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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1902)
THE OMAHA DAILY HEE: WEDNESDAY, JULY 0, 1002. COMMERCIAL AND. FINANCIAL Crn Interest Centers in Ju1j, Which Ttnchei Hinttj Gtota. OTHER CEREALS EXPERIENCE RECESSION September Grains Drp Oil While ' Uof Proslarts Display Strength, bat Liberal Offerings Weaken the rrorlalon Pit. CIT1CACJO. July 8. Prices on the Board ef Trade today had a Iowit tendency, with the exception of July corn, which option the shorts bid up to tOc, the highest price alnce 1W2. September corn cloned lV'8lvc lower. September wheat waa 1S1V lower. Data were c lower, while provisions closed from Be lower to 7V4C higher. There waa nothing especially character istic In the Individual dealings In wheat and while the market reacted eome from the low point, the average for the day was at lower prices. favorable weather throughout the winter wheat belt was the cause for the weak opening and this, com bined with the evident disappointing ca bles, had a depressing effect during the en tire session. September wheat opened SW Ho lower at 73473ic, but later In the day, on reports ot rains In the northwest and southwest, there was considerable buying and prices advanced to "irci .1c and the close was fairly steady. wlth a loss of 10 art 72M!72ftc. I-ocal receipts were M cars, with 14 contract. Minneapolis and jbuluth reported ICO cars, making a, total J or the three points of 2K1 cars, against 183 aat week and 3," a year ago. Seaboard clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 144,000 bushels. Primary receipts were HS.OtiO bushels, against 686,000 bushels the corresponding day last year, v Interest In corn again centered In the Duly option, which opened unchanged to lo higher. The pressure exerted on shorts yesterday was again In evidence today and their frantic efforts to secure the goods the price of July soared to 9oc, the highest price since 1N92, when the record of $1 waa reached. Trading, however, was not large. Toward the latter part of the session there waa less urgency to buy and prices re acted. The close was 3c higher at 87o. September corn was Influenced somewhat at the start by the alight strength In wheat and by the sharp advance In July. The opening was 4c lower to He higher at 62ic On general selling the -market old toff to 61c and the close waa lVfil'o lower. Local receipts were 211 cars, with only 8 cars of contract grade. Keoorta of serious damace to oats In Iowa checked the declining tendency that developed at the opening and prices ral lied, but toward the close there was an. other decline In sympathy with wheat and corn. September opened He to c lower at B3c to 4c, me ntgnesi price or tne day. and after declining to 3SUo closed o lower at 23c. Local receipts were lu4 cars. Higher prices for hogs Imparted strength to provisions and the opening figures were from 24o to 10c higher. There were lib eral offerings at the advance and the trength failed to hold. September pork opened 7VgWc higher at J8.66ol8.77V4 and after ranging between II 8. 67 W and 118 874 closed 74c lower at 118.70. Lard ranged between 110.92V'a10.t5 and tll.074 and closed 6c higher at iM4. Kibe closed 6c lower at IW.774. after selling between 110.724 and aiu.sivk. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat 70 cars; corn, 200 cars; oata, 100 cars; hogs, bu,iiu neaa. The leading future ranged as follows: ruled easy In tone and the various grades, with the exception or stunoara, were gen erally steady, though demand continues low. whereas product is very neavy. which accounts for the prevailing weak ness. A sale of lon.nm pounds of elec- rolytlc for July delivery was reported at II. US. the market closing at lll.vdllon. Standard spot to" August waa laet quoted at ll.S7'fi U.7S; lake, and cast ing, f 11 . 5ii The Knglish market also displayed a weaker tone, prices being de pressed 3s 81 on spot ana ns on futures, closing at 53 and 51 lis. While quiet, tin today had a better level of prlcea, spot dosing at t28.1f' 28. ; London reported no changes, the spot price being 12n lis, and . . . ......- niii l - nT v . I n held quiet and steady without quotable change; London remained at 11 s Jd. Spelter waa firmly held but unchanged In he local market at 6.1.1ZV4. but in M abronxi, he Knglish closing price being 19. Ixoal Iron remained about steady and quiet at he old oasis. arrants continued more or less nominal and without quotation: No. 1 foundry, northern, was quoted at 122 0na .w; ISO. I rnupdry, northern, i.'i.fa w; iso. l foundry; southern, 121.6Pfa2z.Mi; no. foundry, southern. soft. 121.8OW22.B0. Knglish markets were a trifle Irregular. Glasgow closing higher at 86 and Middles borough at 6a 104a. Artlcles.l Opcn'.l High. Low. Close. Tes'y, ' 'Wheat - July Bept. Dec.t Sept. ' Dec. May Oata a July b July a Sept. b Sept. b Deo." Sept i Sept. Ribs . July ' Sept. 74T,t7B 73-14i 84 a& 60(824 48 (ff4 4446 41 S 4tvS4 80S 331? 34 83 IS T7 U 86 11 OS 11 00 10 80 10 86 7B 73H 744 ' 80 624 4841 46 41 47 80 4 18 T7U1 18 874 11 06 11 07 10 80 10 874 744 744 72H721i'8"' 1 87 61' BH 84 61 474' 41 48 804 834 834 is o 18 674 10 924 10 924 106 10 7241 44 414 464 804 834 834! 18 60 18 70 11 00 11024 10 70 10 774 7Bi 72H 744 84 621.4 48 444 46 04 344 18 (6 18 774 10 P2H 10 974 10 774 10 824 84 a old. b new. Cash Quotations were aa follows: FLOUR Steady: winter patents, 83.70 8.80; straights, 13.203.30; spring special. ,14.20; spring patents, 13.603.SO. WHEAT No. 8 spring, 7Bi764o; No. red. 7BK,(&T7e. CORN No. , 87(8S8c; No. t yellow, 864 88c. OAT8-Nq , 49c: No. 2 white. 624634o; no. a wnite, Di'Divic RTE No. I, 684c 1 1 SEEDS No. 1 flax. SI M; No. 1 northwest em, 81-73; prime timothy, 15.75; clover, con. tract a-rade. 18.36. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., 118.60 fn8.A5. Lard, per iou lbs.. xii.r('4taii . Short ribs sides (loose), 810.6Ty910.76. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), 18.7Mi.0O. Short rlear aides (boxed). 111. 12411 11.25. WHISKY On the basis of high wines. 81.80. The following are the receipts and ship ments: I - Receipts. Shipments Flour, bbla 23.000 10.000 Wheat bu 63.000 6.000 Corn, bu 188,000 87.000 Oats, bu 348.000 91,000 Rye, bu "1.000 Barley, bu 14.000 1.000 patents, 13 764.86; first clears, $2.86; second clears, BOS. BRAN In bulk. $1400514.78. v Dsjlsjth Grain Market. DULtTTH. July 8. WHEAT No. 1 north rrn. hard, 74c; No. 1 northern and July, 7B4c; September, 72c. OATS September, 32V.C. OMAHA. WHOLGaALH MARKETS. HEW YORK STOCKS AXD BOSDS. nfarket Strengthens, Thoagb Clnse Sees Scramble for Profit Taking;. NEW TORK, July 8. Something very like a scramble to take profits at the end of the day served to throw some discredit upon the character of the day's movement In stocks, which had reached considerable proportions and with a semblance of much more substantial character than anything In the recent course of the market. Spots of strength were more numerous and the well-established dividend-paying stocks were foremost in the trading. The orders from single commission houses and the Individual blocks taken of some of the high grade railroad stocks lamy warranted an Inference of invest ment bulng, supposed to be re-Investment of resources' made available by the July aisnursements on tne part of inside con Condition of Trade aad Quotations aa Staple and Fancy Frodnee. EGGB Candled stock, lSiffldc. LIVE POULTRY Hens. 74r8c: old roost ers, acordlna to are. 4(frftc: turkava. Jtoi10c: ducks and geese, 647c; broilers, per lb., 124 que. BUTTER Packing stock, 15c: choice dairy, In tubs, nfllSc; separator, 20glc. 'RESH CAUGHT FISH Trout, 10e; herring, 6c: pickerel, 8c; pike, 9c; perch, so; - Dunaio, dressed. 7c; sunnsh. 6c; blueftna, 9c; whlteilsh, !0-; caVflsh. 11c; black bass. 18c; l.ariDut, lie; salmon, 6o; haddock, lie; codfish. 12c: red snapper. 10c: lobsters, boiled, per lb., 27c; lobsters, green, per lb., 25c: bullheads, 10c. nurjuiNB uve, per aoa., oc VEAL Choice, 6So. i CORN-63C OATS-Blc. URAK Per ton. IIS. HAY Prlcea Quoted by Omaha Wholesale Hay Dealers' association: Cholee hay. No. upland, n; iso 1 medium, if.oo; no. 1 coarse, 17. Rye atraw, 15.50. These prlcea are for hay or good color and quality. De mand fair, receipts ugnt. VEGETABLES. CAULIFLOWER home grown, per do. 75c. NEW CELERY Kalamazoo, 80c, POTATOES New - potatoes, per bu., 60c GREEN ONIONS Per !oa.. according to stZ4 of bunches. 16'if20c. TURNIPS Per bu., 40c, BEETS Per basket, 40o. GREEN CORN Per do., 15e. CUCUMBERS Per dos., 85846o, LETTUCE Per dox, beaches, 2&C. PARSLEY Per dos., fg3Bc. RADISHES Per dox., 2oi26o. WAX BEANS Homt i-swn, per market Basket. 6o&60c; strlnff beans, per market basket, &Ctj60c, titi L HAKo riome grown, per id., jo. CABBAGE California or home-grown. new, lkhl'tc. ONIONS New California. In aacka. par lb., 2c- TOMATOES Texas, per 4-baaket crate, 864? 90c. NAVI bkaisb rer ou.. i. FRUITS. APRICOTS-Callfornla. 81.40. PEACHES California, 11.10. PLUMS California, per 4-baaket crates. fancy, ll.BOfrl.fiu; choice, 81.26. PItUNfcs rer dox, APPLET Summer varletlas, per bbl.. $3 60. Clit.Kit.a uaiiiomia, per dox, io; home-grown, per 24-qt. case, I2.00QH.28. 11 . X ' I" . T rfliir T ' nmi. t a ,1 M RASPBERRIES Black, per M-pte., 14.00; red, per 24-pts., 13.00. W Al H. KM E IAJ B OC. TROPICAL FRUITS. PINEAPPLES Florida, 80 to N count. 14.60. BANANAS Per bunch, according to size, 12.262 75. ORANGES Valenclas, 14,766.00; Medi terranean sweets, 14.u0-a4.25. lemons nancy. uessinaa. (4.60(.00. HONEY Per 24-sectlon case. 82.76et.00. CIDER Nehawka. per bbl.. 13.25: New xorK, J.TB. popcorn l er id., tc; sneued, oe, NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, eer lb.. 12c: hard shell, per lb.. U4c: No. 2 soft shell, 10c; No. 2 hard shell. He; Brazils, per IV., UIUCI ,U., A;, HIHIUIIUB, RU1 shell, 16c; hard shell, 16c; pecaoa, large, per id., uc, sraan, ivc, cocoanuta, per sacs, $3.60. - ........ . HIDES No. 1 green. 64c: No. 1 green. 64c; No. 1 salted, 74c: No 8 salted, 64c; v( , . ... 1 I . a A i itZ i . aA. irA ..... 1 calf, 12 to 16 lbs., 6c; dry hides, 813c; sheep pelts, 75c: horse hides, Jl.&ocij 2.60. ULii M. i Aits a. a. Aipern quotes tne following prices: Iron, country mixed, per ton, 110 ; Iron, stove plate, per ton, 17.60; copper, per lb.. 84c; brass, heavy, per lb., 84c; braas, light, per lb., 6c; lead, per lb.. eftc; xinc, per id., zc; ruooer, per id., so. St. IOols Grain and Provlaloaa. 8T. LOUIS. July 8. WHEAT No. I red casn, elevator, nc; track, 72ot,S4c; July, 71c; September, 70c; December, 734c; No, trolling Interests In some of the properties. Such buying was manifest in New York Central and Chicago A Northwestern. This rrobably had more than anv other thing o do with dissipating the feeling of sus picion which has been persistently felt to ward tne wnoie recent upward movement. The reaction at the close nf the ilav re vived these suspicions and the large pro portion or tne oay s Duying orders, which were for western account, kept' alive the supposition that the "western contingent" were actively manipulating the market. In connection with the renewed pressure upon the shorts In July corn. The special irengm or t?t. raul was accompanied bv revival of old rumora of control of that property by Union Pacific. The soft coal carriers were taken on the demonstrsted beneiU they are receiving from the paraly sis of the anthracite coal traffic. This movement embraced some of the common stocks of the "Morgan regions," Including Southern Railway and Erie, but the Read. lngs and anthracite carriers generally were imost stagnant. A marked Influence was caused unon sen tlment by the sagging of the foreign ex change rate away from the gold export point after tentative arrangements had been made for a shipment on Thursday. The sterling rate at Paris also rallied. The gold, export was averted by the renewed offerings by bills against sterling loans, which were facilitated by the growing eaee vi ms lionaon money market. The local trust companies also came Into this mar ket as lenders of manv millions of dollars on call, which served aa a stimulating Influ ence On BDecUlatlon. The Chlrnro rata of v. change continues at 60 per cent dlscout, with cunnnuea pressure on Kew yom ror funds. United Btates Steel lost nearly a nnlnt In the late dealings on the postponement of the decision of the appeal of the suit against the stock conversion plan and on ne Deginmng oi a new suit. This and the nam preak in Colorado Fuel aezrnvnteri tne reaction ana tne closing was easy. Business In bonds broadened out aome. what, but the market waa Irregular. Total sales, par value, 13.635.000. United States new 4s declined 4 In the last call. ine following are the closing prices on mo new i oik diock exchange: Atchlaoa S So. P.olflc do pta So Rllw Bsltlmora tt Ohio... .101 do pfd do pfd ....t (6 Ti A p Csnsdlui Pscina ....IwVt., St. L. A w.. Canada Bouthra .... 91 1 do pfd .. Chea. at Ohio H Union Paclno .... Chicago A Alton do p(d do pfd MWabaih Chicago. I. A L 74 do pfd do p(d hi w. I. E Chicago A E. I lul I do Id prd Chicago A Ot. W.... J94Wla. cntral do lat pfd nvti do pfd do id Pfd 47". Art.m. tinna Chicago A N. W SM lAimr. Eiprma ... C.. R. I. P iso V. 8. express.... Chicago 1". A T 21 .Walla-Farao Expra..00 do pfd 17U. Ami. Coooar 14 U C. C. A St. L li .Arner. C. A F JW Kit On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady: creamery. ivmzo dairies, 16g:ic. Cheese, steady, 10tf10o. Eggs, firm; fresh, lac. HEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. Qnetatleas ot the Day aa Tarloas Coaantodltlra NEW TORK. July 8. FISUR-Reeelpts, I7,OXt bbla.; exports, 13,268 bbls.; market was aulet and barely steady: straights, 13.7Cxga.85; winter patents. 13.90& 4.10; Minnesota patents, H.Wava; Minne sota bakers. 13.lwSS.i6: winter low grades. 82854M.00: winter extras. 13.1 Mil 36. Rye flour, dull: fair to good, 13.25!i33.45; choice to fancy, CORhlMEALr Dull; yellow western, 81.83 cltv. 11.31: Brand vwlne. 13. 46013.66. RTE Steady; No. 1 weatern, 6B4c, f. o, b., afloat; state, S3(g&4c, c. L f., New York ca riots. HARLET- Nominal. WHEAT Receipts, 121.676 bu.; spot easy No. 8 red, 804c elevator and 804o afloat No. 1 northern. Duluth. R3Sc f. o. ex afloat No. 1 hard, Manitoba. 85Sc afloat. Oenera weakness prevailed In wheat all day Weather conditions Improved and llaulda- tlon became a feature; outside support waa 'light and prices dropped a cent per bushel The market closed weak at Vtflc net de cline; July, sowtc. closed at c: Sep. , tember, 78 l-l(Vn7Se. closed at 784c; De- cemoer. 7'g'.iio, ciosea at fo. CORN Receipts, none: exports. 8.870 bu .spot stesdy; No. 8, 70c elevator and 7v f. o. b. afloat. Option market opened up I EOOS Steady: fresh Missouri and Kan ,flrm here with the west, but soon turned I saa stock, 14o doaen, loss off, cases re. iwvaa. iia, imyeuau uy mura lavoraDie I turned. 1 hard. 76fif764e. CORN Lower: No. 1 cash. 63c: track. 86c; July, 63c; September, 634c; December, 11 ttC. oath Lower; no. l casn, 4c: track, i 604c; July, 36c; September, 28T4c; No, white, 63c. RYE Easy at B7c. FLOUR Quiet and unchanged: old, red winter patents, t3.60ift3.70: extra fancy and straight, 13.25(03.35; new of each nominally 10c a Darrei loss; clear, S4.w(p.zu. SEED Timothy, nominally 15. CORN MEAL Steady at 13.16. BRAN Quiet and barely steady; sacked, east track. 844c. HAY About steady; timothy, $11.00 low; prairie, ii.waio.oo. WHISKY-Steady at 11.80. IRON COTTON TIES Steady at 81.C6. BAQOINQ Steady at 64QHc HEMP TWINE Be. PORK Lower; Jobbing. 818.60. old; 11100, new. Lard, duller at 810.60. Dry salt meats steady; boxed extra shorts. 111; clear ribs, 811124: short clear, 111.28. Ba con, steady; 1 boxed extra shorts. 811.874; clear ribs, lit; short clear, 112124. METALS Lead, steady at 83.874; spelter. nigner at .'ud.w. POULTRY Dull; chlckena, 4o; springs, 12c: turkeys. 9c: ducks. 7c: ceese. 4Vae. BUTTER Easy; creamery, 17$22c; dairy, EGOS Steady at 124c. loss oft. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 6.000 11,000 Wheat, bu 89,000 89.000 Corn, bu t8,0u0 16,000 Oata, bu 83.000 86,000 Kansas City Grain aaa Previsions. KANSAS C1TT. July 8. WHEATJulr. 6Sc; September, 67474c: cash. No. 1 hard, old, 72&734c: No. I, 7048714c; new, 704o; no. j red, 01a, ;zie; new, 71c; no. 3, new 6ti4Sc: No. t spring. 70c: No. 4 hard. old. 70c; new, 66c; rejected hard, new, 63'66c; juiy, uc; eeptemoer, kic. CORN-Cash, No. t mixed, 66c; No. White, 68c: No. 8, 674c. OATS-No. 1 white, 49c. RYE No. 1. 66c. HAY-Cholce timothy, llt.OOfSU.W; choice prairie. a9.wiGiu.w. BUTTER-Creamery, 19(gl8o; dairy, lancy, isc. news, declined sharply, closing 4'8'4c net I lower; July closed at f"c; Septeipber, 644 ; Tj6c, closed at 644c; December closed at fcl4o. OATS Receipts, 100.700 bu.: exports, 1.785 bu.; spot easy; No. 8. 654c; No. 8, 66c: No. I white, 6U0; No. 8 white. 6040; track, 'mixed western, 64$56c; track, white west- ern. 67fnlo; track, state white, 67toSc. Op. . tiona weakened with other grains on bet ter crop news. HAY Quiet; spring, 604265c; good to choice. 04j96c. HIDES Quiet; Galveston, 20 to lbs., lsc; California, ill to 25 Iba., 19c; Texas dry. . 84 to 80 lbs., 13c HOPS Firm; state, prime to choice, 1901 crop. 194ii234c; 1900, 10c; olda, fi!c; atate, common to choice, 1901 crop, lMiilc; olds, 6'u9c; Pacific coast, 1901 crop, 194j'.!3c; 19u0, Jfc; olds, 6r9e, LEATHER Quiet; acid. tW2Sc. WOOXi Quiet; domestic fleece, 2Vfj30e. PROVISIONS Beef, quiet; famllv, 115 60 ' fTlSfx; mess, 811 60114.00; beef hams. 111. CO 611.60; packet. 114.60.d 15.60; rlty extra India mesa, t?4 Oii-yJi 00. Cut raeats, firm; pickled belllesf 1U 12.00; pickled shoulders. 19 .00 tm &0; pickled hams. Ill Oofri 12.00. Lard, easier; weatern steamed, 111.26; July closed at 111.85, nominal; reflned, easy; South America, 111.80; compound. is.l?4tj 60; continent. 811.40. Pork, Arm; family, 121; Short clear, 1 5a'i2 00; mesa. tl9.outjl 75. TALLOW Firm; city (12 per pkg.), 64c; country tpkga. free), Hfc4e. RICK Firm; domestic, fair to extra, 44 C64c: Japanese, 4j5c. rtUTTEK Receipts. 16.171 pkgs.; firm; state dairy. lTWo'JAic ; creamery, atate. lKVittSo: creamery. Imitation, 17tjl9c; fac tory. 1WJ1SC. CHEESE Receipts. 8.308 rkgs.: Irregular: fancy, large colored, 4aSo; white, 94tf 9e; rancy. small, new, state, iuu cream ca-lored, KtT104c; white. lotilaC. EiS Receipts, ' 14.349 pkas.; steady state and Pennsylvania, 9oia2i4c; weatern candled. 19WC MtiLASMKS Quiet; New Orleans, SKSHlc. POUI.TJtY Alive, ouiet and unchanaed: chickens, fowls, dressed, weak and irregu ' lar. Kellers, 151tc; fowls, U412c; lur kevs. Unl4o. . UEXAlJb-Th local copper usxkst today Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bu Receipts. Shipments ...188.000 86,000 ... 60,000 42.400 .i. 87,000 6,000 Philadelphia rroaaee Market. PHILADELPHIA. Julv 8-BITTTa7R Firm; eatra western creamery, 214c; extra nearny prints, zjc. tAius Firm, good demand: fresh nearby. ivvkc. loss on: rrean western, sue. loss off fresh southwestern, 19c, loss off; fresh southern limine, loss on. CHEESE Firm : New York full creams. prime small, 10 B 10Vi-; New York ful creams, fair to good, 9ig'l04c. Toledo Grain and Seed. TOLEDO, O., July 8. WHEAT Dull, weaa: caan. isc: juiy. ioc: BeDtember. ioic; iwccmuer,. 11c, tuitn-ijuu, steady; caan, rc; July, S64C September. 61c: December. 47Hc. OATH Dull, firm; cash, 4K4c;' July,, old, aic; juiy, new, wc; Beptemoer, new oc; Beptemoer, new He. SEED Clover, dull; cash, 1515. Mllwaakeo Grala Market. MII.WAI'KF.E IjIv S WHRAT-tlnll No. 1 northern, 77c; No. t, 75i"764c; Sep' temoer, i-c. RYE Dull: No. 1. 684c nominal. BARLEY Steady; No. X 714672c; sarn pie, noining aoing. CORN September, 604c. Peoria Market. PEORIA. July 8.-CORN-Flrmer; No. 644c. OATS Inactive; No. I white, 800610, Dinea tnrougn. WHISKY-On the basis of I1J0 for fid. lanea goods. Minneapolis Mktgt, Klear and Bran. MINNEAPOLIS, July 8--WHEAT-July, 78c; September. 71ac: on track. No. 1 hard. 84c; No. I northern, 74c; No. 1 northern, I44c. i'LOUR-Flrst pates U, HOIS; Mcond .. a4 .. M .. 434 .. K4 .. 374 ..iua .. 464 .. J2 .. , .. I64 .. 48 ,.t2S .114 U.6.M; balances. $2,640, 786; money, 4 '944 per cent. BOSTON. Jul- 1 Clearings. 824sOG4,087; balance, $1.14.S66. BALTIMORE. Jnlr 8-Clearlngn. Pl.oso,- 0C4: balances, t46 649; money, 44""a percent. ST. LOUIS, July 8. Clearings. t!.3.:W,7!; balances, $1,691,791; money, steady. 66 per cent; jvew 1 ork exchange, ic aisoount. CINCINNATI. Julv 8 Clearings. 13. 6M.- 3V; money. 346 per cent; New York ex change, par. New Tork MlnlnW tlaotatloas. NEW YORK. Julv 8 The following are closing prices on mining stocks: Adams Con Allco .... Breera Rrunnwlrk Con .. Comatocli Tunnel Con. Cal. A Vs.. Iadwood Terra.. Horn Sllrer Ion Sllrer Leadrllls Coa ... . to . 40 . M . I . 4 .1U .in . to . 1 Llttla Chlaf ... Ontario Ophlr rnoenix Potoal Sarago Wlerra Nerada Small Hopas ... Standard ... II ...T74 ...111 ... S ... IT ... ( ... XO ... 46 ...KM OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET lattl of Good Quality Sold Tnj at rirm Prices. HOGS ADVANCED FULLY A NICKEL Light Receipts ot Sheep and Better Grades Coald Safely Bo (taeted Streng to a Diane Higher Feed ers Also la Good Demand. uoio. Bouthera am. do pfd do lat pfd 71 Amar. Ui, Oil do 2d Ofd 44U. Am txtA Tel. A Hudaon 1761 Amar. B AR. Del., L. A W I70i4 do pfd Denrar A R. 0.... 41 Ana. Mm. Co.. dov sfd Kris do lat pfd.... do id ofd Ot. Nor. pfd.... Hocking Vallsy do ofd Illinois Cantrml . lowa central ... do pfd L. K. A W do Dtd Louis. A Naah... Manhattan L ... Mat. St. Br Max. Central ... Max. National . Minn. A St. L... Mo. Pad no M.. K. A T do pfd 1. Central... T. Central.. o Bra. Rap. Tr. N, Nor. A Weal.. do pfd Ontario A W....Y Pennarlranla Reading do lat pfd do Id nfd St. U A 8. P.... do lat pfd do Id ofd St. L. 8. w do pfd St Paul do pfd .... u .... M ....184 .... M .... 04 ....1(4 .... 48 Si .... I4 .... M ....12i ....141 ....lit ....1414 .... J .... 184. ....Ill ....1104 .... n .... i ....1M ....167VI .... 17 . 14! .16S . H . K . WW . si . 7IH . 31 . 8 .1774 .1J Colo. F. A 1. Con. Oas Con. Tob. pfd Otnaral Elaotrto .. Hocking Coal Int'n'l Paper ..... ao Pfd Int'n'l Power Liacleds Oaa National Blaeult . National Lead .... No. American Paclflo Coaat Pacing Mall People's Oaa Preaaed Steal Car. do nfd Pullman Pal. Car. Republlo Steel .... do pfd Sugar Tenn. C. A I U. B. St P. Co.... do pfd U. S. Leather do pfd U. 8. Rubber do pfd U. B. Steal, do pfd Weatern Union ... Am. Locomottrs .. do pfd K. C. Southern.... do pfd .. to " .. 04 ..lotvt .. .. 14 ..t234 ..1214 ..04 . .. It .. 104 .. 74"4 .. 73Vi .. 89 .. 47H .. 114 ..1114 .. 48 .. 414 ..1011 .. 44 .. K ..134 .. 17 .. 781 ..1!8 .. 4314 .. 144 .. II .. 12 .. 844 .. 14 .. M4 .. 18 .. t1 .. 174 .. S2 .. 134 .. 84 .. M4 New York Money Market. NEW YORK. July 8. MONEY On mil. easier, ti per cent; last loan at 8 per cent; prime mercantile paper. 44(35 Der cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Easier stlt R7V. 454.877A for demand and at 14.854 for sixty days; posted rates. !4.864.864 and 14.88H 4.89; commercial bills, !4.&4V(j4.fio. eleven oar, Wftc; Mexicaa dollars, 424c. BONDS Government, easy; state. ' Inac tive; railroad. Irregular. The closing Quotations on bonds are aa follows: rag... .1074 Hwklng Val.. 44a.. ..lot 4, 1074 L. A N. unl. 4a 101 M. Central 4s tn ..1174 oo ik ino 88 ..1844 Minn. A St. U 4a.. ..lot .1S4W M., K. A T. 4s 100 ..lftW' do ta 86 ..108(4 N. T. C. la 10H4 ..104 I do faueral IVa....l0la ..105 IN. J. C. g. la 1S'4 ..1044 No. PaclBo 4a 1MS .. 44 do la 76 ..Wa S. A W. con. 4a.. ..101 .. M4 Reading gen. 4s ,.. 10t(4 8t L A I M la US' ..104,8t. L. A 8. r. 4s... 10014 ..1084 St. L. a. w. la lookt .. 4i do la 44 ..iO'-, S. A. A A. P. 4s.... 8 .. 88H Bo. Paclflo 4a tl'a ... 84 8o. Rallwar ta 121 I..114 Texaa A P. la 114 V. I. rat. 1 do coupon do la, rag do coupon do naw 4a, rag... do coupon do old 4a. rag.... do eoupon ....... do la, rag , do coupon Atch. gen. 4s do adj. 4a Bal. A Ohio 4a.... do 14a do eonv. 4a Canada So. la Central et Oa. ta.. do la Ine Ches. A Ohio 44a Chicago A A. 14a c. B. . u. a. 4a. C. M A 8t P g. 41 C, N. w. e. 7a. C. R. !. A P. 4a. CCC. A St. L. g. 4a.. 101 Chicago Tar. 4a. Colorado So. 4a. Daaror A R. O. Erla prior Ilea 4s.... M14 do ganaral F. W. A D. C. la. Offered. -1S4 T.. St. L. A w., .HOVi Vnlon PaclBo 4a.. Wabaah la 88 I do la . 1444 do dab. B , .108 Wait Shore 4a..... W. dt L. B. 4s... Wla. Central 4a... 17 .1114 Con. Ton. 4a. M4 ...104 ,..120 ...1124 ... 7714 ...11S4 ... 864 ... 814 .. 474 NIOI sflOCtm VCVOTaBllOB41a BOSTON. July 8. Call loans. 84ff44 ner cent; time loana, aiQn per cent. Unlclal closing ot stocas ana bonds Atchlaoa 4a .... Oaa la Max. Central 4a N. B. O. A C Atchison do pfd Boaton A Albany. Boat on A Ma boaton Eleratad ... N. V , N. M. A H. Fltchburg pfd. "4 . t .80 .too .144 lit 141V Dnloa Pad So 10(4 Max. Central Ii Amar. Sugar 128 do pfd lmi 24Adrantura .... 17 Allouai 7Atnalgamated . 40H I'nltad Copper Amar. T. A T. Don. I. A I.. Maaa. Blactrto do pfd N. B. O. A C. I'nltad Prult . V. 8. Steal do pfd .it:.1. Dlngham ral. A Heels..... Centennial ....... Copper Range .... Pomlnlon Coal .. Franklin Isle Royals Mohawk Oaceola Parrot iQulncr sasta re copper. 11 'Tamarack . 42V . 7 . 14 .1184 . 88 88 Trlmountata . Trinity I'nltad States I'tah Victoria 'Winona Wasting, oomrooa ....104 iWolvarlns ... 134 ... 2(4 ... 4414 ... 3D ... 114 ...DM ... 174 ... UVa ...134 ... IV ... 124 ... 41 ... to ... 17 ...130 ... 1 ...Iff ... 86 ... 11 ... 14, ... 10 ... 4 ... 4 ... M Foreign Financial. IjONDON, July 8. Bullion amounting to 40.000 was withdrawn from the Bank of England today for shipment to Boutn America. Oold premiums are quoted: At Buenos Ayres. 131; at Madrid 86.90; at Lis bon, 26.60; at Rome, 1.15. Money was fairly plentiful nnrl rates were easy today. There was a slightly better demand, owing to re payments to the Bank of England and preparations for the settlement, discounts were steady. Further borrowings from the bank are expected shortly. Business on the' Stock exchange was more cheerful, but there wag no expansion apart from the Influential buying of consols, operators pre. ferrlng to watch the progress of the ac count, especially aa trouble In the Kafflr market was feared. Consols Increased at first, but later eased and closed a quarter of a point below the lowest of the day. Home ralla were Irregular. Americans re covered at the opening, mainly on more hopeful New York nfws. but were after ward Inclined to react. They closed strong In sympathy with New Tork. Street prices were above the regular closing quotations.' KafTtrs were weak, which affected the whole market except Americans. PARIS, July 8. Prices were heary and Inanimate. Rentes were, buoyed up by the publication of the particulars of the con version bill. Operators were well Impressed with the Idea that the new and old 8 per cents would not be convertible. Foreigners receded. South Americans were weak. Spanish 4s were depressed by the fall In Spanish rails, resulting from the decline In exchange. Metropolitans were sustained. Thomson-Houston and Russian Industrials were weak. Rio tlntos were weak. DeBeers were maintained. Kaffirs were offered for Tendon and local account and closed weak. The private rate of discount was unchanged at 19-16 per cent Three per cent rentes, lOlf 724c for the account. Exchango on Ixindon, 25f 16c for checks. Spanish 4s 80.67. BERLIN, July 8. Discount rate for short bills, 14 per cent; for .three months' bills, 14 per cent. Business on the bourse today was dull, owing to the absence of stimulus. Internationals were firm on account of the ease of money. Spanish 4s and Dynamite shares were lower on realisations. Trans- vaals were easier. Condition of the Treasnry. WASHINGTON, July 8. Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the 8150,000,000 gold reserve In the division of redemption, shows: Available cash balance, 8201,317,811; gold, 8106,&19,8H7. Wool Market. BOSTON. July 8. WOOL With . prices now In a firm position, wool dealers here are In a cheerful mood, as the market con tinues to have a fairly active demand. The market Is firm for territory wools. Fine Nevada haa sold on the scoured basis of 62o and the range for fine Idaho and Montana Is given at Wttrose; Aieoium nne woois are In strong demand at 45nM7c clean, and sales of medium on the 'basis of 40c have been liberal, while scoured medium has been In demand at around 40c, with a good-sisea line of No. 1 new Mexican taken at 4Z4C Texas wool hits been In good demand. California wools are In steady demand; there Is a firm tone to the market. New Oregon wools are arriving and are worth about lfVgl7c to sell. A moderate business has been done. The market for Ohio fleeces Is verv Arm. with the Idea among dealers that it must go higher; new is ar riving and a good deal remains to oe opened; 28c Is the limit placed on washed XX by many - holders, but the highest price paid recently has been 874c; a sale of choice NoU was held at 27c, an advance In that grade; No. 8 has sold at 2f4?Z7c; medium unwashed Is actively sought for. with 22c the inside quotation for old wool, while the new wool to be opened win prot. ably be held for more money. All staple wools are firm.... ... ' BOSTON. Jti y 8. The wool market tiers Is very firm and cotmtderabie business has been transacted, with the market very strong. ..Territory wools tend upward. Fine staple territories have moved freely at &yf2c; strictly fine, 49fr61c; fine and fine medium, 47H8a; staple, bisque, and medium, 40g42o. Fleece wool market Is very firm. witn tne following quotations: unio ana Pennsylvania XXX, 2829c; XX and above, 27&1274c: X. 24&28c: Michigan X. 23324c. ST. LOUIS, July 8. WOOL Firm, ac tive; medium grades and combing, I3'aic; light fine, 12ffl54c; heavy fine, 1013c; tub washed. 16S244c. LONDON. July 8. wool The fourth series of the 1902 wool auction sales opened today with a good attendance, uompeti tion was spirited ana merinos ana nne crossbreds were In demsnd. The offerings number 12,693 bales, chiefly crossbreds. The home trade received a good supply of crossbreds Tasmanlan greastes aold freely; scoureds were firm; Cape or uood Hope and Natal waa unchanged . to 6 per cent higher, owing to the small supply, coarse grades In some cases showed small de clines. The series will close July 29. The following are the salea In detail: New South Wales. 500 bales: scoured. Marls 6d greaay, 4494d. Queensland, 200 bales; scoured. 10d(ctls 6d: greasy. 94d. Victoria. 8U0 bales; scoured, 74d'gls 4d; greasy, 1W; Ud. noutn Australia, euu oaies; greasy, &(. lid. Tasmania, 1,100 bales; greaay, 4di Is lid. New Zealand, 1,100 bales; greasy, loo bales; scoured. 10d$ls 2d; greasy, t Cotton Market. NEW TORK. July 8. COTTON Futures opened steady; July, 8 65c: August, 1.89c; heptemoer, s.oec; octooer, T.szc;,wovemJer, . , 1 v . . CZ . 1 n.w.....u Litfcemurr IUIU iailUB.rjr, i.ov, f curuaiy, 7.87c; March. 7.86c. COTTON Spot, quiet; middling uplands. W4c; middling guir, trvtc. eaies, is paies. COTTON imtures closed quiet; juiy, IfiSkv Ausrust. 8.32c: SeDtember. 7.96c: Oc tober, 7.86c; November, 7.77c; December, 7.77: January. 7.78c: February. 7.79c: March. 7.79C. BT. LUU18. JUIY 8. COTTON-JUiei middling, 816-16c; no sales; receipts, 221 bales; no shipments; stock, 190.822 bales. (JA LVE8TON, July B, CO 1 1 ON r iTO middling. 8 15-16C. LIVERPOOL, July 8. COTTON Spot good business done: prices l-l6d lower American middling fair. 61-32d: good mid' dllng, 6 3-32d; middling, txl: low middling, 4 9Q.3?d aivttl nrr11nnxv 4 25-82d: rirdlnarv 4 17-32d. The sales of ihe day were 12,00) bales, of which 1,000 were for speculation and export, and included 11. OX) American. Receipts were 3.000 bales. Including guu American. Futures opened and closed ouier. American middling, g. o. c, July. 4 62-64'3 4 53-64d: July-August. 4 51-64d. value: Au gust-Beptember, 4 45-64d, Duyers ; Beptemoer October 4 33-4d. buyers: ocioDer-wovem ber. 4 26-64d. sellers: November-December. 4 9-VMri sellers: December-January. 4 21-64(3 4 22-64d, sellers; January- epruary, 4 31-oia sellers: Kebruarv-Marcn. 4 zo-ow zi-mq buyers: March-April, 4 20-6484 21 -4d. sellers. NEW ORLEANBr July 8. COTTON Fu- tures, steady; July, 8.96c. bid; August, 8 4K 8 4!tc: Rentember. 7.9tkS7.97c: October. 7.7rt 7.71c; NoVeiriber, 7.60i7 62c; December, 7.60rd 7.61c; January, 7.61B'2c. epoi, aieany; sales. 1.1(10 bales; ordinary, 7-16c; good ordinary, 81-16c;.low middling, ss-i&c; mia. dllng. 9c; good middling, so-ioc; miannni fair, 911-1&C; recelpta, 87 bales; stock, 23,23! Dales. Receipts were: Official Monday., Official Tuesday Two days this week.... 8.244 11,170 7.342 Same days laat week 4.141 14,nl3 11, 61 Hanie week before 3. 606 1V&10 16.1-9 Same three weeks ago... 6.414 1H.M9 R.601 Bame four weeks ago..., 6,lt2 19.40 8,743 Bame days last year 4,366 10,u31 8,677 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. Tha fnllnwlnr table shown the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, and comparisons with last year: 1902. 1901. Inc. Dec. Cattle 877.0K9 8B2.7M 24,3.15 Hogs 1,87. MO 1,262,507 116,33 Sheep 439,064 623.426 84,361 The following taoie snows me irtii price of hogs sold on the South Omaha market the last several days, with com parisons with former years: London Stock Market. ' LONDON, July 8.-4 p. m. Closing: Console tor money. .84 8-14iKorfolk A Waatern. do account 84 1-141 do pfd Anaconda Ontario A Western.., Atchlaon V Pennsylvania , do pfd 104 iReadlng Baltimore A Ohio. ...Ill I do lat pfd Canadian PacISc 138 I do lat p(d... Chaaapeaka A Ohle.. tOS Southern Hr Chicago O. W vl do pfd , Chicago. M. A St. P ill1 8outhrn Paclte Denver A R 4o pfd gna do lat pfd da Id pfd Illtnote Central Louisville A Naah. M . K. A T da pfd N. T. Central 43 L'nlon Pacific . V do pfd . 314 I'nltad Stales Steel. . 70 I do pfd . 14 Wsbaeh .1411,1 do p(d .144 Spanish 4a . riS;Ksnd Mluea . W LMbeera dafarred.... .100 sa1 BAR SILVER Steady at ?44d per ounce. MONEY 2m24 per cent. The rata nf dis count In the open market for short bills la 1 8-itfc(j--'s per cent and for three-months bills 24431 7-16 per cent. 184 84 134 184 14 41 41 la 4 44 10s '4 i 84 81 4 41 K.4 114 14 Bank Clearings. OMAHA. July 8,-Bank clearlnrs. 8924. 443 18; corresponding day last year, iJli,- TbB M; increase, a.6JS .04. NEW YORK. July 1 Clearings, 8230,550,. 867; balances, lll,M,7WX pmynic.Pnii jui, t-CUarlxig, X7,. Oil aad Roala. OIL CITY. Pa'.. July 8. OIIedlt bal ances, 81.22; certificates, no bid; shipments July 6 and 7. 111.615 bbls average, .4 bbls.; runs, July 6 and 6, 92,(29 bbia.; aver age, DDIS. SAVANNAH. Ga.. July 8. OIL Turpen tine. firm. 454e. Rosin, firm: A. B. C. T and E. 11.25; F. 3135; O. 31.40; H. 31.70 I. 12.05; K 12 65; M. 13 06'So.lO; N, 3.453o.50 W. Q.. 13 60: W: W.. 13.65. TOLEDO, O.. July . OIL North Lima, 39c: boutn Uma and Indiana, S4c. NEW YORK, July 8 OIL Cottonseed dull. Petroleum, steady. Rosin, steady. Turpentine, dull. 4i&tiVc. LIVERPOOI July 8. OIL Cottonseed, Hull refined, spot, dull. 26 LONDON. Julv 8 OIL Calcutta Unseed spot. 15s 3d. Linseed, 80s 74d. Turpentine spirits, I4s 44a. Evaporated Annies and Dried Frails, NEW YORK, July 8. EVAPORATED APPLKS The market continues quiet an unchanged. The spot demand partlcularl la light, but offerings are steadily propor tional. Common to good, quiet, 74c; prime, lualu'V. choice. kr.al4c: fancy. U4'Bll4o. CALIFORNIA .DRIED FRUlTS-Spot prunes are In fair request for export ac count and a slight Improvement In the Jobbing demand baa been noted. All grades are priced at from "we to 6c. Aprlcota I boxes are quoted at from 10c to 12c an In baas at from luc to 13c. Peaches are unchanged at 12 316c lor peeled aad 840 ivfto lor uupMua, SOUTH OMAHA, July 8. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. .... 1,627 2,0.18 3.3J .... 8,617 8.613 8.9o6 Date. I 1902. 1901.1900.1899.1898.1897.189t. June 16... T 114 June II... 7 4 6 83 June 18... 7 364 6 89 June It... 7 US 6 92 June 80... 7 414 t X) June 21... 7 43 6 91 June 21... 1 89 June 23... T 4 June 24... 7 59 8 83 June 26... 7 674 5 99 June 26... 7 6141 8 93 Juno 27... 7 524 8 1 June 28... 7 554 8 87 June 29... t 90 June 80... 7 614 July 1.... 7 644 6 89 July 1 ... 7 644 6 83 July 8.... V 63 6 74 July 4.... July .... 7 644 I 731 July 6....1 6 78 July 7.... 7 754 July 8.... 7 824 t 83 4 851 8 62 8 63 6 0S 6 06 1 64 4 84 8 71 4 83 3 69 I 0 8 13 ( 17 8 10 6 K3i 6 11 4 99 601 4 921 6 01 a t 08 5 16 6 11 1 t 3 22, 8 10 8 soj 8 63 3 62 3 63 3 8 651 3 68 8 68; 8 73 a 8 78 3 78 3 83 8 81 8 86 8 931 a 80 a I 80 3 81 8 72 8 721 "I 3 21 3 lo 8 08 8 10 3 02 t 98 8 151 3 211 t 01 3 23 3 06 3 68 3 2! 8 0 3 69 a t 62 t 63 t 60 t 66 t 61 8 611 8 66 8 66 3 76 8 81 8 231 3 361 1 97 a TO 8 61 3 24 3 24 3 18 8 18 8 21 t 28! 3 281 8 37 3 94 898 2 86 2 !6 3 96 3 97 2 8 32 8 04 0 Tiiaa ftundav. aa Indicates holiday, The nfflcisl number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs, ene p.n pes. P.. M. A St. P. By.. 4 O. St. L. Ry 1 Mo. Pacific Ky zu Union Pac System.. 23 C. A N. .W. Ry 8 F., E. A M. V. R. R. 83 C, 8t. P., M. ft O.... 23 B. A M. R. R. R.... 23 C, B. A Q. Ry 6 K. J. dt bi. J " C, R, 1. A P., east.. 6 C, R. I. P., west.. 1 Illinois Central 1 11 8 14 12 27 18 10 7 IS 120 16 Total receipts ....153 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, eacn Duyer purcuswiuB number of head indicated. Cattle. Hon. Bneep 253 l.iuo l,si Tin vr flmnha Parkin r Co Bwlft and company Cudahy Packing Co...... 863 Armour t-o o- Omaha P. Co., K. C m Cudahy P. Co., K. C 1S5 Swift, from K. C. ....... 75 O. H. Hammond Co Armour co., rv. tj.... i" R. Becker fc Degan 131 Vansant Co 25 Lobmart A Co 131 Hill A Huntxinger........ 63 Livingstone A Schaller.. 3 Hamilton 6V Rothschild. 230 Dennis Co 3 Wolf A Murnan Other buyers 68 2,141 1,6(4 2,803 744 2.256 370 836 4,858 Totals 8,391 8,477 TFKTItRniY'H SHIPMENTS. ti fni'owlna- list shows the number ot cars of feeders snipped 10 me cuuim, terda ano tneir oeiunumn. Cars, p a fiulr-k. Tndlanola. Neb. B. A M Ed McMahon, Arlington, Neb. F. E r. r-, TJ XimA Dnk l&V. Q ucvi wwo. - . W. Cunningnam, t-reaion, sn- w - CATTLE There was a fair slxed run of cattle here this morning,, but about 25 cars r.V w nn .ale was rather mai 1110 ...... . . i, h. small for a Tuesaay. Anjiinn . - ..1.T-. ih. .. nf killers or feed ers. mei with ready sile, and the yards were cleared In good season. Recelpta Included a good "proportion or beef eteera this morning, and the market on good stuff could be quoted firm and active. The quality was a little better than It haa been for some days, Tvill be seen from -the sales below. Packers all seemed to be anxious for the cattle showing flesh and quality and the prices paid were very satlstactory. The commoner kinds thougt? T.r. rather hard to dispose of. and the mantel on iu steady and very slow The best granes 01 cow. . jiniMdtv tndav at good, steady prices The medium grades, though, were a Sni7 on the market and prices took anotr dP. The kind, that lt week .old aro nd and canners were also a little lower than U?ey were yesterday. It was very evldeftt today that packera did not want the ln ferlo gradeaP of cows but that they were anxlou?for choice stuff. Bulls, "eai ca vn ..u , S . nualltv wa. i"1 , - - CThein w".ne?ctTve."kdemnd ufor the v..Trr we'g "t feeder, of good quality, and tfit arrived , -old at stronger wr.lleht catti: we" glWed to some -tVnfVnS couldnot t thansteaoy. " o No. 1. 1 1 J....... I 41 I W 1 I I 80 I 1 4 I 88 1 1 1 I 1 I I 6 I 1 I I 1 1.. I I I 1 1 1 1 14 I I 1 4 1 M.. ...... 11 1 4 1 1 t 11 11 w 1 11 1 11 14 I 14 l::r.:::: BEEF STEERS. A. rr? K- .100 4 00 ... TOO 4 W ...1188 4 M ...1004 4 10 ... 481 I ... 846 . I 80 ...1064 I 40 ...1008 I II ...1100 4 00 ... HI 10 ...1100 I 10 ...1141 M ...1011 It ...118 ID ...1110 I ... in in ... 001 t ...1171 4 80 ...10t4 1 ft 84. 11.. 44.. li.. 47.. 10.. 11... II... 14.. II.. 11.. 14.. 11.. 40. . 40.. II.. II.. A. Pr. lltl 7 00 1111 T 00 1118 7 06 11M T II 1081 1 20 1118 1 16 . 1041 7 H 1181 T It 111! T it HIT 1 IS lilt 1 40 11U 7 41 1840 T 80 1UI 7 40 lltl t Tl HIT 1 ft 1311 t 10 Util 1 80 ... I n . . . M0 1 04 aoO 1 00 ... 834 I 1 . 880 ! II ..1100 I M .. I0 I ...1004 l ... n 1 w ... Ml I ...1000 1 40 ... 84 1 40 ... 41 I 4S ... BfcO I 40 ., 400 I 10 ... HI ... Ill I M ... 784 I W ...844 I 10 ... T10 I 10 ... 810 I 10 ... J-I M ,...1010 l ... 810 I 40 ... HI I ,...1010 I 44 ..! I 4 ,...104 I 10 ,...1004 I 10 ,...1060 I 11 8A4 I 74 ,...1044 I 71 .... Ill I 14 841 I 8 ,...1041 I W .... 810 I 00 ,...llo I 00 840 I M .... 811 I 04 .... 171 I 01 ,...1104 I 10 .... 844 I 10 .... ti I 14 Ill I U .... 07 I It .... 871 I II .... 831 I 80 ....loot I 86 .... tot I It ....lost I M cows. a... I... I. .. 17.... N... 11... 1... I... I... II... 1... I. .. 14... 1... 4... 14... 1... II. .. 11... I... It... I... 4... 14... I... II. .. 4... II M0 I M 1031 I M 1000 I H 848 I II 860 8 It 148 1 40 1070 I 40 130 I 40 811 I 41 KlO I 44 860 I 10 187 I tO 1011 I It 1000 I It I4i I 41 1021 I 46 , M III 1OO0 I 46 ; too I 71 171 I 71 I3t I 71 1014 I 71 861 I 71 Ml IH , 841 I 86 830 1 at 1111 I 80 864 I 80 T 801 I M 1 1144 4 00 1310 4 00 840 4 00 871 4 04 1088 4 00 836 4 00 1011 4 00 UN 4 10 tat 4 It 1044 4 If 104 4 It I. 11.. II.. 11.. 4.. 1.. I.. I.. I.. It.. 1.. 1.. ... II.. ti.. 17.. 1.. It.. 1.. 1 . I.. ..Hot 4 If ..1146 4 60 .. 140 4 14 ..1007 4 70 ..10.11 4 70 ..1028 4 80 ..1300 I 00 ..10U I If ..1 I 60 ..10UO f 7t ...1111 (00 11.... II.... al.,.. 1.. L. COWS AND HEIFERS. ..441 4 It t 1111 I M) HEIFER .. SM I 70 t Hi 1 04 ,. 484 1 M 1 tit I 84 1H IB 1 104 4 M ..M 4U BULLS. lilt 1 M 1 lsot I 11 I 1034 I 84 I 1140 I It I 1604 I It I 136 I It 1 18M I It I in' I 10 I 114 I M 1 1144 I M 1 US4 I It 1 Use 1 14 1 ,M 1 II I. ..144 M .,1460 I 14 ..1140 I 14 .. 4l III ..1140 I 84 ..1474 4 ..1144 I 40 ..1684 I T6 ..143 I It 184 4 M ..14M 4 M 11M 4 84 .lit 4 t 1... 4... I... I... 1 I II I 1 1 1 1 1 I II II 1.... I.... 1.... I.... I.... 8.... II.... I.... I.... 10.... 16.... lltO I 10 1 1440 8 M CALVES. 150 I 71 1 180 18 4 It 1 160 180 4 7t STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 115 1 130 I TI 640 I 40 10 tcl K III 1 1070 176 I 70 1 146 800 I 71 1 611 160 I T8 1 140 STOCK CALVES. I0 I 69 1 , 17 4i 4 n STOCK ERS AND FEEDERS. 4 n 1 ot I to I I ot I 0 I M 4 Tl 7tt t.t 636 431 V.-.4 , 610 , 140 , 736 , 660 , 806 . 644 . 416 , 66 . 870 . 176 , 617 . 641 1 46 I 71 I 00 I St I 00 I 16 I 16 I 86 I 60 I 60 I 6n I 60 I 60 I 46 I 15 I 76 I 75 1. II u.... I. ... 17.... II. ... 1.... it.... 1.... I. ... II. ... 18.... II.... It.... 660 .... 4T .... 10 .... 774 .... M4 .... 4ft .... Til .... 644 .... 866 .... 144 .... 117 ....1404 ....1030 .... 80 ....1001 .... 4 ....1010 I 71 4 m 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 10 4 16 4 16 4 40 4 to 4 71 4 76 4 76 4 71 4 10 4 10 NEBRASKA. 128 feeders. 911 4 40 16 feeders.. S8 1 50 26 feeders.. 6.19 165 8 feeders.. 1151 8 25 8 feeders., 632 2 65 HOQS There waa a moderate Tuesday's supply of hogs here today and under the Influence of 'a good local demand and fa vorable reports from other points the mar ket ruled active and higher. At first pack ers were only bidding a shade higher, but trading started In on a basis of about a tc advance. A little later In the morning the feeling was a little firmer and In a good many cases sales were made as much as a dime higher. There were quite a few good hogs here today, so that several sales were made at the top price of 18.05. it waa noticeable, however, that buyers did not want the light and Inferior grades, and such klnrls were left until the last end of the market. That, of course, made the close seem slow. The bulk of the good weight hogs sold from 17.85 to 17.96, and from that up to 18.06. The medium weights went mostly from 17.75 to 17.&5, and the light weights from 17.75 down. Today's advance establishes a new high point for the year to date. Representative sales: , No. 71.... 81... 18... 43... 76... 41... 77... 41... 71... 18... 80... 17... 40... 74... 1... II... 161.. 76... 76... At. 8b. Pr. M0 1J0 7 00 100 0 160 0 ....101 ....184 ....188 ....104 ....171 ....111 166 124 164 ....116 ....121 .....111 ....111 141 121 ....111 ....111 44 104 74 110 76 Iu6 41 lit 7 116 71 107 71.. 71... 17... 10... 41... 71... 61. ...101 ...111 ...lot ...104 ...140 ...111 ..111 I 104 71.. 70'.!!! .101 .111 ...111 ...lot ...lit ...lot ...111 ...18! ...ill ...130 ...I1T ..111 II 121 it!! 76.. ..121 ...111 ...111 ...111 ...18t ...131 ...128 ..111 71 221 126 it.... 14.... II.... 71.... 44.... ..133 ..121 ..107 ..220 .121 80 100 120 120 80 140 0 10 180 80 10 60 160 100 84 'io 80 80 140 120 KM) 40 M 40 110 10 40 80 M 'io 40 40 80 140 120 120 M 120 '0 80 140 to 40 1 02 7 46 7 47V 7 70 7 70 7 70 T 70 T 76 7 76 7 76 7 76 7 76 7 71 7 76 t-16 7 76 1 75 7 76 7 78 1 76 76 7 76 1 76 1 76 T 75 1 15 7 76 7 71 I 71 7 76 7 75 7 76 1 71 7 17H I 77 7 10 7 M 7 10 I 10 7 10 T 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 ?K 7 to 7 80 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 14 7 80 T 10 T 10 7 80 I 10 7 10 No. II.... It... 74... 46.... II... 70..., 78... 71... 78... 71... 17... 66... 76... 16... 62... 68... 40... 41... 41.. At. Bh. Pr. ...Ill 140 7 10 ....III ....110 ....126 ....111 ....111 ...131 127 ....121 ....120 ,...27 ....111 ,....! .....136 111 .....141 .148 .181 64 161 14 144 14 167 71 141 41 121 74 117 I 181 II 137 14.. 41.. 17... II... it: 76... 46... 46... 16... 41... 46... 44... 48... 66. 41.. 41 16 76 16 41...... tl 10 II 61 61 60 41 11 II 41 ..141 ...lit ...161 ...167 ...lit ...134 ...1.16 ...130 ...141 ...174 ...161 ...140 ...III ...140 ...171 116 141 17 174 II 161 .274 .114 .131 .131 .141 .177 .117 .161 .171 .174 .III .171 .180 .180 .111 lot 1 80 t 10 1 80 1 M 7 80 T 80 7 6:4 1 82 7 82 1 82 T 82l 7 82 7 83 t 16 7 15 7 It 1 86 7 16 7 85 7 15 7 86 7 86 7 86 1 86 7 66 7 66 140. 7 66 110 7 15 80 140 40 110 60 160 144 60 110 40 40 to 140 40 120 110 to M 80 iio iso 40 40 0 80 10 7 16 7 66 7 86 7 86 1 I7t4j 7 17 7 I7V 7 80 7 10 7 0 7 10 7 10 7 M 7 84 I 00 T to 7 to 7 80 7 10 7 0 1 tltt 1 M 7 It 1 It 7 16 7 65 7 85 I 00 I 05 I 04 I 01 I Of SHEEP There was a light run of sheep here today, and as the demand was liberal prices Improved a little. The market on ?;ooa stun could best be described by call ng it strong to a dime higher land active Some native wethera sold as high as 84 tnat velghed 138 pounds. A string of South jjaxota werners prougnt sa.zu. Tha commoner grades of killers were slow sale, as -usual, but still even those sold a little better than they did yesterday. The demand for feeders continued In good shape and the better grades commanded strong prices.. Practically everything at all good was disposed of in good season. Quotations tor clipped stock: Oood to choice yearlings. 33.50di3.75: fair to good. 13.25(93.66; good choice wethers, 13.3Wu3.60; fair to good wethers, 13.OOiJ8.36; good to 1.aIma a . A tq TEO Wt. ,.1. ... , 1,1.1. a. tan iu p v.u v. crn. i2.O1ki32.bO; good to choice spring lambs. 16.23 4) 60; fair to good spring lambs, !o.00f6.00; feeder wethers and yearlings. I2.60S3.25: feeder lambs. I2.5CKg4.00; feeder ewes, !L2o 'u'i.m. Representative sales: Follow Sheep Market 11 native ewes , 15 native wethers , 6 clipped lambs , 71 spring lambs 24 cull ewes , 10 culul wethers 5 western ewes , 97 Idaho ewes , 244 Nebraska ewes , 774 Idaho sheep 2o4 idano sneep 507 Idaho sheep b49 feeder wethers 563 Idaho wethers , 99 Idaho mixed .. , 891 Idaho yearlings , 2 spring tamos 114 83 00 128 4 00 66 4 50 58 4 50 80 1 50 9$ 2 00 80 2 75 88 2 75 84 3 00 96 3 00 ,94 8 10 95 3 10 79 3 15 87 8 20 76 3 25 94 3 70 60 00 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattle Steady Hogs Steady to'lllgber Sheep Steady to Lower. CHICAGO. July 8. CATTLE Receipts. 4,000 head, Including 1,000 Texans; steady; ood to prime steers, t7.75(j?8.46; poor to me lum, 14.5uOj7.00; stockers and feeders, 12.00 4(2.50; cows, 11.505.75: heifers, !2.&Oig6.0i; canners, ti.4gz.ou; duiis, tz. calves, t2.504j.50: Texaa fed steers, 14. 004(6. 75. HOGS Receipts, 18,000 head; estimated tomorrow, 28,000 head; left over, 4,500 head: steady to 6c higher; closed weak; mixed and butchers, !7.338.05; good to choice heavy, 17.9x&8.20; rough heavy, 17.4W7.75; light. 17.70fef.90: bulk of sales. 87. 606 8. 05. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 12.000 head: sheep, best, steady, others lower: lambs, choice, steady; good to choice wethers, 13.4W3.90; fair to choice mixed. 12.5K'n'3.40; western sheep, 12.5o4j3.80; native lambs, 13.00ra6.70. Official yesterday Receipts. Shipments .... 11.278 2.8S0 22,626 S.TtiO ... 28,406 2,062 mixed, 8180778.80; stockers and feeders, $2.71 64 50; calves and yearlings. 11 5094 00. Keceipts, f.rxu; marxet strong to 8c higher; selling. 87.fiMf7.tu; bulk, $7.6Oi7.70. Btifc.fc.f-necetpia, xuu; steady. New Tork Live Sleek Market. NEW YORK, July 8. BEEVES Receipts were only one head. Refrigerator beef. livffll4c per lb. No exports. CALVKS Receipts. 2i;a head: market lower; all sold; veals, t6.o,fr7.62A per 1P0 lbs. HtHlS Receipts. 1.613 head: only a lew head on sale; firm: no sales reported. BHEKP AND LAMBS Receipts. 6 neaa; sheeD dull steady: lamb. slow, with low. grades about steady; others Hft'ic lower; sheep, 8X1&&2.76 per 100 lbs.; a few yearl llngs at 15; a few lambs at 15. 25 S 5.70; ons cull at 84. . Stock In Bight. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at tha five principal markets tor juiy : Cattle, nogs. Sheep. ..... 3.617 Cattlo Hogs Sheep Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITT. July 8. CATTLE Re celpts, 9.KXI natives, 2,000 Texans, 600 calves (Texans), sou native calves; corn tea came, active and steady: others steady to 16a lower; quarantine stuff steady; beef cattle steady to lower; feeders, steady to higher: choice export and dressed beef steers, 38.00 6i8.35: fair to good. 14 (MuT.fcOr stockers and feeders, 13.4i4jD.3o; western fed steers, 13.95 4(6.20; Texaa and Indian steers, 13.2&W4.80 Texas cows, I2.otrg3.30; native cows, 12.01 6.00; native heifers, I3.10it6.76; canners, 31 6:3.00: bulls, t2.0u4i4.75: calves. I2.0h4i6-25. HOGS Receipts, 6,0u0 head; market IVtflOo higher; active; top, 18.15; bulk or sales, 17.ftoa.00: heavy, t8.06ftft.16: mixed packers, 17.954(8.10; light. 17.67.974; yorkers. 87.854 7.97: Pius. t7.604t'7.75. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8.200 head: market steady: lambs. lOthlSo lower native lambs, 14.604j6.20; western lambs, 14.204i4.90: native wethers. 14.0o4i4.8O: west ern wethers, 13.25&4.46; fed ewes, ! Texas clipped yearlings, 13.4iKB4.oo; Texaa clipped sheep, 33.otd(j3.35; Blockers ana feed ers, 12.0umJ.0u. ' St. Lonla Live Slock Market. ST. LOUIS. July 8. CATTLE Receipts 8,500 head. Including 2,700 Texans; market steady for Texans. with natives hltther: native shipping and export steers, 16.0u4f 7.16: choice worth 18; dressed beef and butcher steers, 14.85(7.50; steers under l.nno His., t4.uui.76; stockers ana feeders, iz.nxo? 4.76: cows end heifers. tl.Jawo.w: canners, $1.7643"2S5; bulls, 12 504(3.26; calves. 13.754$ 175, Texas and lndlun steers, !3.((6.70, with choice worth 16.25; cows and heifers, 12.30tj4.10. HociS Receipts, 3.500 head; market higher; pigs and lights, 7.25ra7.6o; packers, 17.5.i7 RS: butchers. 17.70i8.70. SHEEP AND LAMHS Receipts, 8.000 head; market dull, slow and lower; native muttons. 13.00f3 50; lambs. 8o.uO6 80; culls and bucks, 2.uuy4.uu; stockers, 42.00. St. Josepk Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. July 8. CATTLE Receipts 900 head: Hiil5c higher: natives, 18.004i6.4O cows and heifers. II 754.35: veals. 13.004 (: stockers and feeders. 4i o. HOJB Receipts. 6.5"0 head; loc higher light and light mixed, 17.754(8 IS; medium and heavy. 17 &64V7 924: Pigs. 14 Z54( 75. SHEEP AND LA M IIS Receipts, 700 head strong; top spring lamDs, t'. Blena City Live Stock Market SIOITX CITT. Ia.. July 8. Special Tele gram ) CATTLE Receipts, 1.300: market steady; beeves, 6.(v87.7e; sows, bulls and South Omaha.... Chicago Kansas City St. Ixiuls St Joseph Totals 8.512 18.01)0 6 00 s.m S.6C0 3,!8 12,0.) 3.2X 8,OiO 700 ....21.117 40.612 22.85b Coffee Market. NEW TORK. July 8. -COFFEE Futures opened steady, with prices 6 points higher. Active demand from profit-taking shorts and buying by representatives of foreign houses on a large scale were the features of the trade, prices holding steady -it the opening advance all the session. The better cables prompted tne initial result, wan street and commission houses figured ss moderate ' purchasers, while Importers chiefly supplied the demand. The market waa nnaiiy 6 points net' ntgner, witn sales of 40,750 bags. Including September at 4 86c: November, 4.90c; December, 6.xgil one; March. 6.25c: April. 8.26c: May. 8.30c: June. 6.40c. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. July 8. WHEAT Snot. No. 1 northern, spring, firm. 6s 3V4d; futures, quiet; July, 6s d; September, 6s 3Vd; De cember, 6s 4d. CORN Snot, firm: American mixed. 6s lid; futures, dull; September, 6s Sd; Octo ber, a 8Hd. PROVISIONS Beef, quiet; extra India mess loos. Pork, firm: prime mess, west ern. 75s 6d. Hams, strong; short cut, 14 to 16 lbs., 59s. Bacon, firm; Cumberland cut, 26 to 30 lbs., 56s; short libs, 16 to 24 lbs.. 68s: long clear middles, light. 28 to 34 lbs., 69s; long clear middles, heavy, 35 to 40 lbs., 68s fid; short clear backs. 16 to 2 lbs.. 59s; clear bellies, 14 to 16 Ins., 59s 6d. Shoulders, square cut. 11 to 13 lbs., strong, 45s 6d. Lard, Arm; prime western. In tierces. 64s 6d; American refined, in palls, 54s 3d. CHEESE Steady: American finest whits. 47s fid ; American finest colored, 48s 6d. TALLOW prime, city, steady, zstd: Australian In London, dull at 33a. , FLOUR St. Louis fancy, winter, nrm. ' 8s 9d. HOPB At London (Paclflo coast), firm. 5Cq5 10s. BUTTER Nominal. PEAS Canadian, steady, 6a 9d. The receipts ot wheat during the last three days were 158.000 centals. Including - 65,000 American. There were no receipts of American corn during the same time. Dry Goods Market. NEW TORK. July 8. DRT OOODS- There has been no change In the general character of today's business In the mar ket. The demand has been aulet through. out for all lines of business. Prints are quiet, but steady. Qinghams are scarce and firm. Print cloths Inactive at previous prices, but slightly steady for odd golds. Silks and ribbons are scarce In first hands nd firm In prices. MANCHESTER. July 8 DRY OOODB Business light, with very little doing. Tarns were irregular and weak. Sngar Market. NEW TORK. July 8. STJQAR-Raw. steady; fair refining, 213-lSc; centrifugal, 96 test, 3 5-lSc, Molasses sugar, I'-ic Re fined, steady. NEW ORLEANS, July 8. SUOAR Mar ket steady: open kettle. 2H4T3 8-16c: good centrifugal. Sft34c; yellow, 8i4c seconds. l'fl.iL40. Molasses, dun: centrifugal 647'ioc, LONDON, July 8. BEET SUQAR-July, Ratns Aid India Crop. BOMBAY. July 8. The Indian cron out look Is more hopeful. Rain has begun to fall In the province of Jugerat and good ratns have fallen In most of the other parts of India. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. July 1 COFFEE-Snot. steady. MUd, steady; Cordova, 8UV4c Caae of Justifiable Homicide. PADTJCAH. Ky.. July 8. The ease of Susie Frazer, the 11-year-old negro girl who killed her uncle, George Jones, last Friday night while he was beating her aunt, Mrs. Jones, was dismissed In the nolce court on motion of the county at triTney. who held It waa Justifiable homi cide, as Jones threatened to kill his wife. Third Victim ot shooting Dead. READING. Pa.. July 8. Edward Hart- man, aged 2o years, the third victim of the, shooting here on the night of July 4, died today. The Italian street musician who shot the three men Is In jail. The men teased tne Italian ana ne orew a revolver and fired Into the crowd of bystanders. Astors Have n Daughter. NEWi YORK. Julv 8 A daughter haa been born to Colonel and Mrs. John Jacob Astor at their home. Sixty-fifth street and Finn avenue, tnis city. The finest bathhouse In the wee); at Laks Manawa. Conaln of Horace Greeley. NEW YORK, July 8. John W. Oreely, cousin of Horace Oreely, Is dead, says a dis patch to the World from Manchester, N. H. He was 88 years old and lived at Amherst, near the sits of tbs bouse In which his Illustrious cousin was born. Capo Town Parliament Sommoned. CAPK TOWN. July . The Farlisment of Cape Colony has been summoned to meet August 20. Why not get up a dinner party for Courtland this week 7 The cafe service li tbs very best, the meals and cooking mi- excelled anywhere. JOBBERS & MANUFACTURERS OF OMAHA. MACHINERY AND FOUNDRY. 0-Tls & Gdwe'iII Iron VcrU Ao7YtM9iV,M' 0BTO1LAX. RBPAnilKO A BMKJtAMry IKON AND BXAtt FOCXDslRst. IMt, IBM mm 84r Jatktea Stssst). saaka. Bet, Tel BtML ft. EasrUkla. Agent. 1. - OrvgtsV M f-nAUE CO. atasfaearoio aad Jobbers ot Steam and Water Supplies Of An Kinds. J14 and lDitj rjovetvA T. ELECTRICAL SI fT LIE 5. lAcalom Electric.! vv Company Electrical Supplies. otrte Wiring Balls aad m Uglttata O. W. JOHNSTON. Mgr. UU HewtrlJis AWNINGS AND TENTS. Omaha Tent and Awning Co., Onatvlaa, Hon. Manufactursrs ot Tents and Canvas Goods. Ha4 tor Cataloguti Humfcor ti