TIIE OMAITA DAILY JlEEt FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1002. llnct I tumbled forward until finally I reached a place of safety." . John Whitney, who Va beyond the dip when the explosion took place said: "I waa at the heading half a mile from the ex plosion. Feveral doren were overcome by the damp or gat and I had all I could da to escape. It was terrible. After the explosion we went back to rescue the less fortunate and nearly lost our own lives. We got one nan and saved his life. J did not see my father who was struggling to get out. I don't think many outside of the rivers es caped." William Malcolm was In the upper part of the mine when the explosion came. He aald: -The first I knew of the trouble wss when the men came running out of what Is known as the dip, or lower, section. They came running without hats, coats and some without clothel and In a terrible state or excitement. As near as I can remember not more than ten came that way and they escaped, leaving at least 200 In the dip." Richard Dennett and John Meyers were In the mine where the explosion took place but managed to escape. About 2 o'clock they concluded to go back Into the mine and brought back a report ae to the situa tion. Tbey went two miles Inside and on the way saw the desd body of Eddie Ya tnanskl. at the first side track about a mile from the explosion point. "The damp was fearful," said Mr. Ben nett, "we had to turn back, we could go do further." Armory for Charnel House. The armory of Company H, Fifth regl Bent, N. O. P., will be turned Into a char nel house. After a conference tonight It was an nounced that the dead miners would ""be brought to the armory tomorrow. Planks have been laid on chairs In the armory and the removal of bodies will begin at an early hour In the morning. The ambu lances of all the undertakers in the city re at Mill Creek ready to begin the trans fer of bodies. John Hewlltt, of 813 Market street, at the time of the accident was two miles back In the mine. ' The explosion, be said, was about 400 yards from where he was work ing. ;. i "There were six' of us together, and as soou aa we heard the1 xpl6sIon we pulled op stakes and got out aa quick as possible. Richard Bennett was one of the men with me. After Bennett got out he went back again. After the explosion we could not see our hands before us until we reached the main heading. It appeared to be a smoky, stinky substance, whether gas or damp I could not tell. It was terrible whatever It was." John Martin, George Wallace, Patrick Muldoon and Joseph Cohegchaskl came out of the Mill Creek opening some time after the explosion. "We were all working at what Is called Goody, two miles back," said Martin, peaking to a representative of the Asso ciated Press., ,"We were beyond the point of the explosion half a mile. At least fif teen men were ' back behind us, Thomaa Wallace and his. four ''buddies' were all that we saw who escaped from a point near the explosion. We did not bear the ex plosion but Jelt the- shock and left at once." Statement of Mine President. . At midnight President Powell SUckhouee waa seen at' the .mouth of the mine and gave out the following statement: The disaster Is an unuftual one and came on ua entirely unexpected. The mine had been inspected -only ' three days ago and was pronounced In satisfactory condition. In the fifty years that the mine has been in operation there has een no accident. 7 The cause Is yet Indefinite, but I believe t was caused by gas escaping from the fifth heading, which was ojosed and waa riot being worked, because IT contained gas, into C&a sixth. heading. The number of casualties Is now placed t 126. No list of the names of the dead miner ean be given, for the -majority of them were foreigners and were known only by check arid rot by name. The only way their names will ever be known, If the bodies are not recovered In time for Identi fication, will be by their families sending their names to us. The mine In which the , explosion oc curred U on of the largest In the United States. : mlL ' The entrance In the hill across the river from the point to the one at Mill creek is a 'distance of three and three-quarters miles. .The Klondike section In which the explosion occurred Is about two miles from the Mm Creek entrance. The mine is di vided Into a large number of headings, lev els and sections. The sections run off to the right and left of the headings and are known at right and left by the miners. The men who escaped this afternoon are familiar with the mine. Tbey have spent year working In It. Otherwise they could not bar reached the aurface. Lights were 'out an4 ther waa no -way for them to find their, way to the op had they not known -the mine perfectly. The mine baa been open for about fifty year' and 1 producing 1.000 tone per day. It I the property of the Cambria Steel company, whose general offices are In the Arcade building. Philadelphia. The fami lies of the entombed miners are assembled In large number at the mine opening, but they cannot secure any definite Information and must endure a suspense of many hour. , Not All Art Dead. i "They aren't all dead; we ran across some of them alive," stammered Dr. Swan Tay lor at 10:65 tonight, when he staggered out of the shaft at Mill Creek. Just how many Your Liircr Will be roused to ltt natural dntlee and your biliousness, headache and constipation be cured li 70a tak HoqcJ'g Piiia Sold by all druggist. 25 cent. . ST, PAUL MINNEAPOLIS and RETURN , Cheap Rales to Other Points TickeToffica iii & 1402 Farnara St. 1" JP II dead or alive be wss unable to say. Indeed he could scarcely talk at all ' for - nearly half an hour. He waa almost overcome with foul air In the mine, where be had been with the first rescuing party sent down. He had been down In the mine since I p. m. He was unable to tell anything about the work of the rescuers he had left behind him. He could only say that they would soon be coming up. It waa Just an hour, though, when the first victim was brought up. It was William Robertson, ao companled by Dr. John B. Lowmaa. "We have four with us," said the doctor. "Rob ertson Is In the worst shape. He It uncon scious and badly hurt. We passed twenty five bodies while getting out these four who are yet alive. We cpunted tbem as we went along. They lay In all sorts tt positions,' one man was " sitting, leaning against door, not far from Robertson, Just where he had been thrown by the ac cident, Froth wa running from his mouth and be bad undoubtedly died In great agony. Other were partly standing, and- partly re clining. They were In heaps and singly. The party with u has nearly reached the actual acene of the explosion and the work of bringing out the poor fellows ought to progress rapidly from now on.'' It was nearly 12 o'clock, before the first tour live men and one corpse were brought up and laid on mattresses, rugs and com forts on the ground. They were not left long out of doors, as It wa too cold there, but they were carried Into the boiler house near by and the doctors went to work on them, giving them restoratives and admin istering oxygen In the glare of tho fires of the open furnaces. There was a great crowd around the mouth of the shaft, moat of whom had been waiting for the appear ance of the rescue parties from six to ten hours . and some even longer. The mine officials had stretched thick rope In a eml-clrcle around the boiler house en closure, the ropes being held In the bands of the bystanders. ' Find FIfty-Tbree Bodies. At 12:15 o'clock thla morning General Manager Moore of the mines, who with Superintendent Robinson had penetrated to a considerable distance In the Klondike, had reached a telephone station,. and no tified men at the'iiala entry that he had recovered flfty-thre bodies up ' to that time and had only been In the right rooms. From the brief report It was understood that Mr. Moore had gone aa tar as he could without endangering hi Hf from fire damp, and had decided to go to ths Mill creek entry from there without fur ther search. Further new came a few moment later that Mine Superintendent Robinson, who had gone Into tho mine with General Man ager Moore, had been overcome with fir damp and was unabl to talk. He bad been carried to the Mill creek entrance. The mine employe stationed at the mine entry stated that the fact that Mr. Moore had penetrated so far into the mine showed that the fire damp was'' being cleared rap Idly and that with every prospect of being entirely driven from the mine before morning. ' Measures tor the relief of the stricken famllle have already been taken. A fund started late last evening by the Johnstown Democrat at midnight amounted . to $200. W. A. Crlat, general manager of the Ber-wlnd-Whlte Coal company, promptly", con tributed $110. As near a can be learned, less than twelve American were 'killed; the rest were Hungarians and Slavs. Harry Rodger, the foreman of the mine, Is undoubtedl dead. . ! That many of the men who were thought last night to be still in the mine, will be able to survive until reached by the rescu ing party is not thought probable. Imme dlately succeeding the . exploelpn the air all over the big mine became' so foul that even with the huge pumps working to their 'fullest capacity and the air they supplied turned. Into the. proper channel to reach the Imprisoned men, none of the mine official would hold out any bop for the live of those thought to be still In the mln. ' : MOVES ON STRIKERS (Continued from First Pag.) from all the shops over the system as to this agreement and this partly accounted for the failure of the Omaha men to reach a conclusion last night. North Platte wa heard from and In emphatic terms opposes the agreement, but the majority of shop are believed to be heartily In sympathy with it and It la the firm obnvlctlon of the majority of the Omaha carmen that the agreement will stand for all the car build er over the system, a adopted by the local lodge. ' Asked If he considered a strike of the car builder probable F. A. Jack, of the execu tive committee lat night, aald Jn hi opin ion there wa not the remotest possibility of a strike among the men. He consider the matter settled according to the agree ment. The blacksmiths held ' a meeting lsst night, tut It waa merely perfunctory. They assert their Intention to remain steadfast In the strlk. Word wa received last night by the bollermaker that the remainder of the company' shop force at North Platte, four In all. a cook, one bollermaker and two other mechanic, had quit work, and were on their way to Omaha to east their lots with the striker at the central point of Insurrection. The bollermaker are looking for some mora vital development in their affair within th next forty-eight hour. They refused last night to say definitely what these developments were to be. Ten men were shipped, out last night on the Colorado special from th Union depot and no attempt by itrlkers was made to atop them. The men were guarded by the chief 'of the railroad aecret service, William Canada, and a half doien specials. The train, due at 11:20 o'clock, did not arrive until 12:40, and a half-hour before that time th men who were shipped out, In company with the specials, left th station and congregated In front ot the witch house to the west. When th train pulled in they went around 'in front of th en gine and boarded without being molested. A party of striker waa at the depot when the train pulled out and for aome time btfor. 8om intimations of violence were made, but no overt aota were com mitted. KILLS PROMINENT MISS0URIAN Member of State Lelalaturo t Shot by Attorney at Mexico. MEXICO, Mo., July 10. Rhode Clay, a member of th state legislature and promi nent in democratlo politic ot Missouri, was shot and killed in this city -tonight by Clarence Barnes, a prominent .young attorney. Barnes wa shot by Clay, but not seriously Injured. It was the culmination of political diffi culties which the men had aired In the newspaper and caused them to engage la a fist tght two week ago. They met on the street today, when the discussion was renewed and both drew their revolvers and began shooting. Clay was nominated for re-election at . a recent - convention. Barnes will b arrested tomorrow. Bneklon' Am ten SaJvrn. Th bsst la th world for Cut. Corn j Bolls. Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Bores, Vicar. I Bail itneum. luxm puei or so pay, Z5c RECLAIMING ARID v LANDS Chief E4rgraphr Newell Ontlioti Borne f Preliminary Work. NO IMMEDIATE RESULTS TO BE EXPECTED II and red Tear Will Rot See Amoant of Land Reclaimed Which Oppon ene of Irrigation Bltl Proclaimed. (From a Staff Correspondent) WASHINGTON, July 10. (Special Tele gram.) Now that the fight for the reclama tion of the arid west has been won In con gress and the long cherished hope of west ern statesmen that the general government should take an active Interest In the work of reclamation been realized, the field of work Is transferred from the rostrum, to. the domain of the engineer. The adminis tration of the law 1 practically and pri marily in the hand of Frederick Hayne Newell, hydrographlc engineer and . chief of the Division of Hydrography of the United States geological survey. Mr. Newell has Siade the subject ot irrigation a life study and he will now be given an opportunity to put the result of that atudy Into practical operation. Mr. Newell was asked to ex plain what would be done first, what sec ond, what would be the ultimate result of the undertaking of federal government to reclaim such vast arid region of the west. First Work to Ite Done. "The first work to be done," wa bis re ply, "I to send civil engineering partle Into the field to inveittgat and report on three distinct phases of work to be ac complished. For Instance take the gov ernment territory which it Is desired to Irrigate. Before any actusl construction Is begun it Is necessary to ascertain the cost of construction of the dam and canals. to survey and plan the details of each and besides the law requires reports to be made a to the amount of land to be Irrigated and the probable benefit In dollars and cents to each acre. "When you realize that. the work I to be done, not at any given locality but that the most available locations are to be se lected, the vastnese of the work become more apparent." - Mr. Newell stated that from the passage of the Irrigation bill to the present time the work done embraces the sending out of surveying parties to make observations and report on details. Work Now Inder Way. The civil service commission Is being drawn on for civil engineers and the field force 1 being Increased a greatly aa pos sible. Parties of this character are now working in California, Oregon, Washington, Montana, Utah, Nevada, Idaho, Arizona and Colorado. When reports have been received data will be forwarded to Washington a rapidly as collected and here It will be classified, the merit of each proposition compared with those of other locations and the conclusions of expert presented to the secretary of the Interior. The work which will be begun first will doubtless be on the site which presents th. best prospects of good results and show the most natural advantages. Mr. Newell estimate that tor the next hundred years there cannot be Irrigated more than 60,000,000 acre of arid land, not withstanding the claim in congress that something like 200,000,000 acres could be reclaimed. In the far future he says it msy be possible to conserve the water of the mountains to such an. extent as this but the realization of this vast dream Is far ahead at the present- time. It will doubtless be two or three year before actual' work of construction will be begun In any locality. Bids for Poatofflce Sites. Bide for sites for tho new postoffice struc tures at Waterloo, Muscatine. Marshalltown, Iowa City and Boone will be opened tomor row In the office of the supervising archi tect. Already a number of bid for sites for each ot the Iowa town named have been received by Supervising Architect Taylor. Tomorrow these bids will be scheduled and turned over to the special agents of ht de partment, who will examine Into th merits of tho various location and report the same to the secretary of the treasury, who, after being satisfied that the titles are good, will proceed to pay the amount appropriated. Centervllle and Atlantic will donate sites for their new postofflces. The omnibus public building bill appropriated (35,000 for the former and $60,000 for Atlantlc.V Bids for the new postoffice at Des Molne will be opened ou tho 21st. Bid for Tank ton, Pierre and Dead wood altea will be opened on the 19th Inst, Dead wood, however, being the only South Dakota city which ha been fortunate enough to receive an appro priation for It poatofflce, courthouse and custom bouse. Bids for site at Laramie and Evsnston, Wyo., will be opened on th 21st Inst, Designs for Lincoln Poatofflce. . 8peaklng of the Lincoln building, Super vising Architect Taylor stated today that the force of tho offlo over which he presided wa engaged In drawing plana for the new structure In Nebraska' capital, $300,000 hav ing been appropriated for th work. He aid the plan contemplated an entirely new structure, the present building, however, being utilized, a complete new building be ing erected around It. He stated the entire roof of the old structure would be torn off and a skylight put over th new portion. He thought th plan and specification would be completed so a to receive bid In th fall and work can be begun next spring. Rural free delivery will be established on September 1 In Iowa aa follow: "Hills bo ro, Henry county, on additional" rout; area embraced, twenty-two square miles; population, 495. Keosauqua, Van Buren county, one route; area, twenty-six squar mile; population, 400. Plalnfleld, Brewer county, two routea; area, thirty-seven square xplle; population, 1,015. The postoffice at Horton will be supplied by rural carrier. Poatofflce discontinued: Nebrsaka Swede- home, Polk county; mall to Stromaburg. South Dakota Vanderbtlt, Campbell county; mall to Pollock. ' The postmasters at Mason City and (n- tumwa, la., will be allowed one additional carrier on October 1. 1 Clarence S. 81ater"o.a been appointed a fireman In th public building at Sioux Falls, S. D. The gross receipt of th Omaha post- office for the month of June were $SY,Hl, against $29,41$ for th same period of last year, being an Increase of $7,730. Receipts of tho pe Molne office were $33,258, against $2t,48$ for tho same period last year, an In crease of $8,775. LUTHER LEAGUE ELECTION Oflleera Are Chosen at St. Paal Mt Ins 'for th Enanlna; Year. ST. PAUL, July 10. Th. Luther League convention enjoyed a discussion today that involved Indirectly on ot th fundamental principle of the Lutheran church. Some ot th delegatea saw In an apparently harm- leas resolution th entering wedge for a series of mechanical prayer. Instead of spontaneous prayera. Th trouble waa finally settled by eliminating th objectionable matter. The following officer were elected: Pres ident. W. C. Btoever, Philadelphia; record Ing aeeretary, O. O. Orauer, BuSalol statis tical secretary. Rev. C. K. Huatoo, Cnlum but 0 kterttura secretaries, Rev. Cbarle Fry, Philadelphia, and George H. Srhur, Chllllcotlre, O.; treasurer, John F. Dinkey, Rochester, N. T. The convention closed this evening with a grand rally la th Auditorium. BARRY HEADS FUSION FORCES Veteran Soldier' Nominated tor Con tlons nt Kearney. KEARNET, Neb., Jnly 10. (Special Tele gram.) After convening In separate , ses sion for over seven hour, the fusion fac tion of tho Sixth congressional district harmonised In the nomination ot General P. H. Barry at t:30 this morning. Too convention proper were 'ridt called until 7:3iKfrtoek last evening, ow aceaifnt lot many delegate being delayed by a washout on th Union Pacific, and hot arriving until B o'clock. Th populist gathered their forces In the court house and were called to order by Chairman Parson of North Platte. Tem porary organisation, J. M. Blllngaworth of Dawaon, chairman, and Rodney C. Smith of Buffalo secretary, was made permanent; committees were appointed end the in vention adjourned Until o'clock. " " At 7:30 In the evening the democrat net In the City hall. By agreement ot th con ference committee 1! either convention mad it nomination final until voted by both convention.- M. O. Harrington of North Platte wa made chairman by the democrats and John G. Matter aeeretary.' The populist nominated Homer M. Sul livan and the democrats M. C. Harrington, and that situation wasnert until the dead lock was broken after midnight and Oen eral Barry was declared the nomine. The first Informal ' ballot by th popu list, whloh resulted: Sullivan, S4; Barry, 32; Hickman, 8; Weetover,' J; Easterllng. 1; Ollls, 9; Harrington, 10, brought Judge 8ulllvan before the convention to decline the nomination. Th result cf the third formal ballot waa:' 8ulllvan, 81; Barry, 45; Hickman, 1; Ollls, 14; Miller, 20. M. C. Harrington, who was tho unani mous choice of th democratlo convention's informal ballot, wa again nominated by that convention after the choice of th populist had been mad known to them. The democrats made a vigorous fight for their Choice, but finally compromised ''with the populists" by the nomination' of Barry. There was a large attendance ' at both meetings. Fremont Board . Matter. FREMONT, Neb.. July 10. (Special.) At the regular meeting ot the school board laat evening T. P. Gage waa re-elected aee retary.' 'The annual report of th superin tendent showed a total enrollment for the year of 2,078 and th average dally attend ance 1,512. The average attendance at the high school was 1$7, Out of a total enroll ment of 224. The library board opened the bid which had been submitted for the construction of tho new Carnegie ' library building. Th bid of P; J "Creedbn ' Son of Omaha for $11,660 waa the lowest and that firm wa awarded the contract. The building I to be of brick and ot modern and attractive design and t'o be' completed' by November 20. Bid for thts Vfumtlrfg ' and heating were read but not awarded, as thY'tidald is investigating he' p-rctfcab!rttjf of heat ing the building by srtam' f rora the pifmp lng and electric1 light''' plant ''one block north. It Is thought that a considerable saving In fuel' can thus be made.' Stray Mailer Find Victim. FAIRBURf, Neb, Jyjy; 10, (Special.) Howe' London jlrcus Is laid, up here on account of wasN"" fn the railroad. Thl afternoon "iilai,Joi the company were hooting at a target with rifles and care lescly shot In rang of th dwelling ot Henry Mobllng, who -wa bit by a stray ball. Th wound, is bad, but 1 not thought to b fatal. - Alleced Mnrderer Bound Over. . 6RD. Neb.. July 10. (Special.) O. C Winder, held' her on a charge of murder. Waived examination In county court today and wa bound over to th district court without ball. ... . . FIRE RECORD. Honse nt Fremont. , FREMONT. Neb., July 10. (Special.) A small bouse on West Second street be longing to John Stewart was entirely de stroyed by fire about S o'clock thl morn ing. The building waa unoccupied and all ablaze when discovered. The causa of th fir Is unknown. Loss about $300,( with no Insurance. HYMENEAL . ' MrDonU-Kerr, PIERCE. Neb.. July 10. (Special,) J B. McDonald and Miss Jessie Kerr were mar ried at high noon yesterday, at tha rest dene ot th bride' . mother, Mr. Janet Kerr. Only tho .relative and .a. few intl mate friend ot tha bride and groom were invited. They will occupy the Pool house, west ot Main street. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Fair and Wnrmcr Friday with la-ereaeiaa- Clondlne . Satnrday. WASHINGTON, July 10. Forecast: For Nebraska, Kansas and South Dakota Fair and warmer Friday; Saturday In creasing cloudiness. ' ' ; For Iowa Fair and warmer Friday; Sat urday fair. Local Record. mrviCTB OF THE WEATHER BUREAU, OMAHA, July 10. Official record of tem perature ana precipitation wmpn the corresponding day of the laat three yr": lfrti. 1901. 190. 1899. Maximum tenaoerature.... ? ?, Minimum temperature.... i ; , Mean temperature 90 It M Precipitation 00 .00 .14 .00 Jteaord of temperature ana precipitation at Omaha, for this day and sine Marsh 1. Normal temperature J Ienclency for the day...... 10 Total exoeas since March 1 W Normal precipitation 1 Inch Deficiency tor the aay...... ,."-' Total rainfall lnce March 1 U.1S Inche Denclency alnce March 1............ .01 Inch Deficiency for cor. period 1901.... 5.01 Inches peficlency lor cor. penoa Hrta from Station at T 1. . -hi fil 3? CONDITION OF THE WEATHER. If 11 Omaha, clear...... v.l.niln nsrt flmiffv 79 7 .00 74 7 .00 70 74 .00 m 74 .0 i r , in i .no 74 7 .00 n 9 M e as .00 74 t .00 741 74 .00 741 7 .60 Tsl 78 .0 4i-M .00 82 M .00 th 4 . 711 SS .00 North Platu, part ci .udy . . Salt Lake City-, clear.;,. v.. napia i.iiy. cier... Huron, clear..., Wtlliston, clear...: Chicago, clear............... St. Loula, cloudy...., ...... St. Paul, clear Davenport clear..... Kansas City, clear Havre, clear Helena, clear Hlsmarck, clear Oalveaton, cloudy T Indicate trace of PJ''TT Zjocal forecast Official. TEACHERS HAVE A BUSY DAY President lohnrmaa of Cornell Talks of Education in Philippines. COMPARES NATIVES WITH JAPANESE Secretary of Aerricnltaro Wilson Speak on "Education for the Farmer" and Offers Soma Timely Suggestions. MINNEAPOLIS. July 10.--Today wa another busy day for the members of the Nktlohat Bdiloatlflns'l ' aAsnrlatlon, whose convention hero will Wflnlehed tomorrow". The morning wa given up to a general session of th association in the exposition auditorium, while the afternoon was de voted to meetings of the various depart ments. The nominating committee today settled on the list of officer to be presented to the association.' It was dulf ratified later on. President Charle W. Eliot of Harvard was ' unanimously selected for presi dent -of 'the wAsoclatlon '-after an eulogistic nominating speech by Dr. Nicholas, M. But ler of Columbia university. W. N. David ion of Kansas wa selected for treasurer and, according to custom, the outgoing president, W. M. Beardshear of Iowa was named for first rice president. Following are the other vice presidents: O T. Br ght, Illinois- Charle F. Reeve. Washington; Joseph Kennedy, North Da kota; Dr. Charles F Thwing, Ohio; W N. Sheata, . Florida; Miss - Marian Brown, Louisiana;, J. B. Pearcy, Indiana; Mr. Helen Crenfell, Colorado;. H.R. 8anfod, New York; J. B. Franc,' California; W. O. Nye, Minnesota. - Among thos who addressed the associa tion .ware Mrs. Carrie Chapman-Catt, Hon. James E. Wilson and President Schurman of Cornell. Mr. Chapman-Catt spoke on "Horn and Higher Education." Edaeatlon In th Philippine. President Schurman of Cornell university poke about education in the Philippine. H said In .part: .,.'',' On thA side of intellect and scholarship thenilplnos"rriay-be expected to rlvnl the Japanese, -aai well as tn material clvlllxa tion and the application of the sciences to Industrial life,' "wherein Japan already pre senta a very American appearance. The modern, education, will undoubtedly lend to an Intelligent emancipation of the Filipinos. But It Is not only the scientific and material element J of American civiliza tion that pre destined to reproduce them selves In the Philippines, though these will greatly modify and possibly transform the existing method of production, transporta tion and exchange. While economically and Industrially the archipelago will tako on a new and much Improved countenance there Is one other phase of Philippine life, a deeper and more vital phase, that Is destined to be still more profoundly- influenced by. all our edu cational work In the 'archipelago. If Amer ican civilisation differs from Kuropean, not by th greater excellence of Its literary and scientific productions, but by the superior skill and Inventiveness with which It em bodlea lawa and principles In machinery that nature operates, thus Increasing man's economic efficiency. It 1 also differs from that older civilisation In another respect which 'cannot "but have momentous ronse q.umce whan traosplsnteditO the Philip pines, j, refer to. our puijucju pnuosounyi which' Is radically different from that of any European epTe.' past 'or present. We glory. in our splenaM mechanics, which are destined to develop the physical resources 6f fh Philippine 'islandJC but far more glorioua 1 lour pMltlcaJ philosophy, which Is full of hope and promine for the Philip pine nation and for every people and race on the globe. The kind of people , we are. tho -way we govern ourselves, tho history we have made and the political philosophy we have given to the world all consecrate us Amer icans as the advocate and preachers of liberty,. democracy and national Independ acetM And I lielleVe that an Independent Philippine republic will be the final result, aa It would be the most glorious consum mation of our great educational work in the Philippines. GOES TO THE PRESIDENT Re pi of Vatican. Will Be Submitted to Roosevelt Before Action 1 Taken. WASHINGTON, July 10. A cablegram has been received at the War department from Governor Taft, transmitting the reply of the Vatican to the proposals of the United States government. Secretary ttoot did not get the messsge until late In the forenoon, as it had to be translated from cipher, and be' baa not yet considered the subject. The abstract ca bled "tc the' ' Associated 'Pf eta last nlgVt from Rome contains all the 'essential fea ture ot th reply. Secretary Root will' take a copy of the Vatican' reply to Oyster Bay and submit It to th president before making any definite reply. . The eecretary will not dis cubs the subject now, further than to aay that it is plain business proposition which is under 'negotiation, .based entirely upon the Instruction which were given to Governor Taft before, his departure to Horn. In these Instructions, regarding th ' removal of the r friars, the secretary aid:'.. . ; . ' . . . ... "It Is . not, however, deemed to be for the interests of th people of the Philip pine Island that In thus transforming wholly, unproductlva tract of land Into money capable of productive Investment a fund should thereby be created to bo used for the attempted restoration at the friar to the parishes from which they are now eparated, with the consequent disturbance of law and order." Thl particular feature ot th Instruc tions I considered Important, In view ot (h difference reported from Rome, and It la understood that thl will be kept fully In mind and adhered to in any ne gotiation that Is completed with th vatl- ONLY TV0 20 PER CENT Northwestern Copper Mining Co. ( Saturday is the , last, day the t stpek of this company can. be had for 2k cents a shared Only a few thousand shares remain for Bale and as Boon aa they afe bud scribed no more will be sold. This stock mustadvaDce rajpidly ip many times its present price. A small Investment will make lare and quick returns. Mr. N.. A. Kuhn,.trea8urer.of the company, haa just returned frqm the mine. Ask hira about it. ' Get the booklet and investigate at once, for Next Saturday is the last day of the 12 i cent rate. Notice the installment plan of payment F. E. BROWN, Sec, 603 II. Y. Life Bldg can. The removal ct the friars Is the main object of the negotiations and it Is not believed the contention of the Vati can, that It cannot order the friar away because of the conflict with the Tarle treaty, Is well founded. TO . INVESTIGATE TROUBLE Secretary Moody Order Raaacr to Troceed to David for Fntnre Protection. WASHINGTON, July 10 Secretary Moody bas cabled to the mptaln of the United States steamer Ranger, stationed at Panama, aa follows: "Confer with consul general. Then pro ceed to avid to investigate and return to Panama." ' :" This action was taken at the instance of the State department which had received advice from United States Minister Merry, of Nicaragua and Costa Rica, to the effect that a body of Colombians had. Joined a force of Nlcaraguan Insurgents at David, a small town about 260 miles from Panama, j Just over the Costa Rlcan border line pre paring to starting on a belligerent expedl- Uqn. and aBklng that a warship be sent to protect American Interests. President to Dea-ln Attack. WASHINGTON, July 10. The State de partment has received a cablegram from Minister Rnwen at Caracas, dated today, laying: "The president has arrived at Barcelona to attack the enemy there In stead of Waiting here to be attacked." YATES TO PROTECT "NEGROES Illinois Governor Order Sqnnd of In fantry to Scene of P nee ' Trouble. SPRINGFIELD, 111.. July 10. Governor Yates today ordered Colonel Theodora Ewert, assistant adjutant general of Illi nois, to proceed to Eldorado, Saline tounty, with a squad of' Infantry and protect the lives and property of negro residents there, who during the last month have been sub jected to outrages at the hands of whit cltllens. . Colonel Ewert wlllbe Joined at Mount Vernon by an officer and sixteen men from Company F, Fourth Infantry, and he will proceed to Eldorado. He Is Instructed by the governor to quell all disturbances and If possible ascertain the names of the lead ers of the. lawless mob. Governor Yate today received a message from Rev. P. A. Green, pastor of the col ored Methodist Episcopal church at El dorado, stating that his house bad. been stoned and his life threatened. Help was asked and the governor decided to have the militia attempt to quell the outrages. CARBONDALE, 111., July 10. Another midnight attaclt has been made at El dorado, Saline roupty, where several days ago a mob broke up the Colored Normal and Industrial school and drove the teach er and students away and ' caused forty of the Colored citizens to flee, fearing tholr lives were in danger. The last attack was made upon the home of Rev. Peter A. Green, who has been the pastor of the African- Methodist Episcopal church here for' over, a yeaf.and whose reputatldri" In the community Is good. Heretofore he has been considered a peaceful, ' Inoffensive clttzen. The mob consisted oJP over twenty white men and on reaching his home stoned hia house. The preacher returned the fire and it Is believed that at least one man was Injured. When the mob saw that the colored man would not be frightened It dispersed, warning him of death If he persisted In remaining In the vicinity. It 1 believed troop will te sent to the scene. ' DEATH RECORD. John Maxwell at Rest. NEMAHA, Neb., July 10. (Special.) The funeral of John Maxwell, who died at 12:30 .Tuesday morning, was held at his late home, one mile northwest of Nemaha, this, afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. D. B. Lake,-, pastor-of the Methodist Episcopal church, officiating. ' The Odd Fellows' lodge, of which deceased wa a member, had charge, of the services. Veteran Fireman of Nebraska City. NEBRASKA CITY, Neb., July 10. (Spe-cial.)-r-Charles Parker, one ot the ftldest volunteer firemen here, died last evening aU6:30 o'olock of consumption after an limesa 01 idoui two ymr. luocrai will be under the auspices of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, and the mem bers of the fire department will act a pallbearers. Sioux Falls Pioneer Drop Dead. SIOUX FALLS, S. D., July 10. (Special Telegram. l-Whllo returning from work thla evening. In front of the Auditorium, ' David Jones, a pioneer resident of Sioux j Falls, having lived here for about twenty I five years, dropped dead from heart tall I ure. He leavea A famllv. TrafBe Snepenaed at Clay Center. CLAY CENTER. Kan., July 10. (Special Telegram.) On account of a washout be tween Morgsnville and Clifton on both tha Union Pacific and Rock Island roads, all traffic ha been suspended on these lines from Belleville to .this point. The Re publican river ' is out of its bank and hundred of acre ot wheat in the river bottom are being waahed away ty the flood. The mall from here to Induatry wa conveyed by boat' for a mile. The dam at this point is gradually being washed out.' Another washout la reported on - the Union Pacific between Brougbton and. Wakefield. DAYS MORE. ADVANCE IN PRICE A Prime Favorite BLATZ BEER if I M MILWAUKEE la today the American people' choice Backed by .quality that has always . ex celled, thla beer has won a most enviable steading with beer drinker a.erywhere. Merit honestly won.. BLATZ MALT-VIVINE (Nob-lntoxloantr Tonla DmgwUtt .. or direct- YAL BLATZ BREWING CO.. Milwaukee. OMAHA BRANCH, 141S Daaalaa St. Tel. 10S1. DR. McGREW (Agi53) SPECIALIST. Dlaaasaa and ! nf Maa OaOyw M Yaara Ert. IS Yaara la Omnhn. VARICOCELE whit I rthQUICK8Tl safest and most natural that has yet bee discovered. No pain whatever, no eutUnal and does not Interfere wlta work or buai Baaa, Treatment at omce or at houaa ana a permanent cure guaranteed. Hot Springs Treatment for Sypbilis And all Blood Diseases. No "BRKAKINtl OUT" on Uia akin or face and all axtarnai sign ot the dlaeaae disappear at once. A treatment that, la more successful and far more satisfactory than tb "old form" of treatment nod .at lea Uma HALK THU ffT A cur that la auaxaxueed U ba i permanent for life. ana all unnatural weaknesses of man, iitxtcture, Uteet,- Kidney and Bladdar Dla ea s. Hydruoeie. eurad pormaoentiy. PUAUOIiH LUW, COKSIXTATION jrAJBgi. Treatment by 1L P. O. Boa TBS. Otta over lit 4 "14tH street, bavnjllli AMI 8CMEXT3. nnVH'O J Woodward A Burgee. UW I. U .Of' Managers. 7TII FERRIS V0NI0IIT Grauslark BIG WEEK STOCK CO. Mats, any seat. i0o. Night 10c. ' 15c, 26c. Excursion Steamer The Union Excursion Company' . Steamer Henrietta make regular trips from foot of Douglaa street, making regular trips to B her man Park, where there la fine shade, music and dancing. Ho bar on boat JLverytnlng fliau claas. ,. Hours for leaving: 2, 4 and S. p. m., dally. Round trip 25c, children 10a Ha admission to Park. . BASE BALL . VINTON STREET PARK. Milwaukee vs. Omaha 1, July. 11, IS, 13, 14... Gamo called at 1:16. Friday Ladle Day. ' HESOItTS. Krug Park TONIGHT It AG T1MK CONCERT -BY. Ill ITER'S DIM). and OTHER HIGH CLASS FREE SHOWS ' Admission to park, 10c " Children Free. Always Welcome After several hours of hard, trying work I a cold bottle of Krug famous . beer. It la re freshing, . luvlgoratlng and healthy, because it s . pura and 'well agt-'d. Nothing uiod .In . Its ". manufacture that would 'injure the most sensitive stomach. A ' trial case will accomplish mors than medicine a a ' system builder. Tou should always keep ' It on hand. ! FRED KRUG BREWING CO. I 1007 Jackson St. 'Phon 420 MIIH J alOTELa, v.fw . n-Mi r i HOTEL EMPIRE j jBroadwiy raharwdst. N. Y. City fr'lrcitrnef atodern Hsstrstt Rates Aecosalnl Katonitvn Library Kaelnatvn Orchestral Concert TCvery ifvanlaa. Alt tr ymmm tho basnir. Band for descriptive Booklet. W. JOUNnON feUtA-.'-. aritor. The MILLARO 1 lata and Donala St. OMAHA. NHH. Omaha Leading Hotel a,. " 111 sitc ial r k IATL'ftKi LUNCHKort. FllfTlf CENTS. BUNDAT .ao p. m. DINNER. TSo Steadily Increasing bualness has necessl-' tated an enlargement of the cafe, doublln Ita former capacity. . CHICAGO BEACH HOTEL 10 minutes from heart of city. No Art and dut. eltuated on boulevard and lake, at Ut Bt Blvd., Chicago. ha4 for lUua 11 a ted booklet