THE OMAHA DAILY HEE: FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1002. r r X ) JFlFTfl STRAIGHT VICTORY . Omaha' e Winning Btretk Eldi Out in th Xort Promiling Waf. COLORADO SPRINGS SENT HOME BEATEN Harry Rttratrc'i Carve Tonefced la Jnst the Rlkl Spot, While Allowny Tnntnllnes the Millionaires. When the 1.000 spectator who gathered at Vinton Street perk yesterday afternoon went home at t o'clock they could hardly believe that they had Just seen Omaha de feat Colorado Springs 4 to 2. tor not a wrangle, or dispute had occurred. J. Koaa Swlgert had received from Tresldeot Sex ton a telegram reading: "Work unsatis factory. Must remove you. Do not um pire any more games." This wire came In time to keep yesterday's game out of the clutches of Ross, and he sat in the press box, while out from the diamond waa heard ever and anon the mellow bellow wf Buck K?itb aa he called the strikes and balls and things. Whether or not that made all the dif ference cannot be said, but It la certain that not one player registered kick Thursday, and It has been a long time sines Omaha has been In a game of that sort Meanwhile the crowd, which had been yell ing eo loud for the players to "cut out the beefing," forgot Its own preaching once, and bellowed like a herd of steers when Alloway was struck out tn the Bfth. Allo way was not kicking at all himself, but th gang didn't like the third strike, and broke the charm of alienee with a will. The game was a beauty. All hits were clean, but they were rather seldom. The pttrhers were in great form. Alloway did not do much striking out, but he kept the ball mostly In the right place for his sup porters to get It. Frank Genlna was back In middle field and received an ovation each time he came to bet. Frank made ssfe hit Just the same, too, despite bis bad lamps. .. It remained for the third basemen to take the fielding honors. Both Hickey and Granville did some great work and the lat ter also did some smooth base running. Carter stole bases like a mouse, and' Stone and Stewart also pustled Holly and Hemp hill a little In that regard. Dolan'a tw6 bngger waa a beauty to left field fence. The core: OMAHA. . AB. n. I off Toting, 8. Hit by pitcher: 1; by Mitchell, 1. Ptrnck out: bv Mitchell. L lft on bssee; Boston, lo: Philadelphia, 4. Wild pitch: Mitchell. Time: 1:00. Umpire:. Connolly. Wuklit Hits Hewell Hard. WASHINGTON. July 10 Washington hit Howell hard In the early stages of to days game and gained a lead Baltimore could not overcome. Rhleld. who relieved Howell, pitched good ball. Attendance. I.MS. Boor: WA9HINOTON. BALTIMORE. ft. H. OAK. ., ef l l Honor, ef ... l list toyl. lb.... I , , (i-lh.oh. II... 1 Irlb'tr. It.. 1 ItS William. Ik. ( 1 1 Tmighllfl, lb. 1 1 I 4 MrCtann, lb., t 1 II LMi rt i I I s s rtf, re.. i i Tty Young. I out: By Miller. I: by Wagner. I. Two By Tour.g, I base bits: V. Fox (4). Sacrifice hit: O'Brien Carer, lb.... illlt Roblnaon, e. Elr. S tll4S nrrim'b'n, lb 1 Clark, s f lit 4 0IIDrt, m... Carrkk. a... I 111 Hwll, a..... Totals Itoiibla nlav: O'Brien to Fox to Klhm Stolen beers: Coulter, McFarland, Knoll. Lft on bases: Indianapolis, J: (. olumous, 8. Umpire: Rmey. Time: 1:46. Green out for Interfering. Btnndlnsr of the Teasaa. Plaved. Won. Iot. P.C Ioulsvllle 68 4 20 .704 Indlannpolla W 44 74 ."7 Bt, Paul W 40 29 .6TS Columbus "0 M, M .4t Kansas City 69 88 87 .463 MIlwauKee M ) m .i Minneapolis 4J .ITT Toledo 70 22 ' 48 .114 Games today: Kansas City at Minne apolis, two games; Indianapolis at Toledo, IxHilRvllle at Columbus, Milwaukee at Bt, faui. ltil.14a, p.... t 11 tr It 4.orler Totals ... I I It 14 1 Ratted for HhUtld In ninth. Washington IIIOMMM Baltimore 01001000 Earned rum: Washington. 4. Two-base hits: Clarke, Coughlln. Shields. Three base hit: bee. Home run: Delehanty. Stolen base: Bresnahan. Sacrifice hit: Beymour. Double plays: Williams to Gil bert to McOann. Gilbert to Williams to McOann. Bsae on balls: Off Carrlck, 6: oft Howeir, off Bhlelda. 8. Struck out: By Shields, 1. Left on bases: Washington, b: BaHlmore, lo. Time; l:to. empires: tarruther and Johnson. Joss Ontpltches Yeager. CLEVELAND, July 10 Joss outpltched Yeager today and Detroit was shut out. Cleveland secured Its only runs on hits by Lajole Hickman and McCarthy. Attend ance, t.&o. Score: CLEVELAND. I DETROIT. GAMES IN NATIONAL LEAGUE Bt. Louis had Brooklya Are the Oa- poilsg Teams la Great Twelve Inning Stmgg-le. BT. LOTJIS. July 10. For the second day running a tie game was played at League nark. St. lunula anri Rronklvn wre the nnnnalna- ton ma an 1 thrv hatlod twrlva I hall ramhrldce. beat Roval School Innings, with the score a tie. Wicker fin- I f Mines Boat club by two and a half target. This Is the third time Robinson has won the medal, which makes It his personal property. KELLEY WINS THE" DIAMONDS Beats Hla Oyrsaeal at Healer Heeta by Two aa4 One-Halt Leerths. HENLEY. July 10 Unsettled weather Somewhat marred the spectacular features of the closing day ot the regatta, but It In no way diminished the attendance, and when the racing began the enclosures, club lawns and river were packed by Immense Astrong, steady wind off the Bucks shore made the water decidedly rough and gave a full length of advantage to the crews for tunate enough to draw that station. In the final heat for the Wvfold chal lenge cup. Burton Bowing club beat Kings ton Rowing club. In the final for the grand challenge cup, Third Trinity, Cambridge, beat the Leandcr Rowing club. In the nnai ror me airwaras enwitnji I zander Rowing club by eight lengths. Time: 7:46. . In the flnal tor tne i names cnaiienge cui Par. of... Bradley, lb.. I Lajole. lb .. 1 Hickman, Ik. 1 rilck. rf 9 Mrt'arthr, It. I Oochn'.r, m. , Wood, e 6 Joaa, p R. HO. A.S.I 10 Barrett, I 10 ef.. 4 Holmes, If.. Dillon, lb. 0 Elbfrfeld, as. CufT, b. 1 Arndt. rf.... 1 Gltaaon, lb. 0 M-Gulra, ... 0 Taer, ... R.H O A S. Ill I U Inhed out for Murphy and struck out three Brooklyn batters In the twelfth. Attend ance, 3.1,8. Score: ST. LOV IS BROOKLYN. K.H.Oll R.HO.A.B. rarrell. as... 1 1 t I 0 rtolan. ef.... 1111 I o Ktrirr. n ... sis 1 0 Shoekard, II. 1 I , O.McCrMrr. lb. 0 t 10 I 0 lhlm, aa... Ill I ,, Irwin, lb.... 0 1 I SIAhaars, a.... 1 0 OiFlood, lb. Smoot. cf.... Barrlar. If... Ponoran, rf. . Praahoar. lb, 0 Nlrhola, lb... 0 liartmal), lb. O'Nell, Murphr. P Kruar .. Wlcktr, p. 1 14 Hufhaa, p. Totals . I I I I It M lengths. Time: 7:84. , In the nnai neai lor i vwmunn ituui, F. 8. Kelley, Ballol college. Oxford, beat R B Etherington-miin or me branorr Rowing club. Kelley won by twa and a half lengths. Time: 9. ELKS PUT UP SOME GAMES Arraace Teasaa far Shoetlng, Bowllaa; aaa Base Ball Coatesta at Pienta. Carter, rf.... Genlna, cf... Stone, If Iolan nm.... Stewart, 2b.. Thomas, lb.. Hickey, Jb.,w Uondlng, c... Alloway, p... K. 0 0 0 1 O. 2 2 2 1 5 11 1 i 0 Totals., 83 4 i IT 11 COLORADO SPBXNOfl. ABt R. II. O 4 Fleming, If.... Granville, 8b.. Hemphill, Zb . C'ongalton, cf. Kverltt, lb Jirennen, rf... Holllngsworth, McNeely, ss... Newmeyer, p. A. 0 I 1 0 0 0 0 t s. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 lo I 1 1 t 0 I 1 0 4 0 0-1 Totals ...I III I I Totals ... 11117 I Joaa out for not touchlna first. Cleveland '. 0000000 Detroit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 IDarned runs: Cleveland, 1. Two-base hits: Joss. Barrett. Sacrifice hit: Ma Carthy. Stolen bases: Bradley. Barrett. Double playa: Barrett, Gleuson. First base on balls: Off Joss, 2; off Yeager, 4. Left on bases: Cleveland, 4; Detroit, ft, Struck out: By Joss, 5; by Yeager, 1. Time: 1:80. umpire: Sheridan. tanalag of the Teams. Plaved. Won. Lost. P.C. .... 60 33 22 .632 .... 67 88 2 .f7 .... 2 84 24 .MB .... 62 83 29 .Ml .... 66 30 8 .4 8 .... 67 30 37 . 4 .... 68 2 S .27 .... 65 27 38 .415 St. Louis at Chicago, De rd for Murphy tn tenth inning. , The shooting teams that will co la nnnnoionooo 0-A tn Elks' outing at Krug park tc I? 100000001000-3 "ovs: Omaha Etks' team, " -I"-; . - V V? a lee Bmead, Burke, Lewie, McKarli d ruJ?!' ?., ,Loul"u,: Brookl3T'..1, Donald, Bruker and Townseni: sub e hit: Dolan. Three-base hits: rr, , ' a, v . . u..h Chicago1 Boston Philadelphia St. Louis Baltimore ... Washington Cleveland ... Detroit Games today: Totala ... I It 11 0 Batted for Murphy In tenth inning. Bt Louis Brookly Two-base hit: Dolan. Three-base hits Farrell, Keeler. Sacrifice hlta: Donovan, Dahlen. Aheam. Keeler. Hit by pitcher: i)v Hughes, 1. Banes on balls: Oft Murphy, 2: off Wicker, lj oft Hughoa, 8. Struck out: By Murphy, 1; by Wicker, 4.; by Hugnes, 1. Left on bases: St. Lojls, B: Brooklyn, 8. Time: 2:08. Umpire: O Day. Phillies Shat Oat. CHICAGO. July 10. The visitors wer blanked today by Mencfces good pitching and the perfect support oacn or mm. uug- gieby was rathr easy witn men on oases. Attendance, l.ttw. bcore: CH1CAOO. PHILADELPHIA. The shooting teams that will contest at Parma. arlane, Mo- bstltutea. Taylor, Alnscow, Downs and Marsh. Coun cil Bluffs Elks' team, Biersholm, Hardin, Wmt. HMnerlrh. loverinaham. Haeler, Williams and Beno. The Omaha Elks' bowl- V. J. t tirien, u. k. INCREASE IS CORN ACREAGE GoTiramint Boport 6owt Crop to Ba ia Ttij Good Ooiditin. DECLINE IN WINTER WHEAT IN NEBRASKA tatemeat Isaaed ladleates that Col Weather avad Heavy Ralae Have Haa Telllas ECeet aa Growth. WA6HINQTON, July 10. Preliminary re turns to the statistician of the Department of Agriculture, on the acreage ef corn planted Indicate aa Increase ef about 810,- 000 acres, of 1.8 per cent on the are Har vested laat year. Ot the twenty-five states and territories with a million acrea or up ward In corn harvested last year, Iowa, Ne braska and Michigan report an Increase of 1 per cent; Pennsylvania, Indiana, Virginia and Louisiana of I per cent; Georgia, Ar kansas, Wisconsin, and Missouri, S per cent; Ohio, Illinois, Mississippi and In dlan territory 4 per cent; Kansas, Ken tucky and Tennessee 5 per cent; North Carolina and South Carolina t per cent; Texas 7 per cent; Alabama S per cent; Minnesota per cent, and South Dakota and Oklahoma 11 per cent. The average condition ef the growing' crop on July 1 was 87.5, as compared with 81. t on July 1, 1801, 89.6 at the correspond ing date In 1900 and a ten year average ot 89.1. The condition in Illinois waa 91, In Iowa, Nebraska and Indiana 90, tn Kansas and Oklahoma 99, In Missouri 102. In Ohio 87, and In Texaa 41. The average condition of winter wheat Improved during June nine-tenths of 1 point, standing on July 1 at 77, or 11.1 points below the condition of July 1, 1901, 1.8 a - i at 1 1 a T T -' n.Ue UK infill 181 Mrl IUIIUW D J , r 1I mil. ua liucae. w. zitsman, j. r. omeaa. w. f. poinU below that at the corresponding McFarlane, Walter Nelson and Albert ... , ..nrt . , . ,h. , " Km. Th rminrll Bluffs Elks had not ! "ta ln 1B00' Bna -4 Points below the tan up to last evening furnished the names of ! year average. It fell off during July 4 their bowiere. Tne case dbm teams- win : points ln Kansas, 3 points in California and line up about as they did on the Fourth of , ok,.hom. ,nd , noln, I1Ilrio,.. ,,. lm. trolt at Cleveland. Boston at Philadelphia. IN AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Kansas City Beats Milwaukee, Al though AKrock Pitches a Good Game. MILWAUKEE!. July 10. Altroek should have won the locals' game today against mates gave to the Cowboys by a soore of I tol. Attendance, tw. boon: KANSAS CITT. - I MILWAUKEE. B.H.O.A.B. I K.H. O.A.I. R.H.OA.K. Williams, lb. 0 1 0 Thomas. Jonra. cf 1 I .owe, lb....; 1111 Chanca, c... 1111 Millar, rf.... 1110 SUgla, If I I Tlnk-r, aa... 1 4 I Sohavfar, lb. I I Manaiae, p... 110 10; i ... t 10 17 11 of ot. OiBanr, rf 0 HuUwIU, as. 0 Oooln, e 0 Janlnsa, lb. 0 0 Brown. If.... 0 Hallman, lb. rhIMa. lb.... 0 IDufflab, p.. R.H.O.A . 1 Hallman. rf. Olrilnsman, aa. 1 IDnnsan, If... 1 OlMrBrMe, f.. 0 HunHal. lb... 0 Hchlebark, lb O.MeAad'wa, lb S Ona. a - lAttrock, .... Totals .' 34 ' Omaha 0 0 Colorado Snrlngs.... 0 0 Earned rune: Omaha. 8; Colorado Springs, 1. Two-base hit. Dolan. Sacrifice hit: Carter. Wild pitch: Newmeyer. Pasaed ball: Holllngsworth. Stolen bases: Carter (2). Stone, Stewart, Granville. First base on balto: Off Alloway, 1; off Newmeyer, 1. Hit by pitched ball: Stone. Struck out: By. Alloway 1: by Newmeyer. 7. Left on bases: Omaha, 8! Colorado Springs, 6. Time: 1:16. Umpire: Buck Keith. . Batata Again Ihnt Ont. ' ST. JOSEPH, Joly' 10. Milwaukee won today In the tenth Inning. It waa prob ably the best game ever aeen on the home ground.. Score: .. : MMw.nkna ..ft 0 0 0-0 000 0 1- St- JoseDh... 0 000000 0.6 0-0 Batteries? Milwaukee, Barber and Hatla forU; Bt. Joseph. Maupln and Oarvln. . , Peoria Shot Oat. KANSAS CITT, July lO.-Weimer'e pitch ing and fielding were of the sensational or der today and Peoria waa ahut out. With two men on bases, Kemmer made a home run In the fifth. . Attendanoe,.,Ja ""'JJ'j, Knnsaa City i.l I 1 M j j peoria 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 8 8 Batteries: Kansas City. Welmer and Mes altt; Peoria, McQill and Wilson. Denver Lose to Dee Motaee. PES MOINES. July 10. fces Molnee won from Denver today In a pltohers contest, itinnnaiiea K.00O. Brora: Pes Moines.... 0 0 H U H M Lewa. as.... till Nanra, rf.... 110 Oratr. lb.... til Hmlltv If 0 I 0 Rnthfuaa, lb. 1 I Thlel. rf 0 110 Beaalika, II, M II Bavllla, Olbaoa. 1 I Totals ... I I It I II ToUls ... I IT II 4 Kansas CHy.. ...... 0 0000100-8 Milwaukee 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-8 Earned rune: Milwaukee, 8; Kansas City, 1. Two-base hit: Lee we. Flrat base on balls: Oft Altroek, L Hit by pitched ball: Hallman. Stolen bases: Runkel, Dungan. Struck out I By Altroek, 8; by Olbson, Double clays: Sohatake - to Roth fuss. Leewe to Schatske to Rothfuse. Left on basest Milwaukee, 4; Kanaas City, 4. Time: i:so. . umpire) f oreman. ' ' At. Pant Makes Errort. MINNEAPOLIS. July 10. -Eleven errors on the part of St. Paul and five by the locale partly tells the story of today'a game. Minneapolis won on account of Ina bility to make errors aa often" the vls liors. wriDDins pucnea great oan. out Totala ... 4 10 17 11 Ol Total a ... I M S I Chlcairo 00110101 4 Philadelphia 0600000000 Lrt on Dases: t:nioago, o; i-niiaaeipn:, . Two-hose hits: Menetee. Miller. Dunglobv. Sacrifice hlta: A. Williams. Thomas. Htruck out: By Menefee, S: by Duggleby, 2. Passod ball: Liooln. First base on balls: Off Mene fee. 1: off DuKRleby. 1. lilt by pitcned ban: Chanoe. Time: 1:30. umpire: uanuiion. Beds Defeat Boston. flVPTNNATI. July 10 Cincinnati and Boston played an Interesting game hr-re today. Tne majority or ine runs were mo roanlt nf errors which were made at crltioal stages. Ewlng hurt hla firmer and had to retire. Attendance, bw. bcore: CINCINNATI. I BOSTON, K.H.U.A.E Dobbs. If 1 Hor, cf l Rpckler. lb.. 1 Crawford, rf. 0 Masoon. lb. . 1 Corcoran, aa. Btelnfaldt, lb 1 Flrtl, 1 Ewlns. ...... 0 Tbialman, p. 4 Xoolar, St.... 0Tannar. lb.. O'Demoni, lb.. OCaraar. rf.... I Lu.h, If 1 Orm r. lb. OLong. as O KIttrlaia, a.. IWIIIIa, r Couitnar .. H.H.O.A.E. 0 10 0 0 I I I Julw. rireat nrenaratlons have been made for this outing and an unusually good time Is expected Good Horseflesh at Tekantah. TEKAMAH. Neb.. July 10. Sneclal Tele gram.) The opening meeting of the Trka mart 8peed association was held this after noon. Tne traca waa in excellent conui tlon. The 2:35 Dace was an exciting race from start to finish and made in fast time. Ouy Caton won ln tnree atralgnt noats, but was crowded very close by Freda Strongwood. The 2:46 trot made a hot contest' between Lady Downing and Jim Underwood, the second being a dead heat between them. In the fourth heat McDonald, tho driver of Lady Downing, was taken down and Fltzalmmons waa put up ana won me next two heats. The half-mile run was won In two straight heats by Iabell, with Lady Chap man second, in 0 :( and u:ai. ins results are as follows: First event. 2:36 pace Ouv Caton A. B. Robinson. Whit ing, la 1 Freda Strongwood, J. C. Zipper, Chippewa Fans, wis z Antler. J. J. Engle, Omaha 4 Lottie Medium, Bob Warnereck, Wavne. Neb 9 Rubberneck, J. T. Blusher, Bern, Kan. 8 ds Miss Young, J. C. Clark, Stanton, Neb 5 Ids Joule Patterson, S. D. Miller, Pecan 1 1 6 4 . Hi . -1 J 1 -oil Attendance, 1,064. Score MINNEAPOLIS. a.H.O.A.K traeh; St. 1 I OlOaler, 11 lr. U Fnrla. lb Wlliaot. r Wrraaa. lb.. 1 Brara, 1 Qutllls, aa... Orant. lb..., 1 Crlbblsa 4 Denver 00011004)0-8 Batteries: Dea Moines, Barry and beck; Denver, Eyler and Wilson. tanning- of the Teanta, Played. Won. Lost. P.C. Omaha ... 7 i 44 n Kansa City 19 1 . SJ Milwaukee 88 3' , M Denver 44 ' 81 II St. Joseph SI U H Des Moines 38 84 29 Colorado Spring OS . 28 .8? Peoria 40 18 41 .681 .614 .Hi AU .431 .817 Games today: Milwaukee at Omaha. AMERICAN LEAGUE GAMES Beaton Beats Philadelphia hy Clean Hitting? ln Seventh aaa KtaThtk jaalag. BOSTON, July 10. Boston won today by . clean hitting In the seventh and eighth Innlnes. An error by Ferria waa respon sible for the visitors' only run. Attend ance, 1.704. Bcore I BOSTON. R.H.O.A.B. fmiihtrtr. If 4 I 0 Colllna. lb... 1 I Olaaaon, ol. .. 2 I 1 yreamaa, rf, I Parant, aa. .. 1 I I lch'ea. lb.. If farrla, lb.... S 4 1 rlj.r, a lift Tom,p..... Sill PHILADELPHIA. R.H.O.A.B. Hartaal. U... 1 1 rulta, ef 1 Darla. lb.... 4 U Craaa. lb. 0 t Sarbold, rt... Surphr, lb... . Craaa, as. 1 1 llSohrark, a... 1 Mltabeil, Totals Boston Philadelphia . Earned runa Gleason, CTtger. I I IT If I Totals ... 1 IN 11 00001011- .... 0100000 01 Boston. 9. Two-base hits Stolen bases: Freeman, llvl Rf,rrin,-a hlta' ("rlirr. Fuhs. Mitch ell. Double play: M. Cross to Murphy to IJavis. init Laa on Dans: ure Aiiicnen Totals ...4 117 11 I Totala ... I 10 14 IS 4 Batted for Willis ln the ninth. Cincinnati 0OO18OO8" Boston u0luuv a Two-base hits:. Cooley, Carney, Long. fttnlen base: Corcoran. Double play: Cor. mnn tn Wlta to firelnfeld. First base on balls: Oft Ewing, 2: off Thlelman, 1; off Willis, 8. Hit by r"cnea Dan: ay. rniei- man. 8. Struck out: By Ewing. Z: by Tniei. man, 1; by Wlllla, 8. time: 2:00. Umpires: powers ana urown. New York Beats Pittsburg. ptttsbttro. July 10. New York nut up Stlmmel could not field his position at all. a great fielding game notwlthatandlng their tnree errurs, inu nvcu Dvau, uum n.. when hlU would have won for Pittsburg. Attendance,, l,Uol. ucore: NEW YORK. I . PITTSDl'RO. .K.H. OAK. R.H.O.A.e. rf II Parauaon. rf. 111 ljDIllaM, lb... 1 I I 4 rshannoa, ef.. 1 tut t K.u.r. lb... 111 liCosan, It 111 Hufilns, lb.. 14 1 !Harlr, ... t 114 O R. Lrnch. ss. Hummal, m... Totals ...It 11 n II I . Tatals ... Minneapolis 0 1 0 8 8 1 St. Paul 2 o o o i o Earned runs: Minneapolis, 2. ST. PAUL. R.H.O.A.B. 1 111 I 1 M 1 1 0 I 1 4 t 14 II 11 0 8 10 0 0 0-4 Two-base Brodla, of.... Clark, rf 1 Jonea, It v Bowarn, s... O. Smith, lb. O' Hasan, lb. Dunn, lb.... 1 C. WfT, as 1 Kvans, p 1 Darts, rf. OCIarka, If. 0 I 1 0 Beaumont, cf J. Wasnar, as 1 BranaMd, lb. 0 I Rltchar, lb.. 1 0 0 Laach. lb 1 H. Smith, s. 0 I 1 Leevar. p.... 0 4 , proved during the same period 9 -points In Pennsylvania and Ohio, 7 ln Indiana and Nebraska, 10 ln Michigan and 8 In Mis souri. Agents Report Decline. Special field agents report a decline of 4 points ln Indiana and Illinois since July 16, the average condition of spring wheat de clined 8 points during July, standing at 92.4 on July 1, as compared with 95.8 on July 1, 1901, 66.8 at the corresponding pe riod of 1900 and a ten year average ot 8S.8. The decline during June amounted to S points ln Minnesota, 6 In South Dakota, 8 In Iowa and four ln Washington. On the other hand, there was an Improvement of 9 points in Nebraska, with an appreciable change ln North Dakota. The condition of spring and winter wheat combined on July 1 waa 82.9, ae compared with 91.1 on July 1, 1901. 89.8 on July 1. 1900 and 76.8 at the corresponding date In 1S99. The amount of wheat remaining ln the hands of farmers on July 1 is estimated at about 62.440,000 bushels, or 7 per cent ot the crop of last year. The average oondltlon of the oat erop on July 1 was 98.1, as compared with 90.6 laat month, 83.7 on July 1, 1901. 85.S at the cor' responding datr ln 1900 and a ten-year av erago of 87.8. The average condition of barley la 98.7, against 3. one month ago. 91.8 on July 1. 1901, 76.8 at the corresponding date In 1900 and a ten-year average of 87.1. All the principal barley producing states except New Tork and California, in which states Improvements amounting to 1 and 4 point respectively were noted show a decline in condition during the month. Notwith standing this decline, however, the present average condition ln every important state is above the ten-year average. Condition of Winter Rye. The average condition of winter rye is 91-!, as compared with 93.6 on July 1, 1901. 89.6 at the corresponding date In 1900. and a ten-year average ot 89.2. Each of the failed ln the eighth Inning, when Perry : principal ryp producing states shows an more men. Batteries: Pruning. Oarrels and John Brlttenbam; Bhlckley, Stlckel and Benson. Oat). Tex Time: z:zz"4, z:z2. i:ziVi Second event. 9:46 trot- Lady Downing, H. B. Height, Omaha l Jim 1'nderwood, Underwood, Council Blutrs 4 Bertha Edgemont. E. L, Trlvltt, Fort Madison, wis I Miss Brlttan, F. . Strahan, Wayne, Neb..., s 7 ds 0 8 8 1 2 2 8 8 ids o & Time: 2:29U. 2:10. :M. 1:25'V 2:29. The card for Saturday will be the 2:21 pace with eleven starters, and tne 2:18 and 2:30 trotlng events and the mile and repeat running race. . Home Run Saves Shlckley. gram.) Shlckley and Brunlng played base ball here today, resulting In a score of 8 to 4 In favor of Shlckley. Brunlng got four runa In the sixth, Shlckley three In the seoond. one ln the fifth and four ln the eighth Inning. The leading feature of the game was a plan to snut out tne homo team, as Brunlng had players from Lin coln, Davenport and Strang, but the plan The Result of 25 Years We had 25 years of soap-making experience before we could make Jap Rose. It represents the utmost that cost and skill can-do. clU TO One-sixth of it is pure glycerin. All the oils are pure vegetable, treated with antiseptics. Has the perfume of nat ural flowers; transparent. JAMES S. KIRK & COMPANY, CHICAGO IVflaU TWifai Laundry Sossp Wrappers exchanged for valuaMa p rasa In me. Write for list. I, jii,) sM Totals hits: Cribbins. Phyle. Three-base hit Eyers. llH by-pitcher: By Stlmmel. M j.yncn. BirucK oi'i: ay otimmei, z; uv LTiDDins. 1, 1 nacnnce mis den. Cribbins. M. Lynch. Minneapolis, s: tit. raui, s. Time: 1:40. Umpire: Flggemeyer. Indianapolis wins Two. INDIANAPOLIS. July 10.-Indlananoll won two games from Columbus today on olean hitting. Umpire Ward quit and two players officiated In the opening game and Tom namaey umpired tne second game. Attendance, ocores INDIANAPOLIS a.n.o.A.a . Tanoahlll . I ID 17 11 I, ToUls ... 1 inu Y3attA,t fnr Tsver In tha ninth. Pittsburg OOOlOOOOOl New York 0080010001 ... XT. VA1. 9 Tn.hgM ti.ouav, -. j 1 r.arneu runa. iww .. - " " WllmoL Wsr- I kit.. Rranaflplil. C. Winter. Sacrlllce hit: Left on bases: 1 c'm stolen base: H. Smith. Double rjlav: Ritchey to J. Wagner, rirsi oas on bans: utr evens, 1. oitutu um. or Leever, L Time: 1:35. Umpire: malie. Standinar of the Trmm: Played. Won. Lost Improvement In condition during the past month. New York and Pennsylvania, two ot the largest winter rye states, show condi tions 4 and 7 points below their respective Three-I Leagaa. ten-year averages, and In Michigan the eon- At Blocmlngton First game: Blooming- '. dltlon is 8 point above such average. The ton, 2; Evansvllle, 1. Second garnet Bloom- lngton. 8; Evansvllle, 0. At kock isiano itocicrora, g; kock isl and. 8. At Terra Haute Decatur, 9; Terra Haute, I 1, . . At cedar Rapids nrsr game: Davenport. 6: Cedar- Rapids, 1. Second game: Daven port, 0; Cedar Kaplds. 2. In Southern Association. HncrMrar. rt 1 Kuhna. If.... a ShMban. lb.. Klhm. lb 9 O'Drlaa, as.. 1 W. tot. .lb.. I CMltar. ef... t Matthawa, s. I WllHama, p.. 1 1 I I 1 t 1 IT : s s I 9 1 1 Hart, at Whaalar, as.. Ora.ii. lb.... McParl', rf, COLUMBUS. R.H.O.A P. 114 Taraar, kb..! t KnalL It.. viox. ID.., O, r.s, . uaii.n, p.., 4 I 5 14 I 1 1 I i: 4 Pittsburg lirooKiyn Boston Chicago Cincinnati ...... St. Louis Philadelphia ... New YorkS Games today: 63 . 70 68 66 . 3 6) . m , 66 49 40 84 34 27 27 24 24 Brooklyn at 15 80 29 82 26 86 4 42 St .7M .671 .540 .615 .429 .429 .412 264 Louis, Or- Boston at Cincinnati, New York at Pitts burg, Philadelphia at Uhloago. At Chattanooga Chattanoora-New leans game postponed. At Atlanta Atlanta, w; utile rock, i. At Birmingham Birmingham. 9; Shreve- port, 9. At Nasnviue masnviue, ip; Mempms, . Race Meet at Friend. FRIEND. Neb.. July 10. fSoeelal.)-En- trlea to the Friend races will close July 17. All Indications point to one of the best meetings in the state. The entrlea will be numerous and the track In fine condition. The dates of the races are July 89 to Au- Totals ... I II It IS M ToUls ... 1 inn I Indianapolis 00881000 1-8 Columbus 01000000 01 Bases oh balls: Oft Wllllams.'lToft Bailey, a. N Btruck out: By Williams, l; by Bailey. 1. Hit by pitcher: By Bailey, Matthews. Sheeban. Klhm. Two-base hits: Kuhns. Fox. Williams. Three-base hit: Hnarlever. Foa. Sacrifice hits: Klhm. O'Brien. Williams. Double plays: Williams to O'Brien to Klhm, Fox to O'Brien to Klhm. Stolen bases: Hogrlever. Bheehan (2), FOX (2), Matthews, Turner. Left on be sea: Indianapolis, 11; Columbua, 8. Um pires: Kllllan and Wagner. Time: 1:60. INDIANAPOLIS. COLUMBUS. COMING OF MILWAUKEE TEAM iu.I kV WHEATON AT HIS OLD HOME eoond Appenronee of Hsfk Daffy an4 His Angels on the Omaha Diamond. DnfTr will brine hie victorious band ef Angels to Omaha from Bt. Joseph Friday and will piay nere iour aays, mv turn regular acheduled games being held on Saturday. Sunday and Monday, while on Friday win be played a postponed game nave To Be Given Monster Reception at Peoria, Hear Which Place Ho Waa Bora. a h Hoariarar, rf 4 S Kuhna, II ... l H.O.A.E. 1 4 I SttMhan, lb. 4 K 0 Woodruff, lb. i 1 4 ll Klhm, lb... o Brian, aa 1 11 1 I 1111 W. r.s, lb.. 1 I I 4 0 ravlur, at... 1 I I 4 4 Mtttkaira. .. 4 1 1 4 4 Millar, f. 410 Hart, ct Whaar, as.. Oren, lb McParl'4, rf Turnar, lb... Knoll, If...., Viox. lb...., O. Fot. ..... Wasnar, p... I a. It. OAK. 111! 1 1 I II 1 1 i ! : i one that ahould 25. At that time the game waa put off by rain. Friday will be ladles- day and a great crowd is expected at the initial perform ance ot the Milwaukee men, who have won auch attention by their triumphal and Phenomenal procession recently from the all to near the top of the percentage col umn. The two teams win piay aa follows: PEORIA, III., July 10. General Lloyd W heat on will arrive In this city at 11:80 neon ni&vad on AorlS tomorrow from Chicago. He will be mot Totals I I 14 II I Totala ... 4 1414 14 ll Indianapolis 0 8 0 1 1 0 0 0 4 Columbus 10000100 02 Base on bails: t Oft Wagner, L Struck An Invisible Enomy to Health Milwaukee. Thornton Bone Cockman Oatlns O'Brien Duffy McVlcker L.UC1I .....Hanatord ...Swormsted Kenna ...McPhereon Frlcken Barber Mlnden Wine hy Slagging Ball. M'COOK. Neb., July 10. (Special TeJe- Omaha. Thomas... Stewart... Hickey..... Dolan Stone Genlns.... Carter...., Oondlng.. Xiloway.. Graham.., Brown.... Owens.... Position. ....First base.... ...Second base... ....Third base.... ... Shortstop .... Left Held ...Center field..., ....Right Held... .... Catcher .... Pitcher gleans bad air, and whether it comes from the low lands and marsheg of the country, or the filthy sewera and drain pipe of the citiea and towns, ita effect upon the human system is the same. These atmospheric poisons are breathed into the lnnrs and taken up by the Diooa, ana ue lounaauon 01 some long, ucuimsuur mat-as miu. vi"s and fever, chronic dyspepsia, torpid and enlarged liver, kidney troubles, Jaundice and biliousness are frequently due to that invisible foe, Malaria. Noxious rases and unhealthy matter collect in the system because the liver and kidneys hafu?B ""n"; Uq; BTd "et2 fail to act, and are poured into the blood current untif it becomes so polluted struck out: By jon'es. 4: by'Biii", . and eluggish that the poisons hterally break througa the skin, and carbuncles, boils, abscesses, ulcers and various other eruptions of aa indolent character appear, depleting the system, and threatening life itself. The germs and poisons that so oppress and weaken the body and destroy the life-giving properties of the blood, rendering it weak and watery, must be overcome and carried out of the system before the patient can hope to get, rid of Malaria and its effects. S. 8. S. does this and quickly produces an entire change ia the blood, reaching every organ and stimu lating 'them to vigorous, healthy action. S. S. S. possesses not only purifying but tonic properties, and the general health improves, and the appetite increases almost from the first dose. The is "fco Mercury potash, Arsenic or other mineral in S. S. S. It is strictly and entirely a vegetable remedy. Write-us about your case, and our physicians will gladly help you by their advice to regain your health. Book on blood and skin diseases sent free. . , THi;jrwirTit;cirrcco Atiasata. cu at Bureau Junction by a delegation of clt Isens and upon bis arrival ln this city will be tendered a monster reception, par ticipated tn by several companies of ths National guard, a detachment of the naval reserves from Mollne, Union Veterans' union, Qrend Army ot the Republic, Sons ot Veterans and clvlo societies. There will be a parade at 8:80. General Wheaton waa born on a farm near Peoria and enlisted here In the be ginning of the civil war, which adds ad ditional interest to hla coming here. He baa announced that It Is possible that after bis retirement on July 15 he will take up his home here, residing on the old farm. Captain Louis Bash, who was at tached to General Wheaton's stall, arrived home a few day ago and will bo present tomorrow at the reception. gram.) Mlnden a base ball team captured McCook's locals here this afternoon by a score of 15 to 8. Mlnden made two home runs which netted thm six scores. McCook made one home run. The same clubs will play here tomorrow. Score: Mlnden 180X0808 1 15 McCook 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0-8 Hits: Off Jones. 17; off Bliss, 10. Two- oore. Peterson. First base on balls: Off Jones. 1: off Bliss. T. Hit by pitched ball: ByClonea. 1; by Bliss. 1. Earned runs: McCook. 2: Mlnden, 7. Krrors: McCook, I; Minden, 8. Umpire: 11. (.uiDerison. York Baslness Men Worsted. YORK. Neb.. July 10 (Special.) The fame of base ball here between the pro euiional men and business men of this city was quite exciting and Interesting. There were many lauichable features in the game. The score stood 11 to 18 ln favor of the profeeatonal men. The net proceeds. amounting tn sbout ItiO, waa for the benefit or tne new public library or tnia place. Robinson Cinches Medal. FRANKLIN. Nb.. July ia-(8pecla4 Telegram The Franklin Gun club waa out on Its grounds today for Its third medal conteat. which resulted ln Robinson winning by a soore ef twenty-one out of a possible twenty-five. A single trap waa used, unknown angles, with the Dickey Finest Plcnle Gronnns Available. Your attention is called te the splendid picnic grounds near Arlington, Neb. Arlington park is of ample dimensions, plcsly shaded and Massbl lake afford op portunity for Ashing and boating. There are refreshments and dancing pavilions, base ball and foot ball, tsnnls and croquet grounds ln fact, everything complete, and the park Is available every day in the week. Societies contemplating an excursion or a plcnio during tne coming season should Investigate. Very low rates and ample equipment provided to handle any alisd Varty. Uall on or telephone Q. F. West, a T. A., Northwestern Line, 1401-8 Farnam street, Omaha, Neb. average -condition of spring rye Is 88.8, aa compared with (3.8 on July 1, 1901. 89.T at the corresponding date tn 1900 and a ten year average '6f 87.8. The two, leading spring rye states, Wisconsin and Nebraska, report conditions 8 and 19 points above their respective ten-year averages. . The acreage of potatoes is 8.6 per cent, or about 100,000 acres greater than last year. Of the twenty-eight atates and territories reporting, forty show Increased and eight decreased acreages. The average condition ot potatoes on July 1 was 92.9 as com pared with 87.4 on July 1, 1901, 91.8 at the corresponding date ln 1900 and a ten-year average of, 92.8 Wisconsin shows a con dition 1 point above the ten-year average, Ohio 8, Iowa I and Illinois I, while New York, Minnesota, Michigan and Pennsyl vania showcondltlons 1, 8, 6 and 10 points respectively below such average. Reports on sweet potatoes are rather unfavorable, but few states ahowlng con ditions above their ten-year averages, and the majority of the more important pro ductng state show conditions considerably below such average. Tobaeeo Acreage Smalt. The acreage reported aa under tobaooo to considerably smaller than that shown for th crop of 1901. Of the principal tobacco producing states, Maryland abows a decrease in acreage amounting to 8 per cent, Virginia 4 per cent, Pennsylvania and Ohio 8 per cent, Tennessee 10 per cent and Kentucky 18 per cent; while in Wlsoonsln and North Carolina the present areas are T and I per cent respectively larger than those planted last year. Th average conditions ot tobacco' la 1 point below the ten-year average In Maryland and North Carolina, 8 point In Kentucky and Pennsylvania, 8 point In Tennessee and 8 points ln Virginia. On the other band, Ohio and Wleconaln show condition 4 and 10 point respectively abov such average. Report of th hay crop are very favora ble, an Improvement In condition being noted during July in nearly every lm portant bay producing state. The rain of the last two month have been very beneficial to pasturss and tbelr present condition I excellent, nearly every lm portent state reporting a condition consld erably above the ten-year average. While there ha been a general decline In the condition of apple and peaches a compared with laat month, report of those fruit from almost every important tat Indicate that more than an average crop ef each of them will be harvested. The condition ot grape 1 very good and It 1 quit probable that th crop will be large a that of any ordinary year, Send article ot Incorporation, notice ot Stockholder' meetings, etc to Ths Bee, Wi will give them proper legal insertion, Be telephone, 288. St. Louis Tr j&7 -BEERS Th0 MM tt PrtcJ bmt ih ttt Zualitf. roer fro an H. Mar afc Consnaay ell PNBUMATICBIOYClB TIR85 . sSlf MONEY AND TROUBLE NAILS.TACKS AND GLASS WILL NOTtETTHEAIROUl 6 SURE TIRE IS BRANDED WITH irHi'J?J u JcTuhPROOP SB MOW azi95 " ' ' Wvf ff . ona- , aa RFfitlLlR Clf. If PRICE - UlU mi orrat is without r PARALLEL AMD It UMITCO atvii i r ut . Art enai irir TA VVAM T Iksk 9t WV4as7VkMl.V I w "" ' . . r .. llAfit IN Ai I SI7E&.CATAU0GUE TREE WITH KEY TO THIS IlLDSTRATIOfl MECHANICAL C0N3TRUCTI0 THE VIM COMPANY, &fiBSCNlGAQQ FOR BALK BY ' . ' Omaha Uloyolo Co., 323 N. lGth St. Nebraska Cyele Co., R2S S. lBth St. K. K. Lswnscs, 70 Leavenworth. ONLY' . J PER PAIR PHEPAIQ WHtN CAVfAtcennwts oitoc 0MV IN ATI ON ANYWHERE.N0 DEPOSIT REQUIRE b ) If! i kAV LAZINESS Is a disease which hss its origin la a torpid liver and constipated bowels. . Prickly Ash Bitters cares laslness by cleansing the liver, strengthening th digestion and regulating the bowels. It makes good blood. creates appetite, energy ana cuccriu.uc. PRICE, S1.00 PER BOTTLE. AT a I M d 111 aT pmioowtn. fq f Low Rates T , Colorado Utah via UNION PACIFIC July 1 to 13 Inc. , and Tin urn. I a 5 COK to Glenwood I Clf! to Ogden f 1 1 tp.aO and return. I 4'uu and return. .' ,i ($ Tho Fa.t Trains f $J J I are. via th UNION PACIFIC ?l V " Train Leave Omaha dally ' A. 7:10 a. m. and 4;25 p. m. X ' N. '0Ja, Ticket, U24 Parnam Street y i,-- ' y w Telephone 810. fr Jr GoodHuaic and Q) Good Floror The society functions at Hot Springs South Dakota, are attracting much atteatioo and afforaing enjoyment. Dancing each evening. Open air. ' CHEAP RATES. Omaha $14.50 Mlsaourt Valley.... H-50 Lincoln 13.50 Sioux City 12.90 Bound trip, July 1-13. S C.V-TTI I ' III ) ' sM ... y Atr. Aaent Nofthaestsr Use, k