Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 08, 1902, Page 8, Image 8
11 rnE OMAITA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, JULY 8, 1902. rAllirrnrt i I ivn riVIVfllf I I ( 1 M M F K I I M AMi-HNAMIAL IVaUaUMlVla. Xa1U 1 li.7a.alV,lnL 1 July Corn Bid Up 0m Btren GfnU bj , rrigbtned Short. PROVISIONS DISPLAY STRENGTH Close with Good Advance, While Sep- ItraWr Wheat aad Cora alt I nigher, hat Jly Oats Ba red. Oaa Ceat. rwtrAnn. Julv 7. Following early essl- I w Brss the grain markets rallied today on reports 01 anuuionai rains in in wri, 1 September wheat closing tuo and Sep- I tember corn ?c up, wnm wpiemur u ln-.H nnrhanirpil. Julv torn shorts nld I the tled-up option to Mc, but got little corn for their pains. Provisions closed at llKB12o higher. At tne opening wneat was aom i the good weatner oi tne aaym wn m board was closed. The stuff seemed to I come from all sources, St. Louis Interests price of September went from 73Vo2Hc. trie mgn price m iiib viiriuni, Here the pressure from sellers eased up and the market held steady for a time, Later reports of general rains In the west stirred up excitement ana auuits rn the market up to 74c. The close was firm, . , . r. ','k.....lau'. i.ln Bt 7.14t I t.oal reiolnli (three divll were W Cars. 91 of contract grade; Minneapolis ana vuium i renorted 968 cars (three-days), making a total lor tne tnree places ui i,wn World s shipments were ,560,000 bu. Sea- board clearances in wheat ana nour were I ciuai wii,v"v li , .... in" ' - - - - j i Primary receipts (three days) were 1,333,000 I bu., against 10,uo,ouo du. lor tne correspond ing period a year ago. There was heavy selling of September I corn early on the improvement in tne I weather map. While this option was ' weak, however, May and Deeember were firm. Later September reacted under fairly active buying, chiefly for the short ac- count. This option sold between 61c and BiAn and closed .e iid at 2Ac. July corn, -hich Is controlled absolutely by a coterie or epecuiaiurs, imu a. in ui iiy-i-iii- iui a very slight cause. There was little trade ana sucn mere was waa hi ino "mnn.i unaa h ft lots. The market ODened un-1 changed to 24c up at ana remained neglected around the top of this range most of the forenoon. The advices of rains, however, frightened a few shorts with pinan unci vu'ei biiu mcj ia" i" u l lu o-T4 uciuiu 1 1 1 " waiivo wrm pa . in- fled. July closed 7c un at 84c. The Incl dent la of Importance only aa furnishing evidence of what the controlling party can do If It wishes with those who are short of July. So far as can be learned the big shorts have never covered. This may never Hay Dealers" association: Choice hay. No. ' buying and selling. Most of the pro have been covered In Individual cases, how- i upland, $4; No. 1 medium, 17.60; No. 1 fessional traders took the precaution to ever, without the public learning of the coarse, 7. Rye straw. $5.50. These prices close up their committments last Thurs facts. Meanwhile this delivery Is liable to nre for hay of good color and quality. x De- dy afternoon In view of the possibility execute wild fluctuations every time some mand fair. Receipts llEht. of unexpected developments over the -three belated short bttempted to cover a 6,000 or 10,000 bu. lot, aa was tne esse today, lie- vri;in iui luiro ubvjib wvio car v n . o . Oats were sick early, losing c, but the far months recovered later In th- dav on corn strength and predicted showers. July J closed lo Tower In sympathy with a drop in cash prices. Opening trades were over a wide ranae. and while the flurry lasted selling was carried on with a rush. This was due chiefly to the Improved weather of Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The ralna JSSrV causeniiaanT rS! mioifi pnvi is wiif.iifi .it aictij, a iid -rfusi ness of the cash market, however, worked against auch advances as were scored in i-h.aJ in?n .VTm ri. .a u .ZS muI JfrPriJ2i ..nnharl?. Ho snd 83Vo and closed unchanged at lUUc. Here nta went 10 ears for thraa Provisions opened strong and In tbe main I iled that way throughout the day. A ruled sharp advance at the yards together with the high price of corn and wheat were the Influences. The advance disclosed a con siderable short Interest, which did most of her ribs closed 10c higher; while September laad: the strongest on the list, showed a closing gain of W . ' . . tne bidding. September pork and Heptem R.tlm.lail ranalnl. tnmnrrv... TA I cara; corn. 200 cars: oats. 180 cars: hogs. al a. . 'S 1 ft kk has A leading futures ranged a follows: Arttcles.l Open. High. Low. ciosel Bat'y. Wheat July 74'476 7 73V4 75Hl76fJ76V4 Sept. 73H4l4 74 72S, 72H714H Deo. .737,-4 74 ,73Vi U U Corn July 7779, 844 -77 84' . 77 Sept. 6irnlH 62 81 8214 61 Deo. 47I&47T. 48V. '47 48 47 May 44HiJ 4&H 44V. 44 46 Oats a July 414 1 4114 H ?l bJuly 48V.O-V, 47H 46i4 4V ' 47V4 a Sept. 80 - 80 80 80 80 bSept. WW 84V. 83i34S4Vt 84', Dec. 33V.'H S4V4 83V 84Vk 18 T1 18 72V. 18 60 18 85 18 55 Bet. 18 80 18 87 18 67V. 18 77V. 18 67 Vi July" 10 80 11 00. 10 90 10 92V. 10 78 Sept. 10 80 U 02V. 10 80 10 97V. 10 76 10 87V. 10 87V4 10 72H 10 77V. 10 72V4 Sept. 10 80 10 87V, 10 76V. 10 82V.I 10 72 ft a old. ' b new. Cash quotations were as follows FLOUR Steady; winter patents, I8.70A 180; straights. S3.20g.1.SO; spring special. yt.w, spring patenta, w.txxcpj.w). WHEAT No. spring, 74V.T5c," No. I red, rsfiisvac. CORN-No. . 78(ff8SVie; No. I yellow, BUe. OATS-No. t, 4749Hc: No. t whita, 62V4 Hc; iso. 8 wnite, tiutic RYE No. 2. 68ic. SEED No. 1 flax, tl.73; No. 1 northwest ern, 81.73; prime timotny, '; clover, con tract rrade. 88.35. PROVISIONS Meas pork, per bbl., 18.85 C18.70. Lard, per 100 lbs., J10.95. Short ribs sides (loose), llO.72V4itilO.82V4. Dry salted Shoulders (boxed). 8K.50j:8.62V.; Ides (boxed). Ill.OfKS 15.00. short clear I WHISKY On the basis of high wines. 11.80. The following are the receipts and ship mrnia; ' Receipts. Shipments. Flour bbls. Wheat, bu. Corn, bu. .. Oata, bu. ... Rye. bu.' ... ZN.ono . Z3.KI0 ....'MB 1.10 151,0110 2i7,000 SS8.000 'i'.ooo .... .201.000 .....405.000 2.000 19.000 Barley, bu. On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was firm; creameries, 192114e; dairies, 17yic cneese. steady at lowioac ggs, steady; fresh. Jilic. KEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. 1 sxaaaw.xa-a Qaotatloas af the Day sua Varloas Commodities, NEt YORK. Julv 7. FLOUR Recelnts. an VTit kKIa . n.i a au cWk KKt. . t ar-i active and'steaify; winter straights, 83.75 8. Hi; winter patents, - Minnesota jisients,; lainneauia paaers, M.iaiuats, du Sa.o; winter low graaes, f4aK1u.w, winter extras, $3 If. 3 55. Rye flour, dull; fair to good, t3.26iuJ.46; choice to fancy, 83.664? CORNMEAL nrm; yeuow western. 81.14: cltv 81.82: Itrandywine. 83.4M3 55. BYE Steady; No. 2 western, 6dV,c. f. o. b., atloat; state, 6a4c, c. L f., New York, carioia. HA HLET Nominal. .I'M t . T ri . , .. . fMUA ft... . . - 47.&U) bu.; Snot, steady: No. 1 red, 81c, ele vator: iso. z rea. siv,(!x-"",c, r. o. o., anoat; Mo. 1 northern. Duiuth. 8JVo. f. o. b.. afloat; No. 1 hard, Manitoba, soVtC f. o. b., atloat. Option opening quite steady on firm cables and a liberal decrease on pas sage, turned very weak toward noon un- tier liquidation ana neaviness in hi. ixmis The market soon became oversold and on later reports of exceaalve rains In Kan, ' aa rallied sharply in the last hour, clos ing partly Va&ViC net higher. July, 80Va(U sic, closed. Sic; September, 7Wi'7V.c, cloned, ic; December, i!sS,i TSVac, closed, 793c. CORN Receipt a, 66.260 bu.j exporw, 18, 066 bu. spot, firm; No. 1 70c, elevator, and 73I4C, f. o. b., afloat. Option market waa easier at first under liquidation, short selling and aympathy with wheat, but finally recovered on a scare of shorts and with July in Chicago, closing unchangnd to c net higher. July, tAuiu9V.c, closed, fyc; September, 644i864c; December, Closed, 63c. OATS Receipts, 183,000 bu.j exports. 246,- 000 bu. ; spot, steady; No. i, 66Ua; No. 1 white. COVt'iitilc; No. I white, 604toV4c; track nixed wentern, 64Vt4t56c; track white state, eoniNio. Options opened easier, but event ually rallied with other markets. 1 HAY Steady J spring, 6uJti6u good to choice. 6i"06c. . HIDES Dull; Galveston. M to 25 lbs.. 19c; California. 21 to 26 lbs.. lc; Teaas dry, i to ) lbs.. 13c. . HOPS Firm; state, prime to choice, 1901 crop, 19V.i23Ve: lu0, 10c; olds, 6ic; state, common to choice, li'l crop, lSn'i.'lc; olds, (yuc; Pacific coast, 1W1 crop, lttuviilc; 1IM0, W: olds, 6i9c. . LEATHER Dull; acid. I4f2c, I WitOL julet; domeatio fleece, Rff JOc. t PROVISIONS Heef quiet; family, 316 6ft flti"; mess, 19 61-71 U.00; beef ha ma, ill 00 it 11. 50; packet, 114. bum 15.60; city extra India ness, lii ewji JR Oil. Cut meata, firm; pickled bellies. $11 2:ql2 .00; pickled shoulders, 8.v0 C.-9 60; pickled hams. 111 Oui 13 00. I-ard. strong; weat-atetuned, til 85; July, closed at 111.36. nominal: ronnod, strong; South AaisfiCAa pompuuAda )iUn)a-U. Fork, strong; family, 121. on; short clear, I "?22.r- mess. l.orvf,i9 7S. TALLOW-FIrm: city (12 per Pfcg.). 4c: country (pkgs. free). VWPc. I RICK Firm; domestic, fair to extra, 4yj I fjSViJRpane-e, 4V(jnc. , HUTTfc.R fillgntiy firmer; creamery, is'i fjllVfcc; factory, Iwfflfc-; renovated, 1P itfc; imitation creamery, i.⁣ state dairy. ITiVnlUVic. CHEESE Firm; new stste cream, cnl- .-..r.. tauij, in' 'v "-" ..i.,..-, .-.-.a .-' v , large colored, 'as:c; large wnite, ".qj EGGS Firm: state ana Pennsylvania. 19c. ITITATOKS Steady; state and western, U.W'.Zb: new southern. I2.00&2.75. MOLASSES Steady; New Orleans, open genie, gooa to rnoice, wmic. 'ul l. i n i Alive, unsrttiea; oressea, i weak; broilers, lMc; fowls, lie; turkeys, roi l,tkt Alive, unsettled; dressed. 13(illc. MKTAtJI I m.t.l m.rV.d t rtA a v ere as a aenersl ml nnlar tnH destitute 0f special feature. Tin here ruled Jul! and! neia close to old quotations, spot closing I M 128.00?r28.25. The Enallsh market eased I on on, spot closing at l&s ana iaiunii at 123 Ifav Thara. waa tklmn a rirllne In I the foreign price of copper, the spot roar- I ket closing 2s 61 lower at M M M and I futures at 53 10a. The local market was I very aun ana in some instances on a lower I mmi. ctanaaru spot to August ciosea at I $U.?7Hfjll.7&; lake, $12.00fi 12.20; electrolytic. fn.8.V 12.05; casting, ill. 75C01 1.93. Lead I being quoted at M.12H In the local market.' auiuuu iiuuiaiitina KitJiiru ah du, uitrnina 6 jtd. In spelter ihe foreign market Im- proved 2s 6d at 18 17s 6d. but locally re- mained as test quoted at 6Ve and firm. m iron market on tne otner sine was 1 higher and Arm, with Glasgow closing iet I IL.:. . . Ui,iAl.KAw r 1 - f K Vbm I York market ruled niilet and with. I out change, warrant remained nominal;! No. I22.OO&23.O0; No. I northern n foundry. I21.00tf I 22.00; No. 1 southern foundry, l21.SOg'22.6o; No. 1 soft southern foundry, 21.aO'.60. I OMAHA WHOLES ALU MARKET!. Condition of Trad aad Qaotatloas m. , Staple aad Fancy Prod ace. EOGS-Cindled stock. 14Viffl1&c LIVE POULTRY Hens. 7V.4iRc: old roost- ,rs according to tie 4uoe- turk'evs gWiic. qucksTnd gfew . fc;' bFoTliii" ib. li la, ia ' BUTTER Packing stock. 16c: cholea I dairy , In tubs 170 Wc; separator , 2021o. I FRESH CAUOHT FISH - Trout. Wc; I herring. Be: pickerel, 8c; pike, 9c; n.rK V.,.rai t. ...M.h I fc; bluefins, 8c; whiteiish, J; catfish, 13c; Diack bass 18c; baiiDut, 11c; salnjon, 16c; haddock, 11c; codfish. 12c; red snapper, 10c; lobsters, boiled, per lb., 27c; lobsters, green, per id., noc , Duuneaas, iUC. I'HiPiUiN B A-.1 VC, per UOB., IDC. VEAL Choice, 6440. , CORN-63C OATS 61c. WHAH-Wr ton. JIB. W A Y Prices ounted hv Omaha Whnlasala I VKUETABLE3. - I nm ... na.- Anm I 'r.E.w rlPT wnY Kalamaaoo . EW C EL.ERT Itaiamamoo, WC. . . , - . i . iTlr . v.. Jt V A at", A W- J A ' v V lea-v WT7S . LICI U Ua VUVa I ni.r.t.xT AKftnva V. .-. 1 ,1 -TV? I ,,f'unc'h;i6c" - . v.u, w IVrrTMBi?HHP?rin... BMMVv LETTUCE fer dOS. blrhes, ZOO. Hi rbi .by-Par dm ti& RADISH Eft Per dox., iyfrAo. I PC lnT t..' SS. SSK BHUBAKB Home grown, per ID., Ifta. I CABBAUE California or home-grown, I new. Wac. ONIONS-New California, In Sacks, per D2ii: ...... I TUMAlUaiS-itiu, per i-puxn crate. vt pttanb pr hu tx. "A 1 bitttr FRUITS. APRICOTS-Callfornla. $1.40. lUTiPH WH California. 1110 PLUMS California, per 4-basket crates, Sl.bofrl.6u. I .t?nnnTfl . llf... I. -. . - m mm. I CHERRIEB-Californla, per bo. H.16; he-Iwn,v. tqt- '" W.OC.if. . NXALOUPTex l per ' at, W RABPBERR I.EB UlaCk. Per H-DU.. U.00: red. per 24-pu., 13.00. Iir M rl ' Lf U AA Aa 1 C 1 TV. U 1 WATERMELONS 25c , TROPint. "TITT PJNEAPPLES-Florida. 30 to U count, BANANAS Per bunch, according to slse, 12 26iv2 76. I OKANQES Valenclas. 84.7606.00; Medl- U-mto-w. : M ISlC lalAIM 1UU U B. HONEY Per 24-sectlon case,. 82.7508.00. CIDER Nehawka. per bbL. 83.26; New xork, 3.ia. - POPCORN Per lb., be: shelled. So. NUTS walnuts, iso. i soit sneii, per lb. 12c; hard shell, per lb., 11 Vic; No. 1 soft lb., lie; small, 10c; cocoanuts, per sack, 13.60. HIDES No. 1 a-reen. tUc: No. 1 a-rean. iuv . am. i. giiu'Ii unii wi.a. laiu, BVaC; No. 1 salted; 7Vic; No 2 salted. 8V.c; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12V. lea.. 8c: No. 1 veal calf, 12 to 16 lbs., 6c; dry hides, 8L2c; sheep Jim". IIH.. III.. W llllll , .VVVV I ULII HMALD A. D. Aipem qUOXeS IDS I copper, per lb., 8Vic; brass, heavy, per lb., 8V.c; brass. llgKt. per lb.. 6c; lead' per lb.; fcVic; sine, per lb.. 2c; rubber, per lb., o. St. Loals Grata aad Pravlalaaa. ST. IX5UIS July 1. WHEAT Higher; I No. J red, cash, elevator. 72Vc; track, 71 W iz'ac; juiy. 2Vkc: cveptemDer. v.-A'aic: mo. I nara, i'a iovc. CORN Higher: No. I cash. 66ttc: track, 655V.c; July, 664o; September 6614c; De- eember. 42V4o. I raTC t .u... xj ,. nn ISA I WV. tfUljr, fHI71V, DVIlKTlIliaoi , , a V. Wllll-V, 62c RYE Easier at 67o. VTmiD IT n a I a c mJ lnl.. -.a. am. a 83 604,3.70: extra fancy and straight. .2& ?.85; new of each, nominally 16o per bbl. less; clear, SEED Timothy, nominally, 85.00, CUKN m EAI steady at S3.1o. BRAN Steady; sacked,-east track, S0 85c. HAT Timothy, easier at IlLOO 14.60; prai ne, steaay at WHISKY steady at fl.80. IRON COTTON TIES-Steady at ILOJ, . BAOOINO Steady at 6',i84c. HEMP TWINE Steady at 9c. VHIIVIM (INK FnrH h snap' InhMrl .11 818.70; new, 119.10. Lard, firm at IIO.KIV,. Dry salt meats, nigner; Doxea lots, extra hnrii til Oft ihort rlaar 111 Karnn hl.hari iwoail Inta avlr. ahnr.a 111 7U.- lur rtha 112 ftft- ahnrt rlear 111 12U METALS Lead, firm. 83.971.. Spelter, "a.i.VX a rvubl Hi Bieaoy; cnicaena, wc; springs, jjthc: turaeys, vc; oucas, (c; geese, c. uu l J r. k eteaay; creamery, irtyuw. oairy, i(iaio. EQOS Lower: 12V4c. loss off. receipts, enipments. I V-1 a.i w Khla 29.000 7.000 ...3"S.O0) 9.0)0 Wheat, bu. Corn, bu 98.000 81.000 15. I.IM1I Liverpool Grata and Prevlaloas. LIVERPOOL. July 7. WHEAT No. 11 northern, spring, ufa. rut urea, quiet; July. 6sVid; September, 6s 3d; December. ' . va ncmlnal. CORN Spot, firm; American mixed, 6s lUd. Futures, quiet; September, 6s 3d; Oo- tooer. bs r"4ia. PROVISIONS Beef, quiet; extra Indl mess. lOtJa. Pork. Arm; prime mess, west ern, 78s M. Hams, firm: short-cut, 14 to 16 lbs., 6M w. tiacon, nrm; Cumberland i lbs., boa a . tsacon, nrm; Cumberland, ut. 26 to 80 lbs.. 56a; short ribs, 16 to 24 s., 64s 6d; long, clear middles, light. 28 cut 1 . IUB-1 " B wt auiuwic:, 11,111, to 14 lbs.. Ma a : lone clear middles. heavy. 85 to 40 lbs., 68a; short, clear backs. 16 to 20 lbs., Arm, 68s 6d: clear bellies, 14 to 1 lb-. M M. Shoulders, square, 11, to 13 IDs., nrm. s so. laara, nrm; prime west ern. In tierces, 64s 3d; American, refined. In pans nrm, om aa. CHEESE Steady; American finest white, 48a : American finest colored, 49e. TALLOW-Prlme, city, steady, 2Sa 6d; Australian in London, dull at 83a. FI-OL'R St. Louis fancy, winter, firm, 8s 9d. HOPS At London (Paclflo coast), firm. 1UTTKR Nominal. PEAS Canadian, ateady. 6s 9d. The Imports of wheat Into Liverpool last week ware 76.200 quarters from Atlantic ports, none front Pacific ports and 36,000 from other ports. The Imports of corn from Atlantlo porta laa, waa.1, aiira HYt nuirl.n last week were 200 quarters. Toledo Grata aad Seed. TOLEDO. July 7. WHEAT Active, firm: cash. 7c; July, 77Vc; , September, 76o; liecember. 7So. V V.. 1 1 1. .1, "ll(, vaau. i ,U1JT, aoc; Depienioer, o-rc; iwceraocr, ac. JM. a c I'uu. ,iu , I T. i auij, 4lVc; September, 81c; new July, 4oV4c; new eM-ptemoer, 4c, & 111 1 1 it-1 ii iuuii'iiv wan iiuvim illlar! ivn 1 nnrt hern TTHTTUp? Mtv X north. feE ED Clover.' fairly active and easier- I roent of the treasury balances In the gen ishTiotl; October &H. ' era! fund, exclualve of the 3160,000.000 gold isu. u.w. vrvmi-r.. ouav. I reserve la the division of redemption. Dalata Grala Market. DtTATTH. July 7 -WHEAT Cash. No. I . . vv a . k. . v. a .a. nanj, IK, . . nuiiu.iiii iT, a'. 1 ii'inil" era ana juiy, tic; rteptemoer, 73B'7lTea. uaio eeptemoer, ua. Kuaaa Clt Drala aad aPi-a-rlalaaa. ",r l-rasraaioae. KANUUI CTTTa July l-WHatAT-July, WHo: September, WHe; rash, No. I hard, ll, he; new, 71c; No. I. old. 71p; new. e; No 4 hard. new. 6ffJ7e: rejected hsrd. 44ℜ No. 2 red old. 72c; new, 70,,':l No. 1 red, new, 4370c. CORN July, c; September. 81,c; cash. No. I mixed, 64Vc; No. I white, 6bc; No. , w'ufce. oATB No. f white, too. BtB-Nn. 1. Ita. HAY Choice timothy. I12.0012.tio; choice prairie, lXe 10 00. BUlffcH-creamery, isiBivc; Dairy. in7, EOQ8-Stead r: fresh Missouri and Kan sas stock, 14c dosen, loss off, cases re turned. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 6.K0 40,roo Corn, bu J.2 24.8"0 - , t... 16.0UW 11,000 Philadelphia Produce Market, PHILADELPHIA. July 7.-BUTTER- Firm; extra western creamery, llVc; extra nearby prints, 83c. EOGB Firm and ttc hla-heri fresh nearby uv, loss on; rre&n western, 20c, loss on; fiMH MtilhwMl.rn IQn lnaa nft! freah southern, 1718c, loan off. CHEESE Firm; fair demand; New York full creams, prime small, ltflOHc; New xork lull creams, rair to good, l.ia'ioi.o. Mlaa eapolle Wheat, Flear aad Braa MINNEAPOLIS, July 7. WHEAT July, !jSc - Beptember. 72Hc; on track. No. 1 hard. -' .., - . , ,62;, , ' .., . ITIX?URnvr,'.t,",rnt"' V second Patents, 13.763.85; first clears. 12.86; sec- " ; V7 V ,v BRAN-ID bulk, I14.00S14.75. JIIIWaiEM UralB Biaraet MILWAUKEE July 7. WHEAT Irreg- mm 'nM.atnij., oft et-iL RYE fllaher- No 1 68'c R A RLE V Firm: No J. 71Vt72c: sample. pnnM a v. aw. ElKla Batter Market. ELOIN. 111.. Julr 7. BUTTER Offers of 21V40 by buyers on the Board of Trade did not bring out any offerings of butter and tne session closed without sales. The mar- I ket waa declared firm at 21o. a decrease of Pa The sales or the week were 819,000 lbs. I , . "m . PEORIA. Julr 7 CORN Outet- No X. c 7---ORN-u,et' N0- OATS Inactive- No 1 white Kin. billed .JA 1 o inactive, rno. s wnite, oio, Diuea through. WHlSKY-tl.30 for finished goods. JEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS, Traders Bold Aloof and Volama of Baalaess is Small. NEW TORK. July 7.-There was little tone In the stock market today In the way days' holiday, and there was not much Inclination apparent today to make new v.nttirea The developments In regard to crocs were considerable. The statlatlca of railroad . aa i . traffic were also nrnmlfilnr for a. cnntlnna. tlon of , elrnlngs." The movement of miscellaneous freight weatward Is re- lyvjuou i in niaiiiituiica on an unprerc- I dented scale and rates to be firmly held, Th so-called loeal traffic, too, which Is so ?&K UT U Si ane crop news maue in- grain-carry ing railroads prominent. The most conspicuous movements were In stocks associated with the interests that make -up the so-called western contingent . western conungeni., Rock Island made a sensational lump of 6tt points. There were more substantial ana better maintained advances in some of the other grain carriers, notably Mis souri Pacific The disclosure by recent railroad reports that the soft coal carrying railroads are profiting materially by reason of the increased demand for soft coal since tka mtnln. n. anlhv-Mlta t a a Ka.aM all.. tmlnlr, pended ga wh,ch . ave another center of atrength In ennsylvanla and Hocking Valley Were the leaders. But the advances were largely restricted to the leaders lo both groups and when It was perceived that the general market acad dS2va ace Vo relcUn? The closing was neavy am animation gone out of , The hugging of the t closing was heavy and showed all of the tne market, gold export point by foreign exchange and the Interior demand were reinforced by the xoor bank state ment. . The bond market was quite firm ana showed the Influence of demand for rein vestment of July disbursements. Total sales, par value, $2,769,000. United States refunding la declined Vs. the old 4s, regls- and old 4, coupon, ft per cent last call. The following are the closing prices en the New I ork tttock exchange: Atchlton MV4 Bo. Psclflo CS 4a Did Bo. Ksllwsr 174 Bsltlmar Oble...l08H4 do pla H An ofd M Tuu A PaclSo. 41 Csnadlso Pmciio ....11614 Tolodo, Bt. U W. 10 nam " ii do p(d ... "4 ii aa. m 1 tiicago m Unloo Psclfld . do p(d 106 t4 44 - MV. MVi ' ,'" V" T'm chicaso i" Vii.r. 14 do pfd WhMlIng A U do id pfd Wis. Central .. 7 V, Chlrua a E. Ill 103 ChlcafO a w...., mv do 1st ptd 1W do pld A. 4 cptcago A n!" w!!!!w lAwriaa Bi!.!!!!!!!li5 o., R. I. A T UI ll'nltad atataa Ex 114 do Id ptd 4714 Adams KX....I. .147 chieuo Tor. a Tr.. tt W.ll.-F.r.o Ex 80 so pia 17 Amal. Coppw 44 c. . u. a at. u. .ios Amor. vt a r . MW do pfd...... tt ColormAo So... ) . 71S Amar. Lin. Oil 11 oo pia. . so pia ll .174 Amtr. B. A.R.. 47 Dal. la. W.. . 71 I do pfd 1714 Danvor A R. 0.. . at Anaronas Min. co...ia do std . SO iBrooklra R. T 47 . t4ttColo. Pusl A 1 ."4 Krlo do 1st pfd da Id sfd . uss 114 . MS. Con. Tobseoo pfd....ltlU, .117 pan. Elactrlo I04 . MVi Hocking Coal Htt 3 root Nor. pfd... oeklns ValUr . 00 Pld . 1 lotar. Ppr t0 Illinois Contrsl . lows cantrai ,im4 oo pia T4 . 8 V. Inter. Powar 71 . 17 Lacledo Oas do pfd talks Erls A W.. .44 Na. Biscuit 47 .1U National Load 11 "4 ,.14t No. Amsrlcaa UlVa do pfd U A ti atenbattaa 1, iet. t. Rj Max. Caotrsl .... ..is41rcina Lota i.. sa ,.14H'Paciae Mall 40V4 .. iFjP-opla'l Gas ldlVi Max. . National rraaaao a. uar . I . a. . ... I Ma. Pad no nov. oo pia Pullman P. Car. Republic Stool . do pfd Sugar Tana. Coal A I. itlnloa Bag A P. do pfd 5H 134 17"4 1I I m , a. a T I do Pfd...., M I N. J. Central 141 101 I N- T- Cantral 1UV, W5J smT !.' 7 14 15 14 IV I Ontario A W. U. A Laatlwr . I Psanarlr-jita ltlVkl do pfd i aaadlng MS " , 7 , 4414 , II , 71 , 10 . 4 C. g. Rubbor do 1st pfd..., do Id pfd do pfd 46 U. g. stool I St. U A S. P., do pfd . , M do 1st pfd..., do Id Pfd...., WssUrn Union Amor. Looomotlvo. . t. la South w. i. do pfd K. C. Soutnora Bt. Paul .176 do pfd i . )V4 Be Paul pfd... ill Hew York Money Market. NEW TORK. Julv l.-MONET-On call I firm at 4ge per cent; last loan, f per cent I brim mercantile paper. 4Hu6 ner cent. biLn L.iiN I. tALjiAiNut,- irra at, 44.' 'a 64.88 for demand and at 34.86V for sixty days; posted ratea, $4. fttvirf HtiH and 3488V. .&; commercial dims, HMvtmk, SILVER Bar, &2V.c; Mexican dollars 42S.C. bonds jrovernmeni, weak; state, active I railroad firm The closing quotaUona on bonds are as I follows- folio V. 8. rat. ta, rag. do coupon ...... do ta. ra do eoupon do are 4a, rag.. do oonpoa de old 4s. rag... ..107HU A N. udI. 4a 101 ..107 Max. Caatral 4a 11 ..10 , do la lno US4 liM'Mlna. A St. t,. ..M4V4M., K. A T. to 100 ..114SI do ta (6 ..10t4 N. Y. Cantral la 101 do coupon iwi so ganorai ana 104 V, do ta. ras. lot if. J. c sa. .131 do coupaa.. Atcklaoa sa. ...106 No. Padfts 4a , .104 ...104V do ta , ... 4 N. A W. eea. 4a.. ...1014 Raadlcg gaa. 4a... ... Na Bt L A I M S. is.. . 1 .101 da ad. 4a Bal. A Okie 4.... do ma do eoor. 4a Canada So. la CMlral of Oa. la. do la Ine 4 .111 ..10f St. L. A S. P. 4s. .100 .100 lots ' L. A W. Is.... .luV ao la . US B. A. A A. p. .104 Bo. Paclao 4a... Chan. A O. 4Vaa . ! Chicaaa A A. IS... 8- Aallwar ta .111 -.?."- a."!, C. M A ' -'"J 7. N: T- It V .! .!:? m racino 1S...11V T . St. la, a W. atu. 1M4 101 Union Pacloc 4o ...1H do coov. 4a... ...17 C C C A St L g. 4a.loi Chicago Tar. 4a M Colorado So- 4a H Wabash laV.... ...110 do la. do dab. B ...111 ... 74 i?."'.." ? t. Want Shore 4a.. 111S Whaol. la E. 4a.. U da aanoral 4a....... r v is. t. antral aa 12 arl r, w, g, D. C. Is.. ,111 Cos. Tobaooel 4a..... 47 t&OCaiS " T, Coadltlea of the Treaaory. WASHINGTON, July 7 Today's state- shows: Avallsble cash balance. (it; gold, 610l,MI.Ua. Baak Cleartaaa. OMAHA, July 7. Bank clearings today, fl.193 .147 84; corresponding day last year, I 4U.iai.,aa: increase, aao.atai aa. I CHICAQO Ju, 4 LUatarlnsni. 848.m.016 iU.l7.7a.44: increase, an.HS 4. I balMicea. l,7l,3; poate4 eashaoge, ti.94 for sixty days and MM for demand; New ork exchange, boc discount. HALTIMOHE. u r 7. . leariags, s,7.- 4fi3; balances, ).44.U); money, 4-g4t per cent. PHILADELPHIA, July 7. ClearlrnTs, 113. l.K6; balances. 83,K7.4u8; money, 4i'4V per cent. NEW TORK. July 7.-Cleaflnss. 3101.6O4.. 205; balances, K.Z31.657. WIHTO.N. J11 r 7. Oesrtne-s. I17.173.ZS3: balances, tl.07J.81l. ST. LOUIS. Ju T Clesrlnrs. ,W.SS: balances, 11,270.31s): New York exchange. 40c discount: money, steady at 64)4 per cent. WEEKLY CI.EARISO HOfSB TABLB. Aggregate af Raalaess Traasaeted by the Aeaoelated Baaka. NEW TORK. Jnlv 7 The following table, compiled by Mradstreet, shows the bunk clearings st the principal citras for the week ended July ft, with the percent age of Increase and decrease as compared with the corresponding; week last year: CITIES. Clearlnga-j Inc. Dc New Tors lt634.Jo2.617 12.4 Chicago 176.3.U.742 23.8 Boston ltM.616,9 27.1 Philadelphia 123.m.6l 83.6 St. Louis 63.443.060 86.2 Pittsburg 4S. 246, 393 26.1 Baltimore 29,357.fs 28.1 San Francisco 23,481.424 1.6 Cincinnati 25,830,4fpO 56.1 Kansas City 12.174,825 -. 16.1 Cleveland 15.6o7,9S 14.3 Minneapolis 12.743,064 46.0 New Orleans 10.4n3.702 82.6 Detroit : 10,287,776 8.7 Louisville 10,849,368 29.3 Indianapolis 10,775,449 49.6 Providence 7.774.100 22.8 OMAHA 8,874,534 2.. Milwaukee 7,297,6) 28.0 Buffalo ,320,S38 2.0 St. Paul 6.664.976 81.2 St. Joseph 4.6S2.614 23.1 Denver 8.390,060 0.4 Richmond 4,873,157 29.8 Savannah 2,769,676 20.7 Salt Lake City 8.170,316 67.3 Albany 4,264,231 84.6 Los Angeles 6,34,090 13.6 Memphis 2.100,293 11.0 Fort Worth 2,367,6e 11.3 Seattle 4.403.069 88.4 Washington 4.273.984 61.6 Hartford 8,638,572 18.3 Peoria 2.4.S3.962 46.8 Toledo ?,623.4&8 33.6 Portland, Ore 2.610.765 26.6 Rochester , 4.494.675 69. 01 Atlanta 2.037,149 81.5 ...... Dee Moines 1.88.271 87.0 New Haven 2,090.320 84.6 Worcester 1.778,993 8.7 Nashville 1.725,423 86.1 Springfield. Mass...., 1.767.119 t.S Norfolk , 1,471,817 22.5 Grand Rapids 1.645,628 87.7 Scranton 1.739.664 86.3 Portland, Me 1,859,185 47.8 Sioux City 1.631.8X5 88.0 Syracuse 1.6.S8.330 41.2 Dayton, 0 1.746.624 65.4 Tacoma 1.291,193 89.1 Spokane 1,674,190 87.8 Topeka .1 1,286,549 44.0 Wilmington. Del 1.023,243 Evanevllle 2,358,419 148.9 Birmingham 1,110.798 27.1 Davenport 752,831 Augusta 707,396 11.7 Fall River 875,469 20.6 Macon 664.000 29.1 Little Bock 663.110 20.1 Helena 686,572 1.4 Knoxville 831,226 72.4 Lowell 670,896 83.1 Akron 691,000 42.1 Wichita 449,271 2.0 Springfield, 111 628,60 80.0 Lexington 6S5.466 60.0 New Bedford 617,273 86.3 ...... Chattanooga 633,152 44.0...... Youngstown 667.52 81.7 Kalamasoo ' ; 601,466 8.7 Fargo 864.678 Blnghamton 446.800 41.6 Bockford 816,727 1.7 Canton 633,000 74.1 Jacksonville, Fla 402,046 42.0 ...... Springfield, 0 432,846 63.7 Chester N 469,937 70.1 .....a Quincy , - 820,629 ..,.. Bloomlngton . 278,484 13.8 Sioux Falls 256,368 46.4 Jacksonville, IU..,'. 169,192 14.9 Fremont 180,111 62.6 Houston - 10,661,611 46.1 Galveston 6,699,000 Columbus, O (.441,000 60.0 Wheeling ,. 736.692 Wllkesbarra 1.077,372 68.0 ...... Beaumont 8J7.018 Decatur, 111 aV,276 Utlca 1,637,400 Totals, tT. S..'.".?7.. 2.898,727.R2 17.1 ...... Outside New..Tork. 864,336,336 26.4 .. CANADA. Montreal Toronto , Winnipeg ,., 16.406,442! 12.610,926 0i 7.8 oosea 2.996.021 Haiirax Vancouver, B. C.... Hamilton St. John, N. B ,.. Victoria. B. C. ....... 1.427.097 20.1 eeeoe 1.142.95M 11.8 "i'.i 809.629 849.606 410,490 1.678,678 L 431.834 Ottawa Totals, Canada .. I 88.230.743) . 8.3 Not Included in totals because containing otner itema man cieanngs. Not Included In totals because af bo comparison for last year. Roatoa ttoek, ttaotattoaa. BOSTON. July 7. Call loans. 3V434V4 oer cent; time loans, 4jjt per cent. Official closing oi stocas ana oonas: Atchison 4s 1MV.I Waatlnxk. Oommoa..iet Oaa la 'S Adranturs J..... MS Max. Central 4a so AllouaS : IS N. B. 0. A C. ...... 40S Amalgamated , 1444 Atcalaon MS mngnam aa do pra Boston A Albany. ...940 Boston A Ms Ml ' Boston Elevated ....144 Cal. A Haela (M Centennial 1IU Copper Hang I4V4 uominioa km .114 N. Y.. N. H. A H...U1 Franklin n lVk Fltchburg pig 1 Vnloo Pact 80 loss Monawa 43 Old Domtnloa lVi Max. Central H uscooia .. 1 Amcr. 8ugar Parrot I7ln do ptd ill Amotioan T. A T....14 viumcr , si (Baata Fa Cop pat Dominion I. m n. Tamarack 171 Oan. Elactrlo ao4 Maas. Elactrlo 41 S Tiimountala Si Trtnlty ii; Vnitad Slates ....... IIS do pfd S74, N. B. O. A C IS Vnitad Fruit 11S Utah ta Victoria ( Wlnoaa 4S Wolvorlae UVa It. a. niaoiy mi a pld... ss Loadoar Stoek Market. LONDON. July 7.-4 p. m. Closing: Con a., anooay.. 1-14 1 Norfolk A Wostara.. H do secount. . Anaconda Atchlaon ss s-is eo pra .. S Ontario A Waatera... 11 .. IS IPanmrlTaata ta ..IMS Reading MS do pfd Baltimore a oo is pra. 41 Canadian Pacltc 1M do M pfd. ... M4 Chaaapaaks A Ohio.. 4S, BoutBora ay. ... M Chicago O. W lo C.. M. A St. P 174S Pfd. ... M'4 ... s ...10744 Bonthorn Faelfta.. Unloa PaclSo , do pfd U. g. Btsal do pfd Wabash do pfd Bpanlah 4a M, Hand Mines DsBoera (oaf.).,.. Donvar A R. 0 41 S do pfd... M Krlo 17 S do 1st pfd 4 do id pfd 114 Illinois Cantral IMS LouliTllla A Nash,...lSS U . K. A T li do pfd 4 1 N. T. Central 140S ... SI S ... 7T4 ... US ... 47S ... S044 ... 13 ... 314 BAR SILVER Steady : 24V4d Per ounce. MONEY 142 per cent. The rate of dis count In the open market for ahort bllla la 1 a-ioiqi's per cent ana lor inree-montna bills Zaa? l per cent. law Tark MtalaaT teaotatlaaa. NEW TORK. July 7.-The following are the closing prices on mining stocks; Adams Coa 34 A Ilea 40 Braoco - ae Brunasick Coa 4 Little Chls! . It .T7i Ontario Ophlr U4 Phoanlx 4 Conaatock Tunnel IS Pototi II Con. Cal. A Va lis Sarago 4 Sierra Narada ...... se Small Hopos 4a Madvood Terra loe Horn Silver in lroa SiWor aa Lsadvllla Coa. 6 Btaadard M Wool Market. BOSTON July 7. WOOL-Flne staple, 60 Qt2c; atrreriy nne, 4o⁣ ciean nne ana nne medium, 4qv4sc; staple, aiigtaic; meaium, 411 fa 42c. Texas wool is very firm at the re cent advance. Fall, cleaned basis, 447j4c; twelve months. 6b63c: six to eight months, spring, 46C4c. The fleece wools are scarce and firmer: No. 1 combine Is very Strong. Ohio fine delaine.-lEW-asc; Michigan. 264 27c; No. 1 washed combing, ltQli'c; coarse, 23W.Sc. Australian wools are firmer, with this market rema.kably well sold ud. The demand Is good, with considerable sold the last week. . combing, cnoice scourea basis 72i74c; average, 7j72c. ST. IaOUlS. July 7 WOOIa-Firmer medium grades and combing, 13i718c; light fine. 12i&15Sc; heavy fine, 10413c; tub waahed, 16424VxC. . lagar Market. NEW ORLEANS, July 7. 8UOAR Open kettle, JWl-ltc; open kettle. centnrixgaU, mH'ic: centrifugal, yellow, 3Vi4Sc; soca onda, lt3V4c, Molaaaea, dull; centrifugal, va 'fx-- NEW TORK. July 7. SUGAR Raw, firm; fair refining, 1 13-16c; molaaaea augar, 2Sc; refined, ateady; No. 6, 4 10c; No. T, , -. . a 1 . . . v'A a a at. . a a u. 4 wvi a,v. a, o.v, au. w. a .v. iv, X- 1T - . . .a 1 a.- a .-.v. aa, ii, .-v.. aa. .-.v. aa. . . No. 14. 1.70c Confectioners A. 4.46c: mould A. 6.00c; cut loaf, 6 16c; crushed, 4.16c; pow dered, e.ic; granuiaieo. s.X), cudcs, ,P0C 0MAI1A LIVE STOCE MARKET Good to Chioe Grade of Bteen Bald at Btetij to Btrtnt; Priota. IGHT DOLLARS' PAID FOR TOP HOGS exaaaayaBXaaaaas Light Raa at Shoe aad Killers af Good Cgaalltr Coaaaaaaded Stroaar to a Dime Hlaher Prleea Feed ere Reaaalaed Aboat Steady, SOUTH OMAHA, July 7. Recelnts were: Cattle. Hon. Sheen. umciai Monday 1,627 2.t8 8.37 4.081 8.6H6 1.671 642 6,6,4 name day last week 1,127 4.667 Same week before 1,37 6,Si4 Same three weeks axe... 3.076 4.io9 Same four weeks ago.... 1,171 6,124 Same day last year 1,064 2,646 RECEIPTS FOH THE Y1CAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of csttle, hogs and sheep at Souin Omana for the year to oata ana comparisons with last oni . loot 1901. Inc. 160.240 23.332 Dec. Cattle 871,572 hogs l,3?u,3l bheep 43o,luB l,8o2,490 1U.S28 6aa,41 0,Cd showa the aveiiige ine following tMD.t price of hogs sold on tne South Omaha inaraet the last several days, with com parisons wun lormer years: Date. I 1901. il901.l00.1899.18S8.lS97.189t. June II... H... IS... IB... 20... 21... 21... 23... 24... 86... 26... 28... 29... SO... 74 7 ! 7 MSI 7 41 SI I t 83 SSI 6 l I ttV 4 9J1 1 2 8 64 U3 6 06 I 4 4 4 1 71 1 90) 8 93, 1 not I 2 80 I 811 8 U 1 721 I ti 6V I 82! 1 el 1 ji I 66 I 611 1 22 1 14 8 08 1 10 3 ui 1 9 a lot 8 06 1 00 2 87 2 V7 1 96 a 3 94 1 StJ June I 18 i una June 1 al 8 loi June June I a4) s i 6 89 4 93 as 8 6 8 OS I 1 1 63 1 61 1 65 8 6a 1 16 une une I 001 I 21 1 23 t494 j 6 7 674 6 18 June June I 83 a Irs I 261 1 23 une t 6 911 I 87 N 6 89 I 63 6 741 6 10 6 Oo June I "V. 7 81T4 7 4Vk 7 64S a 2 (1 June 5 11 June 4 m 8 24 1 24 June 6 01 I 6S July July S 11 1 18 2 96 4 92 6 01 1 611 1 18 2 July 1 78 I 21 8 80 July aa T64V4 Juiy 6 73 1 4 79 8 (Ml 8 731 1 661 juiy July BJ t 761 6 161 1 831 1 66 1 28 I 97 t 11 1 81 1 76 1 28 1 98 Indicates Sunday. Indicates holiday. SATURDAY'S SHIPMENTS. The followlnar list shows the number of feeders shipped to the country Saturday, and their destinations: cars. E, T. Monaghan, Ellis, U., I. C 1 The" official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. She'p.H'ses. a. at t Dw a Missouri Paclflo By.. 1 U. r. system 1 . iv 60 C. A N. W. By 7 F.. E. at M. V. Ry... 15 10 4 C, St. P., M. A O.... 6 1.. B. A M. R. Ry 14 C, U. dc Q. By 8 1.. K. C. a BL J. By.... 1 .. 10 C, B. 1. As P., east.... 3 6 .. Illinois central ity... s s ., Total receipts .... 68 88 14 61 Tha diaooaltlon of the day's recelnts was as follows, each buyer purchasing tne number 01 neaa inaicatea, Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 240 Swift and Company 866 Cudahy Packing Co ' 2o9 Armour A Co...., 137 Omaha P. Co.. K. C 48 632 466 731 654 1,424 928 O. H. Hammond Co 161 B. Becker A Degan 164 Vansant 4V Co Carey A B 60 Hill Hinttxinger la Hamilton A Rothschild. . 69 B.-F. Hobblck 11 Wolf oV Murray .' 20 Other buyers 61 Totals 1.677 2.674 2,313 CATTLE There was a light run of cat tle here thla morning, and as the demand for desirable grades was active prices ruled strong ana tne market waa acuve, every thlnir h In a dlanosed of at an early hour. There were only a tew cars of beef Bteers on sale and. In fact, there were not nearly .nntia:h ta mo around. Anvthlna showing flesh and quality was picked up In a hurry at good strong prices ana as nign as was paia. ine moot 01 tne cat tle offered, thouah. were of only fair Qual ity, and the commoner the quality the less salable tney were, -ine same as nas been the case for soma time past packers do not seem to care whether they get the commoner grades at ail ana oniy take tnem at their own Drice. Tha row market did not show much rhinr. from tha close of last week. The better grades sold without difficulty at Just about steady prices, but the canners ana cuttera were now nu urougnt very uneven prices. Sellers find tt difficult to get satisfactory prices for such kinds of cattle, as shippers do not seem to realise how low that class of cattle is selling and frequently they sell for less money here man waa paia tor tnem in the country. Commission men are cau tioning their shippers to buy their grass cows, and especially tbe commoner grades on a wiae margin. Bulls.- veal calves and stags did not show enough change to be worthy of men tion. There were hardly enough stockera and f orders offered today to make a test of the market and there was nothing strictly choice In the yards. -It was evident, how ever, that speculators were anxious for good stuff, and It Is safe to say that strong prices would have been paid for the right kinds. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. Ma It. 77 1114 4 M Me. ' A, rr. AM 6 00 87 1114 T 00 31 UI 7 00 84 UJ7 T 80 Jl HIT T 10 St HIT 7 40 84 1114 7 74 1 s a I...J 4 8 I.... Mil I 71 1 10SS 6 1 aa liu M 10 ,....UU M 4... 1010 III V BTEERS AND HEIFERS. ...10 8 It 14 111 1 49 8.. COWS. 1 1 1 1 ... m lie 1. ..10W I 10 ..1106 IN ... 7P 3 0 ... 140 13 ...1100 I 14 ... IN IN ... 1 8 M ...mi 1 m 1.. 17.. 4.. I.. II.. I.. II.. .. U.. I.. I.. 1.. I. . I.. It.. IT.. 1.. II. . II. . I.. 1.. 11.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 141 I TO ,..1014 I Tl 1140 I Tl PI0 I Ti t-M 8 Tl IN lit IM IN 1014 I M 1100 4 N 141 4 N 10N 4 N IM IN 1070 4 N 134 4 04 1010 4 II . 1100 4 IS 1024 4 1041 4 40 110 4 10 11N 4 M 10(4 4 41 0 4 Tl UN 4 Ti 11W 4 Ti 1300 4 H 1140 I OO Mi I 00 10M f 10 1030 I 10 1140 I li ins 1 it 12N I 40 1310 I M 1470 I N 1410 I N 11 I I til 1 to 170 8 40 1 ..... I Ill I M 4 UT 8 16 1 144 3 U 14 Hi I 4 si 1 ao 14 474 I 44 T. l I 1 T0 I TI 1 70 I TI 1 M0 t TI 1 1011 I TI 1 1411 I TI tl M l I lV M IK I ICO I SO 1 140 8 00 1 a M IN 18. M IN I. .... . a aa 1 11S0 I 1 1110 I 16 11. ., II... I... I... I... II... I... tl... 1... I... IN I It 14 I U II II 171 14 110 I to Ill IN ....... 110 I M lno 1 to COWS AND HEIFERS. . . 441 4 10 HEIFERS 171 I 40 1 m 18 I'.O IN I M4 I 40 430 I Tl I It I M Ill I 00 1 110 I II BULLS. SM 8 I TU III 14U0 I 40 1 11M I 40 IM I K 1 1H0 I 44 Ml I 30 I UN I t 444 I 34 1 117 I 40 UN I 3 I It70 I M 1M0 I 11 1 4 Tl lit I I 1 14M I N U" "cALVEa. 11,4 "STAGS,' tit ID t IMS T W lt7 I M STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. M I N 1 171 I Tl Ill IN 1 4M I Tl 411 I N 11 7 1 Ti IM I M U 411 I M 174 I 75 1.. 4.. 1 1.. U.. 1.. f.. STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 141 I 4 1 70 4 II 1 an 1 11 10 m in I 174 I U I S4 4 N I ' TN I Ti II., lit 4 N a I Tl 10 174 4 40 Ill I Tl II Ill 4 44 40.1 M IN I Ml 4 M a , Tl 4 11 44 44 4 M 1 171 4 11 lions There waa a light run of hoes here today and as supplies were ratiier moderate at other points also prices ad vanced and established a now high point for the year. Packers started In bidding only about a nickel higher, but sellers were asking more money aa a rule and the mar ket soon became generally a dime higher and In some cases the advene waa even greater than that. Packers all seemed to be anxious for the few hogs that were offered and a a result everything was out of first hands In good season. The top price today was $8.00, which Is the highest prices ever paid on this market In July for a load of hogs. It wa 17"c higher than Sal ur day's top, but the hogs were better than any thing offered on Satur day. The bulk of the good weight nogs sold from 67.80 to 17.90 and the medUm weights went largely from 17.70 to 17. 80 and the light stuff from 87. 70 down. It wss a good active market from start to finish and prices were much higher than on any dny so fsr thla year. Representative sales No. A. fh l-f. No. AT. 8h. Pr. T. ....17 M ....tnl ... T 40 7 414 1 4 T 45 7 0 T 47U, T TO 7 TO T TO 1 70 T TO 7 TO 1 T 7 TO t TO 1 TO 7 Tl4 HI... 11 Tt Tl...., II.... 4... H ... 44.... 47... 47.... 44... 41.... 44.... 43.... ..140 ..MO ..140 ..240 ..341 ..ut ..241 ..2.U ,.M ..241 ..171 ..IM ... T 71 IM T 74 130 7 Tl I II t T M.... Tl.... .... 1.... M.... ....Ill ....1 ....!" ....HI ....t ...Ill ....111 ....111 im 4" M -40 in 40 7 7i IM 40 T 7 1 so t M 75.... M.... ISO 1 M .... 38.... 40 M i jo T N 7 l t M4 7 M 7 M t M 71.... M 10 i;o 140 ISO 1:0 to 110 140 4.... .III .141 ,3l .m .141 .til .320 M.... 4 44. 14 41 II .IM .2t .11 .170 .147 1 90 T N f N I N ISO 10 M 7 t T!4 T T1V4 1.71 K1 II. ' 11S SHEEP She-D receipts were also mod erate and In fact were considerably smaller than was generally expected. Uood stuff was In active demand and tne tew cars offered were soon disposed of. The general market for the better graaes 01 Killers cVuild be quoted strong to a dime higher than the close of last week. Kwes sold as high as 13.00, wethers of ratner common quality brought 83.20 and some yearlings and lambs brought 14.0". i ne less aesirame grades of killers were very hard to dis pose of and If anything packers were more bearish on such grades than they were a week aso. Feeders did not show much of any change. There waa a ready demand for desirable kinds at steady prices, but the common stuff was slow sale. Quotations for clipped stock: Oood to choice yearlings, 83.M4j3.76; fair to good. t3.25ai'3.&0; good choice wethers, 33.3o4i3.6o; fair to good wethers, 83.0093.35; good to choice ewes, $2.75S.OO; fair to good ewes, 2.0O4f2.bO: good to choice spring lambs, 86 35 $6.60; fair to good spring lambs, I6.00-ii6.o0; feeder wethers snd yearlings, 12.503.25; feeder lambs, 32.MHg4.00; feeder ewes, L2 ti'2.00. Representative sales: No. Av. Pr. I stag 150 1 50 9 Wyoming ewes 87 1 60 86 Wyoming ewes 71 1 60 162 Idaho ewes 115 8 00 61 stags r 108 1 20 81 W)umlng wethers 107 1 20 16 Wyoming wethers 107 1 20 529 Wyoming wethers 108 1 20 232 Idaho wethers 110 1 25 II Wyoming lambs 65 4 00 291 Mexican yearlings 71 4 00 4 bucks 102 2 00 440 Wyomlug feeders 94 2 85 264 Wyoming wethers 97 1 00 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattle aad Bheegt Steady aad Hess Ten Cents Higher. CHICAGO, July 7. CATTLE Receipts, 18,000 head. Including 1,600 head Texans; steady; good to prime steers, 27.758.50; poor to medium, 34.757.60: stockers and feeders. J2.6066.00; cows. tl.50rrJ6.00; heifers, 2KKg6.25r canners, $1.4ff..50; bulls, 82.600 6.50; calves, 12.&0.30; Texas fed steers, 14.08 66 75. HOOS Receipts, 22,000 head; esti mated tomorrow, 15,000 head; left over, 4,730 head; 10c higher; mixed and butchers, $7.80 fig.OO; good to choice heavy, 87.85'f8.1o; rojgh heavy, t7.35fHi7.90; light, 1.2b7.1Q; bulk of sales, $7.467.95. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 26,000 head; steady; good to choice wethers, 83.60 434.00; fair to choice mxed, 33.0O3.5O; west ern sheep, I2.0CH83.50; native lambs, $3.00 7.00. Official Saturday: Receipts Cattle. 825 head: hogs, 6.610 head; sheep, 1.154 head. Shipments Cattle, 477 head; hogs, 888 head; sheep, 1,611 head. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, July 7. CATTLE Re ceipts, 3,600 natives, 6,200 Texans, 900 calves; quarantine stuff, active and steady: home cattle, strong; canners, lower; stockers and feeders, slow and weak; beef stuff, steady to weak; choice export and dressed beef steers. 88.00(38.30: fair to rood. $4.76 7.90; stockers and feeders, $2.66j5.60; west ern-fed steers, 85.00W6.60; Texas and Indian steers, $2.10S5.35; Texas cows, $1.50lj'2.90; native cows, $2.006.00; native heifers, $3.00 ft 6.76; canners. $1,6003.00; bulls, $3.2O4.00; calves. $2.00(35.25. HOOS Receipts, 2,000 head; market 10c higher; top, $9 10; bulk of sales, $7.6549 8.00; heavy, 87.95'8.10; mixed packers, $7. 80 68.00; light, $7.407.82; Yorkers, 17. 70 7.82U; nigs, tf.lOrg.SO. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8,800 head; market strong and active; native lambs, $4.70ru6.40: western lambs, $4.2Oii5H.90; native wethers. 84.0O4.8O: western wethers. 13.25i34.46; fed ewes, $3.SOtfN,20; Texas clipped yearlings, 83-40,.00; Texas cupped YTiV,Y r a u'i , 'llr: sheep, 13.00(8)3.35; stockers and feedew.LHm refined, spot, dull, 26a LGO&3.4. . . .. . 1 &.00&3.00. New Tork Lira Stoek Market. NEW TORK. July 7. BEEVES Re ceipts, 8,404 head; market steady to lOo higher; steers, ib.tKHffTt.Mf; oxen, o.ou; nuns, $5.S&?j.60; cows, $3.006.06; extra dry-fed, $3. 40ti6.75; cables unchanged and Blow; no exports. CALVES Receipts, 1,290 head; market active; veals, 4060c higher; buttermilks, 75o higher; veals, $5.0Chi.00; buttermilks, $4.00iH.&0; city dressed veals, higher at 93 lltyo ner lb.; choice. 12c. HOGS Receipts, 6,428 head; market 16o higher; state hogs. $7.90; western, nominal, but quotable at $7.507.65. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 18.833 head; sheep In light supply and steady, closing dull; lambs, &075o higher; ten cars, mainly late arrivals, unsold; sheep, $2.60 4.124; few choice and extra, $4.2584.50; culls, $1.6032.26; lambs, $5.2637.00; culls, 84.60(06.00. St. Lonls Live Stoek Market. f4T IXHII8. July 7. CATTLE Recelnts. 8,300 head, including 6,000 Texans; market steadv: native shipping and export steers. 16 00fi 00; dressed beef and butcher steers, $4.8M7'7.60; steers under 1,000 pounds, $4.00 (&6.75: stockers and feeders, 12.755 50; cows ana neuers, IJ.X0V.w; canners, ti. io(r.ooj bulls, $2.60ii.?6; calves, I3.00ig6.60; Texas and Indian steers, $3.80fS6.16; cows and heifers. $2.504.00. HOOS Receipts, 1,600 head: market strong and higher; pigs and lights, $7.25 fa7.65; packers, $7.507.o5; butchers, 17.70 .111. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.100 head; market steady; native muttons, 83.00 A4.00; Jambs, $4.2e(g7.00; culls and bucks, $..6064.00; stockers, $1.00433.00. - t. Joseph Live Stoek Market. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., July 1 CATTLE Receipts, 2.300 head; steady; natives, $4.76 6835; cows and heifers, $1.6066.26; veals, $3.O0(iT6 00; stockers and feeders, $2.005.60. 1-iLMJB Iteceipts, a,lv neau; ivc nigner; light and light mixed, $7.6W7.96; medium and heavy, $7. 75(68.00: pigs, $4.2566.76. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 10; steady. Slooz City Live Stock Market. OIT-.TTV SiTT-V Y, ,1 . m (Bnai.1,1 Tala. gram.) CATTLE Rece In ta, 6u0bead; mar Cat atearfv: heevea. tS.&K&7.80: cows, bulls and mixed, $2.60fc6.25; stockers and feeders, $2.6064 25; irearllngs and calves. $2,507X4.00. Huua neceipia, a,ow nmui n i w aci wii'.vu higher, $7.6067.80; bulk, $7.557.65. SHEEP Receipts, iuu; weak. Stoek in Bight. Tha fnllnwlns- table shows the recelnts of cattle, hogs and sheep at the five principal markets lor juiy : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. . 1,627 2.658 8,387 . I8.O11O 22,000 26.000 . 9.700 2.000 3.80,7 8,00 8.6iO 2.100 . 2.800 1,400 10 . 89.927 13,658 14,297 South Omaha Chicago , Kansas city St. Louie Bt. Joseph Totals Coffee Market. NEW TORK. July 7. COFFEE Spot Rio. easy; No. 7, Invoice, 6c; mild, steady: Cordova, 8311V4c. Tha market opened I a,ta. A.. aau44k Si I" . S . & t l"a 1A rT t fl t af. Daren y st,-Q.j j , ' - - , lower, and for the ret of the -fMlon die- played wennnm wuu nii-iu. tion at timee quite active. The Importing element were free eellere. deaplte the fact a a. I a. a. auaaa ilnavn tra a. ria aV Insjf FAPa ord level for the season thus far. It was shown tnat arnvaia i nmntn tunc. In the United States reached llavOOO bags, while clearances from that country for the United States were 138.000 bags, thus promising a mnw 'V" ready burdensome American visible sup ply. The movement of the crop in Braxll was larger than expected. At the close the market was barely steady and net 10 to 15 points lower. Total sales were 43.750 bags, Including: July, 4.75((jH.80c: Septein- ar 4 Rfi'OI.WIC U"""", l-oui . cuiuri , 00c: December. 6.0Oft.10c; February. 6.10 fc620c; March. 6.15(8o2oc; April, .fcc; May, t.80((p5.36c. ' Dry Goods Market. NEW TORK. July 7.-DRT OOODS The market today has been dull on- the spot In all departments, not yet having thrown off the holiday Influence. The tone ie un changed ard there has been no attraction in prices in either staple or fancy cottons. Print cloths continue Inactive at previous prices. Cotton hoalery is In moderate re quest, but underwear slew of sale and Irregular. Visible gapaly of Ural a. NEW TORK, July 7 The visible supply of grain Saturday. July I, as complied by the New York Produce exchange, la aa 0Wheat, 18.U2.000 bu., decrease, (31.000 bu.; corn. 8.912.000 bu., Increase. tJS.fjnO bu.; oats, 1.2M.00O bu., decresse, M,or0 bu.: rye, 315. 000 bu., decrease, l9.ono bu.; barley, 193.009 bu., decrease, 45.000 bu. Cotton Market. .NEW YORK, July 7.-COTTON-Futurs opened barely atrany: July. 8.74c: August, 8 4Sc; September. 8 09oJ October, 7.96c; No vember, December and January, 7 .8Nc; Feb ruary, 7fc: Mnrch, 7.8V. rtisry, 7.Kc- Msrch, 7.f-tr. Spot, steady; middling uplands, 9Vc; middling gulf. 8'4c; sales. lr.2 bsles. COTTON Futures rinsed dull; July.' f$c; August, 8.89c; September, 8.03c; Oc tober, 7.92c; November, 7.9iSc; December, 7.85c; January, 7.8oc; February, 7.86c; March, 7 Kic. GALVESTON, Tex., July T.-COTTON Firm, 8 1F.-I6c. NKW ORLEANS, July 7,-COTTON-Fu- . ttires, quiet; July, 8 97c bid; August, 8 55 6"5c; September, 8.ttw.04r; October, 7.76 67.77c; November, 7.n6i7.ft!c; December, 7.67rj.6tc; January, 7.67r(i7.fi9c. Market Steaay; sales, 1,360 bales. Ordinary, 7 9-lc; food ordinary, 8 l-16c: new middling, 9-lSc; middling, 9c: good middling, 9 6-16ci middling fair, 9 ll-16c. Receipts, Sal bales; ntt't rv, (t,7T,i tu I "), 8T. LOrtS, July 7. COTTON QuIM: no naif; mifidllnfr, 16 -16c; receipts. 416 bales; gtli.'i.:r, ."Ml. 1'HIPP.a LIVERPOOL, July 7 COTTON-Spot, good business done prices l-32d lower; American middling fair, 6-S.'d; good mid dling, 6 6-32d: middling, 61-d; good ordi nary, 4 27-S2d; ordinary. 4 19-S2d. The sales of the day were 12,000 bales, of which 2.000 were for speculation and export and In cluded 10,600 American; recelnts, 4,000 bales, Including 3.300 American. Futures rnnei quiet and closed easy; July. 4 62-6ld, buyers; my uni aukiisi, oo-oku i oi-Mu, buyers; August snd September, 4 44-64d, buvers; September , and October, 4 33-647J4 34-6M, sellers; October and November. 4 6-64d.. buyers; buyers; 4 r-'-ed. 4 21-64(1, November and December, 4 23-6ld, December and January, 4 21-64V$ value; January and February, buvers d'ahrnorv a . .4 M..nk 4 21-64d. sellers; March and April, 4 20-64 4 21-64d, value. Foreign rinanrlal. LONDON, July 7. Large repayments were due to the Bask of England today, but supplies were plentiful. Discounts were weak. Operators on the Stock exchange were not dlsr.nsed to take on fresh trans actions pending the settlement of mines to. morrow.' The tone was generally good with the firmness of consols, the favorable reports concerning King Edward's health and the prospect of the reinvestment of some of the dividend money. Ksfllrs were the only unsatisfactory section. Thev were week, owing to professional realisations, before the carry-over, and not to th, re ported depression In Paris. Americana were neglected pending the receipt cf tha opening prices from New Tork. but they Improved and closed firm. The amount of bullion taken Into the Bnnk of England on balance today was fSn.OOO. Gold pre miums at Ruenos Ayres, 129.40; Rome, 1.S0. PARIS, July 7. Business opened unde cided on the bourse today. French ralis and foreigners were firm. Kaffirs early , In the day continued"to have a bad ten dency and there was little doing through out. Toward the close Spanish securities declined.' Kaffirs later Improved on Eng lish buying orders. The close was Irregu lar. Rentes had a satisfactory tendency on the expected conditions of the bill pro viding for their conversion. Thomson Hnustons were firm. Rio tlntos were slightly weaker. The private rate of dis count was unchanged at, 2 9-14. Three per cent rentes, 10lf 670 for the account. Ex change on London, 25t 15V.0 for checks. Spanish 4s, 80.87. BERLIN, Julv 7,-IJttle business was transacted on the bourse today owing to the absence of encouraging factors. Itallant were easier as the result of sales for ' Italian account- Exchange on London, 20m 464pfgg for checks. Discount rates, (short bills, 8 per cent; three months' bills, 1 per cent. OH and Rosin. OIL CITY. Pa., July 7.-OIL-Credlt bal- . ances, $1.22; certificates, no bid; shipments, 3d, 4th and 6th, 153,942 bbls.; average, 73.5;8 bbls.; runs, 2d, 3d and ih, 225,963 bbls.; average, 80,791 bbls. SAVANNAH, Ga., July 7.-OIL Turpen. tine, firm. 45c. Rosin, firm; A, B. C. D, E, $1.25; F, $1.36; O, $1.40; H. $1.70; I, $2.05; K, $2.65; M, $3.06; N, $3.45; WQ. $3.60; WW, $3.6). NEW YORK, July 7.OIL-Cottonseed, steady; prime crude, nominal; prime yel low, 444(&'45c. Petroleum, steadv; refined New .York, $70; Philadelphia and Balti more, $7.35; Philadelphia and Baltimore, In, bulk, $4.80. Rosin, steady; strained, com mon to good, $16.5tKjil6.57Vi. Turpentine, steady, 4741548c. TOLEDO, O., July 7.-OIL North Lima, 89c; South Lima and Indiana, 84c. Liverpool, July, 7. oil Cottonseed, DR. f.1cGREW (Age 53) SPECIALIST. Dlaaasoa aad UImiswi of Most Only. M Years' Bxaerleaeo. IS Years la YARlCOCkEwi. uVV: safeet and most natural that has yet bee. discovered. Wo pain whatever, no eatUna and dtes not Interfere wlta work or btiai tM, Treatment at office or at soma aad a permanent our guaranteed. Hot Springs Treatment for Syphilis And all Blood- Diseases. Ma "BRXAKINQ) OUT" on the akin or faoo and all external Signs of tha disease disappear at once. A treatment that la more successful and fa more aatlafaeiory than tbe "old form of tatment and at leas than HALF THi4 COST. A cure that la guaranteed ta be permanent for life. ovta 2Q,00Qr.tyW.. Vf ras and all unnatural waaknaaaes of at, Stricture, Uleet, Kidney and Bladder IMS uyarwoete. snare piiuu.u u g . CMAHOKg LOW. COMKbLTATlOM FaUSaV ' STraaatmant by sasJL F. O. Bos Taf. CfOee over HI . uta mtrm. Wwv 8Ts .sa aaa wontna awaw . S5.00 A LIGHT. Specialist Xa mil DISEASE! god DISORDERS of MEN. 19 years la Oaa aaa, SYPHILIS cured by tha QUICK tValT, safeet aad cnoat natural method thai baa yet been dlaootr4red. Hooa every sign nn jwaiam iaiuun 4inpletly and forever. Ne "BRjUAJ. IN1 OUT" Of the dlsaaao on the akin or faoo. A cure that la guaranteed to bo permanaui for Ufa YslRlCOCELE without outtlng, paia! no detanuon from work; portnanent ours gtiaranteed. WEAK M 85!. from Exeaesaa or Ylrttml to Nervous Debility or EUhauatlon. Waa lng Weakaeas with Early Decay la Tound and Middle Aged, lack of vim. vigor fui strength, with organs Impaired and weak. STaiOTtma eared with a new Hons .Treatment. No pain, no detention, froa business. Kidney end Bladder Troubkea. iteaaealtaltava rraa. Treataaonl by ktaasj OUAROKg LOW. lit) a. 14tk . li. Seartes & Starlss. Oaaiis, tt BLOOD POISON WHAT TO DO. Many have pimples, spots on the skin, sores in tbe roouta -rf. falling hair, bone pains, catarrh; don t know It la BLOOD VultiOS. Send to DR. BROWN. 836 Arch St., Phlladeiphla. Pa., for BRdwN'S BLO06 CURIO. 12.00 per bottle; lasts on, month. Sold only by Sherman McCnnnell Drug Co., lth aud Dodge Sta.. Omaha. Brown's Capsules ly? ttX'.Wa ' - Dodgestreets fcBDRUHlfARDS IVHITg DOVI CUIlMtn' ;allloeiroy crae. Ica for strung arlnx, m appaui tor wnicn .j aalst aftar udoa tala rani.Jf. UlTaa la aay Iwukf with or wlthoul taos-laaa of aauann uuieioaai h i Baieauu A atvCewMll. aiuasiM. tfu a4 leMla