THE OMAHA DAILY J1EE: SUNDAY, JULY 0, 1902. Mid-Summer Sale of Stationery - n tt rt w Characteristic Mid-Summer Specials Drug Drparitntnt Flv paper fWgerfs volonous, 4 sheets for Bo. Tanglefoot A prying need i double sheets for Kc. Ir boK vt 2 double ehertK, 4c. Hire Hot Ueer Eitrsct the only gemitn per bottle l.V. F.arh bottle will make I gallons of aupeit) Root lrr. Bath Ppongcs.Bath llrushrs Kndless varieties Irammw lisrgaln. Ring up 137 Thirty 'Phones extra heavy white ov envelopes, lo nv"Pe " In cream and I6U & HARNEY STS. EAT MIHUMER CLEARING SAL ENS TOMORROW ... mm . !i tITi ft t ff m m m. -m my m . tflV1 fA1T Ft It is a merchandising event that demands your closest interest and keenest attention. It involves your comfort and weiiarc, ior us uc-ai, ana cimd-all is me hiamwu i udk MONEY RUN ON THE DOUBLE TRACK. This pace advertisement is an index-and a feeble one at that-to the WHOLESALE PRICE CUTTING that will go INTO PRACTICAL EFFECT tomorrow, 8 a. m. ASTOUNDING BARGAINS WILL CONTROL EVERY ITEM IN OUR IMMENSE ESTABLISHMENT EVERYTHING NEW, CLEAN AND GOOD. COME AND J mtin nrii UUI A. rULL KUUPID UULLAK'S W UK ill. I TT 71 TT TTN. rN T7 I If V IT V7A J773ki77 CO. 11 I 1 I f 14 A 11)1 I mm mw BEHHETT'S OP GR Mid-Summer Price Cutting in the Dry Goods Section We are determined to make short work of cutting down our immense stocks of dry goods and the cutting will be done from the start. Monday morning wc will put on sale the first batch of surprise bargains. Come and inspect thenu Your 50c will buy a dollar's worth dur ing this phenomenal mid-summer clearing sale.. ' ' 5c 5c 10c WHITE DRESS GOODS REMNANTS, including India linon, dimity, plain lawn and white fancies, 32 to 40 inches tA A t Trv V frrrr. 1 K Afrit! A a V . . Va Vs r iul vi 11 iu iiwiu j-uv lvj mj- j MERCERIZED CAMBRIC for women's and children's V C dresses, mostly medium dark colors, regular 20c goods . 2V-' ArRON CIIECK GINGHAMS remnants 5 to 15 yards, 7c goods Monday...., Punjab Percales, 36 inches the finest quality made sold by all dealers r ,at 15o ' Monday , i IMPORTED HAND EMBROIMRED SWISS DRESS GOODS dots, stripes and scrolls, particularly good for evening costumes. All our stock at from 75o to 1.60 Monday at IMPORTED SILK GINGHAMS fancy stripes, solid and lace patterns, fine self dots, scrolls and plain colors. Our 60c to 90o qualities at IRISH DIMITIES The genuine Krocklla make. -J all new patterns, worth up to 35c, I J C. Kiondu? . LAWNS AND DIMITIES A nixed lot worth up to 25c, Monday , IMPORTED FRENCH CHALXJS- all kinds the 65c qualities Monday SILK PRICES CUT IN TWO A lot of extra line Ki Kla Cords made to sell at 66c, Monday BLACK INDIA wear guaranteed. 27-in., worth 90c, Monday 59c 27-in., worth ?1.00, Monday 69c 36-in., worth ?1.50, Monday 98c BLACK GUARANTEED TAl-TETA SILKS 21-in. pure silk, worth . 75c, Monday 42c 27-in. pure silk, worth $1.25, Monday 79c 8c DS dots, 63c 39c 9c "29c 29c SILKS Perspiration proof -Handsome designs ALL OVER TUCKING3, wide and tucks, fine awlss snd nainsook worth from 60c to 75c- Monday ALL OVER TCCKINGS AND EMBROIDER IES plain and lace atrlpes, values 75o to $1.25 Monday ALL OVER EMBROIDERIES, Swiss and nainsook beautiful designs values to $1.60 Monday EMBROIDERY EDGING a thundering bargain, 1H to 8 Inches any piece on the table at TORCHON LACE edging and Insertion, 1V to 6 Inches Monday , WOMEN'S GLOVES plain and lace lisle prices 25o to 86c Monday , ANOTHER Lot worth 60c to 76e Monday 2c id narrow - k29c tfBROIDER- 69c 95c 10c 2. 5c 23c 45c DRESS GINGHAMS, plaids, checks and stripes. Nearly 2,000 yards, such as you pay 10c for Monday FANCY COLORED LAWNS remnants from 5 to 20 yards, worth from 10c to 20c Monday FINE SCOTCn GINGHAMS, elegant patterns, plain and fancy, ISii values Monday WOMEN'S FANCY HOSE plain and. lace striped lisle values , from 60o to 75c Monday CHILDREN'S TAN HOSE sties 6 4o SH, full fashioned price 15c Monday 45c 9c UMBRELLAS, rain or sun, solid col ors, fancy borders, worth $2.00 Monday , 1.29 Linens Cream German Table Damaek, good width, 36o quality Monday Table Damask, cream or bleach, ed, extra heavy, 60-inch, 60c quality Monday Silver Bleached Table Damask, 70 Inches worth 65c Monday 19c 39c 48c TABLE CLOTHS warehouse samples, lengths 2, 24 and S yards, Q regular $1.00 quality muuuuj, yvr aiu . Restaurant Napkins, hemmed, all pure linen, $1.25 quality Monday NAPKINS bleached damaak, full 23 Inches, beautiful designs will cost $1.50 in most stores Monday, floten HUCK TOWELS. 15x2S Inches, fringed Monday, doten A MAMMOTH HUCK TOWEL, 23x40 Inches, hemmed worth 18c Monday SATIN DAMASK TOWEL, knotted fringe, colored borders, 16x36 Inchea Monday BUREAU SCARFS. 22x54. In., hemstitched and drawn ends, worm ouc monaay ROLLER TOWELING, all linen, 18 Inches, regular 12Vic Monday 89c ull 23 Inches, 89c "45c 11c 11c 5c 8c Mid-Summer Bargains in tbe Cloak and Suit Dept making te In this department we are going to bunch lots of Waists. Skirts, Suite. Wrappers and Children'a Dresses, tc. prices so low that the goods must disappear. Some of our Monday attractions will bo: 19C Women's China silk wash waists, 2.75 Women's two-piece fine lawn 1.6Q dresBes, worth $2.60, Monday bunched Qgg 35c Women's waists, bunched at $1.48, $1.19. 8c, 89c, 48c and Women's wash skirts, bunched at Ttii- $2.85, $2.46, $1.90. $1.38, 98c and Women's wool skirts, walking and A dress styles, bunched at Women's wash suits, bunched 1 4S at $4.95 and 0,U Women's wool suits, 41 OO 1UI7U 2.69 bunched at Women's house wrappers, at $1.19 and Olrla' dresses, bunched at Misses' f.nd girls' dresses, hunched at Come and look these bunches over. All of them contain goods worth double the prices. Rubber Hair Curlers something new. The demonstrator will show you all about them dont mles them! MILLINERY Second Floor- A general clearing Bale of all summer millinery to make room for new Felt Goods. Great Mid-Summer Clearing Sale on Third Floor These are thundering bargains. these prices. Come and inspect them. They will not be offered again at HANDSOME AND RICH BED ROOM SUITE, golden oak finish, dresser has a beveled plate mirror and bed nicely carved i Q O exceptional bargain, at i.mmf9z (D HANDSOME JARDINIER STAND, exactly like cut, made of golden oak, highly finished a rich and neat design sold regular fr at $1.00 on sale Monday at Vl-aWL Great Clearing Sale of Japanese Mattings The coolest floor covering for hot weather. Extra quality linen warp matting, all colors, 40c quality-yard Tha "COMFORT" RECLINING BWINO CHAIR No hooks, no ropes, perfectly taut and thor oughly balanced. Light material ' and firmly braced, adjustable foot rest, folds compactly like a camp stool. Regularly sold by ua at $4.25. This Here is a wonder. You must see the rocker to know how handsome, strong and comfortable It Is. Large seat with leather center or saddle wood. Made In solid oak or mahogany finish. For the price it is s world-beater. Monday and Tulr 2-13 CENTER STAND Exactly like cut, . handsome golden oak finish, stxe of top, 16 Inches square, strong and durable, well worth $1.00. Positively only one to a pur chaser. Sal price, only 39c 40-yard roll $9.60 $5o quality, yard 23o 40-yard roll $8.00 Bamboo porch shades, 4xS feet with strings and pulleys for raising complete, each Bamboo and bead curtains for single doors, cool and effective, at $139 and 26c n 69c ( I 1.19 Mi sale 3.65 .VVllV J"i v. i -i ' V . .. .mm Mid-Summer Clearing Sale of Trunks and Traveling Bags Oladston. traveling QQ Bag Large sis, canvaa covered trunk, with covered tray and hat box A 4Q very strong Steamer trunk 3.98 Trunk Strap 45C Full leather dress suit cases- 4.48 only Canvas telescopes 18C from , MA IS FLOOR. Mid-Summer Crockery Bargains I A 4 Extra fine collection clearance sala of brilliant crystal ware, fruit bowls. celery vases, sugar bowls, creamers, cake stands, comparts, rose bowls, pitcher., etc Iflr chlc. for 1Ut" Thin engraved blown Kc tumoi.ra, wua ........ . w Vim Teas English semi- yf C-. porcelain Mt of six Jt 55c 95c Peeonted shad, and glob. lamp No. i Venetian Water Sets complete with tray ... Mid-Summer Jewelry Bargains Special preparation for this sale ia evidenced at a glance. The depart ment itself has been enlarged, beau tified and greater facilities for hand ling increasing business are special features. Gent s Silk Fobs, very spry OKr and up-to-date, 60c fobs for .. 1o!07. 40c ftT. . 88c CLOCKS An eight-day Beth Thomas clock, worth $6.00 r stri this sale -O.OU An Ingram. S day clock 4 TBI worth $2.60 for I.Jtl See our pyramid of watches Ingersoll and others oxidised or enamel dials guaranteed to keep good QClc. Urn. up from zfJ Mid-Summer Picture Frame Sale Newest shape, of moulding In beat of gold nnlah, brown, ebony, green, French gray, t and 1-Inch wide, mad. up to fit your picture, com- Ideie, at, per foot. C. Dc, 7o and VW to t inches wide 1 Cr- at ttc, uc. 14o and 25 new patterns In best of gold finish, with gold burnish, suitable for oil paintings and water colors Oft,-. up from JFc, Vxs and "uv Bring your picture. for framing. Work first class prices th. lowest. SECOND FLOOR Mid-Summer Shoe Bargains , Here is the right kind of warm weather foot wear "easy on the pocketbook, easy on the feet" so come to Bennett's shoe department. Men' nice vici kid Goodyear welt oxford, with styl ish toe, worth $3.50 anywhere, our price kJJ Men's velour calf Goodyear welt' oxford ET" fashion tip worth J3.50 our price ,wiOv Men's dongola Romeo, cool and 1 FTf EC easy l JL kJ Men's dongola tip oxfords Men's kangaroo calf oxfords MAIN FLOOR. .1.50 94c In the Clothing Section MAIN FLOOR ' Mr. Chas. I. Vollmer, our clothing and furnishing goods buyer, is still in New York, and the very latest, nobbiest and best' of NEW GOODS are here for this immense Mid summer Sale. We offer unprecedented bargains in summer neckwear every piece in the lot is from one of the best makers in the country NO SECONDS or OLD STOCK ON 1IAND, though the prices naturally make you think so. Lot 1 Shield and four-in-hand aud -11. 1 A 9 sst. - oiner popular lies, r ' Wv? 59c and 75o !ir I values "" " Lot 2 Four in-haud and all the other makes FJ y"V 81.00 to 81.25 : IB It 1 values Lot 3100 dozen shield bows 25c to 35c goods, for. i i 15c BARGAINS IN MID-SUMMER HOSE We bought a makers' entire surplus stock at a TRE MENDOUS PRICE CONCESSION the proof is here! Men's fast brown and black fancy silkolene a speaking bargain per pair 25c Pianos Sold at Bennett's Oh the Easy Payment Plait. Satisfaction guaranteed or your money refunded. STARR, IVERS cv POND, RICHMOND, NEW ENGLAND The Everett Piano The new artistic stand t,rii o! tbe world. iki TTnim JEWETT, SMITH & BARNES, WILLARD, LINDEMAN The Most Wonderful of all Piano Players . The CHASE & BAKER Visit our Music Room and learn the Rreat advantage of the ONE PRICE SYSTEM SHEET MUSIC Everything new, popular, classic. Shirmer & Wood libraries at Bennett's. Some Mid-Summer Hardware Bargains SCREEN DOORS all sizes all grades YOURS AT HALF PRICE Wire Cloth Strong, durable, right special cut price, per square foot Mrs. Potts Sad Irons What you willingly pay 84: for special price . Razor Straps 25c values for lie 74c 14c 48c values for 32c Razors, up A Re from ,.OW Lap Dusters, up Ol from , -W'- Q Lawn Mowers, O 04. Fly Nets, up fAr up from.... -W-t from V-J-tV. The next thirty days we give an extra 10 per cent off on all our Steel Ranges. Just received a large shipment of pocket kniveti O a two-blade knife up from J'w BASEMENT BECO VD FLOOR.