Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 08, 1902, Page 9, Image 9
TUB OMAHA DAILY IlEEt TUESDAY, JULY 8, 1902. 9 1 I v y V SPECIAL NOTICES will fce taken 111 IS as. for tha evealagr edition a ad :30 . aa. ! aaae-rata aad Sunday edllloa. Bat, 1 l-3s a word Aral lasertlea, la a ward tktrnltrf. J4bln take far lees ihaa Xoa far the arat lataer tlea. These ad vertlaesaeate asaat ha raa eeasecntlvely. Adverllaera, lay- reaaastla a aaaa kered tktck, caa have answers ad tressed ta a a am her ad letter la ears) af Tka Baa. Answers aa addresses! will ba delivered aa artitaUUta ( lad akaalc aalr. SITUATIONS WASTED. .WANTED, place to sew for room and WWIU. O UCO VUIVV VISUM. II I I IJ 1 1 . A M786 WANTED, by experienced collector and real estate dealer, who wishes to travel through Washington, Idaho, Wyoming, Oregon, poult .n of aome kind on com- mission; wholesale or machinery work preferred; bond furnished. Address K 27, A3C. A UiM 11 WASTED MALM HELP. . FOR HALF- A DAY'S WORIC If you live In the country or In a amall town and have a good acquaintance among the farmer and stock raiser In the neighborhood you can make 16 easily by four or five hours work. Write us and we will send you our proposition, The Bee Publishing Co., Solicitors l'elt., uraana, nto, u ania WANTED, a good man In every county to take subscriptions for The Twentieth Century Farmer. Our agents make good wages everywhere. References required. Address Twentieth : Century Kaiwr, Omaha, Neo. u i DEMONSTRATOR to explain medlcology, 650 per week. Hlxnbaugh, 600 Ware Wk. . otm 13 TOT-NO MEN from Omaha and vicinity t once to prepare for positions in the government service. Appiy to mini fctate Corres. Inst, Cedar Rapids, la. B 113 Jy21 WANTED, Insurance men of experience: can oner you a goou ining. iau at a. m, 438 Board of Trade Blag. B-232 COACHMAN "wanted, references required. ii. w. rates, Nebraska national Dante. ' B 610 7 SALESMAN wanted for country trade, stats age, references and salary exnectea Los Angeles cider Co., t. iouis, mo. B 711 7 WANTED, drivers for dumo wagons and laborers for steam shovel work. Hall Construction and Grading Co., IV miles east of Broadway hotel line, ouncll muns. B M768 11 WANTED, first-class bread and pastry baker. Good wages to right man. State age, enerlence and Where employed last. Hi 1, nee omce. . . u-iw i ; When You Write to Advertisers ' , temember It only takes an extra stroke or two of Uie pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad In The Bee. 1 WANTED, planing mill machine wood worker, one that can lay out work; also a mill bench hand, Hurr incubator uo. 28th ave. and Davenport St. B 778 10 WANTED, a good all-around man In steam .laundry; must be a good starcher and irqner. Address axck ajox i"t, Ington, Neb. u M( -t OORDON presefeeder wanted. DeLong. tha ..itta.. ('..imii niurr n MTCji 1 1 WANTED, two collectors and two sollo itors. feci l axton uik. . a aiioa 14 WANTED, young man in restaurant; one that understands tne cream Dusiness pre ferred; good wages to right party. E 26, xiee. r wis o WANTED for U. 8. Armv! Able-bodied un married men between ages of 21 and 35, cltlsens of United States, of good char acter and tempeTatOi habits, who, can speak, read and write English. For mror . roatloh apply to Recruiting Officers, 16th and Dodge St., Omaha, and poatoftlce Dunoing, Lincoln, jNeDrassa, a m , .. 1 1 i. WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED, two young .lady students to learn halrdresalng, manicuring and chi ropody and scientific raaguage. Call or write Room 220. Bee Bldg. ' - C 280 100 Girls. Call Canadian office, 16th ft Dodge. GIRL for general housework. 201 S. 26th St C-MS22 WANTED A girl for general housework. 2113 Douglas. C 277 COMPETENT girl, good wages, ker. 2639 Par. C M&S3 WANTED, good girl for general house work. 1811 Chicago St. , . C-641 7 WANTED, second girt 804 Pine street, east of Brownell halt . - C M753 8 WANTED, experienced laundress. Apply at Millard hotel. . C-77S 7 . lift PER 1.000 copying letters; ta be sent ta at; paper free; two stamps with appli cation. Illinois' Industrial Union. Dept. M, Chicago. .- C M787 i ' WANTED, - lady of neat appearance; sal ary (1 par day... E 25, Bee. C-M791 FOR RENT HOrSES. VANS and baggage wagons. Tel. 1195. .". - .' . '.' D-rl HHI IQP5 ,n P" f "y- - The o. nVWOCJ yf Davis. Co., 652 Bee Bldg. D 283 TO MOVE right gt Omaha Van Storage Co.; office 1U114 Farnam, or Tela. l&a-si. , .. .. . 7 : x- LS-284 BEE PAYNE. ROSTWICK A CO., for choice houses. sMl-2 N. Y. life Bldg. Tel. Wit). ; d-2s MAGGARD Vsn aY Storage Co. Tel. 14". D 237 HOUSES, etc. F. D. Weed, 1624 Dougl.ts. - D 28 FOR RENT, t-room, modern, detached house, newly painted and papered, WO. UH Capitol Ave. Tet 673. B. 11. Roll-on. D M289 HOUSES and flats.' Rlngwalt. Barker bl.r k, GOOD modern (-room house, 2504 Blondo. v. , D-MJW HOUSES, stores. Bemls, Paxton block. 1 l ffll HOUSKS Boyer, 22d and Cuming. Tel, 3048. FOR RENT. Iarg S-room house, rtty water. $15 00. 2 Blondo. The Omaha Realty co., iwi uougias Bt. , utn -ftOOM, all modern house, 2307 Sherman ave.. a fine one. I'J7.00. 1-room, all modern, 1' ")1 N. 20th St., another one one, i-u.ou. u. n. l urking ton, Hee. D M6u4 t-ROOM fiat, newly rapered. 1219 80. 16th. modern except furnace; I rooms, modern ana - oarn. tail rarnam, : xja. othera. tungwau tiros., earner Pin. D-M401 . . " Wheri You Write . .'. " to Advertisers remember it only takes aa extra stroke or two ef the pen to mention the fact that yea saw the ad la The Bee. ELEGANT modern 8-room house, 201 Ba. KD bt inquire at iui jones at D-61S FOR RENT In Dundee, new modern 7-roorn cottage. U. U. w auace, u crown iuk D bo 7 L PER MONTH for a modern house of six rooms, large cellar, furnace, bath room, complete, etc, etc, two blocks from Wet Farnam street line. WYMAN, SHKIVLK CO., 1003 N. T. L. Pld. e FOR RENT, some desirable housee. well located. M to 646 per month. Tel. &J D. V. Bholea Co.. 310 N. Y. Life. D 733 I TOH RENT, furnished house. I rooms, all medsra cvnvealenuce; est front; tuu 14. L ii7l 4v FOR VtKJTT FTRWIflflED ROOM I. ELEGANT rooms, finest location In tha city. 1 Capitol Ave. E M LARGE front room, also small front room. together or separately. 2015 Douglas. K 99 DEWET European hotel, 13th and Farnam. n. ma fl FER WEEK, 422 8. 18th St., ons block . L . ... - YT .a. luuin oi luurt nuuBt, 01 i DESIRABLE rooms, first-class location. tni Farnam. E M.jee 1 NICELT furnished room for gentleman! modern, ivn t. Mary s ays. r-n t- SEVERAL nlrely furnished, cool rooms for rent, ifui .ans si. tr m t oo o FURNISHED, llarney. cool rooms, modern, toil E 777 AS NICE furnished : of unfurnished rooms. thoroughly moflorn! walking distance; references exchanged, zwi aurt hi. E M7M FI RXISHED ROOM AND BOARD, Merrlam, comfortable summer boms. Tel. t r is TWO desirable front rooms, with alcoves. The rratt, zn o. o tn bt. r - THE) Ross, 2Q0 Harney. Rooms and board. r Mioe u' THE Bonnie Brier, 1720 Dodge. Tel. A-M63. r os SOUTHEAST front room,' with alcove and bay window; private family, wz mo. run Bt. S ROOMS; modern. 25S0 Harney at r-740 FOR RENT, with board, one large front room ana one email room, mi mm nw. F-M773 I LARGE unfurnished room, with good board, 4lft N. Sttth Bt. --M,w rOR RENT-CNFI'RNII1ED ROOMS. DESK room space. tS Per month: ground noor room in Tne see Dunoing, racing Farnam street; no expense for light, heat or Janitor service. R. c. Peters Co., rental agents, nee ouiiaing. u lis TOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT The building formerly occu pied by Tne Bee at is f arnam at. it has four stories, and a basement which was formerly used as Tha Bee press room. This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at once to C. C. Rose- water, secretary, room lw, iee nuiiaing. FOR RENT Store In first-class location! rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters dt Co., ground noor, nee mag. wto FOR RENT Desk room or large space suitable for merchandise broker or party doing ousinass in wnoiesaie district. in quire Uene & Co., tit Farnam SL . I-MJ24 MODERN building In wholesale district f. u. weaa, io uougias street. . .. - . I-S6S-15 AGENTS WANTED. WANTED Canvassing agents In every county to solicit subscriptions to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady employment with assured aood In. come. Agents In the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily 60 to S10O per month. Ad dress, Cantury Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, 0V UUIlUtlia, SOMETHING NEW I I Just out Send for sample. Combination Door Knob and Bell. No cutting or ruining the door. Put on any door In a moment. No batteries to worrr about. No springs to wind. Noth ing to get out ef order. Own your own hell. No landlord to trouble. Price and Bell absolutely guaranteed. Send $1.60 for sample. Agents wanted. WESTERN ELECTRICAL COMPANY, 1212 Fgrnara street, umana, neo, J zie WANTED TO BUT. WANTED To buy A neat five or six-room cottage, modern, with full lot. On paved street, In good -neighborhood, for 11,000 FOR SALEFURNITURE. CHTCAOO Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodaa. TeL wu, isew ana seconanana, oougnt, soia. exenangea. . . u ns ROOM furnished flat for sale. 714 8. 16th, flat 4. u 7ta v FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC, FOR SALE Cheap; a Concord buggy. 16th and Vinton. t ii PAINTING and repairs on wagons, etc, our specialty, ii. frost, im ana Leaven- worm. let. in i. tini FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. WIRE fence for poultry, hogs, lawn and yard; hitcn posts, tree guards, .wire Works, ll B. 16th St. Tel 16a ' 4-M972-i FOR SALE Phonographs; superior to any other musical instrument; 40 up. 1 ne Wittman Co., ltui rirnam. 1 vj w NEW and secondhand typewriters, lilt Far nam. . w suv 100 STYLES trusses: catalogue free. Sher. a r i,.k , mill cs ni;v.uuiiaii ttui aviii ana T ... .1 ' f ,.- fuuiv, V ... i. w f w INDIAN goods and relics. 1119 Farnam. WHITE sawdust: season checked oak tim bers, cheap; nog lence, etc. m Dougiaa. IDHAND safe cheap. Derlght, lilt Farnam. 3U6 O r--XTTXI A WT. KllllAfA at r-.A aaa! IskU. billiard tables repaired; a large stock of cheap bar tlxturea, cigar counters, etc. The Brunswick Balks CoUender Co.. 407-t Boutn lutn. - j sut IDHAND safe cheap. Schwarts, 114 8. 11th. U no? FOR SALE Fine Imported harness, bras mounted ana irimmea; cost wnen new, Wtf&WKlZt LVorln streets. BIPYCLE8 and phonographs on easy car. ments to aown, ii-eu per weeg; seoonanana wheels, ia, s ana it; new wneeis, us, Omaha Bicycle Co., 16th and Chicago Sts. W fSJt VIM puncture-proof tires. $4.96 and 87.08 per HII, V ' 11111- A..VW WV., -V.M miM ,,- cagu sis. w oi FOR SALE, piano, halltree. chiffonier. bookcase, rarpeta, iron Pea ana kitchen Utensils, na uinney. y 78 FOR gas fixtures see Bam'! Burns. y 730 AS CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. 114 Cass St. o tun MRS. JaCOBSON, 2306 North th street. B Ml 10' ELECTRIC TREATMENT. MME. AMES, vapor bgths. 124 N. 15th, R. T. i aiMi u MME. BM1TH, baths. 116 N 16, 2d floor. R. t A M74I A PERSONAL, DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns and superflu ous nan removea oy eiectnuaiy. n. u. Frntr block. u u ROOMS. 610V South 10th St. 'Phone 181L U-6S)3-1 HA1RDRE8SING, manicuring and chirop ody, for ladles only. In connection with - . ' ...... .. . i , - . r. bij. it . i , a uv AiviiiTij, ai--v w &,,ua W PRIVATE hospltsL, before and during con- .. k.i.i.. A.t..A 9-A n.. n . a. Mas. Uardeis. TeL F-1UL U-li ACCORDION platting, cheapest, beat and qulckeat. Mrs. A, C. Mark. It A Douglas. MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 16, td floor, R. 1 U Uia ! GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesale and reiail. Collins llano Co., 16 Doua !.. U u PERSONAL.' RITTURE pnrmanently cured In M to M days; send lor circular. . a. woofl, M. u.. 6 New Xork Life Bidg.. Omaha, reo. - U-r-31 .. CHIROPODT aT iipeelalty. In, connection wun i ne uatnery. rooms iin-au, uea umg. Tel. 171. U-l SHAMPOOING and hnlrdremdng. Kc, In connection wttn The Batnery, xis-xi'", ff building. Tel. 171. U 117 VIAVA. woman's way to health. IToma treatment, tfookiet tree. MS nee ring., Omaha. V 1 tBr9 TOUUBAW All. V.. man eases. u vn Duuuing. umci nnun, I. io p. m. u n I LOWEST PRICES In accordion and sld pleating. The Goldman Pleating Co., Douglas block.. uMiM EMPIRE RUPTURE CURE 2 New Tork XAlt Bldg., Omaha. Send for circulars. U iil PRIVATE home fdr ladtes before and dur ing confinement; babies adopted. 220 1 Burdette. Mrs. Burget. U MZot zo - DR. B. M. JACKSON, room- , r renter block, chronlo diseases a specialty; con sultatlon free. U-4U WE don't' like to accuse the Omaha BALL TEAM of Imitating, but when they re sumed the lead they were lust merely following the established rule of the STOECKER CIGARS.. . U-774 13 MOLLTE: Read first sentence July What To Eat, page 6. George. V Mffls MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATES. MONET to loan on Improved Omaha real riisic. J7rviiiian-Avvv ut, r " a. loin. W AM tH PER CENT on business property. . 6 ter cent on residence property. Options to pay whole or part any time. W 2J WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam Bt. w an FARM and city loans, low ratea. W. H. '1 nomas. First Mat, Bank Bldg. lei. lKts. vv iU WANTED City and farm loans; also bonds and warrants. c. meters ft lo lToa Farnam Bt.,. uee mag. LOW RATES. Private money. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Main floor tinw xora uia mug. W-M338. t PER CENT, loans.; Garvin Bros., 1S04 W-836 Farnam. PRIVATE Money. F. D. Wead, 1624 Douglas. wsai 1100 VP low rate. Prlchard, 1712 Farnnm. PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 837 N. Y. L. VV oJJa 4HT0 6P. C. money. Bemls, - Paiton Blk. w gzy MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. $10,000. warehouse receipts, livestock, etc., or If you are permanently employed we can make you a loan on your ' dalak x . We loan from tlO.OO ud on verv short no tice and without publicity. Our offices are very easily found and you will receive courteous treatment whether you borrow or not. After you have talked with us you will know whether It will pa v you te borrow or not, for we will tell you In ad vance just wnat tne transaction win cost you. With us you pay Interest only on what you receive and for only what tline you keep It. We do not charge far mak ing papers. ' Ths .rule of our office is to please everyone. . . .. , UAlAnA. MUHIUAUB LOAN CO., lit Board of Trade bids. Tel. 229JL (Established 1892). Sue & liia si -jt - a Mj64 : SHORT" ROUTE TO PAY-DAY, '. Loans te salaried people . . r UPON THEIR PLAIN- NOTB. . No mortgage: indorser or. cublielly. 1' These loans made quickly and quietly. I Room 803, Third Floor,1 Paxton Block. ' ' X-675 - - - " r ' LARGEST BUSINESS" IN LOANB TO salaried PEiOPLS, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, elo., without se curltv: easiest terms: 40 offlces in tirln. clpal cities.- Tolman. 440 Board' of Trade uidg. A 4Wi MONEY loaned on furniture, live stock. jeweiry, to saiariea people. oiey Loan CO., sua to mil ureen. s uaraer wiock. .flLWlr- LOANS, hotiaehold furniture, ' pianos and an Kinds or cnattei security; terms to suit; no publicity: goods remain 111 'your Muuinilnn American lilln f.. !M Annr t - MONEY loaned on plain note to Salaried neoDie: ousineas connaentiai: lowest ratee. Li4 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. Jt mwi MONET loaned cm pianos, furniture, lew airy, horses, cows, eto. . is, f. need, gi . is, Jk eus Chattel and Salary Loans, PHOENIX CREDIT CO., ' Successor to J. W. ' Tayloe. TeL 746. 633 Paxton Block. X MB30 BUSINESS CHANCES. TO GET In or out of business call on Wil liams, Room 41 1 Mccague Building. X dU WHEN yen want to tuy, sell or exchange your business or property quick, see J. ;k, see d Y M840 it Johnson, 4g n. X. Lite. TO BUY, sell or exchsnge a business, call on c J. vanan, n. s,.aoi sarnam di. . X M341 FOR BALE, furniture of a 10-room house. full Of good paying poararrs, i block from Harney, Dodge and Farnam cars, 4 blocks from 16th; cash order only con sidered. A good thing for the right per son. House rent reasonable. Address C 7, Bee. , X-280 l ,tfi ur When You Write to Advertisers ,", remember it ealy takes an extra stroke er two of the pen to mention tha Iaot inai you saw tne aa n ins cea A BUSINESS MAN CAN aeoulre controlling Interest In a proflt- a Die ana rapiaiy increasing legitimate manufacturing business. Capital required Ii.oo0 to to.Otio. This Is worth investlgat- Ing. J. 1L Johnson, N. Y. Life. Y-M624 FOR BALE, one of the best ' Mvery and boarding sts Dies In pmana, aomg a gooa business;' owner wants to leave the city, W. H. GaUe, 618 N. Y. Life. Phone, 1284. M7SO 16 FOR EXCHANGE. WANTED, to exchange a nice house and lot in timana lor a sioca ox dooib ana sheas or clothing. B II. Bee. Z M761 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FIVF-ROOM cottages with city water; ht ana ooia waier in aitonrn ana do in room. water closet; two blocks from 84th Street car line, at a baraain. WYMAN, SHRIVLH CO., 1008 ft. T. U Bid. he- i a i IF YOU want one of ttw nicest 8-room homes in tianscom l inen i win give you bargain, owner let t city. Must sell, J. H. etlierwood. 837 N. Y. L. Bldg. RB.-M16S BEE PAYNE. BOSTWICK ft CO. for choice bargains. 101 ti. Y. Life Bldg. TeL VtlS. RE 347 WILLIAMSON Fsna1" e ,M. . . RE 843 HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, 'loans; also are insurance. - iieniis, ration ciors. i. v . .i Rjfi44t I A MONTHLY psytnent bargain tn 8-room nous, u. at. rwauingtr. rotii eo. KL MM HOrtTES and lots In all parts of ctty also acre property ana iirm tanas, ist J r . luvli Ca. Room 663. Hee bulldlna ItE 8U' TOR tALB RBAb ESTATE.- GEORGE (i. WALYCR, real estate, mort gage, rentals, insurance, urown tiiwn RE 115 RANCH gnd farm lands for sale br the i nion some, itaiiroan company, n. A. McAllester,' land commlmloncr. Union Ps cine Headquarters,, Omaha, Neb. re- ' MEDICAL. ' PR PRIES, the acknowledged leading specialist In diseases of women In Omaha, would csll the- attention of itirferlng ladles to hta unsurpassed accommodations before and during confinement and his treatment . for Irregularities, no . matter what cause. Call or address, with stamp, Dr. Pries, Arlington' Block, U13 Dodgo, umsna. 4 LADIES' Chichester' English Pennyroyal Pills are the best: safe; reliable. Take no other. Send 4c, stamps, for particulars. "Relief fdr Toadies" In letter by return mail. Ask your jflriigglst. Chichester Phemlcnl Co., Phllwdelphls, Pa. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. T. Life. BOYLES college, court reporter principal. . x. L.rre. a4 NEB. Business oV Shorthand College, Boyd's i neater. - . 36 ANNOUNCEMENTS. WATERS PRINTING COMPANY. Tele phone 2180. HI South Thirteenth street. M307 LOST. 1.EFT on Sherman ave. car, No. I East man loimng icons a. itewara ir returnea to isos Farnam at. Lost 781 GOLD cuff button with red set. Return to ee ontre. , Lost 776 OSTEOPATHY. GID. E. a ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. Suite 616, N..Y, Life Bldg. Tel. 1664. DR. A. T. HUNT, 12 McCague Bldg. Tel. X9Z. ilfiS TYPEWRITERS. THE wbnderful Lambert Typewriter will do tne worn oi a xiuo macnine; is rapid, em- clent and durable; to introduce will sell a limited number at szo. Telephone, writs or call. Monroe A Ca, 811 N. 16th St. -, . . .. MB! QARBAGB. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cleans cesspools ana vaults, removes garbage ana ueaa animais av reuueeu prices, iui xx. iq. SALESMEN WANTED. WANTED, a first-class whisky Salesman wun an esiaonsnea trane xor tne state of Nebraska..- None other need apply. Address Bonnie Bros,, distillers . 139 W. Main St., Louisville. Ky, M633 11 PLIMBINQ. D. W. . DUDGEON, 2910 Farnam. Tel. 1984. - 77 A J JINK. . . ALPTRN buys all kinds of scrap Iron and metals. 811 Douglas St . Tel. 24.4. 860 LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 8c; collars, te; cuss, c nou Leavenworth. Tel. 647, . .' 850 BEST, laundry. ' The Chiosgo, 'phone Jos. .' 1 M3f51 ' STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co., 811- i J ones, general storage ana forwarding, i ' ., 1 . xf i OM.Tan Stor Co., I6HV1 Farn. Tela. 1569-863, -. ; ''.. .-r : ,: .253 NICKEL PLATING. OMAHA. Plating Co., Bee Bldg. TeL 2536. 370 , When You:Vrite . td'Advertisers remember It Only takes an extra stroke of two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw tne aa in 1 ne wee. MANUFACTURING. I F, MELCHIOR, 13th' and Harney, ma- M368 I ,1i n .l "A"A,8anf,S. V2 Z.Lt' i .t ' Anareen, , -rop.. B. ltnn Bt M36t PARPKNTSRS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repair ing promptly attenaea to. J. T. Ochiltree. sum ana uwa simu. , am BALD . TICS. . OMAHA Hay Bale Tle'Ctf., 8U North 16th FLORiSti L. HENDERSON, 1511 Farnam. TeL 1151 Send lor prioe list, cm nowers ana plants. ; - ; . mjoo PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office,'-reliable, accommodat ing; an business connaentiai. li Douglas, dOO TRUNKS AND BAGGAGE. TWIN CITY EXP. 'Vhond 1717. 606 8. ltlv STEAM DTE WORKS. SUITS cleaned, pressed, fl.OO. Ladles' skirts , 60c. Tne canaaian, no ft. uin et. STAMMERING AND . STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Raroge Bldg. LAWH MOWERS. Sharpened, repaired. 1. 1. Wks., 1406 Howard. ... - . MXH .' . AUTOMOBILES. , ELECTRIC AUTOMOBILES. Delight's, 111 r a mam sireei. . . 4c PATENTS. I PATENTS Sues Co., Bee Bldg., Omaha no lee unless eucoessiui. aavice rree. I . 61 Jept 19 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS. GRAND Electric Co., 16 k Jackson? Tel. 246. 363 DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING In families7 or at home. Miee sturdy, suu r arnam. 2i jyii ' PVR DRESSING. O. R. GILBERT CO.; tanner. U24 B. 13th, -61 POSTOrriCB NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by all Inter ested as cbsnges may occur at any time). Ftrelnn malls for the week ending July is; is-, win ciose trrt'jasx-i l.x in an cases; at ths general poatomc aa (oliows: FAR. C'ELS POBT MAILS close one hour earlier than closing time shown below. Paresis test mails lor uernuany ctoaa at p. londay and Wsoivtaday, , . .at foreign station bait hour later than closing time shewn below (except that sup- 'i R..IU tnm L , , - . . . . f ... I lymutHwi mtm w tW4.ATv t-l wuvtett POSTOFFICB NOTICE. America, via Colon, close one hour later t lorcign siation;. Traasatlaatla Mails. TUESDAY At 8:80 s. m. for ITALY direct per s. s. Hlcilla (mall must be directed per s. s. sicilla") KDNE8DAY A . ,., virnnptl t 6:80 a. tn. fot EUROrB, per a. s. Philadelphia, via Southampton. I W r 8T Iin:frAT At a. m. for FRANCE, I torky Mountain Llm- ' -SWITZERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN. P R- lTedy.." ... ....... ..Ta S in an, a u ... Tt'GAL. TURKEY, EGYPT, OREECI-7, I BRITISH INDIA and liORENZO MAR-I gt'EZ, per a s. I.a Lorraine, via Havre I mall for other parts or Kurope must pe i Irrcted "per s. s. La Lorraine"). I SATURDAY At 7:80 a.m. (supplementary via' Quoenstown; at 76 a. hi fof NETH- ERLAND3 direct per s. s. Ryndam (mall I must be directed !?.. Ryndam'i; at 1:30 a. m. for SCOTLAND direct, per s. s. Anchorla (mall must be directed per s. s. Anchorla"); at 10 . m. for BELGIUM direct, per s. a. Frleelaml (mail must be directed "per s. s. Frlcs- land"): at 11 a. m. for DENMARK di rect, per s. s. Norge (mall must be di rected "per s. s. Norge"). PRINTED MATTER, ETC. This steamer takes printed matter, commercial papers and samoles for Germany only. Tha same class of mall matter for other parts .0,U2P' .TT!!' 'SlLFVi Hr th" hlM unlesa specially directed by It. After the closing of the supplementary transatlantic mans namea ecove, ia dltlonal supplementary m! are opened on tne piers oi me American, a-nguan,. French and German steamers, and re main open until within ten minutes of tne nour oi sailing ot steamer. Malls for South and Central Asaerloa, Weat ladles. Etc. ' . TU E B DAY A t 1:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a, m.) for CENTRAL AMERICA (except Costa Rlcai and SOUTH PA CIFIC PORTS, per s. S. Advance, via Colon (mall for Guatemala must be di rected "per a. s. Ailyance"); at 12 m. for ARGENTINE, URUGUAY and PARA QUAY, per s. s. Honorlus; at 11:30 p. m. tor .Jamaica per s. s. Aamirai f vra ut, from Boston; at 11:80 p. rr). for PORTO PLATA, per s. s. Captain Ben- nett. from Boston (mall for other parts I or tne Dominican repunne must pe di- I rected "ner s. a. rants In Bennett"). I WKDNESIJAY A 10 a. tn. for GRENADA. tkinidad and ciudad BOt,lVAit, perl s. s. Maracas; at 11:80 p. m. (supplement sry 1 n. m.) for TURKS ISLAND and DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, per s. s. Semi- noie. THURSDAY At 7:80 a. m. for NORTH ERN BRAZIIa per s. s. Hungana. via Ceara, Para and Manaos; at 6 a. m. for CUBA, YUCATAN, CAMPECHE, TA BASCO and CHIAPAS, per a ansa (man -for otner parts must be directed "per s at 10:30 a. m. for BARBADOS ZIL, per s. a. Catania, via Pernamhuco and eantos (man ror nortnern ureiii must be directed "per s. s. Catania"); at 11:30 p. m. for JAMAICA, per a. a. Ad miral Schley, from Boston; at 11:30 p. m. for NEWFOUNDLAND, per a. s. U- vonlan. from Philadelphia. FRIDAY At 12 m. for MEXICO, per s. t. BAntiagn, via Tamplco (mall must be di rected "per s. s. Santiago"); at 6:80 p. m. for BERMUDA, per steamer from Hall fa N. ft SATURDAY At 7 a. m. for NEWFOUND. LAND direct, per s. s. Rosa lie nd: at 9 a. m. (supplementary 9:80 a. m.) for PORTO RICO, CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per s. s. Philadelphia (mall for Savanllla and Cartagena must be directed "per a. s. Philadelphia"); at 9:30 A. m. (supple mentary 10:30 a. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA. 8AVANILLA and CARTAGENA, per s. s. Altai (mall for Costa Rica must be directed "per a. s. Altai"); at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for HAITI snd SANTA MARTA, per s. s. Adirondack; at 10:00 a. m. for CUBA, per s. s. Alorro Castle, via Havana; at 12:30 p. m. (supplementary 1:30 p. m.) for ST. THOMAS, ST. CROIX, LEEWARD and WINDWARP ISLANDS, BRITISH, DUTCH and FKr.NtJH GUI ANA, per a. s. Korona; at 12:30 n. m. for (orainary man omy wnn-n must ds 01- i rected "per a. a. cuntyoa, I juaus ror newiuunaiano. py ran to. iMortn .. . - . . , . . . .. . a .w. i U.iln.v BM . in.l)M nv at.amnr r. Ir... I tnis omce ' aany at a:at n. m i office ; dally at 6:80 p. m. (connecting ciose nere every iwon. dav. Wednesday and Saturday). Malls for Mlquelon, by rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, ' close at this office dally at 6:30 p. m. Mails for Cuba, by rail to Florida, and thence by steam ers, are dlspatcned 6aily, except 'Thurs day, final connecting closet, for dispatch via Port Tampa. 4n Mondays,.' Wednes days and Saturdays at i:IO a. m.j for dispatch via Miami, on Iondaya and Sat- urdays at t:m p. m. - Mans ror-Mexico City, overland, unlesa specially addressed I for aispatcn oy steamer, ciose at tnis I and 11:30 p. m., Sundays it t a.m. and office dally except ounoay at l:8U p. m.i Puerto Cortes and Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans, and thence by eteamer, close at thla office dally- except Sunday at 1:30 p. m., Sundays at 1 p. m. (con necting closes here Mondays for Blle, Puerto Cortes and Guatemala, and Tues days for Costa Rica). "Registered mall il :oW A). H. Wans ivj. v.v...n ,ui.a, , airiH, closes at 6 p. m. previous oay. TraaspaclSe HUH. . .. . Mails for Hawaii Via Ban Franeisoo, close HOI, URIIJ . . v.tfvi y. m , u.J I, elusive, for dispatch per a. s. Alameda. Valla for China and Japan. Via Seattle. close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to July 9. Inclusive, for dispatch per a. a. Rlojun Mam. (Registered mall must be directed "via Seattle"). - Malls for Tahiti and Marquesas island. via Ban Francisco, close nere daily at s:mi p. m. up to July 10. Inclusive, for dis patch ter s. s. Marapoaa. Malls for Hawaii, Japan, China and flrst- ciass matter ror . tne rniuppme isianus via 8a n Francisco, close here dally at 6:80 p. m. up to July U, Inclusive, io disnatch cer a. s. Doric Malls for the Philippine Islsndt, via Baa Fncl close he up to Juiy -11. inclusive, tor dispatch ner IT. fl transport. Malls for Australia (except TVst Australia, which is lorwaraea via -uropej, riew Zealand. Fill. Samoa aa& Hawaii, via Ban Francisco, close her aally at 6:80 p. m. after June 28 and up to July 19, Inclusive, or on- arrival of a. e. Vmbrla, due at New York July 18, for dispatch wr a. s. Vsntura. Malls for Australia (except West Australia. which goes via Europe, ana mw eaiana, which goes via San Francioq, and FIJI islands, yla Vancouver and Victoria, B. C, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to July 18. Inclusive, for dispatch per a. a. Mnana iSDecianv aaareasea oniyi. Malls for Hawaii, China. Japan and first- class matter for the fnuippine isiamis via Ban Francisco, close here dally at 6:80 j. m. up to July 19, Inclusive, for rilanatrh ner s. a. Klnnoh Maru. Malls for China and Japan, via Vancouver ana victoria, a. u., ciose nere oauy at 6:80 p. m. up to July 32, inclusive, for Alanatrh ner s. s. Empress of India "Vrcanr tor CT"po.ul A.anv a t ilhanarhavl ran not ba forwarded Via Canada). Transpacific mall are forwarded. to port of sailing oauy ana tne scneauie ox closing Is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit, -"riegis-tered mall closes at 6 p. m. previous day. nnRNELIl'tl VAN COTT. Postmaster. Postofflce. New Tork, N. T., July 3. 1908. GO VERS. VJE JIT HOTICBS. DENVER, COLO., JULY 8, 1908 SEALED Propoaaia, in triplicate, win oe roceivau t,.-T until 11 o'clock a. m.. July 19. 19ul. and then openea xor constructing two oma huildlnas for ofneers' quarter, at Fort D. I a Huaaall. Information furnished on ap plication to W- aa., ton aj. a. nuseii. or IK underslaned. IT. 8. reserves the right to accept or reject any or an diob or any part thereor, n.nveiopea containing diub tu marked "Proposals for Buildings at Fort D. A. Russell, ' ana aoaressea Aiaior W. POft., u. W- Al. rf,n-i--e-ii-iai LEGAL NOTICB. NOTICE TO TAX PATERS. Wntioa Is hereby given that the Board of Equalisation finds It Impossible to complete Its work by June 80, 1902. owing to th large number of complaints that are being hied, ana tne time ui adjournment la ex tended iron. June f'. i:"A to Juiy a, imn. J28 d 9t County Clerk. p AIL WAY TIME CARD. VltlQS STATION lOTU AND MARCY. Chicago Mortlavrestera. The Northwestern Line." . Aveave. Arnv Fast Chicago.: 8 40 am a TOO Mail ...a ViPm a 130 Local Sioux City a 6:10 am a 8:b0 teave. Arrive. 40 am a loo am am i,m I Davlicht St. Paul I I K In. alO:I5 tra I Viayllght Chicago a 8:i) am aU:20 pm luteal Chlcaco.. alO C am a 6:30 Dm iT . : . . i a t.i T. . I Fa.7 Chrcago.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.i I S pm t ( K pm Limited Chlcsgo. ........ a T 44 pra a 6:80 la raat t)t. raui...a, ti- Vm ) m J3 Last Man eoal bioas City .b 3:66 pm blO.'v am AILWAY .TIME CARD Coatlaaed. EAST. Leave. Arriv. Chlcsgo Daylight Llm- nea linim a f 45 am Chicago L'ayllght a 1 no am a t 38 pm ChlCHKO Express bil ls sm a 6:06 pm i"" m-mi in pin oil w am Lhlcaao Faat Express , a 1.06 rm i-k nn Lincoln, Colo. Bpringa, Denver, Pueblo and West : a 1:80 pm I 1:11 pm coio., -j exas, t.;ai. at Oklahoma Flysr...,...a 1:80 Dm al2:40 Dm tkleaao. Mllwaakee dr Bt. r..i Chlcsgo Limited-... .....a 6) pm a 6:06 atn Chicago Omaha Ex..b I:4v am b 1:40 pm I W a baa a. Bt. Louis "Cannon Ball" I fcxpress ... 8:15 pm a 8:20 am St. Louis Local, Council Bluns . .al0;00am al0:30 pm tslaa Pacific. Overland Limited... Fast Mall California Express. ...a 9 40 am a 7:30 pm ...a 6:60 am a 3:26 pm i . a. , y ii pacific Expresa..., aU:80 pm Eastern Express.......... a 4 In em Atlantlo Express a 7:30 am Chicago BclaT.': Colorado Bpeciat ....' 7:19 am Chicago Bpnciai 1:40 km Lincoln, Aieairice ana Biruimuurs cz.t., H :vo prn uu w pm I Grand Island Local b 6:80 pm b 3:36 pm Stromshurg Kx.t.. B 1:06 pm MI W pm Illinois Ceatral. Chicago Express ..i.. Chicago, Minneapolis .a f :30 am a 6:10 pm Bt. Paul Limited a 7:60 cm a 8:01 am Minneapolis 4 St. Paul Express .,b 7:80 am blO:3S Dm Chicago Express a 10:36 pm all stuart tfaeino. St. Louis Express elO 00 in a l:R pm K. C. ds Bt. L. Ex.......ai0.0 pm a 6:16 sm BURLINGTON STATION lOTH MASON Barllagtf a dt Mlesoarl River. Leave. Ariiva. wymore, ties trice ana Lincoln a 8:40 am bll:65 am Nebraska Expreaa ......a 8:40 am a 7:14 pm Denver Limited ........ .a 4:26 pm a 6:46 i-m tsiaca nine ana rugei Sound Express ..a all:10 Dm a 8:00 Drs Colorado Vestlbuled . r iyer a s:w pro Lincoln Fast Mall.. ..b 140 pm a t:17 am Fort Crook and Plans- mouth' ,i...b 8:20 pm bll.-06 sm Beiievu ec faoino jci. a 7:40 pm a f.M am Beiievu at pacino jot.. a :vu am Chicago, Barllasjtom -a taiacy Leave. Arrive. r s. s. Enpcr- S5!'f' .c,,ik,,,i'A'h-'I Jtm I J'2 JHI Bitters about fifty year ago. Today bun rVperaa'? cKo L'cai.f. -red. of person, ows their good health to DOS and BRA- Chicago Limited a 7:60 pm a 7:46 am It use. It positively cures cramps, nausea. Fast Mall a 3:40 pm Kastsa City, Bt. Joseph Jt Coaaell I Blnffa. Kansas City Day Ex. ...a 9 20 am a 68 pm St. l. Louis Flyer a 6:10 pm all:18 am Kansas City Night Ex..al0U0 pm a 6:16 am Dally, b Dally except Sunday, s Sun. day only, d Dally except Saturday, a Daily except aaonaay. WEBSTER DEPOT 1STM e WEBSTER Fresaoat zilkhora Mleeoarl Valley. Leave.' Arrlva Black Hill. Dead wood.' Hot Springs a 8:00 pm a 6K pra y y omiag, . casper ana Douglas ..d 3:00 pm 5:00 pm I Hastings. York, David.. City, ttuperior, ueneva, Exeter and Seward.... b 1:00 nm b 6KX om Norfolk, Lincoln and Fremont b 7:80 am bt0:25 am Fremont Local 0 1:80 am Chlcagvo, St. Paul, Minneapolis dt Omaha. Twin City Passenger.. ..a 6:80 am a t:00 pm ja,xnvrsoa aoviaa u u .tv yui u . j uiu i Miasonrl Pacific. . . .. - I n-DraiKE xjocai. via i w..nn. K 4-10 nm iM.n, ..-.-... ' - - - . . , 1 i STKAMHO ITS. HOLUND-AUERICA LINE New York-Katterdam, via. Boulogne, V. M. Kew Tyln-Bcre a. a. of 18,000 tons register Twld-8crew . Dsnrlam . . u Steamer . imiutiiu July ia, in a. M Twin-Sorw Bteanier Rotterdam a iui ty id A. H. Vail.. 1A Twin-Screw Noordam eteataer July 86, 10A.M street; J. 8. McNally, 1324 fearnam street; Apply to Harry Moores, 1601 Farnam H. S. -Jones, 1603 Farnam street; Louis Neese, .f irst national nana, umaoa. SummarTourt en Lakt Miohlgsn. THIKLKGANT MArilTOII STEAMSHIP 68-8B W terM-MaaarsarrlMe.ela-1-vlr.nskMthrM nlltnsa tersasMii ear sarvlMae1a-1lr.nkM three esaal weak for r-aakftara, Cke-laTelx, l,rtnn Uh Vlrw, 1-awliir, kulilit.t lali I a - .. II a v , napwr Land, eoD inir, h.tsi. id il tokn P.iau. LIAVIS OHIOAOO AS FOLLOWSl Taee.tta.aa. Thara.10i80a.aa. Sa4.4v.aa. MANITOU STEAMSHIP CO., 0FFICB a OQCKk. lush and N. Water Bt., Chlcagb ANOHOB ' Uiaa-B. . aVAXa TEAJX X all!ia rwularlr bstvesa Kiw tork, London i)i r by olasoowi Hiw xuaa. uiBKALiAji m Arimu. Mrtor aceaauMaatlona. Cxtalhnt CuUtaa. btn feaar tor tbc aomlurt ot paaeaacsra Sludlouaif tl4-r4 an practiced. iDgle er Houn4 Trtp uossts hsum BtrsB ne Tark an teotck. Sngllsh. lrlak ao4 aU rrtaalaal SaSlToL aoiw. ' ' ' uimu warn FOUR SEPARATE AND DISTIXCT SERVICES. Fast Twln-Scr Paasanger Steamer all Ing regularly from Boston, Portland sad Montreal to Liverpool, also Boston ta Mediterranean ports. . Send for booklet. 'Mediterraneaa IllusireUd." For ratea. to., apply to local agent or company's otBc. 68 Desiknia Stn Ckieae. Ill (0 10 ATUMTIQUj I We;L-M,i iV-g It... I I II ij kiLuoai miMimm CAttn IN 8ITY saw modara cli,uo nrtu atTr Aur-as ateajr.era ntv. Commandr-d bv naTal oftlcvra. luatfrlni. akrica InaA-off'Vai-.laMpline. yamnuaaaialM. Tclapkonee tn. aahla. Wlraleaa t-i-frapa. gar llluauaAad took lata an atneta larunaauoav appiy to Harty g Moo raa. 11 rarnam Bu, i. S. Me Nalir. 1U4 fuiia St.. Oeorae g. Abbott. 1A14 r.--.,,n. hi . tt. B Jon-,, r.m.m aBaBaa-aaaaaaa-a- aaxajaawaWaaaaW AILIMC eveuv THURaVDAY om Ntw YVwH t sMrii VoaderbDt Makes a . Olft. vrrsfir xr a irinu aTi r..i f a i from Frederick V Vanderbljt f New Tork . . . . ... . r. .... . . . . to tne enemeia Bcientina scnooi or xsis university, was announced today by Prof. Ruaaell PL Chlitenden, director ' ot the school. Mr. Vanderbllt la a graduate of the school In the class of 187. His gift is for i nuuain ua lasay. the establishment of a dormitory system for the sclentino school, and Includes a valuable andextenslve tract of land In the square bounded by Wall. Temple, College and Orove streets, and also a dormitory building to be erected. Real estate men eBtlmats ths money value ot the donation n . - .r ' Means Diree Liae to Oalf. OI7THRIB. Okhr.;' July UAt a meetln. ot the director of the Woodward t qua - nah Railroad company, it wa voted to riush the survey and construction of tha road as rapidly as oosslbls to Quanah a distance of 200 miles, where connection will I be mado with tbe Houston A Texas Ct-n- . -.1 ihiia .lulna a Hlrst llna tn k. fl.tlt The Houston & Texas Central I supposed to be back or tne extension. Valaabla Ttaae Save. Slight Injuries often disable a man and cause several days' loss of tlm, and when blood polaoa develop, sometime result In th loss of a hand or limb. Chamberlain's Pain Balm la aa gntlseptle liniment. When applied te eat, brul.. and burs. It causes I them ta heal gulckly aad wlthoat mature t'on. and- preveaU aay Sanger of blood MX I polspa. WANTS WEST TO BE UNITED G. II. Maxwell Talks Aaalnsl Fae tloaal DltTerenees an Irrl. antloa Plaaa. At the Commercial club yeaterday noon Oeorgo H. Maxwell, executive chalimaa of the National Irrigation association, d- dressed the executive committee of th elub and tew Invited guests, some twenty-Ate In all, on th subject ot Irrigation. Ha said In part: "I urge that the west stand united oa this question. It should not split up on of local advantage; there should! be no cross-howling for sectional benefits, The welt should stand solidly by the ad- ministration in whatever It do. From the president down, through the geological surrey to the hydrogrsphlral department. they are all anxious to do th best thing and the biggest thing, and th west should be k unit for them and their action. "In this way csn lasting and monumental works of Irrigation be achieved. I may say that If the works built In the next two yeara with the $10,000,000 that will be available ar constructed according to tha Ideas of the "geological survey tt will mean. . . . . . 1 . . . the successful launching of th whole great project. The work will be an object lesson and their success will result In a sentiment among the people of this country that will make It easy from then on to get. legislation and funds for building a rap Idly ss the settlers take the land. That should be the test. "This thing should not ,be gone into upon a minor scale. We should build gi gantic works, not Innumerable small ones. We should evolve something that will ba an example to all the world. And to that end. the geological survey In Its selection ot the sites for these dams and main canal must have the hearty support of th total west." Sympathy for France. In the recent disaster at Martinique tha United States waa among the first to extend sympathy to France and to aid the few for tunate aurvlvora. It waa this same generous American idea ot assisting sufferers from, 'stomach and liver complaints that led to the Introduction of Hostetter's Stomach heartburn, indigestion, dyspepsia and ma- (aria. Jry it. em mm fllVP IM Tfi TFiR5 wwa.wii.ii vii 1 i-w w Mamie Salllvaa Wlas Little Baft I by Bobbins la Police Coart. A coploua flow of tear and a tender hearted soldier were the principal In an interesting little - performance In police court yesterday, ' which ended happily1 for all concerned. The girl with the full eyes was Mamlo Sullivan, who had been arrested on complaint ot Harvey Utley, ' a soldier from Fort Crook, who charged her with stealing 84 from his pocket. Utley came to Omaha Sunday to apend the day' and met Mamie on the - streets. They visited a wlue room, where Harvey gald ror what Mamie drank. Harvey soon got beyond hi reach and went to aleep In hi chair. ' When he awoke It wa night and. r " " - 1 In hi pocket. The oldier had her ar-' ratil Inter tn tha vfl1na anil Mamie - tha lu . - - leBicruajr w ucu imtuuv wm uiw, before Judge Berka," Harvey waa on hand to prosecute vigorously. Mamie saw hlmj and Mamie cried. She ahed coploua teara; i aha could only stammer her name; aha; sobbed, and a, she raised a piteous face. In the direction ot Harvey, , the big teara dropped from her eyelid in streams. Har vey wavered, hesitated and wa lost. "I won't prosecute, judge," Ti said. "maybe I loat tha money," and be made b grab for Mamle'a band. Mamie softly Nobbed that ahe had eaten nothing since Sunday evening and Harvey led her forth to a restaurant. I BOD WELL OFF FOR CONVENTION Ba Expects to Meet Many Dooglaa Coaaiy Teachers at Mlaaeapolls. B. J. Bodwell, county superintendent of schools, left last night for Minneapolis to attend tha national convention of educa tors. '.'.'''. "So far a I know I am going alone," he aald, "tor no party waa organised. There will be, however, a good representation of Douglas county teacher there, a many from the country precinct ar to attend, a well aa the several from the Omaha cboola. They go by various route, quit a number having gone from Omaha lmme, dlaately after the school closed to rendei- la the convention city thl. w.k. i Seasonable Fashions. 41 ft Fancy Blows, . - XiO 40 bBSt Woman's fancy blouse, 6166; to be madS, with elbdw or long sleeve and trttk or: without th fitted lining fancy waist with ornamental collar are much la vogue and are charming In all th heavier linen, la), silk and In wool. This smart model suits . all th materials, but a shown Is ef linen canvas, in th natural color, with band ot fin linen In black atltched with silk, and front and medallion ot linen lac tha color T-1 !i . I Vk. Knlna. Tha lining I snugly fltt.d and closes at, th center front. On It are arranged the part of th waist. Th back 1 plain and I ., . . . . . a 'mpiy arawn aown in gamers at w. waie I line. The narrow vest l tticnea penna: I t h. riaht frnnt ana hovkkad lata 1 .... ,h. .... Tn ... ,.,a ' - ,-: " . .. single piail at in snouioere ana at ma waist are gathered to blouse lightly ever tn, Finishing both neck and front! edge le a fancy collar with ealloped dgea that eurv.s up at th center back. Tha albow aleeve ar plain, finished vrita grad- 1 uated trill In scalloped outline and tha lonf gleeve ar In bishop tyl. I ... ... .u. .... , TO cul ln" iu." ? yard of material Zl Incoe wide, yard I it Inches wide, t yard (1 Inches wld. ar 14 yard 46 Inches wide will ba required. with H of a yard of all-over lace tor vest and stock collar. Th pattern 4166 Is cut in sites for a (t. II, 36, 86. and 40-tnch bust measur. - For th accommodation of Th Ba read- I r. pattern, which asually retail at I from 16 ta 60 eeat, will be furnished at a aomlaal price. 16 cents, which cover an I xpns. fa order to g.t any patura I else IS casta, giv nuiaber aad aaaa l pattern vaated aad bust tnsaaur. t