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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1902)
The Omaha Daily Bee. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 12, 1902-TWELVE PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. REFUSE TO RETURN Btrikar's Ignort Company'! Order to Eeport for Duty Again. Sprrrn m TAKT r.MANr.FS ON FUTURE ,w I Determinad Hot to Oo to Work Until I t J a ft t A I Demands Ire Ixrantea. EACH SIDE IS CLAIMING NEW STRENGTH Alleged Proposition to Adjust the Rtrike Merely a Suggestion. AUDITORIUM COMPANY NOT CONCERNED Hornby Denies that He Benresented the Andltorlnm Directors In Mak ing Saajaeatlon to Central Labor tnlon. VIra President Wilson of the Interna tional Association of Machinists, who has bad direction of the strike, with headquar- ters In Omaha, left laat night for the west, Ha will put In some time with the strikers in ih towns and cities along the Union Pacific. S. H. Orace and other executive committeemen will have charge of affairs here for the machinists during Wilson's ab sence Mr Wilson expressed himself last night I wp.ii satisfied with the progress of af- fairs and confident that the strikers would ventuallv win Ihelr fight. From now on a great effort will be made to prevent the Introduction of nonunion men Into the various shops. The strikers are organizing everywhere over the system with a deter mination of accomplishing this end, for In that they believe lies great possibilities of success. It will require some diligent work of this kind, however, the officials inti mate, to Intercept their plans and prevent them from filling the shops W1W me non union men If they see fit. The strikers construe the order Issued Thursday by the company, purporting to be an ultimatum to them to return to work or take the consequences, as the gauntlet thrown down, but they declare that this or- Ber has nor will have no effect upon their men. Last night they were claiming that two more machlntots had left the Omaha shops and Joined the strikers. Not One Man Returns. They assert that various places over the system have been heard from and all re port that not one of the men baa availed himself of this opportunity to return to work. The strikers are confident their ranks will be kept Intact and that none will go back to work until all are taken back under the conditions demanded. On the other hand, the statement was given out from the highest official sources of the railroad company yesterday morning that the company la gaining ground and has more men In Us shops than It haa bad at r v ' AsV4 what the company would do If it became evident the strikers would not r turn to work until their demands were granted, an executive official yesterday de cllned to stats. One of the strikers said yesterday morn ing several of the men had received personal letters from the company making induce ments to them to return to work. In view of events of the ,last few days an early termination of the strike IB looked ror. Officials, however, decline to give out any Information concerning any plans they may have for bringing about a settlement of difficulties. Feeling? Against Nonunion Men. Feeling among the strikers against the company and Its Imported nonunion men becomes more animated each day. The strikers feel that these men should not be allowed to come in and fill their places and some assert their determination to stop them It possible. The company la taking every precaution against trouble of this kind. Investigation shows that the alleged pro posal reoelved by the union men for a set tlement of the strike, which Vice President Wilson disclosed Thursday nlgbt and which was said to have been made by Rob ert E. Murphy, purporting to be a repre aentatlve of the Auditorium company, pledging the office of that company as mediator for a consideration of half a day's pay from each orgaulzed laboring man In the city as a bonus to the auditorium fund, was not made aa an actual propoil- tlon, but ln the form merely of a aug gestlon and came from Rod E. Murphy, bookkeeper of the Floyd J. Campbell com pany, members of the Chicago Board of Trade. The wrong Interpretation was placed upon the letter sent by Mr. Murphy and the wrong name given by some of the strikers, aocordlng to Mr. Murphy. ' Marphy Makes Statement.' Mr. Murphy made this statement to a re porter for The Bee: "I aent the letter to the secretary of Cen- tral Lhbor union. J. A. Bradford, and merely suggested that the union men of the city take out auditorium stock to the ex tent of a half day'a pay for each, and that perhaps, as the majority of business men of tbs city were interested ln the audito rium proposition, it would enlist their sym- thelr cause, and possibly be the means of bringing about a settlement of the strike As to pledging the support .of the Audito rium company to any such proposition, 1 never thought of , such a thing, ln fact, 1 made no proposition, simply a suggestion. I also suggested that this fund be diverted to the strike benefits ln case the proposition fell through after the money was raised. Alfred Millard of the Auditorium com- ' pany says concerning the matter: "The Idea that this company would make any such offer Is too absurd to think of. We have never thought of taking any hand In thla strike and the matter bas never been broached at any of our board meet ings aad would not be tolerated If it were brought up. It is a foolhardy Idea." Mr. Murphy la not a member of the Au ditorium company and denlea all claim of peeking to represent that company. The Central Labor union bad sched uled a meeting tor last Bight to consider this "proposition," but the matter was dropped when It waa learned through The Bee yestecdsy afternoon that the "propo sition" did not come from the Auditorium company nor any member of it Denver Paylasr I'alveralty Debt. DENVER. Julv 11. It was announced to day that UtiO.OiiO of the tJiiu.OuO debt standing against the University of Denver had been eubscribd by Itenvvr men and that (ha remaining Ho.Ota) would be pledged by D- temher 1. Home time during the first week of September a celebration of the lifting of h. .3 ., v, .urn k. v, ui . ik. . . ..u. when all the bonds and other evidences of" laoeuieausea ui be buxuoa. GOVERNMENT SUES FOR PEACE Colombia In talt Amlog to Settle with Revolotlon lata. PANAMA. Colombia. July 11. General Salazar In an Interview to'" wllh the rep- resentatlve of the Ant. ress said: .'TV,. . . I. H '"', ., riui ri form to Daclfr the reDUbllc lb. ' i. 'hat congress may meet and reach a de ln" n"' or ino canal Din, wnicn i , lmDort,nt aue.tion in Colombia toda The national government has Issued a ?u. the departments of Boyaca, Cundlnamarca, Santander and Toll ma. br the end of July. Those ln the other departments will, on account of the lack of rapid telegraphic communication, have the time of their sur render extended to August 7. Hundreds of revolutionists have surrendered already and more are coming ln every day." "1 can safely say," continued General Salaiar, "that the revolutionary army only exists on the Isthmus because of the help given It by President Zelaya of Nicaragua, who has violated all the rules of Interna tional law." Generals Sergio Camargo, Carlos Arturo Torres, Manuel Jose Angarlta and other prominent liberal or revolutionary leaders have Issued manifesto addressed to their followers urging them to lay down their arms in order that the nation may reach a decision on the canal bill. This manifesto sets forth that the commercial Interests of the world demand the prompt construction of the Panama canal. Thla declaration shows that both political parties ln Colom bia are ln favor of the project. The terms of the decree of the government granting pardon to revolutionists referred to by General Salaiar are more generous than any of those which have been previously offered. The organizers of foreign expedi tions against Colombia, however, are ex cluded from the terms of the decree. KING HAS REFRESHING SLEEP Doctors Say that the Royal Patient Continues to Improve In Every Respect. LONDON, July 11. At Buckingham palace the following bulletin was posted at 10 o'clock this morning: The king continues to sleep well and to Improve ln every respect. TREVES. BARLOW. The following authorised statement was Issued this evening: The kins ha made such excellent prog ress that his medical advisers believe his majesty is now strong enough to be re moved from London. They feel that a change of air is very necessary at the present stage of the healing process. It Is hoped that hla majesty will be able to leave Buckingham palace Tuesday for the royal yacht, whicn is at present at roni mouth. Tonight's report of King Edward's condi tion says his majesty continues to make good headway. ENGLISHMEN ARE TOO SLOW American Steel Firms Seen re All the Bnalaesa In Sooth JOHANNESBURG. Transvaal, July 11. The British trade commissioners, who re cently arrived here from England, admit that they are amaxed at the amount of buslnees In steel building material which Is offering and comment on the Indolence of the British firms. They say that so far as they are able to discover only one firm, and that an Amer lean concern, has a capable representative In South Africa, and he has been securing Immense orders In Capetown and at Jo hannesburg at his own prices for buge buildings up to fourteen storlee by being able to quote prices promptly and promise construction with American speed. HEAT INTENSE IN FRANCE Marseilles la Experiencing a Gennlne African Sirocco and Storms Are General. PARIS, July 11. Exceptional heat, ac companied by severe storms, prevails throughout the southern and southwestern department of France. Marseilles is ex perlenclng a genuine African sirocco, with temperature of 104 degrees, the highest in twenty years. There have been many cases of sun stroke at Montpeller, the heat has caused a number of deaths at Psrplgnan and St. Etlenne and Lyons report violent storms of rain, lightning and hall, which have caused great damage to the crops and have killed a number of cattle. MORGAN IS NOT IN SCHEME Report that He Is Planning: for I'nlfl- ' cation of Tarklah Debt Is Denied by Plerpont. LONDON, July 11. There is no truth ln the report published In the United States that J. Plerpont Morgan Is planning a ectaema for the unlflcatlon of the Turkish debt. Plans for the unification of the Turkish debt have been ln progress for some time past. A report was current on the Berlin bourse yesterday that the sultan bad finally signed the trade providing for the unlflcatlon of the debt. BOERS OBJECT TO THE OATH Considered Too Illadlaa, Thonah Wlllla to Acknowledge Kin aa Sovereign. BLOEM FONTEIN, Orange River Colony, July 11. Difficulty bas arisen regarding the' oath of allegiance. Many of the Boer commanders, field cornets and officials of the late Free State government refuse to sign the oath, though few of them object to signing the document called "The Declaration," acknowledging King Edward the sovereign. The oath of allegiance, however. Is much more binding. CHOLERA NOW DECREASING Rata In Philippines Has Telling Ef- feet on the Mnch-Dreaded Dlaease. MANILA, July 11. The spread of cholera baa slightly decreased, possibly on account of the rain. The totals since the outbreak are: Manila, 1,180 cases and 1.711 deaths; prev lncea, 12,476 cases and 4,537 deaths. Bomber In Charge. MANILA. July 11. General Davis haa turned over the command of the American trcope in Mindanao Island to General Sum ber. The two generals are visiting Camp Vlckera, where the Americana face the More. RUMORED TRACY RILLS SEVEN Eaport on Street of Seattle of Battle with Escaped Oonriot, SHOTS ARE FIRED AT CLOSE RANGE When Depnty Sheriffs Art Bare Once More They Have Their Mam He Again Blips Away from Then. SEATTLE, Wash., July 11. Bloodhounds and scores of deputy sheriffs were unable J stir outlawv Harry Tracy from concealment ln the brush near Covington today. Because of the midnight battle last night the posse were sure of the convict's where abouts. A cordon of experienced marksmen encircled that place earlier ln the evening and there was no possible avenue of escape for the fugitive without a fight. Hounds were started on the trail early this morn ing and worked ln every direction today, but' without success. Darkness fell with less encouragement for the hunters than on Wednesday evening. Every kind of rumor was received from the scene of the sheriff's deputies' search today. At one time a report was started that a battle had been fought, resulting ln the death of seven deputies and the wound ing of the convict. Diligent search for the source of this report met with failure. It Is believed to be absolutely groundless, yet It can not be branded so until every part of the pursuing crowd haa been heard from. The nature of the country through which the chase leads would make It possible for a battle to be fought ln one of the ravines and little be heard of it in the neighboring towns for many hours. Flaht at Close Ranare. At 11:45 last night Tracy arrived at the sawmill plant of the Covington Lumber com pany, a mile from this place. Deputy Sheriffs J. A. Bunce, Fred C. Bunce, Galvln and Crowe had been aent to guard this point. Deputies Crowe and the Bunces, father and son, had posted themselves on the railroad near the sawmill at the en trance of a big cut near a rise of ground, the Bunces being on the outer guard line. They were hardly settled when they heard footsteps approaching from the Auburn side, but remained on the quiet until the unknown bad almost come abreast of them, when the challenge to halt waa given. "Hello," responded the stranger. "What's your name!" demanded 3. A. Bunce. "My name is Anderson." As he gave this reply Tracy, for It was he. started to run. The deputies again called upon him to bait, but he kept going and they opened fire, shooting four times each. Tracy ran up the trick and a few yards further encountered Deputy Sheriff Crowe. "Who goes there?" challenged the officer. "A deputy," coolly responded the outlaw. Taken for a Deputy, Crowe, thinking it waa the elder Bunce, started to approach, when Tracy commenced shooting at close range, firing two shots. The bullet whistled harmlessly by and Crowe suffered slightly from the burning powder as It aped from the muzxle of the rifle. .... , ,y..-:, .. r- After the shooting Tracy turned and en tered the brush along the side of the track, where be was lost in the blackness of the night. The deputies made a burrled circle through the woods to Covington to bead Tracy off, but on arrival found that be had not passed the station A dispatch dated 8 a. m. adds that since his escape from the north side of Sluice creek Tracy attempted to board one of the castbound freights. The grade Is heavy at thU point, but the train waa running light and at such speed that Tracy was unable to board it. Another train passed and the conductor reports that while running near the sawmill someone called for him to stop. There were no deputies present and It is thought Tracy Is the man who called and the opinion Is advanced that he may have been wounded In the battle just before mid night. A man thought to be Merrill appeared yeaterday at the home of a farmer a few miles east of Ravendale, near here, and wanted food. He remained in the vicinity al! day. TACOMA, Wash., July 11. At o'clock this morning Sheriff Cudlhee and numerous posses arrived at Covington, about twelve miles from Tacoma, where Tracy eluded the posse at midnight. Every train going toward the Northern Pacific tunnel through the Cascades la stopped and searched. The location of the country is such that Tracy may be aald to be naturally cornered in the point of a trl angle and therefore developments are mo mentarily expected. All Indications are that Tracy is following the Palmer cut-off up the mountains, keep ing In the timber as much as possible. He bas about five miles start of the posse. A special to the Times from Covington, Wash., says: A man answering the de scription of David Merrill, Tracy's partner, appeared at Ravendale yesterday after noon. He forced a family two miles east of that place to give him diner and later re. turned to the bouse and procured a supply of provisions. Sheriff Cudlhee and Guard Carson, with bloodhounds and a small posse, left Auburn at ( o'clock this morning for the point where Tracy waa laat seen. GUARDING THE COUNTY JAIL Feared that Second Attempt May Be Made to Dynamite Bastlle at St. Joseph. ST. JOSEPH. Mo., July 11. Sheriff Spen cer summoned a large force of guards to night and armed them heavily ln expecta tion that a second attempt would be made to blow up the county jail and liberate fnany desperate criminals awaiting transfer to the penitentiary. Enough dynamite was stolen from a rock quarry today to blow up half the town, a considerable part of which waa discovered to have been smug gled Into the jail. Sheriff Spencer sent his family away. No stranger la permitted to approach within fifty feet of the build ing. WIDOW WANTS ThF MONEY Denver Woman Flies Snlt to Recover f-tOO.OOU Bequeathed by Her Hasband to Chnrch. DENVER. July 11. Mrs. Queen V. Cole today filed suit to recover one-half tbs property, principally Denver real estata valued at 1 400,000. which was recently pre sented to the Penlel Trust, a Methodist organisation, by ber husband, Henry Cole, despite ber protest. The complaint alleges that during tbs two years past Henry Cole refused to give his wife any money for ber own use or for the purpose of articles needed ln their home, ana charges him with cruelty in various lorma. CHANGES MIND AT .THE ALTAR Mlse "Happy" Van Wyekt Canaes Stir in WaahlaB-ton 'Social i Circles. (From a Staff Correspondent) WASHINGTON. July 11. (Special Tele gram.) Mies Theodora H. Van Wyck, fa miliarly known as "Happy," daughter of late Senator Charles H. Van Wyck of Ne braska, who was to have married Frank Mitchell of this city on July 3, recanted of her promise and the wedding did not take place according to program, and thereby bangs a story which-is just becoming pub lic. A license to marry was Issued July from the office of the district aupreme court t0 Mr. MUche,( ed 2e. and Miss Theodora H. Van Wyck, aged to, and on the following day the couple presented themselves at the residence of Rev. Dr. Wallace Radcllffe, pastor of the New York Avenue Presbyterian church, to have tbs , ceremony performed. For some reason the nuptial knot waa not tied and the affair was declared oft. It is said, however, that the young woman changed ber mind ln the middle of the ceremony and that she re garded the whole matter la the light ol a joke. Shortly after the Interrupted ceremony Miss Van Wyck left for MUford. Pa.,-the family home of the Van Wycks, where she haa friends, leaving no explanation of ber strange proceeding to console her friends. Miss Vsn Wyck, since her pother's death, has spent a great deal ' o! her time In Washington, appearing at wocial functions under the chaperonage of a leading sena tor's wife, having apartments at the Nor- mandle. The young woman' was known as Happy" Van Wyck, and In tact so regis ters herself. Rev. Radcllffe, while refusing to discuss the strange ending of what promised to be a most happy culmination of a genuine love match, stated that the couple, accom panied by one person, whose name waa un known to him, appeared at his home and presented a proper marriage license. That was all he would say, excepting that the young couple left his residence unmarried. He preferred that the facts should come from the parties themselves. Friends of the principals of the affair say the would-be groom took the affair se riously and was much surprised at the young woman's change of mind at the crit ical moment It is understood that while ahe haa social admirers, she had shown a decided preference for Mr. Mitchell, and at the theater and ln nearly all her rides and drives about the city be was ber es cort Mies Van Wyck Is well known In Omaha, where she has frequently visited, and at Nebraska City, where the family made Its home for many years. Her last visit to Omaha was ln the spring of 1900, when she waa accompanied by her mother, who died last November. PRESIDENT RATHER WORRIED Kegotlationa with the Vatloan Are Giving- Htm If Little Concern. OYSTER BAT, L. I.. JJ -l.Affey ; a ureciy outing in me eany morning preal dent Roosevelt and Secretary Cortelyou took up the business which had reacted them by wire and In the morning mall. A question which -now is engaging the president's attention, and which Is giving him no . little concern, Is that respecting the negotiations with the Vatican fer the withdrawal of the friars from the Phil lpplne archipelago. Mr. Roosevelt has re ceived from Secretary Root the pope's note In reply to Governor Taft's proposition, cabled to the War department from Rome. It is announced that until the negotia tions have been brought to an Issue, sue cessful or otherwise, no formal statement by the administration will be made. When that time shall arrive the statement will be given to the publlo by Secretary Root in Washington. Nothing will be made public here. ' Senator McLaurln of South Carolina, ac companied by D. D. Colcock. secretary of the Louisiana Cane Growers' association arrived here today. Mr. McLaurln took luncheon with the president. Mr. Colcock aaw Secretary Cortelyou, but did not see the president early ln the day. He was desirous of discussing the Cuban red proclty question with the presjdent, feel ing that he could make out a good case for the southern sugar growers. Senator McLaurln said his call was purely social but It Is not unlikely that Mr. McLaurln's expected appointment as a judge on the court of claims bench was under discus slon. Father Thomas F. Malone of Denver, Colo., met the president at 13 o'clock to day by appointment. They went over to- a-ether the case of the priest, John H Cushlng, who endeavored to see the presi dent several days ago, but failed. Secre tary Root Is expected at Sagamore Hill tomorrow. JUSTICE GETS A QUICK MOVE Maa at Cheyenne Landed In Peniten tiary Twelve Honrs After Crime is Committed. CHEYENNE, Wyo., July 11. (Special Telegram.) It required less than twelve hours today to capture, convict and In carcerate ln the state penitentiary Arthur Funk, a Denver man, who criminally as aaulted the 10 and 4-year-old daughters of Dan Snyder of South Cheyenne. Funk enticed the little ones to his room, where be accomplished bis purpose and where their father found them. The police were notified and aoon bad Funk In charge. He was arraigned at S:30 this afternoon pleaded guilty, was sentenced at 4 o'clock to twenty-eight years In the penitentiary and at ( o'clock was on the train enroute to prison. RATE WAR IS IMMINENT Wabash Annonnecs Cnt for Round Trip to New York aa Against Kxcaraloa Tlcketa. CHICAGO, July 11. Tomorrow the Chronicle will say: The present lndica tlons are that a paasenger rate war In traffic la Imminent Lines east were sur prised today by being served by the Wa bash to the effect that the tickets will be sold by that Una from Chicago to New York and return for $18 on all da1 tee when excursion tickets were sold by other roads to Atlantic City. Aa the notice now stands the Wabash will use the lit rate to New York and return on July 17 and SI and on August T and 14, giving a return limit of twelve days. The days named by the Wabash are those selected by the Lake Shore, the Pennsylvania, Baltimore A phi. and Pan Handle for their Atlantic City excursions. No reason Is assigned by the Wabasb officials tor the rates. INDIAN LANDS ON MARKET Tifty Thonaand Aorei on the Omaha and Winnebago Eaierratioa. RULES GOVERNING THE TRANSFERS Lands to Be Sold Are That Formerly Allotted to Indiana, Who Have Since Died, Leaving; Heirs. WASHINGTON, July 11. (Special.) Un der operation of law what is known as the heirship lands on Indian reservations are to be sold. There Is more or less of this lsnd on every reservation where allotments ln severalty bave been made, the amount on the Omaha and Winnebago reservations In Thurston county being between 60,000 and 65,000 acres. . This Is among the finest agricultural land In the state. The Interior department has promulgated the following: Rules for conveyance of Inherited Indian nnds. to be observed ln the conveyance of nherlted land allotted to members of nny tribe of InUtann, for which trust and other putentu have been Issued with restriction upon alienation, under the provisions of th ct of congress approved teDruary ii (24 Slats., or other act of congress, or any treaty stipulation, as authorised by section 7 of the act of May 27, 1SH)2, public ro. 128, vis.: That the adult heirs of any deceased In dian to whom a trust or other patent con taining restrictions upon alienation has been or shall b Issued for the lamia al lotted to him may sell and convey the lands Inherited from such decedent, but In case of minor heirs their Interest shall be sold only by guardian duly appointed by the proper court upon the order of such court, made upon petition filed by the guardian, but all such conveyances shall be subject to the approval of the secretary of the Interior, and when so approved shall convey a full title to the purchaser, the same aa It a nnal patent witnout restric tion upon the alienation had been umiea to the allottee. All allotted land bo alienated by the lit Irs of an Indian allottee and all Und so patented to a white allottee shall thereupon bo subject to taxation under the laws of the state or territory where the same la situate. Provided, that the sale herein provided for shall not apply to the homestead dur ing the life of the father, mother or the minority of any child or children. 1. The aeed or instrument oi conveyance must be executed In the presence of two subscribing witnesses and acknowledged before an Indian agent. If the grantors reside within the ' limits of an Indian agency. . in case tne gramora oo not resiae within the limits of an Indian aajency. the deed of conveyance may be acknowledged before a notary public, a Juetlce of the peace or other person duly authorised to take acknowledgment of deeds, whose offi cial character must be certified by the clerk of a court of record, under the seal of such court 8. Such deed or Instrument of conveyance must be accompanied (I.) By a certificate signed by two mem bers nf a business committee. If there be such, or by at least two recognised chiefs, or by two or more reliable members of the tribe, or by other competent ana creai blo persona, setting forth that thj allottea to whom the land was originally allotted is dead, giving aa nearly as possible the date of death. lll.i Bv a certificate from the Indian aaent. superintendent of school, or other officer In charge of the Indian tribe, that the contents, purport and effect of the deed of conveyance were explained to and fully understood Dy tne grantors, and mat tne consideration specified In the deed Is. a fair price for the land; that the same bas been secured t be paid to-tha grantor In lawful money of the United States, and that the conveyance Is ln every respect free from fraud or deception, and that said allottee did not reside imf hla home stead or allottment, nor cultivate the land sold during his uretime and immediately preceding nls death. If the allottee did reside upon such land, then it murt bo shown of whom the family of the deceased allottee consisted, their ages and relation to aaid deceased allottee, ln order to de termine whether It Is a case In which a sale la authorized under the said act of May 87, 1902. No Money Paid Indiana. (III.) The consideration money must In no case be paid the grantors; but a certificate from tne cashier or other omcer or some reputable bank, or. In case there Is no bank convenient, from a United States Indian agent, showing that the stipulated price named In the deed tor tne land has Deen deposited In such bank, or with such agent. aa tne case may De. 10 De paiu io tne grantors, or their order, upon presentat'on of the deed duly approved by tn? secretary of the Interior or by the president, must accompany such deed. (IV.) hen the deed is acknowledged be fore an officer other than an Indian agent It must bo accompanied (In lieu of the certifcatea of the business committee and Indian agent, ln other cases required) by a certificate of the officer taking the ac knowledgement as to the facts required to be certified by the business committee and Indian agent, or, if such facts shall not be known to such officer, they must be verified by the affidavits of at least two credible disinterested persons who are cog nisant or these tacts, whose veracity must be certified by such officer. (V.) V henever a deed of convevanca properly executed shall be presented for approval to the department of the Indian agent, superintendent of school or other officer ln charge or tne Indian tribe, when competent from his general personal knowl edge ox tne vaiue or me lann. ne snail visit, view and report ln his best ludement the value or tne land, and snail require the Dartles In Interest to furnish an additional certificate of deposit to meet the valuation ilaced upon tnu land ir it De in excess of he consideration named In the deed. If such officer la not competent he shall re. quire the agency farmer, or other com petent employe (If he haa such In his em ploy), to visit, view and value the land conveyed. Hut if neither agent, sunerln tendent of school, nor other officer In charge of the Indian tribe, nor any employe attacneo to aucn aeiirjr, is competent, as n foresaid, to appraise such land, then the Indian agent, superintendent or other offi cer In charge of the Indian tribe may se lect a committee of three competent and dlslntereated persons (farmers or persons who by their occupation have personal knowledge of the value of the land) to make such visitation and ' valuation and furnish written certificate thereof, the ex nense of said commission in all cases to ha paid uy tne venues. No Refund to Parchaaer. (VI.) Where these rules specify two or more officers or other persons to perform certain duties preference must In ail cases be given sucn omcera or persons ln order named. (VII ) The amaavits or tne grantors and of the grantees must accompany such deed, showing that there Is no contract. agreement nor understanding (.written or oral) whereby the consideration money or price tiHia lor tne iana, or any portion thereof, la to be refunded to the purchaser after the approval of the deed; nor any live stock, implements, other article or thing, are to De exchanged or taken In lieu oi saia consiaeraiion money or uur chase price, or any portion thereof, for such land. (VIII.) The testimony and all paners pertaining to the conveyance must be properly authenticated under seal, and in all other respects tne conveyance must conform to these rules. 4 When tne land conveyed, or any iurt thereof, Is less than a legal subdivision or does not conform io tne puouc survey a diagram, prepared Dy a competent sur veyor, or an authenticated copy of the official plat of aurvey Indicating all the land Intended to be conveyed, and all former sale by the grantors or allottees must be furnished for the use of the In dian office. i. No deed of conveyance for an un divided Interest leas than the whole In In. herlted Indian land will receive approval unless executed by all the helra of the de ceased allottee, when, however, a part of the helre decline, for satisfactory reasons, to loin the other helra In the conveyance Of lnneriien imiiu. aa aiorrsaia, men parti tion proceedings should be had with a view to dividing the land between the aeveral helra; and when such partition haa been made and approved and decreed by the proper court each heir may then sell and convey the respective portion of sal. I Inherited- land partitioned to and set apart for him without the co-operation of the other heirs. A certified copy of such court proceedings in the partition must tecum (Continued oo Second Page.) CONDITION 0FTHE WEATHER Forecast for Nebraska Fair Saturday; Sunday Increasing Cloudiness. Temnerataro at Omaha Yesterday! Hoar. Pes. Hoar. Peg. R n. a At 1 p. m Ttt a a. m a a p. m tt T a. m...... 414 'X p. tn...... TH a. m JT 4 p. m T a. m...... en II p. m 7t ID t. m 70 Bp. m MO It a. m Til 7 p. m 8t lln 74 a p. m 7 9 p. m ..... . 70 GENERAL BATES LEAVES OMAHA To Be Transferred to Chicago as Commander of Drpnrtment of the Lakea. CHICAGO, July 11. Promotion has again come to Major General Arthur MacArthur, who this time Is to be transferred from command of the Department of the Lakes to that of the East, his headquarters being changed from Chicago to Governor's Island tn -New York harbor. The total force of Infantry under General MacArthur will number 16,000. In the Joint army and navy maneuvers next month General MacArthur will com mand the defending forces of 6,000, when a test of the coast defense la to be made by a flotilla of battleships and cruisers. The transfer was mads by President Roosevelt yesterday. General MacArthur was appointed to succeed General Brooke, who retires under the age limit July 21. Major General Bates, who Is now In com mand of the Department of the Missouri, with headquarters at Omaha, will be trans ferred to Chicago to fill the position made vacant ln the Department of the Lakes. The Department of the East is consid ered the most important of all the divisions under the War bureau. It covers the whole Atlantic coast, extending from the northern boundaries to Key West and In cluding the gulf coast with the exception of Texas. FIND FITCHETTE GUILTY Jury Decides that Folic Captain Trafficked In Positions on the Force. MINNEAPOLIS, July 11. Police CapUIn John Pltchette, formerly known aa "Coffee John," was convicted tonight of trafficking In nosltlona on the police force. The spe rlflo charge was that bo accepted 200 from John Long for procuring the appointment of the latter as a policeman. While the offense Is only a misdemeanor and does not involve a penitentiary sen tence, the conviction Is regarded as of great imr-ortance ln the current municipal cor ruptlon expose because of the complication of other officials. The prosecuting au thorltles point out that It would have been imnosslhla for Caotaln Fltchette to have sold appointments to the police force un esa he were ln collusion with otner oin clals. The appointment of Long was maae last August under the administration of Mayor Ames. He had been dropped from the department rolle when Ames resumed office six months before. Testimony showed that David Johnson, arlD ss Lonc'a attorney. Daid 1200 to Fltchette, and when be callejKtt the cap tain's restaurant the next day to oe in formed of his client's appointment be saw Mayor Ames ln the placs. PRESENT LIST OF OFFICERS Bnptlst Yoong People's Union Conven tion Makes Nominations for the Ensuing Year.' PROVIDENCE, R. I., July 11. At today's session of the Baptist Young People's union convention the nominating committee pre sented a list of officers for the coming year, all of whom wera elected, as follows: President, John H. Chapman, Illinois; vice president, George Miller, Maryland; second Vice president, Thomas- Trotter, D. D., Nova Scotia; third vice president, Sam uel Seymour, Pennsylvania; recording sec retary, H. W. Reld, Illinois; treasurer, H. B. Osgood, Chicago; members of the board of managers, Ira M. Pierce, D. D., H. W. Reld, J. W. tow, C. S. Burton, H. F. Perry, D. D., W. H. Oelswert, D. D., E. W. Hunt, D. D., George T. Webb and M. L. Brltton. LAW IS HARSHLY ENFORCED Wealthy Spaniard Cornea to United States to Conanlt By Special ist and Is Deported. NEW YORK, July 11. A peculiar case of deportation, Involving the denial of the right of a patient with an incurable malady to land In this country for the purpose of consulting a specialist. Is that involved ln the compulsory departure of Ouillomo Sangertua, a wealthy Spaniard of Havana. Senor Bangerlus arrived here from Cuba June 7. A physician of the United States Marine Hospital service, detailed to the Immigration service, boarded the steamer after it bad passed quarantine inspection. He noticed that Senor Sangerius had trich oma, a disease of the eye, and ordered him Isolated ln the United States Marine hos pital for aliens. THINK MOHICAN IS SAFE Training Ship Is Forty-Two Days Ont from Yokohama aad Not Yet at Honolnln. HONOLULU, July I, via San Francisco, July 11. The United States training ship Mohican is now forty-two days out from Yokohama, bound for here, and. nothing has been beard of it since It left Japan. Rear Admiral Merry Is Inclined to think that it baa encountered adverse winds and Is coming along under sail. Movements of Ocean Vcaaela July 11 At Boston Arrived Commonwealth, from Liverpool. At r-nlombo Sailed Yanr Tse. from Ta coma. Yokohama, etc., for London. At Moville Sailed Pretorlan, from Liver pool, for Montreal. At Southampton 8alled Fuerst Bis marck, from Hamburg, for New York, via Cherbourg. At the Lizard Passed Koenlngin Luis from New York, for Southampton and Bremen. At Genoa Arrived Alter, from Nen York, via Gibraltar and Naples. At Queenstown Arrived Lucanla, from New York, for Liverpool, and proceeded. Sailed Marlon, from Liverpool, for Bos ton. At Cherbourg Arrived Graf Waldersee, fmm New York, via Plymouth, for Ham burg, and proceeded: Columbia, from New . . . 17 ... . . 1 . 1 .. . . . . . 1. ... York. Sailed Fuerst Bismarck. from Hamburg and Southampton, for New York At Sicily Passed Menoml nee, from New York, for London. St. Michael Arrived Hoheniollern, from New York, for Gibraltar, Naples and (ienoa. At Liverpool Sailed Bovlc, for New York. At New York Arrived Manltou, from London; Campania, from Liverpool and Queenstown: Httrtiarossa, from Bremen At Havre Arrived La liretagne, from New York. At Plymouth Arrived Graf Waldersee, frum K ew lor a. REMOVING THE DEAD Blackenad Eodiai of Minsri Take from Dabris at Johnstown Diaaatar. NOBLE WORK OF RESCUE IS GOING ON Brava Man 0o Down Into Jawa of Death to Sara Fallow Woiken. TRANSFORMED INTO RAVING MANIACS Hours of Waiting in Pitch Darkneaa Drm Boma Stark Mad. GOVERNOR ORDERS AN INVESTIGATION Chief of State Barren of Mine Goer to Scene of the Disaster la Or der to Learn Cans of th Explosion, JOHNSTOWN. Pa.. July 11 At 1 o'clock this mornlug it can be stated of the 600 men supposed to bave entered the mouth of the Rolling Mill mine of the Cambria Steel company Thursday morning, ninety are known to be dead and twenty-two rescued. Four hundred, so the mine offi cials claim, escaped when the explosion occurred, leaving eighty-eight still to be accounted for. Some of these, according to those In charge of the rescue work, are dead, but the majority, they claim, have escaped. From physicians, heads of rescue parties and others who are familiar with tho different headings In the mine. It Is learned that at least fifty-two additional bodies will be brought to the tsmporary morgue at daylight, making the total dead 142. This, so President Stackhouse says, will be the extent of the disaster, but until all checks of the miners are taken an ac curate list will be Impossible. Some of the bodies, It Is "admitted, will be entombed In the closed headings or burled under alate. Somo may never be found. JOHNSTOWN, Pa., July ll.-Thls has been a day of herolo rescues at the fated Rolling Mill mine of the Cambria Steel company. Thrilling experiences attended the efforts of the forty brave and daring fellows who went down Into the bowels of the earth, stirred by a very faint hope that still they might be in time to restore to life some of those who are entombed. Death lurked everywhere around them, but undaunted they pressed forward, swayed with the noblest of human pur poses. The reward of their efforts waa the saving of the lives of fourteen of their fellow-men and bringing them again Into the sunlight and back to living fam ilies. Dead and maimed bodies were lo cated, but no effort waa made to bring them out of the vast theater of death until every human energy was put for ward to seeing that no living soul might escape ' their aid. That done, the dead were put In train cars, brought up and exposed to morbid gaze, while being trans ferred to wagona io, which to be taken jo the Jnorgve... ., .... ,r. ,. , ; v Eighty-seven dead bodies were recovered from the mine between daylight and night fall. Still a party of officials and minora battled on, three miles Inside the mine. Occasionally word would come to the sur face 'by some mysterious means that an other heap of remains bad been expoaed to the vision of the searchers. There re main dangerous headings in the Klondike section of the mine yet to be explored. No one knows how many more dead will be found there. The mine officials refrain from guesswork on the subject. Identified List of Dead. The official list of the bodies identified up to 10 o'clock tonight Is as follows: JOHN R. THOMAS, la EMERY BA8818TA. STEVEN KANOCZ. STEVEN C1MKO. MICHAEL SABOT. MICHAEL BILOVINEO. M. 8ILOVINKC, Jr. JOHN NOVAK. ANTON LAZAKBKL VALANT PLAOA. JOHN KEER. BOLISLAW MIBKOV9XI AUGUST 8TKUZIN8K1. JOHN KARAWIRCZ. MICHAEL CILENDVIO. M. CILENV1C. Jr. V. DOMBROWBKI. O. LEWANDWSKI WILIIAM KSONZK. JOHN HORVAL. FRANK JENDHEBKL WILLIAM SONZK. FRANK HOILI. JOHN OALYDA. FRANK LAZAKBKL B. TKTKOW8KI. JOHN T1BUK8KI. ANDKO BALASCAK. ANTON LUHABKI. BTANSLIU SOOLK. B. DOBRAZY1VECKI. JOSEPH MA8L1VBKL PAI L BUTl ILA. JOHN KARZIWICS. ANTON DEHUC. ANDRO ZAJ. V1DA RACHA, ir. JOHN RACHA, Jr. bor boa of School Plr. JOHN C. WHITN J X, flri boas. WILLIAM blanch, as sistant foreman. JOSEPH TOMUNBON, fire boaa. WILLIAM LEES. DANIEL LEES. MICHAEL MOANS. PHILLIP M'OANN. JOHN CROOK. PRANK CHESTNUT. JOHN SADLEK. JOHN HOLLY. THOMAS BISHOP. MICHAEL BOSANfO. GEORGE HOLOOIAK. JOHN Wl LA VENDER. FRANK GUZ1. ANTHONY POLLAK. JOHN POLAK. FRANK HCHULTg. GEORUB TVAROZNA. TAVEL VRABEL. ANDKO HAVALDA. JACOB HUL. MICHAEL IVEK. JOREPH RICZEK. 8TOKJAN VERQAS. MIKE SABOT. MICHAEL DRICKA. WADIHLAW lil'UKlSKT JOHN ROPIRCKl. JOHN BAROK. JOHN I.A8KO. MICHAEL PRBZUHY. Johnstown Horror Stricken. The Impression prevails among the out siders and certain employes of tbe mine that 150 Is a low estimate of the easualty Hat. Fated Johnstown spent th day hor ror-stricken. Great throngs surged about the pit mouth, the Improvised morgue at the armory and about the stricken bomes of the dead. Exaggerated rumors of all kinds prevailed. One report gained circu lation that disaster had overtaken tbe res cuing party which entered the mine shortly after 9 o'clock. This waa not disproved until word finally came from the men ln the mine. It is difficult to picture with any degree approaching Its full worth the work of rea cue. How brave men went )nto the Jaws of death in its most horrible form, encount ered their fellows transformed into raving maniacs by hours of waiting in tbe pitch darkness of the earth' interior, lifted them moaning from their beds of fallen rock aad then, bending and crawling on all fours, car rying them a quarter of a rolle underground to where cars could be reached to take them outside. Along In the early part of the afternoon cheering word came from the Innermost re cesses of the mine that life yet lingered ln some of the bodies found. The rescuers made fl:st for No. 4, tbe left beading, which they had been unable to reach the night be fore. Desolate, even for the scene of a mine Interior, was the heading that stretched out before them. Falls of root almost choked the heading, but through aad over the debris the brave men pushed their way. Maniac's Usgb Greet Them. In tbe front, young Patrick Martin, bis brother Peter, Philip White and aeveral cousins of the Martins made their way. Suddenly ln an open space they were start led by the maniac laugh which emanated from a blackened form that rushed at them out of the darkness. Tbe man graaped firmly a pick handle and tried In his frenzy to beat down his rescuers. He was overpowered and dragged back to the main beading to the cars. Thirteen other living men were found la thla chamber and ibyslclana wsra quickly 1