Til 13 OM An A DAILY BEb WEDNESDAY, JULY !!, 102, V r' SPECIAL HOTICES Aartleeasat far tteea aalaasa will takea aattl It . far taa edition aa aatll ) 1M a. a. far nmlat Saaday Sltlaa. Rlti, 1 1-S a war Brat laaertlea, I a, wr thereafter, ftethlaa- takea fa lee tbaa 8fl to Ik first laser tloa. Taeaa aaertlaeasata aaaat h raa (KitlTdf. Advertiser, rttaT knk, eaa aa.wer - tressed ta a aakrt4 letter fa a Taa Bee. Aaawcr aa addressed will e ellver4 a a, iniHIMtoa ( ta aheek aalr. ' SITUATION WASTED. WANTED, position aa barber; have had ten months' experience: will work to in ternet of bona; can rive good reference. Address J. V. Gill, Loup cur. reo. WANTED MA LB HELP. .i i IS FOR.llALF A DAT S WORK. If you live In the country or In a small town and have - a good acquaintance among the farmers ana stock raisers in the neighborhood you can make 15 easily I by four or live hours worn. Write its r and-we will send you our proposition. The bee Publishing Co., Solicitors lept., umana, reD. u auia WANTED, a good man In every county to take subscriptions for The Twentieth . . Century Farmer. Our agents make good Wages everywhere. References req'ilrert. Address Twentieth Century Fatoier, ' Omaha, Neb. B 61S BALKSMEN wanted to sell fruit tree; po sition permanent; pay weekly; write for particulars. Address Western Nur fiery Company, Bale Dept., Lawrence, Kan, B life Jy3' ; DEMONSTRATOR to explain medlcoLigy. u0 per week. Hixenbaugh, 600 Ware IHR. B'USO 13 TOt'NO MEN from Omaha andvlclnlty at once to prepare for positions in the government service. Apply to Inter tat Corres. Inst., Cedar Rapids. la. B 111 Jy21 " ' 1 i i .WANTED, a blacksmith, one who can do horseshoeing and wagon repairing; must , bo a sober man, Address C. W. Morgan, i Rawlins, W yo. B Mill 3 WANTED, Insurance men of experience; can offer you a gnod thing. Call at 9 a. in. 43S Board of Trade Bldg. B 232 WANTED, men to learn barber trade;'pe- cial mldummer offer; only Mwo montns l rAniilrett tn nrenarft for tla weeklv rtofl tlon: tools presented: wages Saturday; diplomas gmnted: call or write. Molcr Barber College, 1S2S Farnam St. . . . , B MW2 4 WANTED, an engineer to run threshing machine engine, at once. Address Julius Nits, Mead, Neb.. Route 2. B Jyl MECHANICS qualified for advancement. Our free bookltt "Are Tour Hand Tied?" tells how thousands have doubled or largely Increased their earning capacity through our spare time Instruction by mall. Write to the International Corre spondence Schools, box 16tiS, Scranton, Pa,, or call day or evening, Omaha office, 37 Paxton block. B MiS5 2 WANTED, men who are weak or diseased to .write for free booklet edited by the leaqtpg and most succcnnful spe'iniist in the U. 8. Address J. Newton Hathaway, M. D., 63 Commercial block, Sioux City, Iowa. B MoK2 2 WANTED, Scandinavian or German coach man, thoroughly experienced with horses; for country place In Council Plufta. Ref erence required. Call at 1301 Douglas st. ' B MK81 2 SALESMEN WANTED. WANTED A first-class whisky salesman with an established trade for the atate of Nebraska; none other need apply. Ad dress ' Bonnie Bros., Distillers, 139 W. Mali) St. Louisville, K.V. M-661 1 SALESMAN wanted, to call on doctors only on behalf of the leading firm In the business! also one lor outalde city. Kstabl!hed irade. Position permanent. I APpnoaru -muse ne- intelligent ana Inuc fallgable. State experience. Address P, O. . box. 868, Philadelphia. M683 2- WANTED FKMAL0 HELP. ' WANTED, two young lady students to learn- hall-dressing, manicuring and chl ropody and scientific massage. Call or writ Room 220, Bee Bldg. C 280 100 Girls. Call Canadian office, Uth tt Dodge. , ,, ... C 281 GIRL for general housework. 201 8. 25th St. t C MS32 . WANTED-A girl for general housework. ilLi uougias. c til WANTED, girl for housework with Omaha - . family on farm near Arlington July 1 to Bepiemuer i. Appiy vie n. ua. , .' C-S1S Jy5 WANTED, .a competent girl for peneral Housework. d; no washing, sui tnrnam. .. - C-673 GOOD girl for general housework; two In family.. 1034 Park, avenue. C MUM 4 . GIRL, for general housework at one, not Webster st, C-rMSHO $ COMPETENT girl, good wages, ker. 639 Par. C M58 vFOR RENT HOUSES. VANS and baggage wagons. Tel. 1193. d 2a nwUOW n an p4rt, t city. The O. D 283 . When You s Write to Advertisers . remember It only takea an extra atrok or two of the pen to mntlon th fact that you aaw in aa in To Be. TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storag vo.;.oiuc loii-o rarpam, or. Tela. l5j9-3. . ; - ' ' - D-JSl EE PAYNE. BOHTWICK A CO.. for cholc houaea. Soi-l N. Y. life Bldg Tel. 1014. D $ FOR RENT, modern house near High school. Th O. F. Davis Co., 6u8 Bee Bldg. -. . ' - .' .. D-2W UAGUARD Van ft Storag Co. Tel. 144. ' '-' V ; D-287 HOUSES, eta F. D. Wead. 1624 ppugliB. . ' , , , . .D-a8 FOR' 'RENT. -room, "modem, detached house, newly fainted and papered. $30. bill Capitol Ave. Tel. 678. B. 11. RoMion. , D Mam HOUSES and flats. Ringwalt, Barker block. GOOD modern S-room house. 2C04 Blondo. ,D M317 U3i SO. 18TH ST., 4-room cottage, city water, rent 87 per month. V746 8o Uth St, 4-rooni cottage, city water in aiiciien, rem iu per muitin Wand"?rui, V MUX) HOUSES, atorva. Bemls, ' Paxton' block. D 291 HOUSES Boyer, 2Sd and Cuming. Tel. 209. ' . puixsu FOR RENT Modern ten-room house. No. 434 Farnam; In - first-clasa repair, good barn, cement Valk. shade trees; price, $J6. Benson A Carmichael, 442 paxton Blk. - ' I M1& -ROOM cottage. $12.(0 per month; 263 ( aid. wan afreet, inquire Jo. uoiusmith. rwm 18. U. 8. Baak Bldg. - )1H61 Jyl S-ROOM COTTAGE. 1141 N. 17th: S-room house. South Omsha. 17th and J. 1M 8. Nth St., South Omaha. -. . D Mj6a 8 FOR RENT. Iarg S-room house. City water, $ 6 00. tt Hlond... The Omaha Realty Co.. 1901 Douglas Bt. , D 677 A MODERN t-room house .at 1138 8o. th Ave. i Will rent furnished or unfurnished. cnaep. ifi. A-2t0ii. .a) . . i-. i a- . .- ? FOR REST FURNISHED ROOMS. FIVE nice rooms, furnished or unfurn'shed. thoroughly modern, waiklns dlstsnca, auvuivit. wt curt dl ; J) 14 ron KRn-miiiiinED rooms. FXF.OANT room, flneet location In th city. 1 Capitol At. E M3 DEWEY European hotel, Uth and Farnam. . . 292 DESIRABLE rooma, . flrst-claee location, 2i24 Farnam. KXt Jyl 820 N. I7TH ST., cool, wall furnished room. K M271 4 DESIRABLE furnished room for rent. T2H Farnam at. E 634 6 tl FEB WEEK. 422 B. 18th at., one blcck south of court house. B 521 FURNISHED south room. 2015 Douglas. E--MSTI DEKIRARLE rooms, first-class location. 2Z44 Farnam. FURNISHED ROOM! ARD BOARD. Merrlam, comfortable summer home. Tel 85. F 2J TWO desirable front rooma, with, alcoves. The Pratt, 211 B. JMhBt. r-aw THE Rose, 2020 Harney. Rooms and board. F-M15t-21 FURNISHED front rooms with board. Sl 6. 6th St. . . ' F-M23 THE Bonnie Brier. 1720 Dodge. Tel. A-ft. . , F 258 24 220 N. 17TII ST., cool, well furnished rooma. FOR RENT USFtRJIIiHED ROOMS. -i - i ' .- . i DE8K room spae, R per month; ground floor room In The Bee building, facing Farnam street; no expense for light,- heat or Janitor service.' k. u. reiera at vo.. rental agents, Be building. u li FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES, FOR RENT Thbulldlhg formerly occu pied by The Bee at 916 Farnam Bt. It has four stories, and a basement which 1 was formerly used as The Bee press room. I This will be rented rery reasonably. If Interested apply at one to C. C. Roe, water, secretary, room 100, Be building. 1-261 FOR RENT Stor In first-clasa location; rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters Co., ground floor, Bee Bldg. i zes FOR RENT Desk room or large spec suitable for merchandise oroger or party doing business in wnoiesai aistrict. in quire Hen & Co., 916 Farnam St. I-M224 - t IP R! fll TilNf" " 15th and Dodge Sts. Finely lighted and ventilated offices to let, singly or en suite. Good janitor and elevator service. W. FARNAM SMITH CO., 1320 FARNAM ST. , 1-294 MODERN building In wholesale district. t . u. weaa, lui !ougias street. 188915 AGENTS WANTED. WANTED Canvassing agents In every county to solicit subscriptions to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER, Steady employment with assured good In come. Agents In the country with hors and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily 60 to 1100 per month. Ad dress, Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee building, Omaha. Hi SOMETHING NEW I I Just out Send for sample, Combination Door Knob and Bell. No cutting or ruining the door. Put on any door n a moment. No batteries to worry about. No springs to wind. Noth ing to get out of order. Own your own bell. No landlord to trouble. Price and Bell - absolutely guaranteed. Send $1.60 ' for sample. Agents wanted. WESTERN ELECTRICAL COMPANY. 12U Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. J 278 1 . WANTED TO RENT. WANTED.. . t we rooms and board- with v ant.is.iJ. . tw rooms ana Doara- witn rjrlvata family for married couolee mod ern homo desired In good location -where there are no other boarders; willing to pay a arswclass price; references ex changed; rooms not wanted before Sept. 1. Address D M. Be. K 408 Jyl WANTED TO BUT. w1T,leoon,hanI elotbln,toJ' N-M297 WANTED To buy a neat five or six-room cottage, modem, with full lot. on paved street. In good neighborhood, for $1,000 casn. U as, lie. N &u FOR ALB FURNITURE. CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. TeL 2020. New and secondhand, bought, sold, exchanged. O 294 FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC.. FOR SALE Cheap; a Concord buggy, lttth ana vinton. p zsf PAINTING and repairs on wagons, etc, our specialty. H. Frost, 14th and Leaven worth. Te 1447. P 297 SEVERAL fine driving horses. Walter i-neips, Hoom v, xsew xork Lire Bldg. f Oft I i FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. WIRE fence for poultry, hog, lawn and yarar nucn posts, ire guaras. wire Works, sli 8. lth St. Tel loso.' Vr-M972-S FOR SALE Phonographs; superior to any other musical Instrument; $6 up. Th Wlttman Co., 1U1 Farnam. Q 2ys NEW and secondhand typewriters. 1119 Far nam. . . j w 100 8TTLES trusses; catalogue free. Sher man Mcconneil Lrug CO., lfeth , ana Dodge. Omaha. . , W 4V2 INDIAN goods and rellce. 3 LiJ ' Hit Farnam. WHITE sawdust; season checked oak tim bers, cheap; nog (enc, etc. vol iJougia. . ' ' Q 304 tDHAND sat cheap. De right, 1119 Farnam. U Jue srpnvnuiun Wlltia-A mA Anl . K . billiard tables repaired; m. large stock of cheaD bar ttxtures. cigar counters, etc. The Brunswick Balks Cullender Co.. 407-8 uouin luin. (j su tDHAND sate cheap. Schwarts, 114 8. 13th. FOR SALE Fine Imported harness, brass mounieu ana irimmea; cost wnen new, $J60: will sell for $a0; ckn be seen at Doty A Russell a barn, 80th and Leavenworth streets. . Q 6 it BICYCLES and phonographa on eaay pay mentsla down, 11.60 pe week; secondhand wheels, $6, $4 and )lu; new wheels, $16, Omaha Bicycle Co.. Kth and Chicago Sta QMJ FOR sale, cheap, ons corrugated iron ware house. Dimensions, 11x3. Inquire 641 Broadway, Council Bluff. Q My9 8 ' CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, clafrvoy.nt 1814 C. St. 8 80S MRS. JACOBSON, 2204 North 20th street. .. , . , . P 831 It ATTENTION! Attontlonl Mrs. Dr. Ed" wards of Chicago, th noted trance, test and business medium, can b consulted on all arlalra or life. Satisfaction or no charge for reading. 109 8. 17th at., near Dodge st. Lecture and teats Sunday. 7 80 p. m. it W oodrnaa ball, opposite pen. office. 8 M6U! 8 ELECTRIC TREATMENT. MME. BM1TH. baths, lit N 16, td floor.' R. L T MUS 6 MME. AMES, vapor baths. 124 N: 16th. R-. 7. T-MS41 12 PERSONAL. DR. ROY. chiropodist, corns and saperflu oua hair ramuved by electricity. K. IX, t renser luoca, . u SIS I ROOMS. HO Bo. 10th St 'Phon 1211. -UW JylS HAIRDRES8TNG. manicuring and chlra pody, for ladles only, la connection wlh The Bathery. i- Be bldg. U-8.8 PERSONAL. PRIVATE hospital, before and during eon mement, t'SOies aaoptea. urani sr. Mrs. Gardels. TeL F-lWi. V-4TI RUPTURE permanently cured rn to to W aa: sena lor circular, u. . v ooa. aa. V., 621 New York Ufa bldg., OmahaNeU. ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, beat and quickest Mra. A. C. Mark, 17 Douglas, u si I ELITE PARLORS. (IS 8. 16th at.. M floor. G RADIOPHONES and supplies, wholeaal ana retail, coiuns ritno CO., laa ljoug. laa. U ti CHIROPODT a specialty, In connection with The Bathery, rooms XIS-Z30 Be bitig. Tel. 1711 . U-4 . 8HAMPOOINO and halrdreestnr. 75e. In connection witb The uatnery, lie-no Hee buiiaing. lei. iiia, v see VIAVA, woman's way to health. Horn treatment. Booklet ma. MS nee Ding., Omaha. . , U ea LOWEST PRICES In accordion - and side pleating. The Goldman Pleating Co., 200 Douglas block. ii aiiu MMJ. SMITH, hatha. 1U N. 15. floor, ,f 1 U msai jyie EMPIRE RUPTURE Lit bldg., Omaha. CtJRfc SS2 N. T. end for circular. u- 4a PROP. JOHNSON curea all human dis eases. &20 Bee building. Office hours, a. m. i t p. m. U-3M JyT PRIVATE horn for laflles before and dur ing connnement: babies- adopted. 2620 Burdette. Mrs. Burget. U M2S3 Jy26 "TOU can fool ail the people some of the time" on some things, but you can't fool them on cigars. Everybody knows that th ' STOECKER CIGARS, ' are the best. The best because they are mad of superior stock. ' U M280 i , DR. B. M. JACKflON, room 4, Frenser block, chronic diseases a specialty; con suitation free. u nil WANlED, any Information of Charles E. Kring. by J. F. Kring, Cherrvvale, Kan- U442 Jy6 nrnonr. TtmA 'irna v rinK i i July What to Eat Mollle. U m54 2 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. 4U PER CENT on business property. -E per cent on residence property. Options to pay whole or part any time. W. B. MEIKLK, 401 8. 16th st. W S MONET to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. . urennan-iiov vo., jw . mn. W 887 WANTED, city loan and warrants. W. Farnam Smith 4k Co., 1320- Farnam st W 884 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. T. L. W-888 FARM and city loan, low rates. W. H. Thomas, isi i ai. ttana Diug. rei. ims. " W MO WANTED, city and farm loans: also bonds and warrants, k. c rsiera co 1703 Farnam St., Be bldg. W 891 LOW RATES. Private money. fAtti IN VMl IttHW f CUMCANr, Main Floor N. T. Life Bldg. W-M892 i TO 6 P. C. money. Bemls. paxton blk. W-S98 I PER CENT loan. Farnam. Oarvln :Bros., 104 W-SS4 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, TU4 Dpuglag W OHO $100 UP, low rat. Prichard. 171J Farnam, . W-MU0 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. $10,000. warehouse receipts, livestock, etc., or If I you are , permanently employed w , can mine you a loan-on your .-.'. BALART, ... Ws loan from $10.00 up on rery short no tice and without publlclty.'Our otllces are very easily found and you will receive courteous treatment whether you borrow Or not. After you have talked with ua you will know whether It will pay you .to borrow or not, for we will tell you In ad- roi with V pw TOSV .Sii. Si what you receive and for only what time you keep It. W do not charge f or mak ing papers. The rule of our ,ofHoe Is... to OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO'., 119 Board of Trade Dlilg, .Tel. (Established 1!92). 3v 8. ldth st SHORT. ROUTE TO PAT DAT. Loans to salaried people . UPON THEIR PLAIN NOTE. No mortgage, Indorser or publicity. These loans made quickly and quietly.--RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. Room M, Third Floor, Paxton Block. -X-675 LARGEST Rt'SINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants. team, aters, boarding houses, etc.,: without se curity; saalest . terms; 40 offices In prin cipal dtle. Tolman, 440 Board or Trad Bfd. X-j3 Chattel and Salary LoaMS,1 PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. Buooesaor to J. W. Tayloe. TeL 7&. . 3l Paxton Block. . . X-27J Jy MONET loaned oa furniture, live stock. leweiry, to saiariea people, r oiey Lan Co., sue, to uurr ureen. s isaraer Block. x-eoi LOANS, houaehold furniture, pianos and ail kinds oi cnaiiei security; terms to suit; no publicity; goods remain in your poeaeeelon. American Loan Co., 3d -floor, Paxton block. ' , X 7 . MONET loaned on plain not to salaried people; business confidential; lowest rates. U4 Paxton block. Th J. A. Button Co. X-891 MONET loaned on rdanos. furniture, lew- lry. horse, cows, sta c. jr. kj. ms BUSINESS CHANCES. , TO GET In cr out of business call on Wil liam, Room fll, Met. a us uunuing. - T . Y-904 WHEN you want to buy. sell or exchange f our Business or property quica, see j I. Johnson. 64$ N. V. Life. Y M17S TO buy, sell or exchange a business. Call on C j. canan k, s. uk rarnam St.- T-AUt FOR SALE, furniture ef a 10-room house, full of M4 paying Boaraera, l Diocg from Harney, Dodge and Farnam cars. 4 blocks from 14th; cash offer only con sidered. A good thing for th right per. son. Houje rant reasonable. Address C 7. Be. . Y 240 ONE merry-go-round can hav exclusive Srlvllege free of ground at Fourth of uly celebration at Waterloo, Neb. Ad dress R. B. Hon Der. chairman. . Y-M214 Jyt When You Write to Advertisers . remember It only takea an extra, stroke f two of th pen to mention th faot that you aaw th ad In Tn Pea FOR RENT. Hotel Clifton, furnished com plete. John E. Burns, Scribner. Neb. Y-f3 Jyl I CAN acouire controlllna interest In a oroflt a DTraivfcoa if a Kt aoie ana raDiaiy increasins leaitimaia manufacturing bualneas. Capital required li.BUW to to.uou. Thia is worth investigate log. i. n. o Johnson. N. Y. Life. Y-M524 FOR BALE OR TRADE Steam laundry, aoing u,iu 10 11 aw per monin. in Me- braska town; bargain. Address E t, umana x Mwa i , FOR sale, legitimate light manufacturing Duainess. aooui xv required, sa aany pro Dia. Addreaa D 69. Bee. Y-MdC7 1 WANTED, location for bank of $10.0uO to $3o.000 capital In eastern or east central Nebraska Would purvhaae established - business. American community preferred. Aaaress . , care uee. I sluu z- WANTED, good man with omoa to handle nrat-claaa mining a too a and irrigated tana proposition, Aaaress s, 4, Tne Ht. FOR F.XCHANGE. WANT to exchange A guitar with core? and Elope Instruator, rood aa new, value $34 on, for a Mgh grade second-hand bi cycle. Addreaa E 6, Omaha Kee Z MSKT FOR ALE REAL ESTATE. Utl ! I A MQOM CHARLES E.. 1201 ti ii.i-iiii'iuii rarnara street, REHO RANCH and farm lahdl for sale by tb Union Pactflo Railroad company. B. A. McAlleeter, land commissioner. Union Pa. clfio Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE SCO HOU8ES and lots In all parts of city; alo acre property and farm lknds. The O. T. Da via Co.,- Room Sal, Bee building. - HE-gll HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, losns; also Are Insurance. Bemls, Paaton block. RE lit FOR SALE, choice section of farm land. worm s.OQ per acre; every foot can be cultivated; owner needs money and will sell i heap If taken this week. J. A. Lovgren, 4th Boor, Ffciton block. RE 143 Jyl iF TOU want one of .the nicest 8-roora homes In Hanscom Place 1 will glv you a bargeln. Owner leu city. Must sell. J. H. Sherwood, til N. T. 1 Bldg. RE MISS BEE PATNE. BOSTWICK it CO. tor choice baxgalna. UI- Ci. X. LJf Bldg. Tel. ioii. RE-914 A MONTHLT payment bargain In 8-room neuse. u. ai, in a t linger j r none w. RE M534 GEORQB G. WALLACFX real estate, mort gage, rentals. Insurance. Brown block. - RE SO FOR SALE Neat cottage and full lot on paved street, only 8S00. Brennan-Love Co., ?9 South 13th- Bt, RE M22 2 GREAT BARGAIN IN DOUGLAL COUNTY FARM. 240 acrea choice farming land In Douglas county; lays tine, rich slack sou, all undor plow; no buildings; only 8W.00 an acre. Hlcka Land Agency, tM Board of Trade RE M571 g HOUSES ON . MONTHLY PAYMENTS. 4218 Burdett, 1100 cash, 115 per month. 4230 Patrick, $i" cash, 112 per month. 4129 Laxe, eu casn, in per monm. 8il7 Franklin, 8160 cash, 60 per month, 1608 Kyner, $75 cash, $20 per month. All of these on basis of 6 per cent Interest. immediate possession given. A. P. TUKEY AND SON. 444-445 Board of Trade. RE M579 4 MEDICAL. DR. PRIES, the acknowledged .leading SDecIalist In diseases of women in Omaha. would call - th attention of suffering ladles to his unsurpassed accommodations before and during confinement and his treatment for Irregularities, no matter what caus. Call or adores, with stamp. Dr. Pries, Arlington Block, 1013 Dodge, umana. sis ROR RETT FARM LAND. ISO ACRES beat land In Douglas county for season 1903; within one mile village of Elkhorn; casn rent. Address u , Bee. M2fi LACNDR1. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, $c; collars. ac; cuas, tc iiou txavenworiu, iei. tu. BEST laundry. iTni Chlaago, 'phon 206. -MffiS STORAGE, PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co.. 913- 914 Jones, general storage ana lorwaramg. . t-4K OM. Van Stqr. Co.. UU Farn. Tels. U59-3. TYPEWRITERS. THE wonderful Lambert Typewriter will do tne wort oi a tiuv mucnuie, is rapiu. e in dent and' durable; to Introduce will sell a limited number at $20. Telephone, writ or call. Monro A Co., 811 M. 16th St. MSD5 . osteopathy; GID G. ALICE' JOHNSON, osteopaths. Bulte- M6, xs. I. ajis oiag. ei. iw. . . . . , -tit - DR. A. T. HUNT, 612 McCague Bldg. Tel. 2351 ..... -917 DR. MRS. MUSICK. Douglas Blk. Tel. Kit BALE TIBS.'; OMAHA Hay Bale Tl Co.. 811 North ltth. 99 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. C. VAN BANT s school.. T17 N. Y. Life. 21 BOTLE8 colleg. court reporter principal, N. Y. Life. - . .. -- -a NEB. Business Shorthand College, Boyd s Theater. . 92J NICKEL PLATING. OMAHA Plating Co., Be Bldg. .TsU I63S. ( , When Ypu Write to A dvertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke or two oi tne pen 10 mention ma tact insi you aaw tne aa in to .. ACCORDION rLBATTNQ. REDUCED price In . pleating. For par ticular inquire Ideal Pleating Co., lol Howard BU sw Jyv CARPK1 TKUS AMI JU1AB.MS. ALL klnda of carpenter work and repairing promptly attenaea to. . A. ucniuree. wta ana Lake atreeta. 370 S-LORJSTS. L. HENDERSON. U1S Farnam. TeL 1261. Send for price list, cut nowsrs and plants. ' AlViO ANNOUNCEMENTS. WATERS PRINTING COMPANY. Tele phone U80. aU ttouia Thirteen tb street. PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; ail Business oonnaenuai. uoi uougi&s. 34 TRlKI AND UAIiOAOC, TWIN CITY EXP. 'Phone 1717. 604 8. 14th. M6u2 PATENTS. PATENTS-Sues A Co . Omaha, Neb.; no lee uniee aucceaaiui; aavic rree. TeL I J: loJS. fcKl Sept. 19 STBAM DTK WORKS. SUITS cleaned, pressed. $1.09. Ladles skirts sue. The Canadian, us N. istb St. ; - 970 Jy 14 PLUMBING. D. W. DUDGEON. 2910 Farnam. Tel. 1961 M316 Jy4 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GAR BAGS' CO , cleans cesspools and vaults, removes garbage an dead animal at reduced prices, til N 18. 1 si. iir. 9- JINK. ALPIRN bur all kinds of scrap Iron and ' .11 . MANt-FACTlRINQ. . MELCHIOR. chlnist. ltth and Harney, ma M919 OMAHA Scfe and Iron Wks. make a spe cialty of Are escs pes, shutters, floors ana sates, u Anareen, prop., urn a. turn wt -M9 DRBSSMAKINO. DRESSMAKING tn families or at horn. Miss Sturdy, 2042 Farnam. 421 Jyu FIR DRESSING. O. R, GILBERT CO.. tanners. 1C4 So. 18th, B1 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS. GRAND Electrlo Co., II Jackson. Tel. MM in STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramg Bldg. e4 LAWS MOWERS. Sharpened, repaired. L L Was., 140$ Howard M214 AUTOMOBILES. ELECTRIC AUTOMOBILES. Dsrlght's 1119 Farnam street xtu Gold Crowns for $2.85 WORK OtTARANTRKD. WE DO AS WE ADVERTISE WE ARE HERE TO STAY. CONSULT THE PROFESSORS at once. Soft Fillings .. a mall Charges (or mttertal, Silver Fillings Teeth Cleaned Set of Teeth $.uo UNION DENTAL COLLEGE, Incorporated College. 1821 Douglas St,, ttoom 4, UPP. iJOSlon owra. FOSTOFFICB NOTICE-. (Should be read DAILY by all Inter ested aa changes may occur at any time). Foreign malls for the week ending July 5. 1902, will close (PROMPTLY In all cases) at iha seneral noatomce aa follows: 1 A K- CELS POST MAILS close one hour earlier than closing time shown Deiow. rarceia r'oat mails for Uermany close at 5 p. m. Monday and Wednesday. Regular and supplementary malls close at foreign station holt hour later than closing time shown below (except that sup plementary mans tor a,urop ana central America, via Colon, close on .hour, later at foreign station). Transadaatlo Malla, liUL,bOLAi m v.trv a, ill. aui J.u . ' per s. a. St. Louis, via Southampton (mall , via Buumampion inia.ii i . M . 1 ........ . , ,,I I for Ireland must vt, oncviru lici . St. Louis"); at 8:90 a. m. (supplementary 10 a. m.) for EUROPE, per s. s. Majestic, via (Jueenstown. THURSDAY At :90 a. m. for EUROPE, per s. s. Columbia, via Plymouth, Chor bourg and Hamburg (mall for Franc must be directed "per s. s. Columbia''); at 7 a. m. for fkancjo, bwitzki l,Anu, llAl.l, orAin. runiuuiu TI RKEY. EGYPT GREECE. BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MARQUEZ, per a. a La Bretagne. via Havre (mall for other parts ot Europe must be directed I "per a. a. La Bretagne"). I BAI L KUA i ai e a. m. lor l ial.i direct, ner a. a. H ohenaollern (mall must be di rected "per s. s. Hohensollern"); at 7:20 a. m. tor NETHERLANDS "direct, per a. a. Potsdam (mall must be directed "per s. s. Potsdam"); at 9:30 a. m. for SCOT LAND direct.- Der s. s. Furnessia (mall must be -directed "per s. s. Furnessia:'); at 10 a. m. for BELUIUM direct, per s. s, 7.eeinnd (mall must be directed "Der s. s. Zeeland"); at 10:30 a. m. (supplementary 12 m.) for EUROPE, per s. s. Lucanla, via Queenstown, PRINTED MATTER. ETC. This steamer I tnkea Drinteu mailer, commercial papers i and samples for Germany only. The same class ot mall matter for other parts ot Europe will not be sent by this ship unless specially directed by It. After the closing of the supplementary transatlantic malls named above, ad ditional supplementary malls are opened on the piers oi tne American, - &ngusn, French and German steamera, and re main open until within ten minutes of tha hour OI sailing ui steamer. Malls for Soatb. and Central America,! West ladles. Etc. WrnKCdtllT-AI 1! SO n m (aunnlement. ary 1 p. m.) for Tt.KK.lJ ISLAND and DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, per a. a. Cherokee THURSDAY At 8 a. m. for CUBA, YUCA TAN. LAMi-bcue., TABASCO ana ci-ii- APAS, per a. a. Havana (mall for other parta of Mexico must be directed '-per e. s. Havana ); at 10 a. m. tor bt. maiic, PRTIT OOA VH and JACMEL. ner a. a. Prlna Wlllem I (mall for other parts of lam, curacao. veneguria, inmaau. xj ru sh and Dutch Guiana must be directed "per s. a. Prlns Wlllem 1"); at 12 m. (sunnlementarv 12:30 n m.) for BAHA MAS, QUANT ANAMO and SANTIAGO, per a. s. Seguranca: at 12 m. for YUCA AN and CAMPECHE. per s. s. Ravens- dale; at 12 m. (aupplementary 12:30 p. m.) for BAHAMAS, per a. s. Antllla (mall must be directed "per S. s. Antllla"); at 12:30 p. m. for INAUUA and HAITI, per a. a. Paloma; at il:3o p. m. for JAMAICA, per a. a. Admiral Sampson, rrom noston. FRIDAY At 6 a. m. for BARBADOS and NOKt ll kkn hkaziia per s. "s. urang .nae via Para. Ma ran ham and Ceari. BATirnriAY At 8 a. m. for BERMUDA per s. s. Pretoria; at a. m. ror niKiu RICO, per s. s. Coamo, via San Juan; at 9 a. m. (supplementary 8:80 a. m.) for CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per a. s. Maracalbo (mall for Bavanllla and Carta- isi do airecieu per a. a. mara- calbo"); at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:20 m i ror puitiunn isiMnu. ja MAICA. SAVANIIXA. CARTAGENA and GREYTOWN, per a. s. Alene (mall for Costa Rica must b directed "per a. Atena"): at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per a. a. Mexico, via Havana; at 10 a. m. for NEW. FOI'NDLAND direct, per S. S. Silvia; at 10 a. m. for GUADELOUPE! MARTI NIQUE. BARBADOS. BRITISH!. DUTCH and FUHNC1I GUIANA, per s. s. Talis man: at 11 a. m. for BRAZIL, per s. s. Byron, via Pernambuco, Bahla and Rio Janeiro (mail for Northern Brasll. Argen tine, Uruguay and Paraguay must be di rected "per u. s. Byron '); at 11 m. for ARGENTINE. URUGUAY and PARA GUAY. per a. s. Hor.oiius; at II m. for MEXICO, per s. . Matanxas, via- Tarn nico (mall must be directed "per i Matansas"). Mall tor Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, ana mence oy steamer, close at this office dally at 6:8v p. m (connecting close here every Mon. dav. Wednesday and Saturday). Malls for Mlquelon, by rail to Boston. and thence by steamer, close at this office dally at 6:30 p. m. Metis for Cuba. by rail to Florida, and thence by steam era. are dlspatcned aally. except Thun dav. final connecting closes, for dispatch via Port Tampa, on Mondays, Wednes days and Saturdays at 6:30 a. m.; for rti.oHtrh via Miami, on Mondays and Sat urdays at 6 80 p. m. Malls tor Mexlce r-itv. overland, unless specially addressed tor dispatch by steamer, close at this office dally except Sunday at 1:80 p. m. and 11:80 p. m., Sundays at 1 p. m. and 11:30 p. m. Malls for Costa Rica, Bellx. Puerto Cortea and Guatemala, br rail to New Orleana, and thence by steamer, close at this office dally except Sunday at 1:20 p. m.. Bunaays ai l p. m. icon ..Mini rinse here Mondays for Belli. Tueri,i Cnrtes and Guatemala, and Tues days for Coata Rica). Registered mall close at 6 p- m. previous nay. TraaspaclSe Malls Malls for China andYapan, Tla Vancouver and victoria, a. u . close nere daily ai I 4 SO p. m. up to July Ml, Inclusive, for dutpstch per s. s. Empress ot China irf-KIBiercu iiibii niuafc ' iimi.iir au . . I 1 1 . . .. V. , drevsed. Merchandise for U. S. Postal Agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded viu 1-nnada'i. Mails for Hawaii. China, Japan and first- class matter lor ma r-nuippine f'f noa via Ban Franclaco, close here daily at 4 30 p. m. up to July 8. Inclusive, for disnatch iter a. a. Chin Malla fcr China and Japan, via Taooma, close here dally at :. p. m. up to July 4. inclualve, for dlspatcn per a. a. la coma Mails fur Hawaii, via San Francisco, clos here dally at JU p. m. up to July "i, In clualve. for dispatch per s. s. Alameda Malls tor China aria Japan, via Seattle. dos her dally at l ft. a. MB ' W Jl FOSTOFFICB NOTICE!. Maru. (Registered mall must be directed 'via Seattle . nana lur ivniii an! sariiiinB i-1 i n i via Ban rrancisoo. close here flaiiy ai e:wi p. m. up to July ie. Incluslvs, for dis Nktch tef a. a. Murtmiaa. . Mails for Hawaii. Japan, China and first- r.r.TFr;ncohioV;TreaMV .t o p. m. un to July 11. Inclusive, lor Hisnatch rrer a. s. Ihnrle. Matla for the Philippine Islands, via San Francisco, close nere oatiy at s:w p. m. up to July 11. Inclusive, for dlspatcn rer t'. R. transrvort. Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which la forwarded via ".'impel. rw 7lnnd. Fill, aimnt and Hawaii. yl San Francisco, close here dslly at 8 0 fi. m. after June :ti ano up 10 juiy 1. ncluslve, or on arrival of s. a Umbrla, due at New York July "19, lor dlspatcn a m m Ventura u-sda foe ' Australia (except West Australia, which goes via t-urope, ana iew iisna. which goes yla Ban FranclscoJ. and Fill Islands, via Vancouver and .ictorla, B. C. close here daily at $: p. m. up to July !, inclusive, inr uupmin yv a. a. Moana (specially aaureaeea imiji. Transpacific math are forwarded to port sailing oauy and tn acneouie oi la arranged on tne presumption m m uninterrupted overland transit. Regis tered mail closes at p. m. previous oar. rnRKEl.ttiH VAN POTT. Postmaster. Postofflee, New York, N. Y.. June 27. 190$. 60VBRSMENT NOTICES. CHIEF . QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE. Omaha, . Neb.. J.n$. 1902.-8ealed pro posals, ' in triptrcaie. will D revi-iYru m. this office and at offices of quartermasters at stations named until 10 a. m., central time, JUiy a; IK lor lurnianing , bran, hay and straw during year com mencing Jury l, iia. at rorts . i-'- brara ami Robinson, Neb., Omaha depot. Neb., Jefferson barracka. Mo., Forts Leav enworth ana Riley, Kan.. Logan H. Roote, Ark nr,A and Kill. Okl Pronosals for delivery at other points will be entertained. U. 8. reserves tne right to reject or iotui any or all proposals or any part thereof. Information furnished on application here or to quartermaster at . statlona named. Envelopes containing proposals annum u marked "Proposals for Forage," addressed rost. abov?W nsSned." John W PULE undersigned or to quartermasters MAN, C. Q. M. I 6td 4-6--T Jy. 1-2. rmr.F on a rterm ASTER'S OFFICE Omaha, Neb., June , 1902. Sealed proposala. In triplicate, will oe received i inn umco and by quartermasters at posts named, until 10 a. m., central time, July t, 1902, for furnishing wood during the fiscal year end ing June 0. 1908, at Fort Crook, Neb., and Fort Reno, Okla. Proposals for delivery at other points will b entertained. U. 8. re serves right to reject or accept any or all Proposals, or any part thereof. Information urnished on application here, or to quar termaster at statlona namea. envelopes containing proposals should be marked "Propoears for Fuel." JNO. W. PULL MANVC. Q. M. -J6d4tJyl-2M DA1LWAY TIME CARD. UNION STATION-10TH AND MARCY. Chicago at Northwestern. Th Northwestern Lin.' Leave. Arrive. ..a 8 40 am a 7:00 am ..a 8.00 pm (1:90 tro ..a6:10m a 8:60 pm ..a 7:3a am al0:26 pm ..a 8:00 am a 11:20 pm ..al0:66 am a 6:30 pm Fast Chicago Mall Local Sioux City. Daylight St. Paul Daylight Chicago icaj Chicago Locai varroii , .a 2:56 Dm al0:u0 am Fast Chicago Limited Chicago .a 4.66 pm a 4:06 pm ".'.a 7'it pm a !.W Sm i Fast St. I'aul Fast Mali: a 2:40 pm I .b t:ti pm bl0:oo am Ivocal hiouz civ I. bIom PaelSo.' Overland .Limited... ...a 9:40 am a 7:80 pm ...a 8:60 am a 1:26 pm ...a 4:26 pm ...all:30 pm i-ast Man , California Expresa. Pacific Express Eastern Express... a t:n pm Atlantic Expreas Colorado Special 7:10 a 7:S0 am am Chicago Special 1:40 am Lincoln, Beatiic ana Stromsburg n.x o i:wpm nii:60 pm Grand Island Local b b.dm pm b 8:36 pm Chicago, MUwaaM.ce at St. Pawl. Chicago Umltd ....... J:0 pra a 8:05 am Chicago Omaha Ex..b 7:40 am b 8:40 pm CDicago, nsca iiiss as i-acine. EAST. . Leave. Arrive. rhleaa-n Daylight Llm- lted ...a :w am a i:t am riilriiin Daviiaht.. ...a i:oo am a 9:36 pm Chicago Expresa... lira Monies iocai. .a :ao pra bll:60am Chicago Fust hixpress.a 6.06 pm a 1:26 puj Rockv Mountain Llm- Ited ' a:C0am a 4:66 am Lilncoin, coio. apringa. Denver. fueDio ana West ........A 1:80 pm a 5:4$ pm I Colo., Texas. 'Cal. C-klanoma ciyar .a a. mi pm iu:w pn Wabash..: St. Louts "Cannon Ball" Express a o:u pm a 8:20 am Bt. Louis Local, Council Biuns ....... .I.,.-. eivroo am ai0:30 pm Mlaaoar I Paclflo. St. Louis Express a 10 .00 am A :2S pm K. C. & Bt. L. Ex al0:60 pm a 1:1S am llliuola Central. - - Chicago Express ...a 7:20 am a 6:10 pm cnicago, niinnvapoua ex Mini St. Paul Limited a 7:60 Dm a 1:08 sm MlnneaDOlla St 8L Paul Kapresa D llmv mn B10: pm Chicago Express . .aiv: put BURLINGTON STATION lOTH MASON Barllagtoa at Mlssoarl Rlvar. Leave. Arrive. Wymore, Beatrice and uncoin as toam bll: am Nebraska 'Expresa a 2:40 am 7:86 pm Denver LlmUed a 4:26 pm a 8:46 cm Black Hills ana l-ugei Sound Express all: 10 pm a 1:00 Dm Colorado Vstlbul4 J'lyar a 8:00 pm noola ft Mall ..b 1:00 pm a 9:17 am Fort crook ana -iaus- . mouth... i:wpm cuto am Bellevua tc Pacta Jot. .a 7:40 pm a 1:20 am Bellevue St Pad Ho Jct..a 1:00 am Chlcacr. Bnrllngtaa Oalaey. Lear. Arrive. i f-nicsg epeciai a .w max a 4:' pm Chicago Vestlbuled Ex. a 4:00 pm a 7:46 am rh n,n loch ..a s:su am am Dm Chicago lAmitea a imj pm a t.46 am Fast Mall a 1:40 pm Kaasa City, teak at coaacll ,Blff. Kansas City Dsy Ex. ...a 9 20 sm a : pm St. Louis Flyer a 1:10 pm all:15 am Kansas City Night Ex..al0 JO pm a $.16 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, e Sun day only, d Dally except Saturday. Dally except Aionaay. WEBSTER DEPOT 16TH WEBSTER Freaaeat, Elkhra - Mlaaaarl Valley. Leave. Arrive. Black Hills. Dodwood. Hot Spring a 8:08 pm a IKM pra Wyoming, Cssper and Douglas d 1.-00 pm 5:00 pm Hastings, York, DavM City, uuperior, txsr.eva, Exeter and Seward.. ..b 1:00 pm b 1:00 pm Norfolk, -Lincoln and Fremont w... ...b 7:90 am bl0; ant Fremont Local o 7:10 am Cxtlaasro, St. Pawl, Mlaaaapolla mS Oasaha. Twin City Passenger... 1:80 am n 90 pm isioux L.uy rassiiger...s-A:vu pm eu:2v am Emerson Local ...b 1:40 pm b 8:46 am Mlaaaarl Pel. Nebraska Local, Via Weeping W atr n 4:19 pm al0;26 am STEAM HO ITS. HQLLAND-AI1ERICA LINE Nw York-Rotterdam, via. Boulogne, S. M. New Twin-ocre s, s. or l,uou tons register Twin-Scr' . Rhksrisnt . . Bleamer uiijiiuHiu July 13, in a. m. Rotterdam .Ju"?oa.m. I Twln-8orw TwUi -Screw Steamer Noordam July 20,10 A. M Apply to Harry Moor, 1401 Farnam street: J. o. Mc.Mllv, 18J4 Farnam street: H. 8. jones, iauA rarnam street; Louis Neeee, First National Bank, Omaha. i . . tll-t.l-.aa, I SUItlffiir TOtirt Oil LftKt MlCnlrili MAN. TOU - BTSAMSHIP LEAVt CHICAGO AS FOLLOWS tM.9JB, Taajra. ISiSSaja. aa.Aa.as. MANITOU STEAMSHIP CO., 1 VF.'Ki P0CM, Rstk a4 fljm tit-IS TOO COOL FOR ME CROPS 8tatmnt Isratd Ij Wtather Bureau Bliows Rstardtd Growth ErtrywlisTS. STORMS WORK CONSIDERABLE DAMAGE Har-eeat Is Delayed la Maay Saettaaa Wkll Cora and Cta Are Pass aged aa Reaalt at CaU aad CBllllrtjr Raiaa. WASHINGTON, July 1 Tn following Is th Weather bureau's summary of crop, conditions: The northern portions of th country east of .the Rocky mountains hav experienced an exceptionally cool week with an abun dant rainfall. In th southern states th week averaged warm with phenomenally heavy rains, which wer greatly needed over a large part of Texas and portions ot northern Louisiana and southern Ar- -kansas. Much needed rain also ootarrcd in portions ot th ceotrat gulf districts, Tennessee and tb mlddl Atlantis states, hut drouth conditions ar beginning to b quit seriously felt ia the east gulf states. Violent local storms caused large amount of damage In central Indiana and southern Ohio. On the Pacific coast th week was too cool for favorable growth In Wash ington and Oregon, hut satisfactory -conditions prevailed In California, where all crops are maturing rapidly and harvest Is In general progress. Tb continued low temperatures through out the corn belt have cheoked th growth of corn and heavy rains Interrupted cul- . tlvatlon over a large area, the unfavorable effects being more general over the north ern portion of the principal corn states, where warm sunshine and dry weather ar greatly needed, especially In the lake re- ! mo" tipper Mississippi valley, Th crop Is lu excellent condition in Missouri. Kansas, Tennessee and the south Atianuo states, and while th rains hsr greatly benefited In the west gult districts, th early planted is a very poor crop. Damage by. Storm. Over th southwestern portion of th win ter wheat belt the bulk of th winter wheat crop has been cut, but harvesting baa been delayed over th northern portion ot th western districts and generally throughout th eastern portion. In portions ot th cen tral and upper Ohio valley tb crop has sustained serious damage from ssrsrs local storms'. - Cool, moist weather has checked ripening over th northern portions ot th winter wheat region and lodging Is re ported from some dlatrtota. On th north Paoiflo coast th crop has mad favorabl progress, except In eastern . Washington, where rain la needed. Heavy yields ar re ported from central and northern Cali fornia. Tb general condition of spring wheat Is promising, although . Its advancement has been somewhat cheoked In th spring wheat regions. Bom lodging hag oocurrea rrom hlirh winda In eastern Booth Dakota and' ome nat rPrte(1 fronl ""them Mln- nesota. Tne crop is now neaawg in m northern portion ot th spring wheat re gion. Considerable lodging of oats Is reported from th states ot th Missouri and upper Mississippi valleys, but on the whole this crop has progressed favorably and a gen- eral Improvement la indicated tn tb mlddl Atlantic states and upper Ohio valley. A large crop Is being harvested tn Oklahoma and Kansas and the outlook in Nebraska Is excellent. -Cotton continues to suffer for rain tn th south xentral portion of th cotton belt . rMi. avel- and drouth conditions have rapidly devel oped over . th greater part of, Georgia, wher th crop Is In U.s faraol condi tion than In th previous v Over tb northern portions of tha central and east ern districts mor favorabl' conditions Mi 1st, although He ar extensively reported throughout th osntral and eastern por- tlons. Th feature of tha weak was tha abundant rainfall over the greater part of the drouth region of Texas, In which tb Condition of cotton has been greatly im proved. Drouth, however, exists in the ex treme southern and southwestern portions of Texas. Apples continue promising In New Eng land and New York, and th outlook In Kansaa and Oklahoma ta improved. A vary Inferior crop la indicated in tb central valleys snd mlddl Atlantic states. Th reports generally respecting peaches ar unfavorable. A heavy yield of hay is indicated from . Oklahoma northward to tha Dakota. Nat So Bad aa Palates'. , CHICAGO, July 1. Reports received her today from tha grain states most affected by th heavy Jun rains Indicate that th crop situation la sot so bad as has been painted. 1 In th grain pits today tber was s dis position to plac much faith tn th restora tive effect ot warmer weather, which was reported (n some sections and was believed to be on th way In other places. - Ohio, Michigan, Missouri, Kansaa, Ne braska, Oklahoma and Indian Territory crops were said to be generally In a favor abl condition. Damage generally, It was said, would be largely repaired by warm weather In July. Th lowlands ot Illinois sppear to hav been th worst sufferers, wbil Iowa Is said to hav stood th weather with remarkable auocess. ' There wei rains west last tight and tn forecast is ror showers over th central valley and laka region within tha next twenty-four hours. aktna Damsi la MlaaoarL ' ST. LOUIS, July I. There seams to b no letup to th rain that has been tailing heavily at Interval ever' tine Saturday morning. Reports of damage to crops tn Illinois and Missouri continue to be r ! This, It Is conservatively estimated. win amount to minions oi aouara. urain in shock that was not carried away by the floods Is beginning to sprout. In th up lands corn and oat wer., benefited by tb rains, wher not blown down by th wind. Da mace I Kasisi, TOPEKA, Kan., July L Ths excesslv . rains ar doing much damag to th erop ot Kansas. In Pottawatomie county ever 700 acres ot harvested wheat ar under water- Th water reaches almost to tb tops of ths shocks of wheat and much of th grain will b destroyed befor th . water recedes.- Ths rain throughout tb astern portion of ths gtatt' early this ' morning amounted to almost a cloudburst., From appearances another rain will corns tonight. Corn and other crops are making a good growth, but th fields ar so wet that they cannot b cut, and th crap will therefore not jnak nearly so much aa was Indicated by th prospect two weeks ago. KANSAS CITY. July I. Within a radius of seventy-five mile of Kansaa City nearly four Inches ot rain fell within fiv hours this morning, causing several thoussnds of dollars loss In cellars, houses and bot tom lands. In th bottoms on th south western outskirts of Kansas City tb worst damag resulted. STEAMBOATS. AMCHO LUimV a. Ms lb STBAMaa Salltna ra(llarlr katwa, KIW TOkk. lAjhlKiSULmml A OLAaOOWi M1W TOkk. UlbMALIAk MAfLM. SaBarlar aeoemmodatloaa Kollal Culdoa. Bwara rine tar lk Catalan ml iniats siaalvasly aaa. aldrad u4 sraciia4. Slnl or House Trip ticsat laaaa satwaaa K'aw Tark AS SooU-A. SuAllAh, Irish a4 U rrtaAlaal Caallasal aatata at aitraallT nua. t' uckts I ae, ac sag laCALAiiSJiX. TT-r- -