Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 04, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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Talepboees 18-6f4.
Saturday Morning Specials.
Wash Goods at 5c Per Yard
Including our 10c Lawns. 12&c Gingharct. 15c Madras, lSe Dimities, 16a Batistes,
25c Dimities. All of these are taken from our own stork of choice Waah
Goods and go on sale Saturday AT FIVE CENTS PER YARD.
60c Summer Corsets for 25c
Mad of strong, coal netting, straight front, finished with ribbons all's II to t
colors, white, light blue or pink.
Men's Half Hots, 5c p.-r pair In black and tan sh.Jes ell sizes.
Thompson, Beldeh &Ca
ferences that they would not bo required
to depart from their old dally wag scale,
they affirm.
apply of Castlnga Low.
A car builder, speaking of the situation
t the shops, says the company's supply of
eastings and other' furnishings necessary
for the repair work Is decidedly low and
that something must be done very soon or
operations cannot' proceed.
A machinist was asked yesterday why
It was that all the men seemed to be so
thoroughly opposed to piecework, when the
officials all maintained that It waa the best
system. He said:
"It's simply because we cannot make
enough money at It. Of course It sounds
plausible to say that the men are placed
on their merits and the good ones can
make more, while the poor ones who cannot
oarnas much as they were getting under
the old system ought not expect anything.
But the truth Is none of us would make as
much for the reason that we would not
have work all the time. Those periods when
there was nothing to do we would lose, ,
why, as a matter of fact, it often happens
that men are delayed or Interfered with at
the shops -by something over which they
have no control. Now, we are the losers for
this time If we work by the piece and that
Is the real Issue. It Is not a fact that the
piecework system would revolutionize
things, as the company claims."
One Man at North Platte.
The bollermakers yesterday received
a letter from North Flaite saying that but
one bollermaker waa at vork there a one
legged man and . he waa getting 60 ceuts
an hour.
President Kennedy said yesterday that
the J. I. Caae firm of Milwaukee, now ad
vertising for bollermakers. Is a fair firm
and that any union botlurmaker bad a right
to go t work foe them.
The machinists and bollermakers both
ay they have heard nothing of any riots
or attempted riots at Cheyenne or any
other place along the line. The tralnload
of Plnkerton detectives lias not yet reached
Omaha and none of the railroads will own
up to such unprecedented time In "rush
ing" these "sleuths" luto the city. The
yarns inject a spirit of levity into the
otherwise eerlous affair, but none of the
Inkers can be found who will "stand" for
the authenticity of the fables.
"In all seriousness," said Vice President
Wilson, "there is nothing in any such re
ports so far as wo know, and we think it
la barely possible we would have heard
ome bint of it at least if there had been
anything to It. No men have yet been
brought out from Chicago or any other
place, although the company has made an
effort to fill the strikers' placea."
Machinists and bollermakers are not par
ticularly anxious for the blacksmiths and
car builders to strike, for It will not ma
terially strengthen the position of .the pres
ent strikers, since their work Is not so
closely allied as to make one dependent on
the other. Beside this, for any larger num
ber to go out would simply Increase the
financial burdens of the American Federa
tion of Labor It would mean the sub
traction of Just thla many paying members,
who would become dependent members.
Mar Yt De Bomrthlnar to Ead Pro
, traded Anthracite Coal
WASHINGTON, July I. Congressman
Patterson of Pennsylvania, among whose
conetltuents are numbered a large percent
age of the striking miners, today called
upon the president and urged him to take
eome action with the view to ending the
The president expressed the hope that
uch a result would be accomplished before
long. He said be was considering all the
propositions made to him on. the subject
which might enable him to act Intelligently
In the event of an occasion arising where
interference should become necessary.
President Mitchell arrived here tonight.
He aald he thought there was no change
In the anthracite strike. While tn Illinois
he brought the operators and miners to
gether In one of the bituminous districts
and peace again reigns there. Mr. Mitchell
aid he thought his visit to Saginaw,
Mich., would have good results. He ar
ranged matters so that an early settle
ment of the differences between the op
orators and tbslr miners will probably
take place.
Joseph Wosko, Joseph Howleah and John
Pitcbel, strikers from Drifton, were
brought to this city this evening and given
a hearing before Magistrate Pollock,
charged with engaging In a riot at that
. place this .morning. After the evidence
of several deputies had been heard the
defendants were held In' $500 ball each
for trial at court. Friends furnished the
accessary bail. Catherine O'Brien and
Mary Jones t arraigned before Magis
trate Pollock, charged with committing aa
assault on a real and Iron policeman at
the Prospect colliery. The defendants were
fined 110 and held in $iro ball for trial at
court. '
It waa reported In c; iircles toda. that
aa soon as the an was over Coxe &
Aftor Sl'mmr
To assist digestion, relieve distress
after eating or drinking too heartily,
, to prevent constipation, take
Hood's PHIa
told every wiere. 29 cents
Bee, Julf 4, 1901.
We Commence
And follow our usual custom of
closing our store every Satur
day at 1 o'clock p. m, during
the months of July and August.
Please remember and do your
chopping before that hour.
Bros. Intended to give their employes a
10 per cent voluntary Increase of wages.
8CRANTON, Pa., July 3. The 600 mine
employes of the Pennsylvania Coal com
pany, now operated by the Erie, who re
mained faithful to the company during
the strike, have been given a 10 per cent
Increase in wages.
Machinist Threaten to Strike.
CHICAGO. July 8. "A atrike of 700 ma
chinists employed In the Baltimore & Ohio
shops will be called unless the company
abolishes the plecwork system," is the
statement made today by Business Agent
Roderick of the railway branch of the In
ternational Association of Machinists. Mr.
Roderick returned from Garrett, Ind., to
day and held a short conference with the
Baltimore Ohio officials. The conference
adjourned until later without reaching an
agreement. The piecework system hss
been In operation in the shops at Garrett,
but the company's attempt to extend the
syBtem to all the chops resulted in a move
ment by the men to abolish It. The union
demands a minimum wage scale of 30 cents
an hour.
Prominent Hew York Man and Wife
Acea.ed of Stealing Valua
ble Necklace.
WATERTOWN, N. Y., July 3. Mr. and
Mrs. L. L. Rlchman of New York, charged
with grand larceny in having stolen a $25.
000 necklace of diamonds and pearls and
$427, the property of Mrs. W. E. Delabarre,
also of New York, from the veranda of the
Crossman house at Alexandria bay Tuesday
night, were arraigned before a Justice In
that village last night. They waived ex
amination and were brought to thla city
today to appear before Supreme Court Jus
tice Williams. Ball was fixed in the sum
of $5,000 each.
The money and Jewels were left by Mrs.
Delabarre on the veranda of the hotel and
when their lots was discovered search was
instituted. Detectives found the missing
property In the rooms occupied by the
Rlchmana. Rlchman ia a looking glass
manufacturer of New York.
L. L. Rlchman la one of the best known
and moat reapected business men of the
East Side. oFr twenty-five years he hat
been a wholesale dealer in mirrors in that
section of the city.
He owns much real estate and has been
a prominent supporter of the local Hebrew
cbarittea, la vice president of the board of
directors of Beth Israel hoapital and a sub
scribing member of the Mount Slana hos
pital and of the Monteflaro home.
' Accompanied by Mra. Rlchman, he
started to Alexandra bay Tuesday. He has
not been In good health for some time.
Dr. Delabarre Is a practicing physician,
with an office on Weat Fifty-ninth street,
New York. He and Mrs. Frances Freeland
Hagamann were married at the Waldorf
Astoria last Monday and the necklace Is
said to have been one of the bride's wed
ding gifts.
Jan Tax Collections Favler Than
(or Any June la Preced
ing Years.
The records of the city treasurer's office
show that more than 83 per cent of the
personal taxes levied for llioa have eirtady
been collected, which la the best record
ever made by the office. It ia thought
that this good reault Is at least partially
due to the aalutary effect of Mr. Hennlnga'
collection van. Here are some comparative
figures, showing the condition of the col
lections at tha end of June during the last
three years:
June, 1899 tax levied. Paid. Percent
Real JT19.720.37 $127.36.) 18
IVrsonal 151.9M tjO a.970.97 It
June, 1900
Rfal 81S.87S.M 447.30S.J1 55
Personal 1S6.&4.22 126.834.64 68
June. 1901-
Real 9M.303.31 M2.y 92 57
Personal ...... 242,419.01 1S3.T33 82 7U
June. 1KB
Real 8(S8,.SO 656.396.22 64 3-10
Personal 261.8H.46 216.345.46 52 6-10
BEATRICE. Neb., July 1 (Special.)
Charles E. Smith and Miss Irene E. La
bagh were married yeaterday morning la
Christ church. Rev. W. A. Mulligan of
ficiating. The groom is secretary of 8mlth
Bros.' Loan and Trust company of this
city and the bride la the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. George F. Labigh, who located
In Omaha many years ago.
6UTTON, Neb., July I (Special.) Last
evening Mlas Laurie Marie Schwab and
Albertls H. Lewis were married at the
home of the bride's parents. Rev. Brookj
cnVlatlng. The couple win begin house
keeping la this city, where Mr. Lewis is
infsged in the Jevelry buainta.
Ovetdse Steamer ts Ashore.
PORT ARTHUR, Oct.. July . The pas
senger stesmer Iroquois, reported as over
due from Houghton, Is ashore on Victoria
Island, about twenty-eight miles sauth of
thla point. Iroquois waa .coming in from
Duluth yesterday and while trying to find
the Victoria passsge In a fog went oa the
rocks. It Is hoped that the steamer has not
been bodly damaged. Iroquois Is a new
steel steamer, worth about $300,000 and be
long to Singer's White line.
fWretarj Boot Forwards Final Instruction!
of Department to Judge Taft.
losreitlnn Made that Hoard of Arbi
tration Agree oa Price tn Be
Paid Friars Mast Leave
at Fixed Date.
ROME, July 3. Judge William H. Taft,
civil governor of the Philippine islands,
today received a long cable message from
Secretary Root containing the depart
ment' final instructions concerning the
note relating to the disposition of the
friar lands in the Islands which wss drawn
up here Tuesday, and this afternoon Major
Torter delivered the note to Cardinal Ram
polla, the papal secretary of state.
Governor Taft was gratified on learning
from the same message that the Philippine
civil bill had become a law.
Major Porter delivered the note person
ally to Cardinal Rampolla, who conversed
cordially with him at some length, ex
pressing the hope that the negotiations
would be concluded In time to allow Judge
Taft to leave Rome inly 23. The pope
read the original note, which waa imme
diately manifolded for the benefit of the
committee of cardinals having charge of
the matter. The note covers fourteen
typewritten pages. It begins with ac
knowledging the Vatican's note of June 21
and says he (Judge Taft) Is pleased that
the Vatican approves of the sending to
Rome of a representative of the president
with the object of arriving at a satisfac
tory agreement on the questions In dis
pute and to see that the general vlewa
of the Vatican are in harmony with the
views of Secretary Root, although on one
of the Important questions, namely, that
of the religious ordera, there appears to
be a difference regitrdlng the methods to
be adopted in order to remove the ad
mitted difficulty.
Answering the Vatican's note proposing
to have the new apostolic delegate at
Manila settle the question of the religious
orders. Judge Tsft remarks:
"Thus would be lost the advantages ex
pected from a direct contract clearly de
termining the principal lines upon which
co-operation between the state and church
may be assured."
Purchase of Land Proposed.
The note proposes the purchase of the
land of the Dominicans and Auguatlnlans
at a price to be determined on by five
arbitrators, two to be chosen by the United
States, two by the Vatican and one by a
neutral, say the British governor of India.
The arbitrators to meet In Manila no
later than January 1, 1903, examine wit
nesses and visit the land.
The Judgment, of the majority to be ac
cepted. The price to be paid In Mexican dollars,
one-third Immediately, a third In nine
months and a .hird in eighteen months,
with interest at 44 per cent.
Payment to be made to a person chosen by
the Vatican.
The former Spanish crown lands now in
possession of the American government
on which there are ecclesiastical buildings
to be banded over to the ecclesiastical
official appointed by the vatlcan.
The ordinary courts to decide concerning
the land - retained by the church, but
claimed by the municipalities-.'
It 1 hoped that when an apostolic dele
gate competent to represent the holy see
Is sent to the Philippines he will be able
to decide which property used for charitable
or educational Institutions belongs to' the
church and which to the state.
Case of disagreement shall be submitted
to the arbitration of the same arbitrators
who shall also decide the San Jose founda
tion case, now pending before the supremo
court of the Philippines.
Indemnity tor Bnlldtngs.
The United States to pay an Indemnity
for the buildings used by the American
troops, but nothing is to be paid until the
title deeds are In the bands of the Philip
pine government.
All friars of the four orders shall with
draw within two years from the first pay
ment. A small number are to continue
during that time to look after the schools
and universities; all of them must go,
half after nine months from the first pay
ment and half eighteen months later, not
including friars who have not raised the
hostilities of the natives and who re
mained in their parishes after the revolu
tion of 1898 till now, except those In Ma
nila. No Spanish friars may be substituted
for those withdrawn.
The churches, schools and universities
may be directed by Spanish clergy or or
dera other than those withdrawn, or clergy
of the same order who are not Spanish.
It Is necessary to convince the Filipinos
that the ancient' regime of the Spanish
friars is finished.
The note reminds the Vatican that the
orders still publish a paper In Manila,
which Is anti-American and antl-Phillp-plne,
but pro-Spanish, and that the orders
possess property In Manila to the value
of nearly 6,000,000 Mexican dollars, while
that of the Catholic church is only valued
at 3.500,010 Mexican dollars. This Is very
significant, as the church has a large capi
tal at intereat, besides (he land which It Is
now proposed the government should pur
chase. To reach the desired object the
best thing Is to prevent any member of
the four withdrawing orders, without dis
tinction or nationality, from being sent to
the islands.
Mast Hire Harmony.
Nothing will so cslm the people and pro
duce harmony between the church and the
government as the certainty given by eon
tract that the friars shall leavs at a fixed
date, shall not return and shall not exer
cise any Influence from Manila over the
priests in the parishes. In view of these
facts It la hoped the Vatican will accept
the propositions.
The note ends with calling the attention
of the Vatican to the clause regarding re
ligious teachings In the public schools, fay
ing that Judga Taft's Instructions prsvent
further discussion of the matter. It also
calls the attention of Cardinal Rampolla
to the sixteenth section of the general law
for the Philippine schools, a copy of which
is enclosed.
. The note is accompanied by the k'nd of
contract which Judge Taft proposes will be
Select Committee of tha House of
Lords Piles Its Report on
Raee Track Evils.
LONDON. July 3 The select committee
of the House of Lords, which was ap
pointed last Jsnuary to deal with ths evils
of betting. SLd which Included the earl
of Durham, the earl of Harewood, the earl
of Derby, the earl of Aberdeen, Viscount
Peel and the Right Rev. John Parclval,
bishop of Hereford, among Its members,
has Juat issued its report.
The committee has arrived at the con
clusion that betting cannot be altogether
suppressed, but in view of the fact that
while the practice has declined among the
higher classes and horse owners. It has
takes aa Increasingly stronger bold oa the
'working classes, tt recommends that bet
ting should be confined by legislation to
the actual scenes of raring and athletics.
Bookmakers who In luce boys and girls
to bet should te Imprisoned without the
option of a fine, and the committee finds
that the same penalty should be extended
to street bookmakers, against whom re
peated convletlona have been recorded.
It depreratee the publication of starting
The committee considers it Impossible
that the Jockey club should undertake the
responsibility of licensing bookmakers, and
opposes tha introduction of the French
Paris mutual system.
Fssr Masked Bandits Stop Weetbonnd
Panicater and Shoot Express
Messenger Kane.
JOLIET, III.. July 4. Train No. 5 on the
Chicago, Rock Island ft Pacific road was
held up near Dupont, III., twenty-three
miles south of Chicago tonight by four
masked men. Assistant Express Messenger
Kane was shot in the right groin, but will
The men boarded the train at Englewood.
Nearing Dupont and going at a speed of
forty miles an hour, the men crawled over
the tender and ordered the engineer to
stop the train. It Is not known at this
hour whether (he bandits secured any of
the contents of the express safe or not.
CHICAGO. July 4. At the general of
fices of the Chicago, Rock Island A Pacific
railway the following dispatch was received:
"Train No. 6, which left Chicago at 10
p. m. last night waa held up near Dupont,
III., nineteen miles from Chicago. Express
Messenger Kane was shot through the groin
by one of the robbers. The bandits un
dertook to cut off the two front cars of the
train. It Is thought that there were three
robbers In the party."
One of them, who came over the tank and
undertook to give orders to the engineer Is
under arrest and has been taken to Jollet.
The messenger was taken to Englewood for
surgical treatment. It la not thought that
hie injuries are fatal. Engineer Goodall
and Conductor Coffey were In charge of the
The dispatch is signed by Conductor Cof
Assistant Attorney General Will
Visit Prance for that
WASHINGTON, July 3. The work incl
dent to the carrying out of the provisions
of the Spooner amendments to the Isthmian
canal bill will be prosecuted with the ut
most expedition consistent with the na
ture and magnitude of the interests in
volved. Attorney General Knox has desig
nated Charles H. Russell, an assistant to
the .attorney general, to go to Paris and
make a critical and exhaustive examina
tion of the records in the caae. Mr. Rus
sell Is exceptionally well equipped for the
task. Under the direction of Mr. Knox,
Mr. Russell will apply to the French court
of cassation to complete certain essential
proceedings and will verify records and
proceedings in the caae, of which the. at
torney, general now has reputed tran
scripts. ...
Tie liquidation of the "bid canal com
pany and the merger of Its Interests In
the new one will deserve Mr. Russell's
careful scrutiny. While It ia thought that
a perfect title to the Panama canal prop
erty can be secured and any necessary
concessions obtained fr.ji Colombia, the
attorney general Is unwilling to express
himself on the subject further than to say
that he Is hopeful of success, but that
everything will depend on the reault of the
inquiry to be instituted In Paris, and the
specific concessions which Colombia is
willing to make. It Ir possible that after
the examination of the records In Parla
shall have been completed, Mr. Knox him
self may go to France for a personal re
view of the work betore proceeding fur
ther with the negotiations. '
New Rural Free Delivery Rontes Will
Open In Iowa Septem
ber 1.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. July 3. (Special Tele
gram.) The location of the postofflce at
Hewitt, Sioux county. Neb., haa been
changed five miles northeast, with Sarah L
Usher as postmaster.
Rural free delivery service will be estab
lished In Iowa on September 1 as follows:
Swaledale, Cerro Oordo county, one route,
area covered, twenty-three-square miles,
population, 600. Watklns, Benton county, one
route; area, thirty-four squara miles; popu
lation, 415. Waverly. Bremen county, four
additional routes; area, seventy-six square
miles, population 1,840. Swingle, Jackson
county, one additional route, area, twenty
two square miles, population 604. Corwith,
Hancock county, one route; area, twenty
square miles; 'population, 366. Lake Mills,
Winnebago county, three routes: area,
elgbty-elght square miles; population, 3.168.
Panora, Guthrie county, two routes; area,
tbtrty-elght square miles; population, 1,000.
Portsmouth Shelby county, one route; area,
twenty-four square miles; population, 600.
Sabula, Jackson county, one route; area,
twenty-one square miles; population, 428.
Sheffield, Franklin county, three routesrarea
alxty-four square , miles; population, 1,000.
Shelburg, Benton county, two routea; area,
sixty aquare miles; population, 990.
The postofflees at Otter Creek and Ster
ling, Jackson county; Delano, Winnebago
county; Bristol, Somber and Lanatrud,
Worth county. Is., are to be discontinued.
E. 8. J. McNeil of Columbus, O., has been
appointed dairyman at the Genoa,, Neb.,
Indian school.
Board of Managers of Soldiers' Horn
to Select Site for ths
(From a Staff Correspondent)
WASHINGTON July 3. (Special Tele
gram.) The board of managers of soldiers'
homes at a meeting held Tuesday last de
cided that the entire board, or as many
members as could possibly go, would meet
In Omaha Sunday, July 27, and proceed on
Monday following to Hoi Springs for the
purpose of selecting the s'te for the sani
tarium. Tbey will expect the citizens of
Hot Springs to make good their pledges as
to the site with the option for a deed to at
least sixty or eighty acres of ground for
the site and a perpetual leaae to one or
more of the Hot Springs, as provided in
the bill. Captain Palmer, who was In at
tendance at the meeting, says if tha sits
is satisfactory actual work will commence
some time in August.
Gaaboat at Capo Haytlea.
CAPE HAYTIEN. July I. The United
States gunboat Marietta has arrived here
from San Juan. Porto Rico, which port It
left July 1. The town Is quleL
Michigan Fruit Growers. Severe Sufferers
from Cloudburst
Washed Away and Larsje Amount
of nmae Done to
Other Properly,
DETROIT, July 8. A rainstorm of tor
rential proportions swept over the lower
peninsula of Michigan last nlgbl snl early
today, doing tremolnus damaga. Crops
suffered severely, and there are numerous
washouts on the railroads, one of which
resulted serlouely. Tr.tlns are late on all
roads. In the southwestern part of the
state the storm assumed the proportions of
a tornado and several persons were fatally
Injured In the wrecks of house and barns.
Great damage was done to the western
Michigan fruit crop.
At Flint the rainfall caused Swarts and
Threat creeks to overflow and the southern
portion of the city Is flooded. Several fac
tories on the bank of the river are sub
merged. The Flint liver I also out of Its
banka and the Lewis psper mill It under
water and in danger of being swept away.
Two bridges across the t'.ver are In danger.
The total loas will aggregate nearly $100,
000. Port Huron is without means of trans
portation In or out cf the city, the rail
roads and Interurban lines being tied up
by washouts. The southern portion of
Owosso la flooded and the damage will be
heavy there.
As a result of washouts the Grand Trunk
railroad will bo unable to run train today
between here and Chicago.
GRAND RAPIDS. Mich.. July 3. A tre
mendous downpour of rain early today,
which was almost a cloudburst in severity,
has done great damage throughout south
western Michigan. The fruit crop haa suf
fered tremendous loss. Wires are down to
the north and south, where the storm wa
most severe, and information is hard to
All trains running on the Grand Rapids
Central and the Pierre Marquette are tied
up by washouts and damages to wires and
track. At Grand Raplda an Indianapolis
train which left here at 11 o'clock last
night for the north ran into a washout at
Belmont and the engine and several cars
left the track. Engineer Cole of thla city
was seriously Injured. The storm was most
severe in an area about thirty miles north,
south and east of thla city.
ZANESVILLE, . O., July 8. A rain al
most equalling a cloudburst fell tonight,
doing great damage. Heavy washouts have
occurred on the Pennsylvania and Balti
more A Ohio roads. Baltimore ft Ohio
through train No. 4 from Baltimore to
Chicago is lying in a ditch at Sonora, eight
miles east of here, and half submerged In
water. None of the passengers or crew
wa hurt. Baltimore A Ohio train No. 112
is laid out by washouts at Blackhand, fif
teen miles west. There ere big wash
out on the Pennsylvania at Ellis,
ten miles north. The Bellalre, Zanesvllle
A Cincinnati train is stranded fifteen miles
west. At Nashport the canal bank gave
way, letting a flood of water three feet
deep sweep down the Sbrnnon valley,
Nebraska Telephone Company An
nounces Increase In Pay
of Its Employes.
Unexpected development came about
yesterday In the electric linemen' labor
difficulties. The Nebraska Telephone com
pany posted a notice in the afternoon, say
ing that all linemen would hereafter receive
$2.76 a day for nine hours' work. The
men have been getting $3.60 a day for the
same length of time and made a demand
for no more time or no less time, but
simply the recognition of their union.
What effect this sudden and unlooked-for
action on the part of the company will
hare on the demands of the linemen 1 not
The linemen havo been endeavoring to se
cure recognition of their union from the
company for a long time, but they have
met with defeat and don't know now what
the company' attitude is on this subject
One of the linemen said last ntgbt'that he
did not think the company meant to Imply
any recognition of the union by it volun
tary action In raising the men' pay, nor
could he tell what the union would do with
the old demand. That I a matter for the
executive committee of the union to deal
with. It may be decided best to abandon
the demand for recognition or it may be
decided to peraist in this demand.
"What we a union men care most for."
this representative said, "i recognition
of our union. Give us that and we will look
out for the rest."
There are fourteen gangs of linemen
under the management of the Nebraska
Telophone company and 95 per cent of all
the men are members of the union and
the other ( per cent have made applications
for membership. There I not a non-union
lineman in Council Bluff. The Nebraska
company does not discriminate agalnat unloa
men. Only yesterday four were added to
the company's payroll.
It 1 significant that the committee of
linemen presented a new and formal de
mand for recognition of the union yester
day, the same day on which the company
posted it notice of aa Increase la wage.
Two Stores at Lynch.
LYNCH. Neb., July 3. (Special Tele
gram.) A $6,000 fire at 2 o'clock this morn
ing entirely destroyed W. M. Tanner' drug
tore and an adjoining building owned by
E. A. Donahue, In which the fire wa dis
covered. By hard work the tock and fix
ture were saved and the fire checked. W.
M. Tanner will lose about $3,000 above In
surance. The origin of the fire Is not
Warrea Jaekeon.
BEATRICE, Neb., July 8. (Special.)
Warren Jackson, a well known traveling
man and former resident of this city, died
at Kansas City yesterday morning. He was
27 years of ags and Is survived by a
widow. Ths body will be Interred here
Charles Melllkan, who halls from Tsrklo,
Mo., and claims to be a member of the
Illinois Detectives' association, was robbed
last night In a house at Ninth street and
Capitol avenue of ICO and hla detective
papera. Violet Crltendsn. whom he ac
cuses of the deed, has been locked up.
The money has not been recovered.
"Shorty" McAllister, a Douglas street
shoe polisher, came home drunk and start'
In to cut up hla wife and also bit her com
panion on the head. A roomer named
Evans and later a neighbor tried to In
tervene, but McAllister covered them with
a revolver. Then the neighbor went for hie
double-barreled shotgun and McAllister dis
appeared. Max Rubersteln was arrested in a down
town pawnshop last night with a sack full
of stove castings In his possenslon. Young
Rubetsteln confessed that he ha1 taken
a cooking range which he had discovered
on the platform at the Illinois Central
freight depot to pieces with the Intention
of selling the pieces to get some Fourth
of July money. He was about to return
to the depot for the real of the stove
when arrested.
Donates fnanttlle apeak of State
and tnnntr Tickets 'Mid
Thursday night while firecrackers and
blsok cartridge were being exploded under
the window, the Iinugla County Democ
racy took a whirl at ratifying the action
Of the state and county conventions.
Speeches were punctuated by cannon shots
fired by the Omaha Guards across the
street, to the srttith, and enough enthusiasm
and noise wss worked up to suit the most
strenuous fuslonlst.
In railing the mcMIng to order President
Resgan made a short talk complimentary to
the nominees of the fuslnnlsts and created
considerable applause by announcing that
since Its orgsnitallon the Douglas County
Dcmocrsey had always atood by the nomi
nees, and that Its fighting wss done at the
primaries and conventions, and not after.
Short talks were made by J. P. English,
W. P. McDevltt, U J. Plattl, Oeorge Ber
Irand. J. E. Riley, J. C. Rrennan, Joseph
Butler, J. A. C. Kennedy and others. Let
ters were resd from W. H. Thompson and
A. E. Gilbert, expressing their regret at
not being able to be present, and thanking
the club for Inviting them. The clubroom
were crowded.
At the Boyd.
Punctuated by the pop of the premature,
hut patriotic pistol and the cracking of
numerous nolse-maklng contraptions whose
spasmodic but assertive explosions gave
unmlatakable notice of the approach of
another birthday for the American eagle,
the speeches of the actor who presented
"The Crucifix" at the Boyd last night lost
maybe some of their meaning to the audi
ence, but still retained enough to tell a
etory of Intrigue, jealosy, tyraaciy and
the end. It Is a trifle dlconcertlng to an
actor to be Interrupted between words by
the banging of giant crackers or the short,
harp bark of a 44 loaded with blanks,
but they have to put up with It on the
night before the Fourth, and the audience
has ita grievance as well. The piece put
on by the Ferris stock company for Its
regular Thursday night change of bill Is
a Russian melodrama, with enough of ac
tion and "heart interest" In it to stock half
a dozen ordinary society dramas. Under the
arrangement It goes with a enap, and un
folds a plot as lengthy and Involved as
that of a Gaboriou novel. One thing it
does, however. Is to bring to the front the
capabilities of one or two of the lesser
members of the company.
Mis Junle Swift, who did so well as
Phyllis Lee in "The Charity Ball," has
a part that gives her fine opportunity aud
she takes it well. Mies Swift has an at
tractive presence, a pleasing voice and a
good conception of the role she assumes.
Mr. George J. Elmore makes much of the
character of Norovleff, a moujtk and a
spy of the czar, who ts the marplot of the
piece. He was several times applauded
last night. Miss Hayward has a difficult
role in the character of a French actress
who is consumed by Jealousy, and offered
the tragedy feature of the piece. The play
will be given at a special matinee this
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Root Injored In
Street Accident Dne to Explo
sion of Btrecrackera.
Mrs. J. C. Root lies In a room at the
Her. Grand hotel quite badly injured about
the head, neck and arms and with bruises
on her hands. Her husband Is there in a
more comfortable, but somewhat bruised
condition. They are the first victim of
the present celebration of the Fourth.
At about 10 o'clock last night they were
driving home from Mr. Root' office In the
Woodmen of the World headquarter when
the explosion of a firecracker near the
corner of Sixteenth snd Howard streets
frightened the horse so badly that 't
wheeled suddenly and tipped the two oc-
And all Bodily Aches and Pains
soli in ni rv
25c and 50c Sizes FAliN
Nmv Trv Our Ire H
- - j -
It cools and Invigorates. Tou can
eat all you want of It without fear,
because It's pure and good. And
It's rich, too you never ate richer.
Many, many flavors the popular
ones ready to aerve at your binding
at our cool rooms or we will fill It
up tn one of our
Just fit In your pocket.
Tske one home today.
W. S. Balduff,
1520 Farnam St
"He Sells Watches', W
t 1 S!rJ pr.MQl JOU u I
1 svij auk do better InvMt- I
' 5T jr nwnt than to buy M
"Jr Diamond. Th will B
v" ie nvr b. lowr. Yom can v
a si uii ou iron t5.0 1
to 7I Ou. W
ciipsn' of the vehicle onto the pavement.
Mr. Root, though dragged some dletanca
while clasping the line, wss Jess injured
than Mrs. Root, who had to be carried Into
the hotel snd attended for more than aa
hour by rr. Hanrhett. The latter tate
that he does not anticipate aerlous results,
although the extent of her Internal In
juries csnnot be determined yet.
Headereon In New York.
KKW YORK, Julr -Speaker Henderson
Of the hnns of representative bss arrived
her from Washington to meet his daughter
on her arrival from Europe. loiter he will
fo to his home In Iowa snd take a rest
efore making an extensive campaigning-trip.
It's in the Brew
appeals at once to
lorera of the beverage
aa a most extraordi
nary brew. There's
that lneesert b a b 1
goodness characteris
tic of "BLATZ" and
It never varies.
Try it and you'll say
say so too.
' A Villi
i vVlKMOft
(Non-Intoxicant) Tonto. Druggists
or direct.
1411 Daiaarlaa St. Teri. IM1.
Special Mat. July 4
"The CrnplUv.'
Wee k
Mats., any scat l"c.
Night, 10c, lac, 2oc.
Excursion Steamer
The Union Excursion Company's
Steamer Henrietta
makes regular trips from foot of Douglas
street, making regular trips to Sherman
1'ark, where there Is fine shade, music and
dancing. No bar on boat. Jiiverytnlng first
class. Hours for leaving: X, 4 and I p. m.,
daily. Round trip 25c, children 10c. No
admission to Park.
Western League
lth and Vinton.
Game called at 2:30 p. m. Admission (In
cluding grand s'.and), 25c. Tickets sold st
the grounds only.
July 5-6-7
Saturday gsme called 1:46. Sunday, two
games; first game 2:30.
Krug Park
TODAY program ever offered TODAY
Omaha's Bin Fonrtb of July Celebra
tion at Its Leading Resort.
The Great Aerial Sensation,
Skirt Dances In the Skies.
Black Wire and Trapeze Marvel.
In Two Grand Patriotic Concert.
Famous Aerial Equilibrists.
Depicting the Ufe of Christ.
Drills and scores of other free features.
Admission to park, 10c; children free. All
shows free.
add to a good dinner. "Krug'e
Select" is one of the most popular
for it is a light quality beer, with
a great deal of sparkle and snap A
favorite brand with the ladles. Mads
by the same process that made our
"Cabinet" brand so famous. Order It
the next time.
1007 Jackson St. Phone 4 20
and 63d St.
N. Y. City
- .-.-.wr.'
Kireprovf Modern
Moderata Rates ai-ealble Library Baolaslvo
orchestral Concerts lively tfvsnln
. U yar" " -Plre.
Jffiy t!3!S rutor.
The MILLARD I f'is'
I Omaha s Leading Hotel
apvr i i. 'tft. 1
JUNDAT P. m.blNNER. 76o.
..?!"dlly ,nf-rn business has neeTTi
tated an enlargement of the ear.
Its former capacity. do"bllnf
aMr ?,,: ruLe: jst
t 1