10 TIIE OMAITA DAILY BEE: SATUEDAT, JULY 12, 1902. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL I tiarp Adrtnoe Followi Early Baoeaaion in , Grain Pita. f AVORABLE.WEATHER HAS BEARISH EFFECT Jjepresslnc $ Short, How- torer, aad All Cereal Reeord Oeod Galas Provleloa 4alt t'a. changed to Lower. CHICAGO, July ll.-Excellent weather. Combined with weak cables, caused weak ness In wheat today at the opening, but re torts of damage of grain In the shock fcrought about a rally and September closed t&'lia higher. September corn closed K0 jc higher. Oate were Vuc higher, while ftepteinber provisions closed unchanged to &c lower. ' . . . owing to favorable weather and lower quotations from Liverpool there was a short-lived pressure of offerings of wheat at prices slightly under yesterday s closing forlcee. A brisk demand, however, due to reports from the west and southwest of ipredlctlons of rain, quickly brought about a stronger feeling and the close was de cidedly bullish. September opened He to jo lower at 73c to 73(&73e, advanced to 54c and closed strong and (ifc higher at 74ft. Seaboard clearances of wheat and (flour were equal to 266,000 bushels. Primary Receipts were 691,01)0 bushels, compared with 4U6.OU0 bushels a year ago. Local receipts were '70 cars, with S cars of contract grade. Minneapolis and Duluth reported receipts tt 247 cars, making a total for the three Dolnts of 317 cars, against 279 a year ago. Trade In corn was not particularly heafy, but after a weaker opening caused by In creased receipts and good weather the gnarket was strong. The leaders In the bull Movement In the July option were credited with buying considerable September, but trading In juiy was nmiteu. winrmuci opened a shade to (gc lower at 6oejle una alter selling up tiuu it 62c, a gain of 14crlc. July opened l(fi2c higher at 83H84C, advanced to 86c early, itben declined gradually, closing with a gain of 3c at 85c. Local receipts were SS7 cars, with 62 of contract grade. Oats were heavy on good weather and a better government report than had been anticipated at the opening, but In sympathy with wheat and corn prlcee. Trade was only moderate and offerings late In the ..inn wr llehf on nredlctiona of rain In Iowa and Nebraska. September opened ff ie to WEfKc lower at 334j33e, advanced o 3414c and closed (&c higher at 84c. Local receipts were 91 cars. Provisions had a weaker opening on larrrr recelnta and lower prices for hogs at the yarda, and considering the amount of realizing sales of lard by Borne longs the market exhibited remarkable -firmness. The highest price of the season was reached today In lard, and the high fig urea naturally caused considerable realis ing, with a consequent decline. September Jioric ciosea zc lower ai 31s.1v, mcr ecu ng between 113 66 and $18.70. Lard closed unchanged at $11.16 after a range between $11 10 and $11.22. Ribs were a shade lower at $10.8041 10.82. , . Estimated receipts for tomorrow! Wheat, 106 cars; corn, 316 cars; oats, 130 cars; hogs. 17,000 head. The leading futures ranged aa follow: la.rticles.1 Open. I High. Low. Close. Yes'y. Wheat I July 75(?r 76 76 76 ? Sept. 73ry73 74 73 74 733 Dec. 734j 743tf4 73 74 73(tf Corn July fcWU 86 8S 8514I 82 Sept. 0fW4(&l 62 " 62 6K!J1 Pec. 46i47 47r 474 471 May 44 43 44 44 Oats a July 44 44 43 44 43 bJuly I 48 60 48 60 4vt a Sept. f 81 S ao'4 30 bSept. WHifi'S 8414 83M. 4V433IS1'S fcDffl. 32W33 33 SZ 3313314 Pork I July 18 86 18 65 18 67H 18 67 18 60 SepU 18 85 18 80 18 65 18 70 18 12 LatM July U 15 U 17H U 12H 11 15 11 13 Sept. U 10 11 22V, U 10 11 15 11 15 Ribs July 10 715 10 75 Sept. 10 80 10 82 10 80 10 82V4 10 82 . a old. b new. Cash quotations were as follows: - FLOUR Quiet and unchanged; winter vatenU. $3.70ri)3.SO: straights. IS.KVTa.SO spring specials, $4.20; spring patents, $3,600 a.iw. 1 WHKAT No. spring, 76Xgr7Sei No, red. 777e. CORN No. J. MVte. OATS No. t. 600610t No. t white, Mc; no. s wnite, RYK No. 3, 60c. SEEDS No. 1 flax. $1.60: No.' 1 north western. (1.67: prime timothy. (6.76. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl.. (1S.67H0'18.62. Lard, per 100 lbs., $11.15. Short ribs sides (loose), $1703'10.80. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), n.87Hn.50; short clear sides (boxed). (ll.Z6Ciril.87H. WIIISKT On the basis of high wines, II so. The following ars the receipt and ship ments: Receipts. Shipments, Flour, bbl 7.000 ,6.000 Wheat, bu 46.000 97.0O0 Cam. bu 194.000 283.000 Oats, bu 117.01)0 871.000 Barley, bu 10,000 2.000 On the Produce exchange today the but . ter market was a shade easier; creameries, , 38fiZTAe: dairies. isaiuo. tin. abou I steady: lore off, 17c. Cheese, unchanged at iwb'10540. HEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. (ao4atloas of the Day 1 Commodities. Tarloas NEW YORK. July 11. FLOUR Receipts 13,916 bbls., exports, 14.211 bbla.; market j was fairly active and. firm; winter j straights, $3.70ib.86; winter patents, (ItXxtf . .u, ininiievuia. iiKtcnia, a.ioiui.Ao, xninne sota bakers. $3.1ba3.26: winter low grades, $2 96g4.00; winter extras, .$J.lSt?J.33. Rye - flour, steady; fair to good, $3.263.46; choice to fancy, (3 bb(a3.TO. ; CORNMEJAL Steady; yellow western, (1.32; city, $1.30; Brandywlne, $3.46&( 65. RYB Quiet: No. 1 western. 65Hc. f. o. b., afloat; state, 634c c. L f.. New York, canon. BARLEY Nominal. ' WHKAT Receipts, 49.6GO bu.; exports, $7,038 bu. Spot, firm; No. I red. 80ic, ele vator, and HlTt02c. f. o. b.. afloat: No, northern. Duluth. 83Hc. f. o. b.. afloat No. 1 hard. Manitoba. 86c, f. o. b., afloat. ! tlons, wheat became firm toward noon, advancing on heavy southwestern buying, attributed to predictions of showers In Kansas tonight. The crowd was short and a good buyer on the bulge. Last prices showed V-o net advance. July, My lHc closed at 81c; beptember, 7xV 791-lSo, closed at iKc; December, 7!y TVSc. closed at 794e. ' CORN Receipts. 1.060 bu.; exports, 1.480 bu. Spot, firm; No. 3, 71o, elevator, and T2o, f. o. b., afloat. The option market opened easy with wheat, after which It advanced on predictions of showers, light stocks and covering. The close weg WW ,yo net higher. July, 70'i'7Oc, closed at 70c; September, (IHfitXc, closed at 66c; De cember. 61VgM4c, closed at 62c. OATS Receipts, 121.au0 bu.; exports, 7.96S bu. Spot, steady; No. 1 66c; No. 8, 66c; No. 1 white, 6tii4c; No. 1 white, toe; track mixed western Dfi'(i7c; track white western, CkKUfiSc; track white state, 60Q03O. Options eased at tlrst, then recovered on a return ot wet weather forecasts In the central states. HAY Firmer; shipping. 6670c; good to choice, 9fy(is7c. HIDES Steady; Galveston, 20 to hs., lc; California, xl to 25 lbs., lc; Texas dry. 14 to 90 lbs.. 13c HOPS Firm; state, prime to choice, 1901 crop. ltt33c; 1900, 10c; olds. 6iSc; state, common to choice, ltol crop, tlU'Uc; lwto, nSIHe; olda, 6-ul'ki; Paclflo coast, 1901 crop, 2"nri4c; KKO. S7(jlc: olds, 6610c LEATHER-Steady; acid. 242bc. WOOL Quiet; domestic fleece. 16fj30o. PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family, 116.00 S 16.(0; mess, (13.60; beet hams, (11 00 11.60; packet, I14.wl5.60; city extra India . mess. $24.0tKU36 0U. Cut meats, firm: nick led . bellies, $U6iiTl2 60; pickled shoulders, f9.it) tt9.oO; pickled hams, (ll.OOtaU.OO. Lard. Arm; western steamed, (11.60; July closed .11 Kl ..ln.ln., M . . k. m . tiv.i.iu.i, icii'nu, in in, itvuiii America, (12.00: compound, $8 12r.6o: ron tlnent. (11.60. Pork, strong: family, HI ou-tf 11 66; short clear, $19.60tb'i2.00; mess. $l.0Oa 19 75. TALLOW Strong; city ($J per pkg ), (9 tc: country uxgs. tree;. auvic. RICE) Firm; dimeatlo, fair to extra, 4 j6c: Japanese. 4iu6c. BUTKR Receipts. 7.41$ pkgs ; steady; state Rxlry, 17-21a; creamery. Imitation, lKVjiillc; creamery, 17ia'19c; factory, lt CHEESE Receipts, 4.1S6 pkgs.; easy; . . . I . 1 ..... V. I , 1, , .. . 1 111 , l 1 M O vuiviru, . W i niiiif, vipv. fancy, small, new state, full cream, colored and white. 10c. EOOS Receipts. $.271 pkgs.; steady to firm; state and Pennsylvania, XiaMpc; western candled. 9c MOLASSES Steady; New Orleans, $30 sic. POULTRY All ve, quiet. unohanced dressed, Arm; broilers, lfririic; fowls, 114$ 12c; turkeys, 13jl4c. METALS The markets today were nar row and uninteresting at home and abroad Variations xosn yesterday 'a prices wer few and unimportant. Tn copper a fairly teady tone was noted, witn Duameas, now- i ever, nulpt Ht.nrturtl soot to All use I made a slight gain, closing at I1l.fintru.86; I ane ciosea at u "rtt iz.it. electrolytic ail 1.967iH. and casting at 111. 75sril.95. The London market was quiet, with spot at 62 2s 6d and futures at a-M it 4X1. ixeaiiy tin ruled quiet at $. 6&2H.7S. and In the English market at 1Z7 log ror spot and 126 10a for futures. Lead was quiet and steady here at $4.12, while London was quoted at 11 6s Id. Spelter remained quoted at $6.12 and firm. London was unchanged at ,i im m. Trade in iron nas ape red on considerably of late and trie one Is possibly a trifle easier, though prices show no change In the local mar ket, warrs-nts are nominal ; no. 1 lounnrr, northern, azz.uMira.w; no, i foundry, nortn- ern, $21.onrq.22.00; No. 1 foundry, southern. $21. 6U& 22.60. European markets reported slight declines. Glasgow closed at Wo Id and Mlddleaborough at 60s 7d. OMAHA WHOLKSALH MARKETS. Coalloa ( Trade and 4aotatloaa oa Staple and FaMy Prod.ae. EOOS Candled stock. 17c. LIVE POULTRY Hnns. c: old roosters. according to age, 4$6c; turkeys, 8&'10c; ducks and geese, t37c; broilers, per lb., 14c. BUTTER PacKlng stock, Uc; choice dairy, in tubs. 17lSc; separator, 2021c FRESH CAUGHT FISH Trout, 10c; herring, 6c j pickerel, 8c; pike, 9c; percn, sc; punaio, aressea, vc; sunnsn. 6c; blueflns, 8c; whltMtts!-., V.H;; cainsh, 13c; black bass. ISc; baiiout, lie; salmon, 4c; haddock. 11c: codfish. 12c: red snaoDer. 10c: lobsters, boiled, per lb.. 27c; lobsters, green, per lb., ztc; ouuneaas, 10c. riUEonij uve, per uoa., oo, VEAL Choice, 3c. CORN 63c OATS 61c. NHAN-Per ton. $15. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Hsy ueaiers association: cnoice nay. rvo 1 upland. $8.60: No. 1 medium, (8.00; No. 1 iVso live straw ' IS SO ThM nrirei coarse. are for mand fair. Receipts light. VEGETABLES. CAULIFLOWER Home grown, per do.. 0UtlOC. fiKW celeri-K.aiamasoo. wc l'OTATOES New potatoes, per bu., 60c OREEN ONIONS Per !oa.. according to BU3 of buncnes. unavx. TURNIPS Per bu., 30c. BEETS Per basket, 40c. OREEN CORN Per dos., 15c. CUCUMBERS Per dos., 25(&30c LETTUCE Per dos. i'hes, 250. PARSLEY Per dok., &36c. RADISHES Per dos.. 2ua26c WAX BEANS Homt nwn. per market basket, 336c; string beans, per market basket, SCferfac. kii I BAKU Home grown, per id.. 10. CABBAGE California or home-grown. ONlUiss jncw wauiomia. in sacaa, per lb,, sc. . TOMATU.2 lexas, per t-Dasaet craie. FRUITS. APRICOTS-Callfornla, $1.25. PEACHES California. 9v4i9oC. PLUMS California, per -basket crates. fancy, (l.ai.ao. vkiiiskh fer dox. ii.z&riri.su. APPLES Summer varieties, per bbl.. $3.60. home-grown, per case, ti.wai.a. RASPBERRIES Black, per 24-pts.. $3.25 U.60; red, per 24-pts., (3.W. uriTviiucinvu Daw inA eort Arwoe uv TROPICAL FRUITS. PINEAPPLES Florida. 30 10 $6 Count, I 14.(10. BANANAS Per bunch, according to else, $2.2o4r2.75. ORANQES Valenclas, $4.7606.00; Medi terranean sweets. (-L 0O414.2S. lemons fancy, jo.wtp.w; juessinas. HONEY Per 2-i-sectlon case. $176133.09. CIDER Nehawks, per bbl., $3.26; New York, (3.75. -.-a . . . popcorn per id., fcco sneuea. so. NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, per lb.. 12c: hard shell, per lb.UHc; No. t soft shell, 10c; No 8 hard shell, c; Braxlls, per lb., lir: nioerts. per id.. 12c: aimonas. son shell, 16c; hard shell, 16c; pecans, large, per ID., uc; amati, ivc; cocoanuis, per saca, $3.60. HIDES No. 1 green. (He; No. t green. V71C; iUi A BHIICU, 171V, XW V79Vi No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 loa., 8c; No. $ veal in. . ot:; iu. a Yn 1 calf, 13 to 16 lbs., 6c; dry hides, &12c; sheep I pelts, lie; norse nioes, (l.ixigtz.bv. OLD METALS A. B. Alpern quotea the following prices: Iron, country mixed, per ton, fiu; iron, siove piaie, per ion, ai.ov; copper, per lb., 8c; brass, heav. per lb.. Ou, uimaa, ubiii., jpvr w, bmi-. jrv. 6c; aino. per id., zc; ruooer, per id., so. ST. LOUIS. July 11. WHEAT Higher: No. red, cash, elevator, 72c; track, new, 73!)74c: old, 78c; July, 72c; September. 41 Mc. OATS Higher; No. 1 cash, 62c; track, 54 65c; July, 38c; September, 29c; No. White. 68c. RYE Lower at 66c. T." t i tMJ II.. 11. aMI.miI win. aw n.n4 . I J. I, . . u ' I . v.u . . V. n , ,, , fw. . v; i .... $3.65s3.60; extra fancy 'and straight, $3.30(9 $.40; new of each, nominally lixyiBc per bbl. less; clear, $3.003.20. SEED Timothy, new, to arrive, August, $4.85tj'4.50; spot, nominal at (6.0019.33. CORN MEAL Steady at $3.15. BRAN Firm: sacked, east track. 8366c. HAY Strong; timothy, $13-0X36.00; prairie. (.uu3'iz.zo. WHISKY-Steadr at $1.. IRON COTTON TIES Steady at $1.08, BAOGINQ Steady at 6&3C. HEMP TWINE 9o. PROVISION 8 Pork, dull; jobbing, old, $18.62; now. $19.02. Lard, dull at $10.62. Dry salt meats, steady; bcxed extra shorts, $11; clear ribs, $11.12; short clear, $12.26. Bacon, steady; boxed lots, extra shorts, $11.(17; clear ribs, $13; short clear, $12.37. MKlALH-Leia, strong at i.Vift4a4.U0. BruiIlM mtmnm m tl OA POULTRY Firm; chickens, 10c; springs, 12$ 13c; turkeys, Uc; ducks. 7c; geese 6c. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 174f22o; oairy, limine. KOOS lilsher at 14o. loss off. Recelpts.Bhlpments. Flour, bbls 4, two 4.000 Wheat, bu 177.000 88,000 Corn, bu 31.000 18,000 Oats, bu 26,000 18,000 Liverpool Grata a a el Provisions. LIVERPOOL. July 11. WHEAT-Spot, No. 1 northern, spring, firm. 6a 4d; futures. quiet; juiy, ts fca; oeptemuer, s sa; uw oemoer, s ipa. CORN Spot, firm: American mixed. futures, quiet; September, 6s (d; October, SB T0. PROVISIONS Beer, quiet; extra Indli mess, loos, pork, firm: prime mess, west ern 78s 6d. Hams, strong: short cut, 14 to 16 lbs., 6l. Bacon, firm; Cumberland cut. 26 to 30 lbs., 60s; short ribs. 15 to 24 lbs.. 68s; long clear middles, light, 28 to (4 lbs., strong. 69s sd; long clear middles. heavy. 15 to 40 lbs., strong. 69s: short clear backs, 16 to 10 lbs., strong, 69s 6d; clear bellies, it to is ids., strong, sue. enoiiuere, square cut, 11 to 11 lbs., strong, 46a (d. Lard, strong; prime western. In tierces. strong, 66s; American refined, in palls, strong. 5ns 3d. CHEESE Steady; American finest white, 47s 6d; American finest colored, 48s Ad. TA 1-.L.U w rrima, city, steady, zss (d; Australian In London, dull at 33a. ULUUK-Bi. Louis tancy, winter, nrm. 8s 9ti. hops At London tpacino coast), firm. tMI , HIS. BUTTER Nominal. PEAS Canadian, steady. 6s 9d. Recelot a of wheat durlns the last three days, 3uo,000 centals, including 296.0U0 Amer ican. RecelDta of American corn during the last three aays, s,tw centals. Kaasas City Grata, aad Provisions. ViVQlfl PTTV Tl 11 tVltViT T.,lv 69c; September, 68usc; cash, No. i hard, old, ic; new, 7.c; No. s. o.vjj'ilc; No. 1 red, oia. uwwiei no. s. iwiihc. CORN July. 63c; September. 604 M'te; cash. No. $ mixed. 67c; No. 1 white, 70c; no. s. ovc. OATS No. 1 white. 4849c. RYE No. t 65(060. 1 1 . V I llmnlkw mw 411 tifUfMI RA choice prairie, new. $8.0CK&8.50'; oldT$9.0oi BUTTER Creamery, 19c; dairy, fancy, 18c. EOOS Steady; fresh Missouri and Kan sas stock, 14c dos., loss off, casea returned. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 96.8U0 1.0 Corn, bu 26.400 14 0 Oats, bu 15,000 10,(00 Mllwaakeo Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. July 11 WHEAT Higher; No. 1 northern, 78oj7Sc; No. ll northern, itKtc77c; September, 74a74o. RYE-Firm; No. 1. 59c. B A RLE Y Strong ; No. 1. He; sample. CORN September, 0c. , Dalatk Grata Market. nm twii v . i . nrupim w. . . . . i j . . . .... , a t i.mwj , bard. 79c; No. 1 northern. 76o; No. 1 portnern ana juiy, nc; 8eptemier, T30. UAl b eep temoer, sac. Mlaaeaaolls Wheat, near mm Bra a. UTVWIPAT.TS Ti,l. 11 XJItr W A 1 V..I .... ;. X ! ' , T8c; Beptsniber, 7Jo; on track, he. I hard, lvric; uecemDer, (SViB"J'c; no. t naro, nai. n. n. 01 i 76iftl77C. I Xlaa- A St. L HlVi CORN-Hlghor; No. S cash, 62ic: track. f"?0- lJJJ Oirc a f Uajr. ga-MVi ocumtiuuci. wmt. iyt:vriiitrai , I 81 c; No. 1 northern, 79c; No. t northern, 7gc. FUH H-unt ttatenta. M.nmn.ln: secona patents, 13.7otjl.8t; first clears, $3.86; secona clears. z.w. BRAN In bulk, $14. Toledo Grata aad Seed. TOLEDO. July 11. WIIF-AT Dull but strong: cash, 78c; July, 77c; September, 7c; December, 78c. 66Vic; September, 6H4e; December, 47o. OATS Dull but strong; cash, 4e; July, 44c; September, 81c; new July, 4Sc; new September,- MSfcc. SEED Clover, dull but steady! cash. $6.10. nominal: October. $5.12; August, $7.44. Peoria Market. PEORIA. 111.. July ll.-CORN-Inactlvo: No. 8, 66c. OATS Slow; No. 1 white, 62'ff62a. WHISKY $i.m. NEW 'YORK STOCKS AND BONDS. Early Adranee Is Shortlived and Gen eral Depressloa Follows. NEW YORK. Julv 11. Ooenlng prices this morning were at the lowest of the day. There were striking advances after ward, notably In Rock Island and Missouri Pacific, but these proved unavailing to sustsln the general market, which sagged slowly but steadily throughout the rest of tne session. The maiorHr of stocks closed lower than last night and the declines were substan tial In New York. Chesapeake St Ohio. Chicago tt Northwestern and others which nave recently been prominent In the rise. ine spurt at tne opening was que es pecially to the encouragment felt on ac count of the government's monthly crop report, especially In respect to corn, which nan a stimulating effect on the demand from the grain-carrying roads: but It be came plain at once that the buying was con"Plc,'ou nIv ,n Missouri Pacltlc and market. Atchtaon and the other Pacifies did not move more than a fraction at any time. The perspective of tomorrow's bank statement was the counteracting Influence to tne crop report. The heavy movement of currency to the Interior has been the subject of comment all week. The usual preliminary estimate of the regular press movement of currency to the interior In dicates a balance against New York of only a little over a million dollars. But the subtreasury operations promise to bring the decline In the cash reserves up to nearly $5,000,000. Tne' report of June exports of domestic products ' explains the continued scarcity of foreign exchange bills, which, together with the continued selling here of stocks for London account, necessitate the large borrowing from foreign lenders. Total ex- rorts of domestic products for June have alien off over $8.flml.0u0 from the previous monin ana ii.io.mo rrom June ot last year. In fact. It Is necessary to go back to July of 1898 to find a month In which the exports of domestic products have been low as tne last month s (40.6Z7.Z82. All the Items except mineral oils show decreases, but the cutting In half of the breadstuffs exports shows clearly where tne principal snonage is. ine marKet closed dull and easy. Bonds were quite dull and Irregular. Total sales, par value. 1.978.000: United States bonds were unchanged on the last can. The following are the closing prices on tne rnew xora biock exenange: Atchison U4 do pf4 t So. Paclfle 1074 go Rallwsy ... Ktyl do pfd lUVTfHl A Pacific 04 T., St. L. A W 4 I do lfd ..181V4 do pfd .. 44 .. I .. M14 .. 42 .. lot Biltlmor A Ohio. u f.u ......... Canadian Pacific . Canada Southarn . Chea. A Ohio Chicago A Alton.... 17 Union Piclflo .. ..106 .. S .. 19 .. 44 .. 12 .. 88 .. 2 .. 48 do pfd 7t do pfd Chlcaco. I. A L 75 Wabaah do pfd 01 do pfd .... Chicago A E. I VW. & L. B... Chicago A Ot. W.... 2V do Id pfd. do in pro 91 wis. central do Id pfd 47 4 pfd Chicago A N. W IM C, R. I. A P 1M Chicago T. A T It Adiyna Eipreaa ., Amf, Exprcaa ., ..M0 ..I2 ..114 ..800 V. 8. Expreaa.... do pra C. C C. St. L....1M Colo, aouthera 11' weiia-rariro Ex., Amal. Coppar Amir. C. A P.... do pfd Amar. Lin. Oil... do pfd Amar. 8. A B.... do pfd Ana. Mln. Co .. 43 .. 81 ::S5 do lat pfd 73 Vi do Id pfd 4K Del. A Hudaon mto .. (0 .. 48 .. 7 ,.100 .. 87 .. 89 ..M3 ..122 ..113 .. 18 .. 10 .. 73 Dal., Li. A w 280 DenTsr A R. O.. 41 o pin do pfd X) Erie Mi Brk. Rap. Tr 4 Colo. F. A I HH Con. Oaa 187 Con. Too. pfd.... 88 rOanaral Elflctrlo H Hocking Coal 1(8 Int'n'l Paper .... 4744 1 do pfd I4 Int'n'l Powar ... (1 Laclads Oaa 11) I National Hlacult 14044 1 National Laad ... 1814a No. American .., do lat pfd. do Id pfd Ot Nor. pfd Hocking Vallay .. do sfd llllnola Central ... Iowa Central do Pfd L . A W do pfd tjonls. A Maah,... .. 4714 .. 31 ..111 .. 40 Manhattan u ..... Mat. Bt. Rr. ...... 147 'Paclfle Coast Mex. Central 18' Pacific Mail .. 40 ..101 People's Oas ..... Prraaed 0tel Car 41 Pullman Pal. Car.. ..140 Republic Steel 17 do Pfd 88 S do via 73 m 83 N. J. Central 188 Ni Y. Central lt Nor. A West 87 m Sugar 1 1!H Tenn. C. A I.... U. B. A P. Co.. 14 80 It tK 14 18 H 80 do pfd do pfd Ontario A W JJ'4 U. a. Leather.... PannayWanta MH do pfd U. B. Rubber.... do pfd Reading , 464, do lat pts , do Id pfd , . 85 . 70 . (8 . 80H . 11 . 3044 . 88 .171 V. 8. Steel Bt L A a. P.... do pfd Weatern Union .. Am. LoeomottTS do pfd K. C. Southern.., do pfd do let pfd , do Id pfd , 8t L 8. W 91 do pfd , 83 t 8t. Paul Ex-dividend. Hew York Money Market. NEW YORK. July 11. MONEY On call. teady at &g3 per cent; last loan, 3 per cent; prime mercantile paper, 4u per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady at $4 874404.87 for demand and at $4.86ft 4.8o for sixty days; posted rates. $4.86(9 4.86 ana H.raw.WI commercial bills, $4.84Si4.86. BiLVJUK Bar. 63c: Mexican dollars. c. BONDS Government, steady; state. In ictlve: railroad. Irreatular. The closing quotations on bonds are aa toiiows: U. B. ref. Is. rei .197 t. A N. anl. 4 ,.17 Mex. Central 4a. .101 ds eospon ..... do 8s. res do coupon de sew 4s, reg do coupon do old 4a, rag. do coupon .... do (a. rag do aoupon . 81 .10 do 1st Inc.. . 33 .106 ...108'Mlnn. A St. L. ...184, M.. K. A T. .100 . 88 .101 ...114 do la ...1US N. r. Central Is. ...108 do gen. Ia.. ...108 N. J. C. g. 6a.... ...108 No. Paclflo 4a..... ...104 do la .108 .138 .104' Atch. gen. 4ss.. . 76 de adl. ta ... 84. Nor. A West. a. 4a.. 101 B. A O. 4s ...108 'Reading gen. 4s 84 ... 86 a. L A I. M. s. U..1II. ...108 St. U A a. P. 4s.... 87 de ls do eonv. 4s... Canada 80. la. ...lot I8t. L Southw. la 100U C. of O. 6a 108 de is 80 lat Ine 82 8. A. A A. P. 4a.... 88 C. A O. 4 Ha 108, So. PacISc 4a 13 C. A A. !a 33 So. Railway la 111 c.,- B. A q. n. 4e.... K Texaa A P. la 118 C. Bt A St P (. 4S..114T.. St. 1.. A W. 4e.. 83 C. A N. W. e. 1a....lM.l'nlon Paclflo 4s. 104 a. R. I. A P. 4s.... 11 do eonv. ..108 C C O A B U g. 4a. 102-4 Chicago Ter. 4e 88 Colorado So. 4a 8 D. A R. O. 4a 101 Erie prior lien 4a.... 8 Wabaah Is ..1U ..11! .. 77 do la do dab. B Weet Shore 4e , W. A L B. 4a Wis. Central 4a..., Con. Too. 4a ,..113 .. 85 .. 83 .. 47 do general 4a 87 P. W. A O. C. la... 113 Hocking Val. 4s....lM Boatoa ateek Qaetatloaa. BOSTON. July 11. Call loans. 4ifNU nrr cent; time loans, 4ti5 per cent. Official closing of stocks and bonds: N. O. A C 43 Amalgamatea . Atchleoa 83 .Blnguam 43 81 888 1T (3 184 10 111 ..... 4lJ 13 88 17 do pfd 3 tel. A Hecla.. Boeton A Albanr....l4 CeuUnnlal .... Bootes Elevated ....184 Copper Hange N. V.. N. H. A U...I3 .Dominion Coal Pltohburg pfd .141 Praoklln union Pacino . Ilea. Central , Amer. Sugar , .106 I.I. Hovels , . ! Uobawk , .118 Old Dominion .., .118 Oeceole .148 Parrot . 88 Qulncr .113 .Santa Pa Copper ,. 43 Tamarack . 84 II rlmouotaln .... . 4 iTrlnltjr .lllU'tah do pfd Aoter. T. A T Dooa. 1. A 8., .180 .134 .173 Oaa. Clectrie , alaaa. Electric do pld .... N. . O. A C I'nlted Prult V. a. Steel... do pfd . 86 .'a 4 M 88 88 victoria 80 Winona Weetlngh Common. .101 Wolverine United Copper .. Adveoturs Alloses 1 Fertlgs Flaaaelal. LONDON, July 11. Gold premiums are quoted as follows: Buenos Ayres, 130.30; Madrid, 37.25; Rome, 1.27. There was a brisk demand for money today In connec tion with Stock exchange requirements, though the pressure was less than antk-l- pa-ted, owing to the preparations made, There waa much uncertainty regarding the ruture, wnicn tne HanK or England return did not relieve. There waa no visible prospect of prompt repay of considerable borrowings from the Bank of England. Discounts were firm. Business on the Stock exchange waa practically at a stand still and prices had a drooping tendency. The weakness was most marked In con sols. The Kaffirs' liquidation of ' a large bull account had not ceased. The ex change waa atlll apprehensivo of the out come, tnougn support or big nouses wss expected to lessen the difficulties which were once feared. First-class securities were easier. This waa partly due to the condition of the money market. Home rails were dull: Americans were Irregular snd mostly a fraction above parity; they I were ae glee tea, dui ciosea steaay; Kamrs fluctuated at first aad later were ateatiy. The failure of a small brnker, Bernard Klrschnaum. was announced. PARIS, July 11. Business on the bourse today was uninteresting during the early hours, but the tendency was firm; later Industrials were depressed, owing to large realisations; Kaffirs opened firm and closed easier; ThomanrvHoustons rescted. The private rate of discount was unchanged at 2 11-16 per cent. Three per cent rentes. loir 27o ror the account: exchange on Iondon. 26t 18c for checks: Spanish 4s. 80.57. BERLIN. July 11. Business was weak on the boursa today and prices had a hardening tendency. Exchange on London, g'm 47 pfgs. for checks. Discount rates: hort bills. 24 ner cent: three months' bills. t per cent. WEEKLY CLEARING HOl'SK TAB LB. Aggregate ot Baslaess Transacted by the Associated Daaka, NEW YORK. Julv 11. The following table, comptu-d by Hradstreet, shows the bank clearlnss at thn nrinclnal cities for the week ended July 10, with the percent sge of Increase and decretiae as compared with the corresponding week last yeart CITIES. , . J Clearings .j Inc.j Doc New York $1,150,638,445 16.$ Chicago 137,791.617 10.9 Boston 12&.42O.910 14.8 Philadelphia 92,107.847 7.8 St. Ixmls 43.66O.303 ...... 11.0 Pittsburg 86.620,244 1.7 Baltimore 21,4f9,4i6 9.4 Cincinnati 20,1S6,300 1.4 San Francisco 19.942.247 14.8 Cleveland 18,640,661 13.6 Kansas City 14,769,498 22.1 Minneapolis 13,043,KS2 21.1 New Orleans 9.094.212 8.4 Detroit 8,041,825 87.4 Louisville 8,R-'3.516 6.3 Indianapolis 8.679,363 $.6 Providence 6,3S5,2H) 35.8 OMAHA 6.533,427 18. 4 Milwaukee (.911,059 11.8 Buffalo '. 4.75.1,393 80.6 St. Paul 4,518.6!5 9.0 St. Joseph 8.759,872 17.4 Denver 1,711,606 18.4 Richmond 3,943,070 22.7 Savannah $.871,187 1.0 Salt Lake City 3.KH.044 62.4 Albany 1.130.424 16.4 Los Angeles 4,053.431 23.3 Memphis 2.156.5S8 25.1 Fort Worth 1.655.739 8.4 Seattle 1,135.524 20.1 Washington 1.619, RP9 18.8 Hartford 2,721,720 39.0 Peoria 2.250,524 6.1 Toledo 2.549.158 4.6 Portland, Ore 1.897.414 23.5 Rochester 2.486,199 6.7 Atlanta 2,143.6F6 5 6 Dca Moines 1,6"8.417 2.1 New Haven 1,988.746 5 8 Worcester 1,420,335 13.0 Nashville 1,613.585 18.9 Springfield, Mass l,6'.8il 4.1 Norfolk 1.420,791 15.4 Orand Raplda 1,628.341 8.4 Scranton 1.292,330 Portland. Me 1.6.13,711 3.1 Bloux City , 1,349,295 17.1 Syracuse 1,235.653 20.1 Dayton, O..: - 1.466,025 6 Tacoma 1,012,762 83.6 Spokane 1,722,222 - 29.9 Topeka 1.307.326 33.0 Evansville .-. 1,663.043 4.8 Birmingham 1.0S8.111 26.5 Augusta 937.802 1.7 Davenport 834.105 21.9 Wilmington, Del 939,012 12.2 Fall River 710.7G6 32.6 Macon " 606.000 11.5 Little Rock 761. 9S0 1.9 Helena 562.099 1.1 Knoxvllle, Tenn 676.238 5.9 Lowell . 636.452 24.4 Akron 708,900 5.5 Wichita 497,865 1.2 Springfield, 111, 6S0.R91 10.2 Lexington 606.8(14 5.6 New Bedford 651.031 29.9 Chattanooga, Tenn.. 670.563 24.4 Youngstewn, O.. 793.7C9 28.3 Kalamazoo, Mich.... 520.060 10.1 Fargo. N. D 540,706 64.7 Blnghamton 347,900 13.$ Rockford, 111 3S7.063 14. 9 Canton, 0 342.9(10 16.5 Jacksonville, Fla 143,833 7.0 Springfield. O ' 378,578 13.1 ...... Chester, Pa 328.829 8.9 Qulncy 2S3.630 Bldomlngton, 111...... . ' 815,145 $.0 Sioux Falls, S. D 281,253 4.8 Jacksonville, 111 225.340 82.3 Fremont 121.657 20.1 Houston 9.003,758 48.4 Galveston 8.861,000 28.2 Columbus 6,973.400 Wheeling, W. Va.. 757.0G1 $.2 Wllkesbarre.Pa.... 701.030 17.6 lieaumont, Ter,.,.. '' 352.746 Decatur, 111......,... 257,668 Utica 2.617.6101 Totals." TJ. ' 8. . . ($1,847.629.6051 18.7 Outside New York.., ,696,991,1601 10.6 CANADA. Montreal ' Toronto , Winnipeg Halifax Vancouver, B. C,. Hamilton 21,378.617! 17.062.3761 8.915.444 2.152.4221 1.041.842 1.078.6441 974.9S01 605.0721 1.975.704 1.5 28.0 60.9 1.8 10.7 28.2 20.8 St. John. N. B.... Victoria, B. C... Quebec 15.0 25.1 utiawa 2,283,960! -1- Total .......... $ 60,186.1011 12.0 Not Included in totals because contalnlnsr other Items than clearings. Not Included In totals because, of no comparison lor last year. v London Stock Market. LONDON. July 11. 4 p. m. Closing Com., money N 13-14, Norfolk A Wi 8 4 83 do account Pa I do ptd Anaconda 4 Ontario A weatern Atchison rennayiTania do pfd. (ex-dlT.)... 101 Reading , n.ltlmore A Ohio. .1.110 do lat pfd ... 18 ... 88 ... 41 ... 86 ... 17 ... 8 Canadian Pacific. .....188 do Id pfd Cheaaneake A O Ha Bouinarn tlj Chlraao Q ." W 81 do pfd. C., M. A BU r. am Boutnera racioo., DenTer A R. 0 43 Union Pacific do pfd. (ex-dlv.).. t do pfd grle 17 V. 8. Steel do lat pfd 70 do pfd , do Id ptd 84 Wabaah llllnola Central 148 do pfd , Loularllle A Naah....l4 Spanlah 4a , el.. K. A T 17 Rand Mlnee. ...... do pfd 44 DeBeers (del.).... N. T. C. (ex-dl.)...14J ... 44 ...lie ... 81 ... ... 83 ... 14 ... 41 BAR 8ILVER Quiet: 24 9-16d rer ounce. MONET-2(52 per cent. The rate of discount on the open market for short bills Is 2T2 9-16 per cent ana tor tnree-montns win- I e liJw . M urns urn . nwj47 yvi How York Hlalaar ttaotatloas. NEW YORK.. July 11. The following are the closing prices on mining siocas: Adams Con ...... Alice Mreeee Brunawlck Con Comatock Tunnel Con. Cal. A Va.. Deadwood Terrs.. Horn Silver Iron Silver Leedvllle Cos ... Little Chief ... 11 Ontario Ophlr ;..T81 .. (4 .. 7 .. 1 ..lis ..lea ..136 ...tu ... ... 1 ... I ... II rnoeaix ........ Pot oat Savage- 9 terra Nevada Smell Hopes ., Standard) Baak Clearlags. OMAHA. July 11. Bank clearings, $9S7,. 451.70; corresponding day last year, $940, Axn 9f- lnrr.MA. S47.lHi6.4a. CHICAGO. Ju y U. cieannga. xrt.sn.sw balances. 12.072.039: New York exchange, 90c discount: Doated exchange unchanged at $4.66 for sixty days ana l.8v lor de mand. NEW YORK. July lL Clearings. $247. 156.862; balances, $H,146.Z5u. BALTIMORE. Julv 11. Clearings. 16.au, $49: balances. $158,642; money, 4j per cent. PHILADELPHIA. July ll. 4jieanngs. $20,236,991; balances, $2,670,315; money, j4 per cent. BOSTON. July It-Clearings, $26.901.41 balances. 41.441 351. 8T. LOUIS. Julv 11. Clearings. 1U.467.72J balances, $1,236,796; money steady at 64)4 per cent; New York exenange. ewe Discount linunnAii, juiy ii. ajieanngs. a.i.aoo, 750; money, 16 per cent; New York eg' cnange, par. ' Coadltlom ( the Treasary. WASHINGTON. July 11. Today's sUte ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $160,000,000 gold reserve In the division or redemption, shows: Available cash balance, $200,037,632 gold, tlU4,34U,s23. Wool Market. BOSTON, July 11. WOOL The Commer cial Bulletin will say In tomorrow's re port on the wool trsde of the United States: Wool continued steady. Prices have advanced on several grades and the tendency la UDward. London was rather diaaDDolntment. but had no Influence here. aa the offerings have not been suitable for America. The receipts of wool In Boston since January 1, 19(2. have been 149.074.6)4 pounds, against lu7,799.693 pounds for the same period In 1901. The Boston snipmenti to date are 137.759.621 pounda. against shlo ments of 129.706.045 pounds for the same rierlod in 19U1. Tne stock on nana in hoi on January 1. 19u2. was 77.340.4tJ pounda tha total stock today Is 88.656,8u0 pounds, The stock on hand juiy u. iu. was a.bi4, ISO nounds. LONDON, July 11. WOOIThe offerings at the wool sales today numbered 16,162 bales. A large supply of merinos caused spirited competition between the home trade and German buyers. America se cured a few parcels. Fine grades were steady, but medium and coarse were Irreg ular and 6 per cent lower. Cape of Good llooe and Natal grades were In fair de I n is ud. Following are tha aalea Ia detail! ew South Wales, 4.500 bales; scoured. W9 Id: greasy. 311 11 He Victoria. l.i bales; scoured. 7HriilsBd; greasy. SVlflils.ld. doatn Australia, w naies; greasy, 4ni. west Australia, 300 pales; greasy, o'n asmanla, 6"0 bales; greasy, S-XM'.i'vi. .ew ealnnd, 8,0nO bales; scoured, 3d: greasy, d1s. Cspe of Good Hope and Natal, w bales; scoured. 81C(ls; greasy, 6(rtSd. ST. LOUIS. July it. WOOL Strong; medium grades and combing, 13'rflSc; light fine l?i(15c; heavy fine, 10gl3c; tub washed, 15j!!4c. Cotton' Market. GALVESTON. July U.-COTTON-F1rm t 8 6-16C. BT. LOUIS. July 11. COTTON Market quiet; mludllng. 8 15-16c; no sales; receipts, 189 bales; stock, 18,950 bales. LIVERPOOL. Ju y 11 .COTTON Spot in fair demand; prices l-82d lower; American middling fair, $ll-32d; good middling, l-32d; middling. 6d: low middling. 4 2-3zn: good ordinary, 4 25-32d; ordinary, 4 17-321. 'ine sales of Hie day were lo.uuo Dales, ot which 1.000 were for speculation and ex port, and Included 8,800 American. Receipts were l,t bales no American, f utures penefl autet and cloned steady: American middling, g. o. c, July, 4 64-64d, sellers; uly-August. 4 52-64d. sellers; Atiguxt-Hep- tember, 4 45-64d, buyers; September-October 2-4ci, sellers; October-November, 4 24-fi4W 26-64d, sellers; November-December, 21-64d, buyers; December-January, 4 19-649 2t-64d. sellers: January-Februarv. 419-64.1. sellers; February-March, 4 ls-6tdWI 19-64d, sellers; Marcn-Apru, 4 ls-tn, puyers. NEW YORK. July 11. COTTON Futures opened steady; June. 8.62c; August, 8.88c; September, 8.06c; October, 7.89c; November, December and January, 7.8tic: February, .sic; piarcn, 7. so. upot, quiet; middling up ands. 9c: mlddllns- rulf. 9Ac: sales. 72 bales. Futures closed firm: August, 8.45c; September. 8.10c; October, 7.94c; November, 86c: December and January. 7.84c: Febru- ry, 7.85c: March, 1.86c. NEW ORLEANS. July ll.-COTTON Futures quiet and steady: July. 8.99fifl.0Oc; August, 8.61j8.63c; September, 8.07g'8.flfto ; October, 7.79W7.80c; November, 7. 70(67. 72c; jjecember, 7.7txs7.7ic; January, 'l.lini-Tic; market steady; ssles, 609 bales; ordinary, 7-ic; goon ordinary, si-ibc; low minaung, 9-16c: middling. 9o: aood mlddllnn. 9 6-16c: middling fair, 9 ll-16c; receipts, 448 bales; toca k,ioo oaiee. CoRee Market. NEW YORK. Julv 11. COFFEE Snot Rio. dull: No. 7 invoice. 6c. Mild, steady: Cordova, 8i&llc. Futures opened steady, with prices unchanged to & points lower. In response to disappointing European ca bles and under room liquidation. The Bra- man market situation was featureless. Primary receipts and clearances were heavy, however, adding to the early deprea- ion. lowara minaay a general buying movement aet In, started by the bull lead ers, upon which trade became very active and the whole list stiffened up S(rJ 10 points. A prominent bull house was again a heavy purchaser of the September ootion snd a seller of late months on a hedge. Importers were sellers. ine market was nnaiiy steady, with September 10 noints hlsher and other months net unchanged to 7 points nigner. jotai sales reacnea M.oou Dngs, Including July at 4.6.ct.76c; August, i.ip 4.wc; Bepiemoer, 4.tt)jj4.oc; November, 4.sc; December, 4.H04.95c; January, 6c; March, ivc; nay, a.zoc; June, e.wc. Evaporate Apples aad Dried Fralta. NEW YORK. July 11. EVAPORATED APPLES Offerings are light and prices are nrmiy nein, tnougn aemana is moderate. Common to good are Quoted at 8W10o: prime, 10loc; choice, lKa.llc; fancy, CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prunes for future delivery are reported hardenlnc. especially on 40-50s. Spots are In moderate aemana ana wnue some sizes are iairiy well cleaned up the price range Is un changed at 8llMiM for all e-rades. Ann cots are unchanged at 10il4c In boxes and 10c In baga. Peaches, steady, the peeled iruu noiaing at izejioc ana tne unpeeiea at 810c. Oil aatl Rosln. OIL CITY. July ll.-OIL-Credlt bal ances. $1.22: certificates, no bid: shipments. 75.181 bbls.; average, 70.878 bbls.; runs, 93,- 689 bbls.; average, 80,287 bbls. SAVANNAH. July .11. OIL Turoentlne, firm at 45c. Rosin, firm. Quote: A, B. C. D, E, $1.15; F. $1.30; G. $L35: H, $1.70; I. 12.05; K, 12.65; M, 3.0G; Pi, 43.45; WO, 13.&0; WW. $3.66. TOLEDO. O.. July ll. oil North Lima. $9c; South Lima and Indiana, 84c. NEW YORK. July 11. OIL Cottonseed. steaay. petroleum, steaay. itosin. nrm Turpentine, steady. LONDON, July 11. OIL Calcutta lin seed, spot, 51s 3d. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK.-July 11. DRY QOODS-Tne market has again been dull in departments of cotton goods, on both home and export account, lone gooa ana prices witnout al teration, ivinens nrm. witn srooa aemana. BurlaDS are advancing, although the local demand Is dull. MANCHESTER. July 31 DRY GOODS yuiet ana uncnangea. xarns quiet, witn a limited inquiry. Saarar Market. XTWiar ' vontf 7 .. 1 it arm a is xi n steady; fair refining, 1 13-lBc; centrifugal. Vi test, in-ioc; molasses sugar, ic. tie nnea steaay. NEW ORLEANS. July 11. SUGAR Steady: open kettle, 2&'3S-16c: ODen ket tie, centrifugal, 34j3c: centrifugal, yellow, oHfVac; acconas, i(ajc. UULAddlo nun ; centniugai, 6aioc. Visible (apply of Cotton. NEW. ORLEANS. July 11. Secretary Hester's statement of the world's visible suddIv of cotton, made up from special cables and telegraphic advices, shows the total visible supply as Z.Z&K.202. ot wnicn 1.460,20!! was American cotton. Wow York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK. July 11. BEEVES Re celpts, $.050 head; steers, steady: slow for common and medium grades;, bulls and cows, strong; steers, 5.4(4f7.75; bulls, $3.65C( 5.40; cows,. $2.10a6.10. Cables quoted live cattle steady at lz&ioo per lb., dressed weights refrigerator beef higher at 12c per lb.; exports, 760 head cattle, 1,612 head aheeD and 2.500 Quarters of beef. CALVfc.H iteoeipis. 4iu neaa; market quiet; veala, W.5u7.26; buttermilks, $4; mixed calves. $4.60. HOGS Receipts. 719 head; firm for all weights; state nogs, $8. BllLfc,r AX. Li LiAKiaa rxeceipis, 10,073 head; good nanay sneep, dull, steady, others slow; lambs, lbQrZoc lower; sheep, t2.50d4.00: few choice to extra. 34.12Hfi4.30: culls, u, laniDs, 40. 20.00; ona car, ft; culls, 4WO. gt. JJoeepb Live Btoek Market. ST. JOSEPn. July 11. CATTLE Re celDta. 1.100 head: steady: natives. $4.75f B.ou; cows ana neiiers, ti.ouiao.sa; venis, 83.006.00: stockers and feeders. I2.00fi5.76. HOGS Receipts, 4.850 head; steady; 1 "ht and light mixea. Ff.riWB'vuo: meaiuro ana nesvv. Xf.szwais.iu: diks. 31. iwai. 00. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1451 head: lambs, steady; top, $6.40; sheep, lb 26c higher; top wetners, si.ou; top ewes. $3.86. THE REALTY MARKET. INSTRUMENTS placed on record. Friday July 11.: Warraaty Deeds. a. E. Heater to W. E. Seater. lot 4. block 2. jet ter s 2d aaa Sou Same to T. J. Seater, lot 6, block 1. nil a tt-rt lot a. block 1. South Omaha View 1.600 V J. Barrett and wife to Genevieve Tylee. 1 acre In se se 10-14-11 1,000 Genevieve Tvlea to Eliza A. Barrett. same 1.000 Henrv Aro and wife to John MIS- feldt and wife. w ne 1-16-11 6.000 P. H. Carey, administrator, to Cor nelius Kirk, nart lot 4. block 14. Im provement association ad 100 Elisabeth Ferguson to T. J.. Lund, lot 4, block 7. Shlnn's add G. B. Lane and wife to Anna Kurd, lots 36 and 37, block $, Kllby Place.. Emma D. Howells snd husband to A. I UMMe n Ed feet lot 8. block A Jet ter' s add 1,700 W. C. Fabena and wife to Henry and U.r. Vtnirllne:. lot 4. block 6. Lake 1 ; add $50 A. P. Tukey and wife to Fred Peter . eon. iU of n 80 feet lota 1. 1 and a 17 feet lot 3. block 1, Bemls park $00 J. E. (leorse to E. U. Brlxenulne. lot 61. Sullivan's add 160 Marv D. Goodrich to Mathlas Bchlmo- nits, lot 23. Drexel A M.'s add 450 C. 8. Webb to J. A. Kennedy, lot 6, Latey's subdlv B. B. Hopper and wife to G. A. Crook, lot 1. block la. Waterloo Maggie Hayde and husband to Alfred M.vhrw.. lr.. undlvW of w lot $. block 15. same , 15 1 11 Uivhtv and wife to G. A. Crook, lot $. block 15. Waterloo 400 Hannah K. Peck to W. r . Johnson, ,.rt lot 1. block 16. Imnrovement as sociation add 1.600 tgalt Clalaa Deds. A. Crook, lot i, block 15, Waterloo.. 15 Deeds, Sheriff to N. W. Wells, trustee, various lots In Hanacom park add, unlaid add. Amti Place and Redlck Grove $.180 Total amount of transfers.. .821,124 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Oattla BsceipU Light, but Trading Blow and Prior Waak. HOG MARKET EASED OFF A TRIFLE Not Enoagh gbeeo on gale to Test the Market, bat for the Week to Data Desirable tirades Advanced Quarter to Forty Cents. SOUTH OMAHA. July 1L Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday,.... Official Tuesday ... Official Wednemlay Official Thursday .. Official Friday 1.627 2.4 8.617 2,381 1.924 8.161 8,511 4.3(3 1.346 10,614 3 4.0.7 ,788 I06 Five day, this week.. .11.711 $2,435 18.162 Bame days last week.... 7.2M0 16.9M) 17.944 Same week before 8,36 4H.416 19,4t$ nma three weeks ago. ..13,349 6i,i4o 16.442 Same four weeks axo....M,52 4H,(l U.G'.7 Same days last year 12,999 14,9(7 13.09$ RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts ot cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omana for the year to date, and comparisons witn ast yean 1902. 3S3.346 l,3i(9,726 45U.04 1901. 85,552 1,2M,6.I 632,339 Inc. 23,794 117,962 DcO Cattle Hogs bheep The following table shows the average price of hogs sold on the South Omaha marKet the last several uaya, with com' parlsons with former years: Date. I 1902. :1901.1900.1S99.1S98. 11897. 1896. Junn IS.. 7 24 I 7 231 $ 83( 7 i'n I s9 7 3.iS 6 2 7 41vl I KOI 4 951 $ 62 $ 90 1 22 111 $ 10 8 OH $ 10 1 VI 2 at June 17.. 931 June 18.. June 19.. lima SO 6 03 a 21 HOI S4l ' 4 941 I 71 1 80 1 16, June 21.. 7 4ov.( k Ul 4 93 3 69 1 81 115 1 ll I 01 I 23 1 06 1 26, $ 00 $ 23 1 17 1 1b 2 97 I 1 96 June 23.. June 2:1.. 6 00 I no .J 8 Ml 1 1 621 1 1 721 1 b8i June 24.. June 2a.. June 26.. June, L7.. 1( 691 $ C3 I 1 fcl 1 Kit I 65 1 63 1 61 1 6 'I 1 68 1 66 1 $ 73l 3 611 $ 6ll $ 7S I June 28.. June 29.. June 10.. I el 8 24 1 24 1 181 1 94 t 98 2 96 July 1... July 1... Juiv a... $ 18 2 ! $ 21 1 93 July 4... 1 7 1 66 f juiy 6,.. juiy a... Julv 7... 1 831 1 66 1 25 1 97 7 75 7 S2V 8 81 I 86 3 16 1 2Xj 1 us Juky 8... $ 81 1 32 1 04 2 94 1 87 1 94 July ... July 10.. July 11.. 7 80 6 83 6 131 1 78, 3 35 1 28 1 83! 5 80 7 7Wt 6 92 1 131 1 90 6 04 1 9ti 1 70 Indicates Sunday. Indicates holiday, YESTERDAY'S SHIPMENTS. The following list shows the number ot cars of feeders shipped to the country yes terday and their destination: Cars C?rawford Moore. Yuma. Colo. B. A M... 1 Oscar Flood, Oakland, Neb. M. ft O W. R. Nichols, Gibbon, Neb. U. P V rr flnfo, Ctiamhorlaln R It R. 1..., Bherwln & Mills, Woodbine, la. I. C $ w n Mcnnrelc Imnirene. Ia. Wab 2 Eli Huddle. Clarinda, la. Q 1 The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: cattle. nog. eoeev a r C, M. & St. P. Ry.... 6 11 O & St. L. Ry 2 i Missouri Pacific Ry.. 1 6 Union Pacltlc system. 9 8 .. 1 C. & N. W. Ry 4 21 F.. E. & M. V. Ry.... a 35 .. C, St. P., M. & O. Ry 2S .. 1 B. & M. R. Ry 18 24 .. .. C, B. & -y, Ry $ 8 K. C. & St. J. Ry.... 25 C, R. I. & P., east... 6 11 Illinois Central $ Total receipts ....87 158 1 4 rt.u. nn..nl,l..n n Ik. Aav'm r.n.tntl wee as follows, each buyer purchasing the number of head Indicated. Hiivorn Cattle. Hoars. Sheen. Omaha Packing Co , 98 1.654 .... Swift and Company 478 2,i69 167 2,769 2,666 8.033 Ciiitnhv Packing Co 148 Armour & Co 433 Omaha, from K. U , w Cudahy, from K. C 704 G. H. Hammond Co , 853 R Rpcker A Deaan 101 Vansant & Co 3 Lobman & Co Hill & Huntslnger SB - .... Huston & Co 1 .... .... Hamilton & Rothschild.. 42 - .... .... L. F. Husx IS H. L. Dennis & Co 3 B. F. Hobblck 11 Wolf & Murnan 94 .... .... Other buyei-s 144 .... 219 Total 2.404 10,975 416 . CATTLE There was a light run of cattle on sale today, so that the receipts for the week to date Bhow quite a decrease over the same days of last week. Packers were rather Indifferent buyers here this morning and aa a result a slow and lower market was experienced on all kinds. The quality of the steers offered was far from belnsr, choice, which ho doubt was one reason for the draggy market. In some cases sales were made that looked uBt about steady, but sellers found it a tard DroDositlon to dispose of what they had at cteudy prices, unless they were fat and In good condition. The common stuff was undoubtedly a little lower than yester day and trading on such kinds was very slow. ... The cow market was also slow, witn tne tendency of prices downward on all kinds but the very best and In some cases even those sold a little lower tnan yesterday. Packers seemed to want the better grades of cows, but still they tried to buy them lower and as sellers were holding for stead v Drlces it made trading slow. The canners and cutters in particular were hard to dispose of. Bulls, vekl calves and stags sold about steady. If good, but otherwise they were a shade lowtr. There were only a few stockers and feed ers on sale and, as usual at the last end ot the week, the market was a little dull, with rices unevenly lower than yesterday, peculators were afraid to stock up with many cattle for fear they would have to carry them over until Monday and for that reason they bought them lower or not at all. Yesterday there were 19 cars shipped to the country. Representative sales; BEEF STEERS. No. At. ... 3M ... 730 ... ta ... 7k0 ...1083 ... 330 ...1030 ...U10 Pr. I 84 t n 4 84 4 80 I 00 3 It i 84 8 84 No. A. tl 104T 33 1048 77 1344 It 1323 30 10M 17 1344 80 1214 Pr. I 34 4 30 4 8 T 16 T 14 T 43 T 84 I .... I 1 t 1 1::::: 4.... ... STEERS AND HEIFERS. .... 8t .... n T 494 is T 69 I 13 7 Bl 0 aj 6 17 7 61Hl 6 93 6 10 7 62tof 6 911 6 03 7 65 6 87 , 6 11 t 901 4 99 7 61 6 01 7 64 6 89 7 64 6 83 4 92 I (U 6 741 6 01 ee ee J ea 7 64 6 73; 6 08 5 78 5 16 6 11 16 83 4 IS 10 1041 6 M a it COWS. t 10 - 1 431 I M I IS It 167 I 38 i 36 7 380 8 40 I 38 1 1164 t 84 1 40 1 1028 80 I 80 1 4o0 84 t 84 4 80S I 80 I M 1 310 I 84 t 80 1 1324 80 i 84 1 1178 80 t 80 1 1011 I 84 t 80 1 484 84 t 80 . 14 8j4 8 40 I 68 14 109 40 I 88 24 o3 3 40 I 8S 4 71 I 85 I 44 ' 14 333 8 70 t 40 . t 10U4 8 78 I 48 t 418 I 78 t 46 1 1104 t 78 t 16 1 1140 I 78 t 78 1 1000 I 73 t 84 T 1028 8 84 I 88 1 314 I 84 88 1 1U73 3 34 t 84 1 820 I 84 I 86 1044 3 84 8 04 1 80S t 84 8 00 14 873 88 I 00 1 874 4 44 I 04 1 1304 4 00 I 00 1 364 4 04 t 04 1 1034 4 04 t 00 1 1104 4 00 i 04 ' 1 ,.1114 4 00 3 18 1 1134 4 04 i It 4 883 4 4 t 14 13 ..1044 4 00 i 35 13 884 4 10 8 26 4 1048 4 14 8 38 1 1004 4 it I 38 t 80 4 38 ( 26 14 1013 4 38 t iS 1 1184 4 34 8 36 t 1144 4 3S I 28 U 1081 4 84 1 36 1 1044 4 78 I 16 ll6 I 04 I 38 t 836 4 04 8 36 I 11(4 I 04 I 36 4...., 834 6 4 $36 , HEIFERS. 1 74 761 I 74 1 88 11 IM IN I tt 1 114 I 34 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 I I t 1 4 1 1 I 8 1 t 23 t 1 t 10 8 1 I I 4 1 1 4 1 1 ?:::::: 1 1 11 8 14 13 10 1 14 1 13 t I , 1 It , 1 , 4..., ... 840 ... 8ta ...1060 ...100 ... 7M ... 344 ... 840 ... 80 ... 81 ...1000 ...100 ...10W ... mo ...1000 ... 884 ... 823 ...1148 ... K4 ... 814 ... 3t6 ... 880 ... 858 ... 827 ...11X14 ...1020 ... 860 ... 884 ... 878 ... 887 ... 880 ... 867 ...1048 ... 820 .. 893 .. 468 .. 1K8 .. 81 .. 8W ..U'86 .. 873 ..1300 ,. 888 ..luMO .. 84 ..lone .. 786 ..1040 .. 83 .. 780 ..1170 .. 43 .. 83 .. 183 .. 880 ..1140 .. 80 ..1314 ..1340 ..14Jj .. 78 ..12W .. 4,4 .. 484 ..1114 ..1210 ..113 I..., 4..., 4..., 1.... 1... 1... 3... 1.... I... ... 1... a... 84... 1... 1... 1... BULLS. 1 38 I 46 I 76 t 16 t 16 t 76 t t 33 t 84 00 I u 8 4 1114 14U4 12a4 614 1364 ......12J0 1244 1004 1044 1444 1314 Vino I II 8 36 I 36 I 36 i 36 I 36 I 36 I 34 t It I 44 t 44 t 84 184 ,...li ....13JA .... 4tf; t 04 1 1 li 1 CALVD8. 4 00 . t 4 60 ....1M4 ....1804 ..17N I It 404 $04 $99 446 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 844 8 34 1.... IN I It 340 I 84 1 8-.0 3 IS 1 . 4 see 1 1 1...... 484 8 46 1 10D4 t 64 44 I It 1 384 4 04 1J0 t 18 STOCK CALVES. . aao 1 m STOCKERS AND FEEDFRS. 416 8 16 1 K 1.. 474 4 W 4 0$ 4 II 4 14 4 14 n 4 36 4 44 4 44 4 41 4 46 4 64 3M 1014 144 U 10J0 187 88 683 341 4... 4... It... 16... I... ' II... I... a... 3... 4... II... 13... ..... 417 S. ......787 808 10.W 384 ..Mi 80 ..... 8l "0 327 884 186 I 28 a 44 44 1 60 I 84 I 84 8 76 I 80 84 I 84 a 86 4 60 t 811 1 870 807 4 6K0 HOGS There wss a liberal supply of hogs here today and as Chicago was quoted lower prices at tnis point also loos; a tumble. Trading started In weak to 60 lower and a few choice hog sold rlsrht close to steady. After the first round, how ever, the market was a good nlrkel lower and ratner glow. The nogs Kept moving toward the scales, however, so that tho bulk was disposed of In fairly good sea son. Along toward the last end. however. the feeling was not very gejd and th ii'oio was slow and tVftlOo lower. T'.e Nilk rf the heavy hogs sold from $7.fi to t'.fli .d a high as $8.00 was paid. Milium w.ls'hK vent largely frcm $7.75 to $7.85 snd lbs i'sht stuff from $7.76 down. Representative sales, 1 No. 77.. 38.. 13.. II.. 46.. 76.. AT. ...184 ...1H ...3W4 ...18 ...187 . . . 301 ...3.1 ...J11 ...2.IS ...til ...113 ...304 ...136 Sh. isi 120 84 130 Pr. 1 68 1 46 ,1 46 . ?s T 70 T 70 7 74 t 74 t 14 t 74 7 70 7 74 1 10 7 74 t 10 1 70 7 70 T 7J'-j 1 72 t 13S t 13V I IS", 7 72V T 76 T II 1 76 1 76 1 II 7 76 1 76 7 76 T 76 7 76 T 76 1 76 1 76 T 76 I 76 1 76 1 76 7 76 1 76 7 76 7 76 7 71 7 71 1 76 7 16 1 76 7 77. t 17V 7 77 t 77Vi V 17 7 77 7 77 7 77 1 77 1 77 7 77 7 17 7 17 7 77 7 77 7 77 7 77 1 77 7 77 No. At, SO. rr. 14... ..121 ..131 ..147 ..116 ..331 ..Kit ..827 ..111 ..334 ..127 ..141 ,.841 ..146 ..327 ..3J ..338 ..346 ..117 .834 ..324 ..374 ..361 ..161 ..171 ..134 ..111 ..911 ..111 ..!?! ..131 ,.164 ..141 ..131 ..171 ..141 ..111 ..18 ..146 ..164 ..141 ..134 ..ISI ..Kl ..161 84 lOO 160 84 144 84 at 'ii 134 144 124 13 80 4 84 t 84 7 44 7 14 7 84 7 14 7 84 1 84 7 84 1 84 1 14 7 14 7 84 7 84 7 84 7 84 7 84 7 84 7 89 7 84 T 84 7 60 7 83 7 62 ! t2'i 7 83 1 62 7 M 1 82 7 82 7 81 7 86 7 61 7 66 7 86 7 86 7 86 7 86 7 15 7 84 1 86 7 81 7 86 f 81 :?::: 41... 12... 44... 44... 46... 16... 46... 40... 64... 47... 44... 78 , 77 , 33 83 80 80 88 33 83 13 71 76 82 67 76 338 l6 lit 114 3'l 310 140 120 144 40 144 84 80 120 20 84 144 80 40 80 80 84 44 44 lu4 80 84 44 144 'io 84 124 44 140 124 124 m 134 160 84 114 44 140 134 100 140 40 49 80 140 80 114 11.... II.... 17.... 66.... 61.... 44.... 41.... 48.... 43.... 44.... 34.... 44.... 47.... 46.... 46.... 48.... 43.... 63.... 13.... 14.... 67.... II.... 134... 47.... 328 Ill Ill Ill 116 2:1 307 317 321 333 818 316 303 134 125 V-1 fio 244 ri 317 124 76.. 78. 80 80 84 144 10 80 301 47 304 65 Ml 144 4b 120 144 6li.... 40.... 7S.... 64.... 43.... 68.... 6..., 61.... 44.... 84.... 44.... 71.... 48.... .117 .126 .114 .121 .121 .311 .114 .214 .141 .840 .M0 7 81 44 7 86 ....140 ....161 ....147 ....146 ..,.184 ....137 ....144 ....184 ....161 ....181 ....144 ....141 ...IM ....177 ....111 .21 ....141 ....161 ....181 ....111 ....161 ....171 ....161 ....t4 ....281 144 7 86 7 86 iii 184 134 7 66 7 8S 7 II 7 IS 7 14 7 II 64... 41... 47... 64... 40... 48... 41... 61... 47..., 16... 46. .v 44... 68... 64... 63... 61... 71... 44... 44... 63... 63... ....331 ....141 ....146 ....147 ....163 ....ISO ....146 ....111 127 ...3(3 ....326 ....344 ....I'll ....194 ....t?l ....147 ....Ml ....126 ....let 104 7 17 7 I7I wi 41. 46. 46 71 74 76. ..... 40 64 74 13 71 18 74 70 43 76 44 70 44 41 48 86 7 17 T ee 7 84 1 84 1 84 7 14 7 84 7 84 1 84 7 84 7 84 7 34 7 66 7 84 7 66 7 36 IK I 04 I 04 I 04 169 84 180 130 84 140 44 mo 84 124 80 84 40 140 40 lin 134 144 184 7 80 131 263 714 7 84 7 80 7 64 7 64 7 14 .124 .126 .138 .Ml .187 64 181 II 81.4 44... 124 41 Ill 44. 17 80 60 SHEEP There was an extremely light run nere today, and In fact there was only one car on sale, so there waa not enough to make a test of the market. For the week to date the receipts have been a little ahead Of the same days of last week, and as compared with the same days or last year there Is a big Increase. The table above will show the exact figures. The market has been In pretty good shape all the week, especially on sheep, snd prices have Improved all the wsv from 25o to40c. Packers seemed to want the good stuff and sellers had no trouble In dispos ing of such kinds, but when It came to the commoner grades trading was very dull. There have been very few good lambs on sale and scarcely enough to establish a market price. Good stuff would undoubt edly command satisfactory prices, but tha common grades do not seem to be wanted. There has been quite an Improvement In the demand for feeders and trade' has ruled active all the week. Prices ot) desirable grades have easily advanced a quarter. Quotatlona for clipped stock: Good to choice yearlings, t3.60igl.66; fair to good, $3.253.60; good choice wethers, $3. 35(73.60; fair to good wethers, $3.0038.36; good to choice ewes, t3.7&4j3.25: fair to good ewes, $2.00(ff2.75; good to choice spring Iambs, tA2S fl8.60; fair to good spring lambs, $6.00S6.00; feeder wethers. $2.75(3.10; feeder yearlings, $3,004(3.25; feeder lambs, $2.6n3.76; feeder ewes, $1.252.00. Representative sales: 12 spring lambs 81 (60 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK ' MARKET. Cattle Steady Hogs Lower aad theon Aro StroBST. CHICAGO. July ll.-CATTLE-Becelpt, 22,100 head. Including 1,000 Texans; steady; good to prime steers. $7.9a.60; poor to medium, $4.50ij7.60; stockers and feeders, $2.5ti&5.00; cows, $1.40.76: heifers, $2.6 6.50; canners. jl.402.40; bulls, $2,604)6 75; calves, $2.60ii.75; Texaa fed ateers, $4.60ii $.65. HOGS Receipts, 21,000 head I esUmeted tomorrow, 16,000; left over, 8.000; opened steady, close 10o lower; mixed and butchers $7.3Wi.10; good to choice hesvy, $7.86J.16: rough heavy, $7.807.76; light, $7.0u&7.0: bulk of sales, $7-60e.00. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, I,0C head; sheep strong, lambs steady) good to choice wethers, $3.35)4.00; fair to choice mixed, $2.5033.25; western sheep. $2.5CkdS.76: native lamba. $2 60Q6.60. ' Official yesterday: . Reoelpts. Shipments. Cattle 7 $.719 Hoaa 20.246 Sheep 10.961 1,860 Kaasaa City Live ateek Market. KANSAS CITY. July ll.-CATTLE Tte- celpts, 1.260 natives. 1,900 Texans and 48$ calves, mostly Texans; best cornfed steers steady, but none offered; other cattle 154 36c lower; veals lower; stockers and feed ers slow and weak; choice export and dressed beef steers, $8.00(t8.26; fair to rood, $5.0o?7.90; stockers and feeders, $1.90&6.0; western fed steers, $4.85fi.0O; Texas and Indian steers, 82.85.25; Texaa cows, $1.7$ i4.za; native cows, 11 zri.4o; native neirers, 1.2504.60; csnners. $1.0Wi5.30: bulls. 12.85 J 4.15; calves, $2 76tf6.0O. HOGS Receipts. 4.200 head: market ataadv to strong, quality only fair; top, $8.10; bulk, $7 8tfi7.K5; heavy, $S.aWi8.10; mixed packers, $795(aH.06; light. t7.6t)W7.96; yorkers, $7,663 7.95: piss, $2 7.7.70. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1100 head; sheep strong, lambs steady; native lambs, J4.45-a4.26; western lambs, $4.16((4-86; native. e.th.i-L 3.1 'I J1 4 A wMt.m wtt,re $4.i"ff4.70; fed ewes. $114.90; Texas clipped yearunga, 4-.a.w; lexas cuppea sneep, $3.O0fiJ.36; stockers and feeders, $2.00$ $.00. . St. Loals Live ateek Market. BT. LOUIS. July 11. CATTLBReoetDts. 1.900 head. Including 1,200 Texans; market steady for natives. 10gi5o lower for Texsns: native snipping ana export steers, 15.9ik 7.80; dressed beef and butcher steers, $4.6xi) 7.25; steers under l.Oiti lbs.. $4.0rxtt26; stock ers and feeders, $2.900.26; cows and heif ers. $22fxu6.6o; canners, $1.7186; bulla, $2.604.25; calves. $5.60(07.16; Texas and In dian steers, $3.4046.66; cows and heifers, $2.6(33.80. . iiuucvrieceints, s.uuo neaai marKet Strong and active: ,plgs and lights, 17. 60-, packers. 3 (.fuwa.un; puicners. 61.1 butchers. $7.$04t 25 SHLKP AND LAMBi- Urcelpts, : I.611O head; market steady; tiatr-a muttons, $3.60 MM); lambs, $4.5tna4.30; eu'.U mat bucks, $2.0u4.00. loas City Live leV slaiket. SIOUX CITY, Ta., July 1).--'S.sl Tela gram.) CATTLE naW4, . U'v Steady; beeves. $6.60$P7.45; cowtj, hulia and mixed, 82.6"4i6 .2$; stockers and femora, $2. 4j4.50; yearlings and calves, $2 6004.00. HOGS Receipts, $,6n0 head: steady, sell. Ing at $7.6ui7.8o; bulk. $7.654,7.70. SHEEP AND LAMBS In demand. leek ia Bight. The following table shows the receipt of cattle, hogs and sheep at the live principal markets tor wuijr u; South Omaha Chicago .............. Kansas-City St- Ioula St. Joseph Total $0,4U 1... I... 8... 1... 4... f... Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. . 2.161 Hi 614 154 . 12. Km) 22.IM) I.O11O . 1.150 4.'0 1.106) . l.fcuo 1 1 a i.r . l.luO 4.XJ0 1,450 44.M4 K