THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1002. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Animation Emu, Although Weathif Hu Infintntiil Beuiig on Market. JULY GRAINS CLOSE ADVANCED Cereals, ntwtftr, dolt Depressed, While Provisions Are Dnll bat Steady and Break Even. CHICAGO, July J. The grain markets were distinctly quiet today, although nerv tnisness over the weather and cso'p damaro are still apparent. Signs of clearing weather In tne west were Influential In checking; the advances. July corn early was neglected. July wheat closed c lilgher; September wheat He loWer; July corn le up; September corn c lower, and September oata o down. I'rovlslons closed 2o lower to 2c higher. When trade In the wlieat pit began there was more rain to consider, showers having fallen liberally during the night. Commis sion houses bought and September during the first hour Bdvanced to i6g?75c. This proved to be the highest point of I he day In this option. Shorts seemed to be fully covered, thanks to their strenuous exer tions of yesterday and scattered report that the weather was getting clearer In the west, found the market ready for a reaction. Local bears sold liberally, and fit. Louis added to the pressure. The quan tity disposed of was not heavy, but Sep tember gradually receded to 73c. Here the pressure eased and thereafter the market J-uled steady. At one time September got back to 74e, but the close was c unuer yesterday, at 74374c. The high point of July wheat was 77c. This option ruled comparatively stronger than September, owing chiefly to the action of an Important bouse which sold September and bought July. July, however, participated In the asler tendency and, following the bulge, worked down to 76V(j7&c The decline was largely due to prollt-taklng. and when this let up prices steadied and the close was Vie over yesterday, at 76c. Seaboard clearances were 829,000 bu. and primary re ceipts 420,000 bu., compared with 652,000 bu. last year. Local receipts were 34 cars, 1 of contract grade. Minneapolis and Duluth re ported 227 cars, making a total of 261 cars for the three points, against 306 last week and 171 a year ago. The July deal In corn was comparatively Eeglected. Not mora than 150.000 bu. were andled during the entire session. Tha mallest package of this option were iqfll cient to cause wide fluctuations. This mar ket, like wheat, ruled strongest early, while the effect of last night's showers was the chief consideration. The trade In rVptember waa only fairly active and dur. ing the afternoon It became quite dull. The 'It looke like clearing up" messages which were eagerly scanned, joined with the nat ural tendency to take profits while they were sure, kept the September prices down. July stayed well up because the firm which has the supply tucked away did not choose to sell It any cheaper. July sold between 74876o end closed lc higher, at 75c. September sold between 6263c, and closed Ho undef yesterday, at 62c. Re ceipts were 86 cars. There were trans ferred to publlo elevators 111 cars of con tract corn. Oata opened higher with the other mar Vets, but developed an easy undertone earlier than the leaders. The easiness was due chiefly to liquidation by Interests which bouKht freelv yesterday. There was also selling In sympathy with the other cereals, There was a gooa scattered traae In the pit. September aold between 3536c and closed steady, Ho lower, at 85c Re-r-efnta were 103 cars. provisions were dull, but steady In the absence of selling pressure. What busi ness there was was almost entirely In the way of changing. September pork closed So higher, at 118.67; September lard 2Ho lower, at $10.70, and September ribs un--hnne:eri. nt 810.A7V4. Estimated receipts tomorrow: Wheat, 45 cars: corn, 106 cars; oata, 110 cars; nogs. 82.000 nead. The leading futures ranged as folio wi: fancy, large, colored and white, MieT4c: fancy, small, state, full cream, colored and white, jiruliAtC. KUGS Receipts, 10.914 rkgs.; firm; state and Pennsylvania. 19li20c; western can dled, lSf?lc. MOIjArHErl nteady ; iew irrieans. swur. POL'LTRY Alive, steady, unchsnged; dressed, weak: broilers, l&lc; fowls, 12 13c: turkeys. 13-9140. Wt MJly 4JUIOI, METALS At London prices were un- rhanil The New York market wsa Ir regular and quiet with standard unchanged. Lake higher and Electrolytic and casting ensler. Standard, spot to August, closed at I11.37Hfill.7S: lake, t12.12'312.16; lectro- lytlc, ill. an?! n. w; casting. ll.oqilTO. i in wna quiet locally, but about 25 points higher owl lift to a gain abroad. The local price was $28.orve2S.IO; London closed 15s higher spot at 124 1ft and futures at 122. Lead was steady and unchanged at home, with Is 3d higher at lis 3d. Spelter was higher at $6.12 and at London closed 2s Sd higher at Ifts ei. iron continued nrm, at nomr and absoad; local price unchanged: No. I northern foundrv. I?2 W23.0O; No. 3 north ern foundry, 82l.nor5f22.flO; No. I southern foundry $21 5Vft22 60; No. 2 southern foun dry, soft, $20.Wfi2l.SO. Olasgnw closed at 64s 6d and Mlddlesboro at 49a lOHd. Articles. Open. High. Low. Close. Yes'y, Wheat I ! July 780 T7H76KaT 76 76 I Sept. ' 7475 75 73 74 TH 74 t Dec. 76i 76 74 74 75 Corn ; May 48W 46 46 46 46 : July 74 S'H 76H 74 75 74 Sept. 63 &- 63H 2 62 62 Dec. 48-9 49 48 48 484 Oats a July 434 43 43 43 43 bjuly 48 49 48 48 48 a Sept. 82 . 82 81 32 82 bSept. 35tA' 36 85 85 86 Dec 35 86 85 85 85 Tuy 18 40 1142 IS 40 J 42 IS 85 Bejit. 18 66 18 60 18 66 18 67 18 66 . ul7 W 70 10 72 10 67 10 70 10 70 Sept. 10 70 10 76 10 67 10 70 10 72 Bibs v July 10 62 10 65 10 62 10 65 10 66 ' Sept. 10 67 10 67 10 67 10 67 10 67 ! No. 2. a Old. b New. Cash Quotations were as follows: FLOUR Firm: winter patents, $3.70 1.80; straights,; spring specials, 4.20; spring patents, $3.60f88,8u. WH EAT 'No. 3. 76fmc: No. 3 red. 780. CORN No. 1, 7676o; No. 2 yellow, 75 75c. OATS-No. t, 49-?f60c; No. S whits, B4J266C; ISO. I wrute, 03hmc. RYE No. 2. 60ia0Hc. BARLEY Fair to choice malting, t&Sme. SEEDS No. 1 flax. 31.74: No. 1 north western, 81.74. Prime timothy, 86.76. Clover, contract grade, 88.36. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., 18.42 ff18 .67. Short clear sides (boxed), $10.67 U 10.70. WHISKT-Baals of high wines, 81.80. The following were tha receipts and. ship tnents yesterday: Articles. Flour, bbls "Wheat, ,bu Corn, bn Oats, bu.... Rye, bu Barley, bu....... Receipts. Shipments, 27,000 11.000 94.000 68,000 212.000 136,000 852.000 238,000 1.000 2.000 8.000 . 6.000 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was easy; creameries. lH'21o dallies, 1819c. Cheese, steady, lOjjllc, feggs, nrm; rresn. I7c. SEW YORK GENERAL MARKET, I . ((notations of tha Day oat Various Comsaodltles. NEW YORK. July l.-FLOUR-Receipte, T.O. hKl- - v . C OOA t.V.1. --I r, A dull; winter straights, 13.Tatj4.S6; , "winter patents. I4.OO4P4.10: Minnesota patents; 84.00 44 . 16 ; Minnesota bakers, .1.153.36i winter low grades, 12. 953. 15; winter extras, $3 15 J3 36. Rye flour, quiet; fair to good. 83.23 .1.45; choice to fancy, S3.664r3.70. CORNMEAL Steady: yellow western, II 34; city. 11.32; Brandywlne, 83 463.66. RYE Easy; No. 2 western. 66c, f. o. b., afloat; state, 636tc, c. I. I., New York, carlots. BARLEY Nominal. WHEAT Receipts. 25,340 bu.; exports, 79. 190 bu. Spot, steady; No. 1 red. SKVic In elevator; No. 2 red, SltTWc, f. o. b , afloat: No. 1 northern Duluth, 83c. f. o. b.. afloat; No. 1 hard, Manitoba, 86e. f. o. b., afloat. The wheat market today was less active and for the moat part weaker. It opened firm on rains, then reacted and under heavy unloading notably bv the southwest, was weak during the afternoon at lc less. Easy cables, lack of export trade and warmer weather were the chief selling motives; the close was c net lows; July. 81Sti'Slc, closing; at 81c; Sep tember. 780 6-16c. closing at S6c; De cember. 79TSle, closing at 79o. CORN Receipts. 61 K bu.: exports, SCO bu. Spot, Irregular: No. 2 71c In elevator and 73o f. o. b.. afloat. Option market, after opening firmer, eased off on rising; temperature west ajl the wheat decline, closing weak at 4iHo net loss; Julv, 0t 69c, closing at c; September. 66t!A,c, closfng at 6uc; December, 63ij5lc, closing at 68 We. OATS Receipts. 84. BOO hu. Spot, stexdy; No. 2. 66Hi&6c: No. 8. 65(9fi5Hc; No. I white, Oo; No. 3 white. 69c; track, mixed west ern, 64tt65c: track, white western, M7J 63c: track, white state, 671763c. Option showed early firmness on rains, but yielded) later to the unloading. HAY Steady; shipping. t065c; good to cnoire. mwc, HIDES Quiet: Galveston 20 to 58 lbs.. 17c; California. 21 to 26 lbs.. 19c; Texas dry. 24 to SO lbs.. 13c. HOPS Oulet; state, prime to choice. 1901 crop. ivww; isuu, isc; olds, ftfi9c: atate common lo choice. 1901 crop 206724c: Pa cific coast. 1901 crop. Iff23c; 1900, 16c; olds. PROVISIONS-Beef. steady; family. 315 60 trie uu; mess, iii iih : peer lumi. 12.60; packet tl4.60flt.6O; city extra India tnes. 124 0V4MS on. Cut meats, firm; plrkld Denies. ii wa u -I: nicsiea snouiners, pickled hm, $11 6tvfrl2 0O. Lard, firm: west ern steamed, Ill.nMfU 6": July closed t $1115, nominal: reflned, firm; family, $19.76(9 $0.00; South America $11.60; ftmlly. com- r-ouno. si.iiMins.M. forx. nrm: lamiiy 326TT1.; short clear, $l.fOJi:i.60; mes $lO019W TALLOW-FIrm: cltv t1 per pkg ), 6C; CQ"ntrv fokgs. free!. 6e. RICB Firm: dnetlc. fair to extra, 4 Hc: jaranese. ,noc. . MHTTJfiR Beeelnts. $.?8 BkS. ! ffl state dairy. 18320WC: creame"". atate, 1H 21"4c: creamery, imitation, linyisc; tactory, 16i IHUe. CHEESE Receipts, t pkgs.; steady; OMAHA WHOLG8ALI3 MARKETS. Condition of Trade and Quotations on Staple and Fancy Prodae. EGOS Candled stock, 14315c. LIVE POULTRY Chickens. 8SeUe: old roosters, according to age, 4$6c; turkeys, Bile; ducks ana geese, tc: Drouers, per id.. lfc'&lftc. BUTTER Packing stock. 16c: choice dairy, In tubs lftlc; separator, 2223c. KjiHK UAUum t ian iroui, herring, 6c; pickerel, 9c; pike, c; nerrh. 6c: buffalo, dressed. 7c: sunflsh. 6c; blueflne, 8c; whlteflsh, 10c; catfish, 18c; black bass isc: naiiout, lie; saimon, jtc; haddock, 11c: codfish. 12c; red snapper, 10c; rn ahnd. eech. 76c: shad roe. per pair. 86c; spilt shad, per lb., 10c; lobsters, boiled, per lb., 27c; lODsters, green, per lb., 26c; bullheads, 10c. r FlUBUB-uv, per aos., 100. VEAI-Cholce, 6gSc. CORN 63c. OATS 61c. BRAN Per ton. $16. . h a Y Prices o noted bv Omaha Wholesale Hay Dealers' association: Choice bar. No. 1 upland, $8; No. 1 medium, $7.60; No. 1 coarse, $7. Kye straw. xnese pncee are for hay of good color and quality. De mand fair. Receipts light. VEGETABLES. CAULIFLOWER Home grown, per don.. 75c. "... NEW CELERY Kajamasoo, sue POTATOES New potatoes, per bu., 60c fiREKN ONIONS Per 'os.. according to sis of bunches, 16c. ASPAKAULH liome grown, per aos., vtr 75c. M CUCUMBERS MOtnouse, per oos., tog 60c. . ... LETTUCK fer aos. ouncnea, xso. PARSLEY Per dos., 30-836C RADISHES Per do., 204J26O. ' vv rf. an 9 Home trewn. per market Dasket. 6OJi0c; stilnc beana. per market basket, 50a60c. RnlBAKn Mome grown, prr iu,, m CABBAGE-California or home-grown. new. lc ONIONS New California, n sacks, per "'tOMATOES Texas, per 4-basket crate, 86Q90C. . MAVx BEjAIND rer on., s. FRUITS. APRICOTS California, $1.40. PEACHES California, $1.10. PLUMS California, per 4-batket crates. LW. , home-grown, per 24-qt, case, $2.002.25. CANTAliUurfi luai, pf dumi, iou. RASPBERRIES Black, per 24-pU., $3.00; red. per 24-nts.t $3.00. VATEiKXcil-AJlD AXooo. TROPICAL FRUITS. PINEAPPLES Florida, 80 to $6 count. $4.60. BANANAS Per bunch, according to else, $2.Zn'a'2.76. ORANQES Valenclas, 84.76(86.00; Medl terra nean sweets, 44.0U&4.25. LEMUJNS fancy,, wcssinae, $4.60B6.00. wtT - .-rt-.a ltnTVl'nr 24-sectlon case. 22.75i93.00. CIDER Nehawka, per bbl., $3.26; New York. $3.75. . t , . POfCUltJN jrer io., oc; neiiea oo. I U 1 O V Hill U U3, iM. A IVLh DUOII, VV( lU.t 12c: hard shell, per lb., llc; No. a soft shell, 10c; No. 2 hard shell, 9c; Braslls, per lb., 14c; filberts, per lb., 12c; almonds, soft hell, 16c; hard shell, 16c; pecana, large, per ID., uo; small, w; cwgaauu, er laca, $3.50. HlUta INO. i green, imo. no. green, 6c; No. 1 salted. 7c; No 2 salted, 6c: No 1 veal calf. 8 to 12 Ids.. 8c: No. 8 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 6c;. dry hides, 8Q12C; sheep pelts, 76c; horse hides, 1. 502.60. following prices: Iron, country mixed, per ton, $lu; Iron, stove plate, per ton, $7.60; copper, per lb., 8c; brass, heavy, per lb., $c; brass, light, per lb.. 6c; lead, per lb.. 6c; sine, per id., xc; ruoDer, per to., so. t. Louis Grain and Provisions. No. I red cosh, elevator. 74c; track, 74a 7oc; new, lie; rea Juiy, vc; oeptemoer, 73iAc: No. 2 hard. 764i77c. CORN Lower ; No. 2 cash, 65o; track, 66Uc: Julv. 65Vc: Sentember. 66. UA1H lxiwer; ro. z casn, ooc: iraca, ou 61c; July, 38c; September, 80c; No. 8 wnite, oac. RYE Steady. 60c. , . .1-11 T" . . 1 1 . 1 A . ln4.M n . r iAU JVlUU, UU I I" it I loirill., $3.66(a3."5; extra fancy and straight, $3.30v 8.45; new or eacn, nominally lto a ddl less; n 1 HilCdM A SEED Timothy, nominal; soma new of ferings lor August delivery, out no oias, CORNMEAL Steady at $3.15, BRAN Scarce, atrong and advancing; sacked, east track, 80i6c. HAY Timothy firm at $12.0014.6O; prairie dull at wi.w ror one car new, weeay. WHISKY-Steady. $1.30. IRON COTTON TIES Steady, $1.05. BAQGINO Steady. 6fc6c HEMP TWINE Steady. 9c PROVISIONS Pork, firm: Jobbing, old. I18.47W: new. $18.87H. Lard, steady at $10.40. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed lots, extra shorts, iio.s; ciear riDS. iii.w; snort ciear. $11.12. Bacon, steady; boxed lots, extra shorts, $11.76; clear ribs, $11.87; short clear, $12.00. METAIJ3 Lead, steady, $3.97. Spelter, Steady, $4.85. POULTRY Steady; chickens, 10V4c; springs, 16 16c; turkeys, 9c; ducks, 6c; geese, 4S4Hc. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 17822c; dairy, 170i;l!K;. EGGS Lower, 14o loss off. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 7,000 8 000 Wheat, bu 67,000 29.000 Corn, bu 14,000 17,00 Oats, bu 22,000 82,000 lose off; fresh western, lc, loss off; fresh southwestern, 17c, loss off; fresh southern, 16c, loes off. 'CHEESE Firm; full cresms, prime small, 10c; full creams, fair to good, 9'S'10c. Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, July 1. WHEAT Lower; No. 1 northern, 77lySf78c; No. 2 northern, 7677c; September, 4c. RYE Steady ; No. 1, 68C, BARLEY Steady; No. I, 71c; sample, oSVlc. CORN September, (2c. " Peoria Market. PEORIA, July 2.-CORN-HIgher; No. 3, 64Uc. OATS Firm; No. $ white, 63c, bll'ed through. WHISKY-On the basis of 81 .80 for fin ished goods. NEW YORK STOCKS ASD BONDS. Stock Markrt Is Stagnant and Bonds 4re Irregalar. NEW YORK. July 2.-The Stock market was extremely dull today and the only no table activity was demonstrated In a few stocks. In some of these there were new developments to give an ostensible cause lor tneir strength. In others there was an appearance of manipulation with the urpose or sustaining tne general marxet. 'he speculation waa llaht. owing to the large operations In progress In the money market on account of the July settlement and of syndicate operations. mere were large transactions an day in Missouri Pacific, which sold ex. the semi annual dividend of 2 per cent, but ttje price range an nay was restricted to a fraction. Louisville was In active demand at extreme advance of 3. The movement seemed to be based upon the formal an nouncement that the purchase In behalf of the company of the Chicago, Indian apolis Louisville was In effect. uoioraao uel made another spurt, which was supposed to be due to a struggle for control, but which Incidentally Involved forced buying by a distressed short Inter est. Short covering was also an element In the advance of Sugar and the rise In tie price of raw sugar also helped that stock. The buying of Amalgamated Copper was attributed to a more confident feeling over the trade outlook. The United States Steel stocks were firm because of the Increased net earnings reported for the last quarter. The statistics of Iron and steel production for the last year Issued by the American Iron and Steel association were regarded an astounding exhibit of active and Srosperous conditions in the trade The teel stocks nevertheless met a considerable volume of selling at the advance, a large portion or wnicn was ror i-onaon account. ins statement or tne May net earnings of the Pennsylvania system, shnwlna: an Increase of over 11.000.000 comnared with May or last year, was laKen as an index of the large profits accruing to the soft coai carriers as a result oi tne anthracite strike. The May statement of the Norfolk tc Western corroborated the showing and led to the firmness of the soft coal carriers. In which, however, Pennsylvania shared but slightly. me early firmness of tne local traction stocks waa fostered by the Increased net earnings reported by the Brooklyn Transit system and by hopes of large profits from ine coming nouaay tramc. The rate for call loans showed further ease today, but forelan exchange advanced . ..v me ixmaon money maruet snowed addi tional ease, but pressure was transmitted from Paris, where there was an abrupt decline of 2 centimes In the sterling rate. Yesterday's money market operations re sulted In balances to be met between the clearing house banks, the sum of $24,943,457, which is tne largest on record for that In terest. The payments today to the under writer syndicate for the Burlington sum re leased large sums to the market and the disbursement of the government Interest a nor as renei rrom any suD-treasury re auirements. Today there was raid out bv that In stitution on account of Klondike gold $500, 000, the first of the season. Advices are received of an additional $500,000 to be re ceived from the same source this week. The market closed dull and easy. The bond market was dull and irreruular. Total sales, par value, $2,750,000. United mates oonas were ail unchanged on the last call. The following are the closing prices on tne isew xom biock exchange: Atchlion". So. Pacino 14 da ofd So. Hallway J7 Baltlmors Ohio.... 107 do pit do p(d N Texai a racine 44 ioimo. bi. u. at w . zuk balances. $ New York exchanca. 2fcc discount; sterling exchange, poated rates, $4.86 for sixty davs and M.MM. for demnnd; money, llrm at 4 per cent. NEW YORK. Jnlv 1 i:larinn. MAS.- 156.9HO; balances. $24,943,467. BALTIMORE. Julv il Clearlnes. 86.0M.- 645; balances, $778,297: money. 6 per cent. PHILADELPHIA. Julv 1 Clearlnes. 126.- 830,84; balances, $3,199,376; money, 4&4 per cent. ST. LOUIS. Julv 1-nurinn. fff.8S0.6S: balances, $1,,416. New York exchange. 16c discount. Money, steady at S per cent. CINCINNATI, July 3-Clearlngs. 4,MX. 650. Money, SHfi per cent. New York ex change, 15c discount. Boatoa Stock tlnotattana. BOSTON, July J.-Call loans, 34r4 per cent; time loans, 4ij6 per cent. Official closing of stocks and bonds: Atehlaon 4a.... Oaa la Mex. Ontral 4a... N. K. O. C Atehlaon do pfd floaton A: Albany. Boaton ft Ma. Canadian Pacino ....134 Canada Bo il Chea. st Ohio 47 Chicago a Alton.... '' do pfd 14 Chicago. Ind. L... T5 do pfd 17 Chicago B. 1U....1M Chicago O. W 39 do lit pfd ? do M pld 4 Chicago ft N. W....KIH C. R. I. P 175 Chicago Tar. ft Tr.. 10 do pfd 7 C. C. C. ft St. L....1M Colorado So 10 do lat pfd. 11 do ti Pfd 41 Dal. ft Hudaoa 174 Dal. L ft W M0 Danrar ft R. 0 41 do pfd 0 Erl do lat Pfd do d pfd Uti Oraat Nor. pfd 1ST Hocking Valley W do pfd Illlnoli Central 140 Iowa Central 41 do pfd M Lake Ert 4 W 4 do pfd.. L. ft N Manhattan L.... Mat. St. Rr Max. Cantral . . . Max. National . Minn. St. L.. Mo. Pacino .... M., K. ft T do pfd N. J. Cantral .. N. T. Cantral .. Norfolk ft W.... do pfd Ontario ft W.... PannarlTinla ... Reading do lat pta do Id pfd St. U ft 8. P.. do 1st pfd do Id Pfd St. L. Soutbw... do pfd St. Paul do pfd.. Kaaaas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, July l.-WHEAT-July. 69c; September, 68c; cash. No. 2 hard, old. ?'672c: No. 3. old. 71Ve: No. 2 red. new. 71'flT2c; No. 8 new, 70&70c. CORN Julv. 62&02c: September. 62(tf 62c; cash. No. 2 mixed, 65c; No. 2 white, 6bc; ISO. 3, boc. OA I B wo. 2 wnue, sc RY E No. 2. 67c. HAY Choice timothy. $12.00(312.60: choice prairie, Ifl.OOfllO.OO. BUTTER Creamery,- 19c; ialry, fanny, 18c. EGOS Firm; fresh Missouri and Kansas stock, 14a do., loss off. cases returned. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 38.400 3S.90 Corn, bu 26,400 16.000 Oats, bu 12.000 8,000 f Liverpool Grain and Provisions. LIVERPOOL. July 8. WHEAT Spot. strong; No. 1 northern spot, spring. 6s 2d; futures, steady; July, os ua; Beptemoer. 6s 3d. CORN Spot. American mixed. new. steady, 6a 9d; American mixed, old, qu'.et. 5s 9d: futures quiet; September, 6s 3d; Octoper. os 3a. PROVISIONS Bacon: Long clear and light, firm at 6Ss; long clear middles, heavy, strong at 67s 61; short clear backs, firm at 67s 6d; clear bellies, strong at 64s 6d; shoulders, square, firm at 44s 8d. Lard, prime weetern. nrm at Ms ia; American refined. Arm at 64s 3d. TALLOW Prime city, steady at 28s 9d; Australian. In London, null at sta. HOPS Paclnc coast, nrm at A.4 joe. Toledo Grain nnd Seed. TOLEDO, July . WHEAT Fairly ac tive and easier; rash, 80c; July, 78c; Ueptemcer. tthc; uecemDer, vc. CORN Fairly active and steady; cash, 65c; July, 65c; September, 63c; December, 4oc. OATS Dull and firm: cash. 47c: July. 43c; September. 32c; new July, 46c; new pepiemDer, xc. SEED Clover, strong: October, $6.87. Dnlnth Grain Market. rT'T.lTTW Julv 1 WHiTNa. 1 Vsrd T9c; No. 2 northern, c; No. 1 northern and July 7c; September, 74c. OATS Cash, 60c; September, 34c Minneapolis Wheat, Floar and Bran, MINNEAPOLIS. July 2. FLOUR First r stents, $4,100-4.20; second patents, $3 0C 90; first clears. $2 9o; second clears, $2.10. UKAN-1B DUIK, li.OUB 14. ia. Philadelphia Pradaca Market. PHILADELPHIA. July 8. BUTTER Fair, steady demand: extra western cream erv. 21 Wc: extra western prints. 23c EGOS Good demand; fresh nearby, 18c, .121 ...13 ...1)2 St ...141 ... ... 1 ...110 ...10 ... 2 ... (I ...1W ...1M'4 ... MVa ... n ... 12 ...1S1 ... MV4 ... 84 ... to ... M ... ... 1t ... 10 ... 1 ...174 ...ia do pfd... Union PaclSo .. do pfd Wabaah do pfd Wheeling ft L. do Id pfd Wis. Cantral .. do pfd Adama Ex Amarlcan Ex... United Statea Ex. ...114 Wella-Farto Ex 1SK Amalgamated cop... a4 abu, uar m r.... do pfd Amar. Lin. Oil.... do pfd Amarlcan 8. ft R.. do pfd Anac. Mining Co.. Brooklyn R. T Colo. Fuel ft I..., Con. Oaa Con. Tobacco pfd.. On. Electrlo Hocking Coal Intar. Paper do pfd Inter. Power .... Lac lad a Ou Na. Blacult National Lead No. American Pacific Coaat Pacino Mall Peoole'1 Gaa Praaaed S. Car...., do pfd Pullman P. Car.., Republic stael do pfd flufar Tann. Coal ft I... Union Bag ft P..., do pfd U. S. Leather .... do pfd , U. 8. Rubber .... do pfd V. B. Steel do pfd Weatern Union ... Amar. Locomotive do pfd K. C. Southern... do pfd 17 104 88 30V 4 B... 2 ...... m s 48 loo .116 .. 1 .. HI .. 60 .. 4 .. 97 .-107 .. 7 .. . ,Z3 ..121 ..ao4 .. 17 .. II .. 74 .. 71 .. 88 .. 47 .. lilt ..122 .. 41 ..101 .. 45 .. 85 .. 2.V .. 17 .. 73 .. 82 !! 8o .. 11 .. 84 .. 14 .. 88 .. 8 .. 87 .. 91 .. 81 .. 81 .. l Ex-dlvldend. Offered. New York Money Market. NEW YORK. July 2. MONEY On call, firm at A&1 per cent: last loan, 5 per cent prime mercantile paper, 4(&6 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Firm at $l.ST for demand and $4.85 for alxty diyi posted rates. $4.S6S4.8o and $4 88(tf4.89 ritmm.ri-lal hllla. 14 84-ri4.RfVJ. BILVER Bar, 82c; Mexican aonars, ac, BONDS Government, steady: state. Inac tive? rnllroad. lrreaular. The closing quotations on bonds are as follows: .107L. ft N. unl. 4a.. .107 Max. Cantral 4a... .10 do la Inc .lNIMinn. ft St. L. 4a 114VM.. K. ft T. rag. U. 8. r. la, do coupon do la. rag do coupon do saw 4a, ra do coupon ..... do old 4a. rag., do coupon ..... do la, rag do coupon Atehlaon gan. 4a do adj. 4a.. .101 . 82 . S2Va .10314 .100 . 8t .101 108 .10t4Amalgamated ' . 81 . 0 . 8i . Mix .M0 .Ml N. Y . N. H. ft H...131 Fltchburg pfd rnion Pacino Mrx. Central American Sugar do pfd American T. ft T. Dominion I. 8. Oen. Electric .... Maaa. Electrlo ... N. E. O. ft C United Fruit Ill V. S. Steel isu do pfd Mi. Weattngh. Common.. .103 Adventure 2J4 Allouaa W ..143V ..104H .. t .. ..lit ..11V, -- 61, ..1(13 Dalr Weat. Bingham Calumet ft Heels. Centennial Copper Aanga .... Dominion coal ... Franklin lila Korale Mohawk Old Dominion .... Oeeeola Parrot Qulncjr i3nta Pa Copper.. (Tamarack Trlmountam 42V. iTrlnltr IVt united States . utan Victoria ....... Winona ...t... Wolvarlna .... United Copper .. 84 .. 4 .. 81 ..778 :: ..188 .. 10 .. 12 .. 41 .. 1 .. M .. r ..138 .. 1 ..178 .. 86 .. 11 .. 18 .. 80 .. .. 4 .. 18 .. 38 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Good to Ohoios- Oattls Commanded Btrong rrioes, Othr$ Absut BUsdy. UTTLE CHANGE IN THE PRICE OF HOGS Blgr Decrease la Sheen Reeelpts from Taesday and Practically Every thins; an Sale Sold at Steady Prices No feeders Ottered. SOUTH OMAHA, July 1 Ttecelrtta ar, r'attlji Ytnara Mheen. OfMclAl Monrlav I 127 4 in7 6.11 Official Tuesday S.U16 9.S6 tMt Official Wednesday 1.VZ& L.f36 2.649 6.0S7 9.7M8 7,64!) 9.2of .&tU 2S.S48 29,410 il. m 2,4 86, H$ Z7,2l New York Mlalnsr ttnotntlons. NEW YORK. Julv x. The followlnar are tne closing prices on mining- stocks: Three days this week. Same days last week... bame week be Tore Hams three weeks ago.. Bame four weeks ago... Bame days Isst year.... MBCElfTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following- table shows the receipts of cattle, hoes and sheep at South Omana for the year to oats and comparisons with last year: 1901 1901. Inc. Cattle $69,733 $46,348 24.36 Hoars 1.366.214 1.237.U64 US.luU Bheep 430,947 613.6V1 84.316 The following; table shows the average. price of hogs sold on the South Omaha market the last several days, with com parisons with former years: Adama Con Alice Breeea Brunavlck Con .. Comatock Tunnel Con. Cal. A Va. neadwood Terra.. Horn Silver Iron Btlvor Leadvtlls Cod.... .. to .. 40 .. 88 .. I .. t ..110 ..lo ..12 .. 80 .. Little Chief ... Ontario Ophlr rnoenis Potoal SaTase Sierra Nevada small Hopes .. Standard ....... ... It ...178" ...11 ... ... 11 ... I ... n ... 40 ...too Forelan Financial. LONDON. Julv 2 The smount cf but lion taken Into the Bank of England on balance today was 7,000. Indian council bills wero allotted todav at la 8 15-lftd. Oold premiums are quoted: Buenos Ay res, 129. SO; Manna, m.u; usoon- Z6.&U; Horn, i.m. Rand mines, 12. Ex debentures deferred. 22. The demand for monev Increased to day In connection with the . consols set tlement. 1 he supply waa fairly plentiful. Considerable repayments to the Bank of Migiana are aue. Discounts were easier. Business on the Stock exchange opened with a better tone, but transactions were rew. consols, nome rails ana canaaiana were neglected. Americana were Idle, ir regular and mostly about parity. They Improved somewhat during the day and ciosea nrm. cnineee were auu. Argen tines and Brazilians hardened. Kaffirs were Inclined to relapse and were largely dominated by the Dosltlon In Paris. fAKis, Juiy z. Business on tne bourse today opened auietiv. with prices nrm. Kentes and r rencn rails soon sagged, being weighted by offerings, and the whole llt yielded. Later operators were practically Idle and toward the close there was a rally. Hemes and most or the foreign securities closed steady. Tractions ana tramways were generally weak. Thomson-Houston and Southern tramwaya suffering most. mo tintos at first were weak, but im proved on professional purchases. Kaffirs closed heavy. The private rate of discount was z -i per cent. Three per cent rente. lOlf 72o for the account. Exchanges on uoiiuoii. toi &a tor cnecas. eoanisn as. 81.92. BERT,IN. July 8. Exchanee on London. short Mils. z per cent: three months' bills, 1 per cent. Business had a hesi tating tendency on the bourse today. Rpnks were naroer. rransvaais were consider ably higher. Condition of the Treasnry. WASHINGTON. Julv S.-Todav'a atate. ment of the condition of the treaaurv bal ances In the general fund, exclusive of the 8150,000.000 gold reserve In the division of reuemrmon snows: Available cash bal ance, 206,495,991; gold, $103,046,034. Breaks Clearing; House Record. NEW YORK. July 1 Today's balance of tne Clearing nouse banks aaerea-ated 824.- 943,467, breaking all previous records. These ngures renect in great part the very heavy disbursements of Interest and dividends June 1.... Junta Muae .... June 4.... Juno I.... Juno .... una 7.... una I.... June I.... tin 10... unat 11 Juno U... June 13... June 14... June 16... June It... Juno 17... June 18... June 19... June 20... June, XI... June 22... June 23... Jam 34 June 26... June 28... June 27... .Tuna 9S June 29... June 9... July 1.... July .... CottoaMarket. LIVERPOOL. Julv i COTTONHnot. good business done and prices firmer; American middling ' 4 16-16d. The sales of the day were 14,000 bales, of which 2,000 were ior speculation ana export, ana in ,-1m,1oH 11 MA Im.rlMn- r.Mn(. nrtA k.1.. . j ...... . ., . . ... . i , u,uw inir,. no American. Futures opened and closed steady; American middling, g. o. c. July, 4 49-64(4 60-64d, sellers; July and August, 4 47-64(84 48-4d, buyers; August and Septem- Der. ti-Mn. sellers; eeptemper ana Oc tober, 4 29-64(4 30-6id : October and Novem ber. 4 22-6464 25-64d. buvers: November and December, 4 19-644J4 tO-64d, sellers; December and January, is-64d, sellers; January and February, 4 17-B4!a4 18-64d. sellers. NEW ORLEANS. July 2. COTTON steady; sales, 4fiO bales; brdlnary, 7t-16c; good ordinary, 81-16c; low middling. 8 9-lc; miuuiinn, vc; srood minoiing, o-loc; mia dllng fair. 9ll-16c: receipts. 1.119 bales stock. 96,614 bales. Futures, steady: July 8.97(S.99c; August, 8.55JWi.66e: Beptember, 8.008.01c; October, 7.74a7.76c; November, 7.cW7.7c; December, 7.6437.65c; January, .tg'i.ooc. ST. LOTJia. July 1 COTTOTf-Oulet sales, 70 bales; middling, 815-15c; receipts 201 bales: stock. 20.128 bales. GALVESTON, July J.-COTTON Steady Bl O O-XOC. Wool Market. BOSTON. July 2. WOOL-The market nere is neoifieaiy nrm. with prices on the upward tendency. Territory wools con tinue to head the list of sales and have been the active feature of the week, with prices as follows: Fine staple. 60fi62c: strictly fine, 49g51c: clean fine and fine medium. 4i48c; staple, 6163c; medium, 40 4i'c. 'lvxaa wool is very nrm at the re cent advance. Fall, cleaned basis. 444f4Ac twelve months. 6va53c: six to elaht months sprlna:. 4Vff48o. The fleece wools are scarce and nrmrr; mo. i combing is very strong Ohio fine delnlne, 29fMc; Michigan f Z7c; No. l washed combing, Z7)27c; coarse, 23250. Australian wools are firmer, w'th this market remarkably well sold un. Tha demand Is good, with considerable sold the Inst week. Combing-, choice scoured basis, 72(S74c: average. 70f!72c. ST. LOI'IS. July 2 WOOL Quiet and unenangeo: meoium rraos and combing, l.wi7c: light fine 12Mfie; heavy fine, vm3C tuo wasnea, lwosiic. 74 do is ...1W N. T. Cantral la.. ...108 do general 8a. ...10s N. 1. C. gen. t,a.. ...108 No. PaclAc a ...103 V do in ... 84Va N. ft w. eon. 4a.... lout Baltimore ft O. 4a. ..103 Reading gen. 4a 88 do IV8 w b a l a c. H....11. do eonv. 4s loava St. L. ft 8. K. 4a. ..100 Canada 80. a 10i8t. L. Soulhw. la... ' Cantral of O. ....104 do ta 88 do la Ine avi s. a. a a. r. aa.... e- Cbea. ft Ohio 4e...l0 80. PaciBc 4a Vf Chlrage ft A. 8Vta... 88 So. Railway 8a Ill C. B. ft Q. a. aa... 10 ,iezaa m. racmc ta...iiv C. M ft St r g. ee..U4 T.. St. L. A W. 4a. 83U C ft N. W. c. Ti....i union racinc a ""'X Evaporated Apples and Dried Frolta. NEW YORK. July J EVAPORATED APPLES A moderate offering of spot evaporated apples are reported and while without change prices sre Inclined to firm ness on attractive qualities; common to rood are ouoted at 7(8e: prime at lxftlftc; choice .at 10llc; fancy at 11 &llc- CALIFORNIA DRIED FRITITB In the .! , market for California products snot prunes "V i attract enter attention ana tne araer sixes show a hardening tendency, though the smaller are disposed to drag. Some of the future business Is also noted and there Is a fair Interest In four slscs Banta Clare on the 2 basts. All grades of spots are quoted at from 3c to 6c. Aprleoa are steady and In fair demand at 1014c In boxea and iipuc in nnir. fee cries are quiet, but steady, at 12316c for peeled and (jioc ror unpeeiea. C. R. I. ft r. 4a. ...110 rcc ft St L g. 4a.. 102 Chicago Ter. 4a 88 Colorado So. 4a 17 wnTer ft K. O. 48..1V1 Erie srlor lien aa n do eonv. 4a... Wabaah Is do la do deb. B Weat Shore 4a... Wheal. ALE. do general 4a 87 -Wle. Central 4a T. W. ft D. C. la... 111 Con. Tobaoco aa.... Hock. Valley 4a....lo8 Offered. London Stock Market. LONDON. July 1.-4) p. m.-Closlng: Console for money... M4 Norfolk ft Weatern. do aceasnt oo Anaconda 8'Ontarlo ft weatern. . Atehlaon -a fvaaaing do lat pfd do 8d pfd Southern Railway... do pfd Southern Pacific t'nloo Pacific do pfd United States Steal., do pfd Wabaah do pfd Snaatah 4a 7lHaod Mines 80 IDeBeere do ofd 108 Baltlmors ft Ohls....lo Canadian Pacific ! Cheeapeeke ft OHIO.. - 80ii .178 . 4S . 8 . 8T . M ..184H 107 ,118 .111 . 78 .114 . 84V, . 81 . 88 . 88 . 88 . 8.1 . 77 . 84 . 43 . 35 . 87 . 8 - .101 . 81 . 3 . 31 . 11 . 47 . . . 11 Chicago O. W . . c . m. ft st. r unm a a. u do pfd lie do lat pfd.... do Id pfd.... Illlnoli Central. LoulsTllla ft Naao...l42 M . K. ft T do pfd New York Central .... 180 I BAR BILVER-Bteady at 24 M6d per ounce. MONEY x2 per cent. The rate of dis count In the open market for both short and three-months' bills Is i 7-16'o2 per cent. Bask tlearlaas. OMAHA. July 1 Bank clearances. $1,296 88911; corresponding day last year. 11.03, ( 0: Increase, $40.292 61. BOSTON. July l Clearings. 139.840,766; balances. $2,672,600. CHICAGO, July 1 Clearings, $33,180,112; CcitTes Market. NEW YORK. Jul 2 COFFTcFI-Knot Rio dull: Ni. 7 Invoice. 6e. Mild, firm Cordove. 8?'llc Futures op-ned steady and without o notable change, turned easier tinder llouldntlon of straa-gllng long ae counts bv traders who were anxious t even un over the hollilsvs. and under of- rortngs or importers aeainst urasii pur chases, and closed quiet In tone, with nrlces net unchanged to 10 r-olnts lower, Totnl seles amo'Ti'ed to is.ron Data, m c'udlna- Tnlv at 4.Sc: August 4.90c: Bentem K... 4 oa, floe; October. Onp- Mremrr, R.15S.'0c: Jsn-isry. 8 c; March. 6.3VffS.40c April. 8.46c; May. s.boe. fill and Hosla. OIL CITY. Pa.. JjIv 1 OTTy-Oedlt bal anr, 81.?!; certificates, no Md: shipments, 10 119 bbl.: no runs reported. VF,W YORK Julv 1 Oil ''nttonsee'l dull- nrlm crt'd. nominal: prlie yel'ow ajar-ibt". cerroieiim, steaay. lurpenrine, rjvll. Tnln, etendv. INDON. Julv j.AIIj Linseed. 10s d pi,i,. nt tu-nentlne. S4s iud. TOT. EDO. o.. Julv t Oil North Lima, eo.. cjnntVi T Ha and Tedlana. e. SAVANNAH. O" . July l.-OH,-Tuie tnt., eir 4i'-e. woein. fleni: A B. C. r F 81. V: F. 81 88: rt. 81.40; H. 81.70; I. K. 12.65; M. $3.05; N. $3.40; WQ, $J.4S; WW, 83.BB. near Market. NKW YORK. Jnlv 2 BT'OARHaw stron" fale refln'ng c: enrlfueal 98 teat .. M"iui, w: n"-0. stesnv. I rvrov .T.r fifflAR 1'4d. NPTW ORLFANB. T"lv f-f(lR-Mar ket quiet: own kettle. 2T4 8-le: open Vettle rfrifUai. frje: centnrarai yel low. sy.aie: seconds. Haera'ie. MOLAS8E-Dull; centrifugal. 6316c 17,19 I, .t)3S II. !'l 7.7i4 6,6V Dec Data. 1802. 1801.1100.1898.ltS. 1887. 11896. I 801 4 HI I f 8 4 U 1 68, 4 0J a ui I 6 71 4 881 7 18 6 Ti 4 88 " 4 Ivl I 7( 4 81 I 68 16J 6 71 4 84 8 881 4 91 18 6 76 4 96 8 7 1 ItSj 78 k IK 1 , 1 th 1 11 4 li 8 8l 3 ii 1 34 6 84) 8 Ml 8 Bij 7 M 6 1 6 00 8o T 18 I I 88 I 111 7 3 6 So 4 J 8 4 1 71 I 31i i 81 4 8b 8 80 8 79 6 861 4 89 8 84 I 771 7 24, I 4 frv l2 181 7 28 6 83 3 631 3 3 3 Ufl 7 iMi b 88 6 03 3 80 3 211 7 &t 6 9i 6 08 3 841 3 16j T 41 t 901 I 841 8 71 II 80 7 U-M 6 91 4 3 9 1 81 1 15 I 6 6 00 3 o 3 72 3 211 3 07 7 49 6 13 3 68 1 72 I 23 1 3 06 768 188 8823 88 2eitO0 7 87 6 99 I 17 1 69 3 23 1 37 7 61 6 93 6 10 1 3 8 ! 2 97 7 62 6 91 6 Oil 3 1 1 82 1 98 7 6& 6876 11 66!63I61 190 4 93 6o3 6Vt3 24l4 7 61 6 01 1 68 1 65 1 24 1 18 7 84 6 89 8 73 8 61 3 18 1 - 7 64 1 83 4 92 1 61 1 18 2 lb 1 40 1 88 3 33 1 86 1 M 1 84 3 m 2 87 I 81 8 98 1 91 110 3 ail I 03 1 J 3 04 3 S(7 2 83 2 841 2 31 U I t - i va a mi 1 33i I 88 3 22 I 10 8 08 a io 2 02 2 96 i4.'!!" i.. ... 780 .. 418 .. 41 .. 4Q .. 4fl .. 81 .. 78 .. 100 ,.. M0 ..loss ..13M ..W ..10 ..loao ..1110 ,.no ...1170 ..1110 ..1180 .. 370 .. 30 .. 80 .. 1M .1t40 t 78 00 a n 4 K I 80 3 80 I 88 3 78 BULLS. I. t 1 1 a i., i.. 8 08 10 3 10 t 18 S 13 t 18 I 1 I !8 I 18 t 18 I 40 I 80 1 CALVEB. 4 00 1 4 80 11 4 80 STAGS. 8 78 I::-:: i i . 788 . gae . 313 .1814 . 0 . 80 ...1800 ...100 ...1140 ...110 ...110 ... 80 ...17S0 ...1W ...imo ...140 ...1378 180 181 4 18 4 80 4 80 3 80 4 73 I 88 6 80 3 80 I 30 8 78 I 80 t 80 4 0 4 00 4 80 4 88 4 80 6 86 4 7$ 4 ft I. io.'!!!!!! STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 831 , 810 80 8F-8 , 871 , 700 , Ml 1 18 t 18 1 30 I 80 I 88 8 75 t 78 1. 1.. 11... t... 8.. 10.. 10F.0 8 08 .1010 I 06 ,448 8 40 , 88 I 80 .808 t 48 . 870 I 80 is'.'.'.' 18... 11... Indicates Sunday. YESTERDAY'S SHIPMENTS. Tha following list shows the number of cars of feeders shipped to th country yesteraay and their destination: H. A. McCord, Craig. Neb. M. A O i K. Lehnhardt, Walnut, la. R. 1 1 Vreen v;attie wo., uow vi'ty, J. B. Burton, Kellogg, la. R. 1 1 H. IS. Hoover, fortsmoutn, ia, Mil s K. C. Christian, Sacramento, la. N. W... 1 Ed Blasket, Randolph, la. Q 2 Bam Small, Violet. Neb.-B. M 2 Fred 8. Brackett, Pawnee V'lty. Neb. B. at M 1 E. B. Everett, Lyons. Neb. M. A. 0 1 W. E. Bmlth. Cook, Neb M. P 2 John Ct-awford, Mount Zlon, Ia. R. I.... 4 Klrr Bros.. Mount Zion, la. R. 1 6 Alex Todd. Kenton Station, la. N. W... 2 J. T. Chenhall. Bedlson, Mo. Wab 1 The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road waa: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H f I C. M. & BU P. Ry.. 8 a Wabash 1 6 .. .. Mo. P. Ry 12 4 U. P. system 12 zi .. .. C. A N. W. Ry 1 17 F., E, 4M. V. K.K.11- 60 6 C, St. P.. M. A O. Ry 7 28 3. A. M. R. Ry 17 13 1 2 C, B. A Q. Ry 2 8 K. U. ox Bt. 4 , R, I. A P., east.. 10 Z7 . , 4 v. a. w a a .. .. .. Illinois Central 3 .. Torn I recelnta 82 192 8 1 The disposition of the day's receipts was aa follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber oi neaa inuicaieu; nitvem An-ah. iA.klnar Pn Bwlft and Company, f'udahv nacklna Co.. Armour oc io. 602 266 473 206 86 Cattle. Hogs. Bheep. iz auo 1.210 2 3,977 480 4,011 437 1.081 1,243 Omaha Pkg. Co., K. C Cudahy Pkg. Co.. K. C umana rxg t-o,, o. u.mmnn Pica- Cn . R. Becker A Legan 96 . . a . , OO vanaam oz -a TKman A in fi Hamilton A Rothschild.. U F. Huss 1 Dennis A Co 21 H 1T Hnhhlck 1 Other buyers 139 44S Totals 1.962 14,029 1,351 CATTLE RecelDts of cattle were very lle-ht aaaln todav. and tha aualltv of the offerings was rather on the common order. There was a good demand, however, for anything tnal naa any kui to it, ana ine better grades In particular sold fr-.-ely at strong- Drlces. Practically everything was out of first hands at an early hour. Buyers were all out early tnia morning looking for beef steers, and although there was nothing strictly prime on sale they too!: hold freely and paid strong prtcea for the more desirable grades. The com moner kinds did not show much of any change from yesterday, though If anything It was easier to dispose of them today at satisfactory prices than it was yesterday. The situation could probably beat be de scribed by calling the general market steady to strong and fairly active. The Quality of the cows on sale this morning was very common. The few good to choice buncnes tnat were onered wero picked up In a hurry at strong prices, no matter whether they were dry Tot or grass cows, buyers seemed to want them. When It came to the kinds that are just a little better than canners tne market was slow and very uneven, the same aa It has been for sometime past. Shippers are being dis appointed every day In the way that class OI SIOCK sens, ana commission men a-re trying to get their customers to understand that the prices being paid for that class of cows are very low. It takes a pretty decent cow to bring $8, and a good many that are a little better than canners are selling around $2.76 and $2.80. Bulls, veal calves and atags all sold at Just about steady prices today. There was another light run of stackers and feeders and as there was a fairly good demand prices were firm and some sales looked a little higher where the quality was good. Yesterday there were about nine cars shipped to the country. Representa tive sales: Ufc-E-f F I No. At. Pr, Ho. 1 370 4 00 13... 11 883 4 80 48... 4.., a8 T 11... a(... 34... 10... 14. 3 ti 1 17 I 1 18 It 4 t 14 II t.... 9 tl 4 13 1 tt t 8 1 1 1 8 I...., 7 I...., 3... 1 80.... 1.... 8...., II 3... t.... ..... I.... 4.... I.... I.... 1.... 1.... 8.... !.... 1.... I.... I.... 1.... 1.... I.... t.... 1.... 3.... 1.... I.... 88.... .... 370 4 00 .... 883 4 80 .... 88 4 Tt .... 310 4 38 .... 888 6 10 .... 314 f 80 1140 t tO ....1011 3 80 88. .... 838 3 00 40... ....1170 18 13.. ....1146 4f 41.. 104 3 80 40.. ....1081 8 80 41.. .... 848 4 80 40.. ....1143 4 80 STEERS AND H5IFERS. .... 803 4 80 10 10M 8 40 At. Ft. .. 883 4 70 ..1111 4 73 ..10t 4 80 .. 318 4 80 ..1180 4 85 ..1181 4 88 ..1011 7 00 ..1138 t 00 ..1218 T 10 ...1180 7 M ,..1088 T M ,..1K4 T It ..1088 1 ti ...1U1 T 10 884 4 84 ..108 8 tt ( .. 744 3 88 .. tit 3 80 .. 131 8 tt ,..1100 8 tt ,.. til 8 40 ,.. 844 I 40 ... 318 8 80 ...104 I 80 ... M IM ,..1W0 t 80 ...1014 I 80 ...1104 I 80 ... tat 8 88 ...880 8 80 ...80 I 40 ... 880 I 80 ... in I 84 ... 840t 78 ...tot 8 to ... tot t 88 ... 818 I 88 ... 371 I 84 ...841 IN ... tt 8 00 ...1143 I 04 ...1080 8 0 ... 348 I 4 ... 864 8 40 ...1104 100 ... 824 t 08 ...1040 t 04 ...1040 8 44 ...1024 8 14 ... IX 111 ... 714 8 II ...1004 I It ...1084 8 It ... 817 8 80 ...800 3 80 ...848 8 84 ... 847 I 80 ... tat 8 14 ... 844 3 13 HI ... 411 3 4 14. COWS. 1844 7 88 64 irr t 80 It 88 I 88 I .....1044 8 80 It 1010 4 00 I 184 4 00 1 1000 4 04 It Ml 4 Of T 841 4 10 1 876 4 10 10 10M 4 16 t 1OT( 4 6 1 1170 4 It 1 1004 4 If 1 870 t 26 1 1460 t tt 1 1430 4 80 1 1170 4 60 1 1070 4 80 1 1144 4 84 3 1113 4 80 14 1M4 4 40 II Ml IN t 1064 4 86 1 1074 4 18 1 1160 4 88 4 880 4 86 18 lutl I 04 3 1114 t 40 1 1410 f 04 1 1040 I 00 I ...1111 00 t 878 6 44 3 1144 I 16 1 120 I 13 1 1084 I It 1 1410 8 It 1 lu64 8 16 81 873 t 18 i , 1144 I It 4 1071 I 13 1 144 I tt 1 1180 f 84 I 1118 8 04 FERC 1 844 4 88 STOCK CALVES. ISO t 80 BTOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 870 1 78 1 740 I IS 448 I 00 8 741 I 38 .....112t I 40 8 35 4 10 80S I 80 4 Ml 4 84 881 I 80 4 761 4 60 1078 I 80 II 810 4 40 441 I 80 4 1018 4 4S 848 I 85 n 873 4 76 eri7 an 12 tat 4 It tinnsi Thre fttlrlv llbenil lun cf hogs here today, as the table of receipts above will show. Packers tried to take advantage of the opportunity to pound the market a little, but they finally had to pay Just about steady prices with yesterday t areneral market. After buyers and sellers sot together trading, so far as the better weights were concerned, was quite actlv. and the bulk of the offerings waa soon illannned nt Packers, however, were very Blow about bidding on the light weight hna-a and aa a mile thev were left until the last end of the market, which made the clone seem slow anrl weak. I ne prices pain for the light hogs were very uneven, and while some salea were fully steady others were undoubtedly a little lower. The bulk of the henvv hose sold from 87.70 td 87.86, and the medium weights went largely from $7.60 to 37.70, and the light weights went from $7.60 down. Representative sales: No. 87 80.... 71.... 70.... tl.... 12.... 14.... 84.... 7.... 76.... 68.... 84.... 73.... 78.... It. 64 77. 84 81 61 88 78 81 76 73 78 72 76 61 , 14 76 , 71 64 84 60 17 , 77 78 68 78 4 74 7 71 63 11 It 66 11 II 88 M 71 It 81 77 17 78 70 66 86 81 68 71 71 68 38.. 86.. 48.. 16.. 71.. 36.. 88.. 37.. 41.. 68... At. ..181 ..187 ..174 ..173 ..ltt ..187 ..103 ..tot ..194 ..100 ..110 ..117 ..ltt ..too 186 180 114 114 101 Ill 186 114 110 118 lot 184 101 104 221 311 117 317 313 ..221 ..111 ..311 ..317 ..318 ..128 ..122 ..228 ..188 ..307 ..ltt ..117 ..226 ..318 ..104 ..116 ..228 .141 ..228 ..227 ..111 . .103 ..321 ..381 ..311 ..317 ....311 ....311 ....111 ....327 ....324 ....221 ....327 ....128 ....286 ....211 ....120 ....121 ....181 ....136 ....333 ....22t ....227 88 221 47, 76 80...., 77 73 88 34 16 4t 76 84 14 tt 77 71 It 11. .380 ...310 ...348 ...116 ...211 ...317 ...317 ...314 ...111 ...280 ...221 ...216 ...244 ...326 ...22 ...126 228 sh. Pr. No. At. Sh. Pr. 844 7 10 16 Ill 300 7 4t 180 7 40 70 326 180 7 46 80 7 46 76 331 184 7 41 ... 7 46 88 234 180 7 48 ... 7 60 48 124 80 7 46 ... 7 10 71 126 40 7 16 10 7 tt II 1(6 ... 7 46 140 7 68 124 114 400 7 46 ... 7 tt 10 126 1 80 7 66 ... 7 16 71 387 80 7 46 10 7 66 67 130 480 7 16 80 7 66 44 314 40 7 86 340 7 66 70 184 ... 7 46 ... 7 66 80 341 110 7 41 ... 7 66 40 330 40 7 45 ... 7 65 81 134 140 7 46 ... 7 66 44 123 110 7 45 80 7 67 71 304 ... 7 48 240 7 67 tt 367 44 7 46 110 7 67 33 117 ... 7 46 40 7 67 Bt lit 30 7 81 120 7 40 84 148 10 7 48 ... 7 40 66 183 80 7 81 340 7 80 37 888 10 7 46 80 7 80 it 316 80 7 46 ... 7 80 81 304 10 7 46 44 7 80 86 tit 140 7 46 40 7 40 11 341 180 1 86 ... 7 40 40 ltt 140 7 46 10 7 60 87 330 ... 7 45 110 7 80 t 314 ... 7 46 40 7 40 88 314 80 7 46 180 7 80 46 13 10 7 36 300 7 40 88 381 100 7 46 80 7 40 13 334 140 7 87 ... 7 40 43 347 80 7 47 10 7 0 41 321 140 7 47 180 7 t tl lit 100 7 7i, 130 7 40 80 247 10 7 87 140 7 40 73 343 80 7 47 40 7 tO tS tot 140 7 67 80 7 40 70 318 40 7 47 180 7 40 7t 346 120 7 t7 120 7 80 47 160 110 7 87 180 7 40 44 IM 10 7 47 130 7 80 71 248 10 7 17 ... 7 40 tt 288 ... 7 70 300 7 80 64 386 40 7 70 80 7 40 76 336 130 7 70 120 7 40 71 144 130 7 70 340 7 tO tt Ml ... 7 70 40 7 tO 44 286 180 7 70 ... 7 80 tl 10 ... t 70 ... 7 40 80 326 120 7 70 40 7 40 43 283 80 7 70 ... 7 40 47 264 160 7 70 ... 7 40 tO 248 10 7 70 tO 7 40 41 141 40 7 70 140 7 40 ft 174 ... 7-70 80 7 40 48 114 160 7 70 ... 7 40 48 148 10 7 70 380 7 40 tt 268 140 7 70 160 I 40 ft 176 10 7 70 10 7 2 68 20 60 7 72 300 7 t2St 77 161 SO 7 72 180 7 83 1 43 164 120 7 71 tO 7 t2 41 20 120 7 72 ' j 140 7 24 40 378 ... t 72 ... 7 61 71 38 300 7 72 120 7 82V, 88 280 ... 7 72 120 7 2 tl 271 40 7 76 10 7 t2U 41 364 100 7 76 340 7 42 74 166 ... 7 76 80 7 42 44 38 80 7 75 40 7 2 67 ... I 76 120 7 12 tt 270 120 7 76 10 7 62S. 48 161 130 7 75 10 7 82', tt 170 ... 7 71 120 7 02 tl. HI 180 I 76 100 7 II It 181 60 7 77 380 7 32 86 180 ... 7 77 ... 7 tl 40 181 140 7 10 130 7 61 48 146 ... 7 80 ... 7 62 40 168 ... 7 84 ... 7 41W 34 374 80 7 tO ... 7 t2 44 281 80 7 40 ... 7 f2 40 371 ... 7 80 180 7 t2V 87 381 40 7 82 4 80- 7 624 68 281 80 7 12 10 7 16 68 377 130 7 12 340 7 66 64 34 ... 7 16 80 7 16 67 116 ... 7 86 10 7 86 tl 800 80 7 86 80 7 46 opened steady, closed weak; nothing choir; tOP. If."; OIIIK OI SSies, T-J I 00. nrn.jr, $7.f"x7.90; mixed packers $7.7i''3'7.90; light. $7.4oti7.76; yearlings, $7. 86(87. 71; pigs, i.00 head: market lMfORc higher; native lambs. 84.7oi 40; western lambs, $4.3iti'4.9n; native wethers. 84. row. so; western weinerr, w .w 4.60; fed ewes, $3.3"4i4.2X; Texas clipped yearlings, 13.4VXfi-4.10; Texas clipped sheep, $3.0oii9.46; stocker and feeders, $2. 00413.00. Bt. Loo I a Live Stock Market. BT. IX1UIB. Jjlv . CATTLE Receipts. 1,500 head. Including 4,700 Texana; market slow, dull and lower; native shipping and export steers. $; dressed beef snd butcher steers, Vlii 7.66; steers under l.ttort Ins., rl.Wo.Dv; arra mm irmrii", :6.50; cows and heifers.; canners, l.75r3.86; bulls. $.1.O0(tN.26; calves, $.1.50 8.00; Texas and Indian steers, $3.153.25; cows and heifers, $2.60fdH.oo. HOGS Receipts, 4.0u0 head; market steadv; pigs and lights, $7.26ir7.60; packers, $7.f7.ftS; butchers, $7.6nj.02. BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1509 head; steady: native muttons, 8J.0OJN.00; lambs, $S.0Oti.7.W; culls and bucks, $2,004? 4.00; Texans, $5.0066.25. Bt. Joseph Live Stock Market. BT. JOSEPH. Julv 1. -CATTLE Receipts. 1,801) head; best, stesdy to strong; others 102fc lower: natives. 84.76'Iie : cows ana heifers, $1.7MfeV3S: veals, $I.OOtj.0O; stock ers and feeders, $2.Jf(frtS.50. MOOS Receipts. 7.6AO head steady: ngnt and light mixed, $7.607.76; medium and neavy. 7. raw. 9ft; pigs, 84-ZWB-1&. tsiirjfc.f receipts, l.ixaj neaa; steaay. lonz City Live Stock Market. BIOUX CITY. July t (Special Telegram ) CATTLE Receipts, 800; market steady; beeves, $6.604r.60; cows. Dulls and mixed. 2.5rti34.00; stockers and feeders, 12.5094.25; yearlings and calves. $2.6004.00. HOGS Receipts. 1.800; steady, r.4037.T8; bulk, $7.60fl7.66. bhbep-Receipts, 100; steady. Stock In Sight. The followlnar table shows the recelnta of cattle?, hogs and Bheep at the five principal maraexB ior juiy 2; South Omaha Chicago Kansas City St. Louis St. Joseph Totals SHEEP There was a big falling off In sheep receipts today from yesterday, as there were onlv about 2.000 head on sale. There were three cars of common stuff and about sis cars of Wyoming sheep that were of prettv good quality. The demand on the part of packera was not excessive at all, but still, although the market was slow, about steady prices were bald. There were no good feeders on sale with which to make a test of the market, but there were a few buyers on hand looking for good stuff, so It wss thought that steady prices would have been paid for desirable grades. yesterday there were eighteen cars of feeders shipped to the country. - Quotations for clipped stock: Good to cnoice yearlings, $3.5023.75; fair to good, $3,2513.60; good choice wethers, l3.3SSj3.50: fair to good wethers, $3.003.35; good to cnoice ewee, 8Z.7w83.oo; lair to good ewes. tz.tKxaz.bu; good to choice spring lambs. $6. 4)6.76; fair to good spring iambs, $5.004f6.00 Representative sales: No. 26 cull ewes 164 Wyoming ewes 61 Wyoming wethers. 162 Wyoming wethers. 230 Wyoming wethers. 276 Wyoming wethers. 22.504j3.00. Av. 81 r-9 101 ins 101 1x2 Pr. 1 60 2 60 3 10 1 10 1 10 S 10 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattl Steady to Lower Hogs Strong; and Sheep Steady. CHICAGO, July 1. CATTLE Receipts, 17.600 head. Including 2.000 head of Tex ans; no westerns. Choice, steady; others log 15c lower. Good to prime steers, 7.3o3 8.60; poor to medium, $4.757.50; stockers and reeders, 8264fj6.36; cows, ll.&O4jfl.30; hclfar 19 fLlvftA 7(1- rann.n II MyfM Ui. K,,ll $.6016.60; ' calves, $2.60(g.30; Texas-fed1 steers. 3.&0ftl.00. HOGS Receipts, 30.000 head; estimated tomorrow, zu.uuo neaa; lert over. 4.516 head. Choice strong to 10c higher, lixgloc lower, Mixed and butcners, 7.2iKa7.90; good to choice heavy, 87.W7.82; rough heavy, $7 7.70; light, $7.0O'7.6O; bulk of sales, $7.35fi7.70. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 20,000 head. j,ignt natives steady; lambs strong. Good to choice wethers. 33.75f4.00: fair to choice mixed, $3.00(33.76; western sheep, $2.60 nauvs turn ua, .WQt.w. Official yesterday: Receipts. Shipments, Cattle 7.221 1,0.12 Hogs 18,007 14,013 Bneep 20,664 1,402 New York Uve Stork Market. NEW YORK. July 1 BEEVES Receipts 1,098 head. Market stesdy to strong; me dium steers, higher; steers, 15.00-17 8 60; fancy, o; oxen. aJ iwio 10: dui s, w UKUO.bO; extra $5.60. Cables quoted live cattle steadv al firm at 13'glc. dressed weight; refrigerator Deei we un at ur('lic per 10. Shipments, w cattle and a.4t quarters or beer. CALVES Receipts. 3.990 head. Market ac tlve and 262r35o higher: veals. I4.60ifr6.0: tops, (.7.75; culls, $4 00; buttermilks, 13.269 s. 10; city aressea vcais, nrmer at a'UC per lb. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 9.261 head; prime handy sheep a trifle firmer; all others slow; lambs, active and 25c higher; sheep. $2.60i&4.26; few choice snd export. $4.6(45.00; culls. $1.6Kg2.00: lambs. $6.0rfi7 80; one deck $7 76: culls. $4.516.26. HOGS Receipts. 1.632 head. Market firm for all welghta; atate hogs, 87.75&7.80; west erns, nominal. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. July 1 CATTLE Re ceipts, 4.100 natives, z.vuu Texans, l&o calves ccrn-rei cattle, steady to 10c higher: noth Ing toopy on hand; quarantine stuff, steady to nignrr; nauve cows lower; cnoice export and dressea Deer steers. X irrf 40: fair to 66.60; western-fed steers, $3. 264)4. 90; Texas Birera, ji.ltttpn. iu; ifiai cows. 83.0003 86 native cows, 82.15i3s.10; native heifers, $3.00 aga so; nauve cows, limt is: native heif ers. $3.4"06.50; canners. $1. 6064. 00; bulls, iz iaarro s); calves. J U'al.sO. HOGSRecelpts. 1.300 bead; market Cattle. Hors. Bheep. .... 1.926 1.VM3 1649 ....17,600 30.0n0 lO.ono .... 4,100 6.300 1.7r0 .... 6.500 4.000 2.6-0 .... 2.300 7.680 1.000 .... 13.325 90,703 27,749 . Pry Goods Market. NEW YORK. Julv 1 DRY OOODS-Tha home demand for cotton- goods has not shown any change and only a quiet busi ness hss been reported. Brown sheetlnss and drills sre dull and barely etendy. Bleached cottons, steady: coarse colored cottons generally firm. Prints and sine. hams are nulet at previous nrlces Print cloths Inactive and unchanged. Men's wear woolen ana worsted fabrics In fair demand ior laii at previous prices. Minneapolis Wheat Market. MTWFAPfiT.Ifl Jnlv tWHI!lT1l. 79c: Bentember 72-VB72e: on track No 1 hard. 81c; No. 1 northern, 79c; No. 1 northern, 74c SUPREME COURT'S OPINIONS Sooth Dakota High Tribunal Renders Decision In Cases Appealed. PIERRE, S. D., July 2. (Special Tele gram.) Opinions were handed down In th supreme court today In the following cases: By Haney Henry Corrus et al against City of Big Stone, appellant, Grant county, reverted; Epiphany Roman Cath olic Church against German Inturance Company, appellant, Hanson county, af firmed. By Carton State of South Dakota, de fendant In error, against Peter Berg; plain tiff in error, writ of error from Lyman county reversed; Joseph W. Catlett against W. H. Stokes, appellant, Hamlin county, affirmed; William Oehler et al agslnst City of Big Stone, appellant. Grant county, reversed; E. A. Doyle against Charles T. Edwards, administrator appellant, Yankton county, affirmed; State of South Dakota, defendant In error, against Fred W. Page, plaintiff in error, Klngsburv county, re versed; State of South Dakota, defendant In error, against Lewis McDonald, plain tiff In error, Hamlin I county, affirmed: Maggie Coe, appellant, against W. T. Baker, Minnehaha, reversed; C. Williams McGray, appellant, against Monarch Ele vator Company, Roberts county, affirmed; Marguerite Cornelius et al against Allie T. Ferguson snd D. T. Perkins, appellant. Beadle, affirmed; Honors Nordln against Theodora F. Berner et al, appellant. Beadle, affirmed; Henrietta Doering against Thomas Mtna, Jenton, appellant. Aurora, affirmed; James Wilson, appellant, against Walter H. McWIlllams, Moody county, reversed; Dorthea Boll, appellant, against City of Dell Rapids, Minnehaha county, affirmed; Seeley A. Cook et al, ap pellant, against John Shehan et al, Brown county, reversed; Emma Patterson against Joseph Schllts Brewing Company, appel lant, Codington county, affirmed; May A. Stafford, appellant, against Henry Levln ger et al, Bon Homme, reversed; State of 8outh Dakota, defendant In error, against William Vincent, plaintiff in error, Charles Nix, affirmed; Edward W. Hyen, appellant, against City of Watertown, Codington county, affirmed; William J. Magowan et al against William Greenweg et al, Lawrenc county, reversed; F. C. Austin Manufac turing Company against Twin Brooks Tpwnshlp, appellant. Grant county, re versed; K. O. Lee, appellant, against Henry Newmeyer et al, Brown county, af firmed; 8tate of South Dakota, defendant In error, against Thomas H. Ole, plaintiff In error, Hamlin county, affirmed. By Fuller Frances F. Plerson against William Hincley et al, appellant, Yankton county, reversed; Demund S. Kelley et al against Fargo Mercantile Company, appel lant, Fall River county, reversed; Bank of Spearflsh against W. II. Graham, appellant, Lawrence county, reversed; Stat of South Dakota, defendant in error, against S. H. Wright, plaintiff In error, Minnehaha county, affirmed. Crop Sltnatlon In Beadle Coantjr HURON, S. D.. July 1. (Special.) Bar ring strong wind and heavy rainfall In a' few sections, crops in Beadle county have mad good progress during the last week. Wheat made marked advancement In item ing and handing and with reasonable fa vorable weather from now on the crop will be ready for harvest almost a early aa last season. Th plant is strong and firmly rooted and color excellent. No damage of consequence will result from frost of last week. Barley and ry are In fin condition and with a few days of warm sunshine will be In th last stages of ma turity. Corn In most fields Is doing well, although the crop generally Is backward because of cool weather. Fields cut by frost are recovering and where It was thought the stalk was killed there are ex cellent chances for a good crop. Inereaao In Inaaraneo Department. PIERRE. 8. D., July 1. (Special.) Th atate Insurance department for th fiscal year shows a heavy Increase In business over past years. This department hss turned Into the treasury for th last six months fees amounting to 19,766.10, or $1,127.61 per month. Taxes have been col lected for th fiscal year to th amount of $37,628. TbJ Is an Increase of fees for the ' time mentioned of more than $2,009 and an increaa in taxes collected of $13, 610.71 over th collections of last year. Epworth Assembly at Haroa. HURON. S. D.. July 1. (Special.) Th Epworth assembly began Its fourth annual meeting In Ashland park yesterday. Th attendance was fair and Is rapidly Increas ing. President Houlgatr Is atre. Th musical features are la charge of Mrs. Oertruds Stevens as director. Prof. Oeorg W. Hull, organist; Miss Jessie Van der Stein, pisoist, and Mrs. Calfes and Mrs, Slevsas soloists.