Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 11, 1902, Image 1
The Omaha Daily Bee-. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 11, 1902-TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. f MOVES ON STRIKERS Unioa Paoiflo Issues Formal Notice It In tend to Eemme Work. MEN ORDERED TO REPORT AT THE SHOPS Failing to I)e Bo, the Oompanj Bayi It Will Treat Them ai "New Men." LEADERS SAY NO OLD MEN WILL REPORT Oarbullden Unable to Beach a Vote on Pre potal of the Company. ' MYSTERY ABOUT PROPOSED ARBITRATION rjompaay- Lui "Isrht fends Ten of the Men It Hm Had Quartered la 0mha Shops to Work la, , Cheyenno Shops. 'An effort by the Union Pacific to Indues all It employee on a strike to return to work, making possible the resumption of all the shops on the system, an alleged plan for a settlement of the strike, the failure of the car builders to adopt the proposed agreement with the company and the shipment by the Union Paclflo of men from Omaha to western shops, are vital de velopments In the strike affairs. This notice wai issued late yesterday afternoon, posted In the Omaha shops and ent to other Union Paclflo employes over the system: "July 10, 190J. Resumption of work bar ing' been derided upon, employes of the different shops desirous of continuing In the service of this company should report to office at once. All such employes not reporting for work at this time will be treated as new men In the future. . "(Signed) W. R. M'KEEN, "Superintendent M. P. and Machinery." Not a Surprise. This decision on the part of the Union Faclflc company does not come as a com plete surprise. Such action had been an ticipated for several days. Last Sunday a reporter for The Bee was Informed that the company would make a general effort to reiume complete operations In Its shops and President Burt was Interviewed- re garding the authenticity of the report. The president refused to deny or affirm It, leaving the Impression that there was more than mere rumor to the report. A day later another official of the road was eskod about the matter and he Intimated that the report was correct and that within a few daya the Union Paclflo would take steps to-restore normal condition in its hops. v Fourth Vice President Wilson of the In ternational Association of Machinists was asked last night what effect the notice would have on the strikers. II said: Effect on Strikers. "None whatever. That la an old game. It simply means the beginning of a long layoff. The company probably will issue , several such notices before the strike Is settled. I predict that not a union man will be Influenced by this action and return to work. I tell you, these men are not playing; they are In earnest; they struck for a cause and that cause exists today Just ae it did the day they struck and they are not going to be turned aside from tha end which they set out to accomplish. "The Union Paclflo will discover, if this strike continues long, that it will cost It more money to defeat Its old employes by trying to Introduce piecework In the first four months than it would to pay the men the Increase they asked for for ten years. "When the machinists In the employ of Fraser It Chalmers of Chicago struck they were no more determined than our men are and they staid out fourteen months, finally winning against the strongest kind of opposition. Ths strike cost the com pany over 11,000,000." Agree with Wilson. The bollermakers and blacksmiths had not beard of the decision of the company until late last night. They took the same position as did Mr. Wilson, that none of their men vouM be influenced by the ac tion. Tber insist that there will be no break within their ranks and that all will stand out until their original demands are granted. The details of a proposed plan for set tllng the strike, general information of which Waa given to The Bee yesterday afternoon by Vice President Wilson and reference made In tha evening paper, be came known last night. Mr. Wilson says that a Robert E. Murphy, representing himself as an agent of the Auditorium company, made this proposition: "That tbo Auditorium company would assume the task of interceding In behalf of the strikers with the railroad company la consideration of the payment by every organised labor man In the city of Omaha of half a day's wage to the Auditorium company, and that, further, as much stock as the halt day's wage amounted to would be turned over to each man. That in the event of the Union Pacific's failure to yield to the Influence of the mediators the latter, whom It represented, Mr. Wilson ays, controlled a vast amount of commer cial Interests and therefore did heavy shipping, would withdraw their patronage from tbe Union Paclflo road and throw it to some competing line, this boycott to remain In effect until the oompany acceded to the demands of the strikers." Wants to Be Shown. Mr. Wilson Is somewhat puisled over this proposition. He hss not yet been able to solve or analyse It. He la unacquainted with Robert E. Murphy, whose name does not appear in the city directory and is not known to be associated with any of the promoters of the Auditorium company. Yet Mr. Wilson says, as a matter of fact, any proposition that Is genuine and contains the potency for a settlement of the striks would be acceptable. He will make Investigations for the proposal he has received. The Cen ' tral Labor Union meets tonight and it Is his purpose to bring the matter before that organisation. After consuming the time from S o'clock until 11 last night the car builders failed to agree upon definite action. The agreement submitted by ths company, approved by ths executive committee of the car builders and adopted, tentatively, by the Omaha carmen at a meeting a few days ago, was brougb up and discussed throughout the night, but friends of this agreement were unable to fores it to a vote. The opposition, while In tie minority, controlled a balance of power and the meeting adjourned without any action whatever. Many lot Heard From. ' As a matter of fact the executive com blue had not succeeded in getting reports (Continued on Beooud Fags.) ATTACK THE ADMINISTRATION Irish Nationalists Cry AsTalnat Con atabulary and Aliened Jory ' Parkin by British. LONDON, July 10. Th' V ' on the Irish estimate In the House '"ns today furnished the nationalists : '' oppor tunity for a stirring attack '' "in administration of Ireland and th. ' ous operation" of the Irish constat;, which body of men, John Dillon (nations.. 1st) declared, was maintained, not to pro tect crime, but to create It. Mr. Dillon specified Instances where, he alleged, force was Instrumental In obtaining the con viction and Imprisonment of Innocent per sons, snd charged the government with winking at these malpractice's In order to obtain Justification for its policy of coer cion. T. P. O'Connor (nationalist) declsred that, politically speaking, the real crim inal was the attorney general tor Ireland (the Rt. Hon. J. Atkinson) because he practiced Jury packing. Sir Robert T. Reld (liberal) said be con sidered the action of the Irish oollce to be dastardly. He fuither asserted that mat ters would never be remedied until self government for Ireland put an end to Jury pscklng. This Drought Attorney General Atkinson to his feet with a hot retort that Sir Rob ert, who now professed such lofty and noble sentiments, had remained for three years a member of the administration and had Indulged in Jury packing to an extent "unknown to the present government." The chief secretary for Ireland, Oeorge Wyndham, admitted that there was much truth in what Mr. Dillon had said In re gard to specific cases, but the charges were not applicable to the whole police force. After further debate Mr. Dillon's motion to reduce the estimates was defeated by 195 to 102i votes. OPENS CORONATION BAZAAR Queen Purchases a Copy- of Roosevelt's Book, "The Strennona Life." (Copyright, 1902, by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON. July 10. (New Tork World Cablegram Special Telegram.) Queen Alexandra opened today the mammoth Im perial coronation bazaar, organized chiefly through the exertions of Mrs.- .. Cornelius Adair, Mrs. Joseph H. Choate, the wife of the United States ambassador, and other prominent women. One of the first pur chases the queen made was a copy of Pres ident Roosevelt's book entitled "The Stren uous Life." She made many purchases in her tour of the forty stalls, but that book was the only one she took away with her own bands. GERMANY MAKES AN OFFER Willing- to Purchase Portion of Macao In China for Flvo Million Dollar. LISBON, July 10. A rumor Is In circula tion that Germany has offered to purchase from Portugal a portion of the dependency of Macao, -in China, for- 1,000,009 (15,000, 000). The Portuguese dependency of Macao is situated on an Island at the mouth of the Canton river. It Is thirty-eight miles from Hong Kong. Macao Is two and one-half miles la length by less than a mile in breadth. FIVE FIREMEN ARE KILLED Burled by a Brick Wall in Toronto sad Dead. When. Ex tricated. TORONTO, Ont., July 10. Five firemen were killed in a disastrous Ore which started in tbe building occupied by P. Me Intosh A 8ons end spread to tbe wholesale bay and straw warehouse of Gadsby & Mc Cann. These establishments were de stroyed. David Bee, Harry Clarke, Adam Kerr, Walter Collard and Russell, firemen were burled by a brick wall which fell upon them. They were dead when extri cated. CANADIAN WOMAN KILLED Caanht In the Debris of Wet and Sodden Coronation Decora tlons. LONDON, July 10. Shortly after Queen Alexandra passed on her way to open the coronation bazaar, the decorations across Langham place, heavy and sodden with rain, were caught in a squall of wind and fell, dragging down a mass of coping from the top of All Souls' church. Miss Streathy, believed to be a Canadian, was killed and several persons were Injured. CONDITION IS SATISFACTORY Doctor Have No Faalt to Find with Progress Made br King" Edward. LONDON, July 10. The bulletin on King Edward's condition, posted at Buckingham palacs at 10 o'clock this morning, says The king's condition continues to be sat isfactory. LAKINO. TREVES. BAKLOW. CORONATION DATE IS FIXED With the Approval of the Doctors Ceremony Is to Oecnr August O. LONDON, July 10. It la said on good authority that, subject to the approval of King Edward s physlciaus, the coronation will occur August 9. Crop Conditions la Mexico. MEXICO CITY, July 10. Advices from Progresso show that there are now in warehouses 25,000, bales of Henequln fiber worth $2,000,000 at current prices. Th tobacco crop on the gulf slope Is not abundant aa lust year, but Is ot an ex cellent quality. Cattle shipments to Cuba keep up ths price of beef here and, far the present, there appears not to be any possibility of a decrease In this trade. During the last month 2,254 head of cattle, valued at 1127,480. have been shipped from Victoria to Cubs, via Tarn pica. Recently several American concerns have bought land In Tamaulpas, with ths avowsd intention of converting it Into stock ranches. To l. British Cable. LONDON, July 10. The cable stesmer Colonia sailed today for Vancouver to lay the Erl'.Uh Pacific cable from British Co lumbia to Fanning lalaod. Another steamer will sail la a few daya to lay the aectlon from Fanning Island to the FIJI Islands. FINALLY ARBITRATE STRIKE Railroads and Freight Handler Agree to Submit Differences, WHOLESALE HOUSES WORST SUFFERERS Strikers Refuse to Abide by First " 'nderstanritnjt Between President Cnrran and the Rail roads. CHICAGO, July 10. Business men of the city took an active part In attempting to settle tbe strike of the freight handlers to day and at midnight, although nothing had been definitely settled, some little progress hsd been made. An agreement was secured from the freight handlers' union, that the organiza tion would abide by the decision of tbe Chicago board of arbitration If that organ- zatlon could arrange meetings with the general managers of the railroads and se cure their consent alao to arbitration. At midnight the reauest for arbitration bad been submitted to the railroads and It s not likely that such action will be taken before tomorrow morning. There are grave doubts that the proposition will be re ceived by the railroads. Oeneral Manager Httt, of the Rock Island, and General Man ager Barrett, of the Alton,aald tonight that they had not been requested to arbitrate, and did not see what there was to arbl trate. The general manager of another large western road said that, while he did not care to be quoted personally, he was confident that no proposition for arbitration would be entertained by his road. "Our men left us," he said, "without even presenting their grievances, and we have rever received a request from them directly. Under the circumstances there Is nothing for us to arbitrate and It the Chicago board of arbitration asks to submit our cause to them we will reply to that client." Hope for Sympathetic Strike. Strikers are baaing thetr hopes of success on a sympathetic strike of the teamsters. It Is generally conceded that the freight handlers have but a small chance to win unless they have the support of the teams ters' union. It they secure this, and the members of that organization walk out, there Is every probability of serious trouble before the matter Is settled. The officers ot the teamsters' union pro fess to be opposed to any strike, but they say that the desire to strike Is strong among the teamsters. The officers are fear ful that they will not be able to hold tbe men in line. It waa tnougnt last mgnt that tbe worst danger of the strike was over, but the meetings of the freight band lers today developed an almost unanimous desire to continue the fight, with or with out the aid of other organizations. These meetings were held In various parts ot the city, and while they were In progress large crowds ot the strikers gathered around their headquarters. When it had been determined that the freight handlers would continue the fight President Curran of the Freight Hsndlers, accompanied by Organizer John J. Pltzpat- rlck of the Chicago Federation of Labor, went- to meet -the members' of the -Ot0cga Board ot Arbitration. Secretary Drlscoll of tbe Team Owners' association. In whose offices tbe meeting occurred, stated to Mr Curran that he had called In some of the members ot the arbitration committee to meet him to settle the strike. Mr. Curran appealed to the members of the Board of Arbitration to use their best endeavors to settle the strike. Mr. Setfirdge of the com mittee asked him if the members of tbe executive council of the freight handlers would sign an agreement to abide by the decision of the arbitration. Mr. Curran said that he would not do this until he had conferred with the members of the com mittee. The meeting-then adjourned until 4 o'clock pending the consultation between Mr. Curran and his advisers. Arbitration Docnment Signed. At the appointed time President Curran and all the members of tbe executive coun cil of the freight handlers went to the office ot the Team Owners' association. He found awaiting him there seven members ot the Team Owners' association and an equal number ef the members of the Chicago Board of Arbitration. President Curran an nounced the willingness of the freight hand lers to sign an agreement to accept what ever recommendation the arbitration com mlttee might submit The document was submitted and signed. The meeting then ad journed to allow the members of the Board of Arbitration to consult with the general managers of. the roads and ascertain whether or not they will arbitrate. The determination of the business men ot Chicago to endeavor to secure a settlement of the strike waa taken today when It was certain that tbe freight handlers would not agree to tbe terms ot tbe roads submitted and when symptoms of unrest appeared among the members ot the Teamsters' union. Nearly 4,000 of the latter refused to go on with their work when they heard that the freight handlers had decided to con tinue the fight. A refusal of these men to carry out their contracts made but a few weeks ago at the termination of their strike would mean heavy loss to the business In terests of tbe city and It was determined at once to enlist the services ot the Cblcsgo Bosrd of Arbitration, an organization which has among its msmbers some ot the most prominent business men in Chicago. It was evident to the business men that unless some truce could be made almost complete stagnation of the business Inter ests of the city would follow and the Board ot Arbitration at once offered lta services to the freight handlers, with ths result given above. MESSAGES THROUGH WATER Wireless Telegraphy to Be Installed I'poa. All French Sub marlno Boats. NEW YORK. July 10. A telegram from Cherbourg states that Rear Admiral Fournler waa present at experiments In wireless telegraphy used on the submarine boat Trlttne. Messages were received without any dlffl culty when under water. It Is understood to be the Intention to Install apparatus on board all French submarines. BURNED BY MOLTEN METAL Fifteen Men Injured, Ona Fatally, In Accident at Pittsburg- Steel Work. PITTSBURG. July 10. Fifteen men were burned, one fatally and eight seriously, at the Homestead steel works shortly after noon today. Fatally Injured: MICHAEL LAV1N, burned all over body. a taais nnea wun mouen metal was being lowerd Into the pit, when the drum of the crane broke and the seething metal waa throwm ever ths unfortunate tnao. CLAIMS TO BE A ROUGH RIDER I'nldentlfled Man Seeks Interview with President t ndr False Pretense. OTSTER BAT. N. T., July 10. President Roosevelt passed a comparatively quiet day t Sagamore Hill today. After the rain of the morning, the president and Mrs. Roose velt took a brisk gallop of several miles over the fine roads In the vicinity of their home, returning In time for luncheon. Miss Ethel and Master Archibald Roosevelt, ac companied by a daughter ot J. West Roose velt, who resides near the president's country home, also went horseback riding during the morning. At a point near Saga more Hill the saddle girth on Miss Ethel's horse loosened and she was thrown.' For tunately tbe horse was not going at a rapid pace, and Miss Ethel, quite unin jured, readily stopped the hcrse. Archie dismounted, readjusted the girth, and the party proceeded. The most extravagant ru mors were afloat regarding the In- ldent, but as Miss Ethel herself said: "It mounted to little." A man who aald be had served In ths Rough Riders when the president .was colonel of the regiment arrived here from New York early In the afternoon. As be snnounced his Intention of calling upon the president the secret service officers were soon on his trail. A few minutes' exami nation of the man by one of tbe officers and George Pollock, who saw service aa a Rough Rider with the president, convinced them he was not what he represented him self to be. He then admitted that he bad not seen service in Cuba, And that he had posed as a rough rider merely as s means of getting an audience with the president. The officers saw to It that he left the, vil lage on the next train. Judge Spencer B. Adams of Greenville, S. C, had by appointment an interview with the president tonight. Judge Adams recently waa appointed chief justice of the Choctaw and Chickasaw citizenship court of tbe Indian Territory and came here to. discuss with Mr. Roosevelt the frauds on the citizenship of the two tribes. It Is thought likely that Secretary Root may be here the last of the week. One of the subjects he will take up with the president Is the record In the court-martial case of General Jacob Smith. The record nas been Drietea tor me presiaeni, ana as he Is the final reviewing officer he will go over the case carefully before render ing his decision. The endorsement which the president will make on the report will probably be given to the public soon after It Is made, because of the Interest in and Importance of the case. MAY DYNAMITE COURT HOUSE Friends of St. Joseph Prisoners Threaten to Demolish Structure. 8T. JOSEPH, Mo., July 10. (Special Tele gram.) A large quantity of dynamite waa stolen last nlgbt from one of the rock quar ries near the city and the officers were told early In the day that the court houae, which stands within a few feet of the Jail, where the terrific explosion took place yesterday, Is to be blown to atoms today. Friends of Leek Allen -nd Jim Blades. who caused the "xplr'?0 rJ;V.lre0k, '. the two buildings yesterda), nffOde tne tnreats. They are known to be desperate and ths po lice do not know the extent of their power. The court house Is almost deserted todsy and S strong guard stands about tbe build ing. Every man not personally known to the officers is searched and then allowed to enter. The circuit courts bava adjourned and the criminal court in the wtng farthest from the Jail Is in session v tor the trial of William Coates, who is alleged to have killed his mother. The dynamite stolen last night has not been located, although all the police are searching for it. Crowds have gathered at a safe distance from the court house and are awaiting the explosion that is expected to take place. The alarm baa spread all over the city. Judge Casteel of the criminal court has made an order for Allen and Blades to bs taken to the penitentiary as quickly as possible. He think that will end the trouble. Allen's friends says be shall not go. A brother of Allen committed suicide In the Jail three years ago while under sen tence for hlghwsy robbery, after attempting to dynamite the Jail. CATHOLICS JFINISH WORK National Conference Concludes with Striking; Address by Bishop Conaty. CHICAGO, July 10. The national confer ence of representatives of Catholic colleges concluded its session tonight st Powers' theater, the feature of the final session be ing a striking address by Bishop Conaty, rector of the Catholic university, Washing ton, D. C. Aa the official head ot the Cath olic educational system In America, aa well because of bis polished eloquence, Dr. Conaty was given eager attention. During today's session the conference heard an address on "The Methods of Teaching History In Colleges," by Rev. Boniface Verveyen of St. Benedlct'a Col lege, Atchison, Kan, Considerable discus sion followed, sfter which Prof. John M. Reiner of St. Thomas' college, Vlllanova, Pa., read a paper on "Ths Teaching of So cial and Political Science In Colleges." The delegates entered upon a general con ference of Catholic high schools. Introduced by a statement from the chairman. Bishop Conaty, to the effect that the conference of last year having discussed the question of high schools be bad presented tbe matter before the annual meeting of archblahopa and It was their desire that this conference make some suggestions relative to a plan of Incorporating high school work In ths Cath olic system ot education. The discussion waa then opened by Rev. James A. Burns, president of Holy Cross college, Washing ton, D. C. It was tha general sentiment of the delegatea that there was a necessity for ths establishment of such high schools as the complementary link In the chain of uatnonc educational institutions, and a lengthy discussion of the methods to be pursued In establishing and maintaining such institutions followed. FATAL RUNAWAY ACCIDENT Horse Frightens at Barst of Fire and Several Prominent St. Louis People Arc Hurt. i ST. LOUIS, July 10. As ths result of a runaway accident late tonight, Mrs. Sebas tian Tucker was perhaps fatally hurt; Be baatlan W. Tucker; Mrs. Pearson sustained serious lnternsl Injuries and "Tootle' Tucker, W. H. Pearson, F. H. Doyle, Mrs. Doyle and W. F. Doyle, jr., all were bad ly ahocked and bruised. A burst ot fire from Pain's "Last Days of Pompeii," ex hlbltloa frightened s horse drawing the Tucker vehicle and it dashed down the street, colliding with ths vehicle bearing tbe Doyles. ARGUMENT IN TAX CASE Closing of the Hearing Before Nebraska Supreme Court. ATTORNEYS PRESENT THEIR VIEWS Court Intimates that Decision Will Be Handed Down at Early Sitting- In September After Summer Vacation. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, July 10. (Special.) The man damus cases of the Bee Building company against the State Board of Equalization was submitted to the supreme court on final argument this afternoon. At the conclu sion of the presentation Chief Justice Sul livan gave an Intimation that ths decision In the suit would be delivered st sn early session of the September term of court, probably at the first one. The argument was opened this morning by John N. Baldwin, who began at 1:30 snd spoke until 10 o'clock. He paid par ticular attention to the case, as It Involved the one railroad, the Union rsclflc, though he Insisted that the general contention of the relators as to the assessment of the franchise was not supported by law. He appealed for a decision upholding the as- sessment as made by the defendant board. Mr. Baldwin maintained that the capital stock and bonds of a railroad should not be considered in determining ths value ot Its property. Mr. Baldwin was followed by J. E. Kelby of the Burlington, whose argument was along similar lines, except that he uaed the figures and statistics of the Burlington for his text. Frank Ransom appeared for the Pullman company. He insisted, in the course of a brief argument, that this company was a manufacturing concern and not engaged In the tranaportatlon business. Replies to Ransom. At the conclusion of Mr. Ransom's ar gument the court expressed a willingness to hear the closing argument ot the relator in the afternoon session. This order waa agreeable to all attorneys, but as Mr. Ran som wished to leave the city on an early afternoon train Mr. Howe replied to that portion of the argument relating to the Pullman company before the aesslon was ended. His words were few but emphatic. As to the content-ton that the Pullman Is not sngaged in the transportation business, Mr. Howe read from "Poor's Manual," which declared, among other things, that the company manufactures and operates railway and sleeping cars. The word "op erating," it was held, showed conclusively that the company was engaged In the trans portation business. The closing argument of Mr. Howe was a cfear snd convincing exposition of the en tire subject. He treated the matter In a dignified way, appealing for Justice on be half ot the taxpaylng people of the state. He took up the various briefs ot tbe re spondents and railroad attorneys and re plied to the various arguments' advanced therein. Decisions In Other States. Hs-oalled ejUasttan ts ths fact that. wher ever questions similar to those Involved In this case had been brought before high le gal tribunal, as they had been In the states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Pennsylvania, New York and other states, the result in variably waa that the assessment ot the great public service corporations waa doubled. A particular instance was cited where, in Kentucky, the court gave a Judg ment raising the valuation of the property of one corporation from 130,000,000 to $60,000,000. He devoted some attention to the wlds difference between the two answers filed by the board, one of which, he said, was the answer of the board, while the authorship of the other Is unknown. 1 He told jot the executive session or conference of tbe railroad tax commissioners, attorneys and members of the Board of Equalization, and ventured the opinion that this was an in dication of fraud. Referring to the argu ment of Edward Roaewater and E. W. 81m eral before the Board ot Equalization, be Insisted that the board bad utterly disre garded the Information given by these gen tlemen. "The truth Is," said he "the mem bers ot the board simply followed along in the old rut. They straddled duty." Mr. Howe treated the statistical part of the testimony and the law as well, though Mr. Harrington, st tbe closing ot the arguments, also spoke for a few minutes regarding tha figures offered by ths railroad attorneys. UPHOLDS THE PURE FOOD LAW Supreme Court Holds Law Is Consti tutional and Was Regularly Passed. fFTom a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN. July 10. (Special Telegram.) The supreme court this afternoon de livered an opinion sustaining tbe purs food law. Tbe case Is entitled Merrill against the stats and was appealed from Clay county, where the decision was In favor of the law. The opinion is by Judge Hoi comb. Tbe lsw was attacked on ths ground that It was unconstitutional, It be ing also alleged that It was Irregularly passed and that there were errors In its title. The act is the one creating and pro vidlng for the pure food department ot ths state snd prescribing the duties ot its offi cers and attaches. NEGROES RAISE A STORM Proceedings of Afro-American Coin ell Do Not Run Smoothly avt Election Hour. 8T. PAUL, Minn., July 10. A storm broke in the Afro-American council today aa the result ot the election of officers for the coming year. For a time pandemonium reigned and quiet was only restored when tbe protests sgalnst an unfair election ot officers waa laid over until tomorrow by ths carrying ot a motion to adjourn. One faction of ths council claimed that the present ruling faction had elected Us own ticket by rushing It through before the other faction had gathered in tbe conven tlon hall before the forenoon adjournment CASUALTIES 0F BOER WAR Reports of Rod Cross Identity Depot Show thut 8, TOO Boers Met Death. PRETORIA, Transvaal, July 10. Accord ing to an estimate of the Red Croas Identity depot, which fulfilled the func tions of a casualty bureau for ths Boer forces, ths total losses of the latter during the war were 3.700 men killed or died of wounds sad 32.000 made prlaoners ot war of whom 700 died. Tbs Boer forces In ths field numbered about 75,000. CONDITION 0FTHE WEATHER Forecast for Nebraska Fair and Warmer Friday; Saturday Increasing Cloudiness. Temperature at Omaha Yesterday! Hour, Desr. Hour. Dec B a. m...... fltl 1 p. m TH A a. m ...... AT S p. m TA T a. m BO 3 p, m ..... . TH n. m ..... O.I 4 p. m . ( . . . . TA I a, nt ..... . A5 A p. m ..... . TA 10 a. m...... M Hp. m T4 It a. nt TO T p. m Tit 1A m.. ....... 10 8 p. nt Tl 9 p. m tl) ARE STILL AFTER"" TRACY Forces Man to Purchase Revolvers and Ammunition and Than Disappears. KENT, Wash.. July 10. Harry Tracy, the Oregsn convict, was at the home of E. M. Johnson, two miles southeast of this place, Wednesday night. When hs left the house he was srmed with a new revolver and his 30-30 Winchester, snd had a plenti ful supply ot both ammunition and provis ions. Tracy aent Johnson to Tacoma to pur chase the revolver and ammunition. Ho threatened to exterminate Johnson's family on the least sign ot treachery. The mur derer seemed tagged out and talked very little about himself or his plans. While at the house he spent nearly all the time watching for bis pursuers. He left the house after dark, taking Johnson's horse, beaded either for Seattle or tbe Palmer cutoff. Not only did Tracy force Johnson to buy the revolver, but he made him borrow the eceseary money In Kent. Johnson went to Tacoma and secured the weapon without sounding any kind of warning to the au- j thorltles. He was badly frightened. I Tracy arrived at the home of Johnson at ! o clock Wednesday morning and at the I point of a revolver forced Johnson to cook him breakfast. After finishing tbe meal he told Johnson to go to Tacoma and purchase two 45-callber Colt's revolvers and 100 rounds of cartridges, with the threat that If he gave information to the authorities of hat place he would murder the entire fam ily. Johnson left Kent on the 7 o'clock train, returning at 4 o'clock. While he was absent from Kent Tracy remained In the vicinity of the home and appeared to be un easy, as If expecting a visit from the offi cers. Several times he went to the top of a small hill In the rear of the Johnson home and viewed the surrounding country. Upon tbe return of Johnson from Tacoma Tracy ordered Mrs. Johnson to cook him enough provisions to last a week. She boiled two dozen eggs, fried bacon and gave him a large supply ot sugar and flour. Tracy compelled the members of tbe fam ily to remain on the premises until tbe re turn of Johnson from Tacoma. TURNS DOWN CALL FOR HELP Governor Stone Refuses to Send Mil itary Aid to Preserve Order la Carbon County. HARRISBURG. Pa., July 10. In reply to a request from Sheriff Oombert, of Carbon county, asking that troops be sent to Lans- ford and Summit Hill to preserve order. Governor Stone this afternoon sent the sheriff the following telegram: Your telegram of today statlnr that strikers are gathering in large mobs at Langsford and .Summit Hill. In Csrbon county, and cltlsens are attacked and beat en, and in danger or their lives, and that vou find that you are unable to Dreserve order and protect the citizens and there fore must call on me for troops, received. une irw unner wnicn tne national guard Is called out does not Justify action under the circumstances. Those conditions are entirely within your own province and with the aid at yonr hand you ought to over come the difficulty' without the use of state troops. If there Is a condition of riot, mobs or In surrection which the civil authorities are unable to suppress, the governor will not hesitate to aecure troops, but under no cir cumstances will troops go unless the civil authority la exhausted after reasonable ef fort on the part of the sheriff and the pro tection of life and property demands It. WILLIAM A. STONE. BODIES PARTIALLY IDENTIFIED Family 'Murdered in Oklahoma Prob ably A. C. Stone, Wife and Chil dren of Kansas. JOPLIN, Mo.. July 10. The bodies of ths four persons found murdered nesr Pru dence, Okl., on Monday, are believed to bs those of A. C. Stone, wife and two chil dren of Baxter Springs, Kan. J. W, Stone, a brother of tbs dead man. In Joplln, expresses this opinion after being In telegraphic communication with tbs sheriff at Enid. Mr. Stone states that his brother left Baxter Springs on June 6, for Oklahoma, going overland, and that he was in ths vicinity of Prudence st the time ths murders ars supposed to have been com mitted. He had been In the hay business at Bax ter Springs and bad gone to Oklahoma seeking employment ss a harvest band. He carried but little money, but bad a valu able outfit. Stone waa 30 years ot ags snd bis wife 23. Tbs children were a girl aged 8 and a boy of S. These descriptions fit those sent from Prudence. CALIFORNIA LUMBER COMBINE Iowa and Wisconsin Men Consolidate Vast Timber Interests la "Slaklyoa County. PORTLAND, Ore., July 10. A special to ths Oregoman from Ashland says: Negotiations for ths sals of tbs Scott snd Vsn Arsdale Lumber company's property la the McCloud region In Siskiyou county. California, which have been la progress for several months have been reported com pleted, tbe purchase price being 13,000,000. The purchasers srs the Carpenter Land company of Dubuque, la., ths Hlxton Sash and Door company of Merrill, Wis., Curtis Bros, ot Clinton, la., Walter W. Alexander snd Stewart Bros, ot Wauaau, Wis. The property Includes besides 115,000 acres of timber land the McCloud River railroad. the McCloud River Lumber company, Sis kiyou Lumber company and ths Siskiyou Lumber and Mercantile company. The mills connected with the enterprise cut about 400,000 feet of lumber per day. Movements of Ocean Vessels July 10, At Llard Passed: Graf Waldersee, from New York, for . Plymouth, Cherbourg and Hamburg; ljl liretugne, Irom New York, for Havre. At Southampton Arrived: Kensington, rrom New torn. At St. Naxalre 8alled: Kalaow, for Lon don. At Plymouth Arrived: Columbia, from New York, for Cherbourg and Hamburg At Cherbourg Balled: Bremen, from lire- men, for New York. At Liverpool Arrived: New England from Boston via Queenstown: Majestic, from New York. Balled: Merlon, for Boston via Queenstoiwi; Preturlan, for Quebec and Montreal; Turcoman, for Port land, Me. At London Sailed: Colonia, for Van couver. At Oueenstown Sailed: Oceanic for New York: fthyniand, for Philadelphia, from Liverpool. At New York Arrived: Teutonic, from LJverDuol. At Pouthsmpton Arrivsd: St Louis, from New York. At Naples Arrivsd: Ar, from New xora. ENTOMBED IN A MINE Explosion in Workings of Cambria Steel Company in Johnstown DiitrioU HUNDREDS MAY HAVE MET AWFUL DEATH Impossible te Get Definite Estimate on the Total Lou of Life. MINERS COME OUT AT DISTANT OPENING Fearful Story is Told of tbe Disaster bj Some WLo Escape. RESCUING PARTY NOW HARD AT WORK All of Mines of the District Close Down, and All Possible Assistance la at Hand, but After Damp Stays the Work. JOHNSTOWN. Ta.. July 11. At 2 o'clock this morning Mayor Hendry atated that the first of the bodies of the dead miners would be brought from the mine at I o'clock. He stated that General Manager Price told him that the number of bodlea In sight at 1 o'clock waa sixty-five. JOHNSTOWN, Pa., July 10. Two hundred miners entombed by an explosion In a mine vhosd main shaft opens w ithin the limits of this city wus news to check with terror the pedestrians on the streets here today. At first the rumor said that all in the "Rolling Mill" mine ot the Cambria Steel company were dead or In danger. But later reports showed that the lower figure was correct and that 400 were safe. The mine la one ot the largest In the coun try and today 600 men were at work there. When the news of the disaster reached hero it spread like wildfire and In lees than a ( quarter of hour tbe Point, an open space st the Junction ot the Conemaugh and Stony creek was crowded with weeping women and children. During the afternoon It became known that many men had escaped and that drift No. 6, known as the Klondike, was prac tically the only one effected, but here 200 men were at work, and still tbe women watched and waited for the end. Prom 1:30 In the afternoon until 6 p. m. the work of the searching parties was In vain, but tben the first faint ray of hope came when ths bodies of a man and a boy were brought out Into the daylight, unconscious, but alive. Then at 11:20 tonight four more men, un conscious, were brought to the surface, but a doctor who came with the men reported passing twenty-five dead bodies on the way. President Powell Stackhouse, in a stats ment Issued at midnight, said the dead would number 125 men. It was nearly an hour after the ex plosion before any general knowledge ol what had happened got abroad. Men who came from the mines, escaping with tbeir lives, told the terrible news and soon it spread like wildfire all over the city. In scores of homes there was ths most pathetics scenes. Mothers, wives, daugh ters, sons and relatives were frsntlo with grief and hundreds ruabeAto ths scene. -At tbe opening, scross ths Tlver from the point, the Cambria Iron company's po lice, with several assistants, stood guard. permitting no one to enter the mine, from which noxious gases were coming. It was nearly 4 o'clock when all hops of sending rescue parties from the West mont opening was abandoned. Driven Back by Damp. -Two men who bad escaped from ' tbe mine, Richard Bennett and John Meyers, went back two miles to see what assist ance could be rendered, but the frightful damp drove them back and they fell pros trate when they finally, after a desperate struggle, reached the outside. Two doc tors gave them assistance and after work ing with them halt an hour restored them. Their story of the situation in ths mine made it clear that the rescue work eould not proceod from the Westmont opening. and then hasty preparations were Hade to begin that cad mission at the Mill creek entrance. Soon after news of the explo sion reached ths Cambria officials, Mining Engineer Moors snd ons of bis assistants, A. O. Prosser, made an attempt to enter the mine. They were followed by Mine Superintendent Robinson, but the deadly gases stopped their progress and they were compelled to return to ths surface. Mine Foreman Rodgers, bis assistant. William Blanoh, and Firs Bosses John Whitney, John Retalllck and John Thomas, were overcome by tbs gaaes and It Is feared they perished in a beroie effort te rescue ths miners. A son ef Harry Rodgers then tried to reach his father, but he was quickly overcome by tbe desdly gases and waa carried out unconscious. William Stlblcn spent seversi nours at the Mill creek opening. Hs said be be lieved as many as 450 men were In tbe mlns. In his opinion, from all hs could glean, that not mors than 150 men hsd come out. Statement of Officials. The mining officials of the Cambria com pany ststed tbe explosion waa ons ot Ore damp. The few survivors who have escaped from the depths of ths mine describe tns condition to bs frightful in their nature. Outside of the Klondike tbs miners ars safe and uninjured. Within tbe fatal limits of be mine the effects ot the explosion beg gar description. Solid walls thirty feet through were torn down as If they were barriers of paper. The roof was torn dowa and not a door remains standing. Ths most heroic efforts toward rescus seem hopeless. The stories ot ths men who escsped are miraculous. Tom Foster, foreman ot ths "Klondike." was tbe first to emerge from tbe mine, shortly sfter Powell Griffith, a firs boss. came up. Foster was in nis omce wnen ins explosion cams. His first thought was for tha safety ot ths men under his charge. With tbe help of Foreman Roberts aa ef fort was made to replace a tew of ths shat tered doors.. All ths while ths firs-damp wss closing around tbem. Through galleries into headings, warning snd helping, the two men went. Roberts tell, but Foster staggered on, whither, be hardly knew. In the midst of the danger be met Powell Griffith, a flreboss. He bad faced what seemed certain death in an effort to savs bis men. Forward they went dragging a comrade Into a possible plsce ot safety, here, giving a word of warning there until human endurance could stsnd ths strain ne longer. Exhauated they staggered Into a beading where ths firs-damp had not reached. They restsd there for a moment, and plunged forward, where they did not know, until, finally they wandered into a water level and through It reached a place of aafety. Stories of Survivors. Said Tom Foster: "How I escaped I do not know. It Seems like a terrible nightmare. Hundreds of times I gave up bops, but from sheer la-.