Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 06, 1902, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 20, Image 20
20 NEW SYSTEM MARES WORK FeT Diem Arrugamcnt Otirtaili Vacations for Railroad Clerks. SPECIAL PATE FOR AK-SAR-BEN NIGHTS One Fare Io Roane Trip for All Coral. a- from Wlthla Radios of Miles o Ialtlatorr Maetlae. The Introduction of the new pr dlera ystem of charging and collecting for freight rsr use by siTeral western roads It causing an endless amount of trouble for the accounting department of the Union Pacific and Burlington. The system went into effeet Tuesdey and itnre that time the clerics' r - hare been literally "covered up" with wor e. Comp.lchtloc of the new system, the work of bringing about the transition from the old to the new and a hundred other little things which never were thought of when the Innovation was devised, are dally teeming up to vex and annoy. But one or the most grievous hsrdnhlps which the clerks of the Union Pacific have yet en countered la that a a result of the Installa tion of this system many, If not all of them, will be deprived of their annual vs cation, or a part of It at least, something they have not missed for yesrs. As the force ef elerki Is large and only a few can be spared at a time the period tor vaca tions has arrived and not a few have al ready learned to their sorrow that they muflt forego the plsaeure of all or part of their ten-day recreation. Another very serious and more substan tial complaint arising from this new method la that the railroads have been de ceived In expecting to get a simpler method of charging and collecting these freight rentals. Instead. It appears far more com plicated and besides will necessitate the In crease, of the office force. Provision are already being made for additions to the clerical departments. To offset these features, however, the road atill hold that the ' Innovation will prove profitable In that It will afford a larger saving In the prevention of delays In returning care, and they say that this will more than compensate for the minor cost of extra clerk hire. Rperlal Ak-iar-Ben Rate. Some of the local passenger officials who attended the meeting of the Western Pas senger association In Chicago returned to the city yesterday morning. One of the transactions of the meeting waa the ap proval of a one-fare rate made by the Omaha lines to people wishing to attend the Ak-Sar-Ben Initiatory meetings Monday nights. This rate la applied to all places within a radius of seventy-five miles of Omaha, east and west, and the return limit is fixed at 11 o'clock or later on the night on which the party reaches Omaha or the next morning If the line on which he makes the trip does not have a train out that night. The concession Is on the grounds that the Ak-Sar-Ben la organised to promote the Interests of the fall festivities In Omaha. Abont Resalarne's Res! (nation. Later reports from Topeka Indicate that the enforced resignation of C. F. Resslgue as superintendent of the eastern division of the Santa Fs waa due to differences be tween Mr. Resslgue and Third Vice Presi dent Kendrlck, bead of the operating de partment of the system. It aeems that the Kendrlck policy has never been In line with Jlesslgue's Ideas and the result Is the sub ordinate official had to go. General Man ager Mudge waa asked If this was the cause of Mr. Resslgue's discharge, and re plied: "I don't feel that this is a matter which I am at liberty to discuss. All I care to say la that I was obliged to inform Mr. I Resslgue that the management of the road desired his resignation." HALF RATES EAST Via Rock Island System. $31.65 Providence, R. I., and return. On sale July , T and. 8 133.26 Portland, Me., and return. On aale (July t to (. Liberal return limits. For further Information call at or ad r dress city ticket offloe, 1328 Farnam atreet, vOmaha, Neb, HALF RATES TO PORTLAND, ME.. JULY 4TH TO 9TH. THH NORTHWESTERN LINE, 1401-1408 Farnam St. The only double-track line. Electric, lighted tralna. EXHIBIT FOR ST. LOUIS FAIR Old Boat nous, with Mineral and Otker Specimens Mar Farctafc It. Acting Mayor Karr ha been looting up the reeorda of the Board of Public Works to ascertain the atatus of proceedings In reference to the condemnation of the old houseboat which for two years has atood in the atreet under the weat approach of the Douglas street ' bridge, bis purpose being to have It removed If possible at once. He learned that the aklpper of the craft, t'Klondyke Charlie," has until August k to abate the nuisance by getting It off the atreet. , Mrs. C. C. Tennant Clary, publisher of the Omahaa, who la Interested In the boat, called at the mayor's office yesterday and aatd It waa the Intention to float the craft down the river to St. Louis before long In order to exhibit at the Louisiana Purchase expo sition a large quantity of valuable mineral and other specimens with which It Is laden. ONE riRC FOR ROl'.MD TRIP. Ts Portland, Maine, aad Providence, Rkada Island. Tickets at these low rates vis the WICHIQAN CENTRAL. "The Niagara Falls Route." will be on sale July 6 to In clusive to Portland and return and July T to t to Providence, R. I., and return. For circular giving full particulars aend to L. D. Heusner, general western pas senger sgent, lit Adams street, or O. W. Ruggles. Q. P. e- T. A.. Chicago. 111. Send articles of Incorporation, notices of stockholders' meetings, etc., to The Bee. We will give them proper legsl Insertion. Bee telephone. 838. HALF RATE! Via Wabash llallreaa. 838.28 Portland. Me., aad return, on aale July 4 to a. 811.45 Providence. R. I., and return, on sals July . T snd 8. Stopovers allowed at Niagara Falls. Ask your nearest ticket agent to routs you via Wabash, or call at Wsbash new city offloe, 101 Farnam atreet, or address Harry E. Moorea. O. A. P. D.. Omaha, Neb. DIED. AD DIED a ...KarH H3TRTBTER Louise; july . wife of C. M. Harpater. aged i years, I month and II days. Fun.ral from residence 733 N. Ed St., Monday, July 7, al 8 o'clock p, tu. Friends DOMESTIC TROUBLES IN COURT Two Cases In Which Family Ties Have Apparently Worn Loose. Mary Suter petitioned the district court for divorce from Fred O.. alleging cruelty. Fred O. hss now arrived with an answer. In which be relates a very different atory. Frederick. It appears in the cross-bill, has hsd psrents at some t'me In his life, and these psrents have been In Swltierland liv ing so honorsble and admirable and aristo cratlc a career that he occasionally likes to mention them In the presence of com pany. Apparently this has become distaste ful to Mrs. 8uter, for her husband com plains thst every time he hss referred to It recently she hss rebuked him with vehemence, if not violence, and thst one day in August she laid him out with a two pound Iron. In the case of Nellie against Oscar Camp bell, a divorce suit. Judge Read has Issued an order for Injunction to prevent the de fendsnt from molesting the plaintiff or tbelr son Ralph, aged 8. and from with drawing hie deposit from the First Na tional bank and hiding t, which she alleged he had threatened to do in order to keep It from her. She affirms that he Is a motor man with a good salary, but tbat be hasn't provided for her and has thrust her from his home In the night. They were married at Avoca. Ia., July 19, 1S93. THE WILD WEST COMIM. The Farewell of Buffalo Bill for gome Time. The event of the season le close upon us. Buffalo Bill Is within hailing distance and will arrive with his famous Wild Weet on July 81. There are not. In any other organisation for popular entertainment, ao many hun dreds of mal? performers and horae as sp pear In the arena of this Wild West, and not In many mere, "shows," however pre tentious they may be, are there such a number of men engaged in re-enacting for the public thrilling lncidente of real life in which they themselves have been the heroes. Oenulneness of personality In personation has been a distinguishing characteristic of this entertainment ever since Its first or ganization by Colonel W. F. Cody (Buffalo Bill). While the arenlc performance Is Just as full of vivid stirring wild western scenes as ever, It has been expanded to take in a vast deal more illustrative of strong men and their doughty dee1s all over the world, and Includes some splendid spectacular ef fects the like of which hsve never been seen hereabouts. This Is a sort' of "hail and farewell" visit of the Wild West. It has taken some seventeen or eighteen years to get here. Is going next season to Europe to be gone two or three years, and Is hardly likely to last long enough to get back here, since Its duration is neceseartly limited to the Uvea of its men. (iolnar to Move. A year ago Benson A Thorne opened up the Lilliputian Bazaar at 1415 Douglas street. Their business has Increased so they have outgrown their present loca tion and cn July 15 they will remove to 1515 Douglas street, the room formerly oc cupied by the Rochester Shoe company. Beginning tomorrow they start a grand re moval sale and offer a big discount on their present stock rather than have to remove It. By keeping a fine line of chil dren's wearing apparel, not charging ex tragagant prices, strict attention to busi ness, they have won the confidence of the public and there Is very little question In their new and enlarged quarters but what they will more than double their last year'a business. There's only one Stonecypher. He prints. Only 814.50 Dakota Hot Springs snd return. K. BO Deadwood and return. THE NORTHWESTERN LINE, 1401-1403 Farnam St. Genuine Imported beer on draught. Ed Maurer's, 1308 Farnam atreet. HALF RATES TO POKTLAXD, ME., And Providence, R. I., Tla Mil waukee Railway. Portland, Me., and return, $33.25, on sale July 4. 6, , 7 and 8. Providence, R. I., and return, $31.65, on sale July 6, 7 and 8. Chicago, Milwaukee ft St- Paul Railway, short line to the east. City Ticket Office. 1504 Farnam St. Shampooing and batrdressing, 25c, at the Bathery, 216-220 Bee building. Tel. 1716. Best machine, Oldsmoblle. 1114 Farnam at. No. 4 Is the train. 10:30 A. M. Ia the hour The new ERIE TRAIN Leaves for. and 8:30 P. M. Is the arriving Hour at NEW YORK. $18.00 la the rate. H. L. Purdy la the Trav. Pass. Agt. No 60S W. U. bldg., Cblcsgo, 1 his office. ".SHOtS Drex L. Shooman Is quits a tsnnls enthusiast and be has been studying the tennia shoe proposition for soma tlms until now he feela he has a tennis shoe that will just suit the men It'a made of heavy white duck with an extra heavy pure gum rubber sols and makes sn Ideal tennis shos Whlls this Is a new shoe. It Is one thst we caa recommend and one that will please, tor It's the very thing that you have wanted Our price In all sices only $1.50. Drexol Srno Co., Omaha'. Ip-ta-date thee tela FAB AM PT St EST. ft il f I til JIW" THE OMAHA ANOTHER EXCtRMOW TO OKOnilll. Satarday, Jaly 12. Via the Mllwaakeo Railway. Leaving the Union depot, Omaha, at 8:30 p. m., Saturday, July 12, the Chicago. Mil waukee ft St. Paul railway will run a spe cial excursion train of coaches and sleeping cars to Lake Okobojl and return. The train will arrive at Arnold's park, on Lake Okobojl, st 5:40 a. m., Sunday. All day Sun day at the lake. Boating, fishing and a pleasant day's outing at the prettiest re sort In the middle west. Returning, the special train will leave the lake at 7:15 p. m.. Sunday, and arrive at Omaha about 6 o'clock Monday morning. The round-trip rail rate le 3.00. For those who desire them sleeping cars will bs at tached, for which a round-trip rate of 13.00 Is charged for a double berth. City Ticket Office, 1504 Farnam Bt. Tel ephone 284. Shampooing and hatrdreseing, 25c, at the Bathery, 216-220 Bee building. Tel. 1716. One Fare to Providence, R. I., and Retnra. The above rate, plus $1, has been made on account of the twelfth annual conven tion of the B. T. P. U. Leave Omaha Monday evening, July 7. Leave Chicago July 8 via special train for New York. Go by steamer from New York to Providence. Return via steamer to New York and up the Hudson to Albany. Stop over at Niagara Falls. Those desiring to avail themselves of the special arrange ments address the undersigned. B. F. FELLMAN, Transportation Leader Nebraska B. Y. P. U., 2430 South 16tb street, Omaha, Neb. Have Root print It. nest work on tahle linens In the city. Chicago laundry. 'Phone a. A Special Sleeping Car. On account of the unprecedented tourist travel to Dakota Hot Springs, a special sleeping car will leave Omaha, Webster street depot, 3 p. m. July 8, arriving at the Springs next morning. Reserved rates at 1401 Farnam street. Round trip tickets only $14 50. Douglas Printing Co., 1508 Howard; tel. 644. Publish your legal cottces In The Weekly Bee. Telephone 238. Yellowstone National Park. The popular and short line via Union Pa cific and O. S. L. to Monida, Mont., thence via splendid Concord coaches to all points In the park. Very low rates via Union Pa cific during July and AugtiBt. Full informa tion cheerfully furnished on application. City ticket office, 1324 Farnam street. Telephone 316. Hamilton Warren, M. D., eclectic -and magnetic physician; office at Victoria hotel, 1308 and 1310 Dodge street, till a suitable location can be found. Special attention to all long standing or lingering diseases of women and children. Cheap Excursion. VIA ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD. Providence, R. I., and return, $31.65, July 6. 7 and 8. Portland, Me., and return. $33.25, July 4 to 8. Tickets 1402 Farnam street, Omaha, Neb. Half Rates to Provid en cc R. I., July 6-7-8 Through Sleeping Cars to New York July 7 $3.00 Per Double Berth 1401-1403 Farnam K7 si. Prevent Elay Fever How is the Time. There Is absolutely no need of anyone suffering with hay (ever, this or any other time of the year, if the following advice is taken: Commence now snd uce MER RIAM 8 "GKM CATARRH POWDERS" moderately; Ub only 8 or 4 . doaea dally from now on throughout the hot weather and we will guarantee you will not have bay fever this fall. It Is an absolute preventive of this dread DISTEMPER, pleasant to take, cures catarrh, prevents colds in tne neaa, destroys all poison germs of the head and throat, braces the nerves and causes the heated term to pass pleasantly to anyone afflicted with hay fever or any other ca tarrhal disease. All enterprising drug gists sell It, but we sell it at about halt their price. Regular price, 60c; our price, 30c. 2c extra If by mall. Prescriptions called for and delivered any place In city without extra charge, OPEN ALL NIGHT. SCIIAEFEB'S DRUtt STORE Tel. T4T. . W. Car. lta Cklun, VIENNA HOTEL'S SUNDAY DINNER Cool dining hall, elegant menu. Take East Far earn car. CH AS. K MMt BKH, Mgr., 1011-13-1 Farnam Street. tfT.l. Q71 Omaha. NcbTjgl PATTV BKE: SUNDAY, ISIJDodge St Middle of the Block u in "THE 99 Closing Out Hammocks nnd Croquet Sets SPECIAL CUT PRICE SALE OT-R PACmFICTC-TOT'R CTTAVCE. A big stork of Ice cream freesf-rs to be sold nt lowest nrlces ever offered. All sizes cut low. WHITE MOVNTATV FRF.EZFRS Well known to be unequalled. Triple motion doing the smoothest work In the shortest time. 2-quart I "Q special sale price Iilw ARCTIC FREEZERS This kind Is second only to the celebrated White Mountain. 2-quart Special sale I price la a. I 4-quart special sale I QQ price IiOU Water Coolers, Garbage Cans, frlgerators. MILTON ROGERS & SONS COMPANY Hardware and Mechanics Tools. 14th and Farnam Bts. Wall Papers SPECIALS Look at these tempting prices: White blanks, as low as 2Hc Ollts, 3c, 4c, Be and , Ao Ingrains, all shades lOo Tapestries 20c Painting season now on and we are doing tip-top Jobs at marked down prices. Room mouldings to correspond with paper. Glad to show goods. Call and see us. S. A. Kelsey I7th and Douglas Sts. Phone 1608. Refrigerators At Cost This Is the last season we are going to handle refrigerators. Tou can now buy any one In our stock at abso lutely cost. If you sre going to buy one get our prices first. Our remodel ing sale Is still on. Housefurnlshlng goods are being slaughtered to make room. Here are a few things we quote prices on: Enameled tea and coffee pots 25o 75c cedar wash tuba et)c King Bee wash boards 21c Nickel plate hammers 190 Cold handle fry pans ioo Shaker sifters 20o Wire toaater g0 Tripod stew pans 3 pieces 68c Japan trays 10o Tin cuspidors ioo Nickel plate shirt waist Irons....!! 20c Foot baths g,, 816.00 Leonard cleans ble refrlgera- . ton 112.00 82.76 lawn mowers 12.25 84.00 lawo mowers IS. 00 8.00 lawn mowers 18.00 13 60 2-burner gasoline stoves ...!2 95 4.50 8-biinier gasoline stoves .76 fl.&o clothes wringers y, -& 11.60 wash boilers jf nn 10c tin tups So 14c enameled preserving kettle's"!! 10c t.nume rd pudding pans, loc, 12c. 15c Lnameled pie plates 7c 20c hammers 1 2ic bread Knives 6)c hatchets Sic hate hots a luc pancake turners " 5X Carpet tacks, package " le Lunch boxes j,, 81.26 food choppers "" . Potato mashers vTj; 20c scrub bruuhes XX C'oni-e strainers "" 1,; 25c rat traps jff Ice cream freezers tl ia At these prices they won't last iong A. G. Raymsr 1514 Farnam St. S5.00 A MONTH Specialist b aal DISEASES and DISORDER of MEN. 13 years la Omaaa. SYPHILIS curs by the QUICK UiT, saXaai and moat natural method tbat Isaa yet bean aiseoverwd. Boo evsr alsu aud ernptecn dtsai and ronvsr. no r) n a. A is. 1 OUT" of th. iIImim on the skin or so A our. that la guaranteed to b. parmansoi I Re- B tor lire. tflDlfnEf C euid. Method n.w, I AnluUuLLC without suiting, pain: a dvt.nUoa from work; perman.ot cure guarantMML WKlk MUH from or Wttral to Nervou. Dablllty or Exhaustion, W..C lac Wsoknaae with Barly tcay In Young and VHt.ldle Ag4. lacs of vim. vigor ao) strength, with organs impaired and wak. ITRICTiai with a new HonM Tntunxnt No pain, no d.tsntlon from business. Kidney and Bladdar TrouMae. Cssasaltallua Fro. Tnsisust s Mas, OUMCI LOW. Is a. lt . J2li.Siries & Sc.rkst Qzuhs, Nib, JULY 0, 1002. r r 151 J DodgeSt Middle of the Bltck CENT STORE' A positive July clearing of ell seasonable gnoile. 4-Hall Croquet Seti-. complete with oiled stakes atd malltt 'IQn the sot OVW -Hh:1 Croquet Pet, complete with oiled flakes and mallets Cnp the set OJ 8-KhII Croquet Set, complete with oiled stakes and malleti i . the set HAMMOCKS Full fringed Hammock, complete with pil low and spreader, HHr worth 11 :A at VCJW Full colored snd fringed Hammock, with pillow nnd spreader. 4 AH worth at ItJ Others up to J.1) !W that ere worth IS and 16. UAVU. lUljKl'irn.RESrKAMEl) 1IKI CKE Prescriptions ut a Price lower than elsewhere with absolute ex actness and with dispatch, we will com pound your prescription. We never sub stitute. You may always depend upon us to give you Just whnt the doctor means you to have. This is verv Important item not everywhere adhered to. Peruna 8'c Plnkham's Compound 67r Miles' Nervine STc Talne's Celery Compound fi7c Quart Wood Alcohol, bring your bottle. ,2.ic Quart Witch HbiI, bring your bottle .f.oc Quart bottle lent Wine 29c Quart bottle Sherry Wine ?rc Quart bottle Rye Whiskey' f"o Cuticura Soap 170 2-quart Fountain Svrlnge 4'o 1 pound' Vlchl Salts 76i! 1 pound Ki'i.stngon fa Its 75 Temptation Tonic IRo 1 pint Rosewafer (bring bottle) 2Sc Any Tooth, Brush 15c Good Hair Brush loo Talcum Powder So Panderlne ir,o Rasnr Strop 15c 4711 Soap To Swamp Root 59c TOOLS You know there Is all the difference Imaginable between "up-to-date" and "out-of-date"' TOOLS, and Is It not a bard matter for an artisan to choose between them. No matter what you are In need of In the TOOL LINE, we have It In "up-to-date" TOOLS. Also "up-to-date" Builders' Hard ware. Get Our Prices. Jas. Morton & Son Go. 1511 Dodge Street. Hose Headquarters. Slippers and Low Shoes We Invite an Inspection of our Terr handsome line of summer foot wear. The nobbiest styles of cool snd comfortable slippers and Oxford ties are here, In the correct fashlona and shapes for all occasions dress, street or outing wear. The styles are elegant as the shapes are comfortable and the pricea are easy to pay. fry Shoe Co. 16th and Douglas Sts., OMAHA. '"'niutt-T' Lined Back to Health to renewed lease of life and vigor, by the beer that gives cheer and strength to body and mind. A standard brew. Made from selected grades of hops and malt. Absolutely pure, and always properly aged before leaving the brewery. Highly recom mended as tonic and a stimulant, Metis beer has s wide snd deserved reputation. Try a case snd test Its merit. Aletz Bros. Brewing Co. Tsl. lit. Uiuaaa. Or Jacob Neumayer, Agt., care Nsumayer Hotel. Council faluTs. lows. Gold Crowns for $2.85 WORK Gl'ARANTKEP. WE DO AS WE ADVERTISE WE ARE HERK TO BTAV. CONSULT THE PRuKKnaUKg at one. Soft Fill Fillings I email Charges for I Filllnuii ... material. I Cleaned .. mmmm J Kllver Teeth C Sat of Teeth W-uO UNION DENTAL COLLEGE. Incorporsted College. 1523 Douglas St.. Room 4. Opd. Boston Btore. fflWMHH 91 MV liS WOE An opportunity to secure a fine tailors In men's suits, the late novelties in greens, browns, grays and small checked worsteds, very finest tailoring Kfl worth $12.r0 to $15.00 sale price I OU MEN'S OUTING AND BUSINESS SUITS In a great variety, of all wool flannels, handsome patterns, dependably and styl ishly matle upshape-holding, the $10 grades on sale K "f K now at $.", and the $7.o0 grades on sale at wB I W MEN'S SERGE COATS just the thing for July and August heat, stylish, comfortable, to close out in this sale I Qfi at $3.50, $2.25 and liuJ MEN'S FINEST TAILORED TROUSERS in this big clear ing sale at big reductions, odd suit pants at less I CO than half actual cost, at IiwU Men's $5.00 fine worsted pants at Men's best $6.50 to $0 tailor-made pants, in this sale for only BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING Sensational clearing sale prices in every boys' suit and pants in the house. The greatest bargains we have ever put' on sale. You all know the attention we give the boys. Th best and nob biest suits in America we have for them, and in this sale they are jours at the most startling reductions. Dress your boys up now. Read great sales on page 13. fU Ini mtin Kingman Implement Co,, 'Phone 653. Corner GRAND REMOVAL SALE From now until July 15th when we movo to our new location, 1515 Douglaa street. 20 Per Cent Off all Boys' Woolen Suits. Wash Suits, Ties, Underwear, Hose, Waists, Blouses. Shirt", Belts, Night Shirts. Sweaters, Bathing Suits, Umbrellas, Mackintoshes, Rubber Coats, Top Coats, Knee Pants Bicycle Pants, Felt Hats, Cap, Overalls, etc 20 Per Cent Off all Girls' Woolen Dresses, Wssh Dresses, Coats, Reefers, Shirt Waists. Odd Skirts, Aprons, Hats, Caps, Hose. Handkerchiefs, Mackintoshes, Klmonas, Parasols, Umbrel fas, Vests, Pantalets, Sunbonnets, Overalls, etc. 20 Per Cent Off all Infant's Slips, Dresses, Underskirts. S hawla. Caps, Hoods, Falls. Bibs. Cloaks, Klmonas, Jackets, Sweaters. Wool and Silk Vesta, Bund. Shoes, Stockings, Flan nels, Bath Aprons, Rubber Diapers and Sheets, etc., etc. Extra Special 33J Per Cent Off all Boys' Girls' and Children's Straw Hats, Misses' Shirt Waists Suits and Craven ette Coats. Discounts apply on every srtlcle In our store, except linen collars. Mall orders filled. PHONB A le. 131b-ia The Bee Want Ads WHEN YOU BUY A You are not paying for CHKOMOS. rCHfc..lfc i Ut.E I) HALS, ETC., but for TINE QUALITY HAVANA TOBACCO. EQUAL to IMPORTED CIGARS, ! jr. b. mcE MERCAUTIU! CIQAB CO., Meat, Bt. Louis. Union Made. Clearing Sale Prices on Best Clothing suit nt n trifle of its regular price. Tire enormous trade this big depart meut has eujoyt-tl, leaves us with 11 great many small and broken lines of the very best $18.00, 20.00 and ?22.."0 suits, all made of the finest imported and domestic worsteds, vicunas and tweeds, in the most fashionable pat terns, made up by America's leading vou mav take your choice of any of tliese small lots at only . . .' 15.00 Extra Special. '' Men's tine, wide wale, blue serge suits, lined with a superior quality of double worsted serge, cut in the newest styles by one of the best manufacturers in America, haircloth fronts, clfl fi tual !." value, clearing salelUiUU VERY IMCSlKAHLi: STYLES 2.50 4.50 i Superb Vehicles. Attractive Prices. If It's vehicles you want, why we can fix you snd right. '-It's a Pleasure to Show You.". 10th and Farnam Sts. SEN-MILL ARD CO CAPITOL AVE New Goods From New York Just received, a shipment of Runabouts, Carts, Traps, Station Wagons, etc. Latest styles, high quality, popular prices, we would be pleased to have you Inspect our stock of carriage and horse f urnlshliiKS whether nu contemplate buying at the present time or not. Produce Results- i '