Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 06, 1902, EDITORIAL SHEET, Image 11
The Omaha Sunday Bee. j EDITORIAL SHEET, g g PAGES 11 TO 20. j ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY G, 1002. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. mi The Year's Best Bargains. In most Reasonable goods. 1 Backward, rainy June makes quick, big selling necessary now. The Ilayden way is It LETTING DOWN Astonishing reductions on all small lots, broken sizes, odds and ends, etc. Shrewd, economical buyers will find this the grand est money-saving opportunity ever presented. Read tho Wash Goods Sale, The Bargain Room Items, And the Great Special Offerings in Groceries (Agents for the Butterick patterns. Mail orders filled.) Bh the Bargain Room THE FOCRTH IS OVER and now we will commence to out and slash the. price on wash goods, furnjshlng goods, silks. et. 1.000 pieces of the goods that sold for 10c we will sell them now at 6c and 7V c per yard. 1.000 pieces of the goods that sold for be. IVtC and 10c, you can buy them now at IVio per yard. Besides this all the surplus wash goods from the stock room will be placed on ale to be sold at once. Everything will be closed regardless of the cost. Bead every Item of the following ad and we will guarantee that you will get the gopds. just as represtnted. NO DEALERS, PEDDLERS OR MANUFACTURERS SOLD IN THIS ROOM. 53c Goods for 10c High grad batistes, mulhouse German organdies, best goods that are made In the world, worth 69 e per yd, stripes, dots and figures, linen colored batistes, linen col ored dimities, swlss muslins, sheer lawns, embroidered swlss organdies, plain lace goods, white goods, sstln striped white goods, fancy white oxfords for waists sod dresses, and 10,000 different kinds of wash goods too numerous to mention IOa here; all will go at a yd IUC IQc.l2ic, 15c, 19c Goods, 5c Batistes, organdies, lenoa, lawns, linen crash for dresses, London piques. Dublin duck, plain white goods, checked nain sooks, 32 and 36-lnch percales. In dark and light colors and about 100 different kinds too numerous to mention; all will C. go at, a yard U C One Large Counter 12 Jc and 15c Qocds for 2c Lawns, organdies, corded dimities, 8 Inches wide, strictly fast colors, made by WM. SIMPSON SON, only 10 yds IJ1 to a customer, at a yard. s&2U Extra Specials. Amoskeag apron gingham at Be, 124c madras gingham at 6V4e, 25c mercerized foulards grand line of shades at lOo a yard. Bath rags worth $125 and $1.50, at 89c Napkins worth 75c a dozen at 89c. Nap kins worth 45 o a dozen at 15c a dozen. Windsor prints, Hamilton's and Arnold's prints, tho best prints made. In light and dark colors and worth 6c, 6Hc and 7 He, will go at ZVic a yard. 25c turkey red table damask at 15c, 85o foulard silks at S5c, $1.60 fancy silks for waists at 49c. Silks at lOo 15c, 26o and up. Clothing Men's $3.50 snd $4 all wool pants at $1.25 and $1.60 a pair. Boys' Soo wool pants at 19o. Boys' tfic wash pants at 9c. Boys' 76o wool pants at 85a Boys' long wool pants at 96c. SEVERAL OTHER SALES DURING THE DAY. WHICH WILL BE ANNOUNCED ON THE FLOOR BEFORE THEY COMMENCE. , All Our Wash Dress Goods Must Go Ths Greatest Price Slashing Sale Commences Monday Haydsn's great variety of all kinds of wash fabrics to go on sale Monday at the most remarkable prices ever known in the state of Nebraska. Every line of goods absolutely the best 1903 style and fabrics. Over 60,000 yards of the choicest Grena dines. Bt. Gaul novelties. Lacs Tissues, Silk and Linen novelties, French Swisses, Foulard DeSoie, Linen Madras, Linen Ohambray, .Linen Etamlne, Mercerized Etamlne, white Damask Walstlngs, French Printed Aline, etc., worth from 39c to $1.25 per yard, all go ln this price- f) R l slsshing sals at, a yard sCwv 3.600 yards and over of Egyptian and Scotch Tissues, Embroidered Novelty Swiss, Woven Corded Novelties, Satin Strips Novelties, Foulard Sublime. Batiste de Orient, Silk Giughains, etc., worth from No samples sent of these fabrica, as they will net last long at these prices and It would be next to impossible to fill any order where several days elapse between the time of sending out samples and receipt of order. Any open orders will be filled exactly as staled ln above prlcs-slashlng sale. Carpets Clearing sale of carpets, matting and ruga. Closing out patterns all wool carpets, 49c and 69c yard Closing out patterns Brussels carpets, 49c and 69c yard. Closing out patterns velvet carpets, T9e yard. Japanese matting. 20c, 25c and 80c yard. China matting, 10c, 12So, 16c, 20c and lie. Japanese porch blinds, all sizes: 4x8, $1; ixl, $1.40; 10x8, $2.C0. T-foot window shades, slightly damaged, 2'tc each. First-class Switches AT REDUCED PRICES. J 00 values for 9c. I! 25 and $2.50 switches tor $14. $3 00 switches for $18. Everything In the line of hair goods at , rd uced prices. filparinir RaIpq! UlUllllljj, OdIBb J of THE PRICES." Furnishings 75o colored laundered shirts Men's 25c. at 600 dozen men's balbriggan shirts and drawers, in plain and fancy colors, worth up to 75c, at 19c. Ladlea' and children's 26o underwear at 10c Men's 2Ro string and bow ties at 5c. 1 lot of ladies' corsets in all sizes and white and drab, worth up to $1.00, at 39o. I lot of ladlea' union suits, worth $1.00, at 39c. Hammocks aa.d Croquet Sets ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF HAMMOCKS, CROQUET SETS, finest line In the city and the prices are not much more than halt of what others ssk for them. Complete amateur set, 4 balls at 39c, 6 balls at 69c and 8 balls at 98c Professional sets, 4 balls at $1.49, 6 balls at $1.69 and 8 balls at $1.98. $2.75 for the best pro fessional set made. Hammocks We are headquarters for hammocks of every description from 60c to $6.00 each, the best close woven hammock ln the city with pillows and spreaders tor 75c. BE SIRE AXD ATTEND OI R FAMOUS 80-MIMTB SALES. FROM AiSO T U A. M.' We will seU yard wide bleached mnslln. regular 6V4c grade, only 10 yards to a customer, at yard 21c FROM 11 TO Ili30 A. M. We will sell short lengths of dimities, organdies, batistes, every shade and color. made, only 10 yards to a cus tomer at, a yard 2!c FROM a TO Si.tO P. M. We will sell apron check prints, regular 5c and 6V4 c grades only 10 yards Q'ssj to a customer, at yard fw2C FROM 4i30 TO 5 P. M. We will sell 10c and 12Vc dimities, lawns aud organdies, strictly fast colors, 32 Inches wide, only 10 yards to a customer, at, yard Ic 89c to 76c per yard all go la this pries slsshing sale, at a ir yard IOC 10,000 yards of fine Glnghsms and Mad ras Cloth (plain and stripes Chsmbrsy (linen finished), Galatea (In plain colors I, White Pique, Linen Suiting, etc.. worth from 15c to 25c a yard, all In this price slashing sale at, a A, yard IUC 350 pieces (about 4.000 yards) of fine Irish Dimity ln white grounds with neat fig ures and stripes (all fast color), worth 18c a yard, choice in this price slashing sale at 8 c China Department Beautiful colored opal ware, equal to Imported Bohemian, consisting of rose bowls, vases, jelly and card trays, bonbon and olive dishes, at 10c. Extra large sise tea tumblers, 4c. Semi-Porcelain places, lc, 3c and 3c Decorated cups and saucers. te each. All sizes lamp chimneys. 3Vo each. Imported white eggshell French china cups and saucers, 1o each. 100-pleee decorated dinner set, very fine, nnderglszed. decorated, fancy shape, $4.(9. Decorated toilet sets, $1.19. Fancy colored candle, 3c. Art pottery Jardiniere. 29e. -piece cream set, 17c. Flannel Department 33-lnch wide, extra heavy shaksr fisn nel, per yard, 8Vc. Regular price, 10c. 38-Inch wide drapery cretonne, per yard. 10c. 34-tnch allkoline, per yard. 6c SS-lneh wide drapery sateens, per yard. liiec. worth 20c annual clearing of fikf. silks ALL AT MQ3T ASTONISHING PRICES This means the commencement of the big the. finest kinds of black and colored silks this season's best styles and qualities. It should be an Inducement for every lady In our city to attend this grand sale. What lady does not want silks? Everybody wants them. Silks are today conspicuous for their great popularity In all the leading fash ons. This grest ssle aOords an opportunity for eve-y lady to own One silk skirt or entire dress. BEST WASHABLE CORDED FOULARDS. In choice styles and FINE COLORED TAFFETAS. 19 rLAIN WHITE AND PLAIN SILK 3. all the light, pr,ty t0?n- ?" wide, about worth 75c, on tale at colors. 50; grade, at 25c BLACK TAFFETA, 27 Inches wide. worth 76c. only . 49c BLACK TAFFETA. 27 Inches wide. worth $1.25, only 69c BLACK TAFFETA. 27 Inches wide. worth $1.35, only 75c BLACK TAFFETA, $6 Inches wide. worth $2 60. only $1.17 BLACK TAFFETA, 64 Inches wide. worth $3.50 only 1.75 ALL FINE BLACK GRENADINES ON skirts, and we offer these fine Imported ALL GRENADINES that sold for $1.60, $1.75, snd $2.60, for GREAT SENSATIONAL ONT1-HOUR SALE MONDAY MORNING. Silks worth up to $l.n0 from 10 until 11 o'clock Monday morn ing, 49c. White hemstitch silk, worth $3.00; fancy brocade Ilk, worth $1.50; plain 27-ln. colored taffeta, worth $1.25; black taffeta, worth $1.00; all kinds cf Mack and colored silk, brocades, crepe dechenes, corded taffetas, foulards, cream sstlns and silks, wide blsck and white wash silks,. O. on ssle for one hour at f JS We can mall no sample of thwe special sale silks, but wi order by mall, why not you? We always please. Clearing Sale Specials in Furnishings and Underwear Ladies' lisle thread vests ln the lace pat terns, worth 25c, at 10c. Ladles' Jersey ribbed drawers, ln all regular and extra sizes, umbrella style, lace trimmed, worth 50c, at 25c. Ladies' lisle threed union suits, um brella style, lace trimmed, worth 50c, at 25c. Ladles' corset covers, lace trimmed and ladlea' fine cambric umbrella drawers worth 89c, at 25c. Ladles' nightgowns and drawers, fine lace and embroidery trimmed, worth 98c, at 49c. - One lot of ladles fine nainsook gowns. low neck and short sleeves, in all the latest styles, trimmed with fine lace edges and Insertions, also fine embroidery trimmed. worth $2.00 and $2.50, at 98c. Children's fancy parasols ln all colors. worth 60c and 75c, at 25c. One lot of ladles' fine embroidered and lace trimmed skirts worth $1.50, at 98c. Ladles' gloria silk umbrellas worth $1.50, at 98a. Ladies' fine taffeta silk umbrellas ln black and colors worth $4.00, at $2.98. Children's percales and madras shirt waists worth 75c, at 49c. Children's white blouse waists, embroid ery trimmed, worth $2.00 and $2.50, at 98c. "Korso" ia the .only garment which can be worn as an undervest or as a combina tion of undervest and corset cover. By uniting the shoulder ribbons the upper part of Korso can be folded over the top of the corset, covering It tightly and smoothly, leaving neck and shoulders tree, doing away with ungainly shoulder straps and ths necessity to stuff the undervest Into the corset when thin waist and even ing gown are worn. The Korso Is mads in two qualities, the fine elastic ribbed at 50c and the silk at $1.00. Ladles' and misses' batiste and ventilated girdles at 49c, worth 75c. Ladies' short batiste and ventilated cor sets, rust proof, at 49c, worth 75c. Dr. Warner's summer corsets for stout figures, sixes 20 to 36, absolutely rust proof, at $100. The Nemo self-reducing corset for stout figures at $2.50. Ths Delta dip triple strip Nemo corset for stout and medium figures. One French batiste, at $3.50. Also a full line of up-to-date strslght front corsets ln the Kabo, W. C. C, R. and G. and Thompson glove fitting corsets at $110 and up. 35c Shawknlt hose at 15c. 1,000 dozen children's fine ribbed, Shaw knlt hose In all sizes 6 to 9Vi. 35c quality on sals at 15c. Ladles' black and colored lisle thread hose, 50c quality at 25c. Ladles' fast black, full seamless hose at 10c Shoes! Shoes! OUR SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARINO SALE IN 8HOES begins tomorrow. Tske advan tage of this and buy your shoes and slip pers now. Misses' patent calf colonial spring heel, former price $1.50, $1.00. Child's pstent calf colonial spring heel. ; former price $1.25. 90c. Misses' vlci kid strap slipper, former price $1 25, 90c. Boys' and youths' linen shoes, former price $1 26. 85c. Women's and misses' linen Oxfords, former price $150. 85c. Women's hsnd turned Juliets, 3-5, former price $2.50. 79c. Child's hsnd turned tan lsee, 5-8, former price 85c, 49c. Women's hand turned Oxfords, former price $1.35, 89c. Men's vicl kid lsce, former price $3.00, $1-94. Women's vicl kid lace, former price $3.00, $1.94. Women's patent calf colonial spring heel. former price $1.50, $1.00. Sole agents In Omaha for the Stetson and Cross tt shoes tor men and the Brooks Bros, and Ultra shoes fee women. 1 department- great July silk sale. This means the selling cf thousands of yards at the most ridiculous prices, considering the fact that all these eilhs are ,4,n: ln- .T'h r'c 50 bolt" snd many real heavy 28c go Monday at BLACK PEAT DE S01E wide, worth $1.50. only . 21 Inches 85c BLACK PEAIT DE SOIE, 22 Inches wide, worth $2.00, only $1.00 BLACK PEAU HE PO.'E, 27 Inchew wide, worth $2.50, only 1.25 BLACK PEAIT DE SOIE, 21 Inches wide, worth $1.00, only 1.75 These silks are slike on both sides, sre the finest pure silk snd warranted to wear SALE MONDAY st th: moot wonderful double width black grenadines st these sensational priors: $2 00 35c ALL GRENADINES i.00, for 80 SAMPLE SKIRT of fine blactt Im ranted to wear, 8-;.rd sample skirt length, worth $12.00, on ssle 10-jsrd sample skirt length, worth $16.00, on sale 1 fill oren orders, excepting on one-hour eale. Many others Clearing Sale on White Dress Goods, Shirt Waist- ings and ladle Linens Monday will be the biggest day ln the white goods department and prices will be cut In two: Striped and checked dimities, regular ISc and 20c. for, yard 12Hc White lawn, 40 Inches wide, regular 15c, for 10c White lawn, 40 Inches wide, regular 20c, for Warp welt pique, regular 25c, for.... loc Persian lawn 25c, 35c. and 40c yard French lawn, 48 in. wide.... 40c, 60c and fine Opera batiste. 30 ln. wide ..35c, 45c and 60c Oxford cheviot, regular 40c, for .... 25o Mercerized oxford cheviot, regular 50c, for Satin striped madras, regular 50c, for 35c 35c Tabie Linens 68-lnch bleached damask, regular 35c, for 19c 60-inch bleached damask, regular 40c, for 32e 64-Inch bleached damask, regular 65c, tor 49c 60-inch unbleached damask, regular 40c, for 320 64-Inch unbleached damask, regular 65c, for 49o 73-Inch unbleached damask, regular 90c, for 72H 72-Inch bleached - 4-mask, regular Bleached napkins, regulsr 75c, for, dozen 49c Bleached napkins, regular $1.25, for, dozen 98c Bleached napkins, regular $1.60, for. dozen , $1.3214 Sheeting and Muslin 8- 4 bleached sheeting, regular 20c, for 160 9- 4 unbleached sheeting, regular 18c for 15c 9-4 bleached sheeting, regular 22c, for 18e 42-Inch pillow casing, regular 12 c, " for 10c 45-Inch pillow casing, regular 13Vc, for llHo 1 pair pillow cases for 15c 1 bolt long cloth, 13 yards for 85c Remnants of table linen at half price. Hardware, Stoves and Housefurnishings Special all-week sale on summer goods. Insurance gasoline stove, the best made, as ssfe as gas. Can sell you a 4-burner with step, with National oven, worth $20.00, sreclal $14.49. Two-burner gasoline stoves, $2.49. A good gasoline oven, 95c. ALL KINDS OF SUMMER GOODS. Garden hose, 5c. Daisey air rifles, 69c. Giant lawn sprinklers, 39c. Universal meat chopper, 95c. 25c pocket knives. 10c. No. 8 galvanized wash boilers, 73c. 16-lnch lawn mower, $2.49. 60-lb. lard cans, 63c. $-plece garden sets, 19c. Garden Hoes, 10c. Wood frame wringer, $1.19. Nickeled Potts irons, 85c. $2.00 folding Ironing board. 95c. Large leatherette lunch boxes, 10c Hard wood Hoee Reels, 49c Grass catchers, 49c. Foot baths. 35c. Steel meat aaw, 15c. Stoves and steel ranges. Ws carry over 60 different kinds in stock. Can sell you a very good first class No. 8 cook for $10.49. Ws hsve the best plain steel range made, worth $35.00. To make them sell quick we sell each for $27.50. We have about 100 odds and ends ln re frigerators and Ice chests In all the best mikes. Special cut to close them out. Come In and look them up. Ml o) PAVrfnOT WM PEWS V" BLACK WASH SILKS, worth rradrs, all QQ. 6c 23c ..9iV only BLACK SATINS, 21 Inches wide, worth $100, only 650 BLACK SATINS. 24 Inches wide, worth $1.25. only -o BLACK 8ATINS, 27 Inches wide, worth $1.50. only T5o BLAK SATIN'S, 36 Inches wide, worth $2 00. only $110 BLACK PEAU DE CENE, 36 Inches wide, worth $2.75, only . 135 prices. Grenadines are now so stylish for that sold for $4.00, $5.00 and 1.95 LENGTHS. 8 AND 10 YARDS EACH pored taffeta, 27 Inches wide snd war woven - in edge, all go at about half price 6.50 7.98 Clearing Millinery Sale All the finest trimmed hats will be sold at 1-8 former price to close them out. The greatest opportunity ever offered to buy a beautiful hat st a mere fraction of Its cost. Grest sale of newest styles In summer hats Monday. The greatest values ever given In most fashionable summer beadwear. Special Sale on Straw Hats Men's 40c and 50c hats at 25o. Men's 65c and 75o hats at 356. Men's $1.00. $1.25 and $1.50 bats at 75c. Children's 25c and 35c Mexicans at 15c. Children's 50c and 60c Mexicans at 25c Boys' 60c and 60c straws, 25c. Boys' 65c snd 75c straws, 35c. Boys' all wool serge csps, 25c. Full line of men's felt hats from 75c to $2.00. Full line of men's Panama strsw hats at $2.00. Bed Spreads $2.50 full sizes close woven, fine raised patterns Marseilles bed spreads, each $1.60. $2.75 Marseilles) bed epresds, satin finish, each $1.98. . . . $2.25 full size fringed cut corners bed spreads, each $1.50. $2.00 Marseilles pink, blue and red bed spreads, each $1.25. Jewelry Clearing Prices Four-piece pearl waist sets, large else pins, regular 60c, Monday ...25c 50c jet belt buckles 15c 200 different styles best rolled-plate cuff buttons, worth up to $1.00 pair, on sale Monday 25c 1-piece collar buttons at, and 2c Best imitation cut-glass salt snd pep per shakers, with heavy Sterling tops, per pair 49c Silver-plated salt and pepper shakers, per pair 25c Wall Paper and Paints The greatest bargains ever shown In wall paper. 35c roll papers, 20o roll; 25o papers, 15c roll; 20c papers, 12 Ho roll; 15c papers, 10c roll; 10c papers, 74c roll; 8c papers, 6c roll; 6c papers, 3c roll; 6c papers, 2 He roll. The best' grade of ready mixed paint on the market at 98c gallon. This paint Is equal to any $1.50 paint sold In the city. Varnishes, stains, enamels and brushes at greatly reduced prices. Optical Department It those old glasses don't fit any more come here and ws will furnish the correct thing for the smsllest cost. Department In charge of expert refractlonlst. Solid gold filed and aluminum frames, ths lenses of the best quality, at from 98c up. Colored spectacles, 19c. PIANOS! PIANOS! Sold on Easy Payments v It Is with pardonable pride that we refer you to our piano department. The most beautiful stock of standard pianos ever shown under one roof. People wonder why we sell more pianos than all the other dealers together. We explain it ln a few words. We give our customers reliable pianos at right prices and on easy terms If they desire to purchase that way. We carry such well known makes as Chlcxer ing, Fischer, Decker, Wegman, Krell, Haines, Conover, Jacob Doll, Keller, Kingsbury, Wellington. Franklin. Foley ft Williams and Cable. New pianos tor rent. Pianos tuned, moved and repaired. Telephone 16S3. Hayden Bros., Omaha's Leading and Reliable Piano House. Laces! Laces! Laces! The greatest lsce sale of the century Mondsy 8:30 a. m. 75C LAPE3 FOR 15C A YARD. 63,000 yards of summer laces, bought at 25c on the dollar the Inrgen spot cash transaction In wash laces of the sesson. See comment in Dry Goods Chronicle and Trade Journal. 50C LACES. 10C A TARD. Elegant black silk Gallons, fine Lace In serting and extra-width Skirt Laces, all of the very latest patterns and superior quality. !5C LACES FOR 5C A TARD. Thourands of yards of Laces, Inserting snd Gallons, Just the thing tor summer dress, the very latest designs. None sold before S:3C a. m. Extra clerks and cashiers. Come early, as even this immense stock cannot last long at the prices we offer It. I'art psvments accepted on all amounts over' $2.00. None of this lot sent C. O. D. Remember, 'twill be your loss if you miss this sale. Copyright Books, 17Ho. CLOAK DEPARTMENT SALE AN IMMENSE SUCCESS. PATRONIZED BY ALL THE TEOPLE. GREAT SEMI ANNUAL CLEARING SALE NOW ON. B ARGAINS! BARGAINS'! BARGAINS!!!. WOMEN'S GARMENTS AT LESS THAN THE COST OF MAKING. ECONOMI CAL WOMEN THAT HAVE WAITED PLEASED AND SATISFIED. WHOLE FAMI LIES DRESSED NOW FOR WHAT IT WOULD COST TO PKKSd ONE A MONTH AGO. WOMEN'S SUITS CLEARING SUE PRICE. 100 women's suits, man-tailored; blouse. eton and double snd single breasted In all the newest styles, that sold up to $18.00; clearing sale price, only $8.75. All our fine silk lined suits, that are worth up to $40.00; In colors and black. very best styles, on sale at $15.00. All our $1.00 and $1.25 and $1.50 b'.ack mercerized underskirts, 20 different styles, your choice for 69c. 400 women's all silk taffeta waists, Glver nauds best, ln reds, blues, pink, tans, ess tors and blacks; regular price, $6.00; clear ing eale price, $2.90. Your choloe of all our fine lawn waists that have sold at $5.00, $.00. $7.00, JS.n0. $10.00 and $12.00; clearing sale price, $2 90. 125 dosen women's wash waists, in all colors and white, ln all the new materials that sold up as high as $3.00; clearing sale price, $1.48. 60 dozen women's wash waists, made of excellent quality percale, in the new styles; 50c quality for 10c. Women's Skirts at Clearing Sale Prices. 60 women's silk skirts, ln five different styles, that sold up as high as $12.50; clearing sale price, $5.98. 400 women's silk taffeta and peau de sole skirts, elaborately trimmed, 22 different styles; this price borders almost on the impossible; ln this sale for only $10.00. 60 fine silk skirts that were sold up as high as $60.00, on sale at $20, $25.00 and $30.00. Furniture Clearing Sale The greatest ever at'tempted in Omaha. To make room for our fall stock of furniture, we have decided to make this sale one to be remembered and appreciated by our customers. Wo will quote but a few of the many bargains offered. The prices quoted are one-half to one-third regular prices asked iu any other first" class furnishing house Great Picture Sale. Overstocked on Pictures. We have taken several thousand of them handsomely framed, and will put them on sale on the main floor. All pictures framed, worth op to 60c, In this ssle, 10c Letting Down the Prices on Groceries Graham flour, per sack 2Rc Whole wheat flour, per pound 3c Corn mal, whit or yellow, per sack. ...15c Rye flour, per sack 49c Oatmeal, per pound 3c Hominy, per pound 3 Butter and Eggs Largest assortment In the city to chooss from. Extra sepsrator creamery,, fine dairies, choice country, strictly fresh candled eggs on aale. f special la churned trom UUr CwOC Jersey cows, fed ln tarns grass pastures snd Is received by us fresh direct from the creamery every morning. Always uniform ln quality. When Tired Shopping Get a free cup of our delicious cocoa and a tasty, fresh crscker at our demonstra tion. W ars Introducing our elegant cocoa and chocolate and pure fresh crackers. Wool Skirts Section 1 Women's skirts, ln black mbH colors, trimmed with satin, taffeta and peau de sole bands; garments that sold up to $9.00, on sale for $4.90. Section 2 Women's dress skirts and: rainy day skirts; worth up to $6.00; clear ing sale price, $2.90. The new boy pleated rainy day skirts, la light and dar't graya and other colors, on sale for $4.90. 100 dozen women's wrappers, worth $1.00, clearing sale price, 39c 200 dozen women's wrappera, made of tho very best percales, 2 ruffles over shoulders, trimmed with braid; the $1.50 quality, on sale at 98c. in the west. Starting 'with chairs for the dining room, that are worth 65c, 95c, $1.25, up to $5.85, We will sell for 39c, 60c, 60c and $2.75. Bed room suites worth $23 to $45, we will aell for $11.90 to $22.60. Iron beds worth $3.60, $7.00 and $25.00, we will aell for $1.83, $2.96 and $9.76. S-plece parlor suites worth $20.00, $30.00, and $50.00, we will sell for $10.00, $12.85 and $19.75. All odd pieces for parlor and dining room, we will sell at one-third regular prices. All furniture, at same cut rate prices during this sale All pictures framed, worth up to tl.Ot, sale price, 25c An elegant lot of framed pictures, worth up to $2.75 and $3.00, In this sal for only toC . Dried Fruits Evaporated apples 7Jo California evaporated peacbea, choice.. I Ou California evaported pears 10c California evaporated blackberries 9a California evaporated apricots 12ia California evaporated nectaxinea ..... 10c California loose muscatel raisins 10c Cleaned seeded raisins 10c Cleaned Patrons currsnts 7Ja Special bargains in California prunes... 3ic Grand Lemon Sale Fancy lemons, per dos 10c Choice sweet oranges, each lc Peanuts, per measure 3j Heats and Cheese No. 1 sugar cured hams 12iC $-b. palls purs leaf lard 35s Pickled tripe, per lb 3o Pickled pigs' feet, per lb 4c New bologna sausage 5 Imported herring, each 1c Imported mackerel, each f-z Wisconsin full cream cheese 12J