, mort gage, rentals, insurance, urown biocx. ..... RE 818 ... RANCH and farm lands for sale' by the Union Paclflo Railroad company. B. A. McAUester, land commlsslotier, Union Pa- cine iieaaquartera, umana, iMeo. RE-344 ' MEDICAL. DR. PRIES, the ' acknowledged . leading specialist la diseases of women In Omaha, would call the attention of Buttering ladles to his unsurpassed accommodations before and during confinement and his treatment for irregularities, no matter what cause. Call or address, with stamp, ur. fries, .Arlington xioca,o.i uouge. umana. , ai LOST. GOLD cuff button with red set. Return to Bee omce. . - Lost ii LOST. Monday ntaht. Henshaw hotel or Hnr Instnn iliinnt. Kn ifhli TemnlHr charm; owner s name engravea. xeave Byrne-Hammer XX a..Co aud get reward. LOST Imnn and white -setter dosr. Re turn and receive reward. 24)1 Burdens, - - Lost MS24 W ' SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A.;C VAN BANTS school. 717 N. T. Life. . ; . , aw BOYLES college, court reporter principal, N. . Y. Ufa. , "i iM I NKB. Business V Shorthand College, Boyd's , Tk.. I.a . . . .' . , . IK, - - ."-' OSTEOPATHY. G1D. E. t ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. buns 61. 14. x. Lite Biog, xei. IXM. 464 DR. A. T. HUNT, Ul McCague Bldg. Tel. Obi. K0 ! e-. .TYPEWRITERS. ina-wuuucnui uaiuin . j wl WIi uw tne worn oi a iw utiiui, is rauiu, am- um.wi., a limited number at 120. Telephone, write . , i . . i... i j-.i..L.-a. ur uu. aiuaru as in niu pi. M996 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cleans cesspools and vaults, removes garbage ana . dead animals at reduced prices, &a N. 14. TeL 1779. 878 PLUMBING. D. W. DUDGEON, 2S10 Farnam. Tel. 1966. lit A BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bala Tie Co., 811 North 16th. JUNK. ALPIRN buys all kinds of scrap iron and metal. . U Douglas ell. lei. u.t. LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundfyi shirts, 8c; collars, sc; cunt. to. liao ieavanworin. Tel. Mi. 360 I BEST laundry. ' The Chicago, 'phone 2t. I : . . M36t STORAGE. I PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co., 912- 914 Jones, geueral storage and forwarding. 862 M. Van Stor Co., 1611 Farn. Tela. 1569-8a. NICKEL PLATING. OMAHA-Plating Co., Bee Bldg. Tel. 2636. ' ' - . ii I ' ' I uhoh Ynn Wr ta' to Advertisers - I remember It eaJy takes aa extra stroke or I two of the pen. to mention the fact thai I you saw tna aa in The aise. 8'IK DWLs13lU Ox It,, GILBERT CO., tanners, 1424 B. Uth. OOl DHBaSMAKINU. DRESSMAKING tn families or at heme. Mus Sturdy, tJU caraaai. Ju BVSISF.SS OPPORTVRITIKS. THE MARKS BV8irCF.."9 COMPANt. 1'romoters of Industries. REAL KRTATK AND UlANS. Business Chsnoes Bought and Sold. Partners Furnished. Special Atten tion to the Sale of FitrnUhed Houses. Rooming Houses, Hotels, Cigar and News Stands. Orocerlcs, Meet Mar kets. Dry Goods Stores, Millineries and all rlnsres of Business. Capital secured for Patents. Stocks of Mer chandise, etc. Advance money to buyers on easy terms. If you are looking for small or large In vestments we can help you, or should yon wish to Increase your Dur business and want capital, let us know. We give everything prompt attention and int at ill or guarantee satisfaction. Call or write. -MARKa nrsiNKsa co.- m GOOD BLOCK. DES MOINES. FINANCIAL. FOR SALE, gilt-edged first farm mortgage oi stum, nve yesrs, t per cent annual on Improved farm In Stanton county. Neb., recently sola at h,k. aiso nrst larm mortgage of iu,tiu on w acres Of lm- nroved and In Madison county. Neo.. worth HO ner acre, rate 4H Der cent for jo years, optional payments, w. J. uow K ttro., norioiK, neo. -hum i MANIFACTIRINQ. F. MELCHIOR, mh and Harney, ma-1 cninisu i3us sufes. G. Andreen. Prop., 1(4 8. Mh St. - 1.K PATENTS. PATENTS Sues Ac Co., Bee Bldg., Omaha; no lee unless successiui; aavice tree. oept i FLORIST. L. HENDERSON. Hit Firnlm. Tel. 12&1 Send for price list, cut flowers and plants. ( aSb9 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable-, accommodat ing; all business confidential, laui Douglas. - aw TRUNKS AND BAGGAGE. TWIN CITY EXP. 'Phone 1717. SO S. lth. V MH03 STEAM DYE WORKS. . i I SUITS cleaned, pressed, $1.00. Ladles' skirts toc. 'ine Canadian, ei xs. ism hi. viu jyi STAMMER15G AND STUTTERING.' CURED. Jullx Vaughn. 430 Ramg Bldg. -372 LAWN MOWERS.. Sharpened, repaired. L I. W ks , 1409 Howard. I AUTOMOBILES. . ELECTRIC AUTOMOBILES. Derlght's, 1119 Farnam street, . CARPENTERS AND JOINERS.- ALL kinds of carnenter work and repair ing promptly attended to. j. 1. ucnutree, zutn ana juKe streets. siu ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS. ' GRAND Electric Co., 1 4 Jackson. Tel. 2844, SH3 Announcements., i WATERS PRINTING COMPANT." Tele phone 2190. 611 South Thirteenth street. TRUNKS AND BAGGAGE. I L. M. E. hauls trunks. Tel. 790. M856 GOVERNMENT NOTICE. PROPOSALS -. FOR SUBSISTENCE stores Office of burchaalna- commis sary, U. 8. army, army bnlldmg,"Omah9(- Neb., July to, iwb. seated proposals in triplicate, for furnishing bacon, issue, drj; salt cure, In crates; - bacon,, breakfast. aiiivi Hrv .ait cure, in -l.tinuna net pans: 1 ' -, - r-- -- - and hams, dry salt cure, In tierces, will be : received at this office, at the office of the B' urchaeing commissary at Kansas City, o knd at the otilce of the purchasing . commissary at inicaga, ill.,- unm if rr tiiocR, a. tn., Monday, July 91 iiW2, at wnicn time inn mace tney win oe puouciy ouenru. Articles of domestlo production or raanu- laoture win ua jiit.ciiitu mw v. elgn origin, cost and quality being equal. Specifications as to quantities, dates and ncH or neuverv. Diana, aim further Information, furnished on applica tion 10 euner onicT. .." 1 prupoaaia hould be inaorsea - i ropoaais 1 tor Subsistence Stores, to be opened Mon day, July 21, ana aaoresseo 10 vv K GROVE. Captain, commissary, pur chasing Commissary, Omaha.. Neb. -, jyio-ii-u-i-io-wj. LEGAL NOTICE. PROPOSAL FOR LIBRARY BUILDING, Bealed proposals will be received for the f u r,i,hiin iihrarv in Atlantic d ii & it in a. m. at the olllca of tha I undersigned in Atlantic, la. Copy of plans I nrf sieclflcatlons may be seen at the office of the secretary in Atlantic, la., also at tns 0fflca of Ltebba, Noursa A ltasmussen, i ites Atoines, ia. encu viviwmu uiu., u a . - . , ... 1 ' L. nwnnAdn, . . . . . k. i accomDanled by a certified cheek In the urn ni !.".- to be forfeited In case the suc cessful bidder rails to enter into -a contract and bondB satistactory. to tne ooaru. Th Hbrarv board reserves the right to reject any or an bias. ' ' . . . . IT. I A. V I IU U A f uvvi v l J Atlantic, Iowa. ' Jy-ll-12-U POSTOFFICE NOTICE. K-,,M ha read DAII.T bv all. Inter. I ested as cnangea may occur a. any uuxwj. i Foreign malls lor tne weea ending juiy 1 12. WJ, will ciuaa irnuair iui in an lbmj !, noatoffloa as follows: PAR- . , ,rii iuli D'lver a b:iu rm all:u. i i;ELO POBT MA1U9 ciosa one nour earner .Wan 1. 1 ... i n v , i rvi m inn. 11 1 1 i o . . rui!.u post malls for Germany .close at I (. w, Monday ana weanesoay, Rea-ular and supplementary malls close at f urelan station half . hour later than closing time shown beiow (except that sup plementary malls for Europe and Central Jkmenca, -via v-muii, viu vua. wvue mim at foreign atauon. Traasatlaatla Malls. SATURDAY Af 7:30 a. m. (supplementary 9 a. m.) for tutiufis, per a. s.- Btruria l. n.iu.r.lfil. n ' . m fn, KW.TH. Vlil HL'Ililrfl.l r... a II vlil.m rr.ll ...... v.. n'. . u.ji,n,'i at 9:80 a. m. for SCOTLAND direct, per s. s. Anchorla (mail must be directed m a Anrhort"ii at to. a. m. fori BELGIUM direct, per s. a. Ftlesland (mall must be directed "per s. s. Fries. Innd"l: at 11 a, m. for DENMARK dl reel, per a. a. Norge (mll must be di rected "per a. a.. Norge ). PRINTED MATTER. ETC. This steamer takes printed matter, commercial papers and samplea for Germany only, - The same class of mall matter for other parts of Europe will not be sent by this ship unless specially directed by It. After the closing of the supplementary transatlantic mans named aove, aa ditional suDDlementary tna'.ls are opened on the piers of ths American. EnxiUh, . J rencn ana uermen steamers, ana re main open until within ten minutes of the hour or sailing oi steamer. Malla for Seta ssl Caairal Asserloa, Wast ladles, Ete. SATURDAY At 7 a. m. for NEWFOUND- W-"4' tiw-rvi., k - w-my w -a. . . , . . . ... . t...,.t- uircT iM'RACAO Tand VENMiTkCi ner hltyLUKALAU na yiftj4lJLA, pj s. s. Philadelphia (mall for Bavanllla-and Cartsaena must be directed "Per a. s. I-hlladelphla "); at 9:30 a. tn. supl- menury 10:30 a. tn.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA. BA VANILLA and CARTAGENA, per a. s. Altai (mall for Costa Rica must be dime led "ner a. s. ,iui , .1 . . (-""r-Jf a. m i lor iiaih ana sahia MARTA. Der 1 s. s. Adirondack; at wwl a. m. for CUBA, per a a Morro Castle, via Havana; at 12:8o p. m. (supplementary I SO p. ra.) for ST. THOMAS, ST. CRO V. LEEWARD and WINDWARD I8I.ANt.rf, BRITISH, DUTCH and FRENCH GUI- ANA, per a. a. Korona: at 12.30 p. ra. fur Cl'HA, per a. s. Curltyba. via Matanxas (ordinary mall only which roust be dl- rectad "per s. a uuntyoa t. ItaiU for Nswfoundland, by rail lo North I POSTOFFICB 14 OTIC. Sydney, and thence by steamer, close at this efflce datlt at s.nn p. rn, J connecting close , here . eviry Mon. ay, Wednesday and laturdxy). Mails for Mlquelon, by rsll to Boston, and thence by steamer, close at tils office dally at :. p. rrv. Mails for Cuha, by rail to Florida, and thence by steam ers, are dispatcned aaily, except Thurs day, final connecting closes, fcr dlptrh via Port Tampa, on Mondays, .Wednes days and Saturdays si aS:3 a. m. : for .dispatch via Miami, on Mondays and Sat- ' tirln,ys t p. m. Malls ror Mexica City, overland, unless spealaily addressed for dlspatcn by steamer, close at this otllce dally except eundar at 1.10 p. m. and ir.SO'p. m., Sundays at 1 p. m. and U.aO p. m. Mails for Costa Rica, Bellas, Puerto cones ana uuaiemaia. or ran to New Orleans.' and thehce by steamer. close at this office dally except Sunday at p. m.-, nunoays ax i p. m. tcon- nectlng closes hcte Mondays for IVllie, Puerto Cortes and Guatemala, end Tues days for Costa Rica). Registered mail close at. p. nu previous day. Tramvaolle Malls. Malls for Hawaii, via San Francisco, close here dally at p. m. up to July "7, In clusive, for dlsDatch pet s. s. Alameda. Malls for China and Japan, via - Seattle, close nere aany at p, m. up to juiy 9, Inclusive, for dlspstch per s. s. Rlojun Maru. Registered mall must be directed "via Seattle1'). . - Malls for Tahiti and Marquesas Islands. via Ban Francisco, close here daily at :.u p. m. up to July "lo, inclusive, lor ais- pstcn per a. s. aiaraposa via San Francisco, close here dally at 8 30 p. m. up to July "ll. Inclusive, for dlftnatch rer a. s. Doric Mails for the Philippine IMands, via Sail f rancisrn, close nere aany at p. m. up to July ll, inclusive, for dispatca Malls for Australia (except Wst Australia, whlcn Is forwarded via wiirope), ew r. x 'i ii .... -I . I Ban t ranclsco, close nere oany at ; i noluplve, or on arrival of s. a. Umbria, I due at New York July 19, for dispatch er s. s. Ventura. . ... .. I Malls for Australia (except West Austral!, which goes rla Europe, ana imcw aeaiana. which goes via San Francisco), and Fiji Islands, via Vancouver and tctorla, B. C. close here dally at :30 p. m. up to July !, Inclusive, for dlspstch per a, a. Mnana (sneciallr addressed only).. Malls for Hawaii, China, Japan and first- class manor ror Tne r-nmppine nisnm, via San Francisco, close here dally at ;30 p. m. up to July 19, Inclusive, for "frv" ' rrVr'.".:"' . transpacific malls are forwarded to port of ailing -aauy .ana. tne scneauie oi ctoi-mg Is arranged on tne presumption or tneir uninterrupted overland transit. Reg s tered mail closes at p. m. previous day. CORNELIUS .VAN COTT. Postmaster. Postofflce, New York. N. Y July 2, 102. RAILWAY TIMaV CARD. UNION . STATION 10TH . AKD MARt'Y. Leave. Arrive. Wabash.' fit Louts ''Cannon Ban'' Bt. louh ocai, wouncu Bluffs al0:00 am alO:SO pm I Chicane-, Mllwsskta A St. Paul. Chicago Limited ........a 1:09 prs a 2:06 am Chicago oV Omaha Ex..b 7:40 am b 3:40 pm .Chicago, R00K Island A Facllto. ' Leave. Arrive, I'--- . EAST. Chicago Daylight Lim ited .a BWP am a s:46 am Chicago Daylight a 7:00 am a 9:36 pm Chicago Express ...bil:is am a 6:06 pm Des Moines ixcai a :au pm du :00 am Chicago Fast Bxpress.a twi pm a 1:26 pm WEST. Rockv Mountain Ltnin . - lted .... J..a 6:60 am a 4:66 am Lincoln, Colo. Bptutigs, . Denver. . Pueble .land west a i:au pm a o:u pm Colo., xexss, cat. -. Oklahoma iyer. a :ze pm au:t pm Chlcaao A Northweatera. The Northwestern Line," Fast Chicago... ...... ....a 40 am a 7:00 am Mall a 9:00 pm a 8:90 am Local Sioux City a 6:10 dm a 3:50 pm navllarht Bt. Paul..... ..a 7:36 an. al0:26 Dm Vayllght Chicago. ......a 8:u0 am all:20 pm ioc&i t-mcaau aiu.oo am a s:w pm al0:56 am a 6:30 pm Local Carroll i.....;iv...a 8:6a prn al0:09 am Fast ' Chicago. 4:65 pm ,a 4:u6 pm Limited Chicago... ...... a'7:4o pm a 9:20 am r aat Dk- u, .,.,,. f, . .wM.iru4 - m a.w am Fast Mall.... a 2:40 pm liocai tuoax: uty ......o :oopm- oiv.uv am UalosfPaalSla. Overland Llmltsd. ...... .a 9:40 am a 7:30 pm ilia. a w.w biu I California Exbress a 4:26 pm Fast Mall a b:du am a 1:26 pm paoiflo Express ..all: urn Eastern Express a 4:2i pm .xtlantlo Express.. ,,,.., a 7: am I Colorade h;cial.,M..,.. .. jtiu am k 1 Chicago Bprtciai.. 1:40 am 1 l.incoin. oaairics ana stromsburg tx....f1.b 4:06 pm bl2:6Q pm Grand Island LocaA,. :3 pm b 9:36 pm Illinois Central. . Chicago Express ...a 7:20 am a 6:10 pm Chlcujp i. Minneapolis be Paul umitea.......a imi pm a 8:0 am 1 4.7- r -,,. A r p, Exoreas ,b 7d0 am bl0:36 pm cniuago Htxproas . w: pru Mlaavarl 0aeISe Bt. Louis-Express.,.. ...a!000 am a f :25 did a, u. a du u iba.......aiu:w pm a s.ia am BURLINGTON STATION ltrT 11 MASON BarllngtOa A Mlaaoart Hirer. I ' ' I Wvmore. Beauloe and Leave.; . . Arrive. Lincoln a 8:40 am bil:6i am Nebraska Express -a :w im a 7:4? pm Denver Limited a 4 pm a 9:46 am Biaca ill us ana i UKCt 1 Bound Bxpreas ....... all:10 pm a 8:10 pm I I'n nraHA nil 1 s lyer a 9-17 am Lincoln Fast Mail! b 8:10 pm Fort Crook and Platta- mouth - n :a pm nii:oeam Believnue Jk Paclflo Jct.a 7:W pm a 9:27 am 8 W. - . I sa. n.lfl T . rtA a. a. Bellevue A Paaiila Jet. .a 3:00 am Chleaajr, BarllaHiloa A 4alaey. ""' s ' Leave. Arrive. Chicago Special a 7:uu am a 4;- pm unicago v eauoiiieu n.x. :uu pm a i.w am Chicago Local a :o am au:oo pm Chlcuso Limited .a 6:06 pm a 7:30 am Fast Mait ....... . . , . as:4spm Kaaaaa City, Bt. Joseph a Coaaoll aiiara i rit ,- rr-m m S-M m nm Kansas City Day KX.... 8.80 am a6 pm am am i t, kji-u. .iriA I I a Dallv. b Dally except Sunday, a Sun. day only, a Laviiy except Saturday. Dally except Monday. WEBSTER DEPOT 16TH A WEBSTER Frexaeat, Jilkh UlHsarl Valley. , Leave. Arrive. Black Hills. Deadwood. Hot Springs a l.-Ot pm a 1:00 pre Wyoming, waaper ana Doug la d 8:00 pm 1:09 pm I HastillSS. York. DavM City, bunerlor. Geneva. Exeter and Seward.. ..b K pm b 14 pm Nr'1. "ncolu and . M ' Fremont ................B 7:30 am blOJS am Fremont Local .e 7:80 am Chicago, St. Paal, Mlaaeaaalls Omaha. ' Twin City Passenger.... a 6:80 am 'a 9:06 Pra Bioux City Pasengar.,.a 2:00 pm all:20 am I Lmerson Local 6:40 pm b 8:46 am Mlssoart PaelAa. Nohraika. LacaL Via Weeping Water D t:in pm aio: am - STKAUHOtlS. KOLUND-ALtERIGJl LINE Nai York-Hottardain. via. ttouloina. B. M. New Talo-Dcrea a s. of 13,000 touareglater Taln-H,-raa n . . J . Steamer M 111. IT, , . . . ii uuaiu Juiy ia, in a. m Twlu-Sorew Steamer n.n..J. July 19. I a"' "T, Nocrdam jily 28, 1U AM I . aduit lo 1 1 n rr v ucHirei. loui rtraan . a,,..,-- - Harry Moo res Farntun street; J. S. McNallv, 1328 Farnam street; u a Jones. VmH Farnam street: Louis tj "' ylrMt National BiSk. OmihaT teese, irsi national Bana. umana. QjjtHptkl ETRArATIANTIQUl in,ri ah.Liiuai aaaarar riaetaa sa SArrrv W' &SiJJZZittZikttXZM 8 cnawwi r ai aowcrs. ln.urin-iri(- I nia-of-w dik-lplln. t waoaa ctuala. Tlpaua lo aaltloa. WlralrM V-l-rP- tot IlluUatad adbklaa aas isaaiiVi laturaatUa, asuly o Harir S. SUxva. 101 rarnaa St.. J. S. Ms- hailr, 1M fuua Si., Ucoraa C. Abbott, IU4 rm tJB S . H. S ;ona, U"l r.m.ia ttt Ml lil na ai 1 iTiaan aaei ia aaaaaaxaat s lLi 2v r tt&VZ TO THumnAV I n oi New vou yv. w Jt BRILLIANT STREET PARADE Knight aad DunfuUn of Tata Eeaplcndeut ip the Uniform Cslors. CARNIVAL OF FUN AT HIBBLLER'S PARK Loaf Proersslem File. Daclt 1st tha Kvealaa- for lastallatloa Ceresaa sles, W hlek Were Imnreaalt a.. Not since the order met her a doien years ago baa Omaha seen so resplendent parade as that of the Knights and Daughter of Tabor, which left the African Methodist Episcopal church at Eighteenth and Web ster street shortly before 1 yesterday afternoon and traversed the principal busi ness streets before disbanding, to take cars to Hlbbeler's park, where there were exer cises and carnival contests. This order Is the especial pride of the colored people, and they have not stinted themselve in providing paraphernalia. The grand presiding prince, C. M. Johnson, wore a uniform that would back Nelson A. Miles clear Into obscurity. He was at the head of the procession, except for the. mounted police, and behind him and the bandwagon, drawn by four white horses, came Grand Drill Master W. O. Wlgley. Past Grand Drill Master Ed Henderson and Grand Inner Sentinel James Thomss, all mounted and scarcely less Impressively cog lurara man tne leader. - mmm v Bu.r.i, men came the maids and pages of honor, colored children lu white frocks and suits, r-ach with heari .i-.m..., .v. each with head ploces signlilcant of tha order. They occuoled a carrvall. The pedestrian contingent Included tha Princes of the Royal House of Media, the palatine Guards and the Uniformed Rank, Knights of Tabor, to the number of sixty. Swords, sashee, medals, badges, plumes- they were so abundant that In comparison that ancient spectacle of the Assyrians wh "came down like a wolf on the fold, their cohorts all gleaming with silver and gold," must have been tame Indeed. In the fourteen carriages were the crowned and garlaned grand officers, In cluding the grand queen mother, the chief preceptress, the chief mentor and past chief mentors, the chief grand mentor and chief grand preceptresses, . Chief Grand Mentor J. E. Hereford of the Missouri jur isdiction and Rev. W. L. Grant of Kansas City, Kan., the orator of the day. Those In carriages drove out Farnam to Thirty-seventh street and then across ta Hlbbeler's park, but the marchers broke ranks at Sixteenth and Howard streets and hoarded cars, taking the band with tbem. Installation of Officers. The coronation of the king may as well be called off. It stands no chance now. The Installation of the grand officers of the International Order of the Knights and Daughters of Tabor at Hlbbler's park last night eclipsed it even as the sun eclipses the glow worm. Sir Frank Wilson, chief grand mentor, may never have the pert- typhlitis. .Even If he had It he would prob ably think he was suffering from the stom ach ache, but he knows how to wear a Chapeau, how to throw his shoulders back to show off h gold-braided epaulets to the best advantage and bow to Cash the Jew eled badges from his manly chest. And there were others there whose special brand of pomp and circumstance was scarcely sec ond to his. And the women I They were queens to the manor born. They wore long trailing robea of pink and mauve, laven- der and purple, glittering with a thousand- Jewels and. resplendent with. fur lining. and shot with satin gores and puffs. Upon their heads, were .coronets and in their - white gloved bands they carried scepters, em blems of sovereignty. Ceremonies Begin. At a' signal from the . leader the band struck up ."The Tale of the Bumblebee" and the pageant moved majestically about a hollow square In the big dance ball, mads by placing four . long benches end to end.' The column was made up of the newly elected officers and Included the following: I Sir Frank Wilson, Kansas city, Kan., cniei grand-mentor; Daughter Emma Gaines, To- Deka cnief .rgnd preceptress; Sir D. L. " " ,nr. n.n.htee Rea.ts Hall, Fort Scott, vice grand preceptress: Sir A. W. Hopkins, Leavenworth, chief ' grand scribe; Daughter Sarah Williams, Lincoln, chief grand recorder; Sir William Core, Topeka, chief grand treasurer; Sir O. C. Tucker, Omaha, grand presiding prince; Daughter Ellia Scott, Leavenworth, grand queen mother; Sir Allen Gainer, Cof feyvtlle, Kan., chief grand orator; Daughter Hattle Montgomery, Atchison, chief grand priestess; Daughter Maggie Mack, Kansas City, Kan., grand inner sentinel. After msrchlng about the hollow square four - times they - entered the lnclosure. wnere he th 01 offlM w" lnilnlstered to tnem severally. After the Installation, which lasted nearly an hour, the bond was martialed again and there wasv more dancing. The park and dance ball were crowded all tha evening. and at midnight was a scramble for I -w. i,a, ... Because of popular demand and the ca pacity business It has created, Mr. Ferris has decided to continue - k,Grau stark" through this week and until Thurs day night next, when It will give way to - the popular comedy, "Mr Jim," . which opens that night. "The She Devil," orig inally to be given Thursday night, will be given the early part of the week following. My Jim." "Qraustark" has proven to be the biggest drawing production given, during the engagement of this company. It has crowded Boyd's theater during every performance ' It has been given, . Last Last night the entire fapaclty of the the-' Uter. was sold out at 7:30 and almost 204 standing room tickets were, sold. . . STEAMBOATS. FOUR SEPARATE AKO DISTINCT SERVICES. Fast Twia-Screa Passenger Steamers ail ing regularly . from Boston, Portland aad Montreal to Liverpool, also Boston ta Mediterranean ports. Bend for booklet. 'Mediterranean Illustrated." For rates, ete., apply to local agent or company's office. tut Deerbora St. Chieaae, UL Summit Tours en Uki Mlchlgart. "".71- MANITOU larpaaas-vly.aa.lMtTr -a-thr.. aalllsaa I " h' rraaklVrt. 4'kaHnala. M.rW I M. 1 ". Kt-!!- M mmeUuu lortr4t, U.tmU and ail KaaieraPalata, LEAVES CHICAGO AS FOLLOWS! I Taes. ea.aa. Tkara. l,aaja. MANITOU STEAMSHIP CO.. 0FFICI m DOCKS, Sash and H. Water tuu. Cslcsge. AMCHOA LlNav-u. a t4Alb-T8UUigaS Salltas rasnlariy kataaak 8tSTW VORg. LOhboDaaBT A OLASOOWi WSW VOka. AJI A MAJPLSa. Seperte? snaamaiedatiaaa. BaaalUol Calaiaa, Sfan rvaafS for ta Jomlurt f aaaaausars ateaieealr sua. I ai4r4 aa4 aratie. sui(l ar nouas ms tieaMS laaais satvaas Naa Tart a4 scauk. Eiifllah. irtah aa all rrtaalpaj CauUaautal bIbu at auraotit raua. trt ii-kMs iaiuruiatloa wl 'o UaMlaaC-Vai aAWaU ia 1CA1. AUBNT.