The Omaha Daily Bee. 3TA11LISILED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 10, 1002-TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. MAY AVERT STRIKE Union Pacific Oar Builders Likely to Stick to Agreement. WILL HOLD A MEETING THIS EVENING Majority f Men TaTor the Company'! Pro posed Premium Scale. CARMEN CONTINUE AT WORK AS USUAL nonunion Men Lead the Agitation for a Walkout. NIGHT AND DAY SHIFT AT GRAND ISLAND I'nlon Par I Bo Bald to Be Maklna- Ar rangements to Doable or Trebla Capacity of Konnnloa hop. The Brotherhood of Railway Carmen did cot meet last night to take final action upon the agreement entered Into with the Union Pacific by their committee, ai was expected, but will hold lta meeting tonight at lta hall at Fourteenth and Douglaa. Tromlnent union car builders believe the agreement ' will be generally adopted and a strike averted. An actlva member of the brotherhood aald last night regarding the car builders' situation: "There ia "not aa much dissatisfaction over the agreement entered Into between the company and the local car builders as has been represented. There are a few agitators who would like to precipitate a strike, and some of these have been circu lating a petition for this purpose even since the local car bullers adopted the agreement at our meeting Monday afternoon, and this, I suppose, has ;lven rite to much of the alleged dlsseneion. The most of these agi tators are nonunion men, too. I believe that there are not more than three union car bulldera In Omaha today who are opposed to that agreement. Proposition Not I'nderatood. "The trouble la the men over the sys tem and here who are finding so much fault with the company's proposition do not thor oughly understand It. They think it Is a simple piecework proposition, when aa a matter of fact it is nothing of the kind. The company says: 'We will guarantee very man in the car ahops as much money as he made under the former system.' Now In the case of the car builders this would be SO cents an hour. Dut the proposition does not stop here. The company further offers to pay every man as much over SO cents an hour as be may earn; for instance. If I earn $4 a day Instead of only 13, I get that amount. But In any event I will get my $3 a day. Now, that Is not, properly peaking, a piecework system; it Is what we call a premium system. I believe this is the very best system that could be adopted, and Its adoption does not mean Imply a victory for the company, but as much a victory for the man and even more o." Waltlnsj tor .Oat-of-Town Men. H waa impossible to hold the meeting last nlaht. as not all the shops out on the line had been heard from. By tonight it is expected all will hare been beard from, and what action la taken tonight will be final. It Is already known by some of the local men that Orand Island and Chey enne are favorable to the adoption of the new agreement, and they axe of the opin ion that the majority of other places will have voted likewise. This agreement, it adopted, will be ef fective for one year. The Union Pacific of ficials have made the statement that if at the end of that time It proves unsatisfac tory they will then be ready to consider making concessions, but they insist that after a year's trial the carmen will not be Willing to abandon 1L At the meeting Monday afternoon the proposition was adopted by the Omaha shopmen by a vote of 49 to 2T, and the ma jority of the negative votes are said to have been cast by nonunion men, who are blamed with the agitation for a strike. All at Work Yesterday. All the car builders were at work yes terday as usual and there was no Indica tion of trouble except the quiet campaign ing done by the nonunion faction that was displeased with the result of things at the Monday meeting. The ' railroad officials gave out the report that the car builders' department waa keeping up Its work to the highest standard of efficiency and there was nothing about the ahops to Indicate a semblance or thought of strike. They con sider the mstter already settled. The company contlnuea In the business of importing men from Chicago. The offi cials bold that these men are more com petent than generally accredited, and that by their assistance conditions at tbs shops are very satisfactory. There la little active work being done by the machinists and bollermakers. They .are both aa determined aa when they went out and are attending to the routine of their strike. Vice President Wilson, the leader of the machinists' faction, will leave Omaha tomorrow for a trln over tha ivi ' Vein, visiting all the towns and cities where 4here sre shops, with a view of strength ening the Interests of the strikers. Graad Ialaad SMnatloa. The Union Paclfiu, it la reported. Is pre paring to Install a night and day shift in its shops at Grand Island and thus double or treble the capacity for and volume of work there. This haa never been a union .shop and but two of the employes were union men when ths strlks originated These went out, but none of the others have sver struck. They are still at work and will be used as a nurleua to form a .large force. It was said this morning that the company Intended putting In tOO or SCO shopmen there. The shops have never been run to tbelr full capacity. Will Prosecate Aaaallaata. A Union Pacific official stated yesterday that for an assault upon an employe of the company at Denver by three former em ployee Sunday the company would en deavor to have the trio of rioters sent to the penitentiary. According to one of the officials the man waa returning from bis work at the shops when three strikers, who bad been hla friends, called to him. Sup posing they wanted to engage in a friendly that the shopman stopped. Hs was violently assaulted. It Is charged, sustaining serious injuries. The officials persistently deny the re porta that Pinkerton detectives have been placed on guard at Denver or anywhere else on the Union Pacific system, but they ad mit that speclsl Instructions have been stnt to Denver to have the force of pri vate guards enlarged, and similar Instruc tions will be given at other place if occa sion seswa to demand. LIEUTENANT HICKMAN NEXT Meat Stead Conrt Martial Trial tor Alleged Crarlty to Tayabas Satires. MANILA. July 9. General Chaffee has ordered Lieutenant Edward A. Hickman of the First cavalry to Manila for trial by court-martial on the charge of alleged cruelty to natives of Tsyabaa province. The charges arise from the Gardener in quiry. It Is claimed that Hickman ducked two natives in a stream In order to obtain Information. He Is further charged with having ducked a third nt,l s who died from maltreatment. The tr '"fficlals say that proof of the lattet Is doubtful. y.. The court presided over by Genetv . llam H. Blsbee, whlih Is trying Cat. ' James A. Ryan of the Fifteenth cavah. on the charge of unnecessary severity to natives, will try Lieutenant Hickman. The defense In the Ryan court-martial cloaed today. The arguments will be heard Saturday. The defense offered much testimony and many documents to show that a state of Insurrection existed at Jlmlnex, Mindanao, and that Captain Ryan was Justified In using force to obtain In formation, protect his command and pur sue the enemy. It was shown that the two natives who were "trested" communicated with the enemy, giving Information regarding the Americans' supplies. Becond Lieutenant Charles Burnett of the Fifteenth cavalry and Surgeon Major Peter R. Egan testified that they took the same treatment as administered to the nstives and that they did not suffer there from. VOLCANOES GIVE WARNING Active Mountains Near Lake Klcara-a-aa Dianlay Danger a Day Before ISrnptlon. , s MANAGUA, Nicaragua, July 9. The ac tive volcanoes of Costa Rica, Mlravallis and Rlncond de la Vleja, situated respectively eighty and sixty miles southeast of Lake Nicaragua, gave a day's warning pravlous to their recent eruption. No natives are reported to have lost their lives. The country around the volcanoes is sparsely settled, being mainly cattle es tates. The mountains are distant from the lake and ocean and the water supply In their vicinity is moderate. Therefore they are not severely explosive. The prin cipal causes of the outbreaks are chemical action and the readjusting of the earth's crust. PRINCE JOSEF ON TRIAL Member of Anstro-Hnna-arlaa Mlseloa to Coronatloa Moat Anawer Cbarsjre of Mlacoadact. LONDON. July 9. Hearing of the charges brought against Prince Francis Josef of Brsgan'za, who waa a member of the Aus-tro-Hungarlan mission to tbs coronation of King Edward and other members, was re sumed In the Southwark police court today and attracted much attention. Sir Edward Clarke, the former' solicitor general, de fended the prince. The pror-cutor altered the charge from "felony" to "misconduct under the ertm lnal law amendment." Sir Edward Inti mated that the defense would be conspiracy to rob and, blackmail. ACCUSED MAN IS ACQUITTED Charles Brlajht of Ohio Xot Oollty of Coaceallaar Property Irons Creditors. LONDON. July 9. The trial of Charles Bright, the civil engineer of Sandusky, O., charged with concealing $500,000 in connec tion with the bankruptcy proceedings, ended today and resulted In the acquittal of Mr. Bright. J. F. Moreno, who was formerly attached to the United Statea legations at Paris and at Madrid, and Louis R. Fudge, the secre tary of Bright's company, who were charged with being accessories In the alleged con sptracy to defraud creditors of Bright, were also acquitted. PROGRESS IS UNINTERRUPTED KIbst Edward Coatlaaes to Gala Strength, Thssgk Wound ia Slowly Heallasr. LONDON, July 9. Following Is the bulle tin posted at Buckingham palace regard ing King Edward's condition at 10 o'clock this morning: The king's progreas Is uninterrupted. Hla majesty slept well snd Is gaining strength. The wound Is slowly healing. TRKVES. I.AKINI). BARLOW. CHAMBERLAIN IS IMPROVING Leaves the Hospital, bat Perfect Qalet for the Present Is Kecesaary. LONDON, July 9. Joseph Chamberlain, the colonial secretary, who waa injured In a carriage accident Monday, left Charing Cross hospital this morning, accompanied by Mrs. Chamberlain, and returned to hla home In Princes' Gardens. A bulletin Issued regarding his condition ssys hs Is progressing satisfactorily, but that perfect quiet Is essential. GRAIN AND MILLING TRUST Plaas Betas Formed by Elevator Cos. rrra (or Kew Combine la Kanaaa. TOPEKA. Kan., July 9. At a conference held In this city today between Walter Vrooman and repreaentatives of various milling and grain concerns of ths state plans were discussed for the formation of a "farmers' grain and milling trust." The Idea la to do away with ths mid dlemen and handle the wheat product of the stats directly from ths farmers to ths elevators and millers without psylng a commission. Tbs Vrooman line of co operative stores, ths Hoffman mills and a line of ejevators, ths Solomon County Co-operstlvs Grain company, seven or eight elevators on tbs Union Pacific and tbs Western Milling company of Saline propose to enter the trust. New Mea la Cheyenne Shops. CHEYENNE, Wyo.. July 9. The Union Pacific Is slowly Importing nonunion ma chinists for its Cheyenne shops and now claims to have 175 men at work. Th strikers say ths figures are exaggerated In the hope that the strikers will grow disheartened. So far the strikers hsve offered no violence Jo nonunion machinists and lead ers say tbs new mea will not bs molested. STRIKE OF SHORT DURATION Trouble of the Freight Handler! it Virtually Eettled at Conference. AGREE TO TERMS OF THE RAILROADS trlkers Accept Scale of Wattes Of fered Them Jnly 1 and Which Waa Emphatically Refaeed at the Time. CHICAGO. July 9 The strike of tbs freight handlers Is virtually settled. Meet ings of the strikers will be held tomorrow -atlfy the action taken tonight by Pres Currsn of the order, but Inasmuch ated tonight, after a conference wi. general managers of the railroads, that i. bad agreed to their terms because the majority of his men were "going back" on him, there Is little doubt that the terms will be accepted by ths msas meeting. By the terms of ths settlement the strikers sccept the scale of wages offered them by ths railroads July 1. This sched ule wss emphatically refused by the strikers at tbs time It wss msde. It of fered sn average Increass of 20 per cent for all classes of the freight union. The demands of ths men would have made an average Increase of 30 per cent. The railroads at ths time of offering the In creass on July 1 said that under no cir cumstances would they recognise the union of the freight handlers to the extent of allowing the officers of the organization to make terms for the men with the offi cers of ths railroads by which they were employed. This was ons of the chief rea sons for the strike, the men Insisting that the union should be fully recognised. The railroads have won a complete victory on this point. Attltade of Rallroada Unchanged. The attitude of the roads toward ths freight handlers' union Is ths same as that maintained toward all local organisa tions of railroad men. The freight handlers demanded something that no other organi sation of railroad employes In Chicago had asked and the managers answered that under no circumstances would they agree to this. President Curran of the freight handlers' union said, after the meeting with the general managers tonight, that he prac tically had been compelled by his own men to accept the terms of the roads. "Two-thirds of them would have gone to work In the morning anyhow," he said, "and It waa almply a question of dotng the best possible nnder the circumstances. The railroads agree to taks back all the strik ers who will apply for tbelr old positions by noon tomorrow." The settlement of the strlks came unex pectedly. The meetings during the day of the various committees with- the general managers of the railroads did not produce much result, neither slds making conces sions. When the committees had reported back to the executive council of the strikers a meeting of that body waa held. Several or me unicago f ederation oi Laoor, includ ing President Bowman, were present. The officers of the federation used every means to Induce the strikers to accept the terms offered them, but without avail. Twelve members I of the executive council . spoke against the acceptance of the terms and three were in favor of it. The meeting was at times acrimonious and there was a sharp exchange of words between President Bow man of the Federation of Labor and Presi dent Curran of the freight handlers' union. In which the former was accused of "play ing politics" at the expenss of the freight handlers. Prealdeat Carraa Accepts. The proposition finally was msde that the matter of an agreement with the rail roads should be left with President Cur ran and President Bowman ef the federa tion with full power to act. A meeting was then arranged with a committee of the general managers of ths railroads, who had full power of settlement on their slds. The result was that President Curran agreed to accept the baals of increase of fered by tbs railroads July 1. The action of the teamsters was a po tent factor In settling the strike. They took strong tssus with tbs freight handlers and Intimated very plainly that no as sistance could be expected from them, in asmuch as the freight handlers had struck against tha advise of the Chicago Federa tion of Labor. The session of the executive council came to a sudden termination and Presi dents Curran and Bowman left for the meeting with the general managers. When he left this meeting President Currsn was surrounded by crowds of the strikers, who bad been waiting to hear the result of ths meeting, and there was great dissatisfac tion when It was announcsd that no set tlement hsd been reached, but that meet ings would be held Thursday morning, at which the results of the meeting with the managers would be made known. The displeasure ot the men had a marked effect In bringing about the settlement of the strike. The agreement reached by President Cur rsn with the msnagers tonight must be ratified by the men tomorrow, but there Is only a very small probability that this will not be dons. WIRELESS PLAN FOR ALASKA Electrical Entrlneer to Establish Tele, graph System from Port Gib bons to Batea Rapids. SAN FRANCISCO. July 9. R. Pfund. aa electrical engineer, bas arrived here on his way to Alaska for ths purpose of es tablishing a wireless telegraph system be tween Fort Gibbons, on the Yukon river, and the fort . at Bates' rapids, on ths Tanana river, a distance of 195 miles. The line, which will be constructed under the direction of Chief Signal Officer Greely, will be completed by October 1. On his return from ths north Mr. Pfund msy taks measures to establish a station near the Golden Gate, so thst wireless communica tion may bs had with vessels on ths Pa cific. LIGHTNING KILLS A FARMER Electrical Storm Accompanied by Cloadbaret Does Great Din. asie la Peansylvaala. E ASTON, Pa., July 9. A cloudburst In ths upper Bushklll district of Northamp ton county last night did a vast amount ot damage. Only meager details are obtain able at this time owing to washouts snd tha destruction ot telegrsphic and tele phone lines. Chsrles Abel, a farmer, who with his wlfs waa returning from tbs hsrveat fields, wss struck by lightning snd killed. Ths Bush klll creek overflowed Its bsnks snd many fields ot grain were almost wholly destroyed. MITCHELL STILL CONFIDENT Believes that Miners Are "are to Wla Their Demands la Present Strike. WTLKESBARRE. Pa., July 9. In an ad dress todsy before the 400 delegates of district No. 1, In convention at Nantlcoke. President Mitchell of the Mine Workers' union said he hsd nsver participated In a strike In which he waa so confident of suc cess. This statement by the miners' chief was greeted with great spplause. The na tional president severely criticised the citl Izens' alliance organizations which have been formed in Scranton and Wllkesbarre for the purpose of prosecuting persons wbo boycott or otherwise intimidate men still working In the mines or their relatives. In the course of his speech Mr. Mitchell ssld: . i The coal operators have organised a press bureau and are constantly sending out through It what purport to be Inter views with and statements from them, while as a matter of fact there Is not n president In the entire region who will atanrt responsible for any of the statements. The operators have also orgnnisrd an other adjunct, under thn nBme of the Citizen's alliance. I am sure 1 do not know how many citizens sre .members of this mysterious organization, as ao far only one has had the manhood or the effrontery to acknowledge his membership. I, of course, healtnte to criticise men for doing anything they hsve a legal rlnht to do. but when an organisation of the ciilz.'ns of any community is formed, the alleged purpose of which la the maintenance of law iinl order, and when It develops that the entl-e energlra of the organization are being di rected against the coal strikers. It arouses a suspicion to say the lenst In my mind, that the name of the association Is a mis nomer and the alleged purpose a cloak under which so-called cltlzwis have Joined forces with coal operators In a damnable attempt to crush the miners' union. In ail my experience In the labor move ment I have never participated In a strike In which I felt so confident of success. If our membership, will stand, as I know they will, we shall. In the not far distant fu ture, achieve a victory and settle for ell time the right of the coal minors to receive for honest labor and unremitting toll at least a sufficient wage to enable them to live, maintain and educate their families and enjoy a few of the pleasures of our civilisation. CATHOLICS IN SESSION Fourth Annnal Association of Col leges Opens Conference in Chicago. CHICAGO, July 9. The fourth annual conference of the Association of Catholic Colleges opened here today. Representa tives of colleges and parochial schools In all parts of ths country are in attendance. Rev. John W. Poland of St. Xavier'a college, Cincinnati, in a psper on the sub ject of "Principles of Pedagogy In Colleg iate Work," criticised various educational methods. He said: "Klndergartentam Is beginning to Infect the teachings of col leges and universities. It hss a tendency to lower the mental and moral powers of children snd unfit them for the future and the reason for this Is not merely be cause the kindergarten is a day nursery under another name, but because children are trained to have their own way In everything and to have all things made easy for them." Pr. Poland also denounced whst he termed "the - craze for athletics," and de plored the conditions thst couM give rise to hazing in the higher educational insti tutions. ,: . .1. After the conclusion of the paper a gen eral discussion was called for- by Bishop Conaty, who presided, but the priests pres ent were slow to respond. Some of them said they agreed with the speaker's opin ion, but a number said that they did not care to discuss the reflections on athletics. Bishop Conaty delivered an address, telling of tha progress made during the last year In the United States by the as sociation. BRISK DEMAND FOR MONEY Movement Bea-lna Earlier Thaa Canal and Intereat Rates Advance ia Chlcagro. CHICAGO, July 9. Widespresd Interest Is beginning to attach to ths unusual demand for money In the central west and west. Within a fortnight Interest rates have ad vanced 1 per cent. Chicago began shipping money to the northwest and west about July 1, at the rate of $500,000 daily. It Is estimated that about $4,000,000 in currency bas been sent out of Chlcsgo lo SU Paul, Minneapolis and St. Louis. These shipments have started a demand by Chicago banks on New York. The move ment from that direction has continued as It was begun. The demand from the west was fully two months shead of the season when, ordi narily, crop moving requirement occasion money shipments. No special explanation has been offered. Northwestern and "west ern Institutions merely report that the small banks throughout the country are asking tor funds and hsve to bs accommo dated. GIANT GEYSER BREAKS OUT Reaalt of the Heavy Earthquakes Occurring- Near Santa Cms Since April 18. SAN FRANCISCO. July 9. Nesr Santa Cruz, on ths Pacific side of the Isthmus of Tehuantopcc, a giant geyser has broken out as the result of heavy earthquakes occur ring in that section since April 18 last. The column of wster, rising to a height of about fifty feet, roars and hisses from among the rocks .and la an object of great Intereat to the people and passing vessels, being plainly visible from the ses. It was seen snd admired by the passengers and crew of the steamer Newport, which has reached this port. The news Is brought by the steamer thst affairs In Oua'emala are becoming normal again after the scare ocaaloned by ths tremendous esrthquake. The havoc wrought by the disturbances will not Interfere- with harvesting of ths coming crops, as at first anticipated. TWELVE MORE DIE OF HEAT Mercury Still Hlsrh la Plttabarsr, bat Cooler Weather la Promised. PITTSBURG. July 9. The mercury Is still hovering In the 90s, but thunderstorms and cooler weather are predicted for Thurs day. Six dsaths from ths heat and ten serious prostrations hsvs been reported since yes terday. In nearly all the prostrations ths condition ot ths patient is said to bs serious and soms ars In critical shsps. Tbs mill workers are the greatest suffer ers and many bavs been obliged to stop work. NEW YORK, July 9. This wss the hot test dsy of tbs year in this city. The weather bureau showed a temperature of 91 degrees at 1 o'clock. Six deaths from beat war reported during Us morning. SERIOUS FLOODS IN IOWA Practically All Streams in Central and Western Part Ont ef Banks. - Hour. Dee;. Hoar. Pear. K a. m 7 1 p. m H DAMAGE TO PROPERTY HARD TO ESTIMATE m p. m m T a. m fll n p. m t ' a. m ..... . NI 4 p. m (Ml People In Lowlyla Sections of Des 9 a. m (Ill ft p. m...... hs Fort D.d.e a.d Many J ; 1 1 ; J ; ; 1 1 ; J Other Places Compelled a m OT ft p. m HT to Stove. p. m 08 The heavy rains ot Tuesday and Tuesday night falling upon ground already thor oughly soaked, caused the rivers and creeks of Iowa, Nebraska and Kansas to overflow, doing immense damage to property. In Iowa the worst ot the floods are In the central, northern and northwestern portions, extending south as far as tbe line ot the Rock Island railroad. In Des Moines, Fort Dodge, Marshalltown and nu merous other towns people have been com pelled to abandon homes In the lowlands. Railroads have suffered to the extent of seversl hundred thousands of dollars snd traffic In ths section mentioned Is either abandoned or badly delayed. In Nebraska the most serious damage, so far aa cities are concerned, was at Lin coln, where Salt creek overflowed Its bsnks snd flooded the railroad yards and the sec tion In which most of the wholesale and manufacturing Industries are located. Many of the poorer people of the city also lived In this section and they were driven from their homes, abandoning everything In their houses. In ths southeastern part of the state practically all the streams sre out of their banks, the Blue snd Nemaha doing the most damage. Beatrice, Au burn, Tecumseb and other towns along these streams are sufferers. Railroad tracks have been washed out and trains In many Instances abandoned. Tbe amount of damage done to crops In the flooded lsnds along the streams will depend largely upon how soon the waters subside. If they remain under water long ths loss will be totsl, but if no mors rsln comes a large portion, particularly corn, will be saved. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES. July 9. (Special.) The old citizens have to go back at least a half century to find anything In tbe nature of a flood with which to compare the pres ent condition of affairs st the Coon fork ot the Des Moines river. Tradition ssys that at one time all the lowlands In the eastern and southern portions ot Des Moines were covered with water, but that was before so many bouses were built there. During one ot the periods of high water many steam boats came up from the Mississippi and landed here. But the present flood bere breaks all known records. At the Locust street bridge, where the city has a gauge, the water In the Des Moines river stood fifteen feet above low mark this morning and was twenty feet at midnight. The river is very wlds at this point. Leeves hsvs been broken over, bridges wsshed out, parks and gardens submerged, houses floated away, factories stopped, roads destroyed and fences torn up. Large areas of the city are under water and this Includes some residence dis tricts, chiefly the homes of laboring men, and a number of the factory dlstriots. . The greatest single loss is in bridges. The false work used by the worklngmen en gaged In constructing a brick arch bridge in the north part of the city went out last night and floated down to a ledgement against the street car bridge leading to Highland park and the north reaidence part. The bridge was In danger most of the night, but the drift wss taken away this morning snd floated on down past the city to the location of tbe Great Western freight bridge. A portion of the bridge Is being rebuilt and the material waa on a trestle, which wss carried away, taking all the materials Trains Held by Floods. At midnight the levee on the north slds of town broke, Cooling a lsrge residence section. Most of the families removed earlier In the evening. A small break oc curred iu the Raccoon river levee Just after midnight and u large force of men Is at tempting to bold the flood in check. Two Rock Island esstbound passenger trains due bere tonight are held at Commerce, twenty miles west of here, where the tracks are covered with water. Trains on other roads .though late, keep In motion. The Des Moines river dam Is weskenlng. If It goes out It will endanger four city bridges snd a 11s the bridges. Tbs city bsthhouse Is surrounded by water and moat of tbe adjacent buildings, on slightly higher ground, are In danger ot being flooded before night. Most ot tho residents are moving out on Franklin ave nue. Just east of the bathhouse park. The families living south snd east of ths river are In a dangerous predicament. Tbe water has spresd over ths adjoining pas tures and Is slowly rising. Just east of the north Sixth avenue bridge the Parker boathouaes and ths boat club bouses of the Des Moines Riverside Csnoe clubs are flooded by water. It is up around the first platforms or porches and running through ths Interior rooms. Ropes and chains hsvs been used to anchor them to trees. Race Track Under Water. The mile track of the Des Moines Driv ing association Is being flooded and the races will be given up that were scheduled for next week. The Chautauqua assembly In session hers has been Interfered with so thst a portion ot the program will be given up. In all nearly fifty families hsve been compelled to move out of their homes. Tbs levees in what is known as ths packing house district hsvs been broken over and the water has flooded that portion of the city, though not very deep. The continuous rains have forced nearly all Iowa streams from their banks snd ths destruction of crops, live stock and other property la aseumtng Immense proportions. It is impossible to estlmsts ths damage from the indefinite reports received Ths damage is especially extensive in ths cen tral, northern, western snd southwestern parts of the state. The valleys of ths Sioux and Maple rivers are flooded and Woodbury and Monona counties ars under water. The Iowa river at Marshalltown Is the highest sines 1881. Many county bridges have been destroyed and traffic between Marshalltown - and surrounding points Is practically cut off. Cattle and hogs hsve been drowned In lsrge numbers in the Iowa valley. At Cedar Rapids 6.4 Inches of rain haa fallen sines July 1. Ccdsr river Is out ot Its bsnks and many families hsvs been forced from their homes. Numerous bridges bavs been swept away In Linn cdunty. Tbe Skunk river and Squaw creek ars cut of their banks and near ths confluence In Story county thousands of acres ars flooded and crops practically destroyed. Water Four Fret Deep ia Town. A deluge visited the town ot Exlra Issl night and train on ths Audubon branch of (Continued on Second Fags.) CONDITION OFJTHE WEATHER Forecast for Nebraska Fair and Warmer Thursday; Friday Increasing Clourtlnses, Probable Shower In Western Portion. Omaha Yeaterdayi BEATRICE CAU.S FOR HELP Dlaaatroas Fire Raging and Flood Rendera Waterworks Prac tically Useless. BEATRICE. Neb., July 10. (Special Tel egram.) The most disastrous fire In the history of Beatrlcs broks out here this morning shortly after 2 o'clock. The fire started In the Green block and la sup posed to bs of Incendiary origin. Owing to the fact that the water supply here was shut off lsst evening tbs firemen were perfeotly helpless and unable to cope with the flames. The fire spread rapidly to the large department store of the Klein Mercantile company. The city Is at the absolute mercy of the flames on account of no fire protection. The' fire Is still raging and there Is no telling what the result will be, although It Is hoped the fire can be confined to these two buildings. The mayor haa telegraphed to Lincoln and Nebraska City for flre-flght-lug apparatus, as there Is no telling where the conflagration will end. PRICE STILL REMAINS HIGH Little Chansre la Corn and the Ex pected Does Not Happen on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, July 9. Developments In the corn deal today were the failure ot at least two expectations. One was that the bot tom would drop out of tlie market because of the reported settlements with outstand ing shorts, which would mean ths abandon ment of the deal by the bull traders, and the other that the screws would be giveu a turn by the Harris-Gatea people and the price forced atlll higher. Neither hap pened and the price moved quietly along within a range of 2 cents, fluctuating be twesn 8t and 88 cents, and closing at tha lowest point ot ths day, 1 cent lower than Tuesday. Not over 100 buahels of the cornered grain was traded In during tbe session. The big ones, and these may be covered In a general way under the title of tha "elevator Interests" ars still out. There are apparently only two places where they can cover. Ons seemingly Is In tbe corn pit on 'change and tha other tbs private one of Harris, Gates as Co. The size ot the transactions show that they have not bought openly, while a member ot the Harris-Gates firm Insists that he knows noth ing ot any prtvats 'settlement. MAYOR AMES IS "INDICTED Grand Jury Makes Serious Charge Against Chief Executive of Minneapolis. MINNEAPOLIS, July 9. The grand Jury has returned Indictments chsrgtng A. A. Ames, mayor of the city; Fred W. Ames, superintendent of police, and Joseph (Reddy) Cohen with accepting bribes. The charges ars based on the alleged collection of tribute from abandoned women, In which It la charged that Cohen acted for the mayor and chief. When Mayor Ames was arraigned In court this afternoon on two indictments, each charging that hs received $15 for "protection" on certain datea named from the keeper of a hoyse of Ill-repute, his attorney denounced tbs chsrgs as "Infa mous and trivial," and demanded Imme diate trial. He urged this further on the ground that it was for the public in terest thst the charge against the chief exeoutlve officer of the city should be settled at once. Judge Hsrrlson said that the court was no respecter of persons and that tbs case must taks Its turn with the others. He set ths esse for trial July 14, and added tbe ball at $5,000, which was promptly furnished. Neither Chief Ames nor Cohen waa ar raigned. Tbe latter haa not been found and Is said to bs out ot the city. DYNAMITE WRECKS . BUILDING Lumber Man Starts Fire In Stove Containing Stick of the Explosive. CRIPPLE, CREEK, Colo., July 9. The front of ths two-story frsme building oc cupied by Keith Grube, coal and lumber dealers, wss blown out by dynamite today, causing a money loss ot $2,000. Several persons narrowly escaped death. The explosion took place In the office, where Manager Westcott had built a fire. Mr. Westcott declares that dynamite was placed In the stove by enemies for purpose of killing him. GET CORNER ON TOMATOES Indiana Canners la Convention Aaaert Entire Crop in Control of Combine. INDIANAPOLIS, July 9. Indiana can ners. In convention here, say that canned tomatoes are cornered and that local Job bers are now paying $1.75 a dozeo for three-pound cans, which is the highest price sines the war. At this time ot ths year ths price usually Is about this figure. Not sn Indiana packer has had a can ot tomatoes In his fsctory for tour months. It Is said. It will be soms time before tbe new crop comes Into market. Movements of Ocean Veaarle Jaly V. At Glasgow Arrived: Oorean, from Phila delphia via St. Johns, N. F. At Antwerp Arrived: Nederland, from Philadelphia. At linng Kong Arrived: Empreaa of Japan, from Vancouver. B. C, via Yoko hama, Hlngo and Shanghai. At Yokohama Sailed: Empress of India, from Hong Kong, Shanghai and Hlogo, for Vancouver. B. O. At Lizard Passed: St. Louis, from New York, for Southampton. At Queenstown Arrived: New England, from Boston, for Liverpool, and proceeded; Majestic, from New York. Sailed: Ivernla, from IJverpool. for Boston. At Southampton Balled: Bremen, from Bremen, for New York via Cherbourg. At New York Balled: Philadelphia, for Liverpool via Southampton. Arrived: Krle. land, from Antwerp; Laurlntln, from Glas gow. At IJverpool Arrived: Westernlsnd, from Philadelphia. RAILROAD TAX CASE Argument Commenced in Supreme Court en Bailroad Assessment. ARGUMENT TO BE CLOSED THIS MORNING row Hours Allowed to Each Side to Pre sent lta Views on Case. STATE TREASURER STUEFER ON STAND Does Not Enow Assessed Value ef Union Paoifio at Various Times, E. R0SEWATER ONE OF THE WITNESSES Points Oat IV be re Property of Great Valae Haa Been Added to I'alvn Farlne Holdings Within Year. (From a Staff Correspondent LINCOLN, July 9 (Special.) The tak ing of testimony before the supreme court In the Bee Building company's mandamus case agslust the State Bosrd ot Equali zation was concluded this morning snd at the opening of ths afternoon session the argument was begun. The court al lowed each side four hours for their pres entation. This will bring the final sub mission st noon tomorrow. The argument was opened for the relator by E. W. 81m eral, the co-rclator, M. F. Harrington, following. John D. Howe will make ths closing speech tomorrow. Ben White, representing the Elkhorn, ' followed Harrington and Judge Baldwin for the Union Pacific and J. E. Kelby for the Burlington will occupy the greater part of the forenoon. Teatlmoay Takea During Morning. An abundance of Important testimony wss tsken during the morning session. Edward Rosewater testified at length re garding the improvement In ths terminal facilities of the Union Pacific railroad at Omaha. Hs outlined briefly a portion of the showing he hsd made to the Stats Board of Equalization when he waa before that body In the Interests of the taxpay ers of the state. One question brought out tbe fact that Mr. Rosewater showed to tho board that the Union Pacific rail road was capitalized for over $100,000 per mile. This and other testimony of a sim ilar nature, all regarding the value ot the railroad property in consideration, waa produced to show that the board bad dis regarded its information in making' ths aasesement. On cross-examination Mr. Rosewater waa asked by Mr. Bsldwin to snumerate some new property obtained by the Union Pa cific railroad during tbe past year, or any other Improvement made that increased the general value ot the property. This wss met, with the rejoinder that the ter minal tracks ot the road bad been raised, the general condition of tbs grounds vastly improved and many new sidetracks built. "I know also," added Mr. Rosewater, "that the Union Pacific railroad by treaty with the city acquired possession of val uable land whiou t. contend, la worth $1, 000,000. Tbs lsnd consists of several hun dred lots and until ths treaty was made ths railroad never had title to any of it." Tax Commissioner Alt,kln ot tho city of Lincoln wss called to testify as to the -ratio of assessment of ths property In the city of Lincoln. Mr. Aitkin stated thst all property wss assessed at full cash value. His position hs held through a very rigid cross-examination. Trcaanrcr Stnefer Testifies. After a few more queatlona, all of which brought forth ready responses, the cross examination ceased and the wltnsss was excused. State Treasurer Stuefer was on tha ' stand long enough during tbe morning ses sion to say "I don't know" to a dossn or mors questions. Mr. Btuefer was called by the respondents. "In sssesslng ths railroad propsrty of ths state, did you do so knowing that it was the property ot railroad corpora tions?" wss asked. "Yes, sir." "As property of corporations having a right to do business?" "Yes, sir." "And that ths rights and privileges of the corporations were being exercised?" "Yes, sir." "If you had assessed the property as dead property, unused snd unopsratsd. would It have been lower?" "Yes, sir." Thus far Mr. Stuefsr's replies were clesr cut and straight to the point. It was on cross-examination by the counsel tor the relator that his memory and knowledge failed htm. "Did you constdsr whether or not the Union Pacific bold the right of eminent domain?" "Yes, sir." "What do you mean by right of eminent domain?" "I guess I don't know," was the response after some hesitation. "Then aa a matter of fact you don't know what eminent domain- means?" "I guess not." "Can you tell us from all of this testi mony and evidence what the earnings of the Union Pacific railroad are per mile on the main line?" "I think about $,000 per mile.' "But csn you show where the records ot the Bosrd ot Equalisation Indicate that?" Mr. Stuefer produced a statement from the mass of svldence. "This will show for Itself," said he. An examination failed to reveal any thing about the earnings of the railroad and the attorney proceeded with the cross examination. "Do you know whether you assessed the Union Pacific at more or less tbsa when it was a bankrupt railroad?" "I could not anawer that." Start the Arguments. In opening the argument this afternoon Mr. Slmeral called attention to salient points of the testimony that had been ad duced. Ha pointed out that the testimony of both Mr. Weston and Mr. Stuefer wss to tbe effect thst the franchises had not been assessed. . Much public interest was msnlfestsd in ths bearing, many prominent people from different parts of tbe Stats being present during the hearing. Mr. Harrington's ad dress to the court wss a really brilliant effort and was listened to with cloae at tention by the court. Mr. 81meral's ad dress wss a thorough exposition of the law In regard to the sssessment of propsrty for taxation. M. F. Harrington followed Mr. 8imeral In the argument, and waa In turn followed ' by Ben Whits of tbs Elkborn. Ths esse will be resumed tomorrow morning st l:$0, when John N. Baldwin will begin bis ar gument for ths respondent.