Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 06, 1902, PART I, Page 8, Image 8

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TLr Bnoceuire Error Girt the Game
Emily to Oriuliet.
foxy Pitcher of the Packard Family
Keeps r Hla Repatatloa at
Sever Losing; a Gaaae
ta Oaiki.
Three dumb error la the fourth Inning
.lost the first game of the series at home
' for Omaha Saturday afternoon. They came
'right along In a row and cost three scores,
to which Denver added three more during
the game. Thomas at first base made
two of the mlsplays and Ed Hlckejr followed
with the third. They came after the first
man up had made a hit, and should havs
meant one, two, three outs, with no
cores. But the hit scored and so did the
.two who had taken first on Thomas' er
rors. , Without these breaks Omaha could hay
won the game, despite the fact that the
Bangers were able to find Eyler for only
lx hits. Much of the journey "Pop" was
Invincible, but In the seventh he let down
'tor two doubles, which added a brace of
bailie to the one made In the sixth, when
kalloway batted In Thomas, who took first
'on Dundon's error.
I In the eighth It seemed that Omaha
would do more bnslness with the chalk,
for Eyler allowed two bases on balls, but
sothlng came of tbem. The old fox had
the game well la band most of the way
nd the big lead was too discouraging for
kha locals to -eat out a victory at the end.
Uowgy was pounded freely after the
third Inning, when the first two hits were
made off him, with no scores. In the
tflfth came three singles and a double In
m row, and in the seventh two mora sin
gles, when scoring stopped. Omaha may
logically lay the defeat to the crippled
condition of the team. The features of
Who game were a atop by Dolan and an
other by Hlckey.
I A now umpire, J. Ross Swlgart, was on
duty and hla first day's work showed
'traces of that yellow hue known as
'Lathamesqua. "Swt" may brace up, how.
lover, and It Is a cinch bo baa his spunk
long, But so had all those bad umpires.
If Oenlns cannot play center field to
morrow Owen and Brown will pitch the
two games, of which the first begins at
!j;30. Otherwise Graham will throw with
I Brown. The score:
AB. R.
iDelehanty. lb
JPreston, cf
Jones, it 4
frisk, rf 4
JDundon. tb 4
,k V LO, III,
.Davis, lb. 4
... V
IWllson. 0
3yler, p
! Totals 37
6 11 17 13
AB. R.
.Carter, rf 4 0
loraham, cf I 1
'Stone, If 8 1
Dolan, aa S 0
Btewart, 2b 2 0
Thomas, lb., 4 1
hlckey, tb 3 0
Oondlng, c 4 0
Alloway. p 4 0
H. O. A. E.
I Totals a 3 6 15 4
I 'Prink out In fifth Inning for cutting
taecond base.
liienver 0 00J0100-
(Omaha 000012000 3
Earned runs: Denver, t; Omaha, 1. Two-
baeahlts: Frisk, Graham, Thomas. Three,
base hit: Radcllffe. Sacrifice hits: Pres
ton. Dolan. Btewart. First baee on balls:
(Off' Eyler. 3. Hit by pitched ball: By
Eyler, 1. Struck out: By Eyler, 9; by Al
loway. t. Left on bases: Denver. 4; Omaha,
4. Double plays: Radcllffe to Davis Mickey
I to Btewart to Thomas. Time: 2:00. Dm-
Lplret J. Ross Swlgart.
Mllwaakee Wlaa ta Hlereata.
KANSAS CITT, July . In a slugging
match Kansas City made eeven runa and
tied the aoore In the ninth today, but Mil
waukee made two runs and won the game
n ih. alavanth. Attendance. 200. Score:
i R.HE.
i Kansas City 8 01 0 0 01 0 7 0 0-11 17 4
Milwaukee 2 001882100 13 18 0
I Batterlea: Kanaaa City, Cable and Mes
sltt; Milwaukee, Kenna and Lucia.
Batata Wis a Game.
BT. JOSEPH, July 6 Chlnn had Peoria
'at his mercy today and won the game
'easily. Score:
i R.H.E.
W Joseph ...0 8010100- 10 4
Peoria 1 000101004 81
Batteries: Peoria, Cox and Wilson; St.
Joseph, Chlnn and Roth.
Millionaires Beat Dee Molaea.
DES MOINES, July 8. Today's game was
a pitchers' battle and Dea Molnea waa shut
out, although the visitors were outbatted.
Attendance, 1,600. Score: r h E
Colo. Springs. .0 000001022 7 2
Des Moines ...0 00000000-0 0
Batteries: Colorado Springs, Jones and
Baerwald; Dea Molnea, Barry and Hansen,
taaalac at the Teaata.
Played. Won, Lost. P.C.
Omaha 62 t 23 .629
Kansas City 66 40 24 .
Milwaukee 87 81 25 .KU
Denver 60 23 27 .660
St. Joseph 62 20 22 .4M
Colorado Springs ... 61 27 . 24 . 443
Des Molnea 60 23 S3 .87
Peoria 66 1 37 .832
Oamea today: Denver at Omaha, Colo
rado Springs at Dea Molnea, Peoria at
St. Joaeph, Milwaukee at Kansas City.
MeCloakey Released to Denver.
UTTLR ROCK. Ark., July 8. Pitcher
Charles McCloskey was today released by
Utile Rock to Denver.
St. Lewis Skats Oat New York la
Pitchers' Battle Between O'Nell
aad Mathewson.
ST. IvOTTia. July 8.-8t. Loula shut out
New York this afternoon after a pitchers'
battle between M. O'Nell and Mathewson.
Mathewson's wild pitch In the second l-t
lit St. Louis' oniy laiiy.
Attendance, 8,0u0.
R.H.O.A E.
famll. at...
Doaovaa, rf. S
moot, cf ...
B.KlaT. If... t
I 1
t I
nrodU, cf...
0 Clark, rf.... S
Jonvm, U S
S'Ymvw, c... S
KrmihMT, Ik. S
NlchoU. lb..
Ktnui, IB.
t. O N. ll. a.
U. O'Nall, S
Smith, lb.... s
Dunn. lb.... 6
O' Hasan, lb. 1 It
nasnar, as., a t 1
Maih'w's, p.
Totals ... 1 I 17 10 Totala ... I It II 1
6t. Louis 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
New York 0000000000
Sacrifice hit: Bmoot. Double play: Smith
to O'Hagan. Stolen base: Smith. Wild
pitches: By Mathewson, l. First base on
tails: Off O'Nell. 1: off Mathewson, 2.
Struck out: By O'Nell, 4; by Mathewson,
2. Ift on bases: St. Louta. 6: New York.
8. Time: 1:35. Umpire: O Day.
Brooklya'a Great Fielding.
prTTSBURO. July 8. Brooklyn's re-
Parkably tine work In the field defeated
Ittsburg. Several times the locals were
In a position where a hit would have won,
but the Brooklyn fielders put aown almost
Impossible chances. Attendance, 6,vo.
a.HOAk R.H.O.A. g.
pol.n. ef.... tits nTta, rf.... a a
Knlff, rt... 1 I S trial. If t S 1 S
Sharkara. If. I t I t S Baumoal. cf S 1 t
Mot'rMrr. lb 111 lr. ae..t I 1 4 I
luklna. as... 1 4 BrauaTU. lb 111
Irwin, lb.... 1 ' I HlKhr. 8b..t 1 1
Abaara, ... till Latch, lb.... 1 I
no4. tb.... I 4 1 Smith, c 1
Vtnanma, ... t 1 I Lmw. p.... s I
Totals ...I If 11 ll Totals ...1 rf It l
Brooklyn 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 03
Pittsburg 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Earned runs: Brooklyn, 1. Two-base
hits: Wagner, MeCreery. Sacrifice hit:
Keeler. Stolen base: Dahlen. Double plays:
Leach to Wagner to Mansfield. First base
v, on balls: Oft Donovan. 1. Struck out: By
Leaver, 4: by Donovan, 8. Time: 1:40.
Umpire: Emails.
Reds Wis oa Errors.
CINCINNATI. July 8. The Cincinnati
team auceeded la winning too through a
comedy of errors on the pert of the Phila
delphia players. Attendsnce, 1.20. Score:
R H O. A.B.I R.H.O A.B.
Ftnf. If.... I 1 Ttinmaa, cf. I I
Hoy. rf 1 1 1 harrr. rf I
IWklry. lb.. 1 10 1 IHaltwItt, a I I I I
I'r.wtonl, rf. I I Dooln, e I I 4 I
h-k. tb 114 1 I IHxislaa. lb.. 0 0 0 I
t'orroran, pa. 1 I I 1 Prowna, If... I 1 I
a.nnfiat, I 1 I I I Hallman, lb. 1 1 4
Pl.ii. c 1 111 K hlM. Ib... I I
Phlllpa, 1111 Iu,lbT. p. 1 I 1
-I'Whlte t
Totals ... 1 1 4
I Total ... 4 0 14 1
Batted for Duggleby In the ninth.
Cincinnati 1 4 0 0 0 1 0 0
Philadelphia 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 04
Two-bsse hit: Hoy. First bsae on balls:
By Duggleby, 2; by Phillips, 1. Struck out:
By Phillips, 1: by Duggleby, 1 Wild Pltrh:
Dnggipby. Time: umpires: Power
and Brown.
Chicago Goes to Pieces.
CHICAGO. July 8 After having prac
tically won the game by pretty hitting In
the seventh and eighth the locals went to
pieces In the ninth and .allowed Boston to
tie the score after two outa on errors by
li and Tinker and three singles. Bos
ton won In the thirteenth on Tenney'a
double snd a single by Lush. Attendance,
8,800. Score:
Cooler, ef.
Trnnry, lb
fremont, 2b
Carney, rf..
Luah. If...,
11 0'Peitar, rf.... 0 110
I '
t 10
Ojjon, rf....
olLowa, fb....
OlKllns. ...
'Millar, If...
... 1
Ib 1
Long. a.
Mnran. o.
nark. lb..
I 1
Tlnkar, as. . .
Vhaefar, Ib.
Wllllama. p..
Totals . t 11 II ll :l Totals ...4 11114 I
Chicago .. 0000O0130O00 0-4
Boston ... 010000008000 18
Left on bases: Chicago, 8; Boston, 7.
Two-base hits: Cooley, Kllng, Oremlnger,
Tenney. Three-base hits: Carney, Schaefer.
Stolen bases: Kllng, Tinker, Scnaefer, De
niont, Carney, Long, Muran, Dexter. Struck
out: By Williams, 4: by PltUnger, 8.
Bases on balls: off Plttlnger. L Time:
2:26. Umpire: Cantillon.
loading of the Teaata.
Played. Won. Lost. P.C.
Pittsburg 69 4 13 .780
Brooklyn 06 8) 23 .676
Boston 60 22 28 .633
Chicago 62 32 20 .614
Philadelphia 14 2( 84 .8
St Louis SO M 81 .433
Cincinnati 68 24 34 . 414
New York 62 22 40 .856
Games today: Brooklyn at Cincinnati,
New York at Bt. Louis, Pittsburg at Chi
cago. ,
American League games
Detroit Hlte ladkoS Safely ta Every
laalagt After tke
DETROIT, July 8. Detroit hit Kudhoff
safely In every Inning after the first, while
the St. Louis team could not hit Mercer
successfully. Anderson's three-base hit In
the fturth Inning, followed by Wallace's
single, scored Bt. Louis' only run. At
tendance, 8,136. Score:
R.H.O.A.El R.H.O.A.B.
Barratt, ef... II 0 Burkett, lf... 111
Holraaa, rf... 1 1 0 0 0 Ha p II, rf Cf
Dillon, lb... 1 1 II 1 H.ldrlck, cf.
Blberfala. ss I I 0 Trlol. rf
1 I
Caaay, lb.... 114 2 And.raon, lb. 1 t 11
Arndt, If Oil Wallaoa, aa.. 1 I
Ulaaaon, JO., litis Met of k, lb. S
Bu.low, a.... 4 0 Paddan, fb..
Mercar, p.... lit O Donohua, a..
ISudlioff, p... 0
1 I
iniB ... i u Ti u vi ,
1 Totals ... 1 14 11 4
Detroit 00112110 -4
St. Louts 00010000 0-1
Three-base hits: Anderson, X Sacrifice
hit: Elberfeld. Stolen bases: Elberfeld,
Casey (2), Oleason, Holmes. Bases on balls:
Off Mercer, lj oft Sudhoff, 2, Hit by pitcher:
Elberfeld. First base on errors: Detroit,
1. Left on bases: Detroit, 8; St. Louis, 6.
Struck out: By Mercer, 8: by Sudhoff, 1.
Passed ball: Donohue, Time: 1:40. Um
pire: O'LaughUn.
Waaklagtoa Beats tko Pklllles.
PHILADELPHIA, July 6. Wlltse was In
effective today and waa taken oft the slab
In the fifth Inning after Washington had
clinched the game. Hjstlng was substi
tuted and was an Improvement. Attend
ance, 4,863. Score:
Ryan, ef..
Doy la, Ib.
Drill, rf..
Carey, lb.
Ely, aa....
Lee. If....
Clark, e...
Carrlck, p
HartaeL If... 0 0 10 0
; ;
ruita, ef l t
Darla. lb.... 1 I 11
L. Cross, Id. 1 I
lb t
nay bold, rt.,
Schrock, a... 1
m. Croat, as.
Caatrs, Ib... I
Wlltee, a.
JaiatlDg, p.
mnii i,
Totals ... I I 17 IT
Washington 10007100 01
Philadelphia 00008100 18
Earned runs: Washington, 6j Phlladel.
phia, 2. Two-base hits: Drill?" Coughlln.
Lee (2), Carrlck, Fults. Home run: Bey
bold. Sacrifice hit: Drill. Double plays:
M. Cross to Davis, M. Cross to Caatro to
Davis, Castro to M. Cross to Davis. Left
on bases: Washington, 8; Philadelphia, 2,
First base on balls: Off Hustlng, 1. Hit
by pitched ball: Clark, Carey. Struck
out: By Wlltse, 1. Time: 1:40. Cmplrea:
Carruthers and Johnstone.
Dlaeoa'a Wllaleaa Costly.
BOSTON, July 6. Dlneen's wlldness
proved costly today, three of his four
passes resulting In runs. McQlnnity was
batted hard in the early Innings, but stead,
led down toward the close of the game.
Kelley and Selbach fielded brilliantly. At
tendance, 7,616. Score:
R.H.O.A.B. R.H.O.A E.
Keller, ef... Ill 1 loiaaaoo. If.. 11400
Baibach. If... 0
Wllllama. Ib 1
oilollna, IB..,, I
2 4
I 1 I
Stakl. cf I
McOana, lb..
Baymour. rf.
Robliiaon, e. 1
Brean'h'a. lb 1
Ollbart. aa...
McOlBOlty, p
Freeman, rf. I
Parent, ss...
LaCb'o. lb.
rerrla. tb....
1 I
Warner, e.
Dinaen, p.... t I
Totals ... I U 10 11 gl Totala ... 4 1 BO It I
Baltimore 000011110 18
Boston 01200000004
Earned runs: Boston, 2; Baltimore, 2.
Two-base hits: McOann, Robinson. Sac.
rlflce hit: Parent. Double plays: Parent
to Ferrla to LaChance, LaChance (unas
sisted), McOann to Gilbert to McOann.
First base on balls: Off Dlneen, 4. Struck
out: By Dlneen, 2; by McQlnnity, 1 Time:
1:66. Umpire: Connolly.
Josa Easy for Chicago.
CHICAGO, July 6.-The locals hit Joss
at will and easily won today's game.
Piatt was hit frequently, but not consecu
tively, snd with perfect support would have
shut out the visitors. A double play by
Jones and lsbell was the feature. Attend
ance, 6,760. Score: .
Bay, ef I 1
McCarthy. If. I
Fllrk, rf I
Lajole. lb.... 114 1
Hickman, lb. 4 I 0 1 0
Hradlay, lb.. 4 111
gtrans. Ib... I I I 0
Jonea, ef I I I 1 0
Oreen, rf.... 1 I I 0
DaTla. aa 1110
Mrrtaa. It.... I I 1 l
laball, lb.... 1110
Ialy. lb 0 0 113
SulllTan, .. I I 1 o
Oochn ar, aa. 1 I 1 1
ti mi a. e s 4 s
Piatt, a 0 0 0 1 0
Joa. t 1 4 1
Wood 1 t t t
Totala ...11 14 17 1 I
Totala ... I ( 14 It 1
Batted for Joss In ninth.
Chicago 6.0001280 11
Cleveland 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 12
Left on bases: Chicago, 2; Cleveland, .
Two-base hits: lsbell, Mertes, Gochnajer,
Darvla. Bradley. Sacrtnce hit: Jones.
Stolen base: Green. Double plays: Daly
to lsbell, Jones to lsbell. 8 truck out: By
Piatt. 2: by Joss. 2. Passed ball: Iiemls.
Panes on balls: Off Piatt, 2; off Joss. 8.
Time: 1:62. Umpire: Bherldan.
Blaadlag of Ike Teams.
Plsyed. Won. Lost P.C.
Chicago 67 27 :o .619
Hoaton S3 24 27 .671
Philadelphia 68 22 21 .66!
Bt. Louis 68 9 2 .too
Washington 63 22 24 .46)
Detroit 60 27 83 . 4 0
Baltimore 62 27 36 . 35
Cleveland 64 24 28 .407
Games today: Cleveland at Chicago, De
troit at Bt. Louis.
Mllwaakra Makes a Baaek of Scores
la Foarlk aad Wlaa tko
KANSAS CITT, July 8. Milwaukee made
all of Ita runa In the fourth Inning today,
an error, two passes and a balk being re
sponsible for three of them. Attendance,
l.uuu. Score:
M.ri.O.A E k H.O.A.E.
Lrawa. as.... 1 I 11 Hallman, rf. 1 1
Nanre. rf ... II rimamaa. as 1 1 T
Grady, lb.... 1 O A atcB a, ef. 1 I 0
Smith. If t I I Shleback. lb. t (
HerlUe. a.... 14 I Ruakle, lb... 0 0
Oaar. rf Duoaan. lb.. I 1 II J
Rothfuaa. lb. 1 1 I Tkomaa. If.. 1 1 0 0 0
O. McU'a, tb 1 1 I I I Croae. a I I I 1
Foreman, p.. I I 1 I Elliott, p.... t I
Totala ... I It n 11 ll Totals ...4 "i JT 11 1
Milwaukee 0040000 0
Kansas City 1 1 0 -2
Two-base hits: Crone, Cllngman. Bacrl
flee hits; Leews, bevllt. tiola baee;
Thomas. Double plays: Leewe to Mr
Pride to Rothfuaa. lfr to McPrlde,
Shlebeck to Cllngmsn to Dungan. Hit by
r Itched ball: By Foreman, 1; by Elliott,
Banes on balls: Off Foremen, 1; oft El
liott, 4. Struck out: By Foreman, 4: by
Elliott. 8. Wild pitch: Elliott. Balk: Fore
man. Time: 1:46. Umpires: Wolfe and
taaflaaapelle Beats Leatsvllle.
LOUISVILLB, July 8. Indlanspolls best
lxulsvllle In a very rngaed but very In
teresting game this afternoon. With the
score 7 to 1 against them the visitors de
veloped a batting stresk In the latter part
of the game and. aided by local errors,
won out. Attendance, 4,222. Score:
Hnarlrrer, Hill O'KrrwIn. a... 11101
Kuhna, Ib-lf. 4 1 Pornar. Ib... I I
Wood raft, lb. 1 Oannnn, rf... 1
Klhm, lb.... 1 1 14 .Cental, lb... 1
O'Brien, aa.. 1114 I Flournoy, If.
Pot, Ib I
Coulter, cf...
Matth'wa. e.
Millar, p 1
Ktllum. If... I
I OITannahlll, aa I I
0 Clymar, cf... 1
srnaub, lb
1 1
1 1
0 epi
Flaherty, p.
Suthoff. p....
Totals ..
I 11 14 1 t
Heydon, s.
Totala ... II 17 14 I
Batted for Matthews In ninth.
Indianapolis 01001142 9
Louisville 01240010 0-8
Left on bases: Louisville, 6; Indianapolis,
8. Two-base hits: Gansel, O'Brien, Tanne
h 1 11. Three-base hits: Clymer, Gannon,
Bonner (2). Home run: Hogrlever. Sac
rifice hits: Clymer, Coulter. Stolen bases:
Matthews (2), Kerwln, Klhm, Fox (2).
Struck out: By Kerwln, 1. Hit by pitcher:
Fox. Bases on balls: Off Miller, 2; oft
Kerwln, 8. Wild pitch: Kerwln. Panned
ball: Matthews. Time: 2:06. Umpire:
Toledo Wlaa oa Error.
TOLEDO, July 8. Myers' error In the
tenth Inning gave Toledo the winning run.
Attendance, 1,000. Score:
R.H.O.A.B. I R.H.O.A.B.
Klalnew, tb. I 1 1 1 1 Hart, ef 1 0 0
Maanr, rf.... Ill 0 Warner, aa.. 0 1 6 I 0
Turner, lb... IT 1 Myara, lb.... 0 II 1
Smith, tb.... I I 0
MrFarl's. rf. 1 1 I 1 0
Turner, lb... 11110
Owena, aa.... till
Orafflua. a... 1 1 I I 1
Knoll, If....
Ollka. cf I I 1 0
Vina, lb..
10 10
0 8 10
Coagiirall, If 0 0 I 0 0
McNeal, p... 0 0 0 1 1
Ualley, p.... 1 t I 0
Totala ... 4 11 M II 4 Totala ... I 1111 11 1
One out when winning run scored.
Toledo 102000000 1-4
Columbus 000100200 0-2
Two-base hits: Klelnow, Turner of To
ledo, Gilks, Fox, Knoll, Turner of Colum
bus. Stolen bases: McFarlan, Vlox. Double
Play: Smith to Turner. Struck out: By
Bailey, 2; by McNeal, 4. Panned balls: Fox,
2. Bases on balls: Off Bailey. 3. Hit with
ball: Bailey, 2. Time: 1:60. Umpire: Tln
dall. St. Pool aa Eaay Winner.
ST. PAUL, July 8. Newlln pounded In
two runs for Minneapolis, but In the sixth
he slumped and St. Paul had an easy time
winning. Attendance, 2,101. Score:
R.H.O.A.B. I R.H.O.A It.
Oelar, tb.... 1111 Grant, ib.... 4 2
Dll lard. If... 181 ,Phyla, lb.... 1 1 1
Shannon, ef.. 1110
Rally, lb.... 1 tit t 0
Lumley, rf... 1 1 0
Huailna, lb. 0 0 1 I 0
Lally, It
wiimot, rt.,
t 1
Vt'erdan, lb.. 0 0 I I 1
Lynch, cf.... 8 110
Curlcy, aa... 0 0 1 8 1
riarca, a 1 4 1 1
Lynch, aa.... 1 4 1 1
Byere, e 0 I I 1 0
Newlln, p... t I 8 4 0
Cogan, p. 1 1 1 4 (
Totala ... t 17 11 l Totala ... 8 1 14 11
St. Paul 00000330 -6
Minneapolis 01000100 02
Sacrifice hit: Phylex Stolen bases:
Kelly, Phyle, Byers. Double play: Cogan
to Kelly. First base on balls: Off Cogan,
4: Off Newlln. 2. Struck out: Rv ('nun.
8. Hit by Cogan: Lally. Left on Bases:
et. raui, v; Minneapolis, Time: l:tM.
Umpire: Haskell.
Standing of tke' Teams.
Won. Lost PC.
44 20 .67
29 24 .619
28 26 .m
84 31 .623
81 84 .477
27 87 .422
23 41 .859
22 44 .833
Louisville 64
Indianapolis 63
Rt. Paul tu
Columbus 66
Kansas city 66
Milwaukee 64
Minneapolis 64
Toledo 66
Games today: St. Paul at Minneapolis,
Louisville at Indianapolis, Toledo at Co
lumbus, Kansas City at Milwaukee.
ao of tko Teams Defeat Vaioa
Paelflcs, tko Otber Loses ta
Coal Men. .
The Field club split even In two games
Saturday, the second team winning, and
the first team losing. In the first game the
Union Pact do were defeated because they
were unable to do anything of any conse
quence with Greenleaf's slow ones and
swift snoots when hits meant runs. They
had him In the hole In the fifth with the
bases full and no outs, but he pulled out
with a double play. Score:
R.H.O.A. B.I R.H.O.A. K.
Clarke, ss.... 1 11 0 L. Platner, If 0 0 1 0 1
Dudbm, U... 1 s I 0 Lafferty, Ib-p 1 12 18
Mrghane, lb . I 1 11 Faxan. aa ... 0 tilt
Reed, a 0 t 1 t B. Plainer, rf 1 8 1 3
Neville. Ib... 0 1 0 0 0 lfataon. a.... t a t 1 1
Lund, ef. 8 111 Mlleet'ne, p-l 0 t 1 I
nprarua, id.. 1 1 1 Hamilton, Ib. 0 0 1
Oreenlaaf. B.. 114 0 Trranr. lb.-.O a T 0 a
Whitney, rf.. 4 I 1 1 0 Malcolm, cf.. 1 1
Totala II 1 14 14 II Totala 8 8 14 8 8
Omaha Field club.... 1 0 3 6 0 X J 013
Union Paclrto S 0 0 0 1 0 0 03
Stolen bases: O. V C... 11; TTnlnn tlfl.
1. Struck out: By Greenleaf, 4; by Mile
stone. 4. Bases on balln: Off Graanlanf
3; off Milestone, 6. Wild pitch: Greenleaf.
ine nrsi team was in a fair way to win
from the C. B. Havens team In the second
game, when Clarke had to leave the game
to catch a train. Only two hits had been
made off him up to the seventh, when Dur
kee went In to pitch. "Old Dick" did not
have such good luck In his efforts and the
coal men pasted him for five runs In that
Inning. Score:
a r. 0. 18T team. c a havens coal co.
P ties 0 Whitney, e
ru, a., wiaa
I Taunt.
Cralah, of....
llDrleroll, lb.,
Raad, If
Abbott, lb....
VanOamp, rf,
Naah, cf 1
Chaae. n
1 1
0 0
1 1
Clarke, lb..
0 t
1 0
maiona, aa.... 1
Neville, Ib... t
Bpraaua. tb..
Chambera, rf. 0 8
Htdlnger, If., 0 0 1
uatrd, lb...
0 0 1
Dunkoa. B ...
McShans, If.. 8
17 It 1
Totala 1 la 14 11 a
Omaha Field club.. 11000000 0-3
C. B. Havens 01000006 0
Stolen bases: O. F. C, 7; C. B. Havens.
4. Struck out: By Clarke, 3: by Chase, 7.
Bases on bails: Off Clarke, 2; off Durkee,
A:Kff..Ch"e' H,t by bH: Crawford.
iww-uo hub: via rue, uriscoll.
Three-base hits: Chase, Reed, Neville.
Flftk tor Yards Joalors.
The Union 8tock Tarda In
fifth victory for this week yesterday after
noon by defeating the Kovonta in
citing game, 8 to 7. Adams who has been
away for the last three weeks, pitched for
anruB Dvya. laiooil wild throw in
the seventh let In three rum. Caughey's
batting won the game for the Yards boys
In the last Inning. The teams will meet
again In the near future. Score:
Stock Yards Juniors ... o o J 1 fl a i
Regents 1 0 2 0 0 0 4 7 7 3
Batteries: Yards. Adams and Miller; Re.
gents, Kennedy and Tnompson. Two-base
hits: MUkr i) Gray. Home run: Mc
Mahnn. Passed balls: Thompson, 2; Miller,
2. Wild pitches: Adams, 3; Kennedy, 1.
First base on balls: Oft Adams, 4; oft Ken-
nruy, a. 1111 Dy pucned ball: By Ken
nedy, 2; by Adams, 1. Struck out: By
Adams. 8; by Kennedy. 8. Left on bases:
Yards, 6; Regents, 4. Time: 1:50. Umpire;
Falrbary Draba Llaeolaltea.
FAIRBURY. Neb.. July 6.-(Bpeclal.)-The
Falrbury club played two games yesterday
with ths Fltsgeralds of Lincoln, each game
resulting In a victory for the locals. Score,
morning game:
Falrbury 1 1310800 11 ' 10 2
Fltsgeralds ...OOOOlttOOO 1 68
Batteries: Falrbury. Bean and LaFrance:
Fltsgeralds, Elliott and Hambel.
Score, afternoon game:
Falrbury ......7 1 0 8 2 1 1 0 16 18 2
Fliiieralds ...0 0000000 1 1 6 7
Batteries', Fslrbury, Redmond and Iji
France; Fltsgeralds, Fox, Llllott and Ham
bel. Beenaer Takes Parse from Bancroft.
BANCROFT. Neb., July 6 (Special.) An
interesting game of base ball waa Played
at the Hanrrnft celebration yesterday be
tween Beemer snd Bancroft for a purse.
The score waa 4 to 8 In favor of Beemer.
Batterlea: Bancroft Farley and Tarrant;
Beemer, Sullivan and Fehllman. Base hits:
Off Farley, 4; off Sullivan, 3.
At little Rock Little Rock, 4; Sh -eve-port,
At Atlanta Atlanta. 4; Birmingham. 0.
At New Orleans New Orleana. 3; Mem
phis. 8
At Nsshvllie Naahvllls, 3; Chattanooga,
Completion of Eightwn-Holo Count to Bt
Colebratoi Today.
eml-Flaals aad Finale la Foartk of
Jaly Toaraameat Played OB,
wltk Johattarphy Win
ner of Cap.
After just year of anticipation the
Omaha Field club now hat Its full
elghteen-hola golf course, covering nearly
100 acres of land and being of standard
length. The complete course will be
opened today, and elation over tbla fact
overshadows all other- Interests at the
club Just now. ,
Last year the club played on the nine
holes adjoining the base ball grounds and
clubhouse. This season, so far, the new
portion of the course, across the railroad
track to the .west, hat been used. Nine
holes were put in there, while the old
course was seeded down. Now the two
re Joined in one big elghteen-hole course.
The completion of these links will be
given a marked sendoff by the occurrence
on tbem of a battle royal In golf today.
W. C. Sherwood and Fred Bartsch, the
professionals at the Field and Country
clubs respectively, will play match over
the course, match play. They will start
between 2 and 8 ' o'clock .this afternoon.
Great Interest attaches to the contest, as
these royals have met several times with
varying fortunes. '
Mnrphy Wine tko Cap.
Saturday finals and semltfinals In the
golf tournament begun en tme Fourth of
July were played off. In the first flight
Sumney beat Robb two up and Johnnie
Murphy best Morrill 'one up. Murphy then
beat Sumney one up, winning the cup. In
this last match Murphy broke the course
record, making the nine holes In forty
seven strokes.
In the second flight Spencer beat Palma
tler two up and Reynolds beat Talmage
one up. Reynolds and Spencer will play
off the finals in this for the brassle next
week. In the third flight Blanchard beat
Prince one up, thus winning the tnashle.
establishes" new record
Gold Heels Takea Brlgktoa Boaeb
Handicap wltk Eaao, Maklagt'
Fast Time.
NEW YORK. July 6.-On a track that
was lightning fast, and before & crowd of
25,000 persons, F. C. McLewee A Co.'s Gold
Heels, favorite In the betting at 18 to 10,
galloped home an easy winner In the
Brighton beach race track today. He not
only lowered Jack Point's record of 2:04 2-5
made In 1900, but established a new world's
record for a circular track. The time for
the mile and a quarter was 2:03 4-6, within
two-fifths of a second of the world's rec
ord (2:03 2-8). made by Banquet In 1890. with
108 pounds up, on the straight course at
the Monmouth park track. The perform
ance of Gold Heels waa really wonderful
considering that he was carrying 12 pounds.
There is no telling how fast the great
horse could have run if Odom had ridden
him out. The big crowd that made the trip
to Brighton today waa much surprised by
the appearance of the new Brighton race
track. The new clubhouse erected last
winter at a cost of 360,000, compares favor
ably with any In the country.
The field that made up the handicap
was small and select. Gold Heels waa
alwaya a consistent favorite for the race
at 13 to 10, with Morningslde second choice
at 4 to 1 and the Keene entry, Port Royal,
next In demand at to 1. The start was
prompt and good. Blues was first to show,
with Gold Heels second. Northern Star
third and Herbert fourth. As they came
gast the stand the first time Northern
tar waa leading by two lengths. Blues
second. Port Royal third. Turning Into
the back stretch Northern Star still had
daylight between him and hla field, with
Blues still In second position. Herbert
raced up to third place. This order was
maintained down the back stretch. At
the three-quarter pole Herbert had hla
nose In front, with the favorite following
and Ten Candles, who was slow to begin,
in third place. Turning Into the stretch
Odom got the favorite In the lead and
from there to the wire he was never in
trouble winning easily by half a length
from Blues, who waa a head In front of
Argregor, who closed very gamely under
a terrific drive. Immediately after the
finish of the fifth race a heavy rainstorm
la tko Second Coaatry Clab Golfer to
Get Hold of Cadahr
For a tecond time the Cudahy cup waa
the trophy up for competition at the Coun
try club Saturday afternoon, and this time
R. R. Kimball won the tournament with a
net score of 77 and a handicap of three
strokes. W. J. Foye, who won the first
Cudahy cup tournament a month ago, made
a net score of 84 snd no handicap. The
names of the victors are engraved on the
cup as they win.
The Cudahy cup Is a summer's trophy, to
be the property of the player winning It
the most times out of Ave tournaments,
one a month. It Is for handicap medal
play, and was offered for the first time a
month since. The participation of a score
of players In the tournament . Saturday
made It one of keen Interest, and the links
were dotted with watchers. The scores
made were:
Gross. Handicap. Net.
A. L. Reed 99 11 f8
J R. Lemlnt 95 7 81
Fred Hamilton 1"3 12 20
W. D. Bancker 91 7 84
R. R. Kimball 80 8 77
Stockton Heth 98 12 86
W. J. Foye 84 0 84
E. M. Morsman 98 12 84
J. R. Rahm 8 81
W. A. Redlck 101 14 $7
W. E. Martin 101 11 9
Harry Lawrle 93 8 85
E. M. Fairfield t. 94 12 H
A. V. Klnsler 89 7 82
K. M. Vlnsonhaler 99 . 17 f2
F. Burkley 112 15 97
F. O. Strickland 95 8 87
H. B. Lemlst 112 14 98
Soldiers Test Speed of Le aad Also
Speed of Corkscrew
Fort Crook had a rousing Fourth of Ju'y
field day. There were seven race events,
and then came a base ball game In which
the team representing the Third battalion
of the Twenty-second infantry defeated the
Regents, 10 to 1. The feature of ths day
waa the relay race of one mile, which
was run by teams of four men each, thus
giving each runner a quarter of a mile
stunt. The team from Company I won,
Its personnel being Corporals Flnley and
Burman and Privates Campbell and Taylor.
This race was run In the face of a heavy
wind. On the first relay. Company I man
gained a good lead, and the following
three Increased It a llttl? In turn. Camp
bell did 200 yards In record time, but had
pushed himself too herd, and fell back a
little on the remaining portion of his Jour,
ney. lie shows great promise ss a 22)
yard man. Taylor ran the last relay, and
made a brilliant finish.
The old soldiers' race offered a novel
competition. Each competitor was to run
fifty yards, open a pint bottle of ber,
drink the contents snd return to starting
place. Corporal Burke of Company I won.
Fraser of the hospital corps won the
mils bicycle race. Lieutenant Hltt tok
the flfty-yard dash for officers. Captain
Assell being a clofS second, while the
chaplain was last In. Corporal Smith and
Private Rickey of Company K tied their
legs together and won the three-legged
sprint. Sulllvsn of Company K won ths
sack race wltn p'lnley of Company I sec
ond. Corporsl Smith of Company K won
the 100-yard dash, with Taylor of Company
I a rlcse second. There were cash prises
In all events.
Mlssonrl Pacifies Too Slow.
South Omaha Young Men's Chrlstlsn as
sociation and Missouri Pacific ball teams
played Saturday afternoon on the grounds
of the former, who won, 22 to 7. The
Missouri Pacifies played well, but were not
quite fast enough for the association boya.
The features of (he game wsro the batter
Ik"! HI
h i 11 b n d it 1
From July 1 until October 28, with every fifty Diamond "C" soap wrappers presented
at our premium store, 304 South 16th 6treet, we w(ill give one share of Omaha Auditorium
Stock, full paid and non-assessahje '
Stock certificate, in addition to making you a stockholder in the Omaha Auditorium,
entitles you to one guess in the Auditorium Voting Contest, capital prize in which is 5,000
in gold.
This offer is in ADDITION TO TIIE REGULAR PRFaMIUMS which are given with
Diamond "C" soap and to which you will be entitled t"he same as heretofore.
Wrappers from out-of-town people will be accepted and certificates issued therefor, if
this ad is enclosed with the wrappers.
Sample certificate will be mailed to any address on request or can be obtained at t"he
premium store.
Boiled down, the proposition is this: You help build the Auditorium and you have a
chance to win f 5,000 in cash. Then again you patronize home industry when you buy.
Longest established, most successful
and reliable Specialists In Diseases or
Men, as medlcsl diplomas, licenses and
newspaper recoraa nr.
Wo do not treat all diseases, bnt vre core all vee lreat we treat men only and core them to stay eared.
We care to etay enred Varicocele. Stricture, Lost Manhood, Atnjphjed or Shrunken Organs, Syphilitic
Blood Poison, Nervo-Sexnal Debility, Rnptnrr, Kidney. I'rlnnry Diseases, and all associate diseases and
weaknesses of men. We charge nothing for private counsel and give to each patient a LEGAL, CONTRACT to hold
for our promises. Is it not worth your while to Investigate a cure that has made life anew to multitudes of men. ..nd
to which countless tongues gladly testify? YOING, MIDDLE-AGED AMD OLD MEX-call at onr office today,
r write for oar book, FREE, which will explain the diseases we cure, and how we cure them to stay cured when
Others fall.
1308 Farnam
References Best banks and
leading business men of the city.
work of Johnson and Flnley and the field
ing of Scanlan, Orchard and 8chmltt. Baee
hits: Young Men's Christian association,
10; Missouri Pacific, 3. Struck put: Young
Men's Christian association, 12; Missouri
Pacific, 3.
American Oarsman Pleased with His
Treatmeut by the
(Copyright, 1902. by Press Publishing Co.)
July 8, (New York World Cablegram
Special Telegram.) C. 13. Titus, the Ameri
can oarsman who Is here to compete for
the diamond sculls, said today to the
Vorld correspondent, who saw him at his
training quarters: "I am still confident of
winning the diamond nculls, although for
the first few days at Henley I was a sick
man. The changeable English climate
knocked me clean out, but 1 am quite well
again and growing stronger every day. I
am sorry I did not come to Henley a week
sooner Instead of staying at Putney, as
the water here Is very heavy and the
course Is equivalent to an American mile
and half straightaway. For the last
three days a heavy breeze has been blow
ing right down the course, and In addi
tion 1 have to row against a slight tide.
"Among all the comnetltora for the dia
monds I think Louis Scholen, a Canadian,
Is the man I will have to beat, although
Etherlngton Smith and Kelley are both
very fast and UlackntafTe is a strong man.
Ths list of competitors in this race In the
largest on record, numbering eleven. There
fore, there will be more heats than usual.
"Both Mrs. THus and myself are very
comfortable at the Five Horseshoes hotel,
on top of the hill about a mile and a half
from Henley. We have lots to eat and
plenty of good fresh sir.
"The EnglUh boys have treated me fine.
Their dealings have been square in every
respect. The country all around Henley
la the prettiest I ever saw. Altogether I
am having a bully time.
"Lord Chief Justice O'Brien of Ireland Is
staying here. He wants Brholes an me to
go over there after the regatta and race
at Klllarney, but we have not decided
The opinion among rowing experts at
Henley la that Titus Is hardly fast enough
to win the diamond sculls, and that the
final will rest between Etherington Smi'h
of Cambridge unlvrrnlty and ItlarkstafTe.
It Is thought that Kelley of Oxf t,I prob
ably wtiuld win out but for the fact that
he is also to stroke the college c r?w.
Great Contest Over Derby Route Is
Over and Favorite Falls
oa gtretrh.
CHICAGO, July 8 The Great Western
hsndlcsp over the Wsshlngion park cierhy
route for ths sesson of laui. In now a mat
ter of record, with Six Shooter's name
tabbed smong the winners of the event.
Backed from I to 8 to a ahade better than
even, 6lx Shooter took command about a
sixteenth from home and won by two and ft
1 I t t 1 i i l l 11 1 i( h ' 1 n
Is This the Way You Feel?
I 8- 8- a... kanV snfl
A. IirrJ l tlBUU 88 aa,x.a, --
eyes, vpocu uciuio wui ow, "b
I a. aa auaa sslawrl
I in mouth, no appetlU, can't
I leep and urine, prematureneea, lacK
. OUB l&ilU VI C2I VI J , UUVJI glldlliss J , iiv
. ... a . . a
hava rt1V at ria 1 1 at sar f mM. DUnnil
-i . .1h fetiio -
aLIUIlQ, BUIIJC L11JI7I BCIa.CU sswuBaa vat '
BUirerinK IB cuuaicu um; -
... .. ... M
wnicn generally laaes mo torm
penamg aisasier.
Our Electro-Medical Treatment
will correct all these wrongs, tone
atrmcrthen and lnvlaorate your
ural ln. nd reatore vou to
will cause you to feel like a new
thing to live for, and the whole
St., bet. 13th and 14th Sis.,
Consultation Free and Confidential
half lengths, with Flying Torpedo and
Nitrate behind him. The race was truly
run. the only Interference, which did not
change the renult, being Flying Torpedo's
bumping Into Six fc'hooter at the head of the
stretch and his cutting across Nltrnte
near the lnfl'ld gate. Dwyer sent a field
of seven away to a splendid start. Hunter
Ralne showed first, but Little Scout, with
Helgerson tip, moved In front Immediately,
but his lead was short-lived, ss Matthews
set thi pace with Flying Torpedo. Nitrate
and Hermencia were battling for supre
macy, Six Shooter was content to lit in
front of Vlncitor who, early In the race,
was beaten off. At the head of the stretch
Knight made his move and at the point
the race was on In earnest, and at the in
field rate it was all over but the shout
ing. Mead lodged a complaint of foul with
the judges, which was not allowed.
Friends Sit on Mourners' Bench.
EXETER, Neb.. July 8. (Special.) Exeter
won a ball game and Incidentally a Jl'Xl
purse from Friend on the local grounds
by a score of 6 to 8. Attendance, 800. Score:
Exeter 0 000000088 78
Friend 0 210010-8 01
Batteries: Exeter. Ahlln snd Doane;
Friend, Townsend, Rumff and Whltcomb.
Two-base hits: Prince, Moore, Ahlln.
Three-base hit: Beardsley. Home run:
Allied Trades Victorious.
A team of the Allied Printing trades de.
feated the Carpenter Paper company's
champions, 14 to 13, Saturday afternoon at
Twenty-seventh and Grant streets. Yel
len of the printers made errors so nu
merous as to be largely responsible for
the large score, but he redeemed himself
by batting his team to victory in the tenth
Inning. Any team wishing ftgame with the
Allied Trades should address Will Cole,
care of the Burkley Printing company.
KlrkcnIalls Are Eair Marks.
SPRINGFIELD, Neb., July 6 (Special
Telegram.) The easiest outfit that ever
visited Springfield as a ball club played
here today as the Klrkendalls of Omaha.
At the end of the seventh inning the game
was called with the score standtna: Spring
field. 23: Klrkendalls 8. Hits: Springfield,
20; Klrkendalls. 4. Errors: Springfield. ;
Klrkendalls, 15. Batterl's: Springfield,
I'fiug and Bates; Klrkendalls, Koffman and
Three-1 Lcagoe.
At Pavenport Davenport. 4; P.Tkford. 3.
At Evanavllle Evansvllle, 3; Blooming
ton, !.
At Cedar Raplda Cedar Rapids, 8; Rock
Island, 1.
At LVcatur Decatur, 19; Terre Haute, E.
Cambridge Wins Match.
LONDON', July 8. The Oxford plavers In
the annual cricket match with Cambridge,
which bea-an Thursday, were all out today
for 2il runa In the aecond Innlnga. Cam
bridge won the match by Ave wickets.
Draw for Preliminary Heats.
HENLEY, England, July 8In the draw
for the preliminary heats thin afternoon
the Argonauts wers pitted against Uni
versity volUge, Oxford.
m rti ii. i,r I - mm. ,iji
VMrlAVI. hi 11 A TirisTH Under YOUT
111 ( naiflgrnag naafl IIIID
" nigni, oaa ,armi,
or aemre, xeariui. ureu,
winu.wv..! " '
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11T laVUlfW 8sUUlC ITi 1HC1CI a
Hr ,4 i1rIrta Th nh Vnicft.1
a--wa.. ay "
-at 1 A TV-
l t, iwm vi ouuuhup .aaa-
up your nervous system.
sexual system. cnecK ail unnat
the vlajor of perfect manhood. It
man, with new nopes, some
woria will seem airtereni u you.
Omaha, Neb.
Office Hours 8 a. m. to I p. ra.
Sundays 10 a. m. to 1 p. m.
Don't go it blind In selecting
bottled beer for home consump
tion; bs sure of flavor, quality,
purity and fairnesa of price be
fore ordering in a nutshell, bo
sure of the reliability of the
brewer who supplies you. We
challenge comparison as to the
excellence of our fine bottled
beer, "Gold Top."
Jetter Brewing Co.
. So. Omaha, Neb. 'Phone 8.
Omaha Ofllce, 'Phone 1542.
Wholesale Dealer.
1013 Main, Co. Bluffs. 'Phone 80.
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Pnwu (W.wai PalaUaa. and not aairaan
t rut tiu (WsTu, Oa. "'' poUoaeos.
koiaC MSlTt.g.lrH 9mt Drwggts
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