Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 06, 1902, PART I, Page 6, Image 6
THE OMATTA DAILY HEE: SUNDAY, JTXT 6. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. gr-TT-i -rr - -?r 11 1 , , r m rrxirrr m ttj?i?; ts&zs ss?ixj& ssicive repcbucass room Miton tr,Tiv. tv dr'Jgs ' l''tfl ee.ia 'erpe-'a snd r;r L-fTr, n rt' e('.i;. 2S Jjroway. Iff f wkt. t.rm' jtat Berk V-J S.'.r.f Wnre tur . nf y'M. C J6 A-ier.4f sY Co , fcroavjoer. 7e vrr, a rfV Ir f Mrf tc eseattt Var.,;,. 2, N'-K-HUc, ir' rV- .jrt w aD'urr. ea-erey S7 J ,4f r-i r.t W'r-eavler Tb f,;W )'(rrf, wti h n 'Jr. aVirf repaire wi.l r fr.4 M'rflay AfrMrf at ' MXl k'if. pay rriT idWry we'er bMls r''' end ee va I pr r.t Werer ftriparr '.1?.' aypec; U'ltttty evenlr.g or.'. I ''..'0k . V. M',ti'tn "s,k Oil a prfr. y-r-Wr for f"ifjfi .f bJf -ry frerr.e at J. Kiztn eve!, U) ct ft eV For rr.'. fiv-frm ., "r wetev h; fcvhen. gvyj jt a Vtjl m'r.te. Cell ' K. r" tne'ie. orB-., f M'h yUmt r'. 7.e l-yeer-oid evn of f'.hr I5rerjr.e-rman evf V aal ir.g isro ever,' aifferad th trr."trt f an arm veaier-Say tl'rtsrn by falllr.g from a 't o tilth - a rvie. f. hav'.es Whr, r.'f4 "s rreeel last n an Ir.f vrmoa In i .m'U hrr-' a cvurt by Ma wife, r.ar4 U'Ut wl'h iMfs-nr ct M tit br . Ttjt rain prMM'.twi fra Txylr Iitt i;tr4l fr'n trS,f k'.m h nrjari lt P r't HawKfr. ik. TK W)ar.jr haa kn fr1 pln Ma'r to r'p'rt at t. ktrn'iry M rn'rt.i,u at o'l'k Tb fcvya 'arn4 r.;M at tha urmorf. t.i.t-rjk f-"fn fit Park avno, who araa avriy lr,Iiir4 Krllay by tha jpioawn f a 'an of r ''"l''lr, waa a'lil Ia a rr.'t nlai -'nllilon laat nlrt't an! ta ai'nli tiyaUtana ' unaoa " 4'rrnlr wTt.r ra wul ajrvtva tr avot. Tr.a tranavrlit of tha arMn' In ta farno'ia,li, ault of J me i l-iy aalf,t Jurr.rt V M'lfna. jraMnt of tii f'ftlar.) Ool4 cotnpaAy, t-)r.a; prpar1 for fha a no J ) tha ajrm ;yrt, waa ayrr.(ii'l yarlay. It maka fla vol im 'it ty(wrtitn mattara ar.J romprlaa la all l.lto ' K4 g. Umllh, (n of f!. C m)h of Drat avnu, rat'irriKl homa y'atflay aftr trirca yaara' a-rv!'' In "gi. )U r. IltJ In tha Klfih l'rili'l iata Irfantry an4 waa tratifrr1 to tha atrial coria an4 t'ir tha laat two yaara or mora h4 bn iiMprilor of tlia iir,h llnaa. ila krouaht homa wlih him what la aa! t4 b tha laat Amrrl'an fla haiil1 rtown In Cuba. It waa tha ona whlrh flal4 owr tita army p,at at 'iuantar.amo. Uaa any auap ao tta Pu'jk'a aoao. Orayal roofing, A. II. kaad, t41 Broadway. SOCIETY EVENTS OF THE WEEK Dall aaaaj la korlal Wr14 la aa aanaarr, M1m MIIIt of Tnih avanua ntrtaln4 Informally Turaflay vrilri. Mlaa Huillo of Vln atrt nrtalned Informally at rar1a Tua4ay avrnln. Mra. II. W. Iiln1rr and rtauhir Vna hava gun on an aatcnnxt waaicrn trtp. Mra. M A. T'nt and hlMrn hava ona to ('hira(o for a avral warka' vlalt will) ralallvf a. . Mra. K. A. I'lppln isav an Informal lawn rarty at hrr horna on r'lrnt atraat KrHay kflrnoon. ' Mlaa lladollrt harronl a marry party of il''nli:k-ra to Mynaur'a Hirlima Krl'lay afternoon. Mr. and Mra J. R. Nauland entarfalnad 3 numhr of frianda at Iaka Manawa Tj-a-ay avanln. Mra. M. iJO'iualle of Chlao la tha guat f hr daughter, Mra. A. T. iloffmayr of liarrlaon airaat. ' Mr. and Mra. Leater Carr of Upton ara In tha city tha gieata of tha latter a (not her, Mra. N. W. Hlead. Mr. and Mra. K. C. Hheprd hava ra turned to their homa In Kanaaa C'lly after a vlalt with relatlvea here. Mr. and Mra. Vlct.r Jennlnga entertained a number of frtenda at their home tha aft arrioon and availing of tha Kourth. Vr. It. K. lUnadell of Bouth America la In tha I'lty to a(ienl the aumm'r with hla later, Mra. (. I. Koraylh of Klrat avenue. Mra J, It. Heed entertained a n um tier nf friend at a marguerlta lun'haon at her Jjome on Olen avanua yeaterday afternoon. Mlaa Hroit of Tex, who baa been In the el'y tha gurat of Mlaa Madga J lollen kak of Klghih alreet for tha laat aevrral waeka, haa returriad to her home. Mlaa Varna I.alilie of Kourth avenue an tertalntd a few of her Utile playmatea at bar homa Wednesday afternoon in honor til her tenth birthday annlveraary. . Mlaa Pranrea Wright left vaaterday morn ing for (.'hliago, whara aha will laka a perUI mil ran In klu'lngarten work at tha Lnlvarally of t'hli agi during tha aummer, Tha aerond of a aerlea nf danrea to ha ft van by tha mambera of the Couiuil Illuffa fiat club waa held Haturday evening at tha club houaa at Manawa. A good at tendanca waa prevent. Mlaa Van Order of tha High arhool fac ulty left laat evening for Mlnneapolla to attend tha National Kduvallonal aaaocla tlon meeting and will alao vlalt frlenda at L'hWago be for a returning home. Mlaa Carolina Teat Kohrvr entertained a number of girl frlenda at her homa Tuea day afternoon. A gtieaetng game waa a featura of tha afternoon, the prise for whli h was won by Mlaa Iluth llaralow. Mlaa Mary M. Mlllen, a teacher In tha VaahlngUm Avenue building, left yeater- ay for Mlnneapolla, whera aha will at tend tha National Kduratlonal aaaoclatlon meeting and alao make tha laka trip be fore returning home. Mra. II, I. Koraylh and daughter, Ml hloan, ara homa from Franklin, lnd., whera ' they went to a I tend tha wedding of Mrs. Vorayth'a slater, Mlaa Klhel llanadell. avhlch occurred there Wadnaedav evening, tuna I. They were acconiianlel homa by Ira. J'aulliie itMiiailell, who will apantl tha ummer here, Mlaa Marian Crane and Mlaa Fanny Ilavanpolt entertained about fllty of their frlemla K ride y night at tha reeldenca ( the former on I'ark avanua. Tha lawn waa Illuminated with a profualon of J a pa tiaaa lanlerna and darn ing waa enjoyed on a platform built for Ilia orcaalon, Itefraah grianta were aerved from a lent gaily drco lal'd wlih tha national colore, over which Mlaa Oeorgene Ki-bblnglnn prraldrd. liur lug Ilia evening I'rof. r'leeflelil nf Ht. !uU entertained I lie gueata with aavaral aelre tlwiui on tha violin, W. T. numbing Co., leiepbooa tit. XJceneee to wad wsra Issued yesterday t ths following; "Name and lleeldenca, Ag. John II I'ula, Ontheiiberg, Neb Anna Mchram, Council hluffs 17 Claud Harrington, Council Bluffs , 20 Maggie llaaa, Omaha II Owing to circumstances entirely be i vend our control, and upon the solid ' tatlun of our friends and patrons, wa hava concluded to continue In tha , , Jewelry Itueliifea In our preaent loca- lion at No. lirnadway. Our recent i'lusrlii eala was a great succeaa, anil wa will Immediately place In stock a riew and rlrgant aaanrttneut of tha laleat and li-li llal anoila. Wa will lo stale that In addition to tha com plete new aliH-k wa Intend lo make smna Intereatlng prlcea The store will Ve thoroughly remodeled and an op tical room and jewelry manufacturing Ovpartnient adiieil. TllMIIHHUW WN orpKn M-1 Karl HOI CASH) oil wtrt ii, is JKwru, , M. WOLLMAN KM IHUtnWAV, t oaacll Ulaffa. LEWIS CUTLER i'UNKUAL DIltKCTOlt fluoewaaor la W, O. Estea) M r&AMl. t'Kh.WT, 'Pa.a ST, mncemeht PLUMBERS OUT OX A STEIEE ZtD-uV. Lrmm Ort t Ejrjlvjca-it of Jo vsicnj Vj f Eoty.uL oly oit r;p. ihvolvu) at pplsht art Dw4a tk Wark, wwt Kfaa ta CaM Varalahlaa; Material lar Mm Wia Arc Dwlac b riaaaMac. Tta pl'jabert la tka) emptor of t fitw York fTjmbiag owpacy of ttla ti?y ara jt oa a' tinder or 4 era fr'ss tb Osha rnaint, to atkl thf Mote Tta trokfcle tat arSaeg a-ver tk er2 tka cecur I tea wWfc tb alatera of Mercy la tfcaree of t. Beraarda koapitaL Wfcea tka gnwrt awarded the r.on'rsta for lie erer'loa of tba it Merry koepl'aJ last timcaer tk Kew York flanblng coopaay aortjreyl tbt for tha planiBt&c oa l-a t)4 tvf abovt t';VA la tba mean time tba alatera had secured tba aarWea af a reaPJest wkei!i: k aa a gaaS'tar and plsraber, btit t'A do4 belong to tba neloe. Wbea tba sob'jj aa ready to be Installed la tba oe-a- hta fl'al tb)s nos a was pls'ed at work try tb larers (a aealltg la the work. Tb osloa pl'imters raised cb;artioa, trut tbo ilaters Inals'ed their man should bo kept at work. Tba matter waa referred to tba Orxsha union, aad tb New York D'tmUBC om pany, wbl'h bad already orderad tb m terlaj to tarry out Its eottratt, was flrea tba aJtemaOv of eltber refuting to supply any further plunbUg for tb hospital or bar 1's onion mea walk out. Owiog to Its eon t m t the coiEpsny was cot lo poslto to decllo to fulfil It, trut tba alatera la charge of the hospital, la view of the peculiar situation, agreed to relieve tha New York Plumbing company of tta ob ligation under the contract, provided It continued to furnish tb material wblle they scured tb workmen to Install It. Tb sis ters secured tb necessary workmen and tbe New York Plumbing company supplied tbe material. On tb Utter s refusal to atop supplying tb material b union plumbers, tinder orders from tba Omsh union, quit work yeaterday morning. A conference yea terday afternoon failed I settle tb diffi culty. LIGHT V0TEAJ PRIMARIES Rala Keeps Peaal Away Kseeat la PreelBta Whera Thar la at Caateat. Tha rain last night was responstbl for a rather allm attendance at the republican primaries, except In those precincts where there was a contest. In tba two precincts of tb Fourth ward Candidates Calvin and Kimball, for county attorney, bad oppos ing delegations. Gal vin captured tba first precinct with hands down and la said to hav two of tba delegation from tha Second precinct. O. O. Balrd, candidal for the renomlnatlon of clerk of tb district court. Is said to bar tba majority of tb city del agates. These ar tb delegate selected as far as reported: Klrst Ward Plrat precinct, Oeorg Ham ilton, Carl Morgan, Jlenry Itlahton, Iewla Hammer, (',. W. Atwood, J. Corliss; Becond precjtnct, John Oretrer, Jr., K. V. Evercot, K. II. Ohlendorf, J. ft. Lldgett, O. W. Turner, H. II. Williams. Hecond Ward rirst precinct, C. M. llarl, W. K. Happ, J. n. ftweet, X) fl. Morgan, J a mea 1'eteraon, M. Marcus, E. H. Iugee; Hecond precinct, Theodore Oulltar, P. Hol lla, John Olaon. peter Ilrenholm, J. W. Mitchell, J. c. Haker, O. H. lllanchard. Third Ward Plrst precinct, K. E. Hart, O H. Mayne J. P. Oreenahlelda. K. II. Waltera, P. O. Momma, II. H. Jennlnga; Hecond precinct, William Arnd, John fiay, W. 8. Annln, A. B Walker, laaac t hernlaa. Pourth Ward Plrat precinct, J. O. Wada- arnrlh I ' U Ur r.,.nu M el a U'rl.hi t J. Hers. I, M.' Treynor, John Indt; Second P rerinci, r.o r oro, Biaca j-eieraon, i.. j, Taylor, David Mottas, Charlea McKlnley. Plfth Ward-Klrat precinct, J. C. Pl-m-Ing, C. O. Haundera, Kd Canning, A. Cole, Klmer Pratt, p. II. Clark, P. T. True, P. II. Iloagland: Hecond precinct, A. ''. Klla worlh. t'hrla Ixiaeth, Ifana Hansen, ( harlra Johnaon, Joe McMillan: Third pre cinct, Kd Canning, T. U. McMillan. , Tbea members of tb county central com mittee, who will also form ths city central commutes, are selected by the severs! pre cincts: Klrst ward. First precinct, 3. Cor liss; Second precinct, W. 8. Balrd; Second ward, First precinct, Oeorgs Oould; Sec ond precinct, J. C. Baker; Third ward, First precinct, C. 8. liaverstock; Bscond precinct, A. W. Metsnsr; Fourth ward. First precinct, J. J. Hess; Second pre cinct, Julius Johnson. Notle Palatere. Sealed bids addressed to tb undersigned will be received up to noon Mondsy, July tl, 1102, for painting on tb outside all window casings and sash and for finishing In oil all outstd door and doorframes in ths courthouse at Councl Bluffs. Tba right to reject any and all bids Is re 1 served. By order of tb Board of Supervisors. R. V. INNES, County Auditor. Plumbing and heating. Bliby A Son. Keep clsan. Us Puck's Mechanla'i soap. With Ik Ckarrkes. Thar will b publlo worship today at tha First Congregational church at 10:80 a. m. and I p. m. At tb morning service the pastor, Rev. Jamas Thomson, will taka a tha aubjact of his sermon, "Waiting Upon Ood." In tb evening his toplo will be, "Tb Psullns Gospel." Sunday school and the otbsr meetings will ba held at tb usual hours. There will be no servlcs today at St. Paul's Episcopal church. "Christ Our Passovsr" w'lll b tb sub ject of Rev. Harvey Hoststler'a sermon this morning at tha Bscond Presbytsrlan church. At tha svsnlng service his them will be "The Toller's Friend." At the First Bsptlst church there will be publlo worship and communion at 10: SO a. m. and preaching service with sermon to young man at I p. m. Sunday school will be held at noon. Junior Union meeting at I p. m. and Young People's meeting at T p. m. There will be Sunday school at ths West Side mission on Twenty-second street and Avenue II at 1:30 p. m. Tnsr will be morning prayer and ser mon at Orscs Eptscopsl church at 11 o'clock this morning. Sunday school will be held at :4S a. m. Elder Charlw Dsrry will preach this svsnlng at ths Latter Day Saints' church. Thsra will bs a social service and com munion at 10:10 a. m. and Sunday school at noon. Tba midweek prayer ssrvlca will b heM Wednesday evening at T:IS o'clock. Rev. 8. Aleiander will preach tbls even ing at I o'clock In tb church at the cor ner of Seventh street and Seventeenth aveau. Sunday school will ba bald at I p. m. I.eaka la Feea Wlree. Bupsrlaisndtnt Tarklngton of the motor conipauy Is of ths opinion that tber must bsvs been a leakage soma w hers on tb fd Ires which accounted (or ths lark of powsr out of eutesaih avenue Friday attsrnooa Ttl. n tls oi J 9k tlx ca:y U.:sg Hth u1 a-cTuai for tie a:i:ig of s tsty tra:is be-.weea f:i"efh a ri i sad tl Use snd tb 'erfre-4 - csair.a;:y with tbe trsC- to the Uka tb; y. -gard.g the Iw-aJ travel t Sb4 trw tb lake reseat tipeViateidett Tsrsiag-joa s-svd yetT4y tiat a certala aatafcer cf trsisa a?iit be e4 froia tta ca la at en4at.'tg K acd he bpe4 la Ike futajr te r the Htlaeas cf CovarU fclafj. M goo a aerrtr as was preTided for Osuba. CwBg-reeeaaaa laaltai Ha, Ovagreseaua Walter I. Bnl h rtrr.-! avome yeeter'sy ewniti f.-om WaetiEgtoa, fj. C. aa4 s ttisily i-a(e-J durlrg tb r la rvefrlsg tte greetiigs of his per aotal and p-Xiti'al fnet-Js. fb'rtly after tl arrlvaj be waa la .oni:!-.Uca with lo eaj leaders of tb repntlleaa party iscasa lag pofl'l'l cindltvjii la tb .Ninth coa greesioeal twrirt. Cocgreoaimaa Szith la la tte beet cf health ttd eipets to rt'.3 Lo Cwtacil BI5s B'.U after the state eotrention la t Koines, of which he will be teaorsry ehalncaa. Between tiu and J!y Vi, Ut dat of tbe state cnreD-lon, be will be bually eegsged la prepsrlxg his pe'h wkkh be will deliver on that occasion. After the state coaveatVon be will for a sbrt Uaa devot k:s aUestioa to the eon greeloal taapalgn, b-n expe-t to be kept pretty bnsy nntU U eloa of the No vember election, as be la tookM for a umber of tpeexbe not only In Iowa, tat la sXher state. Rjsbert Herdersoa, Congressman Smith's prtvste aorretary. Is eiptrted bom the early part of the week, as a bis wy bstk from Washington he embraced the oppor tonlty to vu;t NUgara PsUs aad other poln'a in tb east. Puck's Totnete soap im beet. Da via sella patnt. Ball r.aaie at Ntuei, Provided that rain doe B0t interfere the Smith Bradleya will play the Lee-Glsts-Andreeeen ball ura of Omafcs at tbe Leke Manawa grouads tbls sfternoon. The v'slt Ing team Is considered one of the strong est Mgregatlons of amateur ball players aero the river sod a good game may be looked for. The game will be called t IVt p. m.. and tbls will b the lineup of the teams; Shugart Catcher rv,e Y.'" ,r,. .Pitcher Hu.'llvan Mavtleld Plrat base Isoras Mcc.'urthy Hcor.d base Iniscol f utlr Ihlrd baae Waller I!rewck Hhortatop Trace ruincan I-ft fleM Dunn rri' "n'rf,.ld C'agrove Howarth Right field Pearson Hub Vlntera tievl sells giaee. Puek'g Jmeatlc soap Is best for laucdry. Real Kslate Traaafera. These transfers were flle4 yeaterday In the abstract, title and loan office of J. W. rH'ilre. Jol Pearl street: Sheriff to J. W. ftiulre, lot 10, block z. wuson s terrace, a. d 1 774 W H. Treynor and wife to Ella oii ioi , 1, 1 oca i.urtia & i'ji m sey's add., w. d F. If. Hancock and wife to If. O. Belffert Iumber company, .KH acrea In awl k-7-2J, w. d George II. Myn to Horace E. Gould, part r.w me 28-76-44, w. d 2 no! Four transfers, total TORNADO STRIKES ANTHON Oa Lara Iloase DemollabeA aad Alaaoat Every ftaaall Balldlaa; la Tewa Deatroyed. SIOUX CITY, la.. July 6. ISpeclal Tele gram.) A funnel-sbsped cloud struck An tbon, a small town on tbs Cherokee and Onawa branch of tbe Illinois Central, at i.V) o'clock tbls evening. Several thou- ssnd dollars' worth of property wss de stroyed. A Isrgs bouse of William Kissinger's wsa completely demolished and the family barely escsped with their lives by enter ing a cyclone cave. Over a dozen barns wer overturned and there is scarcely a small building In tbe town that is not destroyed. Tha strong wind lssted only for a few minutes and wss accompanied by a heavy downpour of rain. 80 far as can bs learned, no on wsa Injured. Tbe erops ar reported considerably damaged throughout tb western portion of Wood bury county. Washoat la lows. ONAWA, la., July 6. (Special.) Rain fall to the depth of 3 10 Inches waa ex perienced her last night, making six Inches for tb month of July so far, which Is altogether too much for growing crops. Ther Is a small washout on tha Illinois Central's Onawa branch, near Nswton'a farm, between Tleonlo and Kennebec sta tions, that Is giving them soma trouble. There Is a bad washout on tbe North western Una near Arthur and no trains arrived on tba Maple river branch until I o'clock today. About three miles of track In that vicinity ars badly damaged. Soldier, Maple and Jordan rlvsrs ar very high. Ialared by Csssas (rarkrr. ATLANTIC, la., Jul E. (Special.) Will McConvllle, a bartender for Hamm's sa loon, waa celebrating by firing large 'ten- Inch cannon crackers. Ons prematurely ex ploded, dislocating bis thumb and lacer ating tha flesh on tb Insld of ths right hand. Ssveral stitches wer necessary to dress tbe wound. Another casa wss that of Pwlgbt Gingery, a 12-year-old son of O. W. Gingery, who lives Ave miles north of ths city. He and several other boys were firing a homemade cracker mads from a tin baking powder can. While lighting tha fuse ths powder Ignited, throw ing tb can in his face and mashing In tb bones of his face and Jaws. Paella Jaartloa Celebratea. PACIFIC JUNCTION. Ia., July 6. (Spa clal.) Th Fourth waa cslebratsd at Pa clflo Junction In the regulation order, with good weather, a good crowd and plenty of amussraent. Hon. L. T. Oenung was ths orator of tha day. In tha afternoon a very good game of ball waa played by the rsclfto Junctton nln and tb Omaha Produc club. Ten Innings were played without a score by either aide, but In tb eleventh th cbarra waa broken and the horn team mads four runs. In tbe evening a good display of fireworks concluded ths celebration. Celebratlaa Teraalaatea la Riot. WEBSTER CITY. Ia.. July 8.-Soec!al Telegram.) Webster City's celebration ended In riot last night. Pan Wren, a notorious character, and hla two sons. osorg and Ed, startsd a genersl fight on Bscond street, which at tha time was Jammed with paople. Tbs fight became a riot, n which the police fought for half aa hour before quiet could be secured after many beads had been broken and blood had flowed freely. Th Wrens wer secured and th melee quieted. C rewas Celebrate at Vllllara. VILUSCA, Ia., July B.- Sperlsl ) Crowd of townspeople snd country visitor participated la the Independence day dam onatralloa here. The day waa spent la racea, sports, dancing and a buu talent play U Uv para house. T;t to Ta Ztv?M fr Um ia LcIVj it tl lUVt Coi V e; XL PCU'S FDU.TH tS imOYXD Tw If a great Deleajatea at Daiveawwrt fee Bleaalal TaaraateaaaT aaat J ere Ar Ceaalaa; em Every- Tralsu Pr'-m a t Crrreeposdert) tES MOINES. J,y 4. tSpeUL) It Is plat eed by the repvtilcaas cf th s rity ths nearly tslf a ti-jcg of Foarth street will te placed ner tsvs fr the ccslrg re pgtlicaa s'ate convention to be used as a , convention lot-by. This portloa of tte itifet j sd!ts tke leaiEj bo-, j asd Is far tbe t ball la wtlth the coa-veatioa win be held. I It w!il be ce'.ae-l to traSc aad kept clean ; l-rr tbe tte of the delegates to th . vent ion. Tb pat waa set by Cedar Rapids last year la arratgiag a temporary or street lofcty a that the delegate teed lot be crowded toe ether in a hotel, and De Motae wul do the same thing, thotxgh th hotel lobbies ar mora commodio-j sad It Is not anticipated that tha convention will this year b so largely attd4- The local committee have completed a!l the arrange ments necessary. Ia this Improvised tent lobby a local bsnd will diipenae m title during tte tlrae tbe convention Is not actu ally la seMion. Tbe hall In which the con vention will be held ia large enough to seat t.VA persona, with mary others In the aisle and on tbe stsge. The convection will be held Jcly J1) snd Congressman Smith will be the presiding offlcer. All of tbe members of congress and several others of tbe Iowa contingent la Washington will be present It was hoped that Secretary Ehaw would con., but be will not be able to do so. Captala Rail I laaorovlaa;. A letter received bera from Congressman J. A. T. Hull states thst he Is Improving In health and thst he expects to be borne to day. Captain Hull was very 111 laat fall and never fully recovered all winter, though he attended to his duties, and he has re cently been 111 again. As soon as he gets home It Is expected be will dispose of the poatoBce situation la Dea Moines, there be ing several candidate for the place, and also he will announce to hla frlenda what he will do In regard to ths pension office. Reellatrle-tlaa; Stat for In the redlatiictlng of th state with ref erence to the stat hospitals Polk county, which always has the largest number of in sane patient for th hospitals. Is to be placed In tb district which supplies Clar lnda. Heretofore thia county has sent all lta insan to Mount Pleasant. Tbe Board of Control has partially completed tbe re districting in anticipation of tbe opening of the new hospital at Cherokee. When this Is opened all the counties of northwest ern Iowa will supply th Cherokee hospital and about 400 will ba removed from tb other hospitals. As most of tb Insane patients from th northwestern counties were sent to Independence and Clarlnda In the past, most of tha removals will come from tbea places. Th date for the open ing of tha Cherokee hospital has not yet been fixed. Ple Oraaa for the Blia. The State Board of Control Is arranging for Installing a pipe organ In the Stat School for the Blind at Vinton. The chief education of the blind people of the state is In th matter of mualc and the school has never yet been properly equipped. The or gan will be Installed before tba beginning of the next school year. The atato executive council will on Mon day take up tbe assessment of telegraph and telephone companies and give hearings to all who deslr to talk about the sub ject. Reports have been received already from mora than 700 telephone companies In Iowa. With 204 delegates on the ground tonight. th biennial tsgsatxung, or business meet ing, of the North American Turnerbund la ready for the opening session at Davenport tomorrow. Delegates have been arriving all day and hava been greeted by reception committees, speakers, bsnda playing "Die Wacbt am Rbeln " and other patriotic Ger man air. This evening a special train brought tb Chicago delegation and many delegations from esatern states, wblle a large contingent came from St. Lou la and tha south. Nearly every state In th union which counts any number of German-Americans ia represented. Tbe main question to come up, th location of tb next national turnfest, Is being dlscuaaed by energetic lobblea. Both Chicago and St. Louis ara working most aggressively. Chicago would make tba national turnfest a psrt of the Olympian games of 1004, and St. louls would make It a feature of th Louisiana Purchase exposition. Tbe meeting will last four days. Th Davenport Turners, who number over 700, hsv mad great preparations to entertain the delegates. A grand concert, river ex cursion, volksfeat and commers ara feature of the entertainment which will Interrupt tb business sessions. Tbe meetings will be held In Davenport Turner hall, which Is tba second largest Turner building In the country. C'oaveatlon of th Gideons. Tb nstlonsl meeting ef the Gideons, or association of Christian traveling men, com menced yealerday In Cedar Rapids. There are about S00 members of tha Gideons In Iowa and about a dozen other states were represented at the meeting. Tb last na tional convention waa held In Madlaon, Wis. Tb meeting thia year will extend over three days and on Sunday th mem bers will tak part In religious services In tbe Cedsr Rsplds churches. Tha next convention will be held at In dlsnapolla. Tb following officer were elected: President. Frank A. Oarllck, Chicago; vice president, A. B. T. Moore. Cedar Rap Ids; secretary, John N. Nicholson, Janes vllle, Wis.; treasurer. F. J. Knights. Janes vllle; chaplain, U C. Smith, Osnkosh. Vllllaca kettles for Heejoeat. VILUSCA, la., July I. (Special.) Mrs. Rltrbey, who died less than a year ago. be queathed soma of ber properly to a college In Illinois, the city of Vllllara, for cemetery purpoaea, and tba I'reabyterlan church of Vllllara, to go Into effect after the death of her husband. The buaband and relatives contested tha will, but finally settled with the college and city, Iba city getting 11.700, wblcn ba bean paid. Goaalp Abnal Iowa Mea. F.illlor f'larkaon. In hla gnndby editorial In Ilia Ilea Moines Krglater. icnled tha charge of Kdlior llurrell that he had grown sour and croaa, whereupon Mr. H irrell ! In hla Waahliigton Treaa: "Well, what wa meant waa, aa over-worked men rrow ulit. ir sick lo pool, they hava In fight he lendanry t. cranky, eel, ar bitrary and apleeny. Don't wa know? Haven't wa ala.i ant perv.a. and a darned "Id rattletrap nf a stomach, and tha aleepleal liver on thia continent, and now aiseinal Ulinke, llrolher t'larkaonl Ws're a pair of alavra !' ' Mloug 1 Ml Tribune: John A. Irak.. owner of Wy.ih, winner of the derby, woith fjortai, and nf about U, on bets, la a son of (leneral Krancla M Drake, for mer governor of Iowa. John Drake lan't to (mm hla dlatlnaulsli.d father a might bs supposed lu view of th fact are. pp thst one is the head f -he rvrisMaa church In Iowa asd the other the ho't-t ;ort Ir. Chicairo. When G" ra 1 jlirake was a ycur.g ma-i he had the instincts of tte piur.ger. the adver.trer ar.d the tpecu Utor. He was a g'rd t'.'Sir; no con rife In bu:res. in politics or In tatt.e. haa yet recail'-d the time a hen he w aa frightened. hn hardly more than a boy ne orove a bunrn cf cattle a' roes the plains to the far wrr fao-.r Indians sr.i oprao'o-j. krA maie money o.t of It. He we-t Into tr.e army ani car: cut a brigadier general. Then he to bu'.M- lr.g prairie railroad", arl thrciirh re ceiverships and par.lrs and variola upf ar.d downs he came out with a fortune. John A. Drake wsa t-crn In Iowa, but to the city. Y'-T a riwi mar.y years be has osdllatd between Chicaeo and New Vork. lie m a rort of pai of John W. Gates. Stones of their tremendous poker games, of their crasy bets on anything with an element of chance In It. of their readlnees to undertake any sort ef finan cial game with plenty of chance n it: to bluff the powers of finances and com merce: to fperi'J their thousands as easily sa-they make their tens of thouaarula a.l these sre traditions in the clubs of ths two big cities. Iowa State Sews Xotea. The Tama county supervisors have pur chased sectional wall reap- for each school bouo In the county at 13 per map. They are a An acquisition to the rural schools. Dubuqie Is soon to loe a young woman In the person of Miss Susan W. Orvis, daughter of Mr. and Mm. Clark Orvls. The young woman will soon depart for Ceaarea, which ia situated at the foot of Mount Arreus, the highest peak In the Taura range of central Asia Minor. Miss Orvis goes as a missionary and will be gone for a period of ten years. Thomas Howard, sr., of Elm Grove, near Aubjrn. has been taken to Iowa City to be treated In the hospital there for gangren In one of his fet. About three weeks sgo he waa ssalstlng to move aji organ whn his foot waa caught and bruised. It haj since caused him much pain ar.d he has received treatment from two doctors. The Injured parts showed Indications of gan grene and It waa decided to remove him to Iowa City. A terrible accident occurred at the elec tric light plant at Manchester, by which New Bauer, the 12-year-old nephew of the manager, E. W. Hoag. met death. The boy waa playing about the shafting and In some manner his clothing waa caught In a belt. He waa whirled about the shaft with terrific forcej. Nearly every bone In hla body waa broken before his uncle, who was attracted by the noise of his body pounding on the floor, could stop the machinery. Death must have been almost Instantane ous. The boy was an orphan, his father and mother having died of yellow fever In Mexico three years sko. whre the former was operating an electric light plant. Winn Blanchard of the Blanchard Pack ing company and J. Scott Blackwell, a rich stock raiser and dealer, has given out a report that they would In the near future start a large pork packing establishment at Muscatine. However, their plans have not as yet reached any matured stage and they cannot give out anything of a defi nite nature regarding the size of the plant and the posalble dally output after it reaches Its completion. They have pur chased the old property where a similar Institution waa conducted a great many years ago, but which haa been Idle for about twenty years. The structures will be rebuilt and an up-to-date plant will take its place. It will be several months before operations will begin. Judge Kenyon of Fort Dodge has ren dered a dcclilon In the case of the Ger man Evanxelical Church society of Web ster City against Rev. Mr. Jacohl, who was formerly the pastor of the church. The suit Is over a novel dispute and embraces some sensational features. Some time ago ths church started to erect a new building, and Rev. Jacobl undertook. It Is claimed, to be responsible for a fixed sum of money to apply on the church building. Of this sum, the plaintiff In the suit alleged, Ja cobl failed to pay tl.VA and the suit was brought by the church to recover this amount from their former pastor. The church nought to secure a Hen on the prop erty which the minister had occupied as his home during hla residence in Webster City. He Is now located In Missouri. Judge Kenyon decided the case in favor of the defendant. GRAND ISLAND HARD HIT Prey of Severe Hailstorm Wblch Dasnaarea Many Bolldlnae, Cropa sad Other Property. GRAND ISLAND, Neb.. July 6. (Special.) The record of a year ago, as to Fourth of July storms, wss repeated yesterday. The heaviest hall lasted scarcely more thsn a minute, but waa thoroughly destructive to all unprotected window lights on the nprth sides of all buildings. Tbe damage done by the heavy rain to tbe oat field by lodging, to the wheat in the shock and on tbe ground, and that by hall to tb crops can hardly be estimated. It was not genersl, though there are strips her and tber In which tbe corn Is badly frazzled. The greatest Immediate damage was done by tbe bail, which fell In rough, Jagged pieces from four to seven Inches around and came with a brisk wind from tbe northwest. Really, It wasn't ball. It waa a shower of rough pieces of Ice, about the size of hen's eggs. It cut off thousands of little branches of trees. It broke hundred of window panes. It sometimes cut through blinds and then atralght through tbe glass wblch tb blind wer Intended to protect. Tbe Ancient Order of United Workmen temple looked this morning ss though It had been stormed by shot and shell. It faces tbs north and west Only the large plate glass windows remain unbroken. Eighty large wlndowpanea In th Security Dank building are broken. Tb wind and rain beating through the broken windows In this structure did seversl hundred dol Isrs of damage to the Interior. All tbe wludowa on tbe north side of tbe third floor of tba Indtipendrnt building were smsshed. Two plala glaaa wlndowa at tbe Occidental hotel were perforated. Brewster aV Williams, ftorlat, report a damage by broken glaaa of $M)0, Corbln's greenhouse 1204 and Ellsworth's greenhouse 1 360. Ths Soldiers' Home report a loss of over $200, th windows on the north being broken. Th Orand Island college has a loss of nearly as much. Ons hailstone broke through a thick pane of glass In tha Orand Island Banking com pany's building and then cut a bole through tbe Inside abutters. Th foundation of a n.w store building being put up by John Knlrkrehm wss ruined by th water. Two aad a half Inches of rala la reported by th government observer, as also by th B. ft Buffaloed When it comes to tropical togs we have got our comp etitors "Buffaloed." We are showi ng the nobbiest line of Suits, Flannel Trousers, straw hats and negligee shirts ever put on sale at any one time. Call and our salespeople will show you every attention Smith & Bradley, 415 Broadway, Council Bluffs. ifr(ir Taaaaaaa .assF I M. gauge. Report from th eonntry Indi cate that the fall of hail waa not nearly so heavy as In tbe city, but It Is feared that the farmers will be severely damaged by loss of crops, and the condition Into which the thorough soaking will put the wheat. Railroad traffic waa generally Interfered with in the central part of the state. A train of coaches on the St. Joseph at Grand Island had every window 00 the north side brcken. Th fast mail wsa delayed two hours between here and Omaha. Th storm Is reported to have gone no further east oa tbe Burlington than Hampton. Railroad men report .a hailstorm to have literally stripped tha corn to a little stub of a sulk between Kearney and Gibbon. HASTINGS, Neb July S. (Special Tele gram.) The crops ia various parts of Adam county were dsmaged considerably by hall last night and today. North of Heasteln a strip several miles long was badly beaten by hail and various places In that vicinity were damaged to sueh an extent that only a half crop will be realised. Several wbeat fields near Kenesaw were hit so bard that It la doubtful if a thirl of a crop will be harvested. Considerable hall fell around Hastings tonight and aa It aa accompanied by a hard wind it Is thought tbat several wheat fields suffered great loaa. GOLD MINING NEAR' HASTINGS Machinery for Xevr Coaeerm oa th Gronnd awd Plaat Will Sooa Be Erected. HASTINGS, Neb.. July 5. (Special.) From all Indications the stock company recently organized ber for tb purpose of mining the flour gold along the banks of the Little Blue Is going to push th en terprise right along. Nearly all the neces sary machinery has arrived from Chicago and a 110,000 plant will soon be erected on Charles Wilson's farm, near Brlckton, on the Blue, and will be put In operation by tb forepart of OctobeV. The experiments that wwre mad on this farm last summer have convinced a large number of eaperta thst ther Is an abundance of flour gold along the basks of tbe Little Blue and that It can be sep arated from tb sand at tb rat of from 18 to $25 per ton, and even should It run as low as $4 per ton It can be made to pay at tbat. Mr. Hoyt, a mining expert from Chicago, haa arrived in Hastings and haa taken charge of the machinery and will push the flour gold plsnt right along until It Is In good running order. Fonrth Accident at Seboyler. SCHUYLER, Neb.. July B. (Special.) There were two aocldent her yesterday. Joseph Grssborg, aged 6, placed a toy pistol muzzle against ths palm of his hsnd to "see If ha could feel It." Tb flesh was deeply lacerated and bruised. W. N. Combs while showing bis daughter how to light and throw firecrackers rito th air had on explode In his hand and near his head, ' lacerating two fingers, and tem porary deafness In one ear resulted. Adaana Coontr MortaroaT Record. HASTINGS, Neb.. July 6. (Special) During tbe month of Jun tbe following number and amount of mortgage wer filed and released In Adams county: Farm mortgages Died, twenty, amount, $21,130; released, twenty-one, amount, $21.SI5. City mortgages Died, nine, amount, I2.4J1.60; released, fifteen, amount, $12.143 31. Chat tel mortgages Oled, 105, amount, $31.661. M; released, twenty-eight, amount, $1,267 f$. Lincoln Man Baya Bank. TRENTON. Neb., July S. (Special Tele gram.) It Is rumored her tonight thst P. L. Hall of Lincoln, Neb., who la asso ciated with ths Columbia - National bask of tbat place, haa mad g deal to tak pos session of th Trenton 8tat bank. W. O. Roblncon, th president, will dsvet his time to his law practice. ReMnson Is th republican candidate for county at. tornsy. JrsTarsoa Mart era a Roeord. FAIBBCRT, Nab . July ,-(8pecll V Jefferson county mortgage record, far Juaa Is at follows: Farm mortgage. U filed, Ersr Pes? lets Tt:i Uu-irj ? It wtrtild t3 you gwl to aeo th I -err-rrstea ut abaolut cleaxcliaeea w tlx.--taiav Wa bar every facility for ootrg per fect lauairy work asd tiat's th ot'.j kind w io. If yeaj send 7 per line tr you'll lav a cam to bo isstred. w deliver aaj coUecL Bluff City Laundry Wallac ft Grout. Proprietors, Council B!u7, Telephos No. 114. Till Pricciplt ef Sanitary Plssibing as tha main point. Style la mock a tsatter of fancy, bat It caa b relied cpon as abac ltzt troth that aay plumbing dos by us will b th beat that experleaco, akUl asl food judgseet caa command. Ob! 7 cod ers, tip-to-dat aaltary work la done, finished in tha most aobstasUal and esiur lug manner. "If we do U It's doc rltbt." J. C. Bixby & Son 201 Vain. 201 Pearl EC, Council BloSs. Is. Telephone 193. Business.... After the Fourth That is we are once more ready to entertain little evening parties with our Soda Fountain by dispens ing the finest summer drinks made . anywhere. Don't forget the place come often. G. W, Fletcher, THE DRUGGIST, 106 Broadway, Co. Bluffs. Paper Hats Will be ii..i: e poular this year than ever. Full directions for making them free to any lady purchaser. Fine Crepe Paper 10c roll Ready cut paper flowers, 5c package; plain tissue, 21 sheets, 10c; covered flower wire , 5c spool. 307 Broadway, Council Bluffs. amounting to $17.90$; cancelled, JT, amounting to $25,407.16; elty mortgages, 1$ filed, amounting to $10,503.30; cancelled, 10, amounting to. $3,415; chattel mortgages', 69 filed, amounting to $19,071.82; caaeelled, $4, amounting to, $19,758.42. Dean of Bellewno Collearo Roalaraa. ' BELLEVTE. Neb.. July 5. (Special.) Prof. Mitchell, desn of Bellevue college and on of lta best Instructors, bag re signed hla position bsra to accept a mor lueratlv position In Omaha. It Is reported that work will soon b commenced oa th college campus, th eblert oelng to lncrsas lu Sit by lb removal of about 6,000 yards of dirt. 'rat. Hand Shoote Employer. FALLS CITY. Neb.. July I. (Special.) Mlks Mahoney, a farmer living south of town, wss shot this morning by hi hired man. They quarreled and Mahoney reached for a rock. As hs did so tha hired man shot him In th aide of th no. Tb ball cam out through th mouth. Th wound Is net serious. Harvesting? la Poll Sway nt FalrltrlU. FAIRFICJJS, Neb., July I. (Special.) Wheat harvesting Is progressing rapiUly and th erop la batter in tbls section tha laat year. All crops ar la good oondltloa. fruapeota for corn ar ctcUaa Down to