Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 06, 1902, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 18, Image 18
r 18 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, JULY fl. 1002. ; SPECIAL NOTICES Advertlaeaseate ! ! will be) takea til 12 sa. for tk ttrclif e-altlaa 4 III " SO p. sa fer saaralaat aad Bandar edltlaa. Rttri, l i-3e a war Brat laaarllam, Sa a war thereafter. Notfclaa- lakta far less tkaa SIVa far the Brat Iwaer- tlea. Theee aBvertlaeaaeata BMI raa eaaaeeatlrelr. alreaaeB ta a sered letter la eara ( Tha Bee. Aaswers aa address will we deliver aa areaeataUaa ( ta keek ealr. WASTED WALK HELP. K FOR HALF A DAY'S WORK. If vou live In the country or In a ainall town and have a food acquaintance mom the farmera and atock raiser In the neighborhood you can make 6 easily by four or five houra work. Write us and wa will Bend you our proposition. ' The Hes Publishing Co., Solicitors l-ept., 1 Omaha, Neb. - B M213 WANTED, a good man In every county to take subscriptions lor i ne iwmiinu Century Fsrmer. Our agenta maki good whips everywhere. Reference required. Addreaa Twentieth Century hmm-r. Omaha, Neb. demonstrator to explain mpiicoi..By. ISO per week. Hlxenbaugn. oou ware in. x I U YOUNG MEN from Omaha and vicinity at once to prepare lor positions in m splendid advantage. New claaaea for pub IJSmV. !n.l?cedar Kp.d.t0I.!ntKr" He achod. children from the fourth to th. tt am w vTrn i..,.nr. men of evnerlence- I can oner you a guoatning. can in. 438 Board of Trade Blilg. B 232 . , i COACHMAN wanted, references required. H. W. xates, ncDraska National mnn. B-eio 7 WANTED, first-class machinists (machine bench and floor hands). No labor troubles. pnee and wagea wanted e worki Qulncv 111 e works. yuInttl'M635 g State experle Qulncy t-ngin r'Zr 7n's of" 2 1 and 35. citizens of United States, of good char speak read and write English. For Infor- matlon apply to Recruiting Officers, ISth J Tt rw Hmaka anrl nru1lAffir I acter and temperate nanita, wno building, Lincoln, Nebraska. B WANTED, for out of city. Jojrneyman I aterectypVr; must be of good character COMPETENT girl, good wages. 2639 1 Par and habits and well recommended; union I ker. L M5M1 offlne; state wagea in answering. Address K 14, Bee. dom 9 WANTED, an experienced second cdok. Apply M. J. Franck. Midland Hotel. B 663 . . t ARE YOU dissatisfied with your work? Our free booklet, "Are Your Handa Tied?" tells how we have qualified thou aanda In epare time for salaried positions In more congenial 'and profitable lines of ence Schools. Box 16t. Soranton. Pa., or rail dav or evenlna. Omaha omce. Ml I Paxton block. B 093 6 LEARN oroofreadlnr; sltuntlona secured; 115 to J26 weekly. Home iorreeponance School, Philadelphia. COMPUTING SCALE SALESMAN. W. F. Stlmpson Co.", Mfra., Detroit, Mich. WANTED, men who are weak or diseased to writ for free booklet edited by the le.rfln, .nrt mn.t .,.rre,ful soeclallst In v. - i'.i, c,n ... k AA- i v.vtin I Hathaway. M. D.. 2 Commercial Block.) Bloux city. la. a MANAGER wanted, every large county. Oame o' Skill- nickel slot machine for I drinks and cigars; strictly lawful, takes Place of forbidden alot machines, thereby filling a lona-felt want: rented or sold on I aav nnvmenla aelln mt nla-ht? fnrtv thnj- sand now In use. Conrad Jackson Desk Co., Cincinnati, O. B 716 6' I I SALESMEN selling office supplies to handle tha finest line of typewriter carbon papers on the market, eitner side or straignt; every Inducement Philip Hann & Co. New York City. given to hustlers. , I and 3, Union Sa., U 70S 6' WANTED everywhere hiatlers to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc.; I no canvassing; good pay. Sun Advertis ing uureau, Chicago. a iuv o- WANTED, a clothing salesman; also a salesman In furnishings. The B. L Paine Clothing Store. Uncoln. B 71 J SALESMAN wanted for country trade. state age, references ana salary expectea. Los Angeles Cider Co., bt. louis.iMo. B 713 7 WANTED, boy. 15 or 1. to learn drug I oumnnna in norm umana uruj iinrr. ja- 1 dress E 17. Bee. B 723 : r?-n 7. UEirJC lives waniea, rename parties, an 1 localities (experience unnecessary), self- 1 addressed envelope for partlculara. Norih American Detective Bureau, Chicago, III. B 669 til WEEKLY copying letters at home. . either sex: send stamp for particulars. King Mfg. Co., 8 Warren Ave., Chicago. B 5 6 WANTED, bright young man who la not afraid of work to represent manufac turer; 60 per month and expenses; chance for advancement; inclose addressed en velope. 703 star Bldg., Chicago. B 6M ft (23 WEEKLY and all expenses for men I witn rigs 10 iniromice poultry compouna; straignt salary, imperial Mrg. to, iiept 54. Parsons. Kan. B-473 6 WANTED Young men to study pharmacy at Omaha t oiiege or Pharmacy. Next term opens September 1; write for cata. lOgue. B 767 WANTED drivers for dump wagons and . uurri m nir .irnm iiiuvoi wora. rail I Conatructlon and Grading Co.. 1U miles I east 01 troaoway noiei une. i-ouncu oiuita. amiun 11- 1 GOVERNMENT POSITIONS Thousands or appointments 10 oe mane; examine- I tlon soon In every state; hundreds pre pared by us have been appointed; clrcu- I lar leu, giving run particulars aa to poal- tlona. salaries, dates and Dlacea of exam inations, etc.. mulled free. Nat'l Corre-I ponaenre inai., naamngton, JJ. c. li 1 CARPENTER who wants to buy a home to build a barn as part payment. Addreaa I B 21. Bee. B-763 SALESMEN WANTED. WANTED, a first-class whisky salesman I wnn an esiaouanea traae for trie state of Nebraska. None other need apply Address Bonnie Bros., distillers. 199 W Main at., ixiulavlile, Ky. M633 11 SALESMEN, $50 per week and expenaea guaranteed selling chemical refrigerating I machlnea to hotel, restaurants, butchers ana mercnants; cool all kinda of rerrts- . e raters cheaper than Ice; also chemical Ice creajn freezer; works automatic. W rite for territory. Free sample, eh -mi ni Refrigerator and Freeser Co., Station u. cnicago. w s BALGoman wanted to rail on doctors only on behalf pf the leading firm In the bust, nesa; also one for outside city; estab lished trade; poaltion permanent. App.l- rant muat ne intelligent and indeiailgaD e atate experience. Addreaa P. O. Box 858, Philadelphia. &-6 SALESMEN to aell toilet aoao to dealers! $100 per month salary and expenses; ex perience unnecessary. Louis Ernst Co., bt Louis, so, WANTFD Salesmen to atart branch stores- Wth?tarl? -hS2a e VarZllJ,: f.r. . . nnnonunli. in .in.ri.n;l J. lorTn. 01 clolhlna salesmen of iood reputation. 10 sucn men tney win tur nisn a complete equipment. h uL,'1?'"f woolens In ine piece, 10 sta merchant tailoring buaineaa no TnVT.," men! reo,uiroa on part 01 tne salesmen. Salaries guaranteed to right Dartlea. Many men who atarted In this way a vear or. two ago are now well rated mer- rhanta. For further particulars addreaa 11. K. Bnannon, iouai not tot. CBK-ago. SALESMEN, would you consider carrying a special line of gloves on liberal com mission? If so sddress for further In formation K is. Bee. SALESMAN WANTED By responsible wholesaler, experienced specialty or gro cery aaleaman. worth 2u0 per month and expenat-a; rferencee required; personal Interview If satisfactory, write K . Hee. 70 r .SALESMEN, " experienced traveling ape- clalty preferred, by manufacturer, stand I ard line, to All vacancy; territory, Iowa; I poaltion permanent; high-priced men with , record only need apply. Boxil. Mtnne- SALESMEN WASTED. FOR SALE MI "CELL A JIEO 18. FOR SALE MISCEI.LASEOl 8. rERIOiAL. . WANTED, Ml.imrn by manufacturers of groceta' specialties; give experience ruiiy; rood Hilary to hard Workers. Address uoi mi, cnicago, j u. WANTED at once, experienced traveling salesmen for Nebraska. He want sales- men, no novice need apply. Box 614, Chi cs go. -' vio l SALESMEN wanted to aell big line of up-to-dare advertising novelties: commission I from 20 to 25 per cent. C. P. Scott. Buf falo. N. T. 605 6 WANTED, men traveling, aide line to dry p'n'.ji. via". . " - - " - . . . . mission. Robert Rau Mfg. Co., Chicago, mple; good com- III. -m t- 8ALEPMAN WANTED Hustling salesmsn rnr MenrasKa Dy well eatanusnea wnoie- i sale house; high commlaalon contract, I will wppniy aavance wnne tmveims. Jena H. Smith Co., Detroit, Mich. 974 6 SALESMEN wanted to sell advertising nig tin In every community: $75 salary a month. Write at once for particulars. Universal Sign Co.. 16 Larrabee St.. 'hi es go. 6ft i b WASTED FEMALE HELP. SUMMER SCHOOL at the nmi rnmrnerciai Co lee. 17.K tnil Don Ulan Now open. You can enter tomorrow to eighth grade, also In all the business branches. shorthand. typewriting ana telegraphy. Tuition only 11.25 per week. I , . iry ana ueiciii luiuuiiuw. ROHRBOUGH BROS C 768 WANTED, two young lady atudenla to Hrn halrdreaslng. manicuring and chl- ropody and scleniiflc massage. Call or write Room 220. Bee Bldg. 100 Olrls. Call Canadian office, 15th A Dodge C 2al GIRL for general housework. 201 S. 26th St. C-MtCJ - 1 - " 1 I WANTED - A girl for general housework. wmicm,. ... WANTED, experienced cook to go to the country 120 per month, no la unci ry work. I See Mrs. Fannie Abbott, housekeeper. Millard hotel. M823 s WANTED, good girl for general home work. 1911 cnicago i. on i WANTED, girl for general housework. small family. Mrs. F. Magaret, lhU Georgia ave. C 648 6 LEARN proofreading; situations secured; in w j. niu. v.uiiwiiunii.. School, Philadelphia. C- 9 TO 15 weely, no canvaaalng; If not em- ployed an hour or two evenings will add I $5, to $6 to your weekly Income. Enclose stamn. Work mailed on application. 20th Century Mfg. Co., Toledo, O. u sin i i inira .n.H t An .mhmm.rv nd Rut. 1 tenberg at their homes; steady work. I Chicago Crochet Co., Chicago, III. C no PER 1.000 copvlnB letters to be sent to I us; paper free; two stamps with applies.- tlo'n. Illinois Industrial Union. Dept. M, Chicago. C 662 6 I LADIES, copy letters at home; $10 per 1.000; Bend stamped envelope for application. Monarch Novelty Co., Dept. 85, Chicago. C otso t' 5 TO $12 weekly for copying letters for us in your own nome, ouim ana instructions free. Address Ladles' Home Magizlne, Philadelphia, Pa. C 6 o' 'saiir uikl, wamea, 2100 rowier ave.. ily. Apply afternoons. WANTED, Second girl. 804 Pine street, east of Brownell hall. C M763 8 WANTED.' good girl for housework, small family, good salary. 634 S. 40th St. Tel. LUdl. C 7W 6 YOUNG lady to act as stenographer and clerk; Bmltn-premier operator; perm a- nent position; state experience and ref- I erences: answer in own handwriting. P. O Box 414. Omaha. C 735 6 FOR REFIT FURNISHED ROOMS, ELEGANT rooms, finest location In the city. 1909 Capitol Ave. E MS3 . DESIRABLE furnished room for rent. ?226 Farnam st. E 534 6 LARGE front room, also small front room, together or aeparately. 2016 Douglaa. E-609 DEWEY European hotel, 18th and Farnam. n. &i 1 PER WEEK, 422 8. 8th Tit., one block soutn or court nnuse. a mi DESIRABLE rooms. first-class location. 2224 Farnam. E M586 8 NICELY furnished room for gentlemen; modern. 1921 Bt. Mary s Ave. K-- 7' SEVERAL nicely furnished, cool rooms for rent. 1821 Cass at. E M.65 f LARGE front, cool room for t or I gentle men; price very reasonable; also smaller room; modern. zzo& r arnam. m vi - ri'RNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. Merrlam, comfortable summer home. Tel. 85. m r AMI TWO desirable front rooma, with alcoves. The fratc 212 B. 2ttn Bt. jr aula THE Rosa. 3020 Harney. Rooms and board. jr Mloe Zl FURNISHED front rooms with board. 81 B. 26th St. M23 THE Bonnie Brier. 1720 Dodge. Tel. A-J462. r AioM SOUTHEAST front room, with alcove and I bay window; private family. 702 80 JMth I Bt. F 614 8 ROOMS; modern. 2680 Harney at. F-740 f GOOD aummer room for two near All 8alnta' church, with or without bosrd. Addreaa E 30, Bee. F 764 rOR RENT I'KFIRNISHED ROOMS. DESK room space. i per month; ground floor room In The Bee building, facing Karnam atreet; no expenae for light, heat or janitor service. n. 1 . retire & co.. rental agenta, nea Duuaing. u lis FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT The building formerly occu pled by The aem at nib tarnam Bt. It hi as four stories, and a basement which was formerly used as Tha Bee press room This will be rented very reasonably. It Interested apply at once -to C. C. Rose water, secretary, room 1U0, Bee building. 1 2bi FOR RENT fitora In flrst-clais location; rent reasonable. Apply it. c. reiers Co., ground floor, ties BLdg. 1266 I 3X)R RENT Desk room or large apace !" ?' nterchandls. broker or. party Going Duainess in wnoieaaie district in W -. w "iam 8? 1-M224 MODERN building In wholesale district, l- Wead. Ia24 Douglaa street. THE Featner bulldlna-. 107 - Howard at Three-story and basement; brick, steam heated; elegant location for manurac'.ur- Ing or jobbing house. Will put In ?le- ' - ' 1 f'"' ........ ... .....w. vtMue him. m y-ttm tovniiiiviii Luiniiau, Main floor N. t. LAI Plug. iei.. li"l. 1-754 U. a NAT'L BANK BLDG. inq. 13u3 Farnam Bu JINK. AI P1RN buya all klnda of scrap Iron and I I I Sewing Machines Cheap. MONDAY ONLY Domestic, Cabinet, Lists on practically new. . ItUiu fwta Hriuror "iniv, uiuni-i, drop head. Standard, five drawer, Arrr ViooH UIUp IlCtlU Davis, fivedrawer, drop head Singer, seven drawer, drop head, good as new Household, five drawer, drop good as new These machines are all in perfect factories produce, and such machines Box top machines, all standard makes, with the latest heads, complete wih attachments, from $10.00 to We rent machines at 75c. per week NEBRASKA Geo. E. Mickel, Mgr. 334 Broadway 612 N. 24th St., WIRE fence for poultry, hogs, lawn and yard; nitcn posts, tree guar as. wire Works, 817 8. 16th St. Tel 1590. Vi mm i a FOR SALE Phonographs; superior to any other musical instrument; o up. the Wlttman Co., 1621 Farnam, Q2'M NEW and secondhand typewriters. 1119 Far. nam. W 3uo . ln0 gxYLES trusses: catalogue f free. Sher- man a mn unnf n irug .vu.. 16th and Q 302 Dodge, Omaha- INDIAN goods and relics. lilt Farnam. Q 303 WHITE sawdust; season checked oak tim bers, cheap; hog fence, etc. 901 Douglas. y 304 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam. VI SECONDHAND billiard and pool tables: billiard tables repaired; a targe stock of cheap bar fixtures, cigar counters, etc. The Brunswick Baike Collender Co., 407-0 South 10th. Q 306 2DHAND safe cheap. Schwarti, 114 S. 13th. FOR 8AL.E Fine Imported harness, braaa mounted and trimmed; cost when new, 0; will Bell for o0; can be seen at Doty & Russell a barn, 30th and Leavenworth iircpio. w RICYCI.ES and chnnoaraphs on. easy pay- mems snnuwu, iov in "-"-. snviuiwua wheels, Jo. is and i; new wheels, lis. Omana Bicycle Co., loin anu cnicagn bi. w aiaib VIM puncture-proof tires 34.95 and $7 00 per pair, umana tucycie co., win ana i'ni- cago sts. Q-M619 FOR SAI-E Very fine new pneumatic-tire runabout; very cneap. urcnara it wu helm Carpet Co. Q M629 Phonographs From $5.00 to $7?.00, With complete line of Records, Nebraska Cycle Co. GEO. E. MICKEU Mansger. diiiu ia for. 15th and Harney. 'Phone' B 618, 834 Broadway. Council Bluffs. 612 N. Z4tn Ol., uouin umana. pQR SALE, piano, halltree. chiffonier. bookcase, carpets. Iron bed and kitchen utensils. 2423 Blnney. Q 724 8 ONE good saddle and bridle left In- pawn, for sale at a bargain. Adler's Loan Of fice, 1121 Farnam Bt. w ' FOR gas fixtures see Sam'l Burns w -u HOUSEHOLD furniture, also horse and phaeton, together or separate, at nm-e. 4013 Seward. Q 729 6 CLAIRVOYANTS. ATTENTION! ATTENTION! MRS. DR. EDWARDS, THU GREATEST CLAIRVOYANT, trance medium and palmist of the age. f uarantees to ner visitors complete m in action or no charae. All affairs of life love, marriage-, speculation, lawsuits, lost or stolen property, nuriea treasures, eio. If there Is anything you wish to know, any desire of your heart unsatisfied, con sult this gifted woman, whose power has mystified the most skeptical. Succeeds in the most obstinate cases, where other fall DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY. Your life will be made brighter, happier and a patn markea out mat win ieaa you to-iuocess. Many profess the gift of clalrvoysncy, necromancy; few. Indeed, are so gifted. ONE VISIT TO A GENU INE PRIESTESS OF OCULT1SM WILL REPAY YOU FOR MANY DISAPPOINT MENTS. 30 years In Chicago. Tndenendent slate and letter writing. Persons at a distance may write In perfect confl'lence. Mediums developed. 109 SOUTH 17TH ST., NEAR DODGE. 8646 6 MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. 1614 Cass St. 8309 MRS. JACOBSON. 2205 North loth street ELECTRIC TREATMENT. MME. AMES, vapor baths. 134 N. 15th, R. T. T MS41 12 MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N 15, 2d floor. R. 2. i T M748 Aa WANTED TO BUY. WANTED To buy a neat five or six-room rntlAite modern, with full lot. on paved strett. In good neighborhood, for 81.000 cash. V 63. uee. - w WANTED TO BUT Rooming and board ing house; centrally locaiea. in tirai class locality; cheap for cash. E 13, Ilea N M626 6 I WANTED, seven or eight-room house, with one acre or more ground, good lmprove- mente, near car line. Address & 1. nee. N Xtt 6 FOR SALE FIR NlTl'HE. CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel, 2u20. New ana seconaosna, ouugnt, !, exchanged. O 29a 7-ROOM furnished flat for sale. 714 8. 16th, flat 4. c it FOR SALE, the furnishing of a 7-roora x flat, very cheap: good location. Terms cash. Wyman-Shrlver. N. Y. Life bldg. O M7t 7 I FOR Hlliui!, wai.u.s. ETC. I vok SALE Cheap; a Concord buggy. lth mnn 1 intUD. " PAINTING and repairs on wagona. etc.. our specialty, n. troit, iiiu ana i"-n- worth, let ami. -" siuit.T horae and bum for sale In quire l naa. ru warm, iiw ok a v.. coun cil Biuna. "" TYPEWRITERS. THE wonderful 1-ambert Typewriter will (o the work of a i') aaacnine; is rapm, and durable: to Introduce will sell a limited number at 420. Telephone, writ or call. Mtmroa Co., iu N. uui et. -11J3I $25. $110.00 : ;..15. 20. OlO .. .... jLJ OCT" t-tJ . head, Q LT condition, and the latest thing the as the usual agents sell for new. $1? .00 or 2.00 per month. CYCLE CO., Cor. 15th & Harney. Council Bluffs, la. So. Omaha, Neb. A(iETS WANTED. WANTED Canvassing agenta In every tounty to solicit subscriptions to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady employment with assured good In come. Agents in the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily 6u to $100 per month. Ad- aress, century f armer solicitors Bureau, ee Duuaing, umant. zu SOMETHING NEW ! ! Just out. Send for sample. Combination Door Knob and Bell. No cutting or ruining the door. Put on any door In a moment. No batteries to worry about. No springs to wind. Noth ir.g to get out of order. Own your own bell. No landlord to trouble. Price and Bell absolutely guaranteed. Send 1.6o for sample. Agents wanted. WESTERN ELfcAJlfUCAL. COMPANY. 1213 Farnam eireei. umana, .NeD. J z;s AGENTS, we are headquarters for latest novelties suitable for atreet fairs and fiubllc gatherings; send 3 tamp for cata ogue, circulars and full partlculara. Moore Mfg. Co., Dept. L, New Vork Lite tiiag., cnicago. j 67 S3 TO $6 PENSION per week. Wa help widows, cripples and orphans. Write for particulars. American i'ension Co., 41 Franklin St.. New York. J 6tt6 6' WANTED, agents and organizers to repre sent largest sick, accident, death benefit association in the west: big contract; policy easy seller. American Benevolent Association, Bt. lxuis. Mo. J 694 6 AGENTS wanted to make 110.0) a day sell Ing "Cyclone" Rotary Hand Fana: great est seller known; big profits. Write today for agent's terms. Sample postpaid, 25 cents, enterprise Mrg. Co., 164 Lake St., Chicago. 1 J 691 6' 8IEMPRE Viva Resurrection Plants; sam ples, iu cents. mammon, 31 Third St., Cincinnati, c. J b8J e THE WORLD Is with you if you have our new World Pocket Atlas, 464 pages, 90 two-page maps, every country described; Official 19m census; looks like a dollar book; everybody buys; big profits. Com plete anas anu terms mailed, 26 cents Rand-McNally Co.. Chicago, 111. J AGENTS, don't work for others; learn a profession in ten days that will pay 310 10 -j per aay. t-roi. o. a. weitmcr, Ne vada, Mo. J AGENTS, new household Invention: pat. reu., laoi; ao.tfjv soia in Milwaukee; a winner; big profits: exclusive territorv: free sample. J. L. Edgren, Loan & Trust Biag., Milwaukee, wis. J- WE PAY 122 a week and expenses to men wnn rigs to introduce Poultry Compound International Mfg. Co., Parsons, Kan. J 714 6 AGENTS are coining money selling the non-picKame aoor and window lock; sample 10c. Wyomlsalng Co., 100 So. Rth oi., neaaing, A-a. J 711 6 WANTED, manager In every city, county to ii h mi in pent paying ousin-es Known; legitimate, new. exclusive control. Phoe nix co., 15 w. 2Sth St., New York. J-710 6 AGENTS, canvassers, fair men, peddlers. meoicine men, we want a good agent in every county in tne I nited States to nc vertlse our Improved Sarsanarllla bv sell Ing our full 31.00 size, 12-ounce bottle, for 85 cents. This Is the greatest seller on earth every person needs It to fortify against the heat and buys from one to twelve Dottles. Nearly 200 per cent profit to agents. Write quick for terms and ter ritory. F. R, Greene, 59 Dearborn street, cnicago. J ail B ANY good man can make 33 to 310 dav sening sugar sunstimte; takes the pince of sugar; nothing like It. Send 25 cents for 60-cent sample. Address Buar-Sub atltute Co., 607 Bykea Block, Minneapolis, Minn. j 6u8 6 STOP RUNAWAYS Pocket hitching posts nitcn norses sona instantly; carry in pocket; eight seller: agents wanted. Poc ket Hitching Post Co., Richmond, Indiana. J 661 6 AGENTS, Improved fountain pens, superior to an oiners, seir-reeaing goia pen; retails for 60c; over 70 per cent profit; sample for 25c; circulars free. Acme Novelty Co., eui vin at., ienver, coio. J 4fib a" AGENTS, sample free; self-lighting pocket tamp, use oi pencil; ourns periectiy: rapid seller; seeing Is believing; send stamp. Fountain Pocket Lamp Co., 130 Fulton Bt., New York. J 676 6 RESIDENT salesman on commission by lum-v uii-aKo jioutie; ury goous spe ciiimes. rveuer Mrg. CO., 100 otn Ave, Chicago. J 77 6 ROOT BEER In tablets. Yes. makes In stantly delicious, refreshing, healthful arm. Agents wanted. Sample, 12c. J-78 6, to pay 82.000, 13,0031 85.000 a yea to one man In every city and town in thi United States to go Into business for him self; we furnlah plana, capital, giving sucn complete instruction that succer guaranteed; our patent is an absolut necessity, bought In large quantities ty Dig corporations, city, village councils, nianuiacturers, farmers and all kinds o public and private bulldlnas street mil roads, schools, colleges, asylums; you are not required even to make collections: business Is permanent and good tha year round; If you have ambition and are de termined to accumulate a fortune and be in bualnesa for yourself, write us; we will start you In the way to make 32.000. 33.0. and soon you will make 85,000 to it.doO a year aoove an expenses; experience not required, simply determination to work and make a big success; we have those in our employ making 3700 a week; mam make 83(0 and few leas than 31"0 a week write ua promptly, we will give you th opportunity of a lifetime and one whir you will never regret havlna accented The Eagle Tool Co., D 815, Cincinnati, O. J-6M EXPERIENCED, hustling agenta wanted for fast selling office specialty; 60 per cent profit. For particulars address Berkshire Dand & Uuckle Co., North Adams, Mass. J 8M AGENTS wanted for Reld's celebrated line. holders; sells at sight: sample and terms, 3bc. uern Mrg. Co., Parkersburg. la J WANTED TO RENT. WANTED Furnished house with barn good location. Address Bankers' Union, 9js fax ton oik. Mtu t MARRIED couple, without children, desire room and board in nrst-cwss private fam ily in vicinity of downtown district. E 15, WANTED Furnished house with barn good location. Addreaa liaakers' Union, DR. ROY. chiropodist; coma and auperflu- ous hall removed by electricity, n. i, Frenaer block. U 311 ROOMS. 610 South 10th St. Thone 1811. L O.-O iV HAIRDRESSING. manicuring and chlr.-p- odv, for ladlea only, in connection wnn The Bathery, 216-220 Bee Bldg. U 313 PRIVATE hospital, before and during con finement; namea auopteo. urwit m. Mra. Oardela. Tel. K-1182. L 31J RVPTURE permanently cured In 30 to 90 days; send for circular. O. B. wood. M. I., 521 New York Life Bldg,. OmahaNeh. ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best and quickest. Mrs. A. J. Mark, li tt iougias. U-Jla GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesale and retail, colllna 1'lano to., li iong las. U .11 ELITE PARLORS, 615 S. 16th St., 2d floor. t ffr.n CHIROPODY a specialty. In connection w ith The Bathery, rooms 215-220, Hee nidg. Tel. 1716. U 318 SHAMPOOING and hslrdresslng. 25c, In connection with The Katnery, 2lfi-2i.ii, nee building. Tel. 1716. U-317 V1AVA, woman's way to health. Home treatment. Hooklet free. 84S Bee Hiog., Omaha. U 319 PROF. JOHNSON cures all human die- eases. 42") Bee building. Office hours. a. m. to 3 p. m. U 394 7 MME. SMITH, baths, 113 N. 15, 2d floor, R. 1 LOWEST PRICES In accordion and side E testing. The Goldman Pleating Co.. zoo louglaa block. U M320 EMPIRE RUPTURE CURE 932 New York Life Bldg., Omaha. Send for circulars. U 321 PRIVATE home for ladles before and dur ing confinement; babies adopted. ZS20 Burdette. Mrs. Burget. U M2&3 26 DR. B. M. JACKSON room 4, Frenzer block, chronic diseases a specialty; cor suits lion free. U ill con- WANTED, any Information of Charles E. Knng, Dy J. tr. Kring, cnerryvaie, Kan sas. U-442 Jy5 MOLLIE For your ping pong luncheon see page -n, juiy v nat to Eat ukukuk. U 6!2 ( A PHILANTHROPIST. Rev. Melvln L Peden, pastor of Church of Christ, H4 Stone St., Glhsonburg, o., offers to fur nish Information free as to how consump tion can be cured at home. U 690 6 DEAR LADY, did you ever realize that wnen you pay ju.uu or ii6.ou lor a nat that we could sell you at 85.00 that the dear lady friend who highly recommends a certain place often gets a very large reduction In price for herself for the con sideration of her Influence among her friends? Our price strictly one price, and Ice water free. PENNELL, Millinery. 1614 and 1516 Doug las St., over tne Blnger omce and Lind say Jewelry store. U HAVE your horoscope cast by URIEL; send for circular. Uox 49, New iork, N. Y. U- A WONDERFUL French clairvoyant; what he tells comes true; send 10c and birth day. Prof. a. Oarnot, Box Zli9, Boston, Mass. U 707 f GENEROUS gentleman, wealthy but lonely, elegant home, will make home happiest place on earth to kind wife. Governor, 813 Holland Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. . U 708 6 HANDSOME lady haa farm and 820.00); would marry, assist and orrer pleasant home to kind man. American, 78 LaSnlle Bt.. Chicago. U 709 6' REV. CLARA FERRIS will hold spir itualistic services sunaay, 8 p. m., h3 n. 18th St. U 721 6 ATTRACTIVE maiden, absolutely nlone. age ci jo, worm . b . ix i . wants abl?. honest husband. Address Pacific, 59 Dearborn at., cnicago, in. c 607 b" LONELY banker, retired and Immensely rich, seeks Immediately poor but wortny wife. Address Mr. Welter, Real EHtala Board Bldg., Chicago, III. U 366 6 YOUR fortune told from cradle to grave. hat 1 tell you comes true. Bend dim-? and blrthdate. Prof. Jo Myers, Drawer 704, Chicago. U 664 6 FREE 100 business, professional or calling cards and a handsome leather card case can be obtained absolutely free by an swering this advertisement. We went a sample of our work In each town. Write quick. J.- R. Jameson & Co., Printers and Engravers, Covington, Ky. U 652 6 WANTED, few ladles to do copying at home; no canvassing; good salary; in close stamp. Warren Chemical Co., De troit. Mich. U 6iS 6 HANDSOME, Intelligent American lady, worth $t,000, will marry Immediately and assist kind husband financially. Address Belle, 134 Van Buren St.. Chicago. U 657 6 RETIRED business man, middle age, worth w,fluo, seeks at once poor but faithful wife. Address Mr. Hamilton, 403 Omaha Bldg., Chicago. U 664 6 ENGLISHMAN, 45. wants loving wife, about 3o, of business capacity and com mon sense. Literary tast- s preferred Strictly' honorable. Victor, Box 2163. Kan Francisco. U 681 6 'YOU can fool all the people some of the time" on some things, but you can't fool them on cigars. Everybody knows that the STOECKER CIGARS are the best. The best because they are made of superior stock. U M260 e MEDICAL. DR. PRIE8, the acknowledged leallng specialist In diseases of women In Omaha, would call the attention of sunVri.ig ladlea to hla unsurpassed accommodations before and during confinement and his treatment for Irregularities, no matter what cause. Call or address, with stamp. Dr. Pries, Arlington Block, 1513 Dodge, Omaha. 349 LADIES' Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are the best; safe; reliable. Take no other. Send 4c, stamps, for particulars. "Relief for Ladles" In letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia. Pa. DR. W. HUTCHINSON, apeclallst of women and children; 30 yea re' pructlce. Office, 22" 6 Cuming. Residence telephone, F-2790; office, B-2AJ6. LADIES, use our harmless remedy for de layed or suppressed periods; It cannot fall. Trial free. Paris Chemical Co., Milwaukee, Wis. DR. B. M. JACKSON Sulfa 4, Frenaer Block, 15th and Dodge Sta CHRONIC DISEASE X Specialty. Consultation Free. Offloe Houra 9 to t and 7 to $ P. M. Sun days 10 to U noon. LOST. LOST, between Hickory and Pacific, on Georgia avenue, a black belt with two gold stickpins and bangle; bangle has monogram "W. H. 8." and "June 15," on other aid. Return to Dr. Bherraden, 413 McCague. Reward. 6J7 LOST. July 4, at Lake Manawa, ladlea black cloth jacket. Liberal reward for return to R. Peterson, cara Peoples' tore. 629 LOST, ladles' gold watch, diamond set In back, name and date engraved on Inside, between Union station and 526 do. 24th avenue. Return to above address snd re ceive reward. 41 LOST, between Dodge and Farnam. or on Fur nam or Park avenue car line, pearl stickpin. Suitable reward for return to Bee office. Lost 771 AKOl."CEMEVr. WATERS PRINTING COMPANY. Tela, phone 2190. 511 South Thirteenth street. M367 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO.. cleans cesspools and vaults, removes garbage and dead animals at reduced prices, (a N. 14. isL i7;a. -ra o N L Y O N E W E E K M O R E ONLY ONE WEEK MORE 20 PER-CENT ADVANCE' IN PRICE Northwestern Copper Mining Co. July 12th is the last day this stock can be had for 124 cents a share. After that date the price will be 15 cents. But only a few thousand more shares remain for sale, and as soon as they are subscribed no more will be sold. With money enough on hand immediately to equip and run the mine and wir.n no possi bility of delay, this stock must advance very rapidly to many times the present price. If you want a small investment that will make large "And quick returns, get the booklet and investi gate at once, for next Saturday is the last day the stock can be had for 124 cents. Notice the instalment plan of payment. F. E. BROWN, Secretary, 603 N. Y. Life Bldg. ' TO GET In or out of business call on Wll- llama, Room 411, McCaguo Building. i - -342 WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange your business or property quick, see J. H. Johnson, 843" N. V. Life. Y M340 TO BUT. eell or exchange a business, call on C. J. Canan, R. 8, 1017 Farnam St. Y-M341 FOR 8 A LB, furniture of a 10-room house, full of good oh y Ing boarders, 1 block from Harney, Dodge and Farnam cars, 4 blocks from 16th; cash order only con sidered. A good thing for the right per son. House rent reasonable. Addres C 7. Bee. Y-260 When You Write to Advertisers remember It'only takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you aaw the ad in The Bee A BUSINESS MAN CAN acquire controlling lntereat In a profit able and rapidly Increaaing legitimate manutacturing bualness. Capital required 32.5UO to 35,000. This Is worth Investigat ing. J. H. Johnson, N. Y. Life. Y-M524 FOR SALE OR TRADE Steam laundry, doing $1,200 to $1,500 per month, in Ne braska town; bargain. Address E 3, Omaha Bee. Y M563 7 WANTED reliable business woman over 30 years to travel or open offices. Income, $50 to $300, according to ability. Room 603. Bee Bldg., Omaha. Y 643 6 CIGARS, popular brands; save yon $5 to $10 per 1,000. 1207 Farnam. Y 650 6 Patents Guaranteed PATENTS SECURED OR FEE RB- FREE opinion as to patentability. Send for our illustrated GUIDE BOOK, finest publication Issued for free distribution. Contains 100 mechanical movements. Tells HOW TO OBTAIN A PATENT HOW AND WHAT TO INVENT FOR PROFIT HOW TO SELL PATENTS, LAW POINTS FOR INVENTORS, etc. Pa-n ecured through us advertised without charge in the " PATENT RECORD SAMPLE COPY FREE. We also send free our LIST OF INVENTIONS WANTED. Address EVANS, WILKENS & CO., Registered Patent Attorneys, Evans Bldg. Washington. D.C. BAFF SPECULATION Let us explain our 8 cf-opeVaflve safety fund plan of n Investment- suited for small Investors; $10 earns' $2 o $4 and $100 earns $20 to $40 monthly: no risk: based upon "the law of a-erages;'' no race horse scheme, but ock speculation reduced to a safe science: no customer has ever lost a dollar- refer to hundreds of customers; take advantage of the coming activity in stocks- write for full particulars and ?e?enceT you will invest If you Investi gate. Address, F. A. Henechal & Co., Bank"? 976 Union Truat Bldg.. Cincin nati, Ohio. 1 ARB YOU LOOKING FOR A SAt E INVESTMENT? w Now la the time. We will low you how to make your Idle capital earn you a good income This Is worth looking Into, as the principal aim In life Is to succeed, and th proposition we have to offer you is a success. Drop us a postal card and we will send you free our Modern Ideas for Investor.. Denver CoiasratW. InyeM ment Association, Exchange Bldg.. Den ver. Colo. 1-.026 I CAN SELL YOUR BUSINESS. No matter whore It Is. Send description and cash price and learn how I We or can find the buslneas you want to buy. Tell me vour requirements, w . m. 'is-U-arider .ITome Office, Suite 1443 North Amerfcin I Bldg.. Philadelphia. Offices In IUUI ICCU WANTED, location for bank of $10,000 to $35 000 capital in eastern or east-MntrsI Nebraska- would purchase established fcTaln".? American Community Preferred. Address E 6, Bee. Y-700 6 AN ENERGETIC man, with good business mialirtcations. can secure managerial po Sufon with Ohio corporation, capitalized for $250,000; must come well recommended ind be able to take atock n;0Pnutr lng term of engagement from $1 5m to $2 600 aame to be taken up at expiration o"f agreement. Thla company la composed of the representative business men of Columbus. Vlary II.Mft and liberal com mission. Address "Howard D. hemp sec retary. Sphar building, Columbus ACTIVE men In good standing want every town for placing $5 bonds with $j stock bonus; strUtly legitimate and won derfully paying agricultural enterprise; principal back with lntereat and half tha profits ever thereafter; excellent safe In vestment for bank savings. D. C. Jmboden. banker and, broker, 2u6 La Balle Sr. Chi cago. y-M 6 BOOKMAKERS earn fortunes: join book makers and recover losses; unlimited profits. Free booklet, Lehigh Co I Broadway. New York. yll. "SUCCESS IN SPECULATION." 1100 Invested in grain or stocks by our oatety n... . .... -- - - - - prom oi -"j" . a),vw ' -Write for particulars and send for our free book, "Mouern ' vestments " M. B. Flower it Co., bankers I'd brokers, Chicago Block Exchange Bldg., Chicago. y7- 8 A GREAT ENTERPRISE STARTED to turn the cornstalk waste of the L nited States into money. An Ideal location In the mldat of the corn belt aecured by the NATIONAL FIBER A CELLULOSE CO sole owners of the machinery and pro cess This assures a solid foundation for a gigantic Industry. A great opportunity for large and email Investora M let their Capital grow win, ..... ' , ' limited amount of stock obtainable at $3 (liar value Il'i. run pain ana nu.i-.c-able) until July 24. Bee our large ad- . . ....h.ln. frill Infn-mfttlnn on financial page of today a Issu. of this paper, ror oescnpiivo ni".".i pectus and other Information address Sanford Makeever A Co., Fiscal Agenta, 84 Adams Bt.. Chicago. I1L Y-672 f FOR SALE Proaperous light manufactur turlng business; $5o0 required; t daily profits. Address E 18, Bee. Y M76$ T GOOD bakery for sale in town of ?.500; failing health Is reason; will sell cheap. Address Box 7&. Geneva, Nab i XM767 T" o N L Y O N E W E E K M O R E HOW to make $500 worth $5,ono In gold mines and oil wells; $6 buya twenty shares; don't fall to write to H. G. Com. stock Co., Hayward'a building. Pan Francisco. Cal. Y-t6S 6 EVERY man who haa a dollar invested In turf speculation should read "Paul Pry" on horse racing; gives complete Informa tion regnrding all turf companies, and gives you an opportunity to steer clear of danger; mailed free to any address. Write to N. 8. Ooodslll, Rinback block. Hammond, Ind. Y-6S2 6 FOR SALE, one of the best livery and boarding stables In Omaha, doing a good business; owner wants to leave the city. W. H. Gates, 618 N. Y. Life. Phone, 1204. Y-M750 15 J. H. JOHNSON, 843 N. Y. Life. 'Phone L2270. The Real Estate and Business Man. Tell me what you want to sell. Tell ma what you want to buy. If I don't find you a deal you may say I never try. Y-743 s ROOMING AND BOARDING HOUSES. In good localities, doing well: capacity 10 to 42 rooms; furniture for sale at reason able figures. J. H. Johnson, N. Y. Life. Y742 6 TO SPENDTHRIFTS: To those who want to save, to those who want to Invest; drop me a postal with your name and sd dress and I will show you how to mnke 100 per cent In two years without risk. P. O. Box 257, Madison Square, New York City. Y-6S5 6 FOR EXCHANGE. 6-ROOM house, rents for $20 per month, been rented 3 years; gas and bath and shade trees; Bemis Park addition: will trade for small farm near Omaha. Ed T. lleyden, 323 North 16th St. Z 600 6 WANTED, to exchange a nice house and lot In Omaha for a stock of boots ana shi es or clothing. E 1. Bee. Z M7B1 9 MOXEV TO LOA. HEAL ESTATE. x 4H PER CENT on business property. per cent on residence property. Options to psy whole or part any time. inns to W. B. MH.lK.lvH,, 401 a. lbtn sr. W 322 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Love Co., 3o9 S. 13th. W-323 WANTED City loana and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St. W-324 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, $37 N. Y. 1 W-325 FARM and city loans, low rates. W. H. Thomas, First Nat. Bank Bldg. Tel. 1618- W 326 WANTED City and farm loans; also bonds and warrants. R, C. Peters & Co., 1703 Farnam St., Bee Bldg. W 327 LOW RATES. Private money. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Main Floor New York Life Bldg. W-M32S 4H TO 6 P. C. money. Bemls, Paxton Bile. W 329 5 PER CENT loans. Garvin Bros.. 1604 Farnam. W 330 PRIVATE Money. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglaa. W-531 $100 UP; low rate. Prlchard. I71J Farnam. w M333 WILLIAMSON SX?SJ2.- w MOSEY TO LOAM OHATTEL8. $10,000. We have It to loan on furniture, pianos, warehouse receipts, livestock, etc., or if you are permanently employed wo caa make you a loan on your SALARY. We loan from $10.00 up on very short no tice and without publicity. Our offlcea ara very easily found and you will receive courteous treatment whether you borrow . or not. After you have talked with us you will know whether It will pay you to borrow or not, for we will tell you In ad vance Just what the transaction will cost you. with us you pay Interest only on what ou receive and for only what tlma you keep It. We do not charge for mak ing papers. The rule of our offloa Is to please everyone. OMAHA MORTGAGE IO AN CO., 119 Board of Trade bldg. Tel. 2293. (Established U92). 3u6 8. 16th st X-M564 BHORT ROUTE TO PAY DAY. Loans to salaried people UPON THEIR PLAIN NOTE. No mortgage. Indoraer or publicity. Theee loana made quickly and quietly. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. Room 3u3, Third Floor, Paxton Block. X-47S LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team- ' sters, boarding houses, etc., without e cunty; easiest terms; 40 offices In prin cipal olUes. Tolman, 440 Board of Trade Bldg. X-4X4 MONEY loaned on furniture, live stock, iewalry, to salaried people. Foley Loaa :o.. sue. to Duff Green, I Barker Block. X-901 LOANS, household furniture, pianos and all kinds of chattel security; terms to suit; no publicity: goods remain in your rossesslon. American Loan Co., 3d ftnnr. axton block. X--676 MONEY loaned on plain note to salariod Eiopie; business confidential; lowest ratea, 4 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. X-808 MONEY loaned on pt&noa, furnltui. lew airy, horses, cows. ate. C. F. Road. Ill 9 13. X-0f Chattel and Salary Loana, PHOENIX CREDIT CO., Successor to J. W. Tayloe. Tel. 746. 631 Paxton Block. s X M130 SHORTHAND A NO TYPEWRIT! HQ. A. C. VAN BANTS school. 717 N. T. LI fa. 363 BOYLE8 collage, court reporter principal. !i. X. l.i rs. - NEB. Buaineaa aV Shorthand College, Boyd's Theater. w J I i 3U niton PI a. It 1 aouiis. auuo. 11 r 'J