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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1902)
TIIE ILLUSTRATED BEE. July fl. V.mi-j s NEW BUSINESS $1,325,000. Interesting Interview Willi H. M. Kohison, I'rcHiJcnt, HiuwIiik the K.ipiJ (irowtli of t lie (Carpenter's Letter crontlnurrl from Sixth I'skp.) BANKERS RESERVE LIFE . hr nU ' lirertist Home I. He Inxnr nni'i' I mil pn ii ! rl If.'.IHMI, iiimi v nl lllak. "WtiMt lo you Miy to ItliS?" Hlilll It. II Id.liiHiiti, tli' w II known irciuViit nf H Itmiki rs Ki'Ki rvi- I -iff aHKiiclat ion, to rrpri'Kental Ive of Tin' Hoi- a f"W ly Ah 1 h- KPntli-iiiiiti nmk- In- Ii arnli-'l th r.-porti r 11 bnlloiiri Ihsii. 1 July 1 for th liifrm:i 1 i n of tinlloy bobbr ami the pub llr. Here lire tin' iniitentM of the liulli'tln: i hIiioi elv. il a .l;m. Hltiri I 'letll I II III let I'm;; Ik, Hi i I .Iiih InelllTeil nml I ItoinMir.inoe llii i'i iin n ceivecl Nil e;itli Iuhmoh kuhI ;i i n-i I t.ul.l I it Ii -l:i I ins nporlcil ii ml iiiii:iIiI lnxiirniifi' I i foroe Ni t yuln ulnee I ' :!'. I' "1 1. I!ii .?!,:'. 1 .1 : 1 1 1 . I. .Ill 11. i ISPO ' ou I M.IW ' r. o i 2 M ' Notio 4 fi75.rn0 l.SifiOO Tim reporter eiibl In niiowrr to Mr. Ttobl Bon'H lniiilry that ho ihoiinht the HhowlnR very ri'inarkiilili'. "This loinniiiiv In now five yenrw cilil. The flint two nml ono-hulf yearn of Its rxlnt enoo under tin- ohl Insiininoe law of Nn hraskn were coiniarat Ivrly uneventful From Ihi- time when the company entered Iho field hh a m Ipulati d premium eompnny. In (litober. under lh" prOHent fl pu- Iitted premium law. It H real Rrnwlh benlii "In two years nnd a half this company IlllH writ ten upon rarefully neleeted liven over l,e.(in,inn. The yi ar 1W2 l now hilf over. We have written, ns the report nbiiw". $l.3J.ri,nrn this year. Our report for T leinber III. IW2. will fhow JS.IMin.nnn al least for the year. "Itnli HM Borne iinfori een financial disas ter destroys the bii.-lium prosperity of the went the Hankers Iteserve w.ll lie n $10, onn.onn cimipany In iw:i. "Note the hiiwiII nunilier of deaihB nml tho small number of lnsm k. Observe, too. the reliiHiirance Hem which shows how run- Bervallvely we nre nmmiK UK our hiiHlnrsn. "Th" death losses have been promptly paid on presentation of llnil proof. All other obligations have been fettled with , -.irorupt ness. We do not owe a dollar fur death losses or any oilier purpose that Is unpaid. '"The bulletin doi s not exprrsly annomire the fnet. but any buxlii 'ss man knows thai our Hswets are luil'dlim up proporllonalely wllh Ihe urowlh of Ihe company's business. The Hankers Iteserve Life Association Is one of the permanent fiduciary Ins! it ul Ion.' of the west -safe, B cure and prosperous. "We have had the loyal support of the leading citl.eim In every county and sec tion of the wot, I'Bpei l illy of rur own slate. The people extend lite ral patronage, are vitally Interested In the rapid growth nnd future prosperity of the nMi:i ii !': ii i-: i.iri: tsu-v" and asks grace, and a platform with a special table for the dons or professors. The dinners are served In table d'hote Btyle, at a fixed charge, wines and liquors helm? extra. In n College Kitchen. The kltchena of the college are anions the curiosities of Oxford. That of Christ church has been In existence since the days of Cardinal Wolsey, and In It hangs a great gridiron which was used by the cooks of the cardinal. In entering It you pass by the cathedral, which Is the chapel of th ' college. You go down utone steps Into th. basement, entering a great stonc-wallcd room, wllh a ceiling at least sixty ftv t Mgh. At one side of the room Is a fireplace large enough to roast an ox, before whlrh fowls and meals nre still r.asttd n apt. The fireplace Is so arranged that a dozen or morn Iror spits can be hung In front or It at one Urn.; and as many as sixty chick ens ran be thus roasted at once. In other parts of tho room there are large ranges, steamers big enough to cook two sacks of potatoes at a time and all the accompani ments of the kitchens of a large hotel. Twenty-two rooks are kept busy preparing meals for the students. They dress in white, with white raps, and have their chiefs and subordinates. Wht the Colleiie ll Km. All the conking for the .Ion students ol Christ Church college Is done In this kitchen and the kitchen accounts of the boys are kept here. The kitchen clerk has a day book and ledger He keeps to the rem what en.h student has and gives him a memorandum at the cli s of eneh week, al though payment Is not expected until the term following the one for which trie ac count Is rendered. As I went through the kitchen I stopped at the clerk's oftlce and looked at the ac counts. Food Is Riven at erst price and the chargia seem to me very moderate. The oidlnary bnakfast consists of fish or bacon and eggs. The student Is served with three boiled eggs and some bacon for ah-nit 2.' cents. He gets a luncheon of cold meats for a little more and his dinner In tho common banqueting hall costs him nhout 4.1 cents. I give you here the menu for Inst night's din- H;ike, Haddock. I "l lante Sauce, Itnast Mutton. Steak and Kidney Tie, Mlnccil I'astry, Wine Jelly. Kxlras: Aspnragus, 1 pence; new pota toes. 2 pence; cream, 2 pence; sweet mo lei. " pence. Ilrlnklnit nl Oxford. i -- J CIR ENGRAVERS Manz Engraving Co. 15-207 Canal St. Chicago, Illinois, Are lllHT Justly celebrated as the engiav- cHtabllhment which can at all times be relied upon for satisfactory results, whether the rnnruvlng be B tine half-tone, wood cut or line etch- Iiik. Their facilities are so etenlv that work which must be executed1 nulrklv for shloment to distant cities can be easily turned out. When ordering engravings from milt printers ask for Manz Perfect En?ravinf. Talk ,Slfit (,'MNfM ,V rf foil riii it PEPSIN GINGER ALE, Made from pure Jamaica (linger and Pepsin a refreshing drink. Ask for It take no other. Bold at all soda fountains. C. GEISE & SON, Bottling Works. Council Bluff, low AjenU for Pabit Milwaukee Beer. MADE $ 1 05 THE FIRST MONTR ini n HI1HMIKTT. ol N. I. KAkKU'K.' ol Im.. eriui "Am nml J L. ,klns m to sll r, d I work. wiu. i M. AM'KKMON, ol lo-. ' made JU to KU dot HuudrwU lining iimwi -w -" - , 6tu to fioit) dUr nule r1 u ik jlr. bl"''V.b,,5X cih niml gaadm won sola. rTwl. nornion J www W ru dr trm. a. sail a co i-imim ms In addition to the charge for the regular dinner are tho buttery bills. Including the wine. Most of the students drink wine, beer or whisky wllh their ::;rals. The college. Itself furnihhes a variety of beer and a mild claret, but most men keep their own stock of wines and liquors. I asked some ques tions as to the drinking habile of the col leges and was told that the men as a rule are temperate, although now and then one ovirsteps his limit and becomes Intoxicated. Without a disturbance Is made, however, such a matter would not bo noticed. One of the most common forms of enter tainment In the college Is the giving of Inii' lii oim and wines. There were thirty luncheon parties last Sunday In Christ Church alone. At such luncheons all the delicacies of the season are provided, In cluding champagne and other liquors. The average kitchen expenses amount to 1. or $" a week. Many of the students are high 'Ivers and the expenses of a number of thoa at Christ Church range from $10 to $25 per week rach. I understand the students do not espe cially like the dinners In the banqueting halls Tliie hall in Christ Church college makes you think more of one of the aisles of a cathedral than a dining room. It hns beautiful windows of stained glass. Its walls are paneled In old English oak and Its rel'lng Is about fifty feet high. The room is l,r0 feet long and forty feet wide, nnd Its walls are hung wllh portraits of the men of the college. I noticed a fine portrait of Oladstone, of John Wesley, John Locke and of Lewis Carroll, the author of "Alice In Wonderland." among them. An other portrait was that of the Dr. Fell of whom you may remember the verse: "I do not like thee. Doctor Fell, The reason whv I cannot tell: Hut this one thing I know foil well, I do not like thee, pnetor Fell." There are alsn pi rtraits of King Kdward VII. who was a student of Christ Church of Cardinal Wolsey. who founded it, and of so mutiy others that It would require a column to mention them all. Fn mains Colleges. Leaving Christ Church I visited many of the other colleges. Each his its students who have made names in English litem ture. in llnance and lu other ways. Al Magdalen. Addis n went to school and th beautiful two-mile walk about the rei-rea Hon grounds behind It is known as "Addi son's Walk." In Pembroke college you may see the room which Samuel Johnson occupied and the desk rn which he wrote his dictionary. At New college, founded In 1379, Sydney Smith was educated, and In Rallol, Car. dlnal Manning. Pean Stanley and Mathew Arnold studied. Oriel college la especially Interesting Just now, because It was the one which Cecil Rhodes attended, and to which he has Just glten $.i00.noo for Im provement and repairs. Oriel was founded in K6. It had among its stmbnts Sir Waller Raleigh. Hlshcp Wtlberfone and Thomas Hughes, the man who wrote "Tom Hrown's School Pays nt Oxford." I might also upeak of Hrasi nrse college and others but they are all the same old and quaint filled with the famous litrrary ghosts o' Ihe past and the serious black-gownei'. mortarboard-halt' d prcf.s4crs nt-.d the gay young students of th ' ;ir sent. Iiidiril nnd Amerlenn Scholarships. It Is difficult to get an unprejudiced view of the Rhodes bequest and of the effect 1: will have upon Oxford. There are a large number if stud' nnl professors who d not welcome this form of the American In vasion. The m wspnpens of the country have preliy well disi ussed It and th r' seems to be a g neral fear that It will .-hake up the dry bones of the university, t" the disecmfi rt a f the easy-g( ing pi ;ib who now occupy it. At present about " students graduate from Oxford every year and of tbes three-fourths take honors. The honors are of different grades and it will be ptraiiEe if the Americans, pick d men as they will be do not get more than their propertiomto share. I believe that tho studtnts are really afraid of them and this thought U strengthened by the un pleasant things said about us and the Rhodes bequest In the several college mag azines. I have before me the chief period icals of this week: The "Isis" refers Insultingly to America, saying, among other things: "It must be confessed that to many Englishmen, and particularly Oxford men, the scheme Is un palatable to a degree." The editors laugh at the Idea of the American papers assert ing the hope that "no American w ill accept a dollar of Rhod adds: This seems mouth of the Am adopts the Horati honestly If you ran. but get If and who applies the principle no less thorouehl to his foot ball matches than to his stock Jobbing transactions." Further en the Isis suppo-ts the Ameri can character will be improved by an Eng lish educatl n. and that this improvemen' will be beneficial to us. but it alls "that It does not suppose lh" rubbing the angle off uncultivated Amerban youth was a matter of concern to Cecl' Rhodes, the em pire maker." I'rell Plfiln Tnlk. The Oxford P Int of View of this month has an article venturing that the foundation of the American scholarships may bo a mis take. It states that "the Americans an nally our friends very little more than th French cr th nermann." and goes on to say that "where all sentimental rant ha heen brush"! aside the friendship between America and England will be found to be what Arl tntle trms 'a watery friend ship,' " owing perhaps to Ihe intervening seas. It says that the Americans nre for i Ignrra and Intimates that they nr.- not a welcome as the flermans. The 'Varsity quotes a speech of P. I. Savory of St. John's college at Ihe I'nlcn Pebatlng society, the chief one of the uni versity. In which he says "the American scholar would have too much money and this hulking lout would set a bad example of extravagance." I might add other opinions, but I regard the most of them n mere froth nnd Bin prone to believe that the majority of the professors and students here are Inclined to bo fair, and that when the young Ameri rana do come thev will be fairly treated. It .Is to bo hoped that the best of our young men will be sent, and if so I have no fear whatever but that they will more thnn h id thilr own. FRANK C. CARPENTER. o WouidVou knowingly hay vaeleaa groMriss fr year tabUf How nador ths m its boll etloee eomtantlf ezao to dirt and dost be sImo) Lion i balk posed wot Goffoe comes in sealed pound packages only, thus in suring freshness, strength, flavor and uniformity. ME J ILERSS ' pqnnl .f pure 1,11,11 '-" ra--" ILER'S PL'RE MALT I j-" W nt-nlut.-lv Hi" tinrt, I 1 E-si inoii.mi".t Bud - m Imliiful wlueki'y iu ' ' ' "JV. bir"'M M Perfection ii) preWiijg.. Hlue Klbbon Hottled Peer, the pertoct brew. Perfection of beer ran only be at tained bv the most perfect surroundings, modern principles in brewing, up-to-date utensils, perfectly pure water nnd the choicest barley, malt and hops. no American win ace pi ""I " 1 1 1 V 1 1 1 I tee' tarnished gold." and LRta 'MIM n, an at soMte Jest in the foTT J ' ) erican who too frequently f ' P Jj tian motto det money; I J WHERE THE HALFTONE PLATES FUR NISHED THE ILLUSTRATED BEE ARB ENGRAVED. I intii mi nr ir- f'r A BUSINESS DISPUTE is easily settled wher. accounts are properly kept, uon c practice false economy by trying to save on BLANK BOOKS. We will make you a sei ruled and printed to order at sucn a small cost that you can buy the best. A. I. ROOT. Printer. The nome of Hlue Hibbon is one must perfect Iv appointed breweries world. The brewing, bottling nnd iSiing of Hlue Klbbon is the prld brewery. In a that Is liossild that the best, and only th vnur homes. M'dcriiig a case of the hi the the word. Hlue Kiblion Is nil In a bUh grade I r. See the best, and only the best, enters homes. M'dcring a case wins a new customer. ijiui ii uieniu vuuipuuj TUphiie 1260. OMAHA il'IIIIOI.S AMI I OI.I.EI.KS. Mil N' able I I.APV. -7 i ans anil n lute, JL'I nice lookiiiLr. i n il income, won Mo-urn Si., i" oiisidor !d m irry Huslness, Shorthand, Typewriting and Knglisb. Pay hii.1 evening Siudeius furnished work for board when desired. (Iregg Shorthand by mall. Send for cata logue. New York Life Kuild g. Omaha, N b. pogs for sale of all klnos. Funcy Pig eons. Helglan Hares nnd Ferrets. Send 6 ceiits for catalogue. LANDIS. Hox O. Bower's Station, Berks i'n . I 'a n PC . I I In every town and village may be had, the ttiica Axle Grease that makes your horses glad. Tor tlealrh ami hcnes CRIKK mmmi Looh tor It. Xaiv no Whir. ON THE PREMISES OF 'eleha QAYoodVardtCo. . , Council Bluffs. Iowa, - . A MC1M IMIfCMTBflMI DIG MONEY H bvJVi IN U kli E I UN MAKER. v - - i. ' it A J f, J Hurdena the uni-clene, pre.rve anil Iwaulioei the tetn sweetens tll lirmlli. No powder or liquid to pill tun.! convenient iMi k-me to err) or use. Al nil lrMl.l. &. c. ii. thou a id, tkix, r. a. L. $125. TO S250. PER MONTH AND EXPENSES HUSTLERS. Writs fur Rpvcisl ortr to Men and Wmnn. l tmmf or tii-'linc. nil or part lime, slmwins inking rden and sppumtiug agcnU for UAHltlSjUN'M OHKlt riCKU II I.I F. FUnK It KLKMst II l;l, Oil. SIOtl.K. WomiTlllI iliveu- tioo. Jutit uut. Niitiiiug elne like it. lireat pelli-r. W wsut Ageuu. HaltHiiueD, Mttliuiieri in everv Mute. IliggMl niuut--iiinker ever ofli'ml. Knornmui Ji niund r round, in evrry city, town, Tillaite sml among farmera. v.noo fulil in oiih muulti f uaii.uiera -liirhle.. t,er hody tiuyt. Selln uwlf. Write lor 1'ntalogue. MOST WONDERFUL STOVE EVER INVENTED. ASPOON FULL OF OIL MAKES A HOGSHEAD OF FUEL CAS. generates Its ow n Furl 4.a from Krmrnn or commnn roal nil No wirk. dirt. amok, kiii'llinte. ar.ln-a nr hoi nery kitrtipna. Invalual'le fur Kit'-li'-n, biiiiinlry, Nurerr. FIt.CiIt-iri. Irniiine, Tarhts, CtmpiDg. llimtnur. I ii-lnng, I'm -uiea. Hot Vi..n-U l.uni -lira. etc. PUTADrCT Aim OACTCT riiri 0-4'KWTH awk li..iill fumlh K.iel r.m fur anmll IsnLArLOl ArillOArLOl (UCb fumily fur cikin A kIIou of nl oil co-nnn h to luc will lurninh KiipI ("r a rnnmant tiluc flainn. butteat fire, fur over So koura. fpleudid cuokar, ruutar find t'itkT. M'tkHM aiunnier rNkinir a rli-aure. NO MORE NEED OF THE DANGEROUS GASOLINE STOVES Smoky wii k oil .luvea vt-io.iv. ilirtv. real ana woo iiiivm, etc. Iluia an- lalMaoliiiel.v luafe. Will nnt r& So -miiI'Ih a hllil ran oiverale. np'Qf-'l Won't rlue tin Will Uhi lo y.'.ir Mnn1iomn I, mil- a.ol.1 on SO .li.-ii ll. ll .iff. PHII'IIM m.'I.imi IP. r I . I. ,r I T l, )l J I IS I'KIK. HIT: TIliV OK III H SHM I l. IIM ;lt. M'.U Fl. .l'l. A,i,r.-., tl IIKLI It V V I vilMi I O,, ait Warld BullilliiK, IIM li tTI iiem. Buy The Sunday Gee Lawns, Cemeteries, Parks. A It. tin it u I Lure that aut u .ul v a-liits itsilf tliiii.u'h lit .it .iiil Cti,l. ,iuti .ilw a s st. i n. U i I n I. 11 U III. ul iKiilii aii'i tt"iii:. hi st bit i I ai.ilv.iiui-i) wiif. t' picki-t It'll, let iif.H i i s uiitl Hit in: 1 1. ns. inin; twist t .ihlt-. Vt i v p. iu i t'liiltiniii.' m n.,BF nt, stii'iifili. ;nnl 1 istin,: alia: Mint nt. N in, kt i. t,. I , i,d t) r. t an t al p or .,;. Uiuu for d -.i lipme !. kK t. HUnoU Wlr Company, Dept. 16, Chicago, Ills. PrJ".. .