Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 09, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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Omaha Bends Colorado Epringi Over tb
Deimr Route,
Allows y Protfi Rasy and
Cora In, "battle) Off tha Visitor
with En and Ire
The millionaires tried hard to run a
andy on I'm pi re Hwlgert Tuesday after
noon, tut they mere beaten Just the tame,
the score being t to 2. The pointed failure
of the Denver players to bulldoze J. Rots
did not deter the men of Colorado Spring
from having their try at the lame game.
Bill Everltt to the fore with soma of
his choicest work In that line and so was
Hemphill, but all It got Bill was ejee
tlon from the diamond and a little advice
that If he wished to piny the game out
tie had better put on the brakes, while
Herrphlll was fined.
"Podge" Alloway started to throw for
Omaha, but the day was Just the opposite
from the red hot, sunshiny kind which
he needs for his three-hit games, and the
Tlsttors went to him readily from the
tart. In the first lnntng four singles
earned them two runs and at the end of
the second Graham was pulled in from
middle field to pitch and Owen went out
to play the garden.
Omaha's work was plainly outlined.
Three runs were needed and the boys did
not hesitate about getting them. They
began right away In the third Inning and
by taking advantage of a base on balls
and Fleming's - error tn left scored two
ttn on 8tewart'a beautiful single, which
Tom let Ace have two banes On. That left
Dolan still on third and Thomas did what
served the purpose Just as well as a three
bagger. He hit a long fly to right and
Joe scored the winning run on it after the
There was no more scoring by either
team. Graham pitched creditable ball, al
lowing two bits tn eight innings, giving
two bases and making an error. Jones
was fairly bard to find, but he gave six
bases In his good-natured way. The fans
are plainly sick of so much "beeflng" by
players. Whenever anyone from either
team started to register a yell there were
1.000 people giving htm "Sit down" and
"Shut up" in no dulcet tones. Score
AH. R.
it n.
Carter, rf....: 2 0 0 2
orinam, cr ana p.... z l o l
Stone, If 4 114
Dolan, .... 110 0
Stewart, 2b 4 0 11
ThomaH, lb 4 0 2 8
Hickey, 3b 2 0 12
Gonding, o 3 0 0 T
Alloway, p 1 0 0 1
Owen, cf S011
Totals 2S 2
AB. R. II. O.
.. 4
.. S
Fleming, If...
Granville, 3b.
Hemphill, 2b.
Canton, cf....
Everltt. lb...
Prennen, rf 3
Holllngsworth, o 4
McNeely, ss. ........... S
Jones, p 4
ft on ban: t. Louis, 4; Boston, 4. Time: I pitrhers were used by each team and all en basest Minneapolis, S; Bt. Paul, i. Tlmej
S:W. Umpire: O'Day
Score, second game
ry1ey, cf..
Tenner, 1.
Pemnnt. lb.
Cemej. rt..
Lu.h. ir ...
Oremtnaer. IS I 1 I
Ln-H, aa 1 t I
Morin, e 0 I I
Eaaon, p (II
1 0
1 I I
Totals I I 17 11 1
1 Paired, u ..
IlrmoTan, rf.
flmoot, cf...
Hairier, If..
S Hraehear, lb.
S'NIrhnla. lb .
Hartman, lb.
I Rrii, c
I.Yoana, p....
J. O N-il. e.
M. ON.ll .
Murphy, p...
ST. Loris.
a n o. a u,
1 14 I
were batted hard, except WaddelL At
tendance, 3.831. Scores-
411 4 PrniirhertT, If 1 I I 1
0 Colltna, lb 11(4
4 Si. hi. rf 1 I 1 (
Total! 4 II 17 10 I
Batted for Terkes In the ninth.
Boston 2 O 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 I
Bt. Louis 10100001 14
Knrned runs: Ft. Louis. 1: Boston. 2. Two-
hese hits: Iemont. Tenney. Bacriflce hit:
Carney. Double plays: Long to Tenney,
I enney funsaalstr d). Stolen bases: Moran.
Harrlsy. Nichols. Donovan. Luoh. Hit by
pitched ball: By Eason. 1. Wild pitch:
YerKes. First bnse on balls: ore YerKes, ;
oft Kaeon. 3. Struck out: By Terkes. 4:
bv Eaaon. z. l seed third striKe xyan.
I ett on oases: Bt. ixiuis, w; ttosion, e.
Tims: 2:03, Umpire: O'Day.
Caeebra To may for Phillies.
PITTSHURO. Julv . Chesbro was too
much for the Phlladelphlans and kept the
hits so well scattered they could make no
runs. Attendance. 1,843. Boo re:
till SiThnmaa. ef..,
( 0 Iiarrr, rf
( OjHul.wttt, a..
I (IDooln. e
( 0 Jennluge, lb
1 0 Brown, If...
I ( Mailman, Ik.
( rhlMa, lb...,
I 0 Praeer, p....
H.rtael. If...
Fultt, ef.....
Pari., lb
L. Croea, lb.
B-ybotd, rf..
r.ntro, rf...
Murphf, lb..
M. Croaa. M.
Power., e....
Shrerk. e..
Hantlnaa. p..
w.ddell, p..
Wlltaa, p....
1:40. Umpire: Haakeli.
Standing; at ka Teaaaa.
Lost. PC.
( (
1 1
( 1
1 1
( (, cf... 1 I 1 t
Fryman, rf.. 1 I t I
Parent, as I I t I
trhaar, lb, ( 1 II (
Ferrta, lb.
o ( iw. e. .
Tnnas. p..
Adklaa, p..
.. ( ( ( I
.. ( ( ( 4
Louisville ...
St. Paul
Kansas City
Toledo ,
Played. Won,
.... 47
a ... W
.... 67
. 47
. IB
47 20 .TA
41 34 .-
40 27 ,5!7
34 34 .m
31 27 .4M
30 87 .4H
24 43 .8' 3
22 47 .319
I II 17 II I
Daele. rt
Clarke, If 1 1 t
Beaumont, cf. 1 1 4
Wanner, aa... Ill
Bran.field, lb 0 1 11
Rltrher, lb... (II
Learh. lb ( ( 1
O'Connor, .. ( I 4
Cheabro. p.... I ( (
( 1 I I (
1 11
( 1
Total. II 17 17 14 I
Philadelphia 2 2 4 1 0 12 0 1 0-22
Boston 0 11040120-3
Earned runs: Boston. S: Philadelphia,
IS. Two-base hits: Davis. HartxeL L,
Cross. Three-bane hits: Ferris, Btahl (2),
Hevbold. Home runa: Collins. Davis.
Murpny. Htoien nase: M. trosw. asorince
hit: Davis. Double plays: Dougherty,
Ferris and LaChance; M. Cross and Davis;
Ferris, Parent and LaChance. First base
on balls: Off Adklns, 8; oft Wiltse, 1. Hit
by pitched ball: By Wiltse, 1. Struck out:
Hv Vouna. 1: bv Adklns. 1: by Waddell. 1.
Passed ball: Crlger. Time: 2:10. Umpire:
Bt. Lonla Takes Two.
ST. IXDUI9. July 8 8t. Louis won a
double-header from Detroit today. In the
first game O I.aughun put Burkett on tne
grounds for disputing a decision and Sug
den was forced to go In, though he could
hardly hold a bat. Anderson tied the score
in the first game by a home run. Arendt
was iorcea to retire alter ne naa coumea
nth the bleacher fence. Mercer was nit
hard in the second game Attendance.
2,74a Score:
Games todav: Toledo at Columbus. Kan
sas City at Milwaukee).
V. B. T. Jrs. to Meet Olympics.
The t'nlon Stock Yards Juniors will meet
the Olympics on the Union Stock Yards
juniors cTounns at iwentietn ana j
streets Wednesday night, July 9, at :3
p. m., weather permitting. 1 ne yarns boys
have lost but few games this year and the
Olympics have shared about the same. The
Olympics. Position. IT. 8. Yds. Jrs.
Young Catcher Miller
Ooellner Pitcher . .Qulnn-Caughey
Swift First bass Hstchen
, Dott
Quintan Tft field McMahon
. Shortstop
Second base
Third base ..
, Right field ..
. Center. Held
Totals I 11 17 I o ( ( 14 14 I
Pittsburg 20002000 6
Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1
Earned runs: Plttsburr. 4. Two-base hits;
Davis, Wagner. Three-bas hit: Wagner,
(lacrlfle hit: Cheabro: fltolen base: Lach.
First base on balls: Oft Deach. 2. Struck
out: By Chesbro, 3: by Fraaer, 3. Time:
1:45. umpire: Emails.
Elaraa Inalnajs Bt Claclaaatt.
Sosilen. lb... ( (It
Hemphill, cf. 1 I 1
Prlel. rf (
And' ana, 1Mb 1
Wallaoe, aa.. 1
MeCorm'k. lb I
radden. lb.... I
Donohae, a... 1
Harper, p..., 1
. (
. (
... v
Harley, It.... ( ( ( (
1 Totals 4 I 14 II (
CTKriVNATI. Julv 8 The Cincinnati I Rt. Txinla 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 3
and Brooklyn teams Dlayed an eleven- Detroit 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 04
Innina asm here today. It was nip and Knrnert runs: Rt. Tula. 3: Detroit. 8.
tuck and both teams made errors at crltloal Two-bane hits: Harper. Holmes, Casey.
stages. Phillips out pitched Kltson, but Three-base hit: Hemphill. Home run:
Totals I XI 17 II I
Holmea, rt..,,
nillnn. lb....
Elberfeld, aa..
Caaey,- lb
Arncll. II
flleaaon, lb..
Bnelow, s...
Mroulrs, a.,
Miller, p....
Teaser, p.,
3 I 1 ( (
wan 'given ragged support. Attendance, 800.
Score :
R.H.O A E.
( 4
1 4
Pobba. If (
Hot. cf (
Becklrr. lb... ( I II
Crawford, rf.. I 1 3
Maioon, lb... I
Corooran. aa. . (
Strlnfeldt, lb (
"felti. a.... (
Phllilpa. p.... (
rtotan. ef Ill
Keeler. rf ... I I (
Sheckard, If.. 1 ( I
MrCreery, lb. ( 1 11
Irwin, lb..
Ahem, e...
Flood, lb..
Klteon, p..
4 1130 II I
Totala i II II 17 II
Hoy out for running out of line.
Pelts out for Interfering with ball.
Two out when winning run was made.
Cincinnati .... 0 002000100 2-5
Brooklyn 0001011000 1-4
toln haaes: Maarnon. Sheckard. Dahlen.
McCreerv. Irvin. Double nlays: Irvln to
Flood, Beckley to Corcoran to pelts. First
base on balls: Oft Pelts, 3: oft Phillips, 2.
Hit by pitched ball: By Kltson, 2. Struck
out: By Kltson. 2; by Phillips. 1. Time:
Umpires: Powers ana urown.
Bach Team Scores Shutout.
CHICAGO. Julv 2. New York and Chi
cago spilt even in two pitchers' battles to
dfiy, each team scoring a shut-out. Math-
eweon was in rare lorm in ine nm unu
Dundgren did equally good work in tne
second. A fumble, a double and a single
Anderson. Double Dlavs: Miller. Gleason
and Dillon; Wallace, Padden and Anderson;
Carey, Oleaoon and Dillon. Stolen bases:
Barrett. Elberfeld. McCormlck. Padden.
First bsse on balls: Oft Harper, s; ore
Miller. 4: off Yeager, 1. Struck out: By
Harper, 1; by Miller, 4. Innings pitched:
Miller, ihii Yeager, V. Hits: Oft Miller,
12. Left on bases: Bt. Louis, s; Detroit,
10. Time: Z:0u. umpire: u Laugnun.
Score second game:
R.H.O A. E l R.H.O.A.B. If... 1 I I ( 0 Barrett, ef.... I I 1 I I
Hemphill, cf. 1
Prlel, rt 1
Anderaoa. lb. (
Wallace, aa. . . (
Mrt orm'k. lb (
Padden, lb... (
Donohue, a... 0
Donahue, p... (
1 I
I 0
t is
1 I
1 I
1 I
( 1
0 1
Holmea, rf..
Dillon, lb....
Blberfeld, aa.
rarer, lb
Harley, If....
(lleaaon. lb...
MoUuIra, e...
Mercer, p
( 11
Korfolk Falls at Crelajhton.
CRKIGHTON. Neb.. Julv 8 t8n?clal
Telegram.) Crelghton let Norfolk down
here today with one scratch score. rh
locals out batted the visitors and their
fleldlna- was faultless. The feature of the
game was the superb pitching of Hender
son for Crelghton, he allowing but three
nits, boo re:
Crelghton SS01O0O0O-332
Norfolk 0000100001X5
Batteries: Crelahton. B. Henderson and
Carroll; Norfolk, Bucklln, Wilkinson and
Wllkins. Umpires Spauldlng of Norfolk.
Coleridge Worsts Bloomneld.
ipOUCRIDGB. Neb.. July 8. (Sceclal Tele
gram.) Coleridge defeated Bloomfleld to
day xy a score or 10 i. turneries: tjoie
rldge. Noyes snd Wood; Bloomneld, Grant
and Reld. Hits: Coleridge. 6; Bloomfleld, 6.
Struck out: By Grant, 4; by Noyes, i. Hit
by pitched ball: By Grant, 2. First base on
bans: on: uranr, z. ume caneo in me
sixth inning. Umpire: Dad Turner..
Three-I Lesgse.
At Rock Island Rockford, E: Rock Is
land, 2.
At Terra Haute uecaiur, d: terre iiaute.
At Cedar Rapids Davenport game post-
noned: rain.
tiioomington-cvansviiie Bump loncmeu
to Bloomlngton In fifth inning, 8 lo 0,
Evanavllle having delayed play.
3a Southern Association.
At Birmingham Memphis, 2; Birming
ham. 1.
At cnattanooga ljimo xiucn, i, t.n.
tanooga, 6.
At Atlnntn Atlanta. : rxew urieans. a,
At Nashville Nashville, 7; Bhreveport, 2,
Totals 83 2 24 11 8
Omaha 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 8
Colorado Springs... 2 000000002
Earned nine: Colorado Springs, !. Two
base hit: Thomas. Sscrtflce hits: Orthem
Granville. Stolen base: Drennen. First
base on balls: Off Graham, 2; oft Jones, t.
Hit by pitched ball: Dolan. Struck out:
By Graham, ; by Jones, 7. Daft on bases;
Omfrha, 8; Colorado Springs, J. Time 1:88.
Umpire: Swlgert.
' Peoria Again Beaten.
KANSAS CITY. July The pitching ot
Nichols and Waldron's Melding were the
features of the gam today. Attendance,
400. Score:
Kansas City.. 2400119 -8 10 i
Pi-oria 000000300373
Batteries: Kansas' City Nichols and Mes
sitt; Peoria, Cox and Wilson.
Balnta Beat Milwaukee.
ST. JOSEPH. July 8 St. Joseph flofoated
Milwaukee today in a pitchers' battle, the
gam lasting ten Innings. Score:
St.' Joseph.. 0 00010001 1- 3 7i
Milwaukee .0000003000241
Batteries: St. Joseph, Parvln and Roth;
Milwaukee, McPherson and Duels,
At Des Moines Dea Moines-Denver gama
Standing; of the Teams.
Drodle. ef.... 111(0
Clark, rf ( 3 I 1 (
J. Jonee, if... ( 1 ( ( 0
Bowerman, 0. o as
Smith, lb 1 1 a t (
O'Hasea. lb.. ( 1 11 ( 0
Dunn, lb ( 1 I I
Vt'atner. aa. .. I ( I 1 1
Mathewaon, ptosis
' Omaha
Kansas City
Milwaukee ..,
Denver ,
St. Joseph ...
Colorado Bprlngs.... 64
Des Moines ta
Peoria :........ M
Games today I Colorado
Omaha, Denver at Des Moines, Peoria at
Kansas city, ai esi. josepn,
Boston Takes Tne Oamaa (ram St.
levnls ay Dolnar ' Soma
EtTaetlvo Bat Una;.
BT. LOVIS, July 8. Two games were
slaved at Dsasua Dark this afternoon and
Boston won them both. The visitors did
ths mora effective batting, which gave
them their double win. Attendance, 3.8UO.
footer, cf . .
Teaney, lb.
Pemont, lb.
Camay, rf..
latah. II...:
Oremlnset, lb I ( (
ln, ea. ..... ( ( 4
Ulilrliie, o.. ( ( I
Wlllla, p I I (
R.H.O.A.B. I R.H.O.A.B.
I I I ( larreU. sa-lb I I 4 I (
( Donoean, rf., 1 1 1 (
( Srooot. f.... ( ( I ( (
( Barrier. If... 14 1(1
( Kreehear, lb.. (1111
( Kruaer. aa.... ( ( I I (
( Nlrhola. lb... (!!(((
I Harlman, lb. I ( ( I (
I Ryan, e ( 1 I 1 (
iwi.ker, ....( ((II
1 T IT 10 ll'el. O'Nall ..(((((
1 I 10
( ( (
Totala I 11 17 14 1
Batted for Wicker in the ninth.
Boston 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 1 03
Bt. Louis 0000100102
Earned runs: St. Louis, 1 Three-base
lilt: Cooley. Double plays: Long to Tenney
to Hartman, Farretl to Nlrhols. Stolen
bases: Barclay, Nichols, Lush. First base
on balls: Oft Wicker. 1: oft Willis. I
Struck out: By Wicker, S; by Willis, t.
that word, so fraquaat
ly misapplied, lossa
Bona of Its force here.
K .8
rtilMat KarlaT malt
i a tha best hoes ta
ka bad are used la tha
brewing. Booklet ex
plaining why BLATX
bear is pure sent for
Us asking.
(Neo-Intoxlcant) Tenia, Drug gists
or dlreoL
I l tl, " (raasa Bm I
gave the vlltor( their only run In th. first g siLouls', 7;De?roli; T. Tim.
game. Two errors, two steals, a B'rt, iimtilre- O'Laueklln
passed ball and a single scored twice for umplre' u tUBniin.
Totala I 11 10 17 t
Two outs when winning run was scored.
St. Louis 0 0100 1' 000 13
Detroit 0 00002000 0-2
Earned runs: St. Louis. 3. Two-base
hits: Burkett. Mercer. Three-base hit:
Burkett. Home run: Hemnhlll. Sacrifice
hits: Wallace, Holmes, Dillon. Double
plays: Donahue and Wallace; Padden and
Amierson; Jiarloy, Kinerrelrt ana M cum re
Stolen bases: Klherfcld. First base on
balls: Off Donahue, 4; oft Mercer, 2.
Struck out: By Donahue, 1. lert on
he locals In the second game. Attendance,
2,500. Score:
t I 17 II 1
Dexter, lb.... 1(1(1
A.WH'araa, lb (
D. Jonee, cc. (
Lowe, lb.
Kilns, a
Miller, If
Chance, rf....
Tinker, aa...,
schaerer, ao..
Rhodea, p....
60 38 22 .613
65 87 24 .59
60 33 27 .6S0
61 32 29 .o.'5
64 29 35 . 463
65 29 3 .446
63 27 36 . 429
67 23 SS .418
TotaM ( I 17 14 I
Batted for Miller in the filnth.
New York 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 01
Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0
l,ft nn bases:. Chioaan. 4 NSW Tork. 4.
Two-base hit: Smith. Stolen bases: Smith,
Kllng. Double plays: ciarg to emun to
O'Hagan. Struck out: By Rhodes, 2; by
Mathewson, 4. uase on bans; on ttnoaes,
2: oft Mathewson, 1. Time: 1:30. Umpire:
Score second game:
R.H.O.A.B. R.H.O.A
A.Wtl'me, lb. 0 I 11 ( OlRronle, ef.... 0 0(10
o Clark, n s ( (
0 J. Jonea, If... 0 0 1
0 1 Bowerman, e. ( 1 II
0 1 Smith, lb Ill
OiO'Haaen, lb.. 1(1
StandtDSI of tha Teams.
Played. Won. Lost PC
Boston ,
St. Louis
Cleveland ...
Games today: Chloasro at Cleveland.
Washington at Baltimore, Philadelphia at
.Boston, ueirou at bi. jouis. .
Elliott Pitches Great Gama and but
for Mlsjadaed Fly Woald Hats'
hot Oat Bines.
MILWAUKEE. Julv S. Elliott nltehed a
great gama ond but for a misjudged fly In I were members
D. Joaee, ef
Uwe, lb....
Kllng. e
Miller. If...,
Cnenra, rf...
Tinker, aa. ..
Kchaefer, lb.
Luudsrea, p.
( 1
Ilunn. lb ( 1 I
Wagner, aa... ( 1 8
Taylor, p...., I I I
the first lnnlr.g would have shut the vis
itors out. Grady was put out of the game
jur pcnmrni melting. Attendance, 4W.
8. Tltns of New Tork Leads at the
Henley Regatta and May Win
Diamond Senile.
HENLEY, July 8. Given a continuance
of the fins weather now prevailing, the
coronation Henley regatta promises to be
a record breaker from the view point ot
those who regard It as a society picnic,
Launches, drags, motor cars and trains
emptied a great concourse of people at the
river side today and the town acommoda
tlon was taxed to provide shelter even for
those willing to pay the exorbitant
charges prevailing.
The club enclosures occupied the choice
positions on the Bucks shore, while below
the picturesque houseboats, lavishly
adorned 'with flags end flowers, made a
capital show. . Women were present In
great numbers, all In tholr brightest and
airiest summer costumes. The beat was
oppressive, the sky was and there
was uiue movement in tue iin conse
quently everybody able to obtain any kind
of craft was on tbo river. The American
Interest in the regatta was enhanced by
tha fact that a number of their countrymen
of the various English
Totala 3 4 II 14 11 Totals I II I 4
Chicago 1 0 0 1 0 0 0-2
new lone o o o 0 0 o 0
(Called at end of seventh lnninar on ac
count or oaraness.i
Left on bases: Chlesa-o. f: New Tork. 7.
Sacrifice hit: Taylor. Stolen vases: Lowe,
Kllng. Tinker. Clark. Smith 2. Wanner.
Struck out: By Lundgren, 4: by Taylor, 8.
Passed ball: Kllng, 1: Bowerman. 1. Base
on balls: Off Lundgren, 2: off Taylor, 3.
Hit with batted ball: Chance. Time: 1:20.
umpire) cantlllon.
Standing- of the Teams.
PI a veil
Pittsburg 62
Brooklyn 69
Boston 62
Chicago 6S
St. Louis 63
Phlladeluhla 63
Cincinnati 61
New Tork 65
Games today: Brooklyn at Cincinnati.
Philadelphia at Pittsburg, Boston at Bt.
Hillman, rf.. I I I I I
Cllnsman, aa. I 3 I I 0
DllDgan. lb... 0 ( 7 ( 1
A. Mc Bride, ef ( 1 3 ( I
Thomaa. If.... 1 1 1 0 0
srneibeck, lb 1 I 8 4 0
McAnd'wa. th ( 1 fl 1 n
Croaa, c ( 1 10 1 l,
Blllott. p 1(030
I II 17 II 1
tewa, aa.,
Neare. cf...
Grady, lb.... I
SiMth. If 1
Deviue. S....1
Thlel, rt-lb... 4
Rothrut.. lb.. I
J.McBrlds, lb I
Foreman, p. . I
Usar, rf....v. (
X'vU A
I Ai
When you 're ready to bid for a good thing
take out a nickel and .
Just the cutest little ginger snap that eber made your
mouth bater. Sold in the In-er-seal Package.
T 13) PT3 lo) IT
il II Mh II ylniiL
HI? I W X.
Longest Established. Most Sueesss
ful and Reliable Specialists in Diseases
of Men, as Medical Diplomas, Licenses
and Newspaper Records Show.
Tenderness In urethra, at times aooompanlad by dull
or shooting pains, frequent desire to pass urine, but
not able to empty tha Diaaaer; voiding us urmi
at frequent intervals during tha night; a gradual da.
..line nr viriiirv raanimnsT eTemuaur in pomDievi juh
of power. Tha physloal suffering Is equalled only by
h. Mu..inf mental rliatmaa. whlah aansrallT
takss tha form of gloomy forebodings, and feeling of
Impending disaster.
Our Electro-Medloal Treatment
Will promptly correct this serious trouble. It acts enf itleaotlv iinon tha atrlrttura. dtaloda
ing and completely removing all dlseassd tissue, al
laying all Irritation and Inflammation; rsstorss tha
sexual powers complotely, and leaves the urinary
canal entirely free from obstruction, and In a healthy
snd sound oondltlon.
We do net treat all diseases, but we cure all we treat; we treat men only and cure them to stay
cured. We cure to stay cured Varicocele, Stricture, Lost Manhood. Atrophied or Shrunken Or
gans. Syphilitic Blood poison, Nervo-Sexual Debility, Rupture, Kidney, Urinary Discuses, and all
associate diseases and weaknesses of men. We jhargre nothing for private counsel and give each oationt a
LEGAL CONTRACT to hold for our promises. Is it not worth your while to investigate a cure that has
made life anew to multitudes of men and t which countless tongues gladly testify? YOUNG, MIDDLE
AGED AND OLD MEN call at our office today, or write (or our book, FREE, which will explain
the diseases we cure, and how we cure them to stay cured when others fall.
1303 Farnam Street, Between 13th and It4h Streets. Omaha. Nebraska.
L,air..."ofa? Consultation Fras antf Confidential
Office Hours a, m. to I p. m.
Sundays a. m. to U m.
Won. Lost. P.C
48 14 .774
40 29 .K"t
84 24 .619
83 82 . 68
27 M .429
28 SS .424
25 8 .410
a 4 .36i
Totals Ta it 1
'HChelberk out. lwlne- hit hv hetraH -,-,11
Milwaukee 20120010
nansas City 3 0 000000 03
Karned runs: Milwaukee 2 Tn.hiM ih.
imi cumin, i nomas. BcneiDeoK. Harnnce
niia: jjungan, lj UCAndrews, 2. Stolen
uases: A. &lf!lirlrlA. Hrhi, hrlr t? Ta
ineiie. Struck out: By Elliott, 2; by Fore-
man, a. jeii on Dases: Milwaukee. 13:
Kansas aty, S. Time: 1:00. Umpire:
eV- a StUUiB,
Home nan with Bases Fall.
INDIANAPOLIS, July 8. HogTlever
crews. 1). Mliburn of Buffalo, N. T., rows
No. S in tha Leander crew, and "Jack"
White, aon of Henry White, secretary of
the United States embassy, pnlls No. S In
tha Eton crew.
Tha raclnj began at 12:30 p. m. In the
first beat for tha grand challenge cup Lean
der Rowing club beut the Kingston Rowing
club easily by a length and a quarter,
Time: 7:34.
In the second heat the Argonaut Rowing
club of Toronto beat University college, Ox
ford, by two and one-quarter lengths.
Time: 7:25.
Leander, on the Berks station, led from
and rowing a slower stroke
throughout, won without much exertion
Kingston was much dona up at the finish.
In ths third heat for the grand challenge
cup London Rowing club beat Thames Row
ing club by a length and a quarter. Time;
In tha fourth heat for tha diamond sculls
cleared the sacks with a home run drive O' 8-1 Titus, Union Boat club, New York,
, JTatloaaJa Win Gama.
Tha Nationals beat the OIvhidIcs on tha
former's grounds Sunday by a score of
I lo t score:
Nationals 1 1 0 1 -
Olympics 1 0 0 8 0 0 0-4
Batteries: Nationals. Johnson and Dohn:
Olympics, u uonneit ana aoung.
Chleaa-e Wlai a Pitchers Battle fram
Clevelaaul la Blath oai
Hit ssa Ei
... ...u uiiiui., .ill CO UI1B I
Sharp, hlttlna behind a hatterv mUnl.e
gave the run that won. Attendance, 1,018!
R.H.O.A.B. b tt ft a m
Hoenerer, ill 1 M I'Har, lb. 1 I 1 I I
naanar, sr... 1 0
0 Oraen, lb... .. S S
1 t
Kuhne, If..... I
Woodruff, lb. I
Klhra, lb 0 14
O'Brien, ai... Sit
w. rox, id... e
Coulter, rf.... 1
Matthewa. a.. X
SuthoB, a.... 1
I 1
1 I
1 I
I 1
McFarlan. rt. 1 I
Turner, lb.... I 1
Knoll, It...
Vlox. aa...
O. Fox. a..
uauey, s..
I 1
I s
.. I I'll 14 1
10 4
2 0 10-1!
Strans. lb.
Jonee, cC,
Oreen, rf..
Deola. aa..
Mertea. It.
Iib.ll, lb..
Uelr. lb...
Mcr.rlaad. S. I 1 I
Oarrls, p Ill
. I I II
CLEVELAND. July I. Chicago won
pitchers' battle today, Hickman's failure
to rover first, Davis' two-bagger and Bern
hardt'a wild throw giving Ctilcaco two runs
snd ths game In the sixth Inning. Manager
Urtmih waa again put off the field by Um
pire Sheriuaa. Attendance, 3,244. Score:
H M O. A B.I R.H.O.A.B.
.Ill Bar. al I I I I
0 Bradlejr. lb... Ill
1 Lelole, lb.... I 4
I Hlrkmen, lb. I lit
l.rilrk. rt Ill
I MiK'anbr, If. 1 I
1 Oeehaauer,' aa S 1 4
4 Eemla. a I I I
I bernhexd. v.. Ill
i'Woo S S S
Total. 1117111
I ToUU 1 I IT 14 I
Batted for Bernhard In tha ninth.
Cleveland 000100000 1
Earned runs: Chicago. Y. Two-base hits
McCarthy, Davis. Sacrifice hit: McKarland.
Stolen bases: Flick, Mertes. Double play:
Uorhnaur to Hickman. First baae on
balls: Off Bernhard, 2; off Garvin, 1. Left
on bases: Cleveland, 8: Chicago, 2. Struck
out: Hy ucrnnsra, i: ay uarvin, s. Time
1:33. Umpire: Sheridan.
Orth Batted Hirl.
BALTIMORB. July l.-Baltimore today
defeated Washington In the seventh inning
when Orth was batted (or six runs. At'
tendance. 2.280. Score:
Keller. f ... I 111 I Bras, cf 1 till
. uorie, is.,... s
I Iielehanir. If. I
;WolTenoa, Ik I
1 Lea. rt I
Totala 4 T 17 10 ll Totals
Fox out on bunt strikes. -
Indianapolis 0 0 8 0 0
Columbus 0 0 0 0 0
First basa on balls: DIT Rtithnfr. ofT
Bailey. 1. Struck out; Hv HuthnrV i- hv
Bailey, 1. wild pitch: Bailey. Hit by
Pitched ball: Bv Ballev Cnultnr Klhtn.
Two-base hits: Buthoff, McFarian. Three-
oase nit: McFarian. Home run: Horrlever.
Sacrifice hits: Buthoff, Wagner. Oren.
Double play: Fox to O'Brien to Klhm.
stolen oases: coulter, Knoll. Left on bases
Indianapolis, 7; Columbus, i. Time: 1:36.
umpire: ward.
Toledo Oatbata Loalsvllle,
LOUI8VILLE. July 8 The Toledo, nut-
batted Louisville, but could not hit when
hits would have made runa. In all other
orparimenis tne visitors were clearly out
V . A.iDiiu.uvi, e,,w. DWIVi
Kerwla. a ... I 1 1 I 0
Bonner, lb... I 114 1
Oauial, lb.... 1 I I 1 0
Plournor. If.. 1 I I 1
Tanneblll, aa. I 1 8 I I
Cljm.r, cf.... I I I I
Srbaub. lb... 1 1 I I i
P let a 0 1 I S 1
Gannos, rt... 4 1 1 I
I I IT 11
Toledo ....
Left on bases:
Two-base hit: Flournoy
scnauD. bacrince hit
Selbaek, If... 1
Willi. nil. lb. I
Mrilana, lb. .. 4
loaMur, rt.. I
Robtneoa, o. . I
Breenahak, Ik 1
Ullbert, aa..,, I
Crania, 1 4
Carer, Ik.
Kir, aa...
Clarke, a.
rtb. a...
, 4
. 4
... 4
I t !
... 1 I 14 U I
i 1 8
1 0 0 0-1
Tetala I II IT M ll Totala...
Baltimore 0 0 0 0 0
Washington 0 0 0 0 0
Sacrim-e hits: Kelley, Williams, McOann.
Two-baae hlta: Kelley. Koblneon. Selbacn
Stolen bases: Bresnaban, OUbert louble
play: Breanahsn to Mcuann. First buse
on balls: Oft Orth. 2: off Cronln, 3. Btnick
out: Hy Orth, 2. Left on baae.: Baltimore
4: Washington, 8. Time: 1:46. Umpires
Carruthers and Johnstone.
aiagglaa Match at Beatoa,
plays: Tannehlll to Gansel i2. Flournoy
to Splea. Stolen bases: Flournoy (3). Gan
non. Tannehlll, Kerwln. Struck out: By
Mcls'eal. L Hit by Ditched ball: Smith.
iKuneiuu. nni Dase on oaiis: ui ucntai,
a, on xverwin, a. lima: i.w, umpirs
St. Paal Wist la leveata.
MINNEAPOLIS, July t-8t. Paul won In
tn seventh today, two good hits, a pass.
an error ana a long ny aoing me work.
opurer iiviuru nue posiiion poony. Attend,
a nee, l.iw. ccure:
R.H.O.A.B. R.H.O.A.B.
reaaa. rf I I I 1 I'M. Lrneb. ot. 1 I I I I lb... I 111 liLallr. If I 1114
thanaoa. at.. 1 III 4 fbyla, lb 1 lilt
Keilr. lb I I 11 4 S Wilmot. rf..,4 118 4
C heck, If 4 111 I Warden, lb.. 4 4144
Huiglna, lb.. I 114 1 Byera, e I 14 11
Hurler, a.... 4 4 11 Orml. lb I 4 I I I
R Lrnrh. aa..l 114 1'Carl.r, aa.... I 14 11
rarguaoa. p.. 14 14 1 Sparer. B 4 4 4 1 1
vulUla 4 4 4 4 4
i TotaU...
St. Paul 1 0 0 0 1
Minneapolis 10 10 0
Two-base hits: Lynch. Byera, Chech.
First bass on balls: Off Sporer. 4; off Fer
ruaon, 1. Struck out: By Ferguaon. 1: by
B (Mirer, t. Wild pitch: Sporer. Stolen
bases: fnyie, curley, Lally, rluggtns.
three lengths. Time: 8:17. ''
The fourth heat (first of the day) for ths
diamond sculls, attracted by far the most
attention, as the result was expected to
show ths American's chances of carrying
off the coveted trophy. Titus' easy victory
over Field, who is the holder of the Ox
ford university sculls, has Increased the
alarm for the safety of the diamond. Titus,
who was la the Berks' station, had ths
measure of his opponent from the first.
Tha Oxonian stuck to his work manfully
for three-quarters ot a mile. At Fawley
court, half tha course, Titus was only a
foot ahead, but thence the American drew
further and further away. Field being com
pletely exhausted.
Titus' performance made such an Im
pression that even money was laid on his
winning the diamond soulls.
In ths fifth heat for ths diamond sculls,
J. Beresford of the Kensington rowing club.
had the Berks station and led his oppo
nent, Blr Oeorgs Ashe of ths Thames row
ing club, from the mark, and paddled In
tha easiest of winners In ulna minutes.
In tha sixth heat for ths diamond sculls
R. B. Ethsiington-Bmlth beat H. T. Black
suffe easily. Tims: 9:01.
In ths Brat heat for the Thames challenge
cup Thames Rowing club beat London Row
ing club by three lengths. Tims: 8:16.
In tha second heat for tha Thames cup
Trinity college, Dublin, beat Molesey Boat
club by a length. Time: 7:45.
In tha seventh heat of the diamond
sculls B. B. Kelly, Balloil college, Oxford,
easily defeated A. H. Cloutts, London
Rowing club. Tims: 8.(4.
Three-base hit: I In tha first beat for tns Ladies' challenge
Bonner. Double I plate Radley College Boat club beat Jesus
nuraa, lb...,
Maanr, rf...,
Turu.r, lb..,
Smith, lb...,
Owen, aa.
Klelnow, s..
.lllka. cf
u.w.ll, i,
aNeel. p...
4 11141
18 4
1 14 4
14 4
8 8 1
8 4 3
Totala 8 14 IT 11 8
.1 1 3000100 i
Louisville. 8; Toledo, 6.
eollege, Cambridge, by a length. Time:
In tha first best for ths silver goblets
Ward and Taylor, Trinity, Cambridge, beat
Bomvllle and Crombrugge, club Nautlqus
of Ghent. Tims: 8.45.
IB ths second beat tor ths Ladles' plate,
University college, Oxford, beat King's
college, Cambridge, by four and one-quarter
lengths. Time, seven minutes and
thlrty-slx second!.
In tha first heat for tha Wyfold Chal
lenge cup Kingston beat Thames by three
quarters of a length. Time, eight minutes
and fifty-three seconds.
Titus rows Kelly of Baloll college, Ox
ford, tomorrow.
Rats Meet at Alexandria.
. . I I IT 11 I I
1 8 0 0 I
0 0 0-3
Toiaia s sniaai f nrnirv vat.ta n n
v.vv ----- . , J C . . . y
Horsemen and others are gathering at
Alexandria for the great race meet to be
held at that place tomorrow and Thursday.
Among the features of the occaaloii will
be a balloon aecenxlon and a baae ball
game, both Wednesday and Thursday, for
pursea of 860. Tha prises to be given to-
mnrrn. In. ulnn.r. In Ik. h.n. r. .. will
uAQTny T.i- a Tew'a - iv. I fiarrtftrej hlta: R. lvncb. Kervuson. Ixjubl I about IriOO. Tha raoea will ha
greateat slugging match ever played on I plays: Curley to Grant to Werden, '.VII mot I followed by a band concert and dance la
las Amsncau greunus ta uus uiy. ioxss i it cycta. uuui is mjn ii une. ajch j iua svcuiug. jus iuuihi v.
horse races will receive an aggregate of
3600 In purses.
Patterson Beats Hunt.
The Canadian championship tennis tour
nament attracted a large crowd today.
The feature waa the match between Reuben
Hunt, the champion of the California In
tercollegiate association, and Ernest Pat
terson, Canada's leading player. Patter
son took the first set. 7-5, lust the second
and In the third was five times within a
point before he finally won the match,
10-8. finals C. Wright and E. P. Fischer
won their matches easily.
Valuable Time Saved.
Slight Injuries often disable a man and
cause several days' loss of time, and when
blood poison develops, sometimes result In
the loss of a hand or limb. Chamberlain's
Pain Balm Is an antiseptic liniment. When
applied to cuts, bruises ang, burns It causes
them to heal quickly and without matura
tion, and prevents any danger ot blood
It's only IS cents now for an electric
launch round trip on Lake Manawa.
Aliened Murderer Arraigned.
PIERRE, 8. D., July 8. (Special Tele
gram.) Bert Llnney, who shot a-man at
Burt Saturday, was today arraigned before
Judge March on a charge of murder. On
motion of the state's attorney the prelimi
nary hearing was continued until 1 o'clock
tomorrow to secure attendance of witnesses
for the atate.
Been on the new $16,000 merry-go-round
Imported from Oermany and located at
Courtland beach?
INSTRUMENTS placed on file Tuesday,
July 8:
Warranty Deeda.
Mae B. Van Ingen and husband to
O. E. Hurst, nft e lot 66, Horbach's
1st add $ 1,800
Jennie Patrick and husband to A. J.
Johnson, sl3 feet lot 10 and n34 feet
lot 11, block 2. 'Mcintosh's subdlv... 2,150
Caroline E. Sterner and huaband to
Frank Rohacek et a I, e22 feet sub
lot 8 In taxlot 65 In 10-15-13 25
K. A. Anderson to W. T. Graham, lot
87, Windsor Place 1,000
James Haley and wife to Mary E.
Heys, lot i, block 3, Boggs at Hill's
2d add 1.800
O. F. Davis company to 8. M. O'Kane,
lots 11 and 24, block 3. liimebaugh's
add 100
W. J. Judah and wife to Nora Une,
lota 1, 2o and 21, block 35, 1st add. to
Corrlgan Place 803
Frank Cuber to G. W. King, wl8 feet
lot 2. block 210'i. Omaha 1.250
Frank Raasch and wife to George
Drumer et al, lot 15, block 7, Van
Camp's add SO
L. V. Morse and wife to Alice M.
Brown, 4 feet lot 8, block 0, Pat
rick's 2d sdd 1
Genenleve Tyiee to Anna Kubat, lot
8, block A, Morrison's sdd IV)
J. D. Koplets to Mate Vlach. lot 8.
block A, same 150
Esther Woodward and husband to A. -H.
Bowman, s40 feet lot 39, Bees
Place 4,2'i0
W. T. Graham and wife to G. V.
Stone, lot 87, Windsor Place 1,200
Atlantic Realty association to G. M.
Durkee. lot 13, block 1, Bemls park.. 350
South Omaha I -and company to
Francis and William Koesig, lot 11,
block 27, South Omaha 4 0
Quit Claim Deeds.
II. M. I. Bliss and husband to E. A.
Ittner. parts of taxlot o& In 10-IS-13 1
Frank Murphy to Clifton Hill Presby
terian church, lot 16, block 12, Clif
ton Hill 300
Sheriff to Michigan Mutual Ufe In
surance company, lot 8, block 2,
Keed s 1st add 2,000
Q. G. McLane et al to J. O. Bryson,
jr., undlvH of w44 feet lot 8, block
151, Omaha 1
Total amount of transfer $18,778
If You Want the Best
In looking at offices In different buildings, the greatest praise tha owner or
rental agent can give an office Is to say that it Is "as good as an office In T1-.- Pee '
Building." It may be In some respects, but it can not be In every respect. . '
The Bee Building Is one of ths only two absolutely fireproof office buildings la
Omaha. The Bee Building Is the only building hsving all night and all day Sunday
elevator service. Tbs Bee Building furnishes electric light and water without ad
ditional cost. The Beo Building is kept clean, not soma ot the time, but all of ths '
time. ...
Keep these points in mind when looking for an offico, and you will taks on of
those listed below. It you sre wise.
" List of vacant rooms in
The Bee B
Ground Floor.
t Par atonia.
FIOOM hi 11x48 feet. Faces Savenlaanta street anA ha windows along tha
alley. Ibis is a large, light room, ad tha rsntal price Includes haat
lighi, water and janitor asrvlce. it baa eui entrance both en The) staa
building Court aud tkventeenih street ...IUM Price taVM
First Floor.
HITK ion Thar la no finer uinua suue in omaaa laaa this ens. It to locate
lust on Uia rigut oai.d of the graat nuuuia stairway, and has unusually
large wlnuowa looking upon Uia front entrance way of tha building It '
fronts on Ji'arnam sussu One room la Hxl and the other 8x18. It baa a
burgiar-proof vault, marble mantel-place, hardwood floors, and will ba
frescoed to suit tenant , Prloo 878.88
aOOU io4i lala loom is just at Lbs hvaa of lbs main stairway on taa first floor
It would ba a vary uesliable eoiee fur eouie raai aatala nut or otm
tracior. tarn floor space U laxl leet MM ftlti 134.(4
Third Floor.
ROOM 80t 'Tola room is 21x8 feet and Is very conveniently located near tha
elevator. A algn on tn. duor can b. reaully seen in stepping off tha elava
tor frtoa 3U.08
KOOM aaai Ynlsj'oofn la 17x33 fast and wlU ba divided"! suit tha tenant.
This room is paruouiaiiy adapted tor soma concern needing laiga noor
space and la a Uwjideiiiy handsome otnoe, having an autrauos facing tha
court aud windows looking out upon bevenleenth sUest, n naa a vary
huge buxglar-proof vault, hard aoad floors and Is on. ot tha oholoast em
ss la th. building; M. frlca 84 ii
Fourth Floor.
ROOM 401. iJxU feet This room Is nsz t to tha elevator and faoas court. It
has a larg. burglar-proof vault and la w.U vanlUated. Haa good Uxh.
and for ma pnea turnishss nrsl-ciass aovommodaUona P7ij.817.a4
Fifth Floor.
I CITE 614i This is a very large room, 1743 (ml It tnoea wast, but la varv
light and well ventilated. It la vary seldom that spaca of this slaa la af
feiad In The Be Building. It could be used to advantage by soma Aria
employing a larg. number of clerk, or requiring large floor spaoa a
"wholesale jeweler, or manufacturer s agent, who would Ilk. to ba la a
firs-proof building, or It will be dlvt dad to suit tha tenant Price 804.04
8)i.OM filiti This room facea ths court and is 18x14 feet. It baa a burglar-proof
vault, and aa It la near tha telegraph ottlc and on th. earn, floor with a
number of grain firms, it would b. a particularly good room tor a grain
firm dsslrlng nrst-claaa accommodation Priu. 820.41
Sixth Floor.
8CITEJ OlOi This consists of two rooms, both 18yxllH. Each ot thera haa a
larg. burglar-proof vault, hav. ba. n newly decorated and are rooms
where any business or professional man may ba comfortable. Prios for
th. two 838 81
Pental Agents.
Ground Floor,
tVv . 4eWaeJ 4 Only Saaalae.
It-'.-VBArm. r.iw.1. wi irurl.
CV. a rHlCaHunTER7 RNULllltl
ll HID Hi 4.M
iuiliuiin l.k.eeeu-r. BeTeel
Sa4etliUeeie aa4 ieUie
Ueae. a. ,f y..r M eM. Aa. la
Mf Sr TeeMei.elela
ea4 'BelleafWLeiTa,a.buer, k, ee
t mn St .14. IDOttulMw ..y
ftieuMu. Uale.ter 4 fc ,Ml.el Ce-
Postal Card Will Get It
Twentieth Century Farmer
Th. Best AgrtcultuiaJ Weekly. Ad
drma. Omaha, Mat.